THE SUNDAY OJtEGOXIAN, POKTLANDt JTT&E 10, 1900. 21 FOR REST. Reen. THE SPALDING. B. E. COR. PARK AXD Alder etc, under the management o the oKStr. Helen F. Spalding The moet complete apartment-house In the Northwest; choles room, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife; furnished housekeeping eultes a. vpccialtr. WELL-FURNISHED FROST PARLOR FOR rent; also back parlor and kitchen If desired. In private modern residence. Call 4S1 Burn slde St.. cor. 13th. one block from Washing ton. THE PLEASANTON. 2SSt THIRD ST. FINE furnished rooms, en suite, single or house keeping; sunlight in all rooms, bath Included: mort reannn-ble terms; transient solicited. DESIRABLE FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM, suitable for man and wife, or two gentlemen; rent reasonable. ISO 14th, between Yamhill and Taylor. LARGE FRONT ROOM, FIRST FLOOR. FUR nlsbed or unfurnished, with or without house keeping; bath, phono. 233 Clay, corner Seventh. THE NEWCA3TLE. 6. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished, or unfur nished: all modem convenience: references. The Ia Porte. 1704 Third, cor. Tamhlll First class, clean and neat rooms, $1 per week and up; transient. 25c and up: and housekeeping. .ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR gentlemen only; gas, telephone, bath. ISO 14th. between Alder and Washington. THE OILBKRT LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED room; all modern conveniences. Third and Taylor eta.; entrance, 2T.7 Taylor. By JULY 1. PARLOR. WITH USE OF DIN-lng-room and kitchen; front suite; now va cant. 223 "West Park street. SEVEN ROOMS ON LOWER FLOOR. 354 14th street; house new and In fine condition; good jard and basement. NICE LIGHT. COMTORTABLT FURNISHED bedroom; use of bath; 55 per month. 3W Fifth, corner Columbia. 435 ALDER FURNISHED SINGLE ROOMS and n suite; bath, telephone; desirable lo cation; good board near. NICELY FURNISHED LARGE FRONT AL cove room, with privilege of kitchen; phone and bath. 474 Alder. THE LEADER, SHI YAMHILL ST.. HAS changed hands; elegant suite or single rooms, with or without board. FRONT ROOM. NEATLY FURNISHED; flrst bouse north of Civy Hall. 249 Fourth. Gentlemen preferred. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE or eneuite: rent reasonable; private family; phone. 00 13th. A NICELY rURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN the Union block; rent cheap. Inqulro room 32. Union block. NICELY riTRNISHED rROZIT ROOM FOR lady or gentleman. 4CS Salmon, between 10th and 11th. 160 PARK ST. NICE. NEWLY FURNISHED rooms; modern house; between Morrison and Yamhill. IF YOU WANT A NICE FURNISHED ROOM In a quiet and respectable house, call at 330 Fifth st. ROOM ON FIRST FLOOR. FURNISHED; USE phone, bath; terms reasonable. 309 Seventh street. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BATH AND telephone; suitable for two, $6. 402 Fourth street. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE or en suite. 201 13th street. Terms reason able. GILMAN HOTEL Bnck bldg.. central; fur nished rooms, $1 weekend up. 1st and Alder. DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOM; all modern lmpro ements; private family. 3S3 Salmon. THE COSMOS. 2S Morrison, elegantly fur nished rooms; also one housekeeping suite. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS: MOD ern. 140 11th. between Morrison and Alder. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS from $1 to $2 50 per month. 104 N 10th. THE HElLER BLOCK. 2S'i GRAND AVE.. East Side, neatly furnished front rooms. FOR RENT FIRST-CLASS ROOMS, SINGLE or en nulte. 335 Main. Very reasonable. ONE LARGE NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for two, 420 Main street. TOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO parties without children. 340 Sixth. - NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, ELECTRIC Hgnt ana teiepnone. jst west Park. 100 10TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED SUNN front room; modern conveniences. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH USE OF kitchen. 320 Fourth, cor. Clay. I . Rooms With Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 12TH TEAR; rooms -with board; enameled bath tubs; use of library: Women' Excange: Industrial school. Address Mm. E. C. George, superlt. ten dint, 510 Flanders street. NICE ROOMS. GOOD BOARD: FINE LOCA-tlon- convenient to cars, bath, city water, electric light; telephone; adults; referencee exchanged Sunnyslde car. 214 East 28th. Phone. Oregon, White S71. 1 HOTEL VENDOME MODERN FAMILY house; elegant accommodations; all light rooms; first-class bosrd; sen-ice unexcelled; low rates: select patronage solicited. Cor. 18th and Alder sts. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM, with flhst-clsss board. In private family, en Nob Hill; references required. Q 52, care Oregonlan. DELIGHTFUL LOCATION IN COUNTRY, ON river and car line; 40 minutes' ride from city; fine boating and bathing. Addre-o P. O. box 240. CHOICE LOCATION, DESIRABLE BAY-WIN-dow rooms, v-ith first-class table board; reasonable. 304 Alder, corner 10th. PLEASANT ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN SUITE, with board. The Sterling, 535 Couch street, cor. 10th. LARi GE. PLEASANfT.KOOM. STTITAnr.T: TOR two. with board, at Mrs. MonteHh's. 46S Yamhill. ROOMS AND BOARD, WITH OR WITHOUT private bath; references required. 343 10th street. PLEASANT FRONT BAY-WINDOW ROOM, with good board. 105 7th st., corner Tajlor. ADDRESS A. B. C 14&47TH ST.. ASTORIA. Or., for desirable summer lodgings and board. THE BROWN FAMILY HOTEL. COR. GRAND and Hawthorne aves.: elevator, telephone. 4C0 YAMHILL ST. NICELY FURNISHED front room, with board; home cooking. v. - -. LOVELY FRONT ROOM, en suite, also single rooms; with first-class table. 225 11th st. TWO NICE. PLEASANT ROOMS. WITH first-class board. 1CS 11th. Housekeeping; Rooms. 836 CORBETT ST. THREE NICELY FUR slshed housekeeping rooms, with bath: on Third-street car line; opposite Children's Home; private family; reasonable rent; no children. - FRONT AND BACK PARLOR, FURNISHED complete for housekeeping; use of bath and phone: no children; two lovely furnished housekeeping rooms, $10; no children. 202 Fourth. THREE ROOMS, COMPLETELY FURNISHED for housekeeping: hot and cold water. In kitchen; bath; rent reasonable. 1& Union avenue, corner East Ankeny. riRST FLOOR OF HOUSE IN GOOD LOCA tlon. f eur .rooms, nicely furnished; lawn, with fruit and flowers, reasonable rent. -JS North East Nintn street. FLAT OF THREE FURNISHED HOUSE kecplng rooms, with sink; also other house keeping rooms; front rooms: first floor, $S. . 