The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 04, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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I Fir UAl III LUlUiL3o
In the Senate Ross Spoke Against
Seating Qnaj- and Teller Against
the Financial Bill.
WASHINGTON. March 3. The Senate
held a brief session, adjourning on ac
count of the death of Representative Epes.
of Virginia. During the session Ross of
Vermont spoke In opposition to the seat
ing of M. S. Quay "and Teller spoke in
criticism of the conference report upon
the currency bill. A number of private
pension bills were passed during the day.
In the House no business of Importance
was transacted, and on account of the
death of Representative Epes, on early
adjournment was taken.
Teller' Sjicecn Asralnst the Confer
ence Report on the Currency Bill.
WASHINGTON, March 3. "When the
Senate convened today, Pettigrew (Sll.
S. D.) introduced and the Senate passed
a" resolution Instructing the Secretary ol
"War to send to the Senate the court
martial proceedings of 1S64 against Lieutenant-Colonel
Corbln, now Adjutant-General
of the Army. The resolution also
calls for other information bearing upon
Corbln's military record.
The Quay resolution was then laid be
fore the Senate, and Ross (Rep. VL) ar
gued against the seating of Quay. He
announced that his conclusion had been
arrived at only after a careful
study of the constitution. He con
tended that under the Constitutional pro
vision a vacancy In the Senate could only
be filled when It occurred during the re
cesses of the legislature. The Quay case
did not, to his mind, meet this require
ment. At the close of Ross speech. Teller (S1L
Rep. Colo.) took the floor to discuss the
conference report on the financial bill.
He maintained that too much power was
given the Secretary of the Treasury, and
he was opposed to all the provisions of
the measure, which he discussed at
length. Teller said he did not believe It
was a good thing to extend the public
debt, but he did not think the gold stand
ard could be maintained without it. He
asserted that there had been no effort
made In the last 12 years to reduce the
public debt, nor would there be by the
Republican party. He asked why, with
all the money In the Treasury, it could
not be used to pay current expenses, In
stead of issuing bonds.
Allison (Rep. R. I.) replied that this
would prevent any evil effects from a
possible endless chain, and was to prevent
drain upon the Treasury.
Teller said the power conferred upon
the Secretary of the Treasury under the
proposed law was practically unlimited.
He thought that, except in extreme cases,
It was a mistake to give unlimited au
thority to the Secretary. He did not,
therefore, believe the Secretary should
have power to suspend the issuance of
certificates. There was, to his mind, no
reason for the provision for the exchange
of bonds.
Referring to the premium of 6 per cent
on the proposed bonds. Teller argued that
they would still go higher, because the
ho'.der could at any time get the full face
value of them In money, drawing 2 per
cent Interest, while holding the bonds,
meantime paying no taxes. He predicted
that under the operation of the proposed
law the banks could control the volume of
the currency. When they want to create
a fall In prices or to coerce Congress, they
will have nothing to do but go to the
Treasury with their notes, get the cur
rency and return them when they get
ready, thus forcing contraction or expan
sion at will, and thus, he supposed, giv
ing us the promised elastic currency. Un
der this provision the banks would prac
tically control the business of the country.
Referring tb the recent act of the Treas
ury In coming to the assistance of the
banks In an emergency, he said that the
money then deposited could not now be
taken out without creating disastrous ef
fects. He did not mean to criticise Secre
tary Gage for his action In that matter.
He did not believe him to be dishonest,
but under the power given, a dishonest
man In his position could have made un
to'd wealth out of the transaction. He
did not blame the banks, he said, but the
system which allowed the Government to
go to their relief when asking for relief.
"Why should the Government sustain a
bank any more than any other Institution?
Teller criticised the bimetallic declara
tion of the bill as silly and weak, because
It meant nothing. No man who had voted
for the bill as It passed had a right to
call himself a bimetallst. Senators who
had stood here for years, calling them
selves blmctallsts. had accepted the gold
standard bill at the dictation of a caucus,
and the probability was that they would
go to the full length demanded by the
At 3 o'clock the pension appropriation
bill was taken up, but on account of the
slim attendance of Senators, Its final con
sideration was postponed. The Senate
then went into executive session. After
the executive session the doors were re
opened and the 'Senate took up private
pension bills, of which 37 were passed.
Martin (Dem. Va.) announced the death
of Representative Epes. and the follow
ing Senators were appointed a committee
to attend the funeral on behalf of the
senate: Daniel, Martin, Perkins. Scott and
Harris. As a further mark of respect,
the Senate then, at 3:45 P. M., adjourned.
