The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 08, 1900, PART TWO, Page 18, Image 18

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An Interesting; Stndy in Political His
tory uy a Supporter of the Mc
Klnley Administration.
Ainslee's Magazine for April contains an
Interesting political article by George Ice
land Hunter, entitled "Our Congressional
Presidents." We make the following ex
tracts: It Is not a heathy sign for tbo people o
a nation always to be crying fcr a strong
man to protect them against the folly or
'Wickedness of their Legislators. It Indi
cates thai they have lost faith In their
ability to -work modern political institu
tions. It shows a fatal eagerness to shirk
political responsibility. During recent
years a majority of the newspapers of
Continental Europe have repeatedly as
eerted that only In England does Parlia
mentary government hold Its own. In
Germany an Emperor, conspicuous for en
ergy and resolution, has exalted the po
sition of the Executive, depressing cor
respondingly the position of the Reichstag.
In Austria, governmnt by Imperial de
cree .ha recently supplanted government
by the representatives of the people. In
Franco it has more than once seemed as if
the cnemls of popular govrnment would
succeed In their attempt to install a dic
tator. In the United States the power
of tbo President appeared at one time
ereatly to have increased, owing to the
personal forco and integrity of a man,
who, distrusting members of City Coun
ells. Legislatures, and Congress, had ve
toed his way into the Presidential chair.
The New York Nation, on the 15th of June,
1, 6aid: 'The faith In the saving power
of parliamentary institutions, so manifest
during the first half of this century, has
given way to scepticism and distrust
Seventy-five years ago the people's dear
est Interests were cheerfully Intrusted to
the wisdom of a Legislative Assembly.
... The, forefathers fought for repre
sentative government, as the only guaran
tee of civil and political liberty; the sons
cry out that the blessings are small and
"the evils are great."
It is quite true, as the Nation says, that
many today, doubt tho advantages of rep
resentative government, but It Is also true
that in the United States at the time of
the adoption of the Constitution there was
no undue confidence in Legislatures or
Congress. In pre-revolutlonary days, the
-American colonists retained an enthusias
tic affection for George III who, they ar
gued, had been deceived by bad councillors
long after they "had come to regard the
English Parliament with distrust and even
with hatred. During the Revolution they
aw more clearly the mistakes than the
virtues of the Continental Congress. And
when Independence had been won on the
battle-field, and military necessity no
longer constrained the dissatisfied, mur
murs against the inefficiency of the cen
tral Legislature became constantly
Consequently in the Constitutional con
vention there "were some so disgusted with
representative government that they were
almost ready to vote for hereditary mon
archy, and felt that at the very least the
Executive should have the power of abso
lute veto. Others, radically republican,
still adhered to the Idea of a Parliament
responsible only to the people and unham
pered by executive interference. 'me re
sult of the compromise, which permits a
two-thirds majority of each house to over
ride a veto, has been to preserve in a
marvelous manner the balanco of power
between the Executive and the legislative
For convenience, I shall call Presidents
who have been free users of the veto pow
er "King Presidents," and their opposltes
"Congressional Presidents." The moat
striking examples of the "King President"
are the two Democrats, Jackson and
Cleveland, and the two Republicans, John
son and Grant: the most striking examples
of the "Congressional President" are the
two Democrats. Jefferson and Monroe, and
the two Republicans, Lincoln and iicKln
ley. "King Presidents" have been inspired by
the Idea that tney were the special and pe
culiar representatives of the people chosen
to protect the people against other repre-
Kauuves. jacKson. Deing able to persuade
the people that he was right, greatly ex
alted the authority of the chief magistrate.
"When one Congress fought him, the peo
ple cent him another that was suhTnictdv
Johnson could not command the support of
me peupn.-, ana Dy nis attempt at absolut
ism exalted the power of Congrets. Grant,
though the idol of the people to the end,
could not get a submissive Congress.
Cleveland, who was swept Into office by a
wave of popular protest against existing
political abuses, retained the admiration
of the people well into his second term.
No President ever treated Congress with
such disdain as he.
Among "Congressional Presidents" Jef
ferson is an extraordinary example of tho
able politician. Avowedly and Intentional
ly he endeavored to show that he look-d
on Congress as the center of government,
on himself as the servant of Congress. TJot
ils personality was so attractive and
the party behind him so strong, that Con
gress almost without exception followed
his initiative. The result of the Jefter
eonian policy of allowing the representa
tives of the people to govern became ap
parent under Madison. The authority of
the President visibly declined.- During
the era. of good feeling." under Monroe,
the authority of Congress was greate
than at any other time in the history of
our country. It did not occur to a Presi
dent nominated in Congressional caucus to
resist the body that had made him. Under
Lincoln, tho authority of the President
which. In the Interval since Jackson, had
declined, noticeably increased. partly
owing to Lincoln's political ability, partly
to the opportunity of war.
As the veto is the bludgeon which the
masterful Executive employs to beat an
offeuoing legislative body into submission
It is clear that the number and import
ance of a President's vetoes will to a ccr
taln extent measure his elf-ossertlvens.
The following table of vetoes is instruct
ive: First 6lx Presidents ..
First sixteen Presidents " r.
Johnron " ,.
Grant !!!!!!"!!!!""
