The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 15, 1900, PART TWO, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 v - '"
T J'
Ferr Social Function During Holy
IVeelt, lint All Tlint Will Xoir Be
Chanced Today's Dlnplay.
Perfect April weather! That Is what
ever one has said of the week Just ended. 1
Shower and sunshine alternating; soft
eray mists that wreathe the hills and dis
solve In radiant tears, warm golden beams '
that floor the Valleys and dry the rain-1
wet leaves and flowers! All the world
Is m bud and bloom and fragrant with the '
"breath of Spring. A beautiful Easter, '
truly a time In which to rejoice and be
glad. And everybody who can gives out
ward evidence of Inward satisfaction. In
the wearing of flno new raiment.
In the various churches throughout tho
city today, tho congregations will re
semble. In point of beauty and blended
color, the garden beds In early May. New j
sowns. new hats and bonnets, and happy
faces that are human flowers and fairer
than those that bloom in the fields. Every
body goes to church on Easter Sunday to
worship, to hear the music and but not in
Portland to see what everybody else haj
on and to display one's own finery, If
one Is of the fortunate.
Society has been at Its devotions during
holy week, and there Is little to record In
the way of diversion. There was a din
ner at the Arlington Club Thursday even
ing, at which the guest of honor was Mr.
Mackintosh, of the London Hank, who
has been recently transferred to San
Francisco. Mr. Mackintosh Is the treas
urer of tho Arlington Club, and this din
ner, which was a quietly elegant affair,
was a sort of farewell function. There
was also a very delightful dinner given at
the Portland, on the same evening, but
as no ladles were present at either of
these parties. It Is scarcely worth while
to go into detail.
Luncheon to Mrs. White.
Mrs. Flelschner gave a luncheon at The
Portland during tho week. In honor of
Mrs. Whlto, and to which about 10 guests
were bidden, and It was pronounced
charming. In every particular. There will
be several small dinner parties there to
night, at which a number of stunning
gowns will be worn. One, remarkably be
coming1, will be of some thin black mate
rial. The bodice, banded with black vel
vet. Is of lace, through which the arms
and shoulders of the fair wearer will
gleam softly white.
A handsome mourning gown, which will
make a first appearance today. Is of the
now fabric, soft and clinging. The back
breadth of the skirt Is of tiny lengthwise
tucks, closely shirred for a few Inches
below the waist and allowed to flare
gracefully. There Is a wide curved ruffle,H
jinisnea witn narrow, hand-made tucks
end headed by narrow bias bands of the
goods. Bands of the tucks go up from tho
waist line In the back over the shoulden.
and meet the full front of folded chiffon,
which Is laced across with the bias bands
and completed by a low, wide yoke ot
tucked chiffon.
An exquisite waist which helps to make
up a dinner gown for a. pretty, slight
young woman, with dark hair and eyes.
Is of pink silk crepe an Importation from
India and Is simply and gracefully
draped, without seams, and trimmed with
narrow white silk fringe. Still another
waist Is of striped open-work taffeta, of a
warm, soft fawn-brown, accordion pleat
ed; with bolero Jacket, outlined with black
velvet and a fichu. In handkerchief shape,
that comes well over the shoulders and
down to the belt In the back. There Is a
tie of rose-pink and white mirror velvet
which goes about the neck and is knotted
,low on the bust, with a scarf of lace.
There was a charming wedding at Grace
Methodist Episcopal Church. "Wednesday
afternoon, which is described in another
column. And two more are announced,
one being that of Mlsi Hcltshu and Mr.
Shcpard, to take place Wednesday of this
week, at 1:20, at Trinity Church.
Of Intcrmt to Portlnnder.
The announcement of .the marriage of
Miss Clarice Sheldon and Mr. Edward
Houghton, of San Francisco, has been re
ceived by friends in Portland. Miss Shel
don spent part of last Summer here, as
the guest of Miss Hcltshu. and became a
general favorite and an acknowledged
belle. An approaching wedding that pos
sesses an interest for Portland people la
that of Miss Mabel Loyd Jessup and Jo
seph Belleau Coryell, which will occur
on Wednesday of this week. In the Church
of the Advent. In San Francisco. Miss
Jessup Is an Oregon girl, the daughter of
the late Dr. Jessup. and has many warm
friends here.