291 Third street. 215 10TH ST. WELL-FURNISHED 4-ROOM flat; also three connecting housekeeping rooms, gas ranges; bath and telephone; cen tral, convenient. TWO OR MORE BRIGHT. CHEERY ROOMS, furnlfhed complete, for housekeeping. -Iso one single room for gentleman. 240J4 Fifth, cor Main. NORTHWEST CORNER -SIXTH AND TAY lor Bright end cheerful housekeeping rooms; one block from Hotel Portland and Post ofilce. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping: gas range, use of phone nnd bath; no children, references 40S Main. 433 AIDER NICELY FURNISHED HOU6E keeplng rooms; bath, telephone; modern con veniences; fine location; also single rooms. LOVKLY FRONT BAY-WINDOW ROOMS liand'Vunelr furnished, with or without houl keeping privileges, 431 Main. FOR REJTT. nsssekeeplBK Seems. 235 MONTGOMERY ST THREE VERY DE- Irable unfurnl4ie& housekeeping rooms, bath; every convenience, reasonable. 225 F'FTH ST NEAR SALMON THREE elegant furnished rooms, complete, for house keeping; modern conveniences. LONDON HOUSE, 63 FIRST AND PINE Two lovely furnished housekeeping rooms; water In kitchen. respectable- 205 MONTGOMERY. COR. FIFTH FLAT OF S fine rooms, unfurnished, for housekeeping; very desirable, reasonable. THE HEILER BLOCK. 2S0 GRAND AVE.. East Side. 3 or 4 large unfurnished front rooms for housekeeping. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT; bath, hot and cold water; everything handy; Ed children. 3S8 11th. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; also furnished room, suitable for two. 105 10th. No children. 230 CLAY. BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND Three furnished; also uufurnlshed house keeping rooms. 3 SUITES OF FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, fine, cool brick building, 230 Russell street. 05 11TH ST. SUITE Or ROOMS FURNISH ed for housekeeping; also alcove room for lady or rent. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSE kecping rooms at the Victor House. 171 Front street. SUITE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 287 Columbli street, between Third ana ourtn. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, water in kitchen. .'W3 Main, between Fifth JUKI .MXIU. I NICELY FURBISHED FLAT OF THREE moms. 427 Salmon street, between 11th and 12th. 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 230 10th street, between Salmon and Main. 420 SALMON NICELY rURNISHED FLAT of three rooms and bath; gas and telephone. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, including kitchen and water. 34S Couch at. ZGT. ALDER STREET NICELY FURNISHED suits of housekeeping rooms; no children. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; pantry, sink; no children. 4SS Everett. TWO ROOMS. FURNISHED. FOR LIGHT housekeeping. S5 Fifth St., near Oak. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 20S JeCemin street. t J S3 SEVENTH ST. NICELY FURNISHED front alcove rocm, kitchen and bath. THREE NICE SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 413 Yamhill street. Central. 164 PARK ST HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: hot and cold water and gas range. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR HOUSE keeplng. 42 Fifth st. north. DOUBLE PARIXRS. ALL CONVENIENCES, bath, etc SOS 13th. 343 THIRD FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. Houses.- HOUSE. 3S3 21 ST ST.. NORTH. 5 ROOMS, $10.00. Hotioe. 545 Clay street. 5 rooms, $12. House, C00 Fifth street, 5 room. SIS. House. 454 Sixth street, 5 rooms, $14, House, COS Est Ash utre-t, 7 rooms. 515. Houe, 548 Morrlnon street. C room.-. 520. House. C04 Front street. 9 room, $.0. House. 834 Esst Tamhlll street (new), S rooms. $20. Hou-e. S23 Sixth street, 8 rooms, $25. House. N. E. cor. East First and Broad way streets (new), 8 rooms, $25. House. 254 Porter street. S rooms. $25. Hoiee, CS7 Glisan street. 9 rooms, $32.50. House. 407 Clay etreet. 8 rooms. $35. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.. 227 Stark street. FOR RENT FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOUSE, 9 rooms, large attic and basement; porcelain bathtub; nice fireplace, extra choice loca tion. 1K East 12th street, near Yamhill street; rent. $30. C H. Kcrell. 235 Stark it. 1 FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE OF t) ROOMS end bath; combination gas and electric light fixtures in all rooms; good location. 405 East Main jtreet. near Grand avenue; monthly rent. $15. C II. Kcrell, 35 Stark street. rOR RENT WEST SIDE: ONE COTTAGE. C rooms, modern conveniences; one cottage, 5 rooms, with bath; one floor corner storo, with five living rooms, bath. Inquire at 49 and 5,1 Second st. FOR RENT FINE SUMMER RESIDENCE. 6 room house, barn and outbuildings; orchard of COO trees; four miles from Courthouse. L. E. Thompson & Co.. 222 Oak st. COTTAGE OF 7 ROOMS AND RATH: TWO fireplaces, with mantel: one block from htw Multnomnh Club. Inquire at 175 ICth Mreet, corner Yamhill. FOR. RENT A HANDSOME AND COMMODI OUS ll-room houce. donn town: corner; Just the place for a doctor. David S. Stearns. 2D Washington st. FOR RENT MODERN S-ROQM HOUSE; fine location, at Sl Kelly st.. South Tort land. Key at 833 Kelly st. D. W. Uoelbtng. 250 Stark st FINE 6-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE YARD. barn. 100-feet front: Third-street car line; finest view in the city; rent $14. Inquire 120 Gaines street. $8 PER MONTH. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. BARN, cow shed, chicken-house, large yard, with fruit trees. Telephone Union 515. FOR RENT-A NICE HOUSE. WITH LARGE lawn, on Overton street, between 23d and 24th. Inquire at 770 Overton. COTTAGE. COOK AVENUE. BETWEEN Borth-wick and Alblna avenue. Inquire H. Sln8heimcr, 72 Third street. FOR RENT MODERN C-HOOM HOUSE, large ground; close car line; rent. $3 month. Inquire Tremont postofflce. 6-ROOM HOUSE. 2S3 N. 19TH ST.. $12 60. and store, cor. 10th and Overton, $10. J. Kraemer, Commercial Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 0-ROOM HOUSE. WITH ALL modern Improvements; rent $20. 