The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 25, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Three Leading Questions Be-
fore the British Public
Imperial Federation ana the Treat-
, ment of Prisoners of War Policy
of Leniency Favored
LONDON, March 24. Three questions
Involving endless controversy and specu
lation have been rife during the week.
They are the possibility of the .dissolution
of Parliament in the Summer, Imperial
federation, and the method of treatment
of the so-called rebel prisoners in South
So far as Parliament is concerned, It
might as well dissolve at once for all the
interest that is being taken in. its proceed
ings. Many apparently inspired articles
appear, fprecasting dissolution at various
dates, but as a matter of fact the exist
ence of the present House depends entire
ly upon the progress of arms in South
Africa. If they meet with quick success
there will be, it is thought, an early disso
lution. If the war drags on, Lord Salis
bury will retain power till the last mo
ment allowed by the British Constitution.
"With less than a year in which to go to
the country, it is only natural that the
government will seize the most opportune
moment, but no member of the Cabinet
believes, such a moment has yet come
within the limits of reasonable determi
nation, in spite of the fact that the Commander-in-Chief
of the forces, Lord Wol
seley, is credited with prophesying that
Lord Roberts -will be in Pretoria May 15.
If the forecast of tho almost forgotten
Chief Commander of the British Army
would prove correct, it would not be at
all unlikely that Lord Salisbury may ap
peal to the electors In June, but several
of the Cabinet Ministers, Including Lord
Lansdowne. the Secretary of State for
War, have small hope that the war will
be over before the Fall of this year.
"With such a diversion of opinion pre
vailing i. tho best-informed circles re
garding the duration of tho conflict, it is
evidently futile to prophesy regarding the
tenure of the prosent government. The
latter is obviously dependent upon the
former. Lord Salisbury has no intention
of appealing to the voters until the Brit
ish arms triumph in South Africa, and
no one of any Importance has yet been
brave enough to declare over his own
name when such an event is likely to be
accomplished. Hence, the guesses at the
date of the dissolution of Parliament are
scarcely worth repeating. "When the gen
eral election comes it can scarcely fail to
return the present Administration to pow
er, unless between this time and that pe
riod some miracle effects the cohesion of
the disintegrated Liberal party. So disin
tegrated does this party appear to be that
Sir Edward Gray, the shining light of the
Rosebery faction, found it necessary this
week, when speaking at the City Liberal
Club, London, to take occasion to protest
Ahat Internal dissension was no just cause
for the death of the basic Liberal prin
ciples. It is a curious travesty upon truth that
imperial federation has been brought more
to public notico by Sir Wllfrjd Laurler,
the Canadian Premier, in his speech at
Ottawa, than even by the presence In' Lon
don of the federation delegates from Aus
tralia. Punch s chief cartoon this week
Is devoted to depicting Sir "Wilfrid Laurler
in pleasing contrast with Sir Wilfrid Law
son, the English Liberal, who insists that
the war is not justified. Tot ,1050. who
know the 'Undercurrents thoroughly are
well aware that the Canadian Premier's
attitude and unwillingness to send out
Canadian troops caused the Colonial Of
fice more anxJety than almost any recent
However, the imperial federation move
ment grows daily. The imperial federa
tion committee lias secured from Lord
Salisbury a promise to consider seriously
Its proposals for an imperial council to
watch over the Interests of the empire
as a whole.
On all sides articles appear debating the
ways and means by which the colonies
who have participated in the defense Of
the empire may have a voice In its coun
cils. "What difficulties stand in the way of
this are apparent from the proceedings
of the Australian delegates dally visiting
the Colonial Office In the interest of 'their
federation bill. All sorts of unexpected
hitches have come up, and it is feared the
federation may have to be submitted ad
referendum to the Australian people, in
consequence of the changes' which, after
closer inspection by the imperial authori
ties, appear necessary, although the bill
has already been passed In Australia, and
the referendum would delay action for
almost a year. It is reported that the
Duke of York meditates paying compli
mentary visits, after the war, to all the
great colonies.
The great question of the colonial pris
oners, from being the subject of cable
messages between Lord Salisbury and
President Kruger, has sprung into general
discussion. In this connection, it is un
derstood tho President sent the ball roll
ing by demanding that colonial Insurgents
and British subjects commandeered by the
Boers should, when captured, be treated
as prisoners of war, or else reprisals
would be taken on the British prisoners
at Pretoria. Lord Salisbury replied, say
ing he would deal, with the rebels as
seemed fit, and would hold President.Kru
ger personally responsible for the treat
ment of the Pretoria prisoners, whereupon
President Kruger Is reported to have re
joined that he would hold Lord Salisbury
personally responsible for the rebels,, or
something of that nature.
But on all sides, it is being discussed
what should be done with the insurgents
captured by the British. A commission
of British judges io go out to the Cape is
talked tf, though this is scarcely likely-to
happen. The predominating feeling seems
to favor the policy "of leniency now being
carried out under Lofd Roberts' direction,
in spite of the fact that both, through
cable dispatches from. South Africa and
letters from English readers In the news
papers there has been a bitter otftcry
against allowing the .insurgents to go scot
free. But the sober-minded newspapers
are convinced of the fact that the main
objective is a peaceful, prosperous South
Africa, under British rule, and that venge
ful justice will "riot lend tdward the ac
complishment of this. They endeavor to'
allay harsh criticism of the present meth
ods, but nevertheless, now that British
territory has been practically regained
and the Orange Free State is nominally
annexed, the question of tho treatment of
the insurgents forms one of the most Im
portant questions upon which both British
and South African opinion seems hope
lessly divided.
