VOL. XDL STO. 10. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 11, 1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS. TOEH1Y-F0UR PAGES ' If iT IT Wl I 111 I ST1ii SSSBm (I J HI Hi llilfi lill JIbM t PAGES 1 TO 12 I ACE IN PROSPECT Indications That Boer War Is Drawing to an End. KRUGER'S APPEAL TO SALISBURY The Object of Bailer's Move Mafe- Mnsr Is Likely to Fall Unless Soon Relieved. LONDON. March 11. 2:20 A. M. In the absence of Important news from the seat of war, speculation Is rife regarding the probability of an early peace. President Kroner's appeal to Lord Salisbury for a cessation of hostilities, announced Friday, la taken as foreshadowing that the end will soon be In sight. The Government's views are probably enunciated In the fol lowing semi-official statement Issued last night: "It Is understood that the Government doos not consider that the time has yet come for any authoritative statement aa to ultimate terms of peace, and no mem ber of the Cabinet has authorized any pub lic statement on the subject. It Is, of courso, generally understood among all political parties In this country that so lar as the South African Republics are con cerned, the status quo ante bellum cannot remain unaltered after the dose of hostil ities. Their part in the system which In volved a large measure of political and military independence will, of course, be materially modified as a result of the war, but the growing prospects of restored peace must be further advanced before Her Majesty's Government can cither finally formulate proposed terms of settle ment or make any announcement of thelr plan." BOER. PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. Five Meauaiyes From Presidents Kro ger and Stern. LONDON. March 1L Several papers an nounce that the Government Tuesday re ceived five messages from President Kru ger and President Steyn, in Dutch, asking , upon what terms a cessation of hostilities could be brought about. The messages surprised and delighted the department concerned. "While their tenor was under, stood. It was found necessary to summon persons thoroughly capable of accurately Interpreting the messages, all of which were filed at Bloemfontein. The Cabinet convened Wednesday to consider the mes sages, and It la believed an uncompromis ing reply was sent, which Is known to have reached Bloemfontein by the same 'means as the Boer cablegrams reached "the Government. The nature of the reply was such as to lead to a further but gradual retirement of the Boer forces. PURPOSE OF KRUGER'S OFFER, Boer Coaxal Says England Takes Re. spOHsiblllty for Carnage to Come. NEW YORK. March 10. "President Kruger ma'de his offer to' cease hostilities In order that Great Britain may be re sponsible for the slaughter which is In evitably coming to her troops," said George Van, Slcklen,. of counsel to the Boers In this country, today. 'The Boers have given England a chance to retire after the recent successes, and Mr. Cham berlain's lettjjg go the opportunity makes him responsible for the terrific carnage of the English soldiery which must inevit ably ensue. The offer to cease hostili ties was made In good faith, of course, but I have definite Information that It had this double purpose." OBJECT OF BULLER.'S MOVE. Doing: What He Can to Keep he Boers in Natal. LONDON, March 10. Spencer Wilkinson summarized the situation in South Africa, for the Associated Press, at midnight, aa follows: "The fighting reported near Helpmakaar Is probably only the result of a reconnais sance, and It eeems to me to be premature to assume that any movement In large force Is in progress in that direction. Gen eral Buller, as soon as communications are In order, will certainly do what he can to keep the Boer force in Natal engaged, and to prevent them all from being used to reinforce the army resisting Lord Rrb erts. I expect Lord Roberts to 6trlka Bloemfontein In a day or two. As to Mafeking, If It Is not relieved very soon the place must fall. One, therefore, hopes a brigade had been sent up from Klmber ley for its relief within a day or two ot the evacuation of Magersfontein by the Boers. There, has been time lor such a column to reach Mafeking by road, but tnere is no direct evidence of its existence, and the wish Is father to the thought." Kitchener at Victoria "West. CARNARVON, Cape Colony. March 10. General Kitchener has arrived at. Victoria "West, to organize various columns for the purpose of suppressing the rebellion which is spreading In this district. Minor fighting has occurred In several directions. Gone to Seize Allvral North. JAMESTOWN, Cape Colony, March 10. General Brabant's column left at daybreak today lor Allwal North. THE WEEK IN LONDON. Qncen'g Visit Opportunely Followed the Bndget Statement. LONDON, March 10. A week that opened with a budget increasing tixs bur den, of the British taxpayer to an almost unprecedented extent, and ended with the Queen stirring hundreds of thousands of her subjects to enthusiastic demonstra tions of patriotism and war fervor, can scarcely be said to be barren of Interesting circumstances. It would, perhaps, be giv ing Lord Salisbury and his Cabinet too much credit to say that the sudden spring ing of th budget with its enormous de ficit and the quickly planned visit of. the Queen to London almost before the people had time to realize how much the war was coating them were part and parcel of masterly understanding of politics -which, under the cloak of academic lethargy. Is ikeenly ajlve to every chance of the mo ment. But whatever were the motives prompt ing the government's actions and the Queen never moves without consulting Lord Salisbury they resulted most fa vorably. No suspicion of political pre meditation has ,marred the heartiness of the Queen's welcome, though the Irish have not proved quite so ingenuous In commenting on her proposed visit to their shores. Still, on the whole, the recent actions of the Queen, her decision to re main home Instead of going