The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 08, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Democrats of Marion Both
Nominate and Ratify.
Pew Popnllsts Wonld Act With the
Democrats Easy Way of the
"Citizens " Rutlneation.
SALEM. Or.. April 7. The Marion
County Democratic Convention today nom
inated a full Legislative and county ticket,
and, after adjournment, resolved Itself Into
a "citizens' convention," which ratlfledXhe
ticket." The result cannot be eld to be a
iusion nor a citizens movement, nor Is
the ticket straight Democratic It Is not
a fuelon because the ticket has not been
nominated or agreed to by the Populisms
nor any one authorized to act for them.
Only six of the 39 members of the Popullet
Central Committee -were consulted In mak
ing up the ticket, and these six say that
their committee will not countenance the
ticket for a moment. It Is not a "citizens' "
because none but Democrats participated
In the-meeting at which it was ratified.
Prominent Democrats call the "citizens
meeting" held tonight a farce. The ticket
Is as follows:
Representatives-John A Jeffries, Popu
list: John W. Jory. Populist: E. Hofer.
Independent: A. B. Huddlcson, Democrat;
'John B. Dlmlck. Democrat.
County Judge W. TV. Elder, Democrat.
Commissioner W. TV. Culver, Democrat.
SheriflVFrank Dnrbln. Democrat
Clerk W. L. Finzer, Democrat.
Recorder J. W. King, Democrat.
Treasurer J. C Matlock. Populist.
Afeeseor J. "ft. Hobart Republican.
Coroner J. "ft. Whltlock. Democrat.
Surveyor A. Gobalet Democrat.
School Superintendent A. J. Garland,
Justlco of Peace, at Salem J. O'Donald,
Democrat: Constable, John" Lewis, Demo,
The few Populists at the convention to
night declare that they were deceived and
that the Democrats failed to act In ac
cordance, with the understanding had with
their conference committee. It Is the cen
tral opinion that the Populist Central Com
mittee will get together and put up a
straight Populist ticket. E. Hofer and "ft.
E. Finzer said tonight that they had not
dee'ded to accept their nominations.
The convention opened with a hot scrap
between the D'Arcy and anti-D'Arcy fac
tions for the chairmanship. Though a
D'Arey man, John Bayne, was In the chair
end made some arbitrary rulings to sup
port his faction, his opponent, IT. T.
Slater, was chosen to preside by a vote of
147 to TS. The routine work was not de
void of friction, efforts being made for a
deal -nlth the Populists. Dr. "ft. S. Mott
was chosen chairman of the County Cen
tral Committee to succeed John Bayne.
Following this the delegates to the etate
convention and the precinct committee
men were chosen, and the convention ad
journed until evening, when ths confer
ence committee would report. "When the
delegates gathered in the evening it was
evident that the conference committee
was having trouble In making up a ticket.
The Populists had authorized their 33 pre
cinct committeemen to act for that party,
but only a half-dozen of the men were
present The conference committee final,
ly came in with a report which embodied
the ticket as given, except that the offices
of Judge and Recorder were left blank.
A motion to adopt the report precipi
tated a heated discussion. In which strong
apposition was made to a ticket bearing
the names of any but Democrats. Ont
delegate said that he was a. Democrat and
admired a man who ran upon his own
ticket: that when he wanted to vote for
a Republican he would vote for one who
had backbone enough to run on a Repub
lican ticket In behalf of the report It
was urged that there is no difference, ex
cept In name, between Democrats, Popu
lists and Silver Republicans: that In order
to succeed they must lay aside their party
ideas: that the Populists are coming to
the Democratic standard, and not vice
versa, and that Populists must Join the
Democratic ranks to accomplish what
they want The report was adopted. In
spite of protests from the Populists. The
convention filled tho nominations for
Judge, Recorder. Justice and Constable
and then adjourned.
The delegates immediately reorganized
us a "citizens convention, with the same
officers, and passed a motion providing
that the nominees of the Democratic con
vention be'made the nominees of this con
vention. A resolution was introccced by E. Hofer.
pledging the candidates for county offices
to a reduction of current expenses to J40,
000 per year. After some opposition this
was passed, and the meeting adjourned.
Conclusion of the Clackamas Fnslon
Istn Miller for Congress.
OREGON CITY, April 7.-The Citizens
County Convention, as it was decided to
call the joint meeting of Ponullat nH
Democrats, yesterday, completed the nom-
inauon 01 a legislative and county ticket
and the adoption of a platform at, 1:30 this
moming. It was also decided to call the
new party in county affairs the Citizens'
party. The following additional nomina
tions were made, completing the ticket:
Treasurer A. Luelling. Populist of Ore
Bon City.
Assessor Longstrcet .Vaughan, Demo
crat of Molalla.
School Superintendent Shirley Buck,
Democrat of Canby.
Coroner Dr. M. C. Strickland. Demo
crat of Oregon City.
Surveyor D. F. "ft'arner. Populist, of
Rcpresentatives-J. P. Cole, Populist of
Barlow; Otto Gengelbach, Populist of
Clackamas; Gilbert L. Hedges, Democrat
of Oregon City.
Tho convention unanimously Indorsed
tho candidacy of Robert A. Miller for
The following nominations were made
for Justices of the Peace and Constables
in the various districts:
Pleasant Hill, Tualatin and Union Jus
tice, "ft. F. Young: Constable, John D
Clackamas and Mllwaukle Justice, T.
