THE SUNDAY OBEQONIAN. PORTLAND", MAY 27, 1900. SENATE TAKES IT UP Committee Will Investigate - the Cuban Scandals. MAY PAY A VISIT TO THE ISLAND House Nearly Complete tbe Alaslut Civil Government BiH-Othcr Congressional News. WASHINGTON, May 26. The Senato today agreed to the resolution for an In vestigation by the committee on Cuban affairs of the Cuban postal and other irregularities, authorizing the committee to visit Cuba, If necessary, to pursue the Inquiry. Beyond this the proceedings were of little general Interest, some time being given to the sundry civil appropri ation bill, -without completing It, and to District of Columbia business. One of tbe latter measures provides for the re moval of the historic "Long bridge," the highway from the North, to the South dur ing the War of the Rebellion. The House today partly completed the consideration of the Alaska civil govern ment bill. A few paragraphs passed over during the reading of the bill will be considered Monday. . THE DAY IX DETAIL. ConIdcrable Routine Business Transacted in the Senate. "WASHINGTON, May 26. Secretary Boot sent to the Senate today in response to an inquiry a report from General Davis, Governor of Porto Rico, relating to the expenses of the army in Porto Rico. Ac cording to the report, there has been but email expenditures for quarters, furniture, carriages, etc., and theso only such as were absolutely necessary. The Senate agreed to Pettlgrcw's res olution calling upon the Secretary of "War for a statement of the number of Filipi nos who have been- killed by United States troops In the present Insurrection. Vest (Dem. Mo.) called up the bill In troduced by him, giving jurtedlqflon to Na tional health officers over their quarantine districts. Jones (Dem. Ark.) presented the creden tials of Joseph J. Blackburn as Senator from Kentucky for the term beginning March 4, 1901. They were signed by Gov ernor Beckham, and were read and placed on file without comment Blackburn was present. Under a special order. District of Co himbia business and bills pertaining there to waataken up. Kyle find. S. D.). chairman of the In dustrial Commission, presented, the resig nation of ex-Senator Leo Mantle, of Mon tana, as a member of the commission, and President pro tem. Frye appointed Senator Bard, of California, as his suc cessor. The bill admitting certain publications of state agricultural, geological and min ing associations to the second-class mall rate wag passed. Consideration of the sundry civil appro priation bill was then resumed. The par agraph as to Chinese exclusion was passed over temporarily. With few changes, the bill was perfected through the river and harbor Items, including the Senate amendments on the Mississippi and Columbia Rivers, but not that on tho Missouri River, which went over. After a brief executive session, the Sen ate, at C:S5 P. M., adjourned. In the House. At tho opening of the session of tho House, Cooper (Rep. "Wis.), chairman of the committee on Insular affairs, present ed a favorable report on the Hay resolu tion calling upon the Postmaster-General for certain Information regarding the re ports of B. G. Rathbone, Director of Posts in Cuba, find the resolution was adopted without division. , Fitzgerald (Dem. Mass.) thought infor mation should bo furnished Congress be fore final adjournment, but Payne (Rep. N. Y.) explained It would be unprecedented to place a time limit upon such a resolu tion. Another resolution from, the Senato committee, introduced by Jones (Dem. Va.) calling upon the Secretary of War to report in detail payments mode and to whom from the revenues of Cuba and Porto Rico was also adopted. A bill to facilitate the entry of steam ships engaged in the coastwise trade bc twcen ports In Hawaii and, ports In the United States was adopted. A bill was passed to relieve United States Marshals and District Clerks, from further emolument returns In civil cases prior to the admission of Utah as a state. Tho House then resumed consideration of tho Alaska civil government W1L After completing the reading of the bill, save for a few paragraphs passed over, the House, at 3:10 P. M., adjourned. THE CUBAN INVESTIGATION. Fall Text of the Resolution A It Passed the Senate. WASHINGTON. May 26. Following Is the text of the resolution ordering an In vestigation Into tho administration of Cuban affairs which passed the Senate today: 'Resolved, That the committee on re lations with Cuba is hereby directed o investigate and report to the Senate aV early as practicable regarding the moneys received and expanded in the Island of Cuba by, through and under the officials and representatives of the United States, both civil and military, from the date of the occupation of Cuba by the military forces of the United States until and In cluding the 30th of April, 1900. "Said committee shall investigate and report as to the receipts as follows: From customs, from postal service, from Inter nal revenue, from all other sources, spec lfylng the details