THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MARCH 4, 1900. IS AL1V Filipinos Have Mot Yctf. Been 9 SulxJueo'. PL'ANNING FOR THE RAINY SEASON "UTAMMiwr. mi 3Inj'" Carry on Guerrilla "Warfare on a Liirjce Scale Treaclicrons Xatlve 'Officials. MANILA, March 3. 9:53 P. M. Reporfs roach .the Associated Press from various sources, including army officers and the heads .of commercial houses with agents throughout the Islands, of continued activ ity among the insurgents, who are en deavoring to keep alive the armed oppo sition to the United States,-and are plan ning to continue the insurrection with guerrilla warfare, on. a- larger .scale whenj the rainy season'Vcgfns A person hold ing a position second onlV'tethat of the J uovernor-uenerni tens tne Associates Press he is convinced that the insurgent organization ha3 been remarkably reha bilitated during the past month, partic ularly In the northern provinces. He says the insurgents have a secret organization, even In the strongest garrisoned towns, affording perfect means of communica tion and that the machinery is ,managedv from Manila. Some of the leaders are Filipinos pretending to be supporters of the American AdmlnIsirationr.and many of the municipal governments Installed by the army form part of the machinery. Two correspondents of leading American weokllas who have traveled for a month in Banquet and Ilocos with letters for insurgent chiefs, going alone 50 miles from garrisons and being everywhere hospitably received, say, the people make no secret of their sympathy with the In- aurgonts. Though admitting that the Filipino .soldiers abuse. t-nem they still, protect these soldiers from the American scouting parties. They claim to have communication with Agulnaldo. Paterno, in the northern, mountains of Manila. Is full of civil and military offi cials 'of all ranks of Agulnaldo's gov ernment, who were captured or surren dered and who were brought here and released on promises to refrain from agi tation. While many of the insurgent municipal officers were continued in office on taking" the ba'th of allegiance, Fesffients who are acquainted with them have little faith in their promises, ., Alt. "th? .citizens of Tar lac, capital of the province 'of that name, navfe been arrested and'eharged. with plot ting ,ahd two insurgents have been1 cap tured at MalabOn with incriminating pa pers and $4000 collected fr&m the natives. Some of the municipal governments ap pear loyal ana efficient. On tne other hand, one American General declares he boJioves' the majority In his province are agents of the Insurrection. A fresh iseue'of Insurgent pamphlets Is being circulated, asserting that the Amer ican promises of good government are merely a mask' for commercial exploita tion of the "Philippines, quoting Senator Beveridgo's speech and an editorial from a "Washington, .newspaper, headed, "LaX. Us Be Honest." " ", The trial of the guerrillas chargeu with murder Is finished, and it is believed the commission's verdict will be guilty. In dictments against others have been pre pared. . No report has been rocelved fom Gen. eral Bates expedition. He has probably moved inland, where communication with 2iim Is Impracticable. " The Army throughout the Island of Lu zon Is , working hard, scouring the coun trj' for insurgents and killing a few dally. The section from Manila to Dagupan has been thoroughly cleared, the sqouting parties being unable to find .any Insur gonts. General Funston and Colonel Kee nan took 200 men through the mountains to Baler, on the eastern coast, without meeting any insurgents. But they are active along the northern coast from Dagupan to Aparrl. Occasional reports come of an American soldier being- killed or disappearing. In tho southern prov inces the insurgents, cojUlqup to .Jiarass the .American garrisons. by night demon strations. , , ,,. PJttLIFI'lXD GOWIEltCE. Trade 6t IjilnadHrfifli" flic United States- I :"ot .Laijfre-. WASHINGTON, Mareh 3. The War De partment hat published some statistics of Philippine commerce for 'tho quarter of last year ending September CO, which throws new light-on the.export trade, so far .as-t, relates to .the- United- States. It Is fchown that of thje JLolaToxports of raw sugar," 'ampun'Mng'jp '$i,X13,3-i9, only 555,002 went to the United States, while Japan and Great Britain took nearly all of tiie remainder. Also as to leaf tobacco, the exports of which were valued at $355, 463, the exports to the United States were trifling in 'amount, Spain the larg est part. SXH.S1S, and England $3S 947. The United States also took only $5032 of Ma nila cigars out of, a total export of $230,r 299. and none of the other manufactures of tobacco came to the United States. In facir'-efgars arfd cigarette's to the amount of $3700 were Imported from the United States. Even in Manila hemp the United States was second to Great Britain, tak ing $905,815 north, while Great Britain took $1,147,521.: ThV total value "of , 'the hemp exports-was ?2776,t07' andtiiB amount was 19.&46 .tons, The' Imports of merchandise into the islands were valued at $0,437,017, and the exports $4.SS4.057. Silver coin to the value of $5$S,001 was Imported. The ,total pa ports from Europe were valued 'at $2,295, E20, dnd Xrom CCorfh America $3f)l,475. The exports to Europe were $2,400,390, and to North America, $1.0SC,598. The total collection, of Import duty was S1,022.