The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 20, 1900, PART TWO, Page 17, Image 17

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He's five-and-flity. If a day;
As yet, his hair Is Iron-gray.
He's clothed In Mack from head to feet
In rather shiny black but neat.
He's rather toll and rather slim.
His eyes are red around the rim.
Those eyes were black when he -was young,
And lightning glances flung among
The ladles In their furbelows,
"Who saw him In pale passion's throes;
But now they are a bluish white
For In them Hope no beacons light.
HUr hat is Tilgh. as is his head;
The man that made the hat is dead
These twenty years. It has no mate
For. like himself, it's out of date.
Wide and level Is Its brim.
And. like his hopes., its gloss Is dim.
His coat is always buttoned tight;
His linen's frayed but then It's -white.
His low-cut shots are wedded to
Grjm gaiters, not exactly new.
In sun or shade, In snow or rain
He twirls a light Malacca cane.
Preoccupied, with thoughts afar.
As his first dreams and great-coat are.
The last-named article he scorns
At least, his form it ne'er adorns.
His face is bare of hair, and blue
Trom constant shailng he Is true
To the traditions of his art!
And jet he has not played a part
(Although he's looked for one through tears)
For five-and-twenty sorry years.
He still hopes on will, till he's dead.
Through years as empty as his head
His hollow head, on which are curled
(He thinks) the locks to charm a world.
If he but had a chance to show
The fire within him and the go!
He haunts Broadway from 3 to 6,
And practices hli harmless tricks
To catch the managerial eye.
And then goes home to groan and sigh.
He sometimes gets a ticket to
A first performance: then. If you
Should pass down to a parquet chair,
Tou'd see him, wrapt and posing, wrhero
There are no seats. He sneers and smiles
At our degenerate tragic styles;
He shrugs his shoulders, flouts at grief.
And fumes, frets, shudders gasps. In brief!
At what the'audlence calls "soul,"
Our poor old stroller's weak eyes roll.
Approach: "Enjoy it, sir. I'm sure?"
"Enjoy be damned, sir! I ENDURE!"
"An actor, jou?" with smile and nod.
"I played with rORREST. sir. by Godl"
And then he turns and strides away
To his bleak room, but does not say
He played with Forrest In the year
Of '03. and held a spear
And trod the boards behind a shield.
On Bosworth's bloody, famous field.
Among grim Richard's battered troops,
When he was captain of the "supes."
Fpor fellow! Leave him to his dream;
" He's drifting down the hackneyed stream
Of life in such a leaky boat
That he can barily keep afloat.
And If he wears with pride a rose
He never plucked what then? God knows
That ho belle es to be a tact
That he did once with Forrest act.
John Ernest HcCann, in Dramatic Mirror.
Stochrvrell Company's Production of
"The Magistrate" at Cordray's,
as Seen by "Meriwether."
Mr. Stockwell did -wisely in selecting
"The Magistrate" for the second -week of
his newly mustered company. It is gen
erally acknowledged to be a grateful task
to give one of Pinero's comedies. Most
playwrights are prone to think of the
audience und forget all about the actor.
But Pinoro, who is stage manager as well
as playwright, is clever enough to keep
both in his mind. He gives the player a
generous allotment of clever lines,
although he may be a butler. Instead
of concentrating them all upon one lucky
star, and altogether treats him like a man
and a gentleman. As a rule there is no
part so small in his plays as not to give
the actortanvonnortunlty to make a hit,
if he uses it properly, so lavish is Pinero
w ith his sparkling dialogue and that warm
humor that never appeals in vain to an
An illustration of this may be found in
the part of the French waiter, Isidore,
Introduced Into the second act of "The
Magistrate." He has few lines, for about
all he has to do Is to bring in decanters
and deviled oysters, yet his part pos
sesses such clear-cut individuality that
Mr. Francis Yale was able to produce a
distinct impression upon the audience.
And this may be taken. In a general way.
as a type of the quick and sure reward
that awaits every actor of ordinary clev
erness in the humblest roles of Pinero's
Handicapping? Circumstance.
