The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 08, 1900, PART TWO, Image 13

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PAGES 13 TO 24
NO. 14.
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Wm. Gadsby
Tapestry Brussels Carpet
This Week, Made, Laid on TffiT
your Floor with Lining, Ju
kjcA Pilaff lB
Before the Spring Rush commences we are prepared to make Special
Prices on Carpets, and would advise the public to get to work with the
Spring house cleaning early. Carpets are advancing In price, but wo will
keep at '99 prices as long as possible. The Tapestry Brussels Carpet we
offer to make at 75c Is not the cheap kind, it Is a good medium grade and
guaranteed to give good service for 7 years we have others as low at 50c
per yard but do not recommend them. We carry In stock:
Smith's Best Axmtnsters at $1.25 per yard
Beatty's Extra Velvets at ....$1.23 per yard
Lowell Body Brussels at $1.25 per yard
Smith's Extra Brussels at $1.00 per yard
Sonford's Velvets, Extra, at $1.15 per yard
Saxony Axmlnsters, at ...$1.15 per yard
Tapestry Brussels, Smith's, at 75c per yard
Madras Brussels, at ftOc per yard
Ingrain, all wool, at 65c pr yard
Ingrain, all-wool filling, at 55c per yard
Ingrain, half wool, at 45c per yard
Agate Ingrain 40c per yard
Wilton Rugs, Smyrna Rags, Pro-Brussels Rag, Isgreln Art
Squares In all the new Oriental effects and colorings.
Furniture or all dtscriptlons. Everything In stock to tarnish
throughout Catalog free to country customers.
Wm. Gadsby, The Housef urnisher
(i lrtv
"i wr-
All the latest designs and colorings fh fine
woolens for -gentlemen's garments to order
Largest variety to select from, and our
well-known cash methods save you ten to
twenty dollars on suit or overcoat on prices
charged by the credit-giving .tailor.
No trouble to show goods.
All uork made in this city by best jour, tailors.
Garments to order in eight hours, if required.
Samples mailed, garments expressed.
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
108 Third St,
Corner First and Washington
near Washington
Old Question Threshed Over in
the Senate.
Teat Avals Daoned the A. F. A.
Tho Boatt Paid TMbate to tho
Xemorr of. K. P. Bland.
"WASHINGTON. Ajwil 7-Oortar al
most the entire session of the Senate
today, an amendment to the Indian ap
propriation bill, ottered by Jones of Ar
kansas, providing for the continuance of
the Government's employment of the con
tract Indian schools In certain circum
stances, was under consideration. The
delate took a wide range, the whole ques
tion of sectarian schools being; gone over
at length. The notable feature of the
discussion was an eloquent speech de
livered in support of the amendment by
Vest of Missouri. The amendment was'
pending; when the Senate adjourned, the
vote upon It disclosing; the fact that no
quorum was present.
The House today paid tribute to the
memory of the late Richard Parks Bland,
of Missouri, popularly known as "Silver
Dick" Bland, who was a member of the
House for 2C years. Splendid eulogies -ot
the life and career of the great cham
pion of stiver were offered by members
on both sides of the political aisle. At
the conclusion of the ceremonies, the
House, as a further mark of respect, ad
journed. A resolution was adopted call
ing upon the Secretary of War for In
formation as to whether Charles E. Ma
goon, the legal adviser of the Insular
Bureau, had ever rendered an opinion
that, by the treaty with Spain, the Con
stitution wag extended over Puerto Rico
and the Philippines.
Consideration of the Indian Bill In
the Sennte. ,
WASHINGTON. April 7.-Soon after
the Senate convened today, Jones (Dem.
Ark.) offered the following resolution,
which was adopted:
"That the Secretary of the Treasury be
directed to transmit to the Senate a state
ment of the action of the State Depart
ment In the case of Georje Kruz, a resi
dent of Puerto Rico, alleged to hae been
brought to New York to labor In the
United States; together with all copies of
all correspondence In the case, and that
he be further directed to inform the Sen
ate what steps. If any, have been taken
to prosecute, for violating the alien con
tract labor law, tho person. Arm or cor
poration entering Into contract with sold
A resolution offered by Allen (Pop.