-1S7, and Qf export tints, .$1G5.424. Frown Mont for Manila. WASHINGTON, MarchT3. 'Acting Commissary-General Weston Is In -receipt of reports froih "Manila, speaking In Ule-h!gh-est terms of the present arrangements in -use to supply the army with fresh meats. Jt is aldr that the -meats which are brought-but Trom the United St.itns dr. i Australia by- the-jiaVafsupply ehlp-j wiwitr or, inen ;irem Ausiranan mor chant steamers h'ave been" long as &ven months In perfect condition. "The reports declare that after witness ing the native methods of slaughtering animals and the stork there cahbe no doubt as to the great superiority of tho. frozen meats brought by the naval vessels for the Army in the Philippines. IN THE WILDS OF BRAZIL. Massacre of a Party of American Itubber Prospector. , FORT SCOTT. Kan., March 3. Frank Greenfield, of Mapleton, Kan., who last fall came home from .TSouth. America and gequred the co-operation of the Govero znqnt in a relief expedition to Search for he party of rubber prospectors which was sent-Xi-om Kansas- City to the 'in terior of Brazil in obruaicy, 1S9S. has notified his parents Xrom Quguba, Brazil, ftr ia letf e.r just received, .tlyit the entire party was massacred by Indjlans far up the. Xlrga. River. There were five or six men In" the party. It was fn charge V)f M. E. King, a civil engineer of Kansas City, and consisted of Alfred Greenfield, of Mapleton, Kan.; two men named "Will iamson and Brownly, of Ohio, and one or two unknown men. L. B. Price, a Kansas City merchant, was financial backer. The Brazilian Government as sisted in the search. , ' TTK..' i - Race Trouble fetnH. MONTGOMERY.-Ala., Marches-Race trouble Is ieared near Letohatchlo, 25 miles south of this city. It Is reported that 1000 negroes are congregated and are threaten ing. It Is said that last night some white men weilt to the house of 3"mx Cross, a negro called him to the door, and shot him. Afterwards the crowd shot his wife, son and daughler. ""Only a few das ago San? Powell'S-whlfa, was shot by a negro in he ame neighborhood. The negro was taken 'from "the Sheriff and hanged by a mob. .. FRANCE'S FRIENDSHIP. The Republic Aiixloui to Secure the . -rCoo'd AVIll-of America. - PARIS. March 3. France bevond a jfloilbi is' Elrtoorfcly .anxious fdr the hand t Jgrip of Trfehflship' bf the United "States. and not only is this true of the govern ment, but of all responsible French poli ticians as well. The presentation of the .rafaye,tte; dollar to President Loubot to- day' furnished another unmistakable prdof oX, the. existence of this feeling. Refer ence to the event in French journals of all political shades has been invariably of the most sympathetic character. An other expression of: the feeling in the of ficial world has appeared in the govern .mentJsj mouthpeco.jvhlch ; after revlew rIhg the' Inlceptlon'aha exScutlon of tho Id.ea, copclHdfed by saying: "An these demonstrations form a verlt ,ablp cult, consecrated by the Americans Id the' Illustrious citizen who aided them to win their Independence, which does the greatest honor to the people of tho United States and deeply touches the French people. If there are In tho world two peoples made to love and compre hend one another It Is surejy those of the greatest "Republics- which exist oh the fttce of the 'globe." The news of the capitulationof Goneral Cronje arrived on Mardi 'Gras and served as an occasion for a demonstration against the -British. The crowds parad ing the boulevards In the evening- raised unceasing shouts of "Abas Anglais." "Vive Les Boer." Two Englishmen, who were indiscreetly seated on the terrace of a cafe in xmo of the boulevards, -were noticed and denounced by some fanatics, and In a few 7noments the merry throng of. carnival makers was metamorphosed iato a howling crowd, yelling "Conspucz les Anglais' The Englishmen were struck and forced to take refuge in the cafe, "which "the mob- besieged for an hour' until a,, strong body of police ar rived. The police charged and dispersed the crowd, arresting six persons, who will be prosecuted for assault. Tho turn of tho tide in favor of Great Britain in the Transvaal has produced a pnlnful impression here, although all of the best organs, -while eulogizing the he roic conduct of Cronje's army, also pay tribute to the splendid soldierly qualities shown by Roberts' arid 'Boiler's troops. A majority of the newspapers urge Great Britain to4 seize the present opportunity wheh her military prestige Is restored to make peace on the basis of the inde pendence 6f the Transvaal. A large sec tion of public opinion demands that tho European powers shall intervene and compel Great Britain to accept their mediation, for tho sake of the two plucky Republics. President McKInley Is freely spoken of as tho only chief of states whose Intervention could be ac cepted by Great Britain, but at the same time the jingraclous" character of such a task Is fully appreciated, "and the un likeliness of .such a step is recognized. The Figaro .says: ""Anything is possible from across the Atlantic, but the President of the United States must feel a deep repugnance at the role which some people are endeavor ing to Impose upon him. Lord 'Salisbury In this