The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 04, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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exceeded his salary right along. He was
very short In his answers, and was cor
rected by the court more than once.
Case of Olson Against, the City Dis
missed Edward Flamiigraa. Sen.
Deputy City Attorney Dunlway gained a
point yesterday In the suit of "Willamette
Steam Mills Lumbering & Manufacturing
Company et al., resisting the assessment
for the extension of North Sixteenth street
from Upshur to Front. The case -was
brought in the form of a petition for a
review of the acts of the Common Coun
cil. Mr. Duniway argued that the proper
proceeding was "a suit In etjulty so the
city can make a defense upon the merits
of the controvery, and Judge Frazer eo
held. The disputed assessments aggregate
several thousand dollars. The petitioners
contend that the Council was without
jurisdiction, and that the record falls to
show that notice was sent to the owners
of the -property sought to be appropriated,
and some other irregularities. Mr. DunJ
way says the owners of the property to
be taken were not made parties to the
petition. He argued that a suit in equity
was the proper course, and the city could
then make a defense; it could not interpose
on a writ of review and show what has
been done independent of the record. He
desired to prove the facts and to establish
that the petitioners did have notice. Judge
Frazer, in deciding that a suit in equity
should be brought instead of the wr.t of
review, stated that ft was the Intention
of the law that such cases be tried on
their merits and technical questions dis
couraged. That McCunn Estate.
In the contempt proceedings in the mat
ter of the estate of P. C. McCann, de
ceased. Judge Frazer yesterday directed
John F. Logan, the administrator, to file
an answer stating the fact of his having
turned over the property of the estate
to O'Day &. Tarpley, attorneys for the al
leged heirs. The case, so iar as it con
cerns Mr. Logan, will then be dismissed.
Tho property amounts to about 57003, and
is principally cash. The motion of O'Daj
& Tarpley asking that the motion be dis
missed requiring them to show cause why
they should not be punished for contempt
for not surrendering the property to the
receiver appointed "by Judge Cleland, was
denied. O'Day Sz Tarpley were given 10
days to answer why they have .not turned
over the property. They have admitted
its possession, and a future order by Judge
Frazer will probably dispose of this part
of the controversy.
County Judge Cake ordered the McCann
estate distributed to James ,McCann, Kate
"Wood and Anna McDonough, residing in
Pennsylvania, whom he held were the legal
heirs. John F. Logan, administrator of
the estate, then surrendered the property
to O'Day & Tarpley, who appeared as at
torneys for these heirs. Chester V. Dolph
representing the State of Oregon, filed
escheat proceedings disputing the title of
these alleged heirs. Judge Cleland set
aElde the order of the County Court and
appointed a receiver, and ordered the
property placed in the receiver's hands,
pending the final disposition of the escheat
case. This was not done, and the con
tempt proceedings followed. "W. "W. Cot
ton and "W. D. Fenton appeared as counsel
for O'Day & Tarpley, and argued num
erous objections to the surrender of the
property to the receiver, among them that
the McCann heirs had not been served
with summons in the escheat case, and
that O'Day & Tarpley were not parties at
the time the receiver was appointed Mr.
Cotton said tho McCann heirs weie en
titled to their day In court, and had not
had it Mr. Dolph explained that the cita
tion had been regularly published.
Probate Court.
Jenny -Selender, who states in "her "pe
tition that she Is the widow of Nels Kel
son, who Ued in Baker County, Decem
ber 1, 1S38, was appointed administratrix
of tho estate, valued at 5200.
The executors of the estate of Stephen
Richards, deceased, were authorized to
secure a debt of S310 due the estate by
taking a chattel mortgage.
Tho inventory of the estate of C. F.
Collins, deceased, was filed. The prop
erty in Pendleton is valued at $305, and
that in Multnomah County at $513.
B. Orth, executor of the will of Barbara
Schneider, deceased, reported the sale of
lots 9 and 10, 'block 25. Alblna, at public
auction, to Laura Breske, for $550.
Anna Danner presented a claim against
the estate of Henry "Wilson, deceased, for
5S91 for board, etc, furnished between
January, 1S97, and April, 1899. Mrs. Dan
ner conducts a hotel on the East Side.
The Inventory of the estate of Adelina
2JL Craven, deceased, was filed. The .val
uation is $100. v
Minnie B. AlbrlgTA was allowed $49 for
maintenance from the estate of Edward
S. Albright, deceased, and $11 per month
until further notice, this being the Income
from real estate.
A. "W. Lambert, executor of the will "of
Fred S. Ramsey, deceased, filed his eighth
cernlannual report, showing $C52 disbursed
and $2433 balance on hand.
J. B. Montgomery's Estate.
The Inventory and appraisement -of the
estate of James Boyce Montgomery, de
ceased, was filed by the appraisers, Fred
erick H. Page. David S. Stearns and W.
H. Mall, for Multnomah County, and J.
H. D. Gray, C. S. Wright and F. L. Par
ker, for Clatsop County. The property
In Multnomah County Is valued at $194,809,
and in Clatsqp County, $250; total. $193,059.
The real estate is appraised at $191,545, of
wh'ch Montgomery docks, Nos. 1 and 2, arc
valued at $100,000. Tho remainder of tho
estate is personal property, comprising
stocks, notes, accounts, furniture, etc.,
and $147 cash.
Case Dismissed.
The suit for damages of Peter Olsen
against the City of Portland for malicious
arrest was dismissed in the United States
Circuit Court yesterday, and the plaintiff
was permitted to withdraw the complaint.
This suit was similar In some respects to
a recent one from Oregon City, In which
the demurrer to the complaint was sus
tained. It is thought for this icason ap
plication was made for withdrawal of
Jacob Hartman, a native of Germany,
was granted naturalization papers.
Flnnnlsran Sentenced.
