The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 27, 1900, PART TWO, Page 14, Image 14

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'r? iff- r. ' f
All, Well!
Fain waa I to rlns a rhyrn
To a dainty damolselle,
Fain to charm her Tirlth a chime.
Tender-toned and true In time. ...
Ah. -a ell!
Thus, methought, my heart might speak
And Its dearest secret, tell.
Till the rose played hide and seek
"With the lily o'er her cheek. ...
Ah, well!
Bo I searched the world for words.
Singing words to speak my spell;
And I sought the tune that girds -Nature's
love about the words. ...
Ah. -nell!
But when she, my Hope, drew near.
Verses vanished, fancies fell
"Sweet, zay sweet. I love you dear"
That was all her heart could hear. ...
Ah. well! ...
J. J. Bell In Mall and Express,
Teachers' Association and Fatton
Home Conduct Brilliant Func
tions Other Events.
"How perfectly lovely!"
One beard this exclamation, oft re
peated, -Saturday afternoon at the recep
tion given by the Teachers' Association,
at the Unitarian Chapel, May 13. But
whether It was made with reference 'to
the decorations or the teachers themselves
I will not undertake to eay. It was
equally applicable to both.
"I didn't dream wo had so many pretty
schoolma'ams In Portland," remarked
one of the delighted guests to. another,
who is, by the way, one of our most
noted citizens, and a "Judge" of beauty
as well as of somo other things.
"Nor did I," was the reply, "but that la
possibly because we do not often have
the opportunity of seeing them all to
gether like this In 'storo clothes,' you
The teachers were at home from 3 to 5,
and there was not a moment of the two
hours all too brief when their reception-room
was not crowded. The officers
of the association, were In the receiving
line. They were: Miss MacConnell. Miss
Donohoe, Miss Dlmmick, Miss Barnes and
Miss Klngeley. Miss Goddard and Miss
Frlendllch alternated at the tea table
with Miss Jackson and Miss Abbott. They
were assisted by half a dozen or more
lovely girls In exquisite gowns.
There were several gentlemen present,
among them Professor Burnham and
Professor Durrctte. The latter, principal
of the Mount "Tabor school. Is Just now
much In the public eye, and is a .handsome
end distinguished figure anywhere. "When
somebody rapturously called his atten
tion to the fairy-like effect of the decora
tions, ho remarked, with a superior air,
that "no one but a schoolma'am would
ever have thought of anything so beauti
ful and original."
Of course there -were roses In profusion.
The Wilder quartet was half-hidden in
a bower of roses and green leaves, deftly
entangled in a drapery of fishnet.
Pntton Home Reception.
Saturday evening, the 19th Inst-, there
was a most enjoyable reception at tha
Patton Home. Mrs. Adolph Dekum, the
charming President of the Home, received,
assisted by the other officers of the board.
The nobles of the Mystic Shrine were the
guests of the evening. Among the many
present were: Judge and Mrs. George1,
Mr. and Mrs. Pittock. Dr. and Mrs. Hill.
of the Bishop Scott Academy; Dr. Chance
and Mr. J. W. Cook. The friends of the
Home, the members of the board and par
ticularly the dear old ladies themselves,
feel deeply indebted to the Mystic
Shriners, as a body, and to Mr. Cook, in
particular, and the reception was, in part,
an evidence of their appreciation. It has
already been told how this order has
generously refitted and furnished the par
lor for the comfort and pleasure of the
sojourners at the Home.
There were refreshments, followed by
music and somo delightfully brief and
clever speeches. The rooms were all
beautifully decorated with roses from the
Home's own rose garden. There was a
great bowl of Paul Nerons on the table
In the dining-room, each one of them so
Immense, so perfect and so altogether
gorgeous, that-one had to look twice to
believe they really were roses.
The Hotel Portland was the scene of two
splendid banquets during the week. Mgr.
Martlnclll cannot complain of his recep
tion In Oregon, the magnificent affair ten
dered him Monday night being the third
tocIal function given at the Portland in
his honor since his arrival a fortnight
Queen's Birthday.