Neb.) directing the Secretary of the In
terior to furnish Information concerning
the lands of the Santee Sioux Indians was
agreed to.
Chandler (Rep. N. H.) asked that the
resolution respecting the seating of Quay
be laid before the Senate. No Senator was
prepared to proceed with the discussion of
the case, and Chandler consented that It
should go over until Monday. He gave
notice, however, that he should expect
Senators who desire to speak on the
subject to be prepared, and that he would
probably Monday ask a time to be fixed
for a vote.
Consideration of the Indian appropria
tion bill was resumed, the pending ques
tion being the amendment of Jones pro
viding a commission for each town In the
Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek and Cherokee
nations' to appraise town lots. After some
discussion, at the request of Piatt (Rep.
Conn.), the amendment was withdrawn. It
being agreed the subject should be dis
cussed rn conference.
A discussion of Government support for
sectarian schools was precipitated by the
following amendment, offered by Jones:
"That the Secretary of the Interior may
make contracts with present contract
schools for the education of Indian pupils
durmc the fiscal year ending June 30, 1301,
bu,t shall only make such contracts at
places where the Government has not pro
vided school facilities for all the children
ot school age residing thereat, and to an
extent not exceeding the number of chil
dren In attendance at said contract schools
at the close of the fiscal year ending June
38. 1SC0."
Thurston (Rep. Neb.), In charge of the
bill, opposed the amendment, taking the
position that the Government should pur
sue a policy providing Its own schools.
He deprecated any reopening of the ques
tion witch six years ago had been a sub-
Jen of disturbance and serious discussion
throughout the country. The matter, he
thought, had been settled at that time by
the caoptlor of a policy of reducing the
appropriations for contract schools 20 per
cent each year until the contract schools
should hare been abandoned entirely. He
concluded by saying that the Secretary of
the Irterior had advised the committee
that all Indian pupils could be provided
for in the Government schools. He deemed
It the true policy of the Government to
carry on Its Indian schools without refer
ence to any religious sect. He regarded,
too. any agitation ot the subject as un
wise. Jones made a strong appeal for the
adoption of his amendment. He said It
was not a revival of the contract school
system, but was a proposition simply to
permit the Secretary of the Interior to
enter into contract for tho accommodation
of the Indian pupils who cannot be ac
commodated In the Government schools.
He declared that It such an amendment at
he had offered was not adopted, 2600 In
dian pupils would be without school fa
cilities after the present fiscal year, as It
was well known the Government schools
were entirely Inadequate.
Kyle (Ind. S. D.) expressed the opinion
that the -oroposition Involved a mixing ot
the church and state, which was undesir
able. .
"I don't relieve It Is a mixture of church
and state." said Jones. "This Is simply a
question of educating these children a
question of Justice."
Teller (S1L Colo.) said he was assured
that, even If the amendment were put In
the bill. It would not be enacted Into law.
He thought, therefore, that the Senate
would better endeavor to provide some
other means of educating the children of
the Indians.
Thurston sold the contract schools were
established by the Catholis Church for
missionary purposes and for the advance
ment ot a great Christian purpose. He
said that the Commissioner of Indian
Affairs had authority now to purchase the
buildings of the contract,schools, but the
Catholic Church, desiring to continue the
work of the schools, declined to sell them
to the United States.
In the course of the debate a stirring
speech was delivered by Vest (Dem. Mo.)
Prefacing his remarks by the statement
that he had always been a Protestant
and had no sympathy with any ot the
dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church,
he pronounced a brilliant eulogy upon the
Jesuits for their work among the Indians.