Tomorrow the "tea," at tho Hobart
Curtis, for the benefit of tho Old Ladles
Home, will open a week that promises to
be delightfully gay. Miss Von Bolton,
who will bo mistress of ceremonies on this
occasion, will be assisted by a number of
the most charming women In Portland so
ciety. Mrs., Holt Wilson. Mrs. Allan
Wright and others will' pour tea, and a
host of pretty girls will be present to
help serve. .
Dr. and Mrs.- Hockey will give a "Spe
cial Excursion to tho Colonies," April 20,
They sat In the pew together.
The Joyous bell rang out:
He fondly gazed on her saintly face
And attitude devout.
How purer than an the lilies
That gleamed from the chancel there-
He never had seen In all his Ufa
A sight so wondrous fair.
She veemed to be all devotion,
Respoeses, low. yet clear:
He wishejl thai he could follow, too.
And be. for onre, sincere.
So lort In contemplation
Of a dainty bit of lace:
He woke up when the maiden sighed:
"Dear met I've lost my place!
at their home, TTS Flanders street, and
Mrs. Frank M. Warren and Miss 'Warrea
will be at home. Tuesday, the 17th lnst.,
from 3:30 to 5 P. M.. at '213 West Parle
street. AGATHA.
Various Hnppenlnc of the Weelc t
Vancouver Bnrrncka.
Mrs. Chute, mother of Mrs. J. W. Ja
cobs. Is expected to arrive hero from St,
Augustine. Florida, the end of this week.
First Lieutenant H. B. Nelson and Mrs.
Kelson arrived here from the Presidio.
California, on Tuesday, and are the guests
of Captain and Mrs. Keene.
Mrs. Henry Wygant and her son, Philip,
expect to leave here In a few days, and
n 111 spend the Summer wltb her eon, who
Is a cadet at the Naval Academy, Annapo
lis. Mrs. J. J. Bradley has returned to tho
garrison, afteran extended visit with het
parents. Captain and Mrs. Sladen, in Port
land, and is occupying quarters near the
west end of the line.
MIs3 Helen Healy, who has been the
guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Jacobs,
for the past week, returned to her home
In Seattle last Monday. M!ss Healy ex
pects to sail for St. Michael. Alaska, In
a short time, and will spend the coming
Summer with relatives In that city.
tWeddlnari of the Weelc In Portland
and nt Other Points.
A pretty Informal wedding occurred at
the Evangelical Church, Oregon City, on
Sunday morning, April 8, at S:S0 o'clock.
Miss Minnie M. Harrington, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. Harrington, of Oregon
City, waa then united In marriage to Mr.
John S. Coply, of San Francisco, by
Rev. S. Coply, uncle of the groom. The
altar was prettily decorated with flowers
and potted plants. After congratulations
the newly wedded couple were driven to
Eighth street, where, amid showers of
rice and good wishes, they boarded the
car for this city, whence they departed
for Seattle. After spending a short time
there and at Victoria, they will go to San
Francisco, their future home. The bride
looked charming In a traveling suit of
delicate pearl gray, with pink silk waist,
whlto chiffon tie and hat and gloves to
match. There were many beautiful and
useful presents.
Miss Harrington graduated at the Mon
mouth Normal School In 1S93, and has
since been one of Clackamas County's
most successful and popular teachers.
Mr. Coply Is associated with the firm of
Kimball & Co.. of San Francisco, and Is
an extensive mine owner.
Thursday evening, April 11 Miss Flora
Alberta Hnllowell and Mr. J. R. Landreth,
of Sumpter. Or., were married at the
residence of the brido's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Cowgill, 408 Hall street. Rev. Dr.
