The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 08, 1900, PART TWO, Page 14, Image 14

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The patronesses are: Mr. John O. Thom
as, Miss Caroline Barnes. Mtss" Anna
Frlendlich and Mrs. J. Frank' Barrett
Invitations will be oct In two week.
I. GEVURtZ & SONS, the Homefurnishers
Ebb and Flow of the Social Tide It
ad Aboat Portland.
Mrs. Chimes and son are visiting 3m
IL Miller, of Park, street.
. Mrs. i Mai French, of The Dalles, . Is
visiting Mrs. Russell Bewail.
Mrs. "William Koehler left last week for
a month's sojourn in California.
Miss Ottilia Schucklng has moved from
the Vendome to 708 Everett street.
Mrs. C. Burke, of Seattle. Is visiting
Mrs. "W. H. Flske. 32 Flanders street.
Spring Opening Furniture Sale
Values .do the talking. Eloquence could not add to the
Interest these prices must command. Sufficient to say,
the prudent housekeeper, by- careful com'parison wilh ,
competitive offerings, will see a saving' in every dollar in
vested here. Wc.seJI.on easy terms. Your credit is good.
C. N. McArthur. of the State Univer
sity, was in the city during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rand left Friday,
to reside on their farm near Sheridan.
Mrs. G. "W. Staver leaves this week for
Chicago, where she will henceforth reside.
"Will Von!
Though th xriie of all to seek
On a decimal a irrk
The epitome of cheek
'Would appear.
X, who haven't got a sen.
Very softly my to you.
'lime I offers-will it dot
Will It. dear?"
Westminster Gaiette.
'fcent'a Long Helen, With Its Quiet
Happening, Drnvrlnir to a Close
The Weelt's Events.
"There have been several -quiet but ele
gant dinners during tho week, two or three
delightful teas, and the usual lectures,
tnuslcales. clubs and literary meetings
with which oeonln wk to divert and Im
prove themselves, morally and Intellectual
ly, at this time of the year. But if you
ask me how I like diversions of this na
ture, I must tell you candidly that I find
them wearine." said tho Bella of Three
Seasons, and to cmnhaslze her assertion,
ehe yawned most becomingly very like
a sleepy child, tired out with play and
longing to be cuddled In somebodies loving
arms and rocked to kIpcd. I have always
suspected her of practicing that yawn be
Jore the glass, it Is so Henrietta Russell
csque. Such perfect naturalness is only
to be attained to through art.
"No." ehe continued. " glad Lent Is
bo nearly gone. I am distinctly tired of
mortifying the flesh.
I secr like to do the thing I ought:
It la not In my woman's nature to;
And all those things that are forbid, you know.
They are the very thlr.m I want to do.
Good works and Intellectual pursuits do
aot agree with me."
"Indeed." I reDlled. "I should never have
suspected It. You certainly have more
color than you could boast of a month
"AH due to coif, rnv friend."
"But you never olav."
Ground for Simpleton.
She blushed like anew blown rose. "No,"
ehe said; "that Is. I am trying' to 1 a .-a.
and well, you know It Is delightful out
there at the links. In tho fresh air and sun
shine, with orchards blooming all about,
and the the birds singing, and so on."
I looked at hr Kharoly. This young
woman Is not given to sentiment, and when
an unsentimental maid begins to talk
about bird songs and blossoms there Is
something serious back of It something
that Is very Hkelv to find expression later.
In the form of on engagement ring.
"I wish." sho said, half-petulantly, "that
tome enterprising nernon who owns prop
erty in tho iclnlty of the links would
build some nice cottages. I know ever
to many young couples who would move
out there for the Summer, If they, could
find anything In tho way of a root that
would afford decent ehelter. You have no
Idea how devoted the society people of this
town are to golf."
But I was more Interested at the mo
Bent in something else, and In order to di
vert my attenti" 'd me off. she
plunged into the subject of the Chanty
"Of course. I am going," she declared;
"everybody is. It is a duty, an obligation.
