THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 18, 1900. Syaennss eZ Prcvlens Chapters. 1 Sir Juntas EtemaAeM. of Mew Mtbte. 1b com- j peer tiMi Ma grandson, young Philip, meets In an tnsuwmse his eon Philip and his oon't I paraiiwi. Janet Mark. They quarrel. Sir James goee home, taking; along hts grandson. That night he to murdered by Ms dissolute son ard Janet Mark. They take nte boar outside and lay It niton an lee floe. In the effort to le&en the crime upon other shoulders. But the boy Philip has witnessed the crime. He tells bis grandtatber's chief tenant, Humphrey Spur Tray, and Spurway succeed In having the real murderer brougfct to Justice. He la sentenced to he nanped, Ms -woman accomplice to be transported Myuteriouflly Philip Stanefteld ee capes the gallows, seeks out hte wife, finds her In the company of Bpui way. and tries to mur der her. but does not eutte succeed. She Is taken away to Aberoalrn for cure, leaving her eon. young- Philip, tn charge of Spurway and In the eocipaar of little Anna. Mark, from whom he learns that in rmk ways girls are worth quite ae much as boya. foe example, in the time of the cattle droving, when Master Spur way bought hin winter besets in the mart, Anna beat Philip in helping to cut them out. HUH they are excellent friends, even though ehe beats htm at her studies In the school to which they go together. John Staiwfletd, Phil ip's lawyer uncle, bring in a new teacher, Dcm Jnle Rtagroec. a small man. -ith wonderful eyes. Shortly after hts coming the countryside is rtioctoed and thrilled with a number of bloody and mysterious murders, evidently for the sake of robbery- Business calk? Humphrey Spurway from borne. In km absence a big packing case. T.urporttnc to be foil of line Spanish wool, la delivered to Will Bowman. Humphrey's clerk. He puts It In the weaving shed. That night Philip, playing about It, sees ohtnlng through the gause of the packing case a pair of eyes. He calto Will Bowman, who counts three, then etab the packinc case with a small eword. Blood now, they open the case, and find Dom inie Rmgrose Inside, apparently dead. Shortly after the house Is attacked by robbers, whom Rinavone had meant to let m. They are beaten off. but afterwards Philip's mother refuses to let him spend the holiday at New Mllns. Re turnice from a day's vWt to New Milne, Philip Is lis In with Saul Mark, Anna's gypsy father, who. under pretense of showing him Sir Harry Morgan- treasure, makee Ulm a prisoner. By the hew of his lent partner. Provost Grer "T Partan, Saul Mark, supercargo of the ship Ccrranmntee, Imprisons both Anna and Spur way, robbing Spurway of much money and a portrait of Philip's mother. Philip the elder, who te In league wltfc Saul Mark, takes the portrait and sends young Philip away. Leaving Spurway Imprisoned. PMIfe Stanefteld the cWer goes out m Spue-way's eteak te Ms wUe'a heuee, and by threat induces her to ge aboard the Corramtmtee. (Copyright. 166, under the name cf "Little Anna Mark." by S. X. Crockett.) COapi-rlgnt, MM. by S. R. Crockett.) CHAPTER XXVI. Prevent Partan Visits Ills Limekiln. Prevent Gregory Partan has risen be times In the Morning In spite of his late vigil. A man doe not carry the burden of a nranldpalttr for nothing, but at such a time, when so many rogues were about. It was not Oregery Partan, the faithttl magistrate, who would snare him self. Now I do not know whether you are a cotutotaseur In smells, as I have the fortune or Misfortune to be. But to me every room I was ever In has its own bouquet. Just ae each flower and the bark of every tree has its particular odor. That of Gregory Partan'g little par lor, where mostly he did his business, was a very peculiar and composite one. I have nover met It during all my trav els through the countries of the world, save In the houses of the well-to-do townsfolk of the trading boroughs In Scotland. It is a scent compound of well polished antique furniture, of hartshorn or other unguent used upon shining ma hogany and rosewood. In this case it was not a close smell of unopened win dows; for at most times the window stood several niches open, propped with a book or the edge of a chance piece of tlmber plcked up upon the quay. A trace of strong waters, too, of excellent quality, might have been separated' and distin guished by the delicate nostril, and much more than a trace of the leather binding of Gregory Partan's great ledgers. These stood on a shelf above the provost's desk alongside of the official library of his office, the town dues book, the burgh records, and a large thin octavo bound on curious black leather stamped with an intricate design in gold, which con tained the rates charged by the officers of his majesty's excise for every article, from imported heather besoms to foreign built ships carrying his majesty's flag. Here, then. Provost Partan sat, and in the simplicity of his heart cast up the bills of lading of his latest venture. For the OorramntHee, described as carrying woolen goods, wines and spirits to the colonies, belonged wholly to Provost Par tan of the town of Abercairn, though