to Italy, her projected trip to the Emerald Isle, and her renerous recognition of the gallantry of the Irish troops, combined with the vic torious progress of Lord Roberts, have once more put the United Kingdom on excellent terms with Itself. This week s cartoon In Punch aptly il lustrates the feeling. It Is an Ill-drawn Hon wifh an uplifted paw, like a lump or putty, coming out of a cave, with fierce teeth Jbared and eyes glowering in the direction of an animal which resembles nothing more than the well-known human donkey of the American stage, labelleo "Continental Press," and Is slinking off with a slouchy gait before the pugnacity of the lion's look. But no amount of poor drawing can kill the strength of the cap tion to this curious picture, which reads: "Who said Dead?" And that voices the spirit of the nation today better than could columns of analytical review. With the prospect of more serious over tures for peace than those made this week by the Boers, it Is likely that the feeling illustrated by Punch will increase and that the normal condition of self-confidence and might will shortly be thor oughly re-established in Great Britain, In spite of the terrible shaklng-up that oc curred before Lord Roberts took the helm. In the opinion of those best Informed, the Boers are likely to make a series of pro posals for peace, none of which will bo feasible for British consideration until the British troops practically overrun the Transvaal territory. Thus white the re cent and future negotiations are and will 1 be accepted as most satisfactory signals of British military progress, they are not to be considered to indicate that the end 6f the war is in sight. As an Instance of this, Lord Salisbury's reception of two long cablegrams from President Kruger 1 on the subject of the terms did not delay for an instant the preparations for send ing out large British reinforcements and supplies, either from England or from far-off Australia. However, the prophet of pessimism and change is not stilled entirely. This week has produced several articles In widely read mediums in regard to the obligatory retirement of Lord Salisbury from the seen of active politics, and in the face of these oft-repeated rumors, a representa tive of the Associated Press has made In quiries and received this statement from one who perhaps is closer to the Premier than any one else In England: "These rumors of Lord Salisbury's poor health, the breaking down of his intellect under personal bereavement, and his Inability to concentrate his energies are pure inventions. He is in the best of health, never worked harder and enters Into everj' situation with keen apprecia tion of the slightest details. I have never seen a divorce of personality from official capacity so strikingly Illustrated as It has been by Lord Salisbury during the last few months. I suppose in due time some one will have to succeed him, but he has not mentioned this contingency, and .from the zest with which he goes about his work one would scarcely think he consid ered it Personally, I would be glad If Lord Salisbury exhibited more fervor and vim. In his speeches in the House of Lords, but I am happy to know that what the world believes to be the lethargy and per haps even the stolid stupidity of our Pre mier, is entirely due to his belief that the country is sufficiently excited and stirred up without his adding directly or indirectly any fuel to the fire. With this Idea dominating his actions and speeches. .he is- perfectly unmoved by the most caus tic satire of the organs of his own party. With a mature judgment of English peo ple and affairs of state, he believes the national crisis merits the sacrifice of an appeal of party or popular sentiment. Any one knowing the man thoroughly would be slow to criticize such a determination." The introduction of the budget has pro duced a curious state of affairs, the Chan cellor of the Exchequer, Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, becoming the butt of his own party press and the .subject of the opposition's encomiums. This is .greatly due to the fact that he followed the lines of Mr. Gladstone's exchequer policy, rely ing upon raising existing taxes rather than the introduction of new duties with which to meet the war deficit. The abuse showered on him by the Times is particu larly strong. The "Thunderer" had siren uously advocated a duty on sugar and sev eral other Innovations, but the Chancellor of the Exchequer accepted none of them and paid the penalty. In spite of this, and thanks to the Queen and Lord Rob erts, the budget has been swallowed gracefully, and Lord Salisbury's Govern ment Is not likely to suffer much at the next election, through Increased taxation. The price secured for the war loan also helps the Chancellor of the Exchequer, as It Is not too low seriously to disappoint the country nor too high to cause a loss. The financial operators bid It up to 102, thus speculators will reap a nice profit of 3&. There was nothing heroical and little of Interest about the budget, excopt Sir Michael Hicks-Beach's reference to the Chicago millionaire. Smith, whose estate paid 5000,000 In death duties. This created almost more comment than anything con tained in his speech, but since the late Mr. Smith's executors have written deny ing the statement that ho had lived on la shillings a day, and pointing out that he had given, during his lifetime nearly 1,000.000 to English charities, the Chan cellor of the Exchequer's reputation for happiness In choosing Illustrations has somewhat Suffered, while various papers have questioned his good taste in thus referring to a dead American. Rush for the "War Loan. LONDON, March 10. The rush of appli cants for the war loan commenced at the Bank of England and the various other banks where prospectuses were obtainable Immediately after they were opened today, and a steady stream of people continued throughout the day. All sorts and condi tions of persons were