The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 01, 1900, PART TWO, Page 16, Image 16

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    Vy ---rr
-fr"np- vTtv "FALtf 1-$
The Strolllns; Flayers' Gate.
(Translated for Littelrs Living Age by Mary
Close to my vail a chariot -oraweth nigh. -The
ripe corn wares beneath the evening Tcy,
The nymph around her fountain lightly (Brings
.And toe faun laagha, for made Summer brings
Back from the lands where they have wan
dered far
The strolling players In their rustic car.
VTtio. treading that rude etage with naked feet.
In znununen garb of rouge and muk. repeat
Some early myth, some fable sung of old.
Or god-like story of the age of gold
finch -as by gleaming pool. In grot' profound
"With cries, with leaping, and with laughter's
The sunburnt satyr and the dryad played
In bygone days 'mid the dim forest's shade.
Enten, the hour is nt, the throng Is still.
And smiling, glad expectancy A th fill
The eyes of childhood and of hoary eld!
Come, for wide open are my portals held.
Laden, to welcome you with gardlands fair.
I see'-you enter, roses in your hair.
Each draped about irtth mantle light and gay.
With painted visage smiling like the May.
And each, ere crossing o'er my threshold's rim.
Laces the buskin on her ankle trim!
Henri de Begtner In Revue oes Deux Mon.des.
The Three Mutfkeicers" at the Mar.
uam, and the Boston Lyrics
nt Cord ray's Theater.
It did not take long for the Marquam's
Monday-night patrons to rally from their
feeling cf aggrieved disappointment at
the double dose of understudy to which
they were so unexpectedly treated In
The Three "Musketeers." Tuesday night
saw a very much moro contented crowd
of playgoers. But for a man Just re
covering from an attack of heart disease,
that flying leap through the window. In
the seventh tableau, seemed a bit haz
ardous. And his wife, in the role of
Lady de "Winter had very good reason
to look unc. .able as she stood
there, white trembling, amid the
whirr of bunt, is and tho slashing of
An unknown actor, or one new as a
star. In a well-known play, has such odds
against him as to entitle him to generous
treatment at the ands of a critical pub
He Harry Glazier has less need of this
gentle consideration than some other ty
ros in famous roles who have come to us
more loudly heralded than he. As the
hero of romantic drama, he has several
points In his favor a handsome, broad
shouldered, sinewy stage presence: a fair
mastery of stage art: an easy way of
making pretty, chlvalrlc speeches to
grand dames, and deftness with his sword,
In killing troublesome people who get In
his way.
He has also that contagious freshnr;s
of fancy and frank ingenuousnerv of
manner that go so far toward t.-.ming
the unreal into the real. This outhfuI
naivete and gallantry are the essential
parts of his equipment for the role of the
reckless, loyal young guardsman half
boy, half man that-Dumas has made so
famous. Of course, we hardly expect
him to rise to tho full height of t,he
situation, with that power for making
"points" that O'Neill and the late Salvinl
showed in the same role: nor do we look
for their superb plcturesqueness of pose.
The support was uniformly good. Vail
de Vernon made a particularly wily and
unscrupulous Lady de Winter, with that
. touch of bitterness that kept it from
seeming unnatural. John Barrett. In the
red robe of' Cardinal Richelieu, lent the
necessary atmosphere of intrigue to the
play.. Blanche Stoddard was queenly and
beaultful In the rolo of Anne of Austria.
"Warren Hill had an oasy part as the
weak King Louis, and Lawrence Under
wood, Thomas Flndlay and L. G. Ingra
ham played the roles of tho three mus
keteers with slashing gallantry and
The Boston Lyrics.
It Is hard to take the Boston Lyric Op
era Company seriously. The very thought
of their good-humored antics and gay
splurge of nonsense banishes gravity. Some
of their fun-making was meant to be
funny and some of It was not. But where
is the cynic who cannot forgive an occa
sional faux pas from such hard-working,
happy-go-lucky merrymakers as these? So
rang as the company is wiso enough to
keep within the limits or comic opera, they
will have appreciative audiences.