as far as practicable. ' and particularly the places where and dates within which such amounts were collected or received and the officer or of ficers collecting and receiving the same, also the law under which such amounts in each instance were so collected or re ceived. "Said commltteo shall investigate and report as to the expenditures of said amounts so received, the necessity and propriety thereof, specifying In classes and In detail, so far as practicable, said expenditures, and particularly the work, services or property for which said ex penditures were made and the value thereof, also as to law or authority under which said expenditures were made, the officer, civil or military, by whom said expenditures was authorized, and the of ficer, civil or military, by whom the expenditures was made, and the partic ular fund from which the money was taken for said expenditure. "Said committee Fhall also report a statement of all public works of every kind, including buildings, wharves, rail roads and all other structures built or constructed. Improved, repaired or dec orated by or under the authority of any such officer, civil or military, and In each instance the cost, value, necessity and pro priety of the same, and the uses to which said buildings or structures have been put. Where said buildings and works were constructed or Improvements were made by contract, or where the material used In the same was furnished by contract, the committee shall receive copies of each of said contracts and the names of all parties interested in each of the same. "Said committee shall also report a statement of the personal property which was purchased or procured and intrusted to any officer, civil or military. In Cuba within eald time, the cost and value of the same and the uses to which said property has been- put and the disposition which has been made thereof. "Said committee is authorized to con duct said investigation and make such re port by sub - committee or sub-' committees appointed, by- the chair man; fand the committee or any sub cofnrsXtes thereof is- authorized to clt during" t&e recess ot Congress at such place or places in the United States at' Cuba as may be necessary, and is em powered to send for persons and papers. Issue subpoenas, administer oaths, exam ine witnesses, employ stenographers, ex pert accountants and other necessary as sistance, and the expenses of said Inves tigation hall be paid out of the contin gent fund of the Senate upon vouchers approved by the chairman- of the committee." Nomination Confirmed. WASHINGTON, May 20. The Senato confirmed today tho nomination of W. R. Edwards, of Fargo, N. D to be Re ceiver of Public Moneys at Rampart City, Alaska. The President sent in tie following nom inations: E. R Stackable, to be Collector of Cus toms for the district of Hawaii. Sergeant Major Smith, Thirtieth United States Volunteers, to be First Lieutenant. Will Meet the Neely Case. WASHINGTON, May 25.-Ser.ator Mor gan has Introduced a bill giving the Su preme Court of the District of Columbia jurisdiction In the cases of persons "who shall commit a crime against the United States or a violation of the criminal law of the United States, not within a state." DAVID H. ONE OF THE NEW The bill is intended to apply to crimes committed against the United Stated in Cuba. OVER THE VAAL. Roberts' Army I Crossing: at Pnr'ys. LONDON, May 2G. The War Office re ceived the following dispatch from Rob erts: "Wolvehoek, Orange Free State, May 25. An advanced portion of this force cropsad tho Vaal River, on the Queen's birthday, near Parys.. Hamilton's column is at Boschbank. Our scouts are now at YJljoen's Drift (on the frontier north of Wolvehoek). The local mines are unin jured, and w6rk Is going on as usual. Thero Is no enemy this side of the river. Hunter reached Yryfcurg May 24." As anticipated, the first news from Rob erts after his long silence was the an nouncement tba,t the British had crossed the "Vaal River. This Is probably General Hutton's column, and It may be expected to make a dash at the railroad in the neighborhood xif Potchefstroom, whence there is direct .Communication with Jo hannesburg. J , Roberts' headquarters may be expected also to cross the "Vaal River and create a diversion on the flank of the federal force in the neighborhood of Vreenlglng. As he has only about 15 miles to traverse, a speedy announcement may be expected that the British Commander-in-Chief himself has gained a foothold in the Transvaal, and that he will remove the federal position south of Johannesburg in the middle of the coming week. General Bundle ought to be close to Botbky by now, and It is expected to near fiome decisive action on the Harrl smlth railroad, in which part of Bul ler's force will co-operate in the direction of Van Reenan's Pass. JShould the Pre toria bulletin announcing the reoccupa tion of Hcllbron turn out to be true, it will be a totally unexpected development, a? General Ian Hamilton occupied Hefi bron Tuesday, and nothing has been heard from there since. Seised Cnrsro raid for. WASHINGTON. May 23.