Thursday evening the spacious dining
room of the hotel was converted Into a
tropical grove In honor of Her Majesty
the Queen. A forest of palms, a gracefuV
tangle of green vines, a glow of gorgeous
color, long white tables, all but buried
In blossoms, the gleam of many-colored
lights, and the subdued glitter of cut
glass and silver no wonder the guests of
the British Benevolent Society didn't go
home till morning.
The Unitarian dinner at the chapel
Wednesday evening, was a most delight
ful event and marked the close of a se
ries of successful and Interesting socials
by the members of the church society.
There was a crush, and everybody
seemed to enjoy being there and was
sorry It was for the last time till well,
it Is to be hoped, not later than next
The "Purples." that is to say. the other
-iwnj. ui me.Nsuvo uaughtere, gave a "whist
social" to the "Golds" Tuesday evening, at
the home of Mrs. Hill, 9 First street.
Mrs. Hitl was assisted In receiving by Miss
Stella Kellogg. Mrs. C. F. Smith. Mrs.
SUnson. Mrs. Drake and Mrs. A. P. Chrls
iensn. Palms and La France roses, with
ribbons of purple and gold, decorated the
front parlors. The dining-room waa aglow
with California popples and Marecnal N lei
roses. The epaclous cardroom had the Na
tional colors draped about the walls, with
baskets of Scotch broom and festoons of
purple and gold ribbons. The prize-winners
were Mrs. David Steele and Mr. Paul
Ogilbee. After the game, delicious re
freshments were served and the floor
was cleared for dancing.
Informal Tea.
Mrs. Edgar P. Hill gave a charmingly
Informal tea Friday afternoon, from 3
to 5. The rain that came down in a
steady pour all day long was powerless to
hold at home the bidden guests, and It was
a very delightful company, Indeed, that
gathered at that "T test" In Mrs. Hill's,
pleasant parlors on this particular occa
sion. It was but one of a sorles of en
joyable "afternoons" that are being given
at the mansa of the First Presbyterian
Church. AGATHA.
Pleasing Reception Tendered by the
Juniors to Graduate.
One of tho most pleasant functions of
the week, socially, was the receDtlon held
In fno nt-.r... -K -rr .. ..
... ... .wiiiivij' xuiee rauicc, iu "orin-
rup street. It was tendered by the Junior
fiau , i.. ..ri. . .
the training schl of ' Th r.E r, ?.
tan Hospital, on Tuesdav vpn!n- Mv
22. The hOUSe. undlr th fn!r Viow t
the nurses, had become a veritable bower
of floral beauty. The mantels were bank- J
filled th iinii 4 rK u"eis OI 5? a. Rev- w. O. Forbes officiating. Mr. D.
Saciful festoon enrT"8 m In M' Zanders an Mrs. N V. Richardson
Krferns f ifnd ntw l i? ? maJde?- vrere united In marriage in the presence
haferns and other products of tho Gf a few invited friends. Tho rooms ere
'ThrVn,.ifot., ,,-,. I tastefully decorated with cut flowers and
w i? I? S included the seven mem- potted plants, making a very pleasing ef
ltL fa!ua,tIfe C,aES' a11 thQ fect After receiving the congratulations
2?fS the training school, the su- , of their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Flanders
perlntendent of the hospital, the euperln- and the others present, ndrtcok of light
tendent and assistant superintendent of refreshment?. The newly wedded couple
the training school for nurses; the mat- will make their home in this city, where
ron, house surgeons and other officials of Mr. Flanders Is engaged in business,
the hospitals, together with a limited I . wn. nini,n.
number of friends. Music; games and I Wnffner-RIchurd.
cards occupied the evening, and at 11 n Wetoes3ay evening. May 23, Xoulse
o'clock refreshments were servod by tho M' agner anj jonn p, Richards, both of
fair .hostesses. j this city, were united In marriage by
Before the company dispersed, -one of Rev. "W. S. Gilbert, at the home of the
the young ladies posed as a "fortune-tel- bride. Only immediate friends and rela
ler," and many were they that crowded t tlves were present. A delicious repast
about her to hear their fate. Altogether was served, and the evening was very
the evening will bp remembered as one pleasantly spent m cejebrating the occa
of the pleasant resting places in a nurse's ' slon- The couple were trie replnlents of.
busy, self-sacrificing Jlfe.'