Great Britain has grown weary of her
seriousness, and her -military experts, with
their cold, calculating deductions and long
casualty lists no longer make the daily pa
pers things of sadness and terror. Thewar,
according to the average opinion, is prac
tically over. To be sure It may be months
before Lord Roberts reaches Pretoria, hut
his going there is regarded as sure as tha
hands move round a clock, and It is
claimed he is not going to lose many men
in getting there. A dozen defeats could
scarcely spoil this supreme self-satisfaction
and assurance of ultimate victory
that reigns among the average public. It
is not altogether shared by the pres3 and
officials, but it is what the great majority
of the English people feel.
In society the cry now is, "Ho for the
Cape," and the dressmakprs are up to their
eyes in work, making toilets suited for the
climate of the great war base. For those
who cannot participate In the prevailing
m i
rush to
twn. there is anv amount
of gossip r
ding the-probable reception
of the Queen in Ireland and what kind
of a greeting Cecil Rhodes will get in
England after his scathing strictures o.
General Buller and Colonel Kekewlch, to
say nothing of the curious stories which
come from South Africa about women
who have been out there.
However, the gaiety which reigns la
London is none the less genuine because
many of the .gowns .at dinner parties are
sombre hued for the sake of some rela
tive lost on the battlefield. " The period of
reverse seems to have vanished from the
memory of Great Britain as aulckly as
any fleeting dream. The hand of tho
aced field marshal has taken the nation
from nervous, apprehensive mourning Into
the opposite extreme, and It is time lost to
attempt to stem for tba moment the
stream of jubilation.
In these celebrations the Ameri
can residents in London are not
behind hand, one of the most fashionable
dinners being given at the Carleton Hotel,
March 23, by Reginald Ward, of New
York, whose party included the Belgian
Minister, Baron Whettnal; Ladles Howe,
Hindfp and Dorchester, Lord and Lady
De Grey, Miss Ward, Mrs. Moreton Frew
en, Lord Glensell and other distinguished
English people and Americans.
The opera season promises to be better
than ever. There Is an imposing list of
patrons and the subscriptions are larger
than In former yeans. Tho box owners,
as usual, are' headed by the Prince and
Princess of Wales and the list Includes.
Lady William Beresford CDuchess of
Marlborough), William Waldorf Astor, W.
S. M. Burns. J. P. Morgan and Arthur
Paget, Adair Renalds and Bradley Martin.
Whllo London society celebrates, It also
speculates and not without misgivings re
garding the Queen's visit tJ Ireland. The
sovereign's great age makes the trip It
self one of serious risk, while tho possi
bilities of hostile demonstrations or even
personal attack, creates a nervousness
that will only bo-stilled when Her Majesty
Is safely back in England. The murder
of Lord Frederick Cavendish and Under
Secretary Burke, in Phoenix Park has
not been forgotten, and, while the party
led by John Redmond is not credited
with any tendency towards physical force,
it is universally felt in court circles that
the Queen is taking her life In her hands
In making the proposed visit. On this
question an interview has been had with
Ireland's Premier, the Duke of Abercbra,
who will be a visitor to Dublin Castle
during the royal visit and wlll receive Her
Majesty as first by right of blood In all
Ireland. The Duke said:
"I do not think there will bo hostile
demonstrations. There may be a few
black flags and other silent signs of disap
proval. Still there is. the rabble of Dub
lin, which cannot be answered for, and
w hlch is entirely unrepresentative of Irish
feeling. I sincerely trust that the voice
of national chivalry, apart from any po
litical considerations, will not "be over
shadowed by some rowdy demonstrations.
Still. I must admit there is no little risk,
though if tho preponderance of Irish opin
ion from genuine sons of tho soil, irre
spective of religion? and politics, can have
its way, Her Mapsty will meet with the
warmest receptkfn that over greeted the
ruler of any cJuntry."
'if anything Is interesting society more
than the constant departure of fashionable
women for Cape Town, it is the scandals
that come back about those already out
there. The latest is that of a woman, long
prominent in society and the wife of a
well-known Baronet. She went out to
nurse General Buller's wounded, but "be
coming the worse for liquor, she was shut
up by that commander In the room of the
local station master. Discovering his pa
jamas and a short coat, she donned them,
after sacrificing her own raiment. She
afterwards refused to change, and thus
scantily clothed, she was carried through
the lines of General Buller's troops in an
ambulance, was shipped to Cape Town
and is now in England.
