THE SUNDAY OBEGONIAN, PORTLAND', MARCH 11, 1900. ii WAIX TCD-MIS CELL AXEO US. WANTED PLACE OF 40 ACRES. SMALL house' and some Improvements," within 15 miles of Portland, for ?pot cash; must be a bargain. Addr F 34. care Oregonlan. "WANTED PHYSICIAN; MUST BE OF GOOD .appearance, quick worker In office, and first class in all appointment: state age, salarj. Address Doctor, care Oregonlan. "WANTED TO RENT. BY RESPONSIBLE partj. upright piano, beet of care. Address J M C, care Oregonlan. WANT BORROW $3000. WELL-LOCATED IM proved corner, West Side; no brokers. A 34, Oregonlan. TO BUY SMALL FARM. WITHIN 30 MILES of Portland. .Not over $1500. P 33, care Oregonlan. WANTED REM. TYPEWRITER, NO. 4 OR 5. to rent or bur. Must be cheap. A 32, care Oregonlan. WANTED TO EXCHANGE NICELY framed oil painting for violin lessons. O 32, Oregonlan. BEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF household goods. 240 Fifth. Phone Claj 081. LADY HAVING NICE HOME WOULD board and care for child under 0. 294 14th et. WANTED SMALL GENTLE PONY GOOD for driving. X, 2S. care Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD ROLLER-TOP DESK; choap. AddreB L 34, care Oreponlan. SECOND-HAND SMITH PREMIER; MUST BE cheap C 27. care Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE SPALDING, S. E. COR. PARK AND Alder sts . under the management of the owner, Helen F. Spalding The mctjt complete apartment-house In the Northwest: choice rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife; furnished housekeeping suites a specialty. LARGE AND VERY PLEASANT ROOM", ground floor. Dressing-room attached with stationary stand hot and cold water. Both phone and fire. Reasonable. Reference ex changed. 271 7th at. LADY, ALONE. IN OWN MODERN RESI denoe, would rent 8 furnished rooms, to re spectable family of responsible adults; no dogs; or would take a few adult boarders. 294 Clay st. THE GRAND. 3S7 YAJrfHILL ST.. NEAR West Park Nicely furnished rooms, for gen tlemen or gentleman and wife; all modem conveniences. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. -THIRD AN Harrison sts Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all modern com cnlencea; references. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS: LOCATION central; reasonable prices; brick building; half -block Morrison. 1224 TJnlon avenue. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, all modern conveniences, fine location, with private family. 440 Taj lor st, COMFORTABLE FRONT ROOM, GOOD light, first floor: "very reasonable. 145 Sev enth, between Alder and Morrison. THE GILBERT-LARGE, WELL-FURNISHED rooms; all modem conveniences. Third and Taylor ets.; entrance, 207 Taylor. ALCOVE ROOM. SUITABLE FQR TWO GEN tlemen; one- single room; gas, bath; prhate family. 409 Washington. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR gentlemen. In a desirable location, with w9 of bath. 504 East Oak st. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; also single room. Inquire 484 Bumslde St., cor. 13th. VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED ALCOVE room; ga bath, phone. ISO 14th st., between Yamhill and Taylor. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH USE OF KITCH en. If desired; reasonable to right parties. 329 Fifth street. THREE LIGHT. CLEAN ROOMS. FUR nlshed. No other roomers. 294 14th St., comer Columbia. t .NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH alcove, gas. bath; reasonable. 42S Yamhill, near 11th st. NICELY FURNISHED SUITES AND SINGLE rooms, for rent, at the Orovllle, 228VS Wash ington street. WANTED GENTLEMAN TO TAKE NICELY furnished front room, private farallj. D 34, Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY A RESTAURANT, IN "good location; state price, etc G 33, care Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED OUTSIDE ROOMS: reasonable rent; respectable management. 225 Mali at. MAIN ST.. SS9 NICE TURNISHED ROOM, for gentleman: central location; rent reason able. THE CLEMENT. 0th and Oak sts. Nicely fur nished room, steam heat and electric lights GILMAN HOTEL Brick bldg.. central; fur. nlshed rooms, $1 week and up. 1st and Alder. 05 11TH ST. A LARGE SUNNY TRONT AL cove room, furnished, for lady or gentleman. NICE SINGLE ROOM FOR LADY OR ONE or two gentlemen. 227 Montgomery street. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS 123 11TII street, corner Washington. $1.25 per week. 2CICE, LIGHT. FURNISHED ROOMS. GAS and bath; men preferred. ICO Park Bireot. For Rent Furnished or unfurnished rooms. In quire Everett St.. between Park and Ninth. "The Wlnfleld. 100H 4th New ly furnished rooms, for gentlemen only. Mrs W. W. Wright. KHE CASTLE A suite of furnished rooms, suit able for gentlemen. 372 Washington et. -TOR RENT 107 THIRD ST.; NICELY FUR nlahed room, -with bath and telephone. "FURNISHED ROOMS, ?4 A MONTH. CALL Monday, 304 Madison st., near Fifth. FOR RENT LARGE. WELL - FURNISHED front alcove room. 390 Yamhill st. "NICELY FURNISHED DOWNSTAIRS FRONT room, $5 per month. 410 3d st. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM: SUITABLE for two; upstairs. 300 Fourth at. jCUCELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; RENT $0; references. 170 13th 6t. PRIVATE ROOMS FOR RENT. NEXT WOOD ord & Clarke's, 129J 4th st. NEWLY" FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. S6 N. Seventh st., near Everett. PARLOR SUITE ANI LARGE FRONT ROOM. 193 West Park. UNFURNISHED; 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 324 Fourth st. 1 ' Roonid "With Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 12TH YEAR; rooms with board; enameled bath tubs: use of library; Woman's Excange; Industrial school. Address Mrs. B. C George, superin tendent. 510 Flanders street. TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED rooms, with or without board; suitable for man and wife or two genfs; private family; fine residence; location East Side, close In. 20S Union ave.. cor. Holladay. THE VENDOME FAMILY HOTEL FUR nlshed rooms, with hoard, $1 a day up. Includ ing steam heat and baths: first -class trade so licited. Cor. 13lh and Alder. TWO PLEASANT. SUNNY ROOMS; GOOD home board, large jard, central location; reasonable term. Mrs. E. "P. Motter, 475 Washington st , cor. 14th. NEW FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH BOARD, for .wo or three gentlemen or man and wife; a.' modem conven'encea. R 28, care Orego uan. TWO LARGE. PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS, single or ensulte; all conveniences; best of board. The Sterling. 