Edward Flannigan. convicted of larceny
of $60 frexn TV-Hlam S ewart, ws sentenced
to 15 months In the penitentiary by Judge
George yesterday. Fred Esham stole the
money, and gave Flannigan $T0. The case
against Esham was dismissed because it
was alleged Flannigan put him up to the
crime. This the latter denied.
Court Notes.
The March term of the State Circuit
Court will begin Monday. It promises
to be a busy one, as there are already 44
cases set for trial, with others to follow.
In the matter of the proposed laying
out and establishing of "West Main street,
the appellants were allowed by Judge
George yesterday one week to move for
a new trial.
Judge George yesterday held that he
has power to set aside the judgment in
the case of Robert McMurray, fined $25
for larceny, where the judgment was ob
tained by misrepresentation. The courr,
however, granted until Wednesday for
the defense to file affidavits.
"W. SL !L Barnes was before Judgo
Frazer yesterday as a judgment deMoc
on proceedings supplemental to execu
tion brought by J. B. Bridges. Barnes
said he could not pay anything from his
salary of $125 per month, and told how he
disposed of all of his wages for cloth
ing, board, etc, and said bis expenses
Walter H. Miller, of Spokane, is reg
istered at the Portland.
Mrs. F. B. Sommerville, of Payette,
Jdaho. is visiting her father, Charles TV.
Knowles. of the Imperial.
H. B. Parker, of Astoria, is registered
iat the Perkins.
Captain S. C. Lulgens, of the sealing
schooner Kate and Ann, Is registered at
the St. Charles.
-M. Howard Jones, of Rossland, B. C,
Is registered at tho Portland.
E. "W. Tallant and wife, with Mr. and
Mrs. Augus; Kratz, of Astoria, are guests
of the Imperial.
G. F. Jackson and wife, of Dayton,
"Wash., are registered at the Perkins.
D. M. C. Gault, newspaper man of
Hillsbcco, is registered at the St. Charles.
I. Katz and wife, of Port Townsend,
are guests of the Portland.
"W. D. Hare, a Hillsboro attorney. Is at
the Imperial.
"W. G. Whitney and family, of Los An
geles, are guests of the Perkins.
James McCann, postmaster of McMInn
ville, is at the St Charles.
C A. Harrison, of Seattle, is registered
at the Portland.
T$. C. Trlnwlth, of Astoria, is registered
at the Imperial.
TV. L. Stone, a merchant of Kelso, is at
the St Charles.
C. X. Scott returned yesterday from
San Francisco, where he had been spena
ing a week on business.
Barney O'Neal, a prominent mineowner
of the St Helen's district is in the city,
from Umatilla.
Lauren Pease has been engaged to sing
the tenor role In the "Hiawatha Wedding
Feast" to be given by the Philharmonic
Society, at Seattle.
J. B. Witherell, of Beaverton, owner
of the Copper Stain mine in tho Mount
Reuben district, was a visitor at the
Mineowners' Club yesterday.
Mrs. Inez Peterson, who was removed
from the Portland Hotel to St Vincent's
Hospital, Is seriously 111, and has been
operated on for appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Myers returned
during the week from a five weeks' trip
to Southern California, both pretty well
sunburned in face, as though they had
been where the sun was hot.
Rev. Bernard Murp"hy, D. D., O. S. B.,
son of James J. Murphy, of this city, ar
rived In Portland on Tuesday from Rome.
Italy, where he completed his theologi
cal course at St. Anselmo's College.
Lou Beach LynifT. the little son of Mr.
and Mrs. T. Lynlff. of the Driftwood
House, Long Beach, who Tvas recently
operated on at St "Vincent's Hospital, is
getting along favorably under the care
of his attending physicians, Mrs. Dr. E.
Linden and Dr. William Jones
A T LIpman, San Fr IBenJ Latz. city
J D Frey, San Fran F H Ransom, city
"W E Graves, San Fran H S Rowan. Chicaso
Wm Gottscbalk, Milwki m Taylor & wf. Ka
E II Adams & wf. N'T lama
H Tietig. jr. Cincir.n J B Menasco. Los Angl
Jos E Dixon. San Fran W" H Stanley, San Fr
I A Harrison. Seattle (G W Dorman. St Paul
Jir tc mtb l Jvatz, iort lrrea H Dayton, St L
H M Buchanan. Omaha
W H Daniel Chicago
Alex Cohen. San Fran
W II Flsk. Chicago
E O Ray. Chicago
S H Fielding. M T
Horace A Lay, West-
M TV Hunt. IndDla. Ind
S H Friendly. Eugene
l. jvi Fisher. St Paul
A R Jacobs. Oregon Cy
iC DRamsdell, Omaha
neia. .Mass
S M Cooper. San Fran
W M Rogers, San Fran
R S Johnston. St Louis
Walter H Miller. Spok
E II O'Brien, Chicago
Frank Schonreck, X T
Howard Barbler, S F
C E Tinkham, Chgo
Sprague. "Wash
C L Bingham, wife &
child. Chicago
W G Clark. San Fran
Wm E Pettes. San Fr
Chas F Earl, Boston
A P Mackle, San Fiaa
,W S Sherwood, St Paul
Geo T Gerllcger. city
Ernest A Cox. San Fr
C G Jacobs, Oregon Cy
M Howard Jones. Kces-Chag Wclnshenk. S F
jana, a m jueo E Allen. City
A C Grunman, PortlndlJ AV Ramage, Oakland,
Chas M Scott. Portlnd Cal
B Brown. Vancouer Mro J 31 Gillette, Sea
R C Hicks. Spokane edde. Or
H S Wlllard. Fond du H B Parker. Astoria
Lac. W1b ,L y Ball. Qui nil a
R P O'Rlley. Spokane Mrs Ball. Qulnns
M Ltrklna, The Dalle-;H H Chamberlain, WW
SJFi01"' San Fran w l Moulton. Tacoma
E C Crout. Chicago J P Maniple. San Fran
Thos Johnson. Cle- J M Arlngton. St Louis
, Elum jT E Going. Sumpter
H C Llttlefleld.Mlnr.pls.H N Anderson, Aber
Mlss H Steele. Spokane! deen. Wash
Mrs D Gutman. MoscwMrs Anderson, do
M J Connolly, Dubuque, S M Anderson, do
J F Jackson, Dayton, JAY H Chase, Tacoma
Wash Fred Brendel, Butte Cy,
Mrs Jackson, do I Mont
H Gerdwood, Kelson, jGoo Breachoff. do
in w Cyrus. Astoria
Chas "Welsh, Astoria
J J Utzlnger. Astoria
J Blscar, San Fran
P Macao. San Fran
iM Etchwerrv. San Fr
Sirs Gerdwood, do
J B Gerdwood. do
E AV Parks. Tacoma,
H Harklnp, Tacoma
j if. upson. -st I'aui
W G AVhltncy. LosAnsiP H Tynan. Portland
Mrs Whitney, Los Ang 1W T Dlckerman. San F
D B Griffln. M D, Mt )j,R Robertson. Forst G
Angel Or'H House. Great Falls
OmarVlckera. GratU,0 A J Johnson, Astoria
Allco Davis, AJbany
C AV. Knowles, Manager.
