The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 08, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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It I Supposed the Senators Became
Talked Ont 'When Puerto lUco
BUI Va Up.
"WASHINGTON. April . The Senate
having cot rid of the Puerto Mean bill
for a time, -will now plunge Into the
Philippine question In earnest. It Is the
Intention of Senator Lodge, chairman of
the Philippine committee, to press the
Spooner bill to an early vote, but of
course under the rules discussion In the
8enate con be as protracted as
the Senators trtsh. The probabilities
are that the Philippine discussion
will not be es extended on this,
lmple bill as -was the fight over
Puerto Rico. More than that, many Sen
ators have already dlscUsed the Philip
pine situation pretty thoroughly. In fact,
from the very beginning of the session,
speeches were made on the Philippines
and there are now on the Eenate calendar
a dozen resolutions which were Intro
duced and allowed to He on the table to be
called up from time to time when the
Senator Introducing them desired to
speak. Not only could they be called up
by the Senator desiring to speak, but
they were also called up by other Senators
who addressed the Senate on various
phases of the Philippine situation. There
was very nearly as much talk on the Phil
ippine question as on Puerto Rico, while
the Puerto Rican bill was before the Sen
ate, and the general impression seems to
be that the Senators are pretty well talked
out on the great problem of handling the
Philippines. Besides, this Spooner bill
id the reproduction of a law passed for
the government of territory acquired from
Mexico after the Mexican War, and it
does not commit the United States to any
policy. No doubt the Democratic mem
bers will endeavor to attach an amend
ment declaring it the policy of the United
States to relinquish the Philippines as
soon as possible, and will advocate some
amendments similar to the resolution of
fered by Bacon early In the session. All
such amendments arc very likely to be
voted down. Notwithstanding the divis
ion of many Republicans on the subject
of the Puerto Rican tariff, there are only
a very few Republican Senators who do
"sot earnestly believe in the retention of
tho Philippines.
Golnc to the Country on It.
After securing a vote on their proposi
tion tho Democrats will be perfectly will
ing to go to the country on It, although
they recognize that the country is large
ly hi favor of expansion and docs not
want to give the Philippines up cither to
the ridiculous Aguinaldo Government of
to any European power. The Republi
cans seem perfectly willing to make the
issue before the people on the lines of the
Spooner bill, and after voting down all
of the propositions looking to the final
withdrawal of the United States from
the Islands. In fact, the Republicans be
lieve this Is going to be one of the most
Important issues In the campaign,, and
that It will result In giving them a great
deal of strength all over the country.
There Is little doubt about the House
passing the Spooner bill after it has
passed the Senate. The House will de
bate It quickly as there la no reason for
an extended debate, and the majority has
tho power tc close it. The Senate will
act first, as It has taken the lead in the
matter and the House has shown no
disposition to take up the Philippine
question at alL
The Alaska Bill.
When a bill contains COO pages and over
there must be a great deal In it which 1
little understood. That Is the general
fault with the large Carter bill for a civil
code and government of Alaska, which
has been In Congress ever since it met.
Good wotk has been done upon the bill
by Senator Carter, Senator Shoup and oth
ers, and It Is no doubt the very best bill
that could be prepared for the Occasion.
The great difficulty with It all Is Its ex
' treme length. There Is Generally too much
law In every new territory, .and a clear
and concise code vould have been much
tnoro satisfactory. This, of course. It was
hard to prepare, because lawyer are
aware that In nearly eiery case unless the
forms of all kinds and classes of papers
are distinctly specified there will be plenty
of men anxious to take advantage
of quibbles and thus defeat the
Intent of the act. Still with a shifting
and changing population such as there is
In Alaska, and the fact that few people
can read or interpret a great deal of the
law. It would have been better If a bill
covering the main points could have been
passed. There Is danger that It may be
cumbersome, but those iiho have It In
charge are satisfied and the men who
came here from Alaska were very well
pleased with It in every way and assert
that It will meet the necessities of the
territory. The bill was delayed some by
reason of the peculiar conditions existing
at Cape Nome and the fact that Secre
tary Root had granted some permits to
mine under water. This was the first cast
of the kind the United States had ever
had, as mining In the sands of the sea Is
a novel proposition.
Ilia Photograph Won It.