H. W. Kellogg officiating. The ceremony
waa performed at S o'clock. In the pres
ence of relatives and intimate friends ot
hn minr couDle. Clever hands had trans
formed the Cowgill borne Into a bower of
beauty, with festoons of ivy and Oregon
grape and Jardinieres of Ittacs and roses,
the prevailing colors being white and
green. Tho wedding party entered the
parlor, led by the bridesmaid. Miss Belle
Davidson, and Mr. Roy Hallowcll. brother
of the bride. They were folldwed by the
maid of honor. Miss Grace. Cowgill. and
tho best man. Mr. Leigh Hallowdl, who
conducted the bride and groom into the
presence of the assembled guests. The
bride looked" charming In a light tailor
made gown, with bouquet of bride roses.
Tho maid of honor and bridesmaid were
neatly attired In gowns of white organdie,
and carried bouquets of white carnations
and lilacs. At tho conclusion of the cere
mony, refreshments were served and con
gratulations extended to the newly-wedded
couple, who were also the recipients of
numerous valuable gifts. Mr. and Mrs.
Landreth left on the 7 o'clock train for
Gold Hill, where they will make their
future home.
On Thursday. April S, at tho home ot
the bride's parents, on Ninth and Main
streets. Oregon City, a quiet -wedding was
solemnlred by Rev. A. Mulligan, pastor
of Mount Tabor Methodist Episcopal
Church. Portland, the contracting parties
being Mr. Wllles L. Johnson, of Clacka
mas, and Leila Grace Cheney. The bridt
waa charming In a. gown ot white or
gandie, and carried a handsome bouquet
of white carnations and smllax. The
house was prettily decorated witlf ever
greens and flowers, green and white be
ing the prevailing colors. After the cer
emony, light refreshments were served.
The ring from the bride's cake went to
Hies Mollle Hlnz. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson
departed tho following day for Clacka
mas, their future home, and where a re
ception was tendered them In the evening
by their many friends. There were nu
merous beautiful 'and handsome present.
A pretty home wedding was celebrated
In the presence of near relatives Wednes
day, April 11. at 6 o'clock P. M.. at the
home of the bride's mother, Mrs. F. Wise.
The contracting parties were 'Mies Eva
Wise; of this city, and Mr. Harry Mcs
kow, of Johannesburg. South Africa. Rev.
Robert Abrahatnson officiated. Mr. and
Mrs. Moskow will be at home Sunday,
April zz, at za First street.
At Grace Methodist Episcopal Church
Wednesday afternoon, April 11, was sol
emnized the marriage of Marie Caroline,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albln Jubttz.
andOrvllleMontgomeryRanUn.Rev. Hugh
lAtcnlson officiating. Tho "Lohengrin"
wedding march was played by Miss Akin,
and the ushers were: Harry L. Powers,
Henri Labbe, George Jubttz and Norman
Pease. Mica Llllie Gantenbeln and Miss
Wlnnifred Rankin acted sa bridesmaids,
and Miss Anna Rankin as maid of honor!
The beat man was Major Raymond Ju
bitz. a brother of the bride. After the
brief and Impressive ceremony, the bridal
party and Immediate relatives were re
ceived at the home of the bride's parents,
where a wedding .supper was served. Mr.
and Mrs. Rankin .will be at home at 331
Clifton street, after May 1.
On Sunday, April S, Rev. "Ralph E.
Storey was united In marriage with Miss
Millie E. Gross. The wedding occurred
at Helix. Or., at the home of the bride.
Rev. Gllman Parker. Baptist general mis
sionary of Oregon, .officiating. Mr. Storey
Is professor of literature and philosophy
at McMlnnvllIe College. He graduated
from, that Institution In the class of 'S3,
and from Brown University, Providence.
R. L, In tho class' of '99, completing a
four years' course last year. The bride
Is a graduate of the Presbyterian Acad
emy, at Pendleton; of a shorthand school,
at Boston. Mass.. and of the State Nor
mal School, at Weston. The ceremony
was performed In the presence of a few
select friends.
Married, at the residence of A. H. Can
ter. Peninsular, Or.. April 11., Mr. William
Blackmore to Miss Effle Kaufman, both
of Portland. The ceremony was per
formed In the presence of a few friends.
Rev. Gllman Parker officiating. The
newly married couple will make their fu
ture home In Florence, Douglas County,
Entertainments and Social Events
Here and Clue-where.
The Maccabees will give an entertain
ment and dance at Burkhard Hall Tues
day evening. April 17.
