The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 01, 1900, PART TWO, Image 13

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PAGES 13 TO 24
NO. 13.
m. Gadsby
Tapestry Brussels Carpet
This Week, Made, Laid on
your Floor with Lining,
zr . rof ST'
Before Ihe Spring Rush commences we are prepared to make Special
Prices on Carpets, and would advise the public to get to work with the
Spring house cleaning early.' Carpets are advancing in price, but we will
keep at '99 prices as long as possible. The Tapestry Brussels Carpet we
offer to make at 75c is not the cheap kind, it is a good medium grade and
guaranteed to give good service for 7 years we have others as tow as 50c
per yard but do not recommend them. We carry in stock:
Smith's Best Axmtnsters at $1.23 per yard
Beatty's Extra Velvets at $1.25 per yard
Lowell Body Brussels at $1.25 per yard
Smith's Extra Brussels at $1.00 per yard
Sanford's Velvets, Extra, at
Saxony Axmtnsters, at
tapestry Brussels, Smith s,
pdras Brussels, at
all wool, at
i". all-wool filling, at
half wool, at
Smyrna Rugs,
fnew Oriental effects
'all dtscrlptlons.
'alog free to country
Wm. Gadsby, The Housef urnisher
Jif- y
in a "hand-me-down" suit or overcoat.
Have your garments made to order by
for goods of equal value, and they will
wear longer and look better, and will be
made as you like them, and will give you
quite a different appearance than if you
wore ready-made. We'll be pleased to
show you our large stock of new Spring
and Summer Woolens.
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
All work made in this city by best jour, tailors.
Garments to order in eight hours, if required.
Samples mailed. Garments expressed.
108 Third St, near Washington
Corner First and Washington
$1.13 per yard
. $1.15 per yard
at 75c per yard
50c per yard
65c per yard
55c per yard
45c per yard
40c per yard
Pro-Brussels Rugs, Ingrain Art
and colorings.
Everything In stock to furnish
Argument for the Puerto Rico
After Tfro Store Dajri' Debate the
Final Tote Will Be Taken
Tuesday Afternoon.
"WASHINGTON. March 3L So far as
the committee In charge of tho measure
Is concerned, the Puerto Klcan bill was
completed today with the exception of
two amendments, which Senators ha.t e-
quested should lis over until Monday. The
nnl two day' debate on the bill will
begin at U o'clock Monday. At 4 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon the votes will be taken
on the pending amendments and the bill.
The feature of today's session was an ex
haustive discussion of the pending meas
ure by Fairbanks, of Indiana. Partic
ular Interest was manifested by Senators
on both sides of the chamber In the speech.
In view of the attitude of Fairbanks' col
league. Beverldge. Several of the Indiana
membets of the House listened to the
speech, and a cordial hearing was given
Fairbanks by Senators of all parties. He
supported vigorously and unequivocally
the pending measure.
The Proceedings.
Foster (Rep. Wash.) offered and hid
passed a. resolution directing the Secretary
of uie Navy to report what surveys had
been made In Islands recently occupied by
the United States.
Consideration of the Puerto IUcan otll
being resumed. Bacon (Dem. Go.) made
a statement concerning the substitute he
offered yesterday for the pending unfin
ished business. He desired, he said, to
arrogate to himself no credit for the sub
stitute, as It was the measure originally
prepared by Foraker (Ken. O.), amended
slightly. He could not speak for nil the
members on his side of the chamber, but
he knew that as he had Introduced the
measure In -the utmost gti faitn, rame
Democrats would support It. It present
ed, he thought, the best proposition yet
made as to Puerto Rico, inasmuch as it
provided a free territorial governm'Jit of
the United States.
Foraker said he was not Insensible to the
compliment paid him by Bacon In adopt
ing his "original draft" of the Puerto
Rico measure, and was Inclined to con
gratulate him upon having reached the
point where he (Foraker) was two mi-rfhs
ago. The bill, as he now regarded it, waj
entirely Inadequate, although at tho time
he drafted it he deemed It an excellent
measure. It did not, however, provide for
many particulars covered by the p Mln,?
