The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 18, 1900, Page 24, Image 24

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He Saia Divorces Are BecemlHg Too
OeKmra, and Dismissed Tvro
iilUMlnsr Matters.
Jwogo CI ota nd yeetero&y set astde the
decree of the eomcy court ore wiser the
sale t 4te real property f the estate of
Jctiaee Abrafeua, deoe&sed. by the adxnin
tetnttor. W. X. Burke. 5L L. Pipes, who
has a data agateet the estate tor $4300,
objected to the scue, as also did H. A.
Smith aad Mr. Peacook. These objec
tions, on motion of the administrator,
were strtckea from the record by Judge
Cake without bearing. Judge Clel&nd
held that the lower court erred in not
hearing the objections, and remanded the
oase to toe county court lor further hear
ing and Anal determination. The prin
cipal claim asainst the estate Is that
of the Centenary M. E. church, for JM,
MQ aad sereral years' Interest, and there
are large tax claims due.
AmesHta Dae.
The amounts for which the defendants
in the oaee f D. R. Hawkins vs. A. Don
aerherg et aL are held liable, are as fol
lows. A. Donnorherg & Co., J36-; O. B. Stubbs
and George JLawrence, jr., 5678 M; A. P.
Anaotroag. $ tt. Dr. E. G. Clark. $96 55;
H. T. Hudson, JW 76; Dr. George H.
Chance, H, George Harold. $1; V. 12.
Thomas, , J. X. Bristol. v2 W; L. G.
Clarke, tlu'M, W. H. Fear, J2; H. J.
Hefty. ?7. J. W. Going, ?7B 95; Alex Muir,
&3k R, Mew Zealand insurance Company,
m, d Dietrich, PH, Mfce A. S. Jorgen
sen, ; Hre. LUeie Utt, $40; M. B. Wake
man, $7 H. The total amount, with Inter
est, Is about $. The suit was dismissed
.as to F. W. Baitee, Robert Wakefield, Kate
A. Tuttle, A. S. Kfchote and C. Lu Nichols.
The defendants were stockholders of the
CltJsene' Ileal Xetate & Investment Com
pany, and were sued oa notes executed by
the company. It was contended that they
are liable to the extent of unpaid stock
The principal point la this case which
was different from the last, was the ques
tion of credits for dividends. In 113 a 6
per cent dividend was declared "payable
in Btoek of a new issue." The plaintiff
contended that this dividend could only be
availed of by taking new stock, -and it
could not be credited en old subscriptions,
which had been done in several In
stances. The court sustained this view
and refused to allow the dividend to be
credited exCrt where new stock was
Mr. "Caldwell was also presented as as
signee of the Oerman Savings & Loan So
ciety, but the court decided against him
because there was no proof of a legal
Dtveree Salts Dismissed.
The divorce suit of Dorothea "Wetmore
against Ward C. Wetmore was dismissed.
The court said there evidently never was
a particle of affection between the par
ties, who were married Si years ago.
There was no sanctity of domestic rela
tions. It was Just a case of their being
tired of living with each other, and Mrs.
Wetmore wanted some of the property.
There was no evidence that the defendant
deserted her. She would have to have
grounds for a divorce before it would be
granted in this court. Wetmore once
owned considerable property, but now has
not much left. Mrs. Wetmore previously
attempted to obtain a divorce.
The divorce suit of Rudolf Kraft against
Mary Kraft was also dismissed. The
plaintiff came here from Merrill. Wis.,
where the defendant still is. He left her
In UK. and his testimony was that she
falsely accused him of infidelity and was
of a very jealous, fault-finding disposition
and made his existence miserable. The
evidence was corroborated by a brother
and jieter of the plaintiff. The court con
cluded that these accusations, if made,
did not mean muon, as Kraft continued to
live with his wife afterward, and the
young women she oomplained of still vis
ited them. The court remarked that this
ground of divorce is becoming quite com
mon, and that this seems to be becoming
a popular subject of conversation of mar
ried couples.
M Final AooeHHt Objected To.
Cheater V. Dotpu, representing the state
of Oregon In escheat proceedings, yester
day. In behalf of the state, filed objections,
to the final account of Sylvester Farrell,
administrator of the estate of Daniel Low
er, deceased. It is stated that the ac
count does not set out nor does It purport
to specify all moneys received and dis
bursed by the administrator, but that said
alleged account is only a partial statement
of receipts and dtobursements.
