VOL. XIX. NO. 9. PORTLAND. OKEGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS. . " i i i i f CENSOR IS AT WORK No News Leaks Out From the Seat of War. )BERT5 AWAITING DEVELOPMENTS British Officials Uneay Over the At titude of the American Congress Mafeking Not Relieved. LONDON, March 4. 4:10 A. M. It Is evi dent that a strict censorship is being ex ercised over the news at the seat of war, as the night has not added anything to the scanty dispatches received during the day, most of which referred to matters preceding the recent stirring events. The "War Office intimated at midnight that there Is no prospect of news until some thing definite shall have been done. This Is quite in keeping with the complete silence which Lord Roberts has hitherto observed while his plans were in progress of accomplishment, and until he is in actual grip with the Boers, it is probable at the public will hear little or nothing Tils doings. ITITUDE OP AMERICAN CONGRESS. -TV Phase In the British "War Sitraa tion. LONDON. March 3. With thJ of the British arms, the2boa2 inental InterferaMttJfbastlMMktl LCw Jusion. and nraTJwW4lSJore! and to AmericSSgSlnterestlngrphaseJ comes over theVascliating web of Inter- I national relations as portrayed through the press. This consists of suppositions regarding the attitude of the American Congress toward Great Britain, the pos sibility of its recommending Intervention, -otlng sympathy with the Boers, refusing ratify the Nicaragua treaty, and, last v, but chiefly, refusing to consider the anadian contentions in a spirit of friend ess. The great public interest in all this is nainly the result of many special cable ispatches from English correspondents, atlng that the Administration, being se rely attacked for alleged friendliness iward Great Britain, and in view of the omlng election, might be forced to make mie sort of anti-British demonstration In -der to offset such accusations as that of nning an alliance. To cap this climax comes a strenuous jpeal In the Times today that Lord .uncefote, the British Ambassador at .ashlngton, should be retained, at any ate until the election is over. Inquiries made by the Associated Press reveal the fact that the government's ttltude. which is the only one worth any- ling at present, must be considered from vo points of view that of the Foreign jfflce and that of the Colonial Office. between these thereJsa-creat-culiL .dally w!deningf3wt-to-mch personally be- veen Lord Salisbury and Joseph Cham bcrialn. the Secretary of State for the 1 Colonies, as between their departments. For weeks the friction has been growing, until the Colonial Office Is almost at log gerheads, not only with the Foreign Of fice, but with almost every other de partment. To such an extent has this goiw that any minor detail of business submitted to the Colonial Office by out siders, but requiring the sanction, say, of the War Office, is almost certain to fall to go through, owing to Mr. Chamber lain's unwillingness to co-operate with .other heads. It is the Foreign Office and the Colonial Office which may be said to be chiefly concerned in the relations with the United States. The former meets all the situa tions broadly, as It would ln dealing with any Continental power. The latter looks at all United States matters through the eye of Canada. Hence between the two departments there are differences of opln ' and sometimes friction. itegarding Lord Salisbury's point of lew, the Associated Press Is able to say that he Is averse to any form of Anglo American alliance, -believing that the Con stitution of the United States Is unsulted to such a bond. To use the words of one who Is m the closest confidence of the Premier, the "politics of the United States -ve such an influence on foreign policy 1 render the duration of supreme power uncertain that any alliance would kill -elf quicker than any one could kill It," - 'eels under no obligations to foster ngllsh sentiment ln the United s. In fact, for the most part he re- s ln profound Ignorance as to the 1 of American public opinion. His v, as represented by the speaker Just jo&, is to treat fairly and squarely, thout embroiling himself with any ex- ineous matters, nor does he desire to criflce the good of the whole empire for e sake of Canada alone. In the case of ijori Pauncefote, Lord Salisbury has aken no steps, and at present deos not -ontemplate doing anything to prevent jord Pauncefote from retiring April 1, i accordance with the age limit of the diplomatic service. But while Lord Salisbury and the For eign Office confine themselves to the broad Issues at stake, and marvel at the ac--unts attributing to them a desire to form American alliance, the Colonial Office ,les Itself with minute considerations, 1 apparently conforms Its opinions and Ions to meeting, in behalf of Canada, political feeling in the United States cabled by the English correspondents, us, Mr. Chamberlain several times has tested against projected agreements ..h the United States, and has sometimes evalled. At present there pervades the olonlal Office an overwhelming dread of merlcan complications, Fenian raids into Canada and what not, while there are opes of getting the Alaskan and other Jsputes settled. The low ebb of this 'eling Is not shared ln the slightest by ae Foreign Office. Mr. Chamberlain also xhlbits almost painful anxiety to keep ln ouch with the party In power ln Canada, -3 latest Instance of which Is ln his ble to the Australian governments ask rg If they could raise 2500 troops. As llished here the report said "ln .the nt of the Imperial troops being needed e,sewhere," and several papers Interpreted this to mean that the government feared un pean hostility. But It Is learned that Mr. Chamberlain merely asked for troops, neither mentioning nor contemplating any such contingency as conveyed "by