' 1 10 THE SUNDAY OBEGONIAN, PORTLAND, MAY 20, 1900. GREAT INDIAN OUTBREAK GEN. STEVENS' STORY OF THE TJF 'RISING OP 1855. Hestlles Sabdaed by the Volantecr GoTeraor Steves.' Effort to Protect the Settlers. General Hazzard Stevens' biography or "his father, General Isaac Ingalls Stevens, the first Governor of Washington Terri tory, devotes much space to a history of the great Indian outbreak of 1855. The uprising was widespread and many com munities in Oregon and Washington, east and -west of the Cascade were threat ened. After several sharp conflicts the hostiles were reduced to subjection. Governor Stevens concluded the treaty of peace with the Blackfeet and other tribes October 20, 1856, and four das later he and hl9 party started homeward from Fort Benton. On the 29th a mes senger who had ridden post haste from The Dalles reached camp with the news that the great tribes of the upper Colum bia country, the Cayuses, Yaklmas. Walla Wallas, Umatllas, Palouces and all the Oregon bands down to The Dallep, the very ones who had signed the treatks at the Walla Walla council and professed friendship, had all broken out In opsn war. They had swept the upper country clean of whites, killing all the settlers and miners found there, and murdered Age.it Bolon under circumstances of pecu.Iar atrocity. Major Haller, ent into the Yakima country with 100 regulars and a howitzer, had been defeated and forced to retreat by Kam-1-ah-kan's warriors, with the loos of a third of his force and his cannon. The Indlanp west of the Cas cades had also risen simultaneous, and laid waste the settlements on Puget Sound and in Oregon, showing that a widespread conspiracy prevailed. The Spokanes and Coeur d'Alenes were hos tile, or soon would become hostile un der the spur and taunts of the joung Cay use and Yakima warriors sent among them to stir them up, and even some of the Nez Perces were disaffected. One thousand well-armed and brave hostile warriors under Kami-1-ah-kan, Pu-pu-mox-mox. Young Ch'.ef and Five Crows were gathered in the Walla Walla Valley, waiting to wipe out the Stevens party on their return; squads of young braves were visiting the Nez Perces. Spokanes and Coeur d'Alenes, vaunting their vic tories, displaying fresh gory scalps, and using every effort to cajole or force them Into hostility to the whites. Defeat of Major Haller. A brief review of the outbreak and course of the war will make clearer the situation at this Juncture. Scarcelj was the ink dry upon his signature to the Walla Walla treaty, when Kam-I-ah-kan, the leading and most potent spirit, and his Yaklmas, were hard at work inciting an outbreak against the whites. They, wl h the Cayuse and Walla Walla ch.efs as sembled the disaffected Ind ars, and many of the others, at a council north of Snake River in the Summer, and made every effort to gain over the Spo kanes, Coeur d'Alenes and even some of the Nez Perces, who had intermarried with the Cayuses, and not without suc cess among the young braves. Their emissaries stirred up the tribes on the eastern shore of the Sound, too. the Nls quallles, Pujallups and Duwhamlsh, who had Intermarried to some extent with the Yaklm&f, and penetrated even to Gray's Harbor and Shoalwater Bay on the coast, and to Southern Oregon. Every false hood that Indian ingenuity could Invent, or credulity swallow, was employed to ilre tho Indian heart. The conspiracy was In full train, but not yet ripe, when the out break -was prematurel begun by the mur der of the miners in the Yakima "Valley in September, by Kam-1-ah-kan's war riors, who could no longer "be held back; and when Agent Bolon visited the tribe to Investigate the matter, he was treacher ously shot in the back, seized and h-s throat cut. and with his horse burned to ashes, September 23. Quaichcn, the son of Ou-hl, and nephew of Kam-1-ah-kan, was the chief actor of this tragedy. Major Haller marched with 100 men from Tnc Dalles Into the Yakima Valley to de mand the surrender of or to punish the murderers; and Lieutenant W. A. Slaugh ter, with a small force of 40 men. moved from Stellacoom across the Nahchess Pass to the Yakima to co-operate with Haller. But the Yaklmas attacked the latter October 6, and compelled him to re treat with the loss of 22 killed and wounded, his howitzer and baggage. Pu-pu-mox-mox then seized and plundered old Fort Walla Walla, which had no gar rison, and distributed the goods found there, including a considerable supply of Indian goods, among his followers, who danced the war dance in front of his lodge around a fresh white scalps. These In dians, with the Cayuses and Umatlllas, then drove the settlers out of the Walla Walla Valley, destroyed their houses and Improvements, and killed or ran off the stock. Lieutenant Slaughter, after cross ing the summit of the Cascades, being un able to learn anything of Haller, hastily but wisely fell back to the Western tide. Here Captain M. Maloney Joined him with 70 regulars and a company of volunteers, under Captain Gllmore Hays, and again advanced across the mountains, but n turn retreated, fearing to leave the settle ments on Puget Sound wholly unpro tected; but his messengers were waylaid and" slain by the Sound Indians, and the settlers on White or Duwhamlsh River, near Seattle, were massacred with un speakable atrocity, the bodies of the women and children being thrown Into the v. ells. These settlers had taken refuge In Seattle, but were Induced to go back to their farms by the friendly professions and assurances of the very savages who fell upon and butchered them the night after their return. And settlers on the Nlsqually and at other points met a sim ilar fate. fVbole Country Threatened. Governor Stevens' decision was Instant and unwavering It was to force his way back to Washington Territory by the direct route, through all opposition and obstacles. He fully appreciated the perils and difficulties of the attempt, but his determination was unalterably fixed stern ly to confront them all, and by a bold de cided course and rapid movements to force a passago through the hostile coun try and hostile savages. Aften an in credibly hard mid-Winter, forced march, he reached Olympla January 19. 