The tremendous influx at Capetown o
English society women and wives of tho
more wealthy soldiers, especially those of
volunteers, has created many heartburn
ings among the majority of officersffiaHil-v
lies, who, through lack of pecuniaryre-M
sources, are obliged to stay at home. It
Is pointed out that Kipling will have am
ple chance to write up anotherjserles of
satires, such as he did upon 'thejjlndlan
army society. BL
Harry Cavendish, a nephew of tnefDuke
of Devonshire and a well known explorer,
who was formerly so devoted to Edna
May, the American actress, has fallen a
victim of a fair-haired girl of the stage,
who Is under 1G years of age. She is Nina
Sievenning, and took a small part in the
atricals. Tho girl's parents, though poor,
had scruples about sanctioning her en
gagement to Mr. Cavendish on account
of the rumors circulating about his many
affairs of the heart, hut they finally con
sented, and Mr. Cavendish went out to
fight his country's battle in South Africa,
after settling $50,000 on his fiancee in case
of his death and arranging that if he Is
not killed within a year and is still In
South Africa, she Is to go out to him and
marry him there. 'It is London's parallel
for the Stephanle-Lonyay romance, with
the roles reversed.
Queen Victoria Is quoted as saying at
Windsor this week that she regretted her
age prevepted her from doing much that
she would like todo, and that if she was
only 20 years younger she would visit Aus
tralia. A record fur sale occurred in London
this week, when a Parisian purchased in
the open market a bjack Siberian fox skin,
4Sx8 Inches, paying for it the sum of
$2900. When dressed. It will cost its wearer
about $3500.
ThoHon. Ella Scarlett. M. D., daughter
of an American, Lady Abinger (formerly
Miss Helen Magruder, daughter of the
late Commodore Allen Magruder, of the
"United States Navy), is going out to
Corea as medical officer of tho imperial
household. This young woman doctor is
now fitting herself for her curious post by
taking a course at the London School of
Tropical Medicine. Her brother. Lord
Abinger, has just gone to South Africa as
a trooper in the Imperial Yeomanry.
Work Bcprnn on New York's Under
ground Railivuy.
NEW YORK, March 24. With a silver
spade, in the presence of thousands of
people. Mayor Van Wyck today lifted from
an opening in City Hall Square a few
pounds of earth, which formally began
the work on the underground rapid-transit
railway system.
Addresses were made by Mayor Van
Wyck and President Orr, of the Rapid
Transit Commission. Tho underground
railway tunnel will be 21 miles in length,
and will involve tho expenditure by the
City of New York of more than $35,000,000.
The contract time for completing it is un
lhnlted, and about 10,000 men will bo em
ployed. B
Speech, at Salt Lake.
SALT LAKE. March 24.-Colonel W. J.
Bryan arrived here at 7. o'clock and went
at once to the Exposition building, where
ho spoke for two hours to an audience es
timated at 8000 people. He expressed" his
well-known views on finance, trusts, im
perialism and other public questions. His
remarks were punctuated with frequent
applause. Mr. Bryan will leave, here for
the West tomorrow, and will speak at
Sacramento Monday night. He will then
go North, and make eight speeches in
Washington and four in Oregon, and on
his way back to Texas will make speeches
at Fresno, San Diego and Los Angeles.
Eichnngre of Bonds.
WASHINGTON, March 24. The ex
change of bonds for the 2 per cent issue
authorized by the new currency law, up
to date aggregates $145,893,400. Of this sum,
$130,559,7R) were offered by tho National
banks, and $18,533,050 -by individuals.
Commercial Survey for Germany
Tfee Threatened Destruction of
Johannesburg- Gold Mines.
BERLIN, March 24. During the coming
week, the naval bill will come up before
the special Reichstag committee. The ar
guments pro and con were pretty thor
oughly exhausted In tho plenary debates,
but the question of how the expenses,
which, altogether, are supposed to" amount
to 1,700,000 marks, are to- be met will oor
caslon lively discussion. The government
still adheres to the belief that no special
taxation is necessary, but that the nat
ural Increase of tno population, now near
ly 1,000,000 annually, brings sufficient in
crease in the amount of taxes to meet
the required expenditures, always pro
vided that the present state of commercial
prosperity throughout the empire con?
tlnues. Against this calculation, the, Cen
turists especially maintain that it is too
uncertain, and years of depression must
be reckoned with It. This party proposes
new taxes, placing the weight of the fleet
expenses on commercial circles, partic
ularly on Bourse operators and exporters.
Naturally, the Liberal parties object to
this. Slnco other important questions,
like the meat and Heinze bills, have fo
cused public attention for weeks past, the
government is now re-engaged, through
tho semi-official press, in fanning the ag
itation in favor of the fleet increase. The
official Berliner Correspondenz today pre
sents a most potent argument on the sub
ject, in conclusion expressing tho belief
that Germany, even after the enormous
naval Increase, may not have to fight a
naval war, "but to vouchsafe Germany's
further maritime growth, the power of
the navy is absolutely required."
A commercial survey for Germany dur
ing tho present month appears in today's
Tageblatt, apparently based on reliable
figures. Its gist Is as follows:
"Germany, for the first time In history. Is
unable to employabout 1,000,000 tollers, not
because of lack of work, but because of
lack of fuel and raw stuffs. The Austrian
-coal strike Is partly responsible for this,
and all the Industries here ore overcrowd
ed with orders, the iron industry being
the most affected, the Prussian Govern
ment alone having recently placed orders
for COO locomotives and SG00 cars.
