The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 11, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Senator Hoar's Amendment
Was Tabled. " '
I M t ; -. 5 '
X-. uS.
Tlie House "Will Vote on the Ha
..rrrnljan JJ1U-Monday- Aaother Con
tested niectlon Case.
"WASHINGTON. "March 10. While the
Senate had the diplomatic and consular
appropriation bill under consideration to
day, a lively debate was precipitated by
an amendment proposed by Hoar, propos
ing to give ex-Queen Llliuokalanl 520,000
qnd, an annuity of 510,000. The amend
"mnt was tabled Anally without division.
,,vTHb pending bill was passed, with a few"
"-minor amendments:- 'The remainder o
the. session .was devoted to eulogies of the
late M. la. Hayward.
The House agreed today to take up the
bill providing a government for Hawaii
on April 3, the final vote to be taken on
April 5 at 4 P. M. Consideration of the
Wise-Young election contest was resumed,
and occupied the entlrp jcmainder of the
session. " ; ; 3 I , ,
Senate PomiciI "tlie Dlptbraalic and
, Consular Bill.
-WASHINGTON, ilarch 10. Allen (Pop.
Neb.) introduced a resolution In the Sen
ate directing the committee on rules to
report to the Senate why the Secretary
of tho Senate has not, for several years,
reported at tho beginning of each session
'the number of clerks, messengers and
other employee, together with their sal''
aries, in accordance with the provision of
tho statutes. Allen 5aidthe statement has
not been made izr Qtetalears: The
agreement reacleJ,a"-r."iiiVer ftvl'ea-TS ago
by the Senators -had bean violated and the
Senate force haa been rapidly 4ncreased,
until now it numbered about $03 -persons,
drawing aggregate salaries of $510,00!). The
resolution passed.
The resolution reported- from the com
mittee on contingent expenses, authorizing
the committee on relations with Cuba to
have a. subcommittee visit Cuba, was ob
jected to by Cockrell Dem. Mo.). He had
natfcefl,-Jje said,. .-severAKptoppsitlons to
"send committees and, subcommittees of
Congress on -expeditions to svarious places,
, and ho n'ovv wanted to enter h's protest
against these junkets. The resolution
wont over.
Hale (Rep. lie.) then called up the dip
lomatic and consular appropriation bill.
' in explanation of the amendment to pen
sion Lil'uokalanl, Hoar (Rep. Mass.) said
-thfi" ex-Queen was the- proprietor In her
.. owaxteht of jnuch jiropectyathat had been
;Jpst to, hereby hflr detferpement.. He said
, that she had been thp subject of cruel
calumnies, which he was assured liad not
the slightest foundation In fact He was
satisfied her life had been quite blameless
and spotless.
Tillman (Dem. S, C.) insisted that if any
obligation existed a all., it was one of
Hawaii and not of the "United States.
Piatt (Rep..Cbnu:Vdld ii ."believe the
ex-Queen hadtha dlghtest claim on the
United Stagt anfl whflehe would bo
willing to join lni,thejpakrni'of ,a dona
tion to her, ln'ftie.clrounjstancffijhe would
not agree to legislation that recognized her
right to any -such payments.
Gallinger (Rep. N. H.) denounced the
proposed appropriation as utterly unjus
tifiable. Lodge (Rep. Moss.), while admitting that
the ex-Queen Tiad no claim on the United
States, said the proposition made was
simply as air act of grace.
Thurston (Rep. Neb.) suggested the do
nation to the ex-Queen bf ulump sum. He
. strongly opposed putting her" on the pen
sion rolls of the United States.
Cockrell (Dem. Mo.). li opposition to"
tne amendment, declared it was a dan-1
gerous precedent to establish at this time.
"If we are to pension all the monarchs
dethroned from our Islands," said he. "we
are likely to have our hands full. There
will be the ueen of Hawaii, the Queen
of the Sufus? aiid tnemonardhs of mans-'
other places. Headed by the. Queen of
Hawaii, with $10,000. the list will go dowh
to 5tW3 for somebody else, then to 57O0O
and finnlly wind up with a pension of 55090 '
for widows of Presidents of the United
Morgan (Cam. Ala.) Will you include
the widow of Aguinaldo? (Laughter.)
Cockrell Why, of course, we'll haVe to
put herrin. XZ'A r. - J
Z tin "conclusion. -Coctt-elfcyiuianunced his -
Opposition td tho pensioning" of any mon
arch, "In 'any" circumstances thus far de
veloped. McCumber (Rep. N. D.) alfo opposed the
amendment, -taking the position that there
was no moral or legal obligation 'to pay
the proposed pension.- He did not concede
that Llliuokalanl had been entitled to con
tinue in the office.
On. motion djC Carter Cftep. Mont.) tho
' .'amendment was laid bntlhe table. The bill'
M was then passed. .
The reoluVon 'reported earlier In the'
day, authorizing the Cuban committee
of the Senate to visit Cuba, was taken up
and passed. On motion of Carterthe Sen
ate agreed to meet at 1Q o'clock next Mon
day to continue the reading of the Alaskan
Thurston presented resolutions commom
V kDratlVe gt tfrUFfiPs-tfMhe-late Mop-.
roe L. Hayward, Senator-elect from Ne
5r:!hra!l&a. and deJircrftloaiCenlogi' upon Mtf:
... Ha3Tvani as alsq did Fairbanfcs. Spooner
'and Alln'. As a 'furtheV'mark of respect1"
the Senate, at 2:45 "P. M.r adjourned.