202 Han cock, near Williams ave. 7-RO0M HOUSE; B-ROOM COTTAGE: BEAU ttful corner; baths; modern; also coast cot tage. 10 East 15th st. FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE AT CENTERVILLE. Long BMch. Wash ; with largo yard, barn. Inquire 4S1 Market. DESIRABLE 0-ROOM HOUSE. WITH STA b'e. 504 Klxth j-irtet. reasonable rent. 020 Marquam building. WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE FOR JULY and August. S13 Lovejoy. Oregon tele phone Red. 1500. FOR RENT FOUR-ROOM HOUSE; $5: ALSO chickens, garden and fruit for sale. C7 Fromont street. DURABLE O-ROOM COTTAGE. CORNER. large yard. East Side. Apply room 5 Wash ington block. FOR RENT NICE 0-ROOM COTTAGE: ALL conveniences; $3. Inquire 3S1 Yamhill, cor. West Park. COTTAGE 12ft 17TH ST.. NEAR GLISAN. Inquire Max Smith. Vienna Cafe. 251 Morn son st. FOR RENT COTTAGE ON EST SEVENTH, between Pine and Oak. Inquire at 434 East Pine. MODERN HOUSE. 7C9 .IRVING STREET, near 23d. $30. Grlndstaff & Blaln. 24C Stark. FOR RENT NEWLY RENOVATED HOUS12. 002 Johnson st. Inquire 40 Second St.. ccr. Ash. FOR RENT COTTAGE OF FIVE ROOMS. 345 Burnslde reet- Inquire 571 Lovejoy street. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE; ALSO 5-ROOM cottnge wltl bath. Inquire 131 N. 10th. FOR RENT 115 HOUSE. 7 ROOMS. BATH, etc 3$7 Sixth. Apply 3C9V next door. 0-ROOM HOUSE. CENTRAL LOCATION. 1N qulre Martin Winch. 323 Ablngton bldg. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. COR. 17TH & RALEIGH. Inquire on premises tcday from 2 to 4. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 706 GLISAN ST.; bath, basement and laundry. FOR RENT-5-R0OM MODERN COTTAGE. 200 Wheeler street. 6-ROOM HOUSE. BATH. ETC.. 62S 2D ST. Inquire next door. Fn rill alt -d Mouses. LONG BEACH-SALE OR RENT THE POP ular Newton House, all furnished, and can accommodate the union of three or four fam ilies. Also the desirable cottage. of S rooms, furnished ready for occupancy, near the New ton. A. S. Frank. S Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT for ubc. Inquire 424 Second; nornlssK. FOR XKJTT. Fvraished IIoa-e. $10.75 PEP. MONTH. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. ALL furnished complete for housekeeping, some fruit trees; no objection to children. Inquire. 636 Seventh etreet. near Sheridan. FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOUSE. JUNE 15 TO September 1; reasonable rent to right party; no children. Call 212 11th street. Monday, t between 9 and 12. FURNISHED HOUSE Or 10 ROOMS. FOR June. July and Aug-st; all modern lmprov mests; pleasant surroundings. Apply 711 Hoyt. near 23d. A WELL-FURNISHED COTTAGE ON NOB Hill, for rent unUl September 16. Call Mon day, 706 Everett. Phone Front, 604. COTTAGE OF FIVE ROOMS. FURNISHED complete, at Centervllle. Seavlew; very rea sonable. Address V 53. Oregonlan. A FAMILY WITHOUT CHILDREN WANTS a. furnished house for the Summer or longer. Addrees P 63, care Oregonlan. AT SEASIDE THREK FUJHSHED COT tages. Address Geo. Noland. Astoria. Call at Noland cottage. Seaside, Or. FOR RENT NEATLY FURNIS-TED COT tage, 5 toobsb, bath. Nob Hill. Phone Hood 051. 21 Mulkey building. SEAVIEW TWO WELL-FURNISHED- COT tages; first-class water. Sheeny Broa, 10S Sixth, near Wtahlnrton. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSE: PAINTED: large yard; no objection to children. 319 Water. Phone West 2S1. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR SUMMER, CHEAP to responsible partlea, without children. Call Monday.. 5 Esst 2Sth. FOR RENT DESIRABLE FURNISHED 7 room hou-. near car line. 541 East Sixth. Parish & Watklns. OCEAN PARK. THREE-ROOM FURNISHED cottage for .-wason. $35. Inquire H. A. Hasel tlne. 49-51 Second. NEWLY "FURNISHED C-ROOM MODERN cottage for June. July and August. Apply 332 Grant street. CLATSOP BEACH-COMPLETELY FURNISH ed cottage. Mrs. S. G. Allen. 910 East Yam am, city. A NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSE OF NINE Tooms, on-Nob Hill. Address B 47, care Ore gonlan. FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR RENT AT Long Beach. Inquire R. Knoll. 3T0" Wash ington it. NICELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM COTTAGE; bath: June 2S to Sept. 15, cheap. 355 Har rison. COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSE AT Seariew. Apply to J. A. Martin. CSH Glisan. FOR RENT AT SEAVIEW. A FURNISHED house. Inquire 432 Market street. COMPLETELY FURNISHED NINE - ROOM koue, 135 23d st. Call forenoons. AT SEAVIEW. WASH.. BEDROOM AND kitchen. 343 North 16th street. rOR RENT MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 193 North 17th. Key at 105. Ileaico for Rent Furniture for Sate. FINJ3 BOARDING - HOU8E. 8 BOOMS, IN good location, steady boarders, for sale. 319 Alder vt. or 235 8txth st. If you want to get -a. good price for your furnished houses, call at 235 Sixth st. Phone Brown 833. NEW FURNITURE OF 10-ROOM HOUSE, with bath, in fins condition, for sale; clears f35 to $40 even month; a good opportunity or singly lady; house for rent. Call at 330 Fifth st. FURNITURE. 10-ROOM FLAT FOR SALE; $100 down, balance easy; rent, $20. P. O. box 323. City. FURNITURE 4-ROOM COTTAGE FOR SALE. house for rent. 43 Salmon, cor. 13th. Call afternoons. FOR RENT FACTORY BUILDING. SECOND and Grant, two stories, well lighted. K. L. Glisan. 420 Chamber of Commircs. FOR RENT-ONE-HALF BTORE. 323 MOR rtson St.: heat and light furnished. Inquire at store. 64 WASHINGTON ST.. NEXT TO PARK. Inquire of Sam L. Bcary, 327 Morrison st. STORE. 50 NORTH SIXTH STREET. Offices. - : 1 SECOND FLOOR OF 22S ALDER ST., CON talnltu? large ofllce rooms and a hall 20x10; suitable for printing or manufacturing estab lishment. Apply to Chas. Hcgcle, 53 and 53 Front st. rERSOXALS. 17 wemen wanted ruBenag from Irregular, painful period; leucorrhoea (whites), and all complicated dleaies pertaining to changes of life, cured by old Dr. Keurler, cor. Second, and Yamhill tts. 329 women called last month. Ccnxultntlcn free, and private room, fcr Indies. It can't call, write. Inclosing 10 2s stamps. Hundrads treated at home by hlj new tiyatfra. SEX-INB PILLS. AS THE NAME INDI catei, nro straight to the point. For an over worksd system, or loss of vitality, from any cause, they are too far ahead of other makes to be questloried. Price $1, ahd 0 for $5. Sent by mail, prepaid; on receipt of price Address J. A. Clemenson, Drugget, 227 Yam hill it. between First and Second, Portland, Or. WOULD LIKE-TO FORM THE ACQUAINT ance of refined, intelligent gentlemen who ake Judges of good whisky: III Crown Cyruj Noble and IIII Monogram, Hunter Rye -ntl Portland Club. 20 years old, specialties. Port lind Cafe, ISO Tlfth, between Washington and Alder. F. J. Hellen. Manager. ELFCTE1C PARLORS. M"; FIRST STREET, treat.