The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 01, 1900, PART TWO, Page 14, Image 14

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A Rhnpsody.
I kissed tier last night as we parted!
I felt her lips touch mine
As Anger-tips dUlre
Touch willing chords that sire
The beart-throtm plsjr that live,
I kissed her last sight as Tie parted!
K I had rokmd her
I should hate kl&ed her
I kissed her lost night as ve parted!
New Tork World.
Anticipatory Social Flatter Faintly
Perceptible Prospective "Wcd-
dlng The "Weelc
Somebody who evidently overlooked my
limitations asked me the other day -who
constituted smart society In Portland, and
what entitled one to admission thereto.
Plasc pass the question on. If anybody
has definite knowledge to Impart on this
perplexing and complex subject, let him
answer. I frankly and cheerfully confess
my Inability to do eo, and I would not If
I could. Such clecr and distinguished
people ns Mr. Arnold White and Mr. Mas
slngham, who have been criticising smart
society, on account of Its "natural Inef
ficiency." are emphatically told by the
London Spectator that they neither of
them know what they are talking about,
although the Spectator Itself, which Is
very good authority on some things, re
luctantly admits that It Is not able- to
define what smart society Is. It Is a sort
of social nebular hypothesis, I Imagine.
There Is a faintly perceptible llutter of
anticipation, a promise In the air of gale
tics to be. So many things are due to
happen immediately after Kaster. The
charity ball begins to loom large and im
portant In the lessening distance, and .the
various committees are busy with prepar
ations for what, it Is expected, will, be
the grand culminating event of tho season.
The reception at the Patton Home on
"Wednesday afternoon, from 2 to 5, was
largely attended, and was, as It always
Is. a most happy and successful affair.
The rooms were tastefully decorated, and
the dear old ladles w ho find a ref ugo from
the vicissitudes of life In this beautiful
place enjoyed the occasion quite as much
as any one. Mrs. Adolph Dekum, who Is
president of tho Patton Home Associa
tion, received, together with Mrs. P. Knox,
Mrs. W. O. Forbes, Mrs. Hester Cook and
Mrs. W. S. Cutler. Mrs. C. H. Hamlin and
Mrs. L. M. Davis served tea In tho dining
room, and made everybody fid at home.
Enjoyable "Author Tea."
Mrs. R. Livingstone's "author's tea" was
a. most delightful and novel event, and
everybody who was fortunate enough to
be there enjoyed the afternoon immensely.
The Social Whist Club, organized by
Mrs. Ambrose Haseltlne. is a double
Quartet of gentlemen and their , wives,
which meets every Tuesday evening at
the residence of one of the members to
play progressive whist. Those belonging
to this very delightful club are: Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Williams, Dr. and Mrs. Qll
lesplo, Mr. and Mrs. McCusker. Mr. and
Mrs. Mathena, Mr. and Mrs. Zim
merman, Judge and Mrs. Cake, and Mr.
and Mrs. Alexander Kerr. The club mot
this week at Mrs. Haseltlne's. Mrs. C
B.. Williams and Dr. GUIesplo won the
first prizes, and Mrs. Gillespie and Mr.
Mathena tho "booby" prizes.
Mrs. W. S. Lodd gave a luncheon on
Wednesday, to which a number of her
friends were Invited, and which was a
very elegant and enjoyable affair. The
decorations were unique and tasteful, and
the menu left nothing to be desired. Mrs.
Ladd Is always a most gracious and
charming hostess, and entertains with
that spirit of hospitality which Is
eo characteristic of true Oregonians. Mrs.
J. Wesley Ladd asslted her In receiving
and entertaining her guests on this occa
sion, and looked as charming as usual.
Several handsome toilets were worn. Mrs.
Ladd's gown was quietly elegant, soft
and rich In" effect. It was black, for she
Is never seen In nny color.
