BSfS "' w I ,! i 18 THE SUNDAY OREQONIAN." POBTLAKP. APRIL' 15, 1900. TODAY IN THE CHURCHES BRIGHT EASTER MCSIC AXD FLOW- Ens xnvi fuevail. Elaborate Programmes, Commemora tive of the neanrrection of the Christ, Ilare Dcen Arranged. At Taylor-street M. E. Church Dr. Kel logg will preach on "Why Galilee?" A large chorus under the direction of Professor W. H. Boyer win render the following musical programme: Morntnc "Laus Deo" (organ) Morrison lira. Warren Thomas. "Oh. Joyous Easter Morning" Schuecker Mrs. Uushong. Mr. GUIlland and choir. 'Easter Vows" ......... ............Woodman Dr. Wm. CummlnK- Testa D!r" U. M. Bartlett Children's vetoes and choir. "Hosanna" Granter Mln Mae Dearborn. Bolo. quartet and chorus " Miss Dearborn, Mrs. Hamilton. Miss Pr-ehn, Messrs. Glllllond and Idleman and choir. Triumphal march organ) Owta Evening ' "Kyrle Elelson" (organ) Haydn Sanctus Gounod MIm TVurhnm and choir. The Earth Is the Lord's" Schuecker Miss Emma Allen. Easter chorus Maseagnl Cbolr. "March llerolque" (organ) Maxaon W. II. Borer. Director. Grace Methodist. Easter In Grace SI. E. Church trill be appropriately celebrated. Moraine service Organ prelude "Laus Deo" Morrison "Holy, Holy, Holy" Re?ponslie reading TSralm xvl Doxology .., ....................... Anthem "Sing AV Alleula Unto Hlm"..Adams Hyran 230 "The Day of Hetjurrection" Praer Anthem "O Joous Easter Morning Schuecker Scripture lesson "Phlllpplans 11:8-15; Co- lostlqns 111:1-4. Offertory "Communion" Batlst Soprano solo "The Light of the World" Adams MLss Iloberg. Hymn, 22-"Rise. Glorious Cowjueror, XvlSC " "" Sermon "Ripen With Christ." Hymn. 24S-"AU Hall the Power of Jesus 30t?i ............................. . Benediction .... Organ rosslude "Christ Is Itlsen Today." .... .............. Armstrong. In the afternoon at 5 o'clock P. SI. the follow ins programme will be rendered by the Sunday school, assisted by the choir and Oregon male quartet: Organ prelude "Easter Prelude" Shelley Hymn Vo. 2G0 ................. Imocatlon ....................... Pastor Anthem Praise Te the Father" ...C Gounod Recitation Primary clam "Learning of Jesus". .,..... Hazel Xoonan "A Child's Easter" Mean Richards Tenor solo "The Dawn of Hope." ................ ..C M. Krogmann Mr. E. Drake. Recitation "Easter" Grace Cawtnorn Solo and chorus ...... .....Primary department "The Easter Altar Cloth" Julia D. Thayer Miss Bertha Matlock. Recitation "Lepend of the Christ" .Fred Krutl The Chlld Offering" Francis Hard "Mar'" E. W. Gillespie Miss ChriRtlne Xllftvm. Recitation "Easter Flowers" . -Jlelen Atchleton Seng Senior primary "Message of the Flowers" Hazel Itlgra. Florence Johnson. Anabelle Foster "'An Easter With Parepa"....Myra S. Delano Hire Athelene Deltz. Baritone alo "The Palms" Faure H. KuxKll Albee. The Joy of Earner" Zens. West Pantomime "Jesus, Lover of My Soul'.... Myra Pollard Ml- Lillian BIsbee. Address ................... Pastor Organ "Offertolre In F" Munra Anthem "The Lord Is Rlen". F. C. Fairbanks Oregon Male Quartet. Benediction ...... Postlude Coronation March" Meyerbeer First Ilnjitlst Church. At the First Baptist Church Rev. Alex ander Blackburn. D. D., the pa'stor. will conclude the series of sermons on "What Jesus CId Do." 10:30 A. M.. "He Rose From the Dead." 7:30 P. SI., "He As cended to Heaven." Sunday School at noon, John G. Slalone, Superintendent. Young People's meeting at 6:30 P. SL, W. SI. Hart, leader. Baptism at the opening of both the morning and evening service. A musical programme "of unusual rlch ress has been arranged toy Professor Wil der, Organist and Director, as follows: Morning Preludlum a "In Eplendor Bright" (From "The Creation") I.Haydn Preludlum (L) "The Hcaiens Are Telling" (From the Creation) Haydn Hymn Anthem Chorus of male voices Offertolre "My Love as a Father" (From "The Redemption") Gounod Tenor solo .... Mr. Fortman. Postludlum With Verdure Clad" (From Oratorio, The Creation") Haydn Evening Preludlum Grand chorus (from RIenzl).... .................................. It. Wagner Hymn Anthem ....Male voices Oflrto!re Vox Celeste Andante Batiste Tenor solo ....................,.,. Mr. Fortman. rostludlum "Hope Marche Rellgleuse" .................................. Baumann Iljxms, old and new Choir and Congregation. St. David's. will be of considerable Interest. The musical numbers for the day trill be ren dered by the large chorus choir under the direction- of E. S. Sillier. The music te all telected as being particularly appropriate to the Easter services morning and even ing. The