The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 18, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Two Firbb ik Tfflt Samx Brwa-Twlee
st e enlng the toe 6eprUeBt was eaHed
BuDor. tj extinguish a Are In tb seeoafl-
ihand store of. Abe Wtee. M Fiw street.
ifiach. nme the flua gained coiwiasrawe
Headway before the flrenen caw Bt te
bctne, but were controlled wi a. total
liosa ic tne store ma siock m, wiii-
Inaa t S2X. At 8 i. Ji- me nr caw oth
z lj sounded the alarm Sone oW fttr-
u-c rina other tun. wm wb bwhhs
long 113 Chemical fio 2 ana nose 10.
o.Ui.JL.y reduced the Mase, ana wumn
few nucules the firemen had quenched
t uencc of tire to be found. At J9.M,
Speviai unieer emiui ioum ine secoaa-
-u. store blazing merrily away a&un.
ind turned in the second alarm. This Use
Ithe fUnus had spread to a wooden jiar-
,uu n the store, and smoke was pouring
:ut cf Jit second story of the buiUUag in
icnso u.umes. A more eiaoor&te ngnt
ras roQiured of the flrentea, but their el-
forj tti re toou suuuc Cut. A concMerable
luai of water was thrown into the
dren chine mnch of the goods on
the icwer floor, but it was necessary ta
isure fcd 1 st another.otitbreak.
Reh r lican Cmjb o Kktsbstain. The
lqu g Men s Republican Club Is arrang
ing iir a special entertainment at their
icxt r gu ar meeting, Thursday evening,
r 22, the anniversary of wasalng-
;.ir s Ur hday. at their headquarters, 207
. r building. The meeting will be
icur s ! by Crsoerai summers, j. m.
S s-'cl other prominent republicans.
? rtr n quartet, composed of Messrs.
av M. L Bowman, W. J. El
be. t nd X. H. Alexander (these geatle-
:... ma ic the name of Multorpor famous
- j be campaign of UM), will make
"bt appearance on this evening.
tsj bhearer will entertain the club
1 , umorous recitations, and one of the
ujt t "Kill sing the new and popular
c, Rdusch Mit Ihm." All the fflem--rs
of lheclub are earnestly requested
to Le resent, and brine tnelr friends.
ELx 1 h W Hon will preside at the piano.
Ailesb ok Bacwo. "Giordano Bruno
-lus L fe and Work," is the subject of
adre5B to be delivered this evening,
" xj o clock, in the Artisans hall, Afo-
grg ,a Luilaing, br William H. Oalvaiu.
s tlie SOOth anniversary of the burn-
I' f, tne stake of that heroic pioneer
rrijaarn culture and learning, and the
-1 " f this most interesting philosopher J
n 1 Ita.ian Renaissance will be pre-
t J iii a spirit ot paying a just trib-
b t3 his memory, rather than that of
king animosity toward sectarian re-
sm oer their past doings. All in
Li,'a,y w lth this effort to ooramemor-
1; e life, work and death of the great
:-r jr, wiio struggled for freedom of
'utht and consecrated hie daring effort
-Ji his life blood, are Invited to attend.
FuKTUiND-Noim Root. The St. Louie
1 c, of last Sunday, devotes a whole
lage to Cape Kome, with elegant Ulna
rs . ue, copying entire an article from
:os and Metals, of this city, not omit-
Vg 10 final paragraph, which reads as
j.. we "The trip to Nome is easiest and
t direct from Portland, Or. There are
) changes from car to ship. You go
dila steamer there, and In a aouple
if wcks sou disembark at your destlna-
'-, vJth no hardship but a sail through
r n sea. The Portland-Nome route Is
- u.res for there are no narrow chan
7 r treacherous straits to pass through,
!u 1 oiblllty of running, on to a reef
he darkness of the night."
I e '-ter on Brtxk. Speaking yeeter-
5 tj in Oregonlan reporter of the gold-
'ruard law about to be enacted, ex-
.rn. r Pennoyer sad: "I hold Colonel
really responsible for the law. It
go hi.i not captured the nomination four
i'-s ago with his carefully prepared
1 v, either Bland, Teller or Steenson
J 1 r bably have been nominated and
2'il. Brjan did not defeat the enemy
fi Lib own party by hie volubility, and
cac of the party then Mratite the
of the jpoldtondart law now.
l man baa ever been endowed with
-1 power to overcome the enemy
a jawbone."
j A r.XiiARKABL Showtkc. The 49th an-
iui statement of the Equitable, the
i vt hfe insurance company In the
appears on page JK of this jetue.