In the course of his remarks. Vest paid
tribute to-Booker T. Washington, who
has done great work among the colored
people of, the South. He took oft his hat.
metaphorically, said he, to Mr. Washing
ton. Professor Washington had struck
the keynote ot the great negro problem,
he said, by teaching the colored youth how
to labor. This, he added, was the true
secret of the success of the Catholics in
their work among the Indians. They
taught them how to work. This great
undertaking had gone forward until. Vest
said, the A. P. A., and the cowards whs
ore afraid of it, had struck down the
appropriation for the continuance ot the
work. He declared he was ashamed that
any Americans should uphold such work
of a secret political society. He would
denounce it. If It were -the last accent ot
his life. He ridiculed the A.' P. A. for
adopting & resolution demanding his im
peachment for saying on the floor of the
Senate what he was now saying. Vest
eloquently told of the results of the work
of the Jesuits among the Flathead In
dians, saying In this connection:
"I say now there la not in the world aa
object-lesson so striking as may be seen
from thd windows of a Northern Pacific
train n it passes through the reservation
ot these Indians. The Jesuits have res
cud these Indians from degradation."
He said the Jesuits were not doing the
work for love of the Indians, but "for
the love cf Christ."
"I am not afraid to say this, because I
speak from personal observation. In my
opinion every dollar put by the Govern
ment into the Indian day schools might
as well be thrown Into the Potomac River
with lead weight attached, or; burned p,
with the idea that the smoke, by some
mystic power of Idolatry, would accom
plish the work for -Which it was appro
priated." "I don't believe." said Lodge (Rep.
Mass.), addressing the Senate In a brief
reply to Vest, "that it Is right to tax
one man to support another man's re
ligion." Upon that proposition lodge maintained
It was not right to appropriate Govern
ment money to support any branch of the
Protestant Church, yet when ho opposed
the payment or money for the support ot
Catholic contract schools, he was called a
"bigot." or an "Insectivorous politician."
It was a plain and simple principle, he
said, that the public money should not
be used for tho support of any sect or re
ligion. Vest asked Lodge If he had not sup
ported the taxing of Catholics In Massa
chusetts for the support of the common
schools. Lodge replied that he had. but
as the common schools were open to all
and taught no creed, he regarded the tax
ation as perfectly proper.
Galllnger (Rep. N. H.) opposed the pro
posed amendment In an earnest speech. In
the course of which he referred to the
work done by Mr. Duncan among the
Qletlakahtla Indians.
In a brief speech, Shoup (Rep. Idaho)
called attention to the fact that while
Duncan's work was the most notable. In
his opinion, ever accomplished by one
man among Indians, he had performed It
without one dollar of assistance from the
United States Government.
The debate was closed by Carter (Rep.
Mont.), who pleaded for school faolllties
for the Indian children In Montana. Hi
could conceive of no religion that would
lower the condition of the North Ameri
can blanket Indian. He said there were
1(73 Indian children In Montana today who
would have to be educated In the contract
schools or go without education In any
form, as the facilities supplied by the
Government were absolutely Inadequate.
He was strongly of the opinion that In
the circumstances the facilities' of the; con
tract schools ought to be utilized by the
Government v
An aye and no vote on the amendment
was demanded. The vote was: Ayes. It;
noes, 21; no quorum, and the Senate ad
journed at 1:50 with the amendment still
In the Tffoase.
In the House today. Richardson (Dem.
Tenn.). the floor leader of the minority,
asked unanimous consent for the con
sideration of .the following resolution:
"Resolved, That this House views with
deep Interest the heroic struggle of the
Republics of South Africa to maintain
their Independence, and hereby tenders
them our most profound sympathy lit
their unequal but gallant struggle."
"That resolution should go to the com
mittee on foreign .'affairs." observed
Payne (Rep. N. Y.), the floor leader of
the- majority.
"Did I understand the gentleman to ob
ject 7" asked Richardson.
"I did." replied Payne.
Richardson also made a privileged mo
tion to adopt the resolution Introduced
by him. calling upon the Secretary ol
War for information as to whethet
Charles G. Magoon, the law officer of the
Insular Bureau, had ever furnished an
opinion that the treaty with Spain ex
tended the Constitution oer Puerto Rico
nnd the Philippines. The resolution had
been referred to the committee on mili
tary affairs. Richardson said, and not
being reported back within a week, was
privileged. He moved its adoption. The
motion was not contested, and was agreed
to "without division.
