The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 08, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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    wTrp' -t -w w. lj jr jKHanBKrvnwvnavf
a- f ,, Vt. y-;,.-, .-, T-i -4 V
- . . iffife StJSi)Afr OttfiGONLLN. yottfLAM). AERIfl 8,. 1900.
But His Opponents Are Putting
Up an Earnest Fight
.Popnllata and Democrat Likely to
Fase Wtolverton tor Supremo
BepubUcan Congressional Convention, First
District McMlnnvllle, April 10.
Bapubllcan State Convention Portland April
Democratlo Bute Convention Portland April
Populist State Coaveatlon Portland, April 12.
Mlddle-of-the-Road Populiat Stxta Convention
Portland, April 12. i
Republican Congressional Convention, Seoond
District Portland, April 13.
This -will bo a busy -week In Oregon
state politics, -with Portland as the storm
center. The Multnomah County and City
Republican Convention Trill meet tomor
row, and will be followed by the Congres
sional convention of the First district at
McMlnnvllle. Tuesday. Thursday In thla
city four state conventions are to be held,
and, besides, the state central committee
of the late Silver-Republican organization
will make an effort to get together. Fri
day an interesting week -will close with
the Congressional convention of the Sec
ond district.
The work of the Republican State Con
vention may be outlined with some degree
of certainty. It has little to do. One can
didate for Supreme Justice Is to be named,
Jour Presidential Electors, and four of
the eight delegates to the National Re
publican Convention at Philadelphia.
There will probably be a more or less
perfunctory declaration of party princi
ples, and the National Administration and
the services of the Oregon delegation in
Congress will doubtless be indorsed In
general terms. The convention Is not
likely to take drastic action of any sort
on the new questions that have come up
since the last election, as, for Instance,
the Puerto RIcan bills. Nor Is It proba
ble that special notice will be taken of
the attitude of Senator Simon toward the
measure that Is being forced through Con
cress by the National Administration.
'Precedent for refusal to commit the party
In this state to any advanced policies
nay be found in the action of the conven
tion four years ago, which declined to
utter any expression on the money ques
tion rooro definite than the Minneapolis
platform on the ground that It was not the
business of the State of Oregon to blaze
the trail for the National convention.
The only candidate for the Supreme
Bench likely to be seriously considered Is
Judge Charles E. Wolvcrton, of Linn
County, now an incumbent. There has
been some movement In the direction of
Judge E. B. Watson, of this city, formerly
a Supreme Justice, but It peems to nave
amounted to little. Judge Wolverton's
friends point with satisfaction to his rec
ord, which they declare has been In the
highest degree creditable, and, as it looks
now, the convention will unanimously
concede their claims.
No names have been prominently men
tioned for Presidential Elector, or for
delegate to the Philadelphia convention.
The usual method will be followed of dis
tributing these honorary positions among
Republicans who by their party services
appear most to merit consideration.
The Populist and Democratic conven
tions are likely to fuse, while the Mlddle-of-the-Roaders
will, as usual, pursue their
lonely way to defeat. For the Judgeship
nomination there are no active candi
dates, although W. M. Ramsey, of Yam
hill Count-, has been mentioned. Judge
Ramsey Is a Democrat who stands well
with his party and at the bar. The dele
gates to Kansas City will undoubtedly be
Instructed for Bryan.
Representative Moody will encounter no
opposition In his candidacy for renomlna
tlon, and the Second District Convention
will be a tamo affair.
In the First district it will be different.
The liveliest kind of a fight Is being made
against Representative Tongue. The
county conventions have all been held,
and a fairly accurate forecast of the sit
uation can be made. The McMlnnvllle
convention will number 1(3 delegates, and
It will therefore take S2 to nominate. The
counties that have cither Instructed for
Mr. Tongue or are (conceded to him are
as follows:.
Josephine .......... 7
Klamath 4
Laie .".. 4
Tillamook S
Hnnlmrton 13
ramhlll 12
Lane 14
Total CU
The five opposition candidates have, or
doubtless will have, the united support of
their several counties, as follows:
Benton (John D. Dalr) S
Jackson (E. V. Carter) 10
Linn (H. II. Hewitt) 14
Marlon (Claud Gatch) 22
Clackamas (Geo. C Brownell) 15
Total C3
The doubtful counties are:
Lincoln 4
3 Polk 0
Douglas 12
1 Total 35
It will thus be seen that the leading
candidate must secure 23 votes from the
uncertain delegations to defeat the com
bined opposition. The most the managers
for Mr. Tonguo now claim for him is SO
votes on the first ballot, but they are
hopeful that a break may occur some
where so that the needful remainder may
be obtained, and the danger of a protract
ed contest avoided. It is reasonably cer
tain that Tongue will be favored by a
majority of Coos and Curry, and that he
will have votes from Douglas. Lincoln is
an unknown quantity, but It is probably
friendly to Daly. The leaning of Polk Is
supposed to be toward Mr. Gatch, and It
will not come as a surprise If Marlon
County's popular candidate secures a ma
jority. If not all, that delegation. He will
also have a few votes from other coun
ties, and so will Carter and Hewitt. The
line-up on. the first ballot will be some
thing Uko this:
Tongue TO to 75
Gatch 30 to 33
Brownell 15 to 30
Hewitt 15
G&rlci i
Daijt ..... lu
The opposition to Mr. Tongue will en
deavor to adopt precisely the same tac
tics pursued by him at Albany four years
ago, when he defeated Mr. Hermann. The
Hillsboro man stands in exactly the same
position today as the Roseburg statesman
did then. But his friends claim there Is
an important distinction to be made, and
it is this: That Mr. Tongue is second
choice of many delegates, who will vote
for him after the initial ballot, or after
they have given nominal support to the
candidates from their respective counties.