"The Magistrate" is a comedy that can
almost be said to carry itself. It would
take a poor company Indeed to make It
fall flat. Mr. Stockwell has gathered
absut him some actors of real ability, but
these are handicapped in their efforts to
do seriously artistic work, by the neces
sity for jumping into unfamiliar roles at
short notice, to accommodate themselves
to the needs of a newly organized com
pany. The character of Mr. Posket has become
in Mr. Stockwcll's hands an admirabla
and delightful study of diffidence and
naivete, mingling with magisterial stern
ncss, in the dissimulation so unexpectedly
forced upon him. There is no temptation
to introduce horse play into this role,
as there was Inst week in the characteri
zation of Marks the Lawyer.
It was somewhat odd to see Miss Hef
fron in lace, bare shoulders and diamonds,
after our glimpse of her as sputtering
Topsy in the kinky, vari-colored curl pa
pers, and the dross-slip of brown burlap.
She gave an interesting picture of Agatha
Posket's shlfl-.g moods of Ingenious
finessing, historical abashment and out
raged dignity. But the effect of the scene
in the. hotel came pretty near being spoil
ed by the bombast and ranting of Law
rence Griffith and Glttus Lonsdale, as Col
onel Lukyn and Captain Vale.
Heroic Efforts.
All of Mr. Griffiths' cnergV and that
was a great deal was consumed in &
heroic effort to acquire the military depth
of voice that befits a British Colonel.
But with all his arduous efforts, the re
cult was hardly satisfactory. Mary Scott,
as Charlotte, the unmarried sister, seemed
rather indolently indisposed to make the
most of her role, and was caught in a
state of undue mirth once or twice at
critical moments, when the place foi
smiles was in the audience rather than
on the stage. She gave the Impression of
unused force.
Mr. Steinle had, perhaps, the most dif
ficult part in the play that of the vola
tile youth of 19, whose mother kept him
still in knickerbockers and ruffled waists
for chronological reasons.
Will Open Last Week of StockvrcU
Engagement nt Cordray's.
The last week of tho engagement of Mr.
Lk R. Stockwell and his company opens
tonight at Cordray'fl, when "the English
adaptation of the French farcer "In Para
dise," -will be presented, with, Mr. Stock
well as Moneleur Pontlchot.
This farce was produced for the first
time in Portland by the Frawley Com
pany, on the occasion of the last appear
ance of that organization here. Its story
is too familiar to our theater-goers to
need repetition at the present writing.
It is full of humorous complications and
incidents, and offers good opportunities
to clever players. At tonight's presenta
tion, Miss Mary Scott plays Claire Tau
pln, the artist's model, who Innocently
caures all the trouble; Miss Heffron, Mme.
Pontlchot; Miss Lonnon, Mme. Crestll
llon, and Mr. Lonsdale. Raphael. "In
Paradise" will be given only three per
formancesSunday, Monday and Tues
day. On "Wednesday evening "The Magis
trate" will be repeated, and the balance
of the week, including Saturday matinee,
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" will be given.
Enthusiasm Over the Dos; and Pony
Enthusiasm has been rife all the week
among the little folks on account of the
Norris & Rowe dog and pony show. Big
audiences have been the rule every day.
Thousands of children have been enter
tained in the great tents, and have gone
home afterward to dream about the pretty
calico pony captain, who rang a bell
and directed the maneuvers of a troop
of soldier-ponies; or the old coach dog
who Jumped through the blazing hoop
with as little concern as he would gnaw
his way through a bone, at dinner-time;
they have been kept busy wondering
whether or not the poor dog who was
hurt in the boxing match is going about
with his- fore leg in a splinter; or whether
the wee doggie -who was carried out of
the burning building by the brave fire
man dog has recovered jet from the
shock. All these, together with the per
forming sea-lions, the clever tricks of
Fargo, the young elephant, and a hundred
other brilliant antics beside, have kept
the children's tongues busily wagging. It
was all they could do to find time to
sleep or to eat, so eager were they to
exchange opinions on these interesting
topics. And their elders also have set the
seal of their approval upon the exhibition,
pronouncing it one of the best that has
ever been given in Portland.
"When Properly Presented,
Plays Do Well Incidents.
