The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 08, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Sujddcn Transformation of the
Irish Capital.
Depressing; Effect of the Jferrs Prom
South Africa The Prince of
Wales' Escape.
LONDON, April 7. From a city of
nervous foreboding?, political excitement
cind almost stagnation In business, Dub
i lln has been transformed Into a capital
a gay and as busy as any European cen
ter. The coming of the Queen, though
'to a Catholic country In the middle of
Lent, has started a whirl of festivities
such as there has not been In Ireland
since the good old diys of which Lever
4 wrote. The Irish nobility have flocked
"across the channel from their English
homes in unprecedented numbers, and
from the" south, the west and the north
of Ireland Itself, old country families
have poured Into Dublin. There Is a suf
.ficlent number of the members of the
Ministry on the banks of the LIffcy to
vhold a Cabinet council, and there are
, "enough lovely women nightly dining In
fgorgcous dresses and shining with Jew-
clrjv which has not been worn for many
, a dull day, to make an Irish leet of
twhlch any country might be Jealous.
. The castle, where the Lord Lieutenant
jholds sway, is naturally the center of
'.attraction. There the Duke of Devon
shire, the Duke of AbercOrn. the Mar
.quls of Lansdowne. Homo Secretary Rid.
,ley and a number of Peers and Peeresses
.have been dining In state every night this
"week. The brilliant uniforms of officers
jof the Life Guards from the Duke of
Connaught's staff nnd the court uni
forms of Ireland's dignitaries are nightly
.blended with the black attire of civil
Vans. Nor could anything be more su
perb than the big-called, bepowdered
lackeys that flit. In gold andj-ed. through
.the great corridors. Outside the castle,
.the Shelbournc has been the scene of
gaiety. Almost every visitor has a title,
though many of the most distinguished
found with chagrin that they could not
get rooms, and had to be satisfied with
humble lodging and dinners.
Owing to the presence of thieves In the
town and the large amount of Jewelry
carelessly displayed, those who are not
staying at the Shelbourne are not al
lowed to enter the outer doors of that
hotel without specifying whom they want
to see, and are often kept In the cold
for further Inspection. A well-known,
but badly-dressed Peer, who seldom visits
Ireland, underwent this ordeal the other
day, and almost exploded with "wrath
when a gold-laced porter barred his way
and made him show his card before al
lowing him to enter.
The most popular form of evening
amusement has been the chartering of
trolley cars by large parties and taking
rides through the streets. With the in
flux of money and social gaiety political
considerations aro temporarily in abey
ance. Superlatives have been almost eliminat
ed from the war comments, and. with
the disappearance of possible foreign
complications the editors and public
speakers take quite a moderate tone and
treat what Is happening In the war field
with a certain historical perspective. The
depressing Incidents of the week have
caused Englishmen to resign themselves
to a long struggle. The disposition to
find fault with the War Office for not
having anticipated the necessity for the
enormous number of horses seems unjus
tified, for It is learned that before tha
dash on Klmberley and the destruction of
horse flesh, caused by the surrounding of
General Cronje. the War Office wired to
Its agents all over the world, particularly
In North and South America, giving them
unconditional power to buy horses un
llmltedly until further orders. The con
ditions in the way of assembling and
transporting the animals wcro such, how
ever, that horses bought a month ago can
hardly reach Lord .Roberts befpre June.
Nothing more was heard this week of
the movement initiated by the ministerial
members of the Houe of Commons to
letItIon the government to proclaim the
Orange Free State annexed to the Brit
ish Empire.
London bankers nw trancmlHIn.- cnij
or Its equivalent regularly to the Trans
vaal In paying checks of British omcers
who are held prisoners, and the Stand
ard bank, of Pretoria, honors all such
checks. -Therefore, as no limit Is placed
on the luxuries bought by the prisoners,"
they live In much comfort. In fact,
their messes are probably much better
provided than are those of the officers
at Blocmfpnteln. Some of the captives
have been there four months, and have
a regular sen-ice, via Hamburg and
Lourenco Marques, which brings them
good things to eat. smoke and wear. The
British officers box. fence and play va
rious games. Including billiards, an old
table having been bought in Pretoria.