1 jid wine, this concern improves with
ard the gains made during 18W are
J;j y nr-irxdous, but this Is not so much
jo wtn red at, when the fact is taken
j wiifiiaeration that the list of names
! board of managing directors, which
's under the statement. Includes some
1 ' mt noted financiers in America.
-3 ?u.l ment Is well worthy of a careful
T a1 'ly business men.
El i Men wiLi. CaxstRATB. The tribes
1 1'a.i Sachems Association, of this
w "' ctlebrato Washington's birthday
w gwum, A. O. U. W. temple, next
' '-.aj ienlng. J. M. Long and J. P.
"-. jv will denver patriotic addreeees.
i Frank Hennescy and other local
i v,, entertfrtn. The use of a mam-
rphophone baa been secured. No
r n is charged. All brothers of the
r-c Invited. The committees have
U 1 " i effort to make the observance
1 rih of Washington an event of pa-
J otlon.
t 8ii Aktbcwl-A notable feature of
n.ce at the Seamen's Institute this
, at 7.1S, will be the rendering
s.j-t. sacred places by the Welsh choir
j. 1 thip County of Merioneth. The
beautifully, and the public la
v 2 It Hay ha returned from Cal-
,rid will give his special monthly
'i1; to joung men. An excellent con-
i-lr. 11 c- given ht the A, O. U. W. hall
-ary 26 and he proesedc will be de--1
io the furalshlng of a seamen s
3 at MATntSM. Through the klnd-
2 Manager Oordray, the children of
& and attic Aid Society were ln-
1 a.' tend the Matinee performance
I re-Roberts eeennany, yesterday
The youngsters enjoyed them-
1 nmunsely, and have learned to ap-
tin fact that Mr. Cordray fur-
j . in m lth many pleasant diversions.
at, at.-A horse attached to the de-
" v.jpn of D. C Burns ran away at
1 an ; Market streets, about Z
" -'irday afternoon, tore down
5 a k and was stopped at the cor-
-sh and Salwnon streets. The
3 ' ''"ic agon were beat, and the har-
a 1 m several places, but so other
r -, uited and no on was Injured.
i N' I r-TO-Dara stock of gas and
t". chandeliers, brackets, fancy
1 'aid Welsbach burners, the Port-
l ua Company la headquarters. Do
' k this large and complete as-
n. -. whtn making your selections.
- -ix ti al Ctre. The Jewish Intel.
a.. ub will hold a public meeting
S ok this evening, at the Altsky
r rnr Third and Morrison streets,
-3. ir All are welcome.
a- T t rners -The De LeT te the latest
i T-ncr No mantel, no chimney, a
1 sjstem of incandescent sac llcht-
W estern Electric Works, agent, MSfe
pton street.
"" t --Judgment sale against W. St.
-i- manager Thiers Detective Ser-
'or W60 ami cost Liberal discount
George MendenhaU, Commercial
mpia CKAtMLBM. the wheel of the
j ?'$. WS. American Bicycle Co.,
' street.
" ..I. Btru me torn house for reliable
r fl-e or M yeans lease. Address
r gonlan.
krRF Abbi C Tmmmm. curee nenou
with magnetic massage, Lewis
- e
wbia BtcrcK standard of the
$5i Amertcaa Bicycle Cev, 1M sixth
Jswisa Faib. What promises to be one
ef the most artistic and elaborate sub
eeseey this season Is the. coming Jewish
fair, now In preparation by the Congre
gation Ahaval Sholom. Neither pains nor
expense aro being spared to make the fait
a social as 'well as lnanclal success. The
Hibernian hall, where the festivity 1b to
occur, will present a most gorgeous ap
pearance on the opening night. A score of
feooths arc to be erected, from which pretty
and fascinating maids will dispense sweet
meats, lemonade, flowers and numberless
other goodies; fancy work of all descrip
tions and hundreds of useful articles of
home manufacture will be displayed and
sold. The fair begirs on the eve of
j March 12, and will continue until March
j a vanea entertainment, consisting 01
local talent, will be given In the early
part of each evening, and the grand cli
max will be a masquerade balL Mayor
Storey will open the fair with one of his
usual very appropriate addresses.
