THE SUNDAY OKtiOONlAK, PORTLA1? TO FORM AN ORATORIO SOCIETY Question Discussed by Portland People Who Favor It Dr. Mor rison Desired as Director. PjH h:m 'jisssssssssssS iM stH- ccfe Hi Tor on e,pks part remain ave been heard In Portland musical circles as to the desirability of organising an oratorio society, with Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector lot Trinity Church, as conductor. It haa 'been argued that the remarkable musl- cal season Just enjoyed has demonstrated an earnest and unmistakable desire lor ' the best music on the part of our people. be unprecedented success of the Musical bub with Its high standard of art. the pure disinterested endeavor of the Eym- Orcbestra which has received such ty support from the community, indl- a sUto of public feeling that will Fsatlsfled with nothing less than tbe bhest musical culture. The Idea pre- Rills that If Dr. Morrison would consent direct such an organization It could 3t fall of ultimate success, both because of his eminent personal fitness for the rork and because of his large musical experience as a New Tork oratorio soloist. The Oregonlan now endeavors to crystal lize public opinion Into shape for Its read ers. Only such persons Interested In the musical advancement of the community as could be reached at short notice are Included In the following expressions of opinion. Any one who desires to offer further suggestions may at any time send a communication to this office, which The Oregonlan will be glad to publish. Dr. Morrison's Ideas. Rev. A. A. Morrison, D. D., rector of Trinity Church If the public favors It. I would be glad to undertake the work of di recting an oratorio society here; but I would not be willing to waste my time on a half-dead-and-alive organization. Its success would depend upon the aid ren dered by Portland soloists. The best musi cal talent the city affords must be Included In the chorus. In no other way can the society flourish. Many.of the finest voices in New York are to befound doing ora torio chorus work, and It should be the same here. There ought to be 200 voices. ' If such an organization Is to be effected the first steps should be taken toward It now, without delay. For there Is much preliminary work to be done In the way of trying voices and putting the society on a firm financial basis. All the time be tween now and the end of the Summer would be required for this work. Then in the Fall regular practice could begin and we would be ready to give "The Messiah" at Christmas time. The Society should be organized as a musical Institution, with a number of sub scribing patrons, paying so much a year for Us maintenance. And out of the num ber of patrons who would subscribe a cer tain sum would be elected the board of trustees that should govern the society. The business of such a board should be to look after the finances, assume responsi bility for contracts, or any other legiti mate indebtedness of which they would approve, such as the expense of a place In which to rehearse, the printing, and the music. All this takes time. There must be a certain number of prominent people In town as patrons. These must assume a certain measure of responsibility. There Is not ess to be done, but that little ne In the proper way. the function of the govern- appoint the conductor and gement with him that they to carry on the work suc- purse. the conductor Is the stand the mechanism of n. but at the same time lonslblllty of tbe gov- nd him. lrectors or the patrons roflts if there were any: and Eif TOir "there would be If the so ciety is managed reasonably well. In fact there could not help but be profit. Rose Bloch-Bauer and Others. Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer, choir direc tor and soprano soloist at Temple Beth Israel I am heartily In sympathy with tbe movement concerning the organization of an oratorio society In our city. Port land has long been In need of such a society. Considering the large amount of ability that exists here, such a move ment ought to prove a success, particular ly with a good financial backing, which heretofore has been the great drawback In similar attempts. Dom Zan, baritone soloist and choir di rector at St Mary's Cathedral I am de cidedly In favor of organizing an oratorio1 society with Dr. Morrison as director. Portland Is well supplied with good voices, and there is ample material for a chorus of 200. But I do not consider It ad visable to begin regular practice until next Fall, as the pleasant weather Is com ing on nor, and It would be difficult to hold a chorus together at this time. "W. A. Cummlng A chorus of 