-.-. firF-jfr-f- - - v - - THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND', APRIL' 8, 1900.. Entered at the PoatcHce at Portland. Oregon, u second-class matter. TELEPHONES. Editorial Hoozns....ie I Business OOee.. .eor ItEVISED SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By Mall (postage prepaid). In Advance Dally, with Sunday, per month... ...fO 85 Sally. Sunday excepted, per year ..... 7 60 Daily, with Sunday, per year........... 9 CO Eunday, per year .......- 2 00 The Weekly, per year .... 1 50 The Weekly. 3 months. ..... ...--.- B0 To City Subscribers Sally, per week, delivered. Sundays exoepted,15o Dally per week, delivered. Sundays lacludedOa The Oregcnlsn does not buy poems or stories from Individuals, and cannot undertake to re turn any manuscripts sent to it without solicita tion. No stamps should be inclosed for this purpose. Puget Sound Dureau Captain A. Thompson, elflee at 1111 Pacific avenue. Tacoma. Box Ki. Tscoma psstcrace. Eastern Business Office The TTibuns build tat New Tork city: "The Jtookery." Chicago; the S. C. Beckwith ipertrl agency. New Tork. For sale in Ean Francisco by J. K. Cooper. 1U Market street, near the Palace hotel, and at Goldsmith Bras., 236 Sutter street. For sale In Chicago by the P. O. News Co 217 Dearborn street. TODAY'S WEATHER. Fair: probably frost early Sunday morning; warmer Sunday after coon. FOIITLAND, SUNDAY, APRIL 8. ebb In religious feeling, but, perhaps, a better understanding; of religious duty. Not all change Is growth, but In this view the less formal observance of Lent as compared with former years may be accounted a distinct gain to humanity. In other words, if the Len ten spirit of duty and self-sacriflce sur vives and grows, the Lenten observ ances of fasting and mock humility may be dispensed with, not only with out loss, but to the decided gafn of humanity. arms to defend the Empire, they can see what the other kind of policy does. Into one category or another Puerto Rico mar some day fall. SALVATIOX BY STATUTE. U. PLAIX WAV WITH THE PHILIP PINES. Mr. Bryan, In his Portland speech. Bald:. "I challenge The Oregonlan to state what It wants to do with the Philippines. No Republican statesman has a plan; no Republican editor has "c plan." The Oregonlan Is not posing on any "pedestal of statesmanship, and it isn't necessary that it Should have a plan. Nevertheless, it has often expressed very positive opinions on this sub ject It has set forth, with as forcible language as It could command though It will admit with less volubility than Mr. Bryan the policy which it thinks ought to be pursued towards the Phil ippine Islands. "Were Mr. Bryan a res ident of any state of the Pacific North- west, he could not have failed to see what The Oregonlan has said on this Interesting subject As first thing. The Oregonlan has urged that all military resistance In the Islands to the authority of the United States must be put down. That result, apparently, has been almost or quite accomplished. Only trifling resistance through guerrilla warfare Is continued. Military rule should be maintained by the United States till order Is fully re stored; then as rapidly as possible it should give way to organization of civil government But as the masses of the people are Incapable of self-government, the number who can participate In political affairs at first will be small. This number may be gradually in creased, as fitness for such partlcl . pation shall be demonstrated. The suf frage, we have found out, should not be given indiscriminately to men of Inferior races; end we have the author itative action of Sir. Bryan's party in a dozen of our states for exclusion from suffrage of persons deemed unfit for It In some of those states the numbers excluded are a majority. So -we take It that Mr. Bryan's party cannot complain "if the suffrage in the Philippines should be restricted to the intelligent minor ity, and that there can really be no ground of difference between that party and ourselves on the doctrine of "con sent of the governed." Peace and order may be expected to follow or attend the organization of a Just system of government and the im partial administration of justice. But to 'guard against outbreaks, from which it is not to be expected that the islands for a considerable time yet will be wholly free, and to punish such outbreaks when they occur, it will be necessary to keep a military and naval force of some magnitude In the Islands! Protec tion Is to be assured to life, to industry and to property; and to attach the people to us, through their Interest un restricted trade should be established between the Islands and the United States, Just as soon as the military con ditions will allow it If we refuse to ho this we shall have ceaseless trouble with the islands, and would better re call our men and ships, with least pos sible delay. To assert that we have no right to hold the people of the Islands as "sub jects" Is merely to play with words. "We are all subjects subjects of Na tional authority, subjects of the gov ernmental system of the United States. "We do not even permit a state with all Its authority, or a group of states In combination, to deny this subjection, as a dozen of them learned a few decades ago. As for the sovereignty of the, United States over the Philippines, It Is as clear, under the treaty of Paris, which was ratified by the Senate of the United States through the assistance of Mr. Bryan, as it is over Louisiana or California. It Is not denied that the problem of the Philippines presents many difficul ties; but they are difficulties with which practical Judgment can cope, and which it should expect to solve. The difficul ties urged by Mr. Bryan are of a kind the Imagination revels in, through exu berance of speech or general looseness of words. If liberty were really in dan ger every time men of Mr. Bryan's tem perament and vocation try to play on its supposed susceptibilities or alarms, its state would be sad enough. But