There Is no disposition here to make
much over the attack made on the Prince
of Wales by SIpIde, the anarchist, last
Wednesday at Brussels, while his royal
highness was on his way to Copenhagen,
but the British see In it the direct conse
quence of the Continental press attacks
on Great Britain in connection with the
. war. Thus, the London Times says:
"The suppression of notorious facts,
the propagation of glaring falsehoods and
truculent abuslvencss operating upon
weak minds are almost certain, sooner
or later, to have an Issue in actions,
from which, to do the writers Justice, they
would shrink, with horror."
The Times holds the German press es.
peclally responsible for the personal scur
rHIUes ngalnst the Prince of Wales, re
ferring to the Kladderadatsch, which Is
not a Socialist sheet, but which ranks up
toward London Punch, yet the Times
avers that the German press Is con-
trolled, guided, cajoled or coerced by tha
government, and that the German law oi
les-majeste is the most stringent In
This was the first time the Prince has
been attacked, though the assassination
of the Queen has been attempted Ave
J!eiby xtori- In l& Francis, in
1S42; by Bean, in the same year; by Hamil
ton, in 1843; and by MacLean, at Windsor,
In 1SS2. The life of no monarch in Europe
has been in danger so many times as that
of Queen Victoria, though, with the excep
tion of Emperor William, the hereditary
flier of overy principal country hag had
nt least one experience with an assassin.
The Prince of Wales' cool and'gentle
demeanor when he emerged from the:
smoke of the gunpowder and requested
those who had laid hands upon Spldle
not to treat him harshly Is admired im
mensely. In perfect composure, the
Prince returned to his carriage and sat
down to a game of "nap" with tho gen
tlemen attending him. He displayed sim
ilar lmpasslvcncss In the south of France
at the time of the terrible earthquake
sei-eral years ngo. He was asleep When
the shock was first felt, but was awak
ened at once and warned to tscapc.-but
he refused to be deprived of his rest by
so trivial a thing as an earthquake. It
Is for such British qualities as these that
the Prince Is admired, as well as for his
uniform good-fellowship In social life.
The attempt upon the Prince has placed
In still clearer relief Ireland's chivalrous
reception of the Queen.
George Wyndham. Parliamentary Under
Secretary of War, appeared in the
House of Commons this week -with the
back numbers of several magazines con
taining articles about West 'Point and
with papers concerning the United States
system of providing for officers. Heread
from these at Intervals during the sit
ting, looking for suggestions regarding
the pay of British officers.
Mr. Wyndham is thoroughly awakened
to the need of making the profession of
arms possible to poor men. Every on
here knows that either the army or the
navy subalterns must have from $500 to
tlXQ yearly outside of their pay, which Is
scarcelr more than enotirn ta tiav their
mess bills. The Vice-Chancellor of Cam-'
bridge, when inviting applications for
commissions, the other day, said the can
didates would have to show that they pos
sessed means enough to enable them to
-hold commissions, and the head master
of Harrow recently wrote: "The army U
tho profession of rich men."
Mr. Wyndham, who has had the cour
age to express in the House of Commons
his feelings that something Is wronr, is
working out a. plan to make it possible for
subalterns to live on their pay. Army
men are divided into sections on tha sub
ject. Joseph I. Tarte. the Canadian Min
ister of Public Works, who, while In Lon
don this week, addressed the Colonial sec
tion of the Society of Arts on the-subject
of "French Canadians Under British
Rule," met Dr. Leyds, tho diplomatic agent
of the Transvaal Republic Saturday last,
at the reception ot M. Del Casse, th
French Minister c2 Foreign Affairs, in
Paris. They had a long talk.
"My dear Dr. Leyds," said Mr. Tarte, in
effect. "I am the son of a rebel. My fath
er roso with Papineau against British rule
in 1S37. See what we French-Canadians
are under British rule. You will, of course,
be beaten. You will be crashed. Why
don't you accept the inevitable and enjoy
it? Enjoy the freedom of your awn in
stitutions under the British flag."
Dr. Leyds' reply Is not known.
The Australian commonwealth del
egates and the Imperial Govern
ment, as represented by the law
omcers of "the crown, are, after pro
longed discussions, deadlocked over tha
clause of this Australian constitution:
"Np appeal shall be permitted In any
matter Involving the Interpretation of
this constitution or of the constitution of
a state unless the public interests of some
part of Her Majesty's dominions other
than the commonwealth or a state are in
volved." The government holds that the clause
brings a wholly new element Into Im
perial affairs and that tho vital pivot of
a possible future federation would cease
to exist with respect to Australia. The
mission of the delegates Is to get the
constitution accepted as It stands, as any
thing changing It would have to be vot
ed upon by the Australian people. The
discussions came to a point where no
further progress could be made. This
was on Thursday. The delegates are
now cabling to their governments for in
structions. Propositions for getting over the diffi
culty are under consideration. One Is a
supplementary arrangement, provided the
British Ministry, after further reflection,
should decline to accept the clause.