present. They ap peared anxious to stuff their money Into Britannia's pockets, and it is estimated that the loan was oversubscribed within two hours after the opening- of -the banks. WHEELER'S RESIGNATION. It Will Be' Accepted at Washington on His Arrival. WASHINGTON. March 10. It appears that General WTieeler tendered his resig nation from the United States Army last fall. It was dated November 2S, at Pani qul, Luzon, and was not cabled, but came by the slow process of the malls. More over, it did not come directly to the War Department, but went to the White House, where it has been reposing since its ar rival In Washington. The War Depart ment officials have just learned of it. The General's resignation was not accepted promptly by the President, out of con sideration for the officer. Instead, he was ordered to report to the War Department at Washington. His resignation will r, accepted here, and the effect of this ac tion will be to allow him his mileage apd expenses to Washington. Soldier's Sentence Commuted. WASHINGTON, March 10. The Presi dent has commuted to Imprisonment for life the sentence of death Imposed bj court-martial In the case of Private George Murphy, company C, Twenty-fourth In fantry, convicted of the murder of an other soldier of the s&me company in the Philippines. a Receiver for Mutual Investment Co. TACOMA, March 10. F. A. Udell today was appointed receiver for the Mutual In vestment Company, of Tacoma. There are no assets, and it is said the books of the company are now In Portland In possession of officers of. the Pacific Investment Com pany. ... . FLED IN DISGUISE Powers and Davis Escaped From Frankfort, BUT WERE CAUGHT AT LEXINGTON They Are Charged With Complicity in the Assassination of Go eh el Militia Not All With Taylor. FRANKFORT, Ky., March 10. The situ ation here reached a point of extreme ten sion today, almost approaching that of the trying times Immediately following the assassination of Goebel. The reinstatement of the military power in complete control of the State Execu tive building, and the refusal of the mili tary authorities to allow the local pcllco and civil officers to enter the building for the purpose of arresting Secretary of State Caleb Powers and Captain John W. Davis, charged with being accessories to the Goebel assassination, and the prob ability of a conflict between the civil and mlltlary authorities, made the situation look serious during most of 'the day. This morning City Marshal Richardson applied at the Executive building and de manded to be admitted for the purpose of arresting Powers and Davis, but was turned back, and the warrants were then turned over to Sheriff Sutter. The latter also presented himself at the Executive building and demanded admittance. He was referred by the officer In charge to Colonel Morrow, and the latter being found said: "I am sorry, Mr. Sher'ff. but It la agalnrt Governor Taylor's orders to let any one Into the building today." Sheriff Sutter then held a consultation with County Attorney Polsgrove. Com monwealth's Attorney Franklin and other officers. Meantime, the police force had been doubled and a detail of the police guarded the entrances to the State House grounds to prevent the men from escaping If they should attempt to do so. At tho conference between the officials, it was decided the Sheriff should fummon a large reserve force of deputies to be called Into use In the event it was decided to attempt to enter the building In force to make the arrests, and in pursuance of this, tho Sheriff swore in 60 men, who were sta tioned In the neighborhood of the Sheriffs office during the afternoon. Sheriff Sut ter made another attempt to get an au dience with Governor Taylor this after noon, but was unsuccessful. The streets were fairly blocked with people In the vlclnty of the State Houfc but there was no open demonstration, though It was evident the populace was on the side of the civil authorlt'es. At 3 o'clock. Sheriff Sutter, having failed to get any sort of understanding with the military authorities as to the arrest of the men. submitted the question to Demo cratic Governor Beckham to decide to what what" extent the civil officers should go to gain admittance to the building for the purpose of making tho arrest. It is .said late tonight that Democratic Governor Beckham will not give an an swer to Sheriff Sutter's request for in structlons until next week, and since the escape and arrest ot PowerB and Davis he may decide that the changed condition of affairs does not necessitate the giving of Instructions on his part. The Trlplett resolution, authorizing the expenditure of $100,000 In arming and equipping a State Guard, under Governor Beckham and Adjutant-General Castle man, will como up In the House Tuesday; The events of today served to show very forcibly that the State Guard, as at pres ent organized, does not unanimously rec ognize Taylor as Governor. Lieutenant Sparks refused to muster In the London company today in response to a telegram from Governor Taylor ordering him to bring the company here, and the Lexing ton company also refused. Major Robert Kennedy, of Lexington, came here tonight and personally tendered to Governor Beck ham the services of the Third Battalion of the Second Regiment He also stated that 50 men tonight are guarding the company's armory, and will recognize onlj Beckham as Governor. Escape From Frankfort. The escape of Secretary of State Powers and Captain Davis from this city to Lex ington was so neatly laid and executed that It took the police and a big force of Deputy Sheriffs, appointed to guard tho entrances to the Cap'tol grounds and pre vent their escape, off their feet when they realized what had occurred. Since 10:33 o'clock this morning a detail of regular and extra policemen and Deputy Sheriffs had stood at each entrance to the State Capitol grounds. It was reported that to night even Governor Taylor. Powers. Da vis and the entire Republican outfit at the State