Besides I am having a new gown made
specially for the occasion: I couldn't miss
wearing it. However, there are to bo
dozens of exquisite toilets worn for the first
, time. One particularly effective costum
will be a black grenadine, with a (lowered
silk strl-jp. over lilac taffeta. The skirt,
cut to curve away from a tabller front,
falls lightly over a full pleating of the
taffeta. The waist is all over black lace,
lined with lilac silk. The long shoulders
are outlined with broad bands of jet. and
, the sleeves Mod at -.the elbows, and the
whole is lightened and brightened and
given a falrv-likA fffect by quantities of
lilac chiffon."
Easter Gowns.
Speaking of new cowns. some of those
that will make a fist appearance Easier
Sunday are as beautiful as the heart ot
woman could desire. One exquisitely
simple dress Is a warm golden-brown
foulard, with a white flower running
vaguely over it. It has a white yoke and
flchu of the foulard, fastened with a
knot of golden-brown velvet, and it win
be worn by one of the. most charmlnt
young women in Portland.
Another, a fawn - colored foulard,
flowered with white crysantbemums. !
made with an accordion-pleated waist. The
yoko Is of nhltn mirror velvet, dotted with
pink and outlined with Russian lace, and
the skirt is trimmed with a band of fawn
colored velvet.
A 'very handsome Easter gown Is of soft
gauzy black, made ud over a brilliant nas
turtium taffeta. The yoke 1 of black gath
ered chiffon, and the flchu is caught down
S,U , Zd- ,f. .W?'
with bars of let: there Is a pointed Jcl
girdle, which terminates In front, in a
knot of chiffon, with long ends, and Is held
In place by a let bar. A large hat of black
chiffon accompanies and completes this
effective toilet
A striking gown which will be worn by
Mrs. Thompson, of the Boston Lyric Opera
Company, before leaving Portland, Is of
black spangled net over black silk, and it
is one of the most elegant things in its way
ever made in this cltv.
But enough of clothes, for the present
However interesting they may be, the
people who wear them are far more -eo.
and a pretty toilet is only to be admired
when it sets oft the attractions of a pretty
One of the most enioyable affairs of the
week was the tallyho party given to Mrs.
Isam White, by Mrs. Ad. Wolfe and Mrs.
L N. Llnman. Thursday. The day was
Tierfect, and th merrv drive. In the bios-Rom-scented
sunshine. Jo the "Twelve-Mile
House," was a long dsllghf The luncheon
which awaited the company was in keep
ing with tha day. .and ample Justice was
done it
Those whom Mrs. Wolfe and Mrs. "Lip
man had Invited to share the society ot
their guest of honor were: Mrs. S. Frank
Mrs. Solomon Rosenfeld. Mrs- A. Meier,
Mrs. A. J. Meier. Mrs. C Rosenfeld. Mrs.
S. J. Mayer. "Mr. Benlamln" Selling. Mrs 1
L Lang. Mrs. H. Metzger. Mrs. F. Stein,
hardr. Mrs. A. Lowengart. Mrs. Gut
Simon, Mrs. S. Ahpel. -Mrs. Charles Kohn
and Mrs. M. Fleischner. Mn. White had
also a dinner party given In her honor last
Sunday by Mrs. Solomon Rosenfeld. Cov
ers were laid for 14. The table decorations
were red carnations, and the menu was
something to remember with pleasure.
The Tuesday Club met last week ot Mrs.
Julia Lawton's. "The Life of Napoleon"
was the subject under discussion, and or
the most Interesting things about the great
Emperor, from a woman a point of view.
arc his marriages, naners were read upon ;
Josephine and Marie Louise. Mrs. Burch.
who had the programme in charge, had a
list of question which the members and
guests were asked to answer. The club
meets this week at Mrs. E. J. "Wright's,
and "Cyrano de Bergerac" Is to be dis
cussed. Literary nnd SInalcnl Day.
Tuesday afternoon was also a literary
day for the Woman's Auxiliary of tho
Unitarian Church, and Dr. Lord talked
eloquently and Jseautlfully about birds,
after which It eeemed most fitting that
Mrs. Fletcher Linn should sing Schubert's
"Hark, Hark, the Lark!" In her 6llvery,
clear soprano. There were other musical
number?, and nearly ell the musical peo
ple In town were there to hear.