who believes that liberty and Justice will be slain by tho United States In r the Philippine Islands, or that Tagal domination would be better for civili zation and freedom there? And who believes that our own liberty Is In dan ger, our own system of Republican Government In peril, through their fur ther extension, even over seas, under the flag of the United States? Who. In short fears the bugbear of "Imperi alism"? Tut! ''TIs a stupid bogy; a dull alarum-bell! Tlin SEW BRYAXISM. Love of country Is one of the most sacred emotions, one of the most ab sorbing purposes. It nerves the father to forsake his little ones, the fond hus band to leave his brldo at the altar. It steels the soft heart of mother, wife and sweetheart, who bind their war rior's sash In tears but yet In pride and Joy. It sweetens the pangs of defeat It makes names like Thermopylae and Marathon an inspiration of nobility and heroism to all time. It sanctifies be reavement and makes of agonies and afflictions a hallowed memory. To be tray and pervert this pure Impulse is to sound the depths of baseness; and there Is little hope for the man in whom an appeal to patriotism awakens no response. Bryan in 1S9G and Bryan in 1900 are two very different things. Four years have seen evolution at work in Its ac customed methods upon his political creed. Once a hodge-podge of discon nected tenets, its parts are correlated, systematized, integrated. A system has grown up, a central thought runs through all. On this backbone of doc trine, 'everything else Is hung, from it everything else radiates, to it every thing else comes back. Nobody can say of Bryan this year that there Is no method in his madness. He has a well-considered, consistent appeal, and he makes it with adroitness. The central thought of Bryanlsm in 1900, the keynote of the system he puts before his hearers, is that "Money is the Master, and Man the Slave." Consid erations of moral Justice and economic truth he ignores. As to trusts, he is not concerned that their special tariff privileges or stock-Jobbing abuses be done away with. His idea is. Let us. get at these accumulations of capital anvhow at all. but somehow. As to Puerto Rico, he has no word for Justice to the people there, or the desira bility of wise polices for our own welfare and self-respect There is not a word In. Bryan's speeches nbont Justice to Puerto Hico for the snfce of Justice, or the abolition of tariff abuses for the sake of Justice, or the reform of the Army for the sake of Justice, or the perfection of our money system by vrlmt is right nnil Just, or the correction of our tarlft or taxation systems by what 4s right and Just Fight the trusts why? Because money is the master and man the slave! Fight the gold standard why? Because money is the master and man the slave! Fight the retention of the Philippines why? Because the Money Power wants them, and money Is the master and man the slave. Everything that Money wants, a larger Army, a tariff against Puerto Rico, expansion of the National domain, we must re sist, not because It may be wrong or unjust or unadvlsable, but because Mcney wants It The evil genius of humanity, accord ing to Bryan, the one thing that must bo humbled and dragged down, is Money and when he says Money he means Property. I ask you, says Bryan, to follow me to the attack of The Man That Has. I claim as my army of no bility, pledged to right all the wrongs of humanity. The Man That Has Not There Is prosperity, Is there? Well, you take the rich and the prosperous, and give me as my share every man that has failed, every man that Is dis contented, every man that thinks he hasn't quite got his share. There la money, but it shall be dispersed. There is wealth, but it shall soon be stripped from its possessors. There Is property, but the protection the law throws around it shall soon be thrown down. There you have Bryanlsm In the form that four years of development have given to It It Is the spirit that men aces 'established order all over Europe today. It Is the spirit that gave Paris Us commune. Homestead Its "horrors, Chicago its riots. It may not seem for midable today, but formidable it may easily become the next time that panic strikes us and hunger and want take the place of prosperity and employ ment These studied appeals to Ignorance and discontent discover an abysm of baseness which may well cause the In telligent patriot to shudder and draw bock. It is a serious responsibility for any man to encourage the new Bryan lsm by any act or word, positive or passive. Will not those who are tempt ed to do so think twice before they commit themselves? It is a question every man must ask himself. It is a responsibility impossible to evade, and In its ultimate consequences Of appall ing possibilities. The man who lends his encouragement today to these dan gerous doctrines, and by his example leads less enlightened minds to believe them true, may be sowing the wind which his children shall reap In whirl winds of conflagrations and rapine and rivers of blood. The only place to teach and preach this sort of moral self-denial Is in Utopia. To put it Into a statute Is as absurd as it would be to pass a statute to make a lazy man energetic or an extrava gant man' economical. There has been some discussion in Eastern cities as to whether Lent has not been observed this year less gen erally than usual. It Is cited affirma tively that while society has not In dulged in big formal balls during the Lenten season. It has amused Itself with numberless "Informal" dances and other amusements quite inconsistent with the Lenten purpose and spirit A theatrical manager of New "York is quoted as having said that Lent was gradually losing Its terrors for his busi ness, and that practically there were but two days In Lent now Ash Wednesday and Good Friday Instead of forty. This, if true. Indicates noth ing more serious or unusual than a change in the observances of religious duty correlative with a change In views