-Coneul-Gen-eral Stowe at Cape Town has reported to the State Department that the seizures of flour and provisions on the three ves sels, Mashona, Beatrice and Maria, havo been Anally and satisfactorily settled. It has been found that the goods were the property of the consignees In South Afri ca: that the American shippers are not, and cannot be losers and that the seizures will not affect the American trade. In the case? where the consignees re fused the bills drawn upon them by the American shippers, though the iattor might easily have secured payment, through the colonial courts, the British Government has preferred to settle out right "by the payment of the invoice price of the provisions seized with 10 per cent added as profit. Murder Charge Dismissed. PRETORIA, May 26. The prosecution has withdrawn the charges of murder in connection with the explosion at the Beg ble factor, at Johannesburg, against Messrs. Longvllle and Perrett. Belgians; William Begble. and Thomas Richards, a colored American. All the accused were acquitted. An application was made that the men be rearrested and put over the border, but this was refured. A Free Stater Surrenders. NEWCASTLE. Friday, May 25. Louts Koch, a magistrate of the Free State, has surrendered. He says that all the burghers in the Harrjsmlth-Vrede district have returned to their farms and refuso to continue fighting. If, as Is reported. President Steyn is in Yrede, he will prob ably go northward towards Lalngs Nek. if he finds any followers. San Pedro Break-rater Contract. WASHINGTON, May 26. The Secretary of War has awarded the contract for the construction of a breakwater at San Pedro. Cat, to the California Construc tion Company, at its bid of ?2,375,C00. BAVARIA AND PRUSSIA RELATIONS BETTHTEEN. THE TWO ' COURTS ERl6rSIiV DISTURBED. Gosslpcrs Started, the Trouble Ger man, Respect for tbe Boers Di minishing The Meat Bill. BERLIN, May 3J. Interest tbb "week, has centered on the doings of the Reich stag and Diet and Prince Ludwig's speech. It has long been murmured In court circles at Berlin and Munich that tho relations between the two courts were seriously dis turbed. A number of events bore this out. The Prince Regent's birthday Is no longer kept here by a special dinner, nor Is the Emperor's .birthday kept In Munich, where it was even forbidden that the gov ernment and other public buildings display the German flag that day. And during the Crown Prince's coming-of-age festivities and the presence of the Emperor of Aus tria neither the-Prince Regent of Bavaria nor the heir to tho throne of that coun try came to Berlin, only an insignificant Prince being present. Nobody seems .able to tell exactly why this state of feeling exists on both sides, but Prince Ludwig's speech certainly shows his sentiment Is more anti-Prussian than ever. Not only MOORE. METHODIST BISHOPS. tho North German presssldes against the Prince, but even a large part of the Ba varian newspapers', and" several of the Munich papers nearest to tho Bavarian courti The correspondent of the Associated Press learns today on good authority that the breach was started by gosslpers at both courts, who reported unpleasant ut terances alleged to have been made at Munich about the Emperor and by the Em peror about the Prince Regent and his family. Next, the canal bill, which the Emperor did his best to push through, an gered tho Bavarian patriots, including Prince Ludwig, because It was looked on as a further attempt to isolate Bavaria regarding navigation, especially on the Danube. The Imperial Government still rejoices at the passage cf tho meat-Inspection bill, particularly because of 'its demonstrating that the extreme Agrarians have no power to dominate the Reichstag, as had been feared hitherto. The Agrarians loudly pro claimed that the meat bill was too severe as a test for their relative strength, and as a preliminary to the struggle to decide the nature of the projected commercial treaties. In this sense the passage of the meat bill was a defeat of the extreme Agrarians. The obstructive tactics whereby the Lex Heinze was defeated by the minority are now strongly disapproved by the govern ment and its press as being a two-edged sword, which If it once became an estab lished institution might easily lead to tbe destruction of German parllamentlsm: The latest news from South Africa Is generally Interpreted as showing that the Boers are tired of war. and are only look- 1 ing for a decent pretext to make peace. ivreuz eiiung says: "Drawing a I parallel between the Boers and the an cient Germans, there will not be such a fight of desperation as that of the Goths at Nalsdus." The paper adds: "The Boers do not possess the species of per sonal braverj- which in European armies is self-understood. If this knowledge had obtained sooner the Boers would not have enjoyed such popularity." Quick justice is being meted out to the car-strike rioters. The first hntrii -n-.