-" t J ill wttatt. TIBOY-FWR PAGB 'PAOES1TD12 ) VOL. XIX. NO. T. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18,' 1900. PRICE WFTB GENTS. GENERAL RETREAT Boers Said to Be Also Retiring From Natal. ' RENEWED P1CHT1NG ON THETUGELA General Kelly - Kenny Captured Crenje's Supply Train The Rc- tirentoa From Bench ere LONDON. Fob. K.IMA. M. The -tear ofHoe made the usual statement at xald xagr tbat it had no news, but at about the mm tine came dtapatohee from Dur 1cl:: dated late Saturday evening, giving reports of tbe renewed fighting on the Tug( la, where the censor stopped all tele ms Arrivals at Durban from the Tug la cay that Important operations are progressing, and that fighting has occurred da., y since the commencement of the wc-f-k In these engagements the British casualties have been comparatively light. Aording to theee unconfirmed reports, O-w-rai BuUer had reooeupied Vaal Icrntz and tbe Boers had retreated in the direction of the Free State. In the mean t me wounded officers and men are arriv ing dailj at Durban, and are placed aboard th four hospital ships new there Iuspatchee from Zululand, received at In 'ban, Bay the country to quieting down, J t alike to the appearance of a flying col limn The Boers seem nervous and un certain, and have stayed their advance. BOER SUPPLY TRAIN CAPTURED. - Kell) -Keaaj-'s Brigade Seized 78 "Hagroas Laden AVitk Supplies. LONDON, Feb. 17. The following dis patch has been resolved at the war office frm Lord Roberta: Jaeobsdal. Feb. 17, 6 A. M. General Ivellj -Kenny s brigade captured yesterday Tn wagons laden with stores, two wagons of Mauser rifles eight boxes of shells, 10 t arms of explosives and a large auan tty of stores, all belonging to Crenje's laigtr which was still being shelled by our artillery, when Kitchener, dispatched fc s messenger " V ith General Cronje in full retreat and Geriwal Kelly-Kenny harassing his rear, fc P s run high that a decielve actios will vcirr if It has not already been fought The dispatches from Jaeobsdal confirm i'lis ! Kt saying that General Cronje has b r obliged to "outepan," m other words, '""i & laager or camp. In order to rest 1 " oxen This exnjalns the latest dls 1 a -h referring to the shelling of the I ttgr, which also brought the long-ex-T 'ted word of Kitchener's whereabouts That the general who so relentlessly pur Ejri the Khalifa to his doom is super- -i f- ng me pursuit of Cronje. adds sreatlv 1 Uf confidence of the nation so eagerly v c uing iurtner news. If General Tucker. v h the Seventh division, is able to ef f et i lie projected Junction with the farces yasBSKSfflnSS -ho, .id have sufficient force decisively to i gape cronje ana -prevent him from a ing Bloemfontein with an effective Ii the whole Modder district there is e h tremendous military activity that J Is hard to realise the area covered or Era i the full meaning of the movements. The Boers, though retreating from Ma- re fontein, are active elsewhere. A ape s' dispatch from Orange river, dated I"rida sajs they are attempting to cut t'n British line of communications at raspan, but It Is said ther are not llke- to effect serious results. "They are, I wever, undoubtedly making strenuous effort to cut the British lines to De Aar.1 " t f c other hand comes the news that rr-v&l Maedonald has agate occupied IvxkT rsberg "ft hat precautions Roberts has taken acrn counter attacks are not yet I twn but the war office and public are " uphiv convinced that he to fully -' to cope with all contingencies, and " t ir it is within human possibility he v 1 it flict the defeat on Cronje that is iruch more Important than the relief C Kmberiey, brilliant as was the latter .. 1 k ement While Kelly-Kenny's, or --. v " Kitchener's, dispatch referred to ner rear guard as being Crenje's, j -till doubtful If that general Is per- v with It, and It Is possible he may tt; ploying more thatt one line of re- reported captwre of a Targe line of I h convey by the Boers Is still net md officially. l lichee from Cane Town announce an enthmdafrttc demonstration wd the ywneiinesmawt of the re Lf Mlmtpetley. The government v was surrounded by huge . v s, and the British high corn tier and governor of Cape Colony, " fred Xflaer. received an ovation r ef of KImberley was similarly 'M!Ht in other towns of Cane Colony. t r?t unit of the special corps of i r called the Duke of Cambridge's i ft London tWs morning to em- k at Southampton for South Africa. " - corps hr composed entirely of men o s od soewl position. Lord AWnger " " corporal's stripes, while Lord i'ur s son Is & trooper. Sack men 1 ' paj Ut for the privilege of Joln- ' In money going to purchase their c ' ts while their nay to donated to a ' i 'or the relief of widows and chll- " i Killed soldiers. Immense crowds he 'gentleman rankers," as they mod, on their way to the station, th train started amid remarkable s i f enthusiasm. The Duke of Oara- T f1 ard other titled personages went ) Southampton to hid the yeomanry i Wfll 1 ets reports the British casualties c ng the fighting at Jaeobsdal as fol ws One killed. 14 wounded and three tr st ng special dispatch from Serkstrera, c'ed today, says the Boers, with artil , t commenced an attack early this c ng on Molteno. near that place, oc- - b the troops commanded by Gea ." atacre. queen has promoted General French ! major-general French heretofore 1 z onl ranked as a colonel in tbe army. " ' the local rank of Ucmiemiil ruilmirl 1 .tenant-Colonel Kekewich has been r-vBotd to colonel for his services te -- defense of KImberley. OCXTPATMK F JACOBSDAL. British Invasion a Hard Blew to the Free Staters. JA )BMAL. Thursday. Feb. K.