' -, ' rv THE SUNDAY OHEGONIAN. PORTLAND. API 19 X MORAL ASPECTS OF SOUTH AFRICAN WAR By the Right Honorable W. E. H. LECKY. P.CMP, Aullior of a "History of Euro pean Morals," "History of Rationalism In Europe." "History of England in the Eighteenth Century." "Democracy and Liberty." Etc, Etc "Written for the There can, I think, be little doubt -what course -would have been adopted by an Intelligent military despotism had It exist ed during: the last few years In the place of England In South Africa, It would have peremptorily forbidden the arming; -which was going on in the Transvaal, and If Its protests had been neglected It would -have long: since enforced It by arms. are statesmen who are of opinion , land ought to have adopted such , but I do not think that It would a feasible one. It would have Justification In the language Conventions. It could only have lon conjectural evidence, which fully have been denied or mln- It would at once have exposed us Kharge of pursuing as a govern- ffalnst the Transvaal the policy of It would have profoundly alien ated Dutch opinion In the Cape, and It -would have excited a not less serious di vision at home. It would not have been a mere party division, but a division In cluding much that Is best and most solid In those classes who care little for party. In this country it Is above all things necessary for a government to carry pub lic opinion with it Jn a war. The over--whelmlng preponderance of opinion in support of the necessity of the present -war would not have been attained if Its Immediate cause had not been a Boer ultimatum, which It was manifestly im possible for any self-respecting govern ment to have accepted, followed by an invasion of British territory, which It was the manifest duty of every British Gov ernment to repeL For my own part, I am convinced that the war had on the English side for some time become inevitable, and could not have been greatly postponed. It was im possible that a British Government could permanently Ignore the state of subjection and inferiority to which a great body of British subjects at Johannesburg had been reduced. The grievances of the Ult landers have, no doubt, been greatly ex aggerated. Their position was not like that of the Armenians under Turkish rule. They went to the Transvaal to make money, and they did make It. The capi talists accumulated enormous fortunes. The industrial classes obtained probably a higher rate of wages than in any other country, and Johannesburg was a great center of luxury and pleasure. But the government was a detestable one. A long series of progressive disqualifications had deprived the English population of every vestige of political power and subjected them to numerous and Irritating disabil ities. The Transvaal remained the only part of South Africa where one white race -Was held in a position of Inferiority to another. Considering the distinct prom ise of equality that was made when Eng land conferred a limited independence on the Transvaal; considering the position of England in South Africa, and the perfect equality granted to Dutch subjects, in our own colonies, it was impossible that the British Government could acquiesce In this state of things, and once they formally took up the grievances of the Ultlanders, l "in became evident from the disposit, government at Pre- toria that ceedlngly solutlon was ex- Thero Inly two policies for the Tran Fnment to pursue. They vr. rented, a President Brand, . the Orange Free State. In ha o government at the Capo, constant conflden- tial re' , In that case It is no eia ry that the Inde pendenci ral would not have been in the smallest danger. Or they might have governed in a spirit of habit ual alienation, which would inevitably lead to a pol'cy of hostility. To throw themselves in every disputable point Into opposition to England, to seek incessantly alliances against her, and to turn the Transvaal Into a great military arsenal. was the policy which for several years they manifestly pursued. The dislike and distrust of England by the Transvaal Boers was no recent feel ing, though it was intensified" by several tacts in our own generation. It was a deep traditional popular sentiment, which may be clearly traced as far back as the great trek. Neither the grant of a quali fied Independence after Majuba nor the Btill larger extension of self-government which, without any pressure, was granted to the Transvaal by Lord Derby, in the convention of 1SS1, in any degree mitigated It. When, most unfortunately, the great gold mines were discovered within Its border in 16S6, the conditions of the prob lem were wholly changed. The Transvaal at once became a wealthy and powerful state. The rude and Ignorant farmers who then formed the bulk of its popula tion had neither the tastes nor the ca pacities that would enable them to de velop Its wealth, and they gladly made concessions and Issued Invitations to the "Ultlanders. A great population, whicn was mainly English, collected on the Band, built a large and stately city. raised the country to vast wealth, and paid nearly the whole of its taxation. A Oargo portion of this new population were permanently established In the land. But the Boer Government was Incapable of giving them tolerable administration, and firmly resolved to give them no political power and no real local self-government. Disqualification after disqualification ut terly unknown when England conceded self-government to "the Inhabitants of the Transvaal" was introduced. Laws