1S56, to find the whole country utterly prostrated, overwhelmed. The settlers In dismay had abandoned their farms and fled for refuge to the few amall villages. They were all poor, having no reserves of money, food or supplies, and starvation stared them In the face if prevented from planting and raising a crop. The only military post on Puget Sound. Fort Stellacoom, could mus ter less than 100 soldiers, and was so far v from protecting the settlers that It had v -called for and received tho reinforcement of a company of volunteers for Its own protection. The post at Vancouver was also but a handful In strength, and had also been reinforced by two companies of volunteers. But even this pitiful force was not to be used against the savage enemy; for Wool had just gone back to. San Francisco after a flying visit to the Columbia River, during which he had disbanded the volunteer companies, re fused to take any active measures to pro tect the people, and loudly proclaimed both in official reports and through the press, that the war had been forced upon the Indians by the greed and brutality of the whites, and that the former would be peaceful if only let alone and not treated with Injustice. There was a de ficiency of arms and still more of am munition. In the country. At the beginning of the year 1SCG, the Indians of the upper country held the whole region, except the point occupied in tho Walla Walla Valley by the Oregon volunteers.; the Yaklmas were more hos tile .active and triumphant than ever; the Cayuses, Walla Wallas, and Umatlllas were made more embittered and defiant by the punishment they had. received, and all were free to instigate more hostility among the other tribes, which they were Industriously doing. The regulars were on the defensive by General Wool's or ders, while the volunteers in the Valley were unable to take the aggressive for lack of supplies. West of the Cascades, the Indians in fested and held the whole country, ex cept a few points. The whites were vir tually In a state of siege, not knowing where to find succor, or even food, com pletely discouraged and dismayed. The great majority of Indians on the Sound had not yet taken to the warpath, al though much disaffected. Even among the most hostile, the Nlsquallles. Puyallups and Duwhamlsh, it is doubtful If a ma jority of any tribe took active part in the outbreak; but the war faction comprised tho chiefs and the vigorous young war rlorj, and they were constantly stimu lated and encouraged, and at times large ly reinforced by their Yakima kinsmen. The nostile warriors on the Sound prob ably varied In numbers from 250 to 500, but the swamps and forests, with their knowledge of the country, gave them fveP'vadvantare- The S1 danger was that the other Indians, already disaffect ed, and many of whose restless young braves were aiding the hostiles to an ex tent which cannot be certainly determined .T?Uld, openIy JoIl In the outbreak, and tins danger was aggravated by every day s delay on the part of the whites In at tacking and striking the enemy. A de fensive policy was sure to throw the whole Indian population into the arms of the sZl!'- A1 addlunat and imminent danger was found in the Northern In dinrj gangs of whom were prowling andUutnhd6e,SUnd' m ' Volanteeri Called Oat. i Immediately upon his arrival at Olympla. Governor Stevens called upon the people by proclamation to raise 1X volunteers tor six months for offensive operations against the enemy, and took other steps wiShf 5,the "uPPresslon of the uprising. Within three weeks 11 comranles were rac-ed and equipped, besides two bodies of Indian auxiliaries. The force thus speed tnii !. 7" orSanIzed Into three bat taLons designated as the Northern, South ern and Central, and the two latter were SSk?? f0rmed lnto a s,nS,e com mand by the election of F. B. Shaw as LientenanM"olonel. ,.e fnUts .f emor Stevens' thor ough preparations were now manifested S. SCUnS bL3-fl and un"rlng. unspar-' ng warfare. The Indians were allowed no respite from attack and could find -o th5cketsCVCn ln thC denseat amps and f. Tch 3?' MaJor Ha's- with 110 men of his Central Battalion, fought the prin- SSounJ deCl,Ve batt,e of th on StS? und' knonn as lhe battle of Connell's X . tns -?rou&ht on by the Indians who. emboldened by their previous suc cesses, tought for rive hours with a con ? ""ornncss that enabled tho volunteers to inflict severe losses upon ItVt The' were Anally routed by a charge on their left flank by Captains Swindal and Rabbizon. and a stauiSS and AV laBat by CaPlalns HeSSSs nH ". 'lth a l0BS o 25 or 30 killed and many wounded. They oven abandoned their wardrum In their fl ght Major Hays who handled hie command with skill and judgment rn well as courage, reported that tfacy numbered at least a warriors. It afterwards appeared that their num- ,fJV7!rt:Jnuch iarer and that they were aided In tho fight by 100 Yakima warriors. At the Cascades. On March 26, Just as the campaign was well under way, the Yaklmas and KlJcki tato swooped down upon the Cascades portage on the Columbia, which was left lnsufhclcmly guarded by Colonel Wright, with a fore; of only n ne regular soldiers In a blockhouse, and massacred 19 set tlers and killed one soldier and wounded two others. Colonel Wright, who was at the Dalle preparing on expedition lor the Yakima country. Immediately proceed, ed to the Cascades with a strong force of regular troops, and the Indians disap peared. Satlsned that the friendly In dians In that vicinity were Implicated In tho attack, he caused 10 of them. In cluding the chief, to be summarily tried by military commission and hanged. Thl affair at the Cascades is also of interest as