Mrs P Donan. city ilrs L B Sommerville,
Henry Meldrum. OrcgC. Payette
Percy HouU. city ug Kratz, Astoria
R S Hamond. Eugene Mrs A Kratr. Astoria
H H Hicks, Sumpter (Mrs J M Wilron. W50
J C Morgan, Astoria 2 A Homan, A'ancouver
AV C Hathaway. St L ,Mra Homan. A'ancouver
W H Lang. Mlnnpls JGeo E Crux, city
Mrs Lang. Mlnnpls JMrw V D Kuettner, A3
Mlss Lang, Mlnnpls j torla
D Ferber. Tacoma Mrs rred Lelnenweber,
Mrs Ferber, Taoma. ) Astoria
E E Brehm, Wickson iGaylord W Cooke. S F
A D Edgar. Alaska ,A B Leckenbey. Rainier
A H Smith. Hartford JMlss G Brown. Eugene
J P Eisenbach. N Y JE Hall. lty
Chas Ratbburn. SaltLk,F L Carr, Montesano
R M Foracrock. do JMlss Coyner.
W D Hare. Hillsboro JC L Smith, Minn
H H Mott. Cathjamet R C Judson, city
MUs R AVrlght. Ran Fr,P F Plowden. Chicago
L D Jacks. San Fran Jas H Craig. San Fran
C L Fitchard. New Trk.Dr W A Leonard,
John Herman, Albany J Woodburn
M B Ivey. Centralla !J M Burke. Portland
Jcs Stevens. Ashland A B Taylor, Seattle
H Trinwith. Astoria IHarry Mulligan. Tacma
J E Ferguson. Astoria JC. A Conn. Ft Stevens
Chs Gardner. MontanaJF D Butzer. Astoria
H C Smith. Astoria H A Smith, Astoria
Mr Smith. Astoria (Mrs Smith. Astoria
E AV Tallant Astoria j
W A Rowan, city IMIss Bessie James, Sa
H S Hersmaa. Sumpter) lem
C H Harris. Gaston JJas G Harris, Atchison
E D Goodwin. Gaston (George Logan, Salem
H A Inwall. Irving! .L Kee. New York
W S Kal. Corvallls D S Dufur. The Dalleo
B M Hayes. Corvallis I W J AVlnkler, Dalles
Mrs Hayes, Corvallls
AV A Rowan. Dalies
H E Heath, Portland
J Gow. Portland
C H AA'ilson. city
L Presser. Oregon
C PItsforth. Qulncy
S Snyder. LInnton
Mrs Snrder. LInnton
1G W Bcnard Brownsvlll
P A Newton. Brownsvl
i J A AATieeler. Zaip
W L Wright, Qulncy
victor Peterson. Indp
J B Soregrcn. Clatskanl.J H Robert-i. Seattle
ti xt. xucu. i-iuustuime.t, j.- vaugnn, Jiurns, or
W J West, city
Mrs John Elcott LaGrd
K Buriey, city
F M Caffer. Seattle
E E RoberU. Seattle
A Brown. Ncwberg
!Aiis3 Elcott. G ranee
f R Dorrin. N Powder
D Sullivan. AVallula
C H Olney. Pasco
I Mrs Olnev. Pasco
H Bafour. AValla W
W T Sherrett Gardlnr.John Davis, Wetoer. Id
C A Lutz. San Fran )C H Perry. AVeiser. Id
J" A Dunbar. Cleveland i John T Griffln. La Grni
W A Bahart. Elkton C II Melton, Boise
D M C Gault, HillpbroDr J B Stevens. Idaho
R M Scott. Ft Stevens j u ucvine. Avis
W B McClanahan. do
Mrs Devlne. AVI
Al Perkins. 5ardlncr
A V Holt. Monmouth
AV H Cordla. Halsey
M Baker, Logan
A M Hood, Logan
J V Doolittle. Ocono-
Mrs Doolittle, do
J D Riddell. Pretoria
Z H Innls. Pretoria
Hotel Donnelly. Tacnaia.
,tEurotefn plan; headquarters for com
mercial men. Chilbcrs's restaurant ia
Hotel Rntler. Seattle.
European. Rooms with cr without bath.
Ladics and gents' grillrooms in connection.
Kruse's Grill Room and Restaurant
Stark street opp. Chamber of Commerce.
. o
Archbishop Ucnnessy's Condition.
