fitittfeg Jv 8fc NHL p$wfew I n PART TWO : j) . -----rr .-jZ II PAGES 13 TO 24 VOL. XIX. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 1900. NO. 20. WM. GADSBY THE HOUSEFURNISHER, Cor. Washington and First Sts. The largest and liberal complete establishment in oUDISlfu SOLID That's the kind of Dlnlng-Room Fur niture you need; that's the kind of furniture we have: a look through our warerooms will convince you. SOME SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Parlor Suits, 3 pieces S12.E0 Bedroom Suits, Hotel 1C.50 Chamber Suits, 3 pieces 13.0D Chamber Suits, oak 20.W Chamber Suits, ash 15.0 Kitchen Treasures 2.00 Extension Tables, ash 3.S0 Oak Dining Chairs LCO Par'or Tables 1.90 Bedroom Tables 75c Mahogany Bedroom Suits $73.00 BIrdseye Maple Bedroom Suits 45.00 Curly Birch Suits W.CO Golden Oak Suits 40.00 Mahoganlzed Suits 25.00 rf FfcOPUk White Enameled Beds, Dressers, Chiffoniers, Washstands, etc. Everything In stock to furnish mansion or cottage. Win. Gadsby, The Housefurnisher CORNER FIRST AND WASHINGTON e FOR ONE WEEK ONLY WE OFFER COFFEE One-half pound with every sale of one and one-half pounds of LEEGE & DELICIOUS HIGH Don't fall to take advantage of this opportunity to get a coffee that Is sure to please you. ONLY IN ONE ROUND PACKAGES, so that you may know what to get next time. This offer applies only durlno WEEK OF SPECIAL SALE, Saturday, May 19, to Saturday, May 26 FIELD, CAMPBELL & CO. Union Ave. and East Morrison St PORTLAND, OREGON THREE FANCY BLENDS Peerless Mocha and Java. ...... .35c Jleaado Java Blend. ........... .30o Oriental Blend. ............... ,23c (M(MMtMtetiic((titttttii(ieatt ACCUSED OF $IURDER. Horse Denier Arrested for Killing; nn Old Sinn In Utah. REDDING. Cal., May 19. L. U. Reavis. a horse dealer, was arrested here ioJay for complicity In the murder o an old man named Thomas Sandell, at Layton. Utah. March 2S. 1S99. Reavis and a man rained Haworth planned to rob a store In which Sandell was sleeping. They blew the old man's brains out and fled. Ha Aorth -was arrested at Portland, Or., last December! All traco of Reals was lost until he was discovered here, where he located eight months ago as a horse deal er. The capture of Reavis was accom rllshed through the aid of H. K Grant, a San Francisco horse dealer, who recog rlzed Reavis. he having had dealings with him in Utah. San Francisco detectives were notified and arrived here, taking Reavis into custody. Reavis denied knowl edge of the crime. Me will be taken to Sacramento, where extradition papers will be applied for. Wreck on Mexican Central. CHICAGO, May 19. A special to the Record from Guadalajara. Mexico, says: A work train on the Guadalajara branch of the Mexican Central road ran Into an obstruction, wrecking the engine and a number of cars. The American engineer and 10 Mexican laborers were killed. most housefurnfshlng the, state. NOTE OUR EASY TERMS S 20 worth ef jeoJs. . .$ 5 diwa. . .SI prr vttl $ 40 wBrth of jesds ..$10 down ..Slfrcrmxek J 0 wtrthfrf 9eolt...$15dwB...S Gptr asath $ SO worth of 3dt...S2Q dowa ..$$ per esntfa $100 worth el g is . . $25 dowo . . $10 per month Larger bills can be arranged to suit. During the last month we have sold more that 5C(X) yards of best Tapestry Brussels "Which we continue to make and lay with lining at 75c per yard e HASKIINS' - GRADE COFFEES CHINESE BOYCOTT. Aa Injunction Against Butte Labor Unions. BUTTE, Mont., May 19. Judge Knowles handed down a decision in the United States Court today perpetually enjqlnlng ..uc iotoi uiiiuiie irom Doycottlng the Chl- nese. The Injunction is very sweeping. It i restrains all people from combining or conspiring to injure or destroy the busi ness of the Chinamen, or from threaten ing, coercing or injuring those patronizing ( Chinamen. The defendants are forbidden to carry or haul transparencies or banners 4 through the streets intended to Injure the I Chinamen, or from remaining about the Chinese "business houses and soliciting peo ple not to deal there. It Is enM ti. r... Chinese will ask damage for the loss of business already sustained. Chteasro