Enthusiastic Republicans. An enthu
siastic meeting of the Second Ward Re
publican Club was held last evening, at
Upchurch hall, corner Marshall and Sev
enteenth streets. Notwithstanding the
stormy night, a good attendance was pres
ent. The following officers were elected:
President, John W. Paddock; vice-president,
James M. Roberts; secretary, L. Q.
Swetland; treasurer, George W. Rates;
executive committee, A. W. Allen, Harry
Howard and Walter F. White. Action was
taken toward securing a full registration
of voters. A number of new names were
added to the rolls.
Aftbr an extended trip of nearly six
weeks through the several piano manufac
turing districts of the East, including Bos
ton, New York, Philadelphia, Detroit, CIn.
clnnatl and Chicago, Mr. Hy. Eilers, of
Ellers piano house, returned to Portland
yesterday more enthusiastic than ever
and more thoroughly convinced of the
great future and commercial importance
of the great Pacific Northwest and its
thriving metropolis on the Willamette.
Fukhrax of Gur Millard. All volun
teers who can find It convenient to do so,
are requested by General Summers to be
at Hounan's undertaking parlors at 1 P.
M. today to attend the funeral of Guy
Millard. The procession will start to the
Unitarian church at 1:30, and the public
services will be held In the latter place
at 2 P. M. The soldiers will march to the
Lone Fir cemetery, where the body will
be interred.
Fire in a Second-Hand Store. A small
Are in a second-hand store on Second
street, between Taylor and Salmon streets,
last evening, demanded the attention of the
department for a few minutes. The alarm
sounded about S P. M., and when the
department arrived the small apartment
was blazing cheerfully. With the cheml
oal and water the fire was soon extin
guished. Its origin Is unknown.
Death of a Portland Man. A. B. Pip
pin, for seven years salesman In the store
ef Lipman, Wolfe & Co., died yesterday
at his mother's home In Sacramento. Mr.
Pippin left here two months ago upon the
advice of his physicians that he had con
sumption and would ha e to seek a warmer
climate. He is well known In Portland.
The body will be buried there. "
Crbmatorium Meeting. A meeting of
those interested In the establishment of a
crematorium In Portland will be held Tues
day night. In the Unitarian church. A
number of well-known clergymen will
speak, and good music will be provided.
Lhcture and Entertainment, Wash
ington's birthday, Hibernian hall, Sixth
and Washington streets. Address by Hon.
John M. Gearin. National melodies. Ad
mission, 25c and 50c
Chimney Fire. The fire department was
called out about 5 o'clock yesterday after
noon to a chimney fire at 502 Mill street.
A few handfuls of salt successfully put out
the flames.
"Won Back" will bo presented at the
Marquam, February 22, under the auspices
of the United Artisans. Seats will be 011
sale at box office February 20.
Cleveland BicrcLBS, built on tho
square, $40, $60 and $75. American Bicycle
Co., 132 Sixth street
Hartford Bictclbs, light, strong, easy
running $36. American Bicycle Co., 132
Sixth street.
Reserved Seats for "Won Back" will
be on sale at the box office, February 20.
See Gill's window, clearance sale of all
calendars at 25 cents on tho dollar.
Electric Laundry removed to 126 Fifth
street. Both 'phones.
PORTLAND, Feb. 17. To Mr. J. P. Fln-
ley, Portland, Or.: The undersigned tax
payers and citizens of Portland, Or., favor
a conservative business adsninistratlon of
the school affairs of this city. They be
lieve that you have the time, the ability
and the integrity required to assist in
giving them such an administration. They,
therefore, request that you permit the
use of your name as a candidate for di
rector of school district, No. 1, -Multnomah
county, Oregon. In the event of your
acceptance of this call, they pledge you
the support of their votes and influence:
L N. Flelschner, D. M. La Moree,
E. Neustadter. "J. W. Hemsworth,
H. J. Blaeslng,
Henry Goodman,
Lewis Love,
E. D. Shattuck,
Napoleon Davis,
J. C. Carson.
Robert Patton,
Henry Welnhard,
James McBrlde,
Paul Wossinger,
Charles Blakeley,
Joaeph Clossett,
G. Clossett,
"has.1 C. Newcastle.F.