The objector objects to the commissions
charged by the administrator in the sura
of $M, as excessive arwi not authorized by
law. The objector objects to the expendi
ture by the administrator, to F. R. Strong,
as attorney's fees, in the sum of $136 In
dosing the estate and defending the es
cheat proceedings in the circuit court for
the reason that the amount te excessive,
and this court has no authority to allow
any attorney's fee for defending the es
cheat prooeeedlng.
The objector also objects to the Item
wherein the administrator asserts that he
fcold two acres of land in the Kern dona
tion land claim for 4M, because the sale.
If one was made, was made without any
order eC this court, and the administrator
should be charged with $tm, the appraised
value of the land. The estate Is an old
one, dating back to the '78. Lower left
ad known heirs. Suit to have the estate
eeoheated was recently filed.
Garlften. Case Submitted.
The Aadrew Cartoon robbery oase was
submitted to the Jury yesterday afternoon
at X rleok by Judge George. The ar
guments for the defense were made by
Mr. Cf&rke and hie associate counsel,
Charles J. Seanabel. and Mr. Giltner
made a strong plea for the prosecution.
The defense made the point that the pros
ecution had not proved that the rifle
used was loaded, which Carlson was al
leged to have used In the hold-up, and,
therefore, the case le only one of simple
robbery ww oc a lesser degree of pun
ishment than robbery, being armed with
a deadly weapon. As a matter of fact. It
was hMpoesfhle for the state to show that
the xiAe wae loaded when the hold-up
occurred, and It was contended by Mr.
Giltner that the presumption was that It
was leaded. At 1140 the jury was locked
up for the night.
Verdict for Defendant.
In the Jtt damage suit of Dinah L. Dud
ley agatost Perry G. Baker, tried in Judge
Sears' court, the jury returned a verdict
to faver af the defendant, yesterday after
neon, after a few minutes deliberation.
She complained that she was compelled to
vacate the premises at 128 Eleventh street,
comer of Washington, which she rented
from Baker, and conducted a lodging-house
therein. Abe testified that he annoyed her
greatly and drove away her lodgers. Ba
ker usUBlII -that all he M was to erder
the -weAer turned eft, acocordtog to agree
ment, after she had refused and neglected
to pay her rent In advance. Mrs. Dudley
dunes that there was any such agree.
ment, and said Baker racked up the water
f auesss. He said she misused them. Sev
eral ether witnesses testified.
SuU Over Doctor's Bill.
Attorney Palmer argued a motion be
fore Jsmge George yesterday in the case
of Dr. M. C. Strickland against Noble
Heath and wife. Asking that the costs be
assess! ts Strickland It was stated that
the rtsflsisVUiili offered to pay the doctor
SIM, as) that Is all the verdict of the
jury osJss fee. psunsel therefore argued
that tho smtendapts were made to defend
useless east usp onsbir ttttg&tton, and
the phssstntr lis vine detained a verdict for
the utoofcw smsnnt tendered, should be
Of the United States,
Bonds and Mortgages $36,994,23 1.92
Real Estate, including the
Equitable Building and pur- "
chases under foreclosure of
mortgages 24,914,870.61
United States, State, City- and
Railroad Bonds, and other
investments, as per market
quotations Dec. 30, 1899
(market value over cost,
$13,717,21345) . 19,969,062.00
Loans secured by Bonds and
'Stocks (market value Dec.
30, 1899, $21418,995.00) ... 1 7, 1 34,800.00
Policy Loans 2,671,489.17
Real Estate outside the State
of New York, including pur
chases under foreclosure and
. office buildings 1 3,717,3 56. O
Cash in Banks and Trust Com
panies at interest 18,271,871.74
Balances due from agents .... 643,128.99
Interest and Rents due ($100,-
774.22) and accrued ($494,-
121.65) 594,8987
Premiums due and in process
of collection 3 ,00,246.00
Deferred Premiums 2,274,334.00
Total Assets .$280,191,28680
We hereby certify that, after a personal exam
ination of the securities and accounts described
in the foregoing statement for the year 1899,
we find the same to be true and correct as stated.
The stocks and bonds in the above statements
are valued at the market price December 30,
Francis W. Jackson, Auditor.
Alfred 'W. Maine, 2nd Auditor.