In the IIounc.
Knox (Rep. Ma-s.). chairman 6f the
.committee. on territories, asked unanimous
consent In the House that the "bill recently
parked by -the Senate, providing a terri
torial form of government for Hawaii, be
taken up April 3. and debated on that and
the two puccfedlqg days, with the, final
' " vote on the bill 'and amendments on April
-i . Knox said, -thertfTKas, urgent need ot.
this legislation, and his request was agreea"
, .-v. -..Coneidei-atlnn, of the;,Wi-Toung con
tested rfM-tlon tase'Siv-rls' "thbn resumed.
Weeks (Rep. Mich.) continuing his presen
tation of tho case of Wise. Weeks criti
cised the election methods in -various
Southern states and compared them with,
-the methods in the North. This was vig
orously relented by Cooper (Dem. Tex.)
and Terry .(Dem. Ark.). ,
Bnrke (Dem. Tex.) presented the case
t -In behalf of the contesteo-, Young. Ho
said this case amounted to a proposition
to disfranchise a cltj- of 40 003 Inhabitants
Norfolk because of the illegality of not
exceeding 140 votes. :
Hull (Rep. Ta.) replied" to a statement by
Burke that Hanna. as chairman of the
Republican National Committee, liad held
t that Holland was the Regular candidate
6f the- Republicans In "the Second Con
gressional District o Virglna. Hull said
that" HaHna had 'made fio suVh decision.
The Congressional committee had charce
oJ that matter, and had decided that Wiso
'Sonatdr Spowner -Sath "it "Will Not
ne- Rntinod.
NEW YORK. larch' 10. A special to
the Times from Washington says:
v' ."Senator Spooner speaks positively 'about
the prospects of the French reciprocity
-'-treaty- ."' - .
"It will not be ratified at this session.
- - Wtjher It has .two-thirds or one-third
of the Senate for it I cannot say. I don't
care. I know that it will not be ratified
during the present session of Congress."
From the character of other remarks
made bv Renubllcan Senators, the infer
ence is drawn that some Republicans con
sider 4hat itwould b&JmnalltJc and, therp
fore.ntfeipedlent at' thte lme to menace"
protected Interests by adopting a treaty
thatwill.accompllsh by indirect legislative
action a 'result that could not be brought
abotut bydircct legislative action.
EfTorfarto'-lWeoTer-It Cascd TroKlile
at Santiago.
valry over the possession of a &zS. e belong
ing to the sunken Spanish torpedo-gunboat
Furor almoft caused a second naval battle
yesterday. Cendoya, the agent of the
Ward lire, with his Cuban partners, has
been engaged for "several months in wreck
lngvlhe jvarshJps.. and has. performed con
siderable work In dynamiting the Furor,
which work was difficult on account of the
depth of the water, 12 fathoms. Recently
he located. a safe supposed to contain $12,
000 in Spanish gold, and returned to find
tho "buoy Temoved. He was compelled to
come to this city for a pilot, and returned
to the wreck of the Furor ye&terdny,
where he found the American transport
Willlamd, with a diver down. A rival
diver thereupon descended, and each of
them claimed he was the flrVt to take'pos
session of He-safe. A quarrel -ensued,
and the transport's diver came up. alleg
ing that his rival had threatened him with
a knife. Cendoya's diver attached a line
to the safe, -nhich .he and his companions
claim the American officer took forcibly,
intimidating them with rifles from the
transport. Captain Parr says the line
failed to raise the safe, and that their
diver succeeded in attaching a line which
secured tho treasure., , , ,
On board the Williams were Captain
Brunt,' aa this Quartermaster in charge of
the transport; Lieutenant Hamilton, an
engineer officer, and Superintendent Fow
ler, of the Barber Asphalt Company. The
American officers disclaim any financial
Interest in the expedition. Captain Blunt
says he allowed the divers and others to
use the Williams temporarily when she
was not needed, and stood on her deck
with a rifle, which he says was not loaded,
during the nuarrel. He disclaims any in-
. tendon of using his position, his uniform
or J his arms to intimidate the Cuban
divers. Lieutenant Hamilton says he ac
companied the expedition as a spectator.
Both boats eventually-returned to the
harbor, and Cende-ya seoured -an order
from tho Court directing the police to
take possession of the safe. Fifteen
armed policemen on the tug Colon followed
the Williams, maneuvering around the
baj- for an hour. Finally the tug went
alongside "the Williams, and the police,
with drawn revolvers, prepared to board
her, when Captain Cooper, commanding
the WIHjams.. confronted them with a rifle
and annpunreeffiis Jntentlpn'to'liill Jbe first
man who 4sSRPe.a 9J1 'board. ,Hp claimed
the vtY&.S0UftS na.ho. 4.yrisd'lctlpn over
G9vero?ien. shirs. The police, thereupon,
retreated behind the pHqt-house, and the
Colo xcturned to her wharf.
Cendoya then reported the matter to De
partment Commander Whiteside, who or
dered Staff Adjutan Harford to Investi
gate -the matter Harford-and some press
representatives searched the WHHams at
midnight, nd no safe- was found. Cap
tain Blunt and Captain Cooper disclaim
any knoVjcpge of-the prescHtp bereaboufs
of the safe, which Fowler says was- thrown
overboard..Fowter decllnedto say whether
thp coin had been removed. He had a
half interest in the expedition, and says
he is a partner of McGrail. a civil em
ploye of Captain Blunt's office. Cendoya
Is an American citizen, and makes serious
barges against Captain Blunt," which
Commander Whiteside wfll .JhveFtlgate.