The Cathedral court of the Catholic or
der of Foresters gives Its first annual
ball, at Arlon Hall. Easter Monday.
The Mayday party of the Young Men's
Institute at Parsons Hall on Tuesday
evening. May 1, will be Its closing party
of the season.
A pleasant surprise party was tendered
Ernest Gordon Friday evening at the
residence of his parents. Rev. and Mrs.
I. G. Gordon, University Park. A short
programme was rendered, after which re
freshments were served. The young folks
Indulged In lively Karnes until a late hour.
A delightful- surprise party was given
Walter Wilson, Saturday. April 7, at his
mother's home, til Third street. There
were many friends In attendance. Whist
was played, and tho first prize was won
by Miss Grade Shaw; and David Will
iams and William Jackson carried away
the "boobies." Refreshments were served,
after which dancing was Indulged In until
a late hour.
A pleasant surprise party was tendered
to E. C Staler, at his residence last Sat
urday evening. Whist was the order ot
amusement; after which luncheon was
served. Thoss present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. David
son, Mr, and Mrs. Ruth, Mr. and Mrs.
Forsyth, Mrs. Carrie Henderson. Mrs.
Clifford. Mrs. J. A. Wolf, Mrs. L. M. Gra
ham. E. C. Staley, J. C. Manning and
William Drugarc.
Portland's younger society Is looking
with Interest to Professor Everest's re
turn party on Thursday, April 27. The af
fair will be a novel one. The party will be
given to the Martha Washington, Jolly
Neighbors, Fleurs de Lis. Entre Nous,
Edelweiss and Volkamenia. dancing clubs,
and an Invitation of any ono ot the clubs
constitutes an invitation to tho party. The
patronesses will be two ladles trom each
of the clubs, and two members from each
club will also act on the committee.
The Sabbato Morals Lodge, 44.-1. O. B.
B.. will give an entertainment, at the
Hlrsch-Sclllng building, this afternoon, at
S o'clock.
At the lost regular meeting of the Mac
cabee Auxiliary Lodge, No. 5, I. O. B. B..
held last Tuesday evening. Preceptor Da
vid N. Mosessohn. In an appropriate
speech, presented Judge Otto J. Kraemer
with a beautifully engraved locket. In tin
presence of about 0 senior members.
Judge Kraemer feelingly responded. Tho
locket was engraved as follows: On tho
obverse side, "O. J. K.": on the reverse,
"Presented by Maccabce Auxiliary Lodge,
r,o. 6, l. u. ii. u.. Apni iu. law. ine
Judge was presented with this token In,
recognition of the great Interest he has
!2SMS?jSS,t? At ,h7 i,?Tf.
grand lodge representative ot the Auxil-
Ury. After the presentation, a debate
was hold on the Question: "Resolved. That
the -veto power should remain In the hands
of the President." It resulted In a "draw."
The Nineteen Hundred Club will give
Its final dance on Friday. April 27.
The Fleur dc Lis will give Its closlns
party on April 13.
Mr. cod .Mrs. J. S. Seed gavo a very.
s 1.-? a ih i W
I vU 77 ?S ( .rPSK' n W Wis If)
few?. v voJT wMMmh 'r -:
pleasant party Mondajv evening. April 9.
at their residence, SS4 Fourth street; only
relatlyes and friend were Invited. Card
playing and music were Indulged in and-a
luncheon was served. The hestess' re
ceived numerous handsome presents.
Ebb and Flow of the Social Tide In
and About Portland.
Mrs. Marian Kuykendall has Just re
turned from New York. -
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gltdden, of Spokane,
'are visiting in Portland.
Mrs. Richardson came irp from Astoria
Friday for & brief visit to friends here.
Mrs. S. E. Young, of Albany, hae been
visiting Portland relatives.
Miss V. Wilson and Miss L. R, Myrlck.
of this city, are at Lockaley Hall, Sea
side. Miss Ethel Smith, of San Francisco. Is
visiting the Misses Hammond, 373 West
Park street.
Mrs. Duron N- Wakefield will go to
Albany next week to attend the Sox
Elite wedding.