raising the qualification for citizenship from two to 14 years' residence; sur rounding It with a number of vexatious and arbitrary conditions; Interfering with the press, with public meetings, and with the right of residence, and reducing the law courts to utter servitude by giving a simple resolution of the small Dutch "Volksraad all the force of law, clearly showed the policy of the government, and thero were abuses In administration which were probably even more irritating than the abuses in legislation. In the long run this could have but one result. The Transvaal Government was not only different from, but profoundly hostile to. the whole colonial system of England. English -colonies are essentially Industrial and pacific They rely for their security upon the largest possible exten sion of representation and self-govern ment, and the military element in them s reduced to the smallest dimensions. It has long been the policy of the home gov ernment to withdraw all regular troops from them and to intrust their Internal protection to colonial militias. In Africa, native wars and the presence of a great native population retarded this policy, but still it was very nearly attained, and it was the object at which Colonial Secre taries had constantly aimed. But of late years there had grown up on our frontiers a powerful military state, animated by a directly opposite policy. The Transvaal had been turned into a gigantic and most formidable arrenal. The political disqual ification of the English race was the very corner-stone of its policy. It raised an annual revenue greatly in excess of what was required for Its internal government from unrepresented Englishmen, to whom the prosperity of the state was mainly due. and it employed that revenue in ac cumulating a great armament which could only be intended, for use against England-. The events of the last months have shown that it had become incomparably the most powerful state in South Africa. and that if w) had been engaged in a serious European war the English colo nies would have been at Its mercy. The affairs of this state were largely directed by ambltlouB foreigners, and its govern ing race regarded the English with pro found suspicion and dislike. On every Question that arose between the two coan- Wf0B neisssssssssV IkssssssbBo SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSk. 1 "i SSHI New York Times. tries this distrust was shown, and more than once, even before the Jameson raid, the policy of the Transvaal had brought the two powers to the verge of war. The effect of this on the Dutch popula tion In the British colonies was very se rious. For my own part, I do not believe there was any wide conspiracy against England among the Cape Dutch. Being placed in a position of complete equality with the English, they had absolutely no grievance; unlike the Transvaal Boers, they belonged to the same typo and level of civilization as ourselves; they had the same Industrial and pacific character; they understood excellently the conditions of constitutional government, and I believe the majority of them were perfectly loyal to the British Empire. When the troubles became acute, a Dutch ministry was In power, and the Prime Minister, Mr. Schrelner, representing the Dutch major ity In Parliament and In the constituen cies, found himself in one of the most difficult positions that can be conceived. I believe that be has acted the part of a very honorable man. It Is, it is true, a mqst anomalous thing, that the Prime Minister of a British colony should have proclaimed his determination to preserve It neutral when a great war against the British Empire was raging on Its border, and up to a very recent period he refused to stop military munitions from passing to the Orange Free State. But In this he was at least acting on the strict letter of the law. His situation was so exceptional that the largest allowance should be made, and he deserves great credit for his at tempts to maintain the peace and restrain his own people from Insurrection. Com munity of race and of language, and the ties of blood springing from numerous In termarriages, bound the Colonial Dutch closely to the two republics, and there has unquestionably been, of late years, an active and not unsuccessful propagandlsm directed to a Dutch ascendency throughout South Africa. In most countries, in the present generation, a spirit of separate nationality, and especially of nationality based on race and language, has Seen strengthening, and ambitious politicians and newspaper writers have been stimu lating the distinctly Dutch element at the Cape. It is evident how formidable this element was encouraged by the unrest of the Transvaal, by Its rapidly growing mil itary power, by the humiliating spectacle of the abortive efforts of England to ob tain the common rights of her own people. Another fact also enormously added to the danger. The surrender after Majuba was made, I believe, through perfectly honest motives, but it has proved a great calamity to the world. Following as it did the most distinct official assurances that England would never surrender the Transvaal or abandon the English who had settled there, it shook through the length and breadth of South Africa nil confidence In English strength and resolution, and It has been one of the clearest and most undoubted causes of the present war. I am far from contending that our con duct in other respects was Impeccable. There are several pages In the history of the early Engl'sh dealings In the Trans vaal which are by no means to our credit. A mining population like that which had Its center in Johannesburg Is never of the most desirable order, and In the present generation, financial speculation has mixed far too much, both In England and In Africa, with South African politics. Party spirit runs violently In the Cape, and If there wis a Dutch party aiming at com plete ascendency, there was also. an Eng lish party which wps violent, arrogant and unscrupulous. The raid, though It was undoubtedly preceded by gross mls govcrnment, was both a great folly and a great crime. Our government had nothing to nay to it, and the men who took part in it were tr'ed and punched, but a sec tion of the British public, shamefully mis led by a very important nart of the British pre.