f ' li 20 THE SUNDAY OEEG01TIAN, ' POEpiTAIim, MAY' 27, "1900." CLASSIFIED AD. RATES "Rooms. "Rooms and Board." "Hoesskeef. lnr Room. "SlttiritloES Wanted." .16 worts or leu. 16 cents: 18 to 20 words. 20 cent: 21 to 33 words, 25 cents, etc No discount tor addition Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except New Today." 30 cents lor 15 words or leas: 16 to 23 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, SO cents, etcA first insertion. Each additional Insertion, ue half; no further discount under on month. "NEW TODAY" (pin re -measure agate, II "cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per Ilea foresee additional Insertion. AMUSEMENTS. FREDERICKSBURG MUSIC HALL Seventh tad Alder etreeto. TVANHOE. Extemporaneous Sine or. THE BLACK TROUBADOUR, J. a PAYNE. Horizontal Bar Exports. ZAN. FRKLLA AND ASHLEY. The Comical Celt, PAT KELLY. A Sweet Singer, GLORIA ST. CLAIR. Musical Experts. Stanley and Scanloa. MEETING NOTICES. GEO. "WRIGHT AND LINCOLN GARFIELD POSTS, with their re-' upectlve Reller .Corps, will meet promptly at 7 P. 1L Sunday. 27th, at front door of G. A R. Hall, rhlrd and Taylor, to attend In a body dlvlno service at First Pres byterian Church. All other -veterans In the city Invited to- accompany us. C. E. CLINE. Chairman Joint Com. J. H. WTLLIAMS. Sec.- REQULAR VOLUNTEER ARMY AND NAVY UNION will meet at Grand Army Hall at 1 P. M.. May 30. SOMMERS. Commander. - : DIED. MUNRA At Log: Cabin dining: station, Meach am. Or., May 20, Selkirk Munra. aged .9 3 ears, S months. Funeral from S53 12th st. this city. Monday, May 2S, at 2 P, M. San Francisco and New Tdrk papers please copy. MURNANE In this city. May 20, Margret daughter of Thomas and Kllen Murnane. aged 8 years and 9 .months. Tire funeral, will take place from tesldence. East 20tlf and Pa cific streets, at 2.30 P. M. today. WALSH In this city. May 20. 1900. Mrs. Bridget Walsh, aged 04 years. Funeral Mon day. May 28, at 9 A M., from residence. 49j Flanders st Friends invited. Interment at Mount Calvary Cemetery. Staten Island papers please copy. EDWARD DOLMAN. Undertaker. 4th and Yamhill t. Rena Stlnaon, lady assistant. Both phones No. 507. Flnley, Klmhall & Co., Undertaker. Lady assistant. 275 Third st. Tel. O. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady Assistant. Both phones. Floral pieces; cnt flowers. Clarice Bros. 2S9 Morrison. Both phones. CREMATION. Odd Fellows Cemetery Association SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. If deceased was a member of any organiza tion having a presiding officer and secretary, the -charge for cremation, a copper receptacle for the ashes and organ service Is $50. The same for members of the family of such de ceased. GEORGE R. FLETCHER. Supt NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. YOUR OUTFIT FOR CAPE NOME IS NOT complete without the Newklrk centrifugal gold-eaving pan. Patent applied for. Ex hibited on riret and Alder streets. The time Is near at hand: call and see It In actual working order You cannot afford to go without it. The price is within the reach of everybody. It only weighs 12 pounds; require") no experience- to operate it. Price. S15. Write for circular. Address F. C. Dlez, ngent, Portland. Or. WAKE UP. SEE WHAT YOU ARE PAY Ing for your butter. Butter is cheap. Fine dairy butter, 25c per roll; sweet as honey, etc.; choice dairy. 30c. Buy your butter for Winter use. See the La Grande Cream err. 204 Yamhill. r-tr- i DEA & PERRIN'S SAUCE. PER BOTTLE. 25c; summer sausage, per lb., 20c: best East ern hams. I2c per lb.; 2-plnt bottles catsup, 25c McKlnnon Grocery Co., 173 Third st -FOR SALE OLD-ESTABLtSHED BOARDING house. Including furniture and fixtures. Ap ply 349 Alder st ANTON 7.ILM. teacher ot violin, string quar tets for entertainments. A O. U. W. Tempis. MINEItS AND OTHERS SHOULD SEE CAPE Nome Coal Oil Burner. 1004 First st Mortgage Loans On Improved city property, at lowest rates. ' Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 7 Chamber of Commerce. ROR SALE REAL ESTATE. SPECIAL EAST SIDE BARGAINS $350 will buy a splendid home, consisting of 1 acres of land and small cottage on elec tric car line; best of soil, all cleared and fenced. Easy terms. $200 and upward, lots In East Portland Heights, on easy terms. l blocks on East Burnslde street, close In. 'A Union ae.. near Holladay ave. M block. East 10th and Couch. 50x100. 20th and East Burnslde sts. 160 acres In Silver Creek Falls, good place for cattle; will sell for cash or trade for city property. Value $000. V. Schmld, 109 Grand ave.. East Side. ' SPECIAL BARGAINS $1900 Corner 22d and Lovejoy streets. $3900 Desirable S-room dwelling, with beautiful shrubbery; Fifth, near College st $900 O-room cottage, well situated; South Portland. $3500 6-room cottage and lot. south, near 22d street. $1500 7-room house with two lots, 30 fruit trees: Trexnont Place. $1350 Lot and cottage on Grand avenue. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Com'mece. THESE KNOCK EM ALL OUT 6-room house, good barn, 2 lots on the Peninsula, for $150. -easy payment". 5 good lots. Peninsula avenue. $30 each. The most perfect 5-acre home in Oregon. 7-room. modern house, fine barn; choice fruit, garden, park and ahrubbery; cost $3000: will sell for $1000. Choice city and suburban residence property at lowest figures. Money to loan; low rates; no commission. R. H. DUNN. 1494 First, IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF HOME stead property. Mr. James Howe has In structed us to sell by public auction that choice property known as Howe s Addition to City of Portland, at 41st and East Di x Irion street This choice property will be sold In lots upon easy terms. Sale will com mence upon Wednesday. June 20. at 2 o'clock P. M.. at office of Parrlsh & Watklns, No. 250 Alder street For" particulars and plats, aiijly to Parish & Watklns or of the auction eer. S. L. N. Gilman. No. 411 Washington street r2O00-CHOICE LOT NEAR 24TH AND LOVD Joy. between two beautiful houses; all Im provements made; xery easy term. $1500 Great &acriflce: full lot and 7-room house. Sixth street 10th street most central and valuable part $0000: large profit -certain: rent " per cent mortgage. $3000 at G per cent 17th and Flanders, corner, $35K. 23d and Pettlgroxe, quarter. $3250. Hoyt street full let, nice cottage and grounds, cheap. Very desirable water front large piece cheep; grand bargain. R. M. Wilbur. 233 Stark at FOR SALE OR RENT 60 ACRES IMPROVED farm, with crop, good house, bam and or chard: low rent; Immediate possession. A bargain Full corner let with C-room cot tage and bath, close In. West Side. $25tO. 8-room house, modern. Hotladey; cbtap; full lt street Improved. Holladaj. $750 We have bargains in- two large, modern bouses: an estate, can sell for price of improvements. 'Montague & Conlen. 