-bill, and he declared it was utterly nod
equate tor the purposes Intended.
The pending question was on the anvial
ment offered by Allen (Pop. Neb.), pro
viding that the bill should designate Puer
to Rico as a.' territory of the United States.
Allen read a brief 'prepared by H. F. Ran.
dolph, a member of the New York bur
on the "Constitutional status of jur Is
land possessions." A few mrcrtes earlier.
Allen had been refused permission to have
the brief printed as a, public document,
McCbmas (Rep. Md.) objecting. After
Allen had read about one of the U pages
of the brief, he was given permission to
print it as a part of his remarks.
McComas then had read a recent state
ment of Mr. Havemeyer. president of the
American Sugar Refining Company, In
which he argued In favor of the free ad
mission Into the United States of the
sugar from Puerto Rico, and expressed the
belief that the time would come soon when
it would be admitted free. McComas ad
verted sarcastically to the agreement
upon tho Puerto Rlcan question, which he
said Havemeyer and Allen were in.
When that section of the bill relating to
the legislative assembly of Puerto Hloo
was reached. Pettus (Dem. Ala.) offered
this amendment:
"That the Legislative Assemblyof Puerto
Rico shall have no power or authority to
enact any law in conflict with the Con
stitution of the United States."
The amendment was lost. It to 31.
Fairbanks (Rep. Ind.) then n'Hr-jned
the Senate In support of the pending meas
ure. Senator Fairbanks said in part:
' "Whether the Constitution extend? au
tomatically to a territory acquired has
been a much debated question. Divergent
views have lcen and will be slxarply en
tertained uron the subject- dach differ
ences of opinion will continue until the
Supreme Court shall determine the ques
tion. Its supreme Judgment will be ac
cepted by the country. Until it shall in.
tcrpret the power of Congress under the
Constitution, Congress should reserve
to itself the widest possible liberty, the
amplest discretion in dealing with the
r-roblems and conditions which are now
facing us. The greatest danger in dealing
with the new problems which engage our
attention is undue haste, inconsiderate ac
tion. There will be no difficulty in solving
them if we will be content to act only
upon ample In' rmatlon and be willing to
retrace our etc If we go wrong."
Fairbanks presented In detail interest
ing Information regarding Puerto Rico,
Its people. Its trade. Its commerce and
its productions. He sh wed that the es
timated revenue from the 15 per cent duty
on the basis of lost year's commerce
would be 1307,756.
"Every dollar is to be faithfully dedi
cated to the benefit of the Puerto Rlcans,"
he said. "Not a cent is to be retained
and used for the benefit of the United
States. And yet those on the opposite
side of the chamber challenge the imposi
tion as if It were conceived In an un
generous spirit and for an unholy pur
pose. "The statement has been frequently
made that the duties were modified and
imposed at the dictation of the sugar and
tobacco trusts. Let us briefly analyze the
situation. The interest of the trusts If
interest they have Is limited to the two
articles, sugar and tobacco, which are
exported to the United States. The sugar
trust, we are advised, is Interested chief
ly. If not exclusively, in the refining of
sugar. The least observant mind must
perceive that it is Interested in the ab
solute free admission of raw sugar, and
that it Is In the very nature of things
opposed to the imposition of any duty
whatever. It is inconceivable that It
would advocate the lmposltlon'of a duty
upon its raw product, so as to Increase
the price thereof itself, unless we at
tribute to it less sagacity than It Is sup
posed to possess.
"What Is said with respect to the sugar
trust applies with equal force to the to
bacco trust- The removal of the entire
duty and unrestricted free trade would
undoubtedly meet with its cordial and
enthusiastic approval
"For one, I would regard myself recre
ant to the trust committed to me and
false to the best interests of the people
of the United States If I did not by my
vote compel these trusts and their allied
Interests to pay some part of maintain
ing the Puerto Rlcan government, which
they do pay under the duty upon their
raw products, rather than increase the
direct taxes upon the people In the Island,
or, in tne alternative, appropriate It from
J the Treasury ot the United States. We
rest the justification of the pending bill
upon the broad ana simple proposition
that it Is the duty of Congress to pro
vide revenue for the territory belonging
to It. and to provide it in a just and
equitable manner. There Is no power
save Congress which can legislate for
Puerto Rico. It is entirely within the
competence of Congress to burden them,
but to do so would be in contravention
of the genius of our institutions and con
trary to the wishes of the Congress and
the people."