Phil ip Staunton, master, was entered as own er. "It's an awesome thing for a provost an' an elder o the kirk to hae to deal wl' Makes an Maokguards. But what can a Ood-fearla' Man do? Siller he maun male or he is nocht thocht o' In this land, o' gospel privileges. An' the' Basnptr nae siller in the country. Forstga ventures we maun a try if we are no to eat yin anither up like min nows In a pond. But, oh, the risk, the risk! Forbye the uncertainty whether ye will ever see hilt or hair o ele dell's llckpennlee again! "There's malr nor twa thoosand paunds worth o gtttd gunpoother In that ship twa hnnder and saxty casks o' strong speerlt (Gold forbid that ony Christian man should pour a drap o't doon his bass!) forbye guns and whingers an' bully-knives for the heathen that fear na their maker to cut yin antther's throats wl Heeven send them speed! And a' that gear at the mercy o' a set o' as re galrdleos toons as dente the face o clay! A' that siller dependln on siclike waffs and runnagauntes as Philip Stanefteld thrt slaughtered the daddy o' him or gat the blame o't o" Saul Mark that is as muckle waur than Philip Stansfield, as he 1 waur than Gregory Partan! But what a sailor what a supercargo! He is aae guld at the fechtin'. but he brings ham slocan a balance-sheet as haesna entered the port for M year. How does he manage It It's safest no speerin', Greg ory. I8"' Tak your gowden guineas. Jln-gte-ttesn on the tame, see that they arena eitpptt But cever ask whaur they cam' free. Xa nrr wbatna fine ship gaed don v.l' the flames mounttn' higher than her rhrwir " Gregory Partan. man, gin a' the r'-ls e- says he true. ye'H hae to answer for this' Put there's aye a day for repentance and I've lang to leeve yet. Hoots what's a' the fet! Gregory, you and me will Julst tsk' oar montin' to rrteht n m1 thochteT" So saying the provost rose and from a reoets in thr wall concealed cleverh b-"h!i d r-- wt-dv fhu'ter. he torfc equmrc tKtit.e a: d poured it Into a dram gtasc which air o sto d '.r. the recess. "fere's to the lads on the Oorraman- Pisflure by G.A.SIttPLEY tee a guid delivery, safe return, and a heavy bag when Saul renders his next accoont!" It was a long toast for so little a glass, but to even things the provost filled it up again and yet again till, indeed, the bright ruble began to creep back to his cheek and even tinge the lower portion of his magisterial nose. Gregory stood at the window and tasted with lingering relish of palate the excellence of his own private store. "They'll be clear oot 20 guld sea miles by thiB, and nocht on this sid o Scot land fit to catch them!" He lifted the bill of lading and glanced down it again. "Private ventures o the '$ilLj&y'- THE VESSEL CAUGHT IX THE captain and supercargo I hae no con- But in the name of fortune what brocht J run through these obstructions, as well as cern with these. But I had the gather- ! ye here?" I up among the cordage, as I did up our in' In o thae orra loons. That's where j "Let us first get out of this place, and ! garret stairs. tho profit comes! then, when I see daylight, I will reckon "Follow me, sir," said Saul Mark, as "Item Twenty-seven young lads, all be- J -with you, Provost Partan!" said Umph- I soon as we were within the circle of light tween the ages of 11 years and 16 years, . ray, grimly. j which came from lamps fixed low behind healthy, strong, willing to be bound ap- "That will we and blythe," cried the ' the bulwark, so as to show no light be prentlce In the Virginia and Carolinan nrovost. cheerily. "I was lust comin ' vond the deck of the shin. plantations likely to bring 301.-401. apiece, say .... 9001. "Gregory Partan, ye are a made man. And doln a service balth to yoursel', sir, and to the laddies. For what guld wad they hae done here, I wad llko to ken, but only run aboot the street and gotten them sels into mischief. Ye are a public bene- tt i ' ?ns?y ' 'T' "I0UBn ye B" nae thanks for it But it's aye some com- fort to get in the siller! " The provost reached for a large key which hung on a nail above the desk. "I'll Juist tak a dauner doon to the auld limekiln and see in whatna state thae 111 set loons hae lft It. Cleaned wl besoms and clauts it will need to be after them and their guests! 'To see the treasure.' ha-'ha. Aye, monny is the laddie that has seen Morgan's treasure In my fath er's auld limekiln!" So it chanced that Umphray Spurway, lying with his face down and the pistol clutched stiffly in his right hand as if he had killed himself, heard the sound: of heavy footsteps approaching his prison house. With a hurried intake of the breath, he nerved, himself for that which was before him. His plan, thought out during the night, was to lie as if dead till his enemy should enter, then he would spring up and take his chance with his pistol. He had waited In vain all night long for the return of Philip Stansfield. Now, his time was at hand. " 'Heard ye ere o' the Bailie o' Mlckle ham's coo?' " hummed the provost, under the flaps of whose waistcoat the choice spirit was pleasantly meandering; "davert what for hae they eteeklt a" the