A story is told In Washington which will
be Interesting to Oregon and Washington
aspirants for the Alaska Judgeships. It Is
stated that the reason why the Wyoming
man was appointed was because the Pres
ident bcccnio fascinated with the picture
of Melville C. Brown, who carried off the
plum. Of course, the Wyoming Senators
were very anxious to have Brown ap
pointed. They are both very successful
In the matter of patronage, as they agree
generally on anything that Is wanted, and
they make a dead set for anything that
Is In sight. Wyoming at present has the
First Assistant Attorney-General for the
Interior Department, and also the As
sistant Commissioner of the Land Office.
Then she came along and carried off this
Judgeship, which Is due primarily to the
determination of the Wyoming Senators
to have him appointed, but Is also said
to ha-; resulted largely from the photo
graph which Senator Warren presented to
the President. The President told War
ren he wanted to see Brown, but Warren
explained that he was a very busy man,
and could not make the trip to Washing
ton unless he knew something of his pros
pects. But he sent a photograph instead.
When Senator Warren presented the pho
tograph, it Is said that the President gazed
at it. for a few moments and ordered the
commission to be made out at once. It
would be interesting to note whether the
Oregon and Washington aspirants for the
Judgeships created by the Alaska bill will
now forward photographs' of themselves
to the delegations here, so as to secure
the appointments.
Letters From the Philippines.
Private letters from the Philippines
which have been receled Indicate an un
satisfactory condition of those Islands,
which It Is hoped that the new Philippine
Commission will remove. The President has
evidently done a wire thing In placing an
able lawyer at the head of the commission.
who can at least give his attention to the
reorganization of the courts of the islands,
which are In a very serious condition, and
which need reforming. While a great
deal of criticism Is passed upon General
Otis, there Is in some extenuation In tho
fact that be has too much to do. It li
clear that no man can carry on a great
military campaign and at the samo time
look after the organization of a civil gov
ernment, which Includes the appointment
of civil officers. Judges and the adminis
tration of the law. General Otis Is a
man that gives a great deal of attention
to detail, and It Is Impossible for a man
to handle as much business as has been
placed upon him. but which he seems will
ing to assume. These letters also Indicate
that many men. especially the officers, are
getting tired of service In the Philippines,
nd TW$ Ptftr to cone back to t
United States. While there was actual
war there was no compzamt. The men
were willing, and officers eager, to fishL
but this guerrilla warfare that Is being
carried on suited the Spanish officers and
bpanish soldiers much better than it suits
the American, who desires to be active
and is willing to fight when the neces
sity presents Itself. These private letters,
however, are of no benefit to the antt-
expanslonlsts. Very few, If any. have ex
pressed the opinion that the United States
should give up the Philippines, while many
ox them believe that the Islands can be
very much improved under American rule,
and that in time the Americans will es
tablish such a government as even the
Filipinos cannot fall to appreciate.
A Treacherous Lot.
These letters also confirm what has been
disclosed In the official dispatches that
the Filipinos are a very treacherous lot.
The publication of the correspondence
with Aguinaldo and his Junta showing
how he prepared to accept American arms
to fight the Spaniards, with the further
view of using them against the Americans
after the Spaniards should be driven out,
indicates very well the character of these
men. The letters which have been re
ceived Indicate that there are many such
In Manila, and other places where the
Americans have occupied the Islands and
that they are ready and willing at all
times to plot treason and to work de
struction to the American soldiers if pos
sible. Whether It Is the Spanish blood
that Is In them, or whether the. Tagala
themselves are naturally of the treacher
ous character has not yet been developed.
Some one could write a good story on the
simple subject of the Filipino of that
stripe which Is now making trouble for
the United States. It Is doubted here by
those -Abo haie given attention to the
matter whether the actual Filipino, the
native who has no strain of Spanish blood
in his veins. Is full of treachery. This
view Is strengthened by the fact that the
worst element that the United States
has to deal with In Cuba are those Cubans
of Spanish descent who are revolution
ists by breeding and training.
Guerilla War and Elections.