belrg General P. H. Sheridan's debut in tho art of war. The massacre at the Cascades excited new alarm among lhe oettlers about Vancouver and along the Columbia. To reassure them and keep them from abandoning their farms, the Governor called out another company of volunteers under Captain- William Kelly, known as the Clark County Rangera, caused several nev blockhouses to be built, and had the rangers constantly patrol the eettlements. For two months after the fight of Con nell's Prairie. Governor Stevens kept hie whole force thus incessantly searching the forests and hunting down the hostiles with unrelenting v'gor. The Indiana, thrown completely on the defensive, did not commit another depredation after the Cascades disaster on all that long line or exposed and ecattered settlements. They were driven and chased from resort to resort; their meet hidden camps and caches of provisions were discovered and destroyed: many were killed or captured: and by the middle of May over 500 came In and gave themselves up. while the guilty chiefs and warriors fled across the Cascades and sought refuge among the Yakima kindred. Thus the war west of the Cascades wai ended by the complete surrender or flight of the -hostiles. Cant of the Cancades. While the war west of the Cascades was vigorously and successfully prose cuted, operations east of the mountains were marked by lack of vigor and pur pose. It was not until May that Colonel Wright marched from The Dalles Into the'Yakima country with five companies of regulars. Governor Stevens was con linccd that the war could be brought to a close only by subduing the hostile tribes of the upper country: that until this was done the Sound country was liable to their raids and the stirring up of fresh outbreaks among the Sound Indians: and that every day's delay In striking them was helping Kam-1-ah-kan and h emis saries in winning over the Spokanes. Coeur d'Alene and disaffected Nez Perces to their side. Learning that hostiles were In the Grand Ronde Valley In force, Lieutenant-Colonel Shaw determined to strike them. Mov ing by night by an unused trail across the Blue Mountains, he encountered the enemy July 17. ln an open valley. Al though taken by surprise, they received him In a defiant attitude: large numbers of braves, mounted and armed, and with a white scalp borne on a pole among them, confronted him, while the squaws were fleeing across the valley to seek refuge, and, on Captain John's approaching them to parley, cried out to shoot him. Upon this, throwing off his hnt, and with a shout, the tall, rawboned leader of the volunteers Instantly charged at the head of his men, his long, red hair and beard streaming ln the wind, broke and scat tered the Indians, chased them 15 miles clear across the valley, killed 40, and cap tured a hundred pounds of ammunition, all their provisions, and over 200 horses and mules. Governor Stevens Attacked. A fruitless peace council was held with held with .the Indians in Walla Walla the Indians in Walla Walla Valley ln September, 1S5G, concluding on started for The Dalles. Early m the afternoon he was fiercely attacked by Indians. The flght continued until late In the night. Two charges were made to disperse the hostiles, the last led by Lieutenant-Colonel Shaw in person with 24 men. While he drove before him 150 hostiles, an equal number pushed onto his rear, and he was compelled to cut his way through them towards camp, when, drawing up his men, and aided by the teamsters and pickets, who gallantly sprang forward, he drove the Indians I back tn UU charge upon the corraL In the action Governor Stevens fore coo elated of GofTs company of 86 men, the teamsters, herders and Indian employes, numbering about SO men, end 60 Nes Perces. They fought 50 Indians, and had four men wounded, one mortally. They killed and wounded 18 Indians. On the 26d Governor Stevens resumed his Journer to The- Dallesv and arrived there without incident, October 2. The soundness of Governor Stevens' views and the accuracy of hia foresight were abundantly vindicated within two years; During 18S7 the settlers were ex cluded, tho regulars lay Inactive la their posts, and the quasl-peace continued. But in 1S6& the Yaklmas waxed too insolent and predatory for even Wright's patience. He sent Major Garnett through their country with a. large force, who summarily seized and hanged a number of the chiefs and warriors, shot 700 of thejr ponies, and these severe acts humbled the haughty savages and reduced them to good be havior at last. Steptoe Pat to Flight. Colonel Wright also ordered Steptoe, with 300 dragoons, to advance from Walla Walla across Snake River toward Spo kane. The Spokanes had warned the troops not to Invade their country, alleg- lng that they were neutral, and would per- mit neither the xaklma braves nor the white soldiers to enter their limits. DIs-1 regarding their warning. Steptoe marched 0 miles north of the Snake, when he was assailed by the whole force of the Spo kanes and Coeur d'Alenes; badly defeated and driven in precipitate retreat the whole distance back to Snake River, hotly pur- RUXXIXG SHINGLE: BOLTS DOWJf TO sued by the victorious Indians, and his force was only saved from massacre by the friendly Nez Perces, who ferried the fugitive troops over the river In their ca noes and boldly Interposed between them and the pursuing savages. As soon as he could organize a power ful foice Colonel Wright In September, two months later, marched to the Spokane In person, encountered and defeated the Indians near the ocene of Steptoe's de feat, and reduced them to submission, hanging a number of them and killing many of their horses. On his return to Walla Walla he seized and executed In like maimer several of the more turbulent Cayuse and Walla Walla warriors. The Yakima chief, Ow-hl, most active next to Kam-i-ah-kan In bringing on tho war and inciting the other tribes to hos tility, and running and