THE SUNDAY OEEGONIAN. PORTLAND. MARCH 18, 1900. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Amusements Tonight. CORDRAYS THEATER Washington street) "In. Darkest Russia." METROPOLITAN THEATER "AH MUefl." Don't be diverted from the text by trivial things. Surplus Is strength. Unitarian Social Union. At the Uni tarian Chapel next Wednesday evening. March 21, -will bo held the second enter tainment of the Social Union. Miss Farnham, of Forest Grove, "will speak upon "South Africa, Social and Polltical.,, This same subject was to have been given last "week, under the auspices of the Uni tarian "Woman's Auxiliary, but owing to Illness of the speaker, the lecture was deferred until Wednesday evening. Miss Farnham's 10 years residence in Southern Africa makes her competent to present this theme, at the present time. Light refreshments and a social hour will cosa the programme. Members of the union will bear in mind the hour is S o'clock. Equitable Life has largest surplus. Woman's Cujb. At the next meeting of the Woman's Club, Friday, March 23, busi ness will begin at promptly 2 o'clock. A large attendance of members is desired, at. the pending amendment to the by-law relative to an Increase of entrance lee to the club to twice the present amount, will come up lor discussion, and be decided by vote. At the close of the business (session, a time will be passed in social intercourse, which will be enlivened by Mis3 Margaret Carolyn Mitchell, a gradu ate of college school of music in Eimirav N. Y., rendering 'Concerto in G minor, op. 25, Mendelssohn. E. Drake will favor with a vocal number by Herbert, "I Envy the Bird." Equitable Life strongest company. New Telephone Building. In the win dow of Woodard, Clarke & Co.'s is a pic ture of the handsome building being erect ed by the Oregon Telephone Company on West Park and Alder. The structure wL be of Spanish style of architecture, and will be built of brick, cement and sand stone, with a tile roof. The three floors and basement are intended solely for the company's use. The basement Is to ba used as a supply-room, and to receive tne underground cables. The first floor will have the business offices. The second floor is planned for the operators' retiring-room, while the top floor will be used as an operating-room. Surplus is strength aEk financiers. Bio Jon of Moving. Andrew Alien, a Portland house-mover, is preparing to move a 512,000 residence, at Walla Walla, for Banker Baker, of that city. The build ing Is a two-story and attic structure, oc cupying a space of 60xS0 feet, and the dis tance to be moved Is a mile and a half. Two creeks aro to be bridged and crossed on the route, and the chimneys and plas tering have to be landed intact. Several carloads of heavy timber and tackle will te shipped from Portland to Walla Walla lor the work. Equitable surplus, $01,000,000. Teachers' Institute. The Multnomah County Teachers' Association will hold Its next session at Mount Tabor Saturday, March 24. The programme Is something of-an innovation. Addresses will be de Hvered by the Rev. A. A. Morrison, ot Trinity Church, and by C. M. Idleman. Musical selections will add Interest. Luncheon will be served by school friend of Mount Tabor. Equitable Life, the strongest. Struck bt a Ladder. M. L. Donohue. an elderly man, living at French Prairie, Marlon County, was walking on Burnsloti street, near Second, at C o'clock last even ing, when a ladder, which had been stand ing against a wall, fell on him. He was etruck on the head and rendered uncon scious. The patrol wagon was summoned and Donohue was taken to the Good Samaritan- Hospital. There Are Others none so strong. Spring Examinations Begin. The an nual spring examinations of the medical department of the University of Oregon will begin tomorrow, at the medical de partment, building at 23d and Lovejoy streets. The annual commencement exer cises will occur Monday, April 2. Equitable Life, strongest, best. A Lenten Lecture. Mrs. Altman will give the third of her delightful and schol arly Lenten lectures on Tuesday of this week at the Selllng-Hirsch building. The subject will be, "The Book of Psalms." EQurrABLH Life, L. Samuel, manager If You Are Interested in fine fabrics for gentlemen's garments to order, you can see all the latest novelties in foreign and domestic woolens for spring and sum mer wear at NIcoll the Tailor's, 108 Third street, near Washington. Grand Concert and ball, under the aus pices of the Caledonian Club, for the ben efit of Portland Seamen's Mission, at Arlon Hall, Second and Oak streets, Fri day evening, March 23. Tickets, 25c each. The Second Recital of this season, given' by pupils of Mers. Eugene and Joseph