-, adopted an attitude toward It which added largely and most naturally to the deep distrust of England which prevailed In the Transvaal. I da not think that the government can be Justly blamed for not having prosecuted Mr. Rhodes. Though It is undoubtedly true that he prepared nnd contemplated a raid, the actual expedition was undertaken not only without his as sent, but even without his knowledge; his complicity In the early stages could only be established by his own frank and vol untary statements before a Parliamentary Inquiry, and It Li quite certain that on such grounds no English Jury would have convicted him. He had rendered great services to the empire In the past, and there was much that was fascinating In his genius and his daring. But he had dene things In connection with the- raid which should have prevented a portion of London society from making him a hero, or an English minister from publicly ac quitting him of all dishonorable conduct Such language was at once made use of by thp enemies of England in South Africa, and It had the wore! effect upon the Boers. I do not think, however, that these things made the wnr. An Incurable an tagonism of sentiment, typo and Ideals had grown up, and the situation I have de scribed lnevltatly led to a collision. Mee Isolated Incidents, mere technical ques tions, have played too large a part In the discussions on this subject, nnd It can be best Judged by looking on Its broad feat ures. In England no responsible politic ian desired the war. and almost to the last moment very few believed in it. There was not. I believe, the smallest desire among the ministers to annex the Trans vaal, but there was a determination to put an end to the bad government at Jo hannesburg and to the constant unrest which It produced, and to secure for the English-speaking population the same kind of privileges which were enjoyed by the Dutch In our own colonies. When, after the raid, the High Commissioner exhorted the Ultlanders to disarm, he promised In the name of the British Government.' to endeavor to obtain a redress of their griev- mrcra. uui, insieaa or redress, those grievances In the most essential respects had been steadily aggravated. A more patient policy might for a time have post poned the crisis, but it could scarcely have averted It, and there Is much force In the contention of Sir Alfred Mllner that the evil was a growing one. and that the raiiure of the government to carry their point was undermining all the remaining confidence which the surrender after Ma juba had left. v,,ShSria!.n i!a" been stacked in England with a vindictive party virulence which no other man of our ti ,-- perienced. while in the Continental press ..., -"" ": duping into a mythol ogical being of infinite wickedness and power, cajoling, betravinc- or vuri. - about him. I do not think that during the long course of these negotiations he has been always Judicious, but I am convinced that he has sincerely labored for no.. and that In its broad lines his policy has been Just and moderate. As early as 1S9S. in a speech which has constantly been quoted against him. he insisted in the strongest terms on the evils that must necessarily follow a war In the Trans vaal, especially if that war did not carry with it the Dutch opinion in the Cape. In my own belief, the best solution of the South African question that has ever been t proposed was the conversion of Johannesburg- Into a distinct municipality, giving the Ultlander population sn unarmed po lice, the power of spending in the manner they desired the school rates which thiy paid, and of regulating their other local affairs. There was a time when such an arrangement would have been accepted by the Ultlanders without any Intervention In the general executive or even any vne In the Volksraad. This was the policy on which Mr. Chamberlain specially and re peatedly insisted, and it would have put an end to nine-tenths of the grievances that were really felt. But it was absoluto- ly rejected at Pretoria. After this, the franchise question ma placed In the fore- front, chiefly because the Government be lieved that by this means the Ultlanden would be able to secure their rights with out any further Intervention from Eng land. The British Government was per fectly prepared to acquiesce In an ar rangement which would have strictly lim ited the TJltlander representation to a fourth, or even a fifth, part of the Volks raad, and they were ready at the same time to give the fullest and most formal guarantee of the Independence of the Transvaal. If this had been accepted frankly and unreservedly the war would never have taken place. Whatever con troversy there may be about the possi bility of English statesmanship