) h ? r -" g K rotm VOL. XIX. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 27, 1900. NO. 22. ZUJ jjfcttnbm Jl !te$ THIRTY-TWO PAGES WLW ,11 i PAGES 1 TO 12 I THE CRISIS AT HAND Review of the Situation at the Seat of War. GENERAL INVASION OF TRANSVAAL All the British Armies CeTergl&e on JohanacsbHrK Probable Flan of Lord Roberts. LONDON. May 27. Spencer "Wilkinson, reviewing the situation at the seat of war in South Africa for the Associated Press, says: "Lord Roberts Is keeping a tight hand on all telegrams ,In order not to disclose his moves. After occupying Rhenostr, he pushed his left wing at once toward Parys, where the Vaal River was crossed Thursday. The whole army seems to have changed its direction to the left, as General Hamilton's original right wing was today at Boschbank, half-way from Parys to the railway bridge at Vlljoen's Drift, which is being watched by Roberts' scouts. Gen eral Hamilton probably crossed the Vaal today, assisted. If necessary, by a march up the river of the force that crossed at Parys. The whole force will probably be across the Vaal bySunday afternoon. Jo hannesburg will then be two marches dis tant. "I suppose that Lord Roberts will push on General Hamilton and perhaps Gen eral French to turn the Boers, while Gen erals Tucker and Pole-Carew will attack in front. The Boers, as usual, mutit either "be enveloped or go. "Very special efforts will be made to cut off their retreat, as Lord Roberts is now determined to cap ture them, if possible. He relies fully on General Hamilton, whose combination of fire and prudence Justifies every confi dence. If the Boers escape toward Pre toria, Roberts will likely follow swiftly and be at Pretoria in less than a week. "The Boers say they have retaken Hcll b'on. General Roberts will neglect that, but will guard the railway, which I think he will not wait to repair before going to Pretoria. "General Buller, at Lalng's Nek, Is eight or nine marches from Johannesburg, sup posing that the road is clear. Roberts' advance, must make the Boers at Volks rust uneasy, and so will facilitate Bul lcr's advance. "General Hunter, when at Mafeklng, will be 11 marches from Pretoria, and it is Impracticable, therefore, for the Boers to make any serious resistance at Pre toria, where to wait would mean to be hemmed in between three British armies. ' "The Boer plan Is to retreat to the Lydcpburg hills, which would postpone but not avert, the catastrophe, but the condition and strength of the Boer forces of the coming week's operation remain to bo seen. "Possibly the difficulty of securing sup plies may compel General Roberts to pause on the Vaal and repair the railway, thus .giving time to- General Buller and General Hunter to Invade the Transvaal. I fancy, however, that Lord Roberts will prefer the bolder course and try to end this war right now. "Many points In the recent operations ore obscure. Thus, 111 long pauscof Gen eral Lyttleton at Sunday's River and tho subsequent silence suggests that he may co-opcrato with General Rundle to finish the Free Staters' resistance. There has lifen no distinct report from General Me thuen since that from Hoopstad. He prob. ab.y crossed the Vaal near Parys. "Lord Roberts marches in a very broaq front, with his cavalry wings thrown for ward. General Buller probably cannot adopt the same-plans in the rugged coun try of Northern Natal, but once Buller is on tho hills or the table lands of the Transvaal, he will be- able to spread out ana" move rapidly. "Lord Roberts has a wonderful power of picking a special man for every special work. Ian Hamilton, the brilliant Gen eral, was shot to pieces at Majuba in the ilrst Boer War. Since then he has made a great mark In training the Indian army to shoot straight, and was himself one of the best officers In India. Another aole man is Sir "William Nicholson, who was cMef-of-staff to General Lockhard In Tl rah. He Is now running all the transport for General Roberts, whoso army since it reached Bloemfonteln. has been well sup plied. Nothing shows the great command or more than his finding his men and giv ing them free hand. Roberts himself has incomparable dash and boldness, coupled -v ith great circumspection, hence I expect rapid strides, now that the crisis Is at