special features will be a so'.o In the morning by Sirs. Anna, Pollett Clif ton, entitled. "Tho Light of the World," by Stephen Adams. First Unitarian. At the Unitarian Church this evening there will be the extra programme of Easter music with other services appropri ate to the day. At 10:40 A. SL there will be a dedication (baptism) of children. AH persons wishing to witness this servlca should bo In their seats at that time, as the doors will be kept closed during the ceremony. At 11 o'clock will begin, the organ voluntary, followed by the first anthem. There will be a specially prepared responsive service with an Easter sermon by the minister. Rev. Will iam R. Lord, on "Immortality." Tho re ception of new members, a hymn In mem ory of those who have died since last Easter, followed by a communion service conducted by Dr. Eliot. Immediately after the communion service thero will be a Today," by Henry A. Lewis; the sub ject of the pastor's address being, "If Te Then Be Risen "Witt Christ." Miss Eleanor Wesco will leefl the Young People's meeting at 6:30 on the topic, "The Bread of Life. Unitarian Church. Musical programme, for Easter morning: Organ Voluntary "In Paradlsum" .....Dubois Anthem "Jesus Lives" ...Farmer "Glory to God" .". Pergolesl Anthem "Speak Te Comfortably".... Shackley Response "Give Ear to My Words; O Lord" . Shelley Offertory "If With All Tour Hearts" Mendelssohn Mm. Jennie NorellL Anthem "O Death, Where is Thy SUncr" - ....... Stalner Postlude "Allegro From Fourth Sonata" Merkel Taylor-Street Methodist. Programme of special exercises to be rendered by -the Sunday school in the aud itorium of tho Taylor-Street Methodist Episcopal Church Immediately following the morning service on Easter Sunday, April IS, 1300: Hymn, No. 243: prayer. Rev. H. W. Kellogg; recitation, "Greeting." Georgia Newbury: anthem, "Christ Is Arisen" (Ware"), choir; recitation, "An At St. DavId'R the services for both morning and evening promise to be most attractive. The church will be very "handsomely decorated. Appropriate ser mons will be preached. The following programme of mus'.c under the direction of Mrs. George F. Telfer "will be rendered by the vested choir: Morning rroceralonal 1S5 Anthem "Christ. Our Passover" (E Flat) DuXlKfl "Gloria Patri. F" Shuey Te Deum, G" Starkweather "Jubilate. D" West X1 1 1 1 111 Ikl ...--" 'Kyri-e Elelson" ..........GoiitjckS "'Gloria TJW" ........... ..Tuckennaa inn a i .................... .-1 - "'Gloria" ............................. Aldrtch Anthem "To Illra Be Glory Simper 'SanctwtV (English chant) , J nn .j) .. ..........,... . "Gloria In Excelsls" (old chant) . Recessional KM Everlng Processional 390 Anthem "Jesus Christ Is Ru-en Today" ............... .................... Barrett 'Gloria Patri" ................... .......Shuey "Magnificat" ................... Simper "Xunc Dlmlttls" j Simper Hymn 122 Anthem , Simper Hymn 111 Recessional 3M Calvary Presbyterian Chnrch. At Calvary Presbyterian Church, Rev. "W. S. Gilbert, the pastor, will preach morning and evening. The morning sub ject. "Slore Than Conquerors." Evening subject. "The Easter Night of Old." The musical programme follows: Morning service Organ prelude "Allegro Pomposo"....IIarrlss Anthem "Lift Tour Glad Voices".. Schneckei Male quartet "Abide With Me" Schilling Boy choir and chorus "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today". ......... ....Homer Bartlett Offertory "Reverie" .................. Himmel Soprano solo "I Know That My Redeemer Llteth" ("Messiah") Handel Anthem "They HaTe Taken Away My Lord" Harrington Evening servtoe Organ prelude "Grand Fantasle" In A nt- nsr Blumenthal Anthem "Unfold. Te PortaW ("Redemp tion") ..................... ..... Gounod Anthem "Alleluia. Christ Is Risen".. Burdette Soprano oolo "The Day of Resurrection" (violin obllgato) Hanscora Anthem "They Have Taken Away My xOTu ................. Sstalnef Offertory "Arioso," for violin and organ. .... Miller Carol "Christ, the Lord. Is Risen". ..Shackley Centenary Methodist. Thero will bo Easter eervrcei at the Centenary Methodist Church throughout the day. In the morning the pastor, Dr, L. E. Rockwell, will preach an opproprlate 6ermon. Special music will be a feature of the services. Tho Sunday School exercises will be. In charge of Miss Maude Ivenworthy and RESURRECTION MORN. e The bells, this blessed Easter morn. Make Joyous music Yet, alas! A nameless somethlnu seems to pass A formless shadow on the grass That dims the gladness of the day. And somehow of