THE SUNDAY 0REG03STIAH, PORTLAOT, MARCH 18, 1900. 11 FOR RENT. Room. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all modern convenience; references. CLEAN AND NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT room, to quiet person, for $1.50 per week. 145 Seventh, between Alder and Morrison. 188. WEST PARK LARGE. PLEASANT room, with board, in private family, for two; bath. heat. gas. phone; reasonable. VERY DESIRABLE TRONT ROOM. WELL furnished, all modern conveniences; free phone, private famll. 44X5 Taylor. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. IN PRIVATE family; splendid location, central. East Side; terms reasonable. Y 40. Oregonlan. THE GILBERT LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED rooms; all modern conveniences. Third and Taylor eta.; entrance, 257 Taylor. LARGE FRONT SUITE. HANDSOMELY FUR nlshed; also el n fie room; housekeeping: priv ileges if desired. 431 Main At. PLEASANT ROOMS. 304 TAYLOR, CORNER Park. Bath, heat, phone; reasonable; two blocks from Portland Hotel. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING, en suite and single; reasonable; fine brick building-. 23(4 Russell st. ALCOVE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO GEN tlemen; one single room; gas, bath; private family. 409 Washington. 120 10TH. BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND Alder Furnished front Alcove room; one or two perrons ; reasonable. THE BURKHARD. EAST BURNSIDE AND Grand ave. Furnished rooms, single or en suite; at earn heat. 1C0 10TH ST.. BETWEEN MORRISON AND Yamhill Nicely furnished front rooms; mod ern conveniences. LARGE SUNNY ROOM, BAY WINDOW; suitable for one or two; every convenience. 395 Salmon st. 74 SEVENTH. COR. OAK A NEAT. PLEAS ant room, with use of bath, for gentleman; rent reasonable. THE VANDERBUILT, SSI YAMHILL NEW ly furnished rooms, en suite or single; mod ern conveniences. 413 TAYLOR STREET NEWLY FURNISHED front room, for gentlemen; private famliy; rent reasonable. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH alcove, gas, bath, reasonable. 423 Yamhill St., near 11th. LOVELY FURNISHED SUITE; MODERN; private fcoueo; use of bath, porch and phone. 454 Clay st. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS, to respectable parties. The Monnastes, 2SS"a First st. SS9 MAIN ST. PLEASANT ROOM FOR Busi ness gentleman; private location; rent reason able. THE CLEMENT. Cth and Oak sts. Nicely fur nished rooms, steam heat and electric lights. OILMAN HOTEL Bnck bldg.. central; fur nished rooms. $1 week and up. let and Alder. SIX UNFURNISHED ROOMS, TO PARTIES without children; reasonable. 340 Sixth st. For Rent Furnished or unfurnished rooms. In quire Everett St., between Park and Ninth. 292 11TH ST.. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, alj housekeeping rooms, for rent cheap. MRS. M. OSVOLD, 221 MORRISON ST. Nicely furnished rooms; rent reasonable. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, WITH ELEC trlc light and telephone. 187 West Park. The Wlnfleld, 106 4th Newly furnished rooms, for gentlemen only. Mrs. W. W. Wright. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, IN PLEASANT locality. 215 Seventh st. HANDSOME PARLOR SUITE AND OTHER rooms. 190 West Park. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM; LADY preferred. 394 1st st. SUITABLE ROOM, FOR TWO GENTLEMEN. 407 Third st, i J Rooms With Honrd. T-ORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 12TH'YEAR; rooms with board; enameled bath tube: use of library: Woman' Excange; Industrial school. Address Mrs. E. C. George, superin tendent. 510 Flanders street. THE VENDOME FAMILf HOTEL NICELY furnished rodms, with rrst-clafs board, from $1 day upwards, Including steam heat and baths; select patronage solicited. Cor. 12th and Alder sts. BUNNY. PLEASANT ROOM; ALSO SMALL suite; suitable for two gentlemen; central lo cation; terms reasonable; home cooking. Mrs. I., f. blotter. 4r. Washington, cor. 14th. I TWO PLEASANT ROOMS. FURNISHED OR unfurnished; home cooking; gas. bath and- ?none; near car line. 501 Yamhill. Mm. Wm. lendershott. ROOMS. WITH BOARD. FOR TWO YOUNG men or lady students. $10 per month; refer ences, centrally located. W 41. Oregonlan. PLEASANT FRONT ALCOVE ROOM OR suite; modern conveniences; centrally located; board If desired K 42. Oregonlan. THE STERLING. 535 COUCH ST.. CORNER ICth Two pleasant furnished front rooms, elngle or en milte, with board. 1CSU. LOGAN BUILDING. UNION AVENUE. East Side rirrt-clacs board, with or without looms; reasonable. ALCOVE AND SINGLE ROOM; PRIVATE family: home cooking; bath, telephone, etc 449 Sixth st. ' NEW FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH BOARD; use piano, telephone; modern house. Inquire 510 Hoyt. 234 FRONT STREET NICELY FURNISHED room, with board and bath, for two; terms reasonable. PLEASANT ROOM. WITH BOARD; SUIT able for young men or young- ladles. 1GS"4 10th st. CITY VIEW HOTEL. SIGHTLY LOCATION: home cooking. 203 Union ave.. W. S. Smith, prop. FURNISHED SUITE; also other rooms; for gentlemen; with first-class board. 225 llth st. ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLEMEN: private family; no other boarders. 333 3d et. TRY OUR FINE BREAD. CAKES. PIES AND pastry, home made, 351 Yamhill; tel. 1622. OSBORN HOUSE Al board and rooms. $4.50 week. J. W King Cator. late from Chicago. 03 11TH. NEAR WASHINGTON NICELY furnished rooms, with good home cooking. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, "WITH board, single or en suite. 16S llth et. ROOMS WITH BOARD. THE HESPERIAN. 533 Morrison St., cor. 17th. THE LYNDELL. 534 MORRISON ST. FUR- nlshed rooms; private board. f- 1 TWO NICE ROOMS WITH FIRST-CLASS table board. 220 llth rt. nj-ely furnished room with board. 141 We Park. nouseltecplnsr Rooms FOR RENT I NICE ROOMS. FURNISHED for housekeeping with pantry and slrkhot and cold water In two,- on 1st floor-; bt neighborhood In city; reasonable rent. Call at 391 Cth. near Harrison et. - TWO NICELY FURNISHED. ROOMS. FOR housekeeping; bath and telephone, hot and cold water In rooms. GC North 14th St.. two blocks from Washington st. SUITE THREE ROOMS COMPLETELY FUR nlshed. for housekeeping: hot. cold water in kitchen, bath; reasonable. 1 Union ave, cor. East Ankeny. I z I PART OF ELEGANT. MODERN FLAT. CON- fionuh vi a rooms, uniurnisnea: nice loca tion. .Inquire room 34 Russel building' Fourth and Morrison. TWO UNFURNISHED FRONT HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms; pantry, closet; no children. 