In the Hocse.
In the House today, the desk of Repre
sentative Epps. of Vlrg'n'a. who died last
night, was hung with crepe and covered
with a profusion of flowens.
It had been intended to proceed today
with the Aldrlch-Robblns contested elec
tion case, but unanimous consent was
given to vacate the order heretofore made
ard pcfttpone the final vote until next
Tuesday, at 2:30 P. M.. the debate con
tinuing Monday and Tuesday.
A bill was passed for the Government
ncquis'tion of certain reservation of giant
trees in California.
Hay (Dem. Va.) announced, with an ex
prewlon cf profound sorrow on the part
of himself and his associates, the death
of Epps. He offered a revolution of re
spect and evmpathy, which was unani
mously adopted. A committee of IS mem
bers was appointed by the Speaker to act
with Senate committee as the funeral es
cort, and at 12:48. as a further mark of
rcrpect to the deceased, the House ad
Counsel Given Tvro IWeJcit In "Wlilcli
to Prepare Them.
"WASHINGTON. March 3. The Senate
committee on elections today held a con
sulta'lon w!th the counoel on both Fides of
the Clark Investigation, and decided to
ghe them two weeks for the preparation
o' the argument to be made in the case.
Arguments will begin the 20th Inst. Coun
sel were requested to prepare printed
briefs, and also to present oral argument,
the latter to occupy six hours for each
side. The memorialists ere to have the
opening and closing. Ex-Senator Edmunds
nnd Mr. B'rney will make the arguments
for the memorialists, and ex-Senator
Faulknrr and Roper Fester will speak for
Mr. Clark
Mr. Faulkner stated that he was hav
ing a comparative statement prepared
showinp the evidence on all given points
in parallel columns, contrasting the testi
mony for the procutlon and defense, lie
?a!d that It would take a week to com
plete the work.
WASHINGTON. March 3. Rev. "William
R. Campbell, of Utah, was examined to-
dn-y by the Houeo subcommittee invest!
Uatlr - S the charges that certain Fedora
I appointees are polygamlste. He said It wa
ppolntees are polygamlste. He said It was
a matter of common repute that John
C. Graham, the postmaster at Provo.
Utah, maintained polygamous relations
and had children by his plural wives.
Similar testimony was given as to Orson
Smith, lately postmaster at Logan. Utah.
The cross-examination was directed main
ly to showinsr that the witness had no uer-
sonal knowledge of the facts, and fqioke
only from general hearsay. He presented
two copies of letters signed by Private Sec
retary Porter acknowledging the receipt
of letters from Rev. Mr. Clemenson. of Lo
gan. Utah, protesting to the President
against the appointment of Smith. Mr.
Porter's acknowledgement stated that the
letters had been referred to the Postmaster-General.
Opposed to Pncrto Rlcan Bill.
INDIANAPOLIS, March 3. In response
to a question as to whether he had, as
reported in a conversation with friends,
expressed an opinion adverse to the
Puerto Rican bill. General Harrison said
"Yes; I regard the bill as a most seri
ous departure from right principles."
Nominations Confirmed.
WASHINGTON, March 3. The Senate
confirmed the following nominations to
day: C. E. McChesney, of Sioux Falls, to be
agent for the Indians of the Rosebud
agency, S. D.; Colonel W. S. Metcalf.
Twentieth Kansas Volunteer Infantry, to
be Brigadier-General by brevet.
Badger and Resolute Go From Xavy
to "War Department.
WASHINGTON, March 3. Arrange
ments were made today for the transfer of
the auxiliary cruisers Badger and Resolute
from the Navy to the War Department.
These vessels were purchased during tho
Spanish War, and are no longer needed
by the Navy. The Badger Ib now at San
Francisco, and will be fitted out by the
Quarter-master's Department for a cruise
to Alaska, after which she will be sent
to the Philippines for the interlsland
rtansport service. The Resolute Is under
going repairs at Philadelphia. She will
be placed temporarily on the service be
tween New York and the West Indies.
When she can be spared, it Is Intended to
send her also to the Philippines.
Anonymous Letter - "Writer Says
Whisky Did It.