First twenty-one Presidents""!"" 131
Cleveland ijt
McKlnley !!!".!".""! 2
Total vetoes to date """"'""""tse
It will be noticed that Jackson, a man of
strong prejudices- which he sometime mis
took for principles, all the more ndaman
tlne of purpose because constitutionally
unable to see more than one side of the
shield, adapted by nature to military rath
er than civil command, showed his opin
ion of Congress by vetoing li bills, three
more tnan all his predecessors. Johnson
who also had an overconfidence In his
own Judgment, used the veto 21 timer
twice more than any predecessor except
Jackson, and suffered the extreme indig
nity of Tiaving 13 bills passed over lis
veto. Grant in his two terms wrote
veto messages. Cleveland, fresh from au
tocracy from Buffalo and Albany, wrote
301 in his first term over twice as many
as all tho 21 Presidents who preceded him
and 12 in his second term. 'Washington
wrote two, John Adams none, Jefferson
none, Monroe one. Van Buren none. Lin
coln thre Arthur four, McKlnley two.
Five bills were passed over Cleveland's
veto. Not a single member of either
lioui-o has yet voted In favor of passing
a bill over McKInley's veto.
. . . Jackson was the first President
to take the Napoleonic pose. His distrust
of Congress had not been lessened by the
fact that in 1S34. when the election was
thrown Into the House of Representatives.
John Quincy Adams was preferred to him
self. So. In ISIS, when elected by a largo
majority, -he was Quite In th mnnA in innt-
ob Congressmen as the (also representa-
Uves and himself as the only true repre
sentative of the people. And before long
the people, -worshiping him as the hero of
New Orleans, came to believe that he could
do no wrong, and that he was their pecu.
liar champion. The more enemies he made
among the rich, the Intelligent, the re
spectable, the firmer was his hold upon
the poor, the ignorant, the unfortunate.
He finally attained such regal position
that he was able to name his own suc
cessor. And Van Buren was by no means
the last Presidential candidate who
sought the shelter of General Jackson's
"ample military coat tail."
Yet, In 1S34, the Senate of the United
States, by a vote of 2S to 20, had passed
the following resolution to censure Jack
son for his course toward the Bank of
the United States: "Resolved. That the
President, in tho lato executive proceed
ings in relation to the public revenue, has
assumed upon himself authority and pow
er not conferred by the- Constitution and
laws, but in derogation of both." In sup
porting the resolution, Henry Clay ac
cused the President or "open, palpable,
and daring usurpation." After having
assumed all the powers of the 'Govern
ment, executive, legislative and Judicial,
he had ended by seizing the public purse,
as Caesar had seized the treasury of
Rome. "For moro than 15 years," said
Mr. Clay, "I have been struggling to
avoid tho present state of things. I
thought I perceived In some proceedings
(of General Jackson's) during the con
duct of the Seminole War, a spirit of de
fiance to tho Constitution and to -all law."
And Calhoun, comparing Jackson and his
followers with Caesar, said: " "With mon
ey I will get men. and with men money,'
was the maxim of the Roman plunderer.
With money we will get partisans, with
partisans votes, and with votes money.
Is the maxim of our public pilferers."
Grant's Administration is a most signal
illustration of the folly of rpecting the
military hero .to display the virtues of the
statesman. Tor certainly no more modest.
unassuming and well-intentioned man ever
lived in tho White House. His elghtn
and last message to Congress is almost
pathetic. In it he said: "It was my for
tune or misfortune to be called to tho
office of Chief Executive without any pre
vious political training. ... Under
such circumstances, it is but reasonable
to uppose that errors of judgment must
have occurred. . . . (But) failures have
been errors of Judgment, not of intent.1
Grant was unable to get over the military
habit- He could not force himself to al
low Congress to perform Its constitutional
duties unhampered. His vetoes were nu
merous, and not always 'well considered.
As John Sherman says: "The policy
adopted (by Grant as President), and the
controlling influences around him were
purely personal. He consulted but few of
the Senators or members, and they were
known as his personal friends. ... This
was a period of bitter accusation, extend
ing from the President to almost every
ono In public life. . . . General Grant
was so honest that he did not suspect oth
ers, and no doubt confided in and was
friendly 'with those who abused his confi
dence. It was a period of slander and
Two Presidents, Johnson and Cleveland,
did not need military training to make
them Imperious. The first, desplto Con
gressional training, tho second, perhaps
for lack of It, attempted to override Con
gress. But as neither -was deified in the
eyes of the people by military glory, nei
ther had a lasting hold upon the affec
tions of the people. So that Congress
without fear of retribution passed 15 out
of 21 veto bills over Johnson's veto, and
the House of Representatives having im
peached him, the Senate failed by only
one vote to givo the two-thirds majority
necessary for conviction.
Johnson's extraordinary Inability to ap
preciate tho nature of representative gov
ernment appears in his address 'To the
People of the United States," Issued on
the occasion of his retirement from. the
Presidency. He gives an alarming de
scription of the dangers that "the govern
ment may be wholly subverted and over
thrown by a two-thirds majority in Con
gress," and laments because "encroach
ments upon the Constitution cannot bo
prevented by the President alone, however
devoted or determined he may be, and be
cause unless the people Interpose there is
no power under the Constitution to check
a dominant majority of two-thirds in the
Congress of the United States," and be
cause "the veto power lodged in the Exec
utivo by the Constitution for the Interest
and protection of the people, and exer
cised by Washington and his successors,
has been rendered nugatory by a partisan
majority of two-thirds in each branch of
the National Legislature."
Cleveland was. Indeed, on extraordinary
President in ordinary times. With ai nat
ural self-confidence multiplied a thousand
fold by his meteoric riso into National
prominence, he tried to manage Congress
by bulldozing it as he had previously man
aged the City Council of Buffalo and the
Legislature of New York. And although
ho failed to establish, like Jackson, an
all-powerful personal machine, and al
though, by 1S9I, he had succeeded In alien1
ating not only the representatives of the
people, but the people themselves, to such
an extent that the New York Tribune said,
"President Cleveland is politically tho
most lonely man on earth," he did suc
ceed in getting himself twice renominated
and once re-elected. ...