averting It, there can at least be no doubt that the statesmen of the Transvaal could have done so by giving only a small portion of the rights which the Dutch possessed In the British Colonies, and with full security of Boer supremacy In the executive and in the Parliament. But the proposals of England were either evaded or disdainfully rejected. The ab surd demand after the raid for an enor mous compensation on the ground of "moral and Intellectual damages" showed clearly the spirit that animated the pre dominant party. The concession of a seven vears' franchise that was at last made was surrounded with conditions that would have probably reduced it to a nul lity. The very reasonable request that English representatives in the Volksraad might use their own language was per emptorily rejected, and at last negotia tions were cut off by an ultimatum of as tontshlng arrogance and by the invasion of Natal. That there have been great miscalcula tions In the war cannot be reasonably de nied. The. strong belief In England that the crisis would ultimately be averted; the anxiety not to push on military prep arations to a point that might destroy all chance of peace; the skepticism of soldiers about the possibility of an Irregular force encountering disciplined armies; the per suasion that the Orange Free State, which had no possible ground of quarrel with England, would not risk Its Independence by rushing Into the war, combined with a great underestimate of the strength and numbers that could be brought Into the field against us. What force the Boer generals have actually commnnded. cannot as yet be accurately known, but It can scarcely be less than CO.OOO men. Such a force of most brave and tenacious men, armed with the very beit weapons that military service can furnish, trained from early childhood to be admirable horsemen and shots, and led with consummate skill, was far more powerful than nny we could. In the first weeks of the war. put Into action, and it -was able to give the earlier stages a direction most fatal to England. The Inequality between the British Empire and the two Dutch Republics was no doubt enormous, but the war had to be carried on 7000 miles from our shores, and in a vast mountainous country, where the difficulties of communication and transport were almost Insuperable, and where the peculiar character of Boer fighting could be displayed to the best ad vantage! Intelligent opinion In England Is not, I think, at all disposed to underrate the admirable skill and courage with which the two republics availed them selves of these advantages. But, though the war has brought to England disap pointment and humiliation, it has also brought with it some consolation. It has at least -shown that the British soldier has lost none of his old fighting qualities; that the country nt large retains In dis aster Its old character of resolution, self sacrifice and coolness of Judgment, nnd also that a unity of spirit to which Mr. Chamberlain has very largely contributed has grown up between our colonies and ourselves, which Is the best omen for the future. Whatever may have been In other respects the shortcomings of our W ar or flce. It has at least been no small achieve ment to have organized In so short a time and transported to so sreat a dis tance an army not lesw than 1K0.000 men. It is probable that before these lines come into arlnt the ispects of this most deplorable war will have greatly changed, end It is at all events much too soon to attempt to forecast its Issue. The deter mination of the country to carry it to a decisive victory is unquestionable, and the Government has declared that its two ends are the equality of the white races in South Africa, and a substantial security that no renewal of a war like the present can occur. Beyond this, it seems to me at present most unwise to go, and the final pacification of the Transvaal is a task which must tax the highest re sources of statesmanship. On the whnle. the most intelligent English politicians believe that It may be nccompllihed. They have great faith In political freedom and good administration. They believe that when the Dutch population In the Trans vaal find that they are left perfectly un molested on their farms, that they have the fullest political equality with the English, and that they are governed far better, more wisely, and more- honestly than In the past, the Hl-fecllng between tho two races will speedily settle down. They think that the present war will have taught them to respect each other, and that a progressive and enlightened govern ment will ultimately prove a stronger thing than one which was In extreme opposition to all the best tendencies of tho time. They hope to establish under the British flag a large system of local autonomy and create some form of feder ation like that of Canada or Australia. The future alone can show whether these hopes are too sanguine. We are dealing with one of the strongest and most stub born races In the world the descendants of the old Dutch race.of the Eighty Tears' War, strengthened by a largo Infusion of French Huguenots. They are passionately devoted to their independence, marked out by a very distinctive type from the English around them, and fortified by the form of religion which beyond all others Indurates the character and the will. Nowhere else In the world does tho stern Covenanter spirit of the seventeenth century so fully survive. It Is Idle to think of coercing perman ently a peoplo of this kind, scattered