Tho Cubans respnlio auction oCapJaln
Cooper in refusing to accept Jhc service
of legal process, and they call the Williams
a pirate underthe- American flag.
Discussion of TUatter Still in Progress
Between. Hay' anil Salisbury.
NEW TTORK. March 10. A special to
the Herald from Washington sajs:
'Although no-effort Is being made" to press
Negotiations for the permanent delimita
tion of the Alaskan boundary. It Is said
today that discussion of the subject is in
progress Tetween ihe United States and
Great Britain. In answer to the British
claim for the establishment of the boun
dary at a point which would give the
English control of practicallv all of tho
Lynn Canal. Secretary Hav roeentlv Kn-
ny nv4.1M! . .- mu vn. J... 1-1
" iraicn. in ine
opinion, qf American officials, clearly re-
lures tne '.British claim and shows con
clusively that the waterway "belongs to
the-United States. The British Govern
ment has not answered this communlca
tjpn.. -ThEeisjxa doubt In the minds of offi
cials tnat the loyalty of Canada to Great
Britain will cause the London Govern
ment tO be more InslsfEnh of tho nblmc nf
lhe"3bc3nlnIon. The -United States, how-
cver; colas that tjie Lynn. Canal Is Its
property and the President has no Inten
tion of relinquishing IU The ultimate de
termination of the controversy will prob
ably be reachedby arbitration, the char
acter of whIelj$v,lU be the "stumbling
block in the negjJM&Jlon;?.
0 t-
'"Klolatctrs oIJLItet "Revfcn'uclsv "Will
Be Pro'ceeded Against.
WASHINGTON March lO.-CommissIon.
er Wilson, of the Internal Revenue Bu
reau, has decided to proceed against man
ufacturers of tobacco and cigarettes vho
violate sectlon'"10 -of the" act of July 24.
lS97r JThls section "prohibits the placing
in or connectlon'JthrtKeJpapking of smok
iPSItpfciCco and iinicur -chewing tobaqco
or cigarettes anyartiple' or thing what
soever than the manufacturers' -wrappers
and labels, and excludes -.all gifts, prizes,
premiums, etc. or orders for the same.
Today tho Commissioner sent telegraphic
lnstrustlons to Collectors of Internal Rev
enue that this act must be strictly ob
served, and that tobacco and cigarettes
found upon, the market in disregard there
of, with stamps bearing cancellation on
and after the 1st proximo, must be seized.
I Transferred From tlie National Mon
ument to a Temporary Vault.
SPRINGFIELD. fihT March 10. The re
mains of Abraham Lincoln were this
inpmlns transferred from the crypt of the
National Lincoln Monument to a tem
porary vault Just north of the monument
and on the brow of the hill overlooking
Oak Ridge Cemetery. The removal of the
hody was- made necessary by the demoli
tion of the monument preparatory to its
entire reconstruction on a different plan,
for which jSJj&tiOO ;ws$ appropriated by the
Legislature. '-The ceremonies attending the
transfer were very-informal.
a. 6 r
Mutual X.If-e Insurance Company Of
fers to lake 2,000,000.
NEW 'YORK, March 10. The .Mutual 1
life. -Insurance.. Company... of. New. York
:Eas"sS1iscrjlbed. for 200,000". Of the new
.cngnsniwar loan. Tne company at first
offered to take this amount outright, and
wen now hopes, to spcure it. The offer of
tile 'Mutual Life Insurance Company was
made before the books were officially
opened for subscription, and it is believed,
stands today as the largest subscription
for Investment made In this country.
1 a
, . Attempted Suljcldc qf n .PJonper.
S"POKAftE, March 10. Eugene Gcrmond,
ope,of th most widely known pioneers In
Spokane. -shot himself with suicidal intent'
this morning. He has a fighting chance
for recovery. '
Siops the Condi nnd "Works Off the
Laxative Bramo-Qulolne Cablets cure a
cold In' one day. No cure no pay. Price 25c. -
Troops "Were Sent to "Wardner at the
Request of the Governor of
the Stnte.
WASHINGTON. March 10. The War
Department has supplied to the House
committee on military affairs, which is In
vestigating the Coeur d'Aleno mining
troubles, the following correspondence on
tho subject. In response to a request:
"Boise, Idaho, April 29. 1899. To the
President. Washington, D. C: In pursu
ance to the statute in such case made, 1,
Frank Steunenbcrg, Governor of Idaho,
the Legislature not being in session and It
not being possible to convene it, do hereby
apply to the President of the United States-
lio call.Jorrh the .mjlltary, forces of the
unuea states, to suppress insurrection m
Shoshone County. State of Idaho. This
action is sustained In the fact that all tho
available Idaho National Guard volun
teered for service In the Philippines, and
said county Is in a state of insurrection.
I am of the opinion, that at least 500 troops
in the aggregate will be necessary, but
smaller detachments should be ordered In
as rapidly as possible.
"Washington, April 30, 1SD9. Brigadier
General Merrlam, Denver: The Governor
of Idaho reports an Insurrection beyond
tho power of the state tocontrol In Sho
shone County, of that state. The Acting
Secretary of War directs -that you repair
at once to tho capital of "that state, and,
after conferring with the authorities there,
you go to tho seat of action, calling to
your aid such troops as may be most
convenient regardless of department lines.
Department Commanders will be notified.