R. A. Sellnood; Constable, A. J. WaTksr.
Oregon City and Suburban precincts
Justice, J. "ft. Loder; Constable, T. B.
Oswego Justice. James Manning; Con
I table. H. "ft". Koehler.
Canby and New Era Justice. Joseph
Relf: Constable, "William Bremer.
Beaver Creek and Milk Creek-Justice.
'"Wesley Hill; Constable. E. Kirk.
Highland and Canyon CreekJustice,
G. R. Miller: Osnstable, E. F. Glnther.
Harding, Sprlngwater and Viola Jus
tice. Louis Funk; Constable, Fred
. Borings and Damascus Justice, H.
Brelthaupt: Constable, J. Johnson.
Macksburg, Barlow and Needy-Jnstlee,
"ft. "W. Jesse: Constable, F. M. Matthews.
Eagle Creek. Garfield and George Jus
tice, J. H. Kltching; Constable, A. D.
Molalla. Marquara and Soda Springs
Justice, F. H. Dungan.
Union, Populist anil Democratic
County Conventions.
HILLSBORO, Or., April 7. The Union
party convention met in this city today
with a delegation of 26, the largest dele
gate convention ever held in Washington.
County, and nominated the following
State Senator TV. H. Wehrung, Hflls-
boro, and. present president of the State
Board of Agriculture.
Representatives Hubert Bernard, of
Forest Grove: O. E. Edson, of Centerville;
Dr. A. "ft. Vincent of Tualatin.
Clerk George A. Morgan, of Hlllsboro.
Sheriff-John W. Sewall. of North
Recorder Ralph "Wann, of Bloommg.
Assesaor-Jiax Burgholser, of Buxton.
Treasurer- Thomas Talbott ef Cor
nelius. Commissioner E. J. "Ward, of Gaston.
School Superintendent J. L. Dorrien, o!
Surveyor T. S. Wilkes, of Forest Grove.
Coroner Dr. Wl P. Via. of Forest Grove.
The resolutions view with alarm the
rapid increase of- professional politicians
and their evil Influence on legislation, "di
rect legislation by the people" being urged
as the remedy; the last Legislature is
condemned for extravagance in the matter
of clerkships; the Puerto Rlcan tariff bill
and the Imperialistic policy of the pres
ent National Administration are de
nounced, and sympathy for the South Afri
can Dutch n their "struggle tor me, hd
erty and the pursuit of happiness." Bryan
Is also heartily indorsed fer his champion
ship of the cause of the common people.
A Democratic mass convention, called
for Washington County, met In this city
today and elected the following delegates
to attend the state convention, which will
convene at Portland April 12:
TV. H. Wehrung. John M. wan ana J.
C. Lamkln, of Hlllsboro; T. C. Schul
merich, of South Tualatin: C. F. Miller,
of Forest Grove: M. G. "Wills, of Gleneoe:
Hubert Bernard, of Verboort; J. E.
Reeves, of Cornelius: John Smith, of Tua
latin, and A. V. Denny, of Beaverton.
jj. jl. Jjong was eieciea county ensjr-
man. and John M. "Wall secretary.
The Ponullsts today elected the follow-.
lng delegates to the state convention: Allen
Haworth. F. M. Heidle. Hon. w. v. Mare
and George A. Morgan, of Hlllsboro; J.
C. Miller, of Gleneoe; O. E. Edson, of
Centervine; E. Best, of Gaston: B. G.
Lcedy. of TigardvUIe: T. R. Kemp, of
Lenox; V. Illiam Schulmenen. or warming
ton; J. "ft". Barnes, of Beaverton: J. H.
Stevenson, of Forest Grove, and A. S.
Brlggs, of Cornelius.
W. D. Hare was elected chairman of
the County Central Committee, and F.
M. Heidle secretary.
The Republican Central Committee has
selected Hon. B, P. Cornelius as chairman
and A. T. Knox, of Forest Grove, as
Opposed to Foster BUI for Leasing
tha Grasinar Lands.
UNION, Or., April ".The Union Coun
ty Republican Convention was held in this
city today and nominated the following
Representative F. C Dobler.
Sherlff-D. Y. K. Deerlng.
Clerk H. B. Cranston.
Recorder-J. M. Gllklson.
Commissioner R. B. Gibson.
Treasurer John Frawley.
Assessor Ben Brown.
School Superintendent TV. M. Munroe.
Surveyor W. B. Blakeslee.
Coroner-J. C Henry.
Delegates to state convention B. Tom
llnson, F. S. Stanley, E. P. Staples, 3. H.
GHman. B. H. Proctor. J. M. Church, P.
R, Monk." W. T. Wright W. J. Townley.
F. C. Dobler. C. T. Wise and O. Ralston.
The platform affirms the principles of
the Republican party, indorses the pres
ent Administration, favors the retention
of the Philippine Islands, urges the con
struction of the Nicaragua canal, and
opposes the Foster Mil for leasing the
public lands to private parties. The con
vention unanimously indorsed Malcolm A.