on religion. The abandonment of Len ten observances does not Indicate an A present rush of the British colonies to ant HITTS GREAT HIT. In the House of Representatives Fri day they were discussing the question whether Hawaii should have a repre sentative in Congress, entitled to a vote as well as a seat on the floor. The idea seemed popular with the House, and the few members who ventured to op pose it Incurred general derision. At this point the report proceeds: "Wa are a. popular representative Govern ment essentially," replied Hltt. "and a. repub lic does not need to take lemons from mon archies In tho application of our systems." (Great applause on both, sides ct the House.) But think again. Mr. Hltt Hawaii Is not the only question before Con gress. A good many people are Inter ested In the subject of Justice to Puerto Rico. The Republicans In Congress, all but a select few of them, want to tax her products, but the people to a man, except a few politicians and their im- mediate dependents, want her to have free access to our ports to sell and free access to our markets to buy. Is there any monarchy from which we could take a lesson in this matter? Tes, it lo even said that Spain was more liberal to Puerto Rico In the matter of trad than we propose to be. Mr. Hltt and his colleagues can study to advantage the economic policy Eng land has learned through hard experi ence to apply to her dependencies. If they will recall the American Revolu tion, they can see what one kind ol policy does. If they will recall ihe The letter of Dr. Ray Palmer, printed elsewhere, accuses The Oregonlan of being the enemy of all law, because it discredits the wisdom of the .prohibi tory liquor law, a law which is discred ited by its own record. The letter is Illogical, when It confuses intemper ance, which is a vice, with theft and murder, which are crimes by common consent of civilized society. Laws which appeal to the widest human self interest for the protection of the rights of life, liberty ajid property never be come obsolete, and are fairly efficient but sumptuary laws, which have at tempted to prescribe what "ye shall eat or what ye shall drink, or wherewithal ye shall be clothed." are a survival of medievalism. They have failed even under despotic governments, and are sura to carry their own death In their clothes under a free government. The letter of Dr. Palmer Is, of course. Illogi cal, for the Prohibitionist cause Is In capable of logical defense, and his ar gument becomes hysterical In spots when he pleads for the salvation through statute of tho drinkers through the legal prohibition of the sa loon. An open saloon Is not an Ideal place of resort, but a covert .saloon, such as exists In every prohibition state. Is far worse. The liquor Is al ways viler; the covert saloon Is less exposed to personal observation and the Influence of public restraint The prohibitory law utterly falls, be cause there is no such thing as vicari ous salvation for the inebriate in this world. He can be sobered, put on his moral feet of restored health and will, nerves and stomach, and then whether he "stays put" lies entirely with his own volition. On him alone rests the responsibility for his fate, not on 'the saloon. If you cannot thorn a man's moral pride and sense of self-respect Into a mood of self-accusation, self reproach and sincere spiritual shame, you need not expect any permanent reformation, whether the saloon Is con spicuously lts presence or Is entirely absent for such a man is Incapable of aggressive determination to reform himself. He must be turned over to a doctor and the hospital. He is a dan gerous subject -for the sentimental treatment of sympathetic tears, which are the worst possible tonic for a man who stands in deep need of reform. The prohibition evangelist should place the reproach and responsibility for the in temperate squarely where It belongs, not upon the saloon, but upon those whose thirst and self-indulgence are the seed of the saloon; the sunshine and the rain under which Its plant buds and blooms' luxuriantly. Prohibition Is an attempt on the part of a .majority not only to punish men for violations of peace and order, but to make morals for the minority, an effort that does not help morals and emasculates law. The evil of Intemper ance Is undeniable, but prohibition as a remedy Is as Instinct with stupidity as it would be to prohibit noisome pov erty, an evil which exists where the drink habit is almost unknown, but where assassination is common. Prohi bition is no more a principle- than high license Is. It is merely a means to a de sirable end, to be Judged by Its results as coldly as high license or local option. Does the history of prohibition, where. In the extreme East, it has existed nearly fifty years, warrant the conclu sion that It Is a salutary, morally remu nerative means to the end of increased public, sobriety? Massachusetts tried It and dropped it; Iowa tried it and dropped Jt It Is clearly a slowly dying cause. The American people drink fat less than they did forty years ago, but they continue to disbelieve In prohibi tion. They consider it a very perni cious method of temperance legislation that works Infinite harm In Its applica tion, without doing any good. Never theless, it is made the eleventh com mandment by Dr. Palmer, who evident ly thinks it was one of the mistakes of Moses that It was not Included In the decalogue. Society cannot save any one of our boys from himself by a statute which seeks to make It impossible for him to sin. If our boys are not free moral agents, responsible for their actions, they are proper subjects of medical care and restraint Our boys, who can not be reformed by the repulsive object lessons of intemperance, by the exam ple of self-control we call temperance, are as hopeless as those intemperate illustrations of Insane acquisitiveness called misers, swindlers and thieves. If a man la deaf to the appeal of family affection, reason, religion, self-interest