At any rate, the opposition deos not ap
pear to have reached so perfect an uc.
derstanding as the opposition to Mr. Her
mann t Albany. It was realized there
that the only chance any Of the new aa
plrants had was first to beat the incum
bent, and .then let each take his chances.
Whether the contest at McMlnnvllle will
develop the same spirit of determination
and the same intelligent and effective co
operation remains to be seen.
The campaign for the fusion nomination
has not yet been pursued with vigor ny
anybody. Several names are mentioned,
among them two from Linn Coiinty J. J,
Whitney and J. K. Weatherf ord. who waa
the .unsuccessful Democratlo nominee
against Mr. Hermann In ISM and ex-Btate
Senator Daly, of Lake County. Bishop
Barkley. the unctuous brother and silver
tongued spellbinder from Woodburn,
might be persuaded to take It. And so
might Colonel Bob Miller, of Clackamas.
H. L. Heath, of McMlnnvilte, may be pre
sented to the Democratic convention, on
the ground that he has a good war record,
having been captain of the McMlnnvilU
company In the Second Oregon; but be
Is not likely to carry ibe convention by
storm. The Democrats say they expect
Mr. Tongue to be nominated, and they
profess to think that he will be less diffi
cult to defeat than any other Republican
likely to be named. There will probably
be no great trouble In Inducing the Popu
lists and Democrats to fuse for this nomi
nation. In the Sacond District, no Bryanlte hank
ers sreatlr after the nomination. Names
mentioned for it are those of Hon. John
Smith, of Clatsop, and Judge A. S. Ben
nett, of Wasco County. It is conceded
that Mr. Moody, or any other Republican,
will have a walk-over at the polls.
The State Central Committee of the
Silver Republicans, at Its meeting Thurs
day, will name delegates to the National
convention at Kansas City.
"It Settle One Thing;, That He Is a
Candidate for the Senate."
Salem Journal.
Ex-Senator John H. Mitchell has pub
lished a reply to the charge that he was
a party to the hold-up of the Legislature.
His reply settles only one thing, that he
la a candidate for the Senate. His con
troversy with Mr. Simon or Mr. Corbett
are personal matters, but the fact of his
going before the people and circulating
his pamphlet all over the state as he Is
doing, places him in the light of an aspirant-Whatever
claims Mr. Mitchell had on the
people of the West was gained as a cham
pion of free coinage of silver. If he had
taken his place, as a man of his record
and views should have done. In the Bryan
column In 1SSS (and he never got out of
that column until after the June election)
he would still command respect, and he
might be Senator. But In trying to steal
back into the Senate as a more tool of
Mark Hanna, and without taking his
stand either by his own record or on the
Republican platform, he fell between the
two stools. ,
Trying to make himself an Issue as
against men like Corbett and Simon will
not help him. Simon Is showing himself
to be an Independent man In the Senate.
He la standing out against big steals like
the Puerto Rico tariff, the Hanna ship
ping subsidy, and Matt Quay's stealing
a seat In the Senate, white McBride and
Mitchell (If he were there) are on the
side where the carrion is and against the
people. Men like Simon and Corbett, who
have some personal character, and are not
impecunious enough to always be com
pelled to receive assistance from every
graft of national proportions, are safer
men to send to the Senate than the Mitch
ell variety of statesmanship. If the next
Legislature Is Republican a man of Mitch
ell's stripe will never be chosen. If It
Is not Republican, a Bryan man of clean
type, and who Is not for sale, should be
sent to take McBtide's seat. The Legisla
ture should not be over 15 minutes about
it, cither. There is other business before
the Legislature than reviving the personal
fight over Mitchell and anti-Mitchell.
Hon. II. R. Klncald's Paper Throws
Sldellfckta on the I'rlninrlea.
Eugene State Journal.
Th Gold Standard Republicans held their
primaries In Eugene last Monday and
elected delegates to the county conven
tion. Edward J. McCIanahan. who was
discarded as being too awfully awful for
anything 10 or 15 years ago by the Re
publicans, who were then all clamoring
lor free silver, like McKinley, Mitchell,
Hermann and the other bosses, came to
the front and swiped the whole push,
electing himself and his entire ticket In
each precinct. The following persons, meet
ly war horses of many battles, were
voted for and beaten by the Luckey ticket
for Sheriff and the McCIanahan rustlers:
Dr. D. A. Paine, ex-Superintendent of the
State Inxine Asylum; J. H. McClung. ex
State Senator; H. B. Miller. ex-President
of the State Agricultural College: S. M.