I should llko to say much about Lincoln,
the third of the "Congressional Presi
dents" whom I have named, for more
than any other he illustrates what enor
mous good can be done by tho skillful poli
tician. At a period when recrimination
was rife, when every defeat In battle
brought an avalanche of abuse upon the
administration, when those who were loyal
wero divided Into numerous cliques, each
with its panacea, Lincoln patiently and
gently waited until both Congress and
people wanted what he wanted, and
then acted immediately, vigorously,
effectively. Extremists were never
satisfied with Lincoln. They called him
an opportunist. They lost patience with
his dilly-dallying. They could not see
with the eyes of posterity which perceive
that Lincoln was right in refusing to Issue
the Emancipation Proclamation until the
critical moment had come.
Lincoln never hesitated to offer office to
thoso willing and able to help him. The
personnel of his Cabinet was always dic
tated by political considerations. He ob
tained the support of a great New York
newspaper by appointing Its editor min
ister to one of the European capitals. Ho
tried to settle factional quarrels In the
different states by the judicious bestowal
of patronage. Tho result of hla political
sagacity was that Congress trusted him
and the people trusted him. It was clear
that no personal opinion would be pre
ferred to the opinion of his constituents.
He appreciated his duty as representative
ns well as his duty to his own ideal. Con
sequently his opinion always received the
most respectful cons'deratlon from Con
gress, and had more persuasive Influence
than that of dictatorial Presidents.
The training of President McKlnley has
been such that he certainly ought to-be
a "Congressional President." He was a
member of the House of Representatives
for 13 years, during which he rose to the
position of leader of his party and took
part In much of tho most Important leg
islation. Here he learned to understand
the real motives of the averago Congress
man, and to appreciate the fact that many
of his fellow-members were men of
marked ability, and that most wero men
of honesty. Here he watched with impa
tience the non-Congressional attitude of
Cleveland. Here he became the acquaint
ance or friend of Republicans and Demo
crats who were later to support or op
pose the policies of his administration
Here ho acquired an intimate knowledge
of the working of the entire governmental
President McKlnley Is at once a parti
san and a peacemaker. He has settled
many party quarrels, arid Is said never to
have been a participant In any. At times
he has shown a loyalty to others almost
too altruistic to seem credible in political
The roost notable Instance was in 1$
when the Ohio delegation went to the Na
tional Republican Convention pledged for
Sherman. There were several candidates,
and the contest was prolonged. The dler
gates were becoming weary. There -was
an admirable chance for a "dark horse."
When It came to the sixth ballot some
one voted for William McKlnley. The
delegates cheered. The state following
gave him 17 votes. It looked Hke McKln
ley. His labors for Sherman, his pleas
for the Ohio Senator as he went from
delegation to delegation, "had won sup
port for himself. Then McKlnley, with a
stern look In his face, stepped on a chair
and began to speak. There was In his
voice a tone not natural to It, a defiant
tone. The Ohio delegation had been in
structed for Sherman, be said, and duty
forbade McKlnley to remain silent.
"I should, not respect myself If I could
find It In my heart to do. or to permit to
be done, that which could even be ground
for any one to suspect that I wavered in
my loyalty to .Ohio, or any devotion to
the chief of her choice and the chief of
mine. I do not request I demand that
no delegate who would not cast reflection
upon me shall cast a ballot for me,"
McKInley's nomination at tho St. Louis
Convention in K36 was the natural re
sult of his career as party leader. Other
Republican leaders as well as the Repub
lican rank and file called for McKlnley.
All were his friends, for he had antagon
ized -none. Hla election, they believed,
would promote the interests of the party
as well as tho interests of the country.
It is ni party leader that McKlnley has
been able to wield the vast Influence
P H UlJJ xrsw ,
1 1 m h h r 1 .j
e-s--3K-5S immw"-"' 'T'K3TCoqV-0 . '
Recent additions and Improvements cost 70000, and this Is now ono of tbe largest and finest
churches in the capital city. The auditorium will seat GOO persons.
which some complain of and others deny.
His party allies In Congress, to whom
some say he is too submissive, stand by
him through thick and thin. They are
alert to checkmate moves made against
him or his administration by political op
ponents. , In return, they reap the reward
that comes from the control of political
patronage. They take counsel -with the
President, and can therefore explain the
motives of the Administration to tho coun
try at large. They advise tho President,
and as he often gives in to them, they
are able with better grace to give In to
him upon occasion. President McKlnley
has not been content, however, to main
tain harmony within the ranks of his
own party. He has made numerous ef
forts to enlist the aid of political oppon
ents. It is hardly necessary to add, what
everybody knows, that he has done this
with remarkable, success.
Critics who are hostile to parliamentary
government In general, and to a "Con
gressional Prcslaent" in particular, find a
point of attack In the harmony that now
exists between Congress and tbe execu
tive. They see in this harmony the de
generacy of our Institutions.
Last year the New York Nation said:
'There was to be, while he (McKlnley)
was President, none of that Incessant
disagreement and quarreling between tho
Executive and Congress which marked
and .marred the second administration of
Mr. Cleveland. Instead of an irritable
and pig-headed President, we were to
have one all suavity and infinite tact, and
Instead of an Executive and Congress at
perpetual loggerheads, wo wero to see
tho two moving oh in spheric harmony.
