-""Wjf ' ?jL"5,,3"km'.-.fp'y - m, ! imp. -" w i rj lrw -r -.-- -r'str -M;j -- '-' rjg. '?- y B--- r - - -yl t.-t-j THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, APRIL 15, 3900. GREAT SEAT OF LEARNING TOMSK HAS THE ONLY CSIVEISITY ix all smnniA. XHBcnlttes of Publishing Dally Pa per There History and Business of the Old Tovrn. TOMSK. Siberia. August 30. Tomsk is the educational center of Siberia. In Eu ropean Russia several universities offer educational facilities to young men and young -women, but In all the great ex panse of the Asiatic portion of the em pire, Tomsk Is the only city which Is the seat of a university. Perhaps an excep tion may be noted for the cities of Samar kand and Bokhara, -where there are many colleges for the training of young Moslem priests, but they are hardly to be con sidered as universities In any secular sense. The University of Tomsk was estab lished In 1SS8, with some 20 professors and nearly 300 students in the second year after its founding. In the beginning the medical faculty only was organized, and the attendance noted was reached when the study of medicine and surgery was the only course open to pupils. After a few years the law faculty was created, and the number of students, as well as of Instructors, was greatly Increased. The annual attendance In all departments now Is about 600. and the Increase Is con stant. The Intention Is to open the lit erary department within a short time, and that will mark another Important step In the lnslitution. The material equip ment of the university Is excellent, and I am assured that the standard of schol arship Is high. The building which Is oc cupied by the university Is of masonry, several hundred feet long, and by far the most conspicuous edifice In the city as one drh es about the streets. - Already, however. It hao been outgrown, and the erection of another large one of similar character Is contemplated. The institu tion Is favored In one detail which helps its attendance materially. It is the only university in the Russian empire except that of Warsaw, to which pupils of eccle siastical seminaries are admitted. Young men who have begun to study for the priesthood and who have changed their faith or their choice of profession must come to Tomsk or Warsaw, then. If they wish to continue their education, instead of to any of the eight other universities in the empire. Only 30 per cent of the students of tho university are Siberians, the remainder coming from the European provinces of Russia, even as far as from Caucasus. The most valuable possession of the uni versity Is the library, which Is second only to that of St. Petersburg. The arch aeological museum is another treasure of which the university is very proud. Its collections are unusually complete In the antiquities of Siberia, and they otter sub jects for ample stury by those who are specialists In that line. Culture of University Town. As a natural consequence of the pres ence of the university and the people at tracted by It. Tomsk shows other evidence of culture and education such as we at home arc accustomed to find centering in a college town, although some of these things were here before the university came. I am very much Inclined to con sider the establishment of Peter Ivano vlch Makushln as one of the Important Institutions of Siberia. It is doubtful if the people of TQmsk realize what they have In the midst of them, but its effect must be constant Mr. Makushln Is a newspaper editor and a bookseller and publisher. There is nothing particularly surprising about that, for every Siberian city has its bookshop and its newspaper. But it Is distinctly surprising to find here in Tomsk such a bookehpp. The building stands at the corner of two busy streets, and Is noticeable from the first for its fresh, well-kept look, in a country where the weather is permitted to have its own way with buildings usually from the daj they are finished. It is a fine, large build tog of brick, two stories in height, with a surprising expanse of plate glass along the two street fronts. On the ground floor I judge there are at least a dozen clerks employed. Above are the office. and publishing and printing quarters of the establishment, and the home of the proprietor. In the retail store books- and stationery are not the only goods offered for sale, musical instruments and toys having a place as well, but in effect It Is a genuine literary Institution. The stock Includes a fine assortment of the best lit erature. In Russian, French, German and English. Scientific works, the classics, books of htnory and travel, and even of politics within certain limits, are carried in excellent assortment. The stock of Rueslan technical works Is particularly