344 East Second st. north, near Weldler. LONDON HOUSE. FIRST AND PINE TWO large, clean furnished housekeeping rooms; quiet, respectable; no children. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED SUITES OF housekeeping rooms, one on first floor; terms reasonable. 390 Seventh et. , 2314 MARKET LOVELT SUITE OF TWO or three light, clean, airy rooms, furnished complete, for housekeeping. SUITE OF ROOMS. FURNISHED. FOR housekeeping: use phono and bath. 131 10th. near Alder. No children. ROOMS IN PLEASANT HOME; USE OF phone and bath: one block from- Washington, cor. 13th. 481 Eurnslde. - 435 ALDER HANDSOMELY FURNISHED first-floor suite: gas range, bath Mid tele phone; recant Monday. FOR REST. lIoBsckeepIiiR: Rootbk. 354 SALMONr-ENTIRE GROUND FLOOR OF 3 rooms, furnished complete, for housekeep ing; also nice parlor. TWO LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING roome. with use of batti and phone. 235 Hall 4-. cor. Second. THREE OR FOUR PLEASANT FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 230 ICth, between Sal mon and Main. FIVE LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOM3; suitable for housekeeping: $10 month. Apply 440 Clay Kt. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING! rooms, at The Burkhard, East Burnslde and Grand ave. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR LIGHT housekeeping, with cat. range. 450 Yamhill street. 207 PARK TWO OR THREE NICELY FUR nlshed rooms; for housekeeping; no children. The Grftham Housekeeping apartments a spe cialty; gas range and telephone. 54514. Wash. HOUSEKEEPING SUITES AND SINGLE rooms, at The Ororllle. 22S Washington st. 341 E. 3d ST.. NEAR MADISON-ST. BRIDGE, cozy f urnlshed cottage, with yard, fruit. DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR light housekeeping. 201 llth et.. cor. Taylor. 409 MORRISON STREETr-HOUSEKEEPING Tooms; all conveniences; best location. UoilkfS. FOR RENT PORTLAND HEIGHTS; RESI dence recently occupied by Mr. James S. Reed; S rooms, besides attic; modern Improve ments, city water, also orchard. Apply to Atklron, Wakefield & Co.. 227 Stark St. KING STREET VERY DESIRABLE 8-ROOM house, cement basement, all modern Im provements and large grounds. Will be leased, to desirable tenant. Apply room 34 Sherlock building. HOUSE OF 11 ROOMS FOR RENT, FURNI ture (good as new) for Bale; choice location, West Side. Phone West 254 Oregon, or ad dress H 39, care Oregonlan. FOR RENT LARGE RESIDENCE OF LATE A. H. Johnson. St. Clair St.. south of Wash ington. Atkinson, Wakefield & Co., 227 Stark street. 9-ROOM NEW HOUSE, 14TH AND MONT gomery: handsomely papered, modern im provements. Owner. 472 Park et. RESIDENCE. 255 11TH ST.; FINE LAWN, latest Improvements; no small children. In quire Healy, 290 Morrison. FOR RENT HOUSE. 588 SECOND ST., NEAR Grant; modern. 7 large rooms. R. L. Gllsan, 420 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE. 193 23d si. north, cor. Kenrncy. Atkinson, Wake field & Co., 227 Stark st. N FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 235 CURRY st.; $8 per month. Atkinson, Wakefield & Co.. 227 Stark st. FINE MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT; EVERY convenience: good location. Inquire room 31 Rufoel building. FOR RENT 0-ROOM FLAT, BASEMENT and bath: central; referewes. Addreso V 38, care Oregonlan. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. $0; GOQD CONDITION. Inquire 051 Fourth U between 1-4, Mdnday and Tuesday FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. BATH. JUST "MADE new"; beautiful corner; rent $15. 10 East loth st. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISH ed; 189 North 17th St.; rent $18.50 per month. FOR RENT PLEASANT 5-ROOM COTTAGE; central, fine location. Apply 352 Harrison st. MODERN RESIDENCE. 10 ROOMS. EAST Side. A. B. Manley. 442 Sherlock building. C01 OREGON (HAS BARN). 0 R. $10. A FEW flats over stores Drake. 152 First, A SEVEN - ROOM HOUSE: MODERN IM proyements. 431 Seventh etreet. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE, SIGHTLY Lo cation. Inquire 434 Larrabee st. Fnrnlnhed Houses, MODERN COLONIAL HOUSE. 10 ROOMS, completely furnished, well located, on West Side, convenient to car line, will be rented to desirable tenant for six months, commenc ing April. H 30 care Oregonlan. $8 PER MONTH; 3-ROOM FLAT: BATH room. clothes closet, pantry, woodshed; all furnished for housekeeping. C34 Seventh, two blocks south of Grant st. Phone Union 545. FURNISHED 5-ROOM COTTAGE AND $10 mouth for board of gentleman and 4-j ear-old son. Address B 39. Oregonlan. FOR RENT 7-ROOM COLONIAL HOUSE, furnished, -with piano; no children; on car line. 724 Ellsworth st. SMALL FAMILY DESIRING NICELY FUR nlshed house; choice location; for few months. Address box 434. city. WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE. NICE. LARGE grounds, flowers: good location; no dogs, ref erences. 401 12th st. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE; ALSO nicely furnished rooms, inquire 440 Fifth st. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT; REFER ence. 530 Overton st. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. 173 EAST Sixth, cor. Yamhill. Hoimcs for Rent Furniture for Snle. 32 ROOMS. CENTRVLLY LOCATED, CLEAR Ing over $100 per month. 22-room flat, wel furnished; a money maker. lC-room- residence, elegant furniture, clear ing $70 per month. 10 rooms, good new furniture, rent $25; choice location: only $370. Have others from 7 to 50 rooms. C. E. BENNETT, 127 Fourth st. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF FINE 10-ROOM. well-furnished house; centrally located: all rooms occupied: sickness is reason forfeiting this bargain, for cash only. Address W 14, care Oregonlan. 0-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. FURNITURE for sale; piano If desired. Apply afternoons. 501 Burnslde. HOUSE FOR RENT AND FURNITURE FOR sale; everything new; steel range, phone, t bath. 127 Park. TWO ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE. IN ?o e.0lr0WnCr' 34" Taylor 8t- unday, after FURNITURE OF 10 - ROOM HOUSE FOR salr; low rent. 232 Madison. Stores. , J. HATrI E. "1'H3 ELEGANT STORE building at 235 Washington et.. cor. Seventh: Office. FOR RENT-DESKROOM IN NICE LIGHT front office; light and heat: cheap to right parties. Call room 10Q Sherlock building. .LOST AXD FOUND. LOST POCKETBOOK, CONTAINING PA pern, with rune of Eugene Jansens on same. Return 55 North Second, and receive reward. LOST ORDER BOOK. CONTAINING CUR rency; liberal reward. The Cudahy Packing Co., 304 East Oak st. ' "-ib LOST HOLMAN"S TEACHER'S BIBLE had three bookmarks. Return to 231t Market st. Reward. LOST GOLD BLUE-ENAMELED CUFF BUT ton. Reward. Return to 848 Vaughn et. FINANCIAL. $200,000 TO LOAN AT 5. C 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Agent for Westchester Fire Insurance Co. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrison ct. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM 325 TO $500, on all .clames of security. R. L Ecker son Si Co.. room 5 Washington building. ANY AMOUNT LOANED ON FURNITURE. pianos, real estate and all kinds of security. C H. Thompson. 12S 3d at. Phone Main 02t. MONEY TO LOAi: 0 per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith. S14 Ch. of Commerce. LOANS on chattels or salaries; lowest rates; strictly private; see us first. 004 The Dekurc, MONET TO LOAN. HARTMAN, THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY LOANED ON BICYCLES. PIANOS, furniture and other securities. W. A. Hath away, room 10 Wash, bldg, Phone South 7fel. $2000 FOR A TERM OF YEARS. REAL Es tate ascurlty, farm or city: 7 per cent; mo commission or bonuo. 180 Front. $3500 OR LJSS SUM TO LOAN AT 0 PER cent, on dty property; no commission. E 42, 'care Oregonlan. FINANCIAL. LOANS IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS OW Portland or outside real estate. 220 Ablngton building. Money to loan on Clackamas County lands. 0 per ccnu j. x1. ill icy, uuo i.iuiuuvi vi vyiuiiiiivt. VrtVirV n-rt TrtiV .. ft.ttrtif.. .- pnnH ,Mlr4. ties. S. W. King, room 45. Washington bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or salary se curity. C W, Pallett, 213 Gommerclal block. $100,000 for mortgages, lowest rates, easy terms. W. S, Ward. AU'y-at-Law 319 Allsky bldg. Write me; Til loan you money on your furnl . ture; low ln't; private party. V 31, Ores. LOANS ON LODGING-HOUSES, pianos, etc; low rates; private party.' 319 Allsky bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KEs'DS OF Se curity. Wm. Holl, room 40 Washington bldg. State funds loaned at 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, State Agt. lor Mult. Cc, 400 Chamber of Com. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON TURNI ture. pianos, salaries, eto. Can be paid In installments, reducing Interest. Rates lower than the lowest. F. W. Graves. Mgr.. 2S3 Alder, near 4th ground floor. Tal. Green 444. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: SEALED BIDS will be received by the Board of Capitol Building Commissioner, of the State of Ore gon, at the executive offlce, Salem, Or., until 2 o'clock P. M.. Wednenlay. April 4. 1900. for furnishing all material and labor required for proposed changes In the House of Repre sentatives. State CapUoJ building, Salem, Or.. In accordance with plans and specifica tions now on exhibition with the clerk of said board, at Salem. Or., and at the offlce of Delos D. Necr, architect. 133 First street. Portland, Or., from whom blank forms of proposals may be obtained, A certified check In the sum of at lean 10 per cent of the amount bid, payable to the order of the State Treasurer, must accompany each bid. which will be forfeited to the State of Oregon in case the lowest or accepted bidder falls to enter Into contract, with good and sufficient bonds, within 10 days after the acceptance of bid. The right Is reserved tc reject any and all bids. No bids will oe received after the time specified, and bids not accompanied by certified check and not on the blank forms furnished or properly nlled out, will be re jected. Attention Is esjreclally directed to the time In which said work must be completed, and which must be fully compiled with. By order of the Board of Capitol Building Com missioners, of the State of Oregon. Walter Lyon, clerk. ASSIGNEE'S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the undersigned, assignee of Union Banking Company. Insolvent debtor, will re ceive sealed bids for the purchase of all of the asaets of said Union Banking- Co., up to 11 A. M., March 24. 1900. Schedule of said assets may be seen at assignee's' ofllce. City Hall. Portland. Or. AH bids must be accom panied by a certified check, payable to order of Frank Hacheney. assignee, equal to 10 per cent ot amount of bid, said check to be for feited to assignee unless amount bid Is paid, if accented. Terms of rale, cash on accept ance of bid. Right to reject whole or any part of any or all bids is reserved. FRANK HACHENEY. Arslgnee. GEO. W. HAZEN AND PAXTON. BEACH & SIMON, Attorneys for Aertgnee. Stockholders' 3'ectinsr. OFFICE OF THE OREGON &. CALIFORNIA Railroad Company Notice of Stockholders' Meeting Stockholders are hereby notified that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon & California Railroad Company will be held at the office of the company, 2C5 Washington street, in the City of Portland, County of Multnomah, State of Oregon, on Tuesday, the 10th day of April. 1900, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M.. for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may legally come before the meeting. GEO. H. ANDREWS, Secretary. Portland, Or.. March 10. 1000. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THE ANNUAL meeting of the stockholders of Oregon Fur niture Manufacturing Co. will be held at the company's oflloe, 20S and 210 First st.. Portland, Or,, on Wednesday, March 29, 1900. at 7 30 o'clock P. M.. for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensu ing J ear, and transacting such other buflnes as may properly come before a rtockholdera' mooting. FLETCHER LINN, Secretary. Portland. Or., March 18. 1000. 3UsceIlnneans. NOTICE OF FALB OF STEAMER JESSIE Borthwlck In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah County In the matter of the estate of U. B. Borthwlck, de ceased Nctlce Is hereby given that I, the un dersigned. wll sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, gold coin In hand, at the dock or wharf of the Astoria Iron Works, In the CJty of Astoria, In Clatsop County, Oregon, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon on the"20th day of March, A. D.. 1000, the whole of that certain steamer, her engines and boiler, called the Jessie Borthwlck. consisting of hull 77 feet over all. 17-feet beam, doprh of hold 8 feet, draft 0 feet 0 Inches. Planking is fir 2i Inches, finished. Deck, fir, 3x4 Inches. Frames, oak. 3x5 Inches at keel and 3x4 Inches at deck. 12 Inches apart. Stem and stern posts are oak. Floor timbers are fir. 4x5 Inches, natural crooks with gaUanlzed fastenings. The boat Is salted 10 Inch's down from covering board with 2 tons of salt. Engines nre fore and aft compound. 