A charming reception was given In honor
of Mrs. G. W. Staver, "Wednesday after
noon, nt the residence of Mrs. J. E, Ben
nett, 475 Tenth street, from 2 to 5. The
parlors were decorated with Oregon grape
and cherry blossoms. The dining-room
was in bluo and green, and the table wai
covered with blue forget-me-nots. Mr.
George T. Meyers, Mrs. IL H. Kellogg.
Mrs. Goddard and Mrs. S. Farrell assisted
In receiving.
Mrfc. Ccov.rt gave a recital at her charm,
lng home In Irvington. one evening during
the week, for Mrs. Virginia Drew Tres
cott. The High School Greek Letter Societies
are preparing for an event of Importance,
to occur April 16. at the Auditorium. The
members of the Fsl of Gamma Eta Kappa
have Issued a large number of invitations
for a dancing party, to be given In honor
of the newly organized Eta of Delta Iota
Chi, of which Miss Jennie M. Owen is the
acknowledged head.
Invitations are out for the wedding of
Mlsj Marie Caroline Jubltz, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Albln Jubltz. to On. Me
Montgomery Rankin, to take place "Wed
nesday. April 11. at 5 P. M.. at Grace
Methodist Church. AGATHA.
Various Hnppenii:s of the "Week nt
Vancouver Barracks.
Captain H. P. McCain, assistant Adju
tant-General, has been in Spokane this
, ....! t- MAMnAA.inn .!. .i
"" u" """"-" " -""." -
Colonel and Mrs. W. D. Wolverton. ac
companied by their two daughters, left
here on Wednesday for the Eastern
States. Colonel Wolverton and Miss Wol
vcrtbri will sail from New York on the
21st Inst., and contemplate a visit to the
Paris Exposition while in Europe.
Mrs. E. F. Glenn left on Wednesday
for St. Paul. to. attend the wedding ot
her slater. Miss Margaret Smythe. to Mr.
Alfred Todd, which will be celebrated on
the 17th Inst.
Invitations have been issued for the
wedding of Miss Mary Lalng Wolverton
to Mr. Howard B. Green, on Wednesday,
the 18th last., at the Preaoyterlan Church.
Swathmore. Pa.
Mrs. E. S. Otis and the Misses Otla are
visiting friends In Washington, D. C
Lieutenant Pierce Murphy, Seventh
Cavalry, son of Major and Mrs. Murphy,
has been ordered to West Point, on a two
years' tour of duty.
"Wcddlnga of the Week In Portland
and nt Other Polntr.
A pretty home teddlng was celebrated
on Tuesday, April 3, at the head works
of the Bull Run pipe line, the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. IL Spain. The contracting
parties were Mr. Louis Boflngcr and Miss
Kate Andre, both of Portland. Rev. G.
P. Rich, ot Kelso. Or., officiated. The
house was prettily decorated with Oregon
grape, ferns and trailing vines. Only rela
tives and a few friends were present
After the ceremony, luncheon was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Boflngcr will make their
home in Portland.
A very quiet and pretty wedding was
solemnized Wednesday evening. April .4.
at tho residence of the bride's mother, the
contracting parties being Mr. Arthur
IMward Eckhardt and Miss Amanda C
Wagenblast. both ot this city. Miss Ada
Wagenblast, of Spokane, a Bister of the
bride, was bridesmaid, and Mr. Herman
F. Eckhardt tho groom's brother, was
best man. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Dr. T. L. Eliot and only mem
bers ot both families were present The
young couple will be at home to their
friends after April 15 at C54 Everett street
A very quiet wedding occurred at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Dykstra, 4SS Marshall street, April 2, at
8 o'clock, when Mrs. Lucy D. Vlsher was
Joined in matrimony to Mr. James Har
ris, of Stephenson, Wash. Rev. Mr. St
Pierre, ot the St Johns Presbyterian.
Church, performed the ceremony.