Steblnger, will take place next Saturday, at 2:30 P. M., at Alisky Hall. The Social Democrats meet every Sun day eve at G. A. R. Hall, First and Tay lor. Everybody, ladies especially, lnvitea. Garden Plants, cut flowers and floral designs, at lowest prices. Burkhardt Broi., Twenty-third and Glisan streets. Tel. 502. Don't Fajl to see the young ladles' military drill at Foss Hall, March 23, Hawthorne Assembly, United Artisans. Elegant Pattern Hats arrived; hats trimmed to order, at usual low prices. , Becker's Millinery. Phone Clay 921. Accordeon and knife plaiting, skirts re bound; prompt service. Misses Gould & Shaw, S01 Marquam block. Spring Opentng, pattern hats, Tuesday, "March 20. Allen, King & Co., 345 Wash ington street. Umbrellas. Repairing and recovering, Meredith's, Washington, bet. 5th and 6th. The Portland Club, incorporated, has moved to its new quarters, 130 Fifth st. Bargains in foreclosed properties. W. H. Fear, 416 Chamber of Commerce. Finest Turkish Baths In the North west, third floor Oregonlan Building. Fruit and Shade trees at Lamberson's, corner Front and Yamhill streets. Hair Switches, good quality, from $1 up. Becker's Millinery, 220 First. Best inside wood. $2 25 a load. M. C. Benfield & Co.. both phones. Is an Instrument by means of which anyone can play the piano. It Is so wonderful In its power that It must be seen to be appreciated. St will pay you to come and see it. THE AEOLIAN CO. frfarqaara BWfl., cor. Seventh Street Queen Esther. This, the most beauti ful of all cantatas, will be rendered next Friday evening, in full costume, by the Centenary Choral Society, consisting of SO voices in the principal chorus, together with a boy's chorus of 25 and a girl's chor us of 25, and an orchestra of 10 pieces, with the following cast of principal char acters: Queen, Mrs. A. Pollltt Clifton, of Oakland. Cal.; Zeresh, Mrs. F. H. Fleming; Prophetess. Miss Eva West; King, E. D. Allen; Mordecal, Jesse Wad dell; Haman, P. L Packard. Place, Burk hard Hall, Union avenue and East Burn side. Tickets at Gill's, Woodard-Clarke's and Love & Bushonss. Colored Democratic Club. At a meet ing held at 2 North Second 6treet last evening, a colored Democratic club, u be known In future as the Iroquois Club, of Portland, Or., was organized. Thirty four young men signed the roll and pledged their support td this new depar ture In Oregon politics. The officers elect ed were: C. A. Hughes, president; Grant Cross, vice-president, and G. "W. Hamil ton, secretary; Pendleton Smith, treasurer. The club has secured quartets for the cam paign at 82 North Secnnd street. Equitable Polict. most desirable. Bankrupt Sale. Sealed bids for stock of hardware. Implements and fixtures ol W. E. Chandler, bankrupt, Lebanon, Linn County, Or., will be received by the un dersigned up to noon of Wednesday, March 28, 1900. Bids must be accompanied by cash or certified check for 10 per cent of the amount thereof. For inspection of goods or Inventory apply to Front and Vine streets, Portland, or to my agent at Lebanon, Or. R. L. Sabln, trusted In bankruptcy. Returned From New Orleans. A. W Cheney and wife, Oregon City; -F. D. Schnebly, Ellensburg; Mrs. N. W. Dur ham, Spokane, and Albert and Nellie Toz ier, Portland, arrived in yesterday from attending the National Editorial Associa tion, at New Orleans. Some of the Ore I gon delegates have gone to Cuba, and others to New York. They wijl return later. But the Best; Equitable policy. Damage for Spoiled Dress. Justice Kraemer decided yesterday that Mrs. M. J. Watts Is entitled tn $15 damages, at the hands of David Wllkle, for having been besmeared with hot tar on paeslng along Morrison street, near Front, a few weeks ago. Mra. Watts sued for $250, and Wilkie, it is said, offered her $15 be fore the suit was brought. Talk to Samuel about life Insurance. Incorporation. Articles of Incorpora tion of Woodard, Clarke & Co., were filed In the County Clark's office yester day. The objects of the corporation are to deal in and manufacture drugs, and to buy and sell photograph supplies, etc The capital stock Is $100,000; Incorporators, Louis G. Clarke, William F. Woodard, E. L. Clarke. Don't be diverted from the text The strength of the Eaultable Life Is proven by it having a larger surplus than any other life Insurance company. The amount of business done in an off-year in one of the smallest states in the Union has noth ing to do with text Surplus, financial strength; that's the Equitable Life. L. Samuel, manager. Behold! I received the latest Tor Spring and Summer, in foreign and do mestic woolens, to make up for my pat rons In the latest styles; reasonable prices. The Spalding Tallorshop, 350 Alder. J. Reltzele. Delicactes at Richards'. Genuine spring lamb, sweetbreads, broilers, green turtle soup, etc, served In up-to-date style. Hot and cold beverages. Private dlnlng- parlors on second floor. Sixth and Alder. If You Intend to have your furniture or bedding renovated or reupholstered, for reliable flrst-class work, call at Charles Fritsch. 