F. W. Pomeroy. to whom the Execu
tive Committee of the Gladstone Liberal
Memorial Fund entrusted .the designing
of the Gladstone statue, has nearly fin
ished his work. The statue will be placed
In the central lobby of the House of Par
liament, and will be unveiled by Sir
Henry Campbell-Bannerman. the Liberal
leader in the House of Commons, May 19,
the anniversary of tho death of Mr. Glad
stone. London Is apparently to be denuded for
'the next few months of certain more or
less distinguished personages, such as con
fidence men and Jewel thieves, for this
class of criminals aro betaking themselves
to Paris. ' It is computed by a Scotland
Yard officer that SKI detective are engaged
at the Channel ports of England and
France watching this migration of thieves.
Arnold White, tho author. In- this week's
Academy, asks tho assistance of "poets,
men of Imagination and masters of lan
guage," in devising a term, to replace "col
onlsts," as a description of Canadians.
Australians and' South Africans. Mr.
White points out that "coloniste" Is not
good enough, and Is resented. "British
er." Mr. White thinks, might do.
The fourth number of the Anglo-Saxon
Review appears this week with a gorgo
ous binding and a portrait, after Sargent,
of the editor. Lady Randolph Churchill.
The list of subscribers .to published, show
ing that the paper's supporters are "mare
numerous in America than In Great Brit
Flaff-ItaUIne on Four Islands of the
CHICAGO, April 7. A special dispatch
to the Record from Apia, Samoa, dated
March 17, says:
The imperial German flag was raised and
undisputed German rule over the Islands
of Upolu, Manono, Apollma and Savll be
gan March 1. The ceremony took place
at Mullnuu. In front of the Governor's
house. Fully 000 native Samoans, besides
nearly all tho foreign residents, were
present. ,
At 8 o'clock In the morning all the ves
sels In the harbor ran up their bunting
and almost every building In town dis
played the national colors. At 9 o'clock
a detachment of bluejackets landed from
the German man-of-war Cormorant and
formed In front of the German school.
The procession then moved to Mullnuu.
Consul Grunow presented the flag to Gov
ernor Solf, who said:
"By order of His Majesty, the Emper
or, I now declare these Islands to be Ger
man territory and the German Hag which
I now receive from tho hands of the Im
perial German Acting Consul and which
henceforth ahall wave over the Islands as
a token of German sovereignty. I, as
sisted by the Commander of H. M. 8.
Cormorant, now solemnly "hoist."
Yesterday's "Winners at Memphis and
MEMPHIS, April 7. The results of the
races were:
Selling, seven furlongs La Josephine
won. Miss Mae Day second, the Lady in
Blue third; time. 1:5
Half mile Lilly Pantland won. Queen
Dixon second, South Breeze third; time,
Half mile, Gaston Hotel stakes Joe
Frey won, Garry Hermann second, Sard
third; time, 0:50.
Mllo and a sixteenth Banished won.
Abusive second, W. B. Gates third; time,
Sir furlongs, selling Judge Wordell
won. Free Hand second. Sir Blaze third;
time, 1:1
Races at Oakland.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 7. The weath
er at Oakland was flno and the track
fast. Tho results were:
Fl;e furlongs, selling Zurich, won. My
Dear second, Christine third; time, 1:02K-
Four furlongs Parsifal won, Gaylon
Brown second, Aphrodls third; time, 0:0.
Mile and a sixteenth, selling Lothian
won. Scotch Plaid second, Jennie Held
third; time, IMS.
Futurity Handicap, purse $2000 Sofala
won. Dunfree second. Diderot third; time,
One mile May W. won, Gauntlet sec
ond, Formero third; time, 1:41K.
Six furlongs Headwater won, Pomplno
second. Dr. Sheppard third; time, 1:14.
ChlcnRO street-Hallway Strike.
CHICAGO, April 7. The South Side sur
face lines, which were tied up last night
by a etriko of the power-house employes,
furnished very uncertain transportation
facilities today. The cable lines were
running, but the electric lines, which act
as feeders on the same streets, were not
running at all. and on other streets so in
frequently and with so many delays that
patrons preferred to walk.