and medical warning, he cannot b saved by statute, for such a creature must cither go to the hospital, the In sane asylum or the churchyard. A man who cannot see a liquor saloon without drinking himself Into Intoxication is hopeless of reform If there were no rum shops. He Is like a man who cannot be honest except when there Is noth ing to steal In sight; an Incurable, in corrigible thief. If the retribution physical and mental suffering brings upon a man will not reform him; if all the force of moral appeal to his affec tion, his pride, his self-interest will not rule him down to self-restraint, no stat ute will secure his sobriety and his sal vation. Society cannot stamp out moral suicide by statute; It can teach and preach sobriety, and It can punish In order to protect its peace, but it can not in wisdom subject the wise and de cent to disabilities for the acts of the unwise and indecent; it cannot punish the sane for the Insane, the well for the sick, the strong for the weak, the rich for the poor. We can exhort the world to self-denial for the sake of others, but you cannot extort self-sacri flce by statute. Society provides a train of ambulances to pick up those who fall by the wayside sick and wounded in the struggle of life, and "to carry them to transient or permanent hospitals, or prisons, but society is not silly enough to reduce Its diet down to that of a dyspeptic and Its drink down to the limitations of a drunkard; soci ety will legislate for the living rather than the dying and dead. The law is not a philanthropist or evangelist of sentimental paternalism. It Is nothing-but a switch for the back and stocks for the feet of those upon whom society has exhausted the tonic powers of religious and secular educa tion. The doctrine that any man should be expected under law or outside of law to abandon his own freedom of choice as to diet and drink because somebody has with his dirty fingers that pollute everything they touch made it unhealthful. Indecent and Im pure Is a proposition worthy of the fantastic philosophies of Laputa. SMALLPOX. The warning recently uttered by City Physician Wheeler concerning the wis dom of vaccination ought to be heeded. To the general practice of vaccination the states east of Ohio and north of the Potomac owe their remarkable ex emption from smallpox this year. Ac cording to the figures in the latest num ber of the "Public Health Reports," only seven cases have occurred In Mas sachusetts since December 24, 1S99. and in New York only eleven cases for the same period. New Jersey has had only one case and Pennsylvania only fifteen cases since December 17, 1S99, while for the same period 'In 1S98 and 1899 Pennsylvania had 84 cases. These facts are a conspicuous tribute to the effi ciency of vaccination as a preventive and to the careful enforcement of rules by the boards of health. The states that have suffered the worst from smallpox are Kansas, Minnesota, Ken tucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas. The prevalence of the dis ease through all that region is due largely to the neglect of vaccination In recent years. Warnings of the result were given In 1899, when. In Nebraska especially, smallpox became epidemic. The warning was not heeded, and the consequence has been a more wide spread epidemic this year. A recent medical report to the Surgeon-General of the United States from Luzon says that smallpox Is common in all the towns among the natives, and they should be vaccinated. The disease flourishes in some parts of Lu zon constantly. Half of the natives in the country districts are pitted with it, and mothers try to get their children infected with it, under the belief that It is less dangerous to the young. The situation In Luzon Is what may always be expected among an Ignorant and su perstitious people. Fifty years ago the French Canadian population of the country villages of what was then called "Lower Canada," but is now the Province of Quebec, were nearly half of .them marked with the smallpox. So common was the disease that every family expected to be Invaded by the smallpox. Just as mothers today ex pect that their children are likely to have measles and whooping cough. In those days a doctor was seldom called. The smallpox victim was cared for by his own family, and, of course, the whole family generally caught the dis ease. This Is the situation that makes the smallpox become epidemic among the Ignorant "poor whites" and negro population of the South and Southwest No greater curse can afflict any com munity than the presence of anti-vaccination quacks, who persuade many persons old enough to know better to remain without vaccination. In Ger many vaccination is made compulsory by law, not only In the German Army, but among the whole people. In most of the cities and large towns of the New England States and the Middle States vaccination is performed at the public expense upon those who cannot afford to pay for it, and the Boards of Health In all the great cities vac cinate everybody at the public expense who will consent on that condition. is no duty on the Jute in Its raw state, but a kindly Government levies a tariff of about $250,000 on the bags and bur laps which are brought-into San Fran cisco and Portland every year, and "the farmer pays the freight" also the tariff. The Post-Intelligencer states that Jute is only one item pf a long list and "all that these peoples have to sell will be brought to us by the line of least cost and enormous exports will be sent back to supply the wants of whose existence they are only begin ning to learn." Having made this Important discov ery, it is to be hoped that our neighbor on the north will Join In a demand that these imports of which we stand so much in need be actually brought to us "by the line of least cost" The latest cargo of Jute bags and burlaps to arrive at Portland cost the farmers of Oregon and Washington 245,000 In du ties, and there is a cargo due here next month, pn which