2S4 Yamhill,' between Fourth and Fifth streets. Phono Red 2002. Dr. Brown will spend one week Jn Hillsboro, returning March 26. Photo Dry Plates, all kinds, at Skid- more s. Dr. Swain, dentist. 713 Dekum building 9 ' AN HONEST EFFORT CROWNED BY SUCCESS While the busy builders are tearing down and dis figuring our store front and sidewalls WE ARE TEARilNG DOWN PRJCES The people are with us because most of them know a good thing when they see it. THE FINEST Ready-to-wear Clothing from makers who guarantee their goods Same brands as have been advertised so long and so often as THE BEST IN Famous THEFRAGRANT WEED. Five thousand of the famous Horace R, Kelly Company's cigars, manufactured from the new-crop 1S29 Havana tobacco, the best grown since 1S04, have been re ceived at Handleys. These goods, Bou quet Perfectos, sold elsewhere thne for 50 cents; Handlcy's price, two for 25 cents. Caballeros, 10 cents straight. Undoubt edly the best cigar on the market today. All 15-cent goods at 10 cents. All of the best 5-cent brands at six for 25 cents. Great cut on all kinds of smoking tobac cos. The best goods at the lowest pos sible selling price. Handley'a Cut-R.i'e Cigar and News Stand. 291 Washington street, Perkins Hotel building. LEADING GROCERS TO MOVE. L, Mayer & Co. Will Go to Third Street, .."car Morrison. After 14 years of continuous business at 268 Morrison street, L. Mayer & Co., lead ing grocers, are compelled to move. On and after April 1, they will occupy the premises, 14S Third street, east side, mid way between Morrison and Alder. i a WHERE TO DINE. A tasty, appetizing lunch Is better than a spring tonic. Go to the Portland Restaur ant, 205 Washington. Chicken dinner at the Eastern restau rant, 25 cents. 170 Third, near Yamhill. The Owl Cafe, newly furnished, every thing first class. F. A. Clark, 249 First. Chicken dinner, 2bc, Strouse's Cafe, 229 Washington, between First and Second. JAPANESE AND CHINESE CURIOS SALE! We will continue selling at reduction prices our entire line of curios, novelties, bric-a-brac, matting and all kinds of toys, etc ANDREW KAN &. CO, Corner Fourth and Morrison. e BARGAINS IN FINE GROCERIES Until April 1, wheo re will remove to 148 Third street, we will sell many lines of staple and fancy groceries at reduced prices. L. Mayer & Co., leading grocers. e REMOVAL 'SALE. We move,, April L to 14S Third street, near Morrison. All goods eft a reduction till that date. L. Mayer & Co., leading grocers. a REMOVE AROUND THE CORNER On April 1, L. Mayer & Co., leading grocers, will move to 14S Third street. Just around the corner from the present location. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. Unique Tailoring Company, 347 Wash. a To Lovers of Hardman Pianos. Mr. Fred W. Lohr, manager and bead man of the great "Hardman" piano, will bo In the city for two days. It Is our Intention to place an order for Just one hundred "Hardman" pianos, and if there are any customers who would like to have an elegant "Hardman" In any special de sign made to order or specially selected by Mr. Lohr on his return to New York, we would like to have them call and In terview us at once. Special pains will be taken, and low prices will be quoted on any order taken while Mr. Lohr Is here THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO., Nos. 2W-211 First street. ' ' e Stelnvray Sanare Grand, $100. It was bought a few years ago by a rich Portland capitalist, from Albert Bartsch, the agent, for $S50. Good as new yet. For sale by Wiley B. Allen Co. THE WORLD Equal to custom-made, and as THING FOR LESS MONEY i JLEL CORNER MORRISON AND SECOND CHI 843 107 First Street HIGH-GRADE They are comlnff and golns dally. Six car loads received within the past tvro wtete and more follow lng good buelnesa for a new piano house. Some of the reasons for It are that by our special arrangements with the manufac turers we represent "are are enabled to make you a lower price for ihe same grade and quality than can be obtained from any other dealer. We are the Pacific Northwest represen tatives for the celebrated Steck Krakauer and Three great pianos that predominate every where. Also a number of other prominent makes. In fact, with our fine, large assort ment of different makea we are In a position to eult the buyer who han but a small amount of money to Invest and Is seeking to purchase a strictly high-grade piano. Come in and let us talk the matter over with you. and we will prove the above statement to your satisfaction. GEO. A. HEIDINGER & CO. 131 Sixth Street Oregonlan Building Samples rUiuD ftui HenryBerqer.1 CO. NEMCHSTLE ..DEJ4TIST.. Jlarquam Building, Rooms 300. 