- all scalp diseases, and guarantee to re-tore gray hair,, to natural color, without dye; remov-s wrinkles and all blemishes from face: i!"o rprnoves superfinouo hair from the face without pain; enlarging busts a spe cialty. BLAZIER'i, CONCERT HALT BLAZIEK'S CONCERT HALL 2S BURN8IDE STREET 24S UURNSIDE STREET JSole Agent O. P. S. Bourbon. Also handling in:o-i,n)wn .yrus noDie. BUST DEVELOPED 6 INCHES IN 6 WEEKS; ab-vlutely perfect development guaranteed; personal attention of specialist given by mall until enlargement Is completed; 2000 testi monials; snd stamp for scaled instructions. Mm. V. Hastings. Omaha bldg.. Chicago. INFORMATION WANTED OF ETTIE MAT Xelsey. formerlr of 30t"4 First st . last heard of nt Kelrp. Wash. Any one knowing tho whereabouts will confer a great favor by writing to Tim McMillan. Baltlmora Hottl. 1013 Van Ness. San Francisco. Cal. RIMLESS EYE-GLASSES. $1.2; NICKEL OR gold-flUed frames, with best lennes. $1; com mon glasses, from 25 to 60c. Ee tejted fr--. by competent optician: fit guarantred. Port land Jeweler and Optician. 132 Flrt st-. b tween Washington and Aid-. INDIAN MEDIUM, GIFTED INDIAN. BORN with double veil, tells past, present and .fu ture; heal- all diseases by the use of Indian herbs; reading by letter. $1. Mrs. Professor Wheatly Howe. 4lst atd Section Line road. Take Richmond cars, end car line. I DRESS SUITS RENTED. ALL EIZKS. WE call for. sponge, press and deliver cne rult of your clothing each week, sew on bujnna. se up rips, fcr $1 per month. Dyeing. uam cleaning and repairing. Unique Tallorir.- Ca., 347 Washington, both 'phones. ARE YOU ANXIOUS AROUT THE FUTURE? Love, marriage, money, business, employ ment, lucky days, etc? Send 10c, date -ot birth, sex and stamp for prospects of the coming year. Professor J. Alison, box L, Springfield, O. "VICTORY OF SCIENCE- OVER DISEASE. Cancr baffling general practitioner's skill yields readily to our scientific methods. No knife, plaster or pain. Mason Medical Co.. 121 W. 424 St., New Ycrk. Book and advice free. h . 1 Superfluous hair, moles and other facial blem ishes removed with electric needie. perma nent cure: electric massage for wrinkles. Portland Electrolysis Parlors, 15-10 Lwis bldg.. cor. Park and Mor. Phone Brown 657. DRj DARRIN, 263 Morrison st, Portland. Or., specialist In all chronic and private diseases of men and women. Varicocele, stricture cr hydrocele guaranteed cured In one week. No pain, no detention. Consultation free. A LADY OF MIDDLE AGE. REFINED AND educated, of good personal address, with good moral character, wishes to correspond with , a gentleman from 55 up. Spiritualist pre ferred. Address box 34. Camas, Wash. WE HAVE ONE OF THE BEST MINING propositions in mining stocks in the Sumpter district, only a limited number ot shares will be sold: will pay to Investigate. Taggart Bros.. 61S Chamber of Commerce. YOUNG WIDOW. RESPECTABLf:. WISHES to meet an elderly gentleman of means; no trtflers. F 54, Oregonlan. 1 rupvr f-4ES DECEIVED AND cared for at physician's house. Dr. Arthur Da Voe, Seattlt. PERSONAL. ILLOND'S PREVENTATIVE CONES FOR prevention of disease. The best antiseptic No failure. Sent to any address; per box. I! CO; samples. 10c Ulead Chem. Co.. P. O. box W74. Portland. WANTED THE ACQUAINTANCE OF AN unincumbered, companionable woman. 20 to 30 years of age; widow preferred: for the aters, excursions and wheeling. Address P, O. box 379, city. ORIENTAL BEAUTY PARLORS. 2S7 CTH ST. We will give a free treatment to every ladj this week to Introduce our method. We will teach massage at a reasonable price. Call and investigate. ATTRACTIVE YOUNG WOMAN. INDEPEND ently wealthy, desires to marry soon, would assist kind, capable husband financially. Bank references. Mlts D. L.5. 80b Michigan ave.. Chicago. - WATCHES CLEANED. 73e; MAINSPRING. 75c; cjocxs called lor and delivered. All wai:a and clock repairing warranted one year. Tin Portland Jeweler. 13- Ilm st. Phoo Btack 937. MANLY VtGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules, one month's treatment $2; 3 menths. $3. Seat securely sealed br x&sll. Agents. Woodard J Clarke, Portland. Or. E PLURIBUS UNUM COMPANY. 819-820 Chamber of Commerce. Discounts to all SUB SCRIBERS and MEMBERS on all BUSINESS CONTRACTS and PURCHASES -f GOODS. ATTRACTIVE WEALTHY WIDOW. RE flned and generous, with sweet disposition, seeks protection in kind husband. Ideal. 744 North Tark ave., Chicago. I1L BACHELOR, 36. SELF-lt-tDE. SUCCESSFUL, desires to meet clever, refined woman who can advance his social Interests. Mr. Rich ards, 117 East 23d St., New York. DISEASES OF MEN ACCURATELY ILLVS t rated treatise, priceless prescriction for ?uro cure absolutely free upon application. Dr. B. a Carter. Bond Hill. Ohio MORPHINE, OPIUM. LAUDANUM. Co caine habit: myrfelf cured; will inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mrs. Baldwin, box 1212. Chicago. MARRY LOVELY WOMEN AND able men; many rich; send 2c for bl list; descriptions, residences. Mutuul Exchange, Kansaa City, 'Mo. WANTED BY PRTVATE PARTS'. A GOOD 'roomtng-houe, not les than 15 room; mun be cheap. State lowest terms la answer. P. O. box 973. OLD BRASS. COINS, POT.GE STAMPS, arrow-heads. Indian ba;kt and curios bought for cash. D. M. AverlU & Co.. S31 Morrison. SWITCHES. DOLL WIGS. ETC.. MADE from combings: mall orders a specialty. MUs Ella. Gerstle. 943 E. Taylor at. Portland. Or. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Erssll's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison St., bet. 1st and 2d. YOUNG LADY. UNINCUMBERED. WORK ing during day, tan find room and board tor little work evenings. H 51, care Oregonlan. IF YOU WISH TO MARRY. PUT A PER fional In our matrimonial paper. Send stamp for particulars, lock-box 5V. Portland. Or. WE PRINT 10 FINL VISITING CARDS. 25c: 50, 35c; 250 business cards, $1; 500. $1.50. Brown & Fchmale 2211 First st.. Portland. FRITZ CONCERT HALL largest cafe on Pa cific Coast: 240 o 246 Burnslde. WeinhanTs beer on draught. Clubrooms upstnlrs. A REFINED WIDOW OF 29 WISHES Po sition as housekeeper for widower or bache lor. X 53. care Oregonlan. UNCLE BLOCH HAS SOLD HIS ENTIRK business to the Reliable Loan Ofllce. 61 Third St., cor. Pine. MARRY MANY WORTH $100 TO $100,009 Paper 2c, sent scaled, R. L. Love, Denver, Colo. Prof. Nelson, balloonist and parachute-Jum;r, for all occasions. Newman's agenry, 141 7th. DRUGS; COUNTRY MAH. ORDERS SOL1C lted. Albert Bern!. Druggist. 235 Wash, st. LADIES. Free. Harmless Monthly Regulator. Cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan, R 174. Mllw.Wis. BILLY LEA'S BICYCLE HOSPITAL. 103 4TH. Phone Clay 641. Wheels called for. delivered. WANTED AMATEURS FOR STAGE; ALSO lady musicians. Theatrical Agency. 144 7th. CLOTHES MENDED FOR LADIES AND gentlemen. Apply at room 45 Labbe Bldg. CUT RATES Oregon Dye Wcrks; cleaning and" dyeing. Burnslde. near 8th. Tel. Red 003. MRS. DR. McCOY, electric treatments. 