eventuality would ask reciprocity for England's attitude in the Spanish "War. and everything Indicates that he would obtain IL" One paper, Le .Radical, however, falls Into a rage with America because he' re fuses to risk burning her fingers, and ex claims: "Alas, America! The only country that can act does not. feel what Is her duty. She has no conscience of what fehe owes to humanity. Young as she is, she ts already gangrene with ferocious Anglo Saxon selfishness." The fpregolng savage criticism of Amer ican unwillingness to meddle with other people's affairs is an isolated incident, however, and must be considered as such. 5 FIRST I,A FAYETTE DOLLAR. Preseute'd" to President Lonbet $ t Uncle iam'n Girt. PARIS, Marcli 31 Robert T: Thompson, Secretary of the La Fayette Monument Commission, as Special Commissioner of the United States, representing President McKInley artd in his name, presented President Loubet this morning with the fttst-of the La Fayette dollars, which was onclosed in a casket costing $1000. The presentation took place in Elysee palace, Thompson presented the souvenir with a few appropriate rqmarks. In reply, the President said he was deeply touched y the kind thought of the .American Po-osidon-t and people, and particularly by the gracious manner jn wiilch tho coin had been presented to him by Thompson. He added that he con gratulated himself on receiving this sou venir, which was a fresh pledge of the reciprocal ties of friendship which had so long united France and the United States, and which, he hoped to see draw closer and stronger. He then Invited Ambassador Porter and Thompson to stay to luncheon, at which Madame Loubet and M. del Casso were present.z , During .the .lunch which followed M. Loubet engaged in animated conversation with General Po'rter.and Mr.' Thompson, in which h"q accentuated and amplified what he .had previously said In his Xormal response on the subject of the historical and sentimental tics between the two re publics, and his sincere desire for a good understanding. He alluded to 'the Franco American reciprocity treaty now "beforo tin two parliaments, and dwelt on the mutual .advantages that would accrue therefrom, expressing his opinion that not merely the articles directly affected by the treaty would "benefit, but that, the whole trade between the two countries would undergo sympathetic, expansion, and that the chancy of commercial Intercourse would -widen inevitably In the course of time. "XVo both have reasons to desire a devel opment of our mutual trade," Mr. Loubet said. "You w:ant our luxuries and we need your articles of necessity." -Tho-lJrZsraenT iheii ipokVof the great production of the United States, and Its enoVmougrTcltMniP-possfb)ir!Trs: air. Thompson tofd'-thc President Ihere was a scheme on foot In Chicago to found a branch of the Sons of the American Rev olution .among the descendants, of French soldiers who had fought side by side, with the American colonists in the "War of Inde pendence. ..President Loubet showed.keen Interest In the Idea, and Mr..Thompspn left -Kith -a .cqnfldent feejing that the Frdnch authorities Jiere Tsiir-gTve Ihe- f ujl estf assistance' to the, establishment of a Frfirtch ibraRch by eeafchlng the .military reoor&s fpr'tfce names ot.ose- ho par ticipated lr the Trari, - - General Porter and Mr. "Thompson were delighted, with tiro exceptional -cordiality of "their Tcception. Tho function differed from the usual ceremonies of the 'kind by tho absence of chilling formality, M. Lopbet putting his visitors at complete ease by the affability of his greeting. The President placed the presidential box at the.' Theatei Franealse-. Morfday. and at tha opera, "Wednesday." at Mr.'ThbmpFon'a dfcposal. The, latter will 'send Madame Louhaf-a La, Fayette- dollar. - Crovrn' Princess Stephanie 3InrrioiI. VIENNA,' March 3. Morganatic mar riages are becoming popular. In spite of all delays, the Crown Princess Stephanie of Austria, widow of the Crown Prince Rudolph, today married Count Von Lon vay and now, according to Vanity Fair. the heir to the Austrian throne. -Archduke Ferdinand, three, months 'ago married Countess Chotek, -for her sake resigning Ms claim to rule. She is a handsome lady in waiting- Z Princess Stephanie. ENTHUSIASM UNCORKED CHAXGC TirAT CAME OVER THE SPIRIT OF EXGLAXD'S DREAM. f - - - Tho Pope's Attitude Toivnrd Great Britain, as Expressed by the Osservntorc Romano. LONDON, March 3. A dukedom for Roberts, an earldum for Kitchener, and a peerage for Buller; thus say the proph ets, already Irosy at this occupation, if only the marvelous wave of enthusiastic rejoicing that. sw.ept over the. country this week, would "find its prototype in 'mate rial rewards. Lord Roberta and his fellow heroes of the hour would all be made Dukes forthwith. The change that has come over the spirit of Great Britain's war dream can only be appreciated by those who went through "those long four months of unequaled gloominess and de pression, and what are now freely admit ted to be defeats. ' The scenes accompanying thla change iequaled the wildest delight that ever gushed through Impressionable France. To a certain extent they are quite unchar acteristic of the British race, and quite put In the shade any demonstration that occu pied the United States-durlng the