gmft - - ; - "- i '"? - srv -- V--' 7 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. EOBTLAND. APRIL'' 15, 1900. . CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Amucatnti Tonlfflit. CORDRATS THEATER (Washtactoa etreet) "Have You Seen Smith." Thisd Regiment Band. The band of the Third Regiment. O. N. O.. held a business meeting last evening, at which the follcwlng officers were elected: Presi dent. Robert Monteltb; vice-prtrsident, "W. B. Cobb; secretary. F. E. Hicks: treasur er. E. Seghers; business manager, M. J. Denny; librarian, R. J. Benjamen; mus4 cal director. E. O. Bpltzner. An executive committee of. Ave was appointed, consist ing of Messrs. Montelth, Barkfdale. Ban zer, Cobb and Denny. The Initiation fee was raised from 25 to $30. A number of new members have been recently admitted to the organization, increasing the band to 24 pieces. By care In the choice of new men and constant practice the band has attained a degree of excellence that makes It a credit to the regiment of which It Is a part. REcnumNO for Marine Coups. Cap tain E. K. Cole, Marine Corps, United States Navy, was In Portland yesterday consulting with various persons over the advisability of establishing a recruiting office here, but did not reach a decision. The age limit for volunteers Is between 21 and 25 years, and service is for five years, usually one on shore duty, three at sea and one year on shore again. Pay Is the same as in the Army, SIS 60 a month. Duty of the Marine Corps at sea is to man the secondary batteries, and on shore to do guard duty at naval stations and navy yards. Those desiring to enlist will re ceive full Information by addressing Cap tain Cole, Bremerton, 'Wash., the Puget Sound Naval Station. Portland's Beautiful- Homes. TVs view with pleasure the many beautiful homes now being planned and In course of erection in this city. These buildings are all to be furnished with mantels either In wood, tile or brick. Bathrooms, toilets, vestibules, kitchens, etc, are being floored and wainscoted with tile. The principal firm dealing In mantel and tile goods in this city Is Frank Holcomb & Co. A very complete line of the above can be seen at their showrooms, 245 Washington street. Nice mantels can be placed in a house complete for $40 and upwards. They are the agents for the -well-known Monarch grate. Photographs of mantels and grates sent to nonresidents on application. Former PortiandeA Honored. Coicncl Dudley Evans has been appointed by Pres ldcnt McKlnlcy a member of the Board of Visitors at the United States Military Academy at West Point. This appoint ment Is one. which Is much sought, and is regarded as very complimentary. The duties of the board are to attend the ex aminations at the academy, and to make reports to the Secretary of War concern ing the same, with such recommendations as are deemed proper. Colonel Evans Is now vice-president and manager of Wells, Fargo & Co., was for years a resident of Portland, and still has many friends here. Knights Templar Election. At the regular annual conclave of Oregon Com mandery. No. 1, Knights Tcmplnr, held in their asylum. Masonic Temple, on Good Friday evening. April 13, the following offi cers were elected: Eminent commander, Charles V. Cooper: generalissimo, lirydon H. Niccl; captain-general. John A. Dcmp scy; prelate. George II. HU1: senior war den, W. J. Fullam; junior warden, V. E Karne; recorder, Charles Hussey; treas urer, J. W. Cook; staitdard-bearer, Alex ander H. Kerr: sword-bearer, J. T. Berry; warder, C F.-Wclgand; sentinel, John Dukehart. Errors Corrected. By transposition of names, errors were made In yesterday's Oregonlan In the vote In the Democratic State Convention on Presidential Electors and Congressman in the First District. The vote for Electors was published as follows: Walter M. Pierce. GS; Dell Stuart, 20; T. L. Davidson. 241; Dlllard. 202. It should have been: Pierce. 241; Stuart. .202; Davidson. G5; Dlllard. 