W. T. Jacobson, E
F. Rothschild,
A. Bradshaw,
W. F. Weaver,
R. H. Schwab,
W. E. Spurrier,
J. Theo Thompson,
H. S. Loomls,
C. W. Cottel,
J. H. Page,
A. L. Barbour,
Frank M. Conn,
A J. Prager & Sons, William Ballls,
John Montag,
Ft, D. Inmon,
A. Zwlcker.
A B. Stelnbach,
A B. Stuart,
E. J. Glasser,
P. P. Bodley,
A. S. Hill.
Carl Anderson,
L. Goldenberg,
D. Dahm.
T. Hendrioksen,
Mlsner & Hayden,
Harry Beck,
William Reldt,
L. C. Newell,
Geo. C. Sears.
N. S. Johnson,
P. H. Page,
F. A. Jones,
John GUI,
C. M. Dilley.
W. H. Grenfell,
D. C. Burns,
E. A. Bamford,
Pearson-Page Co,
H. Claussenlus,
Newton Drew,
William Vatz,
P. Glboni.
Dixon, Borgeson
G. M. Orton,
O. H. Anderson,
Robert Lutke,
O. H. Relger,
C. F. Ffluger,
L. B. Magoon,
B. E. Miller,
E. E. Merges,
L. H. Brown,
W. E. Peacher,
C. H. Hill,
H. J. Mclnnes,
P. M. Sutford,
T. H. Patterson,
Charles Fernau,
Silas Jones,
Tohn Lamont,
S. J. Jones,
Alex Sweek,
J. T. Thompson,
J W. Booth,
A G. Rushlight,
N. tearl Ogilbee,
Arid many others.
John Swing,
W. L. Page,
Otto Schumann,
W. T. Masters,
Carl Potszwald,
L. Schulze,
Lee M. Clark,
W. F. Breldenstein,
Martin &. Forbes,
G. Landucci,
J. Pollvka,
A J. Farmer,
H. A. Heppner,
N. P. Tomlinson,
Albert von der
R. E. L. Simmons,
B. E. Menefee,
Fred Cozens,
A. W. Moore,
J. H. Yates,
T. G. Trengove,
Charles Mautz,
Thomas Buckman,
Wm. H. Harris, "
E. W. Rowe,
R. L. Gillespie,
M. A. McEachenn
J. Managhan,
T. B. West,
&F. S. Dunning,
Henry H. Staub,
A B. Ferrera,
A. Tozler.
H. Solomon,
S. Solomon,
C. G. Adams,
E. R. Loomls,
P. A. Nichols,
W. T. Lambert,
C. W. DruscheL
A. Vulleumler,
R. R. Ball,
C. "V. Cooner,
F. E. Beach,
P. P. Haradon & Co,
C. W. Nottingham,
F. W. Brooke,
D. Franklin,
X. Pearson,
W. B. Hosmer,
Henry Ehlen,
L. Nast,
H. Slnshelmer,
"Seventy-seven" consists of a small
vial of pleasant pellets; fits the vest
"Seventy-seven" restores the checked
circulation (Indicated by chill or
shiver), starts the blood coursing
through the veins, and so stops a fresh
Cold and "breaks tip" a stubborn Cold
that "hangs on," and known as La
Edition de Luxe.
"We have a limited number of copies
of Dr. Humphreys' Manual, in white
and gold, that will be sent free. Tells
about the care, treatment and cure of
the sick In all maladies, A chapter
especially on the Diseases of Children.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Medicine Co., Cor.
William &. John Sts.. N. T.
tmrzr Ta n IB iB IB In In D u in 96
Call at 175 FourttTstreet, T. M. C. A.
building, and look at the latest improved
drop-head ballbearing sewing machines,
which will be sold during the next 10
days at $30 each. New Domestic machines,
five-drawer oak, $30. A few second-hand
machines, Singer, New Home. White,
Wheeler & WliEon ana Domestic. Your
choice for $10. Don't miss this chance.
1 Fourth street. Y. M. C. A. building.
e '
Wanted Name and address of all per
sons interested in cremation: handsome
souvenir pamphlet mailed free. Address
Frank B. Gibson, 205 Stark street, room 10, j
.romana, ur.
St. Helen's Hall, a boarding and day
school for girls. .For circulars address
Miss Eleanor Tlbbetts, Ph. D Principal.
Portland, Or. Tel. Red S9L
"Good luck grows not on bushes." but
good health Is assured If you take Hood's
By all means go to the Portland restaur
ant, 305 Washington, hear Fifth. Coffee,
meats, dairy products, etc., are the best.
Chipken dinner, 2oc, Strouse's Cafe, 229
Washington, between First and Second.
Chicken dinner at the Eastern restaur
ant, 25 cents. 170 Third, near Yamhill.