ASTORIA. Or. (Mr. Editor.) From time
to time we read of the decline of the
Shakespearean drama, and that there is
no longer money to be made in the "le
gitimate"; that the people want something
light and will support nothing else. I
think this is a mistake on the part of
those who make these assertions. The
companies I am speaking of the llrst
class companies, now who included
Shakespeare In their repertoires this sea
son have all made money. Shakespeare's
plays must either be presented In an
almost faultless manner, or not at all:
it is only when they are presented thus
that they are a paying attraction. They
must have not only actors of more than
ordinary ability and how few there are,
though the cry goes up that the profes
sion Is an overcrowded one but there
must be an enormous outlay of money In
costumes, scenery, etc.
Thomas McKee, manager for the late
Thomas Keene. was a firm believer in the
"legitimate." During a late tour of his
"star," he was in St. Louis. The mana
ger of the theater at which his company
was to appear spoke to him in a very
discouraging manner as to the business
he thought Keene would do; said that
everything was running to -vaudeville, and
that the "legitimate" was dead.
It Caught On.
However, McKee said he would at least
let the people know that Shakespeare was
In town. The result was a banner week's
business and a Shakespearean boom in
St. Louis. The local stock company took
up "Hamlet," and played it 14 times a
week every afternon and evening.
Mme. Modjeska. Frederick Warde, Wal
ker Whltslde. Louis James, Crcston
Clarke, Richard Mansfield and Ada Rehan
are among the .foremost exponents ot
Shakespeare's drama we have left, and
now that Augustln Daly is no more, New
York is without Its customary revival of
the famous bard's plays, for, with the ex
ception of the performances given by the
traveling companies, New York Is not any
better off than many of the smaller towns
in that respect.
It reports are true, Mrs. Leslie Carter
has the Shakespearean "bee" in her bon
net, and possibly next season will be seen
In a sumptuous revival of "As You Like
It" and "The Winter's Tale." I trust
this latter play will not put a "frost" op
her aspirations; the title is a chilly one.
Speaking of tragedians, reminds me of
a good story I once heard of WUtcn
Lackaye. This actor made his first ap
pearance on the stage in support of Law
rence Barrett. In "Francesca di Rimini."
When the company went on tour. Barrett
decide to put on "Julius Caesar" for a
few nights. Lackaye expected "Frances
ca" to -run all season, "and was not sup
plied with classic wardrobe, esnecially the
Senatorial toga, with the broad red
stripe. The company was -way up in the
country, and Lackaye was stumped how
to acquire a toga.
Waking up one morning in his little
hotel, his eye was caught by the window
curtains long white affairs, with a red
stripe running across the bottom. "There'a
my toga," exclaimed Wilton, who forth
with proceeded to "swipe" the curtains,
and drape them over his manly form. Not
being matched properly, the stripes did
not come together exactly, and made him
look more like a stick of striped pepper
mint candy than a noble Senator.
However, he carried his prize to tho
theater that night. His part In "Julius
Caesar" was Metellus Cimber, which he
was wont to make up a very red-faced
Roman. He did not come forward promi
nently until the garden scene, where Cas
sius introduces the conspirators to Bru
tus, so Barrett did not catch sight ot
him until the moment of the introduction.
"And this Metellus Cimber," said the
tragedian, In his deepest tones; then,
catching a good view of Lackaye, with
his fiery red face and barber-pole toga,
he remarked in a gruff aside: "For heav
en's sake, Lackaye, where di you get
it You look like a sore finger."
Rose Bloch Bauer's Solo "Work: at the
Salem FestlvaL
Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer has received
high praise for her work in the two ora
torios, "St. Paul" and "Creation," just
given by the Willamette Valley Choral
Union at Salem. Rev. F. Dominic, O. S.
B., president of Mount Angel College, well
known for his fine musical taste, says:
"I have heard the star singers in Wag
ner's operas at Bayreuth and Munich,
and I do not remember of hearing any
thing better. Her beauty of tone, sweet
ness of expression and dramatic force of
delivery have simply ravished me, espe
cially in 'Creation,' which calls more
than 'St Paul,' for all tho power and
skill of a heroic soprano. As soon as she.
In the first chorus of 'Creation,' swung
up to the high C with the ease of a
morning lark. she raised us with her
self to the highest pitch of enthusiasm."
Rumor That She May Retire From
the Stage.