hand." THANKSGIVING AT MAFEKING. The Garrison Paid the Last Honor to the Dead. MAFEKING. May IS. The entire garri son paraded this morning to a thanksgiv ing service. Colonel Baden-Powell ad dressed the men, saying: "We have been unable to fire a volley over the graves of our killed, being fearful of drawing the fire of the enemy's guns." Today the garrison paid the last honors to the dead, assembling In the graveyard and bidding good-bye to their fallen com rades. After sounding the last post, the garrison attempted to sing the national anthem, but could hardly be heard, as the men .choked with emotion. Colonel Baden-Powell was deeply affected, and ad dressed each unit separately. He told the town guard that those who wished would bo permitted to return to their civilian avocations. To the Rhodeslan column, in a characteristic manner, he said: "We've kicked out the Boer protectorate." Boers South of Mafeklng. MAFEKING. May 26. The Boers to the ccath retired from Kunnna. 10 miles east of Martlza, and are falling back further on Barplls Pan. The Boers routed here rallied a few miles east of Polfonteln. A Cornet who failed to support Commandant E.off in the latter's attack on Mafeklng, in which Eloff was captured, wrote a letter sympathizing with him. Eloff "re plied that he hoped the dovll and all his angels would torment him eternally, ana that he and his would rot. Bocrs Report the Crossing. PRETORIA. May 26. An official bulletin eays: "The British have crossed the Vaal at Greebler's Drift, near Parys; The high level bridge at Vereenlging has been blown up "by the Federals. General Dewet ad vised that burghers are coming in force, determined to fight to the end. After retaking Heilbron. the Federals followed the British as far as Wolvehoelc" The Plajrne In Durban. DURBAN, May 2C. As there have been no further cases of bubonic plague dis covered, it is hoped that the danger of an outbreak becoming epidemic has passed An expert, however, makes dally visits In the Indian quarter. To Colonise Lobs Island. NEW YORK. May 26. Negotiations have been carried on between several "wealthy Englishmen and Long Island real estate men for some time, with a view of forming an English colony on Long Island similar Co the Rugby settlement in Tennessee. Joseph C. Willis, of London, and Enderby Dunsford, of Torquay. Dev onshire, are said to be the prime movers in this scheme. They have recently pur chased 1000 acres of land on Long Island for 575.OC0. securing the property in the interests of about 50 wealthy young Eng lishmen, who Intend forming a colony at this place for the purpose of carrying on scientific farming. ON THE FENCE. Programme of New Yorlc Democratic) State Convention. NEW YORK, May 26. The .Evening Post says: "Ex-Senator David B. Hill and ex Senator Edward Murphy had another talk with Elliott Danforth, chairman of the executive committee of the Democratic State Central Committee, at the Hoffman House, and started for Albany this after noon. Mr. Hill is satisfied with the re sult of his trip to New York. He has conferred with the leaders of Tammany Hall and of the Kings County Democracy, and it was announced authoritatively be fore noon that the programme for the state convention bad been agreed upon by all concerned. The features of the programme are: First, the convention vAl Indorse the candidacy of W. J. Bryan and recognize him as 'our National lead er; second, the Chicago platform will not be affirmed; third, the delegates to the National convention will not be instruct ed." THE NATIONAL CONVENTION. Senator "IVolcott "Will Be the Tem porary Ghairman. WASHINGTON. May 26. A protracted meeting of Jthe sub-committee of the Re publican National Committee, having in charge the details and arrangements of the approaching National convention in Philadelphia, was held here tonight. George Wlswell, of Milwaukee, who is to the sergeant-at-arms of the convention, was in consultation with the committee during the greater part of its session. He reported the convention hall as about completed and ready to be turned over to tho committee. Secretary Dick pre sented a tabulated list of the delegates to the convention thus far selected, together with a list of the contests Indicated by the returns received by him up to date. It