Breivers Challenge. CHICAGO. May 13. Owners of Chica go breweries have defied the city ordi nance requiring them to pay $300 license fee the first day cf May each year. Five of them have combined and not only re fuse to pay the license, but have decided to test the validity of the ordinance In the courts. The city collector has accepted the challenge and passed up the case to the Proseciltlnr Attorner nfflrn -aritVi I Instructions to sue the delinquent? I lIL : THE GENUINE PLAGUE No Doubt About the Epidemic in San Francisco. RESULT OF BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTS Riot In Chinatown Over Efforts to Vaccinate Celestials -Action Taken by Board of Health. SAN FRANCISCO. May 19. A riot among Chinese occurred In Chinatown yes- I terday, and but for the timely arrival cf t A meeting of the Chinese was held lato police might have resulted seriously. Early i tonight in front of the Six Companies ol ln the day several Celestials posted anon- J flee to protest against vaccination, ymous bulletins in Chinatown, imparting Dr. W. H. Kellogg, the city bacterlolo- " " !" III' I III 111! 1111 i II II Hal l II I ill the Information that the Health Board in- " tended Inoculating them with poison to Kin tnem, ana nsn tnrown into tne sewers were Infected with plague germs so that rate would catch the disease and spread It among the Chinese. Shortly before noon. Wong Chung, c- retary of the Six Companies, the Chi nese Chamber of Commerce and the pres ident of each company went to the Chinese Consulate to discuss the disease conditions in the district with Consul-General Ho Tow. Thousands of Chinese followed and congregated around the entrance to the Consulate on Sacramento and Stockton streets, clamoring for admission, ewear ng and shouting. Many were armed with missiles, threatening to assault the build- mg. vong tjnuns- auempira 10 speaa. w them, but to no avail. The police arrUed and dispersed the crowd, which recongregatcd in front of t, r-Mr., rit r-nmnnnw rinmiMiA 72S the Chlnce Six Companies domicile. 73S Commercial street and repeated threads. The police again dispersed them. Today crowds of Celestials stood about the street corners excitedly dlscuaslng the situa tion. All the large stores and many of the rage, and will not eubmlt to It They as sert that five Chinese bound for the In terior were Inoculated a few das ago and that two have since died from the effects. When It became known In Chinatown that the Board of Health had determined to Inoculate the residents of the Chinese section ome of the more wealthy of the Indignant Chinese hurried their families Into hacks and other ehlcles In the at tempt to send them out of the district Some succeeded In getting as far as the city limits, where they were stopped by the police. Others attempted to leave the city on tralne. Several merchants en deavored to obtain passage on the steam er American Maru, which Uled for the Orient today, but there was no room for them on the steamer. The doctors detailed to Inoculate the Chinese are having a very hard time of It every possible obstacle being placed in their way by the Chinese. The Consul General la co-operating with the Board of Health as much as possible, but several demonstrations among the Chinese have caused him to keep quiet In the matter. He has urged his people repeatedly to sub mit to the demands of the board. Dr. Vincent P. Buckley, a member of the Board of Health, stated to an Associated Press reprcsentatve today that there have been no deaths as a result of Inoculation, bulletins posted in Chinatown by Chinese to the contrary notwithstanding. Dr. Buckley stated that unlets the Chinese submit to the operation, a cordon of police or soldiers will surround Chinatown and no one not supplied with a proper cer tificate will be allowed to pass through the lines. Dr. Buckley stated that wnlle the heads of the Six Companies seemed to be willing to co-operate with the board. so far their efforts to Influence theaf countrymen had not proved a success. Will Take Xo Chances. The Board of Health has adopted a res olution