bolts. Coldna they hae been content to lock the door decently to keep stravlgers oot, with out glein a body a' this trouble?" "The Bailie o Mlckltham's coo inter rupted Itself while the provost fumbled angrily at the rusty bolts. He had to stoop so low that, to say tne least or it, the posture was unpleasant for a man of his figure, and undignJIed In the chief magistrate of so ancient a borough. But at that moment something still more undignified happened. A strong hand gripped Gregory Partan ere he could rise to his feet A forceful arm dragged him within. The keys were Jerked from his hand, and he himself thrown into the corner like a bundle of rags, while Um phray Spurway, having secured the door, stood over tho provost, pointing the bar rel of Captain Stansfield's pistol between a pair of exceedingly astonished eyes. At first the prisoner, fresh from the Hol lands and the glare of the bright morning, was dazzled, and conceived that his own familiar "blakes and blackguards" had lifted up their heel against him. He had always had an idea that they might hold htm to ransom. "And now, Philip Stansfield." cried the voice of the angry Englishman, "with tho measure you mete It shall be measured to you again. The words are your own. I know not what 111 you have said or done to that poor lady, your wife. But I do know that you have not five minutes to live. I will kill you with the very pistol you put Into my hands that I might blow wy brains out To your prayers, man, that is. If you have still any hop? of the nercy of God to a villain such as ru are!" "What es. preserve us! What's this ava? I'm no Philip Stansfield or ony "Icean unworthy vagabond. I'm honest Gregory Partan. provost o" this toon, aoraln" decently lntil my aln cellar, that was my faither's afore me honest man. 1 ha was dean o' Guild in bis day, forbye deacon o' his craft! An' an honest man as I am this day, sae help me the Al michty Poo'er!" "Gregory Partan," cried Umphray Spur way, astonished, "what are you doing in this place where men have been throt tled, bound, robbed and well-nigh done to death this night? I hold you respon- slble for all that has been transacted here i tms night! ' "Umphray Spurway," cried the provost, i rising to his feet and groping toward the Yorkshireman, "surely ye canna think t siccan thoots o' me that has been your , confusion of boxee, tarpaulins, coils of cheek with her thin fingers, frien ever since ye cam' to this country- rope, mixed with exceedingly solid objects Then presently, tho vessel lurching v'o side. Ye maun hae gotten a clour aboot which I suspected to b shrouded cannon., lently to one side, I was thrown on the the croun that will hae dung ye silly. Yet tho sailor men knew their way at a cushions, and, upon recovering myself, I LITTLE CALM BELT, ROSE OX THE LOXG OILY ROLLERS AXD HEAVED HER COPPERY SKY. my ways doon to get a lippie or twa o' Hollands oot o' a bit corner cupboard I hae here. Gin ye 'will join me, ye will mak' me prood." "I have work to do that will wait neither bite nor sup," said Umphray, as he op ened the door, and the two men came out into the passage. "I must ask you to fend mvmir hat this or another sir i Iena me our nat this or anotner, sir.' w, -mm oottia ,o r.r orni Tho nmr. derer and parricide. Philip Stansfield, was in this place last night, and he left me to proceed to his wife's house with the declared intention of committing murder." "Philip Stansfield in Abercalrn-mercy on us! He doesna want the confidence. tt. i ji. ! , fh t, It is a direct reflection on me the pro- I'll call oot the train bands. Dod! 1 11 do malt- nor that-I'll come wl ye mysel 1 JVS UlCJ' piwQCU uuuuija LUC iiiauub- anl-polish-scentcd study, Gregory Partan took his Sabbath hat off its nail, and the two men made their way rapidly to the little house In the vennel. All was still and peaceful as they paused in front of the doors. The windows were blinded, and a curiously belated air of night and sleep caused It to contrast svlth the open doors and cheerful windows on either side, which were crowded with faces in terested in the movements of two such notable men. They went to my mother's door and tried the latch. It was unlocked, and as they entered and shut it behind them the night chill of an unopened house struck cold and heavy upon them. Um- phray Spurway strode with fearful heart from room to room. He clambered up the narrow stairs In half a dozen bounds, j Before every shut door and black closet ' he gasped with a horrible fear lest he I should come on some sight too ghastly lor numan eyes. But an aDove was emp- tiness and stillness, the dank sweat of I night upon everything. He thundered downstairs again to find the provost holding a steeple-crowned hat in his hand. He was smiling a little, and seemed about to speak. But the pro- vost's jests, if Indeed he had been about n moka nnv vDra otrion frnrr, hi Una at sjght of the face of Umphray Spurway. "He has carried her off the villain. He has captured her son and carried them both to the plantations to sell them for slaves." "Hoot na,'.' said the provost, "ye never can