At Arrowhead, British Columbia, March
H. Ethel, tho second daughter ot Captain
and Mrs. W. P. Short was united in mar
riage to Mr. John C. Lucus. The bride
formerly lived In Portland, where she has
many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lucus wlU
make their .home in Pendleton, Or.
At the parsonage of the Central M. E.
Church, on Tuesday evening, April 3, Rev.
W. T. Kerr solemnized the marriage of
Mr. William W. Mcintosh and Miss Ma
tilda S. Jensen, both ot this city.-
Ensasrement Announcements.
The engagement ot Miss Emma Packer,
ot the East Side, to Mr. J. Gorman, of As
toria, is announced.
The engagement of Miss Maud Hansley,
ot Wasbougal, to Mr. Frank Brunger, ot
Portland, is announced.
Cntertalnmenta and Social Events
Here and Elsewhere.
Mr. and Mrs. L Lowengart entertained
last .Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs. Isam
White prior to tho departure of the last-
mentioned couple for Europe. A num
ber of friends had been Invited to meet
Ir. and Mrs. White. "Hearts" was
the order of the evening and Mrs. Sol
Rosenfeld was the winner of the prize.
The supper room decorations were unique
In the extreme. The table, emblematic
of Easter, represented a mammoth nest,
lined with green and. filled with confec
tions In the form of eggs, chickens, etc
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Simon gave a very
elegant little dinner Friday evening In
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Isam "White.
Mr.and Mrs. John R. Swinton gave a
very pretty luncheon at their home,
"Swinton Villa," in Piedmont Tuesday,
April 3, in honor of their guest. Mr.
George D. Dornln, of San Francisco. The
villa was tastefully decorated with dog.
wood and apple blossoms for the occa
sion. Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie, of Troutdale,
were agreeably surprised on the even
ing of April 4 by -a party of neighbors.
The evening passed pleasantly and was
enlivened by games, songs and music.
Among those presentwere: Mr. and Mrs.
Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. George Kenny, Mr.
and Mrs. Schmecr, Rev. F. and Mrs.
Frulht. Mr. and Mrs. Conley. Mr. F. Con
ley, Mr. "Wade Osborne, Mr. and Mrs.
Powell, Miss Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Mnc
kay. Miss Mackay. Miss Cavanagh and
Mr. and Mrs. Ferris. Refreshments were
served. Mr. Mackenzie departed April
5 to visit his parents in his old home in
Eastern Canada, which he left 24 years
Invitations will soon be Issued by the
"Demoiselles" for their closing party, to
be given at Parsons hall on Friday even
ing. May 4.
Leo. Shaplrer, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Solomon Shaplrer, was confirmed at the
Synagogue Ahaval Sholom March 31 by
Rev. R. Abrahamson. The ceremony
was witnessed by a large number of
friends of tho family. Subsequently Mr.
and Mrs. Shaplrer .gave a reception, at
their home, to the young friends of the
boy. Sunday afternoon they gave a re
ception for grown people, which was fol
lowed in the evening by a muslcaie and
"Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Mack entertained a number of their
friends at their residence with "pro
gressive hearts." The winners of the first
prizes were Miss Carson and Mr. Bartlctt,
while the boobies fell to the lot .of Mrs.
Rolse and Mr. Gulllxson. After the dis
cussion of a menu that was all that could
be desired, the remainder of the evening
was passed in listening to songs and reel
tatlons by the phonograph and in taking
flashlight pictures. The decorations were
elaborate and very unique. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Campbell. Mr. and
Mrs. Bartlett. Mr. and Mrs. Kapus, Mr.
aim .ur. immure, Jir. uiiu .lira, .iiucn,
and Mrs. Whltmore, Mr. and Sirs. Mack,
Mrs Raymond, Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Rolse,
the Misses Taylor. .Wl'.son, Wells, Rolse.
Kapus and Carson, and Messrs. Gulllxson,
111 ml
Im till MflBipiliiSvm .M rPi
Bennett, Kapus, Foster, Lothrop and Ab
rahams. Albert Worthen was treated to a genu
ine surprise at the home of his mother, 224
East Seventeenth street, March 2S, the oc.
casion being his ISth birthday. An excel
lent programme was rendered. Including
music and games. Refreshments were
The Portland High SchoSl Alumni are
making elaborate preparations for their
initial bop. to be given at Burkbard's Hall
May 10. The event will be managed a little
out of the ordinary custom of alumni par.
ties, in that young ladies who are non
members ot the association will be Invited.