may be said by authority that Sena tor Wolcott, of Colorado, will be the temporary chairman. COOGAN'S CONTRIBUTION. Made on the Condition That Bryan Will Be Nominated. NEW YORK, May 26. James J. Coogan, president of the Borough of Manhattan and a leader of Tammany Hall, contribut ed 5100.000 to the Democratic National Committee, with the stipulation that it is to be rescinded If William J. Bryan is not nominated. The committee will be allowed to make such use of this fund as it may ree fit. This contribution gave rise to the story in political circles today that Mr. Coogan would be Colonel Bryan's running mate on the National ticket this Summer. It is known the Bryan managers want an East ern man on the tall of the ticket, and preferred that he come from New York State or City. DICK CIIOKER TALKS. Says He Believes Bryan "Will Beat MeKln ley "Dewey Not In It. NEW YORK, May 26. The Journal and Advertiser will tomorrow print an inter view with Richard Crokcr. obtained In London by William T. Stead. Speaking on the present situation in the United States, Mr. Croker declared emphatically that he Is for William J. Bryan for Presi dent, and he believes Mr. Bryan will beat Mr. McKinley on election day. He sajs be also thinks Mr. Bryan Is right In stick ing to the 16-to-l silver fcsue. but de clares that in his opinion trusts and im perialism will be the principal Issues of the campaign. He says Admiral' Dewey Is not in tho race for the Presidency, though he might do for a running mate. OFF FOR CAPE NOMF Steamers Geo. W. Elder and Nome City Sail. THEY CARRIED 750 PASSENGERS Bis Crowd at the "Wharf Saw Them OflT Those "Who Sailed . . n Th era. The steamers Geo. W. Elder and Nome City left the Ainsworth Dock on their long voyage to the northland shortly after 7 o'clock last night, carrying full cargoes of freight and 750 passengers, beside a large number of horses. The Nome City was first in the stream, and was soon SCENE AT AINSWORTH followed by the Elder. A crowd that filled the wharf saw them off, and their cheers I as the steamers swung out into the stream were answered by the passengers, -with which the decks were fairly black. There were many affecting partings between husbands and wives, and many a hand kerchief did the double duty of waving ' farewell and drying moist eyes as the dis tance between the steamers and the wives widened. Only a few of the relatives and friends of the passengers were on the wharf, for, had not a strict surveillance been exercised at the gate, the crowd would have seriously Interfered with the handling of the freight. But a good many slipped past the policemen, and these came straggling home after the steamers had departed, a rather funereal looking crowd. All day long a crowd hung about the wharf, contriving ways and means to get past the three policemen who guarded the entrance, and saying good-bye over and over again to the friends who were on the passenger list. A large number of stevedores were engaged In completing the cargoes of the two steamers. A varied assortment of freight there was wagons, stoves, machinery of almost every kind, from engines down to rockers; surfboats, , bedroom sets, outfits of provisions, desks, " ranges, life preservers in fact, everything i that any contingency on the far-away beach might demand. Captain Randall, of the Elder, found the errands which called him up town so nu merous that he hired a horse and buggy to drive him back and forth. Captain Levinson, of the Nome City, was busy exercising a general superintendence of the stoning of his cargo, which was not so far advanced as that of the Elder, and the freight clerks of both steamers had a hard struggle to keep their tempers through the pulling and hauling to which they were constantly subjected. Salem Nome Society. Among those leaving for Cape Nome last night was an aggregation of individuals calling themselves the Salem Nome Socl- j ety. This Is an organization of argonauts from the Capital City, who will seek their fortunes in the golden sands. It Is composed of some quite prominent people. It Is fully organized, has a constitution and by-laws, and a full corps of officers. These are: Ex-Governor J. H. Fletcher, president: M. E. Pogue. secretary: B. P. Taylor, vice-president. The executive