Bills were passed to set apart certain
lands In Arizona as a public park, to be
known as the Petrified Forest National
Park: to extend the public land laws to
the District of 'Alaska.
The ngriculturar appropriation bill was
reported, and Chairman Wadsworth gave
notice that he would call the bill up
Richardson then asked unanimous con
sent that the committee on foreign of.
fairs, to whom was referred his rcsolu
tlon extending sympathy to the Boers,
have leave to report at any time. Paynt
At 1 o'clock public business was sus
pended, and the remainder of the day
was occupied In eulogies on the life, char
acter and public services of the late R.
P. Bland, of Missouri. Feeling tributes
were paid to the sturdy old champion ot
silver. Tho speakers were Clark (Dem
Mo.), De Armdnd (Dem. Mo.). Lanhara
(Dem. Tex.). McRae (Dem. Ark.). PIcrc
(Dem. Tenn.). Williams (Dem. I1L), Bar.
tholdt (Rep. Mo.). Richardson (Dem.
Tenn.). Cummlngs (Dem. N. Y.), Grosve
nor (Rep. O.). Terry (Dem. Ark.). Ben
ton (Dom. Mo.). Pearco (Rep. Mo.). Jonei
(Dem. Vo.). Lloyd (Dem. Mo.), Joy (Rep.
Mo.), Smith (Dem. Ky.), Vondlver (Dem
Mo.), Robb (Dem. Mo.) and Daugherty
(Dem. Mo.).
At 4:20 P. M.. the House adjourned.
Strntton'a Purchase.
DENVER, April 7. The News announce
that negotiations are Dractlcally completed
by which W. S. Stratton. the. Cripple
Creek millionaire, purchases for SXStO.004
the Brown Palace HoteL which was erect,
ed eight years ago by Henry C. Brown at
a cost of tl.600.000. and the furniture, which
cost 1300.000 morn, ft Is said that Mr.
Stratton has bought tSO.OOO worth of other
real estate In Denver this week.
. Women Fouicht a Dnel.
CHiCAGO. Anrll 7. A special to the
Chronicle from the City of Mexico says:
A duel was fought in the outskirts ot the
city .yesterday by two women connected
with prominent families of tho capital.
Pistols were the weaoons. and one of the
participants was serioasly wounded. The
victor and the two seconds on the field of
honor have been arrested. The affair has
created a sensation.
Dally Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON. April 7. Todays state
ment of the Treasury balance In the
general fund, exclusive of the 1150,000,000
gold reserve, shows:
Available cash balance H57.7U.710
Gold K,S7.8f
Voters In County Seats Cannot
Register Elsewhere.
BveiT Elector Mast Call la Person.
at the Oflea of the County,
Registration is not progressing so fast
as it should. There seems to be an
apathy among some that may prevent
their performing this duty. All thinking
citizens of the city and state regret this
fact more because It Is census year.
There has been considerable Increase In
Mrs. Hermann was bom In Wak March 1, 1821. She was a. Cbos County pioneer of 1SZ9.
and died at the old homestead, sear Myrtle Point. April
the voting strength of Portland since the
last election, evidence of which is found
in various, quarters. Numerous new
houses have been erected and occupied
within the past year, and where "for
rent" signs were common two years ago,
eery thing Is filled now. Portland's pop
ulation has increased, and the vote this
year should exceed any ever cast before.
If more Interest Is not. taken by citi
zens in registering, the city may fall to
receive credit for this growth, at least
until the census Is taken. Then if there
Is disparity between election returns and
the census figures. Jealous rivals may not
consider that this Is the first year of the
registration law In Oregon, and that the
people are educated In such work slowly.
Many persons who have the city's Inter
ests at heart have discussed what means
may be resorted to that every" lawful
elector of Multnomah County shall reg
ister. It seems that worklngmen have
given the same subject thought, as ap
pears from the following communication:
"Portland, April 7. (To the Editor.)
Will you Inform a large number 6f your
readers If there Is anything in the new
registration law preventing the Clerk ot
tho County Court from taking his regis
tration books one or two nights to each
of the wards or precincts of the city for
the purpose of registering the persons
resident thereabout who are qualified td
vote? I know there are numerous work.