200 voices to form an oratorio society can be oh. talned only with the co-operation of the singing teachers of Portland. Such a so ciety, encouraged by financial support, would succeed. The Mnslcnl Club. Mrs. Emily B. Trevett, president of the Musical Club Any ono who appreciates the educational value to a community of a good oratorio society will undoubtedly do everything possible towards establishing one In Portland, as proposed. The choice of Dr. Morrison as conductor seems a most happy one; his acceptance would be the guarantee of enthusiastic and earnest work. It is to be hoped that the plan will meet with sufficient encouragement to warrant Dr. Morrison In carrying It out. Mrs. William C Alvord, organist and choir director of Unitarian Church It would be un excellent thing for Portland te have an oratorio society, and could not fall to add Immeasurably to our musical culture. Dr. Morrison Is peculiarly well fitted to take charge of the work, as he has lived In an atmosphere of the best mu. slcal thought ever since he was 19 years old. and owing to his long association with oratorio work In New York City must bar well Informed regarding matters of mu sical detail along this line of work. Mrs. Rosa F. Burrell I shall be glad to give my influence and support In aid of a movement to establish an oratorio society In this city. Practical Advice. Edgar E. Coursen, choir director and organist at First Prebysterlan Church There Is ample material In Portland for a first-class oratorio society. To be a suc cess, such a society would have to start out with a subscription list large enough to cover all'expenses for an entire season. The expenses would be large. Allowance' should be made for hall rent (for re hearsals), piano rent, salary of accom panist, fees of soloists, rent of hall, church or theater for public performances, and .hlre of large orchestra. The orchestra should be well paid, as at least six re hearsals should be exacted from Us mem bers. Dues should not exceed 25 cents per month. No dues at all would be better. An examining committee should rigidly "reject all Incompetent applicants for mem bership. The ultimate success of the so ciety would depend almost entirely on the Ability, energy and tact of the conduc tor. Mrs. H. II. O'Reilly, contralto soloist at Unitarian Church It Is a movement In the right direction, and I shall be glad to help It forward to the best of my ability. It seems to me particularly Important that our best soloists In the city should be will ing to assist In the chorus work. They are the ones to make It successful, and this would be In accord with the custom of the musical centers' of England. Eugene Steblnger Portland should have such an prganlzstlpn. Tp make It a. suc cess considerable money Is required. Un less you can select your singers, and by paying them assure their prompt attend once at all rehearsals, your undertaking will meet the fate of the numerous at tempts made In the same direction within the last 20 years. Amateurs cannot be de pended upon to submit to the continuous and conscientious training necessary cor rectly to perform the masterpieces of a Handel, Bach or Haydn. What Portland Seeds. Mrs. 'Walter Reed, contralto soloist at St. Mary's Cathedral In response to the circular sent me regard ing the organization of an oratorio soci ety, I can say that an oratorio society Is Just what Portland needs most for the good of music and, under the direction of so capable a musician as the Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison has proved himself to the Port land public. It Is bound to be a success artistically. Surely the singers of this city will take all Interest possible in the organization of such a. society, and will help In any way they can toward Its good. H. W. Hogue. tenor of the Cathedral world for assistance, they have a sug gestion of what an oratorio society may lead to here." Behind the Taller Towns. Mrs. Fletcher Linn There ought to ba no trouble about gathering together chorus of 200 voices In Portland. Even th little Valley towns about u haTe their oratorio societies. Why should Portland be behind them In this matter? From my earliest recollections of musical study I have always been accustomed to work of this kind, and I miss It here greatly. Dr. Morrison would make an Ideal con ductor, since he has such large musical knowledge of the subject, such a superb voice and commanding presence, such as compels respect and confidence. Miss Susan GambeU, soprano soloist and choir director of the Forbes Presbyterian Church Replying to your request for my opinion as to the advisability of