The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 08, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XIX. NO. 14.
Republicans Elect Delegates to
Monday's Convention.
Two Tickets Appeared Only 1b the
Eleventh Ward Heaviest Vote
In the Third.
The Republican primaries passed off
even more quietly than was expected.
Only In one ward the Eleventh was
there an opposition ticket In the field, and
while personal animosity to some of the
delegates resulted In the casting of
Bcratched ballots In a few wards, the reg
ular ticket was elected everywhere "hands
down." The total number ofvotes cast
la the city was 2739. The heaviest vote
was cast In the Third "Ward, where trou
ble was expected, and preparations had
been made to meet It. Following Is the
result in the different wards:
First Ward.
Voting proceeded quietly In the First
Ward. The number of votes cast was 223,
and the following ticket was elected: W.
A. Btorey, John Candlish. W. A. Hart,
"William Kapus, J. L. "Wagner, Fred
Bchroeder. ,
Second "Ward.
The vote in the Second "Ward was heav
ier than was expected, 311 votes being
cast, but there was but one ticket In the
field, and the afternoon passed without
Incident. The delegates elected were: Geo.
"W. Bates, A. W. Allen, D. Soils Cohen.
Harry Howard, L. Q. Swetland, Alex.
Bernstein, J. "W. Paddock, A. Tichner, W.
F. Whlto, J. H. Schulderman.
Third Ward.
The Third was the banner ward as far
cs votes were concerned, 543 being de
posited. The opposition that was ex
pected failed to materialise. The ticket
chosen was: Donald Mackay, James Lo
tan, S. C. Spencer. J. W. Brown, "Walter
r. Burrell. Wm. Conner. M. S. Montelth.
T. B. McDevitt. O. A. Wlndfelder.
FonrlU "Ward.
There was some scratching duo to per
sonal differences In the Fourth, but no
organized opposition to any candidate.
The vote was 26$. and the delegates elect
ed were: Edward Holman, Sylvester Far
rell, J. Thorburn Ross, W. H. Barry, "Wal
lace McCamant, O. F. Faxton. C F. Pear
son, J. B. Slemmons, "W.. S. Dunlway,
"W. L. Boise, J. W. Campbell. George Lb
Baker, George McMillan, Dr. E. H. Thorn
ton. A
Fifth Ward. ,. ,
A light vote was cast in the Fifth "Ward.
277 ballots being found In the box when
the polls closed. , The ticket elected was:
"W. M. Ladd. James Steel. C. A. Dolph.
Owen Carraher. F. H. AUIston. H. P.
Emery, F. A. Bancroft, L. D. Cole, A.
N. GambelL R. Everdlng. Marks Rybke.
Sixth Ward.
In the Sixth "Ward there was hardly a
ripple to stir the serenity of tbo regular
ticket. But four scratches were made all
diV. so that the delr-cates received almost
kMH!illyctlft- iiElfrote. four receive"
L and tlfc -fiC five eail Brf
quiet relsr.ed at the tttlnrmcc.
The ticket elected follows: O. P. S. Plum-
mer. J. H. Huddleson. W. A. Cle'and,
Graham Glass, Jr.. Ed "Werleln, Charles
r. Bccbe. "Walter Holman, Wm. Flcldner,
B. Labbc.
Seventh "Wnnl.
In Freclnct No. 31. of the Seventh "Ward,
there was a totsl of 31 votes cast. There
was a little more scratching than in the
Sixth, although nothing or an opposition
developed, the dissenting electors scatter
ing their choice In a desultory manner.
Hachcney received 7F, McNamee, K. Hob
kirk. Si: Malonc. S5, and Lohmlre. SC. The
entire vote In the ward was 1G3. Follow
ing is the ticket: Frank Hacheney. Thos.
McNamee. Peter Hobklrk, T. C. Malone,
A. C. Lohmlre.
One Ticket in Elchth, Mnth, Tenth
and Two in the Eleventh Ward.
The primaries on the East Side were re
markably quiet. In the Eighth. Ninth
and Tenth Wards there was but one tick.
et voted for. In the Eleventh, there were
two tickets, and even here the contest
Avas friendly, and no unpleasant feelings
were engendered. The following Is the
result by wards:
KlKhtli Ward.
In the Eighth "Ward one ticket was
presented at the polls. It was made up
from all portions of the ward and the
Southern ,PacIfie carrtiops. Inman. Poul
een & Co.'s sawmill. Wolff &. Zwlcker
are represented. The vote cast was 23.
Following .are the delegates: T. M. Ed
rounds, T. H. Compton. A. Gerde, George
J. Emrlch, T. A. Davey. M. G. Griffin.
John Russell, J. E. Relnke. C. F. Petsch.
Mnth "Ward.
In the Ninth Ward, the primary ticket
was selected by conference committees
from the Multnomah Union, the Straight
Republican and the Sunnyslde Republican
Clubs. After they had made up the tick
et, there was a meeting Friday night, and
it was Indorsed. The vote was 378. Fol-1
lowing are the delegates chosen: H. H.