10-lnch and 20x20-lnch stroke. Surface condenser forma part of frame, and contains 320 i-lnch brass condenser tubes 5 ' feet long. Independent circulating and air pumps Boiler Is 72 Inches In diameter, 10 feet long and contains 150 2-lnch tubes 8 teet long; has corrucr.ted flue 40 Inches dla., S feet long; water-b.-ck connection, and Is al lowed 150 pounds of steam. Tne right Is reserved to reject any or all bids, said bids to be made upon the basis of accepting said steamer, where she is now sit uated. Dated this 10th day of March. A. D. 1900. DAN J. MOORE. Administrator of the Estate of H. R. Borthwlck, deceased. NOTICE-I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any debts contracted by my wife. Chas. J .Tprnhs. PERSONALS. INDIAN CLAIRVOYANT AND 'MEDIUM The wonderful, gifted Indian nquaw, bora with two veils over face, tells, from cradle to grave, past, present, future, and fecreta re vealed; warns against misfortune, sure guldj to social and business success; heals all dis eases by the use of Indian herbs. Mrs. Prof. Wheatly-Howe. Separate parlor for ladle and gentlemen. Strictly confidential. 271 5th St., opposite City Hall. No stairs to cilrcb DR DARRIN. specialist In all chronic diseases, cures deafness and catarrh In all Its forms. Also affections of stomach, liver, bowels, nerves blood, skin, kidneys, urinary organs and seminal weakness. Only $5 per month. Varicocele, stricture or hydrocele guaranteed cured in one week. No pain, no detention. Diseases of women an important specialty. Consultation free. Call or write. Addron 205 Morrison st., Portland, Or. t , 27 women wanted ruftenng from Irregular, pain ful or stoppage of periods; leucorrhoea (whltres). and all complicated disease pertain ing to changes of life, cured by old Dr. Keju ler. cor, Second nnd Yatkthlh sts. 329 women called last month. Consultation free, and pri vate rcms for ladles. If can't call, write. Inclosing 10 2c stamps. Hundreds treated at home by his new system, ELECTRIC PARLORS. 103 FIRST STREET, treats all 'scalp dl-eases, and guarantee to restore gray hair to natural color, without dye; removes wrinkl and all blemishes from ace; also removes superfluous hair from the face without pain; enlarging busts a spe cialty. DRESS SUITS RENTED, ALL SIZES. WE call for. sponge, press and deliver oni rtlt cf your olothlng each week, sew on.butfjns, se.v up rips, for $1 per month. Dyeing, t-ttam cleaning and repairing. Unique Tallorir Ca , 347 Washington, both 'nhones. RniLESS EYE-GLASSES. $1.25; NICKEL OR gold-filled frames, with best lenses, $1; com mon glasses, from 25 to 50c Ewes tested free, by competent optician: fit guaranteed. Port land Jeweler and Optlclac. 132 First St.. be tween Washington and Alder. FREE TO EVERY LADY SENDING 30c FOR latest Sanitary Rubber Bath and for Dusting Cap. we will give absolutely free one package of mending tlmuc for repairing finest fabrics. Sanitary Appliance Co.. 004 Marshall Field Bldg., Chicago. A REFINED LADY OF GQOD ADDRESS DE slrca gentleman friend (age 3S to 55) of means; object, assistance and a good time. Mrs. Valeria St. Clare, general delivery. Port land, Or. MADAM DE LACY; INSTRUCTIONS FREE J for removing pimples, wrinkles nnd beamirv- Jnc: the skin; abw how to restore hair or wnis Kers to natural color; also removing hair from face and arms. Room 423 Ablngton building. ILLOND'S PREVENTATIVE CONES FOR prevention of disease. The best antiseptic i,.01,ure . Seat t0 aiJy address; per box. $1 .50. samples. 10c Illond Chem. Co., P. O. Box 074. Portland. CLEAN YOUR WALL PAPER WITH RIZ Raz; clean- as good a new. $2 jwr room; tfS!? ndered. carpets cleaned. 'Phone Red 2SJ2, 5S0 Hood st.. New York Feather Laundry Co. WATCHES CLEANED. 75c: MAINSPRING. .5c; Blocks called for and delivered. All watch and clock repairing warranted one jear. The Portland Jeweler. 132 First et. Phone Black U3. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB-erts"-"N'rv Globules, one month's treatment $2; 3 months, $5. Sent securely sealed by rnall. Agents, Woodard & Clarke, Portland. PERSONALS. ATTRACTTVE YOUNG WIDOW. $10,000 IN money, $20,000 In property, wants husband With bualneai ability and good mora) charac ter. Address box 210, station O, Chicago, III. LADIES. DESIRLNG DRESSMAKING DONE are guaranteed satisfaction at 349 Morrison. Madame Kellogg's French tailor system used crid taught. Accordeon plaiting made. DR. PATTON, THE DENTIST. HAS RE turned, and will be at his office today, north east corner Third and Washington. War ranted work at lowest oash prices. MONUMENTS CLEANED AND RETOUCHED. Inscrlptlcno cut; granite steps and hitching posts supplied for residences. Address J. Guthrie. 4SS Everett; st. LADIES YOUR BUST ENLARGED SIX Inches; failure Impossible; harmless; $100 cash guarantee; proof free. Leonard Medicine Co.. Kansas. City, Kan. MARRY; SEND 2o FOR MONTHLY MATRI monlal paper; wealthy patrons; established 12 years. Mr. and Mra. Drake, 155 Washing ton st., Chicago. BICYCLE REPAIRING. BY SKILLFUL workmen. Work called for. Bicycles .bought and sold. Portland Gun Store.. 132 First. Phone Black 037. MARRY LOVELY WOMEN AND HONORA "ble men; many rich; send 2c for big list, de scriptions, residences. Mutual Exchange, .Kan sas City, Mo. A LONELY WIDOW OF 2S WISHES TO meet centleman of means and business abil ity; object, & true husband. T 3S, care Ore gonlan. , JENNIE WTNONO REICH. PALMIST, AD vlco on business, politics, domestic affairs and everything palmistry explains. 014 2d st. PORTLAND ELECTROLYSIS PARLORS. 15 1G Lewis building, cor. Park and Morrison. Lady operator. Physicians' references. WE PRINT 30 FINE VISITING CARDS. 25c; 60. 35c 250 business cards, $lj 500, $1 60. Brown & Schmale. 229 1st st. COMMON SENSE BEAUTY PARLORS: FA clal blemishes removed by electricity. Lewis building. Park and Morrison. MARRY WORTHY MEN. BEAUTIFUL LA d!e3 anxious: private list sealed, 3c Box 105. Sydney, N. Scotia. NICE - LOOKLNG, RESPECTABLE GLRL mini incna to assist ner. Address V 40, caro Oregonlan. SINGING TEACHER WOULD LIKE TO Ex change lessons for dressmaking. S S5, care Oregonlan. LADIES, FREE HARMLESS MONTHLY REG xTlator: cannot fall. Mrs. D. Fox. Milwau kee. Wis. BILLY LEA'S BICYCLE HOSPITAL. 