226 Stark street I- RAILROAD AND MILLMEX WE HAVE FOR rale the finest location for manufacturing purpos on the Coast being two fine tracts at Linnton. Just outside city limits, one 1203 feet deep-water front and running back to N. P. Railroad, and one 1320 feet deep water front and running back to St Helens county road. Will j-jll 400 or &00 feet Grindetaff & Blaln. 240 Stark. FOR SALE THE BEST FRUIT FARM IN Hood River Valley. 70 acres in culmatfon, 4M0 fruit trees, rood buildings. 140 acres; fine school - mile. 5 mil-s from town. 50 inches free water, $5500, $1500 cash, balance at 6 per -cnt in 5 ears. Inquire of J H. MldfHeton. Chamber of Commerco Bldg., Port land, or Emporium, Hood River, Or. 40 ACRRS NEAR SANDY RIVER. $400. 5 acres at a sacrifice. South Mount Tabor; 4 acres in orchard and grapes. ged b-roora house; fine view: healthy location. 4IARTMAN, THOMPSON z POWERS. 8 Chamber ot Commerce. FOR SALE REAL ESTATR. RAKGAIN COLUMN WOO Lot in Alblna Homestead. $000 Beautiful quarter Alblna Homestead, near Union are. $1300 Fractional lot and S-room house, S54 San Rafael. Alblna. Renting for $10. $30 to $100 cash, balance Intallments.- $0508 beautiful lots In Columbia Heights, Just east of Piedmont $1500 Corner, tf-rcom house. large barn. E. 16th and Pacific, near new factory. $2000100x100. modern house. E. 21sf-Hoyt 50x100, modern cottage. 075 East Stark. $24002 sightly lots and desirable cottage. Page st. and Gantenbein ave. 50x100. 8-room modern brick house, E- 23d and Iran. st. Very reasonable. SlS5-Modern 7-rooxn houses. "E. ICth and Ash. 2ow renting for $15 each. 100x100. corner, and two modern houses. East 10th and Oak; will sell at a sacrifice. 2 lots and 7-rooa house. N. . cor. ji. 221 and Couch. Comer and 8-room house. CO E. Alder. 2 lots, running from E. Cth to E. 7th. be tween Morrison and Alder. $1000100x100, 8-room house and bam. E. 24th and Weldler sts. $21002 acres, facing Hawthorne ave. $12007 1-3 rfcres on Mt SeoU car line, under good .cultivation, not far out $32002 lota and 2 cottages, cor. E. 8d and Hancock. $21002 lots and 2 cottages, E. 18th and Main $2300-60x100, modern 8-room house, Holla day's addition. $1300 Corner lot and good cottage. Holla days addition. 3 lots and 2 store buildings. Unlca ave. anl Eellwood sis. Sell separately. Lot and desirable house. 619 Mississippi ave. Lot and deslrabl- cottage. 644 Kerby. 60x100 and cottage, 511 Vancouver ave. Several sightly lots near Brooklyn School: will sell very low and on easy terms; will furnish 'purchasers money .to build houses with If desired. The above Is a partial list of properties owned by a foreign mortgage- company. Th prices are- low and the terras easy. $7002 lots and cottage, S. E. cor. Falling and Minnesota ave. $550 Lots 6Cxl00, K. Ash. near 20th. $95060x100. 5-roomxottage. 660 E. Oak. $1700-2 lota and modern house, E. 2Cth at. near Division. Neat modern cottage. 142 E. 34th st. Sun nystde; street improved, and close to car. $750 Corner lot, with neat cottage, on East 25th st, one block from car. $20002 acres and half. Wlbergfl Lane; Improved and 'very desirable. $950 South-front lot. B. Oak. near 14th. $1050 Quarter block. Holiday's addition. $2100-3 lots. E. 17th and Weldler. $21003 lots. E. 17th and Tillamook, Irving ton. Will sell separately. 5 acres of improved land near the Haw thorne car line; ery reasonable. Favorable terms on any of the above. CHOICE WEST- SIDE BUYS $150 Lot on Seventh-street Terrace, with brick foundation and furnace. $500-; House and lot, Portland Heights. $150025x100. 12-room house. 449 Johnson. $1000 Fractional lot and neat strictly mod ern cottage on Hall st Rents $15. $450 Lot near 25th and Thurman. $120075x105 on Front st. near Grant; good cottage: fine factory site. $C00 0-roorn house and fractional lot $50002 beautiful lots. In best part of Nob HHL. $4500 Lot and house. 10th st, near Stark. $2500 Modem cottage. 701 Davis, near 21st $3600 2-lota.-23dv near Johnson. $2500100x100. with 2 small cottages. S. W. cor. 15th and Raleigh. $750072x100. with modern dwelling, 17th and Yamhill. This lj close-in property, and the lots are worth more than the. price asked. $3U)0-Corner. with 2 houses. 15tb and Kearney: now renting for $20. $000 to $700 Lou in North Portland, near new Eastern mill: will furnish money with which to build if desired. $1700-60x100. Irving, between 23d and 24th. The large brick castle on Seventh-at Terf races will be sold at a sacrifice, or exchang for vacant property. Block facing N. P. Railroad, lDth and Wil son. Warehouse property. $0590 Quarter block; 10th and Johnson; warehouse property. Easy terms. 60x100 and cottage. 330 N. 18th. $150050x100. 5 rooms, N. 17th; Just tho place for teamster, $2100 South-front lot on Irving. Just east of 23d. $2700 Corner and 2 cottages. 11th and Kear ney. Paying 7 per cent net on $2S00. 60x100 and cottage. 809 Corbett Correr and 9-room house, 840 First Corner and 2 houss. Water and Whlttaker. Corner and 2 houses. Corbett and Arthur. Three houses and lots, Nebraska st. South ern Portland; $750 each. 125x100 on Thurman, between 21st and 221 Desirable buys en Portland Heights and Fulton Park. Favorable terms on any of the above. GRINDSTAFF & BLAIN. 240 Stark. $3000-8-ROOM HOUSE. FULL BASEMENT and furnace, near 14th and Montgomery sts. $3000 More than two acres; so located near city and good car line service as to make this a. snap bargain. 1000-acre stock farm In the Willamette Val ley. A good buy. DAVIDSON, WARD & CO.. 405 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE LOT 50x100. BEST RESIDENCE part of Alblna, with small cottage, $900; any terms. Fine lot fronting on East Ankeny, near 22d street $C50; any terms. Three lots In Sunnyslde, 50x100 each, $1000; cost $3000: easy terms. JENNINGS & CO., 309-i Morrison st 100 ACRES. 44 MILES FROM HOOD RIVER, all nJy fenced. 2 springs, on The Dalles road, and good location for taking In stock for pasturing; will exchange for desirable home in city, or acreage close to city; snap for some one. Address -Y 44, Orcgonlan. CLOSE FIGURES $1300 Two lots on corner East 20th and Sightly lot East 17th and East Main. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE NEW 9-ROOM HOUSE; BRICK basement and finished attic; fine location. In Holladay's addition: porcelain bath, mantel, furnace, gas and electric light: sewer con nections; at a sacrifice, $3300; $1000 cash. F 3S, care Oregonian. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY ON EAST SIDE; central; on R. R, track; for sale at bargain. It sold immediately. G-rooxn house- on East Side, with quarter-block. $1200; part cash. TAGGART BROS.. 518 Chamber of Com merce. t- A NICE BLOCK. WITH HOUSE. BARN AND orcnara; oesiraoie cisiance irom the proposed new plant of Wolff & Zwlcker Iron Works, at St Johns. A good speculation for some body. A. E. Jackson. 