treacherous In hla diplomacy, boldly entered Wright's camp on the Spokane soon after the flght. and was forthwith arrested and held a pr'soner by that commander. The next day Ow hl's son, Cualchen the murderer of Agent Bolon rode Into camp, putting on a bold face and fully expecting to be treated with the consideration formerly shown the Yakima chiefs. Far different was his fate. Wright sternly ordered him to Immediate execution, and the wretched brave was forthwith hanged by the guard, despite his frantic pleadings and protestations. His father, the chief Ow-hl. was killed a few days later while attempting to escape. Cost of the War. When the accounts of the war were finally adjusted, the scrip Issued amount ed to 5MS1.475 -15. of which fSoLS82 39 was for equipments and supplies, and $519, 693 OG for pay of the troops. The aggre gate number of volunteers was 1K)G. About 1000 men were in ssrvlce at one time. SONG. Tone: "The Son of a Gambcller." I. Oh! I wish I had tho power to tell The glories of Uncle Sam. Of all the things he's done so well To right the wrongs of man. He has taught that men are brothers; He has shown to man his wdrth. And we are proud to feel that others Bless the land that gave us olrth. Chorus Wc are growing, growing, growing, growing bigger every day. And men are getting bettet as your Uncle has bin say. There arc no serfs and vassals where the Eagle rests & day. And bonds of tyranny are shattered when pierced by Freedom's ray. IL Oh! They say thirteen' unlucky. And I guess that that is so For the original ontl-axpanslonlsts, "Who did not wish to grow. They had a good thing, and knew It. And they wanted to bog it all; If we share our freedom we'll rue It; But they had to come off, that's all. HL Oh! Jefferson was a Democrat. And Andy Jackson, too; And when they fondled the "White House cat See how the country grew. Oh! where would we be today, bora. Had the antls had their way? Freedom had died ln the thirteen states Along the Atlantic bay. XV. Oh! Grant went north and bought Alaska Without the Eskimos' consent. The antls raged and prophesied The Constitution's gone hell-bent. And what dtd Admiral Dswey do? He sunk the Spanish fleet. And then said, "Now, Mack It's up to you," And Mock got there with both feet. V. Oh! we had to take the Philippines, There was nothing tlse to do. There lay the path of duty, boys, And our country's glory, too. Wo will never back out under fire. Expansion's come to stay. For the Filipinos, when good enough. Wony. be willing to break away. VL Oh! Jut look at the map today, boys. And size up our country s growth; See Freedom's wings extended, boys, Protecting and saving, both. God knows the Eagle's big and strong To cover all mankind. He don't hesitate to right a wrong. And your TJncIe Isn't blind. ManlU, April, 10Q, -Yerttw Ylnclt. PORTLAND GIRL IN BERLIN CUSTOMS OF GERMAX COXCEilT HALLS AXD PATRONS. Army Officers Looking: for Girls With Large Dorreriea o Divorces and So Klopementa There. BERLIN, Germany, April 3. The con cert .season In Berlin is almost at an end. We have had all the great artists-Joachim. Ysaye. Carrend, D' Albert, Sauer, Busoni. Melba and heaps of others, all In succession, and the various concert halls, the Phllharmony, Beethoven, Saal, Slng Akademie, Bechsteln Saal, besides the many minor others, were well filled every night ln the week. Sunday Included; in I fact, it is safer to secure seats for any j thing to be given on a Sunday a week or more ln advance, as almost every place of amusement, operas, theaters, concert hal.s, etc- generally "auserxaured (sold w IO inia lavunie msni at tunusemeui for the German music-loving public Grand opera is given here every night in the week at the Royal Opera-House, and we students are regular attendants, and can always be seen fourth rang, getting as much enjoyment, probably more, than those sitting parquet, first, second or THE MILL A FAMILIAR SCENE IN third rang. Rang means gallery. It Is more informal high up. and no great toilettes are demanded of us. And now to secure these seats In the fourth rang. "Aye, there's the rub." Each Sunday there is an announcement In the morning papers of operas for the coming week, and we students must be at the Opera-Houso not later than 7 A. M. on this particular Sunday, and there stand In line till 9 o'clock, when the big doors of the opera-house are thrown opsn. First come, first served; the first Ito faring bet ter, naturally, ln choice of .seats than those on the tail end. There's no; much fun standing here for hours on piercing cold mornings In winter, for one gets an Idea of what It feels like -to get frozen. To an observing outsider these lines are Inter esting. One hears all languages spoken, sees a small world ln itself in this long string of pairs. The prices of scats in the opera-toouse aro: Parquet, 6 marks; first rang, $ marks; second, five marks; third, 3 marks; fourth, 2 marks, and steh-platz (standing place), L- mark. One mark Is equal to a quarter of a dollar. For Wagnerian plays, the prices are always raised, and then the prices for parquet are 9 marks, and fourth rang. 2& marks. Wagnerian orcras alwa'ys begin at 7 o'clock to the minute. In Germany there Is no fashionable time for entering any kind of a show, and at an opera the over ture Is of as much value as the opera Itself. When the bills say opera at 7 o'clock, that means that at precisely 7 o'clock the director holds up his baton for the first note of the overturo to be played. Other operas, theaters, concerts, etc., begin at 7:30 o'clock sharp. The street classes here are proud of their alertness In recognizing the foreign er at once, and when an American comes ln view one often hears a laughing "roast beef," "mixed pickles," "time is money," "quite right," and by this time the Amer ican will be out of sight. The American girl Is known by the ever-popular ehlrt waist, collar and tie, and the flag of our country worn as a brooch