Affliction of the vocal cords has neces
sitated the cancellation of the Chicago
engagement of Blanche Walsh and her co
star, Melbourne MacDowell, who have
been touring for two seasons in the Sar
dou plays that constituted the repertory
of the late Fanny Davenport, says the
San Francisco Bulletin. Coupled with
the news of her illness comes a rumor that
she Intends to retire from the stage to
travel In Europe for the purpose of repair
ing injury sustained to her health through
the exigencies of her work.
A few nights ago in Chicago, tonslll
tls affected her voice so distressingly that
she was compelled to lower the curtain
in the middle of an act and dismiss the
audience, ft is thought "that the tour of
herself and MacDowell will not be re
sumed, owing, to differences between the
Her association with MacDowell began
after the death of Fanny Davenport, who
was Mrs. MacDowell in private life. The
Sardou melodramas of "Fedora," "La
Tosca," "Cleopatra" and "Gismonda,"
constituting the Davenport repertory,
were regarded as valuable properties, and
were in demand by actresses with stellar
ambitions. MacDowell himself decided to
star in them, but as his position on the
stage had been merely that of Mr. Fanny
1 Davenport. It was regarded as necessary
I that an actress of standing and strength
' should be associated with him, and Miss
I Walsh was selected.
At first MacDowell was given prece
dence in the Dining ot tne venture, out
the actress speedily made good a claim
to first place and black type in the post
ers and advertisements. It -is the belief
that the enterprise has been very suc-
cessful in a pecuniary sense, although it
has been confined in its appeal to the
cities and towns west of Pittsburg, and j
lias &cjjl jsoas trtusu uui ui. iue uieLrupu-
lls and the large cities of the East, where
her work had been known and appreci
ated. .
"Rip Van "Winkle" a Novelty, and J
snaifespeare untcnovrn.
The term "barnstorming", -was unknown
west of New York before the Civil War,
says the Chicago Tribune. Traveling
companies were few and uncertain in their
dates. The circus traveled overland, but
the theatrical company never, in the I
West. Amusements other than the tent- '
ed shows were confined principally to the
river towns.
Sometimes a few strolling players
would arrive in an inland town by stage,
rent a hall for the night; occasionally for
a longer stand, and appear "on" the night
of the day of their arrival, without pre
vious announcement except by handbills.
Tho scenery consisted of a drop-curtain,
usually of cambric, or domestic sheeting.
The lights were candles, which had to bo
renewed before tho performance was over.
The "orchestra" was composed of homo
talent. There was always aome one in
town who could fiddle. All seats were
worth the same money, and, of course,
there were no coupons. The goer paid
his cash to the man at the door, who
usually left his post as soon As possible
to "make up" for his part In Ihe play.
The town visited by players at that
time was usually the county seat, and
the "acting" was generally In the Court
house. As the Courthouse "was public
property, no rent was charged, and the
consent of the Sheriff was the only license.
There were "deadheads" then, and tho
Sheriff was always fixed. So was the
landlofd of the town.' -where1 tho play
goers slept two In a bed.
Shakespeare Then Unknown.
Not often did these -strolling actors pre
sent anything other than "Uncle Tom's
Cabin" and "East Lynne." Between "cur
tains" the elocutionist of the "troupe"
"company" was unknown gave "Shamua
O'Brien" or "BIngen on the Rhine." Theso
were the specialties. But 40 years ago a
Shakespearean play was unknown In the
inland towns of what is now the Middle
West. Thirty years ago Joe, Jefferson'3
"Rip Van Winkle" was new in St. Louis,
and people from the interior of the state
made journeys of a day and a night to
see it.
"Jessie Brown; or, The Siege of Luck
now," was the first military play of any
noto produced In the inland towns of tho
West, and that was not se-in until after
the close of the Civil War. "The Black
Crook" was the first spectacular play
m-?- ; jt v
MKfted5Ch?M" , f .. )
"His Flatte Is a beautiful player."
'You mean she plays beautifully."
"No; that's Just what I don't mean."
west of the Mississippi, and that was
after the Civil War. It was considered
so marvelous that people from remote sec -
tions of the state went to the cities to
tee It.
But before Jefferson, with the stage
creation of the vagabond Rip, and before
"The Siege of Lucknow." and even before
"Uncle Tom's Cabin," Bert de Bar, of St.
Louis, had acquainted the people of that
lunu mtji ua ,, -.-u-....., m mcv
the first Shakespearean character seen in
that section.