Some of the voices are remarkably
good and some of them atrociously bad.
The choruses were given with snap
and verve, showing the influence
of an excellent musio director. The
notable improvement in Mr. Car
dray's orchestra deserves special com
ment. Tho repertory this past week, em
bracing six different operas, besides the
half-hour of music before each evening's
programme, thoroughly tested its capac
ity for work and proved that it is now
one of the best theater orchestras that
Portland has ever known.
Domenlco Russo, the new tenor, has one
of those fresh, limpid, flawless voices that
apparently belle the statement so often
made nowadays regarding Italy's lost art
of producing singers. It is a voice that is
the product of climate and language,
rather than of method. Its purity, smooth
ness and sureness of tone are beyond ques
tion, but in that appealing sweetnets
which takes hold of the heart-strings, hli
volie is not equal to Agostlnl's, of ihe
Italian Opera Company, which gavo such
delight to Portland music-lovers a few
years ago. Slgnor Russo is but 24 years
old. and sings with buoyant enthusiasm
and abandon, but without real dramatic
power. Interest naturally centered in his
Turlddu, the role which we are told he
created for Mascagnl's "Cavalleria Rus-
tlcana," but except for an added note of
scorn to poor Santuzza, he was the same
in this role as in that of Manrlco. or Faust.
Dramatically, he loses in force because of
his short stature.
Its Heat "Work.
The most effective work of the company
as a whole was thrown into "11 Trovatore"
and, "La Mascotte." to the former opera,
Miss Maud Leekley gave a particularly
successful portrayal of Azucena, the
Gypsy, while In the latter, John Hender
son and George Kunkel, as the prince and
the fanner, kept the house In an uproar
of merriment. Josephine Stanton's true,
well-modulated voice makes her a valua
ble comic-opera prima donna: as Bettlna,
the humor she put into that quarrel wth
PIppo-was certainly piquant, and in "Said
Pasha" she made a winsome Serena. In
the role of Marguerite, in "Faust," she
sang her part admirably. But with the
one exception of George Kunkel, as Me
phisto, all the characters were weak and
colorless in "Fautt," the only grand op
era that was given If we accept the dic
tum that "11 Trovatore" is melodrama
run mad. Mr. Kunkel surprised even his
best friends by his clever Impersonation cf
the "arch fiend." that scene wherein te
cowers back from the cross on the hilt
of the soldiers' swordi being a particular
ly successful bit of acting. The company
as a whole were not equal to the dif
ficulties of Gounod's score. Cuts were
made with careless hand. Tho impres
sive church scene was omitted, and Val
entine's noble Invocation of the cross.
There were long waits between acts and
occasional signs of bewilderment, while
tho opera was In progress. Harry Ratten
berry. in the role of Valentino, unwit
tingly afforded amusement in his death
scene, which gave indications of. betas o
struggle with embonpoint, rather :haa
with the dark angel.
Boston Lyric Opern Company Enters
Second "Week nt Cordrny's.
The second week of opera at Cordrays
Theater by the Boston Lyric Opera Com
pany will be Inaugurated tonight, with
"Olivette" as the attraction. Henderson
will play Coquellcot, and Kunkel will ap
pear as De Merrlmac Miss Stanton will
sing in the title role, and Miss Nellie An
drews will play the Countess. The re
mainder of the cast is as follows: Velotlne.
Daisy Howard: Mostlgue, Grace Bell:
Marvefal. Frank Maslln: Duke de
Ifs. Harry L. Rattenberry: Valen
tine, Henry Hallam, and chorus of sol
diers, sailors and courtiers.
"Olivette" will be repeated tomorrow
evening. It is a tuneful opera and leng
since won popular approval: its choruses
1 are especially delightful.
In view of the favor accorded II Trova
tore" and "Fauat" during the past week.
Impressarlo Thompson will reproduce both
operas this week. It was In these pro
ductions and "Cavalleria Rustlcana" that
the new tenor of his company, Slgnor Rus
-.. -
5?:J.""f ."' .Vr." Tm "Vi .
heard In them, as well as In the part of
the Duke. In the fourth act or "RIgoletto,"
and In ihe third act of "Lueladl Lammer
moor." and for the first time in English,
in the ballad. "Because I Love Yo'i." .