301. 303 ' i-' always, THE SAME PIANOS House Exclusive Clothing For Men 'ITH Of Si FANCY SHIRTS w New Percale and Madras stiff-bosom shirts. Fancy Madras, silk front, Oxford and silk-striped Negligee shirts, in large assortment 75c, $1 up to $3 --" Larest Clothiers In the IF YOU M Men's Nobby New Spring Suits for 1900; the popular heavy wale blue serges, cut in the swell new military style, perfectly tailored; our price s remarkably low, considering quality An elaborate exhibition of newest and choicest novelties in Oxfords and silver gray vicunas, unfinished and fancy worsteds, combining all the new de signs; perfectly tailored, guaranteed equal in all respects to your merchant tailor's $30 to $50 kind. Your selection at For spraying, In all quantities. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. "Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Fourth and "Washington Sts., Portland, Or.- Corn or German Roggcn Wheat "Will out-yield corn, -will make the same kind of I meal; he.9 superior fattening qualities, will solve the problem or. iauenins nogs anu cume in a wheat country; should be sown in the spring the same as wheat, and will yield from 50 to 100 bushels per acre; the traw after it is threshed has an oily substance,, and it is al most aa rood as hay. Price of seed, 10c per pound or $5 per 100. Address 11. J. SHIELDS & CO.. Moscow. Idaho. LARK& CO, CA5CL VWVLLSENnsx"-TAGAVA. Front and Pettygrove. TEL. OAK 26J Dealers in Superior American Coals. for HOUSE. STEAM and BLACKSMITH use. Our BLACKSMITH COAL Is extra GOOD. Mall orders solicited. Ore. phone Bed 1760. Ofilco Front st. near Gltean. "W. Q. KEQL.ER, Mgr- wim?85lark& cE SVCL. V precision we are presenting each in our display windows and in the public press, what the inside of this shop con tains, so that anyone can see without a searchlight that EXCLUSIVENESS and ORIGINALITY characterize us. Our stocks in the main are always widely differ ent from the ordinary stocks of other stores; yet, by no possibility shall any person buying of us have it to say that he paid more than like qualities aro sold for elsewhere. On the contrary, our long ex perience of intelligent close application enables us to display a stock of goods of undoubted quality, and in such variety and volume for choice that to excel it is hardly possible, and to so get It that It can be sold at prices that can hardly be underbid. New worsted checks and stripes in fancy effects Fine worsted serges Oxford and Cambridge grays. In three or four-button sack coats, as you prefer, $10, $15, $16 to $35. A grand assortment of the world's best. Perfect fitting, rightly fashioned boxy coverts and Oxford steel grays. . $10 to $35 BOYS' SUITS ff tf tTr -tztfmicE aortfMj ffrnnu&FMmwJ, f Northwest Cor. Fourth and Morrison Streets GET IT AT ROSENBLATT'S, IPS RIGHT. esoact THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS Great Special Finest Spring Suits and $15.00 to $25.00 oeeeeeseeeS0aeaec o e o Bail-Bearing Eldredge "B" Sewing Machines Are the Best BECAUSE They have positively the only self-threading shuttle made. BECAUSE The Eldredgo "B" Is the only machine that you can not break the thread by start ing backwards on account of a loose pulley. BECAUSE It is ball-bearing. Be cause the feed Is a double four motion, and Is positive in ac tion, and does not havo to be changed for thick work. The regular price of the Eld redge ball-bearing. five-drawer, drop-head, quarter-sawed oak ma chine Is JG5.00, but we are selling this elegant machine for $35.00 cash or $40.00 on time. "We have another fine drop-head "Vlndex" for $25.00; another cov .i "VItiIatV fer $20.00. A Una Domestic for $22.50. A New Home for $30.00. Domestic Sewing Machine Office 175 Fourth Street '3 Y. M. C. A. Blda. 00Oe39 day, Double-breasted Knee .Trousora sulU, sizes 8 to 16 years. Fancy worsted patterns, blue serges and fine cheviots $3,95 Offer Overcoa eaeoo0eGoeo0oeeoesoe see 9 9 9 9 O 0 O e 0 0 c DESSERT JELLY SIMPLY DELICIOUS. 1 Package Bromangelon 1 Pint 2 Minutes Nothing FLAVORS Lemon, Orango, Straw berry, Raspberry, Cherry. FREE SAMPLE. Send 3 cente In stamps for postage and your grocer's name, and wo will mall . you free a sample of BROMAN- GELON, of any of the five flavors. Distributing Agent M. J. CONNELL, Seattle, Wash. 0 Manufacturers 9 STERN & SAAIBERG, 311 W. 40th St., K. Y. eeeeee9e90fet ' -T'Q Boiling Water, r Time, M More. sf I 9