r( -jr; ' F-"'"- WqiS s. - ,rt 1' i -r t r-lf , ait " PAGES 1 T0 12 XIX. NO. 13. PORTLAND. OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 1 1900. PRICE- FIVE CENTS. 2 n j -r cV 4twrf'JlJ HJH3ex THE ISSUE iendcncy In the Demo- County Convention. JSE GREAT COMMOTION Elected to the State Con- I domination of a cket Postponed. 2GATESTO STATE CONVENTION. Jl T. Mllner. C. K. Henry. C. E. S. Wood, H. B. Nicholas, John Montag, Geo. W. Holcomb, Dell Stuart. John Welch, Thomas O'Day, J. W. Grussl. F. V. Holman, J. C. Welch. t; D. McKlnnon, Newton McCoy. Geo. H. Thomas, W. E. Burae, William Foley, Fat Fowers. E. J. Jeffery, R. D. Inman. Geo. L. Hutchln, W. N. Gatens, T. T. Struble, A. J. Knott. W. A. Munlv. Geo. E. Chamberlain, N. A. reery. IV. A. Robertson, Mex Sweek, H. A. Smith, P. A. Watts, L. T. Peery, Fusion was the Issue In the Democratic city and county convention, which was held in the assembly hall of the Chamber of Commerce, yesterday. The battle was fought without a word being said about the advantage or disadvantage of com bining with the Populists. The lines were sharply drawn In the contest for the tem porary chairmanship. Ex-Municipal Judge Alex Sweek represented the regular wing of the party, which votes the straight ticket, whether the plavrorm Is for gold or silver. It Is also conciliatory towards the Gold Democrats In the hope of getting them back Into the fold. Mr. Mllner stood for the fusion element. His election was. therefore, a. clear victory for tho Xusionlsts. Two elates for delegates to the state convention made "-.'r appearance at the afternoon st?- kreated such a com motion tha , Bd to admit having had anythf Rlth them. Every DemtJJsKL solemnly demea kno-nHM the source from whkK as the polid-K er been attempt ed jis H.ntlon In Oregon. BoiU "Vup by the fame cav amaaaaaaaaaamaV'- nly difference bslB the printed slate coH i were favorable tQK .rltten one. The gggggggggggggggggggggggggWiY1 create the tm- rfMactlon. thus fte elate the dorn. Ho through He sham to ftirai raised about Hplved to per- B1 to be M rere Hio P the do- Bat monstrosities fPHHBHIHcan gathering. I mkal WtWeBbT SAitiould have been a contest for controrof the delegation 10 the state convention, for It Is In that bodr that the question of fusion will be settled. But the contest yesterday looked a little further and contemplated the election of a Multnomah County man as chairman of the state convention. While the delegates wore extremely close mouthed on this point, the report has got out that W. E. Robertson, who was a candidate for May or of Portland In 1S9S, Is the man In view. The convention was noisy In its pro ceedings, and cumbersome In Its methods. Parliamentary law was set at defiance, and at times It was difficult to maintain order. Gold and Silver Democrats and Silver Republicans were represented In the convention. W. E. Burke, who was elect ed to the Legislature as a Republican In 1S34, and who .distinguished himself by bolting the caucus nomination of Dolph for United Slates Senator, sat as' a dele gate from the Ninth Ward. Late in the afternoon, time was given to M1m Mor row to make a brief address In behalf of woman suffrage. The convention will reassemble later this month to put up a city and county ticket. During the recess, an effort will be made to determine who arc willing to take nominations, so that when once the ticket is nominated, there ehall be as little danger as possible of withdrawals. UcKan With a WranKIe. Convention hour. 10 A. M.. found Henry Gray. Harry Adams and one or two others of the faithful Industriously ar ranging a surprise that was not in the nature of a slate. A large picture of Bryan had been rolled and tied with a string, and hung across the picture be hind the platform. The knot that held the roll was so tied that a Jerk of the string would cause the canvas to unfold, displaying Bryan's face to an admiring constituency. This little stage play was Intended for effect. The only other pre liminary event of Importance was the taking of a large draught of pure water by Judge Thomas O'Day. All the re porters sitting at the desk hastily pulled out tlulr watches and made due note of the incident and the time of its occur rence. A few applauded the Judge for his courage. "" Dr. G. M. Wells, chairman of the County and City Central Committee, rapped for order at 10:16 and devoted a minute or two to suggesting that the delegates group themselves by wards, and that spectators keep to the rear of the hall. It was not necessary thus to warn the spectators, as they were few in number, probably not over a