Yoran, ex-McKlnley Elector; Colonel
George O. Yoran, a hero of the Filipino
war of "conquest and criminal aggres
sion"; L. N. Roney, contractor and build
er of the new Courthouse and many
bridges and buildings; R. McMurphey,
principal owner of the Eugene Wate- Com
pany, extensive mlneowner, ann local
agent of the Northern Pacific Railroad
Company: Dr. T. W. Harris, Mayor of
Eugene; F. L. Chambers, William Preston,
A. Yerlngton. George MIdgley. S. R. Will
lams, E. A. Wood. R. H. Miller, Ell Bangs.
F. B. Bellman. W. H. Alexander and a
I long list of others. The boys who un-
norsea tnese distinguished gentlemen, like
the English In South Africa, are now In
possession of the works, and will prob
ably shake the plum tree if they can carry
Majuba Hill (the county convention) and
hold their Indignant rivals down at Splon
kop (the State and District Convention)
and do not meet too many Boers at the
Umatilla Democrats AVnnt to
Down the Popnllata.
Pendleton East' Orcgonlan.
The question Just now agitating the
local political's mind Is that of a combi
nation of the forces which comprise the
Democratic Populist and Independent Re
publican voters. The logical trend and
the only sensible conclusion, so all local
politicians say, la towards a coalition.
Some time ago the matter was first open
ly broached, and the proposition then was
to organize under the name of Democracy,
all voters being Invited to go Into the
Democratic primaries who were desirous
of forwarding the movement for coalition.
Joseph T. Hlnkle was one of the original
advocates of the coalition. Several weeks
ago he said.
"I" am heartily In favor of having the
Democratic party simply absorb .the Pop
ulist organization entire. All the prlncl
pies vital to the populists have been tak
en up by the Democratic party, and onlj
the one with selfish ends In view and
who wants something in the form o(
personal gain will oppose the absorption
of the party by the Democrats. This 1
the trend throughout the county, and I
hope to see It come to a successful Issue."
These views of Mr. Hlnkle .were repre
sentative of the thought of a majority of
Populists nt that time, and the trend In
that direction has grown stronger every
Popnllata Will De IVlck'ed It They
Decline "Absorption."
Lieutenant-Governor Daniels, of Wash
Ihgton, when in Pendleton last week with
William J. Bryan, was very frank In his
expressions about "union of the reform
forces" in his state. He said that the
Washington Populists had carefully con
sidered the matter from the standpoint
of state and National politics and that the
decision had been simply to form a union
with the Democrats and disband the Pop
ulist organization, henceforth working as
one party with the Democrats; that Gov
ernor Rogers and the other Populist state
official have come Id this neelsl6n. and
probably Rot 8'ven a state conventi3n will
be heia 1ft Washington.
Commenting en the style bf fuiidri by ab
sorption,. Indorsed by .Daniels,- ihe- East
qregdnlah. declare. that "ahydne Bern la
this cbuhty (Umatilla) whd opposes such
union will certainly Uy himself open to
suspicion, bf be Indictable 6f placing oU
thing above principle In the govefance of
hit political actions."
Bryan lino. Bhrkler Compared.
Woodburn Independent
We can how understand why Bryan teri
eralty loses the states throughout which
he speaks. The people are led to expect
a great or&tor tho greatest in tie United
States but they hear an ordinary speaker
with an auctioneer's voice, playing on
the passions of the people, running down
Mark Hanna and England, and enlighten
ing his hearers on no new point relating
to public affairs, tie Is a man of pleasing
appearance, which Is requisite to the
game he is playing. As to oratory, those
who have been so fortunate as not to hear
him, and have heard our Bishop Barkley,
may form some conception when we state
that, while having particularly a facial to the Bishop, but not as
good-looking, he Is not so fine a speaker,
all told, as the Bishop.
A Popullat'a Card.
In the Roseburg Plalndealer appears a
card, signed "D. P. Fisher, Roseburg,
Or.," which has a measure of interest to
all fuslonlsts. Here it is:
"To my Populist friends; who request me
to accept the nomination on a union tick
et for Constable, I will say that I was
elected two years ago as a Populist and
the Democrats wanted the office so badly
they stole It, and told lies enough to sink
half the party of the state, and all for
the measly little office of constable. I
have come to this conclusion: under no
circumstances will I accept a nomination
on a union ticket for anything, and It you
can't find a Democrat good enough for the
office, would recommend Glllett, Ray
Brown or any other Demo-pop. wanting
office badly enough to eo into a union with
such scoundrels to get It."
An Uiupenkable Outrage.
Seattle Times.
When Colonel Bryan arrived in SeattU
yesterday, three gentlemen belonging to
Co'.onel Bryan's party were assigned to
one of the carriages proceeding from the
depot to the Ralnler-Grand Hotel and the
editor of the Times was assigned a seat
beside Senator Turner but the "gall" ot
the reporter enabled Paul Hedrlc, an em
ploye of the political enemy, to take pos.
session of that seat, while the editor of
the Times had the pleasure of walking to
the point of destination.
In Wnahlnfcton State.
Colfax Commoner.
The people's party has formally disband
ed. Its prominent leaders. Governor Rog
ers, Lieutenant Governor Daniels, Auditor
Cheetham and Land Commissioner Bridges
have all expressed an Intention of affili
ating with the Democratic party in the
state campaign. It Is very doubtful if
even an attempt is made to hold a Pop
ulist State Convention.
Skillful and nenonrcefnl.
Jacksonville Times.