At the Links.
Mrs. Burns gave a very enjoyable
luncheon at the golf links on Monday
The room and the table were artistically
decorated with n. varlitr at Trilri flotrir I
decorated with a variety of wild flowers,
Among those present ware: Mesdames
Burns, Wilcox, Snow, Koehler, Good and
Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox gave a dinner at
the links on Tuesdav evenlnc. and Mra.
William Ladd a dinner party there on J
ecnesoay evening.
At the "Women's .Union.
Mrs. C E. George, superintendent ot
the union, has returned from, a two
weeks' visit to Seattle. "
Mrs. F. A. Henrlch and Miss Eliza
Booth, of Lebanon, Or., who have been
In attendance at the'Rebekah State As
sembly, at Astoria, have been visiting at
the union.
Miss M. E. Ryburn, of Antelope, Or., is
a recent guest.
Miss Minnie A. Thompson, of Lebanon.
Or., a former resident of the union, has
been revisiting Portland and renewing old
Miss Somers has gone for a stay with
friends at Tillamook.
Weddings of the Week In Portland
and at Other Points.
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
True, Mlddleton, Or., was, Sunday, May
20, the scene of a very pretty wedding,
tho contracting parties being Mr. Charles
L. Shattuck, the superintendent of the
Prinevllle "Water & Light Plant, and Miss
Ebtella True, the only daughter of the
host and hostess. The ceremony was per
formed bv Rev. Tr C!nnr nt Ynirhnrir
I -" nuusc nua uevuraiea vvlin a oeautltUI
The house -was decorated with a beautiful
"orai nrcn, ana, after tho wedding, the
company was ententaincd at a dellchtful
. S"""- r- and Shattuck started
Thursday for Prinevllle. their future home.
Married, In the Johnson Block, on Rus-
sell street. In this city, on Sunday May
many beautiful weddincr nreaents. Mr.
and Mrs. Richards will be at 'home to
their friends at 447 Alder street.
A pretty home wedding was celebrated
on Monday evening. May 16. at 570 Ells-
rmfth cnut . m,i. v v.u.t.
worth street, the residence of the bride's
parents, xne contracting parties were
Mr. Joseph H. Jones and Miss Martha
H. Lamb. Rev. Dr. Kellogg officiated.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones are at home to their
friends at 695 Front street.
Married, at Hillsdale, Or., at the resi
dence of the bride's, parents. .Mr. and Mrs.
James W. Kyan, "on Sunday afternoon,
May 20. by Rev. A. A. Kurd, Mr. John R.
Slavin to Miss Emma E. Tlyan.
At San Francieco, May IS, Mr. Lous
Schlceslnger. of Chattanooga. Tenn.. to
Miss Ruby Prager, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Prager, formerly of this city.
Entertainments and Social Events
" Here and Elaevchere.
George "Wright Relief Corps, No. 2, gave
a pleasing entertainment at Grand Army
of the Republic Hall, on Friday evening,
May 18. The Veteran double quartet ren
dered several selections during the even
ing, and recitations wero given Tjy Mrs
E. I. Darr, Miss Grace "Walton and Mr.
Fred Jones. There were also Instrumental
and vocal folos by Miss Anna Dltchburn,
"Will Miller. Walter Vivian and the Misses
Nellie, and "Winnie Church, and. a cakewalk
by the Misses Fortmlller and Gum. The
Exequtlve Committee of the corps and its
president, Mrs. Ida E. Harkleroad, have
been very successful in their efforts to
provide entertainments for mefnjbers and
their friends thus far this season.
. The "Golds," of tho Native Daughters
of Oregon, will give a muslcale Thursday
evening, May 3L at the residence of Mrs.
A. Tilzer, 1317 Tenth street, which will
be the last one of the season.