Moody for re-election as Congressman
from the Second District
The contest was close", and the organi
zation was perfect on both sides. The
friends of J. M. Church, however, swept
everything. The McBrlde element wo
snowed under. The vote on organization,
state delegates and other subjects was
about 55 to 45. It rlgnlfies that J. M.
Church will be Joint Senator to represent
Union and Wallowa Counties.
ToBgne Gets Four and Gnteh
of the Delegates.
DALLAS, Or., April ".At the County
Convention held here today, the follow
ing nominations were made:
Senator B. F. Mulkcy, by acclamation.
Representative G. Lt, Hawkins.
County Judge J, H. Hawley.
County Commissioner J. B. Teal.
Clerk U. S. Laughary.
Sheriff R. S. Conner, by acclamation.
Treasurer J. W. Caldwell.
School Superintendent Leonard Starr.
Assessor D. L. Green.
Coroner Drr L. N. Woods.
Delegates to State Convention E. C.
Klrkpatrlck. M. D. Ellis. J. S. Cooper.
J. M. Stark. F. A. Douty. D. L. Keyt
Otis Wolverton, J. H. Hawley and H. B.
Delegates to. Congressional District
Convention R. E. L. Stelner. A. F. Toner,
Thomas Wann. Samuel Phillips, B. Trul
linger, Ira Ssaith, F. A. Patterson. Frank
Gibson and G. L. Kelty.
This delegation Is supposed to stand
four for Tongue and five for Gatch. A
motion to Instruct for Tongue was tabled.
Chose Delegates, Adopted riatfona
an Heard a Speech.
SEATTLE, April 7. Tha state canven.
tlon of the Prohibition party was held
here today. The assembled delegates
chose representatives to the National
Convention and adopted a platform. To
ward the close of the meeting. Oliver W.
Stewart Chairman of the National Com
mittee of the party, arrived and ad
dressed the assembly. Forty-tlve. dele
gates, including several women, wers
present when the convention was called
to order. The following delegates were
elected to the National Convention:
E. S. Smith, of King County; O. L.
Fowler, of Pierce County: Jonas Bushel,
of Kitsap County: R. E. Dunlan. of King
County: J. M. Wllklns, of King County:
S. A. Dennlson, of Kitsap- County, and
John Bushel!, of King County.
The platform ultimately adopted In its
first articles condemns President McKln
ley for not exercising his power to abolish
the army canteen, and holds him and. the
Republican party responsible. The second
article protests against the protection
given by the Government to the liquor
traffic in the islands controlled or pos
sessed by the United States.
Formal Instructions "tt'ero Not Nec
essaryThe Fall Ticket.
CORVALLIS, Or.. April 7. The Repub
lican County Convention, held here today,
nominated the following ticket:
Representative R. J. Nichols.
Clerk-John A. Gellatly.
Sherlff-nJ. M. Cameron.
'Recorder W. D. Tomllnson.
Assessor H. H. Glassford.
School Superintendent G. W,
Commissioner Casper Zlerolf,
Treasurer Miles T. Starr.
Surveyor George Mercer.
Coroner J. B. Irvine.
Delegates to state convention George
E. Lilly. J. B. Irvine. Dr. Loggan. C E.
Moore. J. R. Smith. Sam Warfleld and
Milt Barnett
Delegates to Congressional district con
vention H. C Allen, G. W. Denman, V.
A. Carter. Ed Williams, "ft. S. Llnvilie,
A. W. Fischer and Ew K. Belknap,
The delegation is not instructed, but it
is a unit for Senator John Daly for Con
gress. Lane County Cltlsens Tleket.
EUGENE, Or., April 7, The Lane
County Citizens Convention was held In
the. Courthouse today, composed -of Dem
ocrats. Populists and Silver Republicans.
The follo-jrtng tleket was nominated:
Representatives C. E. Harwood, of
Glenada; LeyJL Geer. of Cottage, Grove;
E. R. Sklpworth, cf Eugene.
County Judge H. B, Kincald, of Eu
gene. Commissioner J. B, HOI, .of Richardson.
Clerk Harry M. Million-, of Junction.
Sheriff W. W. Wltherp, of Springfield.
Treasurer A. S. Patterson, of Eugene.
Assessor E. R. Parker. 6f Lost Valley.
Surveyor Lincoln Taylor, of Cottage
School Superintendent W. M. Miller,
of Eugene.
Coroner W. L. Cheshire", of Eugene.
Resolutions were passed Instructing del.
egates to Democratic and Populist State
Convention to support John O. Booth, of
Grant's Pass, for Joint Senator to repre
sent Lane. Douglas and Josephine; also
favoring R. M. Veatch for -delegate to the
National Democratic Convention.
Amicable Fnslon In Colombia.
ST. HELENS, Or.. April 7. The Popu
list and Democratic parties held a' joint
convention here todays for the purpose of
nominating county officers, which re
sulted as follows:
Representative W. F. Slaughter, of St
County Judge-James Thorn, of Marsh
land. County Clerk George C Tichenor, of
Sheriff R. S. Hattan, of St Helens.
Treasurer Ira Saylor, of Houlton.
Assessor James D. McKay, of Scap
poose. School Superintendent Walter Kyser,
of Delena.
Surveyor Edwin Merril, at Deer Is
land. County Commissioner U. D. Patterson,
of Mist
Coroner Dr. M. K. Hall, of Rainier.
