The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 20, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XL. NO. 12,303.
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Boers Announce They Will
Defend Johannesburg.
London Believes & Rnraor That the
Pretoria Government Has De
cided to Sue tor Peace.
PRETORIA, May 20. It is officially an
nounced that Johannesburg -trill be de
fended, The Consuls of the neutral pow
ers have been advised to look after their
citizens, as the Government Trill not held
Itself responsible for Injury or damage to
Commandant Botha, commander-in-chief
of the Boer forces, reports the burghers
are joining In great numbers.
Loudon Continues Its Celebration of
tlie Relief of MafeUinff.
LONDON. May 20. It Is reported that
the Pretoria Government has decided to
sue Lord Roberts for peace. While no
confirmation of this rumor is at hand, it
is generally credited.
London tonight is in a state of carnival,
so far as the leading thoroughfares are
concerned. The liberation from toll of
hundreds of thousands of the working
clashes In the afternoon to some extent
changed the character of the celebrations,
which in the forenoon had been marked
by the absence of disorder, more espe
cially in the West End.
Colonel Baden-Powell's house, which
faces Hyde Park, was all day the center
of scenes which must have been extreme
ly grat fying to his family, who constant
ly appeared on the balcony to bow their
acknowledgments. In addition, there was
a continuous stream of carriages, brlng-I-g
v-sltore, leaving cards of congratula
tion. When the art students' procession, was of great length, having been
Joined by many members of the best fam
ilies, stopped in front of the house, the
hero's mother and sister came to the
window, evidently greatly moved. His
sister fetched a large oil portrait of the
Colonel, wreathed In laurels, and placed
It conspicuously on the balcony. When
the storm of cheers ceased for a mo
ment, the Colonel's mother briefly ad
dressed the crowd, expressing her heart
felt thanks to the demonstrators.
At about this time a beautifully appoint
ed equipage drew along. In which were
three ladles, each completely attired in
one of the National colors, red, white and
blue. The charming effect of this and
s!m lar Incidents gave a picturesque touch
to te festivities.
E .j where were seen processions and
var.ous bands in carnival or khaki attire,
accompanied by pretty girls and youths
collecting money for the-.various funds
connected with the war.
Tonight, although the excitement In
creases in intensity and the crowds are
hourly thickening until it Is almost Impos
sible to pass through the stree a and the
scenes of tho Queen's Jubilee are quite
eclipsed, the demonstrators are mainly
composed of the lower orders, who. In
dulging freely in liquor, found amusement
in hat-smashing, throwing paper and con
fetti, and in various kinds of horse-play,
making the streets hideous with the noise
of their trumpets, concertinas and other
musical instruments, and in creating ugly
rushes along the thoroughfares. A cab,
or even a seat on a 'bus is unobtainable.
From Charing Cross to the Mansion House
is a seething mass of humanity afoat. on
tops of omnibuses and In cabs and vehicles
of all kinds, all wearing little flags, loyal
badges and buttons, portraits of Baden
Powell. Lord Roberts and other popular
The War Office at 9 o'clock tonight had
no further news regarding the relief of
Mafeking. Outside the 'building there was
a scene of Indescribable enthusiasm.
From provincial towns everywhere
comes the same tale of rejoicings.
The Queen this afternoon visited Well
ington College, In company with the Duke
of Connaught and Princess Beatrice, to
see the la'ter's son. Prince Alexander, of
Eattcnburg, who is a student there. Gen
eral French's son Is also a student at this
college, and he was presented to the
Cucen. The Queen inspected the cloak
v orn by the Duke of Wellington at Water
loo. Both on her Journey to the college
and returning the Quen was .greeted en
tnusastlcally by the crowds of Mafeking
demonstrators. Both the Queen and "Lord
Salisbury have replied to many telegrams
of congratulation from the Mayors of pr
vlnc'al towns.
The court circular contains the follow
ing: "The Queen received n Friday night,
with the greatest gratification and thanK
fulmss, the news of the relief of Mafe
king, after a heroic defense of 6even
months by Colonel Baden-Powell and
troops under his command."
The significance of this, which refers to
tho receipt by Her Majesty of a copy of
the Associated Press dispatch from Pre
toria, Is that it is the first official intima
tion of the relief of Mafeking, and it
w ould not have been made had any doubts
existed in the official mind as to the cor
rectness of the news.