"Tho whole machine Industry Is in a
similar condition, excepting tho bicycle
business. Within a year 36 bicycle works
have ceased to exiEt. The German ship
yards are overcrowded with war vessels
In course of construction. In 39 yards
there are now in progress of construction
52S vessels of every kind. The German for
eign trade of 1899 amounted to 10,000,000
marks, of which 1,000,000 marks were mar
itime, meaning an increase in tho latter
of 1,300,000 marks. The same ratio of In
crease Is maintained. German capital In
vested In shipping amounts to nearly G00,
000,000 marks, and Is yearly increasing.
Even the textile Industry Is flourishing,
and the employes' wages are being raised
without strikes. All this would be jeop
ardized if Germany legislated antl-com-merclally."
Tho meat bill has been shelved until
aftrr Eastertide.
Prince Hohenlohe's toast at the lunch
eon given to the bi-centenary delegates, in
which he deprecated the growing mater
ialism, which, he said, reminded him "of
certain processes of animal life." and ex
pressed the hope that science would con
tinue to counteract gross materialism, is
commented on vigorously by the German
press. The National Zeitung today saya
the toast will renew the Agrarian attacks
on the Imperial Chancellor, but, unfor
tunately, the government, whoso head he
Is, makes concession after concession to
this Mmr materialism. Tho Vnprwnpriq
jdraws an Interesting parallel between
Prince Hohenlohe's and Emperor Will
iam s bi-centenary toasts, the Chancellor
caning upon scientists to avoid the war
fare against threatening reactionaries and
HigtMajesty asking sciencoto keep aloof
from politics.
Court circles regard the engagement of
Prlnco Max of Baden to Princess Marie
Louise, of Cumberland as indicative of
a complete reconciliation of the Guelphs.
The correspondent hero of the Associat
ed Press has interviewed capitalists who
have large Interests in the Transvaal.
Ttfey say they do not believe the gold
mines will be destroyed, adding that there
is no dynamite there except what is in
posseesion of the government. They claim
that individuals could do no damage to
the mines, and that the Transvaal Gov
ernment. could not afford to prejudice Its
cause In the eyes of Europe by destroying")
the mines over which German and French
L flags float in many case.
Close of
the International
Chess Match.
NEW YORK, March 24. For tho third
time America won the Anglo-American
chess match out of the five matches 1
played. Tho score of six wins to four
1s the same as was made last year. The
international chess championship cup, do
nated by Sir George Newnes, wilL remain
hero for another year, and it takes only
one additional victory to make It a per
manent possession. The contest was spir
ited throughout. England scdred first
blood. Then It looked as if America would
achieve an overwhelming victory, but
later in the day it was a question whether
America would be able to win the match
by one narrow , point. The whole issue
hinged on the game between Plllsbury and
Blackburn, and the contest between Bel
llngham and Hodges. Blackburn, by very
fine play, regained a pawn lost in the open
ing and finally had the better position, but
not sufficient to win. Hodges had been puf
on the defense for a day and a half, but
finally, by excellent play, succeeded In
establishing a won game. Seeing that the
match would have been won for America
anyhow, -he offered a draw, which, how
ever, was not accepted. The gallant Eng
lishman resigned, instead. Chess clubs
from Boston to CalifornU nd from Maine
to Texas were represented by one or moro
LONDON, March 24. The Cafe Monaco
presented a brilliant scene this evening
when, at the cdncluslon of the internation
al chess match. Sir George Newnes an
nounced that the fifth match had been
won by the American team by six games
to four, and proposed three cheers for tho
Americans. Congratulations were ex
changed between the clubs.
Yesterday's Winners at Tanforan
and XeTr Orleans.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 24. Th?
weather at Tanforan was fair and the
track fast. The results were:
Five furlongs Dernot won, Merlda sec
ond. Screenwell Lake third; time. l:02?i.
Five and one-half furlongs, selling St.
Caslmlr won. Mountebank second, Fidel
Youlin third; time, 1:06.
Mile and one-eighth, hurdle handicap
Meddler won, Durward second, Duke o!
YoTk H third; time. 2:03.
One mile, handicap Vesuvlap won, The
Fretter second, Zoroaster third; time.
Mile and three-quarters, selling Forta
won, Twinkler second, Potonte third; time,
Three and one-half furlongs Toah won,
Billy Taylor second, Illusion third; time,
Races at Hew Orleans.
1 NEW ORLEANS, March 2i.-The local
RMRfin flrtcoil In n iHimnl ralnr xrpf rfnxr 1
Tho -feature of the card was the Turf Con
gress handicap. Tho track was heavy..
Six furlongs, handicap San Durafigo
won, Tom Collins second, Maggie Davis
third; time, 1:13.
Five furlongs Wild Pirater won. Sad
Sam. second, Blink third; time, 1:05.
Two miles Admetus won, Mongaha sec
ond, Possum third; time, 3:47.
One mile. Turf Congress handicap Trll.
lo won, Knight Bannert second, Eva Rica
third; time, 1:47.
Mile and 70 yards Claroba won, Joa
Shelby second. Tlncraft third; time, 2:01.
One mile, 'Selling Warrior won, Randj
H. second, Clarence P. third; time, 1:49.
Won the Cast-iron Medal.
TRENTON, N. J.,, March 24. Rolla O.
Helkes, of Dayton, O., captured the "cast
iron" medal, emblematic of the American
championship, at live pigeons at Yard
ville, Pa., today. His opponent was J.