On Tuesday evening. May 22, "Wlnslow
Meade Circle. No. 7. ladles of G. A. R.,
gave an entertainment to old comrades
and their families. A musical programme
was rendered and Comrade Kerr spoke
In behalf jof the good work done by tho
ladies of the order In aiding all old com
rades and their dependent ones In timo
of sjekness and distress. Remarks were
also made by Sister Handlan and refresh
ments were served.
Mrs. J. C. Prltchard gave a card party
during the week. The game was whist
and the prizes Tvero won by Mrs. Charlotte
Barimpre and Miss Alice Prltchard. Music
conversation and dainty refreshments fol
lowed. The house was tastefully deco
rated. Those present were: Mrs. Goss
ler, of Pennsylvania; Mrs. Plttenger, Mrs.
Crandall, Mrs. Barmore Mrs. R, P. Gra
ham, Mrs. Nelson Delude. Mrs. P. "W.
Stewart Mrs. Fallows Mrs. Roberts, Mra.
E. A. Hackett and Mrs Ada Hlrtscho.
Invitations are out for a party, to be
given the Tuesday Reading Club on
Tuesday evening. May 29. at Parsons Hall.
Mrs. T. L Richards, 135 Eleventh street,
gave a dinner on Thursday evening for
Mr. and Mrs. "W. H. "Warren. Twenty
guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. "War
ren sailed last evening on the Nome City
for Cape Nome.
The Martha Washington, Camella and
Myrtle chapters. Order Eastern Star, unit
ed Saturday evening and gave a pleasant
reception to Mrs. Margaret Lutke, worthy
grand matron, at Burkhard Hall. Mu-'
elcal and literary selections furnished en
tertainment for the early part of the even
ing, when C. W. Miller, worthy patron,
Camella chapter, on behalf of the three
chapters, presented the worthy grand
matron with a handsome cut-glars vase.
Mrs. Lutke responded with an appropriate
speech. In which she expressed her grati
tude for the gift. Refreshments were
served afterward In the banquet-hall.
Ebb and Floir of Social Tide In and
About Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Clark have taken
apartments at "The Stevens."
Miss Gallagher, of San Francisco, Is
In Portland for a" brief visit.
Mr. J. E. Wolff has been visiting
irlends In Seattle for a few days.
Mr. Joseph H. Hellner. of Baker. City,
was In Portland during the week.
Mr. Sam Simon has returned from New
York, where he spent two months.
Mrs. S. F. Cliff, of Portland, has been
in Seattle during the week, on a visit.
Mrs. Captain F. S. Illff is visiting with
Mrs. R. E. Davis, at 639 Flanders street.
Mrs. E. ILDurgln and Miss Durgln have
returned home from Southern California.
Mrs. Frederick Hopkinsr has .been ,vlslt
Ing her sister, Mrs. Bracbris, i'n Tacoma'.
Mrs. S. J. Straus and' son, of Santa
Cruz, Cal., -will return to their home trf
morrqw. Mrs. J. Clark, of Baker City, has been
the guest of friends In Portland during
the -Aeek.
Mrs. Adolph Dekum has left Portland
on a two months' visit to her1 mother, m
southwestern Ohio.
Miss Judith Minor, of Seattle, who has
been visiting the Misses Flanders, re
turned home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bennett announce
the engagement of their daughter, Alvira
Adele. to Dr. Alan Welch Smith, of Bal
timore, Md.
, MJss Maude Miller, of Oakland, CaL,
tho "dSughter of Joaquin ""iUHer, " arrived
in Portland, Thursday. She. is visiting
relatives in the city. " '
Mr. and Mri. George W. Collins have
left Portland to make their home in Den
ver, where Mr. Collins Is manager of the
Baum. Iron, jCompany.
Miss Eva Alford, formerly of Mtl Ta
bor, has returned from Heppner, Or.,
and will spend her vacation here, the
guest of Miss Mary Price.
Mrs. Lewis Prager- and sons, Stanley
and Jerome, of Murray, Idaho, are here
on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Prager,
at The Hesperian, 33 Morrison street
Mrs. Elizabeth Kirkham, wife of R. W.
