The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 20, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Steamer to Arrive This Morning
Will Kot Be. Detained Unless
There Be Sickness Aboard.
ASTORIA, Or., May 13.-State Health
Officer Dr. J. A, Fulton received official
information this afternoon to the effect
that there have been six cases of the bu
bonlc plague In San Francisco, and that
one case exists there now. Until he re
ceives full information from the Marine
Hospital Service he "will have all incom
ing vessels from San Francisco anchored
In the lower harbor until he can make an
examination of them. He will, however,
permit the steamer Columbia to come to
her wharf here tomorrow morning, and
there Is no expectation that she Trill be
delayed unless sickness Is found on board
of her.
Logger Accidentally Killed.
Edgar Jones, an employe of Saldren's
logging camp, at Gray's River, was killed
this afternoon while working at the camp.
He was engaged In coupling the cars, and
as he .stepped In between them his head
was caught between two logs and his skull
crushed. He lived about an hour, but
never recovered consciousness. The de
ceased was a single man, about 25 years
of age, and had been at the camp only a
few dajs. He has no relatives living
here, but has a brother residing at "Wood
burn. The remains were brought to this
city this evening, and will probably bo
eent to Woodburn for interment
Sale of Timber Land.
Deeds were filed for record today by
which W. A. Geer sold to the Astoria
Company 507G.72 acres of timber, located
in the southwest portion of -Clatsop Coun
ty, and adjoining the Tillamook County
line, for $6234 SO. It Is understood the
property is lieu bind, on which scrip
had been filed.
Fishermen Arrested.
Deputy Fish Commissioners Laugbery
and Baldwin this afternoon arrested C. H.
Nelson, a fisherman employed by the
combine, and C. Burg, his boatpuller, for
violating the fishing laws. Nelson ha
both an individual and gear license,. but
is charged with failure to have a number
on his boat. Burg is charged with fish
ing without having a license. The cases
will be tried in the Justice Court on
"Will Fight a Sham Battle at Oswego
Today Claelramas County Xctts.
OREGON CITY, Or.. May 13. Company
A, Third Regiment. Oregon National
Guard, under command of Captain Fred
Metxner, marched to Oswego this after
noon, where they will remain In camp
until tomorrow afternoon. The company
was provided with the proper camp equi
page, besides their arms. Tomorrow the
comnany will divide into two squads and
give, an exhibition sham battle betw ecu
1 and 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Captain
Metzner will command one division, and
Lieutenants Lelghton Kelly and Fred
Humphrey the other.
li. E. Jones, City Treasurer, has called
in all city warrants on the general fund
indorsed prior to July 1, 1S5S, and all ceme
tery warrants Issued prior to July 1, 1S99.
D. R. J. Davis, "who was recently ar
rested in company with Mrs. William
Vanlaar on a charge of adultery, had a
hearing this afternoon before Justice
"Webster on a charge of obtaining money
under false pretenses, and was bound over
to the Circuit Court. Before eloping with
Mrs. Vanlaar from thn south nii of y
conntyrDavIs ia alleged to have sold'some-
aorscs on wnicn a inira party held a
Chattel mortgage, hence this charge.
In the Circuit Court today, Alice M. But
ler, formerly of Multnomah County, filed
a suit for a divorce from Frederick M.
Butler, on the ground of cruelty; also Jo
hanna Delnlnger. of Clackamas County,
gainst John Delnlnger, on the ground of
The tax rebate on wagons with wide
tires promises to draw heavily on the
county road fund. E cry owner of a wide
tire wagon gets a rebate of $1 per wheel
when he pays his tax to the Sheriff, by
making an affidavit before the clerk that
he is entitled to such rebate. This re
bate, however, comes out of the road tax
due from the owner of the vehicle, and,
should he not pay such tax, he is not en
titled to a wide-tire rebate. No less than
a dozen farmers today received rebates
after paying their taxes.
Latest Reports Miott It to Be In Et
cexs of Vot of 1 800.