103 4TH Phone Clay 641. Wheels called for, delivered. CUT RATES-rOregon Dye Works; cleaning and dyeing. Burnslde, near Sth. TeL Red 2003. Mrs. Dr. McCoy, electric treatments. La Port Houee. cor. Third and Yamhill sts.. room 14. WANTED YOUNG LADY AS COMPANION; must be nice looking. 149 First, room 1. CLOTHES MENDED FOR LADD3S AND GEN tlemen. Apply at room 45 Labbo building. Ladles Free, harmless monthly regulator: can not fall. Mrs. B. Rowan. Milwaukee, Wis. WOULD MR O. L. PHILLIPS AND MR Ellis please address S SS. care Oregonlan? LADJES. IF YOU WISH CORRESPONDENTS send stamp to lock-box CS0, Portland, Or. ELECTRIC LAUNDRY REMOVED TO 120 Fifth st. Both phones. Give us a trial. LADY. YOU GET RED STAMP3 AT CLEM enson's drug store. 227 Yamhill street. LOCKSLEY HAL. SEASIDE. OPEN ALL WIN ter. BUSINESS CHANCES. FREE! VALUABLE MONEY-MAKING BOOK on patents. Tells all about patent, and now to secure them at low cost. Gives 100 me chanical movements Invaluable to Inventory and mechanics. Tells how fortunes have been made from simple Inventions that others hae laughed at. The little pocket dime bank made over $250,000. Gives letters of wealthy manufacturers who want good inventions In their line. Send us rough drawings of all for our opinion- as to tnelr being new and pat entable; advice FREE. Tells how to capital ise iiu urbanize joint stocK patent ngnt com panies. This valuable "inventors' guide book mailed FREE to any address. It 1ft overflow ing with valuable money-making patent Infor mation. ,. . - i BIG ROOK FREEl O'MEARA CO.. Palent Attorneys. Opp. Patent Offlce, 373 G St., Washington, D. C. JENNINGS A CO BUSINESS BROKERS Rooming-houses 30-room brick flat, rlgnt In center of city; a bargain for $1150. 25 room flat; all on pne floor. $1200. Boarding and rooming-house of 12 rooms, good furni ture, including piano. $750. Country hotel. In good town of 1200 population, only hotel In town, $200. 10-room house, near postofflce, $000. 2S-room fashionable boarding and rooming-house. $2200. And many others. Cigar, fruit and candy store, in good loca tion, $135. We have al larger ones. Print ing offlce. complete outfit, $500. Dellcatc ccaen. dolnc a fine business, very cheap at $1250. Saloon, In good location, cheap rent, price $300. Four rtocks of groceries in this city, $200, $525, $1400 and 2500, respectively Also one about ? 0000. We have also several stocks of merchandise on our list. JENNINGS & CO., 3C914 Morrison st. AN ESTABLISHED COLUMBUS, OHIO. CpR poratlon wants state manager for Oregon. Must be high class, of broad experience, strict Integrity and competent to, handle force cf agents; permanent position to right man on salary and commission; must Invest $1000 to $2500 In cash. We have the most rapid and lopular seller In the country; no pro'perty owner can afford to be without It; deal only wltlj business men. X-ray Investigation court ed; none but a hustler need anply. M 205 Wyandotte bldg., Columbus. Ohio. $000 FINELY FURNISHED ROOMING houss; 15 rooms; cheap rent, near Portland Hotel: $1250. 20 rooms, very central; $450, 14 roomn. clcee In; nice, clean stock of gro ceries, $700; one more for $1000, and another about $1500. Joseph M. Healy, 200U Morri son 'street. WANTED-COMPETENT MAN WITH $25;0 cash to establish and carry on branch busi ness; 150 per month and expenses; also ex tra percentage; permanent opening; refer ences required. Chas. Miller. Bojce bldg., Chicago. 111. FOR SALE. CHEAP IN ONE OF THE BEST county at towns in Oregon, one of the best paying weekly newspapers and Job offices In the West. Proprietor heo poor health and must chanre climates. Address R 23, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE A WELL-ESTABLISHED, PROF 1 table machinery business; machine shop In connection; good tools: can keep 10 men buoy business can be largely Increased. Address 11. H. Northup. Washington building, Portland. FOR SALE FOR CASH. A SMALL BUSINESS suitable for lady of taste who has a few hours to spare each day; no canvassing; pleasant work; no cash required to run it; 10 per cent proflt. O 30, Oregonlan. A BARGAIN-$250 FOR THE GROCERY DE partment of the B. C. Market: doing a cash business of $C5 per day; press of business ne cessitates a change. 34 North Seven'lj st. CRIST MILL FOR SALE; WATER POWER; 54 acres land; good improvements and build ings, apple orchard; choice property, cheap. Harbison Bros., Hood River, Or. PROFITS IN STOCKS. WHEAT AND COT ton. Mackcy's modern methods moke money, Write for our free book. C E. Mackey & Co., 32 Broadway, New York. WANTED MANAGER FOR OREGON- PER manent. paying business: $703 capital neces sary; eamethlng new; merit. Herrlck, 1417 Brush St.. Oakland. Cal. WANTED PROPERTY OF NONRESIDENTS to sell. Delinquent taxes straightened out or Id subject to same. Ira B. Eturges. Ba ker Cty. Or. ONE-THIRD INTEREST IN 112 ACRES. 100 fenced. 8 acres prune, apple and peach treed 0 to 9 years old. E. A, Mack. Oakland. Or. A FIRST-CLASS SALOON, IN GOOD LOCA tion. in this city. For particulars call at Rothchlld Bros., cor. First and Burneide sts. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS BOARDING housc. 10 rooms; full: deal direct and save agent's commission. E 3S, care Oregonlan. SMALL BUSINESS STARTED IN GOOD Lo cation for creamery and .fruit stand; rent low; for sale Cheap. D 35, care Oresonlan. $150 CLEAN. LEGITIMATE. BUSINESS, central: rear living rooms; must sacrifice; owner going away. E 30. Oregonlan. - SPECIALLY DESIRABLE EOARDING- houae. In good locctlot.. for sale on reason able, terms, B 38. care Oregonlan. ' WANTED PARTNER WITH $400 TO "BN gnge in buslners; 20 per cent made; cpen for Investigation. L 42; Oregonlan. $800 WILL BUY THREE-QUARTER LNTER-" sst &0 acres of quart: mine; partly' devel oped. A 41. care Oregonlan. WHUL SELL FOR CASH THE REST FRUIT and confectionery stand" In town; waiting room. Mcrrlsoa-fltreet bridge, , . BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR BALE ONE OF THE BEST-LOCATED 50-barrel flouring mills in the Willamette Val ley. S 23. care Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR RENT A LARGE HOTEL, doing a flourishing business. Apply to B. D.'Boyd. Pendleton. Or. " FOR SALE LARGEST PHOTOGRAPH GAL lery in Portland; fitted upj cheap rfor cash. Z G. care Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE. 17 FURNISHED ROOMS, for sale: centrally located; good opportunity. Inquire 122 Fifth ot. - i BUSINESS FOR SALE, PAYING 5 PER cetjt per month on money Invested. B 41, care Oregonlan. FOR LEASE NEW GREENHOUSE AND . grounds; centrally located. Ira B. Sturges, Baker City. Or. FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS AND tobaccos; two living rooms; cheap for cash. , 431 Morrison. FOR SALE SAW MILL AND TIMBER TWO miles north cf Damascus. Wm. Rabenow, Da mascus. Or. FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY AND CIGAR store; good business; fine location. Apply ' 203 Third. FOR SALE NEAT CANDY AND CIGAR store, cheap rent, gocd location. 