10 Worcester block. FOR SALE OR RENT A NICE SUMMER home at Long Beach, near Tinkers hotel: very cheap, and on reasonable terms, or will exchange for city property and pay Kxn dif ference. Address O 23. care Oregonian. TABOR HEIGHTS-CHOICE LEVEL LOTS. 1004W) feet each, within one block of Morrl- 'snJ&iJgtreet car line; $200. $225 and $250; easy ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.. 227 Stark street FOR SALE CHEAP. CORNER LOT WITH nice. 6-room house; good location, improved street; sewer connection, three blocks from car lino; two blocks north of Hoiladay school. Inquire 440 Schuyler st CHOICE TWO ACRES ON MOUNT TABOR. 7-room house, good orchard; west slope; splen did view of city: owner must have money and will sell at great sacrifice. C. E. Ben nett 127J5 Fourth. VERY DESIRABLE LOT. SEVENTH ST.. between Mill and Montgomery streets; will be offered at special low price this week only. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD' & CO.. 227 Stark street 3500 ACRES. JOINS PIEDMONT NEAR THE water tower, new 6-room house, bath, stone basement young orchard, neat home and good Investment Dr. Swain, 713 Dekum Bldg. 4S-ACRE FARM. ADJOINING WOODLAWN; best-Improved ranch In the county, lmprove menta cost $9900: It will pay you to investi gate; will sell at a sacrifice. Grindstaff & Biain. CAPITALISTS, ATTENTION I HOWE'S AD dltlon. 73 lots, 5 acres, with houe and barns, etc, for sale cheap. Owner. 271 Fifth st, opposlto City HalL Oregon Tel. Brown C99. -I HERE IS A SNAP A FULL BLOCK NEAR tho Doernbecher furniture ractory. for $2209. HARTMAN, THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce. VERY CHOICE QUARTER-BLOCK. NORTH eest corner Park and Montgomery streets. ATKDsSON. WAKEFIELD fz CO.. 227 Stark street LARGE THREE-STORY HOUSE AND FULL lot N. W. corner Madison and Sixth streets. ATKINSON. TVAKDF1ELD & CO.. zi stark street r- 75x100 FEET. N. W.' CORNER MAIN AND Sixth streets, with four houses ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.. 227 Stark 'street Tit ACRES IN CULTIVATION. NEAR CAR fine; only $225 -pr acre, also 10 acres on Base Line road, east of Mount Tabor, for $1230. C E. Bennett 127t, Fourth. CHOICE LOT. S. W. COR. E. 16TH AND Clinton -streets. mu b sold. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.. 227 Stark street TIMBER LANDS And forest reserve scrip for sale. Govern ment and state lands located. J. D. Wilcox fc Co. 202U. Stark it 480 ACRES. FINE- TIMBER. NEAR -LEBANON; a bargain; or will trade for-machinery. In quire the H. C'Albee Co., 200 East Water rtreeW . - - . FOR SALR REAL ESTATE. $500 A COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS AND BATH; this side of Woodlawn. on Union avenue: lot 60x100. $1000-Cornr Hoyt and 11th streets: the best locality in town for a grocery store. $3000 A .beautiful residence on Sixth street, containing 7 rooms and bath; solid concrete cellar; porcelain tubs; furnace heat; wired for gas and electricity. $5000 Two-story residence and lot 100x100 on East Washington, near East 19th. A beautiful home. ,53000 A pretty home on East Side, with beautiful lawn and shade trees: size of lot 150x120; on corner facing two principal streets, and two blocks either way from two car lines. $1000 Fine lot in Alblna. opposite the bank the cheapest buy on the East Side. $6500 Quarter-bloclt on Grand avenue; near East Taylor; asy terms. This Is certainly a snap. $1700 Lot 60x100 on Overton and 20th sts. Here Is the best chance to secure a cheap and perfect building lot In Portland. Lies , high and dry, and on the sunny corner of the street 219 feet frontage, with new house of 7 rooms and bath. In South Portland; house complete In every way. a positive snap. Let us show you this property. Owner called away before house- Is finished, and must sell. $025 Two full lots in Hanson's Addition, and a bargain. Three nice homes of 6 rooms and bath each: situate on Hall and 11th streets: newly finished, and only $2000 each, with discount for the whole. Let us show you this prop erty. $15,000 will buy you one of the best building lots on Third street; net Income on same over 7 per cent: terms reasonable. $500 A beautiful borne on East Ash street near 20th: all modern Improvements, and lot 100x120; easy terms. Three pretty homes on East Pine and 11th streets r will be sold cheap; all nicely rented; terms very easy. ALSO The finest farm In Washington County, containing about 300 acres, all under culti vation, splendidly watered. and fully equipped. One of the most profitable farms In the Northwest ALSO A large list of desirable lots and homes In every part of the city, cheap. Money to loan, houses to rent and rents collected. ROUNTREE & DIAMOND. Real Estate,. Loans and Insurance. 241 Stark street corner Second. Phone Grant 291.. h SNAPS MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE AND quarter block. In Piedmont: half -cost price. 6-room house, with basement lot 50x100. fruit trees, etc. East Side, between 19th and 20th sts.: price $1500. $300 cash, balance on In stallments $10 month. 160 acres, has all been In cultivation, 12 miles from Salem, price $20 per acre. W. G. Beck. 321 Morrison. THREE SACRIFICES THREE BARGADJS 123 acres near Eugene, house, barn, orchard, only $400. 20 acres. 4 miles east of Port land, cleared. $1500. 9-room house, full brick basement barn, corner lot: fruit trees, $3000. See It 34 East 13th North, corner East Cpuch, Portland. Owner on -premises. Bargains. WANTED TO SELL 7 ACRES 1000 FEET east of Irvlngton. fine suburban home. Call on E. S. McCoy, Fremont and 34th st CHOICE LOT FOR SALE. WITHIN 10 MIN utes" walk of P. O.: for $050. at $10 per month. Address T 38, Oregonian. PRETTY 6-ROOM COTTAGE. BARN AND lot Mount Tabor Place, only $550; $300 cash. C E. Bennett 127 Fourth st MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE. FRACTIONAL lot Montgomery street $2900. C E. Ben nett, 127 Tourth street 6 ACRES. 10 MILES OUT. LITTLE HOUSE and barn: mostly cleared; onion land, $200. O 41, care Oregonian. HOUSES AND COTTAGES FOR SALE; ALSO bakery. Emmons & Emmons, 623-23 Chamber of Commerce building; $550 BUYS 20 ACRES: 8 CLEARED; SMALL house: near Vancouver, on railroad. K 40, care Oregonian. 4-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE AND LOT 100x100. at Clatsop Beach. Address Q 43, pare Oregonian. 11-ROOM HOUSE AT LONG BEACH. AND lot near Tinker's, only $600. C E. Bennett 127 Fourth. CORNER LOT: EXCELLENT FOR DRUGS, etc.; exclusive territory. Call or address 653 Cole street $425-BY OWNER. TWO LOTS. ALBINA Homestead; Inquire 235 Washington st FOR SALS-FARMS. 52 ACRES IMPROVED LAND. WITH BUILD lngs. etc., 7 miles from Portland, $4500. 140 acres partly improved land, with house, etc. 9 miles from Portland, $4600. 235 acres. 4 miles from Forest Grove. 23 miles from Portland; 80 acres Improved, $3500. 