- i sentenced Monday to1 terms varying from six weeks In jail to a few days Imprison i ment, and another hatch was sentenced today. A third batch will bo tried before ' a higher court for revolt against the j state, on which hang long terms at hard labor. j Herr Bebel publishes In tho Voerwart , an article on the book of the French Cap- lam iiocn, recommending the substitution of a militia for a regular army. Herr Bobol approves of this, and says socialism will draw powerful weapons from tbe book to fight militarism. The regatta of the Imperial Tachtlng Club at Kiel this week was a miserable failure, mostly because of the unpropltious weather. The Emperor took no Interest la the races Five officers of the Twelfth Regiment -of Uhlans, after riding without sleep from Insterburg to Strasburg, have Just re turned here from 'Strasburg. They made S kilometers each day. In spite of the most unfavorable weather. The guard of Uhlans here are today feting the five offi. cers. The Foreign Office has pointed out to the correspondent uf the Associated Press thaf the recent speech of Andrew D. White, the United States Ambassador here, has made an excellent impression la Berlin, many of the papers. Including the North uerman uazette, reprinting It. EFFECT ON AFRICAN MARKETS. Reichstag- Legislation Not Seriously Feared. . CHICAGO. May .28. Concerning Ger many's antagonistic legislation against American livestock and meats, M. F. HorJne, statistician for the Chicago stock yards, said today: " "So far as the general livestock mar- Vets of tbe United States are concerned, Germany's action cuts' no- figure. Her trade in animals and, meats from this country Is comparatively insignificant, and neither German prices npr German legislation has any appreciable influence oh market values here. On the very day when the prohibitive measure was passed by the Reichstag, the prices for all kinds of livestock rose on the Chicago market, and neither buyers nor sellers paid any attention to It. The prices of livestock are governed solely by the law of demand and supply, and the demand from Ger many has never been a sufficient factor In the market to affect quotations In the least. "During the five years, 1S94 to 1S33 inclu sive, the exports of meats and meat ani mals from the United States to Germany have averaged only 2.S per cent of the to tal exportation of these commodities." AT THE EXPOSITION. Suffering; Among Yoans Americans Not Provided With Means. PARIS, May 25. Now that all the Na tional pavilions in the Rues des Nations have been opened to the public, a com parison of the artistic effect of our build ing with that of Its neighbors Is undoubt edly unfavorable to the former. While the general external appearance Is a mat ter of architectural taste, the nudity of Its Interior elicits, the harshest celticism. Sel dom is a word of praise of it heard from visiting Americans, and the building has been already christened various uncom plimentary nicknames. Many officials recognize the disparity, and the present condition of the pavilion will be much Improved. . . . A number of unfortunate cases of suf fering are coming under the notice of the American officials In Paris. Many bright, energetic young Americans, having Just means enough to transport them here, and being anxious to see the exposition, came with the Idea of finding some small occupation, which would provide them with the means of existence during their stay; some also hoped to strike occupa tions which they might develop remuner atively. There Is no false pride about them; and they are willing to accept even menial employment, such as selling news papers, blacking boots and hawking ex position tickeisi They have, however, met with unexpected obstacles, against, which all the pluck and vim are unavail ing. Instead of the freedom of labor which obtains In America, and which Insures success to the willing. Intelligent worker, they find every outlet hedged about with red tape regulations or prejudice against the employment of foreigners. Newspaper stands are accorded only to pensioners. and a license for bootblacklng Is practical ly unobtainable, owing to the Interminable' period occupied by the preliminaries to the application. Some boys attempts to gain a pittance by selling exhibition tick ets at a profit of 2 cents each, but their efforts were stifled by the Interference of their French competitors, who are, able to draw all Intending purchasers, except Americans and Englishmen, by proclaim ing the Americans as foreigners. Theso unfortunate experiences should warn ven turesome American youths against setting forth In hope of finding employment here. Neither the Embassy nor the Consulate has funds to be used In giving assistance In such cases, and the youths will bo obliged to get home as best they can. While this antipathy holds against those who are trying to compete In the French labqr market, pleasure-seeking American vigors have no reason to complain of their