In fact, some years later, when-a young
Positively the Third and last Week of THE L H STOCKWELL CO.
' Wednesday One Night....
."The Magistrate
tragedian appeared in Leavenworth as
Hamlet, the playbill contained tho infor
Author o "Merry Wives of Windsor," M
Played by Ben do Bar.
Shakespeare Introduced.
The playgoer remembered that. It was
the production which Introduced Shakes
peare In some portions of the West.
The society play of that time, when pro
duced, which -was not often, was "The
Lady of Lyonsv" To have seen it and to
speak of it intelligently was an evidence of
culture and a passport. It had the in
dorsement of the best people. They went
to see it where they could not have been
Induced to see the other plays mentioned,
except "East Lynne."
When "East Lynne" was played In Har
rlsonvllle, Cass County, Mo., 27 years ago,
in the old Courthouse, women became hys
terical and men wept. A land company
which was Just then laying out a new
town on a projected railroad met the day
after the play and named the town East
Lynne. and It so appears on the map.
It Is within the memory of Kansas City
playgoers that when the English actress
Mary Gladstone played the dual role in
"East Lynne" in a town hall, the citi
zens wero so Infatuated with the charac
ter and the actress that she was tendered
a "rousing benefit" all benefits were so
called then. The list of names to the call
filled a column In the morning newspaper.
Interesting' Experiences on the Road
"With "Poor Relation."
"When I was playing wiih Sol Smith
Russell during the World's Fair, at the
Grand Opera-House, Chicago, in 1S93,"
says Stewart Allen, of the Stockwell Com
pany, "Nat Goodwin was playing In
Missouri' at Hooley's Theater. It was
the last night of Mr. Goodwin's engage
ment, and during the first -act of 'A Poor
Relation' the stage doorkeeper came to
me and said that 'a sort of a cowboy-looking
chap wanted to see Mr. Russell.
"I went to the door, and there was Good
win, dressed as tho Sheriff in 'In Missouri."
He said:
" 'Mr. Allen, I want to say good-bye to
"I replied: He Is on the stage, Mr.
Goodwin, but the first act will be over
In five minutes.'
"Russell was at the moment singing a
little song to the two children (aged 6 and
8) who appear in 'A Poor Relation.'
Sol Is Arrested.
"Suddenly the door opened and in
marched Goodwin on the stage, saying:
1 am the Sheriff from Missouri, come to
arrest my poor relation.'
"Russell was dumbfounded, and the two
children cried bitterly, one of them say
ing appeallngly: 'Sheriff, don't arrest our
Uncle Noah!' Confusion reigned supreme,
and the audience stared in amazement,
and finally Goodwin said:
" 'Sol I've iust come to say good-bye.'
"Russell, recovering from the shock,
replied: 'It is very kind of you to visit
your poor relation.' They shook hands,
and Goodwin hurried back to Hooley's
"When the act was over, the only re
mark Russell made was, in his usual dry
" 'What strange things Goodwin does at
"The audience hugely enjoyed this im
promptu and unlooked-for scene.
He "Wanted a Pass.
"When I was with Russell In 1SS5," con
tinued Mr. Allen, "we were at Lincoln,
Neb., when, one night, a pale, emaciated
looking man walked up to Mr. Russell,
j who was standing in front of the theater,
and said: 'Are you Sol Smith Russelir
j "Mr. Russell said, 'Yes.'
I "Tho man then remarked: 1 want to
' seo you act tonight.'
j . "Mr. Russell replied: 'Well, therege the
j box office."
r "The man said: 'But I want a pass.'
" 'Why should I give you a pass?' said
j Russell.
Well, I'll tell you why. The doctor
says I have consumption and" cannot live
more than three months. I have no money
with which to cut admission,- nd you only
The Most Humorous of AH Comedies
Thurs., Fridayand Sat. Nights and Sat. Mat.
By Special Request
The Ever Popular
"Uncle Tom's Cabin"
play here once a year; so r can never eee
you act again.'
"Mr. Russell wrote out a pass.' "
Restaurant Man Feeds the Giant and
Makes It Par.
"You know I've told you." said the old
circus man to a reporter of the New
York Sun, "about how the old man was
forever playing Jokes on people In the
towns we came to Over the great giant;
making contracts in advance tor one
thing and another for him, binding people
to supply tho things called for at certain
prices, and turning- up then with the giant.