All nominations but two were by accla
mation. One hundred and thirty-two votes
were east in thejoint convention.
The Democratic County Convention se
lected as. delegates to attend the State
Convention in Portland, W. F. Slaughter.
J. D. McKay, George W. Grant Harry
Henderson and E. A. Miles.
The Populist party selected the follow
ing delegates .to attend its State Con-"
ventlon in Portland: D. M. Ervtng. Ralph
Rogers. R. Sesscman, J. N. Rice and
Sllvo Graham.
Prohibitionists of Wasco County.
THE DALLES, Or., April 7. Wasco
County Prohibitionists yesterday placed
the following ticket in the field:
County Judge .E. J. Collins, of Thf.
Commissioner W. D. Richards, of The
Clerk Daton Taylor, of The Dalles.
Assessor A. W. Qu'.nn, of Dutur.
Treasurer William Helaler. of Dufur.
Surveyor W. E. Campbell, of The
School Superintendent George W.
Brown, of Dufur.
Coroner William Mlchell, of The Dalles.
Road Supervisor. District No. 13 James
Cameron, of The Dalies.
Joint Representatives recommended to
state convention Roy Blackerby. of Wa
p'nltla; Leslie Butlerr of- Hood River; Jo
slah "Burllngame, of Dufurl
County "Executive Committee R. B.
Hppd. Daton Taylor and E. J. Collins, of
The Dalles; Leslle'Butler. of Hood River;
William Helsler. of Dufur.
Delegates to etate convention R. B.
Hood, Daton Taylor, W. E. Campbell, E.
J. Collins and Robert Warner, of The
Dales; Leslie Butler, F. R. Spauldlng. and
G. D- Woodworth. of JTood River; O. V.
White. W. C. Smith and A. W. Qulnn, of
The nomination for Sheriff was left to
the committee to fill.
Scorned Fnslonist Advances.
MEDFORD. Or, April 7. The two days
session of the regular People's party
County Convention closed this evening.
A proposition from the Fuslonlsts to ad-.
journ and meet them In a mass conven
tion was rejected. Candidates were nomi
nated as follows:
Representatives J. W. Ling. W. W.
Joint Representative Gant Rawlings.
County Judge S. H. Holt
Sheriff J. W. Wiley.
Clerk W. B. Jackson.
Recorder William M. Richards.
Assessor John Grieve.
Treasurer "M.- S. Welch.
Coroner Dr. E. Klrchgessner.
County chairman Wellborn Beeson.
Seventeen delegates were elected to the
District Congressional and State Con
ventions, ft
Harmony prevailed throughout the ses
sion. Fusion Easy In Baker Connty.
BAKER CITY, Or., April ".The Baker
County Democratic Convention met at
Sumpter today and nominated the follow
ing tleket:
Representative W. E. Grace.
Sheriff W. W. Looney."
Clerk George H. Foster.
Recorder C "W. James.
County Commissioner W. H. Gleason.
Assessor G. "W. Jett
Treasurer A. C McClellan.
School Superintendent W. R. Privett
Surveyor Joha HageL
Coroner Dr. E. B. McDanieL
The delegates to the People's party con
vention accepted an Invitation to seats in
the Democratic convention and took part
in tne aeimerations. .Former Populists
were nominated for Assessor and School
Superlntendet and a former Silver Re
publican for Treasurer.
Crook Connty Ttepnbllcans.
PRINEYILLE, Or.. April 7. The Repub
lican County Convention today made the
following nominations:
SHerlff If. J. Lister.
Clerk Arthur Hodges;
Treasurer P. F. Nichols.
Assessor Ed Laughlln.
Surveyor John Newiome.
School Superintendent William Bogll.
Coroner Dr. J. H. Rosenberg.
Commissioner Abe Zell.
Delegates to state convention C M.
Cartwright B. F. Allen, John Cmbs, J.
H. Gray and J. N. Williamson.
Democrats of Sherman.
WASCO, Or.. April. 7. The Sherman
County Democrats today met here and
nominated the following ticket:
County Judge John Fulton.
Sheriff J. F. O'Leary.
Clerk Robert Beere;
School Superintendent H. H. White.
Delegates to State Convention Frank
Fullon, W. H. Biggs and Frank Thayer.
Stops the Consh and Works Off the
Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets cure a
cold In one day. No cure no pay. Price S5c
Serlons Charres Made Against Peo
ple's Partr Secretary, and Proof
Offered The Ticker Nominated.
PENDLETON, Or., April 7. The most
sensational proceeding' In the political
history of this county occurred today,
when in the Democratic County Conven
tion R. MvOBrien, a Populist, walked 'to
the rostrum and charged that Republican
Influence was being exerted to defeat
un!6n oL the Democratic and Populist
parties. A few minutes later D. B Wat
son, a Democratic delegate, arose, and,
in ones of fierce denunciation, before tho
hundreds assembled, accused J. T. Hlnkle,
secretary of the Populist County Commit-
tee, of having repeatedly offered to sell
his influence," first to the Democrats, and
then when not receiving encouragement,
making the same offer to the Republicans.
Watson offered to prove his statements
in full. During the entire day, up to 6
o'clock, when both conventions adjourned
for dinner, no nominations were made,
and the situation was extremely dramatic
State delegates chosen by the Democrats"
were. J. H. Raley, E. D Boyd. W. M.