Distinct, notice of the change to come
was served in Mr. McKInley's Inaugural
when he said:
" 'I do not sympathize, with the senti
ment that Congress in session is danger
ous to our business interests.' And there
was a veritable cry, "I'm wld ye, me
byes!' In his first annual message to Con
gress, of which the opening sentence was:
'It gives me pleasure to extend greeting
to tho Fifty-fifth Congress . . . with
many of whose Senators and Rcpresenta
tlvea I have been associated in tbe legis
lative service.' "
It cannot be denied that In harmony
there Is danger, and that when the wheels
of the governmental machine run smooth
ly we have quite as much need to be on
tho watch as when they creak. But hu
man nature is such that the average
citizen must bo, spurred to his civic duty
by the necessity of reform, and not until
corruption is rifo will ho exert himself
"to turn the rascals out." Then he calls
for non-compromisers to hold the .elec
tive offices. Then ho demands a "King
President." But Inasmuch as It is more
Important to do than to undo, and as con
structive statesmanship remains Impos
sible while the Executive devotes himself
to the task of thwarting Congress, and
Congress devotes itself to the task of
thwarting the Executive, there comes a
time for recrimination to cease. Then,
with Congress nnd a. "Congressional Pres
ident" working together, we begin to ap
preciate what a brilliant part In world
history belongs to the seventy million men
and women of the United States.
Sitting alone la the draught's glow.
Dreaming of Jays of the long ago.
Laughing and clapping his hands in glee
This la a picture I often see.
As I walk down the street In the evening's
And glance through a window Into a room.
Where an old man bHm In hla easy chair.
And dreams of the past which was rosy and
Around nun there throng from memory's ball.
The friends of his youth, and he loved them all.
And his children, the pride of his manhood's
To Ms deaf old ears. In a rhythmic rhyme.
Are singing the songs their mother sung
In the bygone days, when they both were
And he smiles with a Joy that la only known
To an old. old man, as he dreams alone.
Ills hair Is as white as the driven snow.
Ills face Is wrinkled, but his eyes are crlow.
As ha walks once again through the scenes of
hla youth,'
When he took for hta motto, Faith, Friendship
and Truth.
And now as he drifts down life's turbid stream
lie has .nothing to do but to dream, just to
Of the pictures and fancies that lie In the past.
Of joys elyslan, too fleetlug to last I
How I envy him thus, as he elts In his chair.
Weighed down by the rears, and the snow in
hla hair.
Fori know that ere long a vision more sweet any his fancy has painted will greet
His dreamy old erea. And the land of the leal.
Will bring to him Joys that are lasting and real.
While I must toll on. unloved and alone.
With cot even a dream Z can claim as my own!
tT. Frwuel Crawford.
"What Jesus "Would Do" Sngeeata
Series, of Sermons by Rev. Dr.
Alexander Blackburn.
At Its last business meeting, Hassalo
Street Congregational Church adopted the
following resolutions:
"Whereas, the Rev. R. W. Farquhar,
who has served us so faithfully as our
pastor for the'past two and a half years,
has resigned his pastorate with us, being
Impelled thereto by the condition of his
"Resolved, That we, the members of
Hassalo-Street Congregational Church, of
Portland, Or., express hereby the feeling
of deep regret with which we accept his
resignation and consent to the severance
of the ties of affection which his pastorate
has created.
"Resolved, That as a preacher of tho
gospel and student of the Word of God.
he has faithfully presented the truth in
such clear and forceful language that all
have been Instructed, edified and spirit
ually raised In the divine life, and the
seed sown cannot fall In producing rich
"Resolved, That as a pastor ho has ever
been ready to respond to the calls of his
congregation, entering into their joys and
sorrows, and. like his Divine Master, ad
ministering such consolation as each oc
casion demanded.
"Resolved. That we tender him and his
faithful wlfo our love and sympathy, and
regret the necessity for his having to take
tho needed rest, and we hope and pray
that amid the scenes of his native land
and the greetings of family and friends,
he may be recuperated and fitted for
many years of service In the Lord's vine
yard." Forbes Presbyterian Church.
At the annual congregational meeting
of the Forbes Presbyterian Church Thurs
day night, the reports showed all branches
of tho work In good condition. The total
congregational expenses- amounted to 1333,
exclusive of tU missionary offerings and
13) assembly fund. The church received
WM for the year from tho Home Mission
ary Board toward tho pastor's support.
Thero is a debt of J500, which falls due
next January, and which the church will
take measures to liquidate when due. The
board of elders was enlarged to six in
number, and two new men. James Ellis
and C. R. Donnell, were elected, and will
be installed Easter Sunday morning. The
treasurer, O. W. Swank, to whose un
tiring energy the financial condition of
the church Is largely due, declined re
election, and George W. Cheadle was elect
ed treasurer for the ensuing year. T. W.
Vreeland was elected congregational sec
retary. In addition to the six elders, five
trustees were also elected. The new year
begins with much to encourago the con
gregation. First Baptist Church.
The recent publications on "What Jesus
Would Do" suggested to Rev. Dr. Alex
ander Blackburn, of the First Baptist
Church, a series of sermons for Passion
Week on "What Ho Did Do," aj follows:
Sunday morning "He Was Baptized."
Sunday evening "He Overcame the
Monday evening "He Revealed the Fa
ther." Tuesday evening "He Wrought Mira
cles." Wednesday evening "He Uncovered tho
Pit to Warn Us."
Thursday evening "He Opened Heaven
to Win Us."
Friday evening "He Died on the Cross."
Easter Sunday Morning. "He RoVe from
the Dead." Evening, "He Ascended to
The music will be in charge of Professor
W. M. Wilder, assisted on Sundays by a
chorus of male voices.