dozen, and enthusiastically docile. Immediately Dr. Wells called for nomi nations for temporary chairman, the con vention plunged Itself into a spirited con test and parliamentary tangle. W. N. Gatens nominated J. T. Mllner. "a man who has the respect of all the Demo crats of this county." George L. Hutch ln, who has taken a great liking to Ore go and Oregon politics In recent years, nominated ex-Municipal Judge Alex Sweek, "a splendid Democrat, who has done a great deal for the party, and who is still willing to carry its banner to suc cess." The wrangle that followed related en tirely to the manner In which the bal lot should be taken. Judge O'Day moved a roll-call by wards, and that chairmen ct the ward delegations cast the ballot. 'at Fowers moved to amend by calling tae roll of delegates, and that each dele ate declare by viva-voce vote his choice lor temporary chairman as his name was called. "We want no gag rule." said Pat. Dr. John Welch seconded Mr. Pow- Itva. and declared that every man nut on record. To this covert udge O'Day said he was willing name caned on this question ier issue that might arise. aoxrved as an amendment pt delegate, and that ivame was called, should secret ballot In a bat was handy. No one f-nendment being the i convention, was put Ud. Then Chairman lut the original mo- was going along tine questioned his whereupon he stopped short and tie delegates began talking. Sanderson Reed, W. P. Adams, W. N. Gatens and Judge O'Dajr ex plained things, and tried to get the dele gates back Into the middle of the road. When they finished. Secretary Turney asked to be set aright before ha became muddled, as the rest of those about him were. The convention chose the easiest way out of the mix-up by author izing the appointment of tellers to take charge of the election, leaving the pend ing motion unsettled. John Van Zant and W. P. Adams were named. By this time the convention was pro ceeding with an election without bavins; decided how to hold It. Seeing trouble ahead, Sanderson Reed, always practi cal, moved a roll-call, and that each delegate, as his name was called, stej forward and drop his ballot Into a hat. This was the suggestion of Mr. Adams that met with so little favor a few min utes before. This time it went through with a whoop, like something new an4 good. Mllner Defeats Sweek. While the tellers were counting the bal lots, Brer Hutchln became impatient fot the unfurling of the Bryan "surprise." TRINITVS NEW ASSISTANT RECTOR. REV. C B. LAKE. On May 1, Rev..C H. Lake, now Jn charge of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church at Baker City, will assume the duties of assistant rector at Trinity Church, Portland, in pursuance of a call accepted last week. Mr. Lake was bom In Monroe, Conn., In 187L He attended the public schools In New Ha ven, and graduated in 1891. In 189S he graduated from the Berkley Divinity School, Mlddleton, Conn,, and was ordained deacon In June of that year. He acsumed orders In May, 1889, and had charge of work In Northern Maine and In Black Hall, Conn., coming from there to Baker City May 30 the same year. Additional to his duUes at Baker City, Mr. Lake served congregations at Sumpter. Granite and Canyon City. In each community he won admiration and affection, and his proposed departure for Portland occasions no little regret. but Dr. Wells put him off, saying that the surprise should be deferred until tha temporal-)' chairman took his seat. Mr. Mllner received 72 votes and Judge Sweek 6. On motion of Judge Sweek and Sanderson Reed, both speaking at the same time, dinner's election was made unanimous, and Messrs. Hutchln and Gatens were nioolnted to escort the new chairman to the platform. Dr. Wells, in the Introductory speech, said Mllner would make an impartial presiding officer. "I see from the upturned faces before me," concluded Dr. Wells, "that there are men here who are determined to do the beet thing- for our party and our country." With that. Dr. Wells Jerked the string that Brer Hutchln had been Jealous ly eyeing all through the proceedings, and Bryan's face shot down with the same alacrity that his Presidential prospects shot down four years ago. The inscrip tions on the banner were: "Liberty, Jus tice and Humanity": "No Crown of Thorns": "No Cross of Gold": "16 to 1"; "E Pluribus TJnum"; "Equal Rights to All"; "Special Privileges to None." Brer Hutchln, the same who had been watch ing the string for some time, promptly Jumped up and shouted "Three cheers for William Jennings Bryan, the next Presi dent of the United States!" Vigorous cheering followed, but