THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND", MARCH 4, 1900. What doctors Give Quick Relief "I have used both your Cherry Pectoral and Cherry Pectoral Plaster in cases of bron chitis, and I have found that they give quick relief. Indeed, I cannot praise both of them too highly." J. J. Patterson, M.D., Jan. 24, 1900. Marshall, Ala. Others Failed "I have found Ayer's Cherry Pectoral to be a most excellent remedy, especially in coughs of an irritative nature. I remember one case in particular where the cough had baffled all other remedies. I tried the Cherry Pectoral and it gave quick and permanent relief.', H. T. Drake, M.D., Jan. 27, 1900. Palzo, 111. Pneumonia " For all lung and throat troubles and for coughs of every kind I do not believe there is anything better than Ayer's Cherry Pec toral and Pectoral Plaster. I used them both recently in a case of pneumonia, and they gave me splendid satisfaction J. Morgan, M.D., Jan. 26, j 900. Harrisville, Ohio. A Ccngh Specific "I can honestly say that Ayers Cherry Pectoral is a specific for that troublesome cough which accompanies la grippe.' W. E. Lee, M.D., Jan. 25, 3900. Montcalm, La. Pneumonia "I have been prescribing your Cherry Pectoral for a long time, and with very satis factory results. I have just used it in a case of a child with pneumonia, and it acted very nicely, controlling the cough and quiet ing the inflammation. H. A. Well, M.A., M.D., Jan. 30, 1900. Wards ville, Mo. La Grippe CI have just tried your Cherry Pectoral in a case of la grippe, and with the most excellent results. It is a fine preparation and I am much pleased with it." J. F. Rikard, M.D., Jan. 26, 1900. Teckville, Miss. Asthma "I have had splendid experience with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in coughs and asth matic troubles." N. C Gunder, M.D., Jan. 23, 2900. Columbus, Ohio. Whooping-cough "From experience in my own family I cannot speak too highly of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I consider it a specific for nearly every case of whooping-cough.' H. E. Wilkins, M.D., Jan. 29, 2900. Sorento, 111. Consumption 'Lately I have had a fine opportunity of testing the great value of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. The case was a woman who was in bed, coughing and raising blood and suf fering also from night sweats. The Cherry Pectoral controlled her cough and she is now well and doing her own work." J. T. Hedrick, M.D., : Jan. 25, 1900. Alfordsville, Ind. Known it Many Years "I am now 72 years old, and it seems to me that I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as long as I can remember, certainly ever since I have been in the practise of medi cine. Frank A. Howig, M.D., Jan. 3 x, 2900. Big Rapids, Mich. Prescribed Daily "I believe I prescribe Ayer's Cherry Pec toral almost daily. For coughs and colds I find it a ready and convenient relief. It is one of my regular prescriptions. J. L. Gunn, M.D., Jan. 26, 2900. Ashland, N. C. of A Three sizes: 25c, 50c, $1.00. We should not think of repeating here what the doctors say, except by their full and free consent. Doctors are particular about these things. Every day, and every mail of every day, brings us renewed expressions of the confidence which the physicians of the country have in Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Yery Severe Cough "I have used your Cherry Pectoral In a number of cases and it has given entire satis faction. I can freely recommend it to any one suffering from a cough of any descrip tion." T. C. Hainline, M.D., Jan. 26, 1900. Seaton, HI. A Standard Article " Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a standard article on my shelf. Its composition, ele gance of manufacture, and clinical effects are all one could possibly ask. It is the foundation of my cough preparations. For general coughs and colds it is the finest preparation I have ever known.' C. D. Hatcher, M.D., Jan. 27, z 900. Admire, Kan. Known it for 30 Years " Having used your Cherry Pectoral in my practise for so many years, I take pleasure in saying that it has proved to be the best cough remedy I have been able to find in a successful practise of thirty years. R. C. Bayly, A.M., M.D., Jan. 27, 1900. Decatur, HI. Prescribed it for 35 Years "I have experienced substantial relief from a single bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have also been, using it in my practise in cases of la grippe, bronchitis, and pneumonia with satisfactory results. I think it is the best remedy of its kind in the market. I have prescribed it for thirty-five years, and always with