Mrs. L. E. Smith, of Seattle. Is visit
ing in the city as the guest ot Mrs. Tlmp
son. P. H. McDonnell, of Astoria, is in town,
on his way to California for a month's va
cation. Mr. M. Wise and daughter. Miss Helen,
have returned, after spending the "Winter
in Los Angeles.
Dr. Strong, president of the Btate Uni
versity, spent a few days In the city
during the week. i
Arvid Le Rot. of San 'Francisco, well
known in Portland, is in the city, the
guest of Charles Boype.
Mr. and Mrs. "W. L. Storror. of San
Francisco, are the guests of Mrs. J. H.
Thatcher, at Irvington
Mrs. J. Barter and sister, Mrs. M. Bul
ger, have returned home after visiting
relatives at The Dalles.
Mrs. J. M. P. Snyder, of Walla "Walla,
has been visiting for the'past week'Mrs.
J.S. Sutton, JT5 Sixteenth street.
The Old Ladles' Home Society will hold
its annual tea at the Hobart-Curtls, Eas
ter Monday, from 2 until 6 o'clock.
Miss Wagenblast. came down from Spo
kanri to attend her sister's wedding,
which was solemnized "Wednesday.
Miss Kate Plambeck left for Denver,
Colo., during the week. She expects to
remain there for an Indefinite length of
Mr. Marcus Fleichner and family have
returned from a "Winter's visit to Florida
and Cuba. They report a most pleasant
Mrs. Paul A. Llnqulst, of San Fran
cisco, is in the city, visiting her parents.
Captain and Mrs. "W. H. Pope, at 4J1 "West
Park street
Mrs. Lewis Russell and daughter have
returned from Southern Ca'lfornla, whera
they have been spending the winter, and
arc at the Portland.
Captain. Nelson DeLude. who has beep
confined In St. Vincent's Hospital the past
three months, was removed to his home
on East Morrison street yesterday.
Miss Grace Baylor, daughter of Dr. "W
H. Saylor. who has been spending the
winter at Santa Barbara, Cal.. Is expected
home the latter part of this month.
Mr. and Mrs. R, F. Wilson, ot Eau
Claire, Wis., who have been spending tho
"Winter in Los Angeles, are visiting their
son. Dr. Edward it. Wilson, in this. city.
Miss Luella Clay. Carson, of tho Univer
sity of Oregon, has been visiting her
father, Hon. J. C. Carson, corner of
Twentieth and Johnson streets, during
tho week.
Mrs. William B. .Streeter. in company
with her sister, Mrs. Captain Graham,
left last evening for a three months' visit
to Hautsport, Nova Scotia, where she will
visit her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Dolph McClaine. of Ta
coma, stopped In Portland Thursday ta
visit friends on their way to SUverton.
where th)cy will spend a week at Mr. Me
Clalnc's old home.
, Joaquin Sillier spent Monday and Tues
day bf last teck in the city. He has re
turned to his home on the Contra Costa
hills, near Oakland. Cal.. where he will
tako a much needed rest.
uuaier ijuuie raxicy was lenaereu a
very pleasant party nt his home. 22 Thlr-
teenth street, by his Httlo friends, chaper
oned by Miss Julia Cole, last week. Candy-
' Miss FoTlvtoo"WeU. I -should:
. sn't have the face to act- as an art
ist's model."
MisSsKittishi'Nor ' tie om .
Philadelphia. Inquirer.
pulling and games were the feature of the'
evening's- entertainment. Light refresh
ments were served.
Mr., and Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd leave
for Europe next Saturday. Mrs. W. S.
Ladd will accompany, them as far as
New York, where she will Join her
daughter. Miss Helen Ladd Corbett.