Reports of the "number of voters regis
tered have been received from all but four
counties, and the additions and correc
tion show the registrations for these
counties to exceed the vote of the same
counties fpr President In 1S96, the heaviest
vote ever polled" In Oregon. The counties
yet to ba heard from are Crook, Curry,
Malheur and "Wheeler. Following is the
showing made to date:
Vote for Voters
President, registered.
Counties 1S36
Baker 2 811
Benton 2.111
Clackamas 5143
Clatsop S.042
Columbia 1.SS0
Coos v.. 2.703
Douglas 4.012
Gilliam 1.026
Grant 1.C44
Harney ., 7S5
Jackson 3.79S
Josephine 2.C91
Klamath S25
Lake 736
Lane 4.919
Lincoln 1.157
Linn 4.902
Marion 7,315
Morrow 1.146
Multnomah IS 604
Polk 2.G4G
Sherman SS9
Tillamook 1.244
Umatilla S.P93
Union 3.4S6
Wallowa 1.044
Wasco 3.125
Washington S.7BS
"Yamhill 3.625
4 200
Totals 91650
Jam Exceeds That of the Klondike
Rash Tiro Years Ago.
SEATTLE. May 19. Five hundred peo
ple left for Nome today on the steamers
Cleveland and Alliance, which had every
berth sold. The water front was packed
all day with departing argonauts and
their friends, and not even the rush to
the Klondike of two 3 ears ago exceeded
the jam of the past week. The Senator,
with 500 passengers, will sail for the north
tomorrow, and the Oregon, with COO, will
get away In the afternoon. The Aberdeen,
Garonne and Lakme will depart early in
the -week. Fully 100 Coloradans took pas
sage on the two steamers leaving today
for Cape Nome. Among others were Cap
tain C. V. Noble, one of the most ex
tensive operators In the Cripple Creek dis
trict, and T. B. McNeil, a prominent
Ieadville miner. Captain Noble estimates
that Cripple Creek alone will contribute
700 to the Cape Nome rush.
Chance Agralmt Spokane IVeirspaper
Men and Merchant.
SPOKANE, May 18. W. A. Aldrich, a
local business man. and Business Manager
E. C. Goofitn and Managing Editor N. W.
Durham, o the Spokesman-Review, were
arrested today by 'a Deputy"Unlied Spates'
Marshal on a charge of advertising a lot
tery enterprise.
The complaint was sworn out by Post-
office Inspector Linn, and the care is be
lieved to "be the most remarkable ever
brought in this country. Funds are be
ing raised for a permanent exposition
building and buttons representing one
i share of stock are sold at $1 each. .Mr.
Aldrlch advertised in the Spokesman-Review
that he would award a $20 prize to
some one of those who should buy ex
position buttons from him. The element
of gain was entirely lacking, and the de
fendants -say the action of the Inspector
was an outrage, and they will contest the
matter, If necessary, to the highest courts.
Sampler Man Prefers to "Wort Ills
Own Good Property.
E. B. Cowan, a well-known mining man.
put up at the Imperial yesterday on his
return from a tour of investigation in the
Sumpter mining district. A large amount
of developing and prospecting is being
done, he cays, in addition to the number
of valuable mines being regularly worked.
M?. Cowan has an Interest in the E. &
E. mine, which has developed Into a good
dividend-payer for the past several years,
although worked by a lessee. The lease
has now expired, and the owners have
refused to renew it, deciding to work the
mine themselves hereafter.
"People need have no fears of the Baker
County mines." Mr. Cowan says, "as the
district has made better returns for the
amount so far invested than any mining
region in the United States. Think of a
10-stamp plant netting Its owner $20,000 a
month. And there are several of these
successful propositions in operation in
that district.
"On one ledge Assays have been made
for a distance of 25 feet, and the result Is
$232 a ton. Such properties as this are
better than anything found at Nome, as
mines can be worked all the year round
In Eastern Oregon."
Quotations of 3Ilntnsr Stocks.
SPOKANE. May 19 Tho closing bids for
mining stories today xere:
Blacktall $0 15 j Princes? Maud. .50 03"
Deer Trail Con.
Palmer M.t Tun. 1"
Gold Ldge
Oolden Harrest.
Lone Pine Surp.
Morn. Glory ....