House would attempt to decamp to London, tho alleged proposed seat of tho Republican Government, nnd precau tions were taken to Intercept the two men wnnted, Powers and Davis, In the event of the exodus. Powers and Davis, It was thought, passed the entire day In the Executive building and their plans ere laid for the coup tonight, starting with the escapo from here as was executed. The plan. It Is generally understood here, was that Davis and Powers should get off at Lex ington and take a Cincinnati Southern train to Somerset, and from there go to Barboursvllle, where they would be under tho protection of a militia company com manded by John T. Powers, the brother of Caleb Powers, and for whom a warrant of arrest has also been Issued, and from there to London the sailing would be easy. While the police were guarding the State House and expecting Powers and Davjs to emerge from there. It Is probable, from developments tonight, that they were quartered elsewhere during the entire day. At any rate, when the Chesapeake & Ohio train, eastbound, pulled In from Louisville tonight, a dozen policemen and half as many deputies were there to see If either of these men attempted to board It. "ATI aboard," called out the conductor, and the tra'n started off. A soldier dashed from the corner on the opp-s'te side from the station and. throwing himself upon the platform of the second car, jerked the bellcord and the train came to a stop. Then 30 soldiers, with Powers and Davis In their midst, each In regulation uniform, rushed upon the cars. Lieutenant-Colonel Morrow was in charge of the squad. "Anything the matter?" Inquired tho conductor, as he peered out and saw the bluecoats piling on the train. "No, noth ing the matter, unless you delay this train here." responded a soldier, and with nnother jerk of the rope, the train was off and the men were speeding toward Lex ington. When the train first pulled out most of the crowd Including the police, thinking that no effort was being made to take Powers and Davis out of town, turned and started to leave the station, and It was several minutes before the truth of the escape of the. men was definitely knewn. Persons who were on the oppo s'to Fide of tho train, however, and who saw tho soldiers as thev made the rush upon It. recognized both Powers and Davis, and In a few minutes the city was in flamed with the Information. Chief of Police Williams Immediately sent tele grams to Lexington and all stations along the road notifying officers of the escapa and ordering them to bo on the lookout. The train makes no stop between here and Lexington, but these steps were taken aj a precaution against the stopping of the train by the soldiers at any of the midway towns. A train of four coaches came in from Lexington tonight, and Is now lying on the railroad track at the Louisville & Nashville station. It Is reported that this Is for the purpose of carrying Governor Taylor and the militia from here to Lon don. Ky., but this Is not confirmed. Tho local officers are taking precautions tonight to prevent any attempt to rescue W. H. Coulton and Harland Whlttakcr, the two suspects In jail here, and they will probably be removed to some other place lor safe keeping. POWERS AND DAVIS ARRESTED. Taken in Charge by Police on Their Arrival at Lexington. LEXINGTON, Ky., March 10. Almost without warning the storm center of ex citement In the present gubernatorial struggle shifted to Lexington .tonight, and up until a late hour the town was In an uproar. Tho S:40 Chesapeake & Ohio train from Frankfort brought with it In one car to themselves Secretary of State Caleb Powers. Captain John Davis, Capitol Square policeman, and Lieutenant F. R. Peake. of Covington. Intelligence had preceded them that they were on their way to Lexington and were trying to make their escape. When the train pulled in, the entire police force of this city, under command of Chief John McD. Ross and Sheriff Henry Bosworth, with a large force of deputies, boarded the train. On entering the. coach, the officers found about. 25 soldiers and Powers and Davis, the soldiers being under command, apparently, of lieutenant Peake. Lieu tenant Peake sprang to his feet at once and commanded tho soldiers to clear the car. In an Instant 20 revolvers were drawn by the officers and they were all leveled at Peake. who gamely tried to pull his own revolver, but as he drew It from the scabbard a policeman smashed him across the hand with his club and thus prevented what would have undoubtedly resulted In a tragedy. The Sheriff com manded the conductor to cut off the car The conductor remonstrated, stating that the train carried United States mall, and the demand was then not pressed. A local attorney recognized Powers and also pointed out Davis. They were seized and hurried to Jail. As the procession swept toward the jail, some people started the report that there was to be a lynch ing, and soon the streets were packed with people, an enormous crowd gathering about the Jail. Davis, Powers and Peake were hurried to the upper cells, but Peake was later released on bond on a common warrant on a charge of resisting arrest. Davis and Powers were both disguised. Both wore the regular soldier uniforms complete, even including the leggings. Davis had shaved off his mustache and goatee. He had $215 In money on his per son ahd a revolver. There was found on Powers $1300. In the Inside pocket of each man was found a pardon from Governor W. S. Taylor, duly signed and sealed. Attorney W. C. Dunlap. Postmaster El kin and Attorney R. Stoll called on Sec retary of State Powers, And to the As sociated Press correspondent they stated that Powers told Dunlap substantially that he vas not fleeing from arrest. He was simply getting away from. F.jpinkfort to avoid lying In jail as Whitfakac'" done, that he had nothing to fear from ar resty as lie was not guilty- of, the charge, and that he was going to Barboursvllle, In the Eleventh Congressional district, where