JjDPttttt - THIRTY- PAGES PAGES 1 TO 12 t rw y fTffttfffVfffTITT VOL. XIX. NO. 12. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 25, 1900. PRICE FIVE CENT& witiifi!!cHt. m&am H4M It. SOLDIERS' FUNERAL Programme "For the Exercises al the Armory. LIST OF THE PALLBEARERS The Escort "Will Take Boat at tho Foot of Jefferson Street for the Cemetery. , Promptly at 10 A- 21. today, the funeral services over the bodies of Ore gon s soldier dead will begin at the Arm ory. The Portland Symphony Orchestra, In full force, will open the programme with Beethoven's grand funeral march. The orchestra management yesterday ex pressed to the committee a willingness to play this very appropriate selection. As the weather is threatening, it was decided that It would be better to charter a steam er for transporting the military escort and the Volunteers to the cemetery. The R. R. Thompson was yesterday secured for this purpose, and It is cow the plan. Jo embark the troops, the Emergency Corps and Red Cross Society and the Volun teers at the foot of Jefferson street Oth erwise no change has been made in the programme as- published yesterday. At the Armory the exercises will be as fol lows: "Funeral March" Portland Symphony Orchestra Prayer. Dr. Alexander Blackburn Address Governor T. T. Geer Music Choir Oration D. Soils Cohen Music Choir Benediction Rev. C. E. CHne Those to take part in the march will as semble at the Armory before 1 P. M., that all may be ready to move at that hour. The following list of pallbearers has been selected from among the Volunteers: Clyde Jt Nlcholsen, Harold G. Stanton, E. E. Thornton. Jog Koeve. Alex. Gordon. Albert E. Eide, W. H. Ponath, H. G. Stan-i ley, G. J. Lautenschlager, C. W. Lyman, L. C. Patton, C. E. Baty. William Green, H. V. Crooks, Louis Matthews. C. A. Mar cey, L. P. Smith and A. P. Hays, from Company G. L. D. Ewlng, G. B. McKlnney, G. D. Simmons, L. Van Vleet E. Rommell, J. C. Prentiss. C. W. Whitney. H. Wilson. W. W. Widmer. N. C. Newell, F. R. Chase, Z. M. Redman, from Company A A. Bargar. G. W. P. Reichweln, Alvin Parsons, Phil Flood. Frank Flood and Ward Fowler, from Company F. Walter A. Reavls. H. P. Cloves, E, E. Chapman, W. W. Wilson, H. P. Hunter, F. E. Rittenour. F. W. Hemsworth. T. P. ' Bodley. H. H. Robinson. J. N. Reid, Carl RItterspacher, J. F. Warren and T. V. Da vis, from Company L. The pallbearers from .other companies will be appointed by General Summers, as no names have been handed In to him. Formation of Line. That all organizations may form promptly and vithout confusion. General Beebe. has issued the following instruc tions ns to arrangement in the procession and tfcVplace for forming: Bsdort. Major Jubitz commanding. Old First Replment Band. First Battalion. Third Infantry. O. N. G., comprising Companies E, F. G and L Infantry Company M. Sailors from U. S S. Perry. First Division, Naval Reserve. Second Division, Naval Reserve. Immediate Funeral Party. Brevet Brigadier-General O. Summers com manding. Mount Tabor Band. The remains of Second Oregon Dead on catafalque and gun caissons, manned and. Immediately escorted by Light Battery A, O. N. G Captain Welch commanding, pre ceded by firing party. Relatives of deceased. Veterans Second Oregon Infantry, TJ. S. V., and SpanishiAmerlcan War Veterans. Governor Geer and Staff, with State Of ficials. Mayor Storey and City Officials. Improved Order of Red Men. Native Sons of Oregon. Foresters of America. Woodmen of the World. Knights of Maccabees. Company of American-born Chinese. Troop of Rough Riders. The escort, as described in the, first sec tion, will form In line on the west side of Eleventh street, facing east, with left rest irg at the Intersection of Eleventh and Davis .streets. The immediate funeral party, as de scribed in second section above, will form in the drillroom of the Armory. The Improved Order of Red Men will form In column on Couch street, facing west; head of column resting at intersec tion of Couch and Eleventh streets. The Native Sons pf Oregon will form In column on Couch street, facing east; head of column resting at intersection of Couch and Eleventh streets. The Foresters of America will form .In column on Burnside street, facing west; head of column resting at Intersection of Burnside and Eleventh streets. The Woodmen of the World will form In rolumn on Burnside street, facing east; head of column resting at Intersection of Burnside and Eleventh streets. The Knights of Maccabees will form in column on Burnside street, immediately in the rear of the Woodmen of the World, and will follow