welcome. Tho feeling which now : Is so bitter against Englishmen, with whom Americans are so often confounded, owing to their language, does, not exist toward the latter when their nationality is established. This fact Is now becom ing recognized among the Americans, many of whom have adopted the habit of wearing a miniature enameled Stars and Stripes as- a distinctive emblem. The French newspapers have remarked this, and have called the attention of their readers to its significance. The Chamber of Deputies, by Its vote at Tuesday's session, told the Government to take such measures as would cast the Dreyfus nightmare once for all into ob livion. Only 79 Irreconcllables opposed the resolution, which directed the Cabii net tp take this course. M. Waldeck Rousseau, the Premier, had previously ap peared to be lukewarm about the fate of his amnesty bill the provisions of which prevent further criminal proceed ings arising out of recriminations in the Dreyfus affair, but tho Chamber's meeting Tuesday was unmistakable, and had the effect of Immediately quickening his apa thy Into an urgent request for the Senate committee to hasten Its action on the bill, and remove It from the pigeon-hole, where It promised to He dormant. The bill has already passed the Chamber, and how only awaits adoption by the Senate. The measure. In its original form, "ap plied for amnesty to others- beside the Dreyfus portion. Ag the moment afford ed an exceptional opportunity to carry out the work of definite anpeasement. the. committee decided to take up- the Dreyfus portion and report the result as soon as possible, though this will hardly be dona by nextlIonday. an the Government de sires. The decision of the committee Is Important as a step toward carrying out what Is clearly the wish of the majority In Parliament. The bill will prevent the Zola, Relnach. Henry, General Mercler. Picquart and other criminal actions, but will not Interfere with the rights of Drey fus himself to demand a revision if he finds new facts, as required by the French code, Another exciting session, of the Cham ber Is promised for Monday next, when Count Bon! de Castellane will take the Government to task for Us relations with Relnach. as he considers the explanations made Tuesday by M. Waldeck-Rousseau Inadequate. Sports at the Exposition. PARIS. May 26. The French officers controlling the athletic events to be held in connection with the exposition have announced that as a concession to Ameri ca's desire to eliminate Sunday games, the sporta which wore scheduled to begin Sunday. July IS. will. Instead, commence Saturday. July 14, the great French Na tional holiday, and will be continued on the following Tuesday and Thursday. The finals. In which Americans are entered, will be put ahead, and the games -will conclude on Saturday If possible. The Ninsrnra Fall Suicide. NEW" YORK, May 26. M. J. O'Donnell. the man to whom the photograph left by the Catholic priest who committed suicide at the Whirlpool Rapids last night was addressed. Is a keeper In the employment of the Department of Charities. He said that he had received a telegram from Buffalo stating the circumstances, and while he could not say whether It was his brother. Father John J. O'Donnell, who was an inmate of the Providence Retreat at Buffalo, still the word he had received tended to confirm that belief. He had, he said, telegraphed to one of the Sisters at the Retreat for particulars, but had not received a reply. When questioned as to the cause, he said that he could offer no reason, except that some years ago his brother had gone through a severe case of la grippe, and while he could not be positive. It had sreemed to him at times that his brother had never been the same man since. Internal Revenue In Hawaii. SAN" FRANCISCO, May 26. Collector of Internal Revenue Lynch Is making preparations to establish an office In Honolulu, the Hawaiian Islands having been added to the District of California. The Internal revenue laws go Into effect In Hawaii on June It All deputies at the Honolulu office will ae selected from citi zens of Hawaii. The stocks of beer, wines, liquors, opium, cigars and tobacco now in the Islands will 3e Inspected and In ventoried. After June li goods from the United States must be stamped before being-sent to the islands. IK E ASSEM BLY.D ISSOLVED PRESBYTERIANS .CONCLUDE THEHl WORK AT ST.' LOUIS. Division of Church. Territory- Into Districts Harlan Amendment Wlthdxavra Reports, Read. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. May 25. The Presby terian General Assembly, which has been holding Its 112th annual meeting at the Compton-Avenue Presbyterian Church during the past 10 days, adjourned sine die at noon, to meet next year m Phil adelphia. The session just concluded ha3 been, one of the moat Important ever held by the assembly. The report of the committee appoint ed to divide the church territory Into dis tricts, under the provisions of the Peoria overture, reported the following, with the number of commissioners to which each Is entitled: 1 New York . .... 