Pierce, T. M. Halley. D. B. Watson, T. F.
Howard. J. W. Smith. C W. Gates, C J.
Smith. C. M. Pleree. G. A. Hartman. They
were Instructed to support A. D. Stlllman
for Circuit Judge.
Soon after assembling for the evening
session word was taken to the Democratic
convention that its proposition had been
rejected by the Populists by a vote of 57
to (, but that 52 were on the way to ask
scats In the Democratic convention. The
entrance of the Populist contingent into
the hall was the signal for a demonstra
tion, after which the delegafs were for
mally given seats. The following tlckt
was nominated:
Representatives W. J..Chastain, Demo
crat of Milton; R. M. O'Brien, Populist
of Pendleton.
County Judge G. A. Hartman, Demo
crat Commissioner T. P. Page, Democrat, of
'Athenai "
Sheriff W. M. Blakeley, Democrat of
Clerk and Recorder J, W. Maloney,
Democrat of Athena.
Assessor B. B. Hall. Populist of Wes
ton. School Superintendent L L. 'Watts,
Populist, of Athena. ,
Surveyor Charles C. Berkeley, Demo
crat, of Pendleton.
Coroner W. R. Campbell, Democrat of
Colonel J. H. Raley was chosen chair
man of the county committee.
Ticket Nominated, JDelrfcntes Chosen,
AH Harmonious.
ROSEBURG, Or', April 7. The Repub
lican County Convention convened at the
Courthouse at 10 A. M.. W. B. Clarke,
chairman. The following ticket was
Senator A. C Marsters. by acclama
tion. Representatives A. R. Mattoon and C.
R. King.
Sheriff E. L. Parrott
Clerk David Shambrook.
Treasurer George W. Dlmmlck. "by ac
clamation. Assessor James Sterling.
Superintendent of Schools F. B. Ham
lin, by acclamation.
.County Commissioners M. D. Thomp
son, four years; A. E. Nichols, two years.
Coroner Dr. Twitchell.
Surreyor W. T. Brlggs. by acclama
tion. Delegates to Congressional Convention
W. B. Clarke, C. E. Wade, A. E. Nlch
ols,. H. Mooney, S. L. Dlllard, J. H. Booth,
G. W. .Riddle, J. I. Chapman, A. G.
Young. C L. Franklin. J. L. Stratford
and W. C. Conner.
"Delegates to State Convention F. .W.
Benson, J. T. Bridges. E. D. Stratford.
A. M. Crawford, J. C. Fullerton, J B.
Riddle, J. A. Black. C P. Totten, R. B
Dixon. George McDougaU, J. P. Hunt and
Frank Rogers.
County Central Committee A. M. Craw
ford, chairman; 8. C Flint, secretary: J.
W. Wright treasurer: D. S. K. Bulck.
S. C Bartrum. John E. Love. E. E. La
brie. W. L. Nichols. L B. Howard. Ed
win Weaver, Grant Levons, C S. Good
now, O. H. Allison. O. H. Flook, J. A.
Underwood, A. F. Stearns, A. W. Lamb,
F. It. Stewart. J. A. Eggers, Dr. C. E.
Wade. Dr. Alex Patterson, H. Barker,
W. W. Scott A. B. Haines. A. S. Peters,
J. L. Churchill, H. TYetherly. D. W.
Hanks, B. F. Wllks and L. J. Blakely.
Perfect harmony prevailed, and the
ticket Is considered a strong one. Re
publicans held a ratification tonight at
the Courthouse.
Republicans Favor Moody and Allen
Popallst Delecntes.
ASTORIA, April 7. The Clatsop County
Republican Convention was held here to
day, and there were very few contests
for the nominations for the different of
fices. The ticket nominated Is as follows:
Representatives Johan E. Young and
Frank R. Stokes.
Commissioner D. J. Ingalls.
Sheriff Thomas Llnvilie.
Clerk-H. J. Wherlty.
Treasurer H. C. Thompson.
Assessor C. W. Carnahan.
Surveyor R. C. F. Astbury.
Superintendent of Schools J. T. Lee.
Coroner E. P. Parker.
C. C. Browcr was nominated for Jus
tice, of the Peace In Astoria, and Fred'
Wletanaa for Constable.
Delegates to the state convention C F.
Lester, F. J. Carney. C. W. Fulton. Har
rison Allen, N. Bosler, H. Lewis, John
Fry, H. D. Thing. W. F. McGregor. Lem
Howeay A. Normand, C C. Linton.
Delegates to the Congressional conven
tion F J. Taylor. Frank Warren. Frank
Patton. E. M. Houghton. R. O. Abbott.
H. D. Gray, A. Rlerson, John C. McCne.
W. T. Chutter. Jamea W. Welch. E.
Erickson. M. "McLellan, C C. Clark.
The Congressional delegates were In
structed to support Malcolm A. Moody for
member of Congress. The delegates to
the -state- convention were Instructed to
support "Harrison Allen, of this city, "first
last and all the time" for the office of
Prosecuting Attorney of this district
The People's. party, count, convention
was held In this city this afternoon, and
delegates to the state convention,--which
will meet in Portland, April 12, were elect
ed, as follows:
Silas B. Smith. X. J. Svlndseth, H. 8.