tell a woman is ' aye a woman. They're juist terrible forgleln. And, ye ken, we a try them sair. He'll aibllns hae spoken her fair and saft and she'll hae gane back to her auhi love for a that he Is a blackguard" "Hold your cursed, lying tongue," thun dered Umphray, roused out of himself. "I tell you she hated him loathed him. Did she not lie weeks in the hospital here from the wound his hand gave her?" "Aye, aye, they are verra lang suffer in', tho weemen," said the provost calm ly, looking about him. "But we will do no guld here. I mlsdoot that the nest's empty and the bird flown!" "I tell you. sir, she would never have gone willingly. She must have been forced. I know her heart l" "Like eneuch!" said the provost, "but some o the weemen fowk hae twa sides to their hearis yin for the auld love an me liner ior me new. xsui mey aye keep the warmest for the auld. Tak my advice an think nae malr aboot her,, TJmphray. She maun bo &ye lecht-headed. ! There's as guld fish" But TJmphray Spurway was gone. He had fled the ancient emptiness o the proverb he knew -was coming. - i "Hey, mon, leave me my hat, and tak your am wr ye, Umphray!" But the Englishman only cried over, his t shoulder. Impolitely, "To the d'evll with ' you and your hat" "Aweel," said Gregory, philosophically, after minutely examining the steeple crowned article he held in his hand, "I hao nac objections. There wa3 a bit hole or twa !' the croun o' my old yin, and this Is as guld a beaver as ever was coft for siller. Aye, aye! Ech-how. aye but Providence 13 ever a kind provider." CHAPTER XXVII. Captain of the Corram.tntee. "When Anna Mark and I found ourselves on board the Corramantee, it seemed as if we had been dropped suddenly Into an other world. The whole remains curious ly distinct. I remember the uneasy feel ing df the water as the boat directed her way among the scattered lights of the har- ( bor. Then we were handed up the black I side, by sailors like S3 much merchandise. will Bowman had been left on the quay, gagged and bound, In charge of two men of the crew. I can yet call to mind the partial Illumination of Saul Mark's black bushy beard and silver earrings as he sat nursing the lantern In his lap and direct- ; Inir tho oniirsn rf tVio hnnf Inmorif tho i ehlp. Anna was on one side of him, I on the other, and once fo comfort I passed my hand cautiously about his back, hop ing to touch Anna's. But Instead I must have laid my flnjcrs on Saul Mark's J brown paw as he cat controlling the tiller, j for he turned upon me with a sharp oath which made me Jump. The deck of: the Corramantee was a piled ! Thls I essayed to do. and plunged down a dark flight of stairs In imftation of his method of descent. My foot slipped and I would nave assuredly fallen and broken my neck, If he had not stretched out his hand and grasped me as I fell. "Get In there," he 3ald, peremptorily, "you will find blankets In the corner. Tomorrow we will consider where to .bestow you. Anna will come with me to my own cabin I So saying, he went out taking the light h him and I was left alone In a -dark , Place with the scuttling of Innumerable ' all about me It was infinitely worse than the Provost i lime-kiln and haa It , ?0' ?eVf" ?n0"g"fn!a,n3 h?Ia I think I should have sat down and cried. abQut d,rec. den u f eome 10 feet fllled I , storeg and barre,s wnlcn wfcre caked all over the side with salt. But in the corner, as Saul Mark had said, I found a mattress made of some sort of foreign fiber, curled as fine as hair, and kept in place by little 6lats of bamboo on the under side. I came also upon a couple f lanbatc tr.hlnh T Avasm nor m whpn I had lain down with no small thankful- ness. For the night was cold and tne place, as it seemed to me then, incredibly damp and musty though nothing past tho ordinary of merchant ships. "I will not go to sleep," I said to my- self; "how do I know that they have not , brousrht me here to muraer me?" Yet I must have slept and that soundly. j for It was far Into the next day before I I waked. In my dreams I thought myself t back again on the swing under the trees . at the gable end of the old Mlln house. i Anna Mark was swinging me. standing be- j hind and first pulling me higher In one ' direction, then pushing me forcefully In reverse. At first the movement was pleas- ant, but afterwards X wisneu ner to stop, ' Yet for the life of me I could not cry out, till finally I woke In an agpny of fear and ! coId perspiration, i Instead of the pleasant trees and the ' rustling leaveh, the deep cool ravine and . the soft hushing roar of the weir, I saw only tne blackness of darkness. I smelt i the dank smells of the ship's belly. I j heard only the water slogging against the ship's side. Yet my sensations were ' real enough. I staggered to my feet, letting the clothes fall away from me, , and lo! the first thing I Knew was that a ! bulkhead swung round and struck me on the brow. The next moment I sat down unpleasantly on the sharp Iron- bound corner of a box. I was rattled like a pea In a bladder at the end of a boy'? stick, so that I was glad to succumb again