Noble Five ....
iK !
uamcier cariboo 24
Republic 95U
Reservation .... 13; J
Sullivan 10Ji
Tom Thumb .... 10
Waterloo 4;J
SAN FRANCISCO. Stay 10 The official elos
Intr quotations for mining stocks today were:
Alta 50 03
Justice SO 01
Mexican 23
Ajpna con l
Andes c
Belcher 10
Occidental Con ... 12
Ophlr 5s
Overman ......... 15
Potosl 21
Savage is
Ben & Belcher... 2S
uuiuon ..
Caledonia l io
Challenge Con ... 13i
Chollar 20
beg. ijeicfier 1
Sierra. Nevada ... 2
Silver Hill 22
Standard ... 3 65
uensidence TO
Con. Cat & Va... 1 !
Crnirn PAtn n'
Gould & Curry.. I ISlrJrah Cnn
Union Con ........ 21
Hale & Norcross.. 2(5ITcllow Jacket
NEW TORK. May 10 Mining stocks today
closed as follows:
Chollar $0 15OntarIo $7 T5
Crown Point 7 Ophlr K)
Con. Cal. i Va... 1 25jPljmouth 10
Deadwood 50 Quicksilver 1 50
Gould & Curry... 15 do pref 7 50
Hale . Norcross. 21Sierra. Nevada .... 30
Homestake 55 O0Standard 3 50
Iron Silver CGiUnlon Con 15
Mexican 24Yellow Jacket .... 12
BOSTON, M-vy 19 Closing quotations:
Adventure $0 Oi (Osceola $0 C2U
Allouez M. Co... 21"4 Parrott 42i
Araal. Copper .. STfclQuincy 135
Atlantic 23 (Santa Fe Copper -tei
JBoston A Mont. 2 OS Tamarack 1 74
Butte & Boston. 68 Utah Mining ... 27V-
Cal. & Becla... 7 55 IWinona 2
Centennial lTMWolverfnes Sbi
Franklin 134!
"Unlversitr of Idaho.
MOSCOW, Idaho, May 19. For the fifth
annual commencement of the University
of Idaho, June 10 to 13, the following pro
gramme has been announced:
Sunday, June 10. 11 A. M. Baccalaureate
eermon, -Rev. George R. Wallace; S:S0
P. M., address to Toung Men's and Toung
Women's Christian Associations, Rev. W.
C Fowler.
Monday S:30 P. M., annual concert, de
partment of music
Tuesday 2:20 P. M., senior css day;
S:S0 P. M., university oration, Hon. J. W.
Wednesday 10 A. M., commencement,
annual address to the graduating class.
General Charles King; conferring degrees.
Thieves at Eugene.
EUGENE, Or., May 19. The petty
thieves who have been operating in other
parts of the state have evidently appeared
in Eugene. Last night a large tent was
stolen from the barn of William Pres
ton, and a. bicycle from the home of F. A.
Rankin. It is beloved this work Is be
ing done by professionals, who move
from town to town, and have some Central
depot from which they dispose of their
plunder in a second-hand store of their
Walla "Walla Statesman Sold.
SPOKANE, Wash., May 19. David Mil
ler, of Walla Walla, admits that he re
cently purchased the Walla Walla States
man, and the presumption is he will shape
its course in the campaign along lines fa
voring Governor Rogers' renomlnatlon.
Postmaster for Mitchell.
WASHINGTON, May 19.-James E.
Adamson was today appointed Postmaster
at Mitchell. Or., on recommendation of
Representative Moody.
Xmtc Consul-General's Funeral.
OLTMPIA. May 19. The funeral of the
late John F. Gowery has been postponed
until Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Oregon A'otes.
Dallas will vote on the Issue of $5000
school bonds Monday.
The construction crew of the Inland
Telephone Company has begun work on
the line from Elgin to Joseph.
Colonel M. C Xye, of Crook County,
recently sold SOOO head of ewes, lambs
and yearling ewes to Fortner & Gulll
ford for $2 per head after being shorn.
Nyo had already sheared about 75.000
pounds of wool from them, so that a pres
ent prlcfis the SOOO sheep will net him
over 527.000, a snug little fortune In itself.
