The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 18, 1900, Page 21, Image 21

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.say .amy at Ar Jf-. sv B -ar- n, j j&
v mW . M M M snrmm. flp mktm 3b JHam fe,
rgsgieu'"jtfr''fcr'7"pM ' . i Jj J)-T .Zi'TZ """""Xi
The Bey With, tke Beak.
AVrltten after fliuNc mi ogee bar at Ma desk.1
Oblivious to all earthly- oares, he reeds.
Hie brow contract ana bts hair awry.
His eves glued to a aoOei and weH-thumbed
Hii dirty collar rtlpnlnc through Ma tie.
Who daubed his flngerc -with hat yellow stain,
Ind closed Ma laws upon that wad of gum?
Waose was the hand that shied him to that
Ami sealed his ear and made Mm deaf and
Is this the boy -who guards die ottee door.
And answers maw ogee upon- the- ran
TThc ba-s the lmmiuhu of the beggar vtle
Vik. scares asmr the Mas who com an to dun?
Is this the lad who, one short week aw,
-cn d so deonm and swdous tor a ' Job"
T. h. offered testtmamuls by the score,
"ftl ose being Siwntd with love for work te
What cares he for the seoMtaer of the clerks.
The jangling- belt, the mmmds, loud and
Is lie he bor whom aettea oft noscrtboc,
VV ho works Ms war from Otto Boy to Boss'
T 'leioe sprung that tangled growth upon Ms
"Whence came these streaks of dirt upon Ms
"Wienoe came tats Sight, e'er whteh. the angels
AnS utter anytfcmg but arateotwl psalms?
"Wiere did he set those Feet so proudly
Beforehlm, over which the passer tripe?
WlKse hand besmeared Me boots with snray
An-i spread mnmeBuii taffiy o'er Ms lipe?
E w g ffereat be. from the Idoal OMld
- Z whom. J Abbott wrote, the manly boy
Who Uiled from A. X. to i p X .
ird counted labor an eaqutene Jo!
Wlio 11 dare stir up thte hatf-reewmbeat youth
iding, preoooMpied, above hto book
"U o 11 beard this little lion. In. his den
Ana stand unmoved before Ms awful look
"VI1 en goaded to skm madness by some man
V hn rashly ash. "Is your Smpioyer In"
He deigns to rates Mo yes from "Desperate
Thf Vtmon Terror and His Deeds of Stn"?
V1 man so sfcmt of heart, firm, unabashed.
As to remain cerono. eahn and vnawed
T hen. In reply, thte Awral Youth snarls forth
Whats thatT He ain't In! What's Yer
ame '
Ob Lord'
Ernest AtMnean in New York Sun.
Deep Humanity ef a. Favorite An-
tkr Revealed Iatc Pab-
On day in the fait jm, to the teland
c: Tahtt. Robert l, Stevenson put
1-fo the hands of Ms stepson, Lloyd Os
fc urne a seated paper with the request
that it should be opened after hte death.
He recovered, as every one knew, and
had strength atMMtgk to enjar x yoars
more of active Me and wwk In the Pacific
isnds When the oacne. and the pa
V r was opened, it was found to contain,
a-nong other thtoae a request by Steven
fcxn hai Sidney Colvta should be asked to
prepare for publication "a selection of hie
letters and a sketch of his life," The
letters with lntroductioae and notes, are
I resented as a substantive work by them
s lv.s under the title "The Letters of
Tobert Louis Stevenson to Hie Family and
I ned The bioaraphy Is to be under
taken by Stevenson's oouein, Graham BaU
The author of "Treasure feland,"
c Across the Plalna" and "Weir of Hermte
ir did not love writtnc letters, and re
t 'M to himself as one "eseendaliy and
originally Incapable of the art epistolary."