good. Including all sorts of government re ports on Siberia, geographical and other wise. Perhaps more Important than the book seller's department of the business is the publisher's. Mr. Makushln probably has done morethan any other man In the way of developing and publishing a Siberian literature In Siberia. His catalogue in cludes works of fiction, poetry, essays, science, travel nnd other classification?, by Siberian nnd Russian writers, mostly on Siberian subjects, and all printed in his own office. The literary character of the works that have been shown me In this store which surprised me so much Is worthy of high compliment, and the me chanical appearance of the books will com pare favorably wjrh .jvhat our home pub lishers Issue. ""rrf Tomsk is full of stories, well-authenticated, of the remarkable doings and say ings of this strange man. He Is not cred ited with any powers of healing, but with the most astonishing wisdom. He seems to have been able to answer correctly questions on all sorts of subjects, ob scure and otherwise. His epigrammatic conversations are still related and his ad vice quoted. The people believed him to have some quality of prescience and the power of reading their minds. He knew Russian political and imperial af fairs in every detail, and did not hesitate to discuss state matters with a wide range of information at his command. He left behind him when he died in ISM a city full of people who revered him for his holy life, his wisdom, his gentleness and his lore for his fellow-men, which never failed of proof In any emergency, all of this tribute paid to Theodore Kuzmltch. tho exile. Believe lie Was Alexander. But it was not as an exile that his mem ory la preserved. The people of Tomsk and thousands of others In Siberia and Russia believe that this mysterious man was Alexander I. Emperor of tho great domain. The little house where he lived is venerated as a jhrine. and Is always spoken of as "Alexander's house." The evidences in support of this belief are entirely circumstantial, and by no means conclusive, but they are significant and interesting. The allegation is, first, that when the Emperor was declared to have died, he merely resigned his throne, ab dicating through disappointmen tand cha grin and anxious to be rid of the heavy burden whicli he was carrying. It is pointed out that less Information is avail able in history of the death of this- great monarch than of any other of his time and that It is impossible to understand how ho could have been alone, neglected except by his wife, and left to die or a low fever in an obscure hut when he was on an Imperial tour through his South ern provincec It was openly remarked in St. Petersburg at the time when the remains of the deceased Emperor wero brought up from the south that the body was not that of Alexander, and It was a causa of comment at the time that peo ple wero not allowed to pass and look on the face of their late Emperor, as he lay In state, according to custom. Next, as to the possible Identity of the man of Tomsk with the Tsar of Russia. Alexander "died" In 1825 at the age of years. Kuzmltch appeared in Tomsk one io or U years- later, apparently about 00 years old. and died In ISM. at which time Alexander would have been 87. There are ample proofs that he was a man of high education and familiar with life in high places. His physical resem been at that age was remarkable. These things are all considered corroborative of the story told by the merchant Khro mov, who declared that shortly before dy ing the mysterious old man revealed his identity for the first time and gave him papers showing conclusively that he was the Emperor. These papers Khromov took to St. Petersburg with him. He al ways stuck to the truth of his story, in his printed memoirs, and it in so way Im pairs tho possibilities of It that the papers were never made public Of course, that would not have been done by official Rus sia, however convincing of the truth of all this they might have been. The house where the hermit died is one of the most interesting places in Tomsk, and many of the circumstantial evidences that help the probabilities of tho story center there. When one comes to visit the house the first impression is that it is very small and then the next discovery is that this small roof is but the shelter tor the tiny roof which is under it. The home of the hermit is but the veriest hut of logs, containing only one room and an entry. A canopy roof, sup ported on pillars, extends all over the lit tle hut, assuring that it will last for many years. The yard is overgrown with weeds, but the path from the gateway that leads through the picket fence from the Khro mov house is well worn with the