the er roneously reported addition to the request. ;t was originally Intended that these troops should come from Canada, perhaps augmented by many Britishers from the United States, who by letters to the Con suls, the War Office and others had vol unteered, and with these form a body of 6000 rough riders for service ln South frica under General Sir Frederick Car- jton, However, swayed by the differ- es in the Canadian Parliament and reported dislnrlinatlon of the Canadian emler. Sir Wilfrid Laurler, to come out dly in favor of sending more troops. Mr. hamberlain has left Canada out ln the Id and has asked Australia to furnish le men. Another curious view, which seems to be aken by the Colonial Office and the writers of the press In close touch with that department, is that since Canada has split blood for the cause of Great Brit ain, Canada's various contentions with the United States must be considered as trans cendental. In other words, the considera tions which formerly Influenced Lord Sal isbury In dealing with Canadian-American matters must now be sacrificed. Montreal Fairly Quiet. MONTREAL, March 3. Things are fair ly quiet today, but struggles are taking place In different parts of the town. The Immense Union Jack which the Star has hoisted to take the place of the one de stroyed by the French-Canadians last night was the cause of some trouble, be cause a French-Canadian Insulted It this morning and an Englishman knocked him down. There was a general row, and one man was arrested. It was feared that there would be a renewal of the students demonstration to night, and the police and military were kept In readiness to quell any disturbance, but the night passed without any serious trouble. Repairing the Kimberlcy Railroad. CAPE TOWN, March 3. The railroad Is not repaired northward from Kimberley to Rlverton. The engineers are pushing the work rapidly. The Boer prisoners captured at Paarde berg total up 4GG0 men. About 3000 of them are on their way here. The pressure on the rolling stock Is enormous. Sir William McCormack, president of the Royal College of Surgeons, who has been acting as volunteer surgeon with the volunteer army in South Africa, sailed for England today. Bailer to the Queen. NDON, March 3. The Queen today r8vBtbe following dispatch from Gen- XTfeeltrftMMfnuch appreciate your Maj- Fr,JWilram Your Majesty can notkyliUwftmuchyour sympathy has uciiscu. w rmayua iriiKrw. r. HflMI! No Neyva of MafeTcintdstfRelief. LONDON. March 4. A soeclS. dlsDatch from Brussels announces that DfUeyds authorizes an absolute denial of the, re port that he had received news that Mafc- klng had been relieved. REPUBLICAN LEAGUE. Call for the National Convention Issued Yesterday. CHICAGO, March3-The following offi cial call for the meeting of the National .ttepuDiican xeague was issued toaay: i in accordance with a resolution of the executive commmce, me xsin convention of the National Republican League to hereby called to meet In the City of St. t,7i - i5 i-2.1, a.?, i nmiL A n.AJ Aifir . ni if- ?mw li, fJhi ' Paul, Tuesday, gate shall be nate delegates will be entitled to seats in the convention hall with their respective delegations. The president and secretary of state and territorial leagues are the proper officials to sign and certify to the credentials of the delegates from their re spective leagues. All delegates should be provided wJth .such credentials. 5fiVi...i; L t uCf, "IZZrZZZ: t . J ' . -d. ...- n-- . ..O UU0W.t.S VUUiC UIC VU1.V1..1UUU IliU I manent and special committees, considera- I Hrtn rt OTnAntnante in fVia nAnntttntMn consideration of a financial policy for the maintenance of the nat'onal organization I election of officers namlnr time and i place for the next national convention, or reference of same to committee, and tho consideration of any matters which may relate to national or state league or ganizations for the good of the Republi can parly. " "GEORGE STONE, President. "D. H. STINE, Secretary." THE KENTUCKY CONTESTS. Canen of the Rival Clnimantd Arprued and Taken Under Advisement. LOUISVILLE, Ky., March 3. After hearing argument by ex-Governor Brad ley, for the Republicans, and Zach Phelps, for the Democrats, Judge Fields, In the Circuit Court, this afternoon took under advisement the cases to determine the right of the rival claimants to the offices of Governor and Lieutenant-Governor. An opinion Is not expected for several days. When It Is announced an appeal will be taken to tho State Court of Appeals, which the Democrats claim has final juris diction. The Republicans, however, will try to bring the case before the United States Supreme Court if the decision is against them. Shipping Guns to London. FRANKFORT, Ky., March 3. The shipment of guns and ammunition to London, Ky., Is said by the Republican state officials to be only for the purpose of equipping state guard companies In that section, and they pronounce as silly the stories that Governor Taylor and other state officials are preparing to set up a government there ln the event tho courts decide against them. Governor Taylor says there is no truth ln such reports. For Arrest of Goebel's Mnrdercr. FRANKFORT, Ky., March 3. The Dem ocratic Senate today passed the bill for the appointment of a committee to hunt down the person or persons who assas sinated Governor Goebel and appropriat ing $100,000 to carry on the work. The bill had previously passed the Houge, and now goes to Governor Beckham for approval. The Republican Senate, sitting In the same hall, took no part ln the proceed ings. FUSION IN KANSAS. Populists, Democrats and Silver Republicans Reach An Agreement. TOPEKA. Kan., March 3. The Stato Central Committee of the Populist, Dem ocratic and Silver-Republican organlza. tions were In secret session here tonight until a late hour in an endeavor to agree upon termB