There arc at least three notable wed
dings scheduled for the fortnight after
'Easter, and all the talk Is of trousseaus
and bridal finery. Thero will bo -some
exquisite costumes worn for the first
time next Sunday. Everything Is made up
with the light, fluffy effect as to hems,
and fichu and bolero simulations about
the bodices. There is a noticeable re
turn of the crude blues that were eo much
In favor with our grandmothers and which
are so trying to any but the clearest com
plexions. However, the dressmaker's art
overcomes all objections of this nature, by
effecting combinations that tone down and
soften the stronger colore.
A StrlklnK Gown.
One striking gown, of brilliant blue fou
lard silk, to be worn by a beautiful brown
haired maiden, has the' collar, cuffs and
, underskirt all of applegreen rather a
startling combination to speak about, but
most effective and becoming to esc and
further finished with a fichu of guipure
. But speaking of clothes. Just now, one's
thoughts naturally revert to Slgnor Rus
so's II trunks, crammed full of finery,
and yet women arc supposed to monopolize
In matters of dress.
If you had heard Dr. Lord talk to the
children about song birds, lovely maids
and matrons, devotees of fashion, you
would never again have the heart to wear
so much as a Denny pheasant feather In
your headgear. But please remember,
friends and reformers, that most of the
birds you see on hats these days art
The boarders nt SL Helen's Hall are
whlling away the tedium of Lent In a
fashion all their own. They have been
giving a series of original performances.
Saturday night at was a "shadow play,"
and the poster preen notices, and so on,
were marked by a fine sense of humor, a
well as great ability. AGATHA.
Various Happening of the "Weelc nt
Vancouver llnrrncUa.
Second Lieutenant Harold B. Cloke,
Third Artillery, Is here on temporary duty
this week from Fort Stevens, and Is the
guest of Major and Mrs. F. W. Hess.
Major J. N. Allison returned from Se
attle the early part of the week, where
he was ordered on temporary duty In
connection with the Department of
Mrs. C. Wllmarth. of Spokane, Is visiting
her sister, Mrs. F. A. Boutelle.
One of the charming social events of
the otherwise quiet week was the de
lightful luncheon given by Mrs. J. W.
Jacobs, In honor of her guest. Miss H.
Healey. The table was artistically decor
ated with white lilacs and violets In tall
cut glass vases. Besides the hostess and
guest of honor there were present Mrs. li
F. Glenn, Mrs. J. N. Allison. Miss Char
lotte Whalley, Miss Trotter. Miss Wolver
ton. Miss Clayton. Miss Louise Trotter and
Miss Mary Wolverton.
Mrs- E. F. Glenn will leave on Wed
nesday for St, Paul, where she will visit
her mother, Mrs. M. Smythe, for a few
Tho President has appointed Mr. Selwyn
D. Smith, only son of Captain and Mrs.
Sebree Smith, to be a Second Lieutenant
In the Thirty-fifth Infantry.
Weddings of the Week In Portland
nnd nt Other Points.
On Wednesday evening, -March H. at the
residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Brown, 1S2 Third street, their only
daughter, Frances, was united in marriage
with Mr. George W. Young, of Pendleton,
Or. Tho ceremony was performed by
Rev. Thomas X. Wilson, of'St. Stephen's
ChapeL Only Intimate friends and rela
tives wen present. The gifts were quite
numerous and costly. After congratula
tions and a sumptuous supper, the newly
married couple left on the night train for
Pendleton, their future home.
On Sunday afternoon, March 25, at the
home of the bride's parents in Washing
ton County, Or., Mr. Archie Pike and Miss
Mattle Blllstlnc, both of the vicinity of
Beaverton, were united in marriage by
Rev. Potter of the M. E. Church. Only
Immediate relatives were present. A
tempting wedding dinner was served, af
ter which the newly-wedded couple re
paired to their futuro home, west of
Beaverton. They are estimable young
Married. In Portland, last Wednesday,
at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs.
Blanche Moore, Daniel Parsons and Miss
Alice McNamer, of Forest Grove, where
they will make their future home.
Engagement Announcements.
Mrs. F. Wise announces the engagement
of her daughter. Miss Eva, to Mr. Harry
Moskow, of Johannesburg, South Africa.
"At home" today, at 233 First street.
Entertainments nnd Social Events
Here and Elsewhere.