"For instance, he would get some local
shoemaker to agree to make a pair ot
men's shoes for so mcch, the man to be
measured when he came to town. Of
course, the shoemaker never dreamed Qf
a man the size of the giant, and when the
giant appeared the shoemaker would be
duly dismayed, and the whole business
would be turned Into an advertisement
for the giant and the show; but It's only
fair to say that tho old man always did
what was right before he got through and
never let anybody lose anything by him.
On tho other hand, he sometimes met peo
ple that got the better of him; and from
one of these, right after we got the giant,
wo learned a lesson so very simple that
he wondered he hadn't thought of it him
self before.
"Going ahead of the show in a city
where we were to stay a week, the old
man made with the proprietor of the big
gest restaurant there a contract for the
board of one member of his company, who
was very particular about his food, and
was at the same time a large eater, this
contract requiring that the boarder should
be supplied with whatever he wanted that
was In season, cooked to his fancy, and In
any quantity that he might call for. Well,
now, you l:now, the giant was a graceful
enough eater, but, my gracious! the quan
tity required to feed him was something
prodigious; and, seriously, the mere cost
of his board made a substantial item in
the show's expenses. But his coming to
the man's restaurant didn't appear to dis
turb the restaurant keeper a bit; you'd
have thought, to see him. that he'd been
keepinar a giants' boarding-house all his
"He waited on tho slant himself at the
first meal he had there, which was dinner,
served In the middle of the day. The old
man was along to see that his giant got
enough to eat, which fhe did, a great plen
ty. At suppertlme the old man was busy.
and he sent roe with the giant, coming
himself later. When he got to the restau
rant, he found a crowd in the street in
front, and this sign hanging up over the
restaurant door:
: Nonpareil Restaurant. :
: Tho Greatest of All Giants Boards :
: Here, :
: Taking His Breakfast at 7 o'clock, :
: His Dinner at 1. :
: and His Supper at 7 o'clock. :
: Come in and See Him Eat. :
: To All Our Regular Patrons No :
: Charge for Admission. :
: To All Others, 25 Cents. :
"And they wouldn't let the old man in
till he'd paid a quarter.
"But the restaurant man turned out all
right. Ho deducted tne cost of feeding
the giant and then divided those extra re
ceipts with the old man, which was fait
enough, and ever after that, in every town
we struck where the giant ate at a res
taurant, we used to make contracts on
that basis."
University of California Co-Ed Out
Ahead of "The Brovrales."
Miss May Eleanor Gates, of Oakland,
Cal., and a University of California "co
ed," has found the newest fletd of ac
tivity for modern womankind. She has
entered the field of theatricals from the
business side of the profession. The stage
Itself had no attractions for the talented
young woman, but when" she received a
flattering offer to become the first woman
advance agent for a theatrical troupe.
Miss Gates consulted with her friends
and then accepted.
On Sunday last she started out ahead
of "The Brownies," which will be sent for
a Southern California tour by Manager
S. H. Friedlander," of the California The
ater, San Francisco. Miss Gates has had
four years of experience in newspaper
work, combining journalism with her uni
versity studies. Her freshman year was
spent at Stanford University. She is one
of the eight young women who were
awarded Mrs. Phebe Hearst scholarships
for the University of California. Miss
Gates is a member of the class of '02.
Her tour will cover three months, and
all of the varied duties of an advance
agent are Included under the contract
the young collegian has signed. She will
naturally devote much of her work to tha
press. Miss Gates' home Is In Oakland.
For many months she has been society
editor for the Oakland department of the
San Francisco Call. Before that time she
had been employed on general and special
newspaper work. She Is probably the first
woman in the United States to take up
the special line of work which she has
Miss Gates declares she would not have
made the venture without the approval
of President Wheeler, of the University
of California, and her patroness, Mrs.
Matters of Interest to Play-Goers
and Actor Folic.
Ed H. Felt, who Is touring Colorado,
recently had the pleasure of playing Flor
ence. The opera-house was equipped with
four battle-scarred drops fancy and
kitchen interiors, a street and wood. The
actor asked the manager of the houso
what scenery he had. "Well, not much,"
said he; "we have a front room, back
room, town and timber."