Henry Padberg was up Tuesday from
his ranch on Rhea Creek, where he has
700 acres in wheat, which he says is
six weeks ahead of usual, reports the
Heppner Gazette. Mr. Padberg is one of
the pioneers who made this untry. The
first wheat he raised here In 1S70 he had
to haul to Walla "Walla, 100 miles, to get
The fire test of Prinevllle's new water
system was made last week. Four streams
were simultaneously thrown from as
many different hydrants for nearly an
hour, each of which came up to the re
quirements. The city is now practically
safe from the fire fiend, the hydrants be
ing so distributed that at leaEt four
streams might be played on any fire that
may occur.
D. Hedges, of Shelburn. is again in
the County Jail, at Albany, this time to
pay a fine by service, of $25 imposed
upon him by Justice Shelton, of Scio.
Hedges was cutting wood on Malcolm
Miller's land when Miller asked him to
quit. He immediately jumped upon Mil
ler and gave him a terrible beating.
Hedges Is the young man who assaulted
Conductor McErlane several months ago
and was arrested for It.
C M. Doty, living nine miles east of
Foster, brought to Lebanon last Thurs
day for shipment to Portland, 474 dozen
eggs, leaving 50 dozen at home for lack
of cases for packing. From 200 hens since
the 6th of March, he has marketed 524
dozen eggs, besides those necessary for
table use and for hatching 300 young
chickens. Mr. Doty has been in the poul
try business for five ears, and thinks it
can be made to pay if properly managed
He will increase tee number of hens to
Unless the City Shall Come te ike
Terms of "Water Company Rail
road. Scheme "Will SaJCer.
BOISE, Idaho. May 38. The fight be
tween Boise and the water company was
Injected into the railway question today
by the refusal of the heaviest stockhold
ers of the water company to subscribe
anything 10 the railway bonds unless the
struggle between the water company and
the city is settled favorably to the water
company. The proposition of the Colo
rado Midland people was to build from
Boise as their construction point, provided
that Boise should give them a right o
way In the city and nine miles up Boise
River, and would also take $350,000 of
their bonds at market value, when certain
portions cf the road should be complete.
A certain element of the citizens opposed
this, preferring to try and secure the
location of the main line of the Oregon
Short Line through Boise. The money
required to purchase the right of way
was secured, however, but when It came
to the bonds, these people, who largely
control the money of the city, and are In
terested in the water company, which
has lately come Into conflict with the city
over city water, held out.
Today a committee, which includes
George Stewart, the District Judge:
Supreme Judges Quarles, and Harry
Watkins, visited the First National
Bank, Boise City National Bank and ln
dlviduals connected with the water com
pany, and received a flat refusal to sub
scribe for the railroad bonds unless the
city should recede from its position on
th.e water question. Secretary Coffin
stated tonight that a mass meeting of the
citizens would be held Tuesday evening.
If the people can raise the bonds without
the assistance of the water people, it will
be done.
The Chamber of Commerce has refused
to buy the Idaho Central Railway for
the Midland, until they know the bonds
can be raised. The Midland people will
wait until the fight between the people
and the water company is settled.
Democratic Convention in th Coenr
CAlenes Two Opinions.
WALLACE, Idaho, May 19. The Demo
cratlp County Convention split wide open
today ,as expected. The fight came on
the question as to who could vote for
temporary chairman, there being contests
In six precincts. Chairman Murphy de
cided that contestants should file creden
tials with" him, and he would decided who
was entitled to vote. A long wrangle en
sued over the point, but Murphy persist
ed. Over half'of the delegates walked out.
Those remaining elected delegates to the
state convention at Lewiston and Poca
tcllo; passed resolutions professing adher
ence to the Chicago platform and Demo
cratic principles; favoring the free coin
age of 6llver; opposing trusts, Porto Rican
tariff and Imperialism. The last plank de
nounced the "infamous permit system,
which denies to workingrcen their Inher
ent right and manhood before being per
mitted to seek employment, and which de
prives innocent men who have families to
support of the right to labor for their
The bolters formed a separate- conven
tion, and elected delegates and adopted
a. platform, affirming allegiance to the
principles of Individual liberty, advocated
by all Democratic leaders; condemning
the action of the Populists in taking pos
session of the Democratic primaries in
arious precincts; accusing Chairman. Mur
phy of arbitrary-ruling to gain favor with
the Populists, and commenJlng Governor
Steunenberg for his course in the Coeur
d'Alene trouble. The latter plank Is long,
and rehearses the conditions which made
state Interference necessary, and com
mends every action relating thereto.