it. was rioted that many did not arise, and' several neither applauded nor cheered. The amount of cheering which greeted Bryan's name did not afflict the "convention with hoarse ness. On taklnr the chair. Mr. Mllner said: "Our hearts are one. In accepting this position, I desire to say that I will be fair to all with whom I have to deal. We are on the eve of the greatest battle the party has over fought, and we hope the outcome will be favorable to our peerless leader, William Jennings Bryan. I-am glad to know that this spirit of f rlendUnees pre vails. There has been no enmity between Judge Sweek and myself. I know that he will stand by me now as I have stood by him in the port. Gentlemen, I hops you will forgive me for any errors that I may make, and I thank you for this nomination." Sanderson Reed and O. B. Cochran were nominated for temporary secretary. Mr. Reed, dreading a long drawn-out ballot, such as had taken place on- the temporary' chairmanship, withdrew, and Mr. Coch ran was elected. The .morning session ended with the ap pointment of the following commltteee: Credentials T. J. Concannon. J. D. Mc Klnnon. D. M. Watson, T. T. Struble, John Montag. George H. Thomas, M. Strauss, Alex Sweek. . J. Beaky, L. T. Peery. a K. Henry, Jacob Johnson, A. M. Osborn. Organization and order of business Dell Stuart, H. B. Compson. W. E. Burke, Sanderson Reed. F. A. Watts. List of Delesrates. Exactlv at 2 o'clock the convention was called to order, and the chair called for the reDort of the committee on credentials.' The committee was not in the hall, and at the suggestion of John Montag, Captain A. C Barclay was sent for the commit tee. Pat Powers thought a few speeches would be a good thing at this point, and George E. Chamberlain was loudly called for. Mr. Chamberlain spoke only a few minutes, and congratulated the conven- 'Concluded oa Firth Fax.) BOUND FOR THE VAAL Roberts Advancing on Kruger's Capital BIG BATTLE SAID TO BE IMMINENT Details of the Kane Bldlns; Affair Indicate It to Bare Been Stub bornly Contested. LONDON. April IU M.-The War Office Issued no further news tonight, and the few dispatches received from the seat of war bear evidence of having been de layed by the censor. According to a special dispatch from, Pre toria, dated yesterday. Lord Roberts has j commenced his advance northward. Tha I dispatch says there are dally skirmishes, j and that a big battle Is Imminent. Thlr, , however, may refer to the operations pre- uns me engagement at Karee Siding, which has apparently cleared the way, as well as secured an advantageous position whence the next operation may be con ducted. Tucker's division is now strongly occupying the Boer camp at Karee Sid ing, with the way cleared to Brantfort, which Is reported already evacuated. Orders have been received at Cape Town for the Eighth division to be disembarked and sent north Immediately on its arrival there. The Boer forces in the neighborhood of Paardeberg are reported to be actively en gaged In marauding and In attempting to capture British horses left on the veldt, owing to their weak condition. Six hun dred Barkly refugees sent back from Cape Town are stranded, tbe Klmberley mili tary authorities refusing assistance to all of them to proceed. Much Kaffir looting is reported at Kllpdam. An active campaign Is in progress on the part of the loyalists of Cape Colony for the annexation of the republics and the punishment of the Colonials who served in tbe Boer army. Meetings in support of this policy have been held In many import ant centers under the auspices of the South African League. The transportation of the prisoners to St. Helena is arousing the anger of the Boers, who threaten to retaliate by sending the British prisoners to Kcomatlpoort, re puted to be tbe worst fever den In South Africa. The transport Norfolk sailed from South hampton yesterday for Cape Town, and had an enthusiastic send-off. Speaking at Trowbridge Saturday even ing. Right Hon. Walter Hume Long, Mem ber of Parliament for West Darby, the poet, said when the war was over Great Britain should have to tee that the people of South Africa, no matter what their color, religion or politics, have equal lib. erty. He could net say when the general election would take place, but it would'rot be until after the government had com. pleted their task. BATTLE OF KAREE SIDIXG. Boers Ousted From a Strong; Xararal Position. BLOEMFONTEIN. March 3L The Boer position yesterday was one of great nat ural strength. Only the turning move ment of General French and Major Le Galllals. the latter commander of the mounted