IiJ letters were often most informal, and
n generally neglected to date them, but
a' er hto own whim, and fashion he wrote
a a? t number. Events and facts, "sordid
fa i as Stevenson called them, were not
i ry o'un sultered to intrude into the
- r fpordence. I deny." he writes,
iat letters should contain news CI mean
ir t tho&e of other people should). But
rr e lould contain appropriate sentiments
.. J umrous nonsense, or nonsense ith---
ie humor ' Business letters, letters
c formation and letters of courtesy he
h metimes to write, but when he wrote
bi saA s the editor of his letters, "he was
t - i he influence of the affection or lm
I m, or the mere whim cr mood of te
- nmt pouting himself out in ail man
r f rhapsodical confessions and specu
la , grave or say. notes of observation
a-d r.tiustn, snatches of nsmembrance
-"' -1 a oblografnjr, morallsinas on matters
. rmost for the hour In his mind, com
r rJ cnhl own work or other people's,
v r3 Idle fun and foolery."
letters do not represent Stevenson
c a fu ' until about the Mth year of his
c He heginntaa: of the settled and mar-
1 ' i of his life From then on-
v- they present pretty full and
" l 'o autoblogiaplty. If not of his do
at ary rate of moods and feelings.
:u n has omitted mans lettens of
? v ns s beyhnt and student days as
, g 1 immature or too uninteresting,
aim of the confidences and oonfes
e ' -. his later routh. whether as too in
1" z or as gtrhnr a dtsproporttonate
f Tim e to passing troubles. When
is I jid In these days writing in a
k. a vi. or minor fcer. It must be re
r m r d that at tke same moment, in
l - i lercourse w4tfc any friend, his
t ' s v ouid instantly fse, and hewould
lr urd the gayest of laughing cenipan-
"x t one interesting period of his
I re f - m about his SUt to his 9th year,
te m d the habit of letter-writing al-
ir r relj in choosing from among
vv nmaied Mr Colvin used hte best
c s - ion Stevenson s feelina and rela-
5 thrcughout life were in almost all
ot so warm anc kindly that next
h ng had to be suppressed trom fear
l ' g pain It is, perhaps, better on
. whole that the work saotild 90 on
r -.v w thout the least sting, but when
v o i nd me harmless crittcism of toe
tk ms o" Kip.lng. sllghtlj veiled that Is,
h np p name is n-t expressly gtven-4t
u I cne smlie at the caution
"1 letters are an interesting and ia
e studv of mnd and character of
r T ional order No one can help be-
-, Joeplv touched by their sweet human
The bring into fuU view Stevenson
- mar for it is not In books, but in ta
sr tten te those nearest and dearest:
v ' f ere is no posing for the public no
s- "ed cnvesitlotiattUes, no bar to free
exrrs on of mood, thought and feeHng.
') the real man comes out. (Charles
F r ers Sons, Kew YerlL)
Hendlam's Btoajgniphar ef the Great!
Gonsss CHauiQeller.
The story of BtsmsKstfs ttfe Is so f utl
o it erest that bm th Hunts of even a
Tvor biographer ho book must of neces
sity be rssdlnble When however, coupled
with the interest attaching to the sub
ject there is the clearness of. style, the
sense of proportion, and the impartial
judgment which characterize James Wy
cilffe Heaciam's biography of the great
chancellor, "Bismarck and the Founda
tion of the German Dmpire," the result
Is extremely Batlsfjinj?. Mr. Headlam
presents a lvid picture of the man and
of his work, a wort which la so closely
interwoven with Genaan history since
1848 hat his impress is seen upon eery
great event. Bismarck's mother, Prauleln
Mencken, was a olet er and ambitious wo-
From "The Letters of Robert Xenis Stevens on " Copj right, by Charles Scribner's Sons.