The split gives the bolters nine members
of the Central Committee and the Populist
wing eight.
Tested by Firing Ten Shots of 1000
Poands Each.
PORT TOWNSEND, Wash.. May 19.-
The official test of the two 32-lnch guns
at Fort Flagler, reported damaged by
having cribs burned from under them af
ter being landed on the beach, was finished
today, 10 shots having been fired, each
weighing 1000 pounds. At the time of
the fire it was thought no damage had
resulted, but after the guns were mounted
a seam about a 32d part of an Inch opened
in the outer jackets of the guns, and the
test was made to ascertain whether th
seam extended beyond the first layer or
jacket According to unofficial advices
the test was satisfactory and the useful
ness of the guns was not Impaired.
Josephine County Sunday Schools.
GRANT'S PASS. Or.. May 19. A very
successful county Sunday school conven
tion was held here Wednesday evening
and all day Thursday. The meetings were
held in the Methodist Episcopal Church,
and were well attended. A county organ
ization was perfected, and the following
officers elected:
Prcsldenr, W. M. Hair. Grant's Pass;
vice-jircsidtint, J. H. Robinson, Wilder
ville; secretary and treasurer. G. W. A. P.
Cramer, Grant's Pass; executive commit
tee, F. T. Downing. W. R. Nipper. Robert
Eberle, H. C. Kinney, of Grant's Pass;
M1S3 Victoria. Mitchell, MerJIn, and. Miss
Mattle McGee. Williams.
Active Day for 31clllnnvllle.
M'MINNVTLLE, Or.. May 19. The-clty
was -in gala attire today. The Order of
Washington held a picnic at the old fair
grounds. George D. Clinton, of Portland,
the head officer of the organization, de
livered an address on the principles of
that order. Races of various sorts took
place in the aficcnoon. A dog show also
held forth, and the Degree of Honor gave
an entertainment this evening. Candi
dates were In especial evidence today,
for the first time since the campaign
In Washington Connty.
HILLSBORO. Or.. May 19. Beaverton
will have a. flouring mill of 50 barrels
capacity in operation by the time the
wheat harvest commences. The main
building will be 26x50, to which will be
attached the engine-rooms. There Is no
other mill In the Imrned-ate vicinity.
The prune crop in Washington County
suffered considerably from the frosts of
some weeks ago. The Buxton orchardlsts
report that no blooms were hurt In that
section, and they hope for a large prune
Portland to Get LaUevIeTT Contract.
LAKEV1EW, Or, May 16. The Town
Council met yesterday at noon and opened
the bids heretofore advertised In Portland
and San Francisco for furnishing the new
town electric light plant. There were sev
en bids, three of which were close togeth
er. A Portland firm will doubtless be the
successful bidder, at $eX. It is now only
a question of freights. That will be as
certained ct once. It is claimed that
freight rates can be secured to this place
as cheaply from Portland as from San
Xevr Washinsrton Incorporations.
OLTMFIA, Wash.. May 19. The follow
ing articles of incorporation have been
filed with the Secretary of State during
the past week: Mount Alta Mining &
Milling Company. Tacoma, $150,000; H.