or hatpin one sees It somewheres; the main character istic of the American young man ln Ber lin la that he Is generally clean shaven. This is very amusing to the Germans, as they never fall to produce a full crop on their faceo like their KaUer, and a Ger man is really unhappy if Nature fails to adorn his face with a 'Schnurbart," twirled high up on each side of the nose. Probably the Emperor thinks it more prac tical to wear it this way, so as not to Interfere with the drinking of his beer. Water A Scarce Beveragre. It Is almost impossible to get a drink of water at some places of amusements, or "gartens," or "cafes" here. The Germans claim, "Water spoils a new pair of boots, much more the stomach." Beer Is gen erally used as a means of quenching the thirst. Last Sunday a party of us, six Americans In all, went to the Zoological Gardens. Here we sat at a table to listen to the music, and to sit at a table one Is compelled to order a drink of some kind, usually beer. One of the party, be ing very thirsty, asked tho "Kellner," or waiter, to bring her a glass of pure water; the waiter answered very politely, ln his nicest German, "If all ordered water, how could we earn a living," and the nearest to water that she could get was a bottle of Seltzer water, for which she paid 20 pfennige. and an extra 10 pfennlge for the kellner"s trinkgeld. In society here one seldom or never sees water on the table, and when one inquires for it the hostess will say something like, "Ach, wasser 1st so ungesund!" And yet the German asks us why It Is that with all this drinking one never meets with an Intoxi cated person, and that ln America, where one drinks so little, what Is the need of so many temperance societies? Of course custom has everything to do with It, and here Is one Instance: In Germany, when a party orders drinks, the kellner goes to each one of the party for the pay, and tho members linger over the beer and talk, sometimes for hours, whilst ln America, when a party orders, some mem ber stands treat, and thus the others feel under obligation to return the compliment, another order follows and thus the conse quences. Such a thing is unknown here; no matter what the occasion theater par ty, bicycle party or even a ride ln the street-car, German etiquette demands that each pay for himself. The Germans are awfully proud of their titles, and one must never leave out one of them: the titles, ln fact, are more important than the names. I know a Herr and Frau Geheimrath Justizrath Vprtragendcr-rat Miller here, and Indeed it takes several minutes to prepare one's self with the title; but practice makes perfect. Here the wife Is honored with her husband's title, and she- is always ad dressed as "Frau Doctor," or "Frau Pro fessor," Instead of Just plain "Frau Smith." If the husband is a merchant then he Is known as "Herr Kaufman," or if he Is the owner of a farm he is called "Herr Gutsbesltzer." which means 'Mr. Farmowner," so that almost all occupa tions form part of the name here. A Real German. Weddins. Last week, I attended a real German wedding at the "Kaiser Wllhelm Ged achtnlss Klrche" this Is one name and spoken In one breath. The parties were Herr Ober Lieutenant (over officer) von Collenberg to Frauleln Gertrude von Rudt. As I was also at the engagement reception, It will be Interesting to tell you some of the peculiarities of a Ger man marriage. The question of a dowry is of far greater importance than that of love or affection; of course, men have been known to love wealthy girls, but poor ones, never. Officers are generally considered the best "parti" that German parents can aspire to for their daughters, but they come high. German officers are paid by the Government 150 marks, $37 50 monthly; this keeps them In dress, apart ments and food, and they always look princely, but it is a known fact that they are always "schuldlg." In debt. Thus it Is that they must marry wealthy girls. The Kaiser sanctions no marriage of an officer who gets below 100,000 marks, $25. 000 ln cash from the wife's dowry; they WESTERN WASHINGTON RIVERS. may fall In love with poorer girls, but marriage Is forbidden by a power higher than theirs. Lieutenant von Collenberg as he Is not particularly acquainted ln Portland, Oregon, I'm sure, he w.ll offer no objection to this notoriety received 300,000 marks, $75,000, Jn cash from Herr Banker von Ruth, the father of the bride, besides the wedd ng trip of six weeks, planned and paid for by the parents, as also the homo of the bride entirely fur nished, from the parlors to a fresh loaf of bread In the kitchen for the first "mahlszeit" meal. It Is customary here for the brldegrom to furnish one room in the new home, usually the guest chamber, but that Is all that is demanded of him. Not all girls get such a dowry here, but a plain German girl never gets less than 60,000 marks, $15,000. enough linens to last her a lifetime as well as enough food ln the housa for the first meal. Poor girls very seldom marry here; they may be as gifted as Mme. De Smel, as beautiful as Helen of Troy, as accomplished as Mary Queen of Scots, but If she lacks a suffi ciency of the root of all evil, then she must waste her sweetness on the desert air. As soon as the -question of a "parti" is settled here the bridegroom immediately selects two plain circles, gold rngs; gives one to the bride and the other he keeps; these they wear on the third finger of the left hand. However, on the wed ding day the rings are removed and placed on tho third finger of the right hand this signifies the difference t3 tween the marr.age and the engagement. The married man must wear a ring as well as his wife; thus on can always tell ln this country if the people are sin gle, engaged or married. In Amer ca a man need not wear a ring unless he wishes, and he generally presents hl3 fiancee with a diamond ring a3 a bond of their engagement, and then with a plain gold circle on the wedding