A pleasant surprise party was tendered
Mrs. W. B. Edwards, of Astoria, on
Tuesday evening, at the residence of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. BelUon, 3St
Third street. Singing, dancing and rnusla
entertained the party until a late hour.
Refreshments were served at midnight,
Mrs. Edwards leaves for home in a few
A very pleasant surprise party was
given Mrs. H. Wetzler, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Vullleumler, corner of
Tenth and Taylor streets, last Wednesday
evening. Whist and music were Indulged
In until a late hour, after which refresh
ments were served.
Last Monday evening Martha Washing
ton Chapter, Order Eastern Star, gave a
social at Its rooms In Burkhart HalL The
programme covered music, addresses, rec
itations and graphopbone selections. At
its conclusion the audience, consisting only
of Eastern Star members, partook of a
dainty luncheon, supplied by the enter
tainment committee.
Mrs. R, Parcell and Mrs. J. W. Beran
were given a surprise party last Saturday
evening by a large number of their
friends, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.
Parcel). 425 Ross street, the occasion be
ing their expected departure next Friday
evening for England. Tho evening was
pleasantly passed with music, cardplaylng
and spcechm&klng. Light refrasnnientt
were served. About SO people were pres
ent. The women of George Wright Relief
Corps gave a very pleasant entertainment
at G. A. R. Hall Friday evening, March
23. A programme of unusual excellence
was rendered, and was followed by whist
and dancing. Ice cream and cake were
served during the evening. A handsome
piece of Battenburg lace, donated by the
president, Mrs. Ida E. Harkleroad, was
disposed of, Mrs. Virginia A. Kelly holding
tho winning number.
Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Jones gave a
dinner party on Thursday, In honor ot
Miss Gertrude Heltshu. Besides the
host and hostess and guest of honor there
were present: Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Lewis,
Mrs. Bowen of San Francisco, and Mr.
and Mrs, J. Wesley Ladd.
The Progress Club met at tho home of
Judge C B. Bellinger Monday afternoon.
The hostesses were Mrs. Lawrence
Knapp, Mrs. P. Colburn and Miss Kate
Jamleson. Mrs. Amldee Smith sang
Sunshine and Rain" and responded to
an enthusiastic encore with "Little Boy
Blue." Mrs. Levi Young read a paper
on "Ottawa," delineating Canadian life
from the ocupation of the place by the
Indians to the present time. She paid a
high tribute to the literary ladles of Otta
wa. The residence of Dr. Grant Gallagher,
1003 Mabel street, was the scene of a bril
liant gathering of young people yesterday,
the occasion being the seventh anniversary
of the birth of Genevieve, youngest daugh
ter of Dr. and Mrs. Gallagher, and who
was the recipient of many beautiful pres
ents. Mr. Charles Welch, of the late Met
ropolitan stock company, contributed to
the enjoyment of the young people
Sir. and Mrs. Karl Schneider Gather
Many Friends About Them.
Last Saturday evening the silver wed
ding of Karl and Sophie Schneider was
celebrated at Artisans' Hill. Mr. and
Mrs. Schneider were married March 22,
1S7S, and the celebration was In the na
ture of a testimonial of the high esteem
In which they are held by their numerous
friends. Beautiful and valuable tokens
wero presented by lodges and friends. The
order of the evening was dancing and
there were refreshments. Louis Dam
masch addressed felicitous remarks to the
pair and assembled company. The fes
tivities were continued until a late hour.
Among those present were members of
Thusnelda Schwester loege No. 1. O. H.
T.; Eureka Council No. 1. Knights and
Ladles of Security; Evergreen lodge No.
X. D. of H.; Mr. and Mrs. Beutelspacher
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dammasch and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Habercost and fam
ily. Mr. nnd Mrs. FItchner and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Prazll and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Feeney and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Schneider and family, Mrs. Drew and
family. Mrs. Pauline Behrens, Miss H.
Sagelbrech. Mr. H. Sagelbrech. Mrs. Eb
crllng and daughter, Mrs. Bente, Mrs.