Lyman, Oscar Tiberg. J. N. Heckard. H.
M. Lorntsen and C. S. Dow.
. No actlo"n was taken relative to nam
ing a county ticket Tho convention ad
journed subject to the call of the county
Indorse Heath for Con-rress and
Adopt Rtmrins" Resolutions.
M'MINNVILLE, Or., April 7. At the
Democratic County Convention today, the
following delegates were elected to the
state convention:
H. C Burns, of McMinnvtlle; C. R. Mat
thls, of Amity; F. H. Caldwell, of North
Yamhill; C G, Scott, of Carlton: J. T.
Simpson, of Sheridan: Henry A. Bertram,
of Dayton; C J. Payne, of Bellevue; Claud
C. Ferguson, of La Fayette; Charles P.
Nelson, of McMInnvllle: Paul Fundman,
of Wlllamlna. and Lee Jones, of Newberg.
These delegates were instructed to use all
honorable means to secure the nomina
tion of Captain H. L. Heath, of McMInn
vllle. for Congressman.
By a vote of 45 to 7 as advisory com
mittee was appointed to confer with a
like committee of the Popullet party. No
power Is given the committee, except to
confer. .
Captain H. L. Heath was elected State
Theresolutlons adopted reaffirm adher
ence to the Chicago platform: Indorse the
"able and "fearless leader. W. J. Bryan,
for President": condemn the present Ad
ministration "for the disgraceful manner
In which It is treating the Puerto Rlcans";
favor the adoption of the Initiative and
referendum "so far as they may be prac
ticable In legislation"; favor legislation.
National and etate, as shall be necessary
to destroy all trusts: demands an amend
ment to the Constitution providing for
election of United 'States Senators by a
direct vote of the people: denounces Sen
ator McBrlde and Representatives Tongue
ana Moody for voting for the Puerto Rlcan
tariff bill, aa an act similar In character
to the Injustice of the English parliament
in Imposing taxes on the American people
without their consent; favor honesty and
economy in state and county affairs, and
condemns the "profligacy and extravag
ance" of the Republicans, especially in the
employment of hordes of useless clerks at
the Legislature"; denounce "the action of
certain Republican politicians of Yamhill
County in attempting to have the ea'ary
of County Judgo Increased": favor good
roads, but oppose the payment of extrav
agant sums to road supervisors for ser
vices: protest against tha continuance
or renewal of the contract with the Ameri
can Book Company, and urge the Representatives-elect
to use their Influence with
the Governor to appoint a nonpolltlcal
commission which shall select the new se
ries of text-books for the benefit of the
people of tho state and not a corporation.
Several who have Tiltherto affiliated with
the Populists saCln the convention as dele
Snmpter Is Becoming Settled and
Tidy and Methodical.
SUMPTER. Or.. April 7.-Suropter has
settled down to business with the arrival
of Spring. Tho reign of the professional
real estate boomer has to some extent
given place to the man with business
methods and an intention to build up a
solid community.
Last Fall and Winter the demand for
building accommodations was so great
that any kind of house would bring any
price, because of absolute necessity.
Boomers took advantage of these condi
tions and forced the prices beyond rea
son In many instances. One of tie best
evidences of a healthy condition Is the.
shift that Is taking place from this man.
ner of operating to the cleaning up of
streets and alleys and tho erection of
substantial edifices. It Is no longer a
quostlon of how .many lots are sold in j
day and at how much advance, but how
many of those having purchased are go
ing to build, and the character of the
A large number of structures of all
classes are to be erected this Spring. The
townslto company is preparing to grade
a mile of residence streets at Its own ex
pense. The two business streets are be
ing graded and planked.
A half dozen large warehouses are
crowded to their full capacity with mer
chandise of all kinds for outside towns
and camps. Including machinery, great
and small. Sumpter Is now on the verge
of a substantial commercial growth.
Republicans Accept.
SALEM, April 7. A number of certlfl
cates of nomination with acceptances at
tached were filed In the County Clerk's
office today by recent nominees of tho
Republican County Convention. These
are the first to be filed this year.
Oregon 'Notes.
A French draft horse, valued at $2000,
died last week at Tule Lake, of colic
W. H. Shank has sold his Fox Valley
ranch. In Grant County, to David Rice,
for 'J175.
R. G. Robinson, a Wheeler County
stockman., has sold 0 2-year-old steers at
3 per head.
The farm of R. F. Mason, at Bridgeport
has been sold to Mr. Planklngton, of
Perrydalo, for 13350.
W. R, Mascall, a Grant County sheep
man. Is reported to have suffered the Ipss
of 501 head from poison.
Cottage Grove boasts that It Is growing
faster than Eugene. "Keep your eye on
the Grove," says ono paper.
Several papers .of the state not only urge
voters to register, but ask their subscrib
ers to "see that your neighbors do like
wise." Canyon City's jail had long been empty,
but the recent murder at Granite will en
tall a long and expensive trial on Grant
Medford boasts the establishment of a
cigar factory- It employs young women,
and expects them to turn out 20,000 cigars
J. O. Staats. an extensive goatralser. of
Polk County, will not pool his mohair this
ycaft but snip direct to the factories In
carload lots.
An active Board of Trade, with 40 mem
bers, has been organized at Gold Hill. It
proposes to make a permanent mineral
exhibit in Portland.