footprints of those who have visited the shrine. The door is so low that a man of medium height must stoop to enter, and the famous occupant was very tall. The window is not more than two feet square. On a ehelf of the whitewashed brick is the bed where the hermit lay. the bed Itself a plank, and the pillow a block of wood, both polished smooth by the years of use when the her mit took his only rest there. A shelf across the litt'e room Is covered with rellci cf the holy man, his few books, his rough garments, his simple utensils. One wall Is completely covered with portraits of Al exander I, showing him at various periods up to the time of his historical death. There Is a striking sketch of that sceno as it was Imagined to be, and at the Bide of It is a picture of the hermit, also in death. The resemblances in these pictures of the two men are most striking. An other wall Is covered after the same fash Ion with portraits of the hermit, and, ex cept for the difference between imperial and monkish garments, the likenesses might be exchanged and be accepted as those of the same man at different periods of his life. An altar and a censer complete the furnishings of the room, except for the Icons which are disposed in every pos sible place, and which cover one of tho walls. These are the gifts of pilgrims to the shrine. One of them, the only one which was there when the occupant of the hut was alive. Is a beautiful Jeweled Icon, of great richness. It is difficult to account for legitimate ownership of such a. treas ure, except by believing that 'the man was once of great wealth. That and hit Bible were the only things brought by the hermit from the outer world. There are some strange things from St. Petersburg which go far to give credibil ity to the story. Most significant of all, it is that since the tale was related by Khromov and he went to St. Petersburg with the papers left by the hermit, no member of the Imperial Romanov family has been In Tomsk without visiting this humble cabin. Grand Dukes passing through the city halt for a little while and pay their first visit to this place. More over, In several cases they have Insisted on going alone, or rather upon being left alone. The present .Emperor, when he made his journey across Siberia, went, to this hut, was left In solitude at his own command, and remained there nearly two hours alone. It is related that when he appeared he showed that he had been weeplnjr. The lot on which the Khromov home stead and this hut stand, with the accom panying ground, is worth about 10,000 by the standard of Tomsk real estate, but tho owner has been offered" $150,000 by some capitalist In St. Petersburg, who refuses to tell for whom he is dealing, and simply offers to pay cash. Tho owner, believing that it is the Emperor who is the prln pal. Is holding out for $00.000. and It is believed that he will get it. Two yean ago the owner, who Is a man of wealth, began to build a new, fine house on the vacant part of the lot. The work was pro gresslrg rapidly, and the contracts were let. when suddenly, from some mysterious source In St. Petersburg, came a hint that it would be well to stop that building. In Russia, when such hints come In a cer tain way, it is well to take cognizance of them, and the work stopped. There the ce'lar, the foundations and a part of the wall have stood ever since, untouched, ex cept to protect them. The owner Is for bidden to build, and he will not sell yet. but In time it Is believed that he will yield and that then a magnificent cathedral -will be reared over this sacred shrine which the people of Tomsk beSeve to be the former home of their Emperor when he lived In their midst and they did not know him. The grave of the hermit in the cemetery not far awny Is carefully attended and vis ited by pilgrims, as the house Is. It Is not merely the peasantry of Siberia who believe this legend, but hosts of the most Intelligent and educated ones. It Is but fair to. say that the best Russian his torlans dismiss the matter as unworthy of credence, although some of them admit that the mysterious man may have been some one of high rank, or even imperial birth. Nevertheless, while it is entirely Impossible to prove such things, and there are many tales of monarchs reputed to have died as history rebates the event, this contribution of the Slberl.il City of Tomsk to the list makes a pretty good showing, and Is not without Its reasonable side. TRUMBULL. WHITE. GOLD NEAR TACOMA. riacem Said to Yield One Dollar to the Pan on Carbon Hirer. TACOMA. April It Great excitement is reported along the Carbon River, near Fairfax. Pierce County, where p'acer gold running Jl to the pan has been discovered, and a stampeSb from adjacent towns