Meanwhile, the usual Saturday night's
s lence covers the seat of war. The cables
nre mainly composed of reports of enthu-
s astlc Jubilation over the relief of Mafe
k.: g at various points in South Africa.
A dispatch from Winburg, dated May 19,
"General Rundle reached Trommel, 2S
m" t s from here. Friday, traversing an
exc Ijigly mountainous country. Com-rra:.w-in
Ollvler's commando Is several
days ahead of him. but stray patrols of
Boers ore watching Bundle's movements.
His men are in excellent form, in spite
of the long dally marches."
A dispatch from Pietermaritzburg says:
"The occupation of Newcastle by Gen
eral Buller has caused great Jubilation.
Tho Magistrate and his staff, the Mayor
and the corporation have left for New
castle. Many fleeing Boers have gone to
the Free State by Muller's Pass; others
have gone to Wakkerstroora. Most of
tLem. however, have gone north as a dis
organized mob."
A Cape Town dispatch, under today's
date, says the relief force entered Mafe
k'ng unopposed, the siege having been al
ready raised. The latest news received at
C pe Town from the relief column which
Kit Klmberley secretly shows It passed
tl,e Vryburg district without encounter
leg the Federal column. It was 1503 strong,
a d composed of Cape police. Diamond
Fields Horse, Imperial Yeomanry and the
Klmbery Mounted Regiment, with three
Maxms. The force reached Maritzan
R vcr. 20 miles south of Mafeking, May
11 The baggage was conveyed on led
horses and light mule wagons. Colonel T.
B Mahon. who it is understood command
ed the relief column, served In the Don
gola and Nile expeditions with General
A special dispatch from Molopo, dated
May 17, states that a large British force
from the. south succeeded In entering
Mafeking Wednesday,. and that the siege
was raised by the Boers. Their com
mandos were withdrawn eastward.
Bailer Reports Daadeaald as Far U
as Lalng'a Xelc
LONDON. May 19. The "War Office has
received the following dispatch from Gen
eral Buller, dated Newcastle. May 13:
"General Clery moved to Ingogo today,
and General Dundonald to Lalngs Nek.
"We almost caught up with the tall of the
enemy's column, and have captured a few
prisoners and wagons. The men have
marched very well indeed. I left Lady
smlth May 10, and by the road used am
now 138 miles from there. The telegraph
section has been indefatigable, and the
Army Service Corps has kept us full of
rations all the time. The Fifth Division
also has done great service."
Relict Colamn wB Attacked.
BERLIN. May IS. A special dispatch
from Cape Town says that the relict
column, as it approached Mafeking from
the south, was attacked by a strong force
of Boers, who were repulsed. The column
then pushed on and the Boers retreated
hurriedly. The rear guard continued In
action for some time. The British casual-
ties were slight.
Peace Delegates May Be Received
WASHINGTON, May 19. The Boer dele
gates devoted -most of their time today
to receiving visitors and attending to their
correspondence. It was made evident to
Colonel O'Beirne today that'the State .De
partment is disposed to treat the Boer
delegates with absolute fairness, and that
their credentials, consequently; are to' be
considered on their merits.
It is by no means a foregone conclusion
that the delegates are denied offi
cial recognition. That was the first de
cision, and It may after "all be the out
come. But It Ik said that much dpnenrts
upon the character of the credentials, and ' ltl6 Democracy. In a lesser degree, it is
also upon the attitude of the delegates ' a setback t0 Senator Turner, whose re
themselves. It is said among1 certain offl- ' ltton Is now beg.nnlng to be discussed,
dais of the State Department that If the and whose combination with Rogers is
Government should consider It "necessary one oI the conspicuous facts in Washing,
to cast about for warrant for accepting j ton politics.
the Boers officially It might turn to the Lewis In the Forefront.
convention of 18S4 between Great Britain j Lewis has been in Spokane industriously
and the Transvaal, and declare that in" j forwarding his impossible Vice-Presiden-that
document Is by implication to bo I tlal candidacy on the ground that it will
found a renunciation of 'Great Britain's j elevate the prestige of Washington De
suzeralnty, and consequently there no Ion- ! mocracy as a factor In National affairs.
ger exists any probation upon other na
tions In their dealings with the Boer re
publics, at least to the extent of 'offering
official recognition to their diplomatic rep
resentatives. The fact that consideration has been
given at all to this phase of the matter
may be regarded as significant of the fact
that at present the Administration holds
Itself in a receptive state, as far as the
credentials are concerned, and Is disposed
to consider them on their merits.