organiz ing an oratorio society, I will say that any movement towards Introducing" to the public first-class music, rendered by our local musicians, should be encouraged, end I will gladly assist such an organiza tion in any way that I, possibly can. "William J. Belcher, tenor at First Con gregational Church The movement which is now on foot to organize an oratorio so ciety should meet with the approval and hearty support of each and every person In "Portland, which I am sure It will, for Portland people are not slow to see and appreciate anything that tends to uplift and better the musical condition of the city, which the study and singing of org. REV. A. A. MOItniSOX, D. D., RECTOR OF TRIXITT. quartet In response to your request for an expression of my opinion of the move ment for an oratorio society of 200 voices, under the directorship of Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector of Trinity Church, I take pleasure In saying that I am heartily In favor of the plan. No enterprise of a mu ciial nature could be more worthy of sup port. There Is ample material at hand for such a society, and I believe that under Dr. Morrison's guidance results can be ob tained which will be a surprise to the public as well as a credit to the singers of Portland. With Symphony Orchestra. Mme. Jennie NorelU, soprano soloist at the Unitarian Church The organization of an oratorio society would in my opin ion be of great value to Portland and Us musical development. From the many young and fresh voices now under the training of the different vocal teachers of the city could be chosen an excellent chorus, which under proper direction could render the compositions of the great mas ters, while the Portland Symphony Orches tra, a most excellent organization, could aid In producing a most perfect result. I feel sure that the professional musicians of Portland will welcome such an under taking and do all In their power to sus tain It. In this connection, let me also point out the necessity of a first-class music hall In Portland, where good music can be given and enjoyed to best advantage. Paul Wesslnger The starting of an oratorio society In this city ought to find unqualified support from all those who love music In Its highest sense. It Is my oolnlon that It should not be difficult to find 120 to 150 singers In this city with falrlr well-trained voices and capable of readinc somewhat at first sight. The ex amination of those to be accepted as ac tive members should be pretty strict. m it has been found In the past that the good singers do not like to be overworked on account of those who are not qualified. There could be an Inactive membership of those who love music In general, as well as oratorio works In particular, and certainly In a city of Portland's size there should be found a sufficient number of high-minded people who would gladly help the matter with liberal subscriptions, as the production of works of such masters as Bach, Handel. Palcstrlna, Haydn, Mo zart, Rossini, Schumann, etc.. Is of Im measurable value from tbe standpoint of musical education. As we are now hav ing a symphony orchestra here. It might be possible to have the two organizations work together In the production of ora torios. As to myself, 1 wish to sap that I would of course gladly assist a matter of this kind In the future with the same energy as I have repeatedly done In the past. Unqualified Snpport. C. E. Masten I wish to give my unqual ified support to this movement, and will be clad to help It along In every way I can. To organize an oratorio society of 200 voices, with Dr. Morrison as con. ductor, seems to me perfectly feasible and in every way desirable. W. F. Werschkul. director of the Arlon Society and tbe Y. M. C A. music classes am heartily In sympathy with any movement that has for Us aim the culti vation of a taste for oratorio music, and hope that from the ashes of past efforts there may arise a permanent organiza tion, after the order of the Handel and Haydn Society, of Boston, or the Apollo Club, of Chicago, that have enjoyed an unbroken existence of many years. In the ranks of these societies may be found many of the best teachers of both cities, who do not think it beneath their dignity to sing In the chorus. By all means, let us have a, choral society. I will do what I can for Us success. The following communication cornea un signed: "To your request for an expres sion of opinion from me upon tbe oratorio movement, I gladly accede, giving the pro posal my most hearty indorsement and my promise of personal support and In fluence and In money, at least up to the cost of