133H First St.. cor. Alder, room 38 and 33. BUSINESS CHANCES. JENNINGS & CO .BUSINESS BROKERS 300 Morrison st- Phone Black 1S-2 WE DO THE BUSINESS TtV.f!ATTSW WE HAVE" THE BARGAINS. -5 BARGAINS IN FURNISHED FLATS. 23 rooms, low rent, always full $ 500 23 rooms, rent $30, pays well, brick 10tw 30 rooms, steam hf-at. new furniture 1500 59 rooms, corner brick, tent only $55 1350 50 rooms, central part of city, brick 1350 JENNINGS & CO 309J4 MORRISON ST. ROOMING AND BOARDING-HOUSES. 37 rooms, select patronage, flrst class $2350 L14 rooms, modern, first-class patronago... 1000 rooms, near xioiri ronuna. see uus.. i.uu 11 rooms; good chnnce for right party 430 9 rooms, on 5th st-. $425; another 425 JENNINGS & CO 301H4 MORRISON ST. GROCERY STORES. Old-established, family trade, lnv. about.v$1200 Good business, clean stock. So. Portland.. 500 Best-paying, cheapest rent, only 550 JENNINGS & CO 305 MORRISON ST. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Only store In good town. Clean stock $900t Only storo In Valley town, .nvoice about.. 3500 Clean stock, in good town. Invoice about. 25liu Racket store, full line everything. Invoice 0000 JENNINGS & CO... .t.. 30014 MORRISON SI-. CREAMERIES AND BAKERIES. One on Wash. 8t; courts Investigation.. ..$1000 Good chance for man or lady: close in.... 150 Another neat little place in business part 75 JENNINGS & CO v309H MORRISON ST RESTAURANTS. Best on Wash. sr owner leaving city $2090 Neatest and best located; no cheap trade.. 1500 Old-established, large receipts 900 Lunch counter; must sell: make an offer.. 250 JENNINGS &. CO 309 MORRISON ST. CIGAR AND CANDY STORES. In hot -I building, clears $159 a month $1100 On good business street, old-established... 623 Fine confectionery and soda. Wash. st.... 1200 On Glixan St.. one at $500; another 150 JENNINGS & CO 209 MORRISON ST. SALOONS. Good corner, on busy street, low rent $1700 Good corner. line fixtures, large stock $2100 NIcd fixtures, good business location bOO With 20 rooms, all furnished, and central- 2(?W JENNINGS & CO 309 MORRISON ST. A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING. Hotel, 14S rooms, dining-room and bar $2100 DllcAteccn. big buIni.: part trad... 1000 Half interest Job printing office, clears $300 2500 Country hotel. 27 rooms, making money... 25ou Earlier shop. 2 choir; low rent - 75 Drug store and physician's practice- COO Stationery and hooctor, old-established. 1SO0" Newspaper and Job printing ofllce 1500 Half Interest In manufacturing a neces-lty 2503 New-style Incandescent gas lamp agency. 1003 Half Interest electrical repairing business. 1500 JENNINGS & CO 309 MORRISON ST. ATTENTION Grocery nnd meat market, fine location, good-paying buslnes, rent only $13; pric. including 'horse, wagorl. stock and fix tures. $600, Must sell this week. JENNIKGS & CO 309 MORRISON ST. ATTENTION FURNITURE. 8 ROOMS, in 9- room house; rent only $22; house rull. JENNINQS & CO 309 MORRISON ST. ATTENTION New furnltur-, C rooms, in 7 room house, near Third ard Grant; lovely house: rent only $21; $200, give time. JENNLN'GS & CO 309 MORRISON ST. $400. GROCERY WITH LIVING-ROOMS. Corner grocery, well established. $1000. One of the best-'paytng grpcery stores- In this city; will invoice atxrat $3000; owner will take Portland property In part payment. Newly furnished lodg!ng-hos 3y rooms, all occupied; can be bought for less than cost of furniture. 60 roonu, $1350. SO rooms. $1250. 15 rooms, central. $900. 11 rooms. $550. 1000. worklngman's hotel. 45 rooms. Boarding-house, select Pisronac;. $S50. JOSEPH M. HEALY. 200 Morrison street- - RARE OPPORTUNITY VALUABLE RA1L road invention. Prevents all forms of wrecks; trains cannot get to any point of danger. Perfect patents. Has jio opposition. To be operated under a new plan. Costs but S cents per day to get In it. xtare opportunity to make money. Success sure. This Is your chance; do .not fall to Investigate. Address G. S. Jeffries. Inventor. 109 S. Ninth eU, Reading. Pa. ADDITIONAL CAPITAL SUPPLIED. ADDITIONAL CAPITAL SUPPLIED. Stock Companies Organized. Stocks, bonds sold, underwritten, guaranteed. Meritorious invention financed. Especial facilities for mining projects. DANIELS & CO.. DANIFLS & CO.. Bankers. Wail strMt, New York City. BUSINESS CHANCES. A LARGE. WELL-ESTABLISHED OHIO corporation has a profit-sharing offer to a business man able to invest $1000 and take a .position with the company, paying $3000 per annum: the highest commercial refer ences given and required. Address C A. BoTls. Portland Hotel. 40 ROOM3. PARTLY FURNISHED; LON'G lease, cheap. 22 rooms, nicely furnished: brick building. 15-roam flat, very central, good buy, $600. 11-rocm bouse, nice furniture; bargain. 10-room house, good furniture. $450. C. E. BENNETT. 127H Fourth street. $750 PARTNER IN ENTIRELY NOVEL EN terprke; already achieved grand uucceu In city, will prove simply a mint as regards future; whole investment go toward enlarge ment of scope ot concern: references, best people of state; applicant must have general business ability. Address G 59, care Oiego uian. MONEY CAN BE MADE IN STOCKS OR grain by my safe speculation plan. Mako your money earn your salary. If you have $100 send for free, particulars; customer and bank references. Richard Jcnes, 42 Exchange Place. New York. HAVE HAD 2Q YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN real estate business; would like to form part nership with competent jnsn with some cap ital familiar with timbir lands; good refer ences wilt be given and required. Address E 53. Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE OF 35 ROOMS: ONE OF the very beat locations In the city. TitU house Is alwavs full when It Is slack with others; price. $2000. Address B 50. care Oregonlan, MONEY INVESTED IN CO-OPERATIVE CAT tle and sheep company safe and pays 20 per cent. Particulars. Mn-i.tua Co-operative Ranch Company, Great F.UUi. Won'ana. FIRST-CLAES TAILORING BUSINESS FOR sale. Fixtures included. If wanted. Account sickness. Furniture for tale also. Address F 51, care Oregonlan. TOR 8ALE CORNER SALOON. GOOD Lo cation fine trade, long Irate. large discount on cost ot .fixtures and goods. L. E. Thomp son & Co., 222 Oak at. BOOT AKD SHOE BUBiNESS FOR SALE; good business in a good town; ono houso and lot. Inquire at once. Address P. O. box 147. Oaktar.d. Or. FOR SALE-GROCERY STORE: ONE OF THK beat outside stores In the city: first-fla. family trade; will require about $2040. Q 41. care Oregonlan. j WANTED A GOOD ALI,-ROINt HUSTLER with small capital for partner In general real estate and timber lands. -Address U 52, Ore goulan. SPECULATION. S20 MARGINS 1000 GRAIN. 