Small Attendance at Chicago Plat-!
form Democrat' Convention.
NEW YORK. May 19. Less than 100
delegates met today at the. state conven
tion of the New Tork State "Chicago
platform" Democrats, held In this city.
A platform was adopted, reaffirming the
Chicago platform of 1S9G, with particular
emphasis on the unlimited coinage of sil
ver and gold at a ratio of 16 to 1. Inde
pendent of all other nations. The plat
form declares against all combinations and
trusts; demands the public ownership, op
eration and control of all National monop-
,.inV.n.n.. r o i.. ,.Bi -rmv
condemns th action of the President in
using the military for unlawful persecu-
tlon against organized labor: condemns the
war against the Filipinos as being a war
of criminal aggression, and condemns the
Republican party for "handing over to
the trusts, monopolies and politicians the
Island of Cuba and depriving the people
of their absolute right of self-govern-
Letters were read from several persons;
one from Senator James K. Jones, chair
man of the National Democratic Commit
tee, advising agalne-t any radical action
j on the part of the convention, and stating
that every effort should be made to nnng
about harmony.
Hatred of America.
LONDON. May 19. "However much
Turkey may wrong the United States,
American ships are not to pass the Straits
In order to exact redress from Constanti
nople, under penalty of being blown out
of the water by Russian, German and
Austrian ships."
This Is the deduction drawn by the
Spectator, which. In the course of a long
article, basd on the anti-American ut
terances of the Llstock. of Odessa, deals
with the alleged hatred of America by the
J Continental powers, especially Russia.
Washington Democrats Did
His Bidding Yesterday.
Bryan Indorsed for President Blovr
to Aspirations of Governor Rogers
and. Senator Tnrner.
SPOKANE, "Wash., May 19. The Demo
cratic Stato Convention today elected the
eight Maloney delegates to the Kansas
City convention, instructed them fo vote
for Bryan, and indorsed James Hamilton
Lewis for the Vice-Presidency. After a
bitter and protracted struggle, the King
County contest was settled by seating the
Godwin and rejecting the Hart delegates,
by a vote of 22S to 1664.
The Maloney slate .was successful
throughout, although Judge Million, ol
Skagit, came near breaking it in his can
didacy for delegate. Maloney's scheme of 1
J taking the bull by the horns and arbi
trarily seating the Godwin delegation was
not launched, and the proceedings were
regular and orderly. A lay conference
was held between the two factions early
this morning, and the Godwln-Maloney
people finally weakened. It was obvious
that the plan would stir up a violent row
in the convention. The Hart men agreed,
in view of this concession, to accept C.
G. Helfner, State Insurance Comm'ssioner,
as chairman, and that gentleman was later
elected by acclamation. It Is due to him
to state that he presided most accept
ably and with-entire fairness to all. The
result -of the convention is a distinct
triumph for Boss Maloney, and, Incident
ally, for James HamlltonLewls. and a
blow to the aspirations of Governor
Rogers to be the dominant Influence In
He says that ho will have three or four
other Western states with him. and thai
If Bryan is elected his voice will be heard
In the distribution of the Federal patron
age, and his friends here will have first
call for what they want. W. H. Dunphy
will be National committeeman as a result
of a deal with Maloney.
The convention was held at Natatorlum
Park, a pleasant resort on the Spokane
River, in the suburbs of the city. The
hall was a half-open pavilion, and was
sufficient only to seat the delegates, of
whom there were 463, about one-half of
whom were present. Island, Skaman.a and
San Juan were not represented. Ten
o'clock was the hour set for calling the
convention to order, but It was 11:10 be
fore Chairman Maloney, of the State Cen
tral Committee, dropped the gavel. He
made a few remarks and then Mr. Helf
ner was elevated to temporary chairman
by acclamation. Helfner made a speech
of some length. It had evidently been
prepared with care, and was delivered
with force and earnestness, and aroused
a great degree of enthusiasm among the
delegates. Helfner eulogized James Ham
ilton Lewis, and the name of the aspiring
Vice-Presidential nominee was received
with a great shout by the convention. Phil
Steinberg, of Whitman, was chosen secre-
tary. Then the first outcropping of the
'. reat Hart-Godwin fight appeared in the
' mo"on for the respective counties to name
each a member of the committee on ere
dentials, permanent organization and plat
form. An amendment was offered and
accepted that Klngbe excluded from mem
bership in any of the committees. The
following telegram was then read:
Congratulations From Tarner.