533 Couch et., comer 16th. PLEASANT ROOM AND BOARD. PRIVATE family, all modern conveniences, and use of parlors and librarj. R 34, care Oregonlan. BEAUTIFULLY" FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, with board, near poslofflce; suitable for couple or two gentlemen. 395 Morrison, cor. 10th. ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board; reasonable: furnace heat, bath, phone. 72 N. 14th St.. corner Everett. 188 WEST PARK ST. LARGE. PLEASANT room, with board. In private family, for two gentlemen: gas, heat, bath and phone, NICE SUITE ROOMS, WITH.BOARD; 3IOD ern conveniences. Inquire BJ1 Hth st, be tween Yamhill and Taylor. ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLEMEN, private family; no other boarders. Address N 13. care Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE: ALSO SIN gle room; modern conveniences. 454 Clay et. 'Phone West 101. ROOMS. WITH BOARD. THE HESPERIAN, S33 .Morrison st., cor. 17th. , FOR REXT. Rooms With Board. FUtST-CLVSS TABLE BOARD: HOME COOK lcg. Mrs A. Alexander. West Park and Yamhill. 3S1 Yamhill. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. with or without board. Call at 235 Jefferson street, comer Second. THE BURBANK, 334 YAMHILL. CORNER Seventh Front alcove oomj and running water, with board. FRONT AND BACK PARLOR. FURNISHED or unfurnished, with board. 153 13th fit,, cor. Morrison. PLEASANT SIDE ROOMS. WITH BOARD; stationary bowls; modern conveniences. 1CSV4 10th bL CITY VIEW HOTEL. SIGHTLY LOCATION: home cooking. 293 Union av.. W. S. Smith, prop. TRY OUR FINE BREAD. CAKES, PIES AND pastry, home made. 351 Yamhill. tek 1822. LYNDELL. 534 MORRISON NEW MANAGE ment; elegantly furnished rooms, with board. OSBORN HOUSE Al board and rooms, $4.50 week. J. W, King Cator. late from Chicago. 471 ALDER ST. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board, bath, phone Brown 501 Oregon. 221 13TH PLEASANT ROOMS? MODERN conveniences, board; home cooking. FRONT ROOM. ALSO OTHER ROOMS. FpR gentlemen; first-class board. 225 11th et. FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD. HOME fooklng; English family. 215 12th si. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD. 141 West Park. nouselceeplnfr Hoonm LONDON HOUSE. CORNER FIRST AND Pine Two lovely furnished housekeeping rooms; water in kitchen: repectable. rURNISHED FLAT. FOUR LARGE .ROOMS; bath, basement, large jard: quiet neighbor hood: $22.50. -200 14th, cor. Taj lor. ENTIRE PARLOR FLOOR OF MODERN PRI vate residence. complelelj' furnished; gas; good basement; yard. 290 Jefferson. TWO LARGE. AIRY ROOMS. FURNISHED complete, for housekeeping: very desirable. Apply 205 Montgomery, cor. Fifth. LOWER FLOOR OF HOUSE. COMPLETELY furnished, for housekeeping: private family; references required. 346 Main st. STRANGERS' HOME. 2ZCV4, FIRST AND BumsldeT-Fumlshed rooms; also rooms for - light housekeeping; transient. FOR RENT TWO OR THREE LARGE FUR nlbhed rooms, for -housekeeping; gas range, bath, telephone. 187 12th. 203 WASHINGTON ST. FURNISHED AND unfurnished housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; also sleeping rooms. TWO OR THREE VERY DESIRABLE UN furnlshed housekeeping rooms, on car line.; brick house. Mount Tabor. FURNISHED SUITE FIVE ROOMS. HOUSE keeping, with piano, $25. J. H. Hawley Co., S Chamber of Commerce. TWO LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR housekeeping; also one furnished parlor bed room. 150 East Park si. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUITABLE for housekeeping, for parties without chil dren. SCO Second street. ELEG KNTLY FURNISHED FLAT. WITH gas range and telephone; also suite If desired. 135 10th. cor. Alder. TWO LARGE ROOMS; SUITABLE FOR housekeeping; use of bath and phone. 235 Hall, cor. Second. 308 13TH ST. TWO FURNISHED HOUSE l.ceplng rooms, suitable for one person; bath Included; rent $5. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR light housekeeping; corner house. 201 11th, cor. Taylor. LARGE TRONT SUITE, HANDSOMELY AND completely furnished, for housekeeping. 43f Main st. ' 207 PARK ST. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT suite, with kitchen, tor housekeeping; no children. FIVE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS IN A COT tage at reasonable rate of $10. Apply 440 Clay st. TWO OR THREE. NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping- rooms; private family. 3J3 Third. TOUR CLEAN, SUNNY UNFURNISHED roomo, upstairs; In quiet, private houoe. 235 12th. FIVE-ROOM TLAT. FOR HOUSEKEEPING ; everj thing first class. 545 Fourth st. Cheap rent. 231 MARKET LOVELY. LIGHT. CLEAN culte of -rooms, with bay window; no chil dren. The Graham Housekeeping apartments a spe cialty; gas range and telephone. 545" Wash. THREE OF FOUR COMPLETELY FURNI3H cd housekeeping rooms. 420 Fifth street. S3 7TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT 'alcove room, with kitchen and bath. 3 PLEASANT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 230 lCth Ft., between Salmon find Main. 320 MILL ST.-3 PLEASANT UNFURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, cheap. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 545 Savler street. SUITE OR SINGLE ROOMS. 122& FIFTH st. Tel. Hood 723. 292 11TH ST. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms. QnnKes. FOR RENT-GOOD CORNER STORE ON N. 10th and Oerton sts,; low rent to good ten ant. Two-story house. N. 10th. near Overton: arranged a? it can be used bj' two families; rent Aery reasonable. Meat market, well ar ranged, with fixtures, on cor. North 10th and Pettjgrove, where a man can do a good busi ness. For particulars call on J. Kraemer, Commercial block. -- KING STREET VERY DESIRABLE S-ROOM house, cement basment, all modern Im provements and large grounds. Will be leased to desirable tenant. Apply room 34 Sherloclc Bldg. FOR RENT MODERN 7 - ROOM HOUSE, bath, closets, gas. large rooms, practically new; good location: $20. io responsible tenant. F. W. TORGLER, 0 Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE. 11 ROOMS, bath, closets, cement basement, electric lights; choice location: $35 to responsible tenant. Montague & Borden, 220 Stark SU rOR RENT VERY NEAT C-ROOM COTTAGE, bath, etc; cloee to bridge and car line, on Grand ave.; rent $16 per month. J. W. Ogll bee. room 11. 145 First st. " FOR RENT 10-ROOM HOUSE. WITH BASE ment and bath; water upstairs; suitable, for two families; price. $12. 