Miss Stanton will appear during the
week in a repertoire of parts best suited
to the display of her abilities, and Miss
Andrews will sing Leonora in "11 Trova
tore." and In other Important roles. Miss
Maude Leekley will repeat her perform
ance of Azcuena in "II Trovatore." and
will sing In other contralto parts.
Among the other singers. Henry Hallam
will appear as Don Caesar de Bazan in
"Marltana," and is cast for other tenor
roles during the week, and baritone Frank
Masttn. a new-comer, whose first appear
ance with the Lyrics was lasKwcek. will
stag In the various production?. Come
dians George Kunkel and John Henderson
aro billed for all the opears of tho week.
and Kunkel will again Impersonate Me-
phlsto in "Faust a part somewhat out
of his usual line, but In which he scored
a fair measure of success on Friday eren
ing last. The repertoire:
Sunday and Monday, "Olivette": Tues
day, by request. "II Trovatore," with Rua
so as Manrlco and Miss Andrews as Leo
nora: Wednesday (doublo bill), "Boccac
cio" and fourth act of "RIgoletto," with
Russo, Stanton and Leekley In the east;
Thursday and Friday (double bill). "The
Pretty Persian" and third act of "Lueladl
Lammermoor." with Russo In the cast;
Saturday matinee. "Merry war": eatur
day night. "Marltana." In which Signer
Russo. will sins. In English, "Because I
Love You."
Pros and Cons of an Oft-Dlaeosseil
Topic Worth Reading.
ASTORIA. Or.. March S9.-(To the Ed
itor.) Of the many articles that appear
from time to time in the current press
on "The Church and the Stage." I hive
made extracts from a few that I thought
the most Interesting. They are the views
expressed by both minister and actor.
Rev. T. DeWltt Talmage has this to say,
in the Christian Herald:
"God has; not only Implanted this dra
matic element In your natures, but in the
Scriptures he cultivates it: he appeals to
it; he develops it. I do not care where
you open the Bible, you will fall upon a'
drama.. Because the drama has, again
and again, been degraded and employed
for destructive purposes, is nothing
against the drama. If you have not
known men and women connected with the
drama who are pure in heart and pure in
speech and pure In life. It Is "because you
have not had a very wide acquaintance."
Tho Actors Society, of America, on Oc
tober 1, 1K-S, sent forth an appeal to the
clergy, to assist in suppressing Sunday
performances. Following are extracts
from the letter:
"For many years the actors have pre
tested against Sunday theatrical perform
ances, as an usurpation of right enjoyed
by all other citizens a right to one dsy
of rest In seven. The Sunday theatrical
performance Is such a radical wrong, so
demoralizing, not only to the actors, but
to the community in wtecn the perform
ance is given, that we think it should be
tho first point of attack. If we can check 'People who nreprone to 'criticise the
the demoralizing Influence of the Sunday actor and his attitude toward-'he church
performance, we, may then be in a bitter should remember that lncintof the "Llt
pcsltlon to consider the suppressing of tie Church Around the Corner." When
some of the Immoralities of the plays 1 tho elder Ho land died, his sons, in com
themsclves." I pany with Josjph Jefferson, went In s-arch
IteV. l 1. OIlCiUDU. YW1U UUUCllWk I
edit a dally paper that would be safe for j
ri ii : 11.111 v im in-1 iiiiil n uuiu irt: ouic aut :
;cood Christians to read, givt his vw
of the theater. In the first Instructions he
gave his staff:
"Theatrical news not wanted. No no
tice will be given of any of the five the
atrical performcncES to be held this tfeek."
The following extracts are from a letter
published by Otis Skinner, a noted actor
and the ?on of a minister. In answer to a
sermon preached by an Indiana divine:
"That the theater has given cause for
much censure I do not deny; but because
you find abuse of privilege in any walk
of life. Is It your prerogative to condemn
to a leprous exile the class ot human be
ings wherein the error nas been discov
ered? "Should we brand the church as- an
Iniquitous Institution, because- there was
once a POoe Alexander? Because the
Puritan. divines committed murder, in the
Popular WHh the People.