day, but here this Is not expected of the German. Three whole weeks before a marr.age here the couple must present their names at the "Standes-amt" and there they must "hang out" not the couple, but the names. These state who they are, what they are, their respective mothers' maid2n names, and also that in three weeks from that day a marriage will take place at such and such a Ume and that if there is any objection to such marriage taking place, such objections should be sent to such and such a person, etc., etc., so that here all engagements must be at least of three weeks -uratlon. and In Germany laws are made to be kept. Here is no "marrying in haste and repenting at leisure." Probably that Is the reason that there are so few divorces. Elope ments are unknown here, as thre is no marriage without the consent of parents or guardians and there is a law In all Germany forbidding marriage to a girl under 16 and a young man under 21 years of age. The nearest place for a German couple to elope Is to England, and as the fare alone costs $40, there is no hope for lovers ot small means with objecting par ents. Berlin is at present in great holiday at tlr as the Emperor of Austria arrives tomorrow to be the guest of the Kaiser here; great preparations are going or, ard ln the windows of the various shopi "Unter den Linden," are busts and por traits of the Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, as well as the Austrian col ors, flying all over the city. The parade begins at 11 o'clock, but already at & o'clock A. M.. all the streets In the neigh borhood of the Linden, will be closed up, and there will be over a long three hours" wait before the whole begins. Seats and windows Unter den Linden are being sold at a premium. Cafe Bauer offer seats at 103 marks ($25) a piece, and this is with out the ordering of drinks which one Is compelled to do, or else the seats are given to others. A friend of ours, whose place of business Is situated Unter den Linden, has kindly erected seats for several of his friends to see the sight of a lifetime, and we were fortunate enough to be among the Invited ones. The entire Lin den, from the Brandenburger Thor to the palace, will be lined with regiments of soldiers, and through this line the Em perors of two great countries will pass. American Events. There are two other events that Amer icans are looking forward to here. One of them, the coming of Sousa. and his peer less band. Already In almost all the shop3 Sousa':' pictures are on postcards, with the words. "J. F. Sousa, composer of The. Washington Post March, " the music of which wlU ma'ke Sousa popular here, ao "The Washington Post" Is a great favor ite of the Germans. The other event Is Barnum's circus, for which preparations are now being mode at Sarigny Plats, a. place in Charlottenburg. situated ln the west of Berlin. The last reception of the Amerlcin Girl's Club took place last Saturday evening, at Miss Morgan's, Klelst strasse IL There lj no one In the American colony more beloved than Miss Morgan, the manager of this club; she Is so kind, ;s sym pathetic and ever ready with gentle ad vice for American girls alone in Berlin. Miss Morgan has quite a large pension of her own. and many Americans visiting Berlin for a short time, one or two months, I would recommend that they stay at the American Girls' Club, and there the prices are very moderate. The reception on Saturday night was well at tended by Americans' from all parts ot America, but only one representative fronr Portland, Or. Coffee, tea, cakes and dev iled ham sandwiches were served. There are many married American women here cultivating their respective talents, whilst their husbands remain ln America attend ing to business. The .Germans cannot un derstand this, as the German wife never leaves her husband, and when a vaca tion is taken the German acconfponles hli frau on a Summer outing. The King of Bavaria has made & state ment which sounds anything but com plimentary to the American wife. He for bids any married American woman to b invited to court unless accompanied by her husband: he claims he need not make this demand of any other nation. There are many Americans here at pres ent, and more and more expected daily, all bent on visiting tbe exposition in Paris. The Portland representatives will leave here June 10, to make the Rhine trip to Oberammergau to sep "The Passion Play," Brussels, Antwerp, Cologne. Paris. London and then a few weeks' rest ln Lausanne, Switzerland, before returning to dear old Berlin for another year. v LILLIAN MYERS. EASTERN MULTNOMAH. Many Voters Will Be Disfranchised by Peculiar Circumstances. GRESHAM. Or., May IL A notary pub lic, sent out by the County Clerk, has been traveling over the eastern port of Multnomah County registering delin quents. He visited every town, hamlet and logging camp as far east as Bridal Veil, and returned through here today on his way to the city, having accomplished his task as far as nosslble. In the Brent lumbering camps on the mountains above 1 Bridal Veil he found several hundred vot ers whom he could not register, and who will be practically disfranchised. Any person who registers at any place but the courthouse must have the signatures of two freeholders to his affidavit. It was found Impossible to get these in the logging camps, as the Bridal Veil Lum bering Company owns all the country for many miles around, and, being a corpo ration, could not sign as a freeholder, nor could any of Its officers or employes, because they are all transients, as It were. In a few cases the applicants accom panied the notary a distance of several miles so as to get witnesses to their sig natures. The only precinct of Impor tance where registration is short among permanent residents is Hurlburt, the home of the Republican candidate for County Surveyor. Their failure to regis ter seems to be pure carelessness, as many have had an opportunity which