170 Sherman st. Inquire 174. 7-ROOM HOUSE. BATH. 347 LINCOLN ST., or house and barn. 691 Oregon: flat of 10 R., on Washington, $12.50. R G. Drake, 152 lsrt. FOR RENT VERY NICE SEVEN-ROOM house to reliable parties, at reasonable rent, at 307 Hall etreet, between Fifth and Sixth. FOR RENT A NEW MODERN NINE-ROOM house, comer East 3Sth and Hawthorne ave. Rent reasonable. Apply 322 Worcester Bldg. ON FIFTH ST.. WEST SIDE. BETWEEN Sheridan and Caruthers sts, 0-room house; $30. M. G. Griffin. Agent, The Marquam. MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE. ELECTRIC lights, furnace, good dry basement; East Side. W. G. Beck, 321 Morrison. FOR RENT 5-ROOM HOUSE. HARD FIN nlshed: ample j-ard; rent $10; 46 North 13th st.. bttween Couch and Davis. RESIDENCE. 255 11TH ST,; FINE LAWN. latest Improvement; n small children. In quire on premises. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. $0: GOOD CONDITION. Inquire between 1 and 4, 651 Fourth, St., Mon day and Tuesdaj. -ROOM COTTAGE. WASHINGTON CAR line, for sale, $1050; payable $15 month. 600 Washington st. HOUSE FOR RENT ON 30TH ST.. SOUTH of Hawthorne ave. Inquire next door west. LARGE. -MODERN RESIDENCE. "EAST PORT land. $20. A. B. Manlej-. 42 Sherlock bldg. rOR RENT A STYLISH 8-ROOM HOUSE. Inquire 434 Larrabefl st. Fnrnlsliittl Hosiei. $8 PER MONTH. 3-ROOM FLAT; BATn room, clothes closet, pantry, woodshed, air furnished for housekeeplrg. C32 Seventh, two blocks south of Grant st. Phone Union 545. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE. FIVE roomo, nlcsly located, on Third-street car: no jChlldren; $20 per month. David 8. Stearot, J249 Washington VU' FOR REXT. Furnished Hounes. FOR RENT FURNISHED, TWO 7-ROOM houses; good location, on East Side. Lam bert & Sarreat, 3S3 East, Washington st. FURNISHED FLAT. FOUR LARGE ROOMS; bath,- basement large yard; qujet neighbor hood. 200 14th. cor. Taylor. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE. FIVE rooms: completely furnished; desirable loca tion. X 31, care Oregonlan. $15 PER MONTH: C-ROOM COTTAGE. NICE 4y furnished, for housekeeping; 200 East 37th st. Phone Union 45. WELL-rURNISHED HOUE. NICE. URGE grounds, flowers: good location: no dogs, ref erences. 401 12th at. COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSE. MT. Tabor car line: rent reasonable. Call at room 21 Mulkej- building. - NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE OF 0 ROOMS, with all conveniences; In good location. R 33, care Oregonlan. REFINED COUPLE DESIRING NICELY furnished house. Nob Hill, address P. O. Box 434. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. 173 EAST Sixth, cor. Yamhill. FTotie for Rent Furniture for Snle. 20 ROOMS. CORNER FLAT; A MONEY maker. 22 rooms, fine furniture, doing good business. 15 rooms, comer flat, cheap rent, good fur niture, and dope In. 11 rooms, partly furnished. 10 rooms, good furniture, choice location, $425. 7 rooms, comer houe, close In, nicely fur nished. $350. I have others, large or small. See me be fore bujlngi C. E. BENNETT. 127t Fourth st. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF FINE 10-ROOM. wcll-furolshed house; centrally located: all rooms occupied? elcknees- is reason tf or .selling this bargain, for each only. Address W 14, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 12 - ROOM houw; all occupied: well furnished: parties leaving cltj. 211 Fifth st., cor. Main. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 10-ROOM houfie. cheap, parties leaving cltj-; rooms all rented. Call 229 13th. IN A GOOD LOCATION. BEST IN THE CITY; electric light, telephone, bath and steel range. 127 Park. 0-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT AND FURNI ture for sale. . 243 Mill st. . Stores. STOREROOM AND SHELVING. Al LOCA tlon. for any kjnd business; comer, brick block; cheap rent. 22S Rusell street. ONE - HALF OF THE ELEGANT STORE building nt 335 Washington -. cor. Seventh. TERSOXALS. LEARN TO TELL FORTUNES (WITH cards). You fan learn In le than one hour. . anjl entertain yourself and your f riejfds. Each card has printed on Its fac what' It means, and very simple Instructions go with each pack. These cards were prepared for us bj- a celebrated fortune teller. Price, 60 cents. Sent by mall. WTapped In plain white paper, on receipt of price, money or stamps. The WUard Card Co., 130S Bcoadwaj-, New York, room C DR DARRIN. specialist In all chronic diseases, cures deafness and catarrh In all Its forms. Only $5 per month. Also .cures affections of stomach, liver, towels, nerv es, , blood, CJn. kldncjs, urinary organs and seminal weak ness. Varicocele, rtrlcturi or hydrocele guar anteed cured n. one week. -No pain, no deten tion. Diseases of women, an Important spe clalty. Consultation free. Call or write Ad dress 2G5 Morrison St.. Portland, Or. INDIAN CLAIRVOYANT AND . MEDIUM The wonderful, gifted Indian squaw, bora with two veils over face, tells, from cradle to grave, past, present, future, and oecrets re vealed: warns against misfortune; sure guldi to social and business success; heals all dis eases bj' the tue of Indian herbs. Mrs. Prof. Whcatly-Howe. Separate parlor for ladle and gentlemen.. Strictly xronflderftfaT. 271 3th st.. 6ppbt-1te Cljy Hall. No stair to cjltrb. 27 womeiCwantea Buffering rrcm Irregular. pain ful or stoppage of periods; leucorrhoea (whites), and all complicated dlFeafes" pertain ing to changes of life, cured bj' old Dr. Kess ler. cor. Second and YanihlU sts. 320 women called last month. Consultation free, and pri vate rocms'for ladles. If can't call, write, inclosing 10 2c stomps. Hundreds treated at home by his new system. THE LAST LETTER RECEIVED FROM MY brother. Charles Wadtson. was dated ut Asto ria. Feb. 14. 1693. If this reaches, the eje of any one who knows of hlt present address. 1 will esteem It a great favor If I am notified. Charles, write to ypur sister at Montezuma. In. I have Important news for jou. Mm Amelia Llndstrom. ELECTRIC PARLORS. 103 FIRST STREET, treats all rcalp -dloeases, and guarantee to restore gray hair; to -natural color, without dje; removes wrinkles-and all, "bjemlshes from face: alo removes superfluous hair from the face without pain; enlarging busts a spe cialty. DRESS SUITS RENTED. ALL SIZES. WE call for. .sponge, press and deliver on eult cf jour clothing each week, sew on buf in. sev up rips, for $1 per month. Djelng. vttam cleaning and repairing. Unique Tallonrg Co , 347 Washington, both 'phones. RlilLESS EYE-GLASSES. $1.25; NICKEL OR gold-filled frames, with best, lenses, $1; com mon glasses, from 25 to 50c Ejes if Med free. by competent optician; fit guaranteed. Port land Jeweler and Optician. 