under which a complete union of the three parties may be formed for the coming state and national cam paign. Shortly before midnight it was agreed that the Populists are to have the Gov ernor, Lieutenant-Governor, Auditor, At torney - General, State Superintendent. Congressman-at-Large and one Judge of the Court of Visitation. The Democrats are to have Associate Justice, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Solicitor and one Judge of the Court of Visitation. The Silver Republicans are to have Insurance Superintendent and one Judge of tho Court of Visitation. The electoral ticket Is to be divided between the Democrats and Populists equally. Bryan's Stay in Texas. GALVESTON. Tex.. March 3. William J. Bryan rested quietly here today. A few intimate friends called during the morning. Mr. Bryan will leave here to morrow night for Austin, where ho will remain two weeks. He will then go to Nebraska to be present at the state con vention March 12. e An Indian Tragedy. COVETO, Cal., March 3. William Henry, a half-breed Indian, today shot and killed Nettle Smith, a young Indian woman, and then killed himself. Jeal ousy was the cause. FAITH IN THE NATION Capacity of the Government to Solve Problems Before It. M'KINLEVS SPEECH IN NEW YORK Imperialism Not a. Part of the Pro gramme No Interference in Foreign Affairs. NEW YORK. March 3. The Ohio So ciety, of New York, held Its 14th annual dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria today. President McKInley was the guest of hon or. More than 400 covers were laid. Be fore the banquet President McKInley held a reception and shooK hands with the members of the society and guests. Among those at the President's table were: Governor Roosevelt, Governor Nash, ex-Governor Morton, Mr. Bliss. Senator Mark Hanna, Lieutenant-Governor Woodruff, General Swayne, Genera' Corbln, H. Clay Evans, General Thomas H. Hubbard, John Barrett, T. G. Bergen and Julian T. Davles. The list of speakers on the programme was: President McKInley. -Governor Nash, of Ohio; Solicitor-General of the United States John A. Richards; Lieutenant-Governor Woodruff and James H. Hoyt. There were no fixed toasts, the speakers having subjects allotted to them, as they were called upon. Governor Roosevelt was late in arriv ing at the dinner, and was loudly cheered as he came in at S:30. At 9 o'clock, Mrs. McKInley, wife of the President, accompanied by Mrs. Ab ner McKInley and Dr. Rlxey, of Wash ington, took scats In one of the boxes. Mrs. McKInley was loudly applauded and she bowed, the applause being renewed. All the galleries were filled with ladles, many calling on the President's wife. It was 10:30 o'clock when Mr. Southard, jrfc51dent of the society. Introduced Mr. t5fcK3!?.vWhen Mr. Southard mentioned the President's name there was great cheering. Governor Roosevelt leading. Three cheers were given when Mrs. Mc- Vlnliv'c Tinmn wne Tnnt!nnrt. the cruests rising. Mrs. McKInley arose and bowed, j The toast, "The President," was orunK standing. The President's Speech. President McKInley then arose, amid tremendous applause. In the course of i;, . . ... ' U.?p? Jia, It has been some years since I was ! your guest. Much has happened In the meantime. We have had our blessings and our burdens, and still have both. We will soon have legislative assurance of the continuance of the gold standard, with which we measure our exchange, and wo have the open door in the far East, through which to market our products. We are neither in alliance nor antagonism nor entanglements with any foreign power?-' but on terms of-nmlty and cordiality 'with J .. .- , ,. . i, J 1I ... ail. Wfc ouy irom an oi iiiem aim sen iu a!1 a?d ourt les ccced "l purchases ln the past two years by over Markets have been increased and mortgages have been ' reduced. In- terest has fallen and wages have ad- vanced. The public debt The country is well to do. the most part are happy and contented. They have good times and are on good terms with the nations of the world. "There are unfortunately those among us, few In number I am sure, who seem to thrive best under bad times and who, when good times overtake them, in the United States, feel constrained to put us on bad terms with the rest of mankind. With them I can have no sympathy. I would rather give expression to what I believe to be the nobler and almost uni versal sentiment of my countrymen n the wish not only for cur peace and pros perity, but for the peace and prosperity of all the nations and peoples of the earth. "After thirty-three years of unbroken i peace came an unavoidable war. Happily the conclusion was quickly reached with out a suspicion of unworthy motive of practice or purpose on our part and with fadeless honor to our arms. I cannot forget the quick response of the people to the country's need and the quarter of a million men who freely offered their lives for their country's service. It was an impressive spectacle of National strength. It demonstrated our mighty reserve power and taught us that large standing armies are unnecessary when every man Is a minute man, ready to join the ranks for National defense. "Out of these recent events have come to the United States grave trials and responsibilities. As It was the Nation's war, so are Its results the Nation's prob lem. Its solution rests upon us all. It is too serious to stifle. It Is too earnest for repose. No phrase or catch word can cancel tho sacred obligation. No use of epithets, no aspersion of motives by those who differ will contribute to that sober Judgment so essential to right conclus ions. No political outcry can abrogate our treaty of peace with Spain or ab solve us from Its solemn engagements. It Is the people's question and will be until its determination Is written out In their enlightened verdict. We must choose between manly doing and base