The musical programme for today fol
lows: Morning Andante T. Mee Paulson
Hymn Anthem. 'The Male Chorus"
Offertory "OlTertoIre Elevation"
., Rlmbault
Postlude "Processional" Bateman
Prelude "Ssrenade" Schubert
Anthem Male chorus
Offertory In B flat Clarke
Tenor solo Mr.
Postlude Batiste
The revival meetings will be continued
during the week with special topics to be
st. David's Church.
At the 11 o'clock service at St. David's
Episcopal Church tcday, the rector, Rev.
George B. Van Waters, will deliver a ser
mon on "The Atonement" at 11 A. M and
In the evening on "Divine Love."
Services at St. David's during the week
will be as follows: Holy communion every
day at 7 A. M.. excepting Good Friday:
three-hour service on Good Friday ftom
12 M. to 3 P. M. An offering will be taken
at 1:30 for the propagation of the gospel
among tho Jews. Those retiring from tho
church will please do so during the sing
ing of hymns.
Snnnyslde Methodist.
At Sunnyslde Methodist Church, Rev. W.
S. Harrington, D. D., presiding elder of
New Whatcom District, Puget Sound Con
ference, will preach at 11 o'clock. In the
evening the pastor. Dr. S. A. Starr, will
preach on the theme, "Working and Re
ceiving Wages." Sabbath school at 10
o'clock, C A. Gatzka superintendent. The
Epworth League devotional service at G:30
will be led by Stanley A. Starr. The sub
ject will be "Christ, Our Missionary
Model-" Addresses will be delivered by
Professor J. H. Whltaker, President W.
R. Insley and others. The following
special music has been provided: 'Mrs. Pro
fessor Whltaker, late of Singapore, will
clng In her native language; a duet, "Saved
by Grace," will be sung by the Misses
Royal r solo, "Cast Thy Bread Upon the
Waters," Stanley A. Starr. The Starr
Walker quartet will sing.
The musical programme follows:
Mornlng-Preluae, "Rest, Spirit, Rest"
A : ' A 4
(AmUle): anthem.. '-Praise Yes. the Lard."
(McPhall): offertery, "Cavatlna" (Belllne);'
postlude. "Bridal Chorus" (Cowen).
Evening Prelude, in.A (Schumann); an
them. "Come Unto Me" (Henderson): of
fertory, "No. 30" (Barnet): postluder (S.
Clarke). "Professor C. A. Walker, leader;
H. D. Crockett, organist.
Grace Methodist Episcopal CanrcB.
At Grace Methodist Episcopal Church.
Rev. Hugh D. Acbison, the pastor, will
preach in the morning a sermon appro
priate to Palm Sunday, on "The Meaning
of the Royal Claims of Jesus," and at
7:30 on "Jesus and the Life More Abun
dant." Sunday school at 12:15, with Bible
classes for adults, one for young men led
by tho pastor. Epworth League prayer
meeting at 6:30. The following musical
programme will be rendered by the choir,
under the direction of Mlsa Blanche Sorcn.
son. with Mrs. E. M. Bergen as organist:
Morning Organ "Quartet" (Haydn): an
them. "Cast Thy Bread Upon the Water,"
alto and tenor duet (Slmpklns); offertery,
"Elevation" (Baptlste): contralto solo, "A
Dream of Paradise." (Gray), Miss Blanche
Sorenson; organ postlude (Clark).
Evening Organ, "Cantablle" (Le
maigre); anthem, "Incline Thine Ear to
Me": contralto solo (Hlmmel); offertory,
"Meditation" (Brewster): organ, "Vienna
March" (Clark). .
First Christian. Church.
At the Fst Christian Church, Rev. J.
F. Ghormley will take for his morning
theme, "The Test of Dlsclpleshlp." In the
evening he will present some of the phe
nomena of psychic law, his theme will
be, "Meemcr and His Ism." New mem
bers will bo received Into the fellowship
at both services. Special musical pro
grammes have been arranged. W. 1.
Werschkul, music director; Mra. Ella
Jones, organist.
Hnssalo Congregational.
The Hassalo Congregational church. In
Holladay'e Addition, will hold special ser
vices during the week commencing Monday
evening. The services will be held every
night, excepting Saturday night. Fine
music will be a feature of the services,
which will also bo especially Interesting. A
cordial welcome will be extended to all
who attend.
First Congregational.
The services at the First Congregational
Church will be of unusual interest. In the
morning special Palm Sunday music will
bo rendered, and tho pastor will preach on,
"Assisting In tho Lord's Triumphal En
try." In the evening there will be a spe
cial musical service. The choir, augmented
by an extra quartet, will render Stalner's
crucifixion, an oratorio of great power. In
a manner which Is well known to the Port
land public as the personnel of the choir
attests. A short address will also be given
on "The Fact of the Atonement" All seats
aro free and tne public Is cordially invited
to be present. The musical programme
will bo as follows:
Morning Organ prelude, "Andante Re
ligiose" (Lemalgre); anthem, contralto and
tenor solos, "Jerusalem" (Parker-Reee), re
sponse, "The Lord's Prayer"; offertory,
organ solo, "Tho Palme" (Faure); postlude
Evening Organ prelude, ''Grand Offer
toire" (Blessner); "The Crucifixion" (Staln
er): offertory. "Serenade" (Frank Taft);
postlude. "Choristers' March" (Mason).
W. A. Montgomery, choir director; Ralph
W. Hoyt, organist.
First Unitarian.
Palm Sunday will bo observed at the
Unitarian Church by appropriate music,
and a sermon by the minister. Rev. W. P.