Spanish American "War. Yet, it must be borne in mind that Great Britain had been sen timentally bottled up so. long that there was bound to be an outlet. Kimborley was relloved, and scarcely a stir waa noticeable in this densely popu lated United Kingdom. Lord Roberts, hy excellent strategy, -caught General Cronje In a viso and annihilated him, and the nation said well done with several degrees less fervor than it would have made the same remark had England beaten Aus tralia at cricket. The barriers of Brit ish self-restraint and reserve were not yet broken down. Though hundreds went about their dally business apparently com placent, but in their hearts were-dylug for a chance to qheer and. yell In sheer de light, it was still Napoleon's race pf shop keepers, placid and eminently proper. Ladysmlth was relieved. Then came the deluge of desire publicly to exhibit Ter joicing which would no longer be denied. The many forms it took have already been described in these dispatches. The long casualty list passed almost unnoticed. "Who cared for the dead, except to sing their praises? Tho Intoxication of victory, com ing after months of reverse, pervaded the length and breadth of the land. The cry of Great Britain's -weakness, the rotten ness of her army organization and the menacing nots of other powors. were stilled, and the tears -of those who had become widows or fatherless because of this great thing, were only soonuch more Incense to the triumphant war god. Since the strife began almost every one has said: "There is no doubt about tho result. 'We are bound to win." But, it waa not until this week that a large per centage of the people could actually con vlnce themselves of the certainty of ihe phrase so glibly repeated. Small won der, then, that the war was the solo topic of tho week. Some of tho demonstrations quite outdid those of the people of Paris. It takes an effort of imagination to picture the ordinnry middle-class Eng lish girl marching bareheaded through the streets, singing and ahoiitlng and waling flags, but this Is what occurred. About 1000 male and female students of the Ken slngtpn Art Schools, the girla hatless and wearing their modeling gowns, and tho men In overalls, marched, singing and cheering, to the Albert Memorial, and thenco to Joseph Chamberlain's house, where Mrs. Chamberlain .smilingly ac knowledged the ovation, and J. Austin Chamberlain, the Colonial Secretary's eld est son, made a speech. The sentries refused admission of this strange band to the Knights Bridge Bar racks, so they had to sing "Rule Brlttan nla" outside. At Colonel Baden-Powell's house they sang, "For He Is a Jolly Good Fellow." and passing the French Embassy, to indicate their feelings, they maintained an ominous silence. It was a weird pro cession for staid old England. A number of boys of the Westminster Schools demonstrated somewhat similarly in front of the offices of the Canadian High Commissioner and the other Colonia Agents. The scenes after, the "battnj of Waterloo, as described by the writers of that day, -were as nothing compared with the scenes witnessed this week. Tho Pope's attitude toward Great Brit ain and tho British Catholics' attitude toward the war were Interestingly exhib ited at an influential meeting of the British Catholic Union this week when the Prts ident. the Duke of Norfolk, read some correspondence exchanged between him self and Cardinal Rampolla, Papal Sec retary of State. The Union had request ed thu Duke of Norfolk to interrogate the Holy See In relation to the anti-British tone taken by the Osservatore Romano In commenting bn the Boer War. The pa per is supposed to be the Pope's official or gan, receiving a financial subsidy from him. The Duke of Norfolk wrote: "To us it seems very grievous that any opportunity should be given to any one to persuade the British people that the Holy See regards them with hostility or dislike. I cannot deny that an Impres sion of this sort Is creeping Into the public mind. When it is remembered that Cath olics are in the minority In Great Britain, it will, .wo think, be admitted that In the freedom of our religion, in the great question of education, and In matters ot religious ministrations to soldiers and sail ors, wo need not fear comparison with other countries in which Catholics form the great majority." To which Cardinal Rampolla cordially replied that the Osservatore Romano only printed one column which was official, and this was devoted to religious news, add ing his refusal to accept responsibility for any political views it might express, ard declaring that the Holy Father always cherishes for England thnt lively special interest which he has already found many occasions of displaying, and that as the vicar of the God of Peace, he desires noth ing more earnestly than a cessation of the actual state of things which costs the English nation eo many victims. Lord Herrles. discussing the correspond ence at a meeting of the union, declared that in religious matters the English Cath olics Implicitly obeyed the Pope, but when it came to civil government they took their places side by sidcr with their fellow countrymen. The Times, commenting up on the patriotism of the many titled per sons and others who were present at tho meeting, said: "It Is a pity that Cardinal Rampolla