Last Week
Boston Lyric Opera Co,
and the
TUESDAY II Trovatore;
Rigoletto; Russo as the
PRICES Lower floor, 502-and 75c;
deny most strenuously, and affirm that
my own observation, apart from he light
of prejudice, has caused me to admire and
respect the conduct of a clars of simple
minded, generous-hearted. Intellectual peo
ple, whose mlslson It is to bring whole
some sunshine and healthy life to thou
sands of our care-oppressed citizens."
Ul t& JUJiiCi IU UUij t.ic. ut.u. -
one on whom they called, on learning
that they were actcrs. said; he was sony,
! Vint h MA nnt hinlc hi po'jld do it:
that they were actcrs. said he was tony,
however, he added, there was a little
church around the corner, whese rector
would, no doubt, grant their request.
Jeffenson answered by saying: "God
bless the little church around the corner."
It Is a matter of theatrical history that
that dear old rcctcr did grant their re
quest, and the "Little Church Around the
Corner" became a byword In the theatri
cal profession, arid Is known far and wide
as the Christian heme of the children ol
the stage. B. TERRY M'KEAN. JR.
Farce-Comedy Will Succeed Comic
Opera at Conlray's.
The fun-lovers among the 'heater-goera
of Portland will have something to laugh
over when Have you been smitnr
comes to Cordray's next week, after the
close of the Boston Lyric Opera Company's
engagement at that theater. The three
elements of farce, rpeclalty and spectacle
are combined In the j-tece. which Is a
ludicrous satire on married life, and has
won substantial recognition during the
present season. The production is under
the direction of Thomas H. Davis, and
most of the clever players who helped to
make a success of the play in past seasons
are retained by him. The new people are
said to be quite as competent, and new
specialties are promised.
Signed With W. R. Dalley.
Max Stelnle and his pretty wife. Rose
Slmmen. two well-known Portland favor
ites, have signed with IV. R. Dalley for
next season. In a repertoire of modern
comedies and farces, the tour beginning In
California in September. Mr. Stelnle'a
clever, work" as Martin Tripp, in Hoyfs
The Midnight Bell." obtained for him
recognition as a successful comedian. In
conjunction with Rose Slmmen. his spe
cialty work will be a feature of Dalley's
Marqnain'a Next Attractions.
Burr Mcintosh and the Mayo company
of players will come to the Marquam
Friday and Saturday evenings. April 13
and II. with Puddn'head Wllfon." with
Mr. Mcintosh in the place of the late
Frank Mayo. In the title role-
WH1I6 Collier's "Mr. Smooth" Is the
next dramatic attraction at the Marquam,
on April 1, 17 and 18.
" "Darti'' ThU Weefc.
The Metropolitan Theater will be "dark"
this week, the stock company which has
been performing there having terminated
Its engagement last night.
There will be no performance at
Marquam. Grand this week.
Matters ot latemt to PlayKoera and
Actor Folk.
Daniel Sully is making a great hit
throughout the- country with "The Parish,', by Daniel L. Hart. The piece Is
of the comedy order, with a charming lit
tle aiory running through It. It gives a
vivid picture of the good-natured, shrewd,
tactful priest. In a country district of
Israel ZangwIH appealed hw suit
for libel against t'je New York Evening
Sun. Tho Sun charged that it was neces
sary for James A. Hearne ,to rewrlto
"Children of the Ghetto" before it could
be staged.
Daniel Frohraan has begun negotiations
wtth Charles Dana Gibson, with a view to
presenting a play based upon Mr. Gibson's
series of sketches, called "The Education
lS 1
I of Mr. Pfpp." that have appeared in Life.
Commencing Tonight,
Russo as Manrlco.
balcony, 25c and 50c; gallery, 25c; logeand
undertake the task of .building a play upon
J 'he Pictures.