this organization directly on tho ma-ch. The company at American-born Chinese, Omtain Seld Back, Jr., commanding, will fonn ;n column on Stark street, facing w 5t; head of column resting at Intersec tion of Stark and Eleventh streets. The Troop of Rough Riders will form in column on Stark street, facing west, immediately in tho rear of the company of natlve-borrt Chinese. Should other dismounted organizations desire to take part in the march, and which have not as yet reported their In tention of so doing, they will follow in column in the rear of the company of American-born Chinese. It being the ln trtlon to have the mounted organizations in the rear of those that are dismounted. Captain ITnrath, commanding the troop of Rough Riders, will be governed accord ing'y, and will see that his troop follows in the rear of dismounted organizations. All organizations are requested to be In position at point of formation, as de scribed above, not later than 12:30 o'clock P. M.. and having taken position, will at once so report to Major Jubitz, command ing the escort, who will be found on Elev enth street. In the vicinity of the west entrance to the Armory. Emergency Corps. ,.Ml ? Honry E- Jones' President of the Red Cross, requests all members of that society to assemble this morning at the entrance of the Selllng-Hirsch Build ing, by 9-45 o'clock, without fall. The members of Gilbert Auxiliary Camp No. L wl'l assemble at the entrance of th Burkhard building, at 8-45 A. M. that the entire auxiliary may attend tho Volunteers funeral in the Armory. Line of March. The line of march lias been changed a block or two on account of obstructions to the way. It will be from the Armory south on Eleventh to Alder, east on Alder to Tenth, south on Tenth to Main, east on Main to Sixth, north on Sixth to Burn side, east on Burnside to Fourth, south on Fourth to Jefferson, east on Jefferson to Water, where the escort and others will embark. Promptness TJrsred. General Summers again urges all Volun teers to respond promptly to tho requests issued. They are not asked to wear khaki during the mornln gservlces unless they so desire, but he is especially anxious that they be on hand in the upper hall of tho Armory promptly at 12:30 P. M., in full khaki -uniform, that the command may maintain its name of promptness in mov ing whenever ordered. STARVATION IN PUERTO RICO Fifty Thousand Laborers on the Is land Are WIthcHt Work. CUV TTTJXT TVC TJTTTTTXTV-W TTlft ir.l fcJH.41 .1 WVi.1 IJlZd f UUiVAU fVJ.1. JlLO.Lm 17. The recent strike of 700 men employed ; made today by Wharton Golden, a frail, on the Ponce Adjuntas-Utada Government consumptive-looking Kentucky mountain road, their demand being for 5 cents gold eer, while on the witness-stand In the GENERAL ly'Cljji The above engraving: is from a life-sized oH portrait of General Summers painted by E. W. Moore, the photographer. The painting: Is now on exhibi tion in Bernstein's show window. It Tas painted from life, and is an excellent portraiture of the General himself as he appeared In uniform while he was engaged in the Philippine campaign. The portrait will be of great interest to General Summers' legion of friends, as well as to the people of Oregon, who share with him in the honor and prestige of the brigade he led against" Agulnaldo and his followers. per hour, an advance of 2 cents per hour, And the more recent strike of. .000 men working on the same road under a New York contracting firm, their demand being for a uniform rate of 50 cents per day In stead of 40 and 45 cents, have served to accentuate the fact that there are, at the very lowest estimate, 50.000 laborers on the Island without employment Though their demands were refused, the strikers re mained quiet and orderly, and made no attempt at a demonstration. On account of lack of funds to keep up the estates, many plantations are Idle and are being fast overgrown with wild vegetation. Thousands of workmen are out of employ ment on this account. Governor-General Davis says that in his estimation, 300,000 of the inhabitants -J of Puerto Rico are dependent upon labor. It was thought that the country was in such a condition as to allow the distribu tion of relief supplies to he stopped, but immediately after this was attempted, the cities and towns began to fill up with beggars, and Instances may be recorded where whole families have died from starvation. As a consequence. General Davis has suggested to tho "authorities at Washington that the supplies be con tinued. About 600 natives have Immigrat ed from Ponce to Cuba, but from