, J-a r- - i' . t "j - - ? I. fL 12 THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAN, PORTLAND", APRIL' 8, 1900. SPECIAL EASTER-WEEK ATTRACTIONS I -, ." I m . s""' f .rf t . siy s Waiting for Easter Dress Goods Bargains? HERE THEY ARE 35 67 C SPECIAL 1300 yards New Spring Plaids, SOc and 60c values. C SPECIAL 800 yards New Zlbeltne and Cheviot Plaids (swell designs and color Ings), 85c and $1 values. 87 89 CLOAK ROOM ssgk C SPECIAL 500 yards Zlbe- llne Cheviots, In all new tints, 52 Inchas wide, value SI. 23. C SPECIAL 600 yards Knlck- erbocker Checks and Mixed Bouretle Suitings, 32 Ins. wide. In graysi tans, cadets, etc, value $1.25. I Our Cloak and Suit Department never presented so complete a collec tion of styles as today. The display of Tailor-made Suits embraces every effect called for by this season's styles. Efon Suits predominate more largely than in any past season. Fly Front and Double Breasted Box Coat Suits are also to be found here. The Flare Skirt in several Variations has become a quick favorite. e are showing them made with double and single box plaits. as well as the triple Inverted plaited back. A few descriptions follow, but youishould see the whole showing if for nothing more than the pleasure of It Prices begln.at $10.00, range to $150.00 Ladles Fancy Eton Suits Of fine all-trool homespun In light and dark pray, entire Jacket strapped and stitched, with wide bands of gray taf feta, ellk, and lined with came silk. The skirt Is made In newest shape "flare," Is strapped with stitched bands of taf feta silk, and lined with percallne. Price $22.50 Ladles' Tailor-Made Eton Suits Of fine Imported Venetian cloth. In tan, gray and brown. The Eton Is made In newest shape, 10-button double-breast-Ed front: Is nicely stitched and lined with taffeta silk; the skirt Is made with box-plaited, back. Is tailor stitched and lined with percallne. Price $23.00 Ladles' Novelty Eton Suits Of fine all-wool cheviot. In black and navy. The Eton is made with large square revere, faced with taffeta silk, is strapped with band of taffeta and stitched, and has a sash of silk. The skirt is made with new "flaro": is trimmed with stitched bands of taffe ta silk and lined with finest percallne. Price $32.30 Li IUr 1 flfc- ' ll 'Johnny" Jackets For Misses and Children In Tan Brown and Blue Covert. Cloths Venetian and Broadcloth at $ 5.00 $ 7.00 $10.00 French Flannel Shirt Waists In cream, light blue, lavender and red; also of fancy figured flannels, at $3.75, $4 and $4.50 Petticoats Ladles' Petticoats of fancy figured Imported mercerized siteen, made In new umbrella shape, and trimmed with ruffles, t Price $3.50 Ladles' Petticoat of Imported metallic striped mercerized sateen in a variety of fancy patterns, made with deep flounce and corded ruffles. Price $2.50 Ladles' Petticoats of fancy figured SUcoL made in newest umbrella shape. with one deep ruffle and clusters of coming aoore ruuie. Price $1.75 New at the Book Counter Pub. Our price." price. Resurrection. Br Count Tolstoi $1.50 $1.15 The Awakening. (A differ ent translation of the same.) $1.03 T9o Ivan of the Sword Hand, Br S. R. Crocket J1.C0 11.15 Captain Dieppe. By An thony Hope EOc 39C The Scarlet 'Woman. By JoscDh Hocking. Jl.a Sjc Briton and Boers. Both Sides of the South Afri can Question. Tilth map. roth thousand- Patter .... 23c British and Dutch In South Africa. (A paper by Jos. H. Stark.) to FOR EASTER An attractive line of Easter Books In white and silver; regular, COc; our pedal price, lfc A Mammoth Picture Sale At regular prices they are less than others ask. far lees, for have you not seen the identical elsewhere at higher cost? Artistically framed pictures for the parlor, library, dining-room, sitting-room, and nursery. Read the Prices And form the highest opinion you care to about values. They will fully meet your expectation At Jl-5 Our stock of framed etch ings, different styles of mourdlngs; for mer price, J2JS. At n.S9 our stock of framed pastels and etchings; an assortment to select from; former prises, J3.KL At 4Sc ICO carbon photographs; a grand assortment of subjects. At 12c, 23c. SSc and 75c A sale of our entire stock of glass medallions; a very appropriate Easter clft; former prices, 25c, 0c, 73c and tXSZ. 500) new gilt photograph frames, with glass and mat; special. S9c. At 63c Our stock of framed etchings, in an assortment of subjects; former price, JLS. At SSc Our stock of framed etchings and water-colo'-s: a big assortment; former price. 