their splendor shorn. The Easter lilies droop forlorn; A gray mist steals across the sun. And through the chiming of the bells A note of walling sadly swells A scarce-heard moan of human pain That sobs, and swells, and sinks again. II. O Thou, new-risen from thy tomb, O Thou, who for Love's sake was't slain. Christ! how thy wounds must bleed again. Behold the horror and the gloom "Where Afric's battle-fields are red, ' "Where India's millions cry for bread And men for lust of gold are mad Behold! Can'st Thou in heaven be glad? TIL And yet, we know, somehow, some day. These ills 'shall surely pass away; , That Mother Earth, so wondrous fair, "With Illy garlands in her hair. And emerald robes that turn to gold In August's languorous, sultry hold. Shall nourish on her fruitful breast A brotherhood no more unblest By strife and want and gnawing care; That every land beneath the sun "Where'er the sons of men are bora In bonds of love shall be as one In Christ's full resurrection morn. LIschen M. Miller. MMtMltMMOtMtltiettMtttMMI short Easter service by the Sunday School children. The offering on Easter S.unday Is for the Homo Sllsslon work, the only offering of the kind In the year. Upon Wednesday evening of this week will occur the regular monthly meeting of tho Social Union In tho chapel. Rev. W. D. Slmonds, of Seattle, will lecture upon The Richest men In tho World." Sir. Slmonds is noted as an orator, and the members of. the Union aro anticipating hearing him with great pleasure. St. Stephen's. The Easter services at St. Stephen's Episcopal chapel, corner Thirteenth and Clay streets, will be of special Interest. Tho chapel is to bo beautifully decorated, for which purpose 1200 California callas have been obtained, and to this will be added abundantly of native flowers. The music will bo rendered by an Increased choir, assisted by a string quartet. The sen-ices will bo holy communion at 7. A. SI., morning prayer and sermon at 11 A. SL, followed by a second celebration of holy communion. At the 11 o'clock serv ices the dedication of n handsome altar "cross, recently presented to the Chapel, will also take place. The usual evening services will be held at 7:30. Tho following Is the musical programme: Processional hymn, 112. From "Lyra Davldlca" Easter anthem A. F. Rudd "Te Deum" George M. Garrett "Jubilate Deo" J. F. Field Hymn SCO "Ransom" E. Bunnett Hymn 41S "Song of Songs" J. B. Powell Offertory "But the Lord Is Mindful" a.......... . From "St. 'Paul Mr. J. Herbert Preston. 'Ter Sanctus" .....................Tuckennan "Gloria In Excelsls" Ellwanger Recessional hymn 45& "Creation" Haydn Church of the Good Shepherd. At tho Church of tho Good Shepherd, comer Sellwood and Vancouver avenue. Alblna, Rev. E. T. Simpson will conduct the Easter service. Prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock, holy communion at 12. Special musical talent has been obtained for tho day. Following Is tho programme for this morning: Organ Voluntary .Mendelssohn Miss Winnie Hayes. Procesflonsl "We March to Vlctory".J. Bamby Hymn "He Is Risen" J. Xeander Chant "Christ. Our Passover, Is Sacrinced for Ub" Momlngton "Te Deum Laudamus" H. Lawes "Benedlctus" w. Crotch Soprano solo "Rest" Handel Hymn "Victory" From "Pa.estrlna." Offertory "Chrlet Has Won the Victory" Danka (Baas solo, soprano and alto duet, soprano solo and quartet.) "Kyrle Elelson" J. J. Elvey "Gloria Tlbl" "Sursum Corda and Sanctus" J. Camidge j.ucnarisi.c nymi "ijreaa or ln world ............ ................. Hodges "Gloria In Excelsls" Zeuner Hymn "Jesus Lives! Thy Terrors Now" Gauntlet! First Presbyterian. The choir of the First Presbyterian Church has been preparing for their 'an nual Easter praise service for several weeks. Professor R. L. Hidden has been eecured to assist the choir, and a most attractive programme has been arranged. It will be rendered as follows: Morning Organ prelude "Offertory, op. 20". ...Batiste Easter anthem "Awake, To Saints, Awake" Schuecker Easter anthem "Rodemptloa's Day". .Shackley Postlude "Recessional" Berg Evening Ofgan prelude "Offertory In A-Flat" Read Easter anthem "Lift Tour Glad Voices" ................................ Schuecker Easter anthem, with violin obllgato. "O Light That Breaks From Yonder Tomb" .......... ................. ...... Dresfir Easter anthem "Jesus Is Risen".. Schuecker Offertory for TloHn "Adagio" Bruch (From "First Concerto") Easter anthem "The Choir Angelic".. Ilansccm Postlude "March" Clark The choir Mrs. Fletcher Linn. Mrs. Amadee M Smith. Lauren Pease. M. L. Bowman: vio linist. Reginald L. Hidden; crgaalst. Edgar E. Coursen. Sunnyalde Conjtrejn-tlonnl. Services of special appropriateness to Eastertide will be held at the Sunnyslde Congregational Church both morning and evening. vAfter a brief sermon by the pas tor. Rev. J. J. Staub, on the subject. "In Remembrance of Me." the morning service will conclude with the celebration of the Lord's Supper, the right hand of fellow ship to four new members, and tho bap tism of children. Tho evening service will be Interspersed with exercises by the Sunday School, and especially attractive music by the choir, offcrlrir such selections as "Crown Him, Lord of All." by M. L. SIcPhall. "Awtke. for Golden Glories Break." by William J. Klrkpatrlck; "Christ, the Lord. Is Risen Easter Daffodil," Evelyn Baylor; recita tion (selected)), Bernlce Lakln; vocal so lo, "Land Where the Sugar Plums Grow," Delberta Stuart; recitation. "The Best Sho Knew," Lelah Baker; recitation, "The Dying Indian Girl." Marlon Humble; vocal solo (selected), Ramona Rollins; recita tion, "Small Potatoes," Daniel Qulmby; missionary collection; exercise, "Our Little Sisters," Nora Laue, Georgia Newbury, Marlon Humble, Lelah Baker; recitation. "The Sunken Rock." Fred Ba ker; vocal solo. "The Holy City" (S. Ad ams), Miss Evelyn Hurley; recitation, "The Silver Sixpence." Ruth Duntway. St. Marks. At St, Marks tho following music will bo sung on Easter Day: At 10 A. M. Processional "The Strife Is O'er" "Christ. Our Passner" "Gloria" Te Deum" Van Boskvlck Hymn "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today".. .Hymn "Angels Roll the Rock Away"....- Doxology "Hark I Ten Thousand Voices sbouxuzing .................. . Recessional ..... At 11 A. M. Frocesslonal "Th Day of Resurrection".. "Gloria TIbt" Gilbert "Xtcene Creed" ... ....r. ..Gilbert Hymn "Jesus Christ 'Is Risen Today".. Gilbert Hymn "Angels Roll the Rock Awuy" ... Offertory anthem "King of IUngrf'. .Simper UOXOIObjt .. ..... ......... , " "General Confcaiton" ,.. Gilbert "Sursum Corda" ...Gilbert "Sanctus Gilbert "Benedlctus" ... Gilbert "Agnus Del" Woodward "Gloria in Exeelsief' Old Chant "Xunc Dlmlttls" Barnaby Reoe&slonal "The Strife Is O'er." . At 7:30 P. M. Processional "Christ tl Lord Is Risen Today" "Magnificat" ...... Simper "Nunc Dlmlttls" Simper Hymn "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today" ... Hymn "He Is Risen" Anthem "King of Klngsf' Simper Recessional "The Strife Is O'er" First Christian. Today at the First Christian Church the services will bo in keeping with tho reason. Rev. J. B. Lister, of Eugene, will preach at 11 A. M. In the evening Rev. 3. F. Ghormley will preach, taking for his theme, "Tho Power of His Resurrection.' The music will be appropriate and of a high order. Tho following are the musical programmes for tho day: Morning - Organ Voluntary Mrs. Ella Jones Hymn "Crown Him With Many Crowns" Soprano oolo "Resurrection" Holden SIUu Maud Springer. Anthem "Jesus Has Risen" Straub Double quartet "My Redeemer Llreth".Noes Evening Organ Voluntary Mrs. Ella Jones Hymn "Our Lord Is Rleen From tho Dead" .......... aJ urucp Soprano solo "First Begotten of the Dead" .. Blumenschetn Miss Viola Gilbert. Anthem "Christ. Our rajoover" Sheppard Alto solo "So Shall It Be In That Bright Morning" .'. . Mini M. Btanton. Sunn side Methodist. Sunnysldo Methodist Church will cele brate Easter Sunday today. Service will begin In the Sunday School at 10 o'clock this morning, Mr. C. A. Gatzka, Superintendent- At 11 A. M. the pastor. Dr. 9. A. Starr, will preach a short sermon, and will raise the benevolences for this church for the entire year. Tho choir will render "Praise to Thee," William J. Kirk. Patrick. The organ prelude will be. "Un fold Ye Portals," Gounod. The offertory will bo a vocal solo, "Glory to Heaven's Eternal." Erick Sleyer Helmund. by SUsa Mary Thomas. Pontludc, Sullivan. Mr. I$nry Crockett, organist. The evening service at 7:30 will bo under the auspices of the Sunday School. The Sunday School exercises will consist of songs, recitations and concert speaking by the children. Rev. S. A. Starr and C. A. Gatzka will also make appropriate remarks. The music by the choir, ur.d:r the leadership of Professor C A. Walker, and'the Starr-Walker quar tet will bo especially fine. Trinity Methodist Eplscopnl Chnrch. At Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, Sunday school will be at 10 A. SL, H. H. Glass, superintendent. Preaching at 11 by the pastor. Rev. Mr. Hawley, Tho morning