Klrkham, of East "Portland, and her two
youngest children, are visiting, her mar
ried daughter, Mrs. J. I. Mackey, In Spo
kane. Miss Bertha Forstner, of Salem, and
the Misses Ada Soute and Anna Bulll
vant, of Portland,, spent a portion of
the week at Clatsop. They we're guests
at Locksloy Hall.
Mrs. John Sheppard has left Orange, N.
J., where she has been visiting for several
weeks; and sailed for Europe. Mr. and
Mrs. Sheppard expect to be back In Port
land about August L
Samuel Archer, who has been 111 In San
Francisco for nearly three months, will
leave this week for Santa Cruz. He Is
now convalescent, and will return to his
home In Portland in about a month.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Manela, of Mt
Tabor, are enjoying a trip through East
ern Oregon and Washington, and will
visit friends and relatives In .Pendleton
and Walla Walla. They will return
sometime la June.
Miss Carrie Rankin, who for the past
five years has been employed at Aune's,
In this city, left May 18 for New Tork,
where she will be associated with Rock
wood, one of .New York's" leading pho
tographers. MIsb Rankin leaves many
friends in Portland. -
Miss Sophia Re!nharr-and Mlsa Alice
E. Wheeler. leaved on- 'Thursday "after
noon over,;the- Canadian Pacific for .Eu
rope. They, will bo met in 'London by
Mrs. and Mlsa Propior,. of Portland, who.
have been visiting, relatives in' Scotland
tha past month, and who will "accompany
the young ladled oh their tour."1 Miss
Relnhart will represent The Oregonlau
abroad. , ,
Mrs. C. D. Frazer on Saturday after
noon,, entertilnetl the East Side Ladles'
Whist Club at her residence, on Burnslde
street. Dainty refreshments- were served
and trophies .were awarded to Mrs. Kauf
man and Mrs. Wood. During an Internals,
slon, an. invitation waa tendered the club
by Mr. and Mrs. Cordray to attend a per
formance Of- "The 'Magistrate.-" at Cor
dray's Theater, In the evening-, and'it was
accepted with a vote of thanks to tntj
donors. The plub. went to Cordray's in a
Graduating- and Confirmation. "
The time Is at' hand. Of course you will
have photographs made. Why not have
the best. They cost no more than inferior
work. Krauch, successor to Hyland,
Seventh and Washington, has Just made
the group and single pictures of St. Mary's
Academy graduating class, and they are
unsurpassed. Special rates.
Miss A. S. Jorsenncn's
Entire stock will from ow till ha nt m
son be offered to the public at cost, in
order to make room for her new stock,
which she Is now in Europe purchasing.
291 Morrison street. Mlsa Lack, manager.
Amillnne trnrJt nlnHlnn- ilunmnlrlno In
all Its- branches. Ladles' tailoring a spe
cially, aiepnans; so Aider street.
It Js not necessary for either the old or
VOlinr fn hnvn TL-rJnlrloa frtmnil t)n,n
A. TTrUlllnger. "20 Benson block. "
Various Events of the Week In the
State of Oregon.
T. S. Bryce left on Thursdav for Cane
Hugh Bowlby has gone to California to
spend the Summer with relatives,
W. S.-Bean and wife, of Elgin, are guests
for' a few weeks, of Miss Bowlby
Mrs. Charles Cbmstock, of Chicago, is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ross.
Mrs. Durican StuaTt returned Sunday
from a three months' visit In California.
Miss Estelle Klllen, of 'Pprtlnnd, Is Ihe
guest,.,for a few weefcs, of MissBo,wlby.
Mr. ' Charles Brinks, of San Francisco,
has been visiting with friends here for a
few days.
Professor O. O. Thornton left early In
the week for Cape Nome, where, he will
engage In mining.
Miss De Yo has returned to her home
in this city,- after having completed her,
third year at Stanford.
Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Finch entertained
the Chafing Dish Club at their home on
Thursday evening of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gatch, of Salem,
were In the city during the week, as the
guests of Captain and Mrs. George Fla
veL Tho fifth anniversary of Fern Chapter,
Order of Eastern Star, was celebrated at
Masonic Hall on Friday evening. After
a short musical programme, dancing was
begun and was continued until a late
On Wednesday afternoon, at Pythian
Hall. In the presence of all the visiting
Rebekahs and Odd Fellows, Dr. J. C.