over a vast territory many hundreds 'of miles from Cape Town. The two races In South Africa must for all future time live to gether, and some harmonlqus modus Viv endi must be discovered, if the prosper ity of South Africa Is to be revived. In my opinion. It Is altogether premature to discuss in detail the nature of this settlement on which the future off the continent must depend. W. E. H. LECKY. Note. Mr. Lccky. the foremost writer of critical nnd dispassionate history, ap proaches this particular subject with more than average disposition to do full Justice to both sides. Through his wife, a Dutch lady of conspicuous talent, he has access to the pro-Boer point of view; and ho is also one of the few leading British states men who have known personally -Paul Kruger and other Transvaal leaders. Ed itor's note. Better Jfovr. If you have a frarrant flower In your heart's own garden Kiomi For your friend, and some bright hour Mean to make It all her own. Do not wait; the lllled coHn Sees no wreath: dear heart! learn how, love's best bloaaoms may be given Better now. Better silence by the caket. Funeral eulogy unsaid. Than the living lips that ask it Lick the words that's merited. Death reads no bltuary. Hears no requiem; learn how Pralss to speak pre-mortuary; Speak It now. Better coffin plain and nowerlexi Holding one whoce life was filled Full of fragrance. Gifts are powerless When the beating- heart la lUlled. Kiss belated, love post-mortem. Cannot saooth the furrowed brow: Garlands throw no backward perfume; Wreathe tbem now. Lue Vernon. in Xo Necessity, Then. "No." she said, "I wouldn't marry you If your pockets were lined with gold." "In which event," he replied. "I wouldn't bo proposing." Philadelphia North American, IN THE CHURCHES TODAi TOPIC AT FIIIST COXGIIEGATIOXAL, "TUB UNIQUE SAVIOR." Or. Blackburn Will Preach on "The Ministry of Reconciliation" Church Directory and Xerrs. The morning. topic at the First Congre gational Church will be "The Gospel of the Unique Savior." Tho evening subject will be "On Making Excuses." The mu sical programme follows : Morning Organ prelude. "Andante Gra zloso" (W. Porter); anthem. "Onward, Christian Soldiers" (Schnecke); response. "The Lord's Prayer": offertory (contralto solo and quartet), "Lo, It Is I" (Faure Shelley); postlude (Binck). Evening Organ prelude, "Romance" Shelley): anthem (baritone solo and quar tet), "Savior, When Night Involves the Skies" (Shelley): offertory (duet for so prano and tenor), "Peace to This Sacred Dwelling" (Smith): postlude (choir), "Roman March" (Clark). W. A. Mont gomery, director; Ralph W. Hoyt, organ ist. First Baptist Church. At the First Baptist Church. Rev. Alex ander Blackburn, D. D., the pastor, will preach at 10:30. on "The Ministry of Rec onciliation." Communion and reception of members will be held at 7:30 P. M. The subject will be, "Some Bible Fools." Sun day School at noon, J. G. Malone, super intendent, Toung People's meeting at 6:30. Subject. "Always Ready": leader. J. H. Mendenhall. Music Professor W. M. Wllder. organist and director: Morning Preludlum, "Larghetto Canta blle" (Wallace); hymn anthem, "The Mate Chorus"; offertolre, andantlno In B-nat (White); song, chorus; postludlum, "Pro cessional March" (Batiste). Evening Preludlum, "Largo From Xexes" (Handel): hymn, anthem, male chorus; offertolre, "A Dream of Heaven" (Meyer); song, chorus; postludlum (Ley bach). Tho revival meetings held during the past two weeks have been of such In terest that they will continue during the week to come. The preaching will be by the pastor, and Professor Wilder will con duct the music Grace Methodist Church. At Grace Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Hugh D. Atchison, the pastor, will preach In the morning on "The Demand of the Religious Instinct Show Us the Father," and at 7:30 on "The Blessing on the Pure In Heart." Sunday School at 11:15, with JJlble classes for adults, one for young men led by the pastor. Ep worth League prayer meeting, at 6:30. The following musical programme will be rendered by the choir, under the direction of Miss Blanche Sorenson. with Mrs. E. M- Bergen as organist: Morning "Quartet" (Haydn); anthem (soprano solo and tenor and alto duet), "How Gentle God's Commands" (Gabriel): offertory, "Chant du Paysan" (Rendans): soprano solo, "Bethlehem" (Coombs). Miss Ella Hoberg; organ, "Abbey March" (Lyle). Evening Organ, "Romance" (Shelley); anthem, "Praise the Lord" (Gabriel): of fertory. "Cantilane Nuptials" (Arm strong); organ. "Marche aux Flambeaux." Snnnyslde Methodist. Sunnysldo Methodist Church will con clude the week of special services today. Rev. R, R. Dunlap will preach at 11 o'clock, and the pastor will preach In the evening. The Sabbath School will con vene at 10 o'clock. C. A. Gatzka, super intendent. The Epworth League devo tional service at 6:30 will be conducted by the president, W. R. Insley, and his sub ject will be Illustrated with a large draw ing, 10 feet square. Special music will be furnished, as follows: Morning Prelude. "Charity" (S. Glov er); anthem. "Wake the Song" (McPhall); offertory. "Traumerel" (Schumann); solo. Professor C A. Walker; postlude (Wag ner). Evening Prelude in D (Hatton); an them. " 'Twas In tho Watches of the Night" (Nelson): offertory. "Andante"' (Thomas); postlude. "March" (Battman). Professor C. A. Walker, leader; 1L D. Crockett, organist. Unitarian Church. This week Is full at the Unitarian Church. Monday afternoon and evening Mr. and Mrs. Lord will receive their friends as