Hoenschlld Company, Tacoma. $10,000;
Boston & Washington Gold Mining Com-
; '
We Will
pany Bossburg, $100,000; Tongass Trading
Company. Seattle. $10,000; Mineral Ex
tracting Compariy, Seattle, 5100,000; Chi
cago & Spokane Mining & Investment
rnmTinTi. Snokane. $75,000: Polaris Ex
ploration Cdmpany. Seattle. $100,000; Cas
cade Copper. Company, Tacoma, $iuw.iwu;
virTmin nrilA & Conner Mining & Mill
ing Company. Newport, S150.000; Lakeside
Cemetery Association, clearDrooK? .oenr.
ing Straits Development & Mining Com
pany, Seattle. $1,000,000: Bucket Tramway
PnmiMnv. PnmerDv. $10,000: Norton Sound
Mining Company, Seattle, $10,000; Bolster
Improvement Company, Bolster, $,oou;
Seattle General Contract Company, $30,
noo: Vorke Liirhteratre Company. Seattle,
$5000; Washington Irrigation Company, Se
attle, $300,000; Leo & Iiiora- company. Se
attle. $7400; Nineteen Mining Company.
Seattle, $10,000; Times Clothing Mart, Port
Angeles, $1200; amended articles of the
Everett & Spokane Mining Company,
Falrhaven, $50,000.
Fell Because Intoxicated.
TACOMA, Wash., May 19. The mystery
surrounding the accident which caused the
death of Rufus T. Patterson by falling
out of the four-story window of the
Lexington Hotel hai been solved by Lud
ing Veth, a stevedore, who was standing
at the corner of Thirteenth street, and
saw the man fall from the window. Ac
cording to Veth, Fntterson was very
drunk, and simply fell out of the window,
no one being near htm at the time he fell.
No inquest will be held as the police are
now convinced no one had a Hand In push
ing him out of the open window, as was
suggested by his friends, when his body
was fomd.
Death of Mrs. Barrett.
CHEHALIS, Wash., May 19. Mrs. Eliza
Barrett died here last night at the age
of 77, after a long illness. She was one
of the most active builders of Chehalls,
and at one time was the wealthiest resi
dent of the town. She left a considerable
Waslilneton Notes.
Elaborate preparations are being made
for the fourth veterans reunion to be
he3d in Garfield June 5. 6 and 7.
George W. Hubbard, the hopbuyer, left
North Yakima Wednesday for California,
being called there by the serious illness
of his wife. While in Taklma he made
contracts for about 00 bales of 1900 hops,
at prices ranging from 9 to SO cents, most
of the contracts being made at the latter
C. E. Matthews, while driving a bunch
of fat stock Into North Yakima Sun
day, was attacked by an enraged steer.
The horse he was riding was badly gored
In two or three places, but Matthews,
like a trained Spanish toreador, saved
his mount and himself and beat the bovine
into submission w.Ith the butt of his bull
Four Belgian hares, of the most royal
strains that could be procured for money,
were received at North Yakima from e.
celebrated breeding farm In Los Angeles,
by Attorney H. E. McBride on Wednes
day. Mr. McBride paid $160 for them,
or $40 each, in California. Mr. McBride
has other strains of hares, coming from
the East, and expects to go Into the busi
ness of breeding on an extensive scale.
Jacob Eyerly was convicted In the Su
perior Court at Aberdeen Saturday of
having assisted Dan Downing to escape.
The facts brought out at the trial dis
closed a lax system of keeping the Coun
ty Jail that Is almost Incredible. The
tools used by Downing were exhibited,
and consisted of six drills, two saws and
a brace and bit, as well as a revolver
and a supply of cartridges. The testimony
further showed that he had used two
bottles of acid, and that 2x4 scantling,
for prys and levers, were left lying about
the Jail In reckless profusion, and that
the steel ee3 Is probably cut to pieces
with the saws and acids so that it will
require a thorough overhauling before
It Is a safe place to -hold crimlnala.
208-210 First
It is an immense undertaking to close out such a mammoth stock,
of furniture. -It can only be accomplished by slashing prices right
and left. Nothing has been reserved, and the same unmerciful cutting
of prices applies alike to the highest and lowest grade of goods in our
warerooms. You certainly need something in this line, and if you take
advantage of this sale it means dollars saved on every article.
f From the
And, when this sale closes, attend exclusively to jobbing and manufac
turing. This is the opportunity of a lifetime to buy strictly high-grade
furniture at manufacturers' cost. We have goods suitable for all classes
at prices that will tempt the lightest pocketbook.
on Furniture Mf
prevent delay we have engaged an extra force of salesmen
Thinks a Smaller Salary Mixed With.