Roland Reed has been discharged from
St. Luke's Hospital In New York. Ho
has, it Is said, entirely recovered from the
effects of the several operations that he
underwent, and his physicians say that he
is now in better physical state than ever
Madame Helena Modjcska probably will
sail for Europe in May, and there Is a
chance that she will be seen as Hamlet
while visiting her native Poland.
Lulu Glaser, It is understood. Is to go to
Berlin this Summer, with the Intention of
studying for grand opera.
Frank Daniels Shorn That News
papers Attract Theatersrocrs.
Frank Daniels made an experiment re
cently at Wallack's. New York, calculated,
to set at roet arguments as to the most
valuable form of advertising. Speaking
of It the comedian said:
"As everybody with eyes roust know,
theatrical organizations pay out a fortune
every year for advertising. This adver
tising takes many forms newspapers, bill
boards, lithographs in windows, elevated
railroad stations,' postal-cards, ftrcet-cara
and a hundred and one other things sup
posed to catch the eye of the public.
"There was a pretty warm argument
the other night In my dressing-room over
the best form of advertising. I didn't take
part, because I knew It would result as I
had heard the same argument result many
times before. But the next day I con
sulted my manager, Klrke La Shelle. and
we concluded to test the thing by the only
reliable means. So that night, between the
acts, ushers distributed among the audi
ence clips with a brief printed statement,
setting forth the disputed question and
politely asking the recipient to Indicate
by a check marie, In the list of various
advertising forms employed, which one
had attracted him to the performance the
"cd" In the newspaper, the billboard!,
window lithographs or something cl;e.
"Well, the people seemed to take kindly
to the Idea, and the resp-nee was most
liberal. Eleven hundred llp were hand
ed to the U3hers nfler the next curtain,
and of that number 991 showed that many
of the 1100 had been attracted by the
newrpapers solely. Henceforfh." the
comedian concluded, "the newspapers will
get ten-elevenths of all the money Man
ager La Shelle sets aside for advertising
Something Wrong;.
The extraordinary rpectacV Is again pre
sented of a man (Edwa'd E. Rice) who
has swept the country with dozens of suc
cesses, who has had In his employ pretty
nearly every star who now treads the
boards, at some period or another, and
yet who. after a quarter' of a century of
managing really big things. Is so poor
that he Is compelled to appeal to the
sympathy of his former employes to help
him out of the ho!e of financial desuetude.
Th!s man has In his lifetime spent over
J1.CO3.C0O on scenery alone, not to speak
of salaries, costumes and ra'lroad fares,
which would very easily amount to J3.000,
000 more, and yet not a dollar of It all ha?
clung to his own hands. Is It not a nad
comment on the whole business that to-
waru me c;o oi iia me. adu? iinu w
take a bnflt-that Lester Uailack took
one al50 af;cr 0 years of work, and that
even Maurice Grau had one last season
Yet these are all the biggest men we have
had always handling huge sums of mon
ey, and ending as poor as Job's turkey.
Brooklyn Citizen.
Actresses nave to Paint.
"It Is a mistaken Idea that actresses are
as a rule handsomer on the stage than
off," writes Franklin Fyles In the Ladles'
Home Journal. "The reverse is as likely
to be true. Nevertheless, all theatrical
faces have to ba painted. It may be as
sumed safely that none of the complexion
Is genuine. An exceptionally clear and
pink skin may require no falsity. A dark
one may chance to suit the character to
be assumed.
"But tneee exceptions to me ruie aro
rurc. AI1C gitso Ut ailllilllt Jfil nuuiu
make most faces ghastly white or un
pleasantly sallow If bright hues were not
laid on. The art of coloring a pretty vis
age Just enough and not overdoing It is
one which all actresses should learn.
Many do not. and so we seo beauty dis
figured Instead of enhanced. Others are
"There are two distinct processes. One
makes use of colored powders applied
dry. The other mixes the same powders
with grease, making a substance called
grease paint."
Nat Goodwin and His Wife.