At the conclusion of Fairbanks re
marks. Davis (Rep. Minn.) presented a
compilation of tariff statistics In sup
port of the remarks he had made a few
days ago, some points in which he said
had been challenged.
Consideration of amendments was then
proceeded with. The first was an amend
ment offered by Allen and accepted by
Foraker. that "no public Indebtedness ot
Puerto Rico, or of any municipality there
of, shall be authorized or allowed In ex
cess of 7 per cent of the aggregate tax
valuation of its property." The commit
tee had fixed tho limit at 10 per cent ot
the tax valuation.
The committee amendments, with the
exception of two one relating to the
question ot oKlzenshtp of Puerto Rlcans,
and the other fixing the qualifications j
of a delegate to tne iiouse or represen
tatives of the United States were agreed
After a brief executive session, the Sen
ate at 4:19 P. M. adjourned until II
o'clock Monday morning.
The following bills were passed: To
refund to W. T. Scott and one other
32750 each, which they had paid as sureties
of Davis B. Bonfoy, of Texas: to estab
lish light and fog signals at Brown's
Point. Puget Sound; for the relief of I
Gllman Saw tell; to enable John Collins,
a subject ot Great Britain, to dispose ot
his rights, title and Interest to certain
lands held in New Mexico.
Called Upon for
LONDON. March M. The Times has
the following from Seoul, capital of Co
rea: M. Pavloff, the Russian Minister, recently-demanded
from Corea the cession
of a coaling station to a Russian steam
ship company at Atkinson Point, com
mandlng Mesampho Harbor, and to pre
vent o. counter-claim by Japanese of the
neighboring area, he demanded that Corea
should not alienate In any form any por
tion of Kojedo Island to any other power.
Yesterday, at an imperial audience, for
reasons not given, but surmised. M. Pav
loff modified his original demand, asking
Instead of Atkinson Point another site
within the treaty limits of Mesampho.
This demand Is unobjectionable. At the
same time, however, he Insisted on the
nonallenatlon of Kojedo. His action In
dicates that Russia claims the reversion
of this Island, which is of high strategic
al value as commanding the Corean
Straits, and is bound to provoke Japan
ese opposition.
YOKOHAMA, March 3L The Japanese
press asserts that the Russian squadron
Is still at Chemulpo, and that It will
probably proceed to Mesampho to en
force the demands made. It is believed
that. In the event of Corea yielding, Japan
will demand a similar concession on the
Corean coast.
British Cruisers at Tales.
TIEN-TSIN. China, March 31. Tho
British second-class cruiser Hermlona
and the third-class cruiser Brisk have
arrived at Taku.
Juvenile Slavery.
NEW, YORK. March 3L The Herald
Demands will be made on the State
Board, ot Charities for an investigation of
the New York Juvenile Asylum's methods
of indenturing children left temporarily
In Its charge. Three cases have been dis
covered where children, who had been sur
rendered to the asylum for two years have
been Indentured to Western farmers for
the entire period of their minority.
"White slavery, that is what It amounts
to," declared Michael J. Scanlan. counsel
for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul,
who Is Investigating the case of Joseph
Blllottl. whose three children, two girls
and a boy, have been apprenticed in Illi
nois until they became of age, despite the
father's protests.
Mr. Fcanlan says he has learned It is a
common thing for the asylum authorities
to disregard the temporary surrenders
and the protests of parents in sending
children out of the state to work on farms
until they become of age.
Harvard Won the Debate.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., March 3L Har
vard w.on the, annual" debate with Yale last
night, "the question being: "Resolved.
That Puerto Rico should be included In
the customs boundaries of the United
States." Harvard had the affirmative
side of the question. Harvard was repre
sented by Wilbur Morse, of Philadelphia;
Ellas Mayer, ot Chicago, and Harry A.