has begun. The first strike was made by Su perintendent Wllklns, of the Thome mines, who, nfter making his locations, gave out the news. Traces of gold have been found In the river at various times, and quartz prop ertles show gold in the assays. The Fair, fax train made a special run to Carbon ado to bring the news and take back pas sengers. Tlienter Cashier Shot by Bartender. SEATTLE. April 11. Arthur R. Brooks, cashier of the Peop'e's Theater, was shot by Jack Considlne, a bartender, today. Consldlne, In a drunken rag, fired three shots at close range, two of which took effect. Ono of the shots entered Brooks' mouth and passed through his neck, while the other went through his left shoulder. Ccnsldlne was arrested. Physicians cay Brooks will live. Strnlftht J'opulUti of Klnc Cannty. SEATTLE, April 14. The Populists of King County, 'riroass convention, tonight Indorsed John Fay and Paul Land for National delegates, and Instructed them to work for a straight ticket- The dele gation to the State Convention at Spo kane will work against surrendering the party to the Democrats. m APRIL 22D IS THE DAY On which tho fastest regular passenger service. Portland to Chicago, ever main tained, will be established. A dally solid veatlbuled through train via the Union Pacific Rallrcad and con nections, consisting of dining-cars, palace and tourist sleepers, free reclining chair' cars and buffet library and smoking can, will make the trip In the remarkable time of 70 hours. No other line docs it, ,nof gives travelers through cars Portland to Chicago. For rates, tickets and sleeping-car berths, apply to City Ticket Office, 03 Third Street, Portland, Or. Bicycle Sundries We buy (for cash) in large quantities direct from the manufacturers, and don't have to make a double profit, one for ourselves and one for a parent house. We uro dersell all of our compet itors In this field, both retail and wholesale. Send for our catalogues and discounts. We want your trade. BICYCLE BARGAINS Clearance sale of all makes of second-hand bicycles. We are overcrowded with two or three hundred second hand bicycles of all makes, which we have taken In trade for new Rambler and Ideal bicycles, and they must be sold at once. Look at these prices: Ladles' DEFIANCE. Al condition $15.00 Ladles' ALPINE, good condition 11.00 Ladles' 'X Victoria, good condition 10.C0 Ladles' '00 AJix 1S.CO Ladles' Westminster 10.(0 Ladles' '97 Hartford 12.C0 Ladles' Ramblers. Al condition." 515 to J25.00 Genu' '37 Hartford, good condition 11.00 ' Gents' T6 Gladiator, good condition 7.50 Gents' '97 Reliance, good condition 10.09 Gents' '13 Steams, good condition 15.0 Gents' 'SS Fenlx, fair condition.... 11.00 Gents' '97 Victor, gcod condition 12.(0 Gents' 'X Columbia. Al condition 12.00 Gents' '37 World, good condition .. 12.00 Gents' '93 Clipper Chalnless, Al S1.00 Gents 'S3 White, good condition 12.00 Gents 'X Crown, good condition 8. CO Gents' '93 Premier, good condition '.... 10.(0 Gents' '97 Wisconsin, good condition 10.00 Gents' '98 Ideal, good condition 12.0) Gents' '97 Liberty, fair condition .00 Gents' '97 Imperial, fair condition .00 Gents' '98 Lovell Diamond, good 11.C0 Gents' '33 Imperial, good condition 10.01 Gents' 97 Gendron. good condition 10.(0 Gents' '97 Monarch, gosd condition ; ., 11.00 Gents' 'SS Siberia, good condition : 10.00 Gents' '96 Victoria, good condition 9.00 Gents' "98 Gladiator, good condition ,.. 12.00 Gents 96 Columbia, good condition s.00 Gents '90 Ramblers, gocd condition 12.00 Gents '97, '98 Ramblers, good condition...: Jio to J1S.0O Gents '93 Ramblers, good as new js to 125,00 And many more cycles of all makes at any old price. All of our second-hand machines are taken apart, cleaned, looked over carefully before offered for sale, and are In good, rldcable condition. Any wheel purchased will be crated and delivered at freight depot free of charge on receipt of price. " FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO., 105-111 Sixth St. THE APRIL MAGAZINES. Tfnpoleon Bonaparte Aimed to Make III Home In America. The April Century Is rich In pictorial 11 lustration, tta special art features includ ing a frantlsplece engraved by Cole, a full-page plate of II. O. Tanner's painting, "The Annunciation"; Casialgne's Parli pictures and Du Mond's decorative treat ment of "The Groves of Pan," a poem by Clarence Unny. From the "Talks With Napoleon," in this number. It appears that the Emperor was so fully resolved to make hi home In America, In the event of defeat at Waterloo, that he had bllla drawn upon this country for whatever sums he chose to take. He told Dr O'Meara that he had "spent 16,O00,0CO of ready money." of his ot-tj, before the battle. "I have probably as much money as I shall