usual. Tuesday evening the literary branch of the Toung People's Fraternity meets; subject, "George Mere dith's Life." On Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 the Women's Auxiliary will hold Its monthly meeting. Mr. Lord will give an address upon "Birds." The public Is cordially Invited to this meeting. At 4 o'clock the confirmation class meets; sub ject, "Jesus the Prophet." Thursday evening at 7:45 the midweek Lenten serv ice will be given; subject, "A Lesson From the Life and Lips of Jesus 'Fear Not. Little Flock.'" Friday evening at 7:30 the special organization having charge of the benevolent work of the church will meet In the chapel. Music for today: Anthem, "I Will Call Upon Thee" (Buck); gloria (E. Howe); offertory. "O Lord. My God" (Roeckel); "Nunc Dlmlt tls" (Barnby). First Christian Church. At the First Christian Church Rev. J. F. Ghormley will take for his morning theme. "The Royal Priesthood," and In tho evening he will deliver his first lec ture on "The Law of Psychic Phenom ena." His theme will be "The Soul; Its Whence and Whither." New members will bo received Into the fellowship of the church at both services. Special mu sical programmes have been arranged for both morning and evening, by W. F. Werschkul, musical director, and Mrs. Ella Jones, organist. Tho Ladles' Aid Society gave their monthly social tea at the residence of Mrs. O. H. Smith. 610 Market street, Tues day evening. A large number were pres ent. It was a very enjoyable evening of recitation and song and refreshments. The building fund was increased by sev eral dollars. The young people of the First Christian Church will have charge of the social at the Y. M. C. A.. April 20. In the evening. They will render a literary and musical programme. The series of sermons to be presented on Sunday evenings by the pastor. Rev. J. F. Ghormley, on "The Law of Psychic Phenomena," will be of a high order, and no doubt will attract large audiences. The first In the series will be given this even ing, and tho specific topic will be, "Tho Soul: Its Whence and Whither." The chorus under W. F. Werschkul is doing efficient work. Work on the Easter music Is well under way, and this year the programme will be exceptionally fine. Cnmberlnnd Presbyterian. Rev. G. A. Blair will occupy his pulpit. First Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Morning subject, "Food for Christians." After a short sermon the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered. Evening subject, "Story of the Shuna mltl's Son." Miss Bella Sharp will recite in connection with this service. There will be good music. Memorial Evangelical. Rev. N. Shupp, of Salem, will occupy the pulpit of the Memorial Evangelical Church this evening. The former pastor. .R. D. Streyfeller. has gone East, and his pulpit will be permanently filled by Rev. A. J. Smith, who has been appointed by the Indiana conference. He Is expected to arrive In Portland by next Sunday. A. SI. E, Zlon. Services at the A. M. E. Zlon Church will be Interesting. Rev. Erring Swan will occupy the pulpit at both services. The theme In the morning will be, "A Pardonable God," and In the evening the subject will be. "Salvation." aiUalaslppl-Avenne Congreicntlonnl. At the MlssCssippl-Avenue Congregation al Church the pastor. Rev. G. A. Taggart. I, will preach la the morning- on, "Winning BUY! BUY! The Best Goods Least Money LATEST FINISH AND STYLES Twelve carloads unloaded in 30 days. For House Outfitting Carpets, Linoleum, Matting. Parlor, Dining-Room, Sitting-Room, Bedroom and Office Furniture. Steel Ranges and Stoves. PRICES AND QUALITY CANNOT BE BEATEN One hundred different styles of Iron and Brass Beds all at prices to suit everybody. COME AND SEE OUR 172-174 HENRY Souls': In tho evening, "Wash and Be Clean." Special revival services have been held during the past two weeks, nnd will continue Indefinitely. The Sunday even ing service will be especially evangelistic In nature. Special music will be rendered In connection with the evening service. St. David's Church. The Rev. George B. Van "Waters will preach at the 11 o'clock service on, "Pun ishment for Sin." At the evening service his topic will be, "Compassion." Services at St. David's Church this week as fol lows: Monday. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturdny at 4 P. M., and on "Wednesday and Friday at 7:20 P. M. L'nltnrlnn Church. At the Unitarian Church this morning, the minister. Rev. William R. Lord, will officiate and preach. Confirmation class at 1230: subject, "The Bible and Bibles." At the Young People's Fraternity at 7 o'clock the subject will be, "The Average Man." Flrat SplrltunlLt. The First Spiritualist Society will meet at the Ablngton building at 11 o'clock conference, lyceum 12:15, evening service 7:13. Colonel Reld will lecture. Taylor-Street Methodist. Dr. Kellogg will preach morning and evening at the Taylor-Street M. E Church. On Sunday morning. In connec tion with the morning sermon the sacra ment of the Lord'a Supper will be ad ministered. In the evening a sermon sult nblo to everybody will be preached. An old-fashioned love-feast will be held Sun day morning at 9:30. On Tuesday even ing the cantata. "Queen Esther," will be given In this church. Second Ilnptlst. Rev. Ray Palmr will preach at the Sec ond Baptist Church at 11 o'clock on, "Christ Standing In Our Stead." In the evening his theme will be, "The Sinner"! Attorney m the Court of Final Appeal." Church Xeirs. Services will be held at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. at