man From her Bismarck lnlherled his
intellect; from his fatbr he derived gen
iality, kindliness and humor. "He vas
thus connected with the double founda
tion on which Prussia had been built On
his father's side he had sprung from the
fighting nobles; on his mother's, from the
scholars and officials. In later life we
And thai while his prejudices and affec
tions were all enlisted on, the side of the
noble, the keen and critical Intellect he
had Inherited from his mother enabled
him to overcome the prejudices of his
Bismarck's mother designed him for the
diplomatic service, but he did not take
kindly to the work. "He was clearly
deficient In that subservience and ready
obedience to authority which was the best
passport to promotion, In the civil service;
there was In his disposition already a
certain truculence and impatience, and
he therefore resigned his position and re
tired to his estate. In 1847, as a represen
tative of the lower nobllltv, he was sum
moned to Berlin to attend the meeting
of the estates general, and from this time
the story of his life Is Interwoven with
the history of his country. During the
troublius period of the revolution of 1S4S,
he was an ardent supporter pf the king,
and his services were jrewarded by In
creasing favor, until he received the cov
eted appointment as president and foreign
minister. His great t-ervices to Germany
are well known, and while he was as un
doubtedly unscrupulous and Intolerant to
waras his political .opponents, vet tho
reader cannot help sympathizing with him
in his downfall. (G. P. Putnam's Sons,
New York.)
Child Life in Colonial Dnju.
In her "Home Life In Colonial Days,"
Mrs Alice Morse Earle touched a very
fascinating phase of American history.
As In that book she gave minute de
scriptions of the customs of our fore
fathers and mothers, so in "Child Life in
Colonial Davs," a companion volume, she
has treatea with the same skillful hand
the child life of the same period. Mrs.
Earle describes the way In which chil
dren were brought up, how they were
educated, and how they amused them
selves. About 150 illustrations complete
the picture of Colonial ch'ldhood, and
Illustrate child's dress of the period and
specimens of tovs and furniture. (The
MacmUlan Co , New York )
Travels in Clilnn.
"The Yangtze Valley and Beyond," Is
ah aoceunt of journeys in China, chiefly In
the province of Bse Chuan and among the
Man-Tze of Somo territory, by Mrs J. F.
Bishop Few people are fully acquainted
with -the -magnitude -and resources of the
great basin of the Yangtze, which, In the
spring of 1S88. was claimed as the British
"sphere-of Influence." Mrs. Bishop wr.tss
that it was only at the end of eight
months (out of IS months in China) spent
on the Yangtze river, its tributaries and
the regions watered by them that she
began to learn their magnificent capa
bilities, and the energy, resourcefulness,
capacities and "backbone" of their enor
mous population. The area of the Yang
tze vallev is estimated at about 650, OW
square miles, and Its population, one of
the most peaceable and industrious on
earth, at from mW0,0S te 130.00e,0S9 The
actual length of the river Is not known.
but it is believed not to exceed 9600 miles.
Although the great rapids in the Upper
Yangtze make navigation dangerous. It is
traversed annually by 7009 junk, em
ploying a quarter of a million of men
So dangerous is it that on an average
SO junfc. are wrecked annually.
Mrs Bishops thoroughness as a traveler
Is well known and her skill in recording
what ohe sees is such that her readers
seem to journey along with her. This
latest Journey through a land full of vari
ety and contradictions proved to be most
tatereetfng. It was not without hardships
and perils but the author returned to
Shalgoai "truly thankful for the freedom
ram any serious accident which she had
enjoyed, and for the deep and probably
abtdtng interest in China and the Chinese
which the journev had giv en her "
At the close of the second volume, Mrs.
Bishop devotes a chapter to the plum
peppy and ite use. and draws a terrible
picture of the hold the habit has upon the
poofOs, a habit which is rapidly increas
ing, and whioh threatenes te sap the hith
erto remarkable energy of the Cbnes.
Following this Is a thoughtful chapter on
Frosientant missions in China, In which
the author gives some valuable practical
hints. In conclusion, Mrs. Bishop dis
cusses the future of 'China, which has
now come to the dawn of a new era.
Pressed on every side, and With the Euro
pean nations thundering at her gates,
China needs some such skilled and disin
terested foreign advice as was given by Sir
Harry Parked to Japan when she em
bfcrked onher new career: "Whether the
Soth century shall place her where she
ought to be. In the van of Oriental na
tions, or whether It shall witness her
disintegration and decay, depends very
largely on the statesmanship and influence
of Great Britain." (G. P. Putnam's Sons,
New York.)