20. The result of the Dicond ballot for Congressman In the First District was: Daly, SO. and Heath, 9. It was erroneously published: Heath, 80; Daly, C9. Talk on Biblical Poetrt. Mrs. Loulj Altman announces that she Is again able to resume her talks en the poetical books of the Bible. "The Book of Job" forms the subject of the tilth and sixth, or clos ing talks, and they will take place Wed nesday and Saturday afternoon, April It and 21, at 3:30. at the Selllng-Hlrsch build ing. This great book Is to have the widest Interpretation that earnest stud of great commentators and Individual re search can furnish. " Will Preach in Seattle. Rev. Huber Ferguson, pastor of the First United Pres byterian Church, of this city, left jester day for Seattle, having been invited to preach the sermon at the dedication of the new church Just completed by the United Presbyterians of Seattle? He will return early this week. Dr. H. F. Wal lace will occupy Mr. Ferguson's pulpit to day., both morning and evening. Recovered From Injuries. William Bubb, extraman with truck company No. 1, was out for the first time yesterday since the Closset & Devers fire, several months.ago. He has about recovered from the Injuries received at that conflagration, and will scon be at his regular work. The injuries were chiefly around the spine and on the legs, though several other parts of his body were bruised. Tim New Ctcle Unitt Congress of Universal Brotherhood. Theosophlcal So ciety in America, International Brother hood League, Kathcrlne Tlngley leadet and official head, will hold a meeting Sun day, April 15. 8 p. M., at 444 Wash.ngton street, near 12th, whet the practical and spiritual aspects of theosophy and univer sal brotherhood will be presented. Meeting free. All are welcome. Arbor Dat Observed. Arbor Day was observed by the West Portland school, CMIss Hanna Anderson and Miss Georgia Wey, teachers in charge. The school house was beautifully decorated, and a short literary programme was well ren dered. Many visitors were present- Two beautiful elm trees were planted on the west side of the house After-Lenten Tea The Old Ladles' Home Society give their annual reception and tea at the Hobart-Curtls, Monday, April 16, from 2 to 5 P. M. It Is hoped that Interest In the worthy object will be evi denced by a large attendance. Incorporation. Articles of incorpora tion of the Fulton Park Land Company -were filed In the office of the County Clerk yesterday: capital stock. $20.00); in corporators, B. M. Lombard, H. L. Pit tock. Charles E. Ladd. Odd Fellows' ANNrvERSAitr. The gen. eral committee from the several lodges of the I. O. O. F. meet on Tuesday night at the temple to prepare for the entertain ment to be given on the 81st anniversary of the order. Bunefit Entertainment and dance for the family of the late Jack B;trry. on Thursday evening. April 19, 8:15 o'clock, Gomez Hall. Upper Albino. Good talent. Levanway & McDougall's orchestra. I. D. Boter. 177 Fourth etreet, has a full line of ladles' and gentlemen's Spring suitings. Imported and domestic The lat est designs; best of workmanship on all garments. Call and Investigate. Railroad Excursion to Seaside. The Past Sachems' Association of this city will give their 'third annual excursion Sunday, May 6, to Astoria and Seaside. Round trip, XL Drt, 4-foot slab wood, tl 25 cord short wood, $1 50 load, five-load orders, 10c less each, r ortianaTiei uo.. sn water st, " New WoolenS A large line of imported and domestic woolens suitable for ladles' tailoring Just received, at 103 First st. Umbrellas. Repairing and recovering. Meredith's. Washington, bet. 5th and 6th. Scndat Dinner, Table d'Hote, 5 to 7 P. I M.. 50c The Vcndome, 13th and Alder. Sombreros, all prices, 35c to XL The I Curio Store, 331 Morrison street- Hear Ctclone Davis at Chamber of I Commerce Tuesday evening. , Carroll's marshmallow ice cream. Both phones. Easter Fotos. Botfbj Burns Studio. Bictcxjsts Charged With Assault. O us Emerlck and George Neal. two young wheelmen, are to appear