Hon. E. V. Carter will go to the Repub
lican Congressional Convention backed by
the delegation from his own county. A
vigorous fight was waged against him, but
he won, although by a very close margin.
However he confirmed the fact that he Is
the most skillful and resourceful politician
of them alL
The Senator Has Troubles.
Albany Democrat.
It is reported from Washington that Mr.
McBride, one of Oregon's Senators, Is wor
ried over reports from Republican pri
maries In Oregon. He has reason to be.
The chances are that ha successor will not
be named McBride. This is to be hoped In
the interest of Oregon.
Jfot When Yon Know Atkinson.
New York Mall and Express.
It is astonishing how much more Mr.
Edward Atkinson, who has never visited
the Philippines, knows about those Islands
than Bishop Potter, President Schurman
and others who have been there.
One of Sfacrnm'a Mistakes.
Chicago Post.
In making his report of alleged outrages.
Mr. Macrutn mistook the yellow journals
for the United States Government, and Is
naturally, surprised to find that that view
is not hfld by others.
"A Merited Compliment.'
Salem Journal.
That was a very pretty compliment the
Republicans of Marion County paid Jus
tice Wolverton, a merited but unsolicited
Indorsement for a renomlnatlon.
Russia' Way.
Washington Star.
It looks as If Russia meant to have sol
diers and not statesmen on hand the next
time It discusses the prospect of peace.
In Kentucky Xott.
Memphis Commercial Appeal.
The proper salutation In Kentucky:
"Good morning IHave you been arrested
for the murder of Ooebel yetT"
As Usual, a Stone.
Baltimore American.
Puerto Rico Is asking for bread.
Congress Is giving Her speeches.
St. Paul Dispatch.
Mr. Bryan favors the annexation
Debs with or without, etc
The "Imperialist" to Be Dreaded la
the Ttaxeater A Bryan Paper's
Sensible Observations.
Mr. Bryan's arguments against Imperi
alism and militarism have absolutely
nothing to do with the local problems In
Oregon and Marion County, says the Sa
lem Journal (Bryanlte). A Republican
orator will next be along and present the
same questions from the McKlnley stand
point, and show how we are blessed with
the tariff and the gold standard. Then
Cyclone Davis will convince some that
both parties are wrong; and that state
socialism alone .will save the common
wealth. All these discussions are carried
on from a partisan standpoint and for
partisan purposes, on the theory that good
government is to result from the applica
tion of a certain National policy at the
hands of a certain set of party pollUclans.
Mr. Bryarf's arraignment of the Repub
licans as the backers of any policy to op
press and crush the Cubans, or Puerto
Ricans. or Hawaiian, or Filipinos, in the
long run. and speaking of the rank and
file of the great masses of Republicans,
will not hold true. The masses of the
ReDubllcan party as sincerely and as hear
tily are the well-wishers of the Inhabi
tants of the pofsesslons that fell to our
sovereign control as the masses of tho
Democratic or any other party. Republi
cans want cheap grain sacks, cheap bind
ing twine, cheap sugar and cheap tropical
fruits free trade with our own posses
sions just as much as any party. At
heart they wont just as little militarism
and Imperialism as any party, no matter
what some of their mlegulded leaders may
force upon them.
Republicans are divided about these
questions of foreign policy just as men
and women In other parties are. And
we reiterate, all these matters of foreign
policy are entirely foreign to tho problems
of local government. The battle for good
government In the city of Salem, that hasl
restored confidence and Is restoring values
In property, was fought out on business
principles and not by an appeal to parti
sanship. The adoption of a solvent policy
in Marion County, that shall conduct pub
lic business for the peop'e, that shall In
augurate and raalntaln a programme that
will reduce county taxes one-half and hold
them there for four years to come will
not be brought about by Cyclone Davis or
any other national-political orator, but by
the cool-headed, common horse sense of
the best men In the Republican party,
aided by the same kind of men In the other
parties. It will take them all. because in
the end the enemies of good government
will be found where the plunder Is.
The Bryan party contains a larger num
ber of men who want economical city,
county and school government because
their party has not been In power so
much and has not been corrupted by the
spoils of office as mucb as the controlling
element In the Republican party. They
want reform Just as badly as any man In
any reform party on earth, nnd the per
sistent howler for reform Is too often a
mere place-seeker In disguise. Excessive
taxation cannot be laid at the door of any
one party, but to the partisan pystem that
reverses every principle of good govern
ment and makes office-holding and office
getting the main purpose and reward of
party loyalty. There Is no hope for relief
from tho burdens of excessive local tax
ation in Bryanlsm and McKlnleylsm or
Cyc!one-Dav!s!sm or Prohibltlonlem or any
isms Involving National policies. Relict
must come by laying aside these things
and putting them In the background as
far as possible. They have their place
In the Presidential election next Novem
ber, but not now except In electing a Sen
ator and Congressmen.
The Injection of National politics In the
county campaign will work a great hard
ship on the people of Marlon County If
it prevents their securing a County Court
that will for the next four years reduce
county taxes so that real estate shall
again have a market value aside from tax
sales and mortgage executions. Excessive
taxation hangs like a pall on all local
enterprises in this county. Nothing but
a programme of rigid economy and non
partisan business administration can save
our property from remaining a drug on
tho market, profitable only to the taxenter.