Assurance Fund (or Reserve)
on -all existing policies by
Society's valuation Compu
tation by N. Y. Insurance
Department $216,225,257.
See Superintendent's certifi
cate) ,....$ 216,384,9700
All other Liabilities 2,688,834.03
Total Liabilities $219,073,80903
Surplus $ 61,1 1 7,477.77
Premium Receipts $42366,8l4.3J
Cash received for Interest and ,
from other sources .' . u,$l 1,386.51
Income $53,878,200.86
Death Claims , fa 871 ,482.85
Matured and Discounted En
dowments 1,466,192.91
Matured Deferred Dividend
Policies 2,863,3 l -
Annuities . , 580,38.00
Surrender Values 2,265,382.42
Dividends paid to Policy
holders ; . .'. 3,054,809.68
Paid Policy-holders ...$24,107,541.44
Commissi ons, advertising,
postage and exchange 5,41 2,843.86
All other payments;- Taxes,
salaries, medical examina
tions, general expenses, etc. 5,020,500.69
Sinking Fund. Reduction of
Book values of Bonds pur
chased at a premium 342,040.00
Disbursements $34,882,925.99
Installment Policies Stated at Their Commuted Values.
Outstanding Assur
ance $1,054,416,422.00
Assurance Applied
for in 1 899 237,356,61 0.00
Examined and 'De
clined : 34,054,778.00
New Assurance'
Issued $203,301,832.00
We, the undersigned, appointed by the Board
of Directors of the Equitable Society, in accord
ance with its by-laws, to revise and verify all.
its affairs for the year 1899, hereby certify that
we have, in person, carefully examined the ac
counts, and counted and examined in detail the
Assets of the Society, and do hereby certify that
the foregoing statement thereof is true and cor
rect as stated.
E. BoudinotColt,J. H. Dunham,
T. S. Young, H. J. Fairchild,
G. W. Carleton, C. B. Alexander,
Special Commit
tee or the Board
of Directors.
In the foregoing statement the rate of interest assumed for the future in computing the reserve on each class
of policies corresponds -with the rate which was employed In computing the premiums on the same, as stated In
the superintendent's certificate below:
If, In computing the reserve on all outstanding policies, it should be assumed that only 3 per cent will be real
ized In the future, the surplus assets, after deducting all liabilities, would be ?8S,903,704.
The society holds a larger amount of assets in excess of total liabilities than any other life assurance com
pany in the United States or Europe on similar computations.
All interest actually realized In excess of the rates assumed, will be added to surplus for the benefit of the policy-holders.
An apportionment of profits will be ;nade as usual to policy-holders during the year 1S00 In the manner specified
In their respective policies.
"We hereby certify to the correctness of the above statement.
J. G. VAN CISE, Actuary. R. Q. HANN, Assistant Actuary.
I hereby certify that, in accordance with the provisions of sectjon eighty-four of the Insurance Law of the
state of New Tork, and In conformity with the rates assumed in the calculation of premiums on the policies so val
ued, I have caused the policy obligations of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, outstanding
on the 30th day of December, 18U9, to be valued as per the Combined Experience Table of Mortality, at four per
cent. Interest; and by the American Experience Table of Mortality, with Interest at three per cent, and at three and
a half per cent., as assumed In premium rates; and I find the same to be $216,225,257.
LOUIS F. PAYN, Superintendent of Insurance.
James "W. Alexander,
Louis Fitzgerald,
Chauncey M.Depew,
"Wm. A. Whefelock,
Marcellus Hartley,
A. J. Cassatt, "
Cornelius N. Bliss,
Henry G. Marquand,
Geo. H. Squire,
Thos. D. Jordan.
C. B. Alexander,
Charles S. Smith.
Thomas S. Young,
James H. Hyde,
T. JeffersonCooildge,
Jacob H. Schlff,
Wm.A. Tower,
John Jacob Astor,
Gage E. Tarbell,
George J. Gould,
A. Van Santvoord,
Edward W. Lambert,
Geo. T. "Wilson,
Sir W. C. Van Home,
H. M. Alexander,
T. DeWltt Cuyler,
John A. Stewart,
Robert T. Lincoln,
D. O. Mills.
H. C. Haarstlck,
John Sloane,
Wm. Alexander,
Marvin Hughltt,
H. J. Fairchild.
M. E. Ingalls,
David H. Moffat,
Brayton Ives,
C. Ledyard Blair,
A. Van Bergen,
Levi P. Morton,
August Belmont,
Thomas T. Eckert,
James H. Dunham,
Sidney D. Ripley,
John J. McCook,
John E. Searles,
Samuel M. Inmari,
Geo. W. Carleton,
E. Boudinot Colt,
Joseph T. Low,
Alanson Trask,
J. F. De Navarro.
James, W. Alexander, President.