2c: send for our booklet. "Pp-culatlon." free. . J. K. Coirstock & Co.. Traders bldg.. Chicago. ONE-HALF INTEREST IN A DESIRABLE. well-estahlMed business; S3O0O to J50C0 re quired. Address V 43, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE CIGAR. CANDY AND ICE cream stand: a good location for small gro cery. 0C0& Uxilon avenue. FOR SALE CHEAI; ONLY EXCLUSIVE Al Job printing office in The Dalles. Box 510, The Dilles, Or. TOR SALE A CONFECTIONERY AND Ci gar store, doing gocd business. 1S3 Madison. Mrs. Hewitt. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELt. A Busi ness, see Taggart Eros., 51S Chamber -of Commerce. FOR SALE CANDY AND CIGAR STORE: good location; reason, sickness. 120 Grand avenue. FOR KALE MFG. BUSINESS REQUIRING $12,000. easy t'rnif. B 44. care Oregonlan. CIGAR STORE FOR SALE. CHEAP; TOING good buslnees. VVt Flrot street. FOR SALE A NICE BUSINESS FOR MAN ami wife. Call at 203 Third st BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Aasnyera and Analysts. J. H. FI31C MINERAL ASSAYER AND chemist; gold dust bought. 2044 Washington. Portland Assay Office. 229 Stark Ore tested, re ported on as to most economical method of working;. gold bought. W. J, Curtis, assayer. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYIST; , geld dust bought. 22S Stark st. Attorneys. EDWARD T. TAGGART. ATTORNEY-AT-law. general practice. 51S Chamber ot Com merce. J. W. RANSOM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND counselor. Bates Bank bldg.. Portland. Or. Asrrlcnltnral Implements. Machinery Grrbe. Harder A Co.; Mlllburn wagons, .car riages, farm machinery, pumps. Wolff-American bicycles. 182-6 Madison. EDWARD HUGHES: WAGONS. CARRIAGES and farm machinery of all kinds. 100 Front. JOHN POOLE: Newton wagons, buggie. windmill-, pumps, machinery. Foot Morrison st. Astroloslsts. DR. BENJAMIN. OF SAN FRANCISCO, phrenologist and astrologlst, 203) First st. Book Stores. J. K. GILL &, CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE ta.ll booksellers and stationers. 133-25 3d st. Bnths. TURKISH BATHS; also massage; lady attend ant. 107 4th St., bet. Washington and fatark. DEKUM Bathrooms; popular baths, massage, electricity. 714-15-16 Dekuyi. Phond Red 2S45. Brokers. PORTLAND MINING &. TRUST CO. (LTD,) Handle mines, buy prospects; ldrge loans negotiated. low rate Interest: mines examined, reported on. O. M. Rosendal. Consulting Engineer, rooms 515-510 Oregonian building Cable Wcatherby. Code Bedford McNcai. Correspondence solicited. Cape Noxne Supplies. CAPE NOME. KLONDIKE. AND LOCAL camp and mining outfits; hardware, ktoves, cooking utensils. Adolph Dekum. Ill First. SHEET COPPER, RALSTON STILLS. AND everything needed by mlnefrg, at Daytotl Hardware Co. J 02 and 194 First st- AT WHOLESALE PRICES CAPE NUMB supplies in groceries and provisions. Rlcnet & Co., 112-114 Front st. Carpenters and Builders. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter, builder; ofllc and store fixtures. Ore. tel. 747. 305 Stark. A. E. ROPER. HOUSE BUILDING AND Re pairing. 360 East tsth st. N. Tel. Pink 516. S. H. AVERILL, BUILDER AND JOB CAK penter, 2SS Grand ave.. Tel. Scott 924. Chinese and Japanese Goods. LADIES' SILK WAISTS AND WRAPPERS, fancy white goods, silk underwear made to order. Sing Chong Co.. 333 Morrison. Lmpress Bazaar, manufacturers ladies', chil dren's and gents'underwcr. 12S Fifth st. Chiropodists. WM. DEVENY & MAUD DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists room 301 Allskr bldg., 3d ana iiurmon. Ore. phone Grant Id. ills Dart, chiropody, manicuring; 50 Union bk. lst-Stark. 0 A. M. to 5 P. M. Tel. Tront 541. Clairvoyant. f-iFF- S..p "I'HA.ttD. THE NOTED PALM Ist and clairvoyant, Egyptian card reaar and marvelous occult worker. Just arrived from Eastern cities. If you want -osslbtonco bee this wonderful man. He can help you; he can make you hava luck, love, health and money; he tells you everything pertaining to jour life from day of birth until day o.f death without asking- you a question. The 'crowds that visit the professor dally go away happy, and send their friends to see this wonderful man. Readings, most reasonable ratei to every caller. Parlors at 2C9 Washington St.. the Cliff House. Hours, 10 to U; Sunday, 1 to 0. 1 Coal Dealers. VULCAN COAL CO.. DEALERS IN HOUSE, steam and blacksmith coals. Also foundry cake. Front St., near Gllson. Commission merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commission merchant. Front ot., nea- Main, Portland. Or. Cash advances en consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG k CO., SHlf BROKERS and commission merchant. Sherlock bldg.. Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duee mercnants. Front tc D sts., Portland. Or. EVERDING & FARRELL. commission, buher eggs, chickens and farm produce. Portland. Cornices Skylights. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IRON oor-lces. J, C Bayer, 23 2d at. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TJasci-tK. MISSES MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANC lug. 2C3 14th. Private lessons by appointment. Dentists. nru C. JJ. BROWN. Tel. Ore. Red 216; rsl dence. White tgt. 511-13-16 Dekum bldg. Dental Sapplic-. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. Cor. 4th and AVajhl&zton ots. Dyeing: and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DTER and cleaner. 301 17th. Tel. Red. Ml. Elocntlon. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. SCHOOL CLOS lng. Yor teachers and pupils, to take Summer term, now commencing. Rasmus School oi Elocution, Oratory and Dramatic Art; most complete school of expression la the West practical stage training a specialty; office and classrocm, second floor Auditorium, build ing. W. M. Rannus, principal. Fence nnd "Wire fVerJca. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Work. A. Carlson, 286 E. Morrison st. Fireworks. FIREWORKS OF ALL KINDS. RETAIL AND wholesale. Lee Sang Wa Co.. 191 Second. Iron VoaaUers, Mack'sts, skip B'ld'r. Wolff & Zwlcker Iron Works; designers an I mtrs. df ship, steamboats, marine, mining and milling machinery; riveted itaet pipe. Harness and Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. HARNESS and sole leather, saddlery, hardware, findings and shoe-store supplies. 73 Front at. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE--altt addlet. atld narneoi manufacturers leather and saddlery hardware. 