11.50. See the Fourth st. window display Ladies' Suits $12.85 A Suit ftuJ ilk The line of Suits offered for this special Easter Week Sale consists of the latest styles In Eton. Fly-front, Reefer and Tight-flttlng, effects. The materials are Covert Cloth, Venetian Cloth, Homespuns and Cheviots. The colors are black, blue, brown, tan and Oxford, medium and light grays. Surely an sassortment to suit all tastes, and the values are all of the best. New We have juit received superb new lines of Pattern Suits, Silk, Flannel and Cotton Waists and White Dresses For hd.u, misses and children. Gendron Baby Carriages and Go-Carts Are equipped frith patent hub fast eners, frnaranteed to lie the safest nnd best appliance for holding vrheels In place t the patent loot bralce, eaalest io work; half-lndh rubber cushion tires, the best wear ing In the market; handle-braces, cross reaches, and all that tori to make np the best Baby Vehicles mannfactnred. We are showlnj? over GO styles of this celebrated make. C" EASTER MILLINERY JBllil JPSI& C3a 3EP In Our Clothing Department Tou will always And excellent values and reliable goods. The great care exer cised In the selection of our stocks makes It possible for us to give absolute guaran tees as to make, material, style, fit, finish and value. . Elaborate preparations have been made for the Easter week trade in our Mil linery Department, The ladles of this city are competent critics, and we hare faithfully and hopefully endeavored to merit their approval. "We know comparisons will be made, and we are anxious that they should be, knowing that the final verdict will be that Our Millinery Stock Is the FINEST In the City It leads In style. In variety and in the magnificent values offered. $$N5Zflj Specials Indies' pleated stock collars: each Fancy Corded-and OI ladles' Pocketbooks and Coin J .rurses. assorted leathers Z.IC and colors; each -" Ladies' Muslin Nightgowns. hemstitched tucked yoke and ruffled neck and sleeves; each. Children's White Drenres, handsomely trimmed, as sorted styles; each Boys' Knife, two blades and IOA chain attachment , , "Wire Card Racks, for photos, jT cards, etc.. 17x30 Inches; IOC each w Toilet Paper, pure tissue. 1000 A sheet rolls; per roll Jt 59c $1.59 IP? W 1 'Of As an Easter-Week Special We offer Men's all-wool Peasedale black worsted Suits at $10.00 a suit A suit value that needs only to be seen to bo appreciated. "We are also showing new lines of Men's Men's All-Wool Blue Sergo sacks, aouDie - Dreastea, plain or silk-faced; a suit.. Men's Stylish Spring Top Coats; each Are the best known, the best wearing, and the best made gloves In the market today. We ore the Portland agents for this make, and carry them In all the new est shades and combinations, at $1.50 to $2.50 a pair Tambour Point Curtains The latest Dainty, neat, graceful and inexpensive, selling rapidly In London, Paris and New York. Ask to see them in our Curtain Department. y- Children's Fancy Lawn Hats, f Q lace and embroidery trim- VOC med; regular, JL3; each.... 7 len's All-Wool Worsted f O T t Suits, with double-breasted J)l J. JtJ Vests; a suit y""-' $15.00 $13.50 Men's Crush Hats White, steel gray, tan and black. $1.00 and $1.50 each $2.00 $2.50 Latest styles in Men's Fedora Hats; each newest Royal Wilton Rugs 8 1-4x10 1-2 feet, each 90.50 0x12 feet, each $31.80 Silk Floss Pillows 20x20 inches, each 22x22 Inches, each 24x2-4 Inches, each........ ..31c ..41c ..Sic At Our Book Counter Pub, price. Billy Baxter's Letters. By W J. Kountz .'......-. Toe Phantom Future. (Paper.) 'By Merrlman .t. ..,....v. ...... 59c Moody's Sermons !5c Golf. G. G. Smith 75c Love Lyrics. Riley....... 11.3 Our price. Kc Sc 19c 69c SCc Full line of Easter Cards, Booklets and Ifovelties. Bibles. Testaments, Prayer Books and Hymnals. Full line of Chas. M. Sheldon's books. Men's- Stiff Hats, blocks; each Neckwear Just received, a swell line of exclusive patterns In Men s Neckwear. 