You will take with you the necessary
staff officers. Tho travel enjoined Is nec
essary for the public service.
"By command of Major-GeneraL Miles, -"H.
"War Department, Adjutant-General's
Office. Washington, D. C, August 10. 1SS9.
Mr. F. W. Bowden, President Grass Val
ley Miners' Union, Grass Valley, Cal.
Sir: Your telegram to the President has
been referred to this office, and I am in
structed by tho Secretary of War to in
form you.i,hat the presence pf troops In
Shoshone, Cpunjty, Idaho, is. due tp tho rs;,
quesv pithe. Governor pf.hatnstate, wljrj
made-requisUlon fofTsane under warrant
of law, April 29, 1KB . The Consti
tution and laws of the United States re
quire the President to comply with this
requisition, and any application for relief
should bo made to the Governor of Idaho.
Very respectfully, H. C. CORBIN,
'Adj utan t-GeneraL.' '
House Committee's Investigation.
WJASHINGTO$, March TO. Cross-exam
ination of rxea A. Martin, a miner, was
continued at the Coeur d'Alene Investiga
tion today. He was closely questioned by
Reprsentatlves Mondell and Dick as to his
presence on the train which carried the
rioters' party tp Wardner.
He maintained that he was there by
chance, and had no knowledge of, or part
in, the Attack, on the null. He saw some
armed andmasked -ran, but the. serious",
ness. pf 4the sltuatipn.. did. not appear to
him until af tpr the mljl -was. blown -up, At
one time, he said, an unknown man pinned:
a ribbon .on .his coat, but there was no ex
planatlon of Its meaning. From a distance
he saw the explosion, and afterwards saw
one of the men, Shayne, lying shot on the
The cross-examination' of Martin lasted
throughout the'day, and was very rigid."
It led to frequent sharp controversies be-tween-ReprtefentatlvesLentz
and Sulzer on
one hand and Representatives Hull, "Dick
and Mondell on the .other; -relative to the
lines -07 inquiry. The witness maintained
that he had no participation in the blow
ing up of the mining property, although
the cross-questions were directed to show
ing that he was familiar with many of tha
surrounding circumstances.
On redirect examination "by Lentz, the
witness stated that in all about 1000 union
miners w ere taken from work in the mines
and' put in the-"b'ullpen." He said the
permit system,- undr which no man was
allowed to get work, unless he held an
official permit, was used to put nonunion
men In the mines and to drive union men
out of the country. He said that at one
time, when he sought a permit, he was
told to apply to the Governor, COO miles
away, -at Boise. The investigation will
continue Monday.
Story for Children In Omnlia Maga
zine, by a. Portland Girl.
In the February number of "The ChiU
dren of tho United States," a magazine
published at Omaha by Grate Sorenson,
appears the ""following story, by Miss
Clara Boot.- of- Portland. Tho storv is
entitled "The Musicale pf tho Oregon
I was awakened one morning in early
Spring by a sweet serenade at my win
dow, and on looking out saw my very dear
friend Robin Redbreast a-tllt on a bough.
There came to my window one mornlnsr In
A pwcet little Robin who came there to sing-.
And the song that he sang was sweeter b far
Than e er I heard on a flute or guitar.
I said, opening the window.
No," he said, "I have come to invite
you to a musicale to' be given to wel
come back our feathered friends from
their Winter outing in tho South."
Robin knew I was interested- in his
friends and had more than once taken
it upon himself to entertain some of
"fhem at my expense m snow time, with
crumbs on my window sill. It was no
more than right that he should be polite
enough to entertain me In return. I was
pleased to be able to go, and told him so.
At the appointed time I started over
the hills back of our city, and soon
reached the secluded spot prepared by
Dame Nature for the event. Robin, who
had the affair in charge, looked very
Important and quite stunning In his
brown jacket and red vest. A few of the
guests had already arrived, and others
wore coming all the time. Robin called
my attention to the beautiful costume
of the cedar bird, who really looked fine
in his reddlshrpurple coat and yellow
vest. Robin said he took his name from
his fondness for the cedar berry. Then
Robin ( who is, you know, a great gos
jp)A tPld, me of a disgraceful affair In the
cedar Jblrd family;, that one of
It had eaten so .greedily of tfeese berries
that he had died the death of a glutton
a warning to all little boys and girls
who are given to eating too much.
All the time we were talking two mag
pies near by kept up a continual fuss
and chatter, which looked as If It might
end In a regular quarrel. Robin went to
settle the matter. Theso birds build their
homes In the treetops and make them of
coarse material plastered together with
clay. They are made as nice and soft
as can be with feathers, wool apd hair,
and a roof to cover them. A little open
ing is left for them td go in and out. 7h
rainy, blustery days how snug and rosy
they must be. Whatever the trouble was
with theso noisy guests, the appearance
of two modest "quakcr-llke turtle doves
absorbed all their attention. In fact, the
whole company seemed Impressed with
these exclusive guests, whose gentle man
ners and perfect dress showed them to
be members of very good -society Indeed.