Ingmen ot this city who have not found
It convenient to visit tho registration of
fice during the hours It has been open,
and likely will not do so unless greater
facilities ore afforded. Somo live in rather
remote portions of the city, work long
hours and find what little time they can
claim tor leisure well taken up In at
tending to family matters at their
Hanley H. Holmes, Clerk of the County
Court, has thought of many ways to fa
cilitate registration, but finds himself un
able to carry out such plans. The plan
of the correspondent seems to be abso
lutely prohibited by the statute, as It Is
Interpreted by Mr. Holmes and others
with whom he has advised. In section 7
of the registration law enacted in 1S39, it
Is set forth that:
"Every elrctor may Tw registered with
out charge by personally appearing in the
office of said Clerk, and. after being duly
sworn, stating the following facts," etc
This applies to county seats and incorpor
ated cities or towns, outside of which
provision Is made for registration by Jus
tices of the Peace" or notaries public With
in Incorporated cities, which, of course,
covers Portland's case, the following pro
vision governs, uhlch is very positive!
"All electors reldlng In tho town or in
corporated city which is the county seat,
and where the County Clerk or Clerk ot
the County Court has his office, shall per
sonally appear In the Clerk's oillee and
comply with the provisions of this act. In
order to -eglster."
To ascertain If this could be Interpreted
as empowering Clerk of the County Court
Holmes to do as the correspondent sug
gests, two prominent attorneys of the
city were interviewed yesterday, one from
the Democratic and one from the Republi
can party. W. D. Fenton said there could
be no doubt In his mind that the law re
stricted, registration in Portland to such
as applied at the office of the Clerk In
the County Courthouse. He also thought
the purpose to accomplish this was mani
fest, that the more Irresponsible mode ot
numerous, widespread registration places
should hot be allowed.
Judge E. B. Watson agreed with Mr.
Fenton as to this interpretation of the
law. He said Jhere could be no question
that section 19 intended Portland registra
tions to be In the office of the Clerk of
the County Court, at the Courthouse, and
that 'branch offices In precmcts'would be
violations of the law.
It there are worklngmen unable to reach
the registration office during the flay
hours. Clerk Holmes will gladly provide
for evening registration, as he has done
already. If necessary he is willing to keep
the office open evenings till the last. If
the people appreciate the arrangement by
registering. It is useless to hire an even
ing force when none or hardly any present
themselves for registration. Probably the
most effective way of getting all voters
registered is for employers to agitate the
matter. If they would show a willingness
to give the men opportunity, where hours
are long and confining, or if they would
urge such men. as are slow, to act more
quickly, perhaps nearly all the electors
of Portland would be on the rolls by elec
tion day. The books must close May 15.
Expert From. Trail, D. C, Thinks One
la Portland Must Pay.
H. Kermode, superintendent of the Can
adian Pacific smelter, at Trail. B. C reg
istered at the Perkins yesterday, on his
way to San Francisco on a visit. The
smelter at Trail, he says, employs 300
men and has a capacity of 700 tone per
day of 21 hours. The original cost of the
plant was JMO.OOO. but the Canadian Pa
cific has since made large additions, which
bring the total value of the works to
nearly Jl.000,000. Oro is brought from
polnta 600 miles away, though its value
ranges but from 8 to $30 per ton. Silver
and lead-producing ores are treated most
ly, but gold and copper moke quite a fac
tor In the total output. The bullion Is
sent into the United States for further
refining, the gold being shipped mostly to
Omaha and the copper matte to Baltimore.
Recent tariff enactments enable the bul
lion and matte to enter the United States
.practically duty free, where the object Is
to have various metals separated from
one another.
Mr. Kermode thinks a smelter Is a good
thing for a town, and was pleased to hear
that Portland would soon havo one. "I
should think this city would be a fine point
for a smelter," he said, "as .labor is cheap
er than it Is with us. and you have all
tho baso ores needed In fluxing. Coke
ought to bo produced here cheaply; and
the distance to your great ore-producing
regtonfl Is not great.