Harper's JRcvlcwa tlie Present Condi
tion of Science in Europe.
One thing Is certain the reduction In
the price of Harper's Magazine to 25 cents
has not affected its literary quality, tin
less it may he that it Is better than ever.
Dr. Henry Smith "Williams presents In
the February number the first of a series
of articles descriptive of the present con
dition of science In Europe with a num
ber of illustrations reproduced from the
author's sketches. The commercial and
political conditions In Central Africa and
the Congo State today are outlined by
Demetrius C. Boulger, and Archibald C.
Colquhoun presents the first installment of
a paper descriptive of Russian develop
ment In Central Asia. Professor Albert
Bushnell Hart presents a paper on the
commerc'al and Industrial future of the
Mississippi valley.
"The First Night of a Play," "Through
tihe Slums With Mrs Ballington Booth,"
"What It Means to Be a Librarian," by
Herbert Putnam, librarian of congress,
and ' The Pew and the Man In It," by Ian
Maclaren, are among the notable features
of the February Ladies1 Home Journal
An American Mother answers conclu
sively, "Have Women Robbed Men of
Their Religion?" and there Is an inter
esting article on Mile Chaminade, the
famous composer and pianist.
The first article prepared with authority,
upon the literary collection of the late
Augustin Dalj appears in the February
Book Buyer. It Is concerned mainly with
Mr. Daly's collection of early editions of
Charles Lamb, but there are photographs
showing the library and the "basement
"den," the remarkable Dutch portrait of
Nell Gwyn, the Jonson and Shakespeare
portraits, and other curiosities of the col
lection. Among interesting articles which are be
ing prepared for Leslie's Weekly are:
"The Monioe Doctrine- and Our Nay,"
by Captain A. T. Mahan; "Shall We Be
come a Maritime Power'" by Eugene T.
Chamberlain, United States commissioner
of navigation; "The New- Century's Manly
Woman," by Susan B. Anthony.
Trank Leslie's Popular Monthly for
February numbers among Its literary con-
inouior.& uenerai iseison A Miles, Bret
Harte, M. E. M Dav s, Edgerton Castle,
Jeannette Walworth, Anna Randall Dlehl,
Jennie Betts Hartswick, Harold Bolce,
Matory De Zapp, and ex-Superintendent
R, C. Jackson, of the railway mall serv
ice All those writers are interesting in
their respective lines, and the p'ctorlal 11
lustrtaions accompanying their articles
and stories in this number are even more
profuse and elegant than usual.
The Forum for February contains many
articles of great merit, nearly all written
by well-known authorities Lleutenaht
General Den Beer Poortugael, of the Hol
land privy council, contributes the lead
ing" article on "The Relation of England
to the Transvaal", an able paper is fur
nished on "The People's Party," by Sen
ator Marion Butler, chairman of the peo
ple's party national executive committee.
President Charles Dabney, of the univer
sity of Tennessee, writes a timely arti
cle on "Washington's University." David
Wilcox throws new light on "The Futility
of the Anti-Trust Issue," and William
R. Thayer writes an unusually convincing
paper on "Longevity and Degeneration "
The leading article in Appleton's Popu
lar Science Monthly for February is en
titled "South Sea Bubbles in Science,"
and sounds a much-meeded warning
against the credulity of. the general pub
lic toward anything labeiodV. "science, and
their readines to put money into enter
prises depending on processes about which
they knew nothing. It Is written bv Pro
fessor Trowbridge, of Harvard university.
The mechanism of the trolley car is clearly
described and pictured by William Bax
ter, jr., C. E Professor Charles A.
Briggs, who was recently expelled, from
the Presbyterian church and immediately
admitted to the Episcopal ranks, con-
, 51 IS 2 , "3 . "i
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In-vltcd Out to Ten.
rive pretty little pusy-cats, invited out to tea,
Cried: "Mother, let us go oh, do! for good
we'll surely be.