His Imperialism ie more to be dreaded than
what may be termed that In our foreign
affairs. The militarism of the taxgatherer
has been the ruin of once powerful nations,
which today seem dying of dry rot be
cause, to meet their Immense expenses
and to pay Interest on their debts, taxa
tion has been Increased beyond a safe
Olympla Fnslonlata Show Contempt
for the Governor.
An Olympla d'spatch to the Tacema Led
ger gives an Instance of the harmony that
exists between tho executive and the fus
lonlsts of Washington's capital.
A meetlqg of the fuslonlsts was called
Friday night to organize a fusion or
Bryan Club to participate In the coming
campaign. Officers were chosen, and the
question arose as to the adoption of a
constitution. One of those present moved
that the constitution of the fusion club
in 1896 'be adopted for 190J. It went
through with a whoop, and every one was
tickled that the matter had been disposed
of with so little difficulty, until one mem
bar, with a better memory than the oth-
ers. succeeded In getting the floor, and
stated that, according to his recollection,
the constitution of the, club of 1S9S pro
vided that the. club be known as the
"Bryan and Rogers Club." This fell like
a thunderbolt from a" clear sky on the
assemblage, -and the members present, al
most to a man. were on their feet claim
ing recognition from the chair in order
to move a reconsideration.
Finally the motion for reconsideration
passed, and. a motion was made that the
words "and Rogers" be stricken from the
constitution of the club of UK, and then
It h mad the constitution of the club
of 1900. which motion was unanimously-
passed, seemingly to the delight of all
There Are
Some Things
Talk Abont.
Spokane Chronicle.
Scene Bryan's apartments of his special
car, about 11 o'clock Thursday evening,
after he had returned to the car from his
Dayton specoh.
The Chronlcjo reporter questioned tho
Democratic leader on the situation la Ken
tucky caused by the assassination of Goe
beL He tried to draw an opinion from the
Presidential candidate on his attitude to
ward the military rule In the Coeur
d'AIene country after the strike last April.
He suggested that the people would be
Interested in knowing Bryan's opinion of
the Boer war.
Then he Inquired whom Bryan wanted
as a running mate on the Democratic
From that he asked Bryan about the
probable action of the Populist convention
at Sioux Falls.
But Mr. Bryan Is a diplomat.
He would not discuss political condi
tions in Kentucky.
He would not voice an opinion on the
state of affairs in the Coeur d'Alenes.
He had nothing to say on the Boer War.
He was not willing to moke any state
ment on tho probable Vice-Presidential
candidate on the Democratic ticket.
He would not even talk on the Populist
convention to be held early in May.
"But you might ask me the same ques
tion a reporter did back in New York,"
suggested Mr. Bryan, as he threw off his
coat and vest, preparing to retire for the
night, "That was the worst I ever heard.
Yes, sir: a reporter back East asked me
if I was defeated this year if I would be a
candidate for President .next time."
"And what did you tell hhn, Mr.
"I told him it was none of his business."
A none Paper on Gntch.
Woodburn Independent.
Claud Gatch will go to the Congressional
convention with very bright prospects.
He will have not only a solid delegation
at his back, but after the first ballot will
have the strength of other delegations,
who will give their home candidates a
complimentary vote and then turn to
Tongue's strongest competitor, Mr. Gatch.
Few of the delegates who do not support
Mr. Tongue on the first ballot will sub
sequently go to him. Look at the ques
tion squarely in the face Tongue and un
certainty; Gatch and certainty. There
should be no hesitation among sensible
and perspicacious men. The Republican
party of Oregon simply cannot afford to
take a risk In nominating Mr. Tongue,
and having the news go back East that
Captain Heath or some other Democrat
has been elected In this state on the eve
of a Presidential campaign. We cannot
afford to take Mr. Tongue and chances.
Too much of the Republican element Is
Irrevocably opposed to him for the party
to shoulder htm this Spring. We must
put up a stronger man and that man Is
Claud Gatch.
Democratic View of Bryan. ,
The Dalles Times-Mountaineer.
At every point where W. J. Bryan has
stopped In this state or Washington, he
has been greeted wlthJiappy applause and
extended a welcome that Indicates the
people are with him; that they look to
him as the leader of principles which they
Indorse., Everything be has raid has been
drunk In not only by his admirers, but by
listened to with -the deepest Interest
and his words of wisdom have been
To many, Bryan has appeared as a man
of a single idea! a man that could discuss
the money question fluently and ably; but
they have learned through the speeches
he has made In Oregon and Washington
that his mind Is broad enough to grasp
'every Issue now before the people, and
that he can discuss them ably and fully.
The people who looked upon htm a. a
fanatic now recognize In him a states
man, equal to any the Nation has ever
Bryan's tour of the West has brought
him in closer touch with all classes, and
It has been beneficial to the causo of
For Cleric of Clrcntt Court.
Willis Fisher is being urged by his
friends to enter the political field and try
for the nomination of Clerk of the Cir
cuit court. Mr. Fisher Is a native Ore
gonlan, and has an extensive acquaintance
throughout the country. He Is a traveling
man whoso business has brought him in
close touch with the merchants and a
largo portion of the consumers of this
county. Mr. Fisher's friends are confident
that he would prove a valuable acquisi
tion on the Republican ticket, and be far
from a drag. He Is an exceptionally pop
ular young man, and. owing to his wide
circle of friends will undoubtedly make a
formidable candidate, whose nomination
would probably prove equivalent to elec
tion. Mr. Fisher also stands high In the
fraternal world, as he is a member of sev
eral Btrong and prominent orders.