"Wages run from $2 a day up to J3 on the
smelter works at Trail, and the town of
2M0 people owes Its prosperity largely to
the presence of the enterprise. Tho Can
adian Pacflc Railway does not try to make
much money out of tho smelter, as tho
raiiroaa nas tne Handling of a large
amount of freight and passenger traffic It
would not possess without facilities for
treating the ores of that region."
W. H. Leeds. State Printer, is registered
at tho Imperial.
B. Y. Judd. of Pendleton, is registered
at the Portland.
O. H. Richardson, of San Francisco, is
registered at the Portland.
C H. Porter, of the City ot Mexico, is
registered at the Portland.
Judge Cake leaves tonight for Union,
and will return Thursday.
Ex-Governor Z. F. Moody, of The Dalles.
Is registered at the Imperial.
F. E. Atkins, a lumberman, of Palmer,
Or.. Is registered at the Perkins.
Mrs. Robert Wilson, of Seattle, is the
guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. I. D. Peters.
T. Muellhaupt. a Wardner, Idaho, min
ing man, is registered at the St. Charles.
J. W. Howard, a Crook County stock
ratr. is registered at tho Perkins from
J. and O. K. Wentworth, ot Bay City,
Mich., and Chicago, respectively, are reg
istered at the St. Charles.
A. R. Kanager, of San Francisco, form
erly Prosecuting Attorney of Clatsop
County. Is registered at the Perkins.
E. V. Carter, of Ashland. Speaker of
the House, and candidate for the Congres
sional nomination for the First District, Is
at the Imperial.
State Senator George H. Baker, of Gold
endale. is registered at tho Imperial, on
his return home from the Washington
State Convention at Ellcnsburg.
Joseph Hamblet. original discoverer of
the famous Sea Breeze mine, on Thorn
Arm, Alaska, Is registered at the St.
Charles. He Is In Portland purchasing
mining machinery.
Many Voters Registered.
Two hundred nnd thirty-three voters
were registered yesterday. This brings
the total registration up to 11.113. It
Is important that those who desire to
vote should take the first opportunity
to register, and the books will be closed
May 15. and for some time previous to
that date the office will doubtless be
Admits He Cut the Throat of
Mrs. Bert Horton.
The Indians 'Who Murdered the Hot
tons Will Probably Be Tried at
Skaarway This Month.
SKAGWAY, April t-Jlm Williams;
alias Qulneath, one of the Indians ar
rested here on charge of being Implicated
In the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hor
ton, ot Eugene, Or., has confessed that
he cut the throat of Mrs. Horton. Jim,
Hanson some time ago confessed having
shot Horton. The only other wound to
account for Is that made by the shot that
struck Mrs. Horton before her throat was
cut. Hanson accuses Kltchlkee of shoot
ing her, but Kltchlkee denies It. The In
dians will probably., be tried hero this
Tho White Pass & Yukon Railway will
begin laying rails on Its extenMon In 10
days. Six thousand tons of rails for the
extension are at Bennett. Contractor He
ney has sent to the Sound for 2000 mora
men with which" to rush extension work.
Fifteen hundred are to be employed along
Lake Bennett In grading as soon as they
can be had. It Is expected that the road
will be open from Skagway to White
Horse the latter part of July.
Tho trail to Dawson is rapidly giving
way, under the effects of the Spring
weather. Men Just from Dawson report
that Thirty-Mile and Fifty-Mile Rivers
have broken open In places, and that tho
Yukon Is giving way near Mlnto and Sel
kirk. Ice there Is so thin that It Is danger
ous to cross It.
All say that it is useless to attempt tb
get through to Dawson from Bennett over
the ice with freight, and that many who
are on the way In may find it necessary
to lay over and await tho opening ot
navigation. Thoso who are prepared to
rtsh through with bicycles or go light In
other ways, it Is believed, will get through,
to Dawson.