In the Municipal Court Monday on a charge of assault and battery, prefered by J. Greensteln. a gro cer, on East Eleventh street. Complainant says he was in the act of throwing wood through a trap door in the sidewalk. Fri day evening, when Emerlck rode along and knocked the grocer's child over. Green steln protested, but Emerlck, he says, fn stead of apologizing, struck him In the face. The grocer's wife came out at this Juncture and expressed her opinion, when Emerlck, It Is charged, gave her a punch In the face also, Neal lending him as sistance while the grocer struggled to pos sess himself of the offending bike. Emer lck is out on $25 ball, and Neal on his own recognizance. Candidate Gives a Banquet. J. A. Woolery, a business man of lone, who has been nominated for Joint Senator by the Democrats of Morrow and Umatilla Counties, tendered a banquet to the dele gations of those counties at Watson's restaurant Friday even'ng. Twenty guests were present, and a "feast of reason and flow of soul" prevailed for the space of two hours, during which speeches were made by ex-Senator Henry Blackmail. Judge A. S. Bennett, A. D. StlUman. T. G. Halley. C. E. Redfleld and G. W. Rea. Mr. Woolery did the host In a very gra cious manner, and made a brief speech, thanking the delegations for the honor conferred, and, when the party broke up, each member was filled with good things and pleased recollections. Will Visit WAixs.Ir. and Mrs. Robert Foulkes will leave Portland Mon day for a long visit to their old home In Wales, which they have not seen for 23 years. They will top in Boston on their journey to visit their son Edward, who Is a resident architect there. Mr. and Mrs. Foulkes have set no exact time to their stay in Wales, it being their Intention to travel through the country, renewing old acquaintances with -people and places. A number of their friends tendered them a farewell reception Wednesday night, wishing them a pleasant Journey and a safe return. Open Meeting. The Co-operative Broth erhood will hold an open meeting in Grand Army Hall, corner First and Taylor streets, Thursday evening of this week. Judge C. B. Bellinger and C. E. 8. Wood are expected to speak, and there wlll'ba songs, recitations and other features. Witness Fails to Appear. Justice Kracmer yesterday dismissed the case of Dr. Paul Cromwell; who had been charged with practicing medicine without a li cense. The complaining witness, who had averred that Dr. Cromwell had charged her $16 for salve, failed to appear. Roof Fire. A roof fire at the North Pa cific planing mllL Twenty-second an'd Thunnan streets, was the cause of an alarm from box 42. at 5:50 last evening. Very little damage was done, as the blaze was extinguished by the mill hands be fore the department arrived. Independent Nomination. O. H. Crabh has filed an Independent nomination by electors for the office of Constable, Port land wltrict. Justice Court. It is stated that Samuel L. Simmons Intends running Independent for the same place. Teachers' Association. Lecture by President Frank Strong, of the State Unl verslty. Saturday. April a, 8 o'clock. Sub ject. "Governor McDuffey's 'Message on the Slavery Question." All Invited. Admission free. Special Sale Turkish and Persian rugs at 175 Fourth street, T. M. C. A. building, during next 10 days, on account of crowd ed quarters. Bartlett & Palmer. Independent Candidate. I hereby an nounce myself as an Independent candidate for the office of City Engineer of the City of Portland, Or. R, H. Austin. Where did you get that sombrero? At Avcrlll's, 331 Morrison, for 35c For Rent. Office rooms. Russel bldg. WON THE MILLS CUP. Best Roderick Maclemy Tie the Score on Waverly Units. The finals for the Mills cup were played yesterday, and a large field turned out. i Some f the cracks did not show up In I their accustomed form, hut the cup was won by Roderick Macleay in the remark ably good score of 92 gross, which ties the best record ever made on the links, won i hv ilr Rlvth. Soma of the best scores were as follows: - O Si 55 wi op a o PLATERS. SSIg.0" . ?" : Tf 90 R. Macleay W. W. Cotton.. N. E. Ayer W. M. Whldden. J. K. Kollock... A. T. Hugging.. T. A. Llnthlcum A. L. Mills W. Minor T. B. Fletcher.., W. Macmasttr J. Bourne C. B. Ladd , Captain Langntt. 