DUBUQUE, la., March 4. At 4 o'clock
this morning Archbishop Henncssy re
ceived his third paralytic stroke. It was
light but terribly suggestive of the end.
It is hardly possible that he can last much
Dally Trcnsnry Statement.
WASHINGTON, March 3. Today's
statement of the condition of the Treasury
AA-ailable cash balance -...$533,240
Gold. reserA'e , 233,211,135
Good Trade This Season, Particularly
to Roclcy aiountnin States Apple
Trees "Preferred.
SALEM. Or., March 3. Local nursery
men report that the demand for fruit trees
this season is as brisk s usual, and in
somo localities there is an Increased de
mand. Small ordera are being filled daily.
About the middle of the present month
shipments to the Rocky Mountain states
will begin, and then the trees av:11 go In
large quantities. Six carloads of trees
that have been housed this winter avHI go
to Montana. This Is, however, only a
small part of what will bo shipped from
Willamette Valley nurseries to Montana
dealers. The chief demand seems to be
for apple trees, and for winter varieties.
Lease of Land at Cascade Loelu.
The Board cf Portage Railway Commie
sloncrs, consisting of Governor Gecr, Sec
retary of State Dunbar and Treasurer
Moore, today leased the strip of land
owned by the state at the Cascade Locks
to Clack &. Huff, of The Dalles. This strip
of land is about 400xSOO feet and adjoins
the Columbia River just aboA-e the locks.
The land was acquired at the time the
Portage Railway was constructed, and has
been idle since the railway was abandoned.
Recently the Cascade Construction Com
pany asked tho Board of Commlss'oners to
lease the land, and they called for bld3
for the use of the property. Two offers
were submitted, one hy the Cascade Con
struction Company, of $12 50 per month,
and the other by Clark & Huff, of 530 "per
month. Tho lease will terminate with tho
convening or the next session of the Leg
islature, as the Board would not make a
lease for a longer term.
Marlon County Assessment.
The clerks in the office of County Asses
sor Hobart are correcting the present
ownership maps preparatory to making
the ISO) assessment Thio work will be
completed in about a week, and a force of
field assistants will then be sent out to
assess the property. It Is not known how
many men will be put in the field, but
probably not less than 12 will be thus em
ployed. The many transfers of property this year
have made It neceesary to make more than
the usual number of changes In the pres
ent ownership maps. In addition to these
changes, the new road district law has
required changes In the lines representing
the road district boundaries. Thece alter
ations haA'e been made and the maps will
soon be up to date. In cery respect
Marlon County's present ownership maps
are ery valuable accessories to the office
of the Assessor. Each map represents a
township of land, and Is about six feet
square. Every subdivision, farm, block or
lot Is shown, together with Its dimensions
and the namo of the owner. When a
transfer Is made the name of the new
owner is Inserted and a note Is made
of tho book and page where the deed
Is recorded. The maps are hung en rol
lers, like window shades, and can be
rolled up out of sight For the convenience
of field assistants when out assessing prop
erty, photographs of the maps hae been
made and each man Is supplied with a
photograph of the territory he Is to cover.
He can thus check off each tract as he as
sesses it and always has a record that
will prevent his omitting any land. Afl
these photographs are Intended more as
a guide to the land than to tho owners.
It Is not neceQ3ary to make new ones
every year.
Xctv Oregon Incorporations.
Articles of Incorporation were filed In the
office of the Secretary of State this week
by the following companies:
Stephens Land Company. Portland, ?10.
000: Allen R. Wallace. Rosetta Wallace.
Hattio Jones; object to deal in real
Thanksgiving Gold MIn'ng Company,
Portland: $50,003; W. H. Sherrod, J. L.
Hartman. C. W. Miller.
Summers Sz. Prael Company, Portland:
$50,000: R. F. Prael. J. L. Schultz. S. B.
Llnthlcum: object, to deal In crockery.
Read & Company, Gates, Marion Coun
ty; $1000; E. L. Bushnell. I. G. Read. J.
L. Read: object to conduct a general mer
cantile business.
Columbia & Nehalem Valley Railroad
Company, Portland: $100,000; George T.
Gerllngcr. Ernest C. Dalton, E. E. Coo
vert; object to construct and operato
railroad, telegraph and telephone lines
from SL Helens. Columbia County, to the
Nehalem River, near Pittsburg, Columbia
County, with branch lines.
Erin Mining Company, Sumpter; $25,003;
L. Verhaag, J. T. Barry, P. C. Snyder,
D. I. Wlllard. Charles H. Chance.
Portland Cremation Association. Port
land: $25,000; D. P. Thompson, George W.
Wcidler. C. B. Bellinger, Holt C. Wilson,
Otto S. BInswanger, J. C. Flanders, L.
Samuer, L. W. Sitton. P. F. Morcy; ob
ject to conduct the business of Incinerat
ing human remains.
Hillside - Congregational Churdh, Galea
Creek. Washington County: $1003; Oliver Ii.
Curtis, William Dunsmoor, H. Bamford,
N. J. Baker. C. H. Bamford.
J. H. Hawley Company. Portland; $100;
A. S. Frank, J. H. Hawley, H. F. Bar
tels; object, to conduct a loan, real estate
and Insurance buslnesa
F. D. McCully Company, Joseph. Wal
lowa County; $50,000; F. D. McCully, J. D.
McCully. E. W. Rumble. Benton Mays;
object, to conduct a general merchandise,
milling, real estate and lh-estock busi
ness. Sherk & Graham Company, Huntington;
$20,000; George W. Sherk. B. W. Graham.
P. H. Sherk: object, to engage In a gen
eral merchandlso and commission busl
nesa Link River Power Company. Klamath
Falls: $3000; E. B. Henry. J. F. Gceller,
R. W. Marple: object, to operate an elec
tric light and power plant at Klamath
Isabella Gold Mining & Milliner Company.