WASHINGTON. March 3. Sensational
charges are contained in an anonymous
letter which has been received at the
Navy Department from Manila. The com
munication relates to the wrecking of the
Charleston, and makes the serious state
ment that a number of officers of the ves
sel at the time of the disaster were under
the influence of liquor. The correspond
ent who furnishes the information claims
to have verified the allegations by dili
gent inquiry among the officers of the
The letter was not placed on the official
files on account of the peculiar nature of
tho charges, but it has been referred to
the Judge-Advocate-Oneral of .the Navy
with instructions from Secretary Long
that the matter be investigated at once.
This inquiry will probably not take a more
formidable aspect than a note of Inquiry
addressed to the Commander-in-Chief of
the Asiatic station. Naval officers here
who have seen the letter say there was
nothing to Justify the charges, and they
believe the Department's Inquiry will re
lieve the accused officers from the unwar
ranted allegations. Captain Pigman, who
commanded the Charleston at the time of
the wreck, is not involved in any of the
4 a
Bis Deal That Will Prevent Rate
Wars nnd Losses.
CHICAGO. March 3. The Chronicle
Another field of transportation is to be
covered by tho syndicate that with'n the
past few months, have assumed control
of the railroads cast of Chicago and St.
Louis. Those behind the consolidations
have turned their attention to the water
lines, and are working on a plan to com
bine the large boat companies on the
Great Lakes with the Intention of placing
these In tho b!g pool with the railroads.
All the big lines are to be brought Into
the fold, and a common set of rates agreed
upon that will not conflict or cause trouble
to the all-ralMlnes from hero to the East.
It Is said that Morgan. Rockefeller, Har
rlman and Hill are the prime movers In
tho Lake deal.
Aliroatlon of Pro Ratinpr.
NEW YORK, March 3. The Times says:
Although at a conference of representa
tives of trunk lines on Thursday, it was
agreed that the trunk lines' notice of the
abrogation of pro rating on points west
of Chicago and the MIss.sslppl should go
into effect March 1. It was learned yester
day that somo of the lines are still accept
ing and sending freight to those points on
the old plan. These lines are the Chesa
peake & Ohio, the Norfolk & "Western and
the Asheville line.
The excuse given by them Is that they,
being differential l'nes, have not yet re
ceived notice from their trunk lino connec
tion that such an agreement has been
made. They also say that as soon as suoh
notice has been received they will f llow
the action of the other lines.
Southern rnelfic'H Annual Meeting.
Chronicle eays:
"The annual meeting of the Southern
Pacific Company will be held in San Fran
cisco this year as usual and not in
New York. President C. P. Hunt
ington will come out from the East
to attend the annual gathering and sev
eral other New York Directors are ex
pected to be present. Only three of the
11 Directors of the Southern Pacific are
now residents of California. They are H.
E. Huntington, Julius Kruttschnltt and J.
C. Stubbs."
a i
Mcxlcnnn and Mnya.
CHICAGO. March 3. A special to tho
Record from Oaxaca, Mexico, says:
General Bravo's government troops have
made an aggressive advance against the
Maya Indians in the State of Yucatan
during the last few days. His army is
now within a few miles of Santa Cruz,
the main stronghold of the rebels. The
attack on this stronghold will be made
early next week. The Mayas were strong
ly intrenched at Aguada, their forces at
that place numbering C000 armed men. Six
hundred Mexican troops, commanded by
General Bravo in person, attacked them
and drove them from the trenches. Thirty-two
Indians were killed.
niffnmlut FarnNworth Sentenced.
CHICAGO, March 3. "I don't claim to
be an ancel, your honor; but I believe
I have been more sinned against than
sinning," said Bigamist "Walter L. Farns
worth, as he stood before Judge Baker for
sentence. Farnsworth was sentenced to
the penitentiary- Originally he was said
to have 40 wives in various parts of the
country. He was indicted on four charges,
and acknowledged he had been married
four times. Farnsworth was known as
Bradford, and by other names. His real
name is said to be Orton.
Ununxial Fall of Snow.
ROCHESTER, N. Y., March 3. Forty
three and one-half Inches of snow in 63
hours Is the new record established here.
The railroads are recovering from the big
gest fight against the elements they have
had In many years
Declared Such Permits Conld Be
Pnrchnsed of the Deputies Poli
tics Introdnccd in the Case.
WASHINGTON. March 3. Edward
Flannigan. of Mullan, Idaho, continued
his testimony today before the House
committee on military affairs concerning
the Coeur d'AJene riots. He said notices
were posted early last July forbidding
members of organized labor from going
to the Miners' Cemetery July-11 for 'their
usual ceremony over the deceased miners.