92 2 101 10 105 12 10S 12 10J 12 100 2 111 13 114 14 105 116 13 119 It 113 $ 117 12 119 14 Tfci modestr of a number of players ' prevented their turning in any score, and respect for their feelings prevents the pub- llcatlon of a number of others. Interest now centers in the Kortnwest tournamuit, which Is efet for the next week. Large delegations are promised from Victoria and Puget Sound cities, and the Portland players. It Is expected, will have their wori cut out to keep the honors at home. WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY. i The delightful, straight Havana cigars, manufactured by the Horace R. Kelly Co.; other dealers sell them three for 50 cents; our price, two for 25 cents; La Estrella, a splendid smoke, and 50 other 15-cent brands, our price 10 cents. "Principe Al fonso," straight Havana goods. In pack ages of five for 25 cents. Cameron & Cam eron's celebrated smoking mixtures at wholesale prices. Closing out a fine line of meerschaum and briar pipes at prices that cannot be duplicated elsewhere. The Cut-Rate Cigar and News Stand, J. F. Handley & Co.. proprietors, 291 Washing ton street, Perkins Hotel building. WHERE TO DINE. The Portland Restaurant. 303 Washing ton, .near 5th, Is serving most excellent lunches and meals at very reasonabl prices. Chicken dinner at the Eastern restau rant, 25 cents. 170 Third, near Yamhill. The Owl Cafe, newly furnished, every thing first class. F. A. Clark, 249 First. Chicken dinner, t&c, Strouse's Cafe, 223 Washington, between First and Second. FORTUNES IN OIL. There are even better chances of making fortunes out of oil In California than out of gold, for the Industry Is still so young that Investors can secure ground-floor propositions, and a few good wejls can earn fabulous dividends. No Industry today admits of such chances to acquire wealth surely and quickly out of small Investments as oil. The great fortunes of this country have not been acquired by continued small sav ings, but are made by Judicious specula tion. The Oregon OU & Development Com pany, a Portland incorporation, has placed a limited amount of Its nonassessable treasury stock on Bale, at a very low fig ure. Call at 324 Chamber of Commercs building, where detailed Information will be cheerfully given. Subscriptions for stock open Monday. April 16. i i DO YOU KNOW? Three cents a day will keep your cloth. Ing In order. We call for, sponge, press and deliver one suit of your clothes eacs week, sew on buttons and sew up rips, fot $1 n month. Call and see us. Unlaua Tailoring Company, 347 Washington street, opposite Cordray's Theater. Both 'phonos, Llly-Llke Complexions. Thousands of ladles have become beau tiful by using Dr. Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Guaranteed, tested and true, i Harris Trunk Co. for Trunks and Bags. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. Unique Tailoring Company, 347 Wash. MI.M.G SPECIALTIES. CAPE NOME MINING OUTFITS. CAPE NOME COOKING UTENSILS. CAPE NOME STEEL STOVES, CAPE NOME OIL STOVES. ADOLPH A. DEKUM. Ill FfRST ST. Jacob Doll Upright Piano. The latest improved. Acknowledged to be best sold on easy Installments. Pianos rented, tuned and repaired at lowest prices. H. Slnsbelmer, 72 Third. Estab lished 1S62. HARDWARE. BALL BEARING LAWNMOWERS, GARDEN TOOLS, GARDEN HOSE, ADOLPH A. DEKUM. Ill FIRST ST. An Enter Gift. Perfect health, which may be qbtalned by urtng Dr. Pf under"s Oregon Blood Puri fier. Try It. Eaater Grcetlnpr. Wishing you a Joyous Easter. Dr. Pfun der'o celebrated Oregon Blood Purlflec in Independent Candidate, I hereby announce myself as an Inde pendent candidate for the office of School Superintendent of Multnomah County, Or