132 Flrol st.. be tween Washington end Aide;. FREE TO EVERY LADY SENDING 30c FOR latest Sanitary Rubber Bath and for Dusting Cap, we w III give absolutely free one .package -of mending tl'eue for repairing finest fabrics. Sanitary Appliance Co., 004 Marshall Field Bldg.. Chicago. ILLOND'S PREVENTATIVE CONES FOR prevention of disease. The best antiseptic No failure. Sent to anj address; per box. $1 SO; samples. 10c. Illond Chem- Co., P. O. Box 974. Portland. WATCHES CLEANED. 75c; MAINSPRING. 75c; clocks called for and delivered. All watch and clock repairing warranted one jear. Th Portland , Jeweler. 132 First st. Phone B'acK 937. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts' Nerve Globules, one month's treatment $2; 3 months, $5 Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents. Woodard i Clark:. Portland. Or. LONE COUNTRY WIDOW OF RETIRING disposition wants correspondent, single Amer ican .gentleman, with good commbri-sense. Address, with particulars. T 32, Oregonlan. RESPECTABLD EASTERN GENTLEMAN desires the acquaintance of rcspectnble and congenially Inclined lady; one who would ap preciate a friend. Y 34. care Oregonlan. MORPHINE OPIUM. LAUDANUM. CO calne habit; mjself cured: will Inform jou of harmless, permanent home cure. Mrs. Baldwin, box 1212. Chicago. LADIES YOUR BUST ENLARGED (I INCH ES: failure Impossible;, harmless; $100 cash guarantee: proof free. Leonard, Medicine Co., Kansas City. Kas. BICYCLE REPVIRING, BY SKILLFUL workmen. Work called for. Bicycles bought and sold. Portland Gun Store. 132 First. Phone Black 937. MARRY LOVELY WOMEN AND JIONORA ble men: many rich, swnd 2c for big list, de scriptions, incidences. Mutual Excharge, Kan sas City. Mo. Godden Private Hospital. 211 Bhrman; cancer, catarrh, etc. cured one month: guaranted treatment: $1; lovely home for ladles during rrfinement CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED; flrst-claes- work. Oregon telephone Clay C32. Chicago Cleaning . Pressing: Co.. lS4j Third. PORTLAND ELECTROLYSIS PARLORS. 15 16 Lewis bulldlnr. cor. Park and Morrison. Lady operator. Physicians' references. YOUNG WOMAN WISHES GENTLEMAN friend, who can nselet her financially. Ad dress Num. Box 530. Astoria. Or. THE OLD TAMALE MAN. FORMERLY OF Fourth rt.. iienr Taj lor. has his tamale par lors at 290 Third St.. near Columbia. COMMON SENSE BEAUTY PRLORS. FA clal blemishes removed by electricity, cup, roller ahd sponge. Lewis building. "WE PRINT 30 FINE VISITING CARDS. 23c; 50. 35c 250 business cards. $1; 300, $1 60. Brown &. Schmale. 229 1st st. WIDOW. SO. WISHES TO MAKE THE Ac quaintance of gentleman over 40; object, mat-rimonj-. K 34. Oregonlan. IMPRUDENT MARRIAGES: GREAT BOOK. 10 cents. Jos. W. Hessel, 411 Riley ave., Santa Rosa, Cak . TO EXCHANGE GOOD "BANK. STOCK OR diamonds for piano A'dflrers S 31, care" Orego-nlan- BILLY LEA'S BICYCLE HOSPITAL. 105 4TH. Phone Clay C41. Wheela'called for, delivered. CUT RATES Oregon Dje Works, cleaning and djelng. Burniae. near Sth. Tel. Red 2003. Otto Tvl!r!ftilt rnqpti.ttn feAfdlj, WT ?,. C1.V 1 at, treats any jslrknesa Ore, fhene gcott 093. PERSONAL. THE SHELLEY. 422XJ MORRISON ST.. COR 11th New houos; well-furnished rooms; all modern conveniences. Mrs. Dr. McCoy, electric treatment, La Torts Horn, cor, Third an.a Yamhtl ets-.Toom 14. Ladles Free, harmlca monthly regulator: can not fall. Mrs. B. Rowan. MlHrukeeJ"Wls. CLOTHES MENDED FOR LADIES AND GEN tlemen. Apply at room 45 Lahba building. "ELECTRIC LAUNDRY REMOVED TO 120 Fifth st. Both phones. Give us a trlak LADY, YOU GET RED STAMPS AT CLEM enson's drug store, 227 Ynmhlll street. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED? SEND stamp to lock-box COO. Portland. Or- FOR SALE ROLL-TON DESK; ALSO FLAT, desk. U 32, care Oregcnian. v LOCKSLEY HAL. SEASIDE. OPEN ALL WIN ter. . - BUSIXBSS CHANCES. NOTICE OF SALE OF STEAMER JESSIE Borthwlck In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah County In the matter of the estate of H.. B.. Borthwlck. de ceased-rNoHce Is hereby given that I, -the un dersigned. will sell at public auction .to the highest bidder, for cash, gold coin in. hand, at the dock or wharf of the- AatoplS Iron Works, In the City" oC Astprla. In Clatsop County, Oregon, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon on the 20th day of March, A. D.,. 1900, the whole of that certajn steamer, her engines and boiler, called th6 Jessie Borthwlck. consisting (t hull T7 feet over all. 17-feet beam, depth of hold S feci, draft 6 feet 0 Inches. PJanklng Is fir 2 Inches, finished. Deck, fir, 3x4 Inches. Frames, oak. 3x5 Inches at keel and, 3x4 Inches, at deck. 12 Inches apart. Stem and stem porta are oak. Floor Umbers are fir. 4x5 Inches, natural crooks with galvanized fastenings. The boat 19 salted 1G Inches down from covering board with 2. tons of ilt. Engines are fore and aft compound. 10-lnch and 20x20-lneh stroke. Surface condenser fprms part ot frame, and contalris 320 braes condenser tubes 3 " feet long. Independent circulating: and air pump Boiler Is 72 lnchte In diameter, 10 feet long and contains 150 2-tnch tubes 8 feet long; has corrugated flue 40 Inches dla., S feet long: water-back connection, and Is al lowed 150 pounds of steam. ' The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, said bids to be made upon, the basis ot accepting said steamer, where she is now slU uated. Dated thta 10th, day of March. A. D. 1000. DAN J. MOORE. Administrator of the Estate of H. B. Borthwlck, deceased. COMPLETE FURNITURE OF A 16 - ROOM hotel la a good town of 1200 population. In Willamette Valley; only hotel In the town; $200. The new jUid complete furniture of a 2S-room hotel on East Side: a. big? snap, for $500. 22-room lodging-house on Third st-," $950. 25-room flat, all oh one floor; good fur niture, cheap rent; $1200. 50-room lodging horse, 30 furnished. $1200. 22-ro6m private dwelling, clears $00 per month. $1000. 30 room brick flat, tine location. $1400. 0-room dwelling, clearing $25 per month. $450. 25 room select boardlns and rooming-house, new furniture, $2200. JENNINGS & CO.. . 309W Morrison st- CIGAR. FRUIT. AND CANDY 'STORE. WITH lllng rooms, $135. Al-o another for $250. Delicato-Essen and bakerj-, doing a, JJne busi ness. $1250. ,A'JOJa.