James H. Hyde. Vice-President. Gage E. Tarbell, Second Vice-President.
George T. Wilson, Third Vice-President. Thomas D. Jordan. Comptroller.
William Alexander, Secretary. Sidney D. Ripley, Treasurer.
William H. Mclntyre, Assistant Sec'v. James B. Lorlng, Registrar.
Edward W. Lambert, M. D., Edward Curtis, M. D., Medical Directors.
L. Samuel, Manager, 306 Oregonian Building; Portland, Or.
Edwards will give you
fair and just treatment.
: .
Buy of Edwards and
you wMI save 10.
To every $25.00 cash custonler during
this week" we give an air-tight Heater
like cut, except the lower draft, free
of cost.
A neat three-piece suit, ash antique
finish. The bed Is six feet high, with
carved headboard. The dresser is sup
plied with a 20x24 French bevel plate
glass set in a swinging frame. It has
a double serpentine top. The entire
suit Is castored and furnished with
cast brass handles; price,
C6uch, hard edge, length 6 feet 2
Inches wide, full spring seat, tripled,
covered in Russian Damask, 6-inch,
fringe around the bottom; price,
Our Carpet Department is
now replete with all the latest'
Ingrain Carpets; yard wide,
all wool filling, extra heavy cot-. i
ton chain, 42c, 45c, 50c, 55c j '
per yara.
Ingrain Carpets, extra super,
all wool, yard wide, choicest
patterns; elegant colorings;
prices, 60c, 65c, 75c per yard.
Tapestry Brussels, yard
wide, new goods, all the choic
est patterns; prices, 50c, 60c,
65c, 75c, $1.00.
Extra Velvet Carpets, heavy"
quality, beautiful patterns
enormous assortment of colors,
with borders to match; prices
90c, $1.00, $1.10 per yard. Hair
and stair to match at same
price. '
The old Axminster, worth
several dollars per yard, had
long been beyond the reach of
the average housekeeper, but is
now within the reach of all
dealers and their customers.
Axminster is a ribbed-back
fabric, with a deep "pile" on
face of cut chenille, and capable
of wonderful color treatment.
5d pieces spring styles just ar
rived, with border to match.
Prices, 95c, $1.00, $1.10, $1.25
per yard.
We also carry the largest as
sortment in -this city of extra
heavy, extra super, Imperial
Ingrain Art Squares Pay us
a visit
Baby Carriasces and Go-oarte with
parasols and reclining backs Just ar
rived. vWwd aad reed body, white shellac
flteh. full size. No 3 gear, wttk rubber
tire wfeel8 and brake, nphotetersd in
faaoy ereton and silk phuta. tend ad
justable eushton. scalloped edge- para
sol; price 9&M.
I a "JMP' WM
A handsome piece of dining-room
fcnmlture of oak of golden oak ftnlsb
serpentina double top, with 13x22
French plate. It te 46 inches at base,
and is supplied with a half swell draw
ers, one drawer lined and ornamented
with cast braes bandies, knobs and
escutcheons, top has shelves supported
by carved pedestals, price,
A well made
serviceable floor
rocker with arms,
artistic hack, in
a very attractive
design, ftnfeh an
tique elm, solid
wood seat, glass
finish, worth $2.50
we sett this week.
H. E. EDWARDS, 185, 187, 189, 191 FIRST STREET
No charge for painless extraction when twth
are ordered. All work done by grada&t deatlrts
of 12 to 20 yars' eiperUnoaj a polaliot in
each deportment. W will tell 70a in adYaco
xacUy what tout work will cost by a frea
examination. Give us a call, and you will find
wt do exactly a w advert!.
Set of Teeth....,-..-.. .....- ...$0.00
Gold Pllline ......k.. ...... .91.00
Gold Crown . ...4 ......... .f 3.00
Silver Fllllae ....... ........ .80
compelled to pay the piper. Strickland
sued for $128. Lydell Baker argued the
contrary side of the case, and disputed
the legality of the tender. The court took
tho matter under advisement.
