The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 18, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Test or Yourself the Wonderful
Curative Properties of Swamp-Root
To Prove What This Great Kidney Remedy Swamp-Root Will Do for YOU, Every Reader
of "The Oregonian" May Have a Sample Bottle Free.
Reporters Have Convincing Interviews With Prominent People in Greater New York Regarding Wonderful Cures.
(From Kerr YorU Journal, January 4th, 1000.)
1 BOYLE, i fc t , BBOKIW.
How to Find Out if You
Need Swamp-Root.
Marvelous Results of Improved Treatment in Maladies Long Classed as
To thoee unacquainted with the great" the nominal assessment regulation, to the land their
DR. KILMER & CO., 6jth Police Precinct,
Gentlemen: Greater New York, Nov. n, 1899.
In justice to you, I feel it is my duty to send you an acknowledgment of the
receipt of the sample bottle of Swamp-Root you so kindly sent me. I had been out
of health for the past five years with kidney and bladder trouble. Had our best phy
sicians prescribe for me. They would relieve me for the time being, but the old com
plaint would in a short time return again. I sent for a sample bottle of Swamp-Root,
and I found it did me a world of good. Since then I have taken eight srnall bottles
bought at my drug store and I consider myself .perfectly cured. I do not have to get
up during the night to urinate as I formerly did, three or four times a night, but now
sleep the sleep of peace. My back is all right again and in every way I am a new
man. Two of my brother officers are still using Swamp-Root. They, like myself
cannot say too much in praise of it. It is a boon to -mankind. We recommend it to
all humanity who are suffering from kidney and bladder diseases.
My brother officers (whose signatures accompany this letter) as well as my
self thank you for the blessing you have brought to the human race in the compound
ing of Swamp-Root We remain, Yours very truly,
Officers of the 6cth Police Precinct, Greater New York. HUGH E. BOYLE,
Dear Sirs:
Received your sample bottle of Swamp-Root which you were good enough to
send me. It helped me wonderfully. Have since taken two bottles purchased from
my druggist. It seemed as if my back would break in two when I got, up after stoop
ing .44ireLlycurKed and .cheerfully recommend your'medi'cine -to anyone
suffering from kidney disease.
12 Grand Street, New York City. JOSEPH TR AVERS.
November 16, 1899.
THEODORTJS VAN WTCK, former Editor of the Mount Ver
non News, and now one of the most prosperous real estate
brokers In New Ywk, 136 South Eleventh avenue. Mount
Vernon, N. Y.
To Whom It May Concern:
I had been a sufferer for the past five years from severe at
tacks of rheumatism and kidney trouble, probably contracted
fcy exposure on hunting expeditions and wading: streams. I
tried many remedies, the patent and other kind, but none of
them seemed to do me any good. I was persuaded by an old
and valued friend to try Swamp-Root, and frankly confess that
it has benefited me as no other medicine has. I now feel like
m self again. I do not have the constant aches and pains
which at one time seemed to make life unbearable. It is a posl
ti e benefit in aliments of this kind. I always keep it in the
house, as It te Just as necessary as bread and butter.
Very resnectfuUy,
His Own Physician Ordered It.
New York, November 17, 1899.
To Whom It May Concern:
I was all run down In health and spirits, from overwork on
the Exchange floor. I developed nervous neuralgia, and also
suffered from an acute attack of rheumatism.
Of course, I had careful medical attendance, but while con
valescing my own physician himself ordered me to take Swamp
Root to build up my nervous system, and put my kidneys In
shape. It helped me more than any curative or tonic I ever
used, and now I always keep it in my medicine chest. With
best wishes for sufferers.
EDITORIAL NOTE We are pleased to state that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of our
paper may have a sample bottle of the Great Kidney Remedy, Swamp-Root, sent absolutely free by mail. Be sure and mention
reading this generous offer in the Portland " Sunday Oregonian " when sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing
hamton, N. Y.
It used to be considered that only
urinary and bladder troubles were to
be traced to the kidneys, but now mod
ern science proves that nearly all dis
eases have their beginning in the dis
order of these most important .organs.