A hundred or more teams were met.
bound for Dawson, by those who have Just
arrived. Some eay there were 30 to 40
teams met dairy. Nearly all were taking
In meats or other supplies. E. W. Sandl
son, a Dawson trader, who is Just out.
says that the Dawson market Is glutted,
and that those going in with supplies will
find themselves losers. Moreover, hun
dreds of horses are going to Dawson, and
there is no demand whatever for them
there. They are all flno horses of from
1000 to 1300 pounds weight. There is scarce
ly a scrub In the lot.
The general -verdict of those coming out
now is that the heavy traders In meat will
be bis losers. Some of them took In many
tons on sleds, and before they reached
Dawson the weather turned warm and
their stocks -could be scented a half mile
away on tho trail. Crows follow the sleds.
Boston Lyrics End a Successful- En-
It was a happy thought of Colonel
Thompson to put on the melodious "Marl
tana" by the Boston Lyrio Opera Com
pany at Cordray's Theater last night. Al
though it was get away" night, the opera
was sung throughout In a way that the
large crowd present expressed a regret
that It was over, and it Is a fitting climax
to a successful operatic season. The opera
leaves pleasant memories, and it was not
necessary for the orchestra to play
"Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot" as
the audience filed out.
Henry Hallaxn appears at his best In Don,
Caesar, and Miss Stanton but increased
her popularity. George Kunkel sprung an
other surprise by his admirable singing of
the part of the King. This role In "Marl
tana," and his Mephlsto In "Faust" show
that Kunkel Is a very versatile operatic
singer. Maude Lcekley, as Lagarillo,
sang the beautiful solo passing well. Tho
whole opera was one of the best of tho
Incident to the otherwise good singing,
SlgnorRusso. between acta I and 3. created
great enthusiasm by his singing in English
of tho ballad, "Because I Love You."
Considering tho fact that this artistic
singer can speak but llttlo In our lan
guage, his rendition was a revelation to
our singers who attempt Italian songs.
Russo was enthusiastically recalled, and
sang for a second encore the spirited solo
from the fourth act of "Rlgoletto."
Free-Silver Man Rends nixnselt Out
of the Party.
C. H. Baker, of Wolterville, Lone Coun
ty, has abandoned free silver and has
resigned as a member of tho State Cen
tral Committee of the Silver-Republican
party. He has written to Chairman Sen
eca Smith, tendering hie resignation, and
has sent The Oregonlan a copy of tho
letter with authority to publish tho same.
Following 13 the letter:
"Watervllle, Or., April 6. Hon Seneca
Smith. Chairman State Central Commit
tee. Silver-Republican Party Dear Sir:
Yours of March 23. notifying me of the.
meeting of the State Central Committee,
Silver-Republican party, at Portland, April
IS, has been received. In reply thereto,
I deem It my duty to Inform you that In
view of the fact that, by a recent act
of Congress, this Government has been
financially firmly established upon the gold
standard policy, therefore. In my Judg
ment, the question of the free coinage of
sliver has been permanently eliminated
as a leading political Issue. I, therefore,
return to tho ranks of tho regular Repub
lican party. Accordingly. I hereby tender
my resignation as a member of the State'
Central Committee, Silver - Republican
party. Very truly youra,
"C. H. BAKER."
, o
Cnxtom Mill for Baker City.
BAKER CITY, April 7. A custom-stamp-mlll
Is about to be established In this city
by F. F. Frisbee, of Colorado Springs, and
E. E. Savage, of Butte, Mont. A-10-stamy
mill has been purchased. It Is a well
equipped plant and tho owners ore making
preparations to operate It as a custom
mill, either purchasing the ore outright or
milling at S3 a ton. Messrs. Frisbeo and
Savago have let the contract for the fuel
and sent out a representative to the min
ers, soliciting ores. They will increase the
capacity of the mill to 20 stamps If the
patronage will warrant It. There are hun
dreds of locations near Baker City that
the owners can make pay for the progress
of development, by having the ores treated
free of cost. The mill will be located In
East Baker City.
This, When Bryan Was In Orea-on.
Salem Journal (Silver).
Li a small toolltlclan nnv fett-tM- vu
I you. put him on a National platfonaX
r aVihnl jJta3afeJ toi3ij""
v Hi.Jjl .....