on my blankets, hoping for some surcease . of the strange d'sturblng motions. I It was not the strength so much as the Ir- , regularity of these sinkings and upheavals which troubled me. A long upward heave . would be followed by a quick drop. Then came a resounding clack as the ship struck , what to me seemed a solid rock. Again there was a rebound and another heave at right angles to the first Now I ap peared to be tossed in a blanket against the celling. Ancn having left all my vital parts sticking there above me, I was hurl- ed. a mere empty shell, void of all but misery, Into the abyss. But I need not enlarge. These sensa tions are common to all who go down to ihe sea in ships. Or at least they are the lot of most, and the cruel sport of the nappuy immune. j It was high day outs'de when the door opened, and I saw my father stand be- fore me in his bine coat with the gcW braid, a sailor behind, him in a blue shirt and white trousers, holding a lantern In his hand. I rose to my feet also, for I did not wish to shame my courage. "Ah, Philip," he said, "so you have Joined the Corramantee as a Dressed man. You are brave boy. Como up to brcak- fast!' At the very name of food I could scarce contain myself, so strong a loathing had como over me. I think Captain StansBeld must have noted my pale countenance. "Why," he said, "you are Somewhat squeamish. That happens on a first cruise to the be3t seamen. Dick, bring him a glass of brandy from my cabin!" Which when I had drunk, I thanked him fcr, and felt somewhat better. But judge what was nvy astonishment on going into the cabin to find my dear moth er sitting there with her hands on her lap, her lips white, and such a look of ! fear In her eyes as I had never seen in them since the night at the Yett cottage of New Milns. She did not rise, but only held out her poor hands with a Httlo pitiful appeal. I ran to her, and she clasped her arms about my neck. Then, though she had not cried at all before, she now laid her head on my shoulder and wept aloud. So I stood there all a-tremble in my knee-joints. For, what with the uncertainty of the ship, tin "hrnnrlv "TCnmriHnrr In mv ln?MA nnd my mother's head heavy on my shoulder. I thought I should fall down where I 3tood. Nevertheless, I did not, but stood It cut, till my poor mother stilled her sob bing and dried her streaming eyes. Yet I think tho exercise did her good; and then for a wnue- alter sne am not say a j slnglo word, but alternately touched her ! txvoa with Tim- !rp"rrhlff nnd nnttnd mv eyes with her kerchief and patted my BOWSPRIT IXTO THE HOT AXD found myself face to face with Anna Mark, who greeted me with a bright and reassuring smile. "Anna!" cried I; "it is' good to see you, Anna!" For, indeed, I felt that nothing could, long go amiss where she was. Nay, the very dancing light in her eyes helped me to be brave. And so It was always. I have In my time set up for a respectably courageous man, but I have never evened myself to Anna Mark. "Philip," she said, "I have been speak ing to your mother. We are friends now." For this my wondrous lass had Instantly assumed the care of our poor mother upon her first coming on board. She had forgot ten her own terror In l'ttle delicate minis trations to tho woman who mlsliked her. All this was so like Anna that the tear3 came Into mine eyes, and I could not even find in me the courtesy to thank her. Not that she thought of that, for It was. always a pleasure to her to take the burden of the troubles of others upon her shoulders. Then came my father In. For ho had gone about his business as soon as ho had seen my mother lay her head on my shoulder, and heard the first of her cluck ing sobs. (Shame it Is to speak so of my mother, but I must use the word which tells the exactitude of the thing.) "Mistress Mary," he said, "will you be pleased to come on deck? The motion is. easier, and methlnks the air will do you J good!" j He spoke with a courtesy which was certainly new and strange. My mother lifted her head and answered, "I thank you!" with a little motion of the head which was strange to see. It was ' taught to all well-bred maids In my moth- j er's time, and was considered of the high est breeding before the Invention of the more graceful courtesy of modern times. And then what a sight I saw! I, a town-bred boy, whose view of the sea had never been more than might be gotten t from a rowboat In a harbor, or a jrlimDse I of the white-dotted blue plain of the sea ' from a forth-looking mountain top, saw nothing on every side of me but the chas- me Diue Dinows tipped with white, and ' far away to the right the loom of the land through the midday heat And the CoTramantee, which last night had been only a turmoil of tortured black ness, .was now a beautiful ship, square rigged before, schooner-rigged aft. with a clean-cut bow, a broadlsh beam, a shape that tapered aft She sat low in the water, leaning over a little In the light Wind. Then what a mountain of snowy canvas floated above. How long and beautifully tapering was her mainmast how stanch and sturdy her bowsprit and foremast! And then the winking brasses. 