The kidneys Alter and purify the
blood that is their work.
So when your kidneys are weak or
out of order, you can understand how
quickly your entire body is affected,
and how every organ seems to fail to
do Its duty.
If you are sick or "feel badly," be
gin taking the famous new discovery,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as
soon as your kidneys are well they will
help all the other organs to health.
Disordered kidneys are responsible
for more sickness and suffering than
any other disease. Kidney trouble irri
tates the nerves, makes you dizzy, rest
Jess, sleepless and irritable. Makes
you pass water often during the day
and obliges you to get up many times
during the night. Causes rheumatism
and neuralgia, pain or dull ache In
the back, joints and muscles, makes
your head ache and back ache, causes
indigestion, stomach and liver trouble;
you get a sallow, yellow complexion;
makes you feel as though you had
heart trouble; you have plenty of am
bition, but no strength, get weak and
wasto away.
The cure for these troubles is Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the world-famous
kidney remedy.
In taking Swamp-Root you afford
natural help to nature, for Swamp-Root
is the most perfect healer and gentle
aid to the kidneys that is known to
medical science.
If there is any doubt in your mind as
to your condition, take from your urine
on rising about four ounces, place It
in a glass or bottle, and let it stand
24 hours. If, on examination, it is
milky or cloudy, if there is a brick
dust settling, or if small particles float
about in it, your kidneys are in need of
immediate attention.
Swamp-Rcot is pleasant to take, and
is used in the leading hospitals, recom
mended by skillful physicians in their
prlyate practice, and is taken, by doc
tors themselves who have kidney ail
ments, because they recognize in it the
greatest and most successful remedy
for kidney, liver and bladder troubles.
To prove its wonderful efficacy, send
your name and address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Binghamton, N. Y., mentioning
that you read this generous offer in The
Oregonian, when you will receive im
mediately by mail, free of charge, a
sample bottle of Swamp-Root and a
pamphlet of valuable information per
taining to kidrey and bladder diseases.
This book contains many of the thou
sands upon thousands of testimonial
letters received from men and women
cured. Swamp-Root is so remarkably
successful that those of our readers
who have not already tried it are ad
vised to write for a free sample bottle,
and to be sure and state that they read
this generous offer in The Portland
Sunday Oregonian.
If you are already convinced that
J Swamp-Root is what you need, you
can purchase tne regular ou-ceni huu
51 size bottles at the drug stores.
work carried on at the Copeland Institute,
the reach and range of that far-famed
medical system, and it? admirable adapta
tion to the needs of every class of in
valids may be indicated by the diversity
of disease accepted for expert treatment.
1. The Copeland system includes catarrh
and all catarrhal maladies. In this hard
branch of practical pathologyk Doctor
Copeland ranks with the very few recog
nized masters now living, but under the
nominal assessment plan all catarrh pa
tients receive one entire month's treatment,
medicines Included, for the sum usually
paid for examination alone.
2. The Copeland system includes the
treatment and cure of deafness, the sys
temtlc xestoration of the lost or impaired
sense of neanng, unaer Dniiiant discov
eries credited entirely to Doctor Copeland,
being now a thoroughly verified reality,
however unique and marvelous as a medi
cal evolution and achievement. Here, too,
rate of 55 a month, medicines included,
until cured.
3. The Copeland system includes asthma
and bronchitis, the superior curative po
tency of the new treatment in chronic in
flammatory diseases of the air passages
being predicated on the greatly reduced
period of time requisite to their permanent
mastery. Total expense treatment and
medicines Included $5 a month.
4. The Copeland system includes incipfc- J.
ent consumption with a treatment held to
be absolutely effective in the care of all
affections of the lung3 inside the line of
clear tuberculosis. Nominal expense as
sessmentone entire month's treatment,
medicines Included $5.
