THE SUNDAT OREGONIAN, PORTLAND", MAY 13, 1900.- CITY NEWS IN BRIEF ABHeracBts ToKlgrfeU CORDRAYS THEATER (Washington sU "The Magistrate." Registration to Date, 17.432. Yes terday was banner day lor rtgjdtra tlons, there being 470 In the city and 64 in the country precincts, or a total of B34 for the county, -which beats all pre vious days work by over 100. The entire registration up to date Is 17,492, ami if the present ruah is kept up the Presi dential vote In 1S9G -will be reached. Two days yet remain. In which to regis ter, but tomorrow evening will be the only night, as the low saja books must close at 5 odoclc on-iiay ia. jx was an tne clerks could do to register those yester day, but it will be next to Impossible for the present force to cope with the expected rush tomorrow and Tueeday. The night shift put on to enter the names In the reference books Is nearly up with Its work now. and the revision cax prob ably be started by Wednesday. "Rudtard Reviewed," by a literary gentleman of Portland, is a. spicy litllo book of about 200 pages; now In press. The work will soon be on the market. Rudyard Kipling has filled a wide horizon In the literary world for several years, but has not yet found his true place among authors, according to tho critics. "Rud yard Reviewed" deals principally with Kipling's poetical productions, with a broadside at his "American Notes." an estimate of his unexampled popularity and a chapter on "The Origin and Trans mission of Low Taste Among English Poets." The author evidently has three objects In view, one of which is to main tain a high standard of clean literature. Cape Nosie miners' camp stoves, with patent burners and fixtures for burning coal oil. Can be used also for wood or coal. Made of heavy sheet steel, asbestos over top oven plate. Oven, 9x12x19 Inches. Compact, durable, economical, simple and low-priced. The best and only combina tion wood, coal and oil stove made. We also carry a complete assortment of hard ware, cooking utensils and local and Cape Nomo miners' and prospectors' outfits at very reasonable prices, Adolph A- De kum. Ill First street, between Washing ton and Stark. For Famine-Stricken' Jews. A masB meeting will be held in Temple Beth Is rael, corner Twelfth and Main streets, this afternoon at 2 o'clock, for the pur pose 5l considering the condition of the famine-stricken Jews of Southern Russia. Among those who will address the aud ience will be Hon. D. Soils Cohen, Rev. Dr. J. Bloch, Rev. Dr. N. Mosessohn and Dr. A- Tllzer. All coreligionists are most earnestly requested to be present Order op Raiuioad Conductors' Ninth Annuax. Excursion. Sunday, Mat 27, To The Dalles. Round-Trip Tickets, $L Tickets for Sale at Woodard & Clarke, bosenthal- & budd. "Union Depot, O. R. & N. Citt Office And S. P. Co.'s Citt Office. Not Under Regular Auspices. The mixed -up political meeting held at the hall of the Liberal Hose Company Thursday evening was not under the aus pices nor connected In any manner with, the Young Men's Republican Club of South Portland, which prides Itself on en tertaining only straight 'Republicans. Indian War Veterans. Indian War veterans are expecting a lively time at their meeting in City Hall next Satur day. Delegates to the grand encampment will be elected. The pension bill now pend ing In Congress and the decision of Speak er Henderson to turn It down will receive due consideration. There You Are, There You Are! Turners' Railroad Excursion t MT. ANOEL AND SlLVERTON. OR. There You Go. Wb Ati Go Bundat, Mat 20. Round Trip, $L Trains XiEAVe Union Depot 8:45 A. M. It is hoped that all who are interested In the working classes of Portland will be present at the Marquam Theater on Tuesday evening and lend their support to a cause that concerns the families of thousands of retail people in Portland. Sacred Bono Recital, by Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, baritone, assisted by Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer, soprano; Mrs. Walter Reed, contralto; Mr. H. W. Hogue, tenor; Mr. T. M. Lighter, accompanist, Thurs day evening, May 17, at 8:115 o'clock. Ad mission, $1. . " Ir the Question of a Servant Is a troublesome one to you, settle It with a gas range. You are at once Independent of all or any help. No reasonable