"We'll wear our b'bs and hold our things as you
have show n us how
Spoons In our right pava, cups In left and
make a. pretty bow,
We'll always say, 'Yes, If you please, and
'Only half of that.' "
Then go, my darling; children," said the happy
mother cat. x
Tho pretty little pussy-cats went out that night
to tea;
Their headswcre smooth and glossy black, their
tails were swinging free, ,
They held the things as they had learned, and
tried to- he polite
With -snowy bibs beneath their chins they were
a pretty sight
But ah' alas for manners good, and coats as
soft as elhc! ,
The moment that the little klto were asked 10
takfe ecme milk '
They forgot their spoon&. forget to bow, ani
on, w;hit do jou think?
They put their noses In the cups, and all began
to drink!
Yes. everj naughtly little kit set up a mew for
more: 1
They knocked the teacups over quick, and
scampered through the door
Our Dumb Animals.
Drcndfnl Fate of Little Snschen, Who
"Was Dropped From the Sky
by a Wicked Old Bird. '
"Well, well!" said an old stork, as she
stepped about the grass on her long legs.
"Here's a baby; a real baby, to be sure!
And left all alone' here under1 the grape
arbor, too' People who can' b take caro,of
a baby any better than this don't 'de
serve to have one. I'll take her home
with me. I know how to- treat babies,"
and catching the white dress In her great
strong beak, she flapped her huge wings
and flew off away and away, over the red
roofs of the houses, out fnto the open
country, never stopping till she came to
her-own nest and her three little ones on
tho roof of an old red barn.
Here she gentfy laid her burden down,
and, standing on one foot to rest herself,
she watched to see how her own children
would take to this newcomer.
The three little storks had never before
seen a baby, but they were delighted to
have a new sister. They pecked at her
dress and her white cap, while she stared
at them out of her big blue eves, for never
before had she seen such strange creat
ures She did not even put up her lips
to cry, for she was not one of the whin
ing, crying kind.
Pretty soon the good farmer came out
to feed the cows, and, looking up at the
storks' nest, he saw something th,at al
most made his hair stand on-end. Was
it really a baby7 Yes, sure enoughs There
was a white cap and part of a w hlte dress.
He could see It plainly. He called his
good frau to come and see this strange
sight, while he and tho nlred man got a
ladder and attempted to mount to the
top of the barn to rescue the stolen child
Wicked Mrs. Stork!
But Mrs Stork,, as It guessing his Inten
tion, snatched the child In her beak, rose
from her nest, and right before their very
The Ducks-Ah, here's a place to light on-
this old log.
eyes, flew away, sailing off Into the deep
blue sky, until she. and her-burden were
lost to sight. The good, kind-hearted frau
threw her apron over net head and burst
into tears: "Oh, that sweet little baby!"
she soTabed. "How itspoor, dear mother,
w herever she Is, must be- grieving for it!"
Now, when the children, who had taken
tho babv with them to ihe'ioTchard came
back from their chase aftr tho rabbit.
tney saw no DaDy. wnere coum sne oev
They left her sitting under the grapa
arbor. She couldn't have gotten away by
herself, for she wasn't a year old, and
couldn't walk, Geita went one way and
Hilda 'another, and. Franz still another,
searching for the missing baby; but after
a while they all came back again to the
grape arbor without her.
They went to the houo and told the
mother. Oh, what a crjing and sobbing
time there was'
"Where, oh where, was good baby Sus-
ifiyy UAtm-mv ' t 1 '' (J
chen?" was the cry. "Baby Suschen,
who never cried, but sat all day, smiling
and happy. Where was she now?"
They inquired of all the neighbors, they
searched everywhere, but no trace of her
could they find. Never again In all their
lives did they see or hear of the lest
Late on the same afternoon a small sail
ing vessel, carrj ing a party of ladles and
gentlemen, returning from a fishing trip,
was making Its way up the river, when
suddenly one of the ladles cried:
"Oh! oh' look at that!"