tickets for all concerts. "If the citizens of Portland will Inform themselves as to the success of such so cieties in Eastern cities of about Port land's size (Worcester, Mass., i and Bur lington. Vt, for example), and learn what centers of musical Interest and attraction they have become at the time of their yearly or frequent musical festivals, em ploying the h;?t mu?lc".l talept Jn the torio certainly does. And In a city where there Is so much superior musical talent as Is here. It would not ne long until we would be giving oratorios In a way that would compare favorably with those given In our Eastern states. Personally, I hope It will meet with success. FIRST TIME lit FORTLAXD. Statners "Crucifixion" at First Con-firrea-atlonal Church. Stalner's "The Crucifixion" will be given at the First Congregational Church on Palm Sunday evening. April 8. The regu lar choir, consisting of Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer, soprano; Mrs. Frank J. Raley, contralto; William J. Belcher, tenor; W. A Montgomery, baritone, will be assisted by Mrs. Pollard Clifton, soprano; Mrs. R. M. Sturgls, contralto; E. Drake, tenor; Charles H. Hoeg, bass; W. A. Montgom ery, director; Ralph W. Hoyt organist. "The Crucifixion," by Dr. J. Stalner, with words selected and written by the Rev. J. Sparrow Simpson, Is a meditation on the Sacred Passion of the Holy Re deemer. This work differs from the standard oratorios In that It Is founded on New Testament Scripture. The music admirably sets oft the words, and seems to give an added significance to their meaning. The whole work breathes forth a deeply religious feeding. The choruses are truly grand, and especially the two, "Fling Wide the Gates" and "The Appeal of the Crucified." Interspersed through the work are hymns to be sung by the congregation and choir. The most effective solo in "The Cruel fllxlon." "King Ever Glorious," which sets forth the majesty of the Divine Hu miliation, will be rendered by that gifted singer, Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer. This will be the first presentation of "The Crucifixion" In Portland, and un doubtedly It will create a deep Impression. MAY mWIX AXD DALY. Tells of Her Experiences With the Famous Manager. Since the death of Augustln Daly many stories have been pubiishea jbout the early days of his famous company. Several of the prominent stars began their careers In his organization, and among these was May Irwin. She was Interviewed recently along these lines, and this Is what she had to cay about her experience In the theater that formed tHe school of so many players: "My sister Flo and I had been appear ing In a vaudeville sketch at Tony Pas tor's when. In 1SSZ, I gave all that up to Join Mr. Daly. We had been playing In New York all Winter, and In the Sprlnz we went on the road. We played in Chi cago and Mr. Daly happened to be there. One night he came to our theater Just before my sister and I went on for our sketch. I learned afterward that he came to see us. I recognized him In a box. and, as I tried to do my best, of course I got very nervous. "The next day I got up at 6 o'clock and went fishing. I was In the broiling sun until noon, and my face was one large blister. I had Just got my face" well greased when Mr. Daly's manager called. I was so excited I could hardly get Into my clothes. Mr. Dorney said he had been sent by Mr. Daly to find out If I would Join his company. I nearly dropped dead. To be a member of Daly's company had been the height of my ambition. Mr. Daly paid me some of the nicest compliments I had ever received. He said I was a diamond In the rough. I certainly learned the best part of all I know at Daly's. I was with him four years, and left him be cause I could get more money. "The first part I played at Daly's was no more suited to me than Is the part of Lady Macbeth. It was the part of a cranky, sour, dyspeptic old maid. I think the reason It was given to me was because no one else would take It. The memory of the strict stage- discipline at Daly's al most frightens me. I had played all sorts and conditions of women, from girls in short skirts to decrepit old women. Now r was to appear In straight parts. I was to be developed as a comedienne. We played Red Letter Nights' and 'After Business Hours.' 