The strike resulted from a new order,
which went Into effect last night. It put
the work formerly done by three shifts of
men on the shoulders of two shifts.
Knabe Pianos. Wiley B. Allen Co.
Hay Attack the British, Pored st
Wegener" Casualties at Redders-bers-Ul-TTeetment
of Farmers.
LONDON, April IT. The Boers are In
force at Wepener, north of Smlthfleld, Or
ange Free State, and aro threatening Gen
eral Brabant's Colonial division, the main
body of which, with tho artillery, is at
, A telegram, which left Maseru, B&suto
land. North of Wopener, at midnight, de
scribes the Boers as being In "great force,"
and Brabant is afraid to make a frontal
attack, but, it la added, they were en
deavoring to turn the British position by
crossing the Basuto frontier by a road
skirting Caledon River, which emerges
south of Wepener. Tho Basutos ore
excited. Assistant Commissioner Griffiths,
wlth.a force of police, left Maseru Friday,
going where the Boers ore about to tres.
pass, and the tribesmen engaged for rati,
road work at Bloemfonteln are deserting to
protect their villages. Reports reach Mo.
sent almost hourly of Boer activity in the
Orange Frco State.
The latest unofficial dispatch from
Bloemfonteln, dated Thursday, says:
"The Boers show great activity, and
numbers of British troops are arriving
The alleged ill-treatment of the farmers
who gave up their arms has called to the
front the "Friend of the Free State," pub
lished by correspondents under military
supervlrlon. In Its comments It says:
"When the question of settlement comes,
those who are responsible for the outrages
will be called to account. We show
leniency and tolerance toward rebels, and
we exptct our example to be followed by
those directing the enemy's affairs. We
shall exact from the two Presidents full
reparation for cruelty and Inhumanity."
Lord Roberts reports to the War Office
as follows:
"Bloemfonteln, April 6. The casualties
at Heddersburg were:
"Officers killed. Captain Casson and
Lieutenant Barclay, both of the Northum.
berlands; wounded, two; captured, eight.
"Noncommissioned officers and men
killed, eight; wounded, 33. The rest wert
"Our strength was 157 mounted infantry
and 419 Infantry. The enemy was said to
be 3200 strong, with five guns."
The army and people at Bloemfonteln
are depending on water drawn from the
wells. The afternoon papers are unspar
ing In their criticism of the military dis
position permitting COO men to be Isolated
and captured. A small contingent of gunJ
ners from the British batCe-shlp Monarch
left Cape Town for Bloemfonteln Friday.
Though Roberts lost nearly 1000 men this
week, he Is stronger, relatively, as four
times as many have been landed at the
General Methuen's Gain and Lord
Robert's Loss.
NEW YORK. April 7.-A dispatch to the
Tribune from London eas:
The game of counteretroke has been
played on both sides with success. General.
Methuen has entrapped a small body ot
Boers near Boshof, surrounding them and
taking 54 prisoners, after a four hours'
fight. His force Included the Imperial
Yeomanry, whceo exploit will bo a popular
one In England, where great Interest has
been taken In this body of rough riders
and crack shots. The casualties were
nearly equal on both sides, apart from
the prisoners.
This episode throws little light upon the
mjeterious operati6ns which General Me
thuen has been conducting north of Klm
berley. It Indicates, the facility with
which the British commanders can adapt
themselves to the guerrilla warfare Into
which tho Boer's tactics are rapidly de
generating. '
General Vlllebols Mareul, who was
killed on the' Boer side, was Joubert's
military adviser In Natal, and was en
gaged by Dr. Leyds at the outbreak of .the
war. His record In the French army was
brilliant, and Dr. Leyds made an excel
lent Investment In securing his services.
He" had been In the "French War Office
and Staff College and was Chief of Staff
in the Algerian army. French officers
have considered that his abilities were
overrated, but he had evidently been
most useful to the Boer Generals In
Natal, In showing them how they could
adapt their tactics to new conditions of
warfare. He was the best foreign expert
on tho Dutch side, and his death is a
serious "blow, especially as the Boers have
lost two of their.- best men Joubert and
Cronje. If he suggested the new policy
of counter-attack upon the lines of tho
British communication, as has been re
ported, he has fallen a victim of his own
The Boers have followed up their suc
cess at Karee Spruit by a similar stroke
aimed against General Roberts' line ot
communications. The new' tactics fol
lowed by the Boers have a dispiriting ef
fect upon the thoughtless observers who
had fancied that the war was virtually
over, but veterans In the service are
not dlt concerted by them nor seriously
alarmed. Absurd estimates, printed by
sensational newspapers, of the strength
of tho Boer raiders are rejected In of
ficial circles as unworthy of credence.