Jud?e Sireek for Chairman.
Pendleton East Oregonlan.
Ono of tho Important Issues the Dem
ocrats are now considering Is the chair
manship of the state central committee.
The most mentioned candidate is Judge
Alex Sweck, of Portland. He is one of the
best-known Democrats in Portland, and
has a high standing In the state wherever
he is known. It Is quite generally the case
that Judge Sweek would be acceptable to
Eastern Oregon Democrats, who desire a
clean man who will stand firmly for party
integrity throughout the entire cam
palgn. "
A Chance for an Editor.
Salem Journal.
A Philippine Captain of the Second Or
egon, Bert Heath, a bright young McMlnn
vllle editor, seeks the Union nomination
for congress. An editor In Congress from
Western Oregon would be a novelty. If
he would go there and publish the truth
about what Is going on at the Nation's
Capitol, he would render a valuable serv
ice. "Bryan Republicans,
Lostine Leader.
A hot time was there at the Republi
can primaries In this county, and In Los
tine In particular. The "Bears" have It
and the boom goes on. The delegates
elected to attend the conventions from
this place are: H. W. Cole. O. F. Mays. J.
H. Haun and E. W. Rumble. All Bryan
A Weakness of Mr. Bryan.
Salem Statesman.
In his speech at Salem Mr. Bryan dis
played a fondness for comparing himself
with Abraham Lincoln. We believe he Is
the only conspicuous citizen of this coun
try who has ever seriously thought of
such a comparison. It is very near to
Rcnudlatlnir Their Only Moaes.
Omaha World-Herald (Dem.).
It Is reported that Mr. G. Cleveland
'hears numerous requests that he again
h a. candidate for President. If this
be true, Mr. G. Cleveland certainly baa
contracted: tba habit of talking to himself.
Slmon'a Puerto RIcan Vote Bryan
Papers Jump On- Demy's Candi
dacyThe Utah Election.
Representative Moody's renomlnatlon Is
Populists of Sidney, In Marlon County,
where the Jorys live, are against fusion.
Registration is reported to be going on
with reasonable rapidity In Columbia
County. Nearly 900 are on the lists..
The names of three Populist delegates
to Umatilla County's Convention, from
Echo Precinct, are Od. Teel, Twig Tcel
and Elt Spike.
Republican nominees for Sheriff in Linn
and Marion Counties are Tjoth officers from
the Second Oregon Captain Phillips and
Lieutenant Murphy.
The Lane County Republican Convention
"requested its delegates to do all they
can honorably to bring about the renoml
natlon" of Representative Tongue.
Hon. M. Stewart, renominated by Jack
son County Republicans for member of
the Legislature, was recently offered a
place In the census office at Washington,
but declined It.
The Republican Legislative nominees of
Coos County are favorable to Binger Her
mann for Senator. When his name was
mentioned in the county convention, it was
loudly cheered.
John T. English, nominated by Baker
County Republicans for Representative,
made an address before the convention, in
which he pledged "unalterable opposition
to county division."
Dr. Bernard Daly, of Lake County, who
has represented his district in both
branches of our state Legislature, would
accept the Democratic nomination for
Congress in the First District, so report
A paper that formerly gave ardent sup
port to ex-Senator Mitchell, now saj:
"John H. Mitchell has been in politics
Since 1SSS. The Republican party has been
In a row ever since. "
The -Newberg Graphic has this Item
among its locals: "The Hon. Clarence Butt
pulled his coat Wednesday and his fruit
trees on the Miles Rece property shine
forth in a fresh coat of whitewash as a
Ex-Senator John H. Mitchell stops off at
The Dalles, en route from Pendleton to
Portland. Next day The Dalles Chronicle
makes a thurst or two at Senator Simon.
But as Mr. Mitchell Is "out of politics,"
the paper's action is merely a coincidence.
The narrow margin by which ex-Speaker
Carter secured Jackson County's delega
tion to the Congressional convention re
veal the Intensity of the fight put up by
the Tongue men. At the same time. It
shows Carter's resourcefulness and skill
In combinations.
The Coqullle Bulletin says of the recent
Coos oCunty Populist Convention: "There
was no platform adopted. The refusal of
this party to a union of forces with" the
Democrats places Coos County Populists
on record as opposed to the Chicago plat
form and to W. J. Bryan."
The Saiem Populist who was robbed of
two gold "twenties" and a quantity of
silver during Bryan's speech had more
money than even his political party con
cedes to be a proper "per capita ; so he
may not complain of the man who was
"equalizing the condition of the rich and
the poor."
Dr. J. M. Keene ee-uns still to take an
Interest In politics, judging by the follow
ing from the Medford Mail: "Dock Keene
Is, by long odds, the 'General' of Republi
can politics In Jackson County. In fact.
'Dock' Is the Joe Simon of Southern Ore
gon, as well as generalissimo of the middle-of-the-roaders."