committee comprises: R. B. Duncan, chairman; A. A. Basher, B. C. Ward, Jesse George and Al Gwln. Among the members may. be men tioned Thomas Holman, Fred Geer. son of Governor Geer; Jeff Gwln, Harry Brown, B. T. Kumler. Fred Hockley, Jr.; Oscar Taylor, D. Farrar, John Kaiser, Gus Kaiser, Lee George. Jesse George. There aro two women in the party Mrs. D. L. Fleeter and Mrs. Ingersoll the only women members of the society. The total membership Is 50 all from Salem. A por tion of these went out on the Geo. W. El der and more on the Nome City. A few are already at Nome, having gone from Seattle on the Senator. The society is a co-operative order. Mr. Lockley said of it: "Wo are banded together for mutual assistance and protection. Any memby who falls ill or is in distress will be taken care of by the other members. Any one of us who 'strikes It rich' will notify the secretary, who will be stationed at Nome City, and he will Inform the mem bers individually, so that all may share In the good fortune. We will mutually protect each other from clalm-jumplag. In case of the death of a member, he will be given proper burial or his body shipped home." Each member of the Salem Nome Soci ety has a t badge. All appear to be thor oughly practical men. who are determined to win wealth. Among the passengers on the Elder was E. M. Cox. of the PortIandGeneral Elec tric Company, who is taking up an engine and a centrifugal pump. ' He expects to do well on the "beach, and his many friends hope he will. Following Is the passenger list of both steamers; S. B. White. H. Jacks. C. A. Shnttuik. Geo. T. McElroy. Phlllos Dubois. A. Hose. J. E. Wyatt. ,'ohn Guebeen. . S. Sharp. F1& Wnrnock. 7. F. Bakaman. -i Trenholm. Dr. J. L. Melsner. C. C. Baumgartner. DOCK LAST NIGHT. F. Bldwell. Thos. Brown. G. S. Kimball. H. L. Calkins. J. R. Evans. N. Wentworth. W. L. Warren. F. J. Warren. Dell Warren. - . E. R. Henderson. C. R. Maybern. Robt Ballentine. Thos. Haley. James O. FarrelL John Escallon. Milt Laswell. P. A. Karnell. E. H. Smith. H. G. Friedman. Mark Roberts. W. H. Warren. Hueh Bovlf G. W. Duncan. R. W. Lovett. E. D. Townsend. J. Zelgler. Jas. Brambaagh. Fred Walten. O. Gunderson. Geo. Sydman. Clarence Sydman. W. V. Cope. Bert True. Peter Hanson. Henry Doerner. Owen Graves. Henry Reno. t Peter Blumberg. Carl A. Torgerson. F. Klekar. F. Flola. Frank Brown. B. C. Ward. Fred Anthony. H. R. Trenholm aam &pencer. G. E. Tyszkiewoez. Frank Tosler" John Piwor TKk. T T .. j. 1. at. Raynor, Harry Gratton. John Sandstrom. O. Palmqulst A. R. Church. C. Webber.. , L. L. Reeves. C G. HolL L. H. Rhodes. Thos. Currle. C. S. Dunham. Wm. B. Jollv. W. A. Vlnal." Mrs. W. A. Vlnal. Miss C. Sutherland Mrs. H. N1- nn)H C. E. Sisms Mrs. W. D. Inrerjoll W. J Grwr. Mrs. D. L. Felster. E. A. Kaiser. Mrs. Jennie Turner. Wm. Curtis. Mrs. G. E. Tyszkle- J- C. Bversole. -rTi c- D- KImberllne. .aiiEs xi. xi. Aiustello. w. u. Davis. Alex Chrlsholm. H. K. "Rnlfrtr1 u. ai. vale. A. F. Miller. M. Culver. N. M. Eldrlch. U. S. Bryant. Mrs C. Yan North Wick. Mrs. R. Oakes. Mrs. Tl T T-T.,.,. Ed Beckstrom. James Call. Ncls Neleon. T. Jensen. Byrd Trego. .A. LIppneau. G. S. Pershllne." N. C. Stevens. J. Mohr. MrS. T 'R Pnpt.K. A f Tim-urn B. T. Kumbler. A. J. Buchanan. Phil G. Stout. W. W. Phillips. Mrs. L. E. Lindsay. J. A. Collier, , ii- ""-"v,-"- -aJKin3. r- " aeeiey. ncnry ocnaner. Silas Parker. Blanche Hamilton. Wm. Barker. B. Barker. P. A. V.AAv G. Custer. J. B. Rice. Wm. Russell. A. D. Wentworth. A- Barrows. a. Burdette. Mrs. M. L. HpnrtPi-- Glenn Ward" " .son. John Ostergard. Mrs. A. C. Lorent-John Desmoker. zen. J. Shoplln. ' Mrs. W. H. Warren. 3. Shoplln. Elmer Reed, A. Shoplln. G. C. Ma van. Hans Rnrd E. H. Mayon.. C. J. Mathilson.. C. D. iforirnn. H. J. Lundstrom. ,Toe Laduc. " pred Lockley. 3. P. Taylor. 