This order, the witness said, gave notice
that women and other relatives of min
ers "would be arrested if they assembled.
Chairman Hull brought out the state
ment that Auditor Sinclair Bartlett signed
the notice for Governor Stcunenberg, who,
the witness said, represented the Demo
cratic and Silver parties. Notwithstanding-
the order, a number of women secret
ly carried flowers to the miners' graves,
but as there was no organized demonstra
tion, they were not arrested.
Flannigan explained the "permit" sys
tem put Into effect after the military ar
rived. Under this system, he said, men
could not work unless they got a permit
from the state officials. The witness said
that permits to work were purchasable.
Ho advanced ?2 50 to a friend, who paid it
to a deputy and was put to work next
day. Letters to men In the "bullpen," he
said, were opened by the officials before
delivery to the prisoners.
Thomas Honey, formerly a miner, and
now owner of mining and other property,
testified as to his experience during the
trouble. He had been appointed a Deputy
Sheriff, and, seeking to preserve peace,
ordered tho saloons closed. The witness
said he was arrested by one of tho state
Deputies, accompanied by a squad of sol
diers, and put In -the "bullpen." He said
he could have given ball up to JIM.OOO, but
was not allowed to do so. He detailed
numerous Instances of alleged prejudice
In tho proceedings before the Coroner,
saying witnesses who testified against the
accused miners were released, while those
favorable to them were held.
Mr. Honey continued hls narrative at
the afternoon session. He said one of the
men, after being In a dark guardhouse for
a week, came out unable to use his eyes,
and. In the witness opinion, his eyesight
was permanently injured. The men In
the "pen," he said, were physically
broken down after their long confinement.
He lost 20 pounds during his 6tay.
There was a sharp controversy between
Representative Lentz and other members
of the committee as to whether the wit
nesses should be interrogated on the politi
cal connections of various persons referred
to In the testimony. The committee final
ly decided by a vote of 5 to 2 to permit
inquiries on this line.
Moses Simmons, County Commissioner
at Murray, 32 miles from Wardner, testi
fied that the mlno authorities appealed
to him April 26, stating that the Bunker
Hill mine was in the hands of a mob.
On Inquiry, he did not consider it neces
sary to take any unusual steps. Later ho
was removed from office and arrested.
Simmons will continue his testimony Mon
day. J. F. Mulholland, president of the Inter
national Union of Bicycle-Workers, was
among those present at the hearing today.
Controller Coler, of Xcw York, At
tacks the Corporation Counncl.
NEW YORK. March 3. Controller Coler
today attacked the office of the corpora
tion counsel In a way that is likely to
create a storm. He charged wholesale rob
bery and did not hesitate to say that
bribers' Is rampant among the city office
holders who, he avers, seem to have made
the trade of theft respectable, and there
by avoid the fate of the late William M.
"Robbery of the City of New York is
now perfectly legalized," he began. "I
prepared and sent to Albany a bill that
would save the city from wholesale theft,
a "bill providing that the persons selling
supplies to the city departments shall not
charge more than market prices. The
officers of the city whose duty It Is to
defend such, went to Albany to push a
bill providing that those selling g&ods to
the city would now have to prove that
they were overcharging for them.
""My bill would stop legalized robbery.
When I have held up bills and claims
because the ptlces charged were above the
market price, the corporation counsel con
fecsed Judgment on the ground that the
city had no defense, as fraud had not
been proved. When my bill to etop legal
ized robbery was Introduced, the corpora
tion counsel hurried to Albany to defeat
it. The city has "been robbed outrageously
in the purchase of supplies. There Is a
concerted movement on the part of certain
departments to prevent the finance de
partment from protecting the C!tjT Treas
ury. In some cases large reductions were
made on bills because they were fraudu
lent and the prices charged were more
than double the market value, yet If these
cases had been taken to court, the counsel
would not defend because fraud had not
been shown. I must prove fraud or there
is no defense.
"To piovo fraud and bribery is a diffi
cult matter. In one case safes were pur
chased by the city for $500. The Mayor
of Mount Vernon advertised for bids for
the same kind of safes and got them for
$001. My bill would stop all this robbery
and bribery and theft, "but the corporation
counsel In his official capacity goes to Al
bany and uses his Influence to defeat the
bill. The people can judge for them
selves "
Ilelrn to nn Island.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 3. A special
to the Chronicle from Bakcrsfield, Cal..
cays that by a recent decis'on of a Mich
igan court, Mrs. W. F. Coulter, of this
place, and her nieces, Mrs. Harry Chaney
and Mrs. Charles Rahm, are joint heirs,
with 10 others, to 520,000 worth of property
in that state Harson's Island, about 40
miles from Detroit. The decision was
gained by Don M. Dickinson in a suit of
ejectment brought against him by the
state, but It affects Harson's Island as
well as his lands.