letters received by their families here, they have found conditions in Cuba even worse than in Puerto Rico. ANOTHER CAUCUS CALLED. Proposed Amendment to the Puerto Rlcan Tariff BUI. WASHINGTON, March 24. Another Re publican caucus on the Puerto Rlcan bill will be held Monday. The latest proposi tion is for separate measures, and an amendment of the tariff portion so as to allow free trade on all products going into Puerto Rico from the United States and retention of the 15 per cent duty on prod ucts coming to the United States from Puerto Rico. If there can be found any substantial unanimity among Republicans within the caucus, or if a sufficient num ber can be secured to pass the bill In the amended form, it will be pressed to a vote. President Signed the Relief Bill. WASHINGTON, March 24. The Puerto Rlcan appropriation bill was signed by the President at 4:20 P. M. today. a a Good Alaska Mail Service. WASHINGTON, March 24. Information received at the Postofflce Department in dicates that the efforts to get mall to the gold fields through the Alaskan moun tains -are meeting with great success. Mall was recently transmitted from Skag way to Circle City in 19 days, which broke all records, and the dispatch of a letter from Circle City to Washington in SO days, as was recently done, would have been impossible last year. A PLOT TO MURDER Golden's Sensational Testimony at the Powers Trial. NEGROES HIRED TO ASSASSINATE aCoHBtaineers Broagfct la to Kill Off 'the Democratic Majority la the Legislature. FRANKFORT, Ky., March 24. "John Powers told me they had two negroes here to kill Goebel. They were Herker Smith and Dick Cooms." This statement was O. SUMMERS .1 preliminary exambM Secretary of State Caleb PoweKed with con spiracy to kill GoebHpen told a story of the events leadlngT to the murder, that. If substantiated, will. In the mind of those connected with the prosecution, at least, probably go far toward proving the contentions of the commonwealth, that the murder was the result of a plan. In which several prominent men were in volved. Whether the defense will seek to impeach Golden's testimony in this pre liminary examination is not known, as the attorneys for the defense will not talk on the subject, but unless such attempt is made, the commonwealth will rest Its case, both County Attorney Polsgrove and At torney Campbell being satisfied that enough evidence has been presented to hold the defendant on the charges. Golden, who claims to have been a friend to Secretary Powers and his brother, John Powers, for years, gave testimony that was particularly damaging to John Pow ers: but he also brought In the names of many others, including Charles FInley. W. H. Culton and Goveror Taylor in his story of the bringing of the mountaineers tp Frankfort previous to the assassina tion. Governor Taylor, however, was not directly implicated, and the attorneys for the commonwealth intimated today that they do not expect to have his namo brought forth prominently In the story of the alleged conspiracy. Golden was not cross-examined today, and adjournment was taken at an early hour this afternoon on accqunt of his physical condition, the witness having a slight hemorrhage during the morning and becominc so weak -under the strain of the examination in the afternoon that he begsed to be allowed a respite. He was quite nervous at times. Golden's testi mony tended to show that a plan was made to bring to Frankfort several hun dred "regular mountain feudists." who would, If necessary, as Golden expressed it. tou iinu me legislative nail and kill off enough Democrats to make It our J way. ' The testimony did not show that the alleged plot to kill Goebel was part of the original plan, nor did it contain the names of those who conceived that idea. But tho commonwealth anmrht- n ,, hby Golden's conversations with various peopie mat not only John and Caleb Pow ers, but others, as well, had full knowl edge of the alleged plan of assassination. Attorneys for the commonwealth say that Golden's testimony Is practically the cap stone of the whole structure of evidence, and expect to prove by his testimony not only that a conspiracy existed, but also who are Implicated. The room was Jammed long before the hour set for the examination, and a large crowd remained outside. Just what tes timony In rebuttal the defense will Intro duce Is not known, but unless Golden's testimony proves sensational. It is eonsld- 1 ered probablo the defense will submit the case without argument. Secretary of State Powers was the only one of the de fendants brought