'each was a new poem. The decks were snow white as those of one of his maj esty's ships. For, to do him justice, Pro vost Gregory had spared no expense on her outfit, and the imperious angers of Captain Stansfield and the seamanship of Saul Mark kept all In the primest order. When the Corramantee put Into port, as every vessel In the world must sooner or later, all this was changed. The white sails were replaced by others patched and brown. The masts were painted to repre sent worm-eating and dryrot The fine, long guns were shrouded In tarpaulin, with a debris of boxes and bales on top scattered every way. The glistening car ronades were disguised or trundled out of sight Nothing save the taut and per- feet cordage betrayed to the eye that one of the smartest ships of her size in the world, with as daring a crew as ever trod decko'ank, was lying peacefully at anchor amid a score of peaceful merchantmen. These things, of course, I mostly learned afterward, for at first I was too much taken up with anxiety as to our position on board, and concerned about my mother to ask any questions. And. Indeed, of In ddent on our outward cruise there was hardly any. Once I was on deck when the lookout away up on the high croastrees cried out something sharply, which the mate, a thick-set Scot from Tillicoultry, made him repeat No sooner bad he grasped the purport of the message than he clutched a brass telescope and swung himself up Into the shrouds with the agility of a monkey. Then a few moments afterward Saul Mark and the captain came on deck. All sail was crowded on. and I shall never forget the look of alertness on all the men's faces as they crowded forward and gazed across the blue, leaping sea toward that unseen something which had been reported on the horizon. For me I could distinguish nothing, save the unstable plain of ocean and the white balancing wings of sea birds. Then Captain Stans field, with a gallant air, asked that he might be allowed to escort nay mother be low; whereupon she took his arm, as doubtless she had done when he had corne as a young wooer to her father's manor. Anna Mark was to have gone along with her, but with deft alacrity she hid her-' self behind a carronade which still wore Its harbor rigging. I went forward among the men. and, though one of these ordered me bemw, and saw me leave his side of the deck, no further notice was taken of me. Captain Stansfield and Saul Mark, with Lamble, the Tillicoultry mate, a little behind them, were on the quarter-deck, eagerly examining the chase. I could now see the ship, a huge tower of canvas, half sunk under the pale whlUsh-blue line of the horizon. She mounted fast, and we would soon have overhauled her. But long before I could see anything save the vtssel, we were In pursuit of I could hear the man on the lookout calling again. This time Saul Mark climbed up to the station In the crcsstrees with a telescope. "Four others five six. We are over hauling more every moment Two are ships of war British by their rigging!" My father laughed loudly. "We are not metal to scratch such a tartar as that It must be the Jamaica convoy six ships of war, by gad! and 3 sail of merchantmen!" Instantly the men relaxed their strained attention, and the course of the ship 'was changed. The white towers of sail disap peared again over the blue line, or rather snk Into it and we were alone In the center of that tireless circle of sea. All this while the ship was worked as steadily and regularly as Umphray Spur way's mill, as, Indeed, Will Bowman of ten said. Will was an active fellow, strong and quick at learning. Beside. what stood him in good stead now, he had been In his youth much among the fisher men of Whitby, so ropes and sea heav ings came easier to him than to me. As'much as they would let him, he became one of the crew; and could reef and steer and scramble with any of them, Jobs I had vexy literally no stomach for. But our chief occupation on board was looking after and cheering the 27 poor boys torn from their homes, some entrapped, some cozened, others again plainly stol en away from widowed mothers, who had no means of avenging or even tracing their loss. For the town ojt Abercairn and Its surroundings villages had been swept, as a city 13 sometimes rW of its stray dogs, by the hunters of men. These poor lads had been carried away, and their fate was to be sold for slaves In the plantations. There were even a few among them against whose parents certain in high places had grudges. It was no difficult matter to punish such recalcitrants by picking up a son, .who, in the gloaming of a long summer's day or early winter's afternoon might be running wild at "tig" or "hide and seek" among the barrels of the quay. Anna, Will and I had the free entrance of the "barracoon" at all times. It was at best a dark, evil-smelling hole, as may well be Imagined, and the boys, left to themselves, would have speedily made it a horror and a loathing. But Will and I divided thorn Into watches. We appoint ed officers to see that cleanliness was en forced with the utmost