Tomeroy. A. W. Lambert, W. M. Taylor,
D. IL Strowbrldge. Oscar P. Miller, F.
BuchteL J. C. Mann. H. Richmond, J. Lb
Wells. J. D. Mlckle. C. A. Cogswell. M. A.
Flynn, O. Hepworth, C. A. Bell. E. R.
Tenth Ward.
In the Tenth, the primary ticket voted
for was chosen at n public meeting. There
was a contest at this meeting, but none
nt the polls yesterday. The vote was 232.
The following delegates were chosen: J. C
Jameson, S. E. Wlllard, Lb B. Cottlnghazn,
John T. Whalley. E. C. Robblns. F. A.
Bailey. M. E. McEachern. Lb T. GMIland.
W. F. TurnbulL.
Eleventh Word.
Two tickets were voted for In the Elev
enth Ward. One ticket had the names of
M. E. Thompson, E. W. Rowe. Dr. Lb M.
Davis. J. Church, C Welgant, J. R. Swln
ton, E. M. Carson. It was nominated at
a club meeting held at the Mississippi
avenue engine-house. The vote was 247.
The ticket elected was as follows: N. D.
Bentgen. J. T. Gregg. E. M. Carson, J. R.
Swinton, J. H. Stanley, J. W. Booth, E.
A. Cadwell.
Outside Precincts.
At Sylvan, O. S. Cooke was unanimous
ly elected as the representative from
Precinct No. 77. In St, Johns, Precinct
No. Bo, there was a bit of opposition, but
the regular ticket, represented by T. J.
Monahan, led with 26. The opposition
polled 18 votes, S. R, Ogden receiving
this number. In West Portland. John
Conqulst was elected, receiving '48 votes.
At Brower, Joseph Ellis was chosen; C.
C. Llttlepage at Hurlburt and Frank
Prescott, at Bridal Veil. Several outside
precincts were- not reported last night,
Those for Whom the Delegates May
The .Republican City and County Con
vention will meet In the A. O. U. W. Hall
tomorrow morning at t o'clock. It will
nominate a full ticket.
As the primaries were held yesterday.
the numerous candidates will have to
make the best of their time today to con
vince the delegates of their several quali
fications for office, and this will be the
politician's busy day beyond a shadow of
a doubt, "While no one can say with any
certainty that any one has & "dead mor
tal cinch" on an office, there are a num
ber of candidates who appear to have no
opposition, while others will have their
hands full of adversaries, and may sit Into
several very lively fights before the day Is
All the municipal offices, save a. few
seats In the Council, are well supplied with
applicants. The Mayorallty, as the race
looks now, lies between General Charles
F. Beebe and Mayor Storey, both of whom
are announced as candidates before the
convention, and both of whom have friends
among the delegates, who will labor in
their Interests.
The candidates for City Auditor, while
not so numerous as a week or two ago,
still muster a large enough force to give
the delegates something to think about.
Councilman J. C Jameson, T. C Devlin
and General "William Kapus are now out
for the office. All three will, it Is said.
have warm advocates, and the fight prom
ises to be Interesting.
The City Treasurershlp will te contested
for by H. S. Rowe and Ed "Werleln. and
several others are spoken of as likely to
play the roles of dark: horses should the
contest be close.
As far as known, no opposition has de
veloped either to City Engineer Chase or
City Attorney Long, both of whom are
candidates for re-election. The Municipal
Judgeship will be the office for which the
liveliest scrimmage of any of the city
plums will be made. Some of the aspirants
have dropped out of the race, but enough
are left to make things warm. Among
these are: Paul R. Deady, S. H. Gruber.
Frank D. Hennessy, George R. Cameron,
A. C. Spencer, Gustaf Anderson and J. J.
County oflcee.
A full list of aspirants for all county
offices will also be at the disposal of the
delegates, and will probably be placed
prominently before them some time today.
The race for Sheriff remains as before,
with "William Frailer, Dan J. Moore and
Thomas Jordan as entries. For County
Commissioners a cloud of candidates is
In the sky, the list growing rapidly as
the time for the choice approaches. J.
Q. Mack is the newest entry, while J. H.
Huddleson. Councllmen Hansen and Beut
gen. H. C. Smith. Peter Hobklrk. Phllo
Holbrook and- A. C. liohmire are all In the
field. Smith and Holbrook are the retir
ing Commissioners.
T. Scott Brooke has been brought out as
a new candidate for County Treasurer.
He will "be opposed in the convention by
Ralph "W. Hoyt, the -present incumbent.
For County Assessor Captain 'Charles E.
McDonelL George C Sears. George E.
Watklns and R. S. Greenleaf will run. The
Heeorderahlp will He between 8. C Beach
and James Roberts.
Major- J. P. Kennedy has, as far ai
known, no opponents for the nomination
for Clerk of the Circuit 'Court, and H. H.