As so many of the company had by this
time arrived. Robin called, the musi
cians to their places for-'the opening
chorus: "The meadow lark with his
sweet roundelay, "the merry brown
thrush," the linnet, the bluebird, and
Other noted songsters filled the air with
sweet melody: '
The crow asked to be excused from the
chorus, owing. , to throat, trouble, which.
was made worse by the recent severe
celd. He had net been able to go Sodth
for the Winter. He spoke at length, how
ever, about his trouble with the farmers,
who, he said, had unjustly treated him
and had placed guard bver their choicest
bit of corn a- most disreputable-looking
character, called "scare crow." but
whose did coat In no way resembled his
own glossy black"bne: "
Regrets were sent by the raven be
cause he was in mourning, and by the
night owl, who had been out the night
before on business and needed rest an.d
quiet. As ne couldn't sing anyway, and
had such a disagreeable way of staring
at everybody, we didn't miss him very
The swallow was very social, if not very
musical, and had bltsof gossip, good ad
vice or weather forecasts for any one
who would listen. Among the most styl
ish guests I noticed the red-winged black
bird, the purple martin, the golden and
bald eagle and the blue jay. with his blue
coat and snowy breast, but who had rath
er a doubtful reputation, Robin told me,
since It was whispered about that he had
been known to suck the egg3 of other
birds and even to kll their young. I
hated to "believe this 'or so-beautiful a
creature, Robln. shqwed good Judgment
In placing1 the" henv hawk a;gobd distance
from the lark, as they were not on good
terms on account of a family quarrel of
long standing.
An uninvited guest, the sparrow, wished
to state his grievances. He said that
everybody had been talking about him
and wished to get rid of him, and that
even in the public press he had been
termed a .nuisance oecause he had built
his nest In street lamps and spouts. The
company sympathized with him, but ad
vised himTto keep oft public streets and
Jenny Wren was among the last to ar
rive, and the first to go. as nearly hef
whole time and attention was taken up
with family affairs. As she set the ex
ample In leaving, the rest followed, bid
ding one another pleasant good-byes. I
went with the rest, after thanking Robin
for his kindness in having me present
with tho most interesting children of
Dominion Tariff May-Be liOrrered, to
Onr Prejudice.
Baltimore Sun.
Tho growth of the Imperial sentiment in
Canada, as evidenced by the dispatch of
Canadian troops to South Africa, may also
t,ake practical shape in the way of tariff,
legislation. It Is reported from Ottawa
that the Canadian Government proposes at
the-coming session of the Dominion Parlia
ment to clve Enirland tho heneJtt of a dif
ferential tariff -of -40 per cerfC Although
the differential Is already" 23 per cent,
American manufacturers add producers
have been able to compete successfully in
Canada with their British rivals.
A discrimination of 40 per cent in favor
of Great Britain would not be so readily
met, however, especially in view of the in
timation from Ottawa that the differential
rnay be Increased to 50 per cent. The
United States has asubstantial trade with
Qanada. In lESS the value ofAmerlcan
goods sold to the Canadians wag SSO.OOO.OOO.
while the British exports to Canada ag
gregated only $30,000,000. On the other
hand. Great Britain bought gopds from
Canada to the amount of $100,000,000, while
our purchases of Canadian products were
about $30,000,000. Our tariff laws have not
been of a character to please the Cana
dians; but, .on the contrary", seem to have
beeif designed to shut, them out of the
LAmerJtean market. ur-dTUlelf. upon the
lumDer. nsn and coal or th.e Dominion are
almost prohibitory, and are In the inter
est of the trusts in this country.
We have treated our neighbors very
shabbily in the way of affording them fa
cilities Sor commerce with us, and It Is
no wonder they turn to Great Britain.
which buys annually nearly three and.
one-half times as much from them as the
people of the United States. As. wo have
discriminated against the Canadians, and.
continue to discriminate against them, It
Is only natural they should ".fight the
devil with fire' and give us the same
treatment which we have dealt out to
them. If the United States loses the
Canadian market It will have only Its pro
tected Interests to thank for the loss of a
trade which is valuable and could be In
creased with reasonable tariff restrictions.
It Is folly to assume that tha Canadians
will submit without a protest to the dog-in-the-manger
policy of our ""infant Indus
tries." a
(Continued from First Page.)
orders from Assistant Adjutant-General
Dixon to make ready to move to' Frank
fort.. Couriers were sent out on horse
back over the country, calling in the
company. The people of tho town are
greatly excited. A great many of the sol
diers refused to go, some of them being
in hiding.
The warrant for the arrest of John T.
Powers was received here today, but
Powers could not be found, and the war
rant has not been served. He was seen
hero thls morning, and It Is stated that
no received, a telegram aoout xne warrant,
urging him to stay in ttya mountains until
assured of a fair trial. He Immediately
left for parts unknown.
Rcfnt-cd to Call Ills Men Out.
LONDON DEPOT. Ky., March 10. A
telegram was received here at 10:30 P.
M., signed by Assistant Adjutant-General
Dixon, ordering Captain Parker tov order
out his company and stand ready' to move
to Frankfort. In the absence of Captain
Parker, Lieutenant Sparks refused to"
move unless ordered by both Governors.
Democrats' Contention Sustained.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., March 10. A de
cision sustaining the contention of the
Democrats that the Legislature Is tho
tribunal for the determination of contests
for the office of Governor and Lieutenant
Governor was handed down in the Circuit
Court this morning by Judge Fields. The
Republicans will appeal the case to the
State Court of Appeals, and if the decision
there is against them, will try to get .'
hearing before the United States Supremt
Xo Strike In St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS, March 10. The threatened
strike of the employes of the St. Louis
Transit Company Is off. An agreement
perfectly satisfactory to both sides was
reached at 7 o'clock tonight between the
officials of the Transit Company and the
executive committee of the employes.