Littler, of Albany, and Dr. Sarah J. Har
ris, of Indiana, were united In marriage
by Grand Chaplain Rev. A. LeRoy, of La
The "Bachelors' " entertainment on Fri
day night was an unqualified euccess. Lo
cal hits were numerous, the "spinsters"
coming In for their share, as a return for
their unmerciful treatment of the men at
their performance of a few weeks ago.
The "Bachelors" did good singing and act
ing, and the 'show" was moet pleasing In
every respect. The proceeds went for the
library fund.
. The- grand lodges of the L O. O. F. and
Rebekahs of Oregon convened with the
local lodges here during the week., there
being over 1000 visitors from other cities.
On Wednesday evening the exercises were
of a social nature, Foard & Stokes Hall
being filled to the doors. The entertain
ment consisted of addresses, music and an
exhibition of fancy dancing, in costume, by
Professor Beggs' class. On Thursday the
visitors were given an excursion to Sea
side. McMInnviUe.
Fred Cooper left Friday for San Fran
cisco. Miss Fay Martin Is visiting friends in
"Mrs. A. E. Latourette Is visiting relatives
in Oregon City.
Miss Hallie Reynolds hasreturned from
a visit to Dallas.
Mrs. E. S. Warren is visiting friends and
relatives In Brownsville.
Thomas and Dell "Warren left McMlnn
ville Thursday for Nome.
J. H. Nelson is attending the grand
lodge. I. O. O. F., at Astoria.
Miss Estella Noll, has returned from
Roseburg, where she has been teaching.
The Philharmonic Club met with the
Misses Hobbes Wednesday evening. May
Miss Jennie Snyder returned from a
visit to Salem, with Miss Helen Calbreath,
last Wednesday.
Mr. Overholt. of Canyon City, visited
his daughter, Mrs. Asbury, In McMlnn
vllle, last week.
Miss Llllle Overholt, who has been visit
ing her sister, Mrs. p. I. Asbury, left
this week for her home In Canyon City.
W. Lair Thompson left McMlnnville
Thursday for Eeattle where be will take
part in the Interstate oratorical contest.
Mrs. A. J. Apperson and daughter. 1
va. who have been .visiting McMlnnville
relatives and Xrlends. left-for,. jthelr home
In Sitka Wednesday.
A tally-ho party .was given Saturday-
evening,- May 19, la honor of Dell war-
.GEVURTZjhe Homefurmsher
Thtte"pricctcll eloquently of tht bargains to bt had at our store.
Baby Buggies
The largest line in the city and best
made, from
$5.50 up
A full line of Go-Cartsr Sleeper and
Buggy Go-Carts- from
" $3.25Up
Heavy Insraln .33c yard
Good Brussels...... . ...COo. yard
Bedroom Sets
HardtVOOd Sets, S pieces. .'.?18.0O
Golden Oak Suits $10.50
We sell on eaiy terms.
I. GEVURTZ, HomcWsher
173 and 175 .First St.
N. W. cor. Yamhill St.
ren. who left Thursday for Nome. ThoM
comprising the party were: The Misses
Mattie and Mollie Patty. Elsie and Mande
Hobba, and Messrs. Warren Thompson,
Braly and Cooper. ,
Ore co a City.
MtsaMlna Kelly Is spending a few weeks
at Little White Salmon In Washington.
Mrs.' Rose Whltcomb, of Pomeroiv
Wash., is making an Extended visit to her
mother, "Mrs. J. G: Bonne'tt. of Mllwaukie.
.Herman K. Jones; formerly bookkeeper
In the bank of Oregon City, returned Sat
urday from Spokane, where he was seri
ously 111.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Spooner, recently
of WInlock, Wash., but former pioneers of
thl3 county, have taken up their residence
on th6 Jennings nomesteao.
Mr. and Mrs. CasslU3 U. Barlow re
turned Wednesday from Manila, where he
has held a position In the Paymaster's
Department for several months past. Mr.
Barlow announces his Intention of return
ing there In the Fall.