Holmes, as Clerk of the'County Court, is
equally fortunate.
Professor R. F. "Robinson, Professor Cur
tis and Professor A. P. Armstrong will
each endeavor to secure the nomination
for County Superintendent of Bchools,
with chances, so It is stated, about equally
John Hurlburt is a candidate to succeed
Siiyel' ag cWaW Surveyor, and. Dr. D.
LliCd Is a Vkate for a second nomi
nation, as coroner."
t..iUwrll. T If........ 41f tt, . A .
ponents as a candidate for nomination
for Justice or tne west Biae .District, r or
Constable. Thomas McNamee. George
Mitchell and Sam L. Simmons are In the
fight, Simmons, who Is the latest entry
In the race, has held the office before, and
has served many years In the detective
department of the city police force.
Thad'W. Vreeland will probably be nom.
lnatcd for Justice or the East Side, and his
Constable, Parker, will without 'doubt run
with him on the regular ticket.
Republican Senator Determined to
Close Session In First Half of Jane.
WASHINGTON. April 7. The Republi
can caucus committee on order of business
of the Senate, held a session today, but
when it adjourned the members declared
that nothing had been definitely decided
upon beyond a steady effort to secure
final disposition of the measures now re
ceiving the attention of the Senate. These
are the .Quay case, the Philippine bill, the
Alaskan code bill and the appropriation
bills. They estimate that the disposal of
these bills will require two or three weeks'
tlmei and say that there will yet be plenty
of time to decide what measures to take
up next.
While no definite final decision was
reached on other measures. It Is under
stood- there was considerable discussion of
the entire field of legislation. The ship
ping bill received more or less attention,
the result being a tentative decision to
bring It up before final adjournment If
there should appear a probability of .get
ting it acted upon without too great delay.
It la understood, however, that the Demo
crats will make stubborn resistance to the
passage of this bill, and fear Is felt that
an effort to pass it will extend the ses
sion beyond the time when the .Republican
leaders hope to be able to adjourn finally.
They are quite determined to close the ses
sion during the first halt of June, and on
this account may have temporarily to sac
rifice several measures which are very se
riously championed by Individual Sena
No formal action was taken upon the
treaties before the Senate, but It is un
derstood that none of the pending con
ventions will be pressed to a vote daring
the present session. They Include the Hay
Pauncefote treaty and the French, and the
other reciprocity treaties. Senator Davis,
chairman or the committee on foreign re
lations, sa'd early In the day that he
would not again during the serslon ask the
Senato to consider the Isthmian treaty,
and It Is understood that this determina
tion on his part has the sanction cf the
committee on order of business.
The Powers Deliver aa TJltimatsi
1ONDON, April 7. A special from
Shanghai announces that the American,
British, French and German Ministers
have sent a Joint note to the Chinese For
eign Office demanding the total suppres
sion of the Society or Boxers within two J
months and announcing that otherwise the
powers mentioned will land 'troop and
march Into the Interior of the Northern
provinces, Shan Tung and Pe Chi U. to
secure the safety of foreigners. Accord
ing to the same dispatch, the American,
Italian and French Legations are now pro
vided with naval guards from a large
gathering of warships at Taku.
Liu Kun Tih. Viceroy of Liang King,
has had three audiences with the Dowager
Empress relative to the Emperor, and it
Is believed he has Impressed her with the
advisability of restoring His Majesty to
... ' '
Captain John Codmon Dead.
BOSTON. April 7. Captain John Cod
man, the famous"' advocate of free ships
and free -trade. Is dead. In his S$th yean
Swollen Colorado River Carried
Away the Great Dam.
Similar to the Johnstown Disaster
Great Lo to Property Part of
the City Inundated.
ATJSTLN. Tex.. April 7. This city Is to
night In pitch darkness, with a raging
river, one mile wide, swollen far beyond
Its natural banks, roaring and surging
through all the lower portion of the town,
having spread destruction and death In
Its wake. In addition to the vast loss to
property interests. It Is calculated that be
tween 30 and 40 lives have been zacrlfled.
and the reports coming In from the trib
utary country tonight do not tend to im
prove matters. The flood Is not unlike the
disastrous Johnstown flood of soma years
ago. In that a raging river, already swol
len far beyond Its capacity, bore too heav
ily upon an immense daci spanning a
river, breaking It and letting loose a res
ervoir of water 30 miles long, half a mile
wide and GO feet deep, to aid in carrylns
destruction down the valleys of the Colo
rado River.
The great dam In the Colorado Rivet
gave way at noon from the enormous pres.
.sure of water and debris, and with a roar
ana crash swept the valley below ice city,
wrecking the Immense light and power
plant and drowning eight workmen. Fol
lowing is a list of the known dead, includ
ing those killed In the power-house:
Frank Klncet,-
Frank Kinney.
Walter Flower.
Walter Johnson.
Alfred Johnson.
Frank Fitzgerald.