'r 17. S. Houfiman. V. B. Housman. ' H. E. Penney. E. N. Penney. Emery Newby. Elnur Martin. F. G. AbelL , Charles P Hayes. M. A. Byerly. Charles Davis. Val Wheeler. James Taylor. H. M. Roberts. H. J. Ellis. H. Pughley. Lenn Lawrence. Wm. Dunniway. M. A. Raymond. T. J. Hammer. R. J. Hammer. Will B. Edwards. J. B. Wethroll. J. Robinson. J. Coyan. Willis B. West. J. F. Beckstrom. John Anderson. A. W. Brown. James Winter. Allen Smith. D. Barklbw. John Ransler. W. W. Caldwell. J. J. Morgan. O. P. Hyde. John F. Clark. W. C. Barrett. (Concluded oa Eighth Page.) CHICAGO INVADED Streeter s "Army" Seized Part of the Lake Front. HELD POSSESSION HALF A DAY Finally Ousted by the Police "Wlth oat a Battle "What the Squat ter Claims. CHICAGO, May 26. Chicago was In vaded at 1 o'clock this morning by the army of a hostile state, numbering 13 men, from the "District of Lake Mich igan." The Invasion ended In a farce comedy, but came near to being finished In deadly earnest. The casualties ln- elude one boy shot In the leg and one horse killed. " Five of the Invaders were arrested, and the remainder were allowed to escape. The trouble "was precipitated by Cap tain George W. Streeter, a squatter, who has from time to time created much trouble 4and litigation by his efforts to seize land along the shore-of Lake Michi gan; The land which he has for some time claimed to do the "District of Lake Michigan" consists of made land on the shores of Lincoln Park, part of It includ ing one of the main park boulevards. The courts have decided against the squat ter again and again, but he has been per sistent in his efforts to grab the property. He claims that made land along the Illi nois shore does not belong to the State of Illinois, but is, instead, public domain, free to whoever settle upon It. Streeter organized the force which made the descent upon Lincoln Park today, but was not with them in person. The trans port containing the "troops" arrived off Lincoln Park soon after midnight, and without difficulty they made a landing at the foot of Superior street, and formally took possession of 1S6 acres of land claimed by Captain Streeter and his sub jects as the Independent territory. Rapid fire uns. It Is alleged, were on the trans port decks, ready to cover. If necessary, the landing of the troops, but without op position the men made their way through the surf, rallied around their leader, "Commandant" William Nilcs, and hcistcd an American flag in the center of the In vaded, district. Police Officer James O'Malley was on guard at the shore, and hastened to send a report of the Invasion to the East Chicago-avenue station, which In turn trans mitted the Information to Inspector Held elmeyer. It was decided to take no ac tion against the invaders until after con sultation with the city law department. As far as legal advice was concerned, the invaders had all the best of It. The "Commandant" is the legal authority of the district government, holding, besides his military title, that of General Justice of the Supreme Court. Under his orders the transport, which Is known only as "BIckleburg's sailboat." hove to and dropped anchor. Then, It Is alleged, there were landed 73 Springfield rifles and 1203 rounds of ammunition and two gatllng guns. Immediately on landing the line of for tification was marked' out. A line of plank was laid along the western edge of the claimed territory, and a barbed-wire fence "was 6tretched about a foot above it. Two forts, each about 12 feet square, and forming an embankment of dirt and piling .about five feet high, were hastily ttirbwn up on either side of Superior street. Sentinels were detailed to patrol a picket line just Inside the Irarbed wire. The "Commandant" gave orders to his men that no one should be allowed to cross this line. Though riot calls were turned In, and Chief of Police Klpley was personally no tified, the city law department was con sulted before any action was taken by the police. Charles Erly, secretary of the Lincoln Park Board, was the first official to at - tempt to force the line, but the determined and threatening attitude of the invaders compelled him to withdraw. A short time afterward Paul Redelskl, superin tendent of Lincoln Park, came hurrying up In his buggy, but, facing the same situ ation, he withdrew. At this Juncture Cap tain Baer. of the park pcllce, dashed up In his buggy, and attempted to force his way across the line. A3 his hcrse would have crossed the "boundary," General Niles ran forward and fired four shots from a gun. It Is supposed that he did not mean to wound the Captain, for he appeared to aim only at the horse. The horse fell dead, and one of the shots, hav ing speed beyond, wounded Reuben Man ley, 14 years