marked success. C. A. Gorse, M.D., Jan. 25, 1900. Meadowbrook, N. Y. It Does Wonders "I can say only kind words of praise for Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It has done won ders in my hands." "E. R. Schoen, M.D., Jan. 24, 2900. Gordonville, Mo. Night Coughs "A few days ago I had a bad case of chronic bronchitis, and, having tried at dif ferent times several remedies without effect, I put her on your Cherry Pectoral, applying some of your Cherry Pectoral Plasters across her chest as well. In one week the parox ysms of difficult breathing, the night cough, and the abundant expectorations ceased. J.S. Nicholson, M.D., Jan. 23, 2900. rf Brookficld, 'O. Spasmodic Cough "I had been sick with pleuro-pneumonia about six weeks and was suffering with a spasmodic cough that did not yield to the ordinary remedies. I immediately began the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and it brought me complete relief in a very few days.' Isaac Brothers, M.D., Jan. 25, 2900. Youngstown, Ohio. Distressing Coughs "I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in distressing coughs, and with good results." C. E, Leatherman, M.D., Jan. 26, 2900. Louisville, Ky. Most Excellent "I consider Ayer's Cherry Pectoral the most excellent remedy for all kinds of lung troubles." O. P. B. Wright, M.D., Jan. 25, 2900. Clinton, Wis. The Best "I do not hesitate to say that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is one of the best cough medicines I have ever used." O. A. Rhodes, M.D., Jan. 30, 2900. Washingtonville, Ohio. Proved Good " Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has proved itself very good in a severe case of bron chitis that I have just been treating." Chas. M. Knicht, M.D., Jan. 32, 19 00. Chaplin, Conn. JB H tM m All that Is Claimed "To cure a cold that has in any way affected the lungs Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best preparation on the market. I like it and shall continue to recommend it." F. M. Rhodes, M.D., Jan. 25, 2900. Indianapolis, Ind. Croup, Pleurisy "I have found your Cherry Pectoral a very valuable remedy in coughs and bron chial troubles. It is especially useful among children with the croup and pneumonia." J. DeMotte, M.D., Jan. 25, 19 00. "Odon, Ind. Tickling Cough "In a recent case of acute bronchitis, with tickling cough, which I had, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral gave prompt relief after several other remedies had entirely failed. I have repeatedly recommended the use of this preparation for affections of the throat and lungs." M. B. Thompson, M.D., Jan. 25, 2900. Bay City, Mich. Cured Terrible Cough "I am very much pleased with Ayers Cherry Pectoral. Recently I tried it on a case suffering with a terrible cough and pain in the chest. In a short time the patient was cured completely. Sam. Sherburne, M.D., Jan. 23, 2900. Philadelphia, Pa. La Grippe Coughs "I have used your Cherry Pectoral, and the results have been very satisfactory. The last two cases were bronchial irritation fol lowing la grippe. The Cherry Pectoral promptly controlled the cough, and I was greatly pleased with its action." F. L. Vawter, M.D., Jan. 30, 1900. Gessic, Ind. Old Coughs "I have seen Ayer's Cherry Pectoral work like a charm in cases of old chronic coughs, curing after many others have been tried." Elmore Palmer, M.D., Jan. 31, 2900. Buffalo, N. Y. Immediate Relief "I have frequently prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. The last case was for an old man who had a most annoying cough. He told me it gave him almost immediate relief. The Pectoral Plasters I have used in cases of ovarian neuralgia and backache, and with the most flattering results. One of my patients said she never had such relief from any source. L. Louis Roe, M.D., Jan. 29, 2900. Kansas City, Mo. The Greatest Medicine "I believe Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the greatest medicine I ever used. It deserves more praise than you give it. Nothing can surpass it in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs." S. F. Walker, M.D., Jan. 29, 2900. Tcxarkana, Ark. Cough of Measles 'Your Cherry Pectoral and Pectoral Plasters are all right. I think they are first class for the tieatment of irritation of the lungs and bronchial tubes from whatever cause. They will also relieve that hectic condition produced by taking cold after an attack of pneumonia 5 and after measles, also, which even causes a relapse and fre quently leads to pneumonia if not taken in time. . J. Stevens, M.D., Jan. 30, 2900. Bangor, Me. Relieves Suffering " Ayers Cherry Pectoral is