infantry, on either flank. In sured the British success. The shape of the kopjes was Irregular. The Boers' right flank position consisted of a long hill with wooded sides connect ed with the main position by & long, low ridge, thickly wooded. The rest of the position, toward the left, consisted of broken kopjes, all connected by a high ridge. Major Le Galllals moved around the Boers' left and engaged them, first freely using his Vlckers-Maxlms and gradually forcing the Boers toward the center, whero they made a good stand. Major Le Gall lals was unable to move until late In the day, while General French moved early. The latter made a wide detour toward the rear of the Boers, but was unable to com plete the movement before the Boers per ceived his intention and abandoned the position. They retired In good order .be tween General French and Major Le Gall lals, where the main body of the Boers, with four guns, held an excellent posi tion on the edge of a deep donga, whence they shelled General French. The Infantry attack was delivered at midday, when the Norfolks opened the fight by seising the lower slopes of an ugly kopje. Steadily they worked their way to the crest of the hill, where a hot engagement ensued. The Llncolnshlres oc cupied the hill on the right, protecting tha Eighteenth Battery, which dragged its guns up tha hill with the greatest diffi culty and opened a heavy fire at close range. Maanwhlle, the City Imperials, get ting In touch with the Boers, the re mainder of Tucker's division' advanced across a semi - circular basin, through which the railway ran. It was very open ground, and the Boers, from the kopjes and ridge, delivered a heavy fire. In spite of this, however, the British moved on steadily as If on parade. The advance was protected by guns, which vigotously shelled the Boer positions. At 4 o'clock the British advanced simul taneously and occupied the Boers posi tion, from which an excellent view could be had of Brandfort, 15 miles distant across the open plain. The Boer loss Is unknown. Lord Roberts has sent a telegram of con dolence to President Kruger on the death of General Joubert. Rudyard Kipling has written a poem on Joubert's death, which appears In tbe Friend, of the Free State. Colonel GonKh Dead. LONDON, March. SL Lord Roberts re ports the death at Non-si's Pont, March 23, of Colonel the Hon. George Hugh Gough, C B. Gough had been private secretary of the Commander-tn-Chlef of the British forces. Lord Wokseley, since 1S37. Ir!onersSnt to St. Belena. CAPE TOWN. March JL-Today the first batch of prisoners started fcr St, Helena. PECK IN A DILEMMA. Faclns; the Question of Opening Am erican Bnlldlass on Sunday. PARIS, March SL The Important ques tion whether the American and British sections of the Exposition shall be open Sundays came up this week, engaging the serious attention of both the American and British Commissioners, upon whom pressure Is being brought to bear by some of their respective countrymen to close their exhibits. United States Commissioner-General Peck's mall has brought a big batch of protests on this subject, and the Commissioner finds himself m a di lemma, as the closure of the American section on what will be the most popular visiting day of the week certainly will not meet with favor from Frenchmen. The British Commissioner has received an of ficial Intimation from his Government to go as far as possible toward conciliating the religious feeling on the subject. The American Commissioner Intends to close the bureau on Sunday, nnd ComnVt-iIoner- , tl ta?h 1.1 '.Jirio sonVisf'T!rl. General Peck will consult with authorities with a view of com' arrangement which will .nr ,,-i sri ceptlbillty of his own countrymenwi4rftfj h. and with tk' UKS? the French 'expectations, custom here, which makes Sunday a pub lic holiday. A representative of tho Associated Press saw the French exposition authorities in regard to the question of closing the American section on Sunday, and was told that the United States would be quite within its rights In closing Its exhibits, but that it would be regarded as a very unfortunate decision. Sunday, he was In formed, was always the greatest day of the week, and the shutting up of the American buildings would debar hundreds of thousands from viewing what will un doubtedly be one of the most interesting and Important exhibits. United States Ambassador Porter went through the American section Thursday In order to see for himself the exact po sition of affairs, and he afterward ex pressed himself as extremely satisfied with the state of progress, u compared