Taylor's Jurisdiction was fully rec ognized. Captain Davis had Mttle to say to them, except that he thought he had made a mistake In leaving home; that he had nothing to fear from a trial. Neither explained his disguise. Immediately after arriving at the jatl, a report got out that a special train went back to Frankfort for the purpose of bringing up men to rescue the prisoners. Sheriff Bosworth applied at once to the armory for a special detail of soldiers under Captain Longmire, and they re sponded, arriving at tho Jail a few mo ments later, prepared to resist the ru mored prospective attack. The Sheriff" then designated a posse to supplement the squad of soldiers, provided trouble might come, and declared that any attempt to take either of the prisoners from, jail would be resisted to a finish, but It Is generally believed this precaution was altogether unnecessary. The excitement began to subside by 11 o'clock. The railroads are closely watched, however, and any at tempt at rescue would result seriously. Seoretary of State Powers was bleeding profusely when taken to his cell. He said he had been struck on the lread with a club after reaching the inside of the jail, presumably by one of the arresting of ficers. There is much suppressed excite ment among the local Goebel politicians, as .if a coup were in prospect, but It Is Impossible to learn Its true Inwardness. Tho Jail Is carefully and strongly guarded during the night. Powers and Davis would not be allowed ball. All the soldiers that attended Powers and Davis went through on the train, presumably to Ashland, Ky. They were not molested by the officers, and Lieutenant Peake was taken because of the effort to resist the officers. Dr. Helm, the City Physician, dressed the wounds of Secretary of State Powers. Tho officers say he showed fight and re sisted arrest, nnd was clubbed In the car and not in Jail. Powers showed no con cern for the howling crowds along the street, but Captain Davis was apprehen sive of violence. The distinguished pris oners are kept In separate cells and not allowed to see each other or to pee other prisoners or any one except their guards. Previous to the arrival of tho train, the Sheriff was telephoned from Frankfort that ho would get a reward of JlpOO for Powers and $500 for Davis If they were taken. It Is thought that they will bo taken back to Frankfort without delay, possibly tomorrow. Shortly before midnight. Powers gave out the following signed statement: "I have nothing to say except that I want a speedy trial. I have no fear of the result before a non-partisan court and jury. I hold a pardon from Governor Taylor for the offense charged against me, and I simply wanted to get to some part of tho state where his acts as Gov ernor would In a great measure be recog nized. I have but two things to fear in tho threatened prosecution, and they are the rabid and corrupt Influences that $100,- 000 can have in the prosecution of any case and the political influences that will be incident o this trial. It is no small thing to fear, as any sober, thinking man must confess. I am innocent of the charge pre ferred against me. All I ask Is a speedy, fair and non-partisan trial. I am willing for the public to know the whole of the connection I have had with the very bitter strife in this state. This is the only pub lic statement I think I shall make" until I am called upon to make my defense. I was confident when I left Frankfort and 1 am" confident now that W. S. Taylor Is at least do facto Governor of this state, and that the acts of a de facto Governor are legal and binding and that, therefore, tho pardon received by me is a legal shield of further prosecution. I was leav ing what I thought would be a causeless prosecution." Militia Ordered Out. BARB0UR5VILLE. Ky. March 10. Tho local militia company has received (Concluded ca Seoond Page) .- ATTHE END OF LUZON Peaceful Occupation of Sorso gon by the Americans. NATIYES WERE QUITE INDIFFERENT All They Aslc Is to Be Left Alone to Grow Their Crops Retreat of the Tagals. 1 SORSOGON, Southern Luzon, Jan. 20, Two days ago a military expedition of 2500 American troops, under General Kobbe. left Manila and proceeded on several steamships to the southern end of Luzon Island, there to occupy and permanently garrison six seacoast towns and villages. Up to the present time, three such towns have come under the American flag and the control of the American Army of ficers, and no one has been hurt on either side. Two or three more places still re main to be garrisoned down here, and then the expedition will proceed to Samar and Leyte, there to occupy and hold the prin cipal towns of these neighboring Islands. General Kobbe's command Is composed of the Forty-third and Forty-seventh United States Volunteer Infantry and Captain Randolph's battery of the Third Artillery. These troops were loaded on the trans ports Hancock and Garonne and the local steamers Venus, Aerolus, Salvadora and Castellano. Convoyed by tho gunboat Nashville, the expedition left Manila January 18 and slowly steamed down the coast to the en trance of the deep bay that leads- from the sea up to the top of Sorsogon, near the southern extremity of Luzon. The morn ing ot January SO we met the gunboat Helena and the little Maraveles. The three warships, leading the transports In single file, the whole expedition slowly proceeded up Sorsogon Bay. There had followed us from Manila a Blde-wheel steamer, the Nunez, with a serviceable draft of six feet. Her use and value now became apparent. Two companies of the Forty-soventh were loaded Into eight of tho Hancock's pullboats and two more companies .passed aboard tho Nunez. Then the Nunez towed the whole outfit toward Sorsogon, still eight miles up the bay. After an hour and a hah, the small boats arrived off Sqrsogon, and we saw the town was decorated wkh white and American fiags. The Helena .and Nashvillo and tho Maraveles had preceded the Nunez and her boats to Sorsogon