services will be of special Interest. The Fox Orchestra will furnish several numbers, besides special music by the choir. A quartet will also render a number, and Miss Alice Thayer will sing a solo. Class meeting at 12 M E. A. CoUlns, leader. Tho Sunday school will hold Us Easter services at 7dOP. M.. and the regular Easter missionary collection will be taken. The public is cordially Invited to attend these services. The sacred cantata, "Under the Palms," which was so well rendered by the choir last month, will be repeated In Taylor Street Methodist Episcopal Church. Fri day, April 20, at 8 P. M. Forbes Presbyterian Chnrch. The services today at the Forbes .Pres byterian Church will be of special Interest. In connection with the morning service thero will be the public reception of new members, and the ordination and instal lation of the newly elected elders of the church. The pastor. Rev. W. O. Forbes, will preach In the evening. On Monday evening there will bo a reception at tha church, at which the officers, the new members and all strangers will bo the guests of honor. This will be under lh auspices of the-Ladles' Aid Society, whose officers, Slfs. O. P. Church. Mrs." H. S. Loomls and Mrs. M. B. Godfrey, assisted by a reception committee appointed by them, will be In charge. The decorations will be appropriate to Easter, and will be tastily arranged. Cumberland Presbyterian. . Rev. G. A. Blair, pastor of Cumberland Presbyterian Church, will fill the pulpit as usual today. All the services will bo approprlato to Eastertide. Morning sub ject: "Tho Resurrection Is a Fact. Though Shrouded in Slystory." Evening subject: "Christ Is Risen: Some Easter Reflections." At the morning service SIlss Anna Grace Samuels will read "Pilate's Soliloquy." Tho musical programme will be as fol lows: Anthem. "Christ. Our Passover," choir: solo, "Jerusalem." F. E. Bishop. Evening programme: Quartet, selected. Mrs. SIroonton. Mrs. Deaver, W. D. Deav er and W.'O. Munsell; solo, selected, Mrs. Deaver; music by Professor F. H. WaU, chorister. St. Francis. Tho Easter services at St. Francis Church, corner East Eleventh and Oak, win be of wo usuar solemn cnaracxer. At tho 10:30 mass Fathar Black, the pastor, will preach. The music at this mass will be as follows: "VIdt Aquam" Gregorian "Kyrle," In Bb..... ...-.. Millard "Gloria" St. Cecilia mass Wels "Vent Creator" Warren "Credo In Unam" Millard Offertory "Sanctus Benedlctus Millard "Agnus Del" Millard "Regtna Coell" Werner Organist, Miss Pauline DeWltt. Violinist, Emll Thellhom. Young Men's .Christian Association. Tho programmo for the T. M. C A. at S P. M. follows: "American Cadet" R. B. Hall Orcbestra. Somj "Christ Is Risen". ...George C. Stebblns Congregation, quartet 'and orchestra. Grand march from "Tannhauser"..R- Wagner Orchestra. Song The Lord of Life Is Risen Again".. Fairbanks Oregon Male Quartet, Address "Moms, a Study of tho Power of Right Choice" ..... ........ ... President H. L. Boardman . Song "I Shall Be Sattaaed"-Jas. McOrananam Congregation, quartet and orchestra. A. 31. E. Zlon Chnrch , Services at the A. M. E. Zlon Church today will bo Interesting. At 11 A, M. Rev. Erving Swan win preach. The theme will be, "Christ Arose." At 8 P. M. there will be a programme rendered by the choir and Sunday School opening hymn by the choir; Scripture lofson; prayer; Scripture lesson; solo, "Calvary," W. H. Carter; Easter anthem, "Allelulah," by choir; solo, "Christ Arose," Hester Crawford; solo, "Calvary's Brow," Miss Mamie Lee. First Unlversallst Chnrch. Special Easter services at the First Unl versallst Church, Rev. Hervey H. Hoyt. pastor. First service will be held at 6:30 A. M.; subject. "Tho Risen Lord." A preaching service at 11 o'clock; subject, "The Resurrection; Its Hopes and Joys." Sunday school at 12:15. Y. P. C. U. at 6:30 P. M.; subject. "Newness of Life"; leader. Miss Grace Duncan. Preaching at 7:30; subject, "If a Man Die, Shall Ho Live Again?" Trinity Lutheran. German Trinity Lutheran Church, corner Sellwood street and Williams avenue, will have special Easter services both morn ing and evening. Holy communion to be celebrated in the morning service, begin ning at 10. For the first time the newly confirmed class will also partake of the Lord's Supper. Special music will be ren dered by the choir both at morning and evening services. Second Baptist. The services Sunday at the Second Bap tist Church will be of unusual Interest. The pastor. Rev. Ray Palmer, will preach at 10:30 on "The Threefold Power of