strictness. We obtained permission to bring the boys up for air In gangs of eight at a time, for whom we were responsible. In this man ner the place was kept fairly clean and healthy. Anna and I carried down the salt beef and biscuit upon which they were fed. There was, however, no scant ing of the fare, which was of good qual ity enough. For It was the Interest of the privateers tnat they should bring their captives to market In prime condition, any disease or underfeeding making a great difference in the prices. It is a strange thing that On this pri vateer, or, to be plain, pirate ship, there was none of the equality common in such cruises. Only once did I ever hear a man before the mast speak back to one of tho officers. And the next moment Saul Mark knocked him senseless with a mar llnsplke. For a moment or two things looked ugly, for some of the men growled ominously. But Captain Stansfield came along the deck, as it seemed, in a matter of three strides to where Saul still stood with the spike In hie hand. "Show me the man who dares do aught but his duty on this ship!" he cried in a voice like thunder. "To your posts, men!" And in an instant the whole ship's crew stood at attention on the deck with a regularity and discipline beautiful to see. All, that Is, save the man who lay sense less on the deck. "Speak up. Mr. Supercargo," he said; "what Is this man's fault?" Then Saul Mark told briefly the words the man had used in refusing to obey his officer. "Did this man sign the rules and sub ject himself to the conditions?" asked Captain Stansfield of the crew. "Aye, aye, sir!" came the answer, with out apparently one dissentient voice. "And he has struck his officer. You all know the punishment for that offense by our articles of association. Have any of you aught to say?" A tall fellow stepped forward, saluted and said: "This man Is my brother, sir, and the second mate has been putting his spite on him all this cruise because of something that happened ashore " "Mr. Kirgan," said my father, turning to the second mate, a fierce little Irishman. "I do not ask you anything of this. But only tell me what order did you give this man?" Kirgan, a wiry, bullet-headed fellow, with a ferocious squint, answered curtly, "I bade him to wash my socks!" "Mr. Kirgan," said Captain Stansfield, speaking severely, "there are boya whose duty it Is to wasn your stockings. In fu ture you will not order my able seamen to perform such work. Yet, considering his insolence, I say not that your brother hath gotten more than his due! Take him. away to the sick bay." The crew broke into three rousing cheers, which the captain acknowledged by turning his back and walking away from them. Mr. Kirgan sent a look after him of deadliest hatred. The man whom Saul had knocked down was removed by his brother and one of the sailors of his CHAPTER XXVTn. Now I had always bad a kind of per verted pride in my father, even when he was acocunted the greatest reprobate' and villain In the country. People were so prodigiously afraid of him, and hW fame and name were so constantly upon the common lip. But now, when I saw him every day In a position of command of so well-found a ship and gallant a crew, that admira tion was greatly Increased, and I verily believe that if he had shown me the least civility I should have offered to join with him. But this he never did. Indeed, I cannot say that he took any interest in me at all. He d d not bid me good morn ing when I came into the cabin, nor yet good night when I went off unwillingly te my bunk. He looked over ray head as he walked the deck, and, for all my work and unwearledness in serving him. he noticed mo less than any of the ship's boya who carried the pannikins and emptied the slops. But to my mother he was unwearlediy kind and unfau!n!y courteous. Ye.t by no means In an entrer wiy as f he desired to atone for aught or to seek any of h-r favors (tat rather aj a courteous rap tain to & noble pasengr or royal ci -tfv, whose mfcrfortunes entitle her to b treated with the greater dirity Ail this while we had heen steadil-v hemt. tag sonth'and west, as even I could mane on ana nearly every day little Anna Mark brought me news of the ship's craw. For. betas; the only girt on boarl she. could make friends with the men mu a more quickly than I, having also her fath er's talents In that respect; with others of her own, -which I have Indicated pre viously in the story. (To too continued.) THE PALATIAL EQQNIAN BUI Not a dark elHee In tbe balldlasi eliaolstelr flreitreelj electric liuliti and Artesian vraterj perfect saalta. tien aatl tkorouKK ventilation. ii.e vaturi run u- aad nixht Hooms. ANDERSON. GVJSTAV. AHwrTrty-at-Law . 813 ASSOCIATED PRB3B; K. L. Powell. Mgt . S.H BANKERS' IOTK ASSOCIATION, of Det . llotsea. la.; C. A. MCrgar. Stat Ajeent. B02-3 BEHNXE. IL W.. Pita. Tenia Shorthand School ............... .. 211 BENJAMIN. R. W.. DeaUst 3U BI.N-SWANGBK. DR. O. S.. M,a. A Stir 4H 413 BPUSRK. DR. G. B.. PftysMsa 413-413-41 BUSTBED, RICHARD, Arft Wilson & Mc- Caltay Tobacco Co 802-&J CAUKIN. G. R.. Dtstrtet Agea Travelers Insurance Co ,....... T1S CARDWSLL. DR. J. B 000 CLARK. HAROLD. Deettot .314 CLEM. E. A. A CO.. Mining Properties. 