ever want," he said at St. Hel ena, "but I do not know exactly where It Is." Of Interest is an unpublished lettci of Tennyson's to an o:e orlcklayer In a Western state, who had known the laure ate In his childhood. Mr. Morley treats chleily. this month, of the crisis of 16IJ. and Cromwell's attitude therein. Harper's for April. Among the features of Scribnor6 Mag. azlne for April, the animal story by Ern 'est Seton-Thompson. illustrated by him, will attract the large audience which has been fascinated by "Wild Animals I Have Known." In this story Is given the life and adventures of a curious little animal of the Southwest, known as the kangaroo rat. Governor Roosevelt continues hU monograph on "Oliver Cromwell," with an account of tho Irish and Scotch wars. The end of this campaign was the supreme mil itary triumph of Cromwell, and the last time he had to lead an army In the field. The illustrations show a number of thi battle-fields as they appear today. Among the short stories in the April number of Harper's Magazine are: "The Pursuit of tha Piano," by William Dean Howellsr "Captain John Adams, Missing, an Incident of the Boer War," by Dr. C. W. Doyle, author or "The Taming of the Jungle": "The Store," by Sttpies Crane: "Padre Ignazlo." by Owen Wis or; and "They Bore a Hand," by Frederic Remington. Among the more important special articles are the second of Captain Maban'a papers on :The Problems cf Asia' ; "A Successful Colonial Experi ment," by Poultney BIge:ow; nnd a pnper on "Lord Pauncefote of Preston," by Chalmers Roberts. There -s also a fourth installment of Mrs. Ward's "Eleanor." 1L B. Marriott Watson, the author of "Princess Xcnla" and "The Adventurer." has written another romance, which is iiji pcaring serially In Harper's Weekly, be ginning -irlth the number of April 6. Th new story is entitled "Cmorls of the Isl and." and the scene li laid In England during the last century. It Is said to be full of action and telling situations. Mr Watson's recent book, ThetlRebc!. fub lished by the Harpers, Is meeting with most favcrable criticism. The April new Ltpplncott Is replete with good fiction: A complete novel and four short stories. Seumas MacManus has one of his characteristic humorous Irish stories called "A Celtic Beauty"; 'Their Last Trek" is by IL Anderson Bryden, an athletic Englishman, who. having traveled extensively In South Africa, Is thoroughly up In his subject, and In this story ht presents a touching picture of Botr life. Robert Shackleton writes an amusing sketch of the old South, reflected in New York. In which the "Randolphs of Vir ginia," are conspicuous characters. "The Alpine Rose," Mrs. J. K. Hudson's fourth story In her scries on Mormon life, re ceives Its title from the little mountain flower which U sometimes found on ths highest peaks In this country, as well as In Switzerland, and which, in this Instance Just a Tip.... Mr. Purchaser: Any person who would pay over $23 for a bleycle not carrying tho manufacturer's name or without a Na tional reputation, has "more money than brains." We could advertise our hand made "Merrills" at $3 and $&. and prom ise you a year's guarantee, but that would be no proof that said bicycles would be' worth more than $2. Don't be humbugged by dealers who flop to new wheels each year end experiment at your expense. proves the link that binds an unhappy Mormon wife to her old home across thj sea. April Atlantic. "The Perplexities of a College Presi dent." by one of the guild. In the, April Atlantic, is a valuable and startling ex position of the difficulties under which th? heads of most of our collegiate Institu tions labor. The author points out that, contrary to all business practice, tha president of a college Is largely so In nana only. His actions are continually tram meled dr opposed by his faculty or his trustees, while his professors look upon advice or interference from him in their work as Insulting to them. He demon strates that education is a business, and should be directed by business methods, and that the heads of such institutions should be so actually, and be given an authority commensurate with their reston slblllty. The author of "Bandanna Ballads." In the April Ladles' Home Journal, is one of the newer singers of negro folklore. She Is Miss Howard Weeden, and her ballads have elicited the highest praise of Joel Chandler Harris. She illustrates he own writings with pictures that are as felicitous, faithful and convincing as her verse. Winter lingers in tho lap of Spring in the April St. Nicholas, In the form of a paper on "Snow-Plows." by George E. Walsh, who describes the process of "bucking" a snowdrift on a railroad In Dakota in the days before the rotary steam mow-plow was Invented. The