declaring that bubonic plague exls'i In San Francisco. The health authorities say that while there are no living cas here, there have been six deaths during the past firee months, and they have -decided to Itke precaution against the de velopment and spread of the disease. The resolution which was adopted reads as follows: "Resolved, That it is the onse of this board that bubonic plague exists In the City and County of San Francisco, and that all necessary steps already taken for prevention of Its spread be continued, to gether with such additional measures as may be required." Members of the Board of. Health say that there is absolutely no danger of de velopment or spread of the disease, in San Francisco, but that they do not propose smaller ones are closed, and no business Commercial, died May 13 at Pacific Ho- f "a "'"s up 5Ccano Piace in ine oroaa King was renevea eaneEuaj , -w . is being done. The merchant look upon pitol; same symptoms and tests. jump. Payne, another Oregon freshman. The absence of official conflrmaton or thp nttomnt to Inoculate them as an out- -w-i-t. wn TnrV- atrA s? rHori nfnv 1R ' ran Moorford a close race In the SSO-yard the relief of Mafeking falls to raise doubt to take any chances, and It Is their duty to take precautions. Federal Quarantine Officer Kenyoun in formed the board that the State Health Board would take action to prevent the spread o'f the disease into the interior counties. Health Officer O'Brien stated that the, Government had turned over 200 quarts of ha mine prophylactics, and res olutions were adopted that the residents of the Infected d'stricts, bounded by Broadway, California, Kearney and Stock- J ton streets, be inoculated and Chinese be examined before leaving the city. Dr. Kenyoun today Informed water front boatmen and city cabmen that any one attempting to take Chinese out of i the city would suffer the Federal penalty. Today 30 white physicians attempted to vaccinate Chinese, but most refused to submit. The Consul-General will meet the Health Board for the purpose of stop ping the vaccination. Dr. Williamson, president of the board, threatens to quar antine the district unless the Chinese agree to vaccination, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON'S TEAM OF ATHLETES. gist, reported to the JTealtKBoard today I as follows: I "Wing Chuc GIng, aged 41, 16 years In allfornia, died at 1001 Dupont street Feb- ' California ruary 7; called Dr. Chlng Bu BIng. com plaining of headache, pains in back and head, and fever. February 14 a lump on the - right groin was given a plaster, but no . surgery was done. Several days later came The day was an Ideal one from an ath vomlt'ng, profuse execretlon. collapse and ; letlc standpoint, and a large and cnthusl dcath; an ambulant case in which ex- astic crowd witnessed the contest. The ccrabatlon occurred, marked by vomiting. J Washington rooters were In evidence, as etc The glands, when removed, were nt-n z,-- n -. nf rQohf.,i mm v... placed under a microscope and Ehowed the , presence of germs of plague. Two guinea p'gs, a monkey and a rat were lnoculat- ed. The animals died of pure and typical ' plague infection. A second eet of animals I was tnea. wun me same reouu. "Saw On. 3S years, died In St Louis 'alley 49 days after the first case; same i symptoms. Cover glass showed perfect . . nm,ntc inimi innminM rtiort . pest organism. Animals Inoculated died CI hours afterwards, showing lesions cf plague. "Tim La Muey, girl, 16 years, died May 11 -no mov ' oUT,ftTr.