"Washington. May 19. Chairman Dem
ocratic State Convention, Spokane Please
accept congratulations on auspicious open
Ing in our state of the campaign ot 1S00.
and express to members my regret that
public duties have prevented me being at
my home to welcome them. Nineteen
hundred is a year cf promise, and it
promises nothing more glorious than the
restoration in our Government of Jeffer
sonlan Democratic principles, and a re
turn to the simple governmental meth
ods of our fathers.
The convention took a reces9 until 2
o'clock. The committee on credentials Im
mediately went into session and took up
the entire day In washing the soiled linen
of King County. The committee heard
first Jay C Allen, representing the God
wlnltes. and then L. C Gilman for the
Hartltes. then the members variously dis
cussed the matter and exam'ned the evl-
dence submitted. It was after 5 o'clock
when the committee finally announced
that it bad reached a conclusion. Mean
while the delegates had entertained them
selves as best they could, and heard a
characteristic speech by Colonel Lewli
and another by "Silver Dick" Warner.
Frank Ht Graves was sent for. and when
found he made a brief speech that stirred
up much applause.
When the convention reassembled, the
majority of 21 were found to be for God
win and seven for Hart. The signatures
were' as follows:
Majority report J. TJ. Chamberlln. G.
M. Welty, Richard Strobach. R. T. Ham
mond. C. S. -O'Brien. A. B. Baker, J. S.
Miles. F, S. Lewis, Charles H. O'Nell J.
D. Milan. James Fitzgerald, Dewitt C
Britt. John P. Kent, Alfred Larson,
Thomas M. Cooper, W. M. Seward, W. J.
Malloy, P. M. Troy, John Miller Murphy
val Heath and E. E. Ellsworth.
Minority report Stephen Judeon. W. R.
Lotz, M. R. Langhome, Thomas Smith,
Lewis B. Blgnold, L. A. McNaught and
Howard T. Mallon.
No Peacemaker "Wanted.
Judge Billings, of Cowlitz, also submit
ted a report, in which he said he was
supported by one or two others, favor
ing splitting the delegations and eeatlng
both with half representation for each. It
was decided to give each, side a half hour
for debate and the majority end minority
of the committee 10 minutes each to pre
sent their views. Fred Bausman led off
for Hart with a statement, and was
followed by Jay Allen, for the "bolters."
Allen recited the 6tory of the King Coun
ty trouble-?. It was throughout a charge
of fraud In the primaries and of high
handed and unfair ruling by the chairman
of the County Central Committee, Thorne,
who called the Seattle convention to order.
Thorne had arrogated to himself tho
powers of a credentials committee, and
had recognized what delegations he pleased
in the roll call on temporary organization.
L. C. Gilman followed, denying many
statements by Allen, but basing his argu
ment chiefly on tho fact that the bolters
had left the convention before any action
whatever had been taken against -them.
There, he claimed, was the proper tribunal
for settlement of the dispute, and when
the county convention had made Its de
cision there was time to appeal to the
state convention. Chairman Judson, of
the committee, came next. He ridiculed
the Godwin contention and laughed at
the action of a majority of a convention
when they claimed they were running
from a minority. F. S. Lewis closed.
Judge Billings then moved that the del
egation be split 'n two. The roll was
called, and the motion- was lost, 103 eyes,
293 noes.
The Hnrt FaeUon Lort.'
Then the motion to adopt the minority
report seating the Hart faction was put
and lost by the following vote:
County - Ayes. woes.
Asotin ; -
Chehalls 12
Clark..., 6
Clallam.- :
Columbia... ..v.. ...
Cowlitz .,- 4
Douglas ;....r. ,...w.-. -8
Jefferson ,
Kittitas i 6
Kitsap .-
Lewis i iftf
Lincoln r..
Mason1 . ;..... ......".
rv Jr.
Okanogan 9
Pacific :.. ...
Pierce . 23
Snohomish 22
Skagit 13
.Spokane ..:.- ....-...... ,. 41
Stevens l
Thurston I
Walla Walla i.
Yakima 2
Totals l6Vi 22S&
The chairman announced the. results, and
the Hart people got up and walked out.