de scription Is illustrated from photographs. "A Boy of Galatia" Is the winner of an old Olympian race, and the event Itself Is described with animation by Samuel Scovllle, Jr., who has witnessed many a contest of a similar kind, albeit on soil lees world-renowned. The story Is illus trated by F. V. du Mond. who furnishes the frontispiece, and Andre Castalgne. Tudor Jenks, In "Papa Dragon's Tale." makes his hero sigh for the good old times when men didn't have to be picked out of metal shells before being eaten, as the gallant knights of a later generation did. The papers on "Social Life In the United States Navy," now running through the Woman's Home Companion, will be con tinued In kjnd In the May number, with an equally attractive discussion of "So cial Life In the United States Army," by Mary Breckinridge Hints. Frank Leslie's. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for April Is replete with timely Interest-and pictorial beauty. The variety "of its con tents is indicated by a glance at. the list of literary contributors, which Include Monslgnor Seton. Joaquin Miller, Dr. W. A. Croffut, Stephen Crane. Egerton Cas tle, George Julian Zolnay. Martha McCul loch Williams. Frits Morris, and Joanna R. Nlcholls. The pictures are profuse. In cluding the latest work of the foremost illustrators of the day. Moaelgnor Seton. the eminent Scottish-American prelate an well-known Catholic essayist, who was far many years a member of the Vatican household at Rome, writes with erudition and grace of "The Papal Elections." Professor W. M. Flinders Petrle. the distinguished Egyptologist, contribute! the leading article to the April number of Appleton's Popular Science Monthly. HU subject Is "Recent Tears of Egyptian Ex ploration." "The Gold Sands of Capo Nome" is the title of an illustrated article from tho pen of Professor Anjelo Hellprin, the well-known geographer and author of an important work on Alaska and the Klondike. A very interesting picture Is given of the "unique conditions now pre vailing at Nome. The abuses of taxation, which are simply legalized robbery, are graphically shown by Franklin Smith In an article entitled "A State Official on Excessive Taxation," which dlscursis Controller Roberts recent report. The American Monthly Review of Re views for April has two important articles on the present situation in the far East Mr. R. van Bergen describes the disad THE SHOE PINCHES! THE ANTI-TRUST (NIT) SQUEALS THAPS WHY THE OCTOPUS ROARS BAH!!! Who ever heard of a "contract" manufacturer making a good Wheel to be sold In "joblots" to any dealer under any name at "any old price"? In one state it would be sold under the name of "Chellmlt" at $40 (?). In another state under the name of "Firefly" at S3, etc Then at the end of the season. If the "contract" manufacturer refuses to replace thou sands of broken parts, another "contract" manufacturer gets the job for next year and that's the way It goes we know we were green In the bicycle 'business once ourselves and we thought we knew it all but we got "soaked" Just the same. The intelligent riding public cannot be deceived. When they purchase and risk their necks, they want to know who the manufacturer Is and how many years experience they have had in bul'dlng bicycles, for it takes many years to learn to build good cycles (and sell them. tco). "Ramblers" have been constantly Improved for 21 consecutive years and we have been selling them for 18 years ourselves, and we think we know a thing or two or three. Trust or no trust, we buv bl cycles from the G. & J. Manufg Co.. and pay the Q. & J. -Manufg Co. for them, and the entire profits of our business belong to us. and we spend It right here at home, and as to our "Breeches," wc have 13 pair, and. honestly, gentlemen, they belong to us we' uns so there, sow! P. S. Say! "We are going to have another parade soon, and a, brass band and the wheels will stay on our sidewalk for an hour (If It doesn't rain). Get out your hammer. JUVENILE meal meal BICYCLES Made of hahgrade material Just like grown folks. Guaranteed throughout. $20, $22.50, $25.00 NOTHING BETTER ON EARTH! LOOK AT T 1900 - 0 BICYCLES XI THEY NEED NO INTRODUCTIONS CH" 1899 Models, While They Last, $35 Our proits are spent at home. Two hundred second-hand wheels at any old "price. Old wheels, all makes, taken in trade. Finest equipped repair shop in the Northwest. All work guaranteed. Fred T. WHO PORTLAND. vantages of foreigners In Japan under the revised treaties, and Mr. William M. Brewster, an American resident In China' ! outlines "The Warlike Policy of the Em press Dowager," warning the United States that only the utmost vigilance can 1 secure for this Government the bcncOts of "the "open door." The