120 Grand av. FOR SALE ICE FACTORY; DOING GOOD business. Address John Zeis. Corvallls. Or. SALOON FOR RENT; GOOD LOCATION. IN quire 22 North Eluhth street. CREAMERY. BAKERY AND CIGAR STORE for sale. 27C Fourth at. DYE WORKS FOR SALU OR TO RENT. IN quire 22 North Elyhth. FOR SALE A CANDY AND CIGAR STAND. Inquire at 226 Main st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. , Afternoon Kindergartens. MISS ANNIE MATTINGLY'S Afternoon Frobel Kindergarten. 200 14th at. TeL Brown. 513. Agricultural Implements, Machinery EDWARD HUGHES; WAGONS, CARRIAGES and farm machinery of all kinds. 190 Front. RUSSELL' & CO ENGINES. BOILERS, SAW mills, threshers, horse-powers. 324 Belmont, JOHN POOLE; Newton wngoos. buggies, wind mills, pumps, machinery. Foot Morrison t, Amusement Resorts. Edison's Star Photlcon Parloret 272' Morrison. 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. Ladles, gents, children. Art Goods and Picture Frames. BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE, 307 WASHING ton St.; great clearance sale; special bargalcA Assayer and Acalynto. J. H. FISK, MLVERAL ASSAYER AND cnemisi; go;a aqst cougnu iaMj nmnmgiuu. PAUL'BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALT3T. Gold .dust bought. 228V?: Stark PORTLAND ASSAY OFFICE, 22p Stark t- Assaying- and analytical wurk. Gold duat bought. Astrologry. RELIABLE AND SCIENTIFIC READINGS dally; satisfaction guaranteed. L. It- Adams, GS Park. cor. Ankeny. Attorneys. S. H. GRUBER, Lawyer; mining, admiralty ana collections specialties. Commercial block. J. W. RANSOM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND counselor, Bates Bank bldg.. Portland. Or. JEFFREYS 4 WHITE, attorneys-at-law. prac tice In all courts. 420 Commercial block. E. W, BINGHAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. RE moved to CI Union block. 32I"iS Stark. GEO. W. HAZBN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CCO- 611 Chamber of Commerce buiumg. PIPES & TIFFT. ATTOIlNETS-AT-LAW. 703 711 Chamber or Commerce. Rnlccrica. U. S. Bakery. Bros., props.; bread, cakes, pies, ptirtry and crackers. 101 N. 14th, cor. Fl&nder. Home Bakery & Delicate-Essen; Boston baked beans, cooked delicacies. 1ST 4th. TeL Hood U(i. Qatfas. DEKUM Bathrooms; popular baths. mas?M. electricity. 714-15-1G Dekum. Phone Red 25. Boole Stores. J. K. GILL & CO., WHOLESALE AND RE tall booksellers and stationers, 133-35 3d st. Carpenters and Builders. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter, builder; cilice and store fixtures. Ore. teL 747. ?55 Stark. W. D. BERKEY. CARPENTER AND BUILD- er, genernl job worK, 300 First st- CUIncHe and Japanese Goods. SUN SOON HUIE & CO.; MATTINGS. TEAS, china ware; paper napkins. 247 YamhllL Chinese Medicines. Dr. BIng Chong, 191 2d et.; Chinese root medi cines cure all diseases. Examination (no. Chiropodists. WM. DEVENY &. MAUD DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists, room 301 Allaky bldg., 3d and Morrison. Oreg. phone Grant Its. L. MITCHELL, EXPERT CHIROPODIST. OF flce 100 5th st., opp. pcstottlce. Tel. Hood 014. Mlso Dart, chiropody and manicuring, room 50 union DiK., 1st and Stark. 0 A- M- tQ u r- M Clalrvoyunt. PROF. KING, TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT, 160 PARK ST. VEIL OF MYSTERYDRAWN ABIDE. SECRETS OF A MARVELOUS SCIENCE FULLY DEMONSTRATED BY ITS GREATEST LIVING EX PONENT. Thirty Years Before the Public Asking no questions, he tells your name In full, jour occupation, whom and when you will marry. This strange and wonderful man Is gradu ally but surely turning the tide of skepticism. Ordained to do what he does, his marelojs nchieements demonstrated In your presence, while you look, listen and wonder. Professional men and women are awe stricken, the public In guneral are dumbfound ed, speechless. Had he txsen born In the time of supemltlon, bl3 work would have bten classed ittle leai than miraculous. THE GREAT 'MYSTERIES OF LIFE REVEALED. Lawyers, ppeculators, business, men of all grades, and ladles from eery walk of life to gether sound his praise for the Venefit ihey have received. So extrt ordinary are his mr velous tests of the wonders and powers of clairvoyancy that they must be witnessed to be believed. He Is the greatan llvln& exponent of, occult ism, and has established a position In his profession that no other can hope to attain. Truthful In his predictions, reliable In his ad vice, no matter what troubles you may have with yourself or others, come and he will ad vise you with a csrtainty higher than human power. Prof. Klnir Is recognized by the press, medical fraternity and scientists, generally as the foremost psychic In the country, and should not be clard with so-called card-readers,' fortune 'tellers, astrologers and similar humbugs. Do you wish to know facts you should know? If you will succeed In your undertakings? If you will win your lawsuits? If your domestic troubles will soon end7 If you would obtain ycur ambition? If jyou are loved? If you will succeed In your love affair? If you will bs lucky In speculation? ' If past troubles .will torment you? Does another share the love and attention that should belong"toyou? How to win the lovr and attention thai should belong to you? If you wish Information you ought to have concerning your future, call on this man and he will point out and show you how to over come obstacles that keep you from happiness and success. All are pleased and delighted with his readings. There Is no home so dreary and sad. no life so wrecked or blighted, ro heart so sa'd and lonely, no condition or cir cumstance so complicated or Incomprehensible that cannot be est right and kept right after a. visit to this inspired n an of n cdern times. Hours for consultation are from 0 A. M. to 8 100 PARK ST;, NEAR MORRISON. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Civil Engineers. J. H. Cunningham, Civil and Hydraulic Ensr; V. s. Mineral Surveyor-" 012 Cham, cf Com. Cleaning and Dyeiuj;. French Cleaning & Dyelnjr Works; J. Delcau, prop. Phone Red &05. 