did not speak out plainer, in view of the fact thftt the subsidized Osservatore Romano all Jhe world over Is supposed to represent the Popes pqrsonal opinions." Ferdinand W- .Peck. United States CommlsHlontr to the Paris Exposition, and Mrs. Peck happened to be present In the House o? Lords Thursday at the Interest ing moment of the announcement of the relief of Ladysmlth. and the Attorney-General, Sir Richard Webster, Improved tho occasion by presenting Miv and Mrs. Peck to tho Prince of Wales, who Is president of the British Exposition Commission. HLi Royal Highness greeted the Americana most cordially. Mr. and Mrs. Peck were then Introduced to Lord Salisbury and A. J. Balfour. A. W. Prlngle, of Chicago, who came ever this week, representing Rev. C. M. Sheldon, has arranged with the Westmini ster Gazette to reproduce In England the edition of the Topeka Capital, which the author of "In His Steps" begins March 13. Religious societies also have warmly taken up the Idea. The Sunday School Chronicle and iristlan Endeavor are arranging 'to publish the' bulk of Mr. Sheldon's week's work. In order to show that English re ligious societies know how a man of "God would control a newspaper. J. H. Douglas-Willan. formerly a big rancher of Wyoming, appeared in bank ruptcy proceedings this week. His state ment showed unsecured liabilities amount ing to 12.133, and -an estlmatedsurplus in assets of 55,161. But this mainly con sisted of an Interest in an electric lamp. patent, which the debtor valued at50,000t but which he could not realize upon. The recent murder of a land agent and magistrate named Bird at Bantry. though failing to attract general- Interest, Is held by tho better informed to indicate a seri ous condition of Irish affairs. The Stand ard, commenting on the affair, draws at tention to the fact that William O'Brien, only a few days before the murder. Inau gurated at Bantry a branch of the United Irish League, urging his audience to "get rid of landlordism," and referring enthu siastically to the example of the Boers, who "look down their guns." The Stand ard denies the Insinuation that Mr. O'Brien jnr the- League actually Instigated the murder, but It compares the occur rence to the course of the "old Land League, whcee footsteps Mr. Gladstone declared were "dogged with crime." The Standard urges Gerald Balfour, the Chief Secretary for Ireland, to reconsider his refusal to put the United League under the ban of the crimes act, saying: "Stern er measures are now necessary. The sen timents of the Irish in Parliament do not matter eo much. What they say on the hillside is of serious importance." Tho Morning Pest takes a similar view of the situation. MEETIXG OF BOER PRESIDENTS. Krnger Goes io the Free State to Consult With Steyn. LONDON, March 3. President Kruger is said to have left Pretoria, with the In tention of meeting President Steyn. The place where they will meet is not men tioned, but Is believed to be somewhere In the Orange Free State. Those In South Africa, who are conversant with the effect tho recent reverses have had on the Boers, express tho opinion that the meeting of (ho Presidents Is preliminary to a sug gestion for negotiations for peace. However, If such Is the case, it must be due to the pressure brought to bear upon the Presidents by the burghers and Afri kanders In the British colonies, rather than tho personal Inclinations of the Pres idents, as all the available Information de picts them as being as determined as ever to persist in the war until the resources of the Republics are much more enfeebled than they seem to he at present, although some significance is attached to the con sultation In view of the reported visit to England of Chief Justice Devllliers, Mr. Hofmeyer a"nd Dr. Tewatter. ostensibly on private business and for their health. But the closest observers do not anticipate any sudden cessation of hostilities, and certainly the reprcsentatIo.!6 from the the ater of war do not tend to encourage the advocates of immediate peace.- The Boers are apparently rallying with their accus tomed ability to repair a temporary re verse, and Great Britain has yet to test their force as a defensive power under the new conditions of warfare. Outside the meeting of the Presidents there are no new indications of any change In tho situation. Telegraphing front Os fonteln today, thanking the Lord Mayor of Liverpool for his congratulations In be half of that city. Lord Roberta says: "I trust Her Majesty's soldiers In this country will gain such further successes as will speedily restore freedom and pros perity to South Africa. ATTITUDE OF WASHINGTON. London Times AtlviCH Ajrainiit Dis placing Pauncefotc. LONDON, March 3. Tho Times says editorially this morning: "To displace Lord Pauncefote at a crit ical moment like the present would be official pedantry to the point of folly. With the approach of a general election, the political atmosphere, especially in the United States, haa a tendency to becomo electric It would be a mistake on our part to regard too seriously the move-, ments of political opinion In America, un der such conditions, but it is clear that the presence at the British Embassy at Wash ington of an experienced and cool-headed diplomatist who knows how to discount tho extravagant language of a