Bullets "a. More Lucrative
General Summers, a veteran office-seeker
and office-holder, and a soldier between
terms. Is reported as recommending his
soldier-candidates, sc-called, sas the
1 Roseburg Review. And who is Summers?
Not a man of the masses, but a tax-eater
by profession, far removed from the "plain
people." He quit a $4000 a year job, as
Appraiser of the Port of Portland, for the
more lucrative position of Colonel of tho
Oregon regiment, with the understanding
that he could have his old office again
when he came back and he got it and still
has it. The fact that he may be brave in
battle Is not alone sufficient to entitle him
to select the officers who shall manage the
business and financial affairs of Douglas
County. We have a class of voters here
who are not in the Tiablt of allowing "high
toned" army officers or Government time
servers do their thinking for them. They
are more interested In patting Into office
or keeping there men who will conduct
their public affairs economically and hon
estly and lighten the burden of taxation,
and their heads are not easily turned at
the sight of a smart army uniform.
N'o Pride to Point With.
The Dalles Chronicle.
Why don't our Democratic exchanges
point with pride to the fulfillment of the
prophesies made by Bryan four years ago?
We were to have 25-cent wheat and 5-cent
cotton and 15-cent corn. Wretchedness
and poverty and distress were to be all
orevaillng. The "money power" was to
t contract the currency, drive gold out of
circulation, drive greenbacks out of circu
lation and bring the country to the bow
wows. Wages were to be cut so low that
tho laboring man would not be able to
earn enough to buy him bread. Our tariff
laws were to shut us out of the foreign
markets. Lombard street and Wall street
wero to conspire against the common peo
ple and grind them Into the dust. AH
these horrible things, and more, were to
happen if we did not get Bryan and 15 to
L We got neither, thank God, and have
managed to get along tolerably well with
out them.
"Would Disfranchise Hard Drinkers.
It Is asserted by the leaders of the Pro
hibition party that fully 500 votes will be
polled in this county for that party's tick
et at the election next month. This is un
doubtedly on overestimate. There are a
great many people who have symptoms of
voting that ticket, but they never do.
They preach prohibition, but they do not
vote it. To attempt to control men's appe
tites by enacting and enforcing a man
made law is almost a waste of effort.
Men who cannot govern their appetites
should probably not be allowed to partici
pate in the government of others. If the
man who abuses the use of alcoholic bev
erages wag disfranchised, on the ground
that since he cannot control himself he
should not expect to participate in govern
ing others by his right of suffrage, it
would likely do more for temperance than
even the adoption of prohibition, and at
the samo time it would leave to men who
could control themselves all, the rights
guaranteed to them under iree Institutions
and self-government.
It Is a Cruel World.
The Dalles Chronicle.
The lot of a Democratic editor in these
piping times of McKintey prosperity is
hard enough to call out the deepest Re
publican commiseration. It Is especlally
i bard when the fates have cast his lot In a
Bet. Taylor
prosperous community like The Dalles.
One of these unfortunates entered the office
of a prominent Dalles lawyer this morn
ing, and, noticing that an army of trades
men were at work repainting the wood- I
work of the building, remarked that the
painters of The Dalles must be reaping a ,
harvest, for nearly every property-owner
was having his buildings painted anew.
"That's so," said the lawyer. "You see,
under the old Cleve.and soup-house regime
we could hardly raise enough money to
meet expenses, let alone improvements.
Now everybody has money to spare and"
but the item stealer had heard enough,
and made a dash to lave his fevered brow
in the cool, outside morning air.
Don't KIclc Over the Sonp.
Forest Grove Times.
While the Indian War Veterans are rail
ing against Congressman Tongue, It will
be well for them to remember that Mr.
Tongue has worked harder for them, than
any other man ever sent to Congress. They
might also consider that if they sent Mr.
Daly their chances of Congressional relief
will disappear. Mr. Daly, being a Demo
crat, will act with the Democrats, and the
Democratic party will afford no relief to
war veterans It isn't built that way.