MIos Minnie Martin, of Forest Grove, Is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. A. Cote,
of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hammond and Miss
Daisy Hammond are In San Francisco tor
a few weeks.
Captain Harry L. Welle, who has been
In Chicago since November, Is expected
home this week.
Mrs. E. C Mears and daughter. An
toinette, oro expected homo from, Cali
fornia In a few days.
Miss Fox. of Mount Pleasant.. Wash., Is
In the city, the guest of Mrs. Stetson and
Mrs. J. E. Rofferty.
Mrs. E. P. McComack. of Salem, has
been vwltlng In Portland during the week,
the guest of Mrs. Thomas.
A. Williamson, of Mount Tabor, of the
firm of Roger & Williamson, arrived from
Florlston. Cal., Monday evening.
Mrs. H. A. Jasper Is visiting friends
and relatives In San Francisco and Oak
land. She will be gone about a month.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Strauss, of Santa
Cruz, Cal.. aro visiting the parents of Mrs.
Strauss, Mr. and Mrs. A. Beck, of this
Mrs. H. R, Dunlway, who has been vis
iting Mrs. E. Kline, In San Francisco, for
a month, returned to her home In Port
land Monday.
Mrs. T. E. Wallace has returned from
her trip East, where she accompanied her
Invalid brother. Nelson Garrow, to hit
home in Marinette. Wis.
Mr. George P. Dekum has received a
telegram from Dawson, from Alva L.
Stephens, denying his reported marriage
In" Skagway, the announcement of which
appeared on March 5. 0
Honors to Be Paid to Tnro Self-Sac
rlflclnjj Women.
At a meeting of the executive commit
tee of the Emergency Corps and Red Cross
Society held during the week, it was de
cided to give Miss Lena KUllan and Mrs.
May C Elinor a reception, at the home ot
Mrs. II. E. Jones, president of the so
cieties. They have Just returned from
their field of labor with the soldiers in Ma
nila. Miss Kllllan having been sent orig
inally by the Red Cross and Emergency
The dote of tho reception is Wednesday
evening. April IS. between S and 10 o'clock.
At that time all members of the Red Cross
and Emergency Corps, all of the returned
volunteers both officers and men and all
friends ot the two patriotic women are in
vited to participate in the effort to ex
press the gratitude felt by the citizens for
their services.
P. II. S. Alumni Hop.
Names for invitations to alumni hop In
Burkhard Hall, to Miss Carrie Ladd, 465
East Eleventh street.
Various Events of the "Weelc In the
State of OreEon.
Lieutenant "W. A. Bethel, commanding
officer at Fort Stevens, has been ordered
I to Alaska, where he will officiate as
' Judge Advocate.
t niss Molly Morris Is visiting Miss May-
belle Young, of East Astoria.
, Mra Horace Buttcrfleld. of Portland.
haa -en visiting at the home of Judge
p j Taylor
hon" in Portland, after visiting with
-,., ,,..
fdends ,n tnls cltr
First Officer Byrne, ot the steamer
Columbine, returned from California on
iucsaay. nna, aner a snort stay in ims
'. " ir ma ouuuu m jum m yea-
Rev. H. Marcotte and John Bryce have
been attending the sessions of the Port-
land Presbytery this week, as delegates
""""W 'kl JuuTITly
I. QEVURTZ Homefumisher
Another Chapter of Furniture Offerings that should came the eco
nomical to think twice before buying elsewhere. No larger or moro varied assort
ment of household goods is shown in the Northwest.
The Eclipse Stoves are the Best
This 4-ho!e Eclipse Range, warranted.
Only $25.00
G-holo Steel Range., 125.00
No. 7 Cook Stove v- "-w
No. 8 Cook Stove ,..:.-.., S.M
from the Presbyterian Church ot this
Miss Dekum. of Portland, spent sev
eral days here during the week, as the
guest of Miss Heilborn.
The members and frjends of the "Wom
an's Relief Corps were entertained very
delightfully on Monday evening, at the
home of Mrs. J. A. Fastabend. Games
and music made the evening pass very
pleasantly, and a bounteous luncheon was
Miss Helen Stelwer returned Monday
from a visit with Salem friends.