Walter Blossman.
Joseph Newman.
Dick Morris, colored.
John Proes.
Charles Burchard.
Six negroes.
Last Wednesday night it began to rain
very hard at this place, the storm extend
ing north of here alone the watersheds of
the Colorado River. The precipitation
continued until this morning, the downfall
averaging six Inches within an hour. All
this vast quantity of water all along the
watersheds of the Colorado River rapidly
swelled the current until at 8 o'clock this
morning the river, which had been rising
steadily since last. evening,, was a raging
torrent, having risen 40 feet within. 10
After-daylight this morning It became
evident that the situation was serious.
The river began to rise so rapidly that It
became' evident that-the dam. power-house
and" contents, costing 1600,000, were In Im
minent danger.. To add to the danger of
the situation, small frame houses, trees
and debris of every description commenced
descending the river, and plied up against
the tijpcr face of the dam. This weight
was rJJ,ented every momentuntll by 10
o'clock there was a mass of debris Jodged
against the dam which threatened the
safety of the structure. In addition, mil
lions of gallons of water, muddy from Its
long Journey, was whirling and plunging
to the. CO-foot fall, and It was evident that
no wall could withstand the Immense pres
sure. 'Breaking of the Dam.
The crisis came shortly after 11 o'clock,
when suddenly, with a report like the roar
ot the ocean, a great wedge. 25 feet high,
600 feet wide, and about S feet thick, rolled
out of the center section of the dam.
down the face of the 00-foot fall, deep Into
the river below. This left a hanging gap
in the very .middle of the dam, through
whlch'the debris and water fiercely poured.
while the flood, already raging, was threat
ening everything In its path. The re
leased water poured Into the power-house,
catching eight employes at work there,
drowning all of them.
The breaking .of .the dam caused wild ex
citement In the city. The telegraph com
panies at once wired to places below here
to l.ook out for the great wave, and run
ners were dispatched on horses to notify
those living In the valleys below the city.
The telegraphic messages served as a
timely warning to many, but the rushing
waters outstripped the horsemen, and
many houses were picked up and swept
away before the occupants could get to
gether their valuables.
Within a short time all the valleys to
the south and west of Austin were filled
to overflowing with water, and the south
em portion of the city, tributary to the
river, was Inundated. Large crowds col
lected on the river banks, and several
persons were swept into the river when
the dam broke, but all were saved by
A crowd of white people, numbering
about 30. living Just below the dam In
tents, were seen at their habitations
Just before the dam broke and have not
been accounted for since. It is generally
believed that all of them were swept
One man. attempting to cross the road
way leading to the bridgo across the river
Justos the big wave rolled down, was
caught, and he and his horse and buggy
went down with the torrent and were
heard of no more.
A family of six negroes living In the
valley south or the city are known to
.have been drowned.
It is estimated that more than 100
houses have been destroyed, and the loss
to property will be great. The breaking
or the dam engulfed the oldwater com
pany's plant below the city, and It Is
tonight lying IS rect under water, while
the city is in darkness and without water.
Reports from points below here are to
the effect, that the flood has been most
disastrous. The surface ot the river
throughout the day has been dotted with
small houses or fragments of houses
and drowned animals, along with trees
and debris, all ot which bear testimony to
the ravages of the flood In the moun
tainous region above Austin.
In addition to the losses here, the In
ternational & Great Northern and the
Austin & Northwestern Railroads, both
entering this city, have suffered severely,
the first-named having a very serious
.wreck by reason or the floods this morn
ing. The south-bound "Cannon Ball"
train rrom 8t, Louis on the International
& Great Northern was wrecked at Mc
Neill, nine miles above here, as a result
of a washout. The engine and cars
plunged Into a culvert, demolishing the
engine, .the. mall, baggage car, two aa
coaches and one sleeper., The cars left
the track and rolled over on their sides
In four feet of water, but fortunately no
lives were lost, nor were any of the' pas
sengers badly hurt. This is attributable
to the fact that there were not many on
the train, and it was running slowly at
the time, owing to the bad track. The
mall clerk, Ora Davis, of San Antonio,
was seriously bruised, and Engineer May
ham, of San Antonio, and Fireman C M.
Stanley were slightly injured.
The "Austin & Northwestern road op-
erated no trains today,' as five of their
bridges were -washed away during the
The Power-House Geae.
AUSTIN, Tex., April & The Increased
volume of water which came down the
river tonight. undermined the power-house
at the dam at 1:30 this morning, and It
fell lnio the Tlver, carrying with It P00.030
worth of machinery.
Railroad TraiHd Stopped Roekyort
Shipping Damsfed.
SAN ANTONIO. Twr-. April 7. The
heaviest rain and electric storm In 35
years visited San Antonio and" the entire
Southwest last night, destroying all street
lights.- flooding cellars and overflowing
San Pedro Creek and San Antonio River.