political campaign Is of no Inconsiderable advan tage." The editorial proceeds to dilate upon tho necessity en the" part of tho Ambassador of prudence, combined with vigilance, dur ing the Presidential campaign, and says: Tt is possible that a new Ambassador might be entrapped Into acts or state ments that would compromise Great Brit ain. There are questions proceeding be tween the two governments which it 13 the interest of certain sections on both sides of Parliament and beyond theAtlan tlc to exaggerate and envenom. The most difficult problem is the pressure upon President McKInley's Administration to in terfere in behalf of the Boera The atti tude of Washington has hitherto been be yond reproach, but a Presidential election puts a severe and even dangerous strain upon political virtue." After declaring that "a heavy responsi bility will rest upon those displacing Lord Pauncefote," the editorial refers to the Irish and German vote In the United States, and concludes as follows: 'TVo do not believe that America will be tempted to aesume an unfriendly atti tude, but it is well for us to remember that we cannot leave our empire at the mercy of the changes and chances of poli tics In any other country." MONEY-ORDERS ON TRANSVAAL. PoHtofUcc Department Relaxes to Ac cept Them. WASHINGTON. March 3. The atten tion of the postal officials being called to a dispatch stating that a postal money or der payable to President Kruger at Pre toria had been returned to the sender by tho department, they said that an order was Issued by the Postofllce Department November 1, 1S99, giving notification that owing to tho war in progress In South Af rica, money orders cannot be delivered If payable In the Transvaal or. Orange Free State, and directing postmasters not to issue such orders until further notice. V. since that date such orders have heen issued It was contrary to the department's Instructions. South African war money orders were drawn payable In the Transvaal and Free State, but were first sent to Cape Col ony, which office acted as an intermedi ary, as tho places In question were de pendencies of Great Britain. Under the present condition of affairs, the British officials would refuse to forward money orders to the countries with which they aro at war, and no agreement has ever bocn entered Into by which money orders can be sent directly to tho Transvaal. Interest In the Whr DccIInlnpr. NEW YORK, March 3. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: General Buller, in a dispatch from Ladysmlth. makes it clear that the Boers decided to raise the siege ot that town Immediately after Cronje was at the mercy of Roberts at Paardeberg. The advance In Natal was then only opposed to allow time for the big guns and ammunition and stores to be safely removed north and west. That the Boers were not completely suc cessful in carrying out this Intention was owing to the fact that they were more or less demobilized by Bullers victorious at tack on Tuesday. After that battle, or ders were evidently given for a hasty re treat to the passes, with the result that a large quantity of ammunition and two guns were left behind Virtually speak ing. Natal Is now clear of Repub lican forces. Publio Interest In the war Is already declining, since the end is consid ered a. foregone conclusion, tedious as may be the process by which it will ba reached. The relief of the other garrison and complete collapso of the Dutch plan -of campaign leaves Roberts at liberty to con centrate his forces, with transportation the chief d'fficulty to overcome. Stops the Cougli and "Work Oft the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinlne Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure no pay. Price 25c. Tne Chief Justice of Samoa Says Pcrima Is Court Room. Scene where Judge Chambers maintained the supremacy of the United States in Samoa. In a recent letter to The Pcruna Medicine Co., Chief Justice Chambers says the following of Peruna: "I have tried fully say it is one I take .pleasure in a good are in one of the best On December 31, Chief Justice William Lee Chambers, a native of Georgia, held court In Apia, Samoa, and told, the stal wart natives and the German and Eng lish and American residents why they should all regard Malletoa Tanus as King, instead of recognizing the rival claim ant, Mataafa. The trial had lasted eleven days; Samoan genealogies, customs, titles and practices had been examined and discussed; and finally the Chief Justice decided that Tanus, who was the son of tho late King Malletoa, and who, by tho gift of the people, had been endowed with the name of Malletoa, was the duly elect ed Kinjj. A tonic is a medicine that gives tone to some part of the system. There are different kinds ot tonics, but the tonic most needed in this country, where catarrh is so prevalent, is a tonic that operates on the mucous membranes. Peruna is a tonic to the mucous mem branes of the whole body. It gives tone to the capillary circulation which con stitutes these delicate membranes. Every organ of the human body 'is lined with mucous membranes. This membrane Is made up, principally, of a POLITICS IN GERMANY EMPTY BEXCIIES FEATURE OF THE "WEEK IX Tin: REICHSTAG. Xa-rnl BIll'w Chances Grow Less Tne Ment-Inipectlon Measure Inter est in the Boer Wnr. BERLIN, March 