In 1760 Mr. Coulter's great grandfather.
James Thompson, purchased the Island
from the Chippewa Indians. Possession
rested in the family until 1S50. when, by
act of Congress, the swamp lands with'n 1
Its borders were conveyed to the state.
The state claimed that Harson's Island
was Included in the grant and took step?
to have the courts so declare, but after a
long battle the heirs are awarded owner
ship, the original deed having been dis
covered. Enltntcd Men Xot Concerned.
WASHINGTON. March 3. By direction
of tho Secretary of War the following is
published to the Army for the Informa
tion and guidance of all concerned:
"The frequent efforts which are "being
made to procure personal favors and con
sideration In behalf of post noncommis
sioned officers of tho Army in the matter
of assignment to stations, etc., have sug
gested to the Secretary of War that an
Impression may exist that paragraph five
of the regulations, which specifically pro
hibits the procurement of personal favors,
except through the regular military chan
nels, does not relate to enlisted men, and
he therefore directs that the attention
of all concerned be called to the provis
ion of the said paragraph and that in the
Ifnture a strict observance thereof be enforced,"
Treatment of Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder,
Blood and Liver by the Wonderful
New Discovery, Swamp-Root. .
Tens of Thousands of Men and Women Owe Their Health, in Fact
Their Lives, to the Wonderful Curative Properties
of This Great Kidney Remedy.
You Cannot Obtain Lift Jnsurance
Tho most Important organs In tho hu
man body aro tho kidneys.
They remove all tho waste and poison
from the system. They are the natural
filters of the body, and just, as sure as
water is purer and clearer after it has
passed through a filter, so is the human
system, purer, so is the blood richer and
more Tosy when the kidneys are properly
performing their functions. You may feel
as though you have no kidney or bladder
trouble. It Is best to be on the safe side.
Find out whether your father or mother
had kidney trouble, and. If so, be on your
guard, for no disease follows from gener
ation to generation like kidney disease.
When your kidneys are not doing then
work, some of the symptoms which prove
it to you are pain or dull ache in the
back, plenty of ambition, but no strength,
sediment in tho urine after standing 24
hours, scanty supply with scalding irri
tation in passing It, may be obliged to go
often during the day and to get up many
times during the night. Catarrh of the
bladder, gravel, excess of uric acid, you
may feel as though you have heart
trouble. Rheumatism, bloating dark cir
cles under the eyes, weak stomach, poor
digestion are unmistakable evidence that
your kidneys need Immediate attention.
Roslnnntc Wan Second nnd Fornicro
Third Result at Xevr
SAN FRANCISCO, March 3. On a havy
track, fh a drizzling rain. Dr. H. E. Row
ell's bay gelding Imperious, by Morello,
I dam Helen Scratch, won the fifth Burns
nanuicup, ine ciuseic :vfin ol wie iamui
nla turf, at Oakland, today. This Is the
second time Rowell has captured the rich
stake, having won with Satsuma in 1S33
and fin'shed second with the same horse
last year.
Contrary to past precedents, the winner
today was well backed at short odds in
fact, the stable may be eald to have been
favorite; though the price on Acrobat wa3
shorter at pest time. The plunge on
Acrobat was enormous, and from the open
ing odds of 5 to 1, the money of the best
informed .talent was paid Into the 20 Books
in a golden stream. The strong play was
due to the fact that Acrobat was pur
chased by J. F. Schorr this morning, nnd
F. W. Brode wao scratched out of the race
In order to give T. Burns the mount on
Acrobat. Rowell's -stable. Imperious and
Malay, were well played by the smaller
betters. The opening odds of 4 to 1 fluctu
ated slightly and closed at the same fig
ures. The othero were backed at odds
ranging all the way from 5 to 1 to 50 to 1.