Baker City; $50000; H. W. Miller. W. F.
Bullion. W. S. Driver, F. M. Orcnnon, B.
G. Strock.
Diamond Hill Cemetery Association.
Linn County; D. H. Pierce. Ham Bishop,
R, L. White. John Belts. R, F. Pierce.
Supplemental articles wero filed by the
Tltlo Guarantee & Trust Company. Rose
burg, changing the name of the corpora
tion to Title Guarantee & Loan Company.
Preliminary Pro-IJoer Meeting.
The pro-Boer meeting held at the CItj
Hall this evening vras attended by about 3?
people. Rev. W. E. Copeland wa3 choseu
chairman and E. Hofer oecretary. No for
mal addresses were mede. but a general
discussion of plans was engaged In. The
only result of the meeting Avas the pas
sago of a motion directing tha chairman
to appoint a committee of five to make ar
rangements for a mass meeting to be held
about March 15.
Money Front Insurance Companies.
Receipts of state taxes from insurance
companies during the past week were as
follows, being based on the net receipts
of the companies la the state:
receipts. Taxes.
Mass. Mut Life Ins. Co... $53,556 46 $1071 13
Liverpool. London z Globo 22,573 76 451 60
U. S. Fire Ins. Co 4.742 00 91 SI
Merchants' Ins. Co 9,r-S7 92 1S7 75
Thames & Mersey Marine 5.C32 74 113 5
Mutual X.ife. N. Y 75.971 5 1539 41
Standard Life & Acci
dent 5.S73 75 119 4S
Hamburg-Bremen 3.15S 75 C3 17
Orient Ins. Co 7,554 22 151 OS
Loyal Exchange Assur
ance 1S.671S7 373 44
Springfield Firo & 1LS29 SI 233 CO
London Assurance Corpo
ration 5.970 02 no AT
Union Mutual Life 10,222 74 204 45
Employers' Liability As-
suranco Corporation 7.44S C2 14"5 37
Aachen & Munich Fire.... S.S25 57 166 53
Phoenix Ins. Co 10.6S2 50 213 65
Penn Mutual Life 42.S3G 25 55 73
Marlon Connty JVotcs.
Two deeds were filed in the, County Re
corder's office today conveying to Loretta
Savage scs acres of land routh of Salen
and formerly owned by Louis and A. D.
Pettyjohn. " The total consideration waa
$S300. and the assumption of a $3000 mort
gage. Photographs of the state capitol and
the Marion County Courthouse have beca
sent to tho GoA'emment Architect and to
Oregon's Representatives in Congrces for
the purpose of showing the justness o
Salem's claims that the new Fostoffice
building should be three storied high. As
the Federal building will be between the
Capitol and Courthouse It will present a
poor appearance unices built to harmonize
with the other structures. The City Coun
cil Is urging the consideration of this mat
ter In the drawing of the plans for the
Real Estate Transfers.
Isaac Kay to J. C. Barton, tract of
land 100x102 near Goodsell street,
March 2 $2,600
Sheriff, for Lucretia Morgand et al.,
to W. A. Cleland, lot 15 and west Vi
lot IS. block 15, Sunnyside, March
IS, 1F95 1,551
G. Strohecker to Mrs. Anna Stro
heckcr, 4 acres N. B. Jones claim,
March 3 1
Multnomah County to R. C. Goss
rcon, parcel land section 3, town
ship 1 south, range 2 east, Febru
ary 28 13
W. H. H. Holmes and wife to Land
& Bush, north section 12. south
east Yt. section 12, northwest U sec
tion 13. township 1 north, rango 6
east, February 27 16,000
U. S. patent to A. Moore, ISO acres
section 9. township 1 north, range
C east, June 22, 1S29, homestead
John B. Parker to J. W. McCly
monds, lot 6, block 122, East Fort
land. August L 1833 1.509
M. Hansen to L. Hansen. 1 acres
sections 6 and 7, township 1 south,
range 1 east, March 3 1
R. Smith to J. E. Parent, lot 7. block
117. East Portland. March 1 2.071
Guaranty Land Company to E. K.
Morse, east 4 lot S and cast 10
feet lot 7. block 213. Holladay's Ad
dltlon. February 2S 2,.o0
A. K. McCully to J. A. Lesourd and
wife. Mot 5, block 73, Stephens? Ad
dition, March 2 1.401
E. L. Young and wife to United
States, northeast Yi of northwest
Vi section 20, township 1 south,
range 6 east, March 2 , -
P. H. Blyth to E. R. Manning, lot
12. Irvlns First Addition. March 1 1.0C9
H. Smith to P. Smith, lot 7, block
147. East Portland. January 23, 1S99 1
A. E. Grpy to J. E. Bruce, jr.. lots
34. 35, 20, 37, 3S, b'ock 3, Frances
Addition. April 2S. 1S94 1
P. H. Elyth to J. P. Ludlam. lot 5.
. block 12. Irvlngs First Addition.
February 2S '
Rnildlnjr Permits.
Mrs. I. Bird, 1-story dwelling. East
Oak. between East Sixteenth and East
Fifteenth streets. $1500.
O. T. Workman, l&-story dwelling, on X,
between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth
streets. 51000.
H. C. Hick, two-story dwelling on East
First, between Hancock and Brcadway
streets, 51400.
Marriage Licenses.
Valentine Waphowiak, agea 33, Colum
bia County. Stanislava E. Maczgusha,
aged 21; John W. Miller. 2S. Willamette
Burley, 17; Roscoo L. Pierce, 23, Nellie
Taylor. 22.
March 1, Bertha Lue'la Amsplger, age
16 yeans; phthisla pulmonalis.'