Mann. Miss Mahn. Miss Meyer, Mrs.
Wunderli. Mrs. Schacht, Mrs. Hoch and
Miss Tlllle Hoch.
Ebb nnd Flow of the Social Tide In
nnd About Portland.
L. C Confer nnil TrlfA txrlll Tanit.
Alaska next Wednesday.
Miss Nan Wood, who Is attending board-
lng school in New York, will spend tho
summer In Europe.
Mrs. W. B. King has returned home
from a visit to Chicago.
Captain Cabell and family will spend
the summer at Vancouver Barracks.
Mrs. William Ladd. who has been In
California, Is expected home In April.
Mr. and Mrs. R, H. Pease and Miss May
11 ta Pease aro at present In New York.
Charles F. Little returned last Tuesday
from a week's recreation on the Sound.
Mrs. James Bennett and son have moved
from 3S5 Morrison street to 73S Hoyt
Mrs. C E. S. Wood returned home last
Saturday from a protracted visit In Now
Mrs. John J. Bradley will go to Vancou
ver Barracks early this week for the sum
mer months.
Mr. Hunt Lewis returned from New
York on Monday by way of Panama and
San Francisco.
Miss Peoples, of South Bend, Is In the
city, the guest of Mrs. Ambrose Haseltlne,
257 Stout street
Mrs. Lathrop, who bos been traveling'
In the South and East for the past month.
Is expected home shortly.
Don Rhea, who has been attending
Stanford University this year, returned to
Portland last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stephens, of Pleasant
Home, will celebrate their wooden wed
lng on Wednesday, April 4.
Hon. Harry B. Miller, of Eugene, re
cently appointed Consul to China, has
becn the guest of Judge and Mrs. Tanner,
at ML Tabor, during the -week.
Mm. P. Bacon and son. Stanley, left on
the 19th Inst., to visit friends and rela
tives In Seattle and Victoria.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. McCornack. of
Salem, have been visiting Dr. and Mrs.
Edward Geary. S20 Corbett street.
Mr. and Mrs. L O. Davidson left Sat
urday night for a week's visit to Mrs.
Davidson's father In Polk County.
Charles A. Lounsbury. of this city, left
last weelc for Ashland, where be will fill
a position with the Southern Pacific
Miss Ida Harris, of San Francisco, who
has been visiting Mrs. Wlsner at the Col
onial, left for home Wednesday night by
Mrs. Clarence Nichols, who has been
visiting In Pittsburg, Pa., is on her way
home and Is expected to arrive early in
the week.
Dr. and Mrs. William Skene have taken
the Palmer house, on Johnson street, and
Mrs. John E. Young tho Gauld house, on
King street.
Mrs. William Arthur Buchanan and
Miss Cornelia Buchanan have returned
from San Francisco to their home, "The
Briars," Mount Tabor.
Miss May Richards left last Friday for
a six months' trip In the East, where she
will visit relatives in and about Mew
York City nnd Boston.
Miss Mary Nott, who has been a guest
of Mrs. E. Bollam, Nineteenth and Kear
ney streets, left tho first part of last week
for her home In Honolulu.
Mrs. M. B. Griswold, of Baker City, after
a sojourn of several months In California,
Is now visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gil
son, W3 Kearney street, this city.
Benjamin Latz leaves today for an ex
tended trip South and East, and will bs
gone several months. Mrs. Latz, who Is
now In Salt Lake, will accompany him.
Dr. Wllmarth L Northup, son of Judge
Northup. has returned from New York,
where he has been practicing dentistry
during the last year. Dr. Northup ex
pects to locate permanently here.
Mrs. H. C Smith, wlfo of the County
Commissioner, accompanied by her eldest
son, Charles, left on the Southern Pacific
overland Monday evening for Ontario,
near Los Angeles. CaL They will be ab
sent for some time.
Onr Aim.
Tho best-fitting tailor-made suits and
latest stylo of skirts In the market, at
moderate prices and on easy payments.
Eastern Outfitting Company, 3SS-390 Wash
ington. The Jolly Neighbors.
Seventh party, Friday evening, Burk-hard's.