There was a delay of 25 minutes at the
post, and this, with several falne starts,
killed whatever chance the welpht-packcrs
had under more favorable conditions. To
a fair start Pat Mcrrlssey went to the
front with a rush, and at the half had
??.en "P , SRL"-1"?'?1
j-ri. kjucjjutu nuu iiuucuuua ai Aits suu-
dle and the others well bunched. At the
mile post. Morrissey was leading by four
lengths. Imperious second, half a length
from Arbaccs. who had come uo from the
ruck: Acrobat fourth, Malay fifth. Formero
sixth and tho others strung out, with
Sheppard and Forte bringing tip the rear.
Into the stretch Pat Morrlrsey swung still
a length and a half In front, but he was
tiring fast. jnd soon gave way to Arbaces.
with Imperious at his heels. Dcvln, on
Imperious, rated hl3 horse splendidly, and
when the time came to urge his mount,
he responded gamely and came like a .shot
from the bunch, drawing away from the
front rank as If they were anchored, nnd
winning by two lengths. The results were:
One mile, selling New Moon won, Alicia
second. Judge Wofford third: tlm 1:47.
Mile and an eighth, relling Rio Chlco
won. Stromo second, Dsgtown third; time,
Seven furlongs, selling Lady Britannic
won, Orion second. Captive third; time,
Mile and quarter. Burns hanrt'eap. 3-3ear-old3
and upwards, value $10.0") Im
perious, 95. Devln. 4 to 1. coupled with
Malay, won Rosinante 103. VIttate. 12 to
1. second: Formero. 102. Henry. 15 to 1.
th'rd: time. 2:10. Topmast. Constellator,
Arbacrs, Pat Morrissey. Acrobat. Mnlav.
Rosormond Dr. Sheppard, Fortojand Dr.
Ncrabula a!pn ran.
One mile Mav "W. won. Erwin second,
Prlnccf" Zeika third tim. 1:45. I
One mile, selling Montallade won, Mor- I
incl second, Uarda third; time. 1:44. j
Ilnoe rvt Xcvr Orlcnnx.
NEW ORLEANS. May 3. The track
wps fast and the results were:
Six furlongs Fleuron won
Day second. Jamaica third- time,
Steeplechase, handicap Chcesemltc won,
i ' rz:- i
II j " NJ :j !i , EXAMINER iL TW
v kJS 4Si mc& fcTjff -
ftL-T'HlJiiiLil- COMPANY Jk I 'I I, I
n - Jv p 7
When Your Kidneys Are Out of Order.
Swamp-Root is the wonderful discovery
of Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and
bladder specialist, and It will be found In
the dispensary of every well-regulated
hospital; it is taken and recommended by
the foremost physicians in the land. Thou
sands of men and women occupying use
ful positions today owe their very lives to
the use of Swamp-Root, the great kidney
In order that all our readers may know
Swamp-Root for what it 13, and partici
pate in its great benoflts, every Oregonian
reader who will send their name and ad
dress to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghampton,
N. Y., will be sent a sample bottle of
Swamp-Root absolutely free by mall.
Also a pamphlet of valuable Information
pertaining to kidney and bladder diseases
nnd containing some of the thousands of
testimonial letters received from grateful
sufferers cured. Swamp-Root being so
successful, our readers are advised to
write for a free sample bottle and to be
sure and state that they read this gen
erous offer in The Portland Sunday Ore
gonian when sending their address to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghampton, N. Y.
If you aro already convinced that
Swamp-Root is what you need, you can
purchase the regular 50-cent and $1 bot
tles at drug stores everywhere.
Princero Murphy second, Phil Becker
third: time. 3:22.
Half a mile Choice won, Frances Rels
second. Anxious third; time. 0:494.
Mile and a quarter, the Oakland handi
capSidney Lucas won, Wolhurst second,
Al Fresco third; time. 2:094.
Mile and three-elghth3, selling Pat Gar
ret won, Admetus second. Goose Liver
third; time. 2:03.
One mile, selling L. T. Caton won, Ban
rica second, Nellie Prince third; time, 1:43.
Indoor Championship Meet.
MILWAUKEE. March 3. Between 40O3
and 5000 persons witnessed the annual in
door championship events of the Central
Association, A. A. TJ.. at the Exposition
building tonight. University of Chicago
carried off the banner, winning 23 points;
First Regiment, A. A. U.. Chicago, second,
with IS points; Milwaukee Athletic Club
third, with 17 pomts. and University of
Wisconsin third, making 13 points. One
and on-half seconds were clipped off the
world's record in tho SSO-yard run by W.
A. Moloney, of the University of Chi
cago, whose time was 2:03 1-5.
Xeiv Swlmmlnp: Record.