February 27, boy, to the wife of Peter
RIdell, 472 Seenth street
Febuary 16. girl, to the wife of Peter
Moe. 262 North Sixteenth street
February 24. girl, to the wife of Richard
Collins. Fourth, near College.
February 24. girl, to tho wife of II.
Vouit Savier, between Sixteenth and Sev
enteenth. March 1. boy, to the wife of Peter
Schmidt Irvlngton.
February 23, girl, to the Avifc of E. L.
Bettinger, 201 West Park street.
February S, girl, to the wife of Daniel
B. Abdill, 4S4 East Grant street
February 19, girl, to the wife of E.
Mauer, 525 East Sixth street..
February 10. girl, to the wife of Thomas
Nutter, 131 Union aA-enue.
February 26. boy, to the wife of Max
Abst. 3S5 East Twelfth street.
February 7. girl, to tho wife of Herman
Eberhardt, 2S3 Ross street
February 11, boy. to the wife of Abra
ham X.. Toung, 9S7 Corbett street.
February 17. girl, to the wife of Antone
Handler, SOI Thurman street
March 2. three boys, to the wife of Har-A-ey
Taylor, 210& Sheridan street.
Cnlians Object to the Bishop.
WASHINGTON. March 3. General Jose
Lacrete Molte and Fellppe Prlzo, Cuban
leaders, called at the War Department
and had an Interview with Acting Secre
tary Melklejohn relativo to the appear
ance in Cuba of Bishop Sbarrettl. They
objected very strongly to his presence
there. The callers had an Indistinct Idea
of the limitations imposed upon the gen
eral Goernment and It "was with some
difficulty that Mr. Meiklejohn made them
understand that by tho terms of tho
United States Constitution, the executive
had no power to Interfere In such mat
ters, thero being no association of Church
and State, as was tho case in Cuba under
tho Spanish regime.
4 O
Discrimination Afrnlnst Dentists. -NEW
YORK, March 3. A special to
the Herald from Washington eajs:
Ambassador Choatc will be Instructed to
call the attention of the British Foreign
Office to the discriminations against Amer
ican dentists' in England with a view to
having them removed. Dr. L. J. Mitchell,
formerly of Ohio, who Is now practicing
dentistry in London with his brother, Dr.
William Mitchell, called at tho State De
partment today, with Representative Ly
brand, of Ohio, and told Secititary Hay
that since 1S93 the British Government had
refused to register American dentists. Sec
retary Hay" said he would Instruct Am
bassador Choate to endeavor to haA'e the
discriminations abolished.
a i
Soldier Dcr.d From "West Indies.
NEW YORK. March 3. The United
States transport McClelland arrived this
morning from San Juan de Puerto Rico,
Santiago, Guantanamo and Baracoa, with
21 cabin passengers, 15 undertakers and
civilians and 101 bodies of dead soldiers.
The bodies of the soldier dead were col
lected at Guantanamo, Santiago, Manzan
lta and other ports.
a a
Sirs. Roosevelt Goes to Cnha.
NEW YORK. March 3. The Journal and
Advertiser says: -
Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt will, start
Wednesday for Cuba. Mrs. Roosevelt in
tends to make a personal inspection of
the homes, the home life, the opportunities
and conditions of the people, and to spend
a month In the prosecution of her studies.
bodies seem to wear out quicker
struggle for wealth the stomach is neglected,
Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Constipation, Biliousness
are the result A strong stomach is essential to good health.
Hostclter's Stomach Bitters for fifty years past
has been making strong stomachs. It Is a blood puri
fier, an sppetizer a nerve tonic.
walces up sluggish Jivers-rln fact, makes prcpls well.
ah cruggists sen it Accept no other.
ipr Mdr"1
stomach Bitters
(Continued from First Pags.J
the fairness of the British in their gov
ernment, and thought their action In wag
ing war against the South African coun
tries justified. The conclusion, he felt as
sured, would result In the Boers receiving
fair and just treatment at the hands of
their conquerors. But. true to the Brit
ish spirit of appreciating courage. Dr.
Morrison said in the hour of triumph it
was not mete that the gallant Cronje, in
his final determined fight, should be for
gotten. Such a foeman Inspired unbound
ed admiration In every true British breast.
He then called for three cheers for Cronje.
which were given with great spirit This
was tho second time the Beor General
received cheers, for during Mr. Laldlaw'a
remarks he referred to the gallant foe
with approval from the audience.
Battle Flowers.
(In the Tower of London are preserved the
arms and trophies taken by England in all 'a&T
wars. These weapons have been arranged on
the walls artistically to represent various
In London's old historic Tower,
Gloomed with a mighty rtory.
Hangs many a gorgeous battle flower.
Wrought of a nation's glory;
Lances and arrows, swords and shields;
The rpolla of a. thousand splendid fleld?.
Recking and grim and gory I
Each pretty bloom the cchoolsirl twlnts
Ia her brown hair's fmgrant cluster,
In that dim hall of England shine
"With a weird and awful luster;
Roses and pussies, daisies fair,
Invraathed for the spirits gathering there.
In the grim. Valhalla's muster.
And none may tmlle at a quaint conceit
And the deep thought lying under,
For we- hear the drums to battle beat,
And the storm of battle thunder
Raining its crimson on the sward
Where the dew-dipped flowers, afterward
Look up with a cnille of wonder.
Nature embroiders all her graves;
Our sorrows arc not eternal;
And the storm will roll in silver waves
From a eky all blue and vernal;
Passion and folly and pain may still
But wound us and rend us, and wreak their
To crown us with wreaths supernal.
Sam L. Simpson.
Intentions of the Trcasnry Depart
ment. NEW YORK. March 3. A special to tho
Herald from Washington says:
It Is the intention of the Treas
ury Department as soon as the
pending financial bill becomes a
law, to expedite as fast as possible the
coinage of the silver bullion purchased
under the Sherman act, still remaining
in tho Treasury. There is still on hand
bullion purchased under this act, costing
$75,000,605, and represented by that amount
of Treasury notes outtsandlng. The De
partment has been coining this bullion into
dollars at the rate of $1,800,000 a month.