Various Events of the "VV'eeit In the
State- of Oregon.
Oregon City.
Carl Church has returned home, after a
year's absence at Newton Falls, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. X W. Cheney wero the
recipients of an entertaining surprise
party Friday night, the occasion being the
ninth anniversary of their wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Barlow have Is
sued Invitations to 'the marriage of their
daughter. Beatrice, to Mr. Charles DIerke.
of Portland, on Wednesday, April 4, at S
P. M.
The First Presbyterian Church cele
brated the close of a successful ecclesias
tical year Friday evening, with a recep
tion to the new members. Refreshments
were served.
Mrs. Theodore Clark entertained tho
member of the Shakespearean and Dickens
Clubs Wednesday afternoon. An excel
lent programme was presented, and dainty
refreshments were served. The parlors
were tastefully decorated.
Oregon City Assembly of Artisans cele
brated the presentation of a banner for
the greatest Increase of membership Fri
day evening. The Oregon City Assembly
won. In a membership contest, participated
In by all tho lodges In the State.
Tho Saturday Club gave a, delightful
"mystic gate social" at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Albright. Friday even
ing, about 75 guests being present, Tho
musical programme consisted of a piano
duet by the Misses Alda and Vesta
Broughton. piano duet by Mrs. L. L. Por
ter and Miss Edna Caufleld, a piano solo
by Miss Edith Cheney, and a vocal solo,
with response, by Miss Lulu Spangler, of
Corvallts. In the decorations of the mystic
gate and parlors Oregon grape. In full
bloom, predominated. Partners for the
grand march through the mystic gate were
selected through conundrum puzzles, and
each couple was handed a forecast of the
future by an Invisible being at the gate
way. McMlnville.
Miss Jessie Bond returned from Illinois
last Wednesday.
William Campbell returned Tuesday
from an extended visit In California.
A pleasant surprise was given Mrs. C. F.
Daniels at her home In this city Thursday
W. J. Strong and family left Thursday
for Carlton, where they will make their
future home.
Miss Ekstein, of Portland, visited her
brother and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. B,
Ekste!n. last week.
Mrs. Amble Griffith entertained at whist
Saturday evening a number of friends.
Mrs. R. L. Conner won first prize and
Miss Anderson second.
The J. U. G. Club was entertained at
the home of the Misses Hobbs last Mon
day evening In honor of Miss Ella Strong,
who left Thursday for Carlton.
Mrs. Annie Evenden Invited a few
young friends on Tuesday to meet Miss
Ella Strong, who moved to Carlton, the
last of the week. A merry time was spent,
the principal amusement being "crokin
ole." Mr. Daniel Gaunt and Mlsa Ollle Mc-
Catnlsh were married at the home of the
bride's parents. In this city, Sunday even
ing. March 28,. Rev. Arnold Llndsey offici
ating. Miss Halite Reynolds and, Mr.
Charles Young acted as bridesmaid and
groomsman respectively. This was 'one
of the most pleasant affairs of the season.
Miss Amy -Lemon has returned to Mon
mouth, after a short visit In this dry.
Mrs. WUCam Ross has returned to As
toria from an extended visit with her
daughter, Bessie, at Palo Alto, Cat.
Mrs. F. W. Prael, after visiting for
several weeks relatives In this city, hat
returned to her home In Falrhaven, Wash.
Rer. Edward Curran has resigned his
postorato of the Congregational Church
and accepted a call from a church In
Mr.. and Mrs. George M. Hawes left on
Wednesday evening for Portland, where
they will make their home for tho Imme
diate future.
Mr. George W." Warren has resigned his
position with the Astoria National Bank
and will spend the Summer at his home
In Warrentown.
Samuel C Kern, of Portland, spent Sun
day last with Lieutenant Cloke, at Fort
Stevens. Accompanied by a few friends,
they visited Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kinney. -who have
been spending the winter at San Diego.
Cal.. have returned and are now located
In Portland.