Instead pf having 20,000 men and being
in readiness to Invest Bloemfonteln, the
Boers are not believed to have mora
than 5000 or 7000 burghers. Inaction In the
north was fatal to them and they were
forced to adopt new tactics and attempt a
series of counter-attacks.
General Bullcr's Inaction Is not under,
stood liy military men here and the opin
ion Is expressed that Warren's' division
will be ordered to the Free State.
The Asbantee outoreak Is considered in
opportune, but not of serious magnitude.
Boer Prisoners Eacnped.
CAPE TOWN, April 6.X determined'at
tempt to escape was made today by the
Boer prisoners at SImonstown, and 14 of
them succeeded in getting away. In the
confusion, one of the prisoners was killed
and another was wounded. One roan was
recaptured. Sentries havo been placed
at different points of the town, and the
station Is under military supervision.
Boera Captured at Carnarvon.
CARNARVON, Cape Colony. April 8.
It Is reported that 200 Insurgents who were
not .aware that Sir Charles' Parsons had
occupied Kenhardt rode Into that place and
were captured by the British, troops.
The Canadian Artillery has returned
here' from Van Wyck's Vlek
Defaulting- Cashier Arrested.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 7. Walter E.
Groffe. the defaulting cashier of the Adams
Express Company at Dayton. O., who left
the city October 6 last, taking with him
$3000 of the corporation's money, has been
arrested in this city, He had registered
at the Brooklyn Hotel under the name ot
IL J. Hallne, "but when taken into cus
tody admitted his Identity and said he was
ready to go back and face the conse
quences. 'He stated that as all of Tola
money was gone, he had made twb at
tempts at suicide and was contemplating
another when he was apprebended.
Minnesota Popnllst Ticket.
MINNEAPOLIS, April 7. The counting
of the referendum, ballots by the state
Mtddleof-the-Road Populist convention
was finished today. The, ticket selected
is as follows:
Governor, 8,'M. Falrchlld. Minneapolis;
Lleutrnartt-Governor, E. G. Wallender,
Duluth; Secretary of State. H. B. Ims
dahl, Warren; Treasurer. S. W. Powell,
Stillwater; Attorney-General, E. A.
Twltcioll, Minneapolis; Chief Justice, 8.
G. Harris. SL Paul: Associate Justice. J.
TV. Temple, Minneapolis; Railroad Corn-
mlssloners, M. R. Park. Lester" Prairie,
M. P. Moran,' QracevUIe; 3. J, Hlbbaro,
The total vote cast" was about 4000.' In
the last election the Mlddle-oMhe-Road-ra
polled only ISO .votes.
1 . i
Haldeman, of Louisville, Says Dewey.
Will Stand. So Show.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., April 7. W. B. Hal
deman, of tha Courier-Journal, who. In
1S96, was one of the most prominent leaders
of the National .Democratic movement,'
and represented Kentucky on the National
committee, today said of the announce
ment of the candidacy of Dewey for tha
"In- my opinion the Dewey candidacy is
an overnight affair, and I do not believe at
this late day the Admiral, consp'cuoua
though his naval achievements be, will be
able to figure prominently la the race for
tho Presidency. I feel quite sure that the
Democrats wilt not take him up. Mr.
Bryan Is as good as nominated. The party
is solidly for him In my belief, and 1 look
forward with pleasure to miDDOrtlnir him
.this FalL Mr. Bryan Is more than an able
politician. He is an honest politician. His
hold upon tho Democracy of the country
Is secure. I do not see how Admiral
Dewey or any other man can hope to com
pete with him for the Democratic nominal
Ills Greatest Ambition. Haa Been Re
alised. WASHINGTON. April 17. General
"Wheeler's attention being called to a re
cent suggestion of himself as a Vlce
Presldential candidate, .he mado the fol
lowing statement:
"I do not think ray name has ever
been .mentioned in that connection excepl
as very many other gentlemen have beea
referred to, simply in the way of a per
sonal compliment. I have apir'..itei
these" flattering allusions to myself, but
never regarded them as at all or other
than the kind expressions of partial
The greatest ambition of my life has
already been realised. I have seen those
who were once Confederate soldiers, fight
under the Stars and Stripes against a
foreign foe ns soldiers of tho United
States. I have seen the masses of tho
people of all the Southern States eagerly
and earnestly offer their services to fight
in the country's cause, and have seen them
thus become participants in the events
which have suddenly made ours the leader
among the great powecs of the world and
opened avenues which enable us to estab
lish the most favorable commercial rela
tions with countries containing nearly one
third of the earth's population.