into court this morning. Golden's Testmony. Golden was the first witness. He tes tified that he had known Secretary Pow ers for about IS years, and he knew Mr. Culton. He was also acquainted. with Gov ernor Taylor and Captain John Powers. He said he was a friend to all of the defendants. He waa in Frankfort In Jan uary and February, and saw Secretary Powers nearly every day. He was in Frankfort January 14, and went to Har lan County the 18th, and then went to Laurel County for three or four days. from there returning to Frankfort. "From there, where did you go? To Barboursvllle?" asked Attorney Campbell. After hesitating the witness said: "1 won't answer that." "When did you have a conversation with Secretary Powers?" "When Mr. Powers and I left here to gether. Colonel Powers told me to go to Harlan County and tell Postmaster John Hirst to send down 10 witnesses In the contest case who were regular mountain feudists." "Did he understand what you meant by that, and what was your understanding of that request?" This was objected to, but overruled. "I won't answer that," said Golden. Affer some parley Golden said: "Well, men who would stand up, and if necessary, go into the Legislative Hall and kill off enough to make it in our favor. I did not see Hirst. I saw Hamp Howard. I told him we wanted 10 regular mountain feud lets for witnesses. We wanted men who had good Colt 45s." "Were tho Colt 43s to be put In evi dence?" asked Attorney Campbell. "Most assuredly they were," answered Golden. v In reply to a question. Golden said he did not know the witnesses who came to Frankfort. He delivered the message to Howard on Sunday, a few days before the shooting of Goebel. "When did you next see Caleb Powers?" "I saw him Tuesday. I got on the train at Ferris Station, Laurel County. He had a couple of men on the train named Pease and Locket He told me to tak care of them. I next saw Powers It Frankfort I don't remember what con versation we had then." "Who selected the men who came, front Harlan County?" "Hamp Howard. He selected 30 men be sldtfa the 10. Caleb Powers, I think, se lected the men from Knox County. There were about 70 or 80. Jim Sparks, Count? Attorney in Laurel County, selected th men from Laurel County." "When was It determined to bring th men to Frankfort?" "I don't know." The witness "stated that at London, Pow ers "said he wanted a regular army of mountaineers to come to Frankfort. In answer to further questions, Golden said Powers gave him $160 to give to Judge Bingham, in Bell County. "I gave some of It to Bingham to send 10 men down to Frankfort," said Golden, Tho witness said ho gave Howard $73 Sfi for 10 tickets to Frankfort and return. He knew some of the men from Bell County. Most of the men were mountain eers. 'About 1200 or 1500 men were brought to Frankfort They were fed back o! the Statehouse. Captain Davis and ChnrlAs "Finlev nrovidfid the nrrtvtefnriA Continuing, Golden,, sald: , I we Bern most 01 uienv naciw xpjtt nisPs -t By 'we- -I -wean" myself. hewers. Dav Culten and Governor Tayjer. , Fmley Taylor and Powers decided to send. back all except 16 or is from each county. I selected 12 armed men to be kept from Knox County. Deputy Marshal George Thomas selected the moo. from Laurel County. About 175 men of the mountain eers brought to Frankfort remained here to see that we got justice." "Did you have any further conversation with Powers reearrHne1 thft -work to ha Idohe by the men coming here?" Plot to Reduce the Majority. "No, sir; they understood what they were kept here for. We knew that those mon were here to go into that legislative hall, and, if necessary, clean out enough Democrats to make a majority on our side." The answer created a sensation. Golden said he was in the Executive building the day before the 9hootlng. He met Powers in Governor Taylor's ante room. Powers asked him to go to Louis ville that day. He told Powers (JohnT that he was going to Louisville with Caleb Powers. During a long argument over a technical point, Golden became 111 and court was adjourned to 1:20 o'clock. Golden resumed his testimony at the aft ernoon session. He said that John Powers and a black-dyed mustache man had talked concerning the closing of Secre tary Powers' office during the latter's ab sence. "I had my back turned," said Golden, "but when I turned I saw Powers give the key to the man. John Ppwers said to me: Goebel is going to be killed this morning.' I said: 'This must not be done He said: 'Don't get exclteQ; I gave that man the wrong key.' " "What was next done?" "We all went back to