the Home ot Truth, 3 Thir teenth street. Demonstration meeting. Tuesday, at 3 P. M., the class commenc ing April 9. Rev. O. Olsen, delegate from Norway to the general conference of the 31. E. Church, which will meet In Chicago next month, will preach In the First Norwe gian and Danish M. E. Church, Thir teenth nnd Davis streets, at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M., and In the Second Norwegian and Danish Church. Russell and Flint streets, at 3 P. M. He will deliver a free lecture In First Church Saturday even ing. March 31, on "Has Christ Been Mis taken in His Second Coming?" Services will be held at 7:30 o'clock at Gospel Hall, 23S Sixth street The usual corporate communion of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will take place this morning at St. Mark's Church. Mrs. Kate Bufflngton Davis, of Minne apolis, will lecture tonight at S o'clock In the Unitarian Chapel, upon "Life After Death." Mrs. Davis having devoted many years to tho study of theosophy. Is well qualified to speak on tnts subject- Tho lecture is under the auspices of tho local branch. Mount Hood Theosophlcal Socie ty. No admission fee will be charged. Appointed Anlntnnt Rector. Rev. C H. Lake, of St. Stephen's Church, Baker City, has nccepted a call to be assistant minister of Trinity Church. CllCItCII DlllECTOnY. Baptist. Second Rev. Ray Palmer, pas tor. Preaching at 1030 and 7:30; Sunday School, 12; Junior, Union. 330; Young people. 6:30; prayer, Thursday, 7:30; Christian culture class, Thursday, 8:30. Calvary Rev. Ebcn M. Bliss, pastor. Services. 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school, 11:15: B. Y. P. U., C:30; prayer, Thursday, 7:30. Grace (Montavllla) Rev. N. S. Holl croft, pastor. Services, 7:30 P. M.; Sunday school, 10; prayer, Thursday. 8. Park Place (University Park) Rev. N. S. Hollcroft. pastor. Services, 11; Sunday school. 10; Junior meeting, 3. Immanuel Rev. Stanton C. Lapman. pastor. Preaching, 10:30 and 7:30: Sunday school, 11:45; Young People's meeting. 630. Third Sunday school at 10, George E. Jamison, superintendent; preaching at 3 by Rev. N. S. Holecroft, of the Grace Baptist Church. Christian. Rodney-Avenue Rev. A. D. Skaggs, pas tor. Services. 11 and 7:30; Sunday school. 9:43: Junior Y. P. S. C E.. 3; Y. P. & C E.. 6:30; prayer. Thursday. 730. First Rev. J. F. Ghormley. pastor. Services. 10:13 and 7:43; Sunday school. 12:15; T. P. S. C. E.. 630. Woodlawn (Madrona) Rev. A. D. Skaggs, pastor. Services, 3 P. M. Christian Science. First Church of Christ (Scientist). 317 Dekum building Services at 11 A. M. and 730 P. M. Subject of sermon, "Matter"; children's Sunday school, 12; Wednesday meeting, 8 P. M. Portland Church of Christ (Scientist). Auditorium Services. 11 and S: subject, "Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?": Sun day school, 12; Sunday and Wednesday evening meetings, 8. Conirreeatlonallat. German Rev. John Koch, pastor. Serv ices. 1030 and 7:30: Sunday school, 9:30; Y. P. S. C E., Tuesday, 730; prayer, Wednesday, 7:3a Sunnyslde Rev. J. J. Staub, pastor Services. 11 and 7:30: Sunday school. 10; Young People's Society. 6:30; prayer, Thursday, 730. Hassalo-Strcet Rev. R; W. Fartjuhar. pastor. Services, 10:30 and 730; Sunday school. 12; Y. P. S. C E., 6:30; prayer, Thursday, 730. Mlsslsslppl-A venue Rev. George A. Tag. gart, pastor. Services, 11 and 7:30; Sun DISPLAY, AT FIRST STREET 4-STORY RED BLOCK JENNING & SONS day school. 10: Juniors, 3; Y. P. S. C. E, 630; prayer. Thursday.- 7:30. First Park and Madison streets. Rev. Arthur W. Ackerman, pastor. Services. 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M-: Sunday School, 12:15 P. M.; Y. P. S. a F. 6:15 P. M. Eplscoiinl. St. Stephen's Chapel Rev. Thomas Nell Wilson, clergyman In charge. Morning prayer and sermon, 11; evening services, 730: Sunday school, 9:45; holy communion, after morning service on first Sunday In the month. Church of the Good Shepherd Services at 11 by Rev. E. T. Simpson. Trinity Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rec tor. Sunday school, 930; litany and Holy Communion, 11; evening prayer and ser mon, 7:30. St. Da"ld's Rev. George B. Van j Waters, rector. Holy communion, 7; Sunday school. 9:45; morning prayer and sermon, 11; evening prayer and sermon, . 7:3). , St, Mark's Rev. John E. Simpson, rec tor. Holy communion. 7:35; Sunday school, 10; morning prayer, litany and sermon, 11; evening prayer, 7:30. St. Matthew's Rev. J. W. Weatherdon. clergyman In charge. Holy communion. S: Sunday School, 9:45; morning service and sermon, 11; evening service. 7:30. St, Andrew's Sermon, 3:15, by Dr. Judd. EvnnKcIIcnl. , Emanuel (German) rlev. E. D. Horn schuch, pastor. Services. 11 and 730; Sunday school. 10: prayer, Wednesday, 7:30; Y. P. A.. Friday. 7:30. First (German) Rev. F. T. Harder, pas. tor. Services. 11 nnd 7:30: Sunday school. 9:30; Y. P. A 6:43; revival services all the week at 730 P. M. Memorial Rev. R. D. Streyfeller. pas tor. Sunday services. 11 and 7:30: Sunday school. 10; Y. P. A.. 6:30; Junior Y. P. A 3; prayer meeting. Wednesday. 7:30; young people's prayer. Thursday. 730. Evangelical (Cnlteil)". East Yamhill Mission Rev. Peter Din ner, pastor. Services. 11 and 7:30: Sunday school 10; K. L. C. E., 6:30; prayer, Thursday, 7:30; Junior League, Saturday, 230. First United Rev. C. T. Hurd. pastor. Services. 11 nnd 730; Sunday school, 10, K. L. C E-. 630; prayer. Thursday. 7:30. Second Rev. H. A. Deck, pastor. Serv ices. 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10; Key stone League. 