Lord. The confirmation class meets at 13:30
P. M., subject, "The Church." The Fra--ternlty
meeting will be held at 7 o'clock,
subject, "The Five-Talent Man." The
church will observe Good Friday by a
service In the chapel, at 7:45 P. M. Dr.
Eliot will conduct the service and speak
upon a subject appropriate to the occasion.
The church Is making Its usual Easter
preparations In an elaborate musical pro
gramme in the church, and also for the
Sunday school. New windows for the
church have been talked about for some
time, ever since a generous woman con
nected with tho church gave a consider
able mm for this object before lea-icg the
city laet winter. It is said that the new
windows may bo put in place for Easter.
The Pacific Conference of Unitarian
Church is to meet this year at Berkeley.
CaL Dr. Eliot Is to preach the inaugural
sermon, Tuesday evening. May L
Trinity Episcopal Church.
At Trinity Church, the services during
Holy Week will be as follows:
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
morning prayer, 10:30; evening prayer. 6;
noon. SO-mlnute service, men only. 12:C5.
Thursday Holy communion. 10:30; even
ing service. 5; noon, 23-mInute service,
men only. 12.-0G.
Good Friday Morning prayer, 10:30;
Passion service from 12 to 3 P. M.; even
Ing prayer and sermon. 8.
Rev. Dr. Morrison will sing "The Palms"
at both services today.
Y. M. C. A.
The musical programme for .this after
noon at 3:30. at the Y. M. C. A. follows;
March "Hands Across the Sea" Sousa
Song "Truc-Hearted. Whole-Hearted"
Congregation, quartet and orchestra.
Overture "Stradella" Flotow
Song "Abide With Me" Parks
Oregon Male Quartet
Address "Abraham, a Study of Titled
President II. L. Boardman, McMInnvllle.
Song "God Is Calling Yef'..McGranahan
Congregation, quartet and orchestra.
United Evangelical.
At the First United Evangelical Church,
East Tenth street. Rev. C T. Hurd, the
pastor, will preach this morning on "Self
Denial." In the evening. Rev. G. L. Lov
cll, of WlUIamsport. Pa., will occupy tho
pulpit He Is a classmato of Mr. Hurd'
and comes to Join the Oregon United
Evangelical conference.
Cambcrlanii Presbyterian.
Rev. O. A.' Bliss will occupy his pulpit
In Cumberland Presbyterian Church. East
Side. The morning subject will be: 'The
Gospel Applied." Evening subject. "Thu
Story of the Sons of Rlzpah; or. a Moth
er's Deathless Love." Good music may
be expected.
Centenary Methodist.
At the Centenary Methodist Church,
Rev. L. E. Rockwell. D. D.. will have a
special interest today. Bishop Thoburn
will be present at the services, but will
not preach. 'The First Palm Sunday"
will be the subject of the children's hour
meeting at 4 P. M. The Epworth League
meets at C:30 P. M. The subject will be
'The Power of the Epworth League In
Our Mission Field." Mrs. Rockwell will
be the leader.
Forbes Presbyterian Church.
At the Forbes Presbyterian Church, the
pastor will preach morning and evening.
The morning theme will be "Zeal In Serv
ice." There will be gospel service in the
evening. The Young People's Society will
meet at 6:15 and will bo led by Miss Mabel
First Universalist.
At the First Universalist Church. Rev.
Hervey H. Hoyt. pastor, will preach at
the morning service at 11 o'clock, on the
subject: "Going With tho Multitude."
Sunday school at 12:15; Y. P. C. U., at 6-30;
subject "Victory"; evening preaching
service at 7:30.
The musical programme is as follows:
Anthem "'When Gathering, Clouds
Around I View" . Abt
Gloria Tlmm
Offertory Tenor solo. "The Palms"....
"Nunc DImlttis" Sullivan
Taylor-Street .Methodist'.
Rev. Dr. Kellogg will preach at the
Taylor-Street Methodist Episcopal Church
this morning and evening. The morning
theme will be "Making Friends With Mon
ey." This evening the subject will bo "The
Great Evangelist of the Century." Serv
ices will te held Tuesday and Thursday
evenings, appropriate to Holy Week.
Great preparations are being made for
Easter Sunday.
Universal Brotherhood.
At 410 Marquam Building. Lotus Group,
10:30 A. M.; subject, "Life's Critical Mo
ments." All interested In Universal
Brotherhood are cordially invited to at
tend. Inamanael Baptist.
Rev. Stanton C. Lapham will preach at
Immanuel Baptist Church at 10:45 and 7-30.
Theme of the evening sermon, "Christ's
Answer as to the Payment-of Tribute to
Caesar." Sunday school. 11:45. Junior
Young People's Society, 5 P. M.; young
people's prayer meeting, 6:30; midweek
prayer meeting, Thursday evening.
St. Marie's Episcopal.
At St Mark's, today being. Palm Sun
day, there will be two celebrations of tho
holy communion. At the 11 o'clock cele
bration. Dr. W. A. Cummlng will sing
"The Palms" as an offertory anthem. In
the evening the rector will conclude his
series of Sunday evening Lenten addresses
on the "Kingdom of God." taking for his
subject "The Future of the Kingdom."
Grace Methodist Church.
The Easter services of Grace Methodist
Episcopal Sunday School, assisted by
the choir and the Oregon Male Quartet,
will be held In the church at 5 o'clock
P. M., on Easter Sunday. The programme
will appear later.
First Spiritual Society.
The First Spiritualist Society win meet
in Artisans' Hall. Third and Washington
streets; conference, 11 A. M.; Lyceum.