Yeomnns, of Spokane. Wash. Yale's
speakers were Mason Trowbridge, of Chi
cago; Ashley D. Leavltt, of Melrose,
Mass.. and Ferdinand Blanchard, of New
ton, Mass.
Coal Famine In Germany.
BERLIN, March 31. Coal shares con
tinue rising through the expectation ot
Increased earnings. Upper Silesia an
nounces a further rise in coal tomorrow.
The famine continues unabated. The
Westphaljan brickmakers have established
a co-operative society for the Import of
foreign coal, and the Blngen Chamber of
Commerce will petition the ministry to
forbid coal exports.
Populist Press Meeting;.
JACKSON. Miss.. March 31. Captain
Frank Burkltt, president of the National
Reform Press Association, has Issued a
I call for the association to assemble in
1 Cincinnati May' 7.
Fortifications Appropriation Bill
Passed the House.
Three Bonn' Debate Precipitated by
a. General Political Speech Made
by Shattuc, ot Ohio.
WASHINGTON, March St. The House
j today finished a hard week's work by
passing tne xortmcations appropriation
bill. Not a single amendment was of
fered, and the bill passed as it came from
the committee. It -.arries t7.093.lSS. A
three hours' political debate was precip
itated by a general political speech made
by Shattuo of Ohio, many members on
both sides being drawn into it- A reso
lution was adopted to ro-elect the present
board of managers of the National Sol
diers' Home.
The Proceedings.
The House proceeded to the considera
tion of the fortification appropriation bill.
It wa9 agreed that general debate on the
measure should not exceed one and cne
half hours.
Hemenway (Rep. Ind.), In charge of tho
bill, explained its provisions. It carries !
S7.093.4SS, being S4,6SG,4G0 less than the es
timates. He said the reductions in the es
timates had been made because It had
been demonstrated that the Government
could manufacture Its own guns cheaper
than it could buy them, and the appro
priation would be sufficient to keep our
gun factories .at work eight hours a day
for the ensuing year. The Government,
.he said, manufactured 12-lnch guns cheap
er Dy fiu.wu man tney could De purcnasea,
and 10-Inch guns $7500 cheaper.
Shattuc (Rep. O.), under tho latitude
allowed In general debate, followed with
an hour's speech on general political top
ics, the tariff, expansion and Southern
election laws. Shattuc denounced the in
consistency ot Southern statesmen In de
manding that the natives In our Insular
possessions be given all the immunities
of American citizenship, -rrhlle they were
using all their Ingenuity to rob the
Southern negroes of the Constitutional
rights conferred upon them. He took as
his text an extract from a recent speech
of Senator Tillman, of South Carolina.
"This distinguished Southern Senator."
said he. "while pleading for the people of
the Philippines, who are by comparison
SO per cent less capable of self-government
than are any of our people: while
claiming for them alleged Constitutional
rights, while claiming that they have no
right to be governed without their con
sent, is at the same time admitting, and
boasting of It. too. In the face of the
Government Itself, that he sanctions the
oppression of our own people, who under
our Constitution have the same rights
exactly as they have themselves. 'Would
you shoot a poor Filipino Into submis
sion?" he asked. 'Would you force them
t become, citizens of the United States?"
he queried. No, not If every person In
the Philippine Islands should petition to
become citizens. If they were to receive
the same Inhuman treatment after sub
mitting and after becoming citizens of ths
United States that millions of our people
who are citizens now receive In the South
at the hands of tho Democratic party In
shooting submission Into them, forcing
them to give up their (political) citizen
ship." (Applause on the Republican side.)
"If you want to learn how the consent
of the governed Is obtained in a larger
Held, right here at home. Just .read the
reports of the contested election cases
which come up here annually from the
Southern states. Why, sir, they vote men
down there who have been dead for flvo
years. They stuff ballot-boxes. They
bulldoze, and they ndopt any measure
and go to every extreme to acompllsh
their purpose. So, Mr. Speaker, knowing
all these facts as I know them. I do not
attach any Importance whatever to tho
Inconsistent arguments of this Cpnstltu
tlonal expounder, or to the "sympathy
racket' of the opposition."