servant but will be mortf content If the burdens of the kitchen nro lightened by a gas range. I The Six O'clock Closing Association is In earnest, and invites your co-operation and attendance at Its public meeting, which will be held at the Marquam Grand, under tho auspices of the "Woman's Club, next Tuesday evening. May 15. Colonial Concert. Colonial costumes; songs of ye olden time; full chorus, as sisted by First Congregational choir. First Congregational Church, corner Madison and Park streets, Tuesday evening, May 15. Tickets, 25 oets, at Gill's Book Store. An excursion to Bonneville will be given by tho ladles and Sunday school of Tay lor-Street Churoh Saturday next on tho popular steamer T. J". Potter. Lunch will be served on board for 25 cents. Round trip tickets, B0 cents; children. 25 cents. The Giant Powder Company, consol idated, manufacturers of giant and Judson improved powder (formerly represented In this field by James Laidlaw & Co.), has moved Its office to lOOFlrst street. A. Newlands, resident agent.' """ For all kinds of batteries and battery renewals, bells, indicators and other elec trical apparatus see Frank Holcomb & Co., 245 Washington street. Work on all tho above promptly attended to. Phcne, Main SIS. Native Sons Nioht. Abernethy's cab in, Native Sons of Oregon, has taken Cordray's Theater for next Friday even ing and Intend to pack the house to the doon. The bill will be "The Magistrate." A Complete stock of chandeliers, brackets and glassware, in either straight gas or combination, can be found In the showooms of the Portland Gas Company, 172 and 174 Fifth street. Missing. William J. Sovern; when last heard of (10 years ago) resided in Port land; parente anxious. Address communl cat'ons to Dr. A. Fehrenbach, 233 First etreet Portland, Or. Ckeoon Citt Boat. Steamer Altona leaves Taylor street Sunday, 10:30 A M., 2 and 5 P. M.; leaves Oregon City 12.20, 8:30 anl 6:30 P. M. Round trip, 45 cents. Ticket: good on cars. For the latest designs In mantels, Ei at as. tiling, andirons, fenders, firesets and spirk guards see Frank Holcomb & Co., 245 Washington street, opposite Bank of British Columbia. Take a natural stone filter with you to the gild fields. Purifies the water, pre vents dseaee. See them at Woodard, Clarke & Co.'s, Fourth and Washington Btreets. Elegatt floral designs and .cut flowers very reasonable. Paneles, verbenas, asters, cosmos, stocks and other plants. 10c per doz. Buwhardt Bros.. 23d and Glisan. Cut Eates. We have not moved. Thompson's Cut-Rate Ticket Office, 12S Third street. Exceedingly cheap ratea East. CU1 early and avoid the rush. To Caie Nome. Life Insurance w.thout extra cost in the Mutual Reserve of New York. 05 Orogonlan building. M. T. Xady, supervisor. Newton's, Long Beach. Wash., for sale or rent; crms reasonable. Box 101S, city.- Watt or Letter-Carriers' excursion to Seaside. Sunday, July 1. tl round trip. Fred T. Merrill, Independent candi date for Councilman Third Ward. Orego? Camera Club excursion to Hood Rver, Sunday, May 20. accopoeon Platting. Gould at Shaw, 91 Marjuam building. ' A Tremendous Crash at 107 First Street. Closing Out Everything Stand to Start in Anew in the New Music Block. Massacre of Values. PIANOS! at the Old A Veritable Tn a very few days trom now our new building at the corner of Park and Washington streets will be ready for occupancy. We want to open the new store with a brand-new assort-4 s?clal Interest to professional musi- Pease, a Steinway, a W. W. Kimball, a fine Weber and an extra fancy Chlck ering. Choice of four excellent second hand grands, that ougnt to prove of ment of our regular line of pianos, and a specially selected stock of the very finest and latest styles Is now on the way. We have therefore determined to open tomorrow, Monday morning, at S A M., the greatest sacrifice sole of fine" pianos and organs ever witnessed in Portland. t Not Merely a Removal Sale But nothing more or less than a closing-out sale of every Instrument now ' contained in our entire First-street stock, among them the Chlckering pia nos, America's oldest and beet; the celebrated Webers and the Kimball pianos, besides such well-known makes as Wheelock, Everett, Whitney, Stuy vesant, Weser Bros., Singer. Hlnee, Marshall and Ke!so and also