On Friday evening of last week tho
Boys Club of the Congregational Church
gave an enjoyable social In the parlors
ot the church. About 60- persons wero
The steamer Lurllne left Astoria on
Monday evening for an excursion to The
Dalles, arranged by the Chamber ef Com
merce and the Progressive Association.
About CO representative people composed
the party, which, after a delightful trip,
returned to Astoria on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald have gone to
Missoula, Mont,, where they will remain
during thea6ummer.
The ladles of the local lodge of Women
of Woodcraft gavo a delightful enter
tainment In their hall Friday evening. The
programme consisted ot well-chosen num
bers ot music and recitation.
The members of the local Union Veter
ans Union gave a "camp-fire" Saturday
evening. In order to remind the old sol
diers very forcibly of some of the few
pleasures of Army life, & chicken dinner
was served.
The music teachers of this city will givo
a concert Monday evening, at tho Metho
dist Church, for the benefit of Professor
W. F. Scobie, who has been 111 for the
last three months. Salem's society people
promise to make this concert the chief
event of the week.
Misses D. and Rebah Gans gave a party
last Friday evening, in honor ot Miss Mar
garet Hodgkln, ot Portland, and Mr. B. E.
Haney, of La Fayette. The evening was
spent In social converse and in playing
games, closing with the serving of a light
lunch. Like all reunions of university
friends, this was a very pleasant occa
sion. Pendleton.
Mrs. Nellie Nelll and Miss Bertha Slater,
ot La Grande, have been visiting rela
tives here.
S. B. L.. Penrose. D. D.. President of
Whitman College, attended the Teachers'
Institute here last week.
Mrs. W. H. Camtne returned Sunday
from Portland, where she visited Mr.
and Mrs. Sidney B. Carnlne.
A letter from Mrs. L. F. Cook, in .Daw
son. Alaska, says that she and Mr. Cook
will return this summer.
Mra. J. A. Borle and Miss Fanchon
Borle returned Friday from Los Angeles,
CaL, where for the past year they vis
ited relatives.
Mrs. John Vert has returned from a
week's trip with Mrs. Chadwlck, Grand
Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star,
through Eastern Washington, where they
visited many chapters of that order.
A very pleasant recital was given on
Friday afternoon at the Church of the
Redeemer, by two young men from Whit
man College. Mr. Lovewell rendered sev
eral selections on the organ and Mr. Fish
er played on the violin.
Mr. George H. Burnett and Mrs. Nancy
Belt, 'of Salem, are In Dallas, visiting rel
atives. Miss Bertrand Craven returned this
week from Missouri, where she has been
since early fall.
"Mr. and Mrs. Seth Thurston have re
cently arrived In Dallas from Ontario,
Canada, and will make this city their
A Jolly party, consisting of Mrs. Felix
Noel, Mrs. L T. Mason. Mrs. J. N. Town
send. Mrs. J. H." Lawton, Miss Lillian
Hackleman, Miss Blanche Noel. Mrs.
Richmond and Mrs. Rlggs. attended the
Bryan speaking Jn Salem. Wednesday.
Mrs. J. L. Blddel gave a very enjoyablo
afternoon tea last Thursday, in honor of
Mrs. Margaret Lutke, grand worthy mat
ron of the Order of Eastern Star. The
elegant home was beautifully adorned
with potted plants and early Spring flow
ers, Mrs. BIddell was assisted in en
tertaining by Miss Nora Craven and Miss
Lilian Hackleman, who poured tea dur
ing tho afternoon.
Miss Pearl Miller has returned from
Mr. and Mrs. W. ,H. Abrams have re
turned from the East.
Mrs. David Houston, of Portland. Is vis
iting at the home ot Mrs. S. L. Logan.
Mrs. M. Sheldon, of Harrlsburg, Is visit
ing In Eugene, the guest of Mrs. J. W.
Mrs. J. M. Abrams entertained her
friends of the H. A. L. Club on Thurs
day afternoon.
Miss Inez McClung has returned from
San Francisco, where sho has been pursu
ing art studies.
The Order of the Eastern Star gave a
very enjoyable banquet on Thursday even
ing, in honor of Mrs. Margaret Lutke, G.