6:30; prayer, Wednesday, 7:30. Friends (Quakers). Friends, East Thirty-fourth and Salmon streets Rev. A. M. Bray, pastor. Serv ices. 10:45 and 730; Sunday school. 12; Y. P. S. C E., 6:30; prayer. Wednesday, 7:30. Lutheran. German Trinity, Alblna Rev. Theodore Fleckensteln. pastor. Preaching. 10:30 and 730; Sunday school. 330. Immanuel (Swedish) Rev. John W. Skans. pastor. Preaching at 10:30 and 8. St, Paul's Evangelical (German) Rev. j August Krause, pastor. Preaching, 10:30 j and 7:30; Sunday school, 930; Bible study. f x nursuay. i ;u. Zion's (German) Services. 10 and 730; Sunday school. 930; Christian day school, Monday to Friday. St. James's (English) Rev. Charles S. Rahn. pastor. Services. 11 and 7:30; Sun day school. 12:15. Methodist Episcopal. Second German Rev. Charles Prleslng. pastor. Services. 10:13 and 7:30: Sunday school, 9:30; prayer, Thursday, 7:30. Taylor-Street (Flrst)-Rev. H. W. Kel- The WEAR AND liver (2), pains in stomach or disordered digestion (3), fluttering of heart (4), pale, wan face (5), hollow, bleary eyes (6), head aches or dizziness (7), coated tongue (8)? Are you weak, ner vous, melancholy, gloomy, is your sleep disturbed? Do you lack confidence in yourself? These are all weak-nerve symptoms that Hudyan cures. Hudyan's effect is unlike that of any other remedy. Hudyan makes one hearty, robust, strong. .r-r ui irtVAN From your druggist. DOc a package, six packages for 12.50. UCI nUUlrtll If your druggist does not keep It. send direct to the HUD YAN REMEDY CO.. corner Stockton, Ellis and Market streets, San Francisco, CaL Consult Hudyan Doctors About Your Case Free of Charge. .Write. MffftlWllllill Ilvf 111! Ulna r BnflH Bn BaV a 18 II J B lyl 1 1 tjk jj LI H a I ID oJSi a Trial Treatment. Freo of Charge, of the most remarkable remedy ever discovered. Con talnsOreat Vital Principle, heretofore nnknown. Refractory CasolIdOcn tisl correjprradenco invited from all, especially rbyslciaus. ST. JAMtS EOUETi, U81 BEOADWAY, MEW YOBE. - Iogg. D. D.. pastor. Services, 1030 and 730; Sunday school. 12:13; Epworth league and prayer meeting, 630; Subord nate League. 3. Centenary Rev. L E. Rockwell, pastor. Services. 10:30 and 730; Sunday school, 12; Epworth League, 6:30; prayer, Thursday. 730. Central Rev. W. T. Kerr, pastor. Serv ices. 10:45 and 7:30; Sunday school, 12:15; Epworth League. 6:30; prayer, Thursday. 730. Mount Tabor Rev. A.- S. Mulllran. pas tor. Services. 11 and 7:30; Epworth League, 630; Junior Epworth League, 3; prayer, Thursday. 7:30. ' Sunnyslde Rev. S. A. Starr, pastor. Services, 11 nnd 7:30: Sunday school. 10; general class. 12:15; Epworth League, 6:30; prayer. Thursday. 7:30. Trinity Rev. A. L. Hawley. pastor. Sen-Ices, 10:45 and 7:30: Sunday school, 9:40; Epworth League, 6:30; prayer. Thurs day, 730. Shlloh Mission Rev. J. H. Allen. su perintendent. Services. 10:30 and 7:30. Presbyterian. Mlzpah Rev. W. T. Wardle. pastor. Services, 11 nnd 8: Sunday school, 9:43; Y. P. S. C. E.. 7; Junior Y. P. S. C. E.. 3:30; prayer. Thursday. 8. Third Rev. Robert McLean, pastor. Services. 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school. 12; Boys Brigade, 5:30; young people's meet ing. 630; prayer. Thursday. 7:43. Cumberland Rev. G. A. Blair, pastor. Services. 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school. 12; Junior Y. P. S. a E.. 3:30: Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:30; prayer. Thursday. 7:30. Grand-Avenue (United) Rev. John Hen ry Gibson. D. D.. pastor. Services. 11 and 730; Sunday school. 10; Y. P. S. C. E-. 6:30; prayer. Thursday. 7:43. Calvary Rev. W. S. Gilbert, pastor. Mrs. Mann, soprano soloist and director of chorus: Miss Fisher, organist. Serv ices, 11 and 7:30. Koiunn Catholic. St. Mary's Cathedral Most Rev. Arch bishop Christie, pastor. Services, mass and sermon. 6. 8 and 1030: mass for chil dren, 9; Sunday school. 9:30; vesptrs and sermon. 7:30; questions answered at even ing services; week days, mass, 6:30 and 8. Vnltnrian. First Rev. W. R. Lord, minister; Rev. T. L. Eliot. D. D.. minister emeritus, worship, 11: Sunday school and confir mation class, 1230; Young People's Fra ternity, 7. Universalis!. First Rev. H. H. Hoyt. minister. Serv ices. 11 and 7:30: Y. P. C. U.. 6:30. Friendly Criticism. Dr. Thirdly How did you enjoy my ser mon this morning, deacon? Deacon Jones I enjoyed a portion of It very much. Indeed. Dr. Thirdly What portion of it did you enjoy most? Deacon Jonee The part where you said: "And now. brethren, one word more and I have flnlshcd." Chicago News. llaalnesa llnrrcil. "And now," said the minister, "we will sing "Old Hundred." " Just as the announcement was made a brother In the "amen corner" commenced singing "The Ninety and Nine." "Hold on there, brother." said the minis ter; "you ain't In tho store now there's no one cent off on these good3." Atlanta Constitution. FEAR OIN NERVES Results in "debility," "exhaustion." Not only exhaustion of the body, but exhaustion of the mind as well. The nerve-cells of the body arc robbed of their vital forces (their life); therefore all the organs of the body suffer from lack of nerve control, and the blood vessels that supply these organs are not in proper tone. Hudyan corrects the evil. Hudyan pro vides the nerve force that is lacking. Do you suffer with pains in limbs (1), torpid Eaay Homo Csro. Painlcns. Permanent. We will send anyone addicted toOplnm, Morphine, liindan- ivh fivAtKusnHiff nehlt it V - ,&h.&St-v&.ili t-7rti,ri:tfMtfat&biXr:&&kt- ;mK!L . "y.Stf - .