Richardson (Dem. Tenn.). the minority
leader, challenged some of Shattuc's
statements relative to the advantage
which tho latter claimed accrued to the
country from the passage of the DIngley
law. Richardson contrasted the appro
priations Immediately preceding tho
Spanish War with those during and sub
sequent to it, contending that tho lat
ter exceeded the former by 3300.000,000
annually. "That sum. said he, "rep
resents the cost of the empire over tho
cost of the republic"
"Does not the gentleman concede that
much of the expenso for the coming year
grows out of the Insurrection In the
Philippines?" asked Hemenway.
"I do." replied Richardson, "but tho
insurrection grows out of the empire."
Hemenway replied to Richardson. He
said he was surprised to hear the Demo
cratic leader denouncing excessive ex
penditures. The Democrats had shouted
for war, he said, before It was declared;
now they were denouncing tho expenses
the war entailed. Hemenway challenged
the other side to point out a single Item
of extravagance in any of the appropria
tion bills. In reply to this challenge,
Fitzgerald (Dem. Mass.) and Jett (Dem.
111.) cited the promotion and Immediate
retirement of high officers In the Army.
Kenicnway offered the record of the sol
diers so retired. In justification.
Replying to Richardson's assertion that
the Interests of the woolgrowers had been
disastrously affected by the DIngley law,
Hemenway said no one ever had to ex
plain why everything went up under the
Wilson law.
William Alden Smith (Rep. Mich.) pro
duced figures to show that the price of
sheep had doubled under the DIngley
I Bell (Pop. Colo.) declared that fco ex-
travagance of the present Administra
tion was without parallel in the history
of the country.
Fitzgerald (Dem. Mass.) denounced the
Republican party for not being able to
repress trusts, which, he said, were en
Joying the principal prosperity existing
In this country today, and declaring great
dividends on capital Invested.
Lovering (Rep. Mass.), reverting to
Richardson's statement concerning the
price of wool, admitted that wool had
been higher abroad since the passage of
tho DIngley act.v
"But" he said, "the reason was mani
fest to" those who understood the condi
tions. Between the election of 1S36 and
the passage of the law enormous quan
tities of wool were Imported in antici
pation of a higher tariff. That stock Is
now exhausted, and the woolgrowers
from now on will receive the benefits ot
the tariff which the heavy anticipatory
Importations prevented."
Tho bill was then passed without
A resolution was then adopted re-electing
the present Board of Managers of
the National Soldiers' Home.
The minority of the committee on mer
chant marine and fisheries was given
until April 20 to file Its views on the
ship-subsidy bllL
At 3:03 P. M. the House adjourned.
Sew O. II. fc X. SiRn May Prove Mis
leading. Yesterday sign painters were at work
painting the familiar shield of tho Union
Pacific and tho words "Oregon Short
Llne" on the windows of the O. R. & N.
city ticket offices. This revived the an
cient rumor that by alliance of Interests
the Union Pacific and Short Line local
offices were to be abolished and their
business merged in the O. R. & N.
city ticket office. An official of the lat
ter company said that rumor was mis
taken. He added that, owing to a com
munity of interests, the three companies
had agreed to adopt the device shown In
the sign In all their offices all over the
country. He said also that this did' not
mean the closing of the Union Pacific or
Short Line offices at all, but that In time
these latter would bo similarly dec
This Company Also Abolishes Fre-pald-Oriler
Afcenclea Here.
From its headquarters at Montreal the
Canadian Pacific yesterday sent impor
tant Information here, showing an in
clination to work in harmony with the
American lines. Briefly. It announces
that It will at once withdraw Its pre-pald-order
agents In this territory. In
speaking ot abolishing these agencies
generally. General Freight and Passen
ger Agent Markham, of the Southern
Pacific, said yesterday:
"This action on the part of the North
ern lines removes an element which has
been a disturbing factor In passenger
rates from this territory, growing out
of the facilities with which rates can be
manipulated through order agents.