Invitations will shortly be issued for a
musicalo and domino party to be given
tho evening of the ast by the Ladles'
Coffeo Club.
Mr. and Mrs. JU B. Miller and Mrs.
R. L. Miller left Tuesday for Charlotte.
Mich., the former to reside, the latter for
an extended visit.
The Afternoon Reading Club was en
tertained at the home of Mrs. S. ,L, Pratt
Tuesday. The afternoon was devoted to
a discussion of the life and works of
Thirty-eight of her friends gathered at
the home of Mrs. William Crecs. Friday
cf last week, to celebrate the E6th anni
versary of her birth. The afternoon was
spent la renewing friendships that began
on Mrs. Crees' arrival In Corvallls 23
years ago.
Mrs. D. A. Paine, of Eugene, !a a guest
ot Salem frlendsi
Mrs. J. H. Ackerman Is on a two weeks'
vifllt to her parents at Hood River.
Mrs. L. E. Slatten, of New York. Is v!s
Itlns Mrs. H. D. Patton, of thlff city.
J. Conner, of tho Willamette Hotel, re
turned Sunday from an extended visit to
Stockton. CaL
At the last meeting of the Salem Choral
Society, Professor W. P- Drew was elected
president, to succeed Professor J. "W.
Crawford, resigned.
The following residents of this city wera
among those who went to Portland Wed
nesday to hear Paderewskl: Mrs. E. P.
McCornack, Professor and Mrs. Seley,
Miss Cosper, Miss Brcyman, Mlsa Mabel
Carter. Dr. and Mrs. Calbreath. Mrs. F.
L. Wlllman. Miss Ella HIrsch. Mr. and
Mrs. A. F. Hofer, Mrs. E. Hofer. Mr. and
Mre. C S. Rlely, Miss Lelo Nlcklln. Pro-
fessor Z. M. Parvln. Mra F. R. Anson,
Miss Grace Carter. Miss Bertha Hubbard
and Le Roy Gesner.
The members of Protection lodge, A. O.
U. W., gave a dancing party at their
hall last Monday evening.
Judge and Mrs. W. M. Ramsey, of Mc
MlnnvllIe. were In Salem this week pre
paring to make their home In this city.
Rev. Robert Warner and wife, of Dalles
city, visited Salem friends this week.
-wnUe on their way to their old home at
i Mineral point. Wis.
The Scottish Rite Masons of this' city
I gave a mystic banquet at Strong's Res-
i taurant Thursday evening of this week.
.' tho occasion belns tho observance of
Vlf """is,
Carpets and Linoleums
We offer Just now some exceptional
values In Carpets. Rugs and Mattings
that will enable you to beautify your home
for very little money.
Yard for All-wool' Ingrain Car
pets, full extra super weave. In
the best makes: a. surerb line of
patterns and grand value at this
7C A vard-SMI-nrS BRlfSSELS
fir CARPETS, with or without bor-
ders: a most complete line of
handsome Spring- effects.
T1 1 C -A- "nrd t0T GENUiNE AXMIN-
l If) STER Carpets, the most dura-
ijie. handsomest Carpet made,
extra thick pile.
20c Square yard for Floor Oilcloth.
50C Square yard for Scotch and
American Linoleum: a new lot
Just received; all colors and pat
terns. We sell on easy terms.
Your credit Is good.
Homefumisher K!7&."?S,
The wonderful lessons of nature, how to obtain and preserve beauty,
taught to every woman who visits the
Under the management of Mrs: Anna Valle Swltzer. Nothing injurious used
or allow&l in these parlors.
LADIES Have your faces treated by experienced and skillful dermatolo
gists. Our methods are perfectly harmless; our rule Is to follow nature and '
use nothing artificial.
We guarantee a lovely, healthy skin to every woman who follows our
METHODS USED Electricity Is employed, which stimulates circulation
and makes firm the muscles. Instead of relaxing and causing wrinkles as
does steaming.
THE TnfcRMO-ELECTRIC TREATMENT Is the only scientific and
successful method.