- Mm- fcnr. at 740 PacMc; same conditions and results. "Wing Chlng, died May 15; observation suspected plague. Kenyoun concurs In finding." Wong Chung said: "Recently the Chi- nese who were vaccinated became very sick. The Chinese believed they were poisoned. Only the lower class are revolt ing, the merchants being willing. The white doctors will have trouble." The railroad' and steamship companies refuse to sell tickets to Chinese. CHINESE GO TO COURT. Will Contest the Right of the Au thorities to Inoculate Them. SAN FRANCISCO. May 19. It was learned late tonight that the Chinese have retained attorneys to contest in the courts the right of the Board of Health to com pel them to submit to inoculation. They claim that at the best Inoculation Is but an experiment and they wish to protect their persons. They will also contest the right of the Board of Health to Interfere with their business in quarantining their district The Federal authorities are op erating with the local Board of Health, and the exits of the county are being guarded to prevent the Chinese or Jap anese from leaving the city. Earthquake In Mexico. CHICAGO, May 19. A special to the Record from the City of Mexico says: Reports from Pacific Coast towns show that the earthquake of Wednesday, which o Wmnu.) 6i '" i" ;. " more severe along the coast A tidal ..- ,. , ... a -1.1. -.. wave succeeded the second shock, doing rorslderable damage. In the coast towns In the states of Collma and Jalisco houses were submerged, boats swamped and sev eral natives drowned. The duration of ths shocks generally was one minute. Where they were most severe, however, they lasted but two seconds. Cabinet Crisis in Fern. NEW TORK. May 19. A special to ths Herald from Lima, Peru, says: A Cabinet crisis exists. It Is reported that the cause of the crista is the refusal of Minister of Home Affairs Parra and other members to sign the appointment of young Ammadeus Plerola as Director of the Poatofflce. Public opinion supports Minister Parra, on the ground that Piero la is too young and inexperienced. Homer Sargent Dead. CHICAQO. May 19. Homer Earl Sar gent ex-generkl manager of the North ern Pacific, and one of the founders of the Union Stockyards, here, died today, aged 78. years. ' , I terlologlcal results. unin ieen. iriri. .id. uuiuc&lic. ul iv9 i OREGON BRAWN WON Beat Washington University at Field Athletics. THE SCORE WAS 62 TO 60 POINTS Victory Was Fair, Brilliant and Scr- prlalns -Dick Smith, the Oregoa Star. Beat a State Record. SEATTLE, "Wash.. May 19. University of Oregon 62, University of Washington 60. This score tells briefly the story of the greatest athletic contest ever held In the Northwest. The victory for the lemon was as fair as it was complete, as brll- llant as It was surprising. Man for man arid point for point the two teams had been compared on paper and It was only a Washington victory. But the athletic generals had underestimated the strength of the visitors, who, when the occasiou demanded It Introduced a couple of fresh men surnrlses that won tho dtiv. sonth q encouraged their favorites ffom ,tlme to t,me wUh tho je-lnsplrlng -Qskey wow wow " so dear to every Eu- gene mans' heart, Th'e nero of th day D1 k Smjth i th. h, ,, ,., tr. .,, flf ',", , y,' ' .v. " u. "... I" "lln,h "t," , ' "7 HH fnndthr"n"i"ft bX iTh In tho vault, discus throw and 220-yard place in the hammer throw, shot put hurdle. His jump of 20 feet 10 Inches betters the Oregon record of 20 feet 6. held by Kuykendall, of the University of Oregon. Knox, the plucky freshman, sur jtjt.A . iuui anuftuiiiu uuunicia, ujf winning the high Jump and pole vault nn- ana n tne mile slmp'y ran away from ona distanced Clem Hill. Seattle's I crack distance man. Redmond. In the ! quarter, was pitted against the two best men in the state, Huntoon and Thayer, who led off at a heartbreaking pace, wh'ch was Intended to kill the plucky Oregon lad. But "old Red" was game, and hung In behind until the home stretch was reached, when he made a magnifi cent spurt and passed his competitors, collapsing at the tape :n the hands of Trainer Trine. The Stnr Performer. Caulkins was the star performer of the home team. He opened the day by win ning the 100-yard dash, which was soon followed by victories In the 220-yard dash and 120-yard hurdle. He fell down in tho Jump9, however, especially In the broad, where three Oregonlans outclassed him. Cosgrove surprised everybody In the 220 yard hurdle, although the Oregon men clfiim that If Tom Williams had been well the result would have been quite different Field made a beautiful throw with the discus, and came dangerously c'ose to the Pacific Northwest Association record. Tne relay race was won by Unlversitv of Washington In the fast time of 3:24. Rusrell carried the ribbon for Oregon in the first quarter, but at the end oi the lap Caulkins had gained 25 yards, which Angell was unab e to shorten In n.o race wun cnestnut Redmond gained sK or eight yards on Thayer in the third lap. but Bishop was unable to catch j xr.mrfnrrt In , lf oUV,..o., 1 .