-?in&-Ir 'placet- for $100. Printing bfilce. complete ahd runnihgf. $3Ca Four grocery stores for $200, $525. '$1400 ami $2500, respectively. Several stocks of sentrttl merchandise In good towns, ranging In price from $1200 up to $10,000. Reotaurantf In good location, doing a big business. $1500. JENNINGS A, CO., 3094 MorrtBon st, GOOD-PAYING LITTLE GROCERY; CHEAP rent and in good location; will Invoice about $700. $1250 22-roonj lodging-house, finely fur nished, central location, on' one of the prin cipal business streets. v $1006-Another .good houic6f SGi-ooms. well furnished. JOSEPH M. HEALY. 2906 Morrison st. CAPD NOME SMALL CAPITAL WANTED TO Invest In a Cape Nome enterprise; will pay $25 for every $1 Invested: olmplj' a test of the machlre will prove It: no- mining ma chine, but every one- going to Nome must uai it, Addrees X. care Oregonlan. . FOR 8ALE A STOCK OF- GENERAL MERr chandlse. Invoice $3500; the only , store In the place, and situated In the heat .farming sec-' tloa In the Willamette Vallej; wishes- to 'sell for cash only; a place worth Investigating. E 25. care Oregcnian. - FOR SALE, CHEAP IN ONE OF THE BEST county seat towns In Oregon, one of the best pajing weekly newspapers and Job offices In the West. Proprietor has poor health and mun chance climates. Address R 23, care Oregonlan. $50 BUYS A COMPLETE AND EROFITABLK medicine burinees: suitable for either sex; ex perlence unnecessary; can "be worked during spare hours. California" Medicine Co., 40$ Clay fit., San Francisco. LODGING-HOUSE. 22 ROOMS; WITH RES taurant attached. A bargain. Also office furniture, consisting- of roll-top desk, flat deek. 7 chairs. Address Administrator, 518 Chamber cf Commerce. BIG MONEY MADE BY BUYING SHARES Or the Century Oil Company, Incorporated under the laws of Oregon,; quoted at California of ficial oil exchange. Room 40, WeiMngton building. GRIST MILL FOR SALE; WATER POWER; 54 acres land; good improvements and build ings, apple orchard; choice property, cheap. Harbleon Bros., Hood River. Or. . PROFITS IN STOCKS. WHEATAND COT ton. Mackej's modem methods mak money. Write for our free book. C. E. Mackey & Co., 32 P.-padwaj New York. BUSINESS MAN WISHES TO PARTICIPATE in . legitimate mercantile or manufacturing business; can Invest small, capital. Address Y 31, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE OF 40 ROOMS, clearing $50ier month above expenses; reason for relllng, sickness. Inquire at Package De livery Co., 203 Washington. $1200 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CANDY factory, doing a good business; the best pi re?sons given for Belling. Address 823 River side ive.. Spokane. Wash. ,.. j v ' WANTED MANAGER FOR OREGON? PER manent, paying business; -$700 capital, neces sary; something- new; merit Herrlck, 1417 Brush at,, Oakland, Cat. INVESTIGATE PLAN OF SPECULATION BY which j'ou can make at least ten points profit monthlj'. E. C. Wall & Co., 40 Exchange Place. New York. WANTED PROPERTY OF .NONRESIDENTS, to sell. Delinquent taxes straightened out or sold subject to same. Ira B. Sturges, Ba ier .Citj Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE A GOOD BUTCHER buslrvecs In Springfield; tools and stock on hand. Call or write E. B. Wickham, Spring field. Or. FOR SALE BARBER SHOP. IN TOWN OF 1200, county seat: porcelain bath; cctabllsncd 1893. Address J. G. Flanaiy, Goldendale. Wash. FLOUR "MILL FOR RENT 30-BBL. ROLLER mill. Inquire 104 Knott st.. station B. or Albina Flour Mills, J. O. Rennie, Portland, Or. ONE-THIRD INTEREST IN 112 ACRES: ICO fenced. SO acres prune, apple and peach trees, C to 0 j ears old. E. A. Mack, Oakland' Or. REQUIRED A MAN WITH $10,000 TO $15,000. for a profitable business In farm produce. F. V, Andrews & Co . Hamilton bldg. BUSINESS WOMAN CAN LEARN' OF Ex ceptional opportunity- to make money, by ad dressing X 32, care Oregonlan. WILL SELL FOR CAStf THE BEST. FRUIT and confectionery statid In town; waiting room, Morrlson-etreet bridge. WANTED TO RENT. FURNISHED. 30 TO 40 rooms, for term of j'ears. No dining-room. Address Q 31, care Oregonlan. OLD -ESTABLISHED .BUSINE'SS: .INVOICES $15,000.10 $lc.000: want to retire rrom. buil nrso. B 53. care Oregonlan. FOR SALEr-ONB 6F THE BEST-LQCATED 50-barrel flouring mllto In the Willamette Val )cy. S 23. care Oregonlan. FOR LEASE NEW GREENHOUSE AND grounds: centrally located. Ira B. Sturgesr Baker City. Or. GROCERY AND FRUIT STAND AT YOUR own price; have other business; come quick. 1C0 Sixth. FOR SALE ICE FACTORY: DOING GOOD business. Address John Zeis, Corvallls, Or. $90 WILL BUT CIGAR STAND. WITH TWO living rooms and woodshed. 431 Morrison. LADY WITH CAPITAL CAN ENGAGE IN lucrative business. L 31, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE WELL-ESTABLISHED COALOIL . business. V. Schmld. 1L9. Grand ave. FOR SLE CANDY AN.D TOBACCO STAND, on. Morrison . Inquire at 220 Main. ,, LOST AXD FOUXD LOST RED IRISH SETTER PUP. ABOUT 0 months old; has on a leather collar. Finder will be rewarded en returning It to 115 Wet Patk rt. LOST YALE PIN. BLUE ENAMEL CLOVER" leaf. Reward If returned to 450 4th 'st. FOUND LADY'S BOA. APPL" WITH PAR- tlcularsj Y. ?y, car Qrgonlaa. ? business Directory. Afternoon Kindergartens. MISS ANNIE MATTINQLVS Afternoon Frobel Kindergarten. 209 14th t. TeL Brown. 013- AKrle-ulfurkr Implements!, Jtfachinerjr EDWARD HJJRHESr WAGONS. CARRIAGES and farm machinery ot an Wnds. 180 Front. RUSSELL & CO ENGINE'S! 'BOILERS. SAW ,mll!, threshers, horse-pdarer, "324 Belmont. JQHN POOLE; Newton-wagoaa. bugle. wlnd mllls. pumps, machinery. Foot Morrison st. Amnseraent Resorts. Edison's Star Photlcon Parlors. 272 Morrison. 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. Ladles, gents, children. Art Good's and Picture Frarnen. BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE, 307 WASHING-' Asaayers and Arsnlyat. I. H. FISK.. MINERAL ASSAYER AND ' chemist: gold dnt boughti 2044 Washington. . PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST. Gold dust bought, 228 Stark ninmr . ". a err . - rtTjrerrc fWXI Cfilr f A a. ttajtnr and analytical work. Gold dust bought. Attorney. H. K SARGENT) Ttnera jiractlc; notary. Phone Hood 832. 718 Chamber of Commerce, . H. GRUBER Lawyer; mining, admiralty uu collections specialties. v.uujiiici;t u.. JEFFREYS & WHITE, attomeys-at-law. prac tice In all courts; 420 Commercial block. E. "W. BINGHAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. RE- , mdvftd to 61 Union block. 22T,j Stark. GEO. W. HAZEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 600 611 Chamber of Commerce building. PIPES &. TTFFT. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW 705-"Tll- Chamber cf Commerce. - Bakeries.- U. S. Bakery, Matschlner Broi.. preps.; breads, cakes, pies, pastry and crackers. 101 N. 14th, cor. Flanders. Horn Bakery & Delicate-Ess en; Beaton baked beans, cooked delicacies. 187 4th. Tel. Hood 971. - ' -' Baths. DEKUM Bathrooms: popular baths, massage, electricity. 714-15-16 Dckum. Phono Red 2S43. Deolc Store. "J. K.' GILL 7c CK. 'WHOLESALE AND RE ,tall booksellers and atatIor.err, 133-333d st. Card 1rltlng.. Elegant society cards', any style.. 25c per dor.; 4. dor.. 73c H. Ennls, Meier U Frank's. Carpenters and Builders. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter, builder; ofllca and store flxturep. Ore teL, 747.. 2&3,;8tarlc W. D. BERKEY, CARPENTER AND BUILD 2 err .general- Job workSOO jFfrst st , , v ,-CflxIheier knW 2Jifiinnci'e Goo'ds. SUN SOON HU1B & CO.; MATTINGS. TEAS, chiaaware; paper napkins. 247 Yamhill. Chinese Medicines. Dr. Blng Chong, 101 2d et-: Chinese root medi cines cure all diseases. Examination free. Chiropodists. -WM. -OEVENY fif.MAUD DBVENY, THE "Only scientific chlropodlats. room 301 Aliakj bldg., 3d and Morrison. Oreg. phone Grant 10. L. MITCHELL, EXPERT CHIROPODIST. OP- 'Hoe ICO oth st,, opp. postomce, Tel. liood vn. Miss Dart, chiropody and manicuring, room 30 Union' blk, 1st and Stark. 0 A. M. to & P. M. Cleaning? and Djelng. French Cleaning Djelng Works; J.-Delcau, prop. Phone Red 095. 445 Gllsan- St. . I x. z q'ojnhiisalon. JttcrohKntsi HERMAN MET2GER. PURCHASER OF hldes. Plt," furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commislon merchant. Front sc. near Main. Portland. Or. Cash advances on consignments. J. C. LENSCH. COMMISSION MERCHANT, produce and poultry. Correspondence 'Bollclud. iJoth phones. 201 Front. TAYLOR, YOUNG As CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission .merchants, Sherlock building, .Portland. Or. W. N. Saj-re &. Co., commission &' produce men chants; advances on conslg-nments. 146 Front. ALLEN Jfc LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO duca mtrchants. Front &. D iu., Portland. Or. EVERD1NG, & FARRELL, commission, butte'r, eggs, chickens and farm produce. Portland. H. TUKE i. CO,, 234 ERONT: FLOUR, HAY. produce, feed and .groceries. ' Cornices SUj-lights. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED HION ci nlces. J. C Bayer, 265 Second street. Creameries. WASHINGTON CREAMERY; PURE BUTTER, cream; bakery goods. Both phones. G. G. Ol&yger, 429 Wasolngton. Curled-Hair Manufacturers. -Portland Curled-Hair Factorj, H. Metzger. pro-) prletor, manufacturer curleii hair and genuina curlod-halr xnattreeaes. 236-22 Front st. Both phones. , Dancing. MISSES MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANC Ing, 2G0 14th. ' Private lessons by appointment. Dentists. HgNltf'P. O'CONMoK, D. M.r D..' -603 MAR- qusm bulldlrr. Morrison st,-,-b?t. 6th and 7tn. ' " i i i '" .ii. i 15R. T. JL. "PERKINS? DENTIST. REMOVED to room 17 Russel bldg., 4th- and Morrison. DR. C B. BROWN; tek ore. Red 2S46; rs.. Whits 634. 514-15-16 Dekum building. Dental inpi)Iies. WOODARD. CLARKE &""CO.. Cor. Fourth and Washington sts. Drciaraaklrir. MISS HAWKINS. LADIES' TAILOR AND dressmaker; good fit guaranteed. 424 Wash. Mrs .Sadie1 A. McKlbben. modkrte: Easter cos tumes a specialty. 372 East Morrison. Dyeing; and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER, PROFESSIONAL DYER AND cleaner, 301 17th. Telephone Red 131. Educational. I TAKE PLEASURE IN INFORMING MY pupils" and the public that I have .secured the Auditorium for the use of the Rasmus School of Elocution, Oratory md Dramatic- Art. fltage Mttlhssi the meet deirghtful hall and complete school of expression in "the West. PKOI TV. 51. RASMUS. I PERNIN SHORTHAND AWARDED WORLD'S Fair medal an$ diploma. Simplest, meat leg- a lble. Bookkeeping taught. Daj ami night. Pernhi Shorthand School. 211 Oregonlan. PORTLAND BUaNES5 'COLLCGE. Fifth and Yamhill: A- P. Armstrong. Prln., J. A. Wescc. Sc Open all the year. Students admitted at any tune. Catalogue free. HOLMES' ENGLISH AND BUSINESS Col lege, 414 Yamhill it- EnglUa course; com- . mercUl &nd sbariband courses- ead .for cat alogue; . . ALL ENGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT; teach ers prepared for examination. 301 Yamhill. - Electric Belts. DR SCHRAMECK'S ELECTRIC BELTS ARE the best; examine $5 belts. 2;o Front st. Fence uud Wire Workx. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works; A. Carlson; 2S9 East Morrison st. Fraternal Insurance. Ancient "Order Red Crcs provides death, acci dent, disability, old age and funeral benefits. Agents wanted; liberal terms; write or call on D. C. Rogers. 290 Morrison. Guns, Flahliiff Tackle, Sport'er Goods. H. -Bcal; .guns, fishing tackle, spcrtlng goods and cutlery. 49Vj Third et,. Portland.,. Or. Harness, and Saddles. THE BREYMAN -LEATHER CO . HAR- ness and sole leatKer,tsaddlery. hardware, find aings'and sboa store supplies-! 73 Front's, . THE GEOHOE LAWRENCE CO. WHOLE- kale saddlers and harness manufacturers, "leather and saddlerj hardware. 72 Front sr. Iron Founders, Mach'stn, Ship B'ld'rs- Wolft" i ZwlrkerIron Works; designers and xnfrs. of ships, steamboats, marine, mining ana jnnims maenmerr: nvetea steel picv. . BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BTealth 'Foods. SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT." KING OF all health foods. Sold by all grocers. Hotels. TREMONT -HOUSE; newly fu-nished rooms, $1.60 a week upj J. .E. Clark. 5:434 "Ev eretu Hosiery. Seamless hoaleryr Winona Mills. Jf. Y.; -Street & Sons. General Salesmen, 321 14, near Clay. Insurance HAMBURG - EREMEN FTRE INS. CO.. 103 First st, Boyd &. Arnola. General Agents. Jol Printers?. CALLING AND WEDDING CARDS: FINEST quality; lowestprlces. Rogers, 323 .Morrison street. Imdlcs KnrnlshlnE: Goods. SPECIAL PETTICOAT SALE MON..'TUES., Wed., CVs each. Gross & Weltgea. 214 First, Ladles Tailoring. Stephan'a Dressmaklhfc Establishment, for even ing gowns, tailor-made suits, etc 2S9 Alder. Ladder "Works. LAaDERS'-OF ALL KINDS. 'AND KITCHEN conveniences. Cor. East Sixth and. Oak, Iron Founders and machinists. Smith & Watson Iron Works: engines and boil ers; Jbeitlng engines a specialty; quartz and saw mills; misc. machinery. Front, and Hall. CITY FOUNDRY & MACHKS'E SHOPS. J. Hor.eyman Co.. engines, boilers, saw mills and tnlntog machinery. 