the won derful Crown piano, the one of many tones, together with the Angelus pia no player, the Kimball. Crown, Need ham and Great Western organs, and the largest number of second-hand and used pianos and organs ever brought together under one roof. Everything is to be sold out, and sold out quickly, for our new store is nearly ready. The Prices Must Do It You will find here Monday morning a most surprisingly complete collec tion of square pianos, all in good order Ihlesen & Nugent, fanciest carved rosewood case, excellent tone and ac tion, $58; Hallet & Davis, good order, $33; Marshall, old, but still good for lots of hard work, $26; Haines, some what be'tter, t2S; a beautiful Decker Bros., the finest we have ever bad, $95; Stoddart, in good order, $35; a clans. A Slaughter of Old-Timers A large number of second-hand up rights, all of which will be carefully repollshed and locked over In our re pair shops; largest size Hallet & Davis. $15; nice little Emereon, $150: another, every bit as good as new, $200; very fine toned Wegman. case good as new, $1E5; an excellent Steck, in fine condition, $175; a good New England, $145; a Prince & Son. not yet a year, old, $105; a Gabler, $100; a Decker &! Eon, fine condition, $160; another, also good, $145; a J. P. Hale, quite old. but good, $S5; a Hall & Son, $70; one near ly new Chlckering, one fancy mahog any-cased. Kimball, used two years, and then A String of 2d-hancJ Organs Story & Clark, fine, $55; another, $S3; Estey, good, $34; another, finest they make. $73; Mason & Hamlin, flat top, $24, etc. Terms of payment to suit yourself. We want them out of tho way. In Strictly New Pianos $137 and $148 will secure choice of several brand-new New York makea, that have never been sold, even back East, without freights, for less than $230, and there are several others for still less money, and all are reliable instruments. We offer Monday a strictly high grade, fancy seven and one-third oc tave piano, with carved panels, duet music desk, continuous hinges and three pedals (the third a soft or prac tice pedal), for $237, which Is Just about half price. Several more elaborate and very beautiful pianos for $2S6 and $2S5r and a number for $327, all of them at least $200 below their regular retail price of these or other same grade of instruments in this or any other -city. A Half-Dozen Specially Selected Cabinet grand uprights, of world renowned makes, that could not ordi narily be obtained for less than $525 and $500 and one $700 style are also in cluded in. this xsale. Largest cabinet grand size, thorough ly reliable, fully warranted, upright pia nos, In mahognay or walnut, standing 4 feet 9 Inches high, with all latest improvements, Instruments tnai we guarantee cannot be bought at the New York factories for less than $300 each, go during this sale for $1SC, and tho ebonlxed cases for $24 less money. Pay-While You Play. We will make terms of payment to salt any reasonable and responsible buyer, and since all prices are based on the actual cash cost of the instru ments, those taking advantage of our easy payment plan will pay Interest on deferred payments at 8 "per cent per annum. Every piano or organ sold will be accompanied by the respective manu facturer's five-year warranty, duly countersigned by Ellers Piano House, thus fully protecting a customer in every way. This sale ao above will commence tomorrow at our old stand, not the new store, remember, but at the old place, 107 First street, and if you have any possible use for a piano or an organ come at once, and do not de lay, for at these special prices this sale will be a matter of but a very few days. Store open day and evening till mock is sold out. wvvvmw The more you know Vsl f l I V x r fv 1 I About Stelnbach clothes the more evident It becomes to you that, of the good, the better, and the best kinds, ours are superlative. We wish every man in Oregon knew about the careful ,maker-the perfectness that distinguishes the clothes we sell, for then every man would wear our clothing. Your money goes further and does more when put into suits and topcoats bearing the Steinbach label than when spent for any other kind. Our clothing is made by intelligent, skilled workmen, according to our directions. Only the best cloth is