Until the people have spoken in the
coming November elections It Is quite
probable that the guerilla warfare kept
up by the few tribes In the Philippines
will be maintained. Then It Is likely to
be abandoned. There are so many Fili
pino leaders who are keeping their war
riors together on the simple assertion
that the people of the United States at
the coming elections will turn out the
Republicans and put In the people who
are friendly, and will give them an Inde
pendent government, that there Is little
doubt expressed by those who are aware
of the situation that anything like a paci
fication of the Islands Is possible until
It is shown that the people of the United
btates have taken the Islands to keep
them and do not propose to turn them
over to those who would loot the cities
and villages and give the whole group over
to anarchy. It Is quite likely that this
same Filipino guerilla warfare will have
some effect upon the elections In the
United States, because this country Is In
earnest ana the people are not ready to
lend encouragement to the guerillas, who
aro making It necessary for us to main
tain such a large force In the Philippines.
They Come to the Surface.
During troublous times curious fish
come to the surface. We have had for
the past two or three weeks exhibi
tions of this In the development of one
Macrum. who from the very beginning of
the troubles in South Africa showed his
Incapacity for the place to which he was
appointed. The "great Macrum mystery"
which was so lately heralded by those
wno wanted to make a sensation out of
his return from Pretoria has entirely flat
tened out. It Is found that It was not
even a balloon, because It never soared
mat high. There was a time, however.
when it was really thought that Macrum
had some Information. He was sought
irom me time he lert south Africa until
he arrived In Washington by everybody
who wanted to print a big story, and yet
every statement he has made turned out
a nasco. His final disappearance Into the
oblivion from which he never should have
been raised was when he appeared before
a committee and was questioned as to
his relations with the State Department,
and his actions In South Africa. This
chapter of queer fish might be extended
to some extent to Include Lentz and Sulz
er. and their curious antics before the
military committee In the Investigation
of the Idaho strikes. But Macrum will
do for this time. A. W. DUNN.
Her threat Progress During- a Cent
ury. Mrs. H. E. Cros. of Gladstone, read an
Interesting paper at the recent meeting of
Abernethy Chautauqua Circle, in Oregon
City, and Its publication was recommend
ed by unanimous vote of the circle. It
The evolution of woman In this, the be
ginning of a new century', and her condi
tion, viewed from an Industrial stand
point. Is a subject so vast In magnitude,
so varied In details, so far-reaching in Its
causes and effects, that I find It hard to
confine within such a paper as this all I
wish to say. In order to make the com
parisons that will plainly untangle the
past century from the relations It bears
to the present, we must look back to the
time of our grandmothers. It makes us
realize the glory of this, the greatest and
brightest century In the history of man
kind. One hundred years ago however much
woman desired a higher education. It was
denied her. Our brother man said: "No-
to us only Is it given to receive the
sciences." Today the universities of the
Nation are throwing open their doors to
women. Our Harvard has 63 graduate
courses open to women. Of 372 colleges
and universities and theological schools.
iS are admitting women. Women today
are growing amDinous as they grow Into
knowledge. The woman of this progres
sive age must be a woman of thought,
virtue and Industry. They are fast be
coming helpers In all lines of business and
vocations of life.
Harriet Martlneau, after her visit to
America In 1S. related that she found
but seven employments open to women
teaching, needle work, keeping boarders,
textile Industries, typesetting, bookbinding
and household service. Since that time
the statistics of occupations of the people.
as shown by the Federal census, reveal
the fact that there Is hardly an occupation
at the -present time In which women are
not found einploycd.
In 1S90, the only vacant lines, those
where women were not admitted, were
as officers of the United States Army and
Navy. This does not mean that women
are to be found In every subdivision of
an occupation under the general classifies,
tlon. The Increase In some of the per
centages In these great subdivisions of oc
cupations is certainly startling. The num.
ber of women engaged as artists and
teachers of art Increased from U2 In XS7f
to 10,810 In 1S90. One of the greatest wom
en painters In the world Is Miss Cecil
Beaux. For one of her paintings exhibited
In a Pennsylvania Art Academy she re
ceived a gold medal and 11500 in cash.
The census hi 1ST0 recorded but one
architect among the women of this coun
try, while 2 were found In 1SS0. One of
the most noted architects and builders to
day Is Miss Mary Louise Hale, of Mis
souri. She has planned several large
buildings In her native city. There Is
now being built under contract by her o
63.000 dormitory building. In the Eliza
bethan style of architecture. In 1S70 there
were 1J women as deslgneds: In 1S30
an Increase to 301 In 1S30 there
were 127 women engaged as engineer.!
and surveyors, while there were none eo
employed In 1S70. Dentistry has also at
tracted women. There were but 21 three
decades ago. Ten years ago the numbet
had Increased to 337.