71 Front st. Ice Cream Dealers. FINEST ICE CREAM SODA IN PORTLAND. Cc gloss'. Blodgett's, 131 Fifth St. Insurance. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE JNS. QO.. 102' lit St. Boyd & Arnold, general agents. Iron Jrounacra and Machinists. Smith is Watson Iron Works: engines and boil ers; legging engines a specialty; quartz and taw mil; misc machinery. Front and HalC Job Printers. CALLING AD WEDDlJtG CARDS; FINEST quality, lowest prices. Rogers. 323 MOrrlsoa street. LeAtker Findings. J. A. REID, mfr. pool and shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers supplies. 207 AVashlngtoa at. aing-netlo Healing-. MRST C. J. MAPLE. MAGNETIC HEALElt (Weltmer method), personal and absent treat ments. 305 Third st.. Portland. Or. Han or and Tobacco Institutes. Keeley Institute, 314 Cth. cures liquor, opium and tobacco addictions. No other In state. Marble and Granite Works. Otto Schumann mfg. marble and granite mon uments, estimates on building work. 201 3d. PORTLAND MARBLE WORK8: marble, gran ite and stor.a work. Schancn it. Neu. 203 1st. MONUMENTS AT COST, to reduco stock be fore moving down town. Weiks. 720 Front. 3Iaarnetlc Heallngr MR. BOSCH EDWARDS, MAGNETIC HEAL er; treatments given by masettge and sug gestion. Main street, Oregon City. Massafge. LADY GIVES MASSAGE TREATMENTS AT 245'A Washington street, room 22. Hours, 10-3" P. M. dally. SELECT MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC; LADY from San Francisco. Parlor 20, 2S Stark. Mantels and Electric Supplies. FOR ELECTRIC. GAS AND COMBINATION chandeliers and supplies, -see M. J. Walsh, su-icessor to Frank Holcomb Cc. Co, 215 Wash. Medical. RHEUMATIC CURE SPECIFIC The "Greek" rheumatic specific Is a pure vegetable remedy, guaranteed to positively cure anyand all kinds of rheumatism, acute or chronic Being imported direct from Greece, can onlr he had from L. T. Lewis. GS aHd 70 First St.. Portland. Or. Office hours. 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. For full information call or writ. Not for sale by drug stores. La ales: Chichester's English Pennj royal Pills are the "best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Tidies." In letter by return mall. At Drug gists'. Chichester Chemical Co., Phlla.. Pa. Dr. Flora. A. Brown; diseases of women ahd children a specialty. Consultation and diag nosis free. 517-51S The Dekum. Portland. Or. Merchant Tailors. T11EO. SCHULZE. MERCHANT TAILOR, 372 E. Burnslde. fine Spring and Summer goods to erder. Mlninar. PROSPECTS AND MINES EXAMINED ON reasonable terms: bank roferencc. E. "O. Smith. M. E., 2S0 14th St., Portland. Or. Mlnins' Investments. EASTERN OREGON GOLD FIELDS MINING stocks bought and sold. Buy Richardson, at 7 cents per share. W. H. Sherrod & Co.. room 2. Chamber of Commerce. We deal in Eastern Oregon. Bohemia arid Southern Oregon mines and mining stocks. Davidson, Ward & Co., 403 Chamber of Com. SUMPTER GOLD FIELDS;. MINES AND mining stock1- bought and sold. H. A. Clem & Co.. 146 Third St.. Portland. Or. Mining Machinery. Wllfley concentrator, Drake amal.. Ideal stamp mill, mining cars. Titum ft Bow en. 29-25 1st. Musical. LESSONS ON VIOLIN. VIOLA. CORNET; muslo furnished for all oorasiona; fiddle mart. Emll Thlslhorn. 269 Jefferson, ToLWeat. 1004. Oregon Tlas1 Company. Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison. Free Health lectures to women Thursday, at 2:30 P. M. Osteopathy. DR. W. A. ROGERS. OSTEOPATH. SUITB 533 Marquam bldg.; acute and .chronic dis eases. Ladles wishing lady operator villi b attended by Dr. Rhoda C. HIcks. gradual under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of Osteopathy. Phonn Main 27. Drs. Nprthrup & Alklre. Osteopaths, suite 416 Dekdm bldg: Investigation respectfully so licited; examination free. Phone Main 349. DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH, telle 409 Oregonlan building. Ihone Oak 421. Palmistry. Larsen. the palmist; readings, 59c; best book for students. "Practical Hand-Reading." il lustrated, for sale by author. 255 First st. Pasturage. LADD'S CANYON' FARM IS NOW OPEN for cattle and horses. Appl to F- Miller, on the premises. Ladd & Tllton. agents. Paie-iis. T. J. CEISLER. 010-611 CHAMBER OP COM. Registered attorney U. S. Patent Office. Photographic Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE Si CO, WHOLESALE and retail, corner Fourth and Washington. Pickle Preservers. WE3TACOTT & KNIGHT HIGH - GRADK pickles. Both phones. 474 East Alder zt. Riding? Academies. Portland Riding Club, fine livery, boarding, raddle horses specialty. Park and Jefferson. 'Ileal Estate Loans and Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.; ESTAB lUhcd 1S60. 227 Stark street- Restaurants. THE FINEST 10c HOUSE ON THE COAST. Montana Restaurant. 245 First . Storafre. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davis, Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low: storage iatesreaxonanW. Careful attention given to country consign ments. TeL Or. Main 777: Columbia. 076. SAFES. PIANOS. FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for shipping C. M. QUen, 123 First. TeL office Main 1097; Black S BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Safes. SAFES. SAFES. BANK WORK. LOCK DEPT, opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davis. 66 Sd. Saw Mill Machinery. Christensbn-McXaster Machinery Co.: new and 3d-hand machinery. E. Water and E. Taylor. Showcases and Store Fixtures. DIXON. BORGESON & CO., FRONT AND Washington streets. Storagre and Tranifer. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at Fred Blckcl's storehouse. 31 North Front. Wholesale Drasarista. WOODARD, CLARKE Jt CO.. WHOLESALB druggists, corner Fourth and Washington. Seed, Flower, Vegetable Plants. ALL KINDS OF SEEDS AND PLANTS AT Bowen's Seed Store. Front and Taylor. W sell only the best. Steves, Ranees, Household H'drrare Hardware: sole agt. Universal stoves 4 range.; housefurnlshlng goods. J. J. Kadderly. 141 1st. Tents and Awnings. TENTS. AWNINGS AND CAMP FURNITURa lor rent or sale. Piko's Factory, 107 N. 3d. Cape Nome tents, bags, oil clothing, camp fur niture. Pacific Tent & Awn. Co.. 27 N. 1st. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOY ant nnd psychic life-reader, consult her oa business affairs, love troubles, absent friends: good advice oh mines: reading dallv. 50c and up. 107 First street, offices 7 and 8. Mrs. Stevens; advice on all affairs of life; sit tings dally. 221 Morrison St.. room 22. MRS. J. A. SMITH, medium and magnet la healer, room 2. 234 Morrison. MRS. WESTLAKE. ROOM 34, 350 MORRI son. Phone Main 737. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor N. Front and Dnvis sts.. Portland. Or SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR BONDS SEALED bids will be received at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Hoquiam. ChehalU County, Wa3h., on or prior to the. 3d day of July. 1C0O. for the purchase of $13,000 ot tho bonds of the City of Hoquiam. in denomina tions to suit the purchaser, not less than $100. ror more than $1000 each, payable, both principal and interest, in gold coin of the United States. In 13 years from the date of said bends, with tho privilege reserved of paving the same or any oi them on the 1st day of January or July of any year after eight j ears from this date thereof. Interest payable semi-annually. Principal and Inter est payable at such place- in the United States as the bidder may designate, and if no place shall b- designated in the bid then at Flrt National Bank of Hoquiam. Said bonds will be issud In pursuance of a -voto of the people, for tho purpose of building a free drawbridge across the Hoquiam River. A certified check in the sum of $500 will be required to accompany each bid, said check to be kept by the city as liquidated damages if the bid is accepted and the bidder fall te purchase said bends. Dated June 6, 1900. F. G. TILLY, City Clerk. t- BONDS. TOWN OF LAKEVIEW. OREGON Sealed bids for the purchase or $10,000 B per cent v.ater system and electric light bonds, will bo received by thf recorder of the Town of Lakcvlew, Or., unttl July 19, 1000. Said bonds are to be dated August 1, 1900, and will bo lsaued In denominations of $100 to $1000 each, as purchaser may deslrt. Bid and bonds are payable in gold coin it the United States. Bonds redeemable at ths pleasure of the town after 10 years, but du and payable absolutely 20 years from data ot issue. Interest payable annually. Each bid must be accompanied with a straight certified check in the sum of $500. Bids will b opened on July 20, 1900. at a meet ing of the Town '"ounoll, and the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the Town Council. Chas. Umbach, Re corder, Tnwn of Lakovlew, Or. I BIDS FOR SCHOOL BONDS WANTED THS County Treasurer of Polk County, Or., will receive bids at hli office, in Dallas. Polk County. Or., June 16. 1900. at 1 o'clock P. M., for school bonds, as follows: Amount of bonds to be Issued J50C0; denomination, $5X) each: date of iesue, August 1. 1000; payable, in 20 years, with option to redeem after 10 years: draw interest at 4 per cent por annum: Interest payable semiannually; purpose of lwi?, to build new schoolhouse in District 2. Folk County. Or. A certified check of 10 pr cent of bid. drawn on any veil-known bank in Oregon, payable to the order of the undersigned. mu?t accompany each bid as a guarantee that the successful bidder will comply with his bid. The right !a reserved ta reject any and all bids. H. L. Ferston, County Treasurer of Polk Coun ty. Or. WATER WORKS SEALED PROPOSALS will be r-celved by the Wator Committee ot Baker City. Or., until 2 o'clock P. M. Tues day, Julr 2, 1000, for furnishing material and construction ot a gravity water system for Baker City, Or. Plans and profiles can be ex amined at the City Hall, Baker City, Or. Copies of proposals and specifications can b obtained from the Enlglneer or City Auditor. The Water Committee reserves the right ts reject any and all bids. M. F. BENNETT. O. L. MILLER. WM. POLLMAN. Water Com., Baker City, Or. J. G. KELLY. Engineer. Attest: W. H..BENTLY. - Miscellaneous. STATE TREASURER'S THIRD NOTICE." State ot Oregon, Treasury Department. 8a" lem. June 2, 1900. Notice is hereby given: that there are funds on hand with which ta redeem all outstanding state warrants drawat on the genral fund, and Indorsed "Presented and not paid for want of funds.' "prior to' this date, except those drawn for conVeylnff insane fpr the vears 1S99 and 1900; also t pay all warrants drawn on the state acslp bounty f,und. and indorsed "Preseri ted and not paid for want of funds," prior to May 20, 1S99. and that all such warrants, properly In dorsed, will be paid upon presentation at thht office. Interest thereon ceasing from and after; this date. CHAS. S. MOORE, State Treasurer, 3 FINANCIALi $100 up, on mortgages, cost papers only; $500 0 per cent. See me flrst. Ward, Allaky bldx., I rr LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL. or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C W. Pallett. 213 Com mercial block. Tel. Grant 856. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS and all kinds of -security. Thompson's Cut Rate Ticket Office. 128 Third Bt. LOANS on chattels, salaries, etc: low rates ses ns first. Mann & Co., 604 Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LuAN oa furniture or good securi ties. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNI ture. pldnos, salaries, etc Can be paid la Installments, reducing Interest. Rates lowef than tha lowest. F. W. Graves, iigr., 124 Rth. near Wa3h., ground tloor. TeL Green 144. : j MONEY TO LOAN. 6 per cent, farm or cltjj property. O. H. Smith. 814 Cfc. of Commerce. $200,600 TO LOAN AT 3. 6. 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rest Agent for Wertchester Fire Insurance Cow Win. G. Beck. 321 Morrison st. $5C0 TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A1 dress M 54. care Oregonlan. $3309 OR PART TO LOAN: GOOD REAL Es tate security: no commission; lew interest. C 51, care Oregonlan. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE IN OREGON or Washington. 6 to S per cent. e0 Mar quam building. MONEY LOANED ON BICYCLES. PIANOS, furniture and other oectiritlef. W. A. Hath away, room 10 Wash. bldg. Phone South 7S1. FRANK C BAKER & COMPANY. HAMIL ton building -Money to loan; state and county warrants bought: real estate agency. MONET TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM 35 TO 5500. on all classes of security. R. L Ecker son &. Co.. room 5 Washington building. MONITr TO LOsJ ON ALL KINDS OF SB curity. Wra- Holl. room 6. Washington bldj. LOST AND FOUND. LOST ENVELOPE CONTAINING QUIT clalm deed and bill of sale with name ot Mrs. Drake on envelope. Retuprn to 469 East 12th. Reward. LADT'S PEARL AND GOLD HANDLE UM brella. Initials F. A. H. $5 reward If ra turned to 146 Sixth st. LOST GOLD KEYSTONE CHARM. WITH Initials 'A- T." on plain side. Return 147 10th. Reward. LOST BAY HORSB. BRANDED "N. G." ON hind quarter: foretop clipped. Telephone Pink 1871. Reward. LOST 1D00 RAMBLER BICYCLE. NO. 40, 042. Reward If returned to John Urfer. 5tt Powell street. t-. jMv& ...1. -4.. J, .-. J& J