The financial bill authorizes the coinage
of enough of thl3 bullion into subsidiary
coins to bring the total subsidiary coin
age up to $100,000,000. This will require
about $25,000,000 in subsidiary coins. In
addition to this, the Department pro
poses to Increase the coinage of silver
dollars to $4,000,000 a month, and tho ef
fect will be to have all this bullion coined
and all Treasury notc3 retired within a
year and a half.
Resolutions Ajrnlnst Trusts
Adopted Yesterday.
NEW ORLEANS, March 3. At today's
session of the National Editorial Asso
ciation, the resolutions against trusts In
troduced yesterday were taken up. J. E.
Lanning, of Norwalk, O., made an elo
quent address. He said emphatically that
there was no duty on wood pulp, and here
the excitement "began. President Henry,
-who had taken the chair, was compelled
to rap continually for order. Mr. Lanning
read from what he said was the free list
of the existing tariff law, showing that
wood pulp was In reality on the free list.
Tha debate on the question continued
for somo time, and with much heat. Tho
resolutions against trusts were adopted,
244 to C4. with an amendment urging Con
gress to take immediate action against the
paper trusts.
Among the vice-presidents chosen was
Albert Tozler, of Portland, Or. The Ore
gon exhibit attracted much attention.
o p
Ten Drinking: In Europe.
Chicago News.
The "cup which cheers," and which
women have come to associate with all
that Is homelike and comfortable, has
found favor In France, and "le fif o'clock"
has now become quite a favorite little do
mestic function In Paris. Even in distant
Italy the charms of a fragrant cup of
tea have made themselves felt, and Ital
ian society now chats over the tea cups
and delights over tho dainty accessories
of the cosy and refreshing little meal with
much the same satisfaction as we do.
1 c
Jewish Vomen's Convention.
CLEVELAND. March 3. The third tri
ennial convention of the Jewish women of
America will be held here beginning to
morrow and continuing until the 10th. Tho
gathering will be the largest yet held. A
committee on religion will present a re
port and a very interesting programme
has been arranged.
Dewey's Case Goes to Supreme Court.
WASHINGTON, March 3. The appeal
of Admiral Dewey and his men from tho
award of the Court of Claims In the mat
ter of tho bounty due for the destruction
of tho Spanish fleet at Manila has been
filed in the United States Supreme Court
Archbishop "Will Be Present.
The Most Rev. Archbishop Christie will
eolemnly bless and erect new stations of
the cross In St. Francis' Church, East
Eleventh and East Oak streets, this even
.lng, and will deliver a sermon appropri
ate to the occasion. The services will
commenco at 7:S0.
3 a
Transport's Launch Blew Up.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 3. A launch
of the transport Hancock blew up at her
dock today, seriously Injuring two of the
crew. It Is believed her boilers had bsen
allowed to run dry. Tho launch did not
than anywhere else.
In the II
mm$ zf iPtsi
SriHarYmrr .- r ii i . OJWPH
Red, Rougk Hands, Itching, Burning
Palms, and Painful Finger Ends.
Soak the hands on retiring in a strong, not, creamy lather of
CUTICURA SOAP. Dry, and anoint freely with CUTICURA,
the great skin cure and purest of emollients. "Wear, during the
night, old, loose kid gloves,, "with the finger ends cut off and air
holes cut in the palms. For red, rough, chapped hands, dry, fis
sured, itching, feverish palms, with shapeless nails and painful
finger ends, this treatment is dimply wonderful.
Complete External and internal
CopsiaUn?of Ccncuiu
TUP PT $! 9 and humlHatlne skin, stilp, and blood hcmoM, with losa of hair, when
tllE. Ol. I j ?Ss&u all else faila. Pottsb Dhcq and Chsh. Cokp., Sole Props., Beaton.
WEAKNESSES of men result, usually,
from a lomf-continucd abmt. of
Nature's Laws. Excesses and indiscre
tions during the tender years of youth,
and dissipations in after life, produce cer
tain private symptoms, covered in a gen
eral way by the term Nervous Debility.
In other words, thz nerves, g'ands and
nrfar crn-rzUv htk .iffeefstL The
a c, -v --- --
treatment MUST, therefore, be one
which reaches th entire organism. The
above I submit as based upon my ex
perience of thirty years in thz trca!m:nt
of weaknesses of men.
The tzzt homz seif-triatrnent for weak
Six thousand gave willing testimony
during IS99. Established thirty years.
Write for free book explaining all, or
drop in at my office and consult me
without charge.
All my belts are stamped with Dr.
Sanden's name and date of patent Take
no ether.
Russei BIdg., Cor. Fourth and Morrison Sts
Office hours. 9 to 9; Sundays, 3 to 1.
No charce for painless extraction when teeth
are r-rdered. All wcrk done by graduate dentists
of 12 to 20 ycarrf experience; a specialist In
each department. T'e 'will tell you in advance
exactly what your work will cost by a free
examination. Give us a call, and you "will and
we do exact'7 as we advertise.
Set of Teeth ,
Goltl Pllllas
Gold Crown ,
Silver Filling:
. .50
New York Denta! Parlors
N. E. Cor. Fourth and Morrison Sts.
Saa FrancUco Office. 723 Market s, seccad
floor History building'.
Eours S to 8: Sundays. 10 to 4.
Biff Q non-poisanorj
rmetiy for Gonorrhoea,
Qlect. Spermatorrhea,
Whites, unnatural dis
charge, or any inflamma
tion of uiucoua jntnt
TrfEtYANSCrfsUICJlLOX brane. Kon-astrlngeat.