"A stork with a baby!" cried another.
"OhJ how dreadful!" and Immediately the
captain was begged to stop the boat Tho
stork was coming in their direction, and
perhaps she might alight on the deck.
Oh, If she only would, and. they cou'd
save that precious child I
The good captain gave orders to reef sails
and drop the anchor, nnd by the time the
yhfLSJz. MICE- SclF.ON 1jE-.L it-lb. of duifLZte,
grTcJ IKtiR, Tail's
boat lay etill on the water the stork was
directly overhead.
The passengers stood watching, breath
less, when suddenly the great bh-d iet go
her hold and the baby dropped to the
deck, striking her head on the boards with
a terrible thud that caused the watchers
to turn sick with dread
A gentleman sprang forward and tender
ly clasped the little form In his arms.
Turning Its head, he burst into a roar of
laughten It was a big rag doll!
No wonder she didn't cry when left
alone under- the grape arbor, nor when
carried tothe nest on the old- red barn. .
Sabbath School Visitor.
Good Deed of an Arab Chief Re
warded in Paradise.
Once upon a time, away out on the des
ert, an Arab was traveling with a caravan
and a large amount of valuable silks and
rich goods. He knew that the portion of
J.i - . - A
TheGator-Xow. If I can keep from laughing
for a second, I'll
the desert through which they were pass
ing was frequented by robbers, and he was
anxious to reach the end of his journey be
fore night.
The men and the camels were all weary,
for they had come a Jong way across tho
dry country, but now they were looking
more cheerful, for-Jthey would soon be at a
place whereTtheyTcould rest and not fear.
The chiefJjvaU leading the caravan and
looking carefully Fn every direction, so as
not to bo surprised by tho enemy. All at
once he hard a cry of pain, and, peering
around, saw a boy not far from the path.
""Are you sick?" askd the chief.
"I have a thorn in my foot," said the
boy, "andI cannot walk. Then the chief
got down from the back of the camel and
wentHo the hoy and-gently drew the thorn
from-hlsJoot. H,eteven delayed to cleanse
th soto and rub some ointment on the
w ound made by the thorn. He- Inquired
about how far the boyHad 'to go and if ho
had any money. Learning -that the bo;
had but little, he gave him a piece ot
geld and then went oa his journey.
Many years after the chief died and
went to paradise. What was his surprise
to find himself at qace-in the midst of the
most hea"utlful roses. y
3 "Why have Tp sot many roses,?" he asked
01 an. anget sear aim. -raers. areXimany
others who heVe dene more good whoxha-ve
not as many beautiful xoses."
The angel smiled and answered- "Year
ago you drew a thorn from the foot of a
boy who was crying In the desert. That
thorn has grown to be & large rose tree
and the roses you see around you are the
blossoms from that tree."
"One good deed done here below." says
the Brooklyn Eagle, which, toils- thlsAe
ry. "Is returned sevenfold'iat paiadfee
t -r
Bis People Who Ha.i e Lived. la. Years
Gone By,
Wonderful giants used to walk tha.
earth, even as we read In the Bible oft GO
liath, who was slain by the youth David.
According te l French scholar, Adam, the
first man, wag 123 feet 9 Inches tall, and
Eve- was only five feet shorter, Noah was
about 2t feet tall, and Abraham measured
not more than 20. Moses reached osly the
poor height of 13 feet, and finally man had
to be contented with, feeble little frames
from four to six feet In height.
Many huge humanvsReJetons have been
found. It is said tha); the skull of Chev
alier Rlncon, whose remains were discov
ered in 1S0O at Rouen, would hold a-bushel
of wheat. The snln bone was four feet
long, and other bones were In proportion.
One of the world's famous giants was
Patrick Coter O'Brien, who-"was born at
Kinsdale, In Ireland, in 17L He was eight
feet three Inches tall, and was the great
est gknt of his day. He -died in 1SW. In
the museum of Trinity college, Dublin, is
n y
t t t
KrnM down
&S MrOu,
the skeleton of a giant named Magrath,
who was seven feet eight Inches high.