5. The Copeland system includes diseases
of the nervous system, Improved methods
of treatment accomplishing the permanent
mastery of this class of infirmities with
less delay than is possible under the oW
school theories. Expense limited to same
rate $5 a month, medicines included. i
6. The Copeland system includes diseases
cai evoiuuon unu agmcvciucm. "i '" I " -"- " " - "J- "
the expense of treatment is limited, under I of the stomach, the liver and the bowels.
offletont and gncceooftrt treat
ment hy a wamnttrlnd expert. wWwqt
extra expense Tnjwd the atreeaomoM 9S
a month, umiMtlnuo mentded.
7. The Capoten system Includes chronic
kidney trouble and its correct scientific
treatment 96 a month, medicines Included.
3. The Cooelnnd system includes rheu
matism and all affections of the skin, with
expert treatment, under the same nominal
assessment of S & month, medicines In
cluded. O. The CeBeland system lneladea
all maladies that reaire time treat
ment or a certals period of aalnter
rapted professional attention far
their flaal and lasting- care. Bat tne
leer to tne ay at em la Its eeenomlcal
aspects, Is that, Tvaate-ver the ali
ment or infirmity, the safferer is ac
tually afforded sue eatire month's
treatment, all medlolaes laeladed,
at the precise brb asaally paid lor
examination, aleae.
Mr. J. P. Gnvltt, a pioneer resident
of "Waitsburg, "Wash., having moved to
that section in 1860, was a sufferer from
catarrhal troubles for many years. In
speaking of his cure by the Home treat
ment, he says:
"I had catarrh more or less since child
hood. Four years ago I had grip, which
left me in a very weak and miserable
state. From that time on I grew rapidly
worse. I seemed to have one continuous
cold. My head and ears were stopped up
with that dull, heavy feeling that always
goes with cold. For years there was a
discharge from the left ear. As the dis
ease advanced, I experienced a fullness
and smothering sensation In the chest. I
was short of breath and had frequent at
tacks of choking like asthma.
My stomach became involved. Focd did
not digest. It caused bloating and great
distress. There was a feeling of weight
and oppression In the pit of the stomach;
the top felt raw and sore. My appetite
went back on me. I lost weight and
strength and became weak and easlly
exhausted. I could not sleep. My nerv
ous system was almost wrecked. Any little
thing would upset me completely, when I
would shake and tremble like one with
"I had read of the new Home treatment
for catarrh and sent for a symptom blank.
This blank covered my case so well that
I was inspired with confidence and sent
for the treatment. I began to get better
right away. Now I feel as I have not felt
in years, In perfect health. I am free from
distress and pain. I eat and sleep well.
I consider the home treatment a Godsend
to all the sick who live at a distance from
Mr. J. P. Gavitt, Wnitsburff, Wash.,
Cnred of Catarrh by the Home
Chronic Catarrh in all its forms,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Incipient Con
sumption, diseases of the Stomach,
the Kidneys, the Nervous System and
blood treated at the Copeland In
stitute at
I 3Ici?lcincs included,- until cured.
Mr. J. P. "West. Soappeose, Or.i Ob
son Wilfred has been taking a eowse of
treatment at the Copeland Institute for a
very severe ease of eatarrh. His worst
symptom was a. terrible racking; cough. He
had whooping cough as a baby and
coughed almost continually since. A year
ago he had a very bad cold or grip, from
which he never fully recovered. His ap
petite fatted and he lost flesh and strength.
He was tired and- languid and without am
bition. The way he coughed was terrible;
it wore him out completely. We
feared that his htngs were affected. He
took bottle after bottle of patent medi
cine with the result that he got worse
instead of better.
We took Mm p to the Copeland Insti
tute, and under the treatment given him
there he got well and strong. Hte cough
disappeared and he gained strength and
weight. He is an entirety different boy
from what he was a year ago.
Mr. B. A. Rata, Brevcter Hotel,
Portland, a well-known steamboat man:
I would have long since been in my grave
but for the treatment of Drs. Copeland
and Montgomery. They saved my life. I
suffered from a bronchial trouble, which
was thought to he consumption. My fam
ily physician could do nothing for me. I
had night sweats and a terrible cough.