W. M., of Portland. Covers were laid fot
Miss Edith Perclval. of Whlteson. after
a short visit In Monmouth, has returned
to her home.
Claud Fryer, of the Hospital Corps, late
ly returned from Manlln, Is home on a
visit to his parents.
George Wells, of Buena Vista, father ot
Judge Wells, of this county. Is very ill
and Is not expected to recovc, owing to
old age.
Rev. W. S. Smith, pastor of the Pres
byterian Church ot this city, has moved
his family here from Caldwell, Idaho, and
will make this his futuro home.
Forest Grove.
Dr. J. W. Strange, of Roseberg, Is visit
ing his family In this city.
Mrs. Mary Mack-Golvln, of Sacramento,
formerly principal In Tualatin Academy,
from 1S76 to 1S7J. Is visiting Forest Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Loudon. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Baker and L. D. Baker, after
a. two years' residence In Forest Grove,
left Thursday for Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada, to reside
Lo Grande.
Mrs. Ira Balrd Is visiting friends In
Mrs. J. F. Meoxlesls visiting friends In
Mrs. H. C Grady has returned from a
visit to Portland.
Miss Ethel Garfield, of Walla Walla,
Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. D. Mathl&on.
Mrs. M. L. Spauldlng. Mrs. Nellie Nelll
and Miss Bertha Slater have returned
from visits to Pendleton.
55rs. F. B, Swaney pleasantly enter-
Furniture, Carpets, Stoves
Smith's Best Tapestry Brussels, beautiful patterns 60c yc
All-Wool Ingrain, best grade
This -beautiful
o-Cart, rubber
W63" . .-
only $7,00
WB have ft (,' line of BasBj Sq.
Car's ?.5S,P UP, TS-SuY Go-
Carts, 13,75,
This pretty
full reed body,
ilk upho'eury,
rubber tires,
Th's handsome Buggy,
st e red In silk plush.
Only $12.00
I. GEVURTZ, The Homefurnisher 173aNn.dw.;
tatned about 23 -women friends at whist
Thursday evening, dainty refreshments
following the games.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harris arrived Tues
day from a. flvo weeks trip through tho
Arthur Veazle, of Portland, was tho
guest of his sister, Mrs. E. R. BryOn, a
few days last week.
Mrs. S. G. Miller returned to her homo
In Oregon City Tuesduy, after a pleasant
visit with Con-alls friends.
At the Congregational Church Saturday
evening Rev. P. S. Knight entertained a
few friends with an exhibition of pictures
thrown on a screen by a ghost lantern."
Mrs. Clarence E. Dentier, after a long
visit with Corvallls relatives, left Satur
day for Puerto Rico. At Plttston. Pa..
she will bo met by Captain Dentier. and
the two will make tho remainder ot the
Journey In company.
Tho Eastern Stars had a delightful time
at a special meeting, held In their hall, Sat
urday evening. Mrs. Lutze, of Portland,
grand matron of the order, was present,
and delivered an address. There were
also a Shakespearean reading by Mrs.
Sarella G. Miller, grand president ot.the
Native Daughters of Oregon: a speech
by Colonel B. A. Miller, of Oregon City,
and a banquet, at which covers were laid
for CO.
Mfca Winnie Lewelllng Is 'visiting friends
in Ashland.
Miss Lllllo Crawford, of Albany, Is a
guest of MIs9 Stella Harmon.
Mrs. P. W. Benson returned Wednesday
from a month's visit with her parents In
San Francisco.
A. E. Tunnlcllffe and wife left Thurs
day for Baker City, he having accepted
a position there.
C. H. Cannon and wife and Mr. Danio,
of St. Paul, Minn., are visiting George
Marsh's family, at Looking Glass.
P. L. Kennedy and mother, Mrs. M. A.
Kennedy, aro guests of Polk County rel
atives. E. IL Cowles left Tuesday evening for
Contact, Mont., after a week's visit with
his family In this city.
Last Thursday evening a number of the
friends of Mrs. Currle McCabc gave her
a surprise party at her home. The even
ing was spent In "progressive croklnole,"
Dr. M. J. McCorkle winning the nrst prlzo
and Mrs. M. J. McCorklo" tho booby.