50c to $1.50 Men's Shirts Fancy Starched Shirts Latest patterns, each $1.00, $1.50 and $2.50 Young Men's Suits All the latest styles, single and double breasted; sizes, 14 to 19 years; a suit, $7.50 to $15.00 Specials for Boys Boys' Washable Suits, sizes Aln s; a suit uJs 3 to 10 years; BoyS Vcstfee' Suits, neat gray tO 1C mixtures, 3 to S years $AO Boys' All-Wool 2-pIec? Suits. gray checks and mixtures, S to 15 years; a suit $2.40 MEIER 5t FRKNK COMPANY ' m EASTER THOUGHTS Easter colors, Easter elegance, The store tells of Easter everywhere. Full of the vigor of the new season; more than ever alert to meet your expectations. Hundreds of spring suits for men. Hun dreds of spring suits for boys, large and small. Quantity enough to meet any call for any size or any shape; variety enough to satisfy any color taste no matter how lurid or how somber. No Mother f& v Can resist this temptation for buying th boy new clothes now. The variety and values we have created make buying im perative. Vestee and Sailor Suits Sizes 3 to 9 years, exclusive in style, made of hlgh-grado material, elaborately fin ished, $2.50 to $10.00 Two-Piece Suits Sizes 8 to IS years, of. new Spring fabrics, double-breasted co?ts. pants with double scat and knees, strictly rip-proof, $2.35 to $10.00 Boys' Fancy Vests Sizes 5 to 14 years, separate vests, mads Just like a man's. In bright figures and fancy stripes, $1.50 to $3.00 Spalding Catcher's MIt, Mask or a Ball and Bat With Each Boy's Suit. Men's Easter Neckwear The most beautiful collec tion of silks, colorings and original shades we have ever shown many of the color combinations are extremely novel, all the shapes are repre sentedImperials, English Squares, Four-in-Hands, Bat Wings and Bows. Men's Easter Hats Fedoras in pearl.gray.black and a variety of browns; all the new spring shades and blocks in Derbys. Our Hat Department Is practically a complete hat store in itself, of-' fering to our customers the advantages of the newest shapes in first-class qualities, con siderably under regular halters' prices. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD. ITS SO. M0YER CLOTHING CO. POPULAR-PRICE CLOTHIERS BEN SELLING, Manager COR. THIRD AND OAK STREETS THE OREGONIAN PUBLISHING CO. IS NOW EQUIPPED FOR DOING FIRST-CLASS Also DESIGNINO AND SAMPLES... ZINC ETCHING ol Work and Prices upoa Application m m DUteLQP 'SSu&SsxST axe made by to5 Pi ncers ot the pneumatic tireindustfy. The Dun lop Detachable Tire is the embodiment of the widest experience, the best skill, and the re sults of innumerable experiments. It Is knQwn and told all orer the world and furnished on their wheels by every prominent bicycle manulac. tnrer. If you are well posted you will Insist on Dcs lops at the same price as other tires on the better class of wheels. Sttkltl tfanjdtoltrmftu. The American Dunlop Tire Co., Belleville, N. J. Chlcaro, III. Dunlop Tires are made for Automobiles, Carrlaces and Bicycles. Distributors tor Portland: MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAYER CO. IW zaisxiuax. M EPPS'S COCOA GRATEFUL COMPORTING Distinguished Everywhere For Delicacy of Flavor. Superiority In Quality. Grateful and Comforting . to the Nervous or Dyspeptic. Nutritive Qualities Unrivalled. Your Grocer and Storekeeper Sell It li Ril!-Poad Has oatr. rrtpjrrf fcy JAMB tm i CO., UJ. BiiMNpattlc Chemists. Unin, Etjljji BREAKFAST SUPPER i EPPS'S COCOA $($L ' PkITic Cms! fents. Skmrf SSienm4 Spring Newness in Tailored Suits Cur exhibition of Suits and Cloaks h complete and represents only the best and natiirst styles. Many are exact copies of celebrated foreign fashions, but lack the expensiveness. Prices arc the very lowest that can ba asked for good qual ity and expert workmanship. The imnunse business we are doing is ample proof of ttu popularity and reliability of the new offerings. " SPECIAL EASTER OFFERING For three days only, Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday, we will give a bona fide discount, 10 PER CENT. on all our Handsome Siik Waist'. As all know the popularity of our silk waists fui!!;:r ta'k is unnecessary. All goods are marked in plain figures. SPEC5AL SALE ON FURS THE SILVERFIELD FUR MANUFACTURING CO. LEADIXG FXltltlEItS OV T1IC WEST. 283285 Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR RAW FURS Send for Priec-Uat. oococ0oee H. TV. Corbett, President. "Win. H. Corbett, Vice-President. James Lotan. Manapcr. "W. T. Stephens, Secretary. 00 o Willamette Iron & Steel Works PORTLAND, OREGON FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, BOILERMAKERS Designers and builders of Marine Engines and Boilers, Mining and Dredging Machinery and General Mill nnd Iron Work. Flra Hydrants, Pulleys, Shaftlag, etc Correspondence solicited. CAWSTOM 5 COMPANY Heating and Ventilating Contractors Estimates Furnished on Steam and Hot Water Heating, Dealers In En glnes, Boilers, Machinery Supplies 48 and 50 First St, Near Pine Telephone Main 1ST. PORTUND, OREGON STtfl'STRtlT Idwa Seitst n4 ttit Library Association of s Portland 24,000 volumes and over 200 periodicals $5.00 a year or $150 a quarter Two books allowed on all subscriptions HOURS From 9MK H to 00 r. tt daily, except Sundays and MoCd ( r : , -- -y -