It was noticeable that the small counties
nearly all voted for Godwin, while the
larger were divided. The committee on
resolutions reported the following plat
form, which was adopted, the Lewis
Bryan, nro-Boer and Turner planks all be
ing enthusiastically cheered:
The Platform.
"The Democracy of the State .of Wash
ington, In convention assembled, reaffirm
the Chicago platform in Its entirety, and
pledge our unswerving loyalty and fidelity
to its noble principles. We denounce the
present Republican National Administra
tion In its attitude toward the trusts, and
we believe that trusts should be controlled
by the National Government, so far as.
interstate In their operation, 'and favor
rigid laws to this end. We are opposed
to the Republican policy of imperialism.
We denounce the Republican party for Its
previous attitude on bimetalism and point
to the record of legislation In the last
Congress as indisputable proof of the
party's former duplicity on the financial
question. We condemn the vacillating
attitude of the Republican Administration
on the- Porto Rican tariff, and condemn
the Republican Congress In passing the;
Porto Rican tariff act as a measure toward
the people of Porto Rico of like character
to that against which our forefathers re
belled. "We extend our sympathy fo the heroic
Boers now struggling for life, land and
for liberty.
"We recognize William Jennings Bryan
as the great commoner of the present
day, wha ranks with and will have a place
In history with Jefferson, Jackson and
Lincoln, and instruct our delegates to the
National convention to assist in making
his nomination unanimous.
"We are opposed to the unrestrained im
migration of Japanese into this country,
and demand such legislation as will pre
vent them from becoming competitors
with American labor.
"The Democracy of the State of Wash
ington, recognizing the advantage to the
cause and the benefits to be derived in
the coming election of having a Pacific
Coast man nominated for Vice-President,
and hero expressing our confidence Jn
the abilities and capacity of our esteemed
citizen and Democrat, the Hon. James
Hamilton Lewte, indorse him as the choice
of the Democracy of the State of Wash
ington, for Vice-President of the United
"We commend and Indorse the patriotic,
just and -economical administration of our
present state officials, elected by the com
bined fusion forces.
"We point with pride to the record of
our Representative in the Senate of the
United States, Hon. George Turner."
ilaloney "Won Agraln.
When the committee on regular organi
zation made Its report, it provided among
other things that tha National commit
teeman should be elected by tho conven
tion. This was not what, Mr. Maloney
desired, and a delegate, evidently inspired
by him, got up and moved that this clause
be stricken out. and the election be left
to the- Kansas City delegates. This
brought "Silver Dick" Warner to his feet
In a fiery denunciation of Maloney for try
ing to take the election of the committee
man from the convention. Warner ac
cused Maloney of Inspiring the motion to
strike it out. The motion was carried,
and Maloney had won again.
The report of, the committee on organlza-
(Concluded on Third Pare.)
Warships Leave Manila for
the Hot Season.
Discovery fey the Wheeling- of a Val
uable Harbor of Refagre on the
, East Coast of Luzon.
MANILA. P. I., April 6. With the ap
proach of this year's hot weather, which
comes to Manila every April, May and
June, the vessels of the United Stated
Navy have been slipping away to the
cooler ports of China and Japan. It Is a
mighty pleasant thing thus to get away
from the Philippines during the heat of
Summer, and such a change for three
months will- greatly benefit the whole
shin's company. This consideration of
the health of his men was a strong factor
111 -k. IWrmW
6 V '
if OSs45
-1" . . .:. I .
In deciding Admiral, Watsort to order. ?ev-
eral of the ships from, this station to'
spend the Summer between Yokohama and
Hong Kong. '
It Is a pity the Army cannot' get thia
change. Persistent work tells on a man
out here, and we Americans have not
yet learned the Oriental habits of slow- surrounding hills protect the vessels an
ness in business atid naps during the heat chored in this hay from any winds that
of the day. It. Is estimated that on an 'aV- t,low. ani -when one Is afloat upon Its wat
erage the American, out here does one- ers the bay has the appearance of a land
half, of, the work he would do at home locked -lake. And the best of the Spanish
under the same clrcumRtances-and every chartB .gaVe not the slightest Intimation
one knows It is Just twice as hard to ac-t that sucn a bajr ex-lsted The Spaniardg
compusjir uus mui. u, ZTi It Is asserted, were very poor chart-mak-only
,get this change to the cooler and - . . . . . T , ,
even cold climate or umna ana japan
by obtaining sick leave, but It comes to
many of our Naval officers as a part of
their duties.