"I havo seen tho cordial relations which
existed during the first 70 years of our
Government firmly re-established between
the people of all sections of all our com
mon country, and in this I believe I see
the dawn of a new prosperity. In which
the Southern States will be the largest
beneficiaries. The realization of condi
tions so advantageousto our country fills
the measure of my desires, and beyond
that I havo no ambition whatever."
Xeir Mexico for Bryan.
DENVER, April 7. A special to the
News from Raton. N. M.. says the terri
torial convention held today selected dele
gates to the Democratic National Con
vention, and declared for W. J. Bryan
for President,
Five Mnrderers Executed
In the
Spanish Style.
PONCE. Puerto Rico, April 7. The five
mm Simon Rodriguez, Carlos Pachecho,
Hermogenes Bheco. Eugenlo Rodri
guez and Rofli Santiago, convicted of
the murder, Ifroctober, 1SS3, of Prudnqfo
Mendos, at Yuaco. after criminally as
saulting the wife and daughter of their
victim, who were compelled to dance about
the corpse, were executed today by the
garrote during the early forenoon In this
city at a spot about a mile from the ialL
"Business was suspended.- and largu but
orderly crowds lined the streets and ur
rounded the elevated platform upon which
the execution took place. Eugenlo Rodri
guez resisted the executioners. Before he
was subdued, five officers were required
to overpower him. He addressed tho
crowds on his way to the platform, de
claring his Innocence and blaspheming
and cursing at the priests. The women
along the route of the procession walled
and wept as the condemned men went by.
A halt was made near the platform and
the carts proceeded singly to the steps.
Some of the condemned walked up, but
others hi.d to be carried to the platform,
where they were seated and bound, with
their bocks to the posts. As the execu
tioner tightened tho screw rapidly the
bodies twitched for two or three minutes,
and then all was over. The officials ot
this place censure the American authori
ties for permitting the Spanish mode of
execution, although they favored the
death penalty being Inflicted. The crowds
dispersed in an orderly manner after the
execution, and the business houses were
The Riot at San Jnnn.
NEW YORK. April 7. A special to the
Herald from Washington says:
Secretary Root received a brief cMs-
gram from San Juan, Puerto Rico, Which
sajo there has been trouble there between
the Puerto Rlcans and a body of Jamaica
negroes who arrived In Puerto Rico to
work. The natives resented their comlns,
and a small riot followed, resulting In the
killing of one of the negroes.
The officials of the War Department do
not bel!eo the matter Is serious, and they
are confident that General Davis will be
able to deal with It.
i t
Headquarters of China Squadron.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 7. The squad
ron of the United States Navy, recently
formed in Chinceo waters. Is to have Its
headquarters at Hong Kong. For some
time it was thought that the war vessels
dispatched to Hong Kong from Manila and
San Francisco were on temporary duty,
and were to be returned soon, but such Is
now known not to be a fact. D. A. Smith,
Pay Director In tho Navy, and William
Long, a pay cleric have arrived here on
their way to Hong Kong, whero they will
report for duty.
I m
nuaband and "Wife Are One.
New York Post.
In Guilford County, North Carolina, a
young roan who was courting a young
woman was forbidden by her father to
come on the premises. The girl's mother
told him he was welcome, and he followed
her advice. The angry father sued him
for trespass. The mother signed his bond.
The case was tried and the father lost, the
Magistrate holding that, as husband and
wife are one, sho had a right to invite
the young man.
i i
Schools for Mining-.
WASHINGTON, April -7.-Scnator Till
man, from the committee on mines and
mining, today reported tho bill providing
for the utilization of a part of tho pro
ceeds of the sales of public lands. In sup
port of schools for mining In the public
land states. .It provides for tho appropria
tion of J0,0 annually for tha present In
each case and the gradual increase of the
amount to $20,000.
Situation In Asliantee.