A story is told that the Empress of
Austria, In the 17th century, had all the
giants and dwarfs of the German empire
assembled at Vienna. They were quar
tered together, arid fear was expressed
that the giants would terrify the dwarfs.
The contrary proved to te the case. The
dwarfs tormented and robbed the giants
till, with tears in their eves, the giants
bogged to be protected from them.
The usual circus and museum giants of
today are rarely over seven feet in height,
but they wear high-heeled boots snd high
hats that add a foot or m6re In hfeht ta
their appearance.
Professor Dewar Makes Liquid Hy
drogrcn, in Wnlch Corks Sink.
It seems odd enough. sas the Philadel
phia Inqulrer( to spk of a-eork sinking,
let alone actually seeing it sink. "Light
as a cork" and "It bobhed up like a cork"
' " - II I I III I
Get a goodTreaifast'-Xew York World
aro familiar expressions to denote light
ness. Of course a cork will not sink In
water, but a celebrated English scientist,
Professor Dewar, of the royal Institution
of Great Britain, has recently made a won
derful liquid. In whloh a cork goes to the
bottom like a stone.
Hydrogen Is one of the lightest of gases;
It is used for filling balloons so that they
will go upward through the heavier ar.
Well, Professor Dewar, by the use ef enor
moua pressure and great cold, forced hy
drogen Into liquid form, just as steam,
when cooled, becomes water. The same
scientist had already astonished the world
by making a liquid of air.
Now, you- cannot see the gas, hydrogen,
any more than you can see the air; it I
perfectly colorless. Similarly, the liquid
made from hydrogen Is- colorless; It looks
like clear, sparkling spring- water, and it
Is by all odds the lightest liquid known.
A cork dropped Into it will instantly ge to
the bottom, even a feather will sink
through it at once.
Although a liquid. It isn't wet ar i t la
so eoM, being over 49 degrees below zejs,
that it actually sassee the air ab t te
become liquid, and then u freezes thm
liquid air mto Ice, and the air-toe being
heavier than the- Herald hydrogen it sinln
at once to the bottom, where it can be
seen an ley white hnmp. It seems odd to
have the Ice at the bottom of a liquid.
Instead of on top. Ot esnxee, liquid hydco
gen. is very costly. Because it requilres
sueA get pressure and such great osht
to produos it, and it cannot be kept long,
for it bout away rapidly although 1 Is
kept in & vac m tahs covered wl h iqnM
air. Aag atthswsjh ss. cahf aoa a ".quid as
.weH, it wBJ- bun Savcst?, exactly Bk
hydrogen, gas.
Polly Soares jBrg-M.3 Array Frsat
Her Qmser'a HfeMe.
A Philadelphia daftr relates the story si
a parrot that proles tsd her owner's heme
from burglars, whs had entwredr thssugh
one of the front parlor windows. They
crept through the bsuroem past the bird
and began1 'jimmying open the sMsboard la
the dhtmg-reom. where the silver was
kept. One of the other men gathered up
the? costly Turkish rags on the noon), and
another was taking down the curtains,
when Polly spefce- up.
"Is that you, Prankr she averted.
The burglars stopped ns If they had bees
shot Polly repeated the question tn a
louder and more Imperative key The
noise of the parrot awakened her master.
He grasped a revolver, which he bad
bought only a few days before and kept
under his pillow, and made for the head
of the stabs. He pressed an electric but
ton on the wall and IK the lights In the
hallreom, when he saw three- men strug
glag to open the front door. fHk promptly
opened Are, but they succeed In setting
away. MA Flster then wenr down stairs.
where he found the parrot In her cage
under the piano. The cage was upset, but
the btrd uninjured. The owner placed her
right side up upon the ptosioy was sne
lifted her frightened head from amhtt- her
wing and asked:
"13 that you, Frank'"
ScbshIIs Visit Ieadea.