of age. who was one of the crowd of curious onlookers. The ball struck his right knee, inflicting a serious wound. Another bullet passed through the lapel of Detective Hiatt's coat. While the onlookers fell back, and the excitement of the morning gave way to a panic, another horse and buggy ap- proached the line, but "Judge" Nlles still I maintained his ground. The occupants J of the vehicle, a man of the name of Mur phy, and his 10-year-old daughter, did not seem to realize the gravity of the sit uation, and the man pressed, his horse forward. Nlles clubbed hl3 rifle, attacked Murphy with the weapon, and forced the horse back from the territory. Conference In Mayor's Office. Meanwhile a conference had been held In the office of Acting Mayor Walker, and it had. been determined that the squat ters should be driven out at any cost. Chief Klpley was instructed at once to mobilize his forces. ud use such meas ures as might be necessary. The plan was to have the Lincoln Park police order the Streeter force to disband, and If they did not, to have President Wlcker sham, of the Lincoln Park Board, call upon the chief. The Sheriff wa to re peat the demand, and call upon the police to disperse them if there was further re sistance. In this way there would be n? question as to jurisdiction. Clilef Klpley secured the co-operation of Fire Marshal Swency, and the tug Illi nois was detailed to carry 40 men with rifles down the river to approach the dis trict from the lake. All reserve forces under Inspector Hartnett, at Harrison street; Inspector Calas and Inspector Shea, at Desplalnes strpet, and Inspector Heldelmeyer, at tho East Chicago-avenue station, were ordered to rendezvous at the latter station. Then orders were Is sued to bring up ths police battery, con sisting of one gatllng gun and two smooth bores. All these preparations required time, and It was agreed that 3:30 would be the hour at which the forces would be In readiness. Chief Klpley, when notified that 500 men awaited his orders at the East Chicago-avenue station, selected as his aids Inspectors Hartnett. Heldelmeyer and Shea. Sheriff Magerstat found that by enlisting bailiffs and almost his entire force, he could muster about 100 assist ants. Then the Chief heard from Cap tain Fowler, of the police battery, who had already begun active preparations In getting the guns ready. Arrivnl of the Police. By 3 P. M. street-cars and the coming and going of 16 patrol wagons had col lected 800 policemen at the East Chicago avenue police station. At the same hour Chief Klpley had a telephone message that 200 officers were on their way from Hyde Park by way of the Illinois Central Railway to the North Side. It was found that the flreboat was so busy with a big fire on South Water street that It could not be used, and a city tug was pressed into service. Police Captain Revere was put In charge of the men on this boat. Ths trouble was over, however, before the naval attack could be made, and tonight BIckleburg's sailboat returned, quietly to South Chicago. The Impending conflict Inded in a fiasco about 3:25 o'clock. When "Judge" Nlles ond his four men, all that was left of his army, heard that they were to be ousted, they sent word to Captain Baer. request ing a parley. Upon his appearance the five men surrendered and were escorted to the East Chicago-avenue police station. On theway there the police attempted to disarm the members of the "army," and the efforts of the squatters to retain their rifles created, some commotion. After his rifle had been taken from Nlles and while he was on his way to the station, he was struck several times by men In the cro-svd that pressed around him. Once he en deavored to snatch his rifle from the of ficer who carried It, Intending to shoot a man who had Just hit him, but he was quickly subdued by the police. Streeter caused to be circulated by the men who took possession of the land a grandiloquent proclamation, written after the style of the Declaration of Independ ence. In which he stated at great length that the land did not belong to the State of Illinois nor anybody else, nnd was the property of whosoever settled upon It He Is now threatening ligal proctedlngs against everybody. COLUMBIA IMPROVEMENT. Emergency Bill Amendment Adopted by the Senate. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 26. The 8enate adopted the amondment for the Columbia River Improvement today, also the amendment of Senator Simon for copy ing the records of the Lakeview Land Office. Representative Moody has been giving attention to legislation for the state, and has been urging every bill that was of Interest to Oregon. Those which had no show -whatever of being considered, or measures which he has found it Impossi ble to make any progress with, because of the determination of the House not to give consideration to, he has wasted no time on. Oregon has no harder worker than Mr. Moody. Tripp's Boom Bursts. In the various men named for Vlce Presldentlal candidates. It has become evident that the boom, of Bartlett Tripp was the weakest of alL Nearly all the Republicans In the East say that mem ory of the experiment by the Republi cans In nominating Andrew Johnston for Vice-President Is yet too strong to allow any further experiments of that kind. The party leaders here say that "whatever else Is done, a Republican beyond all ques tion whl be chosen for Vice-President. The attempt to make Tripp a Pacific Coast candidate has met with no re sponse In the East. The Gold Democrats, Including Bartlett Tripp, will probably be taken care of in some appointment made by the President as a reward for their stand for sound money. Medical Investigation In Cuba. WASHINGTON, May 26. The Secretary of War has appointed a board of medical officers to meet at Quemados, Cuba, for tho purpose of pursuing scientific Investi gations with reference to the Infectious diseases prevalent on the Island of Cuba. The detail for the board Is as follows: Major Walter Reed and Acting Assistant Surgeons James Carroll, Arlstides Agri monte and Jesse W. Lazear. The board will act under general instructions from the Surgeon-General of the Army. British Steamer Ashore. SIMONSTOWN, South Africa, May 26. The British steamer Kayapo, from Swan sea, for Sydney, N. S. W., In ballast, is ashore off Standkop Point. All on board 1 were saved. OREGON'S TRADE Its Wonderful Prospects In tho Orient CONGRESSMAN SIBLEY'S OPINION Silver Has Ceased to Be an Israe, an4 the Retention of the Philippines Is the Important Question. WASHINGTON, May 26. Representative JoseDh C Siblev. one. of the nrlndnal figures In the American Bimetallic League, has addressed to Thomas H. Tongue tha following letter on what he considers to be Oregon's chief interest In the cam paign now in progress: "I beg to acknowledge receipt of yours asking me for some of the reasons why I believe that the Pacific Coast, especially Oregon, has a tremendous stake In tha coming political contest. For years I ad vocated blmetallsm, because I believed that In such .manner alone could agricul ture and our industries generally meat their full demand. The marvelous In crease m gold, which has added to ths world's metallic money more than $1,000, 000,000 In the last four years, and the pro duction for last year, which left mora gold for coinage than had ever been given of both gold and silver in any year since the history of man first began, renders this no longer a living issue, especially when in consideration of the fact that with the settlement of the war In tha Transvaal the production of the African gold fields alone, In the opinion of Gen eral Warner, of the American Bimetallic League, and myself, will be more than ample to double the present stock of tha world's gold In the next 10 years. Gen eral Warner, who has been president at the American Bimetallic League from its Inception, thoroughly agrees with me that free silver Is not and cannot longer ba an Issue, end we have determined to close the league. "Looking not backward, but forward, to unsettled problems, the trade of tha Orient becomes the master question. I Indorse the Administration, because it has established the policy of the open door In China, because the -world's trade Is the Oriental trade, the Phll-( Ipplnes affording us tho base from which we will distribute, and In which will he assembled the prodncts of a com merce vrhlch is destined to outrival the commerce of the Atlantic, and Trhlch -will malic the Coast states In commerce the rivals of the Atlantic seaboard. "The