160 acres, 2 miles from HUlsboro, 14 miles from Portland: well-Improved farm; $5500. 60 acres. 2 miles from Newberr. 25 miles from Portland. $1500. 160 acres, 2 miles from North Yamhill; a good farm; $4600. 331 acres, 0 miles from North Yamhill, In Moore's Valley, 80 acres cultivated, 13300. 300 acres, 8 miles from Dallas. 4 miles from railroad; an excellent farm, about cne-half in cultivation; $5000. Good stock ranches in Douglas County, 4 miles from Oakland, from 500 to 2400 acres, at from $5 to $12 -per acre. For further particulars apply to MACMASTER & BIRRELL. 811 Worcester block. Portland. Or. J. W. OGnJJEE. ROOM 11. 145 FTRST ST.. Portland, Or. 2000 acres: 200 acres under plow, 200 more ready for plow, balance of land In oak '.'ru ber and brush pasture. This body of land is very rolling, but not broken by abrupt hills. A greater portion can be easily cultivated, is watered by running springs: all under feuce. with fair farmhouse and barns or stable: county roads on two sides of the ranch; 7 miles from good towu, and 4 miles irom railroad. In Lane County, Oregon. Also 65 head of graded milch cows, with salves; about 70 head of yearlings. 9 head of work horses, harness, 2 wagons, 15 head of brcsd sows; a complete dairy and cheese-making outfit with all farm Implements, go with the stock farm, and very reasonable In price, $18,600. FARM FOR SALE ALL OR PART, 100 acres, level, good portion rich swale. Idled; large house and barn; outbuildings; 160 "bear ing fruit trees; 1 acre small fruits; over one third in grd cultivation; all but about 15 acres of remainder slashed, and mostly In pasture; 2 miles south of Reedville. 3 west of Beaverton. 10 southwest of Portland; school near; price. $4500; terms. $3000 cash; balance on easy terms. J. D. Fleck. Beaver ton. Or. WELL-IMPROVED. ALL CLEAR. AND IN cultivation: 30-acre farm on Scboll's Ferry road. 0 miles out, adjoining station, post office and school, with good bouse, barn, granary and outbuildings; farm implements, tools and livestock go with the place. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.. 227 Stark street FRUIT FARM FOB. SALE OR EXCHANGE A highly Improved 40-acre tract near Salem. This splendid place can be had for less than half cost Must be sold, owing to poor health of owner. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS, 3 Chamber of Commerce. MUST BE SOLD QUICK: MAKE AN OFFER on 140 acres. 90 acres in cultivation, splen did soil; good orchard and large barn; cheap house: choice neighborhood: only 10 miles east of the Courthouse, on graveled road. C E. Dennett 127 Fourth street 1- SUBURBAN FARM 78 acres within one mile of city; West Side; 7-room house, 2 barns, orchard, berries. Price. $3800. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE Df ALL parte of Oregon and Washington; payments mad to suit purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties, apply to Maczaasttr & Blrrell. 311 Worcester block. FOR SALE A FARM OR DAIRY RANCH OF 600 acres, well located; a fine place; 200 acres In grass; good buildings; sell cheap or trade for machinery. Inquire the H. C Albee Co.. 200 East Water .street FOR SALE FARM OF 35 ACRES. 17 IN cultivation, all under fence, 7 miles from city, mile to postofllce. church and store. For terms call on or address Wm. B. Young, Cedar Mill. Or. 55 ACRES. S MILES EAST; 27 ACRES HAY. 10 fruit balance potatoes and grain; bargain. Manager Pacific Pottery Works. TOR SALE OR RENT. CHEAP SMALL ranch: orchard, house, barn and granary, crop. Inquire 461 Everett st WAN TED REAL ESTATE. WE WISH TO BUY A QUARTER BLOCK, improved, with a 9-room house, for about $3000 to $3500; will pay $700 or $800 down and balance In Installments of $50 per month; location must be good and sightly, and East Side preferred. Rountree & Diamond. 241 Stark st, cor. Second. Phone Grant 201. FOR CASH: SUBURBAN COTTAGE. FOUR rooms, with grounds: state lowest price, and give description. W 44, Oregonian. A SUBURBAN LOT. WITH OR WITHOUT house on it, mutt be near car line; state price and terms. N 39. Oregonian. WANTED THE BEST S OR 10-ROOM HOUSE and lot that can be bought for $2500 cash. Ad- dress R 40. car: Oregonian. TO BUY. INSTALLMENT. 100x100. NEAR street car, with, or wlthcrut bouse. P. O. box . 323, cltr. . - -v . . . TO EXCHAHMC TO EXCHANGE FOR HOUSE AND LOT desirable 2-acre tract near reservoirs. Mount Tabor; select young orchard end handsome, sightly block, near river; exceptional view; no incumbrance. Address Owner. 692 First street TO TRADE WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER for equity in level, sightly, whole biocic next to HollaaayB Addition, near furniture fac tory;, assume mortgage, $1000. Address L 40, care Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE 80 ACRES OF FRUTTLAND. with Barren apple orchard, valued at $40 an acre; willing to sell or exchange for city property. Apply Phillip trunk factory, 22SJ4 Morrison street FINE STECK UPRIGHT PIANO: MAHOGANY case, largest tlze, all improvements ; for suburban cottage, with plenty of ground; will pay cash cirference. P 44. Oregonian. WANTED TO EXCHANGE BY AN EXPERI enced teacher. lessons la primary or grammar-grade school work for music lessons. Clara. -Metzjer. 263 North 12th street 20 ACRES NEAR SUNNYSIDE. CLACKAMA3 County, on main road, exchange for house and lot or vacant lot C E. Bennett 127 Fourth street 6-ROOJI MODERN COTTAGE FRACTIONAL corner lot 11th st west for small East Side, and take difference. Owner, 77. Oregonian. STOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WELL located, to exchange; only something- revenue- SrCdUCincr considered. N 4X fhvronlMi v- : 1 TO EXCHANGE A DIAMOND FRAME wheel, in good condition, for lady's wheel. N 41, care Oregonian. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR three lota in SumpterT Address D 40, care Oregcnlan. IMPROVED FARM TO TRADE FOR PORT land lots or house and lot The Owner, care Oregonian. NEW TRUNKS FOR OLD AT PHDVLDTS trunk factory. 2S Morrison street BICYCLE TO EXCHANGE FOR CARPENTER work. 474 East Yamhill. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD IN large or small tracts. Address the Syndi cate Company, California Bide Tacoma, Wash. ' 320 ACRES HEAVY TIMBER. BETWEEN north and south fork ot Bantlam. C. Hett man, Oregon City. J. L.. MARTIN & CO.. TIMBER LANDS, room 7 Benson block. 5th and Morrison sts. BELGIAN HARES FOR SALE. We are headquarters for high-class Belgian Hares In Callfornla. Buy direct and mve money. SPECIAL OFFER: We pay the express to any point west Rocky Mountains in the U. S. Two fine does bred to first-class buck and one Sir Banbury buck, 4 mo.. The trio. $30. Two heavy-weight does bred, and one heavy-weight buck, 4 mo.. The trio. $21. Five heavy-weight does bred. $20.60. 4 Banbury does, 1 Yukon buck, 2 mo.. $15. 1 beautiful doe bred to Sir Banbury, $16. 