Christ's Resurrection." Special music by the choir. Evening theme, "The Resur rection of the Buried Treasures of tha Heart." Young people's meeting at 6:30, of special Interest. Second United lrancellcnl Chnrch. The morning sermon at the Second United Evangelical Church, Alblna, will bo by Rev. L. M. Boozer, of Corvallls. Dr. C. C Poling, the presiding elder, will preach In the evening. The Lord's Supper will bo administered in connection .with tho evening scrvlco. St. James' Lutheran. At St. James' English Lutheran Church there will be services in the morning at 11 o'clock by the Rev. Charles S. Rahn. The holy communion will be administered during this service. In the evening the Sunday school will hold special services at 6:30 o'clock. Sunday school at 12:15. Shlloh Mission. Rev. JT. H. Allen, superintendent, will preach at Shlloh Mission morning and evening. The morning subject will be "The Resurrection." Tho evening theme will be "Footprints of the Angels in the Field of Revelation." ' Third Baptist Chnrch: Rev. Ray Palmer, of tho Second Baptist Church, will preach at 3 P. M. At the Second Baptist Church. Sunday school at 10 o'clock; George iL Jamison, superintendent. Spiritualist. The First Spiritualist Society meets in Artisans' Hall, Third and Washington streets. Conference, 11 A. SL Evening, T:5, lecture by Colonel Reed; poem by Sirs. C. A, Dean. Home Mission. Evangelist George Newton, of Califor nia, will preach In the Portland Home Sllsslon at 3 and 8 P. SL Howe of Truth. Home of Truth. 363 Thirteenth street. Easter services for children at 11 A. SL Regular services at 8 P. M. SPECIAL ON ALL GOODS i ' rnr7rytr?i No. 9130. $8.00. No. 307. $13.75. We have 60 different styles of Sideboards prices range from $10 to $90 each 100 different styles of Enamel Beds from $3.25 to $60 each Best assortment In the city. rx Steel Ranges from $25.00 to $55.00 Cast Soves from $7.50 to $30.00 ALL GUARANTEED JUST RECE1VED-0UR SPRING STOCK OF CARPETS Call and see our enormous stock and Inspect our prices' H. JEiNININQ & SONS 172-174 FIRST STREET FOUR-STORY RED BLOCK Chnrch Xe-vs. Evangelist George Newton will preach In tho Portland Home Mission, on Davis street, at S and 8 o'clock P. M. Tho services at tho First Congregational Church will be, as usual, public worship at 10:10 A. M., with special Easter music and a sermon by the pastor. Rev. Arthur W. Ackerman, on "The Telltale Splcos" and an Easter musical service in the even ing, with an address by the "pastor on tho "Testimony to the Sacrifice of Christ." ' CHURCH DinccTonv. Baptist. Second Rov. Ray Palmer, pas tor. Preaching at 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday School, 12; Junior, Union, 3:30; Young people, 6:30; prayer, Thursday, 7:20; Christian culture class, Thursday, S:30c Calvary Rev. Eben M. Bliss, pastor. Services, 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school. U:5: B. T. P. U., 6:30; prayer. Thursday. 7:30. Grace (Montavllla) Rev. N. 8. Holl croft. pastor. Services. 7:30 P. M.; Sunday school, 10; prayer, Thursday, 8. Park Place (University Park) Rev. N. S. Hollcroft, pastor. Services, U; Sunday school, 10; Junior meeting, 3. Immanucl Rev. Stanton C. Lapman. pastor. Preaching, 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school, 11:15; Toung People's meeting, 6:30. Third Sunday school at 10, Georgo E. Jamison, superintendent; .preaching at 3 by Dr. Alexander Blackburn, of the First Baptist Church. Christian. Rodney-Avenue Rev. A. D. Skaggs, Pas tor. Services, U and 7:30; Sunday school. 9:45: Junior T. P. S. C. E, 3; T. P. a C E., 6 JO; prayer. Thursday. 7:30. First Christian Church, corner Park and Columbia streets Rev. J. F Ghormley, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 A. M.; preach ing, 11 A. M.. and 7:43 P. M.; T. P. S. C. E.. 6:30 P. M. Strangers made welcome. Woodlawn (Madrona) Rev. A. D. Skaggs, pastor. Services, 1P.U Christian Science. First Church of Christ (Scientist), 317 Dekum building Services at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. SI. Subject of sermon, "Probation After Death." Children's Sunday school, 12; Wednesday meeting, 8 P. M. Portland Church of Christ (Scientist), Auditorium Services. 11 and 8: subject, "Probation After Death." Sunday school, 12; Sunday and Wednesday evening meet ings. S. Concresntlonallst. German Rev. John Koch, pastor. Serv ices. 10:30 and 7:30: Sunday school. 9:30; Y. P. S. C. E., Tuesday, 7:30; prayer, Wednesday, 7:30. Sunnyslde Rev. J. J. Staub, pastor Services. 11 and 7:30; Sunday school. 