the Statehouse. I did not go to Louisville that morning; I can't say why." "Do you know a man named Lick Coombs?" astfed Attorney Campbell. "I do. He Is a colored man and lives ia Beattyvllle. He came down with the Lee County contingent." "Did you have any talk with Caleb or John Powers about Dick Coombs?" "No, but they had two negroes there to kill Goebel. John Powers told me so. They were Hereker Smith and Dick Coombs. I saw Dick Coombs at the drug store near the depot every morning for a week or so previous to the shooting. Coombs, talk ing to a man named Wallace In my pres ence said: 'Damn him, I know him as far as I can see him, and I can kill him as far as I can see him.' He was talking of Goebel. This conversation was in the Adjutant-General's office." "On Tuesday, did you meet Caleb and John Powers?" asked Attorney Campbell "Yes, I did; I saw them in Caleb's' office. I got a letter from Blakeman that morning; asked me to come to Louisville. Caleb said he was going with mer but said he might want me to go to the mountains. He was talking to Walter Day and Governor Taylor. R. J. Howard; of Harlan County, came up. and he talked to'Tayldr. He Insisted on Taylor calling out the militia. Taylor said: 'My,Godl you people must do something first,' add ing: I can get the militia quick enough. You fellows must act first,' By that I un- derstood 'we fellows' must raise a riot in the Senate chamber. Goebel was there. As I told you this morning, we would clean out enough of the Legislature to make It our way." , "What do you mean by that?" "Oh, kill them. After Taylor wa through talking, I urged Powers to take the train with me, as it was due. At La grange, I learned that Senator Goebel had been shot We continued to Louisville. I do not know why Mr. Powers went to Louisville. Both John and Caleb Powers were along. We left for Frankfort that afternoon and went directly to the State house. I did not see- Mr. Powers again that day." Attorney Campbell then took the witness back, and Golden told of a conversation he had with Caleb Powers on a train In Laurel County previous to the shooting. 'Caleb said," said Golden. them. (Concluded on Second Pace.) HIS ARMY RESTING Roberts Has Not Yet Advanced From Bloemfontein. NO LATE WORD ABOUT MAFEKING Beer Celamn Trekkine North, From the Orange River May Be Inter cepted by FrcHch. LONDON, March 24. Spencer Wilkin son, reviewing tho situation at the seat of war for the Associated Press, at mid night, says: "The two points of acute Interest are Just now Mafeking and the Boer column trekking north from Smithfleld and Roux vllle, along the Basuto border. About Mafeking we aro in the dark. Colonel Plumer has but a handful of men, and Is not strong enough to attack Commandant Snyman and raise the siege. Command ant Snyman, therefore, has attacked him, and Colonel Plumer has prudently retired, expecting no doubt to return after Com-, mandant Snyman whenever the latter goes back. " "Lord Roberts never forgets small MAP OF THE SEAT OF fikFiKim . Nk VrybuVS i t ntrw 0 fQurtfrn 'irreiton oBoshof f reams Vtinl IfMnFBLEYi 5&S ""' . .0 7? F - ) ' - fearar. Hfwp J N-ffWW 'r$ CWgtofcy ""& yg j! D?Aar. LCc!fm Almi!farfi Junction? ' jnttion- 1 1 1 thlQcgghll9,attendljBg to great things. It our m laxen as ceruua- uia-i. uc iLiiuna kw and wkea h shall have Mafeking Relieved, sdpposfBg the garrison can hold Out, but he does not disclose his plana In advance. We are all left to our gdess. My first guess that the. column had'gon :p by Barkly on or about February seems ta have been wrong. My next, tht the mounted 'force would go up. fWB' Prieska as soon as the rebels wereisit tled is not yet ruled out GeneraljlCe thun has been nearly arweek at Four teen Streams, probably waiting for troops enough. The Boer General, who is hoping to get past General French up at Kroonstad. may be caught and made to fight, but with, & few thousand mounted men he ought to be able, by a temporary disposi tion, to elude the British. If he stands to fight, he may be detained for some time. "Lord Roberts has now been more than 10 days at Bloemfontein. He seems to wish to settle the country behind him before srolne.cn. Probablv. too. he has 'extensive preparations to complete. His next campaign will go Into the dry season,, when tho nights are often very cold and the veldt Is dry and bare. He will want his men equipped for this season, and his transport service qualified to be as near Independent as possible of grass and water. The design, no doubt, Is that General Buller In the next advance will move sim ultaneously with