Tho only train Into San Antonio today
was on the International & Great North
ern, from Laredo. No trains have gone
out No telegraphic communication can
be had west otDelrio, on the Southern
Pacific, and the damage beyond that point
Is not known. It will be many days be
fore trains can run to El Paso.
In Rockport many houses were blown
off their foundations. Shipping suffered
morU. Out of about 30 boats lying In front
of the town, only three rode the storm,
suffering no damage.
Cotton and Corn Crops "Will Have to
Be Replanted.
WACO. Tex.. April 7. Reports of loss
of llfe'and damage caused by floods, due to
the Incessant rains during the past three
days, continue to pour In from all direc
tions. Indicating a repetition of the disas
ters or last year. The loss ot lire to a
great extent" has already surpassed that ot
previous years. "Both telegraphic and
telephone service all over the state la com
pletely prostrated, and details from flooded
districts are very meager. All streams,
including the Brazos and Colorado, are
overflowing the lowlands, and rising very
rapidly. The crops of cotton and corn ore
nearly, submerged, and will have to be re
planted. Railway traffic Is practically sus
pended on all railroads running Into this
city. -
Another Town Washed Away.
ST. LOUIS. April 7. A special to the
Post-Dispatch from Dallas. Tex., says:
A bulletin from Taylor, Tex,, at I o'clock
this afternoon says the town orvClrcle
vllle war washed away. The place had 100
Inhabitants. It la feared some were
(Remarkable Demonstration Before
the Queen in Phoenix Park, DnbUsC
DUBLIN, AprU.7. Pleasant weather pre
vailed today. After breakfast, the Queen
drove .out In a- donkey carriage. The
streets' were full ot pictures and procps
slons of boys and girls, all the children
carrying small union Jacks, probably for
the first time In their llvee. They were 'n
charge of priests. Bisters and teachers.
During the afternoon, -Hr Majesty drove
from the Vice-Regal L,dgo to Phoenix
Park and reviewed the- children. There
wa a remarkable demjtstratlon. After
driving up and down thtVLv several times
amU ever-lncreas'.lig clSNtpg,- Her 'MaJ
Aty returned to the VlctJJtegal Lodge. .
The children's demonstration., which
closed the Queen's week In Ireland, was
probably one of the most gladssmo dais
either tho Queen or Dublin has known in
years. Certain It is that the Queen is
making fresh conquests daily, and Her
Majesty's many-acts, of personal self-sacrifice
have coniplctely won the hearts ot
the people of Ireland. Todays demonstra
tion had elements of Joy which the Queen
has experienced but seldom In the recent
gloomy months.. There were miles ot
cheering children under a continuous can.
opy ot fluttering flags; with a background
ot thousands of holiday-making elders who
accompanied them. The charming weather
tended to make the celebration in every
way delightful not only to the Queen but
to the little Princes who followed In the
royal procession. The genulness and spon
taneity or the children s welcome kept
Her Majesty In continual good humor, and
yet visibly affected her deeper reelings as
Tho fact that SO.000 children arrived and
departed rrom this city without eerious ac
cident, so far as known, is not the least
remarkable feature or the day. Monday
the Queen will pay another visit to Dub
lin, and the event promises to be quite the
equal or her first entrance into the city.
Commenting upon the seizure or the
United Irishman, the Dublin Independent
condemns the action or tho authorities ad
"ctupld and Inopportune." It says: "Look
ing through the Issue we find many coarse
and insolent references to tho Queen and
Lord-Lieutenant, which no one with the
lnstlncta of a gentleman could attempt
to defend, but abusively offenelvo as they
aro they afforded no Justification for sup
pression." The Freeman's Journal remarks: "The
castle has again acted with its usual stu
pidlty. Such unwarrantable Interference
with the press without a trial or warning
would never be attempted or tolerated In
England. The castle authorities deem the
Queen's visit an auspicious moment to em
phasize the difference between tho two
Mand Gonne's Tirade..
NEW TORK, April 7. According to the
Dublin correspondent of the World, the
copy of the United Irishman which 'was
seized contained the following extracts
from an article by Maud Gonne, entitled
"The Famine Queen":
"In truth for Victoria, In the decrepi
tude of her a years, to have decided,
after an absence of half a century, to re
visit the country she hates, whose Inhab
itants are tho victims of the criminal pol
icy of her reign, the political necessity
must have been terribly strong, for, after
all. she Is a woman, and however tile,
selfish" and pitiless her soul, she must
sometimes tremble as death approaches,
when she thinks of the , countless Irish
mothers, who, shelterless and watching
their starving little ones, have cursed
her before they died. Every eviction
during 63 years has been carried out In
Victoria's name, and ir there" Is Justice in
heaven, the shame or tnese poor Irish em
igrant girls, whose very innocence ren
ders them an easy prey and who have
been overcome in the terrible struggle
ror existence on a foreign shore, will fall
on this woman, whose bourgeois virtue
Is so boasted and in whose name their
homes were destroyed. Taking the sham
rock in her withered hand, she dares to
ask Ireland for soldiers to protect the
exterminators of their race."