Hotels at Gold Hill are crowded, and
there is not a vacant house in the town.
Three families are bunched in ono build
ing, waiting to have cottages erected.
At Moro's city election, April 2, there
was no contest and but 50 votes were
cast R. J. Glnn. E. W. Elrod, S. Mc
Donald and G. W. Brock were elected
Jacob Wortman, of McMInnvllle. ran
steamboats between Oregon City and Cor
vallls from 1S57 to ISoo. among them being
tho Oregon, Elk. Onward and Surprise,
the fare" being 30. Last week he mads
his first trip over the route In 25 years.
Tho Condon Globo reports that Paul
Grelner and Jim Dunn met with quite a
serious loss Tuesday morning by the burn
ing of a smokehouse on Mr. Grelner's
ranch. In which they were curing the
uacun oi o jiuss, which luey uau lea aau
butchered during the past winter.. The
fire occurred about daylight, although no
fuel had been put on the "smoke" fire
later than 4 o'clock Monday evening. The
loss Is between $700 and JSC0. and no In
surance. While T. W. Brunk, of Eola, was In
Salem to hear Bryan speak, some hunter
killed one of his pure-bred Cots wold ewes.
A Dallas paper says: "He has been very
strict about enforcing the law against
trespassers, and has been much criticised
therefor, but who can blame him when ha
has had the following losses in the last
10 years: Three $20 Cotswold ewes, one
G0 Cotswold ram. two Imported $70 Merino
rams, two J15 Poland, China bogs, one $50
colt and a J1W ully.."
He Received Two Bullets, and Will
Die Extreme ViKllance at the
Nonalmo Fortlflcntlons.
VICTORIA, B. C. April 7. The" ex
treme vigilance of Great Britain In pro
tecting secret of the Esquimau fortifica
tions and naval yard was exemplified last
night when Lieutenant Reginald Scott, R.
N.. was shot by a sentry for failing to
answer a challenge. Scott will die.
There was a strong wind blowing to
wards the officer, and ho claims he an
swered the challenge, "but was unheard.
The sentry fired twice over his head and
then shot twice to km, both shots going
The Mill Turned Ont JfTOOO In the
First 30 Hoars Rnn.
COTTAGE GROVE, Or., April 7. The
famous Helena mine, which was for a
long time restrained from operation
through litigation. Is now in full opera
tion. The mill was started April L Tha
"first 36 hours run -produced J7O0O. It was
generally known that the Helena mine
was a valuable property, but this remark
able showing goes beyond all anticipation.)
of everybody except Its owners. Every
Indication points to continued operation
at this rate of production. Mr. Jennings
states that from the present developments
they have ore "m sight for. two years
work, and Its value runs very high.
Quotations of Mining Stocks.
SPOKANE. Wash., April 7. The closing
bids for mining stocks today were as fol
lows: Black Tall C9 Morrison JO C-ri
Crystal WPrincess Maud. 4
Deer. T. No. 2.. !tt4, Rambler C 2tV-
Evening Star.. 7VRepubl!c 1 01
Gold Ledge.... 'Reservation ' 34
Gold. Harvest. lURossIand Giant 2"i
Jim Blaine 10 Sullivan 9i
Lone P. Surp.. loUlTom Thumb.... 16B
Mtn. Lion 52 Gonora 4.
lorn. Glory... 3i
SAN FRANCISCO. April 7. The official
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows:
Alta JO
Alpha Con
Besc & .Belcher.
Caledonia 1
Challenge Con..
Con. Cat & Va. 1
Con. Imperial ...
Crown Point ....
Gould & Curry-
0SHale & Norcross.JO 32
4 Justice 03
lOIMexican 3S
31 Occidental Con... 12
2S Ophlr 83
S(Overman 20
COiSavage 12
20iPotosl 15
lliSeg. Belcher .... 4
Tolillerra. Nevada .. 51
TOiSIlver Hill 14
lStandard . 3 05
IS.Unlon Con 32
2Utah Con 12
2SYellow Jacket ... 29
NEW YORK. April 7. Mining stocks to
day closed as follows:
Choliar to 14Ontarlo JS CI
Crown Point ... lSOphlr SO
Con. Cal. &. Va. 1 7vpiymouth 11
Deadwood CSQulcksilver 1 75
Gould & Curry. 27 do pfd S 00
Hale & Norcross 30;3ierra Nevada... 50
Homestake .....50 OOHtandard 3 15
Iron Silver CSIUnlon Con 18
Mexican 20Ycllow Jacket .. 27
BOSTON, April 7. Closing quotations:
Adventure ....$0 051
Humboldt , 0 75
Osceola 70
Parrot 4S5
Qulncy 137
Santa Fe Cop.. 7
Aliouez M. Co. 23
Amat copper. S5
Atlantic 27
Bos. & Mont. 3 24
Butto & Bos.. S3
Cat & Hecla.. 7 60
Centennial .... 24
Franklin 1?
xamaracK l
Utah Mining... 34
Winona 5
Wolverines .... 41J'
Both Alfalfa- and Corn-Fed Prices
Hold Up.