Lerd Roberts. General Buller perhaps Is not ready. "Lord Roberts will shortly have the TSIghth division, and may also form of the troops now available a new Tenth division. He will then have in his own hands 70.000 men, and General Buller will have 40,000. The former force need not necessarily be moving nil on one line, for it would be easy to form a third col umn to cross the Vaal River at Klmber ley and turn any Boer defense on that river. In view of these figures and the known power of Lord Roberts as a leader, I attach little Importance to the Boer declarations that they will make a big fight If they stand before they are driven Into Pretoria, I expect they will he enveloped. They may defend Pre toria, but that can help them but little. It will be a ques-ilon of weeks. "Lord Roberts may be looked for north of the Vaal at the end of April and before Pretoria, If the Boers fall back to that place, la the first half of May." LORD ROBERTS' ADVICES. Party of Kllah Officers Surprised y Beers. LONDON, March 24.-At a late hour the War Office posted the following dispatch from Lord Roberts: "Bloemfontein, March 24. Yesterday. Lieutenant-Colonel Crabbe, Captain Trot ter and Lieutenant the Hon. Elygon of the Grendler Guards, and Lieutenant Colonel Codrington, of the Coldstream Guards, rode eight or nine miles beyond their camps on the Modder River, with out escort, except one trooper. They were fired upon by a party of Boers and Lieu tenant Elygon was killed and Lieutenant Crabbe, . Lieutenant-Colonel Codrington " and Captain Trotter were seriously wound ed. The trooper also was wounded. One of the wounded officers held up a white handkerchief and the Boers came to their assistance and did all they possibly could attending to their wounds. The Boera then conveyed the wounded' to the nearest farmhouse, where they were taken cars of." "WILL NOT QUIT. Transvaalers Declare They Will , Fiarat to the "Bitter End. LADYSMITH. March 24. The scouts frequently engage the Boers beyond Me ran, under the BIggarsberg, but no im portant fighting has taken place. The Free-Staters continue to enter our lines, surrendering under the proclamation Issued by Lord Roberts. They declare that the Transvaalers are determined to fight to the bitter end. The majority of those who hav hitherto taken part in the fighting have been Free-Staters. The Transvaalera have been held In reserve. The Boers are preparing for another cam paign, and will occupy a strongly fortified position In tho- Transvaal, necessitating heavy fighting before they can be driven out The Boers are not expected to make a stand at Johannesburg, but to concen trate at Pretoria. Lord Roberts' proclamation Is causing much dissatisfaction among the loyal Dutch farmers In this neighborhood, asH It is taken to mean that he has morally pledged himself to preserve the life and property of the rebels who lay down their arms and return to their homes. HOPING FOR, INTERVENTION. Boer Leaders Know They Are Beat en, Bat Will Tvy to Hold Out. DURBAN, March 24. It Is learned from an authentic source that the Boer leaders are aware that they are beaten, but think they can hold out for four or six months. In which time they firmly believe foreign intervention will force Great Britain to grant favorable terms, Including independ ence. They expect Germany or the United States to intervene. The missjon of Me"3. Wolmarens, Fischer and Wessels to Lu ropo ia to hasten this, so far as Germany is concerned. The Boer planslnclude a stand at Kroonstad, the Vaal River and other points, culminating In the defense of Pre toria, which has been preparing for a. siege. The range of the guns has been tested, mines have been laid and the forces In the field have not allowed themselves WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA Pftf7WA f" m3- jrF& A- . zr,. tSlancf&ion fifer jr . . ftoonsrctd 'tjMBm Cn1' 1 Bffljeh" Mos& m0Fi'-yA irt rr& ...si dp xrrtUA" . Cotni '"sn scr" ,!' ,M f .. -hi .sn:Jtr' ..Jtf - w - ' 1 . to be cut-off with 'their hayvjnjuwUclLl are needln tho forts a-prelolKr The wajtity or tne Trnasvaaiers are Ignorant of the gravity of the situation, aJMiXtflough. tired of remaining so long jframfthelr farms, will fight hard, believ ing thatjthelr liberty and property are at stake ad confident of ultimate success. Me. CeManlsslons for Canadians. OTTAWA. Ont, March 24. A dispatch was reelved here today from the Colonial OfflceTofferlng 42 Imperial commissions to Canadians in the Imperial Army. They will be selected from graduates of the Royal Military College, and fTom officers of the