"In consideration of the withdrawal of
Northern lines from its 'territory, the
Southern Pacific agrees to restore repre
sentatlon via Portland. In other words,
a traveling passenger agent will now go
out In tho field, work up business and
bring It to the Southern Pacific, and our
agent will sell a ticket to a passenger
over any line he desires.
"The practice of railroads In the West
to do business through prepald-order
agents Is entirely foreign to anything
that has obtained In the East, and the
action of the Northern lines In withdraw
ing order agents simply restores on tho
Coast a state of affairs formerly exist
ing and which exists all over the East."
nallroad Xotes.
The Union Pacific will hereafter place
dining-cars In through service between
Ogdcn. Granger and Chicago.
In the matter of a spur from tha O.
R. & N. line to the site of the proposed
smelter, tho company's surveyors have
been for a week past making more definite
and certain their preliminary lines, here
tofore laid.
A. B. Hart, who has long been con
ductor on the Union Pacific's train be
tween Portland and Chicago. In charge
of tourist parties, has "been appointed pas
senger agent of the company at Cincin
nati, vice C. Adams, deceased. Mr. Balrd
will succeed Mr. Hart
Local railroad men eay that on Monday
W. H. Sncdaker. the general agent of the
Illinois Central, and Commercial Agent
Trumbull, of tlfe line, will arrive here and
open new offices for the company nt 112
Third street, to be In charge of Mr. Trum
bull. These offices will be next door to
tho city ticket office of the Southern Pa
cific. F. M. Stndley. of Seattle. local man
ager there of the Nippon Yusen Kalsha
steamship line, run in connection with
tho Great Northern to Japan, Is In the
city. Ho states that the company is
carrying out heavy cotton cargoes now
to Yokohama. Tho company Is building
three new steamers of 0000 tons each one
on the Clyde and two In Japan. The
first will go Into service this Summer.
Who Canght the FlihT
The deputy Game Warden was on the
East Side yesterday making inquiries con
cerning an alleged infraction of the game
laws In the taking of about 2C0 trout from
Cedar Creek, out In the neighborhood ot
Revenues. How the report got out that
these fish had been caught before the
game season was opened Is not known,
but It has been reported that two young
men from the East Side were out several
days ago and caught these fish. The ap
pearance of the Game Warden making In
quiries yesterday caused a mild sensa
tion along Grand avenue, but whether
there will be any developments remains to
be seen. Cedar Creek is about 27 miles
from Portland and a good place to catch
Street Committee Favors Fifth
Street Franchise.
Beyond That, Differences Are Still
Pending A Remonstrance Filed
Against Transfer Road.
A franchise to the Portland Traction
Company for the construction of a street,
railway down Filth from Jefferson to
Sherman, east on Sh-rman to Second,
south on Second to Sheridan, and east
on Sheridan to First, was yesterday
recommended by the committee on streets
of the Common Council. This is a por
tion of the franchise Into South Portland
asked by this company some two months
ago, and carries the line to the point
where the proposed route conflicts with
prior holdings of other railway companies.
There has been no opposition whatever
to what was granted yesterday, but the
differences over the other portion of the
route are still pending.
F. I. Fuller, superintendent and man
ager of the Portland Traction Company;
Judge H. H. Northup, attorney for the
company, and O. F. Paxton, president ot
the Portland Railway Company, all ap
peared before the committee and urged
granting the franchise over the undis
puted territory, which wa3 to the ter
minus before mentioned. There has been
no opposition by property-owners along
the route, or from others, and as the com
pany desired to get Into shape for work,
the committee readily recommended this
portion of the franchise, and the matter
will come before the next meeting of the
Council. As for the route across Mar
quam Gulch and on Into the southern end
ot the city, negotiations are still pending
between the Portland Traction Company
and the City & Suburban Company.
Neither of the parties stated yesterday
that progress had been made towards an
nmlcablo arrangement, but It Is under,
stood there are fair prospects of the Port
land Traction Company securing a desir
able crossing, of the gulch without legal
conflict with prior holdings.
Granting the franchls? from Jefferson
down to First and Sheridan has a double
effect for the Portland Traction Company.