ACCRA, British Gold Coast Colony,
Africa, April 6. Tho situation in Ashahteo
Is unchanged. A Coomassle runner -reports
that all tho Asbantee tribes 'are In
arms, the King of Bekwai alone remain
ing loyal. It is believed that the Asbantee
golden stool has been found and that the
rising Is due to the endeavor of the Gov
ernor of the colony. Sir Frederic Mitchell
Hodgson, to take possession of It. ' -
Writes: ' have used
one bottle otPeruna tor
lassitude and I can rec
ommend It highly. "
Willis Brewer.
Peruna, the great spring tonic and
endorsed by the following prominent
Senor Quesada, of the1
Hon, of Washington, D.C.
Booker T. Washington, of Tuskegee,
Belva A. Lockwood, 619 "F" street, N.
W.y Washington, D. C.
Senator Stephen R. Mallory, ofPensa
cola, Fla.
Chief Justice William C. Chambers,
of Washington, D. &
Congressman H. W. Ogden, from
Benton, Lowa.
Governor Joseph J. Johnston, of Mont'
gomery, Ala.
. Major General Joseph
Wheeler, Ala.
Governor G. W. Atkinson,
Usual' Comment on the AnRlo-Boer
War Attempted AnannslnatIon
of Prince of Walea.
BERLIN, April 7. Regarding Germany's
projected new commercial treaty policy.
various semiofficial utterances during the
past week show the Imperial government
does not Intend to deviate from the pro
tective tariff policy. In no case will thero
be a lowering of duties. Finance Minis
ter Miquel. In his own organ, tho Poltlscho
Nachrlchten, says:
"At present the government Is consider
ing whether It Is advisable to Introduce
maximum and minimum tariffs instead of
the present system' of a uniform tariff
scale. Thero nre many reasons for argu
ing in favor of such a changed especially
the assurance thus given to every branch
of trade and Industry that no matter
how the treaties are finally concluded, a
certain amount of protection againet for
eign competition Is vouchsafed. This ap
plies still stronger to tho productive and
agricultural classes."
The South African War, throughout tho
week, was commented on In the usual
pplrit. The smallest success of the Boers
was magnified and hailed, while the Brit
lh succefse were belittled. Tomorrow's
Die Woche will contain nn article from the
pen of Major von Francoles. late Governor
of German Southwest Africa. Interestingly
weighing the chancel of Boer trektt to
that German colony after the war 13 over.
The author, on tho whole, considers tha
Boers'would bo an undesirable element.
As further details about the attempt
on the llff of the Prmqe of Wales, at Brus
sels, come In. tho press chante Its cub
and considers It In the light of a farce.
The Voerwaerts today, grouping all the
evidence, says: "Tho whole thing was a
dummo dungenstrelch (youngster's esca
pade), nnd It Is preposterous to seek there
in proof of International anarchism or any
politics whatever."
Andrew D. White, the United States Am
bassador, has secured passage on board
the Deutscheland for July 2D alone, sailing
from Cherbourg after viewing the Paris
Exposition .hurriedly. He will attend his
daughter's Sreddlng and will vWt Wash
ington beforo returning here. Mr. White
has sent some reminiscences of Tolstoi nnd
others to a. New York magazine, and has
about finished a long historical work.
Cyclist Tonrlnc Abroad.
From present Indications the cycling sea
son for 1900 promises to show more tour
ing than ever before. The building of
cycle paths, which has been pushed en
thusiastically throughout the country dur
ing tho last year, has opened up territory
heretofore unknown to the average rider.
Touring abroad will also be Indulged in
by many.
The special arrangements mado with
the foreign cycling associations by ex-
Presldent Keenan. of'the League of Amer-
lean Wheelmen, will be of positive benefit -
1WWSSSmJ'-" - -
Cuban Lega
from Argentine Republic,. ot.Washing
ton, D. C.
fgingrsstmap 4nuf (JtCmmip
Wheeler, of
of W. Va.
to many who will visit the Paris Expo
sition this year. The New York Tribune
advises that members of tho Leaguo of
American Wheelmen contemplating a visit
abroad this year should communicate with
Abbott Bassett, the secretary of the league
at. Boston, who will forward to those In
quiring a membership ticket of the Cycl
ists" Touring Club of England, which will
be of considerable benefit to the tourist
abroad. The ticket will cost nothing to
members. Tourists from abroad visiting
this country are guaranteed similar cour
tesies by the League of American Wheel
men. e
Those of the Kcnrsarce Proved En
tirely Sntlafactory.