-.i i -., ,., it,i " . """""" "c Ba"'t:u " yards, finishing five or six paces be finishing five or six paces be- nina the winner. The Oregon men were not accustomed to the cinder paths, and had they been Bishop would undoubtedly have won the dashes, and Redmond would no doubt have lowered the Pacific Northwest As sociation record In the quarter. The vls- I Itors displayed better form than the local men. and Trainer Trine and Manager Mc Arthur are both exceedingly happy at the showing made. As the programme progressed, it became evident that the contest would be a close one, and It was predicted that the last event would decide the day; but when the high jump was called the visitors lacked only a few points of having a majority. When little Knox won this event and decided the day. he was carried to the dressing-room on the shoulders ol his enthusiastic comrades, while the lit tle band of Oregon rooters made a noise that almost shook the grandstand from Its foundations. The officials were selected from tho Se attle Athletic Club and T. M. C A., and their work was fair and conscientious, ' giving general satisfaction. The sum mary of events is as follows: 100-yard dash Won by Caulltlns (Wash.); second. Bishop (Or.); third, Lewis (Or.) Time, 10 seconds. Shot put Won by Smith (Or.); second, Thayer (Wash.); third. Wagner (Or.). Best put. 36 feet 7& Inches. SSO-yard run Won byMoorford (Wash.); second, Payne (Or.); third, Russell (Or.). Time, 2 minutes 6 2-5 seconds. 220-yard dash Won by Caulkins (Wash.) second, Bishop (Or.); third. Chestnut (Wash.) Time, 23 seconds. Running broad Jump Won by Smith; second, Knox; third, Lewis (all of Ore gon). Best jump, 20 feet 10 inches. Discus throw Won by Field (Wash.); second. Wagner (Or.); third. Smith (Or.). Best throw, 101 feet 1 Inches. 120-yard hurdle Won by Caulkins (Wash.); second. Hill (Wash.); third, Will iams (Or.). Time, 17 seconds. Pole vaule Won by Knox (Or.); second, Gaches. (Wash.) ; third. Smith (Or.). Best vault, 9 feet 6 inches. 440-yard run Won by Redmond (Or.); second, Thayer (Wash.); third, Huntoon, (Wash.). Time, 54 seconds. .--iiS ' Mile runWon by Payne (Or.); second, Hill (Wash.); third. Goodall (Or.). Time. 5 minutes. Hammer throw Won by Smith (Or.); s'econd. Thayer (Wash.); third. Field (Wash.) Best throw, 12T feet 10 inches. 220-yard hurdle Won by Cosgrove (Wash.); second, Williams (Or.); third. Smith (Or.. Time, 2S1-5 seconds. High Jump Won by Knox (Or.); second, Caulkins (Wash.); third. Field (Wash.). Best jump. 5 feet G inches. Relay race Won by University of Washington; time, 3:34. Total score. Oregon 62. Washington CO The Eugene men attended a reception at the University tonight and will take the noon train tomorrow for Portland, .,,. ,(,,. m aV t a T M tak. . .u "tiu. . --.,.. lng the night train for Eugene. RELIEF OF MAFEKING. It Occunred Vednesdry, According to a. lionrenco Marques Dispatch. LOURENCO MARQUES. May 19. Maf e- at the Parliamentary Secretary of War's office. George Wjndham said. In the House of Commons, that no official an nouncement could be expected for at least 4S hours after the relief had been ef fected. However, further unofficial confir mation of the report of the relief of the long-beleaguered town Is contained in a dispatch from Lourenco Marques under to day's date announcing that Mafeking had been relieved. There has been no inter ruption of London's celebration. Rejolclnpr in Canada. NEW YORK, May 19. According to the specials received by New Tork papers from various points throughout Canada, there is general rejoicing among the Eng lish residents of the Dominion over the relief of Mafeking. Montreal was alive last night with Joy over the news. A bonfire was built