A very mtereetmgj szmnt h wfid bird
Mfe Is attracting attention just now m Lon
don. Several years ago a couple of sea
gulls, during some very cold weather,
found their way to the lake In St. James'
Park, and discovered that people Mhed
them and would feed them. That coup e
must have said things to their pals. Ev
ery winter since some have returned ts tho
park; and each year it has been noticed
that the number increased.
This year, however, they have come n
huge locks. They now form the chief at
traction in St James' Park, and they are
se numerous and ao daring 'bat they beat
elf the ducks from all the ftedtag. sjpen by
the erowd. Some will mod from the hand,
and all will catch food that hi threw to
A Little Housewife's Dream.
I'd Mice to stall away hi a bast.
And never come back at all.
To go arittlBK along- upon tho waves
Tke waves that are plaeM and smslk
Or eke I'd lute all day to ride
In a earriage open and easy.
Over downs and meadows Jnst essay enough,
And o'er hills that were sontly breear.
Or. falling both thee. I'd line to He
Itr a hammock and swing- and iiwhin.
With a beanthtut cherry tree ever my bond.
And two Httle birds to stng
When I was hungry, he cherries shosht Ml,
And when I wanted to slumber..
The two httte Mrds should change there Mae,
And sing- lullabies without number.
Or, better than all, I should like tv
On a. couch a a. splendMl saloon,
Arrayed, of course, m boauiMnl sloth 311,
And thlnkmg about the moon.
While a pretty youth should play the
A second should toll mo a tale
And a third shouM. stand by wMb a, smte e
And some teed lemonade hi & pott.
But lastead of all thai I've sot cooMngr hi dot
Wasbmer and bnMhg snd men shags;
And as for the sent won. It's Jnst tho hrueh
Woman's work is never enmrg.
S. X. Simons In BkooMyn Ssglo.
Youthful Preeoolty.
A, little girl who had just entered school
lately jubilantly announced to her fiumer,
says the Philadelphia Bulletin, that sbo
did better than all the girls above' her
in the arithmetic ernes and went to the
"That was-smart eC you." semi be. en
couragingly. "How ww If
"Weir, you see, Mhm 3ifjgJ ashed the
girl at the top how noes was ft and 5,
and she didn't know, and said EU then
the next girl said 9. and the next ona said
IL and the next one 14. Such silly an
swers' Then Miss Maggie asked me, and
I said 13, and Miss Maggie told me te go
up top. Course it was 13."
"That was nice,' said the father "I
didn't know you could add so well. Bow
did you kndw it was IS"
"Why, I gneseed It' Kobody said 13."
Covn With "Spec."
Cattle with spectacles are to he seen on.
the Russian steppes. The steppes are
covered with snow more than sis month
of the year The cows subsist on the tufts
ef grass which crop above the snow and
the rays of the sun on the- snow aro so
dazzling as to cause blindness, To obviate
thte calamity it occurred to a htari-hearted
man to protect the cows eyes in the same
way as- those ot human- beings, and he
manufactured smoke-colored spec aclea
which eould be safely worn by cattle.
These spectacles were a great success, and
are now worn by upward of 4M09 head of
oattle. which no longer satttr from the
snow blindness which once caused such
suffering among- them.
An Bnlarmn.
My mat to m about, but not tn bello
My second m hurry, but far not In slow
Xy third Is ta ocean, out not tn the river.
My onrur to In inn but norer In giver
My fifth's not m Hotl Gate, you 11 and it In
My sixth hi the eost, shady depths? of the
Hi the ehl oat my uOuath. but not in the
My lest m Xew Yorhv that up-to-date e ty
My whole a green mot o'er a lovely Jsla
To make thte out eutcfefr won t pussl your
fJr!&5s!r ilCmV
lie Had. Fa, T3at Time.
"Papa," asked' Teamsle, "m It cowardly
to strike something itttier than you, that
e&n't defend Itself?'
"It te. Indeed," repHed the father
"Wbll, I deaft know, ' reflected Tomanie;
T don't see how we could light 'he gaa
without striking a- match." Brooky
New Tvric W-crUL