10; Young People's Society, 6:30; prayer. Thursday, 7:30. Hassalo-Street Rev. R. W. Farquhar. pastor. Services, 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school, 12; Y. P. S. C. E, 6:30; prayer, Thursday, 7:30. Slisslsslppi-Avenue Rev. George A. Tag cart. Dastor. Services. 11 and "7:30; Sun day school. 10: Juniors. 3; Y. P. S. C. E, 6:30; prayer. Thursday, 7:30. First Park and Madison streets. Rev. Arthur W. Ackerman, pastor. Services. 10:30 A. SI. and 7:30 P. M.; Sunday School, 12:15 P. M.; Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:15 P. M. Episcopal. St. Stephen's Chapel Rev. Thomas Nell Wilson, clergyman In charge. Morning prayer and sermon, U; evening services. 7;30; Sunday school, 9:45; holy communion, after morning service on first Sunday In the month. Church of the Good Shepherd Services at U by Rev. E. T. Simpson. St- David's Church. East Slorrlson. be tween Twelfth and Thirteenth street. Rev. George B. Van Waters, rector. Holy com. muclon 7, Sunday School 9:43, morning prayer, holy communion and Sermon 11, evening prayer and sermon 7:30 P. M. St. Matthew's Rev. J. W. Weatherdon. clergyman in charge. Holy communion. 8; Sunday School, 9:45; morning service nnd second celebration. 11: evening serv ice 7:30. St. Marks Rev. J. S. Simpson, rector. Holy communion, 7:30 A. SI.; morning prayer, 10; holy communion (full choral) with sermon, 11 A. SL; evening, prayer, 7:30. Trinity Sixth and Oak streets Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector. Services: Holy communion, 7 A. M.; morning serv ice, sermon and holy communion. 11; Sun day school festival, 3 P. M.; evening serv ice. 8. St. Andrew's Sermon. 3:13, by Dr. Judd. nvonseltcal. Emanuel (German) Hev. E. D. Horn schucb, pastor. Services, H and 7:30; Sunday school, 10; prayer, "Wednesday, 7-30; T. P. A., Friday. 7:30. First (German) Rev. F. T. Harder, pas ter. Services, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 9:30; Y. P. A., 6:43; revival services all the week at 7:30 J". M. Memorial Rev. R. D. Streyfcller, pas tor. Sunday services, U and 7:30: Sunday school. 10: Y. P. A.. 6:30; Junior Y. P. A.. 2; prayer meeting, Wednesday. 7:30; young people's prayer, Thursday, 7:30. EvanKellcnl (United). East Yamhill Mission Rev. Peter Bltt ner. pastor. Services. 11 and 7:30; Sunday school 10; K. L. C E. 6:30; prayer. Thursday, 7:30; Junior League, Saturday, 2:30. ' First United Rev. C. T. Hurd, pastor. Services, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10, K.L. C.E., 6:30: prayer. Thursday, 7:30. Second Rev. H. A. Deck, pastor. Serv ices, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10; Key stono League, 6:30; prayer, "Wednesday, 7:30." Friends (Quakers). Friends. East Thirty-fourth and Salmon streets Rev. A. M. Bray, pastor. Serv ices. 10:43 and 7:30; Sunday school. 12: Y. P. 8. C. E. 6:20; prayer. Wednesday. 7:30. Lutheran. German Trinity. Alblna Rev. Theodore Fleckensteln. pastor. Preaching, 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school. 9:30. Immanuel (Swedish) Rev. John W. Skans, pastor. Preaching at 10:30 and 8. St. Paul's Evangelical (German) Rev. August Krause. pastor. Preaching. 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school. 9:20; Bible study, Thursday, 7:30. Zlon's (German) Services. 10 and 7:30; Sunday school, 9:30; Christian day school, Monday to Friday. St. James's (English) Rev. Charles S. Rahn, pastor. Services, '11 and 7:30; Sun day school, 12:15. Methodist Eplscopnl. Second German Rev. Charles Prleslng. pastor. Services, 10:43 and 7:30: Sunday school. 9:30; prayer. Thursday. 7:30. Taylor-Street (Flrst)-Rev. IL W. Kel logg. D. D., pastor. Services. 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school, 12:15; Epworth League and prayer meeting, 6:30; Subordi nate League, 5. Centenary Rev. L. E. Rockwell, pastor. Services, 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school, 12: Epworth "League, 6:30; prayer, Thursday, 7:30. Central Rev. W. T. Kerr, pastor. Serv ices. 10:45 and 7:30; Sunday school. 12:15; Epworth League, 6:30; prayer, Thursday, 7:30. " Mount Tabor Rev. A. S. Slulllgan. pas tor. Services, 11 and 7:30; Epworth League, 6:30; Junior Epworth League. 3; prayer, Thursday, 7:30. Sunnyslde Rev. S. A. Starr, pastor. Services, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10; general class, 12:15; Epworth League, 6:30; prayer. Thursday, 7:30. Trinity Rev. A. L. Hawley, pastor. Services, 10:43 and 7:30; Sunday school, 9:40; Epworth League, 6:30; prayer, Thurs day, 7:30. Shlloh Mission Rev. J. IL Allen, su perintendent. Services. 