WASHINGTON. April 7. Tho Naval
Board of Inspection, of which Rcar-Ad-mlral
Frederick Rodgers is president, has
submitted d unanimous report to the
Acting Secretary of the Navy on the re
cent trial of tho battle-ship Kearsargo.
off the Virginia Capes. The most In
teresting, and. to naval people, the most
Important, feature of the trial was the
test of tho superimposed turrets of tho
battle-ship, made primarily to detcrmlno
the stabllky of the vessel and the struc
tural strength of the turrets. Concern
ing the turret tests, tho board says:
"During the afternoon of April 3, tho
four guns In the forward turret were
fired simultaneously at 4000 yards' range,
and three of the projectiles apparently
fell In the same spot; one fell about 300
yards beyond, but on the line. The four
guns from the after turret also were fired
simultaneously, and In this case three
projectiles fell In the name spot; one
eight-Inch projectile fell to the right.
During this test tho blast from the eight
Inch guns In tho superimposed turret did
not Inconvenience the people In the 13
Inch turret. After these tests, all of the
guns of tho main and secondary batteries
wero fired at extreme elevation and at
level. No Injury was done to the struc
ture of the ship or the gun mounts by
these tests, except breaking a glass and
a bolt."
The board notes that on, firing the au
tomatic one-pounders. In the military
tops, the vibration and Jump to the mount
was so great as to make any further fir
ing of these guns damrcrous. The search
lights failed to give satisfaction, due to
their unfinished condition. The board
Itemizes some unfinished work due to
putting the vessel In commission before
she was quite completed, and some minor
defective work, which will be made good
by the contractors. The board calls at
tention to tho fact that the vessel was
taken from the contractors before she
had been thoroughly completed, and says
that on this account tho benefits Intend
ed to be attained by the Government as
the result of a final trial were not forth
coming. It is recommended that the first
official trial of a vessel in future be not
made until that vessel ha3 practically
been completed In all particulars. The
speed attained with a mixture of slacs
and soft coal was 14.99 knots per hour.
i i
Punctnre-Proof Tire.
A German scientist has patented a
puncture-proof tire filling. If successful
It will prove a boon to bicycle-riders, es
pecially, as well as to owners of rubber-
tired vehicles of aU kinds and air saddle
and cushions.
The filling is a Jelly made of glue. Glyce-
catarrh remedy, is
men and womeq:
Ex-Governor P. B. S. Pinchbacltfof
Senator W. N. Roach, from' North
Judson W. Lyons, Registerof the U.
S. Treasury, of Washington, D. C.
Hon. H. G. Worthington, ex-Minister
Governor W. M. Lord, of Oregon.
Hon. S. Smithmeyer, architect of the
Congressional Library,, Washington,
Hal. P. Denton, Chief National Export
Exposition, of Philadelphia, Pa.
rino Is added to prevent hardening, and an
antiseptic preparation that keeps It from
fermenting. The mixture is first heated
until It liquefies, and is then beaten to a
stiff foam.
Whllo in this frothy condition. It Is liv
troduced Into the tire or saddle and al
lowed to cool and partly solidify. The re
sult Is a. light, spongy material, of cellular
formation, exceedingly light In weight, and
proof against tacks. nall3, glass and all
puncturing objects,. Tho formula for
making it Is not expensive, and the result
so satisfactory that it will become gener
ally used.
. Friendly Counsel.
Bessie Fred last night told mo he loved
Lizzie Did be? Oh, I'm so glad! For
mercy's sake don't let him get away from
you. Of course you know he has been
pestering me witb.jbsJove and devotion
for ever and eyer so long. Boston Tran
script. in
I There's no season when J
good medicine is so much f
S needed as in Spring, and J
A there's no medicine which A
does so much good in Spring ?
5 as Hood's Sarsaparilla. In S
A fact Spring Medicine is A
I another name for Hood's I
? Sarsaparilla. Do not delay ?
I taking it. Don't put it off A
till your health tone gets
T too low to he lifted. T
A "Will give you a goal appe- f
I tite, purify and enrich your X
i Wood, overcome that tired S
feeling, give you mental and A
I digestive strength and steady I
nerves. Be sure to' ask for
I HOOD'S, and bo sure thatl
you get Hood's, the best med- I
"T imnA ninriATr nnn TmT. flat-
a bottle TODAY. It is
i Peculiar
To Itself j
4 h-
.vA,-. 3.
- - i.