A. R. Elliott, of Kansas City, who had
held the trophy for some time. The men
tied with 91 killed out of 100 birds, and
in tho deciding event at 25 birds, Helkes
won by one bird, killing 22.
to i a Large Audience at Osdcn
In the Afternoon.
OGDEN, Utah, March 24. Colonel Will
iam J. Bryan was greeted by a large and
enthusiastic crowd when he reached Ogdea
today. In company with ex-Senator Du
bois, he arrived at the depot at 1 o'clock.
A special train from Salt Lake brought
a large number of prominent Democrats
from that city. The reception commit
tee escorted Colonel Bryan up town. At
the opera-house he was Introduced to the
large' audlerice as the next President of
the United States. Ha spoke chiefly on
the money question, touching also uppn
trusts, imperialism and the lncomo tax.
Referring to the Congressional candidates,
he said: '
"I want to see King elected by a larger
majority than you gave me In 1S9G." '
Colonel Bryan and party left for Salt
Lake on the 5:30 P. M. train.
For the Democratic Campaign.
NEW YORK. March 24. A special to the
Herald from Washington says:
Democratic campaign plans were dis
cussed last night at a special, meeting of
the Democratic Congressional committee,
held at the Hotel Regent. Representatlvd
Richardson, leader of the minority, pre
sided, and ex - Representative James
Kerr, of Pennsylvania, was secretary. Mr.
Kerr said of the meeting:
"The Puerto RIcan tariff question wa3
freely discussed. The main object of the
meeting was to formulate plans and meth
ods of organizing that will be effective In
tho doubtful districts throughout the
Plans were formulated for immediate
opening of campaign headquarters in
Washington, and sending out of literature.
J-. I. Pearcy, of Tennessee, and George N.
Jesse, of Kentucky, were appointed assist
ant secretaries.
Republican Banquet at Lincoln.
LINCOLN, Neb., March 24. The first
annual banquet of tho Abraham Lincoln
Republican Club of Nebraska was held
tonight at the new Lincoln Auditorium,
bringing together the leaders of the party
in Nebraska, as well as many from neigh
boring states. The banquet marks the
opening of the Republican campaign in
Nebraska. The ceremony began at tho
early hour of 3 o'clock, and many ladles
were at tho table. The first speaker was
Lieutenant-Governor Timothy L. Wood
ruff, of New York. Mr. Woodruff respond
ed to tho sentiment "From Lincoln to Mc
Klnley." Governor Shaw, of Iowa, also
was a speaker.
Populists of Mississippi.
JACKSON, Miss., March 24. Dr. R. K.
Prewittv chairman of tho Populism State
Executive Committee, has issued a call for
the Populist state convention to assemhle
In Jackson on April 26 for the purpose of
selecting delegates to the National con
vention at Cincinnati.
o .
Members of House Committee Try to
Reach, nn Agreement.
NEW YORK March 24.-A special to thtjfcgs&e principles. I don't believe in protec-
Herald from Washington says
Efforts have been made by the members'
of the House committee on naval
affairs to reach an agreement on
tho price of armor. A majority
of the committee Is in favor of
creating the limit of $545 per ton for all
the vessels -under contract, and for those
authorized In previous laws and to be au
thorized by this year's bill. Some of the
Democrats, under the leadership of Rep
resentative Wheeler, of Kentucky, object
to this, and intend to carry the fight into
the H6use. when the bill Is taken up for
At on informal meeting of members of
the committee, Mr. Wheeler submitted
what is practically the ultimatum of the
men who stand with him. He said that
he and those who agreed with him would
abandon their contention that some of the
new ships should be built in navy-yards;
they would agree to authorize the pay
ment of $545 per ton for the armor for
tho three battle-ships already authorized,
and would permit tho Secretary of the
INavy to contract for armor for the ships
to ba authorized by the present bill if the
best armor could be obtained for them at
a reasonable cost Mr. Wheeler suggest
$445 as a reasonable price.
The cbndltlon on which Mr. Wheeler of
fered these concessions was that if the Sec
retary could not contract for armor with
in the "reasonable price," an appropria
tion of $2,000,000 should be made, to be im
mediately available for the construction
of a Government armor plant.
No agreement was reached, and It Is
probable that the matter will be carried In
to the House, tho majority of the commit
tee insisting upon authorizing the Secre
tary to contract for armor at $545 pes ton.
not only for the ships previously author
ized, but for those carried by the pending
bill as well.
a B
(Continued from First Page.)
We've got them.' I understood the re
mark that we had the Democrats down
here and we could do as we pleased after
we got here."
Tho witness then took up the events
after the shooting. He said he saw a
man named Blakeman In Louisville.
Blakeman and John Powers had a con
versation. Counsel for the defense strong
ly objected to this line of examination,
and the commonwealth withdrew It and
announced it was through with tho wit
ness.. Golden, who was very weak from hla
hemorrhage, requested a few minutes
rest, and he was accordingly taken out
by a Deputy Sheriff. Golden's Illness
proved more serious than at first thought,
and after half an hour's delay, adjourn
ment was taken until 10 A. M. Monday
The defense will then take up the cross,
examination and introduce testimony in
Carnegie Company Incorporated.
TRENTON, N. J., March 24. The Carne
gie Company, the formation of which has
resulted from the conference of Andrew
Carnegie and H. C. Frick to settle the
business- differences between them, was In
corporated here today. The capital Is $160,
000,000, and the stock Is all subscribed.