The Albany Democrat says that, "so far
as now known there Is nothing in the
make-up of the Linn County Republican
ticket that will give any occasion for per
sonalities, and It looks now as If the cam
paign ought to be a clean one without any
mudsllnging. The matter of qualifica
tion, though, is always an open one."
A Salem "Silver Republican" paper
thinks that "It would surprise people If
the Populists and Democrats of Marlon
County showed their sense by not adopt
ing a string of resolutions on National
and international questions, but got down
and did a little straight business for the
relief of the taxpayers of Marion County."
A cynical Republican suggests that a
few crocodile tears ought to be shed in
Congress over the proposed transfer of
the Danish subjects in the West Indies to
the United States without getting a writ
ten permit from each person. Perhaps an
Issue could be worked up out of this "sale
of human beings." resembling that of the
Louisiana purchase and the acquirement
of Florida.
Tho ,Coos County Populist Convention
decided, by a vote of 37 to 26, after an
earnest discussion, not to fuse with the
Democrats. The Democrats were waiting
for a fusion proposition, but, after re
ceiving notice of the other convention's
action, put up a full ticket. The Popu
lists also .adopted a resolution against
nominating any one to an office for a
third term.
The Native Sons are cautioned by the
editor of a Salem paper, who Is evidently
not one of them, that they will hurt their
order by taking It Into politics. He says:
"It Is wrong to spend money to Induce
Immigration only to discriminate against
the people who come to Oregon to build
up the commonwealth. Such Is not the
purpose or Intention of the more thought
ful and Intelligent of the Native Sons of
Eugene candidates had poor success In
the Lane County Republican Convention.
The Register makes this comment: "Tho
delegates who came from the mountains
smelling of balsam, and from Sluslaw with
tho odor of salmon upon them, as one dele
gate put It, knew how to capture most
of the candidates for office. Eugene suc
ceeded In getting a candidate for Repre
sentative, and by timely effort captured
the coroner."
The Influence of Senator McBride ma
terialized In his home county, Columbia,
so the St- Helens News reports. In four
precincts Scappoose, Goble, Deer Island
nnd Clatskanie resolutions favorable to
him were adopted at the primary meet
ings; but similar resolutions were lost In
Auburn and Rainier Precincts. At Ver
nonla, the attempt to Indorse the Senator
caused the primary "to break up in a
row." The county convention will be held
April 10.
Tho differences between A. D. Stillman
and T. G. Halley, of Pendleton, both of
whom for a time aspired to the Demo
cratic nomination for the Judgeship of the
Sixth Jdlclal District, are reported to
have been settled. Mr. Stillman continues
as an aspirant to the Judgeship, and Mr.
Halley will. Instead of asking that nomi
nation, seek nomination for the District
Attorneyship. The two therefore agreed oa
the delegate to the state convention.
Hon. H. R. Klncald says of Representa
tive Thomas H. Tongue: "From personal
acquaintance with Tongue", we have no
doubt that he Is an abler and more relia
ble man than McKinley. He flopped, like
the rest of the office-holders, on the silver
question, and Is reported to have flopped
from free trade to tariff on tho Puerto
RIcan business, but that does not prove
that he would flop back again right away,
or flop every time and carry water on
both shoulders all the time."
The fact that Lentz. Sulzer and other
well-known Bryanltes ore making frantic
efforts to create party capital over the
events that have led to the restoration of
law and order in the Coeur d'Alenes. leads
the Spokesman-Review, which supported
Bryan four years ago, to warn htm In all
candor and conviction that If by unhappy
mischance men like Lentz and Sulzer and
I Boyce inject even a small tincture of their
J anarchistic sympathy into tho next Na-
tional Democratic platform, the blunder
will lose Mr. Bryan the electoral votes oi
Washington, Idaho. Oregon, Montana and
California. The Pacific Slope Is for law
and order! Colonel Bryan knows It, and
expresses no sympathy with the Lentz
Sulzer folly.
In the Jackson County Republican con-'
ventlon, the opposing "slates" received
votes as foUows: Carter ticket C E.
Stewart 55. G. W. Dunn 54. F. D. Wagner
64, G. M. Love 54, C A. Hitchcock 54, H.
E. Ankeny 54, M. L. Alford 54, George L.
Davis 54. . Ray 55. Tongue ticket P. B.
Whitney 53. E. B. Currey 53, A. S. Bllton 63,
W. T. York 54. W. H. Gore 53, W. J. Free
man 53, W. T. Reames 53, C J. Dickinson
63. H. von der Hellen 54. State Senator T.
Cameron was on both tickets and received
107 votes.
Lieutenant J. U. Campbell, of, Oregon
City, who is a candidate for the Republi
can nomination of Prosecuting Attorney
of the Fifth Judicial District, has on
enviable record In the Second Oregon Vol
unteers. He entered as a Sergeant, and
received two promotions, coming out a
First Lieutenant. The Clackamas delega
tion Is expected to put up an earnest fight
In his behalf, using his standing In his
profession and his war record as points In
his favor. As Washington and Columbia
Counties have recently had the office. It is
thought the Clackamas delegation stands
on excellent chance of success la Its sup
port of Lieutenant Campbell.
Comments of Oregon Pnpera on Votes
by the State's Spokesmen.
Bandon Recorder.