- During the latter part of April the Ore
gon, the Brooklyn, the Baltimore, -the
Newark, the New Orleans and the Con
cord, from the Manila Station, and the
Yosemlte, from Guam, are t6 rendezvoua
at 'Yokohama. Admiral Watson will
transfer the command of the Asiatic fleet
to Admiral Remey April 20. and probably
at Hong Kong. Admiral Remey will
then go aboard the Brooklyn, and Admiral
Watson will return to his former flag
ship, the Baltimore. Then the Baltimore
will shake out that long,- homeward-bound
pennant and start for American waters.
She will go via the Suez Canal, and the
Navy Department has given the Admiral
permission to stop at such Mediterranean
ports as he desires, and he will also
probably go to Havre so that the ship's
officers may attend the Paris Exposition.
This trip to Parla may be made 'from
Marseilles, but if there is no time the
vessel will go around to the Northern
French port.
The, final examinations .of the cadets of
the Naval "Academy class of 199 will be
jield on the Brooklyn this month, at Yo
hokhama. This is a great disappointment
to the cadets; It prevents their return
home. and. In many cases, will result In
the adding of three years more sea service
In tho Philippines to the one or two years
they have already served out here. The
return to Annanolle, after the first two
years at sea. following their departure
from the Academy, la always a most pleas
ant incident In the lives of our young Na
val officers. It Is a class reunion in the
alma mater after two years of travel and
duty In new. parte of the world. The life
at Annapolis, while they are preparing
for the final examinations, has in It an
element of freedom and Independence In
more, or less contrast to thejr former
tlays there, and as the examinations them
selves are not difficult to a man who has
not wasted his two yean apprenticeship,
the return to the academy is unattended
by any unpleasant features, but Is re
plete with many most pleasant and enjoy
able ones. It also means a visit to fam
ily and friends. All this Is denied the
class of 1SS9. it being Inexpedient to re
turn those who are on this station to An
natolIs for their finals, and they will
begin their three years' cruise following
the final examinations wunout me cnance
of cetting home.
The Baltimore starts home from Yoko
hama and the Yosemite returns to Guam,
stopping first one week In Manila. The
rest of the fleet, the Oregon, Brooklyn.
Newark. .New Orleans and Concord, will
then begin a cruise down Japan to China,
stopping about 10 days at Kob2. Nagasaki.
Shanghai and Hong Kong. Other ports
may bo visited on this cruise, but they
have not yet been announced.
The Baltimore has just completed the
circumnavigation cf Luzon Island, and Is
now on her way to Hong Kong. While
on the eastern const of Luzon the Balti
more made a careful survey of Caslguran
Sound and Bay, -which to the Navy Is a
locality of considerable present Interest
and possible future value. Here our Navy
has discovered, practically, a splendid and
sheltered harbor where the Spanish charts
gave no indication of such a refuge.
A Xctv Harbor Discovered.
Last Summer the Wheeling steamed Into
Caslguran Sound and found at its head
a well-protected and large bay, with deep
water. The Wheellngs examination of
this new find was cursory only, as she had
other duties to attend to at the time;
but the reports of its existence so Inter
ested Admiral Watson that he. later, de
tailed the Charleston to proceed thither
and make a. careful survey of the place.
This the Charleston did, and it was while
the Ill-fated vessel was returning from
this trip that she ran on the rocks near
Camaguln Island and was lost. The sur
vey of Caslguran Bay, prepared by her
officers, was not saved. So we were still
without details as to Caslguran. Before
sailing for home. Admiral Watson wanted
this Information, so, about three weeks
ago, the Baltimore was sent around Luzon
with instructions to examine and report
upon the newly discovered harbor. She
found the sound to be about nine miles
long, from Cape Telelfonso, on the sea
side, Into the narrow passage leading to
the inner bay. This sound is from six
to two miles broad, and has very deep
water Its entire length. Its general di
rectlon Is northwesterly from the coast
The. passage into the inner bay is
1200 yards wide, with deep water up to
the shores. A- ship like the Baltimore
could tie up at- the shore and reach land
with a-gangplank. The Inner bay Is 3 2-10
miles long and 2 miles wide. Its gen
eral depth is 15 fathoms and the. anchor-
- is all that could be desired. The
which is dowh in the charts of the Span
lards in a position a mile and a quarter
from Its righiful place.