3. Most Important matters were transacted during the week In the Reichstag before almost empty benches Friday's opening session saw precisely 20 Delegates in attendance. Herr Eugene RIchter, In the Frelsslnigo Zeltung, holds that the fact that members of tho Reichstag receive no remunera tion In any form for their services is re sponsible for this state of affairs. Cer tainly In tho Prussian and other German state Drets, -where liberal compensation is paid, there never Is such a scarcity of Delegates. The consequence was that Herr RIchter and other Reichstagers re peatedly during the week compelled tho Reichstag majority to do their bidding on threat of ascertaining whether a quo rum was present, a quorum In the Reichs tag meaning one-half of the Delegates. The Foreign Office budget being taken up, a variety of matters came under dis cussion, even the Inquiry as to why the Prussian Government gave a Prussian decoration to a- German of Chicago. How ever, Count von JJulow, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, made a good showing and got his salary voted. The chances of the naval bill have grown rather worse lately. Both the Center and "Conservatives and the Agra rians are demanding compensation for "their vote, the former asking for the re call of the Jesuits and the latter demand ing a meat law to suit their convenience and guarantees from the government that Agrarian- Interests .will not be ne glected In the projected commercial trea ties. There will evidently be a hard pull to get the bill through, though- there is every indication that the popular senti ment among the electors Is rising for the naval Increase. One such Indication was In the Reichstag bye election In the Caldo - Aschc-rsleben district, when the National Liberal candidate wrested a seat formerly held by the Socialists, e Idently under a strong fleet issue. The programme ilxed for tho Reichstag Is as follows: Thursday Is fixed for the second reading of the meat bill; then the currency bill and the final reading of the Lex Heinze bill, against which there Is strong opposition by artists and writers. Later thero will be the final reading of the meat bill and some other measures of less importance, thus carrying the ses sions to the Eastertide adjournment To carry the meat bill, the right side of the Center will summon all Its defaulting members during the coming week to the Reichstag. The National Zeltung, speaking about the meat bill today, expresses the belief that the government will not approve the bill 03 now constituted and thus tie Its hands regarding the comfng commercial tieatles, not only with the United States, but also with Russia, Scandinavia, Hol land, etc It says: "A general tariff wnr would be the result if the bill be came a law, all to appease the Insatiable Agrarians. The total proportion of meat imports after the new year of 1904 would be tantamount to meat usury." The Prussian Diet this week considered the railroad budget. Jt was plainly shown that the Prussian state raTTway system Is fearfully behind in comfort and tlie latest Improvements, all because of fear of diminishing the annual surplus. Herr Macco. a National Liberal civil engineer, demonstrated that even Russia, Austro Hungary and Bavaria were ahead of Prussia In this respect The Minister of Public Works. Herr Thlelen. would not even promise passenger fare reduction, although certain Prussian fares are five times higher than those charged In Hun gary for the same distance. The South African war continues to hold the attention of th tuhH hnm While sympathy for ho Boers continues, the Very Best one of best tonics recommending it icine. S can recommend it as ies for cafaf rifr. i delicate network of .minuteabTocSIresr sels and nerves. ThA"HfKf JutWflaMTifro I ment of these fragWvesselsrleads to what is kriowriascatarrn. Hon. J. vEMMacIas, recent postmaster at Porto "Oafco, in a letter from 1417 K street., Washington. D. C. says: Agra native-born Cuban, serving as postmaster in Por to Rico I con tracted yellow fe ver and have been suffering from the ill effects of that dreadful disease since my return home. I was ad vised by a friend to use Peruna and I can speak in the highest terms of your remarkable medicine. I feel llko a new man and shall take plensure In rec Hon. J. E. Maclas, recent Postmaster ' at Porto Rico. ommending it to those similarly afflict ed. It Is a fine tonic, and Is In every way a wonderful medicine. Peruna is a remedy for catarrh which has become of national Importance. It has the record of the greatest catarrh remedy of tho ago." respect for the British has risen under their recent successes. Lieutenant-Gen- I eral Becher, In the Lokal Anzeiger to day, says tho well-planned action of Lord "Rohsrts has hrnueht about a. total change at the- seat of war, a change such as a ' layman would not have thought. The writer concludes that the war for the Boers Is now a hopeless struggle, for they lack that which alone could have given their victories a permanent value, that Is to say, the capacity of fructifying victory by pursuing the enemy to the point of annihilation. Prince Henry, of Prussia, intends pay-, ing a visit to his grandmother. Queen Victoria, In England, but before so doing "ho will stay with his family at Kreuz nach and drink the