Canadian militia. Auntria-HnnR'nry Also Declines. VIENNA, March 24. It is semiofficially announced that the Government of Austria-Hungary has replied to the South African appeal for mediation in the war that it was only possible to take such a step when both belligerents desired It, and that, therefore. It was impossible, under tho present conditions, to accede to the request made. French Renting? ot Thnbanchn. BLOEMFONTEIN, Friday, March 23. Advices from Thabanchu, between Bloem fontein and Ladybrand, on the Orange Free State border, dated March 21, say General French's force Is resting there and distributing Lord Roberts' proclama tion. Boers Retire From Kroonstad. LONDON, March 25. A special dispatch from Bloemfontein, dated March 24, says: "Rudyard Kipling has arrived here. Tho Boers are reported retiring from Kroonstad, after having blown up a bridge." Canadians nt the Cape. CAPE TOWN. March 24. The trans port Milwaukoe, with Canadian troops aboard, has arrived here CANADIAN FINANCES, Dominion's Trade: Is Growing and Indicates General Prosperity. OTTAWA, Ont. March 24. The Cana dian Finance Minister, W. S. Fielding, has just delivered his financial statement in the House of Commons. It showed a growing revenue, large business expan sion and a genera!prospcrity all over the Dominion. Mr. Fielding spoke for about two hours. Dealing with the figures for the past year, ending June 30 last, he showed the revenue to be $40,741,219. and the expendi tures $11,903,500, leaving a surplus of J4.S37, 749. The Increase In the revenue over the previous year was J6.1S6.CC0. Dealing with tho figures for the current year, Mr. Fielding estimated that when the busi ness of the year closed on June 30 next, there would be a surplus of $7,500,000. Tho Important announcement was that tho preferential tariff in favor of Britain was to be Increased from 23 to 331-3 per cent A proposal had also been made to Trinidad to give free trade between that Island and Canada on all except a very few articles. The only change fn the regular tariff Is that machinery, to be used in the manufacture of beet-root sugar, will be admitted free of duty. Mr. Foster, the financial critic of the opposition, was taken by surprise at the general programme, and asked an ad journment of the debate, which was granted. a A Fatal Cave-In. PITTSBURG, March 24. One man waa killed and five were injured by a cave-In at, Whitehall, on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 10 miles south of here, today. Antonio Do Bono, an Italian laborer, lost his life. The injured are: Frank Alitler. an Italian; John Lee. colored, of Philadel phia; Thomas Clark, colored, of Char lottesville, Va., an unknown American and an unknown colored man. The men were engaged at excavating when the tlmberr gave way. All were taken out alive, but Bono died a few minutes later. Alitler, Lee and the unknown American are un conscious, and It Is thought will die. LIUKB'AM THE SUBSIDY GRAFT SenatoF Simon Opposed to-tho Hanna-Payne Bill IT WILL NOT BENEFIT PROPUCEJf The Object Is to Distribute the "Ptm, pie's Money Anions? a. Fevr Wealthy Shipo-rraera. WASHINGTON, March 24. Senator1 Si mon is emphatically opposed to the Hanna-Payne subsidy bill. His position Is well known to the advocates of that bill ln the Senate, and those who have undertaken to argue with him have found that he has not come to his conclusions without giving the matter due consideration, and that ha is not to be convinced that It is a wis policy. Senator Simon says: "I have been against thl3 shipping sub sidy 'graft from tho beginning, and noth ing has been said to make It loo"k any more favorable. It is simply a proposition to take money out of the Treasury, which the people pay In as taxation, and dis tribute It among a few wealthy ship owners, without any benefit what-" ever to the producing classes. Tb reduction of freight rates promts-ad by means of this bill will not go to the producers, but If there is any such reduction, the middle men will get It, or the wealthy shippers, ratne- than the pro ducers or consumers. I can see no neces sity for any such legislation at this time, and I will not support the bill." The Puerto Rlcan, TariA. The Puerto Rlcan tariff advocates hav taken a'new lease of life today, 'and are boasting confidentially that the 15 per cent duty will become a law. The free trada men In the Senate are not so sure as they were. Senator Scott, of West Virginia, returned to Washington today with stories of how anxious the laboring men are for a Puerto Rlcan tariff. He say3 that thoso he found In