36 3 New York 30 3 New York, . 34 4 "New -Jersey, Chile, Eastern Persia. ' 24 o $;ew Jersey. North Laos and Slam 24 6 Baltimore, Atlantic and Catawba.. .. 7 Pennsylvania 32 S Pennsylvania 26 9 Pennsylvania 3s THE PROPHETIC CARTOON OF PUNCH. THE ELEVENTH HOUR. COLONEL BADEN-POWELL (to Mafeking) "AH rightf Chcerupl 'Bobs Is a man Of 'his WOfdl" From the London Punch, May 9, 1S00. 10-OhIo Ol-Ohlo t 12 Michigan and Northern China 32 IS Indiana and India 32. 14 Wisconsin; and Minnesota 32 15-IlllnoIs 16 Iowa , 17 Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee. 32 IS North'Dakota. South Dakota, Ida- ho : 34 l-Kansas, Colorado and Utah S6 20 Indian Territory, Texas and New Mexico, Gulf of Mexico, City of Mex ico and Zacatecas 21 Washington. Oregon and Montana 24 22 Calif ornla. Central and South China 34 The opening of the session this morn ing was enlivened by a discussion of the amendment to the Peoria overture which was offered by Rev. Richard D Harlan. of Rochester, N. Y.. Just prior to adjourn-' ment yesterday afternoon., It resulted In the withdrawal of the amendment. Reports were made by the various com mittees on synodlcal records, the greater part of them being approved. Followihg the formal farewell resolu tions and addresser, the moderator de clared the assembly dissolved. QUESTION OF SECRET SOCIETIES. Dlucnssed hy the United Prebyter Ian General Assembly. , ? CHICAGO, May 26. The question of admission of members of secret societies to membership in the United Presbyter ian Church precipitated the warmest dis cussion, which has marked the present assembly. The question came ud In the report of tjje.pommlttee 40 which was re- ierrea at the last assembly the revision of the 15th article pf testimony, -which relates to secret societies. While the re port recommended that the article which declares the opposition of the church to secret societies, should stand, it recom mend? that an overture should be made ;m?! yter i e Ch?rch asklnff their opinion a3 to whether the covenant of membership should be .so chanced a3 to allow members of secret societies to become church members If they should consent to receive from their pastors In structions as to the attitude of the church toward their societies. This proposal causedheated discussion for and against It. The discussion was ended for the time by Dr. John McNaughton. president of the Allegheny Theological Seminary, who moved that the report should be referred to a special committee of three, who should revlre it and prepare a suitable preamble and report back to the assembly before its adjournment. Tho motion was carried unanimously. AMUSEMENT QUESTION DECIDED. After a Bitter Debate, General Con ference Voted to Make No Change. CHICAGO, May 26. By a close vote, and after a debate which exceeded in bitter ness and feeling displayed anything yet heard during the session, the Methodist General Conference practically decided to day to make no change In the attitude of the church In regard to card-playing, danc ing, theater-going and other forms of amusement, which, since 1S72, have been under the ban of the church. Preceding the vote to accept the minority report, which recommends that no action ba taken, the conference at tlme3 was In a State of wild disorder, due mainly to at tempts to amend the section of the book of discipline under discussion, and some exceedingly sharp language was indulged In by the angry delegates before the vote was taken. A long list of standing committees of the church, and a committee to select delegates to attend the Ecumenical Con- tgress in London in 1S0L were agreed upon by the conference. Son of Edvrin Arnold in Disgrace. SAN FRANCISCO, May M. The Exam iner says that Julian T. Biddulph Arnold, member of the firm of Kreighley, Arnold & Kreighley, who Is under arrest here for embezzlement, is the second son of Sir Edward Arnold, the famous poet. Young Arnold Is also an author, having written a book entitled "Palms and Temples," descriptive of a trip up the Nile. The ex tradition papers in his case have been signed, and the prisoner will soon be on his way back to Engjand. He says he is anxious tQ return "and have tbe whole thing over with. May Prevent Early Adjournment. NEW YORK. May 25. A special to the Tribune from Washington says: The prospect that Congress will be ready- to adjourn on June 6 does not appear so. I favorable as 24 hours ago, in the opinion of Senator Allison, chairman of the coss- mfttfee on appopriatont, The Army jNavjpostoffice and ptetrlctof Columbia apiirupriuuun dims im: auu in conierecce, aad the: sundry civil. MUftarv Academy and .gfcaeral deficiency . bills ave 'no ,heen passeo. Dy yie senate, xnere is an impres sIob among- some, of the leaders Irr the House lhat the conference, report on the. District of Columbia hill la being purpose ly held back in order to force the House to arrest an amendment, to which it Is opposed by a large