desertion. It will never be the latter It must be soberly settled ln justice and good conscience and It will be. Right- eousness which exalteth a nation must control ln Its solution. "No great emergency has arisen In this Nation's history and progress which has not been met by the sovereign peoplo with high capacity, with ample strength and with unflinching fidelity to every honorable obligation. Partisanship can hold few of us against solemn public dutv. Wo have this so often demonstrat- ed In the past as to mark unerringly what It will be In the future. The National sentiment and the Nation's conscience were never stronger or higher than now. There has been a reunion of the people around the holy altar consecrated to country, newly sanctified by common sacrifices. The followers of Grant and Lee have fought under the same flag and fallen for the same faith. Party lines have loosened and the ties of union have been rooted In the hearts of the American people. Polltlcad passion has altogether subsided and patriotism glows with In extinguishable fervor ln every home In the land. The flag has been sustained on distant seas and Islands by the men of all parties and sections and creeds and races and nationalities, and Its stars are only those of radiant hope to the remote peoples oer whom It floats. "There can be no Imperialism. Those who fear arc against it. Those who have faith ln the Republic are against It, so there is universal abhorrence for it and unanimous opposition to It. The only difference Is that those who do not agree with us have no confidence In the virtue or capacity or high purpose or good faith of this free people as a civilizing agency, while we believe that the country of free government which the American people have enjoyed has not rendered them faith less and irresolute, but has fitted them for the great task of lifting up and assist ing to better conditions those distant peoples who have, through the Issue of battle, become our wards. Let us fear not. There Is no occasion for faint hearts, no excuse for regrets. Nations do not grow In strength and the cause of lib erty and law Is not advanced by the doing of easy things. The harder the task the greater will be the result, the benefit and the honor. To doubt our power to accom plish It Is to lose faith In the soundness and strength of our popular Institutions. The liberators will never become the op pressors. A self-governed people will never permit despotism In any government which they foster and defend. "Gentlemen, we have the new care and cannot shift it. And breaking up the camp of care and Isolation, let us bravely and hopefully and soberly continue the march of faithful service and falter not until the work Is done. It Is not possible that 75,000,000 of American freemen are unable to establish liberty and justice and good government In our new possessions. The burden Is our opportunity. The op portunity Is greater than the burden. May God give us strength to bear the one and wisdom eo to embrace the other as to carry to our distant acquisitions the guar antees of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' " President McKInley read his speech. It was greeted with applause throughout. Hla reference to the maintenance of the gold standard, the open door and the ab sence of entanglements caused great ap plause. When President McKInley sat down the orchestra played "The Stnr Spangled Banner," and the guests aTose and cheered. Governor Nash, of Ohio, referred to Lieutenant-Governor Woodruff, of New York, as a son of Ohio. Mr. Woodruff was very warmly applauded when ho arose to speak, and it was some minutes before there was a cessation sufficient to allow him to proceed. Ex-Governor Campbell, of Ohio, came in almost at the close of the banquet, and was called upon for a speech. In the course of the speech, Mr. Campbell, addressing the President direct, said: "There is one thing I want you to do, Mr. President, and I hope you will do It, and that Is that you will build the canal from ocean to ocean without asking the consent of any nation on earth." Cnllern on the President. President McKInley, after breakfast, re ceived callers at the Manhattan Hotel, where he Is staying with his wife and party. Those who breakfasted with the President and Mrs. McKInley were Abner McKInley and wife, Miss Mabel McKInley and Miss Barber, a niece of the Prest- dent. tVmong those who called were Governor Nash, of Ohio, ex-Secretary of the Interior Cornelius N. Bliss and Gen eral Grenvllle M. Dodge, Shortly beforo noon President McKInley went driving with his brother, Abner. The President received about 20 mem- hers of the Ohio Society this afternoon. Subsequently he shook hands cordially with Mrs. Russell Sage and Miss Helen Gould. He led them to Mrs. McKInley, and the three ladies and the President were together for some time. Others who called on the President were Collector BIdwell and Judge - Advocate - General Kraus and Lieutenant-Governor Woodruff. The Ohio Society Is the largest of the state societies here, and for a time this city was dominated by Ohio men, Mayor Strong was an. Ohloan. and net many U ! 