with the representations of other countries. The speech of M. Mlllerand, Minister of Commerce and Industry, at the Inagura tlon of the exposition. Is looked forward to with the keenest Interest. An Interesting little Franco-American demonstration took place this week In the town of Vendome, which Is the home of the Rochambeau family. A subscrip tion waj recently raised, to which Am bassador Porter and the members of the American Embassy were Invited to con tribute, for the erection of a monument to the Marquis de Rochambeau. The first stone was laid early In the week, and Its laying was made the occasion of a local fete. The Stars and Stripes were flown, and a message of fraternity was sent to President McKlnlcy. The committee today was delighted to receive a charm ing reply, saying the President was deep ly touched by the sentiments of cordial fraternity for the United States which the committee expressed on the occasion of the foundation of a monument to "one of the most Illustrious of those generous Frenchmen whose names live in the hearts of all Americans." It is now settled that Archbishop Ireland will deliver the dedicatory address at the unveiling of the Lafayette monument, July 4. 4 The French Society of La Sabretacho. which Is composed mainly of well-known artists and litterateurs, has raised a sub scription to erect a monument to the French soldiers who fell at Waterloo, to be placed upon the battlefield. The de sign of the monument Is very striking. It represents on the summit of a pyramid a gigantic caglo at bay, one claw clutch ing the staff of a standard to which still adhere shreds of a flag. The bird, with a broken wing, stands facing the enemy. The other claw Is raised menacingly, and the beak Is ready to strike a dying bl?r. The monument Is tbe work of Gerome. i Ex-Senator Gibson Dead. WASHINGTON. March &. Ex-United States Senator Gibson, of Maryland, died at 2 o'clock this morning of heart dlaeasa at the residence of his brother. Lieutenant Gibson, of the Navy, In this city, where he had resided since his retirement from the Senate. Last night he visited the Metropolitan Club, returning home about 10 o'clock. He complained of feeling 111. but as he had not been in good health for some time, this did not cause any alarm. His condition grew worse, and at 1 o'clock a physician was called In. He sank stead ily, and died an hour later. He leaves a widow, but no children. President Colombo Reslsraed. ROME. March 2L SIgnor Albert!. Vice- President of the House, took the chair at the opening of the Chamber of Deputies today, and announced that SIgnor Colom bo had resigned the Presidency, and that other officials attached to the Presidency had also resigned. The sitting today was calm, though the Socialists were exultant at the resignation of Colombo, which, with the withdrawal of the degree of law, they attribute to their uncompromising obstruc tion. ACTIVITY OF RUSSIA Military Preparations in Several Directions. WAR WITH JAPAN U NOT PROBABLE The Mikado's Government TJnpre- pared (or Hostilities Coercion of Tarkey Balsarla Restless. LONDON, March tL Russian activity has been the international factor of the week, and diplomatic functionaries at tached to the court of St. James are ask ing themselves: "What does It all mean and where will It end 7" Tbe Russian Am bassador smiles blandly and assures his GENERAL CCCEBaYf QfSHBslAL JOUDERT -t. M - J Trtunjtii -4t-r--"-'" 'tv'"r nb- "" v aeuHBsr : oui jihk. ine cune, tpec- :Iea lv .- Toere.h re many men of fair standing and a tolerable knowledge of international undercurrents who are willing to say that war between Russia and Japan has now come within meas urable distance. Ot these, Henry Gor man, who has Just returned from a trip to Russia. Is one. But the Associated Press learns that no such view Is taken by the British Foreign Office, which, dur ing the recent troublesome times, has sized up tbe International situation with wonderful correctness. The next few weeks may, perhaps, bring up a tremen dous war scare, but the salient fact re mains that Japan is not ready for hos tilities. Alarming telegrams from the far East may Increase and multiply, and Corea may seem to be on the verge of an nexation by Russia, but the calm of Down, lng street is not likely to be disturbed. Corean matters have neen arranged by treaty, and Lord Salisbury does not be lieve that Russia Intends to break tbe treaties, though her relations with Japan may become strained to a serious point. It all this rumpus In the far East had been postponed for another year, there Is scarcely any doubt