Bryan In California.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 7. Colonel W.
J. Bryan arrived here today from the
north, making a stay of half an hour at
tho Palace Hotel, where an Informal re
ception was held, several thousand people
having gathered to greet the orator. Colo
nel Bryan made a very brief address. He
refused to discuss the personal aspects of
tho campaign, especially declining' to ex
press his views in regard to the .question
of Admiral Dewey's candidacy tor the
Presidential nomination.
FRESNO, Cat, April 7. W. J. Bryan
made two addresses here tonight to large
audiences. He left on the midnight train
for Los Angeles.
Boers In Natal Are Showing
May Advance on .the British Forces
by Way of nelpmaakar Engage
ment at Iteddersbnrg.
LONDON, April 8. No news was issued
by the War Offlco last night. None was
received from the front except that from
Bloemfonteln. dated April 11. relating to
the engagement of General Gatacre at
Reddersburg. which seems to havo been
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held back by the censor. It will be re
membered that Lord Roberts, In report
ing the "unfortunate occurrence" at Red
dersburg, said that General Gatacre had
arrived there tho morning ot April 4.
Hence he may have succeeded In engaging
tho Boers later In the day. It Is strango,
however, that General Gatlcro's subse
quent movements have not been men
tioned in Lord Roberts' other dispatches,
the last ot which was dated tho evening
ot April' 6.
It Is reported from Ladysmlth that the
Boers are beginning to construe General
Butler's inactivity -as a sign of fear or
inability to .resume active operations.
Hence they are showing much activity,
particularly around Blggarsberg. and are
said to be planning to outflank General
Buller by an advance in force by way of
Helpmaakar. As the plan is known, it Is
not likely that tbo Boers will find Buller
Tho Boers' state that the Colesberg and
Stormberg commandoes, numbering COO)
.men and 10 guns, havo reached Kroon
stad. Speaking at an annexation meeting at
Wynburg, April 6. ex-Premier Sir John
Gordon Sprigg declared that he had been
informed by a member of the Afrikander
Bund, who had Just returned from Pre
toria, that tho executives of tho republics
at the commencement of the war expected
the active assistance of 45,000 colonials.
He had learned also that documents ex.
Isted Incriminating a number of leading
colonials In machinations with the gov
ernment or tne republics.
Speaking at a large Imperial demonstra
tion at Newcastle-on-Tyne, last night. G.
W. McArtney, Secretary to the Admiralty,
said that, when the war was ended, the
settlement that the government would
feel It incumbent upon itseir to make
would be received by tho people or tho
country as adequate satisfaction ror tho
expenditure or blood and treasure that has
been made In defense of the righU ot
British subjects.
A Fleht at Reddersburg;.
BLOEMFONTEIN, Wednesday after
noon. April 4. General Gatacre had an en
gagement with tho enemy at Redders
burg today. Details of the affair havo
not yet been received here.
Minority Will Be on nond to Vote
Against the Tariff BUI.
WASHINGTON. April 7. The Democrat
ic members or the House or Representa
tives held a caucus tonight to determine
upon plans in connection with the ap
proaching vote on the Puerto RIcan bill.
About SO members were present. The chief
attention was given to the question ot
pairs, as the vote Is expected to be so
close that the result may depend upon
the pairing or members. On motion of
Underwood or Alabama, the Democratic
whip, the following resolutions were
adopted: .
"Resolved. That all Democratic members
are urged to return to Washington at once.
"That hereafter Democratic members
will make no general or permanent pairs.
"That all pairs shall be made In writing,
and shall be signed by one of the members
designated by our party caucus to ar
range pairs."
Richardson, the Democratic floor leader,
offered the following resolution, which was
unanimously adopted:
"Resolved. That as a party we declare
our unalterable opposition to the meatura
now pending before Congress, entitled A
bill temporarily to provide revenues ror
the rellet or Puerto Rico,' and hereby en.
Join upon every Democrat to be present
In the House ot Representatives when the
vote 19 taken thereon, and record his vote
against it."
Another resolution by Underwood was
adopted, asking Democratic members to
remain throughout the Pita Rican de-
Lhate, and, whenever reasonably possible, to
remain until the end of the session of
Congress. It U expected that the action
taken will enable the minority to make
an exceptionally strong showing against
the bill when the voto is taken next
' Republican members of the House have
decided not to allow a protracted discus
sion on the motion to concur la the
amendments to the bllL A. special rule
will be framed which will bring tho motion
to a vote atter several hours' debate. The
opposition will make their first fight on
the adoption ot the rule, but Republicans
who are canvassing the situation express
great confidence In their ability to put
through the programme agreed upon at
tho Republican caucus Thursday by a
larger majority than was secured for the
original bill.
Formally Relieved of the Command
of the Eighth Army Corps.