the farmers will be compelled to pay fully 250,000 in duties. Sugar and coffee, also spices, fruit and a thousand other necessities and luxu ries of life, we need the Importation of which would be Increased many fold If the iniquitous tariff embargo was lifted. An Increase in these Imports, duty free, would bring many of them within the reach of poor people, who cannot now afford them. It would also prove a double blessing for the farmer in providing him with cheaper grain bags, coffee, sugar, etc., and at the same time giving him a lower freight rate to these new markets for his wheat the tariff embargo at present forcing steamers to enter our ports with hardly enough cargo to ballast them. This, of course, necessitates a double charge for the full freight which Is carried outward. There is consider able that may yet be learned regarding trade with the far East, and, now that the Post-Intelligencer has taken an In terest in the subject, it should continue Its researches until It learns as much about the business as was known by Portland and San Francisco merchants twenty years ago. Moreau was a well-educated man, of clean personal life, because Napoleon saw. that Moreau, while an admirable soldier, was Incapable of forming and leading a political or military conspir acy; he was only a Jealous man who was sure to become the political dupe of cheap politicians, and then Napoleon promptly banished him. In American politics the proneness of the military hero to become the dupe or victim of politicians was shown by General Scott when he consented to drive the hearse at the funeral of the Whig party; by General Sherman when he furnished Secretary Stanton with a chance to disparage him; by General Grant when he was duped by selfish politicians Into believing that the peo ple wanted him for a third term; and finally by Admiral Dewey. General Jackson, who was not a professional soldier, but a famous Indian fighter, a man who was an ardent, cunning poli tician, both before and after he was a soldier, was never a dupe of politicians, for he had belonged to that class him self too many years to be imposed upon. But as a rule military heroe3 like Dewey are quite likely to be the dupes of politicians, and so are philan thropists, like Horace Greeley.' MASTERPIECES OF LITERATURE, VIII' "Westminster Abbey"-ing. -Washington !rv- POLITICAIi ACTTVITY OF TIMBER S1TARKS. Special agents of the Government are reported to be quietly Investigating some of the recent timber-land trans actions rn Oregon and Washington, and some sensational developments may result Some very fine timber as we'll as agricultural land has been transferred by Individuals to big syndi cates at ridiculously low figures, so low. In fact that they present very strong evidence of collusion, which has result ed in depriving bona fide settlers of a large area of good land. For a nomi nal consideration many men have been Induced to take up timber land or pre emption claims, and, through the aid and testimony of other men In the same line of "business," have secured title to these lands without much difficulty. No sooner has the title been secured than the land was immediately turned over to the agents of some of the numerous land syndicates which have been oper ating in the Northwest and it immedi ately passes out of the reach of the actual settler, whom the Government intended to aid by its liberal land laws. In the early days of the country, when good farming land without any or with but a moderate growth of tim ber was plentiful, but little attention was paid to much of the rich land which was crowned with a heavy growth of timber. Now, "with the grow lng scarcity of farming land which Is not timbered, and the Increasing value of the timber on the.land which Is cov ered with forests, there Is more of an Incentive for the settler to clear heavily timbered land and realize on the logs, piles and cordwood. The commercial valuo of these commodities is con stantly Increasing, and all of the emol uments attendant on making a. farm or a field where the forest grew rightfully belong to the actual settlers, .and not to the big syndicates and their hire lings, who swear away their rights for a very small mess of pottage. important discoveries op fa miliar FACTS. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer has made the astounding discovery that "the trade which the Pacific Coast ex pects as a consequence of trade de velopment with the Orient does not all of It have to bo created." A close study of the question from a Seattle standpoint has led that paper to believe that there Is "trade which has hereto fore taken another route, and is now about to be diverted to the trans-Pacific line and to enter the United States at Seattle Instead of at New York City." The provincial line of reasoning which would suggest but two ports in the New World where the products of the Orient could enter Is certainly char acteristic of the source from which It comes. Jute is the article chosen by the Seattle oracle as a text for Its ser mon on the greatness of the prospective business with the Orient, and the Post Intelllgencer finds that the market for the manufactured article Is "principally among the farmers who cultivate the great wheat fields of the Middle and Western States." This discovery was made by Portland and San Francisco merchants about a quarter of a century ago, and, strange as it may seem to the Seattle oracle, all of the farmers who cultivate the great wheat fields west of the Rocky Mountains have been in the habit of obtaining their supplies from these two seaports, and not by way of New York City. There THn SOLDIER AN EASY DUPE. Admiral Dewey Is the most recent il lustration of the fact that famous sol diers and naval heroes are not seldom easy dupes of designing men, who could not possibly fight a ship or set a squadron in the field. Indeed, outside of the very first rank of great military commanders, like Alexander, Caesar, Hannibal, Gustavus of Sweden, Crom