1 10-pound heavy-weight buck, $10. We can furnish any ot the abovo in quantity. Remember, we pay the express on all orders ordered before June 15, 1900. Send 25 per cent with order, balance C O. D. ORANGEDALE RABBITRY. 916 East 25th st, Los Angeles, Cat LOS ANGELES BELGIAN HARE CO.. OF 240 Fifth street have received another Invoice of hares, which will be sold, while they last for $10 to $17, bred. This rabbltry has Britain Fox, score 95, the hlgh-est-jcorlng representative of the Britain strain. Service fee. $25. Hares practically bred, correctly managed and offered at sen sible prices; quality considered. Personal attention given to every detail ot the busi ness. Shipments mad) to all parts of the country in light & airy crates. Phone Clay 9S1. ELMBANK BABBITRY NAPA CAL., THE finest appointed rabbltry In America. Ex ceptional facilities encbla us to handle a large number ot pedigreed Belgians at rea sonable prices. An enormous stock to select from. Ten bucks at stud. Correspondence Invited. Wlnshlp King, 222 Callstoga ave., Napa, Cal. PORTLAND RABBITRY. 624 GUILD AVE., North Portland. Or., north of rolling mills. Belgian hares from $8 to $20. quality consid ered, bred to rood buclt I have British Sov ereign. Jr.. a fine buck. Service fee before coming here was $15; will breed a few does for $7. Good Yukon becks, 5 months old. $5; very fair does, with litter of five, $10. W..A. Crewson. BLUE BLOODED BELGIANS: VERY CHOICE pedigreed does, bred to Lord Banbury. Lord Rochdale and Lord Cayenne, bucks. $10 up. Shipments made everywhere. Address C S. Goodrich, 1428 Dor-ney avenue, Los An geles, Cal. ATTENTION. BELGIAN HARE BUYERS-: Begin rightr we sell three pedigreed does, bred to fine bucks, and a fine buck, the four for $18 50. Rival Rabbltry. 1023 E. 27th st, Los Angeles. Cal. MONTICELLO RABBITRY. 34 EAST 13TH, North, corner East Coush. Pedigreed Belgian hares at reasonable prices. Lord Kitchener and Gold Sovereign bucks In stud. Service fees reasonable. FOR SALE BELGIAN HARES: BEST PEDI greed strains; does from $2 to $7.50. Send for our descriptive price catalogue. ''Manhat tan Rabbltry, 302 E. 12th st, Los Angeles. Cal. TOOK 15 PEDIGREED BELGIANS FOR A debt Will sell for $5 each; also lot of books on Belgians cheap. Chas. Parrlsh, 3650, ISth st, San Francisco. I 1 ctt sup it miTMT irrw-in TunniTPv 91 East Ninth north, several fine pedigreed does, with litter from 2 to 6 weeks old. Take Ankeny car. BELGIAN HARES; REASONABLE; CHAM plon Yukon. Gold Bur. Sir Styles. Los An geles Rabbltry. 20th and Oregon. Portland, Or. JEFFERSON - STREET RABBITRY. N. E. cor. Sixth and Jefferson: stock from $3 to $70 pair: Lord Britain. Banbury- and Sir Styles. BELGIAN HARES FOR SADE AT 65 SOUTH Grand ave. Does bnd; services fee $5; fine Lord Brltton bucks. E. Bennett manager. PORTLAND BELGIAN HARE CO., 110 SEC ond st; largest on tho N.W Coast; all prices. Rabbltry, Midway, Oregon City line. BELGIAN HARES: THOROUGHBRED stock for sale. Emmett Crosby, Eden Vale, California. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE POTTER-ANGLE BAR PLATE perfecting printing press, 4 or S pages. Speed 10,000 to 20.000 per hour. Stereotyping out fit complete, and of best Guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. In perfect order. Cause for selling is the Dally Inter-Moun-taln has outgrown -the capacity of the press. Address P. O. box 400. Butte, Montana. FOR SALE ONE OF THE LARGEST. BEST and cheapest fire and burglar-proof safes in the city: Just the safe for a railroad or largi corporation. Rountree & Diamond. 241 Stark st Phone Grant 291. SEWING-MACHTNE3 A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines: improved White. $25; Domestic. $15: Standard. $16; New Home. $5. S. S. Slegel. 335 Washington, under Imperial. 1900 BICYCLES, PENNANT SPECIAL, $25; with or without coaster brake; the best wheel for the money In the city. Come and see them. Portland Gun Store. 132 First at 1 : 1 MORGAN & WRIGHT TIRE. $2.50 EACH; send for free Illustrated catalogue ot bicycle sundries. We retail at wholesale prices. Stark & Wickesslr. Dayton. Ohio. Typewriters, all makes, rented and sold; expert repairing: office upplles and desks. Coast Agency Co.. 206 Stark st Both phones. THREE FRESH COWS. DURHAM. 0 TEARS; one Durham and Hokkeln. 6 years; one Jer sey. 2 years. 128 Union ave., -Monday. BEDROOM SUIT. BABY BUGGY. CARPET. dishes, stove and other household goods. Call 10 to 12 or 3 to 7. 550 Everett t- MAGIC LANTERN. WITH 100 VTEWS. FOR sale cheap, or exchange for horse and buggy. 607 Marquam building. TOR SALE GAS RANGE. ALMOST NEW. with water back, 163 10th street between Morrison and YamhltU FOR SALE FRESH MILCH COWS: SUIT able for Cape Nome trade' Inquire at Falcs Landing. Wash. FOR SALE YOUNG HORSE. HARNESS and buggy. At 902 Alblna ave. Price $50. A W. Lofgren. ONE LADY'S CRESCENT BICYCLE. NEW; one 6-.x8 camera complete. W. Ferguson, 353 E. Clay. MAUSER RIFLE (PERFECT ORDER). WITH ammunition. Address A 40f care, Oreronlan. FOR SALR-MUCRLLANROUS. PARTD3S GOING TO CAFK NOME. CALL AT Portland Club. 130 Fifth st. and get oae or two bottles of 20-year-old whisky, 110 proot. None better In the world. FOR SALE A RATH-HOUSE. FINELY FUR nlshed. with living-rooms, complete. $350 down, balance. $25 per month. Address Y 46, care Oregonian. I 1 A FINE ENGLISH SETTER PUP. 8 MONTHS old. with pedigree, at Hudson Gun Store. U0 Third street JEWELER'S LATHES. $50; COST $200: ALSO Gem paper-cutter, $5iX Address U 47, care Oregonian. FOR BEST FIR, OAK. AND ASH. WOOD GO to Pioneer Wood Yard, foot of Morrison st Phone ISO. ANOTHER FINE REMINGTON TYPEWRTT er: a bargain. L. & M. Alexander. 245 Stark street FOR SALE LADY'S WHEEL. '99 RAMBLER; good as new; $25. Address P 42. care Ore gonian. 4 WAGON: A LIGHT DELIVERY WAGON FOR sale; almost new; with top. ISO Caruthers street $10 FOR A NEW QA8 COOKER: $2 CASH. balance $2 per month. Gas Co.. 174 Fifth ft BEST DRY FTR WOOD. HOOVER. 313 Water. Phones Ore. South 051, Columbia S3. Magic lanterns, new, second-hand, moving pic tures, Bullard & Breck. 131 Post San Fran. HORSE, BUGGY AND HARNESS FOR SALE cheap. Apply Model Stables. Fifth and Davis, A LADY'S RAMBLER BICYCLE. Df PER fect condition, cheap. Call at 428 Third st FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A LADY'S '99 wheel; almost new; cheap for cash. 263 Third. BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE CHEAP. .OR trade for anything. 356 Burnslde. cor. Park. Several new and second-hand wagons, bug gies, and surreys. 51 Fourth, near Pine. FOR SALE 75.000 FEET RUSTIC AND FIN Ishlng lumbar, dry. Q 42. care Oregonian. FOR SALE COLUMBL4. TANDEM. CHEAP; little used. Address H 47. care Oregonian. PHAETON FOR SALE CHEAP. OR TRADE for anything. Stable, Seventh and Stark. FOR SALE A LIGHT NELSON SPINDLE box road buggy. A 38, care Oregonian. JUST THE THING FOR miners. Call 74 First st CAPE NOME FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 30 East 14th street. North. A FRESH JERSEY COW FOR SALE CHEAP. 