Meade Relief Corps gave a reception
Monday eyenlng In 'honor of P. Co.bert,
a prominent veteran, who had been ab
sent from the city for nine years. In addi
tion to the member of .the post, several
outside guests were invited. The social
pajrt of the -programme, yas Interspersed
with short addresses' Dy the president,
Mrs. M- .E. 'Staff&ra, Mr. Colbert, Mrs4
Edith Clouse, Commander J. R. Wllllama
and Gordon E. payes. Mrsv Gilbert Pot
ter and Mrs. Clonse, who had been absent,
for several months, shared In the honors
of the occasion.
Last Saturday night City Superintendent
and Mrs. L. W. McAdam were the recip
ients of a delightful party,
planned and carried into effect., By the"
teachers In the city schools. Charades
and other games were In order, the prize
winners being- the Misses Sadie-Chase and
Marjorie Caufleld and H. D. Wilcox and
Carl Church, the consolatiqn awards.golpg
to Charles H. Caufleld. A.JJ. Grllley and
the Misses Laura -Beatle and Gertrude
Nefzger. A sliver piece was -presented to
Mr. and Mrs. McAdam by their associate
teachers, and an appropriate response fol
lowed. Light refreshments were served.
Mrs. Moss, of Portland, is visiting Pro
fessor and Mrs. Lllley.
Mrs. E. K. Wheeler, of Palouse, Wash.,
Is visiting relatives-in Eugene.
Mrs. .R, S. Bean. .of. Salem,, visited rel
atives In Eugene the -past week.
Mrs. J. B. Willonghby. returned Wednes
day from an 'extended visit, .to JEdwards
vlle J1L ,' ''..'
President Strong attended the graduat
ing exercises of the High School at Ah.
land Friday. , .....
Mrs. E. H. McAllister returned Thurs
day from McMlnnville. where she ha3 been
visiting her sister, Mrs. H. L.' Board
man. Since the return of the Oregon Volun
teers, the ladles of the Eugene Red Cross
Society have not been Idle. Realizing that,
situated so far from the scenes of ac
tivity, their work must be done under tho
direction of those better situated, the
society has worked with the San Fran
cisco Red Cross Society all Winter. When
called upon, money has been sent, as well
as large boxes of hospital supplies. The
climax of the socletj's good work was
reached last Thursday, .when a "seeing
bee" was held, and the large armory
was completely filled with Eugene's pa
triotic women. Several large boxes of
hospital supplies were made, and were
subsequently sent to San Francisco. Some
of the supplies are for the hospital at the
Presidio, and the remainder were forward
ed to Manila.
Mrs. R. S. Bean returned Thursday from
a -visit with relatives at Eugene.
Mr. G. Corning, of Saginaw. MIch.,'was
a guest of H. B. Thlelson this week.
Mrs. J. E. Magers. of McMlnnville,. was
a guest of Salem relatives this week.
Mrs. J. O. Card and family have gone
to Toronto-. Canada, where they will make
their home.
Miss Julia Hart, of Independence; is a
guest at the home of Mrs. D. R. N.
Blackburn. 1
W. J. D'Arcy. who has been confined
by llmess to his room for three months,
has almost recovered.
Professor E. H. Anderson returned this
week from Lewis ton. Idaho, where he
was a teacher In the High SchooL
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tuthill went to
San Francisco this week. Mr. Tuthill
will return. In about two weekst but Mrs.
Tuthill will visit several week3 longer
with relatives at Santa Crur.
Clerk. J. J. Murphy, of the Supreme
Court. Is at Palo Alto, CaL He in at
tending the commencement exercises of
Stanford University, from, which injtitu-
y&Ti!m&i&AJ2Sm Y , r, I
m MwBma H
U. b1W
The Eclipse Steel Ranges are war
ranted 15 years and are perfect bakers.
PkKJ ZctrM itfTSUfl 1 1
3 I Kjmp mm aid J
This 6-hole Eclipse Steel Range, 1S
Inch, oven and high closet, without res
ervoir, only $30.00.
Ltlon his son Chester will graduate this
Last Wednesday the local lodge of Ladies
of the Maccabees was favored with an
official visit by Supreme Record-Keeper
Miss BIna M. West, of Port Huron,' Mich.