'A Night Off was a bowling success. We played that In Lon don and the principal cities on the Conti nent. I was Susan in that, and Betsy In 'Nancy & Co. I didn't have any sing ing to do In these plays, but I did elng In the old comedy, 'She Would or She Wouldn't.' "I had the greatest difficulty at Daly's In keeping myself fxorn making 'asides,' YOU complain of fulness and pressure after eating; your head aches, usually in front. You are subject to .the annoyance of bad breath and an unpleasant taste. You are hungry even after a good meal, and you keep thin and weak. These things affect your temper and disposition, and .you arc none too sweet to those around you. That's Dyspepsia f " Tor two years I suffered from dyspepsia, until for days at a time I could not eat a thing. I had tried almost everything, but Um2s ssz gsi .ellef. I then thought I would try Avers Sarsapa rilla, and In one week I was a new man. My tired feelings were gone ; I was stronger and better In every way. I believe now If it were not for this medicine I would be In a dying condition." Joux MacDonals, Philadelphia, Pa, August 1 6, 1899. " I was troubled with dyspepsia for over twenty years, and It got so bad I came near dying. I was then Induced, as a last resort, to try Ayers Sarsapanlla, and after using several bottles of it, I became entirely well, and have felt well and strong ever since. I have used it in my family the last fifteen years, daring which time we have not required the services of a doctor." L B. Williams, Central Point, Ore,, July 6, 1S99. That's Overwork "Last July my oldest daughter was taken sick, and I was on my feet, it seemed to me, night and day for weeks taking cars of her. I had no other help than that which my husband gave me, and by the time daughter began to mend I w vmi sick myself. I was discouraged, and did not care mnch whether I lived or died. My husband got ma a, bottle of Ayers Sarsapanlla, and its effects were magical. Two bottles of this medicine put me on my feet and made a well woman of me." Jane M. Browtj, Bentonsport, Iowa, Jan. 19, 1900. "In 189S my daughter, after graduating, was taken down with nervous debility. She had no strength, no appetite; copld not sleep, and doctors did not seem to do her any good. At last, by the advice of a friend, I gave her Ayers Sarsaparilla. After taking two bottles of this medicine there was a decided improvement. We followed up this treatment for two months, and my daughter quickly recovered her health." lots, ullis XIELMICE, Uardiner, Ore Dec. 20, 1899. m A Sarsaparilla made of chemically pure drugs, thoroughly examined, scientifically exhausted, and prepared with the utmost care.y "VTOU arc as tired in the morning as you are at night. You do not know what it is to have sweet, refreshing sleep. You have an appetite, yet your food seems to do you no good. Your mind does not respond quickly and your memory fails you. You lack energy, the eyes droop, the head is tired and heavy. You want to do many things, yet do no one thing satisfactorily. i' SbKsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV mm El fiSSs. JaaaV mm Manufactured under the personal supervision of a graduate in pharmacy, a graduate in chemistry, and a graduate in medicine. "V7"OUR muscles are flabby and flat. Your shoulders stoop. You are weak, list less, and tired. You are too cold or too warm ; short of breath. You are like an engine that needs more fuel. You are one day sick and one day well ; yet one day's good work brings three days'' weariness. You feel old and ready to drop all the time. Blood " Last spring I could not walk, my feet were so swollen. I was emaciated and my blood was like water, it was so colorless and thin. Eight doctors tried to cure me, but they did me no good. A council of doctors said that I could not possibly live. Then I thought I would try Ayers Sarsaparilla, as I had read so much about it I took three bottles, and now I am perfectly well and weigh over 150 pounds." Mrs. M. E. Slatzk, Pulaski, N. V, July 13, 1S99. For Biliousness, take Aycr's Pills. Take them with Aycr's Sarsaparilla; one aids the other. T7"OU worry over trifles, and strange fan cies, born of a disordered mind, rob you of sleep. Things which would not trouble you in the day take horrible shape at night, and you get no benefit from your sleep. Or you toss uneasily, asking for morning to ceasa Sights and sounds annoy you and stillness oppresses you. You com plain of numbness and a prickling sensa tion in the limbs. That's Nervous v Prostration " During Ir.U year I was suffering with nervous prostration. For weeks I grew worse, became thin, could not sleep, nad no appetite, and was in a wretched condition. After taking several kinds of medicines without result, I took Ayers Sarsapanlla with more than pleasing results. My appetite returned, I slept soundly, my strength and weight increased, and now I am well and strong without the slightest trace of my old trouble. Indeed, I would hardly believe it possible for medicine to bring about such a change in any per son." Clara Mealy, Winter Hill, Somerrille, Mass December 2i, 1899. All druggists sell Aycr's Sarsaparilla. 