Motion for Rehearing? Granted.
In the suit of C, L. Axtell vs. G. K.
Shaw, a motion for leave to file an
amended, complaint, and for a rehear
ing, was granted. The plaintiff demands
that the defendant allow him to obtain
water from a spring1 on defendant's land
near Falrview. The case was tried some
time ago, and decided In favor of Shaw.
The plaintiff was allowed to amena nis
complaint after the evidence was all in.
and, although the answer sought to be
tiled changes the Issues somewhat, the
court decided to allow It to be filed. The
parUes both desire their pleadings to be
proper, as an appeal to the supreme court
may possibly be taken.
Criminal Court.
A. P. 'Morse, Indicted for perjury, it
being oharged that he tesUfled. falsely at
the trial of Frank McDanlel, was 'ar
raigned In the criminal court yesterday,
and was allowed until Wednesday to plead.
He was released on his own recognisance.
As he is engaged In business in this city
It 1b safe to assume that he will be on
hand when wanted.
William Boswoll, a negro, pleaded guilty
to a charge of trespass In a place at the
North End, and was fined $3e. The wit
nesses who appeared before the grand
Jury were Altha Rice, Kitty Donovan,
Lena Wilson, B. Wilkinson and William
Henry v x ..
.Mechanic's Ucn Snit.
In the mechanic's )en suit of J. S.
Turner vs. O. H. Calkins et al., for work '
done on a building formerly located on tiie
Hawthorne property, ana now on East ,
Water street, the Hen was held good only 1
against the leasehold Interest of J. H. Fisk.
Findings were rendered for the plaintiff
with the exception of the claim of one
Stiger. a paperhanger, for whose work
the court held the lien is not good.
corporation are to conduct a lumber busi
ness In all of Its branches. The Incorpor
ators are James D. Young, Jasper E.
Young, and Lowell A. Young; capital
stock, $50,000.
ArUcles were filed of Davidson, Ward
& Co. The objects nre to engage in a
general real estate and mining brokerage
business. The Incorporators are L G. Da
vidson, Mllo P. Ward, George. F. Tucker;
capital 6tock, $10,000.
Allowance for Support.
In the case of N. I.. Starr against W.
Starr, for maintenance, argued recently
by Attorney John F. Logan for the plain
tiff. Judge CJeland allowed plaintiff $35 per
month for support beginning with the time
of the filing of the suit.
Articles of incorporation of tho Young
Bros. Company were filed in the county
stork's office yesterday. The objects of the
Boys of Turn Vercin. Give a. Suc
cessful Entertainment.
The boys of the Turn Vereln gave a
very successful gymnastic exhibition last
evening under the direction of Professor
Robert Krohn. The firt thing on the
programme was a pretty drill by 50 of the
small children. They marched in single
file, by twos, fours, eights, slxteens and
all abreast, and performed difficult ma
neuvers most gracefully.
This large class was then divided Into
three sections, and each section into
three smaller parts, which all appeared on
the floor .at one time, and each of which
did a different series of tricks at the
same time. The horse, rings and hori
zontal bars were Included in those, and it
was very amusing to see the little fel
lows, 6, 7 and 8 years old, doing
thing generally considered difficult for a
The boys then came up In twos for a
chicken fight. Each stood on one leg
and butted his opponent until he put his
foot down. This sport proved very
amusing and was made doubly so" by
having the boys come up six at a time
for a batUe royal. The drill of the junior
class was ended by difficult maneuvers
while running, which were much ap
plauded. The seniors then came on. The class
numbered about a dozen, and were all
fine, muscular follows. Their first work
consisted of high diving, la which the
All work examined t7 professional manager.
Dr. J. a Walter, registered dentist.
New York Dental Parlors
K. E. Cor. Fourth and Morris a Streets
Lady always In attendance.
Hours, to 8. Sundays. 10 to L
During our large business the past few months we
have accumulated a large number of odd parlor sets
and fancy upholstered pieces. These we shall sell at
practically .your own price. These goods sold for
cash only.
Great Sale of Parlor Furniture This Week
high mark of 5 feet 10 Inches was
reached. Led by Professor Krohn, they
then performed muscular tricks on the
horizontal bars, which proved of especial
Interest to the audience.