At times I coughed until I raised bright
red blood. My chest was sore, with sharp
cutting pains through the lungs. I lost
flesh until I waa nothing but sktn and
When I finished ray treatment two years
ago I was a perfectly well man, and have
been so ever since. I shall be ever grate
ful to the doctors who cured me.
HOME TREATMENT No one deprived of the benefits of the Copeland Treatment because of living
at a distance from the city. If you cannot come to the office, write for Home Treatment Symptom
Blank and Book and be cured at home.
OFFICE HOURS From O A. M. to 12 M.j from 1 to S P. M.
EVENINGS Tuesdays and Fridays. SUNDAYS From 10 A. M. to 12 M.
are using every effort to recover the
bodies, but with no hope of saving them
Armor-Plate Trust.
YORK, Feb. 17. Tho
Com 1 hk Far Mere Than. They Pro
duce Fopalatien of German
Bast Africa Decreasing
currences in tho British parliament are
greedily Tead here and commented upon.
A number of the leading German papers
today still affect to believe the relief of
Khnberley is only a ruse by which the
Boers have led the British Into a trap, as
at Splonkop. Generally sneaklnir. however.
the German newspaper comment now lacks
, the bitterness of tone towards the British
I which was noticeable until recently. A
number of papers, especially the agrarian
and pan-German, insist that the war must
continue until Great Britain's complete
military collapse is laid 'bare before the
BERLIN, Fell. IS. Colonial matters en
gr xsc-d the atuntleii of the re-chetag this
vi k the debate vmatetakaMy shewing
11 ri u iprofltaWe state of the colonies hith
erto . en in the case of the meet promts
J"t" 1 lie the Oameroens. It likewise
tl iod the growing aanropr atlons, with
t'Oiar or dlmtamntog exports and lra-
n'u inl reports demonstrate that famine
tiThl .- okneac In Gorman Baet Africa have
tit abated that colony. In the district of
T t, i for example, within the year ISM
i -ovulation has been dhnlnmned from
12' 30s to 61.JK. owing to famine, leprosy,
8n ,ox and typhoid fever. The oondt
iKn of the whole colon' appears appalling.
Tin trade of this colon', which Is three
times the slsc of German-, te me gnlftoant,
arid mostly with British India, white the
.o; to Germany Is fivefold the whole
fade The reports from the other colon..
I s are not much better.
Tle Cologne Volte Zeitnng says the rail
road projects for the colonies now adopt-
1 f. wunt to aM.MO.eoe marks, while on
- other hand German trade with the
ruth colonies amounts to SOMOO.0M
lwkr without entailing a cent of ex
pense It cannot be dened that the sentl-mt-t
is glowing and obtaininc: la a terse
pan of the nation that other methods
other comfort or support. But for my
household I do need, and I do appeal for
the support of the prayers of all those of
every denomination ana every faith, who,
like myself, feel that my son Is innocent
and the victim of an unjust persecution.
I appeal, moveover, to every man who Is
a man to respect the saactlty bf the grief
-jb Plains Am puu ajjAi papiuju Xm jo
flicted daughter In affection, and my
daughter-in-law by her marriage to my
son. Blanche Chesebrough Mollneux. In
their behalf, my friends, gallant comrades
nf tho nrnnrl Armv nf tVi "Rpnubllc. trai-
world, thus preventing Great Britain for lant soldiers of the Confederacy, late foes
century to come irom lnterrermg in but now friends, as well as all others who
South Africa and leaving the white popula
tion of Low German stock the lords there.
At the foreign office these day-dreams are
ridiculed. The foreign office, however, does
not doubt the relief of Klmberley, and
considers it a great moral success for
Great Britain.
I Terrific snow storms have prevented the
emperor from having much sport in
Hubertsstock, though this morning he
went out on foot with a small retinue
deer stalking.
Still Convinced of the Innocence or
His Son.