waters. Persons who have had occasion lately to converse with Prince Hohenlohe de scribe him as being extremely leeble, even to the extent of senility. Viscount Gough, Secretary of the Brit ish Embassy. Informed the correspondent of the Associated Press that the Embassy knew nothing about Emperor William having sent congratulations to Queen Victoria on the occasion of the last Brit ish success. This is confirmed in court circles here. COLOMBIAN REVOLUTION. Prospects for Settlement of the Trou ble Are Poorer Than Ever. NSW YORK, March 3. A dispatch to the Tribune from La Guayra, Venezuela, say3: ' It Is believed that the prospects for a rettlement of the revolution In Co lombia are poorer now than they have been for aome time. One of the most recent re ports is that President San Clemente and his cabinet have abandoned Bogota and Anapolma and settled In Tena, north of the capital. This, however. Is uncon firmed, and there are other reports from equally trustworthy sources, denying that General Uribe, wlth his rebel army, Is near Bogota. A detachment of government troops un- j der General Palacla had a fierce En gagement with a band of insurgents re cently dt a place called TIjeo, about 20 miles rrom Barranquilla. Both sides claim the ylctory. It Is said the Insurgents lost over 200 killed and wounded and ISO were taken prisoners. Tho government lost at least 1G0 men. BritlMli .Flnjr in IJrnzII. NEV YORK" -rnrr.i 1 Thn TTaroM'o . correspondent In Rio Janeiro says a ru- iuu iMa icuviien juiat ciiy mat uriusn forces which are in Brazilian territory near Rio Branco havo hoisted a British flag. The authorities arrested some per- CnnC Ctienaltnl rt a n f aA r rx n I m r4. l I government. Several officers of th& Army . finfl Xfl.w nrt flmnnp the Qii5rAtw1 rwn. sons. Impersonated an Officer. NEW ORLEANS, March 3.-TulIus Molse, who married Miss Bertha Varn ken, of Dayton, 'O., under the name of "Captain Clark," was tried before Com missioner Craig, of the United States Court, today on the charge of Imperson ating a Government officer. He "was com- mltted to the High Court under a bond of 51000. "To Err is Human f? 'Bui io err att ihe iime is criminaLor idioiic Don't continue ihe mistake 'of neglecting your blood, When impurities manifest themselves in eruptions or 'when disordered conditions of stomach, kidneys, lever or bowels appear, take Hood's Sar saparilla. It ivilt make pure, live blood and put you in good'health. &QM&&4 J!smmm 34 fcjBvjir Catarrh Cure L3 rB-ft a 39IHJI B VLS&fl I ever used to aSI sufferers who eruna Is a speclflNeljtts operation ur on the mucous membrane. It is a , tonic which strikes at the root 'of all catarrhal af fections. It gives tone to the minute blood vessels and tho terminal nerve fi b e ts. Catarrh cannot exist long whero Peruna Is j used Intelligently. Peruna .seeks out J catarrh in all the ' hidden parts of vhe . body. When Pe I runa, the great ! tonic, is used, the Hon. John AY. Neff. County Auditor for Buffalo, N. Y., recommends Peruna. mucous mem branes of tho whole body are strengthened, making catarrh an Impossibility. I Peruna has no rivals, no substitt j There is but one scientific, systemic tarrh remedy, and that is Peruna. Address The Peruna Medicine Co., . lumbus, O., for a book treating of catarr in its different phases and stages. DOMESTIC MACHINE SALE' To make room for a -carload machines to arrive shortly, wo are making an enormous cut on prices of Domestic. Eldredgo and othe makes for either cash or easy pay ments. An elegant quarter-sawed, hand-rubbed, covered machine, for ?20. sold by others for $40 to $50. A fine oak. drop-head, complet attachments, for $27 50. An elegai quarter-sawed oak case Domesf machine, covered head, for $30, woij .$G0. Another elegant quarter-saw oak case, drop-head, ball-bearlnj for 530, well worth 565. Also the j est hard-rubbed sycamore case, bl bearings, drop-head, for only .. worth 573. If sold on Installments, $a extra is charged for cost of making collections. All machines sold by ua are guaranteed for 10 years. Wo havo no agents to bother the life out of you, thereby saving you tho cost of agent's commission. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO. 175 4th Street Y. H. C A. Buildir TTT T KT-rr-r a -M- r aa v if. x. xirn AAiij Staunton, Va. says: "I was afflicted with Contagious Blood Poison, and the best doctors did me no good. In fact, I seemed to get worse all tha while. I took almost every so called blood remedy, but they did not reach the disease. At the advice of a friend, I then took S. S. S.. and began to improve. I continued the medicine and it cured me com pletely, and for ten years I have never had a sign of the disease to to return." (Swift's Specific) is the only remedy which can eradicate Contagious Blood Poison. It is guaranteed purely vegetable Book on self-treatment mailed free bj Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. GRATEFUL COMFORTfNQ Distinguished Everywhero For Delicacy of Flavor. Superiority In Quality. Grateful and Comforting to the Nervous or Dyspeptic. Nutritive Qualities Unrivalled. Your Grocer and Storekeeper Sell It In Half-pound Tins only. Frcpared by JAMES EPPS & CO., Ltd. Homoeopathic Chemists. LonJoa, England. BREAKFAST SUPPER' Pacific Coast Agents. ShervwoJ & Simaoi w v R It H d.Hi8DlOOU f COCOA