that war would be a serious probability: but those having any Intimate knowledge of Japan's far-reaching naval projects and her recent state ot Incompleteness, do not hesitate to say that Japan is not going to risk anything until her plans are matured. The Jap anese naval maneuvers in the coming Fall are to be carried out on an unprecedented scale, and will partake more of the nature ot a demonstration than of peaceful evolu tions. Forty or more war vessels are ex pected to be present in Japanese waters. The moral effect of such an aggregation upon far Eastern questions is causing no little comment. As far as Great Britain Is concerned. Russia's military .rather than naval ac tivity Is chiefly Interesting, though the press Is not yet allowed to take up Its cue In this matter. The Foreign Office, while only faintly Interested In Corea, being sure that no serious trouble will result there, is devoting careful Investigation to the warlike preparations occurring in South Russia. There seems no longer to be any doubt that Turkey, for her tardiness to meet the Russian demands regarding railway concessions. Is being menaced by her northern neighbor, and many signs point to the fact that Russia Intends to settle herself In the northeast ot Asia Minor, unless Turkey gives In. Already 23,000 Russian troops are maintained on those borders, while the Black Sea squadron is ready for business at a moment's notice. To what extent British moral assistance can be given to Turkey In withstanding the Russian demands Is a question at the present moment occupying Lord Salis bury's attention to an even greater extent than the South African War. In lew of the troubles of Great Britain In South Africa, It Is'more than probable that Tur key will meet the demands and that Rus sian troops will be withdrawn. The scare anent Russian troops concen trating to Invade Afghanistan apparently arose from this movement In the direc tion of Turkey In Asia Minor and Af ghanistan, and has passed into the cate gory of peaceful, uninteresting spheres. With all these reports, to say nothing of continued rumors of Bulgaria's desire to throw off Turkey's suzerainty and beroro'o a vassal of the Czar, it Is evident that, while Russia Is observing to the letter her promise to England not Interfere In South Africa, she Is not Idle In taking advan tage of opportunities in every quarter of the globe. For the peace of the world, it is reassuring to remember that the fixed policy of Russia for years has been to take matters almost to the point ot hostili ties, and then to settle diplomatically, the only exception of this In modern times being the Crimea, when the tone of the peace party In England led her to believe that this country would not Interfere. The Delaa-oa Bay Airnrd. As a nation and as individuals. Great Britain Is very wroth over the Delagoa Bay Railway award. The average opin ion is that this Is merely the latest In stance where the country has got the worst end by trusting to arbitration. AH high-flown prophecies that an Anglo-Gr-man secret African agreement' would be come operative through the decision hav ing fallen flat, because the damages agaliut Portugal are so small that she la amply able to pay them herself, without giving either party to the secret agreement the opportunity of bidding for Delagoa Bay. That this would occur was definitely stated some days ago In these dispatches, and right up to the last several of the most Influential organs seemed to be al most sure that Portugal wouiu be obliged to sell Delagoa Bay to Great Britain In order to pay up. As a result. Delagoa Biy Railway debentures went up to 132. and shares of .the company to 7. After the announcement of the decision the deben- tiirA -nrant Anrcn 1ft) whtl Rhnrejl routu be bought for 2s 6d. or practically noth ing, as It was evident that the award pro vided scarcely anything to make them good. After this tremendous drop. It wlk be a long time before the city looks favor ably on arbitration proposals. An American Boy in Sonth Africa, The publication of dispatches relating to the action of the naval brigades with BOTHA. m COMMAND OF z Generals Methuen jmd BuSTsjtWr.si ceuent Idea of tliy splendid'.woric pllshed by the sailors, and araoag- these singled out for distinction tf being tloned in dispatches" is an American bay of 17. MIdshapman W. W. Sill em, who of 17, Midshipman W. W. Slllem. whose mother Is now the wife of the English Vice-Admiral. Richard C. Mlnehan. He Is the son of the late William Slllem. of San Francisco. The official report of the bat tle of Belmpnt says: "Midshipman Slllem