JteV, Mr. Tunlson, of West Portland",
was treated to a pleasant surprise last
Friday evening. A large number of his
friends gathered at his residence, with
their ansa loaded .with groceries and oth
er needed articles. A complimentary ad
dress was read by Miss H. 'Anderson, and
Carpet Department
We, af e offering these carpets less
than they can be bought for today
at the mills:
Union Ingrain. extra"heavy..25o yd.
All-wool Ingrain, pretty patterns
, ! .wc yu
.All-wool Ingrain, x(ra hoavy...
. ............ .,. fttc yu.
Tapestry Brussels, very choice
patterns tSc yd.
Smith's- Best Brussels ?5c yd.
Hlgglns' Best Brusvs s tOi yd.
Saxony Axmlnster, exquisite pat
terns and colorings 11. IS yd.
Smith's Royal Velvet Jl.K yd.
15 pleres China Matting, seam
less, good patterns lie yd.
Linen Warp Matting, all the
prettiest weaves and colors;
special 23o.yd
Oilcloth Sale
Remarkable valuts la' Oilcloth,
20c, 25c and 30c yard.
Linoleums. 43c, fee and S5c yard.
Agate Art Squares-
Pretty and dcs'rable "patterns ;
durable copies of Brussels; all sizes,
9x70. only '
This beautiful
Buggy, rubber tires,
sl.k plush uphol
stering, cheap at
(1S.0P. Sale price.
Buggies from- 6.50
A, full llneof
Sleeper "Go - Carts,
from J5.7S up.
Go-Carts, XT3.
a purse was, presented to Mr. Tunlson.
who. In a few well-chosen "words, thanked
the people for their kindness to him. The
evening was spent in games and social
conversation, and a light repast was
served. t
Mr. and Mrs. George McCulloch enter
tained the young people or West Port
land, at their residence, last Wednesday
evening. The first part of the evening
was spent In games and music, after
which there was an old-fashioned "taffy
Holmes' English nod Business Col
lege. The Spring term of the above school
opens Monday. The attendance during the
Winter months has been larger than usual,
but notwithstanding this fact, the de
mands made this Spring upon the collt-go
for office help are beyond the ability ot
the school to supply, especially is this
true when young men are wanted who are
both stenographers and bookkeepers, a
Any young man who has a good English
education and Is a good bookkeeper and
stenographer can readily find employment,
and at a good salary.
Supper, Sale and Sodnl.,
A supper will be served in the parlors
of Grace Church, Twelfth and Taylor,
Wednesday. April 11. from 5 to 8 P. M.
Home-made candles, useful articles and
Easter novelties will be on sale. Admis
sion, including supper, 25 cents.
Dccker'a Millinery.
ZM First street. Fine assortment of Im
ported pattern hats.
Various Events of the Week In the
State of Oregon.
Miss Cora Rotan returned to her homo J
in Salem this. wetk. after residing for sev
eral months "in Eugene. I
Mr. M. H. Wallace, of Oakland. Cal., '
is a guest of his uncle. J. M. Wallace,
of this city. '
Mrs. Werner Breyman returned this
week from a visit to New Orleans and
other Southern points.
Mrs. Anna M. NlchoL for several years
the agent of the Postal Telegraph Com-
pany. In this city, has gono to Cape Nome.
where she will be engaged in hospital '
The local organizations of the G. A. R.
and Relief Corps have accepted an Invi
tation to attend in a body special services
to be held at St. Joseph's Catholic Church
on Memorial Sunday.
The Capital City Gaiety Club closed a
very successful series of dancing parties
Is pronounced the most enjoyable of the I
.season. Judging by the many happy
hours the members of the club have spent
with their friends in the dancchall, the
Gaiety Club will be an Important social
factor next .season.
The members of tho local Chautauqua
class gave a farewell party last Saturday
evening. In honor of their president. .Mrs.
A. A. Lee, who left Monday for an ex
tended visit to the Mississippi Valley.
A farewell reception was given 4y the
members of the G. A. R. and W. R. C.
last Monday evening. In honor of Major
D. O. Sherman, who left Wednesday morn
ing for Washington, D. C, where he will
hereafter reside.