majority, ancT they declare that this purpose shall be defeated even It the consequence is a prolongation of the session. . . Thaenendment in question provides that $100,000 be appropriated for thopurchase of 10 acres of land as a site for" a municipal hospital, AMERICANS IN LONDON. Some, Facta. About the Invasion el .Millionaires. . LONDON, May. 26. Following the lnea of Lady Warwick, the Dally Mall is ex posing for the benefit of the public, the horrors of the Invasion of. American mil lionaires. These invaders, the Mall de clares, "are so enormously, riqh that thvjy are indifferent to the fancy prices asked for great estates." Andrew Carnegie, the Mail further remarks, "is among the best of them." W. W. Astor, the readers of the Mail learns, came to England to avoid publicity, and that Is his one personal aim. though he has a passion for building and a love of solitude. The histories of these gentlemen and the Bradley Martins, James R. Keene, Joseph Pulitzer, Marshall Field, Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, and a few South. African millionaires, are carefully detailed, with estimates about their for tunes, but the writer makes several curi ous mistakes, among them being the state ment that Marshall Field, who is dubbed the "Llpton of Chicago," and a "relent less monopolist." is well known in hunt ing circles in Warwickshire, whereas Mr. Field does not hunt at all, the Mall writer mistaking the son for the father. In a small paragraph at the end of tbe article the following notice Js given those- appar ently non-mllllonalresj . ' : "There are political bosses and patrons of sport, such as Richard Croker; sober American bankers,, like Mr. Drexel, of yachting and motoring fame, and social ,fame. such as Mrs. Ronalds and Mrs. Mackay." 1 1 NEW CRUISER ALBANY. Will Re Placed dn Commission About " May 30. WASHINGTON; May 2L The Navy De- I partment has made theu. f ormal announce- flttlng-out at Newcastle-on-Tyne, ;which 1s to serve as a nucleus of the re-established European squadron, "will be put in com mission "about May 30, under Captain Craig, late hydxogratfher of the Navy, and will cruise in the Mediterranean fortha present. The training-ship Lawrence arrived at Tompklnsvllle today. The steamer Seward was given a trial I a"- Seattle yesterday, and is reported to , me , ,M4MP, rmiTo,.,, She was thereupon accepted by tho Quartermaster-GeneraL in. charge of the Army transport service, and will be sent to Alaska for use as" a dispatch-boat by General Randall, commanding the military department of Alaska. Court-Martial of McGofvas. WASHINGTON, May 26. In accordance with the recommendation of the- Court of. I tST m ih aLf appointed a courtrjnartlal to try Captain John McGowan on charges connected with the-klWng of a Filipino. The detail for tho court Is: Rear-Admiral Casey, presi dent; Rear-Admlral Hlgglnsop, Rear-Admiral Barker, Captain Read, Captain Wilde, Captain Cook, Captain Lamberton, Captain Theodore Jewell and Captain D Vis. This court Is made up of an unusual ,number of officers high In rank, because of the rank of the accused. The Secre tary's order requires the court ta as secjhle at tho navy-yard Tuesday morn ing next. ST. LOUIS STRIKE SITUATION Police Gp to the Primaries and the Street-Cars Are Withdraw?. ST. IX)UIS, May 26, The St. Louis Transit Company stopped running cars after 10 o'clock today, the-p'ollce having- been assigned for duty at the Democratic i primaries. I One fatality has resulted from the fusll- t lade of shots fired-In the jiot yesterday afternoon, when three men were wounded. Harry Potts, a striking mbtormap, is the victim. This is the alxth fatality since the strike began. Executive officers of the labor unions of St. Louis have resolved, to call on all National and international unions in the country to send representatives here to assist in carrying on th struggle. It was also decided to ask officers of the Ameri can -Federation of Labor to send out an appeal to all union workers in America fo? financial aid. To Replant Forest Reserves. WASHINGTON, May 2S. Commissioner Hermann, of the General Land Office, has Issued an order Instructing Superinten dents of Forest Reservrs throughout the West to plant suitable cap'Jngs and trees where portions of the forests have ben destroyed by fire. He Is also making ar rangements for the establishment of a telephone system, whjch is to connect all the forest stations ip certain districts so that in the future iq case of a fire, help may bo summoned immediately. & - J8E-, PLAGUE .SITUATION SUSPICIOUS DEATH OF A CHINESW IN SAN FRANCISCO, at; - ' His CoHBtryneB Asaert It ws Caused fcy PxeHmesaiaIajHaetlea Salt Not Xet Decided.. SAN FRANCISCO. May 26, Contrary to general expectation. United Slates Circuit Judge Morrow, did not render a decision toaay in tne ouoonic plague mjuncuom suit. When court convened. Assistant! United States Attorney Weller filed & number of additional documents on behalf of the health officials: The tifcctelon of Judge