egon. A. P. ARMSTRONG. Mrs. Den P. TVntaon, Optician, 2$ Washington building. Eyes tested free. Gold frames. $3.50. Open evenings. Salt Cases and Dags At popular prices. Harris Trunk Co., Mor rison, near Second. i Dr Swain, 713 DMcum huIMInr ."CYCIiOflE" DHVIS Of Texas, will speak upon the political Issues at Chamber of Commerce Hall Tuesday evening, April 17, at' 8 o'clock. All are invited. INDIAN BASKETS Alaskan and Oregon MRS. FROHMAN. !2I 13th Si, cor. Wwh. NEW ARRIVALS AT EILERS PIAINOHOUSE Fonr carloads of Hn Instrument registered frith, ns the past treelc, three more are now on the yrny and the Immense stock ordered for onr nevr store-has not yet started West. Monday witnessed the arrival of a car load of the famous Kimball pianos; Tues day brought a carload of the unrivaled Chlckerlngs; Thursday brought a carload of Kimball organs and yesterday brought a car containing the big pneumatic Kim ball pipe organ. Two more carloads of the world-renowned Kimball pianos aro due to arrive next week and also a car load of Webers, the most artistic and the very finest of fine pianos made In New York. Come In and look through our ware rooms and you will be convinced that we have the best assortment of high-grade and medium-priced pianos and organs In the city. 107 First St. Between Washington and Stark The Stcck Piano Tone. There Is a distinctive Individuality to the tone of all the Steck Pianos which is recognizable at once, particularly by the trained musical ear. It Is uniform in all the Instruments manufactured by Messrs. George Steck & Co., and differs only In volume according to the Elze of the instrument. This peculiar "individuality" of the Steck Tone lies In the fact that Messrs. Steck & Co. have succeeded where nearly all other piano-makers have failed, in pro ducing a tone where on the one hand vol ume was not sacrificed to secure mere sweetness and limpidity, nor on the other were sweetness and limpidity sacrificed to mere volume. The Steck Tone, the result of years of struggle, of the constant efforts of Invent ive genius to reach perfection. Is a most happy combination of power with those musical qualities which are so delightful to the musician. It possesses a pure, delightfully refined, and one might almost say, crisp and pearly singing quality. It Is warm, ex pansive, and responsive, to the most mi nute nuances of the artist's taste. It Is at the same time rich, noble and sonor ous. It will be a pleasure to show you our fine assortment of Steck pianos, also other standard makes. We sell on easy terms, and will take your old Instrument in exchange. GEO. A. HEIDINGER & CO. 131 Sixth Street Oregonlan Building Paderewski Praises the Pianola TO THE AEOLIAN CO.: ' Gentlemen: As an admirer of the Aeo lian, the .wonderful merits of which I have attested to in a former letter to you, I have now much pleasure In adding my tribute to your latest Invention, the "Pi anola," which I consider etUl more ingen ious. . It is astonishing to see this little device at work executing the masterpieces of pianoforte literature with a dexterity, clearness and velocity, which no player, however great, can approach. Everyone who wishes to hear absolutely faultless, free of any kind of nervousness, piano-playing, should buy a Pianola. It is-perfection. , Wishing you well-deservea success, i am. Yours very truly, .,- L J. PADBREWSIO. THE AEOLIAN COMPANY, Marquam Building Cor. Seventh Street Portland. Oregon. WALL PAPER Wholesale and Retail. Samples milled free. . , ., tMt,i. Oil. Briuhesi Contracting Painting an A rhrrUKr-s and Atlantic Whit. Lead. To per pound. , ERNEST MILLER, Decorator 127 Rnt rct Phone 2922 Red fiSffi The Big Store The Little Expense The Little Prices SSfi H m SouvenirWeek We celebrate our 10th anniversary this week, at the .same corner, but In our modern, up-to-date store, so beautifully remodeled by our landlord. 