BOSTON, March 3. E. C. Schaeffer, of
tho University of Pennsylvania, created
a new record for 200 yards swimming to
night, reducing the time from 2:37 2-5 to
2:20 3-5. This was In th-e match for the
Amateur Athletic Union championship of
the United States.
Bnnebnll in San FrnnclMco.
j SAN FRANCISCO. March 3. Henry
""" ujujiuijvi ui me Bin .rrancisco
baseball team, has made a liberal offer to
Bill Lange to captain and control the nine.
Lange has stated that he will not return
to Chicago this season.
Footlmll In England.
LONDON. March 3. In a football game
between Oxford and Cambridge today, the
J "ot score a goal. There was a moderate
Chnnpre.n in Canal Pinna.
NEW YORK, March 3. A special dis-
' patoh to the Herald from Washington
Some modifications in the plan9 for
tho Nicaragua Canal recommended by the
first Walker Commission will have to be
made. This Is made clear by reports for
warded to the office of the present Walker
Commission from one of the surveying
parties now in the field. It has been
found that' it will be Impracticable to
build the proposed dam across the San
Juan River just above the mouth of the
San Carlos, known as the Boca San Car
las dam. It Is believed, howeverd. that a
practicable site for the proposed dam. can
'be found at no great distance from the
j sito formerly selected, and surveys are
now in progress for the purpose of find
ing a better location.
Strnngre Grounds for Divorce.
CHICAGO, March 3. Belief in the effi
cacy of prayer as a sure cure for disease
was the cause of the divorce granted to
George E. White. ex-Congressman and a
wealthy lumber dealer, from his wife. Min
nie A. White. The bill was filed in the
Circuit Court Wednesday of last week. It
was suppressed from publicity, the hear
! aTr-lnlTratmcnt.FreoofCliarto,ofthenio6tre2:arkableiemedyevcrdIscovered. Con-Jf.-
Mae ffiEafetaSJlo heretofore unknown. Refraeton-Cakdtednaden-e.
i:lo. li rTrmrfpnr Invited from alL especially -Physicians. ST. JAMES SOCIETY, 11S1
tial correspondence invited Horn all, especially
Doctor Cop eland Again Urges the Truth of His Theory, the Only
Sound Theory in Lung Disease, the Theory Proved a Thou
sand Times, and Again a Thousand in His Practice, That
the Only- Proper Course, the Only Rational Course,
the Only Scientific Course in the Treatment
of Consumption Is to Cure the
Catarrhal Stages.
So much interest has been aroused by
the series of articles by Dr. Copeland on
tho relation of 'catarrh to consumption
that he has, in the following talk, ex
plained what his experience has taught
him In all the years of his practice con
cerning catarrh and consumption. Dr.
Copeland ssys:
"The great trouble that I find Is -to ex
plain to the people si they will under
stand the Importance of taking care of
their breathing apparatus, which Is un
doubtedly the most Important part of the
body. While man may live quite a time
without food and without water, he dies
In a very few minutes when robbed of air, I
and if ho does not get air In sufficient f
quantity and of proper quality, he will
suffer and linger along until he develcps
an incurable disease, f-om which he will '
die. It is very hard to show the people I
how simple, common catarrh, which is so i
prevalent. Is a forerunner of such serious
consequences as bronchitis and consump
"I would like to appeal directly to every
thinking person In the world with a posi
tive fact, namely, that each one I ad
dress I want to consider that he is run
ning a gauntlet that is an extremely risky
one when he allows himself to remain un
cured from any form of bronchial or
catarrhal lung disease, for no matter who
you may be, you stand one chance out o
seven of dying of consumption, in otner sumption Is to prevent it. I know that
words, every seventh person in the United these people who are careful of their
States gets consumption and dies from it. J breathing apparatus, who have their ca
A great many more people than one out of i tarrh cured, rarely. If ever, develop con-
seven get consumption, DUt oome or mem, sumption, so I wish it thoroughly under
by change of climate and by proper doc- Et0?d that I do not claim to cure consump-
toring, get cured. I should think that
Chronic Catarrh in all its
forms, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Incipient Consumption, dis
eases of the stomach, the
kidneys, the nervous system
and blood treated at the
Copeland institute at
Medicines included, until
cured. Don't pay more.
fully one person out of every five develops
consumption, while statistics prove beyond
question that one out of seven dies from it.
"In a climate like ours, people are sub
ject to diseases of the breathing apparatus,
and the greatest number of those so affect
ed begin with catarrh of the nose and
throat, which, after a time, extends into
other parts.