wall of excluslveness Is being broken down in China. Trade, which in the past has never penetrated a fringe of more than 10 miles from the seacoaat towns, now, with the extension of rall- -ways In every direction throughout that empire, will bring over 400,000.000 people to our market with their multiplied de mands. Geographically and Industrially, tho United States Is In position to com mand this commerce. If we fall to do fo, we will have committed a world, blunder. Already the Chinese. Japaneee and Coreans are demanding the products of our cotton fields and our wheat fields. At a price lOO per cent higher than. the prenent rullne price of wheat today In Oregon, Chlnn can feed her teeming millions with, a nutritious food, at a. lcii cost than rice or any thins else which, can sustain human life. The surplus of wheat produced determines the value of the entire crop. With an out let giving us millions of more peopla consuming, the farmer becomes by right, as he should be, the king, of men. At no distant day, my personal belief being within three years at the farthest, every exportable bushel of wheat raised west of the continental divide will find its market and consumption in 'China and tho Orient, and that at a price which would make recent prlcesseem Insignifi cant. "Permit me to quote a statement that I find in the Consular and commercial reports, published, by the Bureau of Sta tistics for March, 1900, which was made by Mr. James J. Hill, president of tha Great Northern Railway Company, con cerning the Asiatic trade: , " 'It Is an Immense new market for the United States. The Increased consump tion of our wheat and cotton In China and Japan Is already so large that it has reached a point where the volume of busi ness Is only limited by the transportation facilities of the Orient. These countries are also large buyers of our silver, with every prospect that the demand will In crease. The Great Northern is now build ing two steamers, which will probably surpass any steamer in the world aB re gards tonnage capacity. Each of thesa steamers has a little less tonnage capacity than that of the two Lucanlas combineo. This great tonnage will enable the steam ers to earn large cargoes at cheap rates, and the cheaper we can ship our pro ducts to Asia the sooner will wo extend our market.' "When Mr. Hill Bpeaks of two vasselfl double the size of tha Lucanla, which, bar ring one or two vessels. Is the largest In the world, you will readily see how ha la fitting himself to the condition that ha sees approaching. To carry the cargo of one such vessel would take a train of cars several miles In length. "I stand today for the Republican. Ad ministration, because it stands for devel opment, for progress, for the realization of all the aspirations of American genius, whether in factory or In field. I stand for It because it is seeking to encourage the enlargement of our merchant marine, the construction of the Nicaragua Canal, the enlargement of opportunity and widen ing the doors through which honest enter prise may press to the peaceable con quest of the world's markets for that American genius. "I sincerely trust that Oregon, regard less of past party or political affiliations, may speak In no uncertain tone touch ing these great problems of such moment to all our citizenship, especially to their own possibilities. It Is not a difficult matter to picture Portland rivaling: in its commerce a Liverpool or a London, and to see the farmers of yonr magnificent valleys the peers of the proudest in their possessions." No Indian "War Feared. WASHINGTON, May 26. General Wade, who was directed to proceed to the North ern Cheyenne Indian agency, at Tongue River, Mont., and Investigate the reports that the Indians had the "Messiah" craze, and intended to rise against the whites, has telegraphed the Adjutant-General that he could find no reason to anticipate trou ble. He says the Indians are In bad con ditioa, but peaceable and -well disposed. Captain Page McCarthy Dead. RICHMOND. Va., May 26. Captain Page McCarthy, one of the principals la the famous McCarthy-Mordecl duel. Is dead, the result of a long illness. The duel, which took place here In the Spring of 1S73, was one of the most celebrated J8lnce the Civil War. i fc t feoj