Our wonderful Skin Food nourishes and quickly Improves the worst com
plexion. One trial will convince any one of Its value. Special attention
given to scalp treatments with electric brush. Superfluous hair, moles and
all facial blemishes removed. All our skin preparations for sale at the par
lors. Address all mall. Common Sense Beauty Parlors. Fifth Floor of Lewis
Building. Ladlc3 invited to call and Investigate. Instructions given to any
one wishing to use this treatment as a profession.
SPECIAL OFFER FOR ONE WEEK ONLY We will give trial treat
ments for 25c
LEWIS BUILDING. Fifth Floor. Take Elevator.
Maunday Thursday. The banquet was an
Informal affair, and the evening was spent
In social converse appropriato to the oc
casion. McMlnnvllIe.
William Galloway and wife, of Oregon
City, aro visiting old friends in McMlnn
vllIe. Tho Musical Club held a pleasant meet
ing last week at tho home of Mrs. Barn
heart. ,.
General O. Summers, of Portland, was
In McMlnnvllIe Monday and Tuesday, at
tending tho comentton.
A surprise party was given J. G. Eck
man. at his home In this city Monday
evening. Tho occasion was his birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Epstein pleasantly n-
tertalned at their homo In McMlnnvllIe
the Diana Male Quartet on Thursday
evening. April E.
The social entertainment given at tho
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, by the
Young Peoplo'3 Society, was a success
ful affair. A large number of people at
tended. Ralph Storey, the Instructor of English
In McMInmlllo College, was married to
Mis3 BIoss, in Athena. Or., April S. They
arrived in this city Tuesday morning and
will reside on Collego Side.
Mrs. M. J. Matson is Usltlng relatives
In Portland.
Mrs. E. C Patton and her little daugh
ter, of Salem, are guests of the former's
parents. Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Gulss, of
this city.
Last Wednesday evening Mrs. Carrie
McCabe gavo a farewell reception In
honor of Miss Alice Finzer, who left
Thursday morning for her home in Al
bany. The evening was pleasantly spent
In games and music At 10 o'clock an
elaborate lunch was served. Those pres
ent were: Miss Alice Finzer. Mrs. Carrie
McCabe. Captain W. E. Finzer. Dr. E.
W. Finzer and wife. Lieutenant O. D.
Henderson nnd wife. Lieutenant F. W.
Scttlemler and wife. Dr. M. G. McCorkle
and wife. Walter L. Tooza and wife, the
Misses Emma McKee and Eva JJennls,
and Meesrs. Fred Dose, Henri D. Bomhoff
and R. L. Carey.
Grnnt's rmi.
J. A. Jennings returned from San Fran
cisco on Tuesday.
J. E. Ryan left on Wednesday for a visit
to St. Paul and other Eastern points.
Mna. William Stratton. of Spokane, has
been visiting her mother, Mrs. D. John,
of Williams.
W. T. Hunt-and family,' of Marahficld;
O., were In town Thursday, on their way
to Crescent City.
Rev. W. S. Holt, D. D., of Portland.
3pent Wednesday In town, in attendance
upon the presbytery. '
The following ministers and elders
were among those in attendance upon the
Southern Oregon presbytery: Rev. F. G.
Strange. Ashland: William Cljde, Phoe
nix: Adolph Haberly. Medford; G. W.
Brown, Klamath Falls; J. A. Townsend,
D. D.. Roseburg, and J. E. Blair, Oakland,
and Elders Walter'- Gore, Medford, and
Benedict of Roseburg.
Mies Sadie Ityno. of Salem, Is visiting
Mrs. Thomas Luckey.
Miss Martha Medley, of Cottage Grove,
is visiting relatives in Eugene.
Mrs. L. N. Roney has returned from
Salem, where she visited her sister, Mrs.
Mrs. M. J. DUIard and daughter, Daisy,
have removed to their new home In Day
ton, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Chambers, of Inde
pendence, visited relatives in Eugene tho
past week.
Miss Iula Bradley, who has been spend
ing the Winter In Harrisburg, has re
turned to Eugene.
Miss Addle Bangs arrived Tuesday
morning from Hudson. Mich., where she
has been visiting relatives.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Isaac Ennls. of Heppncr,
are In the city for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Barber have re
turned from a visit to Wisconsin.