Senator Simon will make many friends
by his fight against the Puerto RIcan
tariff scheme and the ship subsidy b.lL
If Congressman Tongue had taken a like
stand. Oregon would have had more cause
to do him honor.
The Dalles Times-Mountaineer.
All honor to Senator Simon for the
stand he has taken against his party In
opposing the Puerto Rico conspiracy, and
condemnation to Senator McBride for sup
porting the nefarious scheme. Oregon
may well pride itself In having one rep
resentative out of four who puts principle
above party. The Times-Mountaineer has
ordinarily been opposed to Little Joe Si
mon, but must now acknowledge that he
Is a bigger man than It had ever thought
him to be. Notwithstanding he is a politi
cal bosc?, and we believe an unscrupulous
politician, he is a patriot, and we honor
him for It.
Elgin Recorder.
While the election of Joe Simon to the
United States Senate lacked a whole lot
of being satisfactory to all the Repub
licans of Oregon, he Is nevertheless prov
ing himself a statesman of more than or
dinary ability. Unlike his colleague, Mr.
McBride, he possesses sufficient Inde
pendence to go contrary to the majority
of his party when It goes contrary to
what he considers right. McBride sup
ported the Puerto RIcan tariff measure
because the Administration wanted It
passed, but that fact did not prevent Mr.
Simon from asserting his independence
and voicing hl3 sentiments. It Is to tho
Independence of such men as Mr. Simon
that the country must depend on for the
defeat of such unjust measures as tho
Puerto RIcan tariff blU.
Antelope Herald.
Senator Joseph Simon demonstrates
every day his superb qualities as a states
man, not one who suffers himself to bo
carried from pillar to post by the dif
ferent political leaders In the United
States Senate. He has brought himself
prominently before the public by his de
termined stand against the Puerto RIcan
tariff bill, and also the bill granting sub
sidies to the large shipbuilding concerns.
commonly known as the Hanna-Payne
subsidy bill. If he continues this manly
course, with an eye singte to humanity,
and the masses who pay the taxes
throughout the United States, he will In
deed endear himself to the people of the
entire country. Oh. for another Simon In
the Senate from this state, and Oregon
would regain her lost prestige In thnt
Democratic Paper of Eastern OrcRon
on Admiral Dewey Candidacy.
Pendleton East Orcgonlan.
The announcement now comes from
Washington that Admiral Dewey Is will
ing and will accept the nomination for
president on the Democratic ticket.
Of course. Through tho efforts of the
Gold Democrats, who desire to rid them
selves 'of Bryan. In order to gain control
of the party for doubtful purposes, and
because of the Influence of John McLean
and Mrs. Dewey, who Is a very ambitious
woman and John McLean's sister, the
Admiral has worked himself up to a pitch
to accept the Democratic nomination,
which he will never get.
There was a time last year when his
nomination was probable, but he com
mitted a deed in Washington, in signing
away his title to the house that was given
him through popular subscription, that
dulled the appreciation of the people for
him. and that established him as a weak
and silly man. at least. In the ordinary
affairs of life; one not suitable to bo
President, because of his susceptibility
to the Influences exerted upon him by
The fact is, the Democratic nomina
tion for the Presidency has been fairly
won by William J. Bryan, and he alone
Is entitled to It- Had it not been for
Bryan the organization would have fallen
under the control of tho same influences
that are uppermost In the Republican par
ty, and become the football of the trusts
and the money power. As it is. the party
now is free from these Influences, and so
long as It retains Bryan as its leader it
will remain so.
The truth of tho matter Is. Bryan Is a
far stronger man for President than
Dewey, for Dewey has shown that -he is
a man of pliable clay In the hands of
others, by publicly expressing his will
ingness to accept the nomination for
President at this time. In short, Dewey
is being made a fool of and don't know
It. Dewey, like Adam, owes his fall to
a woman, or like Samdn.. he placed him
self In the power of a woman and he now
stands before the American people minus
his strength.
Successor Win
iluced Slajorlty.
Salt Lake Tribune.
It looks as though the Democratic ma
jorities of 1SD6 and 1S3S had not quite been
overcome. The state has probably gone
Democratic by something like 4000 major
Ity. Tho result Is apparently due to
apathy of the voters of the state, and
especially the Gentile voters. They re
mained away from the polls by hun
dreds. Two other causes hurt. There are
probably 1000 bands of sheep in the state;
they average three men to the band, and
they were ail out on the ranges. Those
men are almost to a man Republicans.
In this city several hundred Republicans
were denied a vote because they have re
moved from tho precincts In which they
are registered. Twenty-eight voters In
the Tribune office alone were thus dis
franchised. Then the Republican speakers made (In
our Judgment) a mistake in not calling .
upon the Mormon people to enter their
protest against the final resolution of the
Democratic platform. They kept still,
which left a thought In many minds, es
pecially Gentile minds, that the party as
represented by those speakers lacked thn
courage of their convictions, and all the
world hates a coward.
But. after all, how many such victories
can the Democracy stand? They carried
the state In 18SC by 52,000 majority, and
in 1S9S by nearly 6000. The 1S3S plurality
has been reduced by about one-third. It
would have been a wonderful victory to
have overcome those majorities entirely,
but that it was so nearly done is an omen
full of hope for the Autumn.
The Republicans have lost the skirmish;
wait now or the real battle in November.