301 Front st. Willamette Iron" & Steel Works: James Lotan. mgr.: Iron-workers, steamboat bldrs. Portland. Leather Findings. Ji A. REID, mfr. .hoot and shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Washington st. LIquot and Tobacco Institutes. Keelej Institute, 314 6th. cures liquor, opium and tobacco addiction. No other In State. Magnetic Hcalinjr. WELTMER METHOD. ALISKY BLOCK, room 315, Thjrd and Morrison. 3Iassng;e. "THE, SNOWDEN" R.OTHROQMS RE opened. 131" 4th; .formerly The. .Nelson": tub and vapor baths, maesag. Tel. Red, 421. LADY GIVFR VAPOR BATHS AND 5lASSAGE at 313& Washington Qtreet, room 33.. Marble and Granite "Works. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS: marble, gran lte and stone work. Schanen . Neu. 2CS 1st. 31ercliant Tailors, L. GOLDSTIEN. FIRST - CLASS -TAILOR; fire spring, goods to-order, reasonable. 165 4th. " THIdvrlves. ' MRS. CTL.. GRADUATE MIDW1FS. 121 North 14th. St.. Telepbono West C07. Mining- Investment!. SUMPTER GAIL BORDEN CONSISTS OF six quartz and ono placer claim on Cracker Creek, adjolnlry? North Pole mill. Large and rich deposits of ore arc- known ta exist and are In plain sight, together itlth water rights dltchtft; Is an old and wrell-knowq property, and no sreat outlay .necessary to make It a I areducer. 25,C00 shares treasury stock (first wsue) Qirerea. at $-t per tnousanu. oystemai Ic development work to begin aj. once. A portion of thU Issue, is already subscribed for. and applications will be &!& In their ordr. E A. Clem & Co., 515 and 51C Orego nlan building, SUMPTER MINES A FINE PROSPECT, good surface values, for eale, great 'bargain. Also fine developed mine. Kejstoae Belle, 10c: Ohio. 20c; Diadem. 25c; now shipping ore. Wc: do a clean, reltablo business. CaU and' Investigate. Dawson. McDowell Co.. 441 p Sherlock" bnlldlng. Portland. Or. MInlnsr. Barton & Curtli. 229 Stark, mining engineers, stock brokers; mines examined and reported upon; machinery furnished; plants erected. MONTANA METALLURGICAL WORKS; test ore. all kinds: gold. $1.50: silver. $1.30. I Send for full particulars. 02 First et. Mlnlncr Inchlnery. FREE BOOKS; ALL ABOUT CAPE NOME. TATUM & BOWEN. 29 to 35 Flret at. Medical. NOTICE DR PAUL CROMWELL. THE COL ored specialist, will now give people a chance to get well All persons residing- In city, treat ment by week, $5. To stay ct sanltarl im. $2 per day. Persons of moderate means will like to take advantage of this offer, .for one month jnjy. 171 Green ave. Take Washington and' 23d-strcet car. Ladles: Chichester's English Fennjroyal Pills are the "best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c. stamps, far particulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter by .return mall. At Drug gists'. Chichester Chemical Co.. Phila., Pa. Dr., Flora A, Brown; diseases of women and children a specialty. Consultation and diag nosis free. 617-513 The Dekum. Portland, Or. Nbvlta.,treatment cures female dlseasrs. Agents wanted. Mary E. G'Nellt, Mgr.. 291'ft Mor rison. Greek Rheumatic 'Spec'iac.. guaranteed to cure rheumatism. L. T. Lewis. 2S2Vi Washington. Musical. Violin, viola, 'comet lessons; music furnished: Italian strings and old violins for sale. Emll Thlelhorn, M. P. S. Orch., 209 Jefferson. Tek West 1004. PIANO; ORGA? XStX VOCALlNSTRUCTItN. Mra. Mdlntyre, 253 Sixth t.. cOf. Madison. Osteopathy- DR W. A ROOERS. OSTEOPATH. SUITE 533 Marojuam bldg.; acute and chronic dis eases. Ladles wishing lady operator will ba attended by Dr. Rhoda C. Hicks, graduate under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of Osteopathy. Phone Main 27. DRS. NORTHRUP it. ALKIRC, OSTEOPATHS, suite 416 The Dekum.- Nervous and chronic diseases & specialty. Home1 treatment If de- " sired. Phone Main 349. DR. L. BI SMITH, PIONEER OSTEOPATH, suite 409 Orvgunlan building. Phone Oak 421. MRS. DR C. J. RAM3EY.'OSTEOPATHIST. suite 416 The Dekum. building;, diseases of women a specialty; examinations fr6i. Phone Main 349. i - I'nlmlstry. Mist Marie White, scientific palmist. r-ads past and future correctly. Lewis bldg.. room bS. . Oregon Viayi Company. Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison. Fre Health lecturer to women Thursday, at 2.20 P. M. Patents. T J.VGEISLER, 610-611 CHAMBER-OF COM. Registered attorney U, S. -patent office. Photographers. If you wish fine portraits, call on Churchley. TVV.rk, guaranteed; prices reasonable. 14g',4 3d. Pliotoprnplilc Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO. WHOLESALE and retail, cor. Fourth and Washington. Real "Estate, Loans and 'Ren'talK. ATKINSON. WAKEFJELD & CO.; ESTAB "llshed 1SCC. 227 Stark st, Restaurants. Stroue's Cafe; best 25c meat; famous coffee and cake. 10c' 222 Washington. b. 1st and 2d. Riding- Academics. Portland Riding Academy: only first-class es tabllPhmentj private and class lessons. 19th and Northrup.. Tel. 973. Portland Riding- Club; fine llycry, hoarding, "saddle horses spe-ctaltv-. Park and Jofferaon. Safes.. SAFES. SAFES. BANK WORK. LOCK DEP T. , opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davis 60 3d. Safe Experts. OPENING LOCKOUTS. AND REPAIRER& Dllgi Vierick, Alioky bldg.. 3d & Morrhvon. Saw Mill Machinery. Chrlstenson-Mcilaster Machinery Co'new an1 second-hand machinery. -. Wai'CK Tr?ti. Storasto and Transfer. EAFKS. PIANOS. FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for shipping. C. M. Olsen, 12S First. Tek office. Main lwf7; Black 01. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at Fred Blcktl's storehouse. 31 Ncrth Front, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Second-Hand Good". We buy everj thing, clothlag. furniture, etc. CaU or address 32 Third st, Telepnone Hood 033. Showcase and Store Flttnres. DIXON. BORGESON e, CO.. FRONT AND Washington sts. Stoves,, Ranges, Household Hard-rraro LOVENBERO & GOING CO.. MFRS. OF stoves, ranges and hollcwware; wholesale sheet metals, sheet -steel, camp and ollstoveu, h&usefurntshlng hardware. 2d and Tailor. Hardware, ac agt. -Universal stoves JL ringed; housofurnlshlng goods- J X. Kadderly. 141 l3t. Air-Tight Stove Mfg. Co.;'Cape Nome, stoves, Unsmlthing. -Front & Columbia, Tel. Nw398. Sjrup Refiners. Westacott & Knight, syrup Refiners, 'mfgr. gro cers: both phones. "E; Alder apd E. Morrison, .Tenti nnd Awning. TENTS. AWNINGS AND CAMP FURNITURE for rent or sale. Pike's Factorj. 107 N. 3d. "Wholesale DruiCKlsts. WOODARD. CLARICE & CO.. WHOLES AL3 druggists, comer Fourth, and Washington. "Wholrnnle Grocers. ALLEN & LETVIB. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or? Storx-re. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE. Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low; storage rates reasonabls. Careful attention given to country consign, ments. Tek Or. Main 777: Columbia 078. Spiritualists. PROF. KING. lt PARK ST:. THE WORLD'S FAMOUS AND GREATEST MEDIUM AND CLAUtVOYANT. Asking no question, he tells your name In full, jour occupation, whom, and when you will marry. Prof. King not onlj- possesses the Inborn gift of the soul, clalrvoj-ancj. out has studied tor years with masters In occultism. HAS NO EQUAL. Telli j-ou how to be successful in "your un dertakings and all things pertaining- to life. CONCERNING BUSINESS AFFAIRS. Gives never-falling- information, regarding air kljlds "of ''business, lawsuits, claim collec tions, ' investments, speculations; changes, wills, pensions, insurance, deeds, mortgages, mines, patents. Inventions, and all financial difficulties. 1 LOVE. COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE. Gives truthful revelations of all love af fairs, troubles, marriages, family difficulties, and dlvoroea; restores lost affection; reunites the separated, settles lovers' quarrels, tells how to many the one ot your choice, how to win the man or woman, you love; how to make your husband or wife or any one be kind and true t6 you and overpower all jour enemies; cures druhkenuesa;' removes evil In fluences, etc. ASSISTANCE FOR TROUBLED OR UNFOR TUNATE. If you -are In trouble of any kind, discon tented, unhappj-. or not satisfied In life, or have ;lomcoUc. love or business troubles, you will be told how to overcome all trouble. Your wish and object In life can be obtained. A SECRET yod should know THE POWER TO CONTROL. Guarantfcs. success In all special work or make) no charge. Hours 0 A. M. to 5 P. M. 1C9 PaTk-aL MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOYANT and pajchlc life-reader: consult her an busi ness affairs, love trouble, absent frlends good advlci- on mines; reading dally, 50c and up. 1074 First street, office 7 and ik. MME. ADWARD. INSPIRVTION MEDIUM, gives truthful advice on all affairs of life. If In trouble call and rse her, room 1. upstairs. 170 Third st. LARSEN.'THE PALMIST. WILL TELL THE jrar whfn all leading ev euts in life taUa place; past and future readings. 50c. 2S5 First st. MRS.' J.'-A. SMITH. TEST MEDIUM, MAG. netlc healer, room3 S and 0, 22S& Washing ton. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. TEST MEDIUM: SIT tlngs daliV. Allsky bldg.. Third nnd Morrison. GERMAN LESSONS BY A COMPETENT lady teacher from Berlin. 432 Fifth St. Wood and Coal. OAK WOOD. $4.75: SAWED. FIR. $3.23. NIckum. 342 Water. Both phones. "Wall Paper and Paints. F. BOCKMANN. PAINTING. KALSOMINING. paper-henring: wcrk warranted. Ore. tek Rus 501. 2tH Russell. STROWBRIDGE PAINT OIL CO.; WALL paper, sash, doors, builders' hardware. 129 G-and ave. FINANCIAL. LOANS ON LODGING-HOUSES, pianos, etc; low rates; private party. 319 Allsky bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curity Wirt. Holl. room 40 Washington bldg. LOANS on reel, personal, chattel or talary se curity. C W. Pallett, 2tf Commercial block. State funds- loansd at G per cent. W. E. Thomas. Stata Agt. for Mult. Co. 400 Chamber of Com. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNI ture. pianos, salaries, etc. Can be paid la Installments, reducing Interest. Rates lower than the lowest, F. W. Graves. Mgr., 2S3 Alder, near 4th. ground floor. Tel. Green 444. $200,000 TO LOAN AT &i. 6, T PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Agent for Westchester Fire Insurance Co. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrison bU MONEY TO LOAN. PRIVATE FUNDS. E7 small or large amounts, at 6 per cent, oa Im proved West Side property. M. G. Griffln, 202 Marquam building. MONEY TO LOAN rN SUMS FROM $25 TO $500. on all classes of security. R L Ecker son Sz Co., room 5 Washington building. ANY AMOUNT LOANED ON FURNITURE, planes, real estate and all kinds of security, C H. Thompson. 123 3d st. Phone Main 023. $2000 FOR A TERM OF YEARS. REAL EB tate security, farm dr cltj: 7 per cent; no commission pr bonus. ISO Front. MORTGAGE LOANS, PRTVATE FUNDS. IN sums to suR. at lowest current rates. M. G. Griffin. 202 Marquam building. MONF.Y TO LOAN, 0 per cent, farm or city pro.jrty. O. M. Smith. S14 Ch. of Commerce. LOANS ON LODGING-HOUSES, PLlNOS, etc.; low rate. Room 213 Commercial block. LOANS en chattels or salaries: lowest rates; strictly private; sec us -first. 004 The Dekum. MONEY TO LOAN. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY" LOANED ON BICYCLES. PLVNOS. furniture and other securities. W. A Hath away, room 10 Wash, blttg. Phone South 7S1. LOAN3 US' LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS OW Portland or outside real estate. "226 Ablngton building. Monej to loan on Clackamas County lands. 6 per , cent. E. r. Riley, 003 Chamber of Commerce. i , . MONEY TO LOAN on furniture or good securi ties. S. W. King, room 43 Washington bld&- $100,000 for mortgages, lowest rates, easy terms. W. S. Ward. Att'j'-at-Law. 319 Allskj- bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON PIANO. IN RETURN for Its moderate use. 012 Commercial build ing. Write me: I'll loan jcu monej on jour furnl tur: low In't: private partj-. V 31. Oreg. SPECIAL NOTICES. StoelsholdcrV Meeilns:. OFFICE OF THE OREGON & CALIFORNIA Railroad Company Notice pf Stockholders' Meeting Stockholders are hereby notified that th annual meeting of the ctockrolders of tne Oregon & California Railroad Compary will be held ac the office of the, company, 203 Washlngtci stroet. In the City of Portland, County of Multnomah. State of Oregon, on Tuesaay. the 10th day of April. the hour of 11 o'clock A. M-. for the purpose cf elactlng directors for the ensulnjr year, and the transaction of such other business no may legally come before the meotlng. GEO. H. ANDREWS. Secretcry. Portland. Of., Maroh 10, 1000. . Miscellaneous. BONDING-. ACT INSTALLMENTS NOTICE 19 hereby given that Ordlrance No. 11,470, an Ordinance making a levj- cf a ispocia! tax upon cortaln property assessed, for the Im provement of ccrtrln streets and laylre of certain swers. application "having- been mad to pay same under the bonding act: Is now In my hand for collection, and said Installments ara raid on or before 'April 1, 1000. same will bs declared delinquent and placed In the hands of the Chtpf of Poller for collection. FRANK IIAOIKNEY. Maxell li lCvd. fCUy Tretsursr.