594 Rodney avenue. Plaaos. WE ARE GOING TO MOVE TO OUR NEW building, cor. Park and Washington, and are closing out every new, slightly used and second-hand piano and organ at less than agents' wholesale prices. Etlers Piano House, 107 First st, the N. W. General Agency of Chlckerlng. Kimball and Weber pianos, Kim ball and Crown organs. SHERMAN. CLAY 4 CO.. ROOMS 18 AND 17 Russel bulldlnr. cor. Fourth and Morrises. Stelnway & Sons. A B. Chase and Emersoa pianos. A B. Chase and W. W. Putnam or- Sins. Cash or Installments. Gramophones and eglna musla boxes. NEW PIANO FOR RfiNT VERY CHEAP. Graves & Co., 2S5 Alder. 124 Sixth st BOULE BROS.. EXPERT TUNERS. 107 FIRST t Phones. Ellr Piano House. HELP WANTED MALE. 200 BERRY - PICKERS FOR HOOD RIVER, camp, etc (cut-rate fee and fare): farmhand, milker. $25; cooks for hotels. $4S. $30: E. Ore. rest'nt $10; sawyer (bucker). $2.25; also 1 restaurant hand (same place), $1.50. bd. 50c day: 40 strong men for logging camp, $30 and board: farm boy, $10 to $16; 8 slabvtood pliers, $1.60; every kind help call: dishwasher (coast). $18. R. G. Drake, 152 First r- R R. MEN. $1.75 PASS; 20 MHJjMBN, $2; lz. Ji.io: ratcnet-setter. $3.so, round; nead sawyer, $40, found; brlckaetter, $45. found; machinists, $3.25; 4 laborers, city, $2; labor ers' camp, $1.76 to $2: farmhands, $25 to $30; woodchoppers, $1; boltcutters, 80c; cooks. $40 and $50, found: waiters, porters, bell boys, dishwashers. New orders dally. Cana dian Agency, 226 Morrison. R R MEN, $1.75, PASS; 6 COOKS. $40 AND $50; room, fares; 2 waiters, $25: room; gang edger-men, $2.60; ratchet setter. $2.50: one $32.60, board; mill hands, $1.75; machinists. $3.25; brick setter. $45, board; farmhands, $25; woodchoppers, $1 to $1.05; bolt-cutters. 80c. Call and see us. Canadian Agency, 220 Morrison. R. R. MEN. $1.75, PASS; 6 COOKS. $40 AND $50. room, fares; 2 waiters, $25, room; gang edger-men, $2.60; ratchet setter, $2.60; one $32 50, board; mill hands, $1.75; machinists, $3.25; brick setter, $45, board; farm hands, $25; woodchoppers, $1 to $1.05; bolt-cutters, 80c Call and seo us. Canadian Agency, 22U& Morrison. WANTED SEWING MACHINE CANVASSER and closer, on commission basis, for city of ten thousand vicinity; good field. Push Wheeler & Wilson. Davis, New Home, etc Steady employment and good salary to right party. If familiar with housefurnlshing goods. Address F 42, care Oregonian. 4 WANTED SALESMEN TO HANDLE A NE- cesslty as a side line: $10 per day; only those having established trade and regular cus tomers need apply; give line of goods now handling and route traveled. Address. Home, 1330 Cherry st, Philadelphia. Pa. TRAVELING SALESMAN WANTED BY Es tablished house; no technical knowledge nec essary, but simply all-around hustler of good appearance and address. First-class line; special contract: entire time required; refer ences. Box 303, Detroit, Mich. SALESMAN WANTED MOST LD3ERAL AR rangrment will be made with capable, experi enced subscription book salesman; new stand ard works; no competition. For full particu lars address Syndicate Publishing Co., 927 Market st, San Francisco. t- SALESMEN BY RELIABLE HOUSE TO sell good line on high commission; entire time required. Inducements to hustlers; good territory, still open. Write for particulars. Manager, room 1006, 185 Dearborn st, Chi cago. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS DO YOU WANT cne? Get ready now. Circular 178. giving particulars as to salaries, dates of examina tion, etc sent free by National Correspond ence Institute, Washington, D. C Write to day. ENGINEERS. FIREMEN. MACHINISTS AND electricians, send 10 cents for new 44-page pamphlet, containing list of questions asked by Examining Board of Engineers. Geo. A Zeller. Bocksellar, St. Louis. Mo. AGENTS ENORMOUS PROFITS SELLING our "Harness Riveter." complete repair shop In one tool. Every horse owner buys. Fail ure Impossible. Write for sample Lewis Mfg. Co., Milwaukee. Wis. WANTED-SEVERAL PERSONS FOR Dis trict managers to represent us in their own and surrounding counties. Willing to pay yearly salary of $600. Eagle Mfg. Co.. lock box 791. Seattle. Wash. WANTED COLLECTORS: TOWNS NEAR Portland: $18 per week and expenses, subject to advance. We furnish horse and buggy. Address, with stamp. Monterey Mfg. Co., Bt Louis. Mo. Wanted man to deliver and collect in Portland and vicinity; $15 per week and expenses; per manent position. Address Delivery Depart ment 1336 Cherry st, Philadelphia, Pa, WANTED A FIRST-CLASS MILLWRIGHT, to look after machinery In stave and heading mill; to the right man steady work will be given. Address T 42, care CTegonlan. WE WANT THREE EXPERIENCED SALE3 men to fill vacancies. We employ the best and pay accordingly. Address the Eastern Mfg. Co.. Manhattan Bldg.. Chicago. WANTED NEAT MEN TO WORK DAY OR evening: no canvassing: good pay. Will send work that you can do in your room. Stand ard. 142 W. 23d st. N. Y. WE PAY $24 PER WEEK FOR A MAN WITH rig to Introduce our goods In the country. Write for terms. Kansas Food Co., Dept 42, Kansas City, Mo. WANTED EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR; ONE acquainted with the city; a good salary and commission for right man; state experience. X 39, Oregonian. WANTED EVERYWHERE. HUSTLERS TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc; no canvassing: good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau. Chicago. WANTED EXPERIENCED MARKERS AND sorters; fare to Seattle advanced: also other help wanted. Cascade Laundry Co., Seattle, Wash. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS CLUB WAITER: steady position: must be neat and have best of references. Apply steward Arlington Club. COLUMBUS CALnrORNIA WDTE DEPOT, P. Loratl. 148 Fourth, Headquarters tor cooks, waiters, bartenders. TeL Mais T31. ENERGETIC SALESMAN". SCHOOL Sup plies; country work: $100 salary and extras. R. O. Evans & Co., Chicago, HI. KTffJLP WAXTEDMALK. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS SHORT-ORDER cook: night work; must understand pastry work; salary $20 per week: no duha need ap ply. Manca's Cafe, 207 Cherry st, Seattle, Wash. h CANVASSERS IN EVERY TOWN D ORE-gon- to take orders for photo medallions: big money. P 40. care Oregonian. WANTED TWO RELIABLE COLLECTORS, at once. Call today. 10 A. M. or Monday, 8 to 9, 330 Marquam. building. HARNESSMAKERS STEADY EMPLOY ment to flrst-clasa workmen. Apply John Clark & Son. 104 Front st - WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GROCERY man. Apply to the McKlnnon Grocery Co.. 173 Third street ALL KINDS WORK. $1.75 TO $2.50 PER day; lot fine horses for sale. D. E. Budd & Co., 110 First st WANTED UNION BARBER, FOR WEDNr.3 day and Saturday; guarantee of $4.50. Apply 22 North Third st A FIRST-CLASS SADDLEMAKER; GOOD Job for good man. Henry L. Kuck. The Dalles. Or. CARPENTERS WANTED 20 FIRST-CLASS finishers. Apply to L. A. Conn. Fort Stev ens, Or. Worklngman'a Barber Snop; nalrcut 15c shav 10c; 6 chairs. Ed Dennlson. 