and were anchored In front of the town. General Kobbe, Captain Darlel, Colonel Howe, of the Forty-seventh; Captain Bradley, of the Hancock, and Lieutenant Kobbe, the General's son, were on board the Maraveles. This guriboat steamed close to the wharf in front of the stone warehouses along the water front, and a pullboat set the party on shore. They were met by a number of natives and Spaniards, while crowds of the villagers stood and gaped in wonder and curiosity. It wa3 fWeJpfirst eight of th AsieHcaas. Only three days ago the Taeal leaders had con vincingly told them thai .Agulnaldo fcad, driven us out of Mahlfa and held us pris oners upon vessels In Manila Bay. The Spaniards told General Kobbe that tho insurgent forces had evacuated the town that morning, whereupon Colonel Howe, with an American flag under his arm and accompanied by on orderly, walked rapidly across the square In front of the church and raised the flag upon a pore, facing a building that had the ap pearance of a barrackB. The soldiers from the Nunez were landed on the wharf and marched up Into town. Tho people seemed Indifferent of our presence, their only vis ible characteristic being curiosity. All day long they looked at thte Americans from street corners, doorways and second-story windows, and several times crowds of the curious had to be dispersed from in front of Colonel Howe's headquarters. There were several Spaniards In town, and from them was learned something of the recent happenings on shore. Sorsogon la an Important shipping port and a dis trict capital. It has, like the rest of this coast and the Islands of Samar and Leyte, been blockaded by our vessels since August last, and, consequently. Its people have suffered from the lack of varieties ot food. They seem to have had sufficient rice, fish and bananas, which Is the diet of the poorer classes, but all such comes tibles aa come from Manila had long since been exhausted. The Spaniards said they wero very glad to see us, and they hoped for the Immediate re-establishment of commercial relations with Manila. It seems thtre had been stationed In Sorso gon about 9)0 Tagal soldiers, under the command of Colonel Leon Paras. Thero were over 100 rifles In the command, and we were told they had little ammunlt'tp. The Spaniards had been uniformly well treated by the Filipinos, and there had been no official imposition or injustice. The Spaniards Tvero allowed every liberty, and they averred that travel in the country had been safe at all times. The town and tho province had been ruled by the Tagal leaders, and such civil forces as they es tablished were directly under the controf of the military and acted for them. There have never been any Spanish prisoners In the Province of Sorsogon, and all Spanish friars and priests were driven away more than a year. ago. The churches are now occupied and services conducted by the native clergy. The natives of Southern Luzon are called Vlcols. They seem quite peaceful as peo ple, unlikely to give trouble If Tagal In fluence be removed from them, and they are more anxious to be left alone to grow small cropo thnn to flgnt and die for the Agulnaldo Ideal of liberty. This province is a hemp-producer, and as there have been no shipments out for six months past, considerable of this product Is stored here waiting transfer to a market. It appears that the main body of the Filipinos retreated toward a village called Castillo, some eight miles distant, but a rearguard of 20 men were left In Sorsogon, and only quitted the outskirts of the town when General Kobbe's party landed on the wharf. Rebel Resistance in Pnnny. MANILA, March 11. Noon. Thousands of organized Insurgents are resisting Colo nel Houston's battalion of the Nineteenth Regiment in the Antique province, in Panay, which is the only province which Americans do n&t occupy. Tho Ameri cans lost seven killed. A battalion of the Forty-fourth, from Ho Ho, reinforced Houston's command. One hundred and fifty Tagals armed with rifles have surrendered at Caplz, and have been transferred to Luzon. Six Americans were killed In an ambush recently laid by the Filipinos at Aparri. Rear-Admiral McCormick Retired. WASHINGTON. March 10. Rear-Admiral H. H. McCormlch. who was yester day assigned to duty as second In com mand of the Asiatic station, under Ad miral Remey, has been placed on the re tired list on his own application-. His suc cessor on the China station has not yet been named. Shorter Scrvioe in Philippines. NEW YORK, March 10. Dr. H. D. Mor- gan, of the United States Navy. Is In this city. He has sent to the Navy De partment a report In which he strongly recommends that the terms of office of officers and men In the service on duty In the Philippines shall be made two Instead of three vears. "The climate there," said the Doctor, "Is very enervating and Its effects are more seriously felt In the second rather than In the first year. The men cannot stand the strain of continuous service there. "I do not believe that the revolution Is at an end. The Filipinos are scattered about the Islands, mainly In Luzon, In small bands, but It la generally under stood that they are under orders to con centrate at any given point, when the word Is passed. I do not believe that Agulnaldo I4 In China. It Is my impres sion he Is still In Luzon. "I notice much alarm has been mani fested In different parts of this country lest the bubonic plague be brought here by bodies on the Hancock. There Is abso lutely no reason for the slightest fear. None of the dead on the Hancock died of the plague." FRENCH ROYALISTS PLOTTING Their Object to Embroil Their Conn try In War With England. PARIS. March 10. There has been a re crudescence of Anglophobia In sections of Paris this week, which affects to believe that war between England and France forms a part of the determined policy of Mr. Chamberlain and the British imperial ists, who Intend to bring it about on the conclusion of peace in South Africa. Much of this