In front of Queen Victoria's statue on Vic toria Square, and the city echoed with "Rule Britannia" and '"God Save the Queen." The news came too late for any large organized demonstration, "but more will come this week. CHICAGO. May 19. A special to the Record from Winnipeg says: There was a great demonstration here last night In celebration of the relief of 1 Mafeking. At 6 o'clock In the evening the i city was roused by a great tumult. A ' wonderful parade was formed. No such demonstration was ever known here in the history of the city. There Will Be "So Intervention. NEW TORK, May 19. The general con clusion was reached at the Cabinet meet ing yesterday, according to the Washing ton correspondent of the Herald, to adhere to the former decision against interven tion unless mediation should be requested by both sides. The London Standard, says a special to the Herald from London, commenting up on the result of the Cabinet meeting at Washington, says: "As a final blow to the hopes of the enemy comes this news from Washington. If the Boers want peace, they must sue for it from the Imperial Government" Hntton'ti Dash. KROONSTAD, Friday, May 18. General Hutton, with his mounted Infantry, today made a dash upon Bothavllle and cap tured three commandants and 19 other prisoners, mostly Zarps. The Colt machine-gun section, command ed by Atlumney, has arrived here. Owing to the derailing of two trains at the Vet River, progress toward the com pletion of the railway deviation will be delayed for some days. LODGE'S WAR TALK May Cost Him Chairmanship of National Convention. GERMANS STRONGLY PROTEST Republican Looking: About for An other Man for the PlaceSeveral Under Consideration. WASHINGTON. May 19. Senator Lodga Is slated for permanent chairman of th Republican convention, but It Is said that since tho severe criticism that has fol lowed his speech en the Monroe doctrlna and assault. on the Germans, the Republi can managers are looking about for an other man. Many German Republicans ara' protesting against Lodge, and couple tho protest with the assertion that Lodge's selection will lose the Republicans many votes. Several other names are now said to be under consideration for this im portant place In the convention. The outlook for fusion is not regarded as very good. It was compiete in 1S96, even with the Watson foolishness, as tho Populls.s now term the celebrated double tall to the Br an ticket of four years ago. Fusion worked all right and the success In getting all the votes opposed to the Republicans centered on one candi date snowed very good generalship on tho part of those manipulating It, for It waa accomplished in a manner that Is not like ly to occur again. This year It has al ready otf:i demonstrated that fusion is lmpcfis'ble, and all of the antl elements' of the ccuntry, all of that discontented and distracted voting population, which will not 6te for the Republicans cannot now "be centered In any one candidate. Bryaa offers them now as much as he offered In 1S96. but these elements cannot and have? not been held together four years con tinuously. In the first place, the Mlddle-of-the-Road Populists did not particularly want Eryan nominated at their St Louis convention four years ago. This element however, cam; from the Southern states. Their object In maintaining a middle-of-the-road and separate organization was to secure the fusion in tho Southern states for themselcves and to defeat the Democ racy. Their fight was not against the Re publicans, but against the Democracy. It Is a fact that the largest sectton of tha mlddle-of-tr e-road element repiesenttd at the Cincinnati convention came from th South, and most of the votes that Barker and Donnelly will get are likely to coma from the Southern states. The Populist vote in the Northern, stales will to a large extent go to Bryan. How ever, the fact that there is a split in the Populist party, and one element la by Itself, means that quite a large vote, even In states where the Pop ulist votes arc wanted by the Democrats the worst, will go to the Mlddle-of-the-Road ticket