10:30 and 7:30. Presbyterian. Mlzpah Rev. W. T. Wardle. pastor. Services, 11 and 8; Sunday school. 9:43; Y. P. S. C E.. 7; Junior Y. P. S. C. E. 3:30; prayer, Thursday, S. Third Rev. Robert McLean, pastor. 'Services. 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school. 12; Boys' Brigade. 5:30; young people's meet ing, 6:30; prayer, Thursday, 7:43. Cumberland Rev. G. A. Blair, pastor. Services. 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school, 12; Junior Y. P. S. C. E.. 3:30; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30; prayer, Thursday, 7:30. Grand-Avenue (United) Rev. John Hen. ry Gibson. D. D., pastor. Services, 11 and 7:20; Sunday school, 10; Y. P. S. C. E., C-30; prayer. Thursday, 7:43. Calvary Rev. W. S. Gilbert, pastor. Urs. Mann, soprano soloist and director of chorus; Miss Fisher, organist. Serv ices, 11 and 7:30. Roman Catholic. St. Mary's Cathedral Most Rev. Arch bishop Christie, .pastor. Services, mass and sermon, 6, 8 and 10:30; mass for chil dren, 9; Sunday school, 9:30; vespers and sermon. 7:30; questions answered at even ing services; week days, mass, 6:30 and 8. Unitarian. First Rev. W. R. Lord, minister; Rev. T. L. Eliot. D. D., minister emeritus, worship, 11; Sunday school and confir mation class, 12:30; Young People's Fra ternity, 7. Unlversallst. First Rev. H. H. Hoyt, minister. Serv ices. 11 and 7:30: Y. P. C. U.. 6:30. does not reserve fine manners for special people and special occasions. Ladyhood Is not an outside veneer or polish which may readily be rubbed off by contact or attrition with tho world, but is in grained, and is the result not only of good breeding, but of gentle blood and Inher ited, rather than acoulred tendencies. It j takes several generations of refined an cestors to produce tho natural gentle woman or gentleman. Acquired good manners aro better than none, but unleft) there Is a solid founda tion of gentleness and kindness behind them they are apt to wear badly when subjected to strain. When unpleasant dilemmas arise, blood tells. The woman who is to tho manner born proves It by never forgetting what lc due to herself and others under tho circumstances; sho does not lose her temper and make uso of language to be regretted afterwards; she also makes allowance for the trans grtfwor, and causes herself to bo respected. Vhnt Constitutes a "Real Lady." A lady la a gentlewoman on every oc casion and under all circumstances; she in Time's Ilnlm, , When flmt I met the fair Slarte. My smitten heart at once surrendered. And la a week, with eager haete. Ht !oe and all I have I tendered. Marie was ery calm and cool. Though I was greatly agitated. And when I came away refused! To endless anguish I felt fated. But oh! Since then no many girls l'e seen, far prettier, sweeter, brighter. That all their loveliness has made , My load of woe distinctly lighter, la fact, since she said "No," fe met A lovely girl whom I like better. And now, -whene'er I meet Marie, I think. 'Thank Heaven. I didn't get her!" Somervllle Journal. s True nnoufili. Jflblack It's hardly right to Judge a man by his clothes. Krusty That's true. There are any number of men wearing golf suits today who have too much good sense to ever play tho game. Catholic Standard and Times. He(Heeo(He(ir((,('o'Xx:c;o(s:Hei x t Make Lazy Liver Lively Yon know very well how you feel when your liver don't act. Bile collects in the blood, bowels become constipated and your whole system is poisoned. A lazy liver is an invitation for a thousand pains and aches to come and dwell with ypu. Your life becomes one long measure of irritability and despondency and bad feeling-. CATHARTIC i ! 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Nerve weakness in women is usually due to female complaint. HUDYAN reaches the seat of the trouble. HUDYAN cures pain in back, bearing-down pains and all chronic inflammations and ulcerations. HUDYAN, you see, removes the cause, there by making the cures permanent. HUDYAN is for weak, pale, emaciated, suffering women. It restores to such women a glow of perfect health: it cures permanently. HUDTAN is for sale by druggists Wc a package, or six packages for 1150. If your druggist does not kesp HUDYAN. send direct to the HUDYAN REM EDY CO.. corner Stockton. EUIs and Market streets. San Francisco, Col. .CQ&S.Utt.fBE Consult Free the Hsdyia Doctors, Aa&m M y j irii u-f&Di.i5 afe'g".t--r'-4g'-we.Jd. . niKii&a&in$L . ;. t mM . - . -r .At ! ;. : k- tV-t bcafJl s