WASHINGTON, April 7. General Otis
has been formally relieved of the com
mand of the United States forces In the
Philippines and or the Eighth Army Corps.
The correspondence showing how this was
brought about was made public at the
War Department this afternoon. It Is as
'.'Manila. April 3. Private interests re
quire my return to the United States. I
have been absent from my family and
business, attention to which Is Import
ant, since November. 1ST7. except for a
few days. Wish to sail by May f.-irp'CS'-M
slble. I believe matters here can be placed
In quite satisfactory condition by that
date, although a largo 'represslvo military
force must- be maintained some time.
"Washington, April 3. Otis, Manila: Re
plying to your cable of April 3. the Secre
tary of War instructs me to say that tho
President regrets to have you leave tho
Philippines, , but he reels that your dis
tinguished and successful service In both
the military and civil administration for
nearly two years entitles you to- prompt
compliance with whatever wish you
chooso to express" regarding your assign
ment to' duty, arid the requisite order will
be made for your return May I, by such
route and taking such time as may be
agreeable" to you. With tho understanding
that General MacArthur will succeed you
as Military Governor, the Secretary of
War wishes a recommendation for com
mander of the Department of Northern
"Manila, April 6. Will remain until cer
tain important modifications In the civil t While our Navy sustained no loss because
administration are determined. The new i of tho use of these modern instruments
code of Judicial criminal procedure is ap- I of war. yet. If the enemy had been en
proachlng completion, and other matters countered In any other way thnrl as at
are receiving consideration. I think I Santiago and Manila, and at night, dls
can leave about May 1, end will cable the astrous results might havo been, recorded,
latter part of the month the date I desire The great objection to the searchlight Is.
to bo relieved, and recommend an officer that while it may dlscloie tho enemy It. at
for Department Commander. I wish to
return by tho most expeditious route, and
await ordrs a short time until my pri
vate business receives attention. No re
quest to make regarding future sphere of
duty. OTIS."
A MUIIon-DoIInr Blaze In Pittsburg
This Slarninir.
PITTSBURCJ, April 8. For the second
time In three years the extensive depart-
Eh an??nni?rIvan.Ia .aY!n"e?: ls ln
ruins, onuruy aner mmnigni i-ouceman
Sylvester Doyle discovered flames Issuing
from the windows of the eighth floor, and
lnslde of an.hour the big eight-story struc
ture was completely gutted, entailing a
loss of over $1,000,000. If the building,
which was supposed to be flre-proof,
proves to be so badly warped as to neces
sitate a new structure, the loss will be
nearly J2.000.000. A member or the firm
$liv tho hulMfnir wnii vnluprt n.t 75AftY
says the building was valued at $750,000.
and was Insured ror 1430.000. The stock
was valued at $1,000,000. with insurance In
the neighborhood or $500,000.
Ohio Town Burned.
FROCTORVILLE. O.. April 7. The
large flouring mill or G. D. Pugh, at Proc
torville burned today, and from this a
conflagration resulted which destroyed
half the village, clearing two squares of
residences and business houses. The loss
is estimated at nearly 1200.(00, with about
E0 per cent Insurance.
Fire nt Colorado Spring;.
1:30 A. M. The Hagerman building burned
this morning. The loss is $40,000.
Seconds Fought" n Dnel.
PARIS, April 7. A duel between Comte
de Dion and M. de St, Alery, the respect
ive seconds of Comte de Lubersac and
Baron Edouard de Rothschild ln their
quarrel, was fought this morning In the
Hippodrome at Neullly le Vnlols. De St,
Alery was slightly wounded In the 16th
onslaught, and ihe duel was then stopped.
The combat lasted nearly, two hours. M.
de St. Alery, whose wound was ln the
right arm, was taken home at once.
Comte de Dion fought In defiance ot the
doctor's orders, who counseled a further
postponement of the duel, owing to his
sprained wrist,
i s
Nonunion Workmen Assaulted.
CHICAGO, April 7. Nineteen nonunion
workmen were reported to have been as
saulted and badly beaten by union pickets
today. Two of the men were Injured se
riously, one being a gray-haired man
whose age may not withstand the shock.
Six men are under arrest for the assaults.,
Another Effort to Secure an
McBrlde Introduces Amendment to
Sundry Civil Bill Delegation Will
Fight to Keep It There.
WASHINGTON. April 7. Senator Mc
Brlde today introduced on amendment,
which he Intends to offer to the sundry
civil appropriation bill, providing for the
expenditure of tho full amount recommend
ed by the engineers for the improvement
of tho mouth of the Columbia River. The
Senator says that Senator Simon and the
Oregon members In the House were con
sulted on the subject, and all will do what
they can to have this amendment placed
In the till, and also to keep It there with
the hope that at least a contract for the
improvement may be authorized in tho
present bill. All the members of the dele
gation realize the difficulty there Is la
trying to get legislation of thlfl kind. and.
Chairman Allison, of the appropriations
committee, says that if this Is once begun,
it will mean mat tne sundry civu dui
will become a river and harbor bill.