But there Is another element that stood by Bryan In 1896 which 13 not for him now, and is represented by the Debs nomination for the Presidency. Debs himself claims that he will get 1,000,000 votes that wtre cast for Brjan In 1S23 Whlle this Is proba"b"y an exaggerated number. It Is absolutely certain that what ever votes Debs gets w.ll come from Northern states that are absolutely essen tial for Brian's success. They will not come from states that are sure to go for Bryan In any event the states of the eolld South, and those of the silver West, but they will be found In New Tork, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, states which the Bryanltes are casting longing glances at for some s gn which will give them encouragement The fusion outlook with the Mlddle-of-the-Road Populist ticket, and with the Debs Socialistic ticket is not good, and shows conclusively that all of the Incongruous elements which were gathered in 1S96 cannot be held together for four years. The Philippine Tariff. Representative Tongue has addressed the following letter to the Secretary of War, which Is self-explanatory: "I inclose correspondence from Manila published in The Portland Oregonian of May 9, a statement of the tariff Imposed upon goods shipped from, the United States to Manila, and also an editorial comment on behalf of The Oregonian. I desire par ticularly to call your attention to this tariff, especially with reference to flour and food products. I should be pleased to know whether this Is a correct list, and If so, whether It would not be possible to very materially modify the order under which this tariff has been levied. "The Pacific Coast Is especially Inter ested in establishing a market for flour in Eastern Asia. Great advancement has been made in that direction; It controls, a' large portion of that trade. One of the necessary steps to take Is to teach people there to use flour, make and eat bread. It seems to me that the Govern mnt as much as possible should lend en couragement to this enterprise. To a great many people the large tariff Imposed upon flour, cheese, butter and other food prod ucts will appear to be unjustifiable, and will probably produce little revenue. "I earnestly call your attention to this subject, and I think voice practically the unanimous sentiment of the people of the Pacific Coast when I ask for a very ma terial modification of this tariff upon such food products." TO DICTATE WHEAT PRICES Plan Submitted by the Government. Russians CHICAGO. May 19. The Record says: "There Is before the State Department at Washington a plan submitted by tha Russian Government whereby Russia and' the United States could dictate wheat prices for the world," said J. M. Flynn, of San Francisco, at the Auditorium Hotel. M. Flynn I3 an agent of the Russian American Company, recently formed with a capital of $5,000,000, and has been In con sultation with the Russian Embassy In Washington for several weeks on matters pertaining to the company he represents. Continuing, Mr. Flynn said; "This plan was submitted during Cleve land's second term, but It has rested with out action till the present time. I know" that the Russian Government Is anxious that Its overtures be met by this coun try. The trans-Siberian Railroad devel ops a territory, the principal products of which are wheat and cotton. Russia believed that with the co-operation of this country, her wheat and cotton, the prin cipal Items of exports also of the United States, could bring much better prices. "Russia's proposition was the result of the Investigations made some time ago by M. De WItte, Minister of Finance, to dis cover the cause of the low price of wheat and cotton. They showed to the satis faction of the Government that this low price was not due to the increased acre age nor lessened consumption, but was the direct result of American competi tion." The Turkish Envoy. NEW TORK, May 19. Admiral Ahmed Pasha, of Turkey, arrived, here last night on the Hamburg-American teamshln Augusta Victoria. M ,dfc& -1fi X -f-- & -" l.gafr r4t J Sv -.. f Jfc t-fc-atett-X - - 1-'J