also charged to the top of the hill, gallantly leading his men. all the time under a very heavy fire, and Is deserving of special mention." THE GERMAN-AMERICAN VOTE Editor Ottcnclorfer on Isaacs of the Coming: Campalnn. NEW YORK. March 3L The World to morrow will say: Oswald Ottendorfer, editor of the Slants Zeltung, was Interviewed by a World re porter on the political Issues of the day and the prospects ot tho coming Na tional campaign, .sir. ottendorfer said: "The German-Americans voted almost solidly against Bryan and free silver four years ago. They aro still opposed to tho free coinage of sliver, but they know that the gold standard Is now a reality, and that It cannot be Interfered with for some years to come. However, the German American voters might fear the election of Bryan on a 16-to-l platform. They might dread the uncertainty of things should Bryan become President." "As between McKlnley and Bryan, who would be your choice?" "Personally, and speaking only for my self." replied Mr. Ottendorfer. "I would prefer Bryan's election to McKlnleys re election. In my opinion, the Kansas City convention would do a wise thing by re maining silent on tho free-silver issue. I do not suggest a trimming of sails to fool the people on the money question, or that the convention should repudiate the platform of 1S3S. But there Is no reason why the lG-to-1 issue should bo brought forward this year. Why should the bat tie of 1900 be fought on tho Issues decided in 18967 "The Democratic party has a great op portunity if it looks forward, and not backward. A great majority of the people of this country do not wish to be forced to vote for McKlnleylsm. Imperialism and militarism, and I am convinced that thou sands and thousands of voters who four years ago preferred McKlnley to Bryan are now ready to prefer Bryan to Mc Klnley." "Do you think Bryan would have a chance of winning?' "Yes, if heand his friends do not In sist upon a radical reaffirmation of tha Chicago platform. The Republicans have only one hope of re-electing McKlnley, and that hope Is that they can again make 1G to 1 the issue against the Demo cratic party." "What do you think of the tariff against Puerto Rico?" "Monstrous, outrageous, against tha Constitution and all precedents." "How about the trust question?" "The solution of the trust Issue is Gov ernment ownership. I have always been a firm believer In Government ownership of public franchises, and laws against trusts and monopolies that will be en forced." t m All Indiana Coal Mines Closed. TERRE HAUTE, Ind.. March 3L All the coal mines In Indiana suspended oper ations at the close of work this evening. This action was due to the failure ot tha operators to sign a wage contract for the year, beginning April L About 9000 men will be Idle until the Joint conference Is re sumed, April 10. a Dreyer'a Fartner Sentenced. CHICAGO, March 31. Robert Borger, a partner of E. S. Dreyer. the banker, re cently convicted of embezzling, was to night found guilty and sentenced to an Indeterminate term In the penitentiary. The specific charge against Borger was receiving funds for deposit when he knew the bank to be insolvent. FREE TRADERS' PLAN Scheme to Thwart Henderson and the Tariff Men. TO KEEP BILL FROM CONFERENCE Senator Elklns Predicts That tha f Puerto Biean Measure Will Be come a Law by. Jfext Friday. WASHINGTON. March 3L The Puerto Rlcan free traders in Congress are some what encouraged In the belief that the amended Senate bill, if passed by that body, cannot be put through the House, and the Speaker and members ot tha ways and means committee are consider ably worried. The speech ot Senator Proctor, declared by the Eastern press to be the most comprehensive and convinc ing yet delivered, has caused a wavering among a number of Representatives who previously voted for the tariff, although they are still reticent about declaring themselves In opposition to the party leaders. If tha Senate amendments to tha House bill are disagreed to and the hVu goes to conference, that will end all pos sibility of substituting free trade in tha bill, and It will be a question of sub stituting the one or the other tariff meas ure. On that account there will be a strong fight by the free-trade forces in tho House to head off such a course. But as the House has never had a chance to pass upon the civil government bill, those members who are opposed to adopting that feature before discussion will also object to sending the Senate bill direct to conference by disagreement. Then. too. the fear Is expressed that the men se lected as conferees.may. In