At their meeting last Thursday evening,
the members of Salem Lodge of E ks elect
ed the following officers: Exalted ruler,
W. D. McNary; esteemed leading knight,
J. N. Spilth; loya.1 knight, B. B. Colbath.
lecturing knight, M. L. Myers; secretary
Ed N. Edes; treasurer, E. C Patton; tyler.
John Van Wagner; trustee, Thomas Hoi-
man; grand representative, P. H. D'Arcy,
The ladles of the local Degree of Honot
surprised their brothers of the A. OI 11.
W. last Monday 'evening by marching in
on them In a body, laden with well-Ailed
baskets of eatables. The evening was
spent In dancing and other entertainment.
The ladles were Invited to come again.
The Dalles.
F. N. Jones, of Bake Oven, la visiting
The Dalles.
Judge C. E. Bayard and wife left Mon
day for a trip to Southern California.
B. A. Glfford and wife returned Wednes
day from a trip' through tho South and
East. f
Mr. and Mrs. 'James Snipes celebrated'
.-their iota, wedding anniversary Tuesday
Parlor Suits of 5 pieces, frames finely
finished and poUshed; covered In fine
three-toned velcur; would be cheap at
JtiOO. Sale' price,
Pretty Dressers In
bst hardwood,
French plate bevl
edge mirrors;
regularly at H4.00.
Sale price,
Pretty- Taborcttes In 02k or nnheg-
iXllJt Uil J i
This full spring-edge Couch, uphol
stered in Veloilr, only,
evening. A great number of their friends
were present, and many of the gifts were
beautiful and valuable.
Truman Butler and wife have gone to
Hood River to live. Mr. Butler will en
gage in- tho banking business.
Wedntfiday evening, at S o'clock, Mrs.
A. De Wolf and Dr. McLeod. of Newhall,
Cal., were united In marrlag. They left
for their future home in Newhall Thurs
day. ' The Dalle3 Debating Club held a ban
quet Monday evening, at Fraternity Hall.
About 50 were present, and they resolved
themselves Into a permanent Y. M. C. A.
Oreson City.
Miss Beatrice Barlow was married to
Charles DIerke, of Portland, the ceremony
occurring Wednesday evening at the resi
dence of the bride's pirents. Mr. and rs.
F. T. Barlow, on Upper Seventh street.
The offlc'atlng clergyman -A-as Rev. P. K,
Hammond, rector of St. Paul's Eplscopul
Church. The bridesmaid was rfss Imo
gen Harding, of Oregon City, and the
best man was Chnrlesr Rueff. of Portland.
Miss Zelda Goldsmith, of Eugene, played
the wedding march, and during the cere
mony the bridal couple stood under a can
opy of bridal wreaths and forget-me-nots,
the latter forming all over's knot. The
bride .was attired In white organdie over
white silk. The artistic decorations of the
parlors showed off to good advantage
white lilacs. Oregon grape and dogwood
predominating. A lot of rare potted pliints
was also In evidence. Lunch was served.
after which Mr. and Mrs. DIerke left for
Portland, where they will make their
home. They aro both prom'nent in
musical circles, and Mrs. DIerke Is
a , daughter of one of Oregon
City's prominent pioneer farolllts.
The guests "" from Portland were: Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Wcsslnger. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Rueff", Mr. ard Mrs. James Mc
Afee. Miss Greta Strlckler. A. V. Schilling,
F. M. Gllmofe and O. El Spltzncr.
Mrs. N. W. Lawrence gave a very en
Joyablo "progressive hearts" party Mon
day evening. In honor of Miss Beatrice
Barlow, who departed Wednesday to rc
sldo In Portland. About 40 young women
were present! Mys. Lawrence was ass'sted
In entertaining by the Misses Annlta Mc
Carver. Hattle Cochrane and Mary Con
ycrs. Miss Almce Bollack won the. llrs.t
prize, a sliver candlestick, and the "boo
by" prlzo was secured by Miss Nanlio
Cochrane. Dainty rf frtshments were
served. The parlors were tastefully orna
mented with Oregon grape and hearts.