We will offer our entire stock of Japan
ese and Chinese curios, brlc-a-brac, mat-
ung, rugs, etc.. at a srreaf rprhmtlnn nr
prices. ANDREW KAN & CO.,
Corner Fourth and Morrison.
i o
And handsome men guard their health
by using Hlond Chemical Co.'s "Cones,"
$1 50 per box. P. O. Box 974, Portland, Or.
"Waldor Pianos for Rent.
Six months' rent allowed If purchased.
Graves & Co., 285 Alder, near Fourth.
Is an instrument
by means of which
anyone. can play the
piano. It is so
wonderful in its power
that it must be seen
to be appreciated.
It will pay you
to come and see it.
Marquam Bldg., cor. Seventh Street
,o f T
Wc Will Engrave a Monogram
(2 or 3 letters) in any one of 5 different eyles,
and furnish 2 QUIRES of finest quality WRIT
ING PAPER (Whlto or tinted), stamped with
monogram, with envelopes (not stamped):
Monogram stamped In plain colors, $1.23
Monogram stamped in gold or Oliver, 1.40
Monogram illuminated (two colors), 1.50
Finest Quality Engraved Visiting Cards
Including: Copper Plate. latest Styles. Sl.25
for 100.
Wedding: Invitations and Announcements. En
graved on Copper Plate. Latest Styles. Finest
Papers. Full set of samples on request.
All mail and express charges prepaid.
314 Goodnough Blk., Portland, Or.
Mailed fan
Of the many diseases that are amenable
to osteopathic treatment there are none
that yields as readily as diseases of the
stomach, the cure Is also permanent; ca-
I tarrhal conditions, gastritis, atony, acld
I ity, etc, give excellent results, by this
J method. If you have a loss of appetite
or distress after eating a few treatments
are all that are necessary to restore them
to the normal. ,
An examination will cost you nothing
at our office, 416, the Dekum. Lady oper
ator If desired. Phone, Main 319.
weemutyw g a
130 Frst St
Portland Or
One Day Cold and LaGrippe Cure
Curing in 5 dcoes acute cases of coughs, colds
and la grippe. Every box guaranteed.
Ixrw-Price and Reliable Rrugglsts,
Portland, Or.
1ARK"& ca
Sk r-
Front and PettygroVe. .TEL. OAK 261
Oregon Kidney Tea cures back
ache, Kidney and bladder trou
bles and constipation.
Ulster Values
With one of our black or gray Frieie Ulsters
you can bid sturdy defiance to the cold win
try blasts. These comfort-givers are amply
large, have heavy satin sleeve linings to make
them go on easily, an'd contain more .goodness
to the square inch than most ulsters do.
$10.00 Black Frieze Ulsters T 7 OC
reduced to 3 i0J
$12.50 Black Frieze Ulsters . C Q OC
reduced to 3 333
$1 5.00 Gray Mixed Frieze Ulsters (T 1 1 Q C
reduced to $ I 1 ,0 J
$22.50 Genuine Irish- Frieze Ulsters ;fltO Q r
reduced to BOtJvA
Gkv3 ar ncua?B Mtopenmble
artioiaB dress y awtaoa of
th, year.
FuiftH ait rttramte m perfect.
have seaefrM -nwcr-MMaawi aad
are sura ftttteg.
The Inimitable Stelnbach kinds, with plenty
of worth and style to make them perfect sat
isfaction givers.
$8.50, $10, $12.50, $15, $20 and up.
j IOkJ
Is our prfea foe DvaCfe mm aiyte
walking aad tUfrlwg &JWXH In Dm
popular tana and gaya. It ttwy
rip or tear brteg 'mk Mkw
Adler'a gtevae, $Lf aid' jkM.
$2.00 Chinchilla Reefers for $111.
$3.50 Chinchilla Reafars lor JMS.
$3.00 knee troueors setts at 9M6.
$4.50 knee trousers suits at $8.36.
g Largest Clothiers in the Northwest.
cLomm MFmp&Fimtf&
Cor. Fourth and Morrison $b.
Winter Overcoats and Ulsters
"v t nriXA6 ffgoauiac ami reoovtrinc.
!-'- -he waoriiurtML obL Bth sd Gth
vrs Watbr 11 rpmltpA todar.
Main M. Oragaa 'phone.
i Corhsuim. aplrttnal test met-
-kv hall tkfc erentoE. 7:M.
n MSQcanAiiK. on February 22.
o mrmbera for InTltattoa.
tik lxmtmr remove to IX Fifth
1 tv phonaa
rr , l ik. Marauam. Februarv a.