One hundred thousand dollars Is the
figure set for the profits of the Broadway
Theater in New York since Jacob Lltt
assumed management of It early this sea
son. It Is stated on authority that the
receipts have averaged nearly $18,000 per
week since "Ben Hur" was first present
ed. Grace Hill, daughter of I. C. Hill, of
Los Angeles, refuses to leave her position
l Angeies, retuses 10 leave Her pusiuon
a chorus girl with the Bostonlans, al-
though her father objects to her action
and commands her to return. The girl,
who has an Income of her own, draws a
salar but proposes to stay in
Delcher & Hennessy have secured from
the heirs of the late Charles Coghlan his
dramatization of Thackeray's novel."Van
ity Fair," and will feature Miss Coghlan
In the principal character, "Becky Sharp."
The firm has Just closed a successful sea
son with "Brown's in Town." It has en
gaged Jack Reed, who managed Charles
Coghlan, the last three years, to direct
the tour of Miss Coghlan.
John G. Fisher, Modjeska's manager on
her recent tour, says that the gross re
ceipts for a seven months' season were
nearly $250,000. Mme. Modjeska Is now
on her ranch near Santa Ana. Cal., and
her husband. Count Bozenta, Is with her.
Mr. Fisher says that he paid the noted
tragedienne nearly &S0.000 for her share
of the profits of the tour.
Phenomenal SdVscess of Brady and
Grlsmer's Play.
"Way Down East" has Just finished
one of the longest and most remarkable
runs -ever made In New York, and the
most phenomenal, in point of receipts,
at the A.cademy of Music, In that city,
which Is noted for Its long and prosper
ous runs. It played there nearly the
whole season, during which it was wit
nessed by fully half a million people; tho
average weekly receipts were over $8000,
and the receipts during the entire run
reached nearly $300,000.
The piece has been played In New
York City 415 times. This includes its
first run of six months at the Manhattan
Theater. It has made a fortune for its
proprietors, William A. Brady and Joseph
R, Grlsmer, and will probably continue to
yield large profits for years to come.
There was scarcely a change In the cast
from the first presentation of the play
at the Manhattan Theater.
Hamlet's Insanity Feigned.
The Rev. Dr. D. J. Stafford, says the
Dramatic Mirror, lectured about Hamlet,
at the National Theater, Washington, re
cently, before a large audience that In
cluded many distinguished persons. Of
the ghost scene. Dr. Stafford said:
"Hamlet knew, from the fact that the
ghost of his father had drawn him into
seclusion to impart his dread tale, thqj
the communication was not to be di
vulged. So, when Horatio rushed up to
him after the departure of the ghost, he
grasps, without premeditation, at the idea
of feigning insanity as affording an easy
method of evading the questioning of his
friend. The success of his plan induced
him to continue to act the part, as afford
ing a facile means to provide him with
opportunity, without fear of interruption,
to consider the course he must pursue
In avenging the death of his father."
Concerning the soliloquy of Hamlet the
lecturer observed: "It is a complete phil
osophy that Shakespeare has presented
to us his own consideration of future
life. He has given us a solution of the
great mystery."
Hard on the Ghost.
The performance of the Shakespearean
drama of "Hamlet" was dragging itself
slowly along. The time had come for the
appearance of the ghost.
There was a slight delay, owing to the
tardiness of the ghost in responding to
Its cue. The profound stillness that fol
lowed was broken by a loud voice in the
front row of the main balcony:
"Mamma, there are 37 men down there
with round, white spots on top of their
And no stage ghost ever made Its ap
pearance under more discouraging aus
pices than the armor-clad phantom that
came stalking upon the stage at this mo
ment. Chicago Tribune.
Anton Schott will give a Wagner con
cert on June 6. Particulars later.
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ents and even the grand
parents. This is only the
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plication ot the
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ity. In this coun
try, we leave nat
ural law to deal
witli it3 own
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many a mother
is punished
t through the
physical weak
ness and peev
ish temper of
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"Women mainly err through ignorance.
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liarly feminine, are in no condition for
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great chnnge. Drains that are offensive
and debilitating are set up, inflammation
and ulceration with female trouble are
added in time, and when motherhood
comes the strength of body is inadequate,
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