frontispleco of the Ledger Monthly for April Is a beautiful portrait of the Empress Eugenie, which Is accompanied by an article on the earner of the Em press Eugenie from the imperial palace to an English village, written by Mrs. Eleanor Sherman Thackara. daughter of General William Tecumseh Sherman. This article has nine photographic illustra tions. McCIure's for April. In sureness and variety of attraction, it would b hard to surpass McCIure's MagaJ zlno for April. The account of the interior of China, especially with reference to Its rich promises as a market for America, written by Mr. W. B. Parsons. Chief En gineer of the American-China Develop, ment Company, from observations made on his own Journeys, and Illustrated very fully from photographs taken by him. and the account of Professor Huxley's life in London between his 26th and 30th year, when he was having a terrific ttruggle to maintain himself by purely scientific work, with Its self-revealing passages from hU nnnriMljiTiw eorresnondenee and its new portrait of him, arc among the articles ot J interest in this number. The April number of the Critic is con spicuous as containing the opening pages of a novelette by Th. Bentzon (Mine. Blanc) called "At Crors Purposes." It Is - DESERVES IT. Remarkable Sncce of a Xetv Treat ment for Plies. For many years it has been supposed that the only absolutely sure cure for piles was -by surgical operation, but the danger to life and the pain and expense has been so great that many thousands suffer for years rather than submit to this Inst resort: or they seek the temio rary relief in the many remedies claimed to relieve piles and rectal troubles, salvei ointments and simitar flmplo remedies which givo only slight and very tempo rary relief. A new preparation, -which is painless and harmless, but which affords Immediate relief and in many cases a complete cure In a very short time, is sold by drug gists under the name of Pyramid Plla Cure. It is in suppositcry form used nt night, nnd Its regular ue has cured thousands of obstinate, long-standln? cases, and It seems to be equally effective In all the various forms of piles, whether Itching, bleeding or protruding. Tho Pyramid Pile Cure allays the ln n&mmation and intolerable itching, re duces the tumors, and Its astringent prop erties cause the enlarged blood vessels , to contract to a normal, healthy condt tlon. I A Baltimore gentleman relates his ex perience with the Pyramid Pile Cute in thfse words: "It affords me unusual pleasure to add my indorsement to those of others rela tive to your really wonderful pile remedy. I was a sufferer for years until told by a feUow salesman of the Pyramid Pile Cure. It has entirely cured me and I cheerfully send this for publication if you wish to use It in that direction. I wish you would send me one of your little books on cause and cure of piles, I desire to show it to some friends.- Any pile sufferer may use the Pyramid with certainty that It will give ins'ont relief and regular use a permanent cure, and the still further certainty that it con tains no cocaine, morphine or metallic ot mineral polsonl All druggists sell Pyramid Pile Cure, 53 cents for full-elzed treatment. Guaranteed to be belter bicycles than are sold by many Portland dealers at $35, $40 and often $50, $60, $75. $25.00, $30.00 -THE COAST PIONEERS- Merrill Cycle TELL TOO MANY TRUTHS TO SUIT OTHERS SPOKANE. SEATTLE a story of misunderstandings, and shows, as only a French woman who has visited the United States could show, the striking difference -between the French and Amer. lean point of view In certain interesting matters. The Engineering Magazine presents, as its April leader, a most Interesting illus trated account of the Capc-to-Cairo Rail way, by Mr. John Hartley Knight. Mr. Knight gives a synopsis of the growth of the conception and the progress of the work so far completed, with a sketch of the projected line, the country through which it is to run, and the prospects based upon the returns of the railway working to Buluwayo. He gives a brief outline, also; of Mr. Rhodes twin scheme, the Af rican Transcontinental Telegraph. All predictions Indicate a great rush this Spring and Summer to the new gold fields at Cape Nome. C. Edgar Lewis writes on this subject In the April Maga zine number of the Outlook, with very full Information, and with some new and In teresting photographs of Cape Nome scenes, streets and miners. Home Masaslne. Hudson Maxim's article on "Warfare of the Future." in the April Home Maga zine, will set military men to talking. Mr. Maxim Is a well-known inventor am'. expert on hljtt explosives. Ho discourse? on the recent developments In military science, and advocates several new dei, Ices