Morrow will probably be rendered Monday. At the headquarters of the Chinese. Six. Companies. Secretary Wong said the Chi nese merchants will not resume business until they are assured of protection trow. the health authorities. An attempt wa made today to bring ther matter in the courts on hahea3 corpus proceedings. Tho Chinese 'tried to have one of their number arrested for attempting ta leave tha city in defiance of the Inoculation order, bus they found the health officials would af ford Tao opportunity for "such a proceed-1 ing: , The-Sir Companies maintain a dtapea sary, where their slok countrymen: ar taken for examination. It is stated that at this dispensary were examined all th Chinese who were subsequently pro nounced bubonic plague victims by thW City Board of Health physicians, yet notf one of them was declared a plague pa tient by the dispensary doctors. Oni Chinese died under treatment for pneu monia, and 44 hours after his demlae when decomposition of the remains had' considerably advanced, the Board o-t Health doctors inspected the body and de clared that bubonic plague was the cauae of death. "It was not even berl heri. with whlcbj I am familiar," said Dr. Fitch, one of the Six Companies' doctors. "There havw been numerous berl berl cases here, but the disease is caused hy innutrition, ancs Is not contagious. People who die of bu bonic plague havo their muscles con-j tracted and the limbs are distorted, an the man who died of pneumonia had. nonarf of these symptoms." The Board of Health Is continuing thJ house-to-house inspection in Chlnatowa with a small force of Inspectors. A meet ing of the State Board of Health has: been called for Sunday night. It is expected? that Dr. Blunt, state officer of Texas, will be present to discuss tbe advisability or removing the quarantine against thto cirjT now existing-in Texas. Dr. A. P. O'Brien, of the local Board of j Healthy tonight said, in reference to ther telegram, sent by Surgeon Kenyoun tc Surgeon-General Wyman that a case was re ported today which was probably plagues "t7e reported the case to Surgeon Ken youn as suspicious but on further exam ination it was found that death did not result from plague. The lateness of the hour when the examination was con cluded precluded Surgeon Kenyoun from notifying the Washington officials of our final determination of the case." Dr. O'Brien said there was no founda tion lor the reports that differences had arisen between the local Board. of Health and Surgeon Kenyoun. He said: "We are working-in perfect harmony for the benefit of the city." Dr. Kenyonn's Report. WASBZNGTON, May 26. Surgeon-General Wyman, of the Marine Hospital Serv ice, has received the following dispatch from Burgeon Kenyoun, at San Francisco: "San Francisco, May 25. Application for a restraining order argued today "before Judge Morrow. The matter was taken under advisement. I believe the nubllcity of the situation now reaching the people through the courts will do good. Train and vessel inspection service -workine smoothly. The Board of Health la making a huose-to-houae Inspection, with a. few inspectors. A case reported dead today. Chinese diagnosed it as berl berL There Is a probability that it is plague, as the .same diagnosis was made in the hist case. Will Jfotr Appoint- Leitchme WASHINGTON, May 26. It is Tinder stood the President has declined to" ap point as a member of the Industrial Com mission to succeed M. D. Batchford. re signed, Charles Leitchmann. of Massa chusetts, formerly general secretary oi the Knights of Labor. President Wil! TIeir the Eclipse. .WASHINGTON, May 28. The President and party left Washington this afternoon on the Joiphia for a trip down the Po--tom'ac end to view the eclipse -Monday The party will, return to Washington next Tuesday. , 4 The Best Mecfidne. Money Can. Buy la Hood's -gmriajBn rlUa It Hever'Dtsapp-oiHtx. Itposaesees greatest merit; has tfi-Jj greatest sales; accomplishes therfgreatesf eurea. If you- are sick. you want to get well. If you are feellngc-rart 'exlfctly right,' you -want to be "gut right, and for this pur pose you should take the best medicinal your money can buy. You should takv the medicine that will cure you-the med icine that will set you right, and you hshould take it first and not experiment with unknown preparations. The medi cine that will put you right Is Hood's Sarsaparilla, We say thU hecaus w know what it has done for 90 many oth ers. It makes good blood and the sat ural result is good health. ' HOOD'S Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. Price, fL Prepared by C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. 1 do not nciieve mere is a case of dyspep sia, iBdigestfes. or any stomach trouble thzt cannot be re lieved at once and Srmasenttr cured my MTSPEPSL4. CDHB. IffUNYON. At all druggists, 25ev a riaL Quids to Health ant medi cal advice free. I5UO Arch, street. Phila. HENLEY and HENLEY B. Golf Balls. Ca ta cbtilB3 from ah daalsr of j3w ISawM BcWe CM W nHS Si., 8e Tx