20B Morrison st WANTED A GOOD MEAT-CUTTER, at 102 12th st, after 12 o'clock today. SHOEMAKER FOR. EASTERN WASB3NG ton: good wages; apply 73 Front st CARPENTERS WANTED. Conn. Fort Stevens, Or. APPLY TO L. A OUR SPECIALTY Kw Cafe. 148 Sixth st DREtfKS. SLTrER'S BOY WANTED AT 143 FRONT ST. ences required. REFER- HELP "WANTED FEMALE. WAITRESSES. ALBANY, $4 WK.; COAST. $20: Oregon City, $17.60; city, hotel and res taurants; cooks, B. H., $18 to $25; second work; 2 shirt machine hands; laundry, $12 week; 2 starchers. $1.50; housework, Tacoma, Ellensburg. Hood River, Skamokawa, Catlln. and 150 orders In city. $12 to $25; young girl companion. Canadian Parlors. 220 Mor rison. WAITRESSES. ALBANY $4 WK., COAST $20, Oregon City $17.50; city, hotel and restaur ants; cooks. B.-H., $18 to-t2i: 5 second work; 2 shirt machine hands, laundry $12 wit; 2 starchers $1.60; housework. Tacoma, Ellens burg, Hood River. Skamokawa. Catlln, and 150 orders in city. $12 to $25: young girl companion. Canadian Parlors. 220 Morri son. HOUSEKEEPERS (CITY, ETC). $10: COOKS for city, out one Astoria, $20; 100 domestics, etc.; Japs. Chinese, 200 berryplckers. camp, etc.. waitresses, for city, -$6; Seattle, $25. (hotel); others; everybody call. Drake, 102 Firt J- Eave from 3 to 6 months' time by taking up the easily acquired, quick and legible Pernln Shorthand, at Behnke'o Pernln Shorthand School & Com'l College, 614 Commercial bile 1 WANTED A STRONG, MIDDLE-AGED WO man to assist In caring for invalid and help with housework, for family of two. Ref erences. Address L 43, care Oregonian. COOKS. WAITRESSES. SECOND WORK, chambermaids, housekeepers, housework In and out city. Plenty of orders every day. Canadian Parlors, 220 Morrison. WANTED EXPERIENCED FACTORY SEW lng machine operators on flannel shirts, cas slmere and Jeans pants. Seattle Woolen Co., 1117 First ave.. Seattle. Wash. YOUNG LADY TO WORK FOR HALF Tu ition In shorthand or bookkeeping. Behnke'a Pernln Shorthand and Commercial College, 614 Commercial block. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN AS HOUSEKEEP er for small family. Apply 330 Taylor street Sunday, between 10 A.M. and1 1 P. M. WHOLESALE HOUSE REQUTRES THE services of a middle-aged woman, who Is re liable and energetic R 42, Oregonian. f j WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; no washing: liberal wages. 475 Hol laday avenue, corner East Ninth. WOMAN FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK AND take care of children. Call Monday morning, 306 Goodnough building. WOMAN HOUSEKEEPER: WTLLING TO leave city; no objection to boy about 16. Call Monday, 543 Third. COMPETENT GIRL OR WOMAN TO CARE for children, and do light housekeeping. 800 Goodnough building-. WANTED GIRL WHO IS WTLLING TO DO housework In small family. 414 Seventh, corner Halt WANTED-GIRL FOR COOKD'G AND GEN eral housework. Apply 332 10th street cor ner Market CAPABLE GIRL OR WOMAN FOR CARD OF children, and help with housework. 451 Burn slde street GIRL OR WOMAN TO GO TO BEACH FOR summer. Light work, small wages. P 39, Oregonian. WANTED-GOOD GIRL. WHITE OR COL ored. to cook and assist In housework. 190 East 12th. WANTED APPRENTICE TO LEARN DRE3S maldng. at 306 Burnslde street Call Sunday forenoon. WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK IN A SMALL family; no washing; steady position. 170 GIbbs st YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST Df LIGHT HOUSE work. 2 In family. 615 20th st, Portland Heights. H WANTED-WOMAN HOUSEKEEPER, WILL lng to leave city; threo children. Inquire 667 Thurman. AN EXPERIENCED. RELIABLE GIRL FOR general housework. Apply mornings, 302 Co lumbia. ! WANTED A YOUNG WOMAN TO GIVE baths and massage. 131 Fourth street near Alder. , , , GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework; family of four. 570 Hoyt street LADY TO LEARN PHOTOGRAPH AND TIN typlng. Applegate, corner Sixth and Ankeny. LADY WANTED TO ASSIST A TAILOR; tallorees preferred. 272 Alder street WANTED AN EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE dipper. Apply at 44 Front street WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Inquire 83 22d st YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL work; no cooking. 141 West Park. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 171 East 14th st WANTED WOMAN OR GIRL. AT 53 EAST 11th st. near Oak. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, quire at 305 Alder. WANTED GIRL FOR work. 097 Everett GENERAL HOUSE- SITUATION W ANTED MALE. Bookkeepers arid Clerks. WANTED A STEADY POSITION WITH some responsible firm by a competent office man. having several years' experience. Will work In or out of city. Wages no object to start Best of reference given. Address N. 43. care Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WANTS OFFICE WORK; UN derstands bookkeeping and typewriting; will ing to work for small salary If chance for advancement; references. Address L 46, care Oregonian. BANK ACCOUNTANT. YOUNG MAN, Ex perienced, thoroughly proficient In every de partment; best city and county references. N 38. care Oregonian. WANTEDSET OF BOOKS TO KEEP DUR lng e enings. Terms reasonable. References. Address L 44, care Oregonian. Miscellaneous. CONTRACT FOR ALL KINDS OF LABOR ers, domestics, farm, mines and railroads. Japanese Laborers' Association. 43 4th st north. Portland, Or. Oregon tel. Black 992. YOUNG MAN OF MECHANICAL ABILITY and good education wishes position where h. can learn trade; best of references. J 42. care Oregonian. YOUNG MAN OF GOOD EDUCATION wishes steady employment City references given. B 40. care Oregonian. 1 A RELIABLE COLORED MAN. WITH GOOD reference, wants steady employment K 3, care Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS Ap prentice In barber shop. N 42, care Orego nian. A MAN OF 'FAMILY WISHES POSITION AS bartender. F 41, care Oregonian. SITUATION -WANTKD FJEMALB. Domeatles. A COMPETENT AND RESPECTABLE GIRL wants situation at chamber work. Or. 'phono Scott 941. L 42. care Oregonian. ORDER HELP. WRITE, JAPJ CHnJESB, free, of R. G. Drake. 152 First Both phones. Dressmakers. DRE3SMAKER. 213 FOURTH ST-! SEP arate skirts or suits, children's clothes, un derwear: work guaranteed. DRESSES AND SHHIT WAISTS MADE AT reasonable rates. 446 Clay street near 13th. DRESSMAKING DONE AT REASONABLE prices, at 415 Burnsida st. Mrs. Hawkins. SEAMSTRESS WANTS PLACE EC DRESS- maktngr shop. N 46, care Orcgonlan,. J 1 Nursinjr. COMPETENT WOMAN DESIRES POSITION as nurse for children or invalid. Address "Nurse," Oregonian. Ho-Hselccepers. REFINED LADY DESIRES POSITION A3 housekeeper, where a child would not be ob Jectlonable. Y 42. care Oregonian. Bookkeepers anil Stenographers. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY STENOGRA phcr desires position: all or part of day! good references. Address L 45, care Orego nian. COPYING WANTED BY NEAT, RAPID, Ac curate operator on typewriter. Y 41, care Oregonian. . Miscellaneous. CAPABLE WOMAN WILL TAKE CHARGE of house during absence of family. Address "Caretaker," care Oregonian. WOMAN. 30 YEARS. WISHES as companion or care ot invalid. Oregonian. POSITION Q 89. cars LADY WISHES TO GO OUT WASHING MON day. Call at 163 Pork st, room 8, corner Morrison. A LADY WISHES WORK TO GO WASH BY the day. Address P 3S. Oregonian. YOUNG WOMAN WISHES EMPLOYMENT by the day. G 40. care Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR PROTECTS YOU. WH Issue more accident policies than any other similar company In the world, because wo issue the most popular and cheapest insur ance written. One dollar a year pays for a $500 policy; other amounts In proportion. No assessments or dues. Death benefits, weekly indemnity, free medical attendance; many other original and popular features. Either sex between 10 and 65 years. $100,000 depos ited with New York Insurance Department protects policy-holders under our system. All claims promptly and liberally -settled. Write for application blank. Reliable representa tives wanted everywhere. The International Registry Company, 189 Broadway. New York. AGENTS LOCAL AND TRAVELING agents to take orders and deliver Buckeye Vapor Bath Cabinets. Those capable of earn ing from $00 to $150.00 per month preferred. This cabinet has been largely advertised; Its merits are well understood by the public and Indorsed by ajl leading physicians. We fur nish printed matter free, start you right and pay liberal commissions. Mollenkopp & Mc Creery, 235 Dorr st. Toledo, Ohio. $200 A MONTH AND EXPENSES CAN" EASI ly be made by Industrious, honest men or women, selling to dairymen, creameries, far mers and every owner of a cow, the greatest mechanical wpnder of the age, the Aerating Butter Separator, a machine for separating: butter from, cream or milk, sweet or sour, in less than 5 minutes. Write today for our proposition of sole agency. Aerating Cq. Cincinnati, O. A GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR AGENTS, male or female; the Brltlsh-Boer War Sou venir; the grandest work of the day; a mag nificent publication, doublo the size ot any other war book. If you are looking for a snap, be quick. Send 50c to pay postage for complete outfit freight paid, big commis sion. Address E. J. Foster, 40 Ellis st, San Francisco, Cal. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR IM proved gasoline vapor lamps; 22 different styles; go to 3000-candle power; all goods guaranteed; 10 days' trial: one sample only. All brass. $2.50. sells for $0. Write for cir culars. Tho New White Light Gas Lamp Co., 43 South Canal st. Chicago. Ilia. AGENTS PEERLESS GRINDER; PRACTI cal little grinder, easily attached to any sew ing machine: sharpens scissors, knives, etc. perfectly: guide to hold scissors at proper angle; solid carborundum wheel: Investigate; a winner. W. J- Loomls. 1501. So- 25th, ave., Seattle. AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMISSION; the greatest agents' seller ever produced; every user of pen and Ink buys It on sight; 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to $620 In 6 days; another $32 In 2 hours. Monroe Mfg. Co.. X44. La Crosse, Wis. $2500 CAN BE MADE DURING THE NEXT six months by hustling agents, handling our white and fancy rubber collars, cuffs, bos oms and neckties. Patented and guaranteed goods. Write for plan. M. & M. Mfg. Co.. Springfield. Mass. $2500 CAN BE MADE DURING .NEXT SEC months by hustling agents, handling our whlto and fancy rubber collars, cuffs, bosoms and neckties. Patented and guaranteed goods. Write for plan. M. & M. Mfg. Co., Spring field. Moss. I- 1 AGENTS ENORMOUS PROFITS SELLING our "Harness Riveter," complete repair shop In one tool; every horse owner buys. Fail ure impossible. Write for sample. Lewis Mfg. Co.. Milwaukee, Wis. OUR REPRESENTATIVES MAKE $18 to $40 weekly selling our one-minute Ice-cream freezer. Money refunded if not as repre sented. Write for terms. Baird Mfg. Co., Balrd Bldg.. Pittsburg. Pa, AGENTS WANTED AT ONCE TO SELL SASH locks and door holders. A good hustler can make $10 a day. Sample sash lock by mall for 10 cents. Address The Brohard Co., Dept 9. Philadelphia. Pa. READ ONCE AND THINK TWICS BIO money-maker: aluminum cardcases for non perforated cards: samples. 10c American Aluminum Novelty Co., 1638 Curtis street Denver. Colo. LADY AGENTS IF TOU WANT THE tST money raaXferA? yoicvraust have our Hygeia Electric&Cmrtets imd skirts? the standard for 20 years. Address Western Corset Co., at Louis. Mo. AGENTS WE - '"I MONEY-MAKERS AND money-getters; young man. work for your- self; Inclose stamp for list Address Agents Supply Co.. box 1038. Portland. Or. WANTED AGENTS FOR THE ONLY POS- ltlve skirt supporter and shirt waist holder ever Invented. George N. Sceets, 45 and 46 Commerce Bldg.. Chicago, ill. WANTED AGENTS: SAMPLE AND FULL particulars free: sells on sight: good wages guarax reec Apono iieo. o.. jaexson. .uicu. YOU CAN COIN MONEY SPARE TIMES; BIO sales; large profits; free sample. Hoeft & Tobln. 39 Peck street, Chicago. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED FOR FAST- 1 selling household article. Room 64 Labbo building. 227 Washington st WANTED TO RENT. MAN AND WIFE (NO CHHDREN) DESntH nmn.11 furnished cottace: must be reasonable. I Give locality, description and price. Address L 41. Oregonian. -f tr.WTTn. BY LADY ROOM AND BOARD in a private family, where there are so other boarders. Aucres t; w, uresraun. WANTED-3 OR 4 PARTLY FURNISHED OR unfurnished rooms, by "mall family: state , particulars. Address S 42. Oregonian. ... . ..-tv tn-KA-DT-k tjv -vrvrrvr rvSTTDT v. cood location and reasonable; state price and! accommodations. S 41. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT A NEATLY FURNISH-1 ed house, central location, Dy a iamiiy 01 two. G 41. care Oregonian. WANTED SMALL COTTAGE AT LONG Beach; must be reasonable and state terms. I S. A. G-. 253 11th. FTVE-ROOM COTTAGE, MODERN; CL03H in. Address, with particulars, W 46, care Oresonian. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD IN PRrVATDj family, by lady. Address N 40, care Orego nian. WANTED 5-P.OOM COTTAGE. UNFURNISH ed: centrally located. Applr 255 Fifth st WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. TO BUY NOVEMBER. JANUARY. FEBRU- ary Ladles Home Journal. tnn ai usi Chamber of Commerce. STOCK WANTED AT $1.50 PER MONTH: 600 1 acres: running water. Apply Janitor, 227 - Washington street ,h