well, Frederick of Prussia and Napo leon, famous military and naval lead ers ore generally not only not conspic uous ro r political sagacity, but are readily Imposed upon by professional politicians through their frankness, credulity, vanity and simplicity of character. There Is nothing unexpected In this; it would be surprising were it otherwise, in the case of a professional soldier or sailor, who, entering the Army or Navy In boyhood, spends all his life until retirement in an atmos phere to which a professional politician Is sure to be a stranger. A professional soldier or sailor lives In a world where the supreme virtues are courage, obe dience, truthfulness and honor. A sol dier or sailor in command does not solicit obedience; does not persuade, tolerates no debate. He Is within his sphere of duty, small or large, an ab solute despot who exhibits and exacts obedience, courage, veracity and honor. Given forty years of this kind of life and Its result is generally a very fine type of manhood, but a very poor poli tician. A good soldier or naval com mander at 60 would presumptively be a frank, brave, truthful, energetic, hon orable man, but he would probably be credulous, sensitive. Impatient of con tradiction or opposition, with personal vanity enough to enjoy the praise and admiration of his fellows when grace fully expressed, without degenerating into gross and Ill-timed adulation. It does not Impeach the general Intel lectual power of an eminent soldier or sailor that he not seldom becomes the dupe of the arts and craft of profes sional politicians, for the military or naval hero is utterly out of his native element, while the politician, working in his own atmosphere of intrigue, in veracity and duplicity, sees his advan tage and pursues until he "buncoes" the hero out of his best Judgment, uses him for his translent'or permanent ad vantage, or abuses and betrays him for the same purpose. Thackeray's picture In "Henry Esmond" of Major-General Webb, the victor of Wyendael, sets forth admirably the virtues and the weakness of the military hero whose transparent honesty, veracity, effusive ness, frankness, artless vanity and credulity make him an easy mark for a tribe of cold-blooded politicians and conspirators. The greatest naval commander of history. Admiral Nelson, on shore was as much a woman's fool as Antony; and he was so utterly lacking In politi cal sagacity and calm forethought that ho was always In a quarrel with the Admiralty; his bump of self-esteem was so grossly manifested In conver sation with statesmen that nothing but the memory of his great deeds re strained them from manifestations of open contempt for him as a senseless braggart Wolfe, who lost his life in victory at Quebec, had the same qual ity of vanity and boastful arrogance In his speech to such an extent that the great war minister, William Pitt ex claimed in accents of disgust and de spair: "And that is the fellow that we expect will take Quebec?" Pitt was wrong; for he measured Wolfe by the standard of a keen, shrewd, sensible man of the world, who Is self-repressed and selt-effaced In his public speech concerning himself. Had Pitt seen Wolfe in the field, he would have found him Just what Nelson was on ship board, a modest, brave. Just consider ate and kindly man; but In Pitt's Cab inet Wolfe no more concealed his pro fessional self-esteem and self-confidence than does a vigorous, healthy, aggressive boy before his playmates. Napoleon, who was both an astute man, of the world and an educated sol- aier, wouia not nave distrusted tne genius of either Wolfe or Nelson, be cause of their boastfulness, for he knew that there are -very many men of superior native gifts of brain and character who are as Inharmonious In brain and tongue as was GoldsmIth,bf whom Walpole said: "He wrote most divinely, but talked like poor Poll' Napoleon knew that Massena, next to himself, had the most military genius of any soldier In the French army, but he was never afraid of him, because he knew that Massena was utterly without political tastes, talents or am bition; he cared for nothing but money, and nothing for money except to spend It In riotous living; nor was Napoleon really afraid of Moreau. who was next to. Massena In military genius, although . Queen Victoria, whether prompted by kindness of heart or a desire to carry out faithfully the programme of the government In sending her to Ireland, has visited. In spite of the most In clement weather, the lowliest sectibn of Dublin. A gracious presence on ac count of her age more than her posi tion, the venerable Queen was every where received with courtesy and con sideration. Scowling discontent no doubt peered at her from dark alleys and from behind closed blinds, recog nizing her only as a descendant of one of the "fools and oppressors called George," but no demonstration of mal ice was made, as tho aged sovereign, with pity in her face, rode through the slums of Dublin, unmindful of the rain. Politicians are not to be placated by a scene like this; but the hearts of the Irish people will be touched by It. and the purpose of Lord Salisbury in plan ning the Queen'svislt to Ireland will be fulfilled. As preliminary to the state drive through the streets of Dublin to morrow, the drive through the lowly quarters of the city was wisely planned, and Victoria, having done all, will re turn to the seclusion of Balmoral or Osborne, conscious of having per formed at last a duty to her Irish sub jects from which she has, for good cause, shrunk for years. One of the strange things of the time Is the intense admiration of Mr. Bryan and his party for Abraham Lincoln. But while Mr. Lincoln lived no act of his had the approval of the party of which Mr. Bryan Is the leader today. That party opposed him, maligned him, fought him on every issue, with most rancorous enmity. The way In which it deals with McKlnley Is as sweet milk to vitriol compared with the way in which It dealt with Lincoln. Yet It