0 a ...
Imports of Specie.
NEW YORK, March 24. The imports of
specie, this week were $31,034 In gold, and
$107,836 In silver.
i e-K
Stops the Cousli and Worlds Off the
Laxative Bromo-Qulnlna Tablets cure a.
Icold in one day. No cure no pay. Price 25c.
Makes People Deaf
and Blind.
Peruna Promptly Cures
Such Cases. .
"My wife, who Is now S7 years old, suf
fered for about 16 years lrq$ci severe
catarrh of the head, which affected her
slghtvand heating. I saw Pe-ru-na adver
tised in your almanac, and testimonials
similar to her case attracted my attention.
I got one bottle and It helped her so much
that she Is now using the second bottle.
and she thinks It Is something wonderful. .
.tier nearing and sight are both in part
restored. Grateful to you for this won
derful medicine, I am, yours,
"Piedmont, Wayne County, Mo."
I. W.
Klghttenger, Grlnnell, Kans.,
"I don't have any more trouble in my
throat, and have not
had a headache for
four weeks. Pe-ru-na
is the very medi
cine for catarrh.
There is no medi
cine like it In the
United States, for I
have tried a good
many before using
Pe T ru - na. I will
keep It in my house
to guard against ca
tarrh, as it cures all
catarrhal diseases.
T -nr xriv.i I atl the ca-
j.. r. xBui..cuber. tarrh for over 20
Mr. Isaac. Brock, of McLennan County,
Tex., has attained the great age of 110
years. He is an ardent friend to Pe-ru-na
Congressman. De Armqnd, Dr. Jordan
and Patrick Collin Were Speaker.
BOSTON, March 24, "Free Trade With
Puerto Rico" was the subject "for discus
sion at tho dinner of tho New England.
Freo Trade Leaguer held at the Hotel
Vendomo tonight, and the policy of Pres
ident McKlnley, in dealing with the Puerto
Rico and Philippine questions, was severe-'
ly attacked. Among the speakers were:
Congressman De Armond, of Missouri;
President David Starr Jordan, of'Leland
Stanford University, and Patrick A. Col
lins. Congressman De Armond said:
"It has seemed to me that the general
sentiment on tariff laws constructed sole
ly for revenue is unfavorable. What we
r'dPArf mnrfl tVinn nnrtilnf. ala !a HViot-ol
ias a doctrine or policy. I don't be-
the present prosperity of the coun
try is due to protection. You need free
and unrestricted marketB. People unob
structed and left free will buy and sell
whore they can do so to the best advan
tage. It is not a matter of sentiment,
but commercial Interests. Just so far as
people depend on legislation alone to do
things for them, jus. so far will they fall
short of what they wish to do. You are
In the height and glory of your ability In
manufacturing, In a broad field of manu
facturing, with a given amount of money
and a .given amount of time, you can
compete with the world. If that be true,
the only question Is how you can gain a
broader field; hw obstacles can be re
moved. All hfiMiifrgoes to show that
trade is a puqjBnieace and that the
great triumpjuflJHulncd by the best
"TheoreUcallyBrpractically, I think
free trade Is absolutely correct. At least.
It seems to me a tarlf! law such a3 will
bring revenue, and only revenue. Is what
you tmght to labor for. The Puerto Rico
question would be a farce, if it were not
a tragedy."
President Jordan said Puerto Rico and
the Philippines were hot tho only coun
tries oppressed by us, but that we had
mistreated Cuba, the American Indians
and others In the same way. He spoke
of aristocracy, militarism, slavery and
imperialism, as the four great evil3 of hu
manity, speaking humorously of tho "ad
vantages of Imperialism."
Patrick A. Collins said we could not
afford to break our pledge to Puerto Rico
nny longer. He said he would like to sea
Cuba and Puerto Rico set up for them
selves, and he believed no European pow.
er would interfere with either as long as
our Government attended to its business
and relied on the Monroe Doctrine.
' i o t
The Devreys at Jacksonville.
JACKSONVILLE. Fla.. March 24. Ad-
The Type of the Prevailinfir Grip.
Prom the New York Herald.
"Although grip prevailed In mild form
during the late Autumn months. It has
now taken on an unmistakably virulent
type In the extent and character of its
new invasion. During tho last fortnight,
thousands who havo escaped heretofore
have been stricken, and the disease Is
plainly epidemic over a very wide section
of country.
"The type of the disease is essentially
catarrhal and chiefly manifests Itself in
inflammatory affections of the membranes
of the noso, throat and upper air passages.
Tho attack is quite" sudden, and there is
generally a high temperature, with palp.
in the forehead, hacking and irritative
cough, with general muscular pains and
"It 13 the attention to little things the
avoidance of draughts, tho cultivation of
habits of temperance In eating and drink
ing, the obedience to all hygienic rules
which can make any one reasonably safe."
Dr. Humphreys' Specific "Seventy
seven" meets the exigency of the prevail
ing epidemic. "77" restores the checked
circulation (Indicated by a sudden chill),
the first sign of taking cold; starts the
blood coursing through the veins and so
"breaks up" the cold. Manual of all dis
eases, especially about children, sent free.