they have not availed themselves of. Rebuilding- the Bridge. The O. R. & N. Co. began tho work of rebuilding the railroM bridge across the Sandy River at Troltdale Saturday. A plledriver began operations on ths eastern shore, the first work being of a nature to insure the safety of the present struc ture whilo the rebuilding 13 In progress. The new bridge will be built exactly where the old one now stands, without the de tention of a single train and much work of a precautionary nature is necessary. False work built on piling will have to be placed under the structure and for this purpose two large carloads of piles ar rived on Saturday. Nine flatcars loaded with liimber for the uppcr work came from tho Portland sawmills ax the same time. and will be placed on platforms, built along each side of tha approaches to the bridge. About the same quantity had been unload ed there several days previously. The lumber is dressed and all at tbe finest quality. Carpenters will begin the work of framing the new bridge some time this week, and the construction will be pusoed forward as rapidly as possible. Another Nevr Mill. Cummings & Cole have been hauling machinery from Portland during the past week for a new sawmill which they are building near the bank of the Sandy Riv er, east of Powell Valley. They have se cured a tract of 400 acres of what is said to be the finest body of timber in this section. It all lies higher than the mill, and there is no underbrush or old logs to Interfere with operations. The product of the mill will be railroad ties, mostly, which will be floated down the Sandy to Troutdale. They expect to have the mill running In about six weeks. Plcnsnnt Home Creamery. A new and growing Industry at Pleas ant Home Is the creamery established there by Charles C. Kern. It Is now using a ton of milk each day, which is furnished by the neighborhood farmers, and the product is about 100 pounds of butter, which is sold to the grocery stores of Portland at the highest market price. The demand exceeds the supply, and the ca pacity of the creamery can easily be made to exceed the supply of milk of the en tire neighborhood, but many fanners there are still making dairy butter, which is handled by the local stores. Nevr Lutheran Clinrch. The Swedish Lutheran Society of Pow ell's Valley has put up a new church on a small tract of land donated for the pur pose by G. P. Hale. The edifice Is not yet completed, but will cost about 11000 -when finished. It will be dedicated during the Summer. Rev. G. A. Lavine Is the pas tor, who holds services onco a month. School Closed. The Powell's Valley School. District No. 2C, closed Its school year today with ap propriate exercises at the schoolhouse. It was Intended to give a picnic and hold the closing exercises in a grove, but the weather prevented. The Instructors have been Professor Hunter and Miss Birdie Merrill. Brief Notei. John Thomas' new cheese factory, at Falrview, began operations on Tuesday last, with the product of about 200 cows. It will take about 30 days for the first cheese to "ripen." after which they will be put on the market. Stone. Roadland & Co.s new sawmill, south of Powell's Valley, will begin the cutting of railroad ties next week. Until the present time It has been engaged in cutting lumber exclusively. Andrew Swanberg and wife, who have been residents of Powell's Valley for many years, left on Thursday morning for Sweden, where they will remain. They were given a farewell reception on Wednesday evening by a large number of their friends ln this section. A. G. Ross, living near Damascus, fell from a load of wood on Wednesday last and fractured his left leg b-low the knee He was taken to Portland for medical attendance. The Presbyterian church at Falrview will give an entertainment at the church on Tuesday next. A good programme has been prepared for the occasion. S. W. Scoville and E. E. Slerett have been elected delegates from Gresham Lodge. No. 123, I. O. O. F to attend the Grand Lodge, which meets at Astoria on the 22d. Mrs. Mattie Scoville has also been elected to represent Rebekah Lodge, No. 61, at the same session. The rains have greatly assisted log drfv lng on the Sandy River, so much so'that above half a million feet have been re ceived at Cone's mill. Savring has been resumed and will continue until the sup ply of logs is exhausted for the season. TOO GREAT EXACTIONS. T0NITED STATES ILLIBERAL TREAT MENT OF PHILIPPINE TRADE. Fe-titloBL to Coagrcss by tbe Manila. Chamber of Commerce Islands Rich bat Repressed. wAswrwr.Tfv fav 10. The American Chamber of Commerce, of Manila, has been petitioning Congress for the ameliora tion of the exactions pracucea upon m Inhabitants of the Philippine Islands b? the United States Government. icey point out that under the existing system, thousands of dollars worth of American produces nave been abandoned in the Cus tom-Hcms- owing to excessive charges up on them, and hundreds who have visited. the island with the Intention of engaging In business have left dismayed, as soon, as prevailing conditions were understood. This Chamber of Commerce was formed for the purpose ot protecting American, commercial interests in the islands, and they point out to the various members of Congress that in their belief no richer spot, naturally. In soil, climate and na tural products exists upon the globe than, the Philippines, and that they will not only not be a burden upon the United States, but under wise laws will be more pro ductive In agricultural wealth than any similar area in our own country. In pe titioning Congress, they set forth the fol lowing: "That, although the United States Gov Arnment has acouirtid sovereignty over the Philippine Islands, the duties now levied upon all good3 imported from the united States, by virtue of the laws now ln force In these islands, are harsh and oppressive, and taxation upqn commercial interests and licenses for the