used. "j, ;,L- ' .sir It is made In the best way we know. 1 t $10, $15 to $35 For a suit or topcoat having correct style and general Tightness and a reliable guarantee to back it. EILERS PIANO HOUSE T Wholesalers and Retailers 107 First Street, Portland, Oregon STEINWAY PIANOS. A Novel Idea. Several years ago some ono conceived the novel idea of taking care of gentlemen's clothing, keeping it cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed up, eta, for a small consideration each month. H. E. Joy. who was then conducting a tailor shop on Second street, ; took the matter up under tho fitting name i "TTnlmiA T.tlAvf( .Ma-i. " TVia firm advertised extensively, and' by careful ' P??9. " " F mtmttl' "? management soon gained a standing among the business men. Since that time several other firms have made an attempt. As we represent the best make of pianos in every grade, from the Steinway down to low-priced makers, and as our install ment payments are easier than thoso of other dealers, wo are the people from whom you should purchase. New upright but failed la a short time, one firm spend ing several thousand dollars. It seems to be a peculiar business that requires a great deal of experience to achieve suc cess, xne "unique people aeserve great credit for their untiring and energetic ef forts. Six O'clock Closing Meeting. Tho 61x O'clock Closing Association la making active preparations for the meet ing which is to be held at the Marquam Theater Tuesday night. Tho Marquam orchestra will render several selections, and vocal solos will be given by Mrs. Wal ter Reed and J. Adrian Epplng. The meeting; will be opened by a few Intro ductory remarks by tho chairman, after which Mayor Storey will make a. brief ad dress. The principal speakers of the even ins: will be: Rev. Dr. E. P. Hill. Judge George H. Williams, Archbishop Christie. D. Soils Cohen. Chaplain Gilbert, Rev. A A Morrison and other well-known local clergymen. Sidewalk Around Custom-house. A 15 -foot cement walk is being laid around the new custom-houso block, and the contractors think it will be finished this week. The surface of the walk la being indented with a patent roller, which forms little holes close together in tho cement to prevent pedestrians slipping. On the east side of the building an open space 24 feet wide will bo paved with Belgian blocks to prepare for the heavy team traffic In bonded goods. Mabquax Grand Opera-Houee Tues day evening. May 15, a public meeting of the Six O'clock Closing Association. A fine musical programme has been provided, and many prominent speakers will par ticipate. All are invited to be present and lend their support to a cause affect ing vitally the retail circle of our city. For electric, gas and combination chan dellerB and all supplies pertaining to elec tric and lighting see Frank Holcomb & Co., 245 Washington street Work on all the above promptly attended to. 'Phone, Main S79. ' Amateur Theatricals and dancing. given by Unitarian Church, May 18. 8:15 P. M., Arion Hall. Admission, 50 cents. Oregon Camera Club excursion to Hood River, Sunday, May 20. Umbrellas. Repairing and recovering. Meredith's. Washington, bet. 5th and 6th. ond-band uprights. $5 per month. SHER MAN, CLAY & CO.. Steinway dealers, rooms 15 and 1G, Rusael building. Fourth and Morrison streets, second floor. MATTING AND BAMBOO FURNI TURE SALE. Now is the time to buy your ntattlng at reduced prices. We have a great variety of remnants to bargain out. Bamboo fur niture made to order. Also all kinds of apznese and Chinese curios, bric-a-brac, novelties, etc ANDREW KAN & CO., Corner Fourth and Morrison. CAPE NOME OUTFITS. - Ttia cit rnrnrtlrn TnHIj nri nrnnrpd to handle all who come. As the time draws I near to start for Nome, many people are getting their outfits together. Please keep us in mind as tho leading outfitters for blankets, duck suits, macklnaw suits, over shirts, underwear and. In fact, every ar ticle necessary for the trip. Get our wholesale prices before buying. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE, 3 Third Street, Portland. . WHERE TO DINE. Home-made shortcake, strawberries. Ice cream and other tempting delicacies; also. substantial foods. Portland restaurant, 305 Washington. Chicken dinner, complete, 23c, Strouse's Cafe, 229 Washington, between First and Second. White labor only. Bridget's Excuse. Mistress Bridget, I told you I wanted all the eggs for breakfast soft, and&ev eral were quite hard. Bridget Sure, mum, they were all in to bile the same length of time, only some of. them felt the heat more than others. Weekly Telegraph. BAGGAGE FOR CAPE NOME. Baggage to be checked for Steamer Geo. W. Elder, which sails for Cape Nome on May 24. can be checked by the B. & O. T. Co., corner Fourth and Stark streets, at any time, or at the dock on sailing day. Jacob Doll Upright Piano. The latest Improved. Acknowledged to be best sold on easy installments. Pianos rented, tuned and repaired at lowest prices. H. Slnshelmer, 72 Third. Estab lished 1462. CARD OP THANKS. I desire to extend my heartfelt thanks to all who showed their sympathy In the late bereavement of my beloved husband. EMILIA CHARLOTTA NORALING. BECK, THE JEWELER. Bargains In American watches, dia monds and silverware. New store. 207 Morrison street. Repairing a specialty. Dr Swain, dentist. 713 Dekum building. Men's fancy New, swell stripes, plaids In the prevalent colors reds, helios, Blues, purples made of selected cottons, Hsles, and mercerized cotton 25c to Exceptional value In tan, black, and red cotton hose with white feet 2, pairs for 25c 4, ffiaorfm5ffAinR5dFmJH Largest Clothiers In the Northwest Corner Fourth and Morrison Streets THE PIANOLA Makes it possible for you to put your whole soul into the music It does the fingering for you. You have only to at tend to the expression. Any one can play it. Drop In. It costs you nothing to in spect the instrument and hear some good music. THE AEOLIAN COMPANY, Marquam Building Cor. Seventh Street . Portland, Oregon. CO. NEMCKSTLB ., DENTIST.. . JUrqaam BaUdln?, Rooms 300. 301. 302 Guaranteed Clothing.... Our Own Clothing made for us exclusively by America's greatest and most reliable taiiors. Bears the maker's guar antee label and our own as safe as the bank of London it means a new garment for the one that goes wrong or your money back. We charge Half the Tailor's Price For your SPRINC SUIT and fully as much satisfaction as if you had paid twice as much UP-TO-DATE SUITS for $12.50, $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00. The finest In the market are only $22 and $25.00. 50 UW SACK SUITS Some men need a change of clothes this spring, and others need a change of clothiers. You can get the kind of clothes you want if you will come to the right store. We would like to talk it over with you and show you our new suits and prices in the Hart, Schaffner& Marx tailor made clothing. They're the kind adver tised in the leading maga zines and worn by good dressers everywhere. villttil tlllff If fig m UJI if B m I 1 y t f I EN'S I . ROUSERS New Lines of Paragon Pants. SELECT STYLES CHOICE FABRICS $5, $6, $7 50, $8 SEE US FOR YOUR 'Suits, Golf Pants, Hose, Belts, Blue Serge Coats and Vests. Our Motto: MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED. SAM'L ROSENBLAT1 N. W. COR. THIRD AND MORRISON. &CQ FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS Srit SotttttySommtffottet. utaig BilJjetat huVQCVXt TAVERN OF Castle Crag And,... Soda Springs. SEASON OPENS JUNE 15. Velvet Skins in all colors, for Poker Burning and Pyrographic Work sheep and calf wholesale and retail I Located In tho midst of grand and lmpre3alvo mountain scenery, with Mount Shasta and the Crag3 or a background. FINE HUNTING AND FISHING. Unsurpassed cuisine and service and reason able rates. RAILROAD FARE, round trip. ?23. For rates, terms and other Information ad dress E. B. PIXLET. Manager, Care Pacific Improvement Company. Crocker building; San Francisco. 309 Washington Si. Samplls MaiUD frit1 XiEW ff U mcCTtiuryf S mSxti m 1LJ9 WAII TAPER The Curio Store TJi-xin-Dr'nT:n 130 fas S nmniDLrKiLn.! ,Fbjm.AKD.Oj D. H. AveriH & CO. mormon X. SUN SOON HUIt SS'SMr ' Estimates given oa Cape Nome mippllw. 10 Cents Can "Albert Roche" Sardines. 25 Cents 6 cans American Sardines. 45 Cents , , 12 cans Deviled Ham. 25 Cents 3 cans Condensed Cream. ' 15 Cents Bottle Hires Improved Root Ber. 25 Cents ' T pounds Black Figs. 25 Cents ' 6 pounds Petite Prunes. $1.00 23 pounds good clean Rice. 15 Cents Pound Costa Rica Coffee, fresh roast. & fC5 J- -