For sale by all druggists, or sent on re
ceipt of price, 25c and $1. Humphreys'
Homeopathic Medicine Company, corner
William and John streetu, New York.
and speaks of It in the following terms
Mr. Brock savs: "Aftpr n nnn . mw
in tho world as long as I have he- ought
to have found out a great many things
by experience. I think I have done so.
Mr. Isaac Brock, the Oldest Man In the
United States.
One of the things I have found out to my
entire satisfaction Is the proper Temedy
for ailments due directly to the effects of
the' climate. For 110 yea,rs I have with
stood the changeable climate of the United
States. During my long life I have known
a great, many remedies for coughs, colds,
catarrh and diarrhoea. I had always sup
posed these affections to be different dis-
miral and Mrs. Dewey reached Jackson
ville this morning and were met by a re
ception committee. A public reception
was nold at the Windsor Hotel from 11 to
12. After a luncheon a, military recep
tion was given, at thp Armory.
miral Dewey and party arrived here this
afternoon. They were met at the station
by General and Mrs. J. M. Schofleld and
driven to the Hotel Ponce de Leon An
Admiral's salute was fired -from the hotel
tower and Dewey's ensign was flung out
on the main entrance to the building. The
Admiral will remain six days, and, in ac
cordance with his wishes, no public demon
stration will be given.
Will Be Taken, to Manila on
Transport Hancock.
NEW YORK March 24. A special to
the Tribune from Washington says:
The War Department has gfven orders to
have the transport Hancock prepared for
the use of the Philippine Commission. She
Is one of the finest vessels In the service
and will be put In perfect condition for
the accommodation of the members of
the commission and, their staff of cleri
cal assistants. The commission will sail
from San Francisco on April 15.
The first meeting has been called by
Judge Taft, to be held in the headquarters
of the first commission here, next Wed
pesday, when an organization will be made
and the staff of the Schurman Commission
continued, under Secretary McArthur.
Little time will be spent In Washington,
as .much of the preliminary work has al
ready been accomplished. Dally meet
ings will be held on tho voyage across
the Pacific, and the commission is expect
ed to reach Manila about May 10, ready
to begin the actual work of organizing a
territorial government without delay.
Changes on Asiatic Station.
NEW YORK, March 24. A special to
the Herald from Washington says:
Some Important changes in commands on
the Asiatic station will occur when Rear
Admlral Remey hoists -his flag. It is said
that the department has determined to
order Commander E. D. Taussig to re
turn to the Asiatic station. Commander
Taussig is now on lighthouse duty. He
was summarily detached several months
ago from the command of the gunboat Ben
nington by Rear-Admiral Watson, and
ordered to return to the United States.
He will be directed to sail for Manila on
tho Solace. His command on the Asiatic
station will be determined by tho depart
ment before he leaves.
' ' a
CorvaHJs's Noted Mnsicinns.
Corvaliis Union-Gazette.
No city In Oregon has given to the
world of music, letters and drama mora
or better artists than Corvaliis. In fact,
this city is noted for the number of celeb
rities it has produced. Daye Rosebrook3
Is already recognized as one of the world's
greatest cornetlsts, and is leader and solo
ist with the best orchestra in San Fran
cisco. In C: G. Cohn's book of testimonials,
he is credited with a compass of four
octaves on the cornet ranging as high
as G above high C. Tihs Is phenomenal.
Miss Ollla Thompson is pianist with a pro
fessional orchestra at Coronado Beach,
Cal., and has no equal in this line on tho
Coast. Willis McEIroy, formerly of this
city, but later of Salem, is on a concert
tour, as cornet soloist, through the South
and .East. Harry Samuels is cornetist in
the Marquam Grand, and Is considered the
best artist in Portland. Charles Hodson,
until recently performer on the bas3 viol
with the Marquam orchestra, leaves short
ly for San Francisco to accept a similar
position with one of the leading organiza
tions of that city. H .M. Stoudenmyer 13
director of the Chemawa Indian Band,
with the title of professor of murtc.
a a
The "Gackoo" Papers Are Known.
Lebanon Express-Advance.
The Oregonian, on account of its- Inde
pendent course in criticising the adminis
tration, Is being savagely attacked by tho
"cuckoo" papers of the state. Tho big
paper seldom notices any of ther small fry,
but when it does It hits 'em hard.
i a
A Godnmitli in Yamhill.
' Dayton Journal.
A fellow named Van Burlough passed
i through town Monday with a wheelbar
eases. For the last 10 or 15 years I have
been reading Dr. Hartman's books and
have learned from them one thing In par
ticular: That these affections are the
same and that they are properly called
catarrh. As for Dr. Hartman's remedy,
Pe-ru-na, I have found it to be the best.
If not the only reliable remedy lor thess
affections. It has been my stand-by for
many years and I attribute my good health
and my extreme old age to this remedy.
It exactly meets all my requirements. I
have come to rely upon It almost entirely
for ttte many little things for which I need
medicine. I believe It to be especially val
uable to old people, although I have no
doubt it Is just as good for the young.
Mrs. W. Rocher. of Marshall. Mo., in a
recent letter to Dr. Hartman. speaks in
glowing terms of Pe-ru-na. The following
is an extract from a letter written by her.
She says: "I am very thankful to you
for your kindness, and am very much
benefited by your advice and medicine.