now professes to find in Lincoln the most transcendant virtues, good enough to be models even for the peerless Mr. Bryan. And Mr. Bryan himself seems fond of the comparison, or at least ac cepts It, with an amiable condescension. On one of those sober and rather melan choly days in the latter part of autumn, when the shadows of morning and even ing almost mingle together and throw o gloom over the decline of the year, I passed several hours in rambling about Westminster Abbey. There was some thing congenial to tho season In tho mournful magnificence of, the old pile; and, as I passed Its threshold. It seemed Uka stepping back into, the regions of antiquity, and losing myself among tho shades of former ages. s I pursued my walk to an arched door opening to the Interior of the Abbey. On entering here, the magnitude, of the build ing breaks fully upon the mind, contrasted with the vaults of the cloisters. The eye . gazes with wonder at clustered columns of gigantic dimensions, with arches springing from them to such an amazing height; and man. wandering about their bases, shrunk Into Insignificance in com parison with his own handiwork. The spaciousness and gloom of this vast edi fice produce a profound and mysterious awe. We step cautiously and softly about. as If tearful of disturbing the hallowed silence of the tomb; while every footfall whispers along the walls, and chatters among the sepulchers. maklhg us mora sensible of the quiet we have interrupted. It seems as If tho awful nature of tho place presses down upon the soul, and hushes the beholder Into noiseless rever ence. We feel that we are surrounded by the congregated bones of the great men of past times, who have filled history with their deeds, and the earth with their re nown. And yet it almost provokes a smile at the vanity of human ambition, to seo how they are crowded togetHer. and Jos tled In the dust; what parsimony Is ob served In doling out a scanty nook a gloomy corner a little portion of earth, to those whom, when alive, kingdoms could not satisfy! And how many shapes, and forms, and artlflce3. are devised to catch the casual notice of the passenger, and save from forcetfulness. for a few short years, a name which once aspired to occupy ages of the world's thought and admiration. Thero Is a sad dreariness In this mag nificence; this strange mixture of tombs and trophies; these emblems of living and aspiring ambition, close beside me mentos .which show the dust and oblivion In which all must sooner or later termin ate. Nothing impresses tho mind with a deeper feeling of loneliness than to tread the silent and deserted scene of former throng and pageant. On looking round on the vacant stalls of the knights and their esquires, and on the rows of dusty but gorgeous banners that were once borne before them, my Imagination con jured up the scene when this hall was bright with the vator and beauty of tho land; glittering with the splendor of Jewelled rank and military array; allva with the tread of many feet, and the hum of an admiring multitude. All had passed away; the silence of death had settled again upon the place: Interrupted only by the casual chirring of birds, which had found their way Into the chapel, and built their nests among Its friezes and pendants sure signs of solitariness and desertion. When I read the names Inscribed on tho banners, they were those of men scattered far and wide about the world; some toss ing upon distant seas; some under arms In distant lands; some mingling in tho busy Intrigues of courts and cabinets; all socking to deserve one more distinction in this mansion of shadowy honors tho melancholy reward of a monument Dewey's candidacy may be said to be fairly launched. There has already been one fatal saloon quarrel over it in Chicago, the prelude no doubt of a lively campaign for the Democracy, whose standard-bearer. Judging from his trainers, the Admiral hopes to be. And now comes General Miles ex pressing a willingness" to be nominated for the Presidency by the Democratic National Convention. "The Army and Navy forever!" Dewey's letter Is "not ready." The "old girl" has not yet got his "opinion" into shape. "Mr Heart Goes Itoond the World Sailing." Mary E. Blanchard. In Boston Traveler. My heart goes round the world sailing. However the winds may Wow. And searches wltn tears from clime to clime For the love of Ions ago; Goes round the world, round the world sallmg. With passion its pulse to thrill. AU round the world, round the world calling In quest of y clJ l0Te still. Mr heart coea round the world sailing-. As ever In days sone by. Did Fancy sail in her airy ship Tb the realms where treasures llei Goes searching- the cold world o'er and o'er. Wherever fond wish may bo. And calls through the length of desert years For what years cannot bestow. Calls to the sea that's swept by storm Till Its billows roar with pain. And caUa to the wind-vexed mountain height. That frowns on the tranquil plain; But never the sea, gles back response To the words that bum as Are. And the mount uprears in silent scorn Of the dole of vain desire. Tet assailing and a-salllng. Through storm and through Summer shine. Shall go my heart with a fearless trust. Till that Jor again Is mine; All round the world, round the world sailing. Till It faint at last with years. And learn how Idle are human hopes. And how unavailing tears. My heart, around the world sailing. Hoping and worshiping still. Shall. seek that love of the olden time. Till death shall the dream fulfill; All round tho world, round the world Balling. With patience that mocks at woe. All round the world, round the world sailing. However the winds may blow. i Storey for Mnyor. prvRTT.AVTV Anrll 7. To Hon. W. A. Storey Dear Sir: We, the undersigned taxpayers and voters ot the City of Port land, Multnomah County, Or., do mot earnestly request you to become a candi date for the office of Mayor of this city, and fully believing that the best interests of this city would be In