It enables them to begin work Immediately
on that portion of the line, nnd If It be
comes necessary to litigate over the re
mainder, the company will be In better
condition to demand such franchise If Its
road already extends to the point In ques
tion. There at least will be no question
of Its purpose to build.
Transfer Rallrond.
Consideration of the Front-street fran
chlse for a railway line was deferred ow
Ing to the absence of Chairman Martin,
who has been taking an active interest In
the matter. Councilman Cameron, who
was chosen temporary chairman, an
nounced that Mr. Martin would be pres
ent at the next meeting of the committee
two weeks hence, at which time the two
contending parties will be heard. There
were In attendance several representatives
from both the Front-street property-holders
and residents of South Portland, but
not "nearly so many as would have been
had It not been generally understood that
no action would be taken. A petition, or
sort of remonstrance, signed by between
SO and 90 prominent property-owners of
Front street, was filed. This represents a
great amount of property, as some of the
signers own large buildings and even
blocks. To have the matter settled finally
these signers lncorpo-ate In their petition
the following statement:
"In signing this remonstrance, we wish
to be understood as protesting against
any such franchise that In the future
may be asked for until such time as we
shall file a written notice to the con
trary." This Is Intended to prevent the necessity
of soon making another canvass for elg.
natures, should there again be heard the
statement that Front-street property-owners
have changed their convictions regard
ing the matter, or should the Council be
again prompted to take It up at the re
quest of those holding opposite views.
Other Matter.
No action was taken on the ordinance
prepared by the water committee guarding
water pipes against electrolysis.
A petition for the Improvement of an
alley between Fremont and Crook streets
was recommended to be granted.
A petition for the Improvement ot Stark
street between Third and Seventh was
considered, nnd the committee nsked ths
City Engineer to prepare estimates of the
Damages asked by Mr. Isherwood for Jha
city taking a 10-foot strip of his land for
the road to the crematory, was Drougnt
up and referred to the City Attorney for
an opinion. In constructing this road a
10-foot strip on either side was asked.
One man on the same side as Mr. Isher
wood has been sustained In his claim, and
Mr. Isherwood's position Is regarded prac
tically the same. Should this 10-foot strip
be lost to the city, there will be only ft
10-foot road at this point.
Chinese "Who It minted Arrest With
n. LonK Knife.
Chung Lee Is the name given by a mur
derous chicken-thief, who now occupies a
cell In the City Prison, with a charge of
larceny and assault with a dangerous
weapon placed against him. On Friday
night, Chung was busy confiscating chick
ens from a coop of .Charles Anderson. 1113
East Washington street, when he was in
terrupted by Mr. Anderson, who proceeded
to arrest him.
Tho Chinaman drew a long butcher
knife and made a savage lunge at Ander
son, who dodged the weapon and grappled
with the chicken-thief. He then clung to
his prisoner until he landed him In chargo
of Officer Scott.
About two weeks ago Robert Hamilton,
who resides In the same neighborhood,
heard a commotion In his chicken-house,
and went out to see what the matter
was. He found a Chinaman In the act ot
bagging his poultry, and endeavored to
capture tho thief, who suddenly drew a
long knife on him. cutting an ugly gash
In his breast- The onslaught was unex
pected, and the Chinaman got away.
Yesterday Hamilton, visited the City
Prison, but could not positively identify
Chung Lee as the party who had tried! to
murder him.
Peoplo In that portion of the East Hide
have been annoyed by chicken-thieves for
several weeks, and many coops have been
entirely cleaned out In a single night.
Chung Lee Is credited by the police with
being the cause of all their troubles. His
case will come up In the Municipal Court
tomorrow morning.
Great Joy In the Clan Johnston.
Tho Dalles Chronicle.
There !e Joy in the Clan Johnston, of
Dufur. In the famlllea of six brothers of
this county, there was never a boy tilt
Sam's better half presented him with one
yesterday morning. The youngster is a
whopper, too. weighing 11 pounds avolrdu-
JdoIs.v without a stitch ot clothes on.
it. -.-..