"As for these stories," said Nat Good
win to a reporter recently, "ot separation
between my wife. Maxlne Elliott, and my.
self, either professional or domestic do
vou know that makes me mad? I think
more of her little finger than all the world
besides. Her company is ot more use and
solace to me than any one else's. No bet
ter wife was ever given to a man. and I
ought to know; for I've had my own trou
bles. Professionally she Is as much an aid
to me as I am to her. I recognize her
value financially, for she receives VXO ?
week salary, and after I make fX.COO,
which Is about our total living expenses
(remember I pay J7S a week alimony). I
divide the profits with her. Seeing that
my profits run from J30.000 to $80,000 a
year. She la not badly provided for. She
has got over '$90,000 of her own In bank
now. No; don't believe these absurd sto
ries. I have been wild, yes; but I am
not a total fool, tor I know a good thing
when I've got it."
lie Marry me. darling, and life will be
one grand, sweet song.
She I am not quite sure about that
.,.i. nn ten cr week It could only
I K- -gUme song.h.cago News.
Sunday, April 1st, Matinee Saturday.
Persian; 3d Act Lucia di Lammermoor; Rus
so as Edgardo.
SATURDAY NIGHT Maritana, and Russo, for
first time in English, "Because I Love You."
box seats, Matinee 25 cents
"Portland Kennel Club"
3d St., bet. Ash snd Pine Sts.
Hundreds' of the finest bred dogs from all parts of the
Pacific Coast will be on exhibition.
Entries positively close Thursday, April 12th.
Entry blanks and premium lists with full information can be
had on application to the Secretary, J. A. Taylor, Room 451
Sherlock Building, cor. 3d and Oak Sts., Portland, Or.
Pedigree not required to show your dog.
Make your entries early and you won't get left.
Oregon Yncht Club Election Fair
Score at the Clay rijeeon Shoot
Golf Record Broken.
As the date of the bench show approach
es, and the fact becomes more known
that the Kennel Club has opened an offlce
for Superintendent J. W. Burrell, fanciers
are becoming Interested and. Judging from
the numerous inquiries from those think
ing of placing their dogs on exhibition, the
show will be a success, numerically. In
an Interview, Mr. Burrell made some time
ly suggestion? and pertinent remarks as
to preliminaries.
He states that there are a number of
dogs, from hto observation in his short
stay In the city, belonging to local men
which are fine thoroughbreds, but their
owners seem to be entirely unconscious
oi me iac so any one wisning rma-
tion regarding the quality or form of their
dog for the bench, or regarding the filling
up of entry blanks, he will furnish It
as far as he Is able. He recognizes the
fact that this is the first bench show for
Portland, and Is practically a venture, and
the following up of this worthy enterprise
will depend more or less upon the en
couragement to this show. Being a new
undertaking, he finds that the management
Is sadly handicapped In not having ad.
. dresscs ot fanciers, who would otherwise
,celve entry bIanka and prCmlum lists,
T. , .... ... , n i....-. ..,.
I n(. auch matter ,n tne,r addres
as soon as practicable. He also fears that
the Idea may spread that this bench show
is a money-making concern, and this Idea
he wishes to dispel as quickly as possl w u,w .., ..w, ,..-
AH the return the officials will re-
celve for their time and money will be
the lion's share of the work, as all money
proceeds are devoted to current expenses,
such as feeding, benching and care of the
dogs on exhibit. Money prizes will rot be
hung up, diplomas and medals being the
only premium outside of cups donated as
special prizes. Mr. Burrell assures intend-
in,- .-rhiwtor, th.-v n xlehtmtehmtn will
...B .-..- .-.- "-- - -- -- -:-
bj engag:d for the protection of those leav.
ing dogs at night.
He states that this win be an excellent
opportunity for local men to get In line
nn thlr Antm flj h!ph-rtarjt (iOS Will COmA
m from California, wasmngton ana urn-
ish Columbia and from all sections of Ore-
gon. He says with emphasis that entries
will surely close April 12.
"My advice Is." said he. "If you have a
good dog. show him. If he wins a prize,
you will value him all the more. If not.
you will have the satisfaction of know
ing that you have helped along a legiti
mate enterprise."