313 Bid COLUMBIA TXLBPHONK COMPANT . SH-aC-S-60T-13-614 S13 CORNELIUS. C. W.. Phys. ass Surgeon.... 20 COVER. i C. Cashier BteiMe Lite .. 3u0 COLLIER. P. y.. Pturtlsfeer; 3. P. MeGulre. Manager .....413-413 DAY. J. O 4 1. N 313 DAVIS. NAPOLEON. PresWeet Columbia Telephone Co 607 DICKSON. DR. J. jr.. PaaaH 713-TH DRAKE. DR. H. B. Pbystekui 512-313 i 4 DUNHAM. MRg. GBO..A. .TIT DWTER. JAS. T, Tofcaceos 403 EDITORIAL ROOMS Eighth Hoor EQUITABLE LIF2 ASSURANCE SOCTETT. L. Samuel. Manager; F. C Cover. Cashier 304 EVENING TELEGRAM ....323 Alder sciee: KENTON. J. D.. Physician aad Surgeon .309 310 PENTON. DR. HICKS C. Eye and Bar.... 31 1 FENTON. MATTHEW F.. Deatlst 3u9 FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE A8N. E. C. Stark, Manager 601 FRENCH SCHOOL (by oseversattes) ; Dr. A. Muzaarelll. Manager 706 GALVANI. W. H.. stoglneer aad Dranghtj- ffiaa 600 GEARY. DK. EDWARD P.. Phystetaa and Surgeon 212-213 G1EUT. A. J.. Pkyoktan aad Surgeon... 7WTij GOODARD. K. C 4 CO.. 7Mt4ar. ground floor 128 aixui street GOLDMAN WILLIAM. Manager Manhattan Life laauranee Co.. at New York. .. ...209-219 GRANT.' PRANK S.. Attorney-at-law .... 81T GRENISR. MISS BEATRICE. Dentist ..70S HAMMOND. A. B 310 HEIDINOER. GEO. A. 4 CO.. Pianos and OrjraiM 131 Sixth St. HOLLISTER. DR. O. C. Phyi. 4 Surg. 304-305 IDLEMAN. C. M., Attorncy-at-Law 418-17-43 KADT. MARK T.. Manager Pacific North west Mutual Reserve Fund Life Asso. 604-003 LAMOKT. JOHN. Vlce-PresWenc and Gen. eral Manager Columbia Telephone Co. . . .603 L1TTLETIELD, H. R., Phys. and Surgeon. 2Ut UACRUM, W. S.. Sec Oregon Camera Club. 214 MACKAY, DR. A. E Phys. aad Surg....711-7U MAXWELL. DR. W. E.. Phys. 4 Surg. 701-2-3 McCARGAR. C. A.. Sata Agent Bankers' Life Aasociattea 302-303 McCOT. NEWTON. Attorney-at-Law .713 McFADEN. MISS IDA E.. Stenographer . 201 McGINN. HENRY S.. Altomey-a:-Law 311-3'J MeKBLL, T. J.. Manafacturery Ropreseoca- Uvo 303 MILLER. DR. HERBERT C. Dentist and 'Oral Surgeon 608-609 MOSfMAX. DR. E. P.. Dentist 312-313-3.1 MANHATTAN L1FB INSURANCE CO, of New York. W. Goldman. Manager . . . .200-2 la McKLROY. DR. J. G.. Phys. 4 Surg 7ol-7u2 :oJ McFARLAND. E. B.. Secretary Columbia Telephone Co..... 609 MGUIRK. S. P.. Manager P. F. Collier. Publisher 415-419 MoKIM. MAURICE. Attorney-nt-Law.. 309 MUTUAL LIFE IN9URANCB CO.. of New York; Wm. S. Pond. State Mgr. . . .404-403-409 MUTUAL RESERVE FUND XI FE ASS'N M. T. Kady, Mgr. FaelAe Northwest... 604-603 NICHOLAS. HORACE B.. Atorey-at-Law .713 NILB8. M. L.. CasMer Manhattan Llfo In- suranee Co., or-iNow yerk..A.. .., 209 OREGON INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY. Dr. L. B. SraMh. Osteosath 408-409 OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-213-216-217 PERNIN SHORTHAND SCHOOL; H. W. Behnke. Prte ......211 POND. WM. 3.. State Manager Mutual Life las. Co. of New York 404-406-409 PORTLAND EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY . Ground floor. 13S Sixth stree PORTLAND PRESS CLUB 719 PROTZMAN. EUGENE C. Superintendent Agencies Mutual Reserve Fund Life, of New York ..604 PUTNAM'S SONS, G. P.. Pu)Hsers 319 QUTMBY. L. P. W.. Game and Forestry Warden 716-T1T RSBD 4 MALCOLM. OpHetens. . 138 Sixth street REED. F. C. Fish Commissioner 407 RYAN. J. B. Attoraey-at-lnw 41T bALISBURY, GEO. N.. Section Director, TJ S. Weather Bureau 9W SAMUEL. L.. Manager EqiHtaWe Llfo 3n3 SANDFORD. A. C A CO.. Publishers Agts. 313 SCRIBNER'S SON;. CKA8.. Publishers-. Jesse Hobson. Manager 315-318-317 SHERWOOD. J. VT. Deputy Supreme Com mander. K. O. T. M 317 SMITH. DR. L B.. Osteopath 408-409 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 3u STARK. E. C. Executive Special. Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Phlla.. Pa VH STARR 4 COLE. Pyroaraphy ....43 STEEL. G. A.. Forest teopoetor 213 STUART. DELL. Attorney-at-Law. ..616-616-6 " STOLTE. DR. CHAS. E.. Dentist 704-703 SURGEON OF THE 3. P. RY. AND N. P TERMINAL CO 709 STROWBRIDGE. THO. H.. Executive Spe cial Agent Mutual Life, of New York. . 40 SUPERINTENDENTS OKF1CTE i TUCKER. DR GEO. F.. Denitet 810 B 1 U. S. WEATHER BUREAU 80-907-fl-909 U. S. LIGHTHOUSE ENGINEERS. J3TH DIST.. Captain W. C Langtitt. Corps of 1 Engineers. U. S. A gos U. S. ENOUnCER OTrTCE. RIVER AND HARBOR lMPROVEHJtNT. Captain W C Lag&tt Corps of Engineers. U. S. A 319 WALKER. WILL H.. President Oregon Camera Club . 214-213-218-217 WATERMAN. C. H.. CasMer Mutual Life of Nw York , , 40a WATKINS, Mms K. I. Purchasing Anency 719 WEATHERRED. MRS. EDTTH. Grand, Sec retary Native Daughters 716-71T WHITE. MISS L. K.. Ass't See. Oregon Cam era Club . 21 WILSON, DR. EDWARD N., Phys. 4 Sur 304 S WILSON. DR. GEO F.. Phys. 4 Surg. ..706-T ' WILSON. DR. HOLT C. Pnps. 4- Surg.. 307-30) WILSON 4 McCALLAT TOBACCO CO Richard Bnsttsn. Agent 802-W.I WOOD. DR. W. L.. Physician 412-413-411 WILLAMSTTB VALLEY TBLBPH. CO.... 613 A few raerf elcnrnnt offlc-n mn-r f had 'by nnnlylnRe; to Pnrttand Trust Campaay of Oresnen. lt Third at., o to tite rent elerii. lit the bulltllB.