Zq24 by XTUEol
or tent in plain wrapper,
hr express, prepaid, for
?1.00. or 3 bottlM, J2.73.
Circular seat oa rnat.
V zoduerX I
ST ia 1 ta 5 daji. I
S) cot to ittbtsre.
JA-t4Pra7pai cautloa.
r CiHCimTi.o.r3
TI.3.A. y y
V u" fig
Treatment for Every Humor.
8oA?(3pc.),to cleanse tha skin of crusts and
cale and box tea the UUckened cuticle; inmccnA uixtment i.wcj.
lo instantly allay Itching-, inflammation, and irritation, and soothe and
heal; end GuTiccru Kksoltet (oOe.), to cool and cleanse the blood.
A fir la ntiin .fifflMAnt tn mkVii mo"t tnrHirln!. diRilPUrintr.
PORTLAND. March 3. S P. M. Maximum
temperature. 53; minimum temperature. 44;
river reading at 11 A. II.. T.O feet; change la
the last 24 hours. 0.3 foot; total precipitation.
8 P. M. toS P. M.. 0.40 inch; total precipltatlca
from Sept. 1. 1E00. 27.15 inches; normal precipi
tation from Sept. 1. 1509. 33.25 inches; deH
ciency. CIO inches; total sunshine March 2,
1.0O; possible eunshine March 2. 11:12.
Rain has been quite pcneral in the past 21
hours over Washington. Oregon and Idaho, and
quite a heavy fall of snow has occurred through
out Montana- Ea3t of the Cascades the tem
perature has fallen a few dczreej. and east of
the Rocky Mountains it hao fallen very decid
edly; 'for Instance, a. fall of 12 dcg. at Havre
to a, temperature ct 4 dcg.; 24 deg. at KalUpel
to a temperature of IS deg.; 32 deg. at Helena,
where the temperature 13 now 6 deg.. and 36
deg. at Rfemarck. where the temperature U
now zero. West of the Cascades the tempera
ture Is prevented! from falling hy the influence
of the low area which has caused the rain. Tho
temperature ranees from 44 to CO deg;
Forecasta made at Portland for the 2S hours
cadlnc at midnight Sunday. March 4:
Western Orencn and "Western Washington
Occasional rain; south to west winds.
Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington
Occasional rain: winds east to couth.
Northern and Southern Idaho Occasional
rain: southeast winds.
Portland and iclnlty Occasional rain, with
south to west winds.
G. X. SALISBURY. Section Director.
Unitarian Clmrcli.
At the Unitarian Church this mornlnc;.
the subject of the sermon will bo "Lent."
At 12:C0, there will be the first meeting of
tho confirmation class. At 7 o'clock tho
youn? ppop'e of the Unlvcrsallst Church
meet with the fraternity In the chapel; at
8 o'clock, the last lecture In the course
upon "Economies of Life" will be given;
subject. "The Perils of Possession."
On lmproed olty and farm propsrty. -
R. UV1NG5TONE. 221 Stark st.
rjr brick bulldlrg to be eracted: location suit
able for wholesale or retail liusintes. Apply to
Parrisii 3c Watt inn.
Telephone 220. 240 Washington St.
Mortgage Loans
On Improves city and farm property; at lowest
currant rates. Bu'Idir.jf loans. Installmms
loans. Macnwster A- Ulrrcll. 311 Worcester blk.
r-rocm house, full lot. Er-3t 10th t.. on car
line. Best buy on t'io East Side. F. BRESKE.
Sherlock building. S3' Third et.
Highest market price ppid for municipal and
school bonds. Lowrt rates on mortgage loans.
Will take charge of exintea za agent or trustea
on reasonable terms.
W. II. FEAR. 416 Chamber of Commerce.
J. D. Wilcox & Co.
2rt24i STARK ST. We buy and rell mines, tim
ber lands, forevt reserve scrip, real estate,
stocks, bonds and mortgages.
The undersigned 3 prepared to build resi
dences in Irvlngton. the most popular suburo
of Portland, and cell them at actual ccst. with
3 per cent mterfst. on the Installment plan,
whereby the purchaser hc to pay but a slight
advance above the usual amount of rental
charged for similar residences.
212-213 Chamber of Commerce.
J36.iB,aKa&& Cc
On Tuesday next, Aiarch 6th, at 141 Sev
enth St.. corner Alder St
We are Instructed by Mrs. Hansen, who io
leaving for Cape Ncme, to sell the furniture,
carpets, etc.. of her 10-room house, comprising:
Rockers; center tables: lace curtains; portiere;
banquet lamps; whatnots: bed lounge: gcod
Brumal? and insraln carpets; mattlnga; rugs;
extension table: dining chairs: crockery; glass
ware; hall tree; mantel beds; four bedroom
netr. complete, with rprlngo and mattresses:
feather pillows: comforters; epreads; iron bed
steads; odd dressera; air-tight and other heat
ore, three cook shoves; household treasures, and
other effect". Salo at 10 A. M.
GEO. BAKER & CO., Auctioneers.
On Thursday next, March 8th, at Central
Auction Rooms
Ccr. Alder and Park ot?., large assortment of
llrst-class furniture, etc.. including: Aboitt
200 yard of good Brussels carpets; quartered
oak combination bookcases; parlor furnishings;
dining-room it: three flm-clastt bedroom sets;
spring and mattrcr9; STEEL RANGE, -with
reservoir; cock stoves: household treasures, and
cither useful Iota. On view WEDXESDAT.
Sale Thursday at 10 A. M.
GEO. BAKER & CO., Auctioneers.
"We Iiavc Rootl Pianos io Rcat froin
(53.00 per month.
We have flni-top IouIle Beslc,
lartpe Ictter lreH and other Of
fice Furniture.
Apply GEO. BAKER & CO.,
Both phones. Auctioneer.