good hands should you be elected to said position, we pledge you our hearty support in case you accept: E. Cameron, Mark U Cohn. J. Werthelm er, Fred T. Merrill. A. K. Bentlev J. Bulswanger, H. U Keats, R, Lee Ijams. W. S. Sterling. M. Reuisteln, D. Erdellch. J. C. Moore. John Lang. E. Maloy. W. N. Lewis, H. S. Turlay, C. P. Webb, Bert Kindred. H. Beckwlth, J. A. Haseltine. S. H. Cawston. E. SchllTcr. C. W. Dde, H. A. Jurchemlch. W. A. Rader. George K. Miller, Albert Schiller, L. H. Adams, Leroy Hadley. W. D. Alvord, W. C. Hasel tine. A. B. Graham, R. S. Oliver. F. S. Stanfield. W. A. Crewsen, C. H. Schnable. F. M. Wndsworth, Jr.. J. F. Heard, Ed Howell, F. E. Back, 'William Hllgerd, J. H. Kern. J. E. Munsey, M. Rosensteln, SIg Werthelmer, Arthur Kohn, Edwin A. Davis. Ben Rosenfeld. George J. Bills. C H. Smith. H. J. Martin. William Goldman, Louis Jacobs, A. L. Bulweon. Clarke A. Calloway, E. R. Brown. J. B. Baldwin. Charles Thompson, E. F. Patton, G. Weber. L. A. Wheeler, H. J. SIrard. E. R. Manning, G. E. Jackson. C. Pickett Dick Smith. H. W. Germaine, L. M. Drey fuss. L. A. Helbock. Robert J. Wing, H. Nubler, J. N. Flelschner, I. N. Koshland. J. A. Sears. Dan Marx, Ed Ehrman. F. L. Gugenhelmer, J. L. Wheeler, O. J. GroU. D. J. Qulmby. H. Gordon. E. Col son. H. E. Strauss, W. C. Francis, C. W. Board. H. J. Idleman, Frank Morrison, G. N. Versteeg, A. Nevergold. E. Versteeg. D. Ev Dunbar, F. R. Charman, Mike Bow man, N. W.- Marquam, Grant Phegley, A. H. Griswotd, Harrison Versteeg. John Versteeg. I. Vanduyn. A. Vanduyn, D. Mclnnis, (many more). I arose and prepared to leave the Abbey. As I descended the flight of steps which lead Into the' body of the building, my eye was caught by the shrine ot Edward the Confessor, and I ascended the sfrjall stalrcaso that conducts to it. 'to take from thence a general survey of this wilderness of tombs. The shrine Is elevated upon a kind of platform, and close around It ara tho sepulcher of various kings and queens. From this eminence the eye looks down between pillars and funeral trophies to the chapels and chambers below, crowded with tombs; where warriors, prelates, courtiers and statesmen 11a moldcrlng In "their beds of darkness." Close by me stood the great chair of coronation, rudely carved of oak. In the barbarous taste of a remote and Gothlo age. The scene seemed almost as If con trived, with theatrical artifice, to produce an effect upon the beholder. Hero was a type of the beginning and tho end of human pomp and power: here It was lit erally but a step from the throne to tho sepulcher. Would not one think that thesa Incongruous mementos had been gathered 'together as a lesson to living greatness? to show It. even In the moment of its proudest exaltation, the neglect and dis honor to which It must soon arrive? how soon that crown which encircles its brow must pass away; and It must He down in the dust and disgraces of tho -tomb, and be trampled upon by the feet of the mean est of the multitude? For. strange to ten, even the grave Is here no longer a sanctu ary. There Is a shocking levity In somo natures, which leads them to sport with awful and hallowed things; and there are base minds, which delight to revenga on the Illustrious dead the abject horaago and groveling servility which they pay to the living. The coffin of Edward the Con fessor has been broken open, and his re mains despoiled of their funeral orna monts; the scepter has been stolen from the hand of the Imperious Elizabeth, and the effigy of Henry -V lies headless. Not a. royal monument but bears some proof how false and fugitive Is the homage of mankind. Some are plundered; somo mutilated; some covered with rlhaldry and Insult all mora or less outraged and dishonored. What, thought I, Is this vast assemblage of sepulchers but a treasury of humilia tion; a huge pile of reiterated homilies on the emptiness of renown, and tho cer tainty of oblivion? It is, indeed, the em pire of Death; his great shadowy palace; where he sits In state, mocking at tho relics of human glory, and spreading dust and forgetfulness on the monuments of princes. How Idle a boast, after all. Is tho Im mortality of a name! Time Is ever silently turning over his pages; we are too much engrossed by the story of Ihe present to think of tho characters and anecdotes that give Interest to the past: ana eacn aga Is a volume thrown aside to be speedily forgotten. The Idol of today pushes the hero of yesterday out of our recollection: and will. In turn, be supplanted by his successor of tomorrow. "Our fathers." says Sir Thomas Browne, ."find their graves In our short memories, and sadly tell us how wo may be burled In our sur vivors." History fades into fable: fact becomes clouded with doubt and contro-' versy: the Inscription moldcrs from tho tablet: tho statue falls from the pedestal. Columns, arches, pyramids what nre they but heaps of sand: and their epitaph, but characters written In the dust? What is tho security of a tomb, or the perpetuity of an embalmment? The remains of Alexander the Great have been scattered to tho wind, and his empty sarcophagus Is now the mere curiosity of a museum. "The Egyptian mummies which Camby ses or time hath spared, avarice now eon sumcth: MIzralm cures wounds, and Pha raoh Is sold for balsams." What then Is to insure this pile, which now towers abovo me, from sharing tho fate of mightier mausoleums? The tlmo must come when Its glided vaults which now spring so loftily, shall lie In rubbish beneath the feet; when. Instead of tho sound of melody and praise, the winds shall whistle through the broken arches, and-the owl hoot from the shattered tower when the garish sunbeam sha'l break into these gloomy mansions of death: and the ivy twine round tho fallen column: and the foxglove hang Its blossoms about the nameless urn. a If In mockery of tha dead. Thus man passes away: his nana passes from recollection; his history Is a tale that Is told, and his very monument Jj becomes a ruin. ru j . - Si-ios-.