all likelihood, be tariff men. For these reasons it Is not likely that the bill will be sent to conference without discussion in tha House, unless the Speaker and his leaders feel that such action -win be necessary to save the tariff provision of the bill. In which event they may arbitrarily uso the power that lies -with them and force such action. It is reported here that on the final vote in the Senate on the Puerto Rlcan bill, but six Republican Senators will vote against the bill, and that It will pass by a majority of from eight' to. 12. Sena tor Elklns, who keeps abreast of the times, and Is very close to tha Adminis tration, declares that the bill, as passed by the Senate, will go through the House In less than two days, and become a law by Friday of next week. According tb the Senator, tho President Is well pleased with the amended Senate bill. ai6VwfU sign It without hesitation. " 'f The "Opea Door" Miafk. -t Chairman Hltt, of the House" foreign affairs v committee, regards the Chinese "oeaa'teor' negoUaUBas as the greatest stratum. He de. he commerce o guaranteed ins eges with other of influence. The grantrfpjAnsportat!on fa cilities, ho l!iiJiJBopjtKa-:ar trade tho Tast-B"BH thinks that no United States couT.'TSS agreement, and this becau fldence tho other powers frankness of purpose. Crater Lake National Park. Senator McBrlde today introduced a bill creating a Crater Lake National Park. His bill was similar to that of Mr. Tongue recently reported to the House. The Senator will work in the some com mittee, and secure a report, in the hope that by concerted action the park may be secured earlier than by a single bill. Bliss Probably the Man. Whilo Bliss Is not being loudly boomed for the Vice-Presidency, it is now gen erally understood that he Is the most ac ceptable man to the Administration and the party leaders. Tho Republican lead ers have considered the matter very care fully, realizing that McKlnley's running mate must be a strong and popular man. They have Ignored Woodruff entirely, al though ho Is making a great deal of nolss and has not been publicly opposed. Sena tor Kean declares that New Jersey will "send a delegation pledged to support Bliss, and thinks ho will be the strongest man In the West of any Eastern candi date. Senator Scott says Bliss will b favored by his state. West Virginia. Released. Reserve Lands. A careful computation shows that tha total exclusion land from the Clympla re serve in Clallam County recently secured by the Washington state delegation will aggregate 297,000 acres Instead ot 200,000 acres, as was formerly estimated. Grnxlnic on Rainier Reserve. Tho Secretary of the Interior has finally agreed to allow sheep and cattle to graze on the east side of tha Mount Rainier for est reserve In limited number, and under euch regulations as ho will promulgate later on. Fish Station Bill. Tho committee on merchant marine and fisheries today ordered Congressman Jones to report favorably the bill introduced and passed in the Houao by Cuehman. pro viding for the appropriation ot $1500 to determine the best available locality in the States of Oregon or Washington for the establishment of a biological fish sta tion. DOUBLE TURRETS TESTED. Those ot the Kenrsars-e Proved to Be a Snccess. WASHINGTON, March 2L Admiral Sampson, who was aboard the battle-ship Kearsarge during her last run out to sea, arrived here today from Fort Monroe. The Admiral watched the test of the dou ble turrets, a feature of naval architec ture peculiar to the United States navy. The test proved the practicability of this idea. According to Admiral Sampson, none of the predicted faults of the system developed. The following telegram has bten re ceived at the department from Commo dore Folger: "The doublo turret was thoroughly tested and Is an assured success, both from military and structural standpoints. There was no Interference between plates on guns or Inconvenience from blast of smoke." Disposition of Spanish Wrecks. WASHINGTON. March 3L Attorney General Griggs has given an opinion to the Secretary of the Navy to the effect that the Secretary of the Treasury has complete authority in the matter of tha disposition of wrecks of Spanish vessels along the shores of Cuba. 1 in Mexican Gunboat Seises Poachers. SAN DIEGO. Cat. March 3L A private dispatch from Ensenada, Lower Califor nia, says that the Mexican gunboat Demo crata has arrived at that port, having in tow the Junk Hong7 Kong and two other small vessels, almvh&lllng from San Diego, which were -K.on charges ot poaching at GuaqajaJMuuand, . di I -ri. I i rA o