Mr1. Burrell said that what went further
in his mind towards auguring for the suc
cess of Portland's show was the class of
cess 01 ronunas buuw was wc "3
..- -. .-j Krn. tv,,- .it
. ... . .. ... va.. rw .,.. i ...i" .- -
where he has had business in this direction . Qulmby streets this morning. at cJf
had for members of its kennel club such a Rev. A. W. Ackerman. of the First Con
SoUd. enterprising lot of business men. and gregatlonal Churc .will address th. , men s
this alone assures success meeting at the . M. C. A., this afternoon,
A further hint Is thrown out. In the at 3:30 o clock.
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is good for you whether
you are sick or well. If side, it will tone up your stomach,
arouse your sluggish liver, and
If well, you need me Diners
your health and strength, and
ease away, ine Diners are lor
well as men. Try it. Take no
Stomach Bittei
FRIDAY Double Bill Pretty
and 50 cents to any part of the houss.
18th, 19th, 20th cind 21st
larger clubs of the Ea
there Is a women's
which Is to devote spJ
pet or toy dogs, and
maintaining this sectta
is rather early for her
Is but In Its Incipler
might think about th
nesslng this prellmlnnl
Secretary Taylor h;BT!WBPBrem lists
In press, which lists. wIlL be. ready for dis
tribution early In the'eoniing week. Nu
merous Inquiries have come In his mall as
to special prizes. Tho management, while
not soliciting these special prizes, will
gladly accept cups or premiums of like
nature, to be given to the best dog In
such class as the donor may designate.
Already without soliciting two silver cups
have been donated, one for the fox ter
rier class, the other for tho collie.
Orecon Yacht Clnb Election.
Tho annual election of officers of the
Oregon Yacht Club, whoso boathouse
and yacht quarters are near the foot of
East Clay street, took place Friday even
ing. There was quite an attendance of
the members of the club. The following
directors were elected for the ensuing
year: Ira S. Hill. L. N. Woodward. Beth
Catlln. W. B. Beebe. H. F. Todd. J. E.
, a A , The offlcer3 eIect.
"" , T , , ,.,,
ed are as follows: Ira S. Hill, commodore:
L. N. Woodward, vice-commodore: R, IL
Austin, port captain: Gilbert Dalglelsh.
W. H. Robb and W. L. Sutherland, re
gatta committee. The outlook for a lively
yachting season for the club Is excel
lent. Most all the memliers of the club
have rebuilt or overhauled their boat?,
and have them about ready for the sea
son's sport. Several new yachts have
been built, which will make their appear
ance before long, and the river will be
dotted with their white sails on Sundays
and the long Summer evenings. How
ever, few of the yachts are yet in the
water. The improvements of the boat
house and the place where the yachts aro
moored will not be commenced for about
,nnth some piles will De onven ana
J ntJ?- . ' ,lVt thP boats may ba
moored and reached better than hereto
fore. .
At Hotel Portland Tonight.
March "Plcadore" -" - Sousa
Waltzes "Rosalind" F. OscarElmore
Gems from "Amorita"... -- Czibulka-
. Spanlsn TO.? R"""-;-,"'-
. rr-vn.t. icnaractenaucj xia ri
n..,t Thmh" Ei!enbergr
Grand selection "Faust" GSHn.?
"Narcissus" (by request)......... -Nejin
Waltzes "Zenda" .. .Frank M. Wltroark
Serenade for trombone and C0TJiit:"L,re
i overture "Plnue Dame"
.. Von Suppa
, art "Little Beauty".. Wm- Bendlx
Negro oddity "Prancing Pickaninnies
Max Dreyfus
George H. Parsons.
Musical Director.
Rellisioua Announcements.
The following notices of services today
were received too late for a place In the
church department:
The Rev. W. H. L. O'Rorke, of San
Francisco, head of tho Seamen's Institute
- i. Trtf r"n.i.t. will Dreach at St.
. ui mc ... . ----- . .
vt'B rhurrh. corner of Nineteenth ana
regulate your bowels.
10 mainiam
to keep dis
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