1 !,, 1 . iirars uko uii wie uik uaaiy newspapers e edited ?y s0"8, f h J? ln eluded Whitelaw Reld, of the Tribune; Colonel W. L. Brown, of the News; John A. Cockerill. of tho World; Eaton S. Drone, of the Herald, and John R. Mc- They were: Calvin Brlce, Sam Thomas, John Byrne; also ex-Governor Hoadley Is regarded as one of the metropolis great lawyers. sroicn ox philippixb question. "Whitelavr Rcid and Dr. Schnrmon nt n Honton Meeting. BOSTON. March 3. Whitelaw Reld, member of the late Paris Peace Commis sion, and Dr. Jacob G. Schurman, presi dent of the first commission to the Phil ippines, were the guests and the principal speakers at the meeting of the Massa chusetts Club, ln Young's Hotel, this af ternoon. Representative Republicans and ' business and professional men to the num- ber of o were present. Mr. Reld spoke of the Paris treaty of peace as an act accomplished, and that must be lived up to. The question now Is to deal with the territories acquired under the treaty. He declared that the admis sion of the mixed races of these Islands to full rights of American citizenship is beyond question, and that the impracti cable demands of those who are harass ing the Administration to abandon the Islands must not be listened to. Mr. Reld believes the Administration Is pursuing the ngni course, ana tne present duty, he said, Is to render the Government full support. Dr. Schurman spoke at some length upon tho subject of "The Philippine Ques tion From the Filipino Point of View." and outlined In a manner similar to that discussed ln his report the present system of government which tho commission pro posed ror tne islands. MRS. STANFORD ILL. Said to Be Snfferlns: Prom Pneu monia. NEW YORK, March 4. The Journal and Advertiser says: "Mrs. Leland Stanford Is dangerously 111 at the Fifth-Avenue Hotel. Mrs. Stan- ' ford came to this city from the West two wceKs ago, to attend to business affairs, I Ten days aBO Mrs- Stanford contracted a cold while out driving, and tho next day ' 'vvas confined to her room. Physicians viCT0 sent for and advised caution, al- though at tho time the illness was not thought to be serious. Mra. Stanford, in spite of remedies, h wever, grew worse. The fact of her illness wa3 telegraphed to i cr fther. h California, but the daily DUllen.s were such as to give him the , faies' aiarm- - Stanford's condition ' Id not becrao really serious until two days ago, when the lungs became con gested and symptoms of pneumonia devel oped. "As soon as these- alarming symptoms became apparent, the physicians Instructed the nurses and Mrs. Stanford's secretary that no one under any circumstances should be permitted to see the patient for at least four days. In that time It Is hoped to discover if the Illness has been complicated and Is of a grave character, ro that relatives may be summoned to the bedside." JUMPED THE TRACK. Accident to n Montreal Express Members of Parliament Injured. TORONTO, Ont, March 3. The Montre al Express, on the Canadian Pacific, due here at 7:10 A. M. today, jumped the track between Ponty Pool and Burketon and bounded down a steep embankment, the coaches toppling over one another as thev reared the bottom of the Incline. The train was moving at a rapid speed. On board were a large number of passengers, many being members of Parliament on their way from Ottawa. Among the in Injured members of Parliament are: Lelghton McCarthy, C. E. Klopfer, James Featherstone, L. H. McPherson and W. McCleary. is aecreasing. lean. oi me journal, several nnanciai esi fervor, everybody standing. "Rule Its people for kings of Wall street were from Ohio. nrttnnnla" could not have been given IN JOY OVER VICTORY British Residents of Portland Voice Their Feelings. INTENSE ENTHUSIASM PREVAILED Scenes of Noisy Demonstration at the Armory England Toasted in Speech and Song. Tho British and Colonial residents of Portland celebrated the recent success of the British arms ln South Africa at a smoker at the Armory last night, with speeches, music, wine and songs. The most intenso enthusiasm prevailed. A large crowd was present, and every mem ber of It was happy. Most of the audi ence were English, Scottish and Colonial residents, but quite a number of British seamen In the port were scattered through the hall. Everything and everybody was wildly cheered, and every reference to British arms or British leaders ln the Transvaal was applauded to the echo. There was no great amount of serious speaking; there was little time for It, the enthusiasm was too great. All the speeches and the musical selections were spontaneous, and they came from the heart. The Armory hall was handsomely and profusely decorated In the national colors of the United States and Great Britain. The union jack was seen on every hand, and by its side were the broad folds of the Star-SDancIed Banner. On the stage were seated: James Laldlaw, British Consul; William Macmaster, president of the British Benevolent Society, who act ed as chairman of the meeting; Alexan der H. Kerr, president of St. Andrew's Society; David Henderson, chief of Cale donian Society; Alexander Gavin, chief of Clan Macleay, and several others. These gentlemen were the principal speakers of the evening. The first feature was the national hymn of England. "God Save the Queen." wfilch was sung by the entire audience, stand ing. Juhn Woods sang "Let Me Like a Soldier Fall," and, when heartily encored, sang with fine effect "Beautiful Isle of the Sea." Later ln the evening A. M. Wright sang "The Boys of the Old Brig ade," and "Angus MacDonald." During the speech of Consul Laldlaw, James S. Moon, ex-plper-major of the Forty-Second Scottish Highlanders, en tered the hall with his bagpipes, playing a national air, and created great enthusi asm. When silence was somewhat re stored Mr. Moon played "Cock of the North." Tho Highland chief was made to march around the hall playing his bag pipe, followed by four young men ln Eng lish and Scottish Infantry uniform. There was full orchestral accompaniment to the songs, with W. H. Kinross as leader. Speaking was not according to any pro gramme, for anything of the fixed or set order would have marred the spontaneity of Droceedincs. If the great tide of en thusiasm demanded music. It was given, and when quieter tones seemed In demand, remarks were made by prominent British- t Dorn residents and some American-born citizens. "The Star-Spangled Banner" was sune Dy the entire audience with the great- more feeling a spirit that had a most powerful effect when connected with