which will undoubtedly receive attention from the governments of tho world. The article is profusely illustrated. The International Monthly for April con tains several articles of timely interest. Aside from the Interesting paper by Pro fessor L. M. Keasbey. of Bryn-Mawr. on "The Institution of Society." a subject of greater Interest than perhaps the titla would suggest to some, there are four art icles of value, vrz.: A review by Professor Chcyney, of Philadelphia, on "Recent Writing on English History; the story of French drama for the last half and more of the 19th century, by Brander Matthews, of New York; "Comments on tho War In South Africa." Toy Captain Zallnskl, a well-qualified critic, and who looks' at affairs from the standpoint of an experienced American Army officer; ami the article by Hon. John R. Procter, on "The Neutralization of tho Nicaragua Canal." -: At the Women's Union. Miss Bessie Lucey paid a visit to her home In Astoria the first of the week. Miss Emma Campbell has gone to La Grande, where she expects to reside with her sister till September. Miss Julia Plettenberg, of Albino, has become an Inmate of the Union. Mrs. M. J. Fox. of Astoria, is hero fot a few days, visiting friends. Miss Hattle Gaskell, who has been ab sent on a professional stay as nurse, has returned. Miss Sarah L. Henderson, of Tho Dalles, is here on a short visit to her sister. Miss Nellie Henderson. Miss Carrie Milispaugh has been attend ing the Baptist gathering at Oregon City this week. MIssM. M. Boss returned Thursday from Aberdeen, Wash., where she has been fo: some time In her capacity as nurse. The Snre-Footed Yak. From "Innermost Asia." Ralph P. Cob bold. I was enveloped in a mass of warm clothing In order to exclude the bitter cold: besides my "body clothing, I wore two large sheepskin coats and three pairs of sheepskin gloves, with the result that I was quite helpless and Incapable of mounting, even with assistance. I -was ac cordingly lifted on to the yak, and Just succeeded In clinging to the front of tlo saddle, while a Kirghiz led the animal by a rope. ... The going was frightful; the road was a mixture of large boulders and deep holes, but the yak was a, wonderful equilibrist, and puffed and blew bard as. with his nose to the ground, he tolled steadily upward ADULT BICYCLES TACOMA over a frozen- watercourse without ever making a mistake. The men slipped about In all directions, but the yak's cloven feet gave him so firm r foothold that he never even stumbled. I clung on for dear life, digging my heels into the beast's hairy eldes as he careered In the dark over rocks nnd Ice, p'entlfully cut up by crevasses. and wondering whether, when he fell. I should hae the luck to He on the top. Cured lllni. Miles What do you think of this faith cure bushuds? GHes-Oh. It's all right. I tr'cd it onco and was completely curd. Miles Indeed! Of what were you cured? Giles Of my faith in It. Chicago News. CURED OF BSffill A Wonmnn'tf Secret Mrttiori Whercliy SIu- Cnrril Her Iluiunnil Who Was n Tcrrllile Drunkard. !ixed n Remedy in Ills Co fire nnd Fond nnd Cured 111 i-.t Without Hiii Help or KnoTTledKe. It takes a woman to overcome obstacle. Mrs. Chas. W. Harry. K York St.. New port. Ky.. had for jears patiently boruo the dlsrrace. suffering, misery and priva tion due to her husband's drinking hab its. 3Iri. Charles V. Harry. Learning there was a cure for drunken ness which she could Rive her husband secretly, she decided to try it. She mixed It In his food and coffee, and as the rem edy is odorless and tasteless he never knew what it was that so quickly relieved the craving for liquor. He soon began to pick up in flesh, his appetite tor solid food returned, he stuck to his work regularly, and they now have a happy home. Mr. Harry was told about his wife's experi ment, nnd he gives her the credit for hav ing restored him to hl3 senses. It is cer tainly a remarkable remedy, cures a man without his effcrt. does him no harm and causes him no suffering whatever. Dr. Haines, the discoverer, will send a sample of this grand remedy free to all who will write for It. Enougn of the rem edy is mailed free to show how it Is used In tea. coffee or food and that It will cure tho dreaded habit quietly and permanent ly. Send your name and address to Dr. J. W. Haines. 1734 Glenn Building. Cincin nati. Ohio, and be will mall a free sam ple of the remedy to you. securely sealed In a plain wrapper, also full directions how to use it. books and testimonials from hundreds who have been cured, and every thing needed to aid you In saving those near and dear to you from a life of deg radation and ultimate poverty and dis grace. Send for a tree trial today. It wilt brighten the rest of your life. 13 9 S