Dr Strain. dentl3t. 713 Dekum buildlnp
mt l-anAiic Tsra 4Tklr4-r s
wusrvj k ii m n m m m m an hhbbmh mi uamv cmum m s. i-v-hj
mi iwiiiiLiA 3j vUOL3 as a
Hi! - f Silk-Faced Vicunas 21
z b Silk-Lined Oxfords p o
vsyz vv a. frvCS. lain E-iiivi vjiqt vituiias vgEJz
v " i r&Mlt Covert Cloth and Whipcords fflffi
B iSfci ey re Famous g I
Wl I 11 Vi For Quality. KSB
1 TilTTT 1 vItxtwx styIe and Durab!,Ity HH S
M II I J l M Clft C1C -C9I1 inA C?7ft W& I
pa ; sl v lv5 SJ5 LV- aiiy LIJU
7?Ws? A J&Stv Cloth and linings warranted. The swellest
Vg .'",, dressed man In New York or London wears yl
"- no better coats than ours.
yaj? m 0 am mjh . ftV Ja, ! i shjbbbbj on m h-. n"w akv an .nnw nvannnnB IJS
. Corner Morrison and Second Streets SliS
'Krf l I pjll
flf I III tMli
I If
'. Take your pick of any Overcoat
or Ulster in the house at one-fifth off the plainly marked
prices. It has always been our policy to close out the
Overcoat stpek each year, to sacrifice all profits, if nec-
r essary, to avoid carrying over goods. All this season
we have been offering remarkable values in Overcoats,
and the result is a very low stock. Now we are prepared
to sacrifice the balance in order to clean up. On top of
prices which are already low we make the sweeping
. .reduction of 20 per cent on any Overcoat or Ulster in
the house. It's for one week only, but all ought to go
' in that time.
The Popular-Price Clothiers
1 PackageBromangelon
1 Pint
tf..l !
o L Milium
Boiling water, fpr
1 T PS.. V - 7 Z
I I1IIC, M e
More. V 2
o FLAVORS Lemon, Orange, Straw- o
berry, Kaspberry, cnerry.
FREE SAMPLE. Send 3 cents o
In etamps for postage and your e
grocer's name, and we will mall e
you free a sample of BROMAN- c
GELON, o any of the flVe flavors e
Paclflo North-west Representatives for
I M. J. CONNELL, Seattle, Wash, o
O Dlntrlbntlns Accnt. o
STERN & SAALBERG, 311 W. 4Kb St., fl. Y.
Instruction by mall, adapted to everyone Ex
perienced and competent instructors. . Takea
spare time only. Two courses. Preparatory,
for admliwlon to Supreme Court. Business Law.
for younff business men. the preparatorj course
follows as near as possible that laid dfiwn by
the Hastings Law School. Full particulars
ter street, rooms t and S. San Francisco.
A certain relief and cure.
50 cents at all druggists.
Woodard, Clarke & Co., Chemists
Agents, Portland, Or.
The recognized standard, pianos of the wwHj
pre-eminently the beet instruments at pteeeat
TaaA, exported to and cold In all centers ef tfce
globe, indorsed and preferred for private aati
public artists. Also Pacific Northrwest repre
sentatives for
And other high-grade planes.
Old instruments taken in eicaeage. Sold on
easy terms.
131 Sixth st, Oregonlan Bid?.
H ffl Riff J
IN H It? i
9 m . W
or Vapor
At your convenience ta yew owa Iwbm with ear
I jl ' '
DeLevy Burner
For Incandescent gas light
ing. No mantle, no chim
ney. Perfeet light.
Western Electric Works
Agt., 306 WaBBlagtea ot.
A. WICKE, Grocer
Removed from Front and Harrison to
By savlnc it. Our prices will enable you
l to do both. Call or phone. Delivery to all
parts of. the city.
A borne cure for Obesity, Chraato Metaeea.
P.heumattem. Neuralgia, Brtgat's UNweL Ma
betes. Consumption. Indtgaettop. Tnitt WVer,
Impurities of the Blood. Otfr keMa ttAa y(
all about it free. Cabteets Umtm Bimi), aU
$5.00-38.00 $12.00
Freight paW to
Woodard, Clarke S Co.
Fourth and Washington epf.. TorUaad.
i flaraaam Balldlar, Rooms 300, HlM2