anti-English campaign Is a part of an underhand reactionary propaganda against the Government and the Repub lic M. Yves Guyot denounced this fos tering of the idea that war with England Is. inevitable by the anti-Republican press in an article in La Slecle, In which he stigmatized It as tho work of national treachery. "These organs," he says, "are preparing a war because they know that it means a naval Sedan for France, and they count on overthrowing the Republic by a dis aster similar to that which overthrew the empire." The growing hatred between the two countries is certainly a matter of anxiety to the French Government, which Itself does new and has always maintained a mostcorrect attitude toward England. The correspondent of the Associated Press has talked with an official of the Government whose duty It Is to follow France's for eign relations. He adm'tted that the pres ent state of public feeling on both sides of the channel was becoming dangerous to the maintenance of amlc ble relations. "This feeling," he said, "la mainly cre ated by tho provocative attitude of the English Jingo press, which Is so unani mous in its attacks upon France that they would seem to come from Mot d'Ordro. Public fc-ellng In almost every country, Including a considerable number of Amer icans, is against Great Britain In the Transvaal war, yet France alone' Is sin gled out for these attacks. There Is no question pending between tho -two coun tries grave enough In Itself to lead to hos tilities, but if the" present mutual feeling of animosity continues. I cannot say what may happen. The French Government Is proparinr for any emergency. Our'vvealc' spot In case of war would have been the colonies, but when the measures now be ing taken are completed they will be be yond the possibility of capture or Invasion. Algeria and Tunis are, of course, out of the question, and the Government's ef forts are directed towards securing the safety of -the outlying colonies, such as Tonquin. Madagascar, the West African settlements and the West Indian Islands. Stores, ammunition and improved arma ments are being provided." Confirmation of these preparations is found in the published announcement of the departure of stores for the colonies. Paris, which has been vainly yearning for a sensation, found ample excitement in the destruction of the Theater Fran cois, which overshadows every other topic of Interest and haa afforded the news papers material for pages of absorbing reading. The tardiness of the fire bri gade and .the lack of water supply formed the subject of Inquiries In the municipal council, but Prefect Lepine denied both, declaring tho only delay arose in reaching tho high roof of the building. The newspapers here this week pub lish a statement of the American lesaes In the Philippines, furnished by Agonclllo, the Filipino agent, which even the papers publishing It describe as fanatic. Accord ing to Agonclllo, C9S3 American soldiers have been killed and 17,3-lD wounded be tween February and November, 1S90. with out reckoning the losses by disease. a IN FARMERS' HANDS. Government Statistics of the Amount of Unsold "Wheat, Corn and Oats. WASHINGTON, March 10. The March report of the statistician! of the DeparU ment of Agriculture will show the amount of wheat remaining In farmers' hands March 1 to have been about 158,700,000 bushels, or 21) per cent of last year's crop, as compared with 103,000,000 bushels, or 29.3 per cent of the crop of 1S9S on hand March 1, 1S93. The corn In farmera hands is esti mated at 775,700,000 bushels, or 37.2 per cen. of last year's crop, against 800,500,000 bushels, or 4L6 per cent, of the crop of 1K)S on hand March 1. 1S99. The propor tion of the total crop of last year shipped out of tho country where grown is esti mated at 16.8 per cent, or about 34S.000.000 bushels. The proportion of the total crop of last year that was of a merchantable standard Is estimated at 86.9 per cent. Of oats, there are reported to be about 290,003,000 bushels, or 36.5 per cent, of last year's crop still in farmers' hands, as compared with 253,000,000 bushels, or 3S.7 per cent, of the crop of 1S9S on hand March 1. 1ES9. n a HIS POLICY A SECRET. Rev. Mr. Sheldon Taken Control of the Topeka Capital Tomorrow. ' TOPEKA, Kan., March 10. The Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, who takes editorial and business control of the Dally Capi tal Monday, spent half an hour In the office of the paper this forenoon and then went home to finish his Sunday sermon. He persistently declined to be Interviewed, but has extended an invitation to the re porters to attend his service at 11 A. M. tomorrow, which they have prom'sed to do. A great deal of gossip Is Indulged In regarding Mr. Sheldon's policy, but up to this time nothing Is known. Many of his close friends say he will follow the Idea outlined In his famous novel "In His Steps." The circulation of the Capital for the week Is now very close to 250 COO, ex clusive of news agency orders, and sub scriptions ore still coming In at an Increas ing rate. Commercial Trenty "With Italy. ROME, Marrh 10. In the Chamber of Deputies today, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Msixquls Venosta. Introduced a bill embodying the commercial agree ment with the United States. ANOTHER CHANGE Proposal to Revise the Puerto Rican Bill. SENATE MAY LOWER THE TARIFF Kree Entry of Goodi From This Country- Grazing Land Bills Shelved for This Session. WASHINGTON. March 10. Thero is more miserable shifting about proposed upon the Puerto Rican tariff bill. Talk In the Senate steering committee Is now directed to a revision of the bill allowing goods from the United States to enter free of duty arid to lower the duty on gooda from Puerto Rico below the 15 per cent rate, making it merely nominal. The de sire Is to keep the tariff on Puerto Rican goods so as to make a precedent for the Philippines. The reason for this change Is because the amendment offered by Mc Cumber, to allow