The number of lawyers Increased from
five to 208. There Is now in Chicago a
very prominent lady lawyer, who occu-
Weak Kidneys Caused by Over-Work,
by Lifting or a Strain.
1 WkM FffQl'
To Prove What Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney Remedy
Will Do For You, Every Reader of The Oregonian
May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail.
It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder trou
bles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science
proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the dis
order of these most important organs.
The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work.
So when your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can
understand how quickly your entire body is affected, and how
every organ seems to fail to do its duty.
If you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking the new dis
covery, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kid
neys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A
trial will convince .anyone. v
The mild and immediate effect of Br.
Kilmer's Swamp-Boot, the great kidney
remedy, is soon realized. It stands the
highest for Its wonderful .cures of the most
distressing cases. Swamp-Root will set
your whole system right, and the best
proof of this is a trial.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys arc re
sponsible for more sickness and suffering
man any other disease, and If permitted
to continue fatal results are sure to follow.
Kidney troifble Irritates the nerves, makes
you dizzy, restless, sleepless and Irritable.
Makes you pass water often during the
day. and obliges you to get up many
times during the night. Causes puffy or
dark circles under the eyes, rheumatism,
gravel, catarrh of the bladder, pain or
dull ache In the back. Joints and muscles,
makes your head acho and back ache,
causes indigestion, stomach and liver
trouble: you get a sallow, yellow com
plexion; makes you feel as though you
had heart trouble; you may have plenty
of ambition, but no strength; get weak
and waste away.
If your water, when allowed to remain
undisturbed In a glass or bottle for Z4.
hours, forms a sediment or settling or
has a cloudy appearance, or If small por-
pies one of the best positions as advisor.
She never argues a case, but Is one ot
the best authorities on law.
Among physicians and surgeons, ther
is a like Increase.
During the recent war with Spain, Mrs,
Dr. McGee rendered Important services
to the Medical Department of our Army.
Early in the war, Surgeon-General Stern
berg gave to a committee of the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution, of which
she was chairman, the responsibility of
furnishing women nurses for the Army,
and much of the labor of deciding upon
the fitness of candidates was performed
by Dr. McGee personally. In connection
with this work, she was made a contract
surgeon In the Army, with the rank ot
Second Lieutenant. She was the first
woman to hold rank In the United State
The occupation of teachers has been
among the most attractive. In 1ST0 they
numbered S1.W7; in 1830. 145.955-the latter
number Including professors In colleges
and.unlverrttles. The latest reports of the
Commissioners of Education states mat
of the whole number of public school
teachers In the United States, CSVi per
cent are women. In some states more
than 91 per cent are women. The Sunny
South, a leading weekly Journal of Atlan
ta, Go., advocates the employment of
women for all school positions, from State
Superintendent to teachers.
There has been a large Increase in book
keepers, clerks, and copyists. Typewriters
and stenographers were not known to a
sufficient extent 30 years ago to be num
bered. In 1S90 there were Z1.1S5.
Among the prominent scientists Is Mrs.
Lemon, of California, a botanist. Mrs.
Comstock. of New York, published a man
ual for the study of Insects, containing
over GOO engravings. Because of mis work
she was made a member of the Society ot
Promotion of Agriculture In New York In
1S91. In 1S3S she was made assistant pro
fessor of zoology In Cornell University.
Another prominent lady of whom we
shall soon acquaint ourselves is Miss Flor
ence Mcrryman, of New York. Miss
Merryman while at college showed her
love and care for the lives of birds by or
ganizing an Audubon Society to oppose the
wearing of birds by the students. After
leaving college she began a systematic
study of birds and bird life. Among Miss
Merryman's contributions to ornithology Is
a book entitled, "Birds Through an Opera
oiasa"; the next book that we study in
the class.