the royal British and American standards dis played "behind tho speakers. President 'Arouses Enthnslnsin. William Macmaster, president of the I British Benevolent Society, acted as chair man, and gave the opening address. He could not help but conclude, from the vast gathering, that ln a land where pat riotism was unquestioned, there was fer vent devotion to Britain. British residents had demonstrated their love of motherland ln many ways, but the enthusiastic as semblage was a new, stronger and more lasting evidence. "We have borne with Britain," said Mr. Macmaster, "In the reverses which she has sustained ln the early stages of this war, and now that success crowns her armies and that we believe the tide of war has turned In her favor, wo consider It our duty to meet and express our joy, and to give our meed of praise to those bravo soldiers whose courage and fidelity have never been excelled by British sol diers, who have carried their flag to vic tory against most skilled and splendidly armed, brave and determined foes (ap phrase); foes who, in many a hard-fought field, have proven themselves worthy of our steel." (Applause.) If the man who expressed the belief some months past that the glory of Brit ain had passed, and her people were sink ing to decay, was still heard In the land, the speaker thought he should be finding reason for hiding his head. Mr. Mac mastor commented on the great feat of sending such a great force thousands of miles from the home government, opera tions so distant from base of supplies, and other features of the South African struggle, wherein tho British have been recognized ln doing difficult work, and everywhere he was applauded to the echo. When ho mentioned Lord Roberts' name there was a convulsion ln the audience. They yelled and shouted. Then followed Kitchener, whose name received a cordial welcome, and Buller was given the ovation of a victor. "Our soldiers are fighting that our countrymen may enjoy the bles sings of freedom In South Africa," brought another volley that rivalled the praise for "Little Bobs." Then came the turn of the Canadians. Every time the valor of the Canadian troops was even hinted at there wero cries of "here, here," and wild ex clamations of approval. Colonial loyalty everywhere was an equally popular thought, and Mr. Macmas'er took his seat with the cries of the great audience al most shaking the Armory roof. Praised the Irish. Mr. Laldlaw was the next speaker. The mention of his name brought forth a great shout of approval, and almost every sen tence Mr. Laldlaw uttered was given like approval. In the face of this spirit ol ardor and good nature. It was almost Im possible to keep the trend of expression. "If there Is anything that can inspire a man." said the speaker, "and put elo quence Into his language, It certainly would be such a meeting as I see here tonight. I have never seen a more en thusiastic one. and It is yet early. (Laugh ter and applause.) It Is all the more pleas ant from its spontaneity. I take It. gen t'oment, that It Is the result of long months of weary waiting, which we have experi enced since British territory was Invaded, and that now. a reaction having set in, people can contain themselves no longer. (Applause.) W have seen the best blood of England and Scotland shed like water. We have seen the Irish fighting for Great Britain." (Applause.) Following. Mr. Laldlaw devoted some attention to tho statements often made that Irish were not loyal to Great Brit ain, and said he did not believe a word of It. There were dissatisfied people in every government, and the loud expres sions from Irish, did not. In the ."peaker's opinion, represent the true majority of Her Majesty's subjects in Ireland. The criticisms were of long ago. and sensible I Irish did not dig up ghosts of the past to fan a spirit of discontent In the present government. He also paid warm tribute to the Canadians especially, and the Aus tralians and New Zealanders, each expres sion sending back a great echo from his hearers- While Mr. Laldlaw spoke, James S. Moon, the ex-Piper Major of the Forty-second Highland Black Watch, en tered the hall with prbroch sounding a national air. For several moments the new arrival was swamped with cheers, and was then escorted to the front. Then the crowd called for Mr. Laldlaw to finish, which he did In the same patriotic tone of his earlier remarks. Spoke for Canadinni. The wild spirit of Joy engendered by Professor Moon's "Cock o the North" and other airs, and the march around the hall, followed ty two Britishers, clad in the uni form of the Oxford Blues and of the Cherrypeckers, followed by a British sail or, had grown almost beyond control when Dr. Bell was Introduced to speak for the Canadians. His words had a ring of sin cerity and faith that seemed to evoke from those present all the gratitude felt for the fine work of the Royal Canadians under Lord Roberts. He said he was Canadiun-'born. American by adoption, but this did not Impair his love for the parent country. His sympathies could not be be stowed upon the two so-called republ.es when familiar with all the oppressions practiced under their rule in South Africa, and especially Boer antipathy to Anglo Saxon people from Britain or America. On the loyalty of Canada Dr. Bell said there was nothing to be said except unques tioning affirmation. The statement that I French-Canadians were disloyal was dis proved by the fact that a French-Canadian, now Minister, showed a statesman ship and patriotism that could not be ex celled. William R. Mackenzie spoke very brief ly, after Mr. Kinross' orchestra had en livened things up with some catchy music Mr. Mackenzie devoted most of his time the faithfulness .and loyalty of the Cana- ' V dlans, and said 6uch meetings as were being held here were also seen through out the great