51.00 a bottle. as I had been In the habit of doing. Ono night I forgot and let out & side remark, particularly directed at the audience. The company stood petrifled, and when we got off the stage everybody. Including my self, waited to see what would happen. A few moments later I had the pleasure of an Interview with Mr. Daly In hla private office." ELXEX TERRY'S HAMMOCK. Ces It Habitually Wherever She May Be Pterin. The most striking piece of furnishing In Miss Ellen Terry's dressing-room at the theater, no matter where she may have an engagement Is the hammock. Into which she flings herself between acts. "Here," says one of her Chicago friends, "I found her the other afternoon after the matinee. Her hair was long and blonde and crowned with a wreath of smllax. just as she had come off the stage. She sat there laughing, philosophizing and saying the wisest things and the prettiest in the world. In her animated, impetuous way for an hour. "With her was the child of a California friend a big, pretty child of lt-who was sharing the hammock. As I entered she had Just cuddled down close to tho actress and was saying, patronizingly: " 'Oh, I liked the play so much, and I thought you did real well. Miss Terry.' "And Terry laughed happily and hugged the little maid, as she loves all children and looks upon them as her own. She Is fascinating now as she was 20 years ago, and she has a vitality with which six or dinary women might thrive. She lay In the hammock, her long shapely limbs scarcely covered with a crinkly, fleecy gauze and no stays to hamper her (for Ellen Terry never wears them). There she was when I left her; and there she slept, with her wreath of smllax fading on her head, until It was time to disrobe 'and put on the chic frock of Nance OldSeld. in which character she appeared for the evening." DOESXT JTEED "EM HOW. Mme. Cal-rCa Early Experience With Padded Calves. "When I went to the Theatre de la Mon nale. In Brussels, In 1&V says Mme. Calve In Colller'c Weekly. "I made my debut as Marguerite. My second performance was to be Cherublno. At that time I was very slight, My neck and arms were thin, and so, of course, were iuy legs. I did not think I could possibly appear In breeches without something to make me look a lit tle plumper, so I went to the costumer of the theater and told him I wanted some pads. He made them according to his own Ideas of what they should be. and sent them to me so late that I had no time to try them on. I don't know what I must have looked like when I stepped on tbe stage, thin and girlish from the waist up, but provided with the most enormous calves. "After the first act the manager rushed around to my dressing-room. 'Gracious.' ho exclaimed, "where In the world did you get those legs. They certainly are not your own.' I admitted that they were not and said I thought I was too thin to dispense with pads. 'Don't you know.' he said to me, 'that a young girl with straight slen der legs is far better suited to the part of a page than when she disfigures herself with such things as those? Take off the pads and go out In your own legs.' I de cided to follow his advice. When I came on the stage again I was thin,-but at least syrometrlcaL "The effect on the audience was start ling. I seemed to see the peoDla in the theater craning their necks to discover what had happened to change me eo. The conductor of the orchestra stared at me as If his eyes would pop out of his head. After a moment or two the cause of the aston ishing alteration In my looks seemed to be understood, and there was a titter of laughter through the audience. Since that time I have never worn pads." Miss Anthony's Portrait. At the reception tendered Miss Anthony In Washington by Speaker Henderson's wife, tho venerable antl-suffraglst was taken to tho private art gallery of the Speaker and shown a fino bust portrait in oils of herself. Mrs. Henderson gave tho commission to an artist and had tho portrait painted to present to the Cor coran Art Gallery. It represents Miss An thony In full profile, attired In black, with lace at the throat and about her shoul ders the historic red ellk shawl, which gives the picture exactly the coloring that it needs. It Is a fine likeness, tho only criticism that could possibly be made being that not all the strength of her character Is in evidence. Miss Anthony looked at It with much pleasure. "Am I really as nice looking as that?" she inlraih !. 1