NEW YORK. Feb. 17.-General Leslie
Mollneux, the father of Boland B. Moll
neux, convicted of the murder of Mrs. Ad
ams and sentenced to death, has issued a
statement from his home in Brooklyn to
the newspapers of the country, in which
he says:
"It has been intimated in some of the
newspapers that a fund should be raised
for assisting the defense of my son. I
should not allow pride to prevent me from
hart those employed are needed to make i accepting such assistance if it were needed.
iN- Ormnn colonies a success. t for the reason that I should not myself
1 a significant that during the cev- ' hesitate to offer it to any person who
r-fit daye' debate in the reichetag, the 1 needed it; and I should never be ashamed
ro-venunent remained on the defensive. to receive what I should not be ashamed
Tbu? the colonial debate has la no way to offer. But I owe no man a dollar, and
yirengthened the chances of the naval MIL ' neither need nor desire any assistance of
Pr Berth, the Frelainnige leader, how
per believes the bill will pass, though
tho situation to muddled about the uncer-
ts'nt) as to the center's position. Dr.
Uber the renter leader. Is dangerously m. I when he wills.
such a character. I feel and am amply
able la health, strength and In the cour
age natural to a man to sustain all the
burdens that God has placed upon me
am! there w nobody m authority la the
r..rt with vhont the government and the
other part c? fa- negotiate. Some are
puling one aj and the ethers are putting
"tie Sooth AXrtoaa war sews and oe-
T am rich in the belief In the justice
of Almighty God. devoted love and comfort
of a noble wife, my sons and their wives.
alt united, all certain in the innocence of
Roland Burnham Mollneux. and certain
that it will be so found m time. I need
for myself no other assistance aad no
resent lniustlp and revere womanhood. I
ask you to assist them during my strug
gle in the front line of defense of those,
my best of earthly blessings.
i"As for my sons, I trust that they are
brave men, with the strength to live and
die bravely. I have seen my son Boland
asleep as a child by his mother's side. I
have seen him asleep in his cell after the
verdict condemning to death had been pro
nounced. "Who Is better able than I, his
father, to Judge whether that sleep was.
the natural sleep of Innocence? And I
I have heard his first words on awakening a:
the call of his father, as by reveille, from
, that sleep after the verdict: 'How Is
Blanche? How Is mother?" and before that
j sad awakening, during all the dreary days
I of his confinement, day by day, week by
Iweek, month by month, there has been
always that first loving cry from his llp
for 'Blanche and mother.' Can he be
guilty of cowardly poisoning? Is It pos
sible? Can It be? No! I know that he is
Innocent as I know that I am alive.
"Like his father, he has not been fault
less, but he has also had much of the bet
ter and kindlier nature of his mother. Is
he a degenerate and a vicious person? It
is impossible and absurd. Although no
lawyer, I have always believed the Amer
ican bar Is the purest in the world, and I
still believe and honor aiid respect the bar
as such. With this belief, It has been im
possible for me to understand how a mem
ber of that bar and, In addition a sworn
public prosecutor, a man educated in an
American college and associating with
American men, could assault, by vile in
sinuations, a woman, the wedded wife of
the defendant.
"Let me add one statement in conclu
sion: The prosecuting attorney stated in
a public Interview that I was conscious of
the guilt of my sop. The assertion is made
unequivocally and must be answered in
like manner. It Is absolutely false and
must have been known to him to be false
when he made It. I can conceive of no
reason which could have actuated such a
falsehood, except the consciousness that
his own position needed apology and de
fense. "My son, Roland Burnham Mollneux, Is
Innocent. I know it, and I ask for no
sympathy for him. My only request -is
that I may have the heartfelt support of
all those who believe In noble American
womanhood, as exemplified In those who
bear the family name of
Yesterday's Winners x at Tnnf oran
and Xevr Orleans.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 17. The weath
er at Tanf oran was fine and the track fast.
The results were:
Six furlongs, selling Boundlee won, Gus
to second. Mountebank third; time, 1:14.
Mile and an eighth, hurdle, selling
Lomo won, Durward second, Rio Chlco
third; time, 2:06.
Mile and a half, selling Tom Calvert
won, Tom Cromwell second, Coda third;
time, 2:37.