12:30. J. H. Lucas and B. W. Allen wiU
address the meeting In the evening at 7:30
o clock.
Second Baptist.
The pastor. Rev. Ray Palmer, will
preach at the Second Baptist Church this
morning on "All Things to All Men." His
evening subject will be "Angels of Mer
cy. .
sniion jusston.
The superintendent. Rev. J. H. Allen,
will preach at Shlloh Mission at 10:30 -and
7S0. The evening subject will be "Why
the Angels Are Not Given In Marriage."
Church Nerrs.
The revival services at the First Baptist
Church, conducted by the pastor. Dr. Alex
ander Blackburn, and his own peop;e, have
Deen well attended, and the results at the
end of three weeks are encouraging. There
has been no effort to count converts, but
first of all to Increase the spirituality of
the members. The subject tonight will be:
"An Old Soldier's Appeal to His People."
There will be a mass meeting of tho
Young People's Christian Temperance
Union Sunday, at 3:30 P. M.. at Calvary
Presbyterian Church, Eleventh and Clay
streets. Addresses by Rev. E. M. Bliss,
Rev. Ray Palmer and others.
Rev. Dr. G. W. Cue, presiding elder of
Portland district, left for the East a few
days ago. At the last session or the Ore
gon conference he was elected a delegate
to the General Conference, which meets
In Chicago during the month of May. Be
fore that time Dr. Gue will go on to New
York, and also visit his son, Arthur, in
Detroit He expects to be gone about
two months. k
Second Rev. Ray Palmer, pas
tor. Preaching at 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday
School, 12; Junior, Union. 3:30; Young
people. 6:30; prayer. Thursday, 7:30;
Christian culture class, Thursday, 8:30.
Calvary Rev. Eben M. "Bliss, pastor.
Services, 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school.
11:15; B. Y. P. U., 6:30; prayer. Thursday,
TJrace OlontavUla) Rev. N. S. Holl
croft pastor. Services, 7:30 P. II.; Sunday
school, 10; prayer, Thursday, 8.
Park Place (University Park) Rev. N.
S. Hollcroft. pastor. Services, 11; Sunday
school, 10; Junior meeting. 3.
Immanuel Rev. Stanton C. Lapman,
pastor. Preaching. 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday
school. 11:43; Young People's meeting. 6:3a
Third Sunday school at 10, George E.
Jamison, superintendent: preaching at 3
by -Dr. Alexander Blackburn, of the First
Baptist Church.
Rodney-Avenue Rev. A. D. Skaggs, pas
tor. Services. 11 and 7:30: Sunday school.
9:45: Junior T. P. S. C. .E.. 3: Y. P. S.
C. E-, 6:30: prayer, Thursday. 7:30.
First Rev. J. F. Ghormley. pastor.
Services. 10:45 and 7:43; Sunday school.
12:13: Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:20.
Woodlawn (Madrona) Rev. A. D.
Skaggs, pastor. Services. 3 P. M.
Christian Science.
First Church of Christ (Scientist). 317
Dekum building Services at 11 A. M. and
7:30 P. M. Subject of Sermon. "Doctrine
of Atonement" Children's Sunday school,
12; Wednesday meeting, 8 P. M.
Portland Church of Christ (Scientist).
Auditorium Services. 11 and S: subject
"Doctrine of Atonement" Sunday school,
12; Sunday and Wednesday evening meet
ings, S.
German Rev. John Koch, pastor. Serv
ices. 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school, 9:30;
Y. P. S. C. E., Tuesday. 7:30; prayer,
Wednesday, 7:30.
Sunnyslde Rev, J. J. Staub, pastor
Services. 11 and 7:30: Sunday school. 10;
Young People's Society, 6:30; prayer,
Thursday, 7:30.
Hassalo-Street Rev. R. W. Farquhar,
pastor. Services. 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday
school. 12; Y. P. S. C. E.. 630; prayer,
Thursday, 7:30.
Mlsslsslppt-A venue Rev. George A. Tng.
gart. pastor. Services, 11 and 7:30: Sun
day school. 10: Juniors, 3: Y. P.S. C. E..
6:30; prayer. Thursday. 7:30.
First Park and Madison streets. Rev.
Arthur W. Ackerman, pastor. Services,
10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.: Sunday School,
12:15 P. M.; Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:15 P. M.
St. Stephen's Chapel Rev. Thomas Neil
Wilson, clergyman In charge. Morning
prayer and sermon, 11; evening services,
7:30; Sunday school, 9:45; holy communion,
after morning service on first Sunday in
the month.
Church of the Good Shepherd Services
nt H by Rev. E. T. Simpson.
Trinity Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rec
tor; Sunday school, 9:30; morning prayer
and sermon, 11; evening prayer and ser
mon. 7:30.
St David's Rev. George B. Van
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jtr,.nr;ii iajl, eor. Stockton. Eilia and Market ats.. Ban Franciaeo, CaL
Water, rector. Holy communion, 7:
Sunday school, 9:45: morning- prayer, and
sermon, 11; evening prayer and sermon,
7:30. '
St. Mark's Rev. John "E. Simpson, rec
tor. Holy communion; 7:30: Sunday school.
10; morning prayer, sermon and holy com
munion." II: evening prayer. 7:30.
St Matthew's Rev. J. W. Weatherdon.
clergyman In" charge. Holy communion.
8; Sunday School, 9:45; morning service
and second celobrauon, xi: evening serv
ice. 7:30.
St Andrew's Sermon. 305. bx Dr. Judd.