A public reception was given in the lodgft
I room in the evening. A programme oi
literary and musical numbers was esq
dered and refreshments were served.
Mrs. E. K. Reeder, of Tacoma, is visit
ing her son, L. B. Reeder.
Mrs. F. W. "Vincent has gone lo Salt
Lake to visit relatives and friends.
Mrs. Van Horn, of Walla Walla, is vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. F. F. Wamsly-
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Oliver are at the.
home of Mr. Oliver's parents In this city.
Mrs. C. J. Carlson and daughter hav
gone to Lawton to remain for the Sum
mer. Miss Cox, who has been visiting her
brother, R. T. Cox, is now visiting Port
land. , Dr. and Mrs. Frank Vaughan, of San
Francisco, are visiting Dr. E. A. Vaughan,
of this city.
Mrs. W. L. Shlverick expects to leav
the last of the month for Denver, Colo.,
to Join Mr. Shlverick.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Alexander are in As
toria, as delegates to the grand, lodge ot
Oregon Odd Fellows.
Mrs. John Haley and Miss Mary Rltner
have gone to Astoria, as delegates to tha
assembly of 'Rebekahs.
Mrs. C. S. Jackson and the -Misses Ida
and Harrlette Thompson will leave oa
June 16 for Baltimore, and thence for
Paris. They will be gone about four;
Troutdale is preparing to celebrate the
Fourth of July.
Mr and Mrs. H. 3. Chapman Tiave gone.
to Independence, to attend the meeting or
the State Grange. -
The ladles of the Methodist Episcopal
Church at Falrvlew held an "ice-cream
social" in .the hall on Frjday evening. Tha
proceeds are to be used in improvements
on the manse.
The closing exercises of Cedar School.
No. 10, on Saturday drew a large aud
ience. The teacher, Miss Mock, from Port
land, arranged an, elaborate programme.
The Troutdale quartet and Mrs. Douglas
assisted her In the musical part.
- Mr. and Mrs..1 Calvin Shepherd enter
tained a number of the young friends ot
tfielr only sorv De Witt Shepherd, on
Wednesday evening, the 23d Inst., tho occtt
sion being his 17th birthday. The "young
people irtayed games and music and passed
a delightful "evening.
"Miss Adona' Cochrane has gone to Min
nie, Lane County, where she will spend
"the Summer.
Mls3.Josle Deatop, of Salem, and her
sister. Miss Virginia Deaton, of Heppner,
are visiting friends here.
Dr. George F. Wilson, chief surgeon of
the Southern Pacific, was the guest of Dr.
O. D. Butler during the week.
Mrs. M. S. Goff, Mrs. J. E. Hubbard and.
Mrs. J. H. Alexander are attending tno
grand lodge of Rebekahs at Astoria.
Profefsor W. H. Powell left On Friday
morning for Skamokawa, Wash., where
he will join his wife and spend the Sum
mer. Al. Herren, L. C. Gllmore, of this city,
and Ed. Cross, of Salem, have gone on
a several days' fishing excursion to the
Mra. Robert Scott Is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Bonney, In Portland.
Mrs. H. Cleveland, of Chemawa, Is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. S. L Guiss, of thla
Wiley McKee came up from Portland
Sunday and will remain, a short time in
Married, lasVstfK&ay 'evening, at the res
idence of MrVanQTMrs. H. Goulet, In this
city, Miss Sadie Beach to Mr. S. E. Hard
castle, Jr., Rev. L. F. Belknap officiat
ing. Medford.
The Ladies Musical Club met Satur
day, May 19, with Mrs. G. A. Gregory.
The programme embraced vocal, instru
mental and mandolin music, by Ameri
can composers. At the roll call, each
member responded with a suitable anec
dote or quotation. It was decided to
name the organization "The St. Cecilia
Musical Club."
Last Monday and Tuesday evening were
given up to surprises in the Lawton fam
ilies. Monday evening was ihe 25th wed
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. D. T.
Lawton. About 50 relatives and friends
gathered at their home to offer congratu-
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