Mile and a sixteenth, handicap, purse $10JJ
Geyser won, Zoroaster second, Advance
Guard third; time, 1:47.
Five and a half fur'ongs, selling Peace
won, Agghan second, Merry Boy third;
time, 1:07.
Six furlongs Hard Knot won, Mocorlto
second, Morinel third; time, 1:14.
NEW YORK, Feb. 17. Tho Tribune I
"Charles M. Schwab, president of the
Carnegie Steel Compan'. who was In this
city yesterday (Friday), has recently re
turned from Washington, where he went,
It Is said, upon business relating to the
proposed formation of an armor-plate
trust. According to report, 15 firms In
the world, which practically monopolize
armor-plate, have decided upon such a
combination to dictate terms to the Brit
ish government, and Secretary Chandler
is reported as saying that Schwab ad
mitted the existence of such an agree
ment. It is said that the price fixed, upon
by the alleged combination for armor
plate is $545 a ton, which many consider
excessive. Mr. Schwab would not talk
about this, however."
Havre. Feb. 17. Arrived La Cham
pagne, from New York.
$100.00 Reward
will be gladly paid to anyone who will furnish convicting- evi
dence ag-ainst imitators and substitutors who try to sell yotx
worthless preparations when CASCARETS are called for.
Don't ever take substitutes, but insist on having-
Rnccs at New Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 17. The results
today were:
One mile, selling Bright Night won,
Lucky Monday second, Watercrest third;
time, 1:46.
Six furlongs, selling Diffidence won, Lo
mond second, Inlook third; time, 1:17&.
Steeeplechase, short course Al Reeves,
won, Coronatus second, Jack Hayes third;
time, 3:41.
Desoto handicap, seven furlongs Andes
won, Dr. Walmsley second, Eva Rice third;
time, 1:30.
MIlo and throe-eighths, selling Monon
gah won, Elkin second, Gooseliver third;
time, 2:26.
Thirteen-sixteenths of a mile, selling
Little Billy won, Prince Real second, Gran
deur third; time, 1:25.
m a
CansrUt in a Snotv Slide.
DENVER, Feb. 17. A special to the
News from Sliverton, Colo., says:
At the Gold King mine this afternoon,
George Foster, Louis Avl and Antonl
Tam were caught In a snow slide. Antonl
Tam, by running, saved his life. Foster
and Avl are now In the slide, and the
men from the Gold King mine and mill
Mr. H. T. Shobe, 2704 Lucas Ave.,
St. Louis, Mo., says : "My daugh-'
ter had Eczema, which covered
her head and spread to her face.
She was treated by physicians and
taken to celebrated health springs,
but only grew worse. Many patent
medicines were taken, but without
result, until we decided to try
8. 8. S. A dozen bottles cured her
completely and left her skin per
fectly smooth. Not a sign of the
dreadful disease has ever returned.''
"I" i t I mi I, ymw I
The great merit of CASCARETS makes big sales everywhere.
Therefore, now and then, dealers try to substitute "something
just as good." It's a lie I Don't let them do it, and if they try,
write us confidentially at once. Address Stsri,ig Remedy
Company, Chicago or New York. All Druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c.
411 &
Dr. Sanden's Latest
S? For TQltfaAefl
mproved Electric Belt
Guaranteed on a $5000 bond to be the only genuine Dr.
Sanden patent made by Dr. Sanden exclusively for me, and
which has a 30-years' reputation, now offered at ONE-HALF
the original price.- Notice this concern has no connection
with others claiming to sell Dr. Sanden Belts. Get the
genuine from
Cor. Third and Oak St.,
Worcester Block, PORTLAND, OR.
Care Plunder's Pharmacy.
If you cannot caH, write for booK, "Three Ctoses sf Mcr,"
mailed free on request.
(Swift's Specific) is the only cure for 0
Eczema, and all other obstinate blood a
diseases, vaiuame dooks maueu. ixeu j -
by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Gs, I 99994scatt(oeieeitf9(iit9