Emanuel (German) Kev. E. D. Horn
schuch. pastor. ( Services, 11 and 7:20;
Sunday school, 10; prayer, Wednesday,
7:30; Y. P. A.. Friday. 7:30.
First (German) Rev. F. T. Harder, pas
ter. Services, U and 7:30"; Sunday school.
9:30: Y. P. A., 6:45; revival services all the
week at 7:30 P. M.
Memorial Rev. R. D. Streyfelkr. pas
tor. Sunday services. U and 7:30: Sunday
school. 10; Y. P. A.. 6:30; Junior Y. P. A
3; prayer meeting. Wednesday. 7:30s young
people's prayer. Thursday. 7:30.
Evanzelical (United).
East Yamhill Mission Rev. Peter Bltt
ner, pastor. Services, 11 and 7:30; Sunday
school 10; K. L. C. E., 6:30; prayer.
Thursday, 7:30; Junior League, SaSurday.
First United Rev. C. T. Hurd. pastor.
Services, U and 7:30; Sunday school, 10,
K. L. C. E., 6:30: prayer. Thursday, 7:30.
Second Rev. H. A. Deck, pastor. Serv
ices. 11 and 7:30: Sunday school, 10; Key
stone League, 6:30; prayer, Wednesday.
Friends (Quakers).
Friends. East Thirty-fourth and Salmon
streets Rev. A. M- Bray, pastor. Serv
ices. 10:45 and 7:30; Sunday school, 12: Y.
P. S. C E.. 6:30; prayer. Wednesday, 7:30.
German Trinity, Albina Rev. Theodore
Fleckenstcin. pastor. Preaching, 10:30 and
7:30; Sunday school, 9:30.
Immanuel (Swedish) Rev. John W.
Skans. pastor. Preaching, at 10:30 and 8.
St Paul's Evangelical (German) Rev.
August Krause. pastor. Preaching, 10:30
and 7:30; Sunday school, 9:30; Bible study,
Thursday, 7:30.
Zlon's (German) Services. 10 and 7:30;
Sunday school. 9:30; Christian day school.
Monday to Friday.
St James's (English) Rev. Charles S.
Rahn. pastor. Services, 11 and 7:30; Sun
day school, 12:15.
Slethodist Episcopal.
Second German Rev. Charles Priesing,
pastor. Services. 10:45 and 7:30; Sunday
school. 9:30; prayer. Thursday, 7:30.
Taylor-Street (First) Rev. H. W. Kel
logg. D. D pastor. Services. 10:30 and
7:30; Sunday school, 12:15; Epworth
league and prayer meeting. 6:30; Subordi
nate League. 5.
Centenary Rev. L. E. Rockwell, pastor.
Services. 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school. 13:
Epworth League. 6:30; prayer, Thursday,
Central Rev. W. T. Kerr, pastor. Serv
ices. 10:45 and 7:30; Sunday school. 12:15;
Epworth League. 6:30; prayer, Thursday.
Mount Tabor Rev. A. S. MnlUgan. pas
tor. Services. 11 and 7:30; Epworth
League, 6:30; Junior Epworth, League, Zi
prayer. Thursday, 7:30.
Sunnyslde Rev. S. A. Starr, pastor.
Services. 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10;
general class. 12:13; Epworth League. 6:30;
prayer, Thursday, 7:30.
Trinity Rev. A. L. Hawley, pastor.
Services. 10:43 and 7:30; Sunday school,
8:10; Epworth League. 6:30; prayer, Thurs
day. 7:30.
Shlloh Mission Rev. J. IL Allen, su
perintendent Services. 10:30 and 7:30.
Mlzpah Rev. W. T. .Wardle, pastor.
Services, 11 and S; Sunday school. 9:43;
Y. P. S. C. E.. 7: Junior Y. P. S. a E..
3:30; prayer. Thursday. S.
Third Rev. Robert McLean, pastor.
Services. 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school. 12;
Boys Brigade. 5:30: young people's meet
ing. 60; prayer. Thursday, 7:43.
Cumberland Rev. G. A. Blair, pastor.
Services. 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school. 12;
Junior Y. P. S. C E.. 3:30: Y. P. S. C. E.,
6:30; prayer, Thursday, 7:30.
Grand-Avenue (United) Rev. John Hen
ry Gibson. D. D.. nastor. Services. 11 and
J 7:30; Sunday school. 10; Y. P. S. C E
630; prayer. Thursday, 7:1a.
Calvary Rev. W. S. Gilbert, pastor.
Mrs. Mann, soprano soloist and director
of chorus; Miss Fisher, organist Serv
ices, 11 and 7:30.
Roman Catholic.
St Mary's Cathedral Most Rev. Arch
bishop Christie, pastor. Services, mass
and sermon. 6. 8 and 10:30: mass for chil
dren, 9; Sunday school. 9:30; vespers and
sermon. 7:30: questions answered at even
ing services; week days, mass, 6:30 and 8.
First Rev. W. R- Lord, minister; Rev.
T. L. Eliot. D. D., minister emeritus,
worship, 11; Sunday school and confir
mation class, 12:30; Young People's Fra
ternity, 7.
First Rev. H. Ha Hoyt minister. Serv
ices. 11 and 7:30: Y. P. C. U.. 6:30.
(Major-General In the -war), by hl9
son, vclll bo published In May by
Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Price, ?5 by
subscription, $6 after publication.
Remit subscriptions to the author.
General Hazard Stevens, 8 Bowdoln
avenuo, Boston, Mass.
m m a . CUBED who
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ul fcnm nam rmtml STB1CTCSJ la U dan. Bn1is)
auoln la Una komn. nitsc Uii jn iIms. Cum Mis)
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