The entertainment closed with a basket
ball game, by two picked teams.
1 HI 1
And handsome men guard their health
by using Illond Chemical Co.'s "ConeB,"
$1 60 perbox. P, COBox "374, Portland, Or.
Easy to Secure "the Best No Excuse
for Belns Satisfied With
Anything; Less.
The most reliable and the most promi
nent American piano manufacturers are
represented here by Eilers Piano House.
107 First street. Here Is the unrivaled
Chickering. "oldest In America, best In
' the world." and the wonderful Weber, the
most artistic and very finest of all fine
pianos made in New York; and also the
now famous Kimball, the most progres
sive and up-to-date piano of all.
Concerning prices, we have just one
word to say. It Is this: Assertions and
claims look altogether different when
stood up In a row with realized facts to
measure by. There Isn't a store in town,
from the largest down to the smallest
branch fake and pawn-shop affair, that
will not, and perhaps In good faith, claim
to sell you cheaper than any one else can
possibly hope to do.
As to this, we'll say nothing further,
except to point to our big last year's rec
ord of piano-selling a record that could
never have been established if our instru
ments, our prices, and our methodsvhad
not outstripped all competition. And the
list of sales thus far this year is nearly
60 per cent ahead of last year.
In addition to the first-named standard
makes, we sell also a largo variety of
strictly serviceable medium-grade instru
ments, $200 buys a good one, and there
are quite a number of instruments for
even less money.
In organs we now have, a full assortment
of Kimball, Crown, Needham and others,
at prices ranging from $50 upward, and
on terms of payment little more than rent.
We're -a little out of the broken paths of
retail trade down here at 107 First street,
but the additional nickel you spend In
carfare to see us will secure for you the
very best instrument at the lowest price.
Eilers Piano House, between Washington
J and Stark streets.
3oys' and youths calf shoes; lace, narrow
toes; button wide toes;
sizes 12 to 2 and to
6; $1.60 and $2.00 values;
This mahogany finished, chair,
309 Washington St.
25 Pounds
Good, clean Rice for $1.00.
10 Cents
Pound soft-shell English Walnuts.
40 Cents
" Gallon fancy Table Syrup.
,33 Cents '
10-pound sack pure Buckwheat Flour.
' 15 Cents
10-pound" sack Graham Flour.
10-pound sack Farina.
15 Cents
Pound fresh roast Costa Rica Coffee.
30 Cents
Pound Hoffman House Java and Mocha
' Coffee.
20 Cents
Pound Japan Tea Dust.
Branch store at Oregon City.
I Wholesale Warerooms 149 Front Street, j
This very pretty parlor chair,
upholstered In silk damask, only
We have a large number of
beautiful' parlor chairs, ranging
in price from $4.00 up.
A 5-piece velour parlor set for
This beautiful 5-plece parlor suit, uphol
stered in velour or silk tapestry, only
This velour couch, full
spring edge and side,
very pretty, only
This pretty parlor piece. Haahegany fin
ished, silk vekrar upholstered, oaly $.99.
Couches from $4.00 p.
Owing to tffe tremendous business done In carpets the past week
we shall continue our GREAT CARPET SALE one week longer.
. Yard J
Union Ingrain 25c
Wool Carpet, cotton chain 35c
AII-WooI Ingrain - -: 55c
Best grade extra heavy
all-wool 65c
Pro Brussels. 70c
China Matting 11c
Tapestry Brussels -. 50c
Smith's F Brussels 65c
Hlqgins' Best Brussels. .75c
Smith's Royal Velvets . ..90c
Saxony Axminster 90c
Linen Warp Matting 20c
Linoleum 40c, 50c, 60c, 75c
Floor OH Cloth 20c I Linen Shades, 3x7ft. 35c each
Lace Curtains and Portieres, beautiful patterns, at your own price.
Your credit Is good at our store. We sell on easy terms.-
I. Ceviirtz, the Homefurnisher
1 73 and 1 7$-First St.
N. W. Cor. Yamhill
1 snKjjTjC' K
We have 300 rolls of netting 3J feet wide we
are selling at $2.00 per 100 feet; special prices
in all widths; discounts to dealers. Farm
fencing, bank and office railing-, wire and iron
fencing, fnt tray-.cloth, graders, etc
7th and Alder Streets