445 Gllsan st. Comiulmdoa Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER Or hlde, pelts, rurs, wwol, mohair, ttulow, oid rubber and old metal, and general conuuislou mercnaut. Front m.. near ilutn. l-cciiaaa. Or. Cash advances on consignments. J. C," LENSCH. COMMISSION MERCHANT, produce and poultry. Correspondence uolldud. JiQth. pijune. 204. Front. TAYLOR, YOLNG A CCw SHIT BUOlCERi and commission merchants, ahtrlock building, Portland. Or. W. N. Say re & Co., commission & produce mer chants; udvances on consignments, lid Front. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMJdlSSIO" AND PRO duca merchants. Fropt jc U nu.. Portland, Ur. EVERDING & FARRELL, commission, butter, eggs, chickens and farm produce. Portland. H. TUKE & CO.. 234 FRONT: FLOUR. 1IAY. product, feed and sroceris. Conxlcea Skylights. METAL SKYLIGHTS, GALVANIZED IRON cornices. J. C Buyer. 233 Second rtrtet. Creameries. WASHINGTON CREAMERY; PURE BUTTER, cream; bakery goods. Both phuntrs. G. G. Mayger. 420 .Washington. Curled-Uuir manufacturers. Portland Curled-Hair Factory, K. Metxger, pro prietor, manufacturer curled hair and genuine curled-hnlr uwittrtises; 20-22 Front uu Both pacnes. . Dancing. MISSES MATTING LY ACADEMY OF DANC lng. 200 14 th. Private le&iona by appointment. Dentists. HENRY P. O'CONNOR. D. M. D.. 602 MAR quarn building, Morrison st.. bet, (Sth and 7th. DR T. L. PERKINS. DENTIST, REMOVED to room 17 Rusocl bldg-,, 4th and Murrlson. DR C. B. BROWN; tel. Ore. Red 248; re. While 634. 514-15-10 Dekum building. Dental applies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO., Cor. Fourth and Washington sts. Dress inulcintr. MRS. CHAMBERS, MISS WILSON; EASTER costumes, taiior-mace vuiis. -4-' Williams ave MISE HAWKINS, LADIES' TAILOR AND drcsumaker; good fit guaranteed. 424 Wash. Mrs .Sadie A. McKlbben. modiste; Easter cos- tumfea a specialty, .rezft JKAat Morrison. Dyeiujr and Clcanlnfr. H. W. TURNER, PROFESSIONAL DYER AND ciatner. 301 17th- Telephone Red 131. Educational. I TAKE PLEASURE IN INFORMING MY pupils and the public thuc I have becured tne Auditorium for the usm of the Rasmu3 School of Elocution. Oratory nnd Dramatic Art- Stage tsettlntfs, the mctst delightful hall and ct-mpiete sonooi or expression in the We&t. PROF. W. M. RASMUS. PERNIN SHORTHAND AWARDED WORLD'S Fair modal sad diploma. Simplest, most leg ible. Bookkeeping taught. Day and night. I'erntn bnortnana fccnooi, -11 uregonlau. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fifth and Yamhill; A. f. Armstrong, Prin., J. A. Wesco. ec Op:n all the year. Stadanu admitted t any time. Catalogue free. HOLMEiT ENGLISH AND BUSINESS COt- 1. ill Vamhlll ., K-nf7lls.. -.... .rf. - AM........ .- ... U WUtdC, kVUl mcrcial .and shorthand courses. Send fcr cat aloju. Electric Belt. DR SCKRAMECK'S BLECTRIC BELTS ARE the best; examine $5 belts. 2iu,& Front st. Fence and. Wire U ork.i. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works: A. Carlson: 2S9 East Morrison st. Guns, Fishing- Tackle, Sport's Goods. H. Beal; guns, flahlng tackle, sporting goods ana cutlery, -iuis u. mm st.. Portland, -or. Harnci: and Saddlcn. THE BRBYMAN LEATHER CO.. HAR ness and sole leather, saddlery, hardware, find ing nnd hoe tore supplies. 73 Front, st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. WHOLE tale saddlers and harness manufacturer!, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. Health Foods;. SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT. KING OF all health foods. Sold by all grocers. HalrdrcKstn and Mauicnrlnrr. Parlors Mls3 Grace Dodge & Mrs. D'Arcy Gilbert; hair dressing, scalp message; manicuring, ladies & gents. 712 Dekum building. Tel. South 601. Hotels. TREMONT HOUSE: newly furnished rooms. $1.50 a week up. J. E. Clark. 343& Everett. Hoslcry. Seamless hosiery: Winona Mills. N. Y.; Street & Sons. General Salesman. 324 14. r.tar Clay. Insurance. HAMBURG - BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 1M First st. Boyd & Arnold. General Agents, ' Iron Founders and Machinists. Smith & Watson Iron Works; engines and boil ers; legging englritr? a specialty; quartz and saw mills; misc. machinery. Front and Halt. CITY FOUNDRY" Jfc MACHINE SHOPS. J. Honeyman Co.. engines, boilers, saw mllU and mining machinery. 301 Front st. Willamette Iron & Steel Works; James Lotan, mgr-; iron-workers, steamboat pldrs. Portland. Japanese Goods. CLEARANCE SALE. 30 DAYS. JAPANESE goods, bamboo furniture. 311 Morrison. Job l'rlutem. CALLING AND WEDDING CARDS: FINEST quality, lowest prices. Rogers, 323 Morrison street. Lncc-Curtaln Cleaning-. Lace curtains of all kinds cleaned and refln lshed. 42S Wash. Phone Brown 17C. Ref'r.ces. Ladles' Furnlihlng- Goods. SPECIAL PETTICOAT SALE MON., TUES.. Wed.. 5V: each. Gross & Weltgeo. 214 First. Iron Founders, Ttlach'sts, Ship li'ld'rs. Wolff & Zwlrker Iron Works; designers and mfss. of shipo, steamboats, marine, -mining and milling machinery; riveted steel pipe. Ladles" Tallorla; Stephen's Drossmaklng Establishment, for even ing gowns, tailor-made suits, etc 2S0 Alder. Ladder Workt. LADDERS OF ALL KINDS. AND KITCHEN conveniences. Cor. East Sixth and Oak. Leather Finding;. J. A. REID. mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full .stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Washington at. Liquor and Tobacco luxtttutes. Keeley Institute. 314 Cth. cures liquor, opium and tobacco addiction. No other In State. Maenetlo Healing. IF. MEDICINE FAILS, TRY OTTO KLING beil. masretic bealer, 30T E. Cth. Oregon phono Scott C03. Magnetic heallngr Weltmer system taught; classas Wed. & F-rl. eve.. 1 :30, 315 AIlk" big. "Mnnssajce. "THE SNOWDEN" BATHROOMS RE opened. 114 4th; formerly "The Nelsjn"; tub and vapor baths, massage. Tel. Red 421. Marble and Granite WorliH. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS: marble, gran ite and stone work. Schanen & Neu. 203 1st. WHY BUY MONUMENTS' DOWN TOWN? You can do better at 720 Front. Merchant Tailors. L. GOLPSTTEN. FIRST - CLAS3 TAILOR: fine spring goods to order, reasonable. 185 4th. Sliilwlvcsu MRS. EHL. GRADUATE MIDWIFE, 12 North 14th at. Telechone West 607. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Sliniasr Investments. SUMPTER GOLD FIELDS ALL THE Btocas we have recommenced are manias suu. advances, some of thent 500 per cent. Our customers have all made money, because toe properties have large and rich deposits of ori and are being worked. 510 will buy 5C0 shares In a mine that hea ore waiting to be shlpeG or milled. Our circular mailed free. Writs E. A. Clem &. Co.. 515 and 510 Oregonlan building. Portland. Or. SUMPTER BURNT RIVER AND BOHEMIA, mining sham a specialty In lots of 600 to 1000 shares. Chance for a quick turn: call and see us or address J. H, Marshall & Co.. mining- brokers. 