Later the agreement was ratified by a
mass, meeting of employes, and thus the
contest of the last few days ended. While
tne -men uiq not got all they asked for,
they have received substantial recogni
tion. Judgment In Crottn Cnsc Reversed.
OLYMPIA, Wash., March 10. The Supreme-Court
has reversed judgment In the
case of the Stato of Washington vs. Joseph
Crotts. Crotts was tr.ed in Tacoma for
murder In the first degree, having bten
charged with killing John Snell In a saloon
row Juy 4, 1S2S. and found guilty of man
slaughter. The opinion of the Pierce
Cpunty court is reversed on the alleged
jground that the mlnda of the jury were
prejudlced-by remarks of the tjial judge.
1 a
Insulted.- v
Chicago Post
"He insulted me," said tho legislator.
"Indeed?" returned the p In. -r citizen.
"Offered you money, I suppose?" t'
"Oh, It wasn'tothat'. replied the legis
lator, "he underestimated, my price." ' "
j, -1 0
The OctopuH.
Puck. . . .-
We once Inter; leflred a yuung- octopus-
In a cave by the eaalvore he bKjclrfd up ms;
"111 Bhow yjoj," said hev. -
'IHow lotilnf-TMl lw";- 1
And w lth all Hla eight,, tentacles he locked j
' up US. . v t 1
f 3
Commercial Treaties With, the United
States Xot Endangered Fleet
BUI Depends on tho Issue.
BERLIN,- March JO. The action of the
Reichstag yesterday evening regarding
the meat bill was eagerly commented
upon. Tho declaration of Prince Hohon
lohe and Count von Posadowskl-Wehner
had tho effect of discomfiting the Agra
rians. Some of the papfers hitherto strong
ly in favor of the committee reDort, like
the Neuste Nachrichten. now say they
are unable to call the Reichstag's action
wise. The National Zeltung rakes Count
von Posadowskl-Wehner over tho coals
becauso of his "shilly-shallying with tho
Agrarians," 'instead or flrmly declaring
tho government's Intentions. It continues:
"Count von Posadowskl-Wehner's abuse
of. those who endeavor to re-establish the
government bill, and his defense of tho
Agrarians' Insatiable greed. Is character
istic. Count von Posadowskl-Wehner
on all important occasions returns to his
first love the Agrarians and seldom
misses the opportunity to throw mud on
us. The statistics Count Pasadowski
Wehner uses to prove that the Americans
have by far the largest Interest in pre
serving cordial commercial relations with
Germany are untrustworthy."
Protest meetings against the meat bill
continue. The Berlin: -Chamber of Com
merce has called a meeting for tomorrow,
at which representatives of. all German
Industries and commerce will beT presents
To a certain extent the naval bill de
pends upon the Issue of the meat bill. The
Bundesrath will hold an extra session
Monday to consider the question of 'raising
the cost of the fleet increase.
Herr Rlchter's Fresslnnige Zeitung
demonstrates by official statistics tfcat.
the receipts of the empire are steadily
declining. 'W that for 1S93 thn Rimnn
states furnished "8.0W.O0O marks, to? the
empire to-, re-establish the equilibrium.
Herr Richter argues therewith that tho
whole of the government's calculations
about the naval bill's expenses are er
roneous, and that the cost of the fleet
must be raised by taxes.
It is semiofficially given out by the Im
perial Department of the Interior that the
preparatory work on the projected com
mercial treaties Is far advanced. All the
negotiations with each country start out
with 4he tariff figure, as
In the case with Austrian cereals and
Russian cereals, but as the negotiations
progress the most Important articles aro
singled out as the main objects.
From Inside information It may be said
that tho Imperial Government will never
accept paragraph 14 or the meat bill.
Therefore, it is not considered that the
cdmmerclal treaties with the United
States aro endangered by yesterday even
ing's vote. There Is no occasion for
Americans to get excited
Prince Von Hohenlohe told the repre
sentative of tho Associated Press that tho
Bundesrath Is willing to accept the law
excluding sausages and canned meats, ex
cept where the Bundesrath specially per
mits their Importation, relinquishing thy
paragraph about domestic slaughtering,
but w;Hl not accept the fixing of" a date
for ,, the tola! exclusion of fresh meats.
Prince .Hohenlohe also ftHi! Vhnt tTi Pnn
bad aqtjiallfc ..expressed'. a tvlsh. .that ' tne"
Center. sHoida not ,c're$te. difficulties for
"? unman uuvcutuicui. iu UOUIiectlOn
with the meat bill.
A protest meeting against the depart
ment-st,ore bll, at whlch 10.000 people were
present, took place here last night, and
there have been similar meetings else
'Commander .Taiwan H. B.eehler, the
United4 Sta'tes naval attache, has acquired
an exceptionally favored position here, for
the following reasonr Commander Beeh
ler was permitted to visit the Krupp3
establisnment, and everything was ex
plained to him. The Emperor afterward
Jocularly said: "If I had been Krupp 1
would have fired 5'0u." Since then a
traitor in Essen wrote to Beehtor nffHn.
To selL to hitn, and through him to tho
united itates..seyeral of the, secret, Krupp.
processes. Beehler sent the letter to the
Krupps, and the man who wrote It has
since been arrested for breach of cenfl
dence: but tho United States naval at
tache now enjoys the full confidence of
official circles.
Tho German Walters' Congress held here
this week showed untenable conditions.
One of the .main complaints of the- dele
gates was thq.t the employers compelled
them to give up regular monthly amounts
from their "tips," often amount to DO
per cent.
The Bill in the Relchstnjr.