R. B. Goodln and William Bender, of
Salem, are HUlsboro visitors.
E. A. Reames. of Jacksonville, was tho
guest of Mrs. T. H. Tongue, the Urst ot
the week.
Mrs. W. S. Miller, of Goldendale, and
Mrs. Samuel Miller, of Vancouver, were
guests of Mrs. J. E. Adklns last Sunday.
Rev. Frank B. Matthews, a former
HUlsboro resident. Is now pastor of the
Immanuel Baptist Church of Newton,
A successful basket social. was given In
the Hozeldale schoolhouse Saturday night,
March 17.
Miss AIIco Fleck, accompanied by her
cousin. Miss Edith Crawford, are spend
ing a few months In San Francisco and
Oakland, Cal.
A basket social will be given In tha
Jacks schoolhouse Saturday evening, April
7, for the benefit of tha Farmlngton and
Hazeldale (Farmlngdale) Bicycle Club.
The Ilntlcd.
Miss May Beall, of Portland, Is visiting
friends In this city.
Mr. Polk Mays and family havo left for
the eastern part of the state, to spend the
The Misses Rose and Myrtle Mlchell re
turned Saturday evening from an extended
trip through tho East.
H. W. Wells returned from Washington
Monday, and will spend the Spring and
Summer In Tho Dalles.
Grant's Pass.
F. R. Walsh, of New Tork, and A, N.
Golf Bails.
Can be obtained from all dealers or
Sam'l Buckley & Co., lWWUHiaStNtwTorit
65c yd i
This good, durable Buggy
Only $7.00
Til A Ti-crt la nnntt trn rrnnA . -
,. .., Uw..u ., .uuU m it S3 reel
The celebrated Eclipse, lower In price, than
TTlfI l.irtlA T-nllnaa. TnnA Mn-.n -f
;" i-xu.u uwut
VA1SX! Oft.!,,.. .
Only $25.00
K)nlA CtA.l.T)HA ...a wii- i a..
h- i ook :cve J&s:)
No. S Cook StoveIII"II!
75 First St.
Cor. Yamhill
Sprat, of San Francisco, have beer" look
ing after their mining Interests here.
District Attonuv n Tt Wow
is in
iuwn several aays last wq
John R. Harvey, of t
mine, left for Chicago
Major J. A. Connclj
has been visiting
F. T. Sutherland
from Arizona, acq
Various Events
Stnto of
Miss Jennie Cox, of Woltsburg, 'Wash.,
Is visiting her parents here.
Mra. Snrder, of Walla Walla, has been
a guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Mayer for
a week.
Charles Mumper, Amos Barker and Miss
Nina Barker were guests ot Miss Mabel
Flke during the week.
Grant Eberle. who has been visiting rel
atives here for several months, has re
turned to his homo at Pana, III.
G. E. Busan has returned from a visit
to his family at Lewiston. Idaho, and ex
pects to remain hero during tho Summer.
Captain Percy C. Maltbln. formerly of
tho Independent Battalion. Washington
Volunteers, and Miss Elsie I. Smith.
"cd Perfect Food'
"Preserves Health"
'Prolongs Life" g
"Known the world over.
. . . Received the highest in- I
dorsements from theaedlcal .
practitioner, tho none, and
the Intelligent housekeeper
and caterer." Dietetic and
Hygienic Gazette. . B
nnnpucerra imcc
Tnda-Mark """ "if iimw. sj
Bon Ever Packags Established 1780. g
Every One Wants
Shopping Baskets
35 CENTS TO $1.00
D. M. Averill & Co. 331 MorriionSi.
The Talk of the Northwest!
Dr. Pfundcr's Manual of Health Sug
gestions for the restoring of mind
and body, for you cannot have
sound or jaru in your human frame
unless in Spring you fortify your
stlf by using Dr. Pfundcr'i
C:jrMlcri, Tested tzi Sure.
"" lr5?El,iIV
ssssssssssssssKd. I1L.