Now woman-Is doing great work in phil
anthropy and charity. She Is learning that
organized work Is mop: effectual. So we
hear that all clubs of society Innumer
able are solely supported and controlled
by woman's efforts and mostly by woman's
means. A rough estimate of the notable
gifts made by American women for tne
purposes of public good In the year Just
ended has "been found to approximate the
sum of 116.CO0.0CO. Fully three-fourths of
this comes from Pacific Coast women. I
look upon the club idea u the best thing
this century has given to women. It Is
the kinship of all women of whatever
creed, orlnlon or nationality. Each one
brings her knowledge, her sympathy, her
gifts and all are benefited and encour
aged. One of the oldest of these clubs Is
the Woman's Union, of which Mrs. Julia
Ward Howe was one of me founders. She
has been lis president some 25 years or
more) encourages handiwork In all ways.
tides float about In It. It Is evidence that
your kidneys and bladder need Immediate
Swamp-Root Is the great discovery of
the eminent kidney specialist. Dr. Kilmer,
and Is used In the leading hospitals;
recommended by skillful physicians In
their private L.ctlce: and Is taken by
doctors themelves who have kidney ail
ments, because they recognize In It the
greatest and most successful remedy for
kidney and bladder troubles that science
han ever been able to compound.
If you have tho slightest symptoms of
kidney or bladder trouble, or if there Is a
trace of it In your family history, send
at once to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Bingham'
ton. N. T., who will gladly send you. by
mall. Immediately, without cost to you, a
sample, bottle of Swamp-Root and a book
containing many of the thousands upon
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured. Be sure to say that
you read this generous offer In The Port
land Sunday Oregonlan.
Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take, and Is
for salo the world over at druggists' In
bottles of two sizes and two prices fifty
cents and one dollar. Remember the name,
Swamp-Root, and tho address, Blngham
ton, N. T.
sewing, cooking, millinery and decorative
work. Among the" recent outgrowths of
this work Is a union deigned to meet a
want and solve a problem than which no
other more vexes modern life, the problem
of domestic service. Solve the problem
of domestic service and you have accom
plished a great deal. There Is already es
tablished a course of lectures, where they
aro given instruction on cooking, launder
ing, table waiting, dining-room care and
parlor service. The Woman's Union rooms
are alwajs open from early morning till
lata at night, and on Sunday afternoons
and evenings as well. A short while ago
there were no pleasant homes for little
children, where working women could with
perfect confidence leave their little ones to
noble, charitable, sanitary and enlightened
care whllo they worked for their dally ne
cessities. There were then no free kinder
gartens where small children were cared
for and Instructed. And women are fast
awakening from their long Rip Van "Win
kle sleep and quietly and without fuss or
ostentation are taking the place in the
world that their expanding mind and
broader knowledge requires.
Most of the Exposition Visitors Are
PARIS, April 7. The advance guard of
the army of foreigners Invading Paris for
tho Exposition has made its entry, and a
very large proportion of them are Ameri
cans. Every moment of the day ono now
I sees cabs flying about the boulevards,
lunula r.,h, sa.uiwetu. UUUM, HUHC UlB
familiar American accent is heard in res
taurants and other places of popular re
sort. The hotels are already filling up.
and the prices of everything are rising.
In fact, these first arrivals form a sort of
forlorn hope on whom the hotel and
shopkeepers are experimenting with in
creased charges. Not only the visitors,
but permanent residents, are beginning to
feel the burden of the advanced rates,
which most of the hotels have so raised
. that the regular guests are obliged cither
I to leave or accept other accommodations.
Those who are unfortunate enough to
nave only monthly leases on their apart
ments have been notified that their renU
will bo doubled for six months after the
opening of the Exposition. Cabdrlvers
have an eye on greater wealth, and ore
trying to arrange with the Government
for increased fares.
At the Exposition itself everything Is
bustle and confusion. Heavy trucks line
the streets adjoining the Exposition build
ings, waiting to deposit their loads of ex
hibits. The American exhibitors are find
ing themselves seriously handlcaDDed In
J preparing for the Installation, owing to
me unexpected congestion on the railways
between Havre and Paris, and also on
tho tracks within the Exposition grounds.
There Is a continual struggle between rep-
I resentatlves of every nation to get cars
in tne grounds, dui tne rTencn people hold
the key to the situation, and take good
care that their own cars are taken to their
exhibit space and unloaded before those
of the United States and other nations.
Russia and Belgium are the only countries
Chronic Disorders of All Kinds Yield to the Skill of the
Copeland Specialists.