Still Against Bryanlsm.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Resolved, That the Democratic party la
in favor of the acquisition of the Island of
Cuba, on -such terms as will be honorable
j to ourselves and just to Spain, at the ear
liest practicable moment." That was Dem
ocratic doctrine just 40 years ago, as de-
M-jYwf it tVo Titmrrnin nlntfnrmn nut
! forth at both Charleston and Baltimore.
Expansion was not then denounced as un
Democratic and un-Jeffersonlan.
More Expansion Wanted.
Eugene Regater.
It is estimated that the present census
will give Oregon 500,000 population. We
have been enjoying a. llttte expansion on
our own account the past few years, and
If tho Republican policy of National ex
pansion is maintained for the next 10
years, the next counting of noses will find
Oregon with 1,000,000 population. Bryanlsm
can offer no such assurance to Oregon
Teachers for Forest Grove.
FOREST GROVE, Or.. May 19. Tho Di
rectors elected last night the following
teachers for the ensuing year, commenc-
Retail Business
a. Co.
Woman's Work
the Impurities which cause suffering. If you cannot call, write. I will
send you advice and my new Illustrated book, free.
Dr. M. A. McLaughlin, 11iFt?i;?wabshaSt-
Louis Blumauer, Chemist and Druggist, corner Third and Oak, Portland, Or.
and Salmon
Ing September I: Principal, Ward Swope,
re-elected; first grade. Miss Orell M. Beal,
Forest Grove; sixth grade, Mrs. Josephine
Case, HiUsboro; Miss Persephone Butler,
Monmouth, Or.; Miss Ella Mason and
Miss Lorena Gleason, Forest Grove, Or.;
Miss Marie Velten. Hillsdale, Or. The
last four have not yet been assigned their
grades. '
Pendleton Beat Weston School.
PENDLETON, Or., May 13. Pendleton
High School won the Tribune cup today
over tho Weston Normal School in the
field day sports here. Nearly 1000 people
Death of Judge Ford.
TACOMA, Wash., May 19. Judge Henry
Ford, senior member of the firm of Harris
&. Ford, died suddenly at 10 o'clock this
morning. Deceased was 67 years old.
Investors, Attention!
Phenomenal Profits In Oil
The Oriental Oil & Fuel Co , Incorporated
under the laws of Oregon, owns 1C0 acres of
oil land In the heart of the oil belt of Cali
fornia. Property has been reported on by C. W.
Fox, for 15 j ears with the Standard Oil Co.,
and Colonel IT. ST. Ojden. field expert. Pro
ducers' Oil Exchange, of San Francisco. Only
25,000 shares of stock for sale, for development
purposes. Dlrectors J. Frank "Watson, Pres.;
Merchants National Bank: R. L. Durham.Vlce
President, Merchants National Bank; H. C.
Breeden, of H. C. Breeden & Co ; H. C. Sck
enberger, Com'l Agent Michigan Cent. Ry.;
Chas. V. Cooper. Conf. FrU Ast. Union Pac
Ry.; H. C Stratton.etretaty. a
Call at room 512 'Chamber' of Commerce, and
see experts' reports. Send for prospectus.
The Oregon Mining
Stock Exchange
Auditorium. Chamber of Commerco Bldg.,
P. O. Box 670. Portland, Or.
J. E. Haseltlne, Pres.; David Goodsell,
Treas.t F. J. Hard, Sec.
Directors L. G. Clarke. J. E Haseltine,
David Goodscll. P. J. Jennlng3, I. G. Davidson.
F. V. Drale. E. A- Clem.
Geo. W. Lloyd.
T. W. NevlU.
Lloyd & Nevill
Rooms 533 535 Chamber of Commerce building,
Portland. Or.
Telephone Clay S37. P. O. box 1043.
Is dene, and she often suffers from
nervous tension and over-fatigue,
which induce various derangements.
Strong proof of the power of my
Dr. McLaughlin's
Electric Belt
As a remedy comes from those whom
I have absolutely cured.
Electricity applied by .rny special
method is an easy and exhilarating
treatment which gives the "go by" to
drugs, and is admirably suited to
woman's pains. Call on me. I will
soon illustrate what my Belt will do
for you, how it is the Ideal tonic, how
it renews wasted forces and excels
li li