513 Oregonlan building, Port land, Or. GOLCONDA MINING COMPANY. OFFICE Chamber of Commerce building, next to eafa deposit vauJJ. A limited amount of stock of this company for sale. For particulars, apply to J. A. Arment, assistant yecratary, "Hinlns-. WE WANT A PARTY WITH A FEW THOU sand dollars to Jqln us In one of the very beat and safest mining Investments on this Coast. Davldsdn, Ward & Co., 408 Chamber of Com merce. Barton Si Curtis. 223 Stark, mlnlnjr engineers, stock brokers; mines examined nnd report-id upon; machinery furnished; plants erected. MONTANA METALLURGICAL WORKS; teat ore. all kinds; gold. 51.S0; silver, $1.50. Send for full particulars. U2 First eU 3llniujr JilKChlnery. FREE BOOKS: ALL ABOUT CAPS NOME. TATUM & BOWEN. 29 to 35 First jU Musical. Violin, vola, cornet lessons: mulc furnished: Italian strings and old violins fcr sale. Emll ThUlhowi. M. P. S. Orch.. 2C0 Jefferaca, Tel West 1004. Lessons 50o; plato, guitar; banjo, mandolin, vio lin Instruments for sale. Mrs. Martin. 104 let. Medical. NOTICE DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COL orad specialist, will now Rive people a chancs to get well All persons residing In. city, treat ment by Week. $5. To stay at sanitarium. S3 per day. Persons of moderate means will Ilka to take advantage of this offer, (or one month only. 171 Green ave. Take Washington and 23d-street car Ladles: Chichester's English Pennyroyal Plllst are the host- Safe, reltuble. Take no other. Send 4c. stamps, for particulars, "Relief for Ladie3." In letter by return mail. At Drug gists'. Chichester Chemical Co.. Phlla., Pa. Dr. Flota A. Bfuwn, dlseassa of women a,d children a specialty. Consultation and dlag nesls free. 517-518 The Dekum. Portland, Or. Osteopathy. DR W. A ROGERS, OSTEOPATH. SUITE 533 Mnrq,uam bldg;: acute and chronic dis eases. Ladies wishing Udy operator will bo attended by Dr. Rhoda C. Hlk.i, graduate under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of Osteopathy. - Phope Main 27. DRS. NORTHRUP & ALKIRE, OSTEOPATHS, suite 410 The Dekum. Nervous and chrocio diseases a specialty. Home trenunent if de sired. Phone Main 210. . - DR. L. B. SMITH, PIONEER OSTEOPATH, uIto 400 Oregonlan building. Phone Oak 421. MRS. DR. C J. RAMSEY. OSTEOPATHIST. suite 410 The Dekum building: dlo-.-aaos of, women a specialty; examinations free. Phon Main 349. Ort-KTim Y'ttvJ. Company. Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison. Frea Health lecture to women Thursday, at 2:30 P. M. Palmistry. Mias Maris White, scientific palmist, reads past and future correctly. Lewis bldg., room 68. Jennie Wlonona Relh; advice on businera. ti tles, domestic u7alr3: C14 Seeond o.rer. i Patents. T J. GEISLER, BlO-oll CHAMBER OF COM, Registered attorney L. S. patent ofllce. Photographic Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO., WH0LE3AL3 and retail, cor. Fourth and Washington. Private Hospitals. GcMen Private Hospital. 211 Sherman; cancer, catarrh, etc; 1 month, guaranteed treatment; Jl; home for ladles during confinement. Real Estate, Luaas and nentals. ATKINSON. WAKLFILLD & CO.; ESTAB lishad 1JW8. 227 Stark ot. i ncataurants. Stroupe's Cafe; beat 25c meal; famous coffee and cuke, 10c. 222 WauMngton. bet, 1st and 2d. Rldliic Acadciulex. Portland Riding Academy: lrst-claas establish.; private & class lessons. 10th and N. Tel. 07J. Portland Riding Club; fine livery, boarding, saddl horses specialty. Park and Jefferson. Safes. SAFES. SAFES. BANK WORF. LOCK DHP'T, opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davit, S3 3d. Safe Experts. OPENING LOCKOUTS. AND REPAIRERS. DUs & Vlerlck. Allsky bldg.. 3d & Morrison. Sarv 3II1I Machinery. Chrlstenson-McMaster Machinery Co.; new an4 second-hand machinery. E. Watpr S Tylrs. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS. FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for shipping. C. M. OI sen. 123 First, Tel. cfflce. Main 1087: Black 801. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at Fred Blcltel's storehouse. 31 North Front. flhoTvcnnes and Store Fixtures. DIXON. BORGESON & CO.. FRONT AND WjaMnirtou ots. Syrup Kellners. Westacott & Knight, syrup refiners, mfgr. gro cers: both phones. E. Alder and E. Morrison. Storage. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE. Fourth and Divls. Merchandise a specialty Insurance raten low: storage rates reasonafcls. Carsful attention xlren to country consign ments. Tel. Or. Main 777: Columbil 07E. Tentu nnd AtTninrrs. TENTS, AWNINGS AND CAMP rURNITURH for rent or rale. Pike's Factory. 107 N. 3d. Stoves, flnnges, Household HardTvare XOWENBERG &. GOING CO.. MFRS. OF stows, ranges and hollowware; wholesale sheet metals, sheet otecl. camp and oil stores, housefurnlshlng hardware. 2d and T3yIor. Hardware: nc:e agt. Universal stoves ranges! housefurnlshlng goods. J J. Kadderly, 14V 1st. Alr-Tlght Stove Mfg. Co.; Cape Nome stn-ves, tinjmlthlng. Front & Columbia. Tel. N. 300. Wholcujile Drujrcclst. WOODARD. CLARKE Sz CO.. WHOLE3AL3 drug-gUts. corner Fourth and Washtnrtoa. "Wholennle Groeern, ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE 0 ROGERS, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. RELLVBLE CLAIRVOYANT nnd psychic llfe-readdr: consult her on bust nAM affairs, love troubles, absent friend: good advice on mine: reading dally, 50c and up. 1G7VJ First street, office 7 and 8. MRS. STEVENS, SITTINGS DAILY: HTP notlsm and magnetic heallmr clntlflcally taught; terms reasonable; consultation freo. Pnono Hcod 73-1. 3422 First street. MME. ADWARD. INSPIRATION MEDIUM, gives truthful advice en all affairs of life. If In trouble call and see her. roon 1, upstalrtr, 170H: Third si. LARSKN. THE PALMIST. WILL TELL THE year when all leading eventi la life take pljice; past ard future readlcxtf. 50c 2S5i Flrat ot. MRS. ELoIE REY'NOLDS. MATERIALIZING stance this even"hg. $1; ladles, COc 347 Taylor street. MRS. & CORNELIUS. TEST MEDIUM: 3IT tings dally. Alleky bldg.. Third an 1 Morrison. Mrs. J. A. Smith, medium, magnetic healer; roes read. Rooms 8 and 9. 22S;i Washington. "Wood and Coal. OAK WOOD. $4.75; SAWED. FIR, $3.25. Nlckum, 342 Water. Beth phones. Wall Paper nnd Paints. STROWBRIDGE PAINT & OIL CO.; WALL paper, sash, doors, builders" hardware. 123 Grand ave. F. BOOKMAN. PAINTING. KALSQMININO, parer-hanglng. Ore. tel. Rus C91. 2C0 Russell.