Thousands of Person's Who Believed Themselves Doomed to Remain Lifelong Vic
tims of Incurable Chronic Diseases Have Been Restored to Health and
Happiness by the Matchless Skill of the Copeland Physicians.
So extended and firmly established has
become the reputation of the Copeland
specialists In Xhe cure of chronic catarrh
of all forms that mnny suppose the special
.skll. of these physicians to be confined to
ve treatment of that all-prevailing, ln
s.MIocs and dangerous disease, but such
is at from being the case. The same su
perb mastery they have over that great
enem.v of. tho human race they also pos
sess oer chronic diseases of all kinds. No
sufferer from a chronic and wasting mal
ady, no person whose nerves throb with
the tortuies o.i rheumatism, no pale, rest
less, nervous, emaciated Invalid, whose
stomach has ceased to perform Its duty
of assimilating tile food taken Into It for
the.sustcnance ot the body: no victim of
nerve-racking neuralgia; no one suffering
and slowly dying from chronic affections
of the liver, kidney, bladder, bowels and
other organs of the body: no unfortunate
whose bronchial tubes have been invaded
by catarrh until his lungs have become
affected and he Is threatened with con
sumption, or whose entire system has
been undermined by the absorption of ca
tarrhal poisons; In fact, no person af
flicted with any chronic disease which
baffles the skill of the ordinary family
physician and is by him pronounced In
curable, ever npplles to the Copeland
specialists for relief in vain. More than I
this, no person Is prevented from recelv-
ing the benefit of their great skill be
cause of their inability to pay for it. for
the Copeland fee Is so small that every
suffering mortal may go to them for re-
The head nnd thrit become dis
eased from neslccted colds, cnualnir
Catarrh -when the condition of the
blood predisposes to this condition.
"Is the vole huakyl"
"Do you plt up allme
"Do yen aeh all over
"Do you enor at nlihtT"
"Do you blow out icaba at nUM
"la your not Hopped upT"
"Doea your note dlechar;T"
"Does the rose bleed eaallyr
"la thtrt tlckllna: In th throatr
Is thl wore toward nlihtr
"Don th noM Itch and burnt"
"Do you hawk to clear th tbroatr
"I ther pain aerois tb ejesf
"la there pain In front of head"
"la your tena of .mlt leavinrt
"la th throat dry In th rnornlnrT
"Ar you Idler your hbm ot taKor
Do you sleep Tlth your mouth optnt"
"Docs your noot atop up toward nlilitT"
Thla condition may reanlt from sev
eral causes, bnt the naunl canae la
catarrh, the mncua dropping dorrn
Into the throat and being; swal
lowed. "la there nauaeaf
"Ara you contra T"
"la there -romltlnsT'
"Do you belch up fV '
"Ha you watirbr!."
"Are you Uibtneaaed?"
"la your tongue coated!"
"Do you hawk and pltT"
"I there rain after eatlng-l"
"Are you nerrou and weak!"
"Do you hare sick headache?
"Do you bloat up after eating-"
"li ther Sl--m-t for breakfast
"liars you dlitren after eating I"
"la your throat filled with .IlmeT"
"Do you at tlmea -ar diarrhoea
"la there ruh of blood to tha head"
"When you -cat up aud'enly re you dlny
"la there rnawlnr aensatlon In atomachr"
"Do you feel aa If rou had lead In atomachr
"When atomach Is mpty do you feel falntr
"Do you belch material that burni throat
"If atomach U full do you feel oppressed
. You
' work
r- t
' scribe it
re. .. TT
. - .
lief. Their wonderful mastery over dis
ease Is brought within the reach of the
masses by the equally wonderful low fee
of C o month for treatment, all medi
cines being supplied by them" free. When
tho highest attainments of medical sci
ence, the utmost skill In the treatment ot
chronic diseases, me greatest experience
This condition often results from
catarrh extendlns from the bend and
throat, and. If left unchecked, ex
tends dorrn the windpipe Into the
bronchial tubes, and In time attacks
the lunes.