PENDLETON. Or.." April 7. Two thou
sand head of fat beef cattle are being held
by livestock growers In the Butter Creek
region. They represent an average mar-
These Bur Prepqrations
Dr. Slocum, the famous scientist, whose lectures and demonstrations In
New York and London this winter have astounded medical circles, has at
last perfected his new system of treatment for the absolute cure of tuber
culosis and all pulmonary diseases.
This triumphant victory over the deadly bacilli Is far-reaching In Its
effects, for there is no longer room for doubt that the gifted specialist has
given to the world a boon that will save millions of precious lives.
Dr. Slocum's System of Treatment Is both scientific and progressive,
going as It does to the very source of the disease and performing the cure
step by step.
FIRST STEP. Killing the llfc-destroylng germs which invest tho
SECOND STEP. Healing the law. Inflamed mucous surfaces which
are favorable to germ growth.
THIRD STEP. Toning the entire system and strengthening the nerves
filling the veins with tingling new life.
FOURTH STEP. Building healthy flesh and fortifying against future
The Slocum Treatment Is revolutionary because It provides a new ap
plication for every stage of the disease. The failures of Inoculation by
Paris scientists are overcome by Slocum through progressive drug force.
The diseases leading to consumption are also mastered so that once the
bacilli are removed from the lungs there remains no other germ-breeding
The Slocum System cures c-rip nnd its banefal nfter-effects,
dnns;erous coughs and colds, catarrh, bronchitis and every
knovra form of pulmonary disease.
It makesweak lungs sound, strengthens them against any ordeal, and
gives endurance to those who have inherited hollow chests, with their long
train of attending dangers. (
To enable despairing sufferers everywhere to obtain speedy help before
too late. Dr. Elocum offers
to every reader of The Oregonian.
Simply send your postoulce and express address to Dr. T. A.
Slocum, 08 Pine Street, Neiv York, and from he rtrcnt labora
tories vrill be sent trlthout delay a FREE conrse of the famous
four preparations comprising the Slocum System of Treatment.
Let no previous discouragements prevent your taking advantage of this
splendid free offer before too late.
Dr. Humphreys' Famous Specific
"Seventy-seven" breaks up Colds that
hang on. Grip. Influenza. Cold In tho.
Head (a perfect Specific). Catarrh.
Coughs. Sore Throat. Pains in the Back
and Chest, General Prostration and
"77 restores the checked circulation
(Indicated by a chlH or shiver), starts
the blood coursing through the veins and
so breaks up the Cold.
"TT consists of a small vial of pleasant
pellets. Just fits the vest pocket; at drug
stores or mailed on receipt of price. 2"c
Dr. Humphreys Book of Diseases seat
free. Be sure to get
ket valuation of about J43. or an aggre
gate of niO.COO. This number of cattle
is held In a region of comparatively small
area, and the cattle are all alfalfa-fed.
Growers have been inclined to refuse tha
prices offered of late, and appear to be de
terminated to hold for more than can now
be quoted. The market stands at 4 cents,
quoted by "buyers for Portland houses, and
a trifle more being offered by representa
tives of packing-houses on the Sound.
The only lot of corn-fed steers known
of In the entire eastern half of Oregon
and Washington has been sold by the Ber
gevin Bros., of Athena,.at a prce In ad
vance of that which is being offered and
paid for any other class of cattle In this
county. In the Athena locality, for sev
eral years, rather extensive experiments ia
cornraislng have "been conducted, and
from there has been sent the only ship
ment of corn from this coilnty. or from
any other county In Eastern Oregon, to
the seaboard.
The Bergevins have used the corn to fat
ten hogs, and have thus succeeded in get
ting a price considerably ahead of tho
market. Hogs have been quoted at mora
than 5 cents a pound, and appear to ba
scarce, not only here and in other Eastern
Oregon counties, but as well In Washing
ton. Prices for live hogs are nearly 2
cents higher than -a year ago.
More Than 3000 Men Employed in
the Lnmlicr Industry There.
COSMOPOL1S, Wash.. April 7. Cosmop
olls is now the headquarters for logging
operations on North River. Although all
of the legs go to South Bend, the crews
and loggers come here. J. E. Roberts la
now unloading and fitting up a large log
ging engine, which he will take In to his
North River camp over the road from
I Cosmopolis. He Is now securing a numer
ous force here for the woods. Not a day
passes but loggers are here for supplies
and men. and there Is not an Idle man In
the town. Tho demand for all kinds of
labor Is great, as It requires upwards of
3000 men to keep the large manufacturing
plants and logging camps of the Gray's
Ilarbor country running. The prospect
for a logging road connecting Cosmopolis
and Gray's Harbor with the heavy tim
ber belt on North River and its tributaries
Is "bright, and before long the product may
be coming here, to be added to the present
large. Gray's Harbor cut.
IIori ns Ranee Stock.
Long Creek Easle.
C. W. Blackwell leaves this week for
the Bridge Creek county with 150 head
of hogs, where he will range them during
the Summer. He thinks of turning his
attention exclusively to the hog business.
This Industry Is a good one in Oregon.
WnnhlnRton SherlfT'n Bond.
HILLSBORO, April 7. The Commission
er's -Court has fixed the- "bond of Sheriff
Bradford, as tax collector for the 1SS3 levy,
at JM.OOO,. and the court will meet April 11
to- pass" on the same and ordtr the roll
opened for collection.