BERLIN, March 10. The Reichstag
adopted paragraphs 2 and 7 of the meat
bill without debate.
Yesterday's Winners nt Oakland and
New Orleans.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 10. The
weather at Oakland was fine and the track
heavy- The results were:
Seven -furlongs, selling Durwad won.
Uncle True second, Greyhurst third; time,
1.3?. . .
F-Our , f ur'qugSrz-Sofala .won, Andrattus
second, dntrada third;, time, 0:54.
Ono mile AndrijEsa won, Flamora sec
ond, Horton third: time, 1:44.
Mile and one-eighth. Palace Hotel hand
icap, $2ftX Ben poran won. Imperious sec
ond,. Storm King third; time, 1:5
Six furlongs, .free handicap--Cormorant
won, "V'esuvlan second. Good Hope third;
time. 1:1S&.
Seven furlongs, selling Lena won, Cap
tive second, Jockey Bill third; time, 1:33V.
RncesrH.rlOfe'iv Orlenns.
NEW OR'LEANS, March 10. Four fa
vorites were beaten this afternoon. Tho
results werer
Ono mile, handicap Prince of Verona
won. Knight Banneret second, Ben
Chance third; time, 1:444.
Half mile Frema won, Jane Wood sec
ond, Francis Rels third; time, 0.50.
Steeplechase, snort course Jim Hogg
won, "Van Brunt second, Seldenbach third;
time. 3:21i4.
Handicap, seyen furlongs Tobe Pain
wont Acushla second, Sea' Knight third;
time. 1:30&
Mile and five-eighths, selling Albert
"Vale won, Banquo II second, Julius Cae
sar third; time, 2:54.
Mile and a sixteenth, selling Plantain
won, Marlon Sanson second, Shlnfane
third; time, 1:51.
Six furlongs Dlggs won, Nellie Prince
second. Free Lady third; time, 1:1G.
ICraenzleln Won Hurdle Handicap.
NEW YORK, March i0. At the Thir
teenth 'Regiment Armory tonjght, the 120
yard" hurdle handicap was won by A. C.
Kraenzleln, of the University of Pennsyl
vania. Kraenzlein's time was 1 3-5 sec
onds, equaling the world's outdoor record.
Renl Estate Transfers.
Newton McCoy and wife to Laura
Breske, E. of lots 1 and 2, block
120. Stephen's addition, March S $ 9C0
.Hortense- N. and Harry C. Good to
Newton McCcy. same, February 27 1
H.'E. Noble and wife tp Kate U. Hol
comb, lot -4. block 165, Aikeh's addi
tion. March 1 2400
F. AHuggms to Abb'e Jacobs,- parcel
otland F. A. Hugglns tract, Feb
ruary 23 500
Thomas J. Morahan and wife to Will
Jam H. Monahan. N. y. Tots 3 and 4.
b'dck 10, Jamc Johns' addition to
St. Johns, December 15, ISM 250 J
Catarrh Causes Consumption
Roxa Tyler, vice-president of the Illi
nois Woman's Alliance, speaks In high
praise of Peruna to restore tired nerves
and weak body. In a letter written to
Dr. Hartman from 310 East Sixtieth street,
Chicago, III., she says the following:
"During the past year I gradually
lost flesh and strength until ! was un
able to perform my work properly. I
tried different remedies, and finally
Peruna was suggested to me. It gave
me new life and restored my strength.
I cannot speak too highly of it.'
MIs3 Anna Carsten, Clayton, 111., says:
"Your Peruna did me so much good.
I believe I should
have been dead by
this time had I not
used It. I am feel
ing so well now.
I have not takeri
any medicine for
f6ur of "five month.
I can cheerfully
recommend Peruna
to my friends'."'
Mr. 'Peter- Hat
tenberger. Porter
field, Wis., writes:
-"I suffered with
chronic catarrh for
Miss -Anna Carsten, TL
Clayton. III. Tungs. Thd I had
all the symptoms of consumption. Through
the use of Peruna I am how well and
Catarrh of the lungs Is-, ordinarily,
known as consumption;- also called tuber
culosis. In these cases the catarrh, has
usually found Its way Into the lungs by
the gradual extension of the disease from
the throat through the bronchial tubes..
Consumption Is the natural termination of
all cases of neglected chronic catarrh. Ev-
Caroline Exley and husband to Ur
ban Peier, 10 acres, section 22. town
ship 1 south, range 3 east. March 10 16S
Isaac C. Furber to Louis Schu
macher, lot 5. block 1, East Tabor
Villa, March 7 200
Nels Johnson and wife to Lillian B.
Dixon, E. 25 feet lot 20, block 24,
Alblna, March 8 1100
M. E. Root and E. R. Root to O. P.
Miller, 50x100 feet.. Bast Ankcny
street, block 317, Ankeny'g addition,
March 3 , 1000
James E Bruce to Laura Gellatly,
lots 34. 35. 3a. 37. 3S. block 3, Frances
addition to Alblna, February' 2S BOO
John A. McQulnn to Security Sav
ings & Trust Company, lots 12 and
13, hlock 14. Goldsmith's addition,
April 24, 1S99 '. 73
Hnlldlnjr Permits.
E. Thompson, frame bouse, corner of
Sacramento and Rodney avenue, J1C00.
P Taylor, repairs to one-story building
on Fourth and Davis streets, $500.
Marriage LIcciiich.
C. O. Haines, aged 25, Emma Syrlng,
aged 20; John E. O. Purvis, 23, Catherine
X Edgerton, 22.