"nar ycu a, eourhr
"Ar you loelstr neihr
"Do you couch at nlrhtr'
"Har xou a pain In alder
"Do tou take cold easily r
"la your appetite rarlablar
"Hare ycu atttcnea la alder
"Do you cough until you zasr
"Are you low-iplrlted at timear
nnn'r Pay
Chronic Catarrh in all its
forms. Asthma, Bronchitis,
Incipient Consumption, dij- ;
eases of the stomach, the I
kidneys, the nervous system
and blood treated at the
Copeland Institute at I
Medicines included, until I
I cured. Don't pay more.
OFFICE JIOURS From 0 A. M. to 12 M. from 1 to C P. SI.
EVEXIXUS-Tuesdays and Fridays. SUNDAYS From 10 A. M. to 12 M.
can't match these two domlnoea. Yon're con
vinced ot that, afent on I ro you won i wane your
In trying, will your Mere is loneuunj
you can t, as a daily neait-a-girer
Effervescent Salt!
Don't waste tirao in trying to match it. Yoa
Ciin I .".. tUt) utiu .-u TVU1 ''' --
EFFERVESCENT SALT U an aperient and
regulator of the ayitexn. it la recozntiea Dy
physicians as xne oest. in wo wonu.
w ADDey s xs mature & iwacuy iui .wu-
Stipalion. urspepsia. niuougncsa, r M a
l riatuieney.sicicornervous neaa- r. w
' nrhf nr anr condition arisinsr from 1
rthi Imnroner fnnctions of the Liver1
"end Kidneva. Abbev's is Nature's rem-
-riv hrcicse t is made from the salts ex
tracted from the juices of fresh fruits. Unlike
nin- remedies, it doesn't knock out vour
ti-m or denlete the vital orcans. It does its'
r-entlv. but effectlvelv as Nature Intended
should be done. Take It regularly and you'll never'
a sick dav. The daily use of ABBEYS EFFER
f VESCENT SALT -will keep you in good health.
r. ("ABLE. New York, savs : "ABBEY'S SALT
liver and Intestinal invieorator in the market. I
richt along. You certainly have a gold mine
P w ctTTTr- V. Vn.b a. ft -a. H I alwnva nr.tllh.
- 4rfiMrimta. and slt-cHan Liver, as mv natlecta
palatable and effective, and the only thing of Its
A housekeeper j-ives her hons a thorough cleanslnr
uont treat vour aysteiu in inc sauo bj.
HCfB u jpnnr iirunjinjr. - fivucj .am. .mm
oauy ana you tcw tuways mavw .
jc, joe. ana ixn per ootue.
Ail uruggists.
In curing what most physicians admit
themselves to be unable to cure, are thus
brought within the easy reach of oil who
suffer. It Is no -wonder that thousands
avail themselves of the opportunity to
be cured, and gladly proclaim their euro
and gratitude, so that all others who suf
fer may know where to go for relief.
"Do you ralsa frothy material r
"Do you cough on going to bed
"Do you couch In the morning r
"Do you "pit up yellow tnat'err x
"Do you plt up little cheny Ion-par '
"la ycur cough ahort and backtngr
"Har you patn behind the breastbone-
"Har you a dleguit tor tatty foodar
"la ther a tickling behind th palate r
"Do you feel you ar growing weaker
1a ther a burning pain !U th throatr
"Do you couch won night and mornlngr'
"Do you hare to alt up at sight to get
The liver becomes diaeased by ca
tarrh extending from the atomach
Into the tubes of the liver.
"Ar you fretfuir
"Ar ycu peerlinr
"Do you get dlxiyr
"Do you feel fitiguedr
"Do you feel mlsrab!r
"Do you hare edd fer
"Do you gat tired easily
"la your eyealght blurred
"Can't you explain wherer
"Conitant aesae of depraealonr
"la ther a bloating after eating
"Conitant aene of patn In backr
"Har you gurgling In bowel-r"
"Do you har rumbling In bowelar
"Hare you pain under r
"le there throbbing in the atomaenT
"D you har aena of heat In botrelar
"Do you eufTer from palna In templei!
"Do you bar palpitation of th heart r
No one deprived of the bene
fits of the Copeland treatment
because of living at a distance
from the city. If you cannot
come for personal examina
tion, write for symptom blank,
with information of New Home
Treatment, sent free on appli
cation. FREE TO ALL
is the
in it."
AflR-Ve '
find it1
kind on the
once a.
ij yvu