the best cough medicine I have ever used in a practise of over 33 years. I wish that each doctor through out the length and breadth of this land could realize how it relieved suffering in all lung troubles.' J. K. Hamilton, M.D., Jan. 24, 2900. Millwood, Ark. ers All druggists sell all three Most Excellent ' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a most excel lent cough medicine. Its pleasant taste makes it a very efficient remedy for children. I find the plaster to be all that is claimed for it, also." A. R. Boyd, M.D., Jan. 23, 2900. Billington, Tex. The Best Expectorant "I do not believe there is a better expec torant made than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.' Geo. H. Jones, M.D., Jan. 23, 2900. Crescent, S. C. Often Prescribes it "I have often prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It is a remedial agent possessing remarkable properties as a cough remedy. I also like the Cherry Pectoral Plaster very much." W. A. Proctor, M.D., Jan. 23, 2900. Homer, Ky. From Personal Experience "I have used your Cherry Pectoral upon myself and in my own practise, and I be lieve it to be the best of all remedies for coughs, colds, chronic bronchitis, etc. I have found it to be very prompt in relieving both acute and chronic coughs." J. C. Compton, M.D., Jan. 29, 2900. Ratliff, Miss. Stubborn Coughs "Ayr's Cherry Pectoral in stubborn coughs works like magic In those coughs following the grip I find it excellent. I have tested it in two marked cases and with the most satisfactory results. I have prescribed it in my practise, and I can say always with brilliant success."" W. J. Cunningham, M.D., Jan. 24, 2900. Commerce, Tcnn. A Fine Product "I used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in a case of chronic bronchitis and found that it helped the patient very much indeed. As some cough still remained, I recommended that the patient procure another bottle, as I knew of nothing better. I think the prod uct is a fine one in every way. J. Grady, M.D., Jan. 23, 2900. Albcrtson, N. C For All Coughs . ' 4I have used your Cherry Pectoral and I find that it does very well for all coughs and affections of the throat and lungs." G. R. Robertson, M.D., Jan. 29, 2900. Fair River, Mo. Plaster is Unexcelled "I do not know of any remedy that reaches so large a number of cases for coughs and colds as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. The Pectoral Plaster is unexcelled, also. I have always had good results from both." Chas. H. Parsell, M.D., Jan. 22, 2900. Falls City, Neb.. All that is Claimed "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is all that has been claimed for it. I consider it a most valuable expectorant." E. L. H. Barry, M.D., - Jersey Co. Infirmary, Jan.."3o, 1900. Jerseyville, 111. La Grippe "In the bronchitis of la "grippe Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and Pectoral Plaster have given me good results." R. W. Brady, M.D., Jan. 27, 2900- Honesdale, Pa. Lung Troubles "I am greatly pleased with the action of Ayers Cherry Pectoral in cases of cough and lung troubles in general.' W. M. Yockey, M.D., Jan. 26, 2900. Decatur, IH. 9 sizes. : Likes the Formula "I like the formula of Ayers Cherry Pec toral, and I have used this preparation to my satisfaction. The Cherry Pectoral Plaster works all right, also." A. W. Brash, M.D., Jan. 24, 2900. North Gennantown, N. Y. The Best Cough Mixture "I have used both your Cherry Pectoral and Pectoral Plaster, and I like the action of them both very much. I recommend the Cherry Pectoral as one of the best, if not the very best cough mixture on the market. A. L. Hughes, M.D., Jan. 24, 2900. Macon, 111. Severe Bronchitis "I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in severe cases of bronchitis, and it did its work perfectly.' E. C. Coles, M.D., Jan. 25, 2900. Hartford, Conn. Coughs and Colds "I am acquainted with the formula of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and consider it a good one. I never hesitate to recommend it for bronchitis, colds, and coughs." J. L. Gunn, M.D., Jan. 32, 2900. Ashland, N.C. Acts Promptly " Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a very fine preparation indeed. It acts promptly in re lieving the irritable cough and the feeling of rawness and pains in the chest. In chronic bronchitis I have found it of great value. It diminishes the cough, promotes rest, and relieves pain in the chest. In one case it seemed to reduce the temperature a great deal. I never noticed any injurious effects from it. From a study of your formula and from a clinical use of the