his state are representing all classes, and both parties declared em phatically for the tariff. This has given the protectionists considerable consolation, and they seem to think that In a little while the working men will be able to change the attitude of the press and soma of the people" of the country. Meanwhile reports continue to come m showing that the tariff Is extremely dis tasteful to the people throughout the coun try. The reception given Crumpacker, in Indiana, Jars those who favored tho tariff, and many Republicans are trembling in fear for their fate before the conventions, which a few weeks ago would have re turned them unanimously. "What has happened?" asked a leading Republican of his colleagues, the other day. "A few weeks ago the party was going ahead strong, aggressive and certain of victory. Today we axe halting, stumbling and trembling, explaining to every ono that wc aro making a defensive campaign, and,, scared to death. It Is because the Puerto Rican tariff matter has been sprungrup6n ns and because Congress has been forced to take a different position from that anticipated In the message from the President" i Another Republican Senator says that when the Republicans aro questioned ctl the stump In the campaign as to why they voted against the recommendation of the President for free trade, they will have to say the President told them privately that he wanted them to vote for the tariff bill. "IF will be a humiliating confes sion," he added, "and I "don't intend to make it" Opposition to Assay Office. Representative Tongue was today given- hearing before the coinage, weights and measures committee on the Portland assay office bllL Mr. Tongue contended that Portland Is the natural center to which the mining interests of the state con centrate. He said Portland Is more acces sible to the Oregon and Alaskan gold fields than any other point in the state, and is likewise situated to receive much of the gold from Alaska. He regarded the establishment of an assay office at Bakez City as Impracticable. Mr. Tongue reproached the Director of the Mint, who, he said, had Injured "the Portland bill by underestimating the gold product of Oregon, and cited the state ments .prepared by tho Portland Chamber of Commerce to sustain his contentions. He pointed out that but a small fraction of the Oregon gold went to the Seattle asaay office, and thought that office might Judiciously be removed to Portland. Mr. Tongue made the plea that not more than 25 per cent of the revenues collected In Oregon were expended In the state, and that the Government had not recognized Oregon in the way of public Institutions, etc.. In proportion to most other states. Ho thought the establishment of the as say office would be but a modest con cession. Assistant Secretary Vanderllp and Dlreo tor of the Mint Hoberts both opposed tho establishment of more assay offices, be cause of what they termed "an unneces sary expenditure for maintenance." They are of tho opinion that San Francisco and Boise can handle the Oregon gold adequately for the present The general sentiment of the committee also appears to be against any new offices. Relief Bills Favorably Reported. The Senate committee on claims has re ported favorably bills Introduced for the relief of the heirs of Chauncey M. Lock wood, of Salem, and W. A. Starkweather, of Clackamas. CHICAGO GOES IN DEBT. Appropriates Three Million Dollars More Than Estimated Receipts. CHICAGO. March 24. The City Council tonight passed the appropriation bill for the current year, after a sensational ses sion of 10 consecutive hours as a com mittee of the whole. The bill authorizes expenditures aggregating $3,112,940 In ex cess of the estimated largest possible re ceipts the city can secure during the year from taxes, miscellaneous receipts and the water fund. Tho deficit In the antici pated Income from taxes and receipts reaches a total of $954,034, while the amount ordered expended from the water fund exceeds the Income from this course by $2,159,500. B ON WAITING ORDERS. General Wheeler's Case Wot ' Yet Finally Disposed Of. WASHINGTON, March 24. After sev eral conferences today between General Wheeler and officers of the Administra tion, It was announced that the War De partment had temporarily disposed of his case by placing him on waiting orders. This action retains General Wheeler lji, the service of the United States until op portunity Is had to determine whether he shall be given an active command, 'made the subject of a special retirement act. or mustered out of the military serried.