1 We Open the Spring Season By presenting every .purchaser 'with a handsome souvenir. No matter what your purchase may be 25 cents or $25 you will get a present to remember us by. Will Say More About our fine stock and low prices at another time. Meanwhile, take a look at them, and Inquire about the cost of Steln-Bloch Co.'s spring suits, or most any leading brand. We have, them. Fashion now has full sway 3- f t if JV M X di I x mm ill i ill THE commencement of the season of Fashion finds our assortments at the zenith of their completeness. A prac tically unlimited variety of the world's best apparel, for men and boys, awaits your demands. Features of originality, features of excluslveness, features of fit, of quality they are all ours. The perfection that marks the high class merchant tailor's product Is In the clothes we sell, though our prices are but half his. Then you have the assurance of unfailing satis faction as signified by the Stelnbach label In the things .you buy here. i Business Suits - of Oxford gray, fancy worsted, fine cheviot, and fast blue serge, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 $18.00 to $30.00. Topcoats made In half or full box style; fine Oxford grays and covert cloths, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 to $35.00. Fashionable Furnishings New styles constantly flowing In. Worth and up-to-dateness In -everything, and prices not prohibitive. . . New Neckwear 25c to $3.00 New Shirts -75c to $3.50 New Underwear 75c to $5.00 New Hosiery 15c to $1.00 Pajamas, night shirts, handkerchiefs, sus penders, fancy vests, valises, trunks, eta Hats.... for Men You can find here the kind of hat you want and will always like. New Derby Hats, in latest styles and shades $2.50 to $5.00 New Fedoras, In variety $1.00 to $5.00 New Straw Hats, in fine" and coarse split braids 50c to $5.00 - Caps, af. "...50c to $1.25 nHeMWm$ -gz? wce aormfis ffATrm&F(MW& Largest Clothiers In the Northwest Cor. Fourth and Morrison Streets m m i Famous Clothing House CORNER MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS. KSr! m Jim BUSINESS SUITS Come In and look at them; examine the goods, the linings, and the way they are put together; try them on, and say whether you ever saw their equal for the money. Here Is more style and better ma terial than you will ordinarily get in a made-to-measure suit at $35. Think of buying suits like these at BB $10;$12, $15 and $18 And every one warranted by the makers. IPS corntnMT, itoo BAIT, (CHAFF! tunc MEN'S SPRING TOPCOATS ,Fresh from the hands of the finest tailors in this country. Fashionable in cut, elegant in material and finish, reasonable in price, the size to fit you. Cour teous salesmen here to show them. Prices If I flai SIR ccrrmaHT, itoo, HAST, tCHArmu A MARX $10 TO $25 CLOTHES BRUSHES FREE WITH SUITS AND OVERCOATS SAM'L ROSENBLATT '& CO. The Popular-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers N W. Gor. Third and Morrison Sts. BLUESTOINE SULPHUR For spraying. In all quantities. WOODARD. CLARKE ,& 'CO..' Wholesalo and Retail Druggists. Fourth and Washington Sts., Portland, Or. SHEEHY BROS. 108 SIXTH STREET. Btt. 'WBfliilDCton nd Stark. Phone Bed 18SC NEW DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER r&lntlnff. Kalsomlnlnr an4 "Wood Finishing. Flrst-clAJ -workmanBlUp. Reasonable pricta. Icttwtyf I 1 WaII n Sampus, APER HOTffB0MERK2i C. C NEWCHSTLB ..DENTIST.. JUrqaam BnJldlnf , Rooms 309 301, 302 SEE THAT THIS 9 l'M......,.UI thadSamk A V IS BRaNOED 1 ONtVERY j SHOE. ? I I Vici kid lace, new round toe, AAtoE $3 Postage 20 Cents. nCBNTS E. C. GODDARD & CO. Oregonlan Building FELLOWS 309 Washington St. 19 Pounds Best dry granulated sugar for XL 7 Cents Pound fr,esh soda crackers, 6 cents pcf pound, by the box. Ui Cents Pound best Eastern hams. . 25 Cents. Four pounds 1009Q muscatel raisins. 8 Cents One-pound package seeded raisins. 25 Cents Seven pounds black figs. T-t 25 Cents Six pounds petite prunes. 30 Cents Pound Hoffman House Java and Mocha Coffee. 15 Cents Ponud fresh-roast Costa Rica CoSec r- lf.J --.- .-f,jX. ..-&. .wf , tX-i g:- - I '-