February 27 Girl, to the -wife ef Jacob
Killham, 3CD Failing street,
February 21 Crlrl, to the wjfe of M. C.
Davis, 493 Blackstone street.
March 9 Edward William McKew, aged
1 year, 503 Fourth street; broncho-pneumonia.
Contnsrlous DlnenHes.'
D. Morrison, aged 9 years, 570 Williams
avenue; scarlet fever.
Taxation of corporations In Paris has
led to the transfer of many main offices
to Brussels. French societies being in
corporated there under the laws Of Bel
glum to avoid he French income tax.
think of Ease
But Work On.
If your Stood is impute yocr cannot even
"think of case." The blood is ihe
greatest sustainer of ihe Body and tphen
you make it pure by taking Hood's Sarsa
parUla you have the perfect health in
tuhich even hard work becomes easy.
Colds, Coughs,
Hay Fever, Bron
chitis Asthma
and all Diseases
of the Throat and
Clouds of Medicated Vapor" aro inhaled
through the month and emitted from the nos
trils, cleansln; and vaporlzla? all the Inflamed
nnd diseased parts which cannot bo reached hj
medicine taken Into the stomach.
Jl reachc the tcre spoliIt 7icals the raw
places It goei to the seat of disease It acts as
a balm cmdXonic to the whole svitemSi.oont
Never QjsSngrJ
J&fr&l TffiS5i
kw mm
sjes"3 &m
STkJ Zf zy
druggist orient by mail i50S Arch St.,Jhil9
ery ono who Is afillctpd with chronic ca
tarrh Is liable to be attacked with con
sumption at any time. In the first stages
of the disease Peruna Is a sure cure; m
the later stages of the disease Peruna can
bo relied upon- to produce great benefit,
and In a large per cent of cases produce
a permanent cure. AH those afflicted with
this dread dls&ase should begin at onco
treatment with Peruna.
Mr. W. W. Strassler. 64 West Mam
street, Corry, Pa., says: "I had tried,
three of the best phy
sicians in Indiana
County, and spent a
great aeal of money, all
to no effect. My
friends said I could not
get well. I had about
given up all earthly
hopes. I weighed HI
pounds. I accidentally:
saw the name Peruna.
l immediately com-f-n. n-p. 1
nenced tak'ng It and
continued taking It until I had taken 12
bottles. I then weighed ISO pounds and
never felt better In my life."
A slight cough, which, without a ves
tige 'of do'ubt, would soon disappear
with the use of Peruna, bacomes
chronic bronchitis, which requires a
persistent use of Peruna for some
time". There arc a great many cases
of consumption every ytarduc directly
to a neglect of coughs, colds, etc.,
which, if Peruna had been kept In the
house and used according to directions,
would have been prevented.
Send to The Peruna Medicine Company,
Columbus, O., for Dr. Hartman's latest
freo book on chronic catarrh, la grippe,
consumption, coughs, colds, etc
Mrs. S. M. Idol, Winston, N. O.,
writes: "Cancer is hereditary in
our family, my father, sister, and
aunt hnving died from this dreadful
disease. I was thoroughly alarmed,
therefore, when a malignant Can
cer appeared on my side, and at
once sought the treatment of tho
best physicinns. They were unable
to do any good, however, as the
Cancer continued to grow worse
and spread. I then tried S. S. 8.,
wnch forced the disease out, and
cured me permanently.
'8S' IllG
(Swift's Specific) is the only hope for
Cancer; it cures the most malignant
cases. Our treatise on Cancer sent free
by the Swift -Specific Co., Atlanta, Go.
any otherbtcycle tires and
are made by our "hand
made' process. They
cost the rider less in the
end. Dunlops save you
money in repairs, in long
er life, and save you wor
ry and time in fixing.
tiudk 3CAKC Do not let a dealer persuade
you to take some other tire upon which he will jrtalco
a dollar or two of extra profit. If you are well posted
yoti will insist on Qjnlops at the same pnee as othei
tires on the better class of wheels.
Booklet of any dealer orof us.
The American Dunlop Tire Co.,
Belleville, N. J. Chicago. III.
Dunlop Tires are made for Automobile,
Carnages and Bicycles.
Distributors for Portland:
A Skin of Beauty U a Joy Forever.
RraoTej Tn. Plraplei. Freckles,
Moth Patches. Rash. uidStadu
eaies, and erery blemish on beautr.
nu uer.ej cetecnoe.
It has stood tbe teat
of 51 years, and is
J?y. nannies we taste It N
JJ be sure it is prcperlj
counterfeit of i mllil
najce. Dr.L.A Say
re said to a lady of tat
ham ton (a patient)!
"As yoa ladies will ns
them, I recommend
'Gouraud's Cream as
the least harmful ot
all the Skin prepare
tions forsaitDyau
Drurclitsand Fancy.
FERD. T, HOPKINS. Proprietor. 37 Great Jones St. N.Y. I
For 2J years the only safe and rellabls
1 emaie Kejcalu. orlor all troubles.
Believes within S dars. At druggists,
or by mail. Price, S3, fcend -4c for
P 3 25" L
P,2wnW,Y -JjlA WJMZ
wrwst&x&f&f- -
for OlUrvH
1 rv k
& V K
i S.: st trier -S-
rmc m
1 - . fi jr w r,m nr.'
Si.- -n - -J crt
L-i -v
icai Co., 329 l3Ui St., l'hila., Pa,