Caslguran Bay and Gulf were carefully
examlne'd by officers of the Baltimore.
For-six days they were at it, working
from the boats and the steam launches
and under the hot, tropical sun. It was
learned that the west side of the bay
showed a small shoal, and that there Is
a reef, visible in the daytime, at the Cape
Telelfonso, or northern entrance to the
sound. Otherwise there is deep water
everywhere in bay and gulf.
The Baltimore held some little communi
cation with the natives on shore while
Inside the bay. One day a canoe, or
raft, was seen approaching from the land.
It came along very slowly, because the
men who propelled It stopped every three
strokes of their paddles to wave a white
flag. When they finally got on board,
they begged hard for a garrison to pro
tect them from the depredations of tho
alleged band3 of Insurgents operating in
that vicinity. It was explained to them
that the Baltimore was not there to es
tablish garrisons, and the natives went
sadly back to their village.
Another day a launch from the Balti
more was running down the southern side
of Caslguran Sound, taking the depth of
the water and studying the shore. It had
gotten pretty near the historic town of
Baler, when the engines broke down and
boat and crew were at the mercy of the
waves, which broke hard on the rocks to
. leeward. Every effort was making to re
pair the damage to the machinery and get
under way again before the launch should
be blown upon the rocks, when the crew
noticed a large crowd of half-naked na
tives, armed with bows and arrows and
bolos, concentrating on that part of the
, shore where the wind was rapidly driving
; the helpless craft. The launch had one
' one-pounder, six rifles and a Mauser pis
tol as armament, and as the savages on
shore showed every sign of expectant
i hostility, these arms were placed in readi
ness for action. But, when the little
I steamer was within a thousand yards of
i the beach her machinery was repaired
. and she turned and steamed gaily away
i from tho disappointed men on shore.
Insomuch as Luzon will undoubtedly be
most valuable as a naval station, and that
gooa namors on tne lsiana aaa materially
j to Its value in this respect, the recent
J discovery and sounding of Caslguran
Sound and Gulf is of particular interest.
Our biggest vessels could enter and an
chor In thi3 bay without the slightest dif
ficulty. Section of Prohibition Law Invalid.
j TOPEKA, Kan.. May 19. Judge W. C.
Hook, of the United States District Court,
this afternoon decided that the section ot
the law prohibiting people from coming
Into the state and taking orders for
liquors is unconstitutional. The case was
from. Franklin County, where William
Bcrgan. a Kansas City liquor salesman,
was tried and convicted.
Rabbi Wise Tells of His Plana
for Portland.
New Pastor of Beth Israel Conarrega
tloa in. an After-Dlnner Speech.
to the Jndeanx.
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, of New York,
who has been chosen pastor of the Beth
Israel Congregation, Portland, to succeed
Dr. Bloch,. and, who will begin his labors
here in September next, made a speech
recently, In which he pictured his worlc
In his future field. The occasion was
the annual dinner of tho Judeans, an
organization made up of professional
Jews. Mr. Wise said:
I shall not venture to prophesy tonight
what it may be given to me to do in the
fleld to which I am to consecrate my
services in the .future, for prophecies
or attempts thereat are hazardous,' at the
best, and, as the rabbis suggest, usually
show the speaker to be bereft of under-
standing. Having been in the West, how
ever, and having observed the conditions
of life In the western section of our coun
try, I f oel that I am not ro be commiserat
ed on the necessity (under which I hava
chosen to be) of resigning the Innumer
able advantages of residence in this
world metropolis, but rather to be con
gratulated on the opportunity which my
future sphere of activity In Portland and
the State of Oregon opens out to one who
would seek the good of his people. If I
fall to persuade the Jews of Portland
and the surrounding country to a 'deeper
loyalty to all that is best and finest in
the teachings and practice of Israel, If
I fall to promote, a spirit of amity be
tween Jews and Christians, If I fall to
make Judaism an ethical compulsion and
a religious Inspiration, especially In tha
Uvea of the younger members of thek
House of Israel, the fault will be mine
altogether the sin. be upon my head. Foi
tho population to which I am going Sa
thoroughly representative of the people
of the West, In so far as It Is hungering
for some such vital truths as Judaism
has ever brought, and i3 longing for the
light which Judaism may be shown ta
throw upon the pressing problems of llfa
in all its multl-eidednees.