Wilson and the President.
Ex-Senator Wilson, of Washington, saw
the President today and had a long con
versation with him regarding conditions
on the Pacific Coast, and assured him that
the people of the Coast were heartily in
favor of his policy, and that they would
be solid for his renomlnatlon. He also
said that there was no doubt or the Re
publicans carrying the Pacific Coast statea
this Fall.
Brynnttes Abase Richardson.
Richardson, or Tennessee, the- minority
leader of the House, and chairman of tho
Democratic Campaign Committee, has
stirred up quite a mare'a nest in the Dem
ocracy by naming an executive committee
composed almost wholly of men who pre
in favor of a radical modification of tho
Chicago platform. The first gleam of sense
tho Democrats havo shown In four years
was In the selection of Richardson ror
their leader in Congress, ir his influence can
bring about any modification or the Chi
cago platform, it would be a very good
thing for the party. The extreme silver
wing of the party Is determined to keep
Bryan and the Chicago platform at tho
front- Richardson, however, has como In
for considerable abuse rrom this particu
lar element, although it Is plainly apparent
that any action of tho committee can havo
little Influence on the Democratic platform.
Scope of the ElKht-Hour Bill.
RcnresentatlvQ Gardner, ot New Jer
sey, who introduced the eight-hour labor
law. in dlscucslng the measure recently,
admitted that his bill covered more than
appears on the surface. The shipbuilders,
he says, will oppose it. as they cjaim its
passage would prevent them from doing
Government work. He realizes that oomo
or the contentions made against the bin
are ridiculous, but is torced to admit that
th day for the passage of such a bill at
his Is not yet at hand. In fact, it Is ad
mitted that It would be impossible to
enforce puch a law according to the let
ter. "The passage of such a bill." says
he. "would force tho Government to go
Into all kinds of business; mine coal
and iron, smelt the ore, roll and forge It.
make Us own armor, plates, bolts, etc.
It would also affect other branches of tho
Government, ns no clothing could be mado
for the soldier, etc. except under Its
proviiioTO, which would require the cloth
to bo woven, the yarn spun, and I supposo
the sheep clipped, all under the eight
hour system. I think. If I had realized
nil this, I would have Introduced a bill
merely requiring tho Government to do
all Itri own work."
Salixtltntc for the Searchllsht. I
One of the many lcraons taught by tho
Spanish war was tho disadvantages that
result from the use ot the searchlight.
tho same time, discloses the whereabouts
of the rhlp from which It ! thrown. To
ohvlite thli difficulty, the- Inventive genlui
of the country ha- been at work, and at
last a remedy seems to be In sight. Just
now experiments ar being made with ex
plc.'ve shell?, which are Intended to bo
flred at nlcht. which, upon explosion, cre
ate a grrat blaze, lighting up a large area
In tho vicinity of where they strike or ex
plode. As yet the invention has not been per
fected, for, while It works very satisfac
torily at short range, a shell haa not
been devised which I sufficiently strong
to withstand the shock ot explosion necco-
two. The inventor claims that he wm b0
' vt . .i. .k.h j,ii. m .
hy tIme fuse .,,. be flred tar
, ' .ilitanre of at lenrt flv miles. ExDori-
ments In that direction are now being
made at various naval stations and prov
ing grounds, and If success Ifl encoun
tered, the usefulness of the new Invention
will be beyond question. Of course, the
ue of these bombs or torches will not do
. away with the searchlight ln time ot
I M - v... fit v - -AA Ain, ,. .
peace, but will be a safer method of de-
L tectlng the enemy In time or war. The
great drawback ln the way of this new
Invention I that lt would require a good
many bombs to light up the entire sur
rounding sea, whereas a olngle sweep ot
the searchlight accomplishes the same
purpose, and much more rapidly and com
pletely. Still, like most new Inventions, it
awaits a practical test before final Judg
ment can be parsed.
Serlona Trouble Narrowly Averted at
FRANKFORT. Ky., April 7. There Is
great excitement here tonight. Two sol
diers at the Statehouse were arrested by
the police for drunkenness while ln the
street near the Statehouse. A squad of ZS
soldiers dashed out of the Statehouse yard
and rescued their comrades from the two
policemen who had arrested them. The
policemen resisted, and during the scuffle
a number of shots were flred. but no one
was hurt. Chlet or Police Williams sum
moned his full force and started for tho
Statehouse to demand the prisoners, but
the Beckham military authorities Inter
cepted the police and dissuaded them
from attempting to recapture the men
who had started the trouble, and who had
been rescued by their comrades. The sol
diers of the opposing administration were
drawn re-dy ror action, and trouble was
very narrowly averted.
Chief Justice Hazelrlgg. of the Court
of Appeals, today granted a writ of error
from jhe decision of the Court of Appeals
to the Supremo Court of the United Statea
in the contest over the offices of Governor
and Lieutenant-Governor.
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