Mrs. G. O. Rogers, cf Forest Grove, was
a HUlshoro visitor the first of the week.
Mrs. LaUra Wells, of Forest Grove, Is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. B. Huston.
Hon. and Mrs. S. B. Hurt on departed
Saturday for an extended visit to Indiana.
Oregon City.
Mrs. X P. Seating has returned from a
visit to her filster, Mrs. J. B. Robinson,
at Sacramento.
Mrs. A. 3. Dresser entertained about 43
guests Friday evening, at an anagram ad
vertising party. It was an entertaining
and unique affair;
J" Falls City Lodge, A. O. TJ. W., held
Sale of
Good wood body, cane seat, steel
wheels and frame; worth H.83.
Special Price, $3.25
Elegant reed Baby Carrlagta, fine
ly upholstered, satin parasol, steel
springs and frame; our regular J15.CO
Carriage; only
For Solid
Oak Rocker,
braced, em
bossed leather
J1.S " for "Women's Sewing and.
Nurse Rocker, golden oak finish,
strongly constructed.
tLOO for Arm Chair, eolld oak.
braced arms; price is so low that
we limit them to six each.
Hovr to lie nrnntlfal.
So More Excuse for
Old Ace nnd "Wrinkles.
social sess'on last Saturday night, after
the Initiation ceremonies. Refreshments
were served and addresses were mado by
Grand Master Hqrren, A. S. Dresser, G.
E. Hayes. C. H. Dye and Judge T. F.
MIfs Lulu Kees has gone to Portland oo
a visit.
Mr?. Louis Hunzlker Is In Walla Walla,
visiting her parents.
Miss Christine Proebstel is a guest ot
Miss Augusta Morehouse.
E. Y. Judd and Leonard Flske ar
rived In Pendleton Saturday, from Japan.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard FIske left Tues
day for their homo In Hartford. Conn.
Mra. Fiske has been -visiting here forsomo
j time.
Mri S. A. Lowell ard Mrs. W. D. French
have heen visiting In Portland, whence
Mrs. French returned to her home la
Auburn. Me.
i.'orest Grove.
A. L. Macleod, of Lewlston, is visiting
In Forest Grove.
D. W. Ward, M. D., of Sumpter. Is vis
iting friends in this place.
Thaildeus Smart and wife nnd daugh-
m m
'cA Perfect Food" .
"Treserbes Health"
"Prolongs Life'
U TTrrnvtm .Ta nrn.1.1 h
. . . Received the highest in-
dorsements from the medical
practitioner, the nurse, and
''tlfe1 intelligent housekeeper
ana caierer." uictcttc ani
Hy&tnic Gazette.
nn.RnMPe.Trr UAce
T-J..M. ivi.iii.w,wi, uinuv.
Hon Every Packags Established 1780.
35c to $1.00
D. M. Averill & Co. 33! Mormon St.
A Skin of Beauty It a Joy Forever.
Rmr Tin. Fin pie. Frtcklev
WcKii Pitxhc. SUfth. and Skih di
aa rrery utntib cm bwy.
It has stood the test
of j yean, tad b so
harmltss w tut it so
be sure It Is properls
md Accept &a
covfttertait of similar
name. Dr. L.A.S17
re said to a lady cf th
baut tan fa patleaUf
"A I jom ladles willsM
them. I reC9mnCBa
'Gounod's. Crcaa a
tie least fcarviml of
all tint Sk'a prepart
tlons." For sale bf all
Drurri'ts and Faaer
rood Oears In US.
Canada, and Europe
FEXD. T. H0PX1NS, Prosrietcr, 37 Gnat Jones SW NX
Golf Balls.
Can t obtdDed trom all dealers or
Sam'l Buckley C IMMIUbSMcwTw
a Qk
u Jrf-fy
b Pr&r
r r I " I U
a v -I 'f
2- jfc
S A3jr .Tys "
JS i
Ir-X A
". .-C-, ji-,Afc. je . ,oA.j
-iuajd 'iSi.1t2?i.i. ,ir'.i4S-.3."
J fr.g.'fc ;.
-.-..i , ".v. ft