I did not think I could live without Pe-ru-na,
but now I am entirely well. I
haven't been sick fof six months. I can
not recommend your medicine too highly.
It is wonderful for catarrhal troubles. No
woman should feel safe without it."
Mr. J. R. Prince, of East Leon, N. Y.,
in speaking of Pe-ru-na, says: "I am not
very well satisfied
with tho picture
that.I am sending
you, but when tho
reader looks at this
picture If. he would
only realize "that tha
original suffered for
43 years, the be3t of
his life, until your
kind advice and pre
scription cured him,
ho would know;
from whence these
wrinkles came. Next
month I shall be 68
J. R. Prince. years old. I hope
I may live to eo
you some day, face to face."
In old age the mucous membranes be
come thickened and partly lose their
function. This leads to partial loss of
hearing, smell and taste, as well as dlges-
tive disturbances. Pe-ru-na corrects all
th,s DJ" Its specific operation on all the
mucous membranes of the body. One
' bottle will convince any one. Once used
uiiu re-ru-na Becomes a nie-iong siana
by with old and young.
Mr. Jacob Linn, of Kings, 111., writes:
"I was taken with a pain In my right
arm, between the elbow and shoulder,
shoveling corn off a wagon. I went to tho
doctor at once and he said it was rheu
matism, but he could do me no good.
The doctor gave me some medicine,
but It didn't do any good. I
had no strength In the arm: for threo
months could not lift a pin with my thumb
and finger. Then I got stint all over;
could not dress or undress myself for
three months. Finally I happened to get
1 hold of 'The Ills of Life.' In it I read
Mr. Gould Durkee's testimonial and wroto
to him asking him if It was a true testi
monial. He replied, telling me If I took
your medicines I would get well. I took
all three of them and they cured me. I
am freo of pain, feel as limber as'I did 13
years ago, and can sit down In any posi
tion and get up as spry as a boy. I con
sider Pe-ru-na the best mediclno of Its
kind I ever saw. I was 75 years old last
August. I was also troubled with dia
betes, and the Pe-ru-na cured, that. I
think Pe-ru-na is the best mediclno I ever
saw." ,
Send for a free book written by Dr.
Hartman, on catarrh. Address The Pe-ru-na
Medicine Company, Columbus. O.
row, laden with tent, baggage and accou
terments, saying he was going to Southern
Oregon to look after mining interests. On
the route he Improves the time by street
harangues on his view of the teachings of
Scripture, and favored a hastily collected
crowd with a discourse to prove the rlta
of "Immersion" to be the Gospel way, and
railed against all sects. Like others of hij
Ilk, what he says Is "Thus saith the Lord,"
but what those who choose to differ wltl
him. say is "only man's opinion."
0 9
Why Cyclone Davis Came to Oregon,
Ashland Record. Pop.
Hon. J. H Davis, ot Texas, better
known as "Cyclone" Davis, the famou3
Populist orator, arrived In Ashland Sun
day night from the South, and after con
sulting with State Chairman F. Williams,
National Committeeman J. W. Marksbury
and others, went to Roseburg last night
to interview Democratic State Chairman
R. S. Sheridan. He Is representing tho
National committee for the purpose of
getting a delegation to the fusion conven
tion at Sioux Falls. S. D.. May 9.
The fusion Populists of Jackson County
who were so badly smashed and demoral
ized at the last election, have been wak
ened up from their Hungarian trance by
"Cyclone" Davis, and this week issue o
call for a mass convention at Medford,
April 3, to see where they are at.
a e
Army Appropriation Rill.
WASHINGTON, March 21. The Army
appropriation bill will be taken up by tho
Huoso Monday, and in anticipation oi
this the House committee on military af
fairs revised the bill today, making soma
minor changes, the most Important being
an increase of J5CO.000 in tho refund to
states for expenses Incurred during tho
war with Spain.
Report on the Charleston Wreck.
WASHINGTON, March 24. The Navy
Department has received the report of
the Court of Inquiry convened by Rear
Admiral Watson, at Manila, to lnvestigata
tho loss of the cruiser Charleston. Tho
court exonerates the officers and men
from responsibility for the loss of tha
o I
A.dmirn.1 McCormick Retired.
WASHINGTON, March 24. Rear-Admiral
Alexander H. McCormick was re
tired as Commandant of the Washington;
navy-yard today.
"In Union
There is Strength.
True strength consists- in the union, ths:.
harmonious oxtrteng together, of every
port of ihehumajiorganism. This strength
can never he obtained if the hhod is im
pure. Hood's the si&ndaxd
prescription for nurihina the-hlood. mj
Mrs. Ruth Berkely, Salina, Kas.,
saya: "One of my grandchildren
had a severe case of Scrofula, which
spread and formed sores all over
her body. Her eyes "were attaoked,
and we feared she would lose her
sight. The best physicians treated
her, but she grew worse, and her
case seemed hopeless. Wethende-
cided to try Swift's Specific, and
that medicine at once made a com
plete cure. She has never had a
sign of the disease to return."
oKe0r tne
(Swift's Specific) is guaranteed purely
vegetable, and will cure any blood disease
it matters not how obstinate or deen-
seated the case. Valuable books sen
fvee by Swift Specific Op., Atlanta, Ga,
JrlfiftTS.A JirhJr&m?r