Miss Leila Grace Chtney was married
Thursday evening to Willis L. Johnson,
of Clackamas, the wedding ceremony oc
curring at the home of tho bride's par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Cheney, on
Main street. Rev. A. Mulligan, of Mount
Tabor, was the officiating clergyman..
Only a lew immediate friends .and rela
tives were present. Mr. and Mrs. John
son will reside at Clackamas.
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Beliorrfy entertained
a number of friends at a' "crokonole"
party Monday cvenlrg. J. J. Cooko and
Mrs. A. F. Parker were awarded the first
prize, and the consolation award went to
T. S. Lawrenco-and Mrs.. Will Atldredge.
Sol Garde left Sunday for a six months'
visit to Europe, and while there will visit
relatives In Germany.
Major Thomas Charman, who has been
ill for several weeks with rheumatism.
Is now able to be about the house.
Mrss Cora Cook Is visiting friends in
Oregon City this week.
Harry Dcpew, of Corvallls, has been
visiting- friends In McMInnville.
Miss Laughlln. of North Tamhlll, Is
visiting Miss Amba Daniels this week.
Mr. John Henderson and wife returned
last week from an extended visit in Cal
ifornia. Miss Idella Pennington left McMinn
vllle Saturday for her homo in La
E. Martin Adams has returned 'from
Portland, where he has been attending
a medical school. -
Will Johnson has returned from Port
land, where he lias been attending the
Bishop Scott Academy.
Mrs. John Wort'man and sons., of Port
land, visited" over Sunday last week, at
the home of Jacob Wortroan.
Mrs. E. N. Ford gave a pleasant after
noon tea to a number of friends at her
home in this city' Thursday afternoon.
The Native Daughters lodge of this city
gave an- ice cream social In. the "Adams
building; Wednesday evening. An en-
Handsome Enameled Beds. In all
sizes; hrars mounts and spindles as
well as fancy shape brass rails on
heads and foot; cheap at JliM. Sale
Iron Beds, from J3.50 up.
Eclipse Steel Ranges, the best in the
This G-ho'e Steel Range, hijh closet,
lS-lnch oven,
Reservoir. 57.50.
C-hole Steel Ranges
4-hoIe Steel Ranges.........
No. T Cookstoves
No. S" Cookstsves
.. 7.50
.. S-CO
Each Steve and Range warranted 15
Joyable time was spent by all who at
A delightful and genuine surprise party
was given to Melviu Stout, at his country
home, near this city, last Friday. Tha
evening was spent In games and music,
and a dainty runch was served.
P. C. Ream and wife have gono to
Council, Idaho, to reside.
J. L. Dewey, of Glendale. spent tha
week with friends In Roseburg.
C. L. Clevenger and wife, of Grant's
Pass, are visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Isabelle Morlan. of Grant's Pass,
Is visiting relatives in Roseburg.
Miss Myra Murphy, of the Soldiers'
Home, Is visiting relatives in Salem.
Mrs. D. L. Houston, of Portland, -visited
her sister, Mrs. P. M. Matthews. last
Miss Dollle Dixon, who Is attending
school in Albany, Is home, visiting her
Dr. W. S. Hamilton and wife returned
Wexlnesday night from an extended visit
in San Francisco.
Mrs. Rose Selling entertained the La
dles' Whist Club Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. E. D. Grcffoz and two children re
turned from a visit In Independence Mon
day. Miss Dorothea Nash returned Thurwlay
(Concluded on Ta?e Flftn.)
...Of the...
PortlaW Kennel Club
Portland, Orcjjon
APRIL 18J9, 20, 21
Entries positively clwt April 12th.
Maks your entries at once and you
won't get left.
For entry blanks. lists and all informa
tion apply to the Secretar,, J. A. Taylor,
or ths Superintendent, J. W. Burrell. room
4551 Sherlock Building, Third and Oak
Streets, Portland, Or.
Art Leather in all colors
D. M. Averill & Co. 331 Morrison tt
Golf Balls.
Can be obtained f rem all dealers' or
Sam'l Buckley & Co., lOOWlIIUaSMcirl
i V. - ' . .JS
. '-flor.. -v-v, '..4i-:v
j- -T.rju .i.jsyj
- - r.