breadstuffs free entry. Is almost sure to prevail. Senators from wheatgrowlng states would not dare to vote against tho amendment, and If sup ported by the Democrats, It would carry. Then New England would want her fish and lumber to have free entry, and thla demand has reached such a point that It would be positively ridiculous to havo a tariff on some goods and free entry on others. But It does not mitigate the whole trouble. The people of this country are not entirely selfish. The sentiment that has been aroused Is in behalf of tho Puerto RIcans. not for tho comparatively few in this country who ship goods to Puerto Rico. The vaccinating policy be comes more apparent than before. The zig-zag course Is almost as fatal as would have been an adherence to the 25 per cent tariff with the continued and emnhatio declaration that It was for the purpose ot rateing revenue for the Island. With the proposed changes the whole groundwork of the first contention falls, and It Is a plain, bold proposition to insist upon tho right of taxation. Grazing: Land Bills Shelved. Upon motion of Representative Moody, tho following resolution was offered by Mondell, of Wyoming, author of one of the bills proposing to lease and cede tho public lands, at the special meeting of the committee on public lands today: "Resolved, That In order to dispose of legislative suggestions, which at the pres ent time the committee or the Congress Is not prepared to act upon, and to facili tate the consideration of other Important matters before the committee, all bills hav ing for their object the general leasing of public grazing lands be disposed of by laying the same upon the table." The action of the committee effectually tables all leasing propositions, as well aa the plans proposed for ceding the publla domain to the respective states, and prac tically foralls any such legislation dur ing this Congre3s. Consequently, the leas ing bills of Senator Foster and Represenv tatives Mondell and Stephens are dead"ls sues. far as the present Congress Is concerned. This should d'spel all anxiety over the anticipated danger consequent upon the withdrawing from settlement ot the leasing of public grazing lands. Movement to Sidetrack: Rrynn. A prominent Democratic Senator, who will have a great deal to do with shaping the policy of the party in the coming campaign, declares that Bryan Is making a great mistake In hte prcent position. Ho thinks that nothing stands In the way of Democratic success but Bryan's Inslstenco upon the nomination. He says that Bryan Is not only making a mistake for tho party, but for himself. If he had the sense to come to the Senate and wait four years, he thinks he would become conser vative and be a most formidable man by that time. This Is one of the Indications of the powerful movement generally known to be on foot to get Bryan off the track in order that his personality may not be an Issue, and that the sliver ques tion can be almost wholly eliminated from the romlng canvass. It Is known that If Bryan Is a candidate, the silver ques tion cannot be kept out, although definitely settled by the gold-standard bill. Representative Tonprae Indisposed. Representative Tongue has been some what Indisposed for the past few days, and today was unable to attend the session of the House. No serious Hlnesa Is con templated, however. Cnnnl Trenty In Dnnprer. Lord Pauncefote, the British Ambassa dor, was In conference with Secretary Hay for half an hour at the State Department today. The officials have nothing to say touching tho future of the pending Hay Pauncefote treaty. It Is plain, however, that the action of tho Senate committee In bringing. In the amendment yesterday is regarded by the officials as greatly en dangering the life of the treaty. If the Senate first adopts the amendment and then ratifies the treaty, a conclusion by no means certain in the official mind. It Is said that the President will feel obliged to s'gn It, placing the responsibility upon the Senate, and then leaving It to the British Government to accept or reject it. The officials believe the British will reject the treaty, and In that case the Clayton-Bui-wer treaty will prevail again. Its force having been recognized, according to tho officials, not only by the Executive branch of our Government. In preparing this pend ing treaty, but also by the Senate of the United States, as evidenced by the report which accompanied the treaty yesterday when It was presented to the Senate. THE NATION'S WARDS. Lesn Than Three Hundred Thousand Indlnns in the Country. WASHINGTON. March 1Q. The annual reports of Indian Agents, which have been received by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, will be printed In the form of an appendix to the report of the Commission er. They show that the entire Indian pop ulation is 297,905. of which number 95,679 wear citizens' dress, while 31.923 wear a mixture of Indian an1 civilized clothing. Those who can read number 42,597, and 53,314 can carry on an ordinary conversa tion In English. There are 25,236 dwelling houses built for Indians. 1153 of which were built within the last year. The num ber of births was 4237 and the deaths 5253. Twenty-six Indians were killed by whites and seven whites by Indians. One Indian was killed by other Indians. The number of Indian criminals punished was 1469. There are 31,655 Indian church member and 34S church buildings upon the various reservations. The amount of money con tributed last year by religious and other soclotles was: For education, $261,515: for general church work, 5119.407. and $16,016 from New York for the support of the school established by that state. Phelps Funeral Today. NEW HAVEN, Conn.. March 10. Tho funeral of tho late Hon. Edward J. Phelps, ex-MIn-ister to England, who died at his home here yesterday, will be held In Battel Chapel, Yale, at 3 o'clock Sun day afternoon, and tho body will then bo taken to Burlington, Vt., where the in terment will be Tuesday.