"There are some persons, and Indeed a
number of them, who have an immunity
from consumption, but It will be found on
close investigation that such persons do
not contract colds easily and do not devel
op catarrh from the colds. Every person
who has catarrh is carrying around with
him a disease that is liable at any time to
allow the development of consumption.
"In some peicons the strength and vital
ity of youth allows them to prevent the
advancement of catarrh 'Into the lungs,
and while they may be annoyed with nasal
or throat catarrh during the early part of
their life, they suffer no serious consti
tutional disease as the result of it. But
even such persons, when they grow old.
find they are beginning to cough, and the
cough lo always 'cry bad during the win
ter, and gradually gets worse as they grow
older and weaker, until at last it carries
them away.
"It used to be thought that only young
people and people of middle age developed
consumption, but it has been found of late
years that there are Just as many old peo
ple who suffer from consumption as there
are young people, and that old people suf
fer from that form of consumption almost
exclusively that results from catarrh.
Two-thirds of the people who live past the
ing beld before Judge TuthUl. a friend of
the family, Thursday, and a decree grant
ed 22 hours after the case had been placed
on record.
There are a dozen different causes of
headache, tret only one natural cure for
thi annoying and depressing condition
Abbey's Eflerrcscent Salt. The follow
ing should prove it to you. A test will
convince you. Try it.
Dr. F. 1 Wing, flew vorr. states: "i
find Abbey's Salt affords a very refresh
ing drink, and taken at directed, an effi
cient laxative. I also find it beneficial in
cases of headache."
Dr. A. M'C. Scully. New York, states :
"I am nrescribintr Abbey's Salt in casrs
I oi general maiaise vriw criccni. success
'j All Uruj
All Druggists. 5C, 5oc,siperDotuc
Easy Homo Gate.
We will send anyone
addicted to Opium,
Morohine. Xandan-
sm, orother drug habit
GOth year In thte climate die from, consump
tion that started with catarrh during the
early part of their lives.
"It Is like this: Youth can resist much;
good constitutions can resist much, but
in the latter end of man's existence his
fires burn lower, his youth is gone, hl3
vitality is gradually sapped and disease is
allowed to extend into his vital parts.
"As I have said before, catarrh In the
form of catarrhal consumption Is not tho
only form of consumption, but the history
of nearly every case of consumption .'a
l the history of catarrh that has extended
from the nose to the throat, from, the
throat to the bronchial tubes, and thence
to the lungs. Those people, even after
they have developed consumption, and find
that they still take cold easily and have
exaggerated catarrhal symptoms, often
try to persuade themselves that they are
only suffering from catarrh, and that their
lungs are not affected.
"I have spent as much time as any doc
tor that I know of in investigating all tho
eo-called cures of consumption. I find,
after 20 years of Investigation, that thero
Is no reliable cure for consumption, nor
do I believe there ever will be such a
cure found.
"The proper course In dealing with con
tion, but I am on record as saying that
it Is my aim. and has been for years past,
to rid people of the disease that so often
prepares the way for consumption, namely,
catarrh, and that in doing this I am satis
fied that In the majority of cases, at least,
I am able to prevent consumption."
To lio of anfferera eTerjnrlicre
Doctor Copeland nddreascs to one nnd
all the folloi-rlns list of questions tu
enable those who live at a dlstnnco
to nndcrstand the nature of their
"Is your nose stopped up?"
"Do you sleep with mouth wido
"Is there pain in front of head?"
"Is your throat dry or sore?"
"Have you a bad taste in the
"Do you cough?"
"Do you cough worse at night?"
"13 your tongue coated?"
"Is your appetite falling?"
"Is there pain after eating?"
"Are you light-headed?"
"When you get up suddenly are
you dizzy?"
"Do you have hot flashes?"
"Do you have liver marks?"
"Do your kidneys trouble you?"
"Do you have pain In back or
under shoulder-blades?"
"Do you wake up tired and out of
"Are you losing flesh?"
"Is your strength falling?"
The Copeland Medical Institute
M. D.
OFFICE nOUIlS From O A. M. to 13
M.j from 1 to 5 P. 31.
EVENINGS Tneadnyi nnd Friday.
SUNDAY! r'ront lO A. 31. to 12 M.
Si H5i 1
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y tween St. Paul and Chicago, Tia Q
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It's a wondrouilr beautiful Hj
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