The people of the West, among whom
my lines are to be cast, are more than
typically American in the zeal with which
they make for the things of the spirit,
for the broadest education, for the high
est culture, even though their struggle for
worldly possessions be hard and wearing.
It appears to me that they have been
taught already, by their successes and
failures alike, that there are things mora
precious and satisfying than gold and
silver, with the result that fine schools
and well-equipped libraries and magnifi
cently endowed universities are multiply
ing on every hand. "The Man With tha
lIorn!a'b,ltege, is a eign of the deep un
rest which obtains among the men and
women of the West, touching the grave
social problems and burdensome indus
trial oppressions df our day. Not alone)
is the West intellectually alert and keen
ly alive to every passing thought-current,
but Is more truly and thoroughly demo
cratic than any other part of the United
States. Could anything be better calcu
lated to fester and fortify character, to
build up real manhood and fine woman
hood, than the very absence of fine, over
wrought social and worldly distinctions,
which want in turn necessitates the set
ting up of a standard that shall be mora
than outward and superficial the test ot
Inner worth. The West has not thus
far, I believe, learned to pay homage to
a successful man solely because he is
successful, nor withhold respect from one
who happens to be unsuccessful. Nowhere
In this country or in any country as much
as In the West is a man honored not for
what he has, but for what ho Is; not fot
what he thinks or knows or speaks, but
for what he does and Is doing every day.
Traditions are not in the West, save the
fewest not that I view this as an. un
mixed blesclng so that the churches and
all other social Institutions are more plas
tic, that Is to say, ready not so much
to shape themselves to the fanciful, whim
sical needs of the hour, but very keen
to satisfy tho deepest moral and religious
yearnings of the people at all times.
These conditions, which prevail among
the warm-hearted, open-minded, impul
sive and generous people of the West,
present a rare and Inviting opportunity
for a man, provided he be not afraid of
work and have an abiding faith in the
message he bears. The Westerners hava
no patience with the "Isms" and tha
"anltiee" and the "ologles," and In tbl3
impatience with rigid, institutionalized
"churchlanlty," in the hunger for the
bread that shall satisfy and the thirst for
the waters that shall quench, lies a great
opportunity for the religion not tho
"doxy" or the "ologles" but the simple
faith of Israel.
I believe that I am not unmindful of tha
opportunity. I pray that I shall never fall
to appreciate the responsibility. Yes, a
grave responsibility, and yet I am heart
ened to the task before me and shall al
ways be helped to bear the burden which
Is to be, mine, by the thought that tho
message which it Is my high, privilege to
preach and my holy duty to live, can help
men mightily to a deeper insight into life's
ultimate meanings and a finer perception
of life's alms and values. Judaism, pre
sented aright and represented worthily,
may be shown to stand for something, for
simDlc, clear-cut teachings respecting
God and equally clear teachings respect
ing the duties of man to man, to God and
self. In theee days more than ever" be
fore we need the mescage of the Bible In
answer to the doubts and perplexities of
our hearts; the dark places of the world
require the light of the prophets, the great
social reformers of their day and of all
time; the inhumanity of humanity must
needs be redeemed by the consecrating,
transfiguring touch of the humanities of
Believe me. brother Judeans, I shrink
back in Tearfulness when I consider how
much may and ought to be done for men
by and for the sake ofIsraeL Your own
kindly wishes, X know, will speed me; cor
dial greetings on the other side of our
continent -will welcome me, God's guidance
and protection be over me. I pledge you
this, fellow-Judeons, my zeal unfailing and
my unwearying labors in behalf of our
common cause, a cause mighty and con
quering, uplifting whosoe'er battles 'neath
lt3 banner. The sages In Israel declare
that the ark containing the holy covenant,
far from being burden or weight, uplifted
whosoever undertook to bear it. I go to
lilt the ark of God and carry It to new
places. In tha bearing thereof be that up
llftment and inspiration mine -which aro
tho portion of him who carries aloft
Israel's repository ot truth and holiness.
Jforth Carolina School Burned.
CHARLOTTE. N. C, May 19. Fire to
day destroyed the main portion of St.
Mary's school, at Belmont, S. C. The
loai Is estimated at J2CO.O00. No one was
l tim irkr;r; Wifjgyiii- lf lj
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