preparation, I believe you have a most excellent cough remedy." Theodore Buehrinc, M.D., Jan. 26, 2900. Ottine, Texas. Satisfied "I can say that I have used Ayers Cherry Pectoral with a great deal of satisfaction. C. C. Cleaveland, M.D., Jan. 3:, 2900. Minneapolis, Minn. Cough from Pneumonia "My son, aged 28, had been very low with pneumonia. A cough with soreness of the lungs remained. For this I gave three fourths of a teaspoonful of Cherry Pectoral four times a day. Before one bottle was" used he was able to go to work. I alro like your Cherry Pectoral Plaster, and have used it for rheumatism of the muscles and chest. " M. Carlton, M.D., Jan. 23, 2900. Grovcspring, Mo. Spasmodic Cough "I have recently used Ayers Cherry Pectoral on a severe case of tonsillitis, and it gave immediate relief. It also quickly relieved a severe case of spasmodic cough. The Plaster I have also used, and found it first-rate in every way." J. L. Fleck, M.D., Jan. 25, 1900. St. Louis, Mo. Pleased with Plaster "Your Cherry Pectoral has given me ex cellent results. It would be difficult to find a better preparation. One of my patients is now wearing a Cherry Pectoral Plaster and is well pleased with its effects." K. C. Bunnell, M.D., Jan. 25, 2900. " Walnut, Ind. Most Excellent " Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a most excel lent expectorant, and I believe it is every thing you claim for it. I shall continue to prescribe it for all affections of the throat and lungs." D. F. Myers, M.D., Jan. 25, 2900. "Woolmarket, Miss. Chert mr "W Pk. 'fi& Prescribed Over 50 Years Ago ; 1847 ' "I have witnessed the effects of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my own family and in tha families of my friends. It has proven emi-1 nently satisfactory in cases of both adults and children. I find it a powerful remedy for colds and coughs and pulmonary dis eases. Parker Cleaveland, M.D., Professor Chemistry and Materia Medics,' Feb. 5, 2847. Bowdoln College, Brunswick, Me. J 1848 tJ, "I am constantly using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my practise. I prefer it to any other medicine for pulmonary complaints. I am convinced it will cure coughs, colds, and diseases of the lungs after other remedies -have failed." I. S. Cushman, M.D., , April 26, 284S. Saco, Me. 1849 "I have prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pec -toral in many cases and always with the happiest results. I am not aware that we possess another remedy to be compared with: it for efficiency in pulmonary affections. J. Emerton, M.D., "y Oct. 23, 1849, ' Providence, R. L 1850 "I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral notf for over two years. I have never found anything equal to it for acute diseases of tha throat and lungs. I have arrested consump tion with it and have cured whooping-cough, croup, and bronchial affections." W. A. Shaw, M.D., ! May 24, 2850. -, Halifax, C. H., Va. 1$51 "The medical profession of the whole South is indebted to you for the best rem edy for the treatment of affections of the throat and lungs. I have used Ayer's ; Cherry Pectoral extensively and cheerfully recommend it-" v J. Vinson, M.D., Oct. 27, 2852. Fort Gaines, Ga.- - A 1852 " " have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in" my practise with the most excellent results. My experience with it convinces me it is a successful antidote for that dreadful scourge of our country consumption." John F. Pringle, M.D., June 6, 1852. , Jefferson, Mo l853 "I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my practise since 2S53 and have always found it to be reliable for the cure of coughs, colds, and all lung diseases. S. Haynes, M.D., Jan. 29, 288s. v Sarinac, N. Y, l854 "I must say that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the surest and best rcmrdy for the various affections of the throat and lungs. I invari-' ably recommend my friends to keep it in the house." John D. Wayland, M.D., April 20, 2854. . Franklin, N. Cn 1855 "I was in the beginning stage of con sumption. I had night sweats and a terri- ble cough. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pec toral, and the first few doses gave relief. In a few weeks I was cured. I find that many of my brother physicians are using this same remedy.' Q. A. Braddock, M.D., May 25, 2855. Braddock's Mills, Pa.' 1856 " Ayer's Cherry Pectoral was taken with us on our journey. It was often used by the officers and seamen throughout the voy age, with the most satisfactory results. A. F. Sawyer, M.D., Surgeon of the U. S. Expedition to Japan. July 22, 2856. Washington, D. C j 1