British Province on the north. While saying, "If there Is anybody who ever had any doubt as to the" loy alty of the Canadians" there came cries of, "Never; never any doubt." Hence forth Britishers, when ranging up their pride regiments for battle, would place with the Seaforths, Gordon Highlanders, Innlsk-lllngs and Dublin Fusiliers, the Royal Canadians. Everything Canadian was cheered as truly as if no sea divided the American Province from the mother country. Mr. Hawes. also of Canadian birth, em phasized the loyalty of Canada to the Brit ish flag. Chairman Macmaster called for T. Brook White for a song, and somebody In the audience took up the name "White." which brought down the house ln a great shout for the stout old defender of Lady- smith. Federation Accomplished. Percy Blyth was the next speaker. He spoke deliberately, yet with deep feeling, and his well-rounded sentences each had Its applause. Bitter words were heard ngalrut the "yelping horde on the Con tinent of Europe that bayed when they thought the liqn sorely wounded," and close upon It came the words of pride: "Can we give greater ho'nor than to say that In the Mood of those who have fallen the federation of the British Empire has been accomplished? England's storm o distress has been a blessing to her." Though losses should multiply, there were thousands of Britishers standing ready to , spring to the front before contemplatinc; J any abatement of the rightful purpose that Instituted the war on the part of Britain. A letter from Alexander H. Kerr, presi dent of the SL Andrew's Society, was read, expressing regrets that he was unable to attend the meeting. Mr. Kerr expressed the same words of cheer and joy that the speakers had uttered, and gave a bit of material support to his words by donating $3 to aid in defraying expenses of tho evening. The chair announced that British-born residents would care for this fea ture, and there was no purpose to call upon American friends present, who were guests. Lnndntion Front nn American. Be-njamin T. Cohen stirred up new fires In one of the best-applauded addresses of the evening. Mr. Cohen spoke as a citi zen of the United States whose ancestry went back to Revolutionary times. He addressed the meeting as "Mr. Chairman and Fellow-Citizens of the Anslo-Saxon Race," which took everybody by storm. His next sentence. "On this occasion I feel Justified ln saying 'We are the people.' " again shook the roof. Mr. Cohen said that no other evidence that blood was thicker than water need bo cited than the cordial, close friendship now existing be tween Britain and America, after their two wars with each other. He traced several Incidents that evoked joint en thusiasm, particularly ln Chinese waters in oarly days, and on two occasions in Samoa. When Mr. Cohen said. "I say to you. gentlemen, the heart of every thinking man, the heart of almost every respon sible American citizen. Is with Great Brit ain In this fight." enthusiasm began reaching danger points. "The day Great Britain gets her back to the wall, the day some great disaster overtakes htr, that day the United States of America will be standing by her side. We know It, all Europe knows It, and all Europe knows that If ever the day comes when England and America are united, we will be able .to say to the world, ln the lan guage of the Immortal Shakespeare, 'Come tho four corners of the world 'against U3, we will front them.' " Mr. Cohen's remarks set such a wave of excitement a-going that there were cries for "The Star-Spangled Banner." Tho orchestra struck up the air, every body rose to his feet, standing as duti fully at attention as when "God Save the Queen" rang through tho hall, and some Britisher jumped to the platform, waving ln one hand a British flag and ln the other tho American emblem. Mr. Lumgalr sang "Tommy Atkins," and was followed by W. H. Kinross ln "Soldiers of the Queen," both of which received splendid recognition. Other Speakers. George Taylor, Jr., spoko for a few moments, and was followed by T. P. London in a vocal solo, "They All Love Jack. ' which greatly excited the sailors. Robert Livingstone took occasion to speak in behalf of the widows' and orphans' fund being raised by Britishers every where. At the close of his remarks he read Kipling's poem on "Bobs" In such fine style that the growing hoarseness of the audience was perceptibly increased by an effort to applaud the popular hero. Toward the close Judge Whalley was called from the audience and spoke sev eral minutes. He was credited with one of the most eloquent and stirring ad dresses of the evening. He said he was British-born, of which fact he was proud, without detracting ln the least from 'love of his adopted country. Many historical facts of British progressiveness and free institutions were given. The speaker also read his original poem, written at the time of the defeat at Magersfonteln, on "The Wounded Lion." This was the fin ishing touch, and when the reading was finished there was a long-continued ova tion. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector of Trinity Church, was the last speaker heard dur ing the evening. He colled attention to (Concluded on Ninth Page.) THE PURPOSE FAILED Latest Puerto Rican Bill Does Not Satisfy the Country. PRINCIPLE INVOLVED UNCHANGED Colonies Should Be Taught to Help Themselves Crater Lake Parte. Bill Reported. WASHINGTON, March 3. The messago of the President and the action of tho House yesterday In appropriating the money collected from Puerto Rico to bo used under the direction of the President to rehabilitate the island, has failed ln the Intention of those who planned It. While the President's opponents approve doing what they can for Puerto Rico, they still hold that the principle Involved has not yet been changed ln the least, and that the levying of a tariff upon the island is unnecessary, if not unconstitu tional. There was too much spread-eagleism ln responding to the message, and there la also a feeling that It is not best to make our new colonies believe that they are to be supported through the largesse of the Government. Collecting the money from our people for the purpose of spending it among another set will not satisfy tho conditions. The Idea which prevails gen erally Is that the Puerto RIcans should be given an equal chance with the United States, and If they then fall. It Is their fault. The protectionists still hold out, nnd the beet-sugar and Connecticut to bacco will probably carry the day. A rumor Is afloat that the committees of the House and Senate will have a junket to Puerto Rico very soon; but such action would probably call down still fur ther condemnation. Crater Lake Nntionnl Pnrkj The House committee on public lands today favorably reported Representative Tongue's bill creating the Crater Lako National Park. The bill was reported without amendment, the provision exclud ing prospectors, which was stricken out in tho last Congress, being allowed to re main. The Secretary of the Interior said that in the case of Rainier Park, in Wash ington, prospecting was allowed, and as a result fires and other depredations wero committed and could not be restrained. As the 2A0 acres embraced ln the park aro not known to be mineral, this restriction shouT work no hardship. Mr. Tonguo explained the bill to the committee, and a report Is to be made by Representative Moody. Speaker Reed was the principal opponent of the bill in the last Congress, and with him out of the way. Mr. Tonguo hopes to have the bill passed at an early date. Senate Tired of the Qnny Cine. The Senate has become very tired of tho Quay case, and seem3 determined to ge,t. rid of it one way or anothPr. It" would"" , not be strange to see It out of the way next week, as few people want to discuss It. and yet tho friends of Quay are press ing hard for action, and keep It before the Senate, displacing other business. Tho opponents of Quay do not seem so confi dent as they did a short time ago. Tho vote In the Senate has certainly dlshear ened them, while his friends are gaining confidence as the debate continues. Wnrdner Riot Investigation. The Investigation of the Idaho riots has developed only one salient feature, and that is tho desire of certain men to maka political capital. Lentz is just deep enough to conduct the prosecution. Ho wants to pose as the friend of the laboring man, and the opponent of the United States Army. The whole course of Inves tigation so far has been directed against the Army, and as little attention as pos sible Is given the Populist Governor of Idaho. In spite of the fact that it was he who called for the United States troous and that they acted primarily undr his direction. It is doubtful whether an at tack on the United States Army would bo approved by the people, especially as the soldiers, who are being so severely criti cised by the rioters, are the same who took such a prominent part In carrying tho flag to victory at San Juan. Congress Rushing Business. It Is evident that the Republicans aro trying to rush business as they never have before at this period of the long session. It has been the usual custom of the Sen ate to adjourn at least two days in tho week until toward the close of every long session; but now the Senate sits every day. More than that, the committee on privileges and elections has worked on the Clark case as few commissions havo worked, ln Its anxiety to get everything closed up. The Republicans are very anxious to get the necessary business off their hands, so that they can get out In the campaign. The Democrats seem per fectly willing to delay, and several of tho leaders say that as long as the Republi cans continue to make campaign material for them, like that on the Puerto Rico bill, they are not going to hasten adjourn ment. The Charges Against Corbln. Pcttigrew Is fighting Corbln. This in Itself means that the sympathy of Con gress and of the people who know Pettl grew will shift to the Adjutant-General, and little stock will be taken ln tho call ing up of the old court-martial caso against him. Possibly Pettigrew will find a boomerang ln this, as he has on- the Philippine question, as the court-martial case, which Is called for, will show that Corbln was acquitted of the charges, and that the man who preferred them was obliged to resign as Colonel of the regi ment, while Corbln was promoted to bo Colonel. Of course, Corbln had a pull then, as he has now, and has had ever since; but Pettlgrew's raking up of tho old records against him is not the way to prevent the astute politician from being promoted from Brigadier to Major-Gea-eral. Opponents of the Cnnnl nt Work. Reports are being sent out from some where to the effect that the new Nica ragua canal commlsison has found cer tain obstructions which will make the plan of the first Walker commission Imprac ticable, and consequently there must be a delay In the building of the canal. It is one of the curious things that ever since the Nicaragua canal bill was first pro posed, no session has ever passed that some excuse has not been found to post pone its consideration. 1 Assaulted hy Strikers. CHICAGO, March 3. Two nonunion workmen are being cared for at the Coun ty Hospital as the result of brutal assaults made upon them by a mob of strikers at Canal Port, this noon. They are L. S. Gondy and Aaron Myers. Two other nonunion men were assaulted and badly beaten by strikers at Sixtieth street and KImbaTk avenue, earlier In the day, and It was only when a woman of the neigh borhood came to the rescue with a re volver that the strikers were driven away. Warrants wero sworn out for the arrest I of tho assailants of Gondy and. Myers, H