privilege of doing business are excessive and unjust. We therefore respectfully beg to represent: "That the laws governing the people re siding ln these islands are, with a few minuti exceptions, an adODtlon of 'Certain Royal Decrees Upon motion of the Min ister of Colonies In accord with the Min isterial Council in the name of My August Son. the King Don Alfonzo XHI. and as Queen Regent ot the kingdom, etc. and 'His Majesty the King (whom God pre serve), nnd In the name of the Queen. Regent of the kingdom, has bean pleased, to order,' and thus has been established, as the laxv of the land the most exacting decrees of a most despotic monarchy. "TTnder r!hege decrees most of the im port duties on produce and manufactures from Spain were originally subject only to a to, of 8 per cent ad valorem, and 10 per cent of the specific duty applying to fnrelen cAads lor harbor improvements. wtlle those from foreign ports were and are now subjected to a tax or irom so per cent to 250 per cent. Meat, flour, butter, fruit and most of the necessities of life sustain an enormous tax, while Items of luxury sustain little. "Formerly goods were admitted to the Philippines from Spain practically free, bearing only a small harbor tax. This was gradually raised to provide funds for the construction of a new harbor, until there was exacted from articles of Span ish origin an amount equivalent to 10 per cent of the specific duties applying to the productions of other countries. At the same period, enormous Increases were made In specific duties, with the result that Imports from Spain Increased very largely. To provide revenue for the sup pression of the Insurrection, which had in consequence of the diversion of trado to Spain fallen off to a very heavy extent, an 8 per cent ad valorem tax was applied to all Spanish and foreign goods, and an arbitrary table of valuations was pre pared upon which thi3 latter tax might be imposed. "We regret that our Government has seen fit to retain not only the excessive specific duties, but .also the 10 per cent upon those duties for harbor construction (which, by the way. Is not being con structed), the 8 per cent on an arbitrary and excessive valuation, a consumption tax on flour and many other articles, and surtaxes of varying degree, until the cost of Imported goods is ln many instances entirely beyond" the means of any but the most prosperous people. "We unhesitatingly declare that Amsri' can trade in the Philippines Is almost Impossible under the present regime, and. that it will be utterly destroyed unless, immediate relief is had. Many of the laws found too harsh for practical application, and winked at by the Spanish authorities ore being enforced under American rule with all the rigor of military exaction, thus stifling the incentive to business by consuming tho results of Industry and economy. Spain ruled the colonies of the Philippines for the evident advantage of tho mother country, and- with little seem ing regard for the inhabitants here. We earnestly request that your honorable body enact such laws as shall cause the burden of taxation to fall equally upon all within the sovereign power of the United States. "The Internal Revenue Department is but a pawnshop where men put up their salaries and business profits for the privi lege of laboring and using their capital (an importing house of the first class pay ing upwards of $100 per month license), and we trust your honorable body will cause the enactment of such laws as will relieve the people of the Philippine Is lands from a condition of taxation and oppression which stripped these islands, of prosperity, goaded, the natives to In surrection, and wfauld put to shame tha gentleman that took an obligation from the Merchant of Venice, and which digni ties the Stamp Act of 1765, rendering it a compliment to the taxpayer and Just and righteous in principle. "We desire to call the particular atten tion of your honorable body to the Book or Arbitrary Valuations, copies of which have been filed with the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate. In scarcely any particular does It correspond to the true or approximate valuation of the article In question, but It arbitrarily decides, for Instance, that a kilo (21-5. pounds) of alimentary conserves is worth, $L and under this classification an 8 per cent ad valorem tax is collected as well upon a kilo of canned tomatoes, worth, about 12 cents, as upon a kilo of mush rooms or pate de foie gras worth 52. "It seems unnecessary to go into great detail, but the entire Book of Valua tions presents the same conditions upon all classes of articles, bearing most heavi ly upon the necessities of life. The evi dent aim of the Spanish legislator was to exempt from taxation the luxuries, and to make 'most difficult the purchase of the cheap commodities of the world. "While the cost of living has trebled within the jurisdiction of the United States, when rice, the staple food prod uct of the islands, is almost unobtain able by the people, we are sustaining a. tax upon flour of 60 per cent, so that a. barrel of flour purchasable ln the United. States at less than $3 gold, must be sold. at ?12 Mexican in Manila." Senseleai Species of Skin. Most people have doubted their eyes when, at some conjuring performance, they have seen a man run needles and pins through both cheeks, evincing no pain as he does so. In Teallty, every per son has hundreds of senseless specks of skin all over his body, through which ho could run pins, or even cut them out, without feeling any pain. These dead spots are caused by tha minute nerves which convey sensation to the brain being either absent In these par ticular places or dead and senseless. But should any one allow himself to be blind folded, and then get one of his friends to prod him very gently with a clean needle. say all on one arm, out of every 100 pricks he will feel only about 60 a; 70 at the most.