-Ler X !e-ts troons today entered this town. v u h has been In the poMession of the -i ir sines yesterday The utmost or " - prevails. The military tv . -is but not a stick of furniture has taken A sentry has been li w ' ' -ach store and the soldiers are ai- v ed to enter and purebase what they re- i. rt Everything Is so peaceful that the naoiiants express me utmost surprise. as it had been dtogenttr reported that e British occupation mount Instant loot- F Ju Igln from the conversation rf the in- i?-aMtants the Free Staters are weary of :e war It to openly stated that Pree- ident Steyn betrayed the people. "When the latter became satisfied there was .'no truth in the stories of the looting procliv ities of the British, the townspeople wel comed the troops as friends. Since the battle of Modder River the town has not been garrisoned, but has been merely used as a hospital depot When the Boers fired on the British "Wednesday the towns people protested. Although the British shelling yesterday considerably frightened the women, the shells were only directed at a ridge beyond the town which was Intrenched. The German hospital remains In beautiful order. It Is clean and sani tary, and the wounded of both sides are equally well attended. A correspondent talked with a number of the Boer wound ed, and they all acknowledged that the British movement had nonplussed the burgher commanders. Even now, it is add ed they are under the Impression that the sole object was the capture of Jaeobsdal. "When Informed of the relief of KImberley, they were at first Incredulous and then astounded. News has reached here that the Boers are leaving Magersfonteln, and are re turning in disorganized masses to their farms. The Invasion of the Free State has undoubtedly struck a hard blow, which may result in the defection of large numbers of Free Staters. RETIREMENT FROM REINSBERG. British Retreat Was Conducted Or derlySome Missing; Men Show Up. ARUNDEL, Friday, Feb. 16. The re tirement of the British from Rensburg was most orderly. The railway had with drawn the stores the previous day, and the baggage wagons left before the evac-i uation took place. A part or tne two companies of the Wiltshire regiment, which was missing, and the members of which 'wore presumably asleep, after hav ing been on outpost duty, have since ar rived. The other members of the com panies have probably been taken prison ers. All was quiet today. No Boers were about The British outposts are guard ing the railroads. Reinforcements have arrived. DRAWN FIGHT AT DORDRECHT. Eight Hoars' Engagement Between Brabant's Horse nnd the Boers. LONDON, Feb. 18. A special dispatch from Bird river reports a drawn fight be tween Brabant's horse and the Boers at Dordrecht, February 16. The engagement lasted eight hours, until darkness set in. The British loss was eight killed and four wounded. The Boer casualties are unknown. The latter had burned the grass around the position, so that the British khaki uniforms showed up dis tinctly against the black background. Af ter the fight, the dispatch says, the-Britlsh entered Dordrecht but left later; Captain Slocum nt Jaeobsdal. LONDON, Feb. 18. Llojds weekly Lon don newspaper this morning publishes a dispatch from Modder Biver, under date of Friday, February 16, eening, saying that tho American and Austrian attaches are reported to be missing. Another dis patch dated at Jaeobsdal, the same day, states that Captain Slocum and the Aus trian attache are at that place. is PRETORIA. Friday. Feb. 16. It anDears .from further reports of yesterday's fight ing at Jaeobsdal, .that 2000 British troops got through tho federal position at Mod der River, and entered KImberley. The federals intercepted the rear guard of the British, and captured great booty, many oxen and a number of prisoners. THE TRANS-SIBERIAN LINE. From St. Petersburg to Vlndivostock In Twenty Dnjs. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 17. Among the passengers on the steamer Coptic are R. A. Neglemackers. acting general mana ger of the International Sleeping Car Com pany, which operates cars on the Trans Siberian and other Russian roads, and B, BoditI, engineer of the same company. They state that through sleeping cars are operated from St Petersburg to Irk utsk, a distance of about 7000 miles. They also announce that the Trans-Siberian road will be completed and in operation as far east as Strenesk by April, when it wiil be possible to go from St Peters burg or Paris across the continents of Europe and Asia to "VJadlvostock with out relying upon any of the primitive methods of crossing the Siberian wastes which, now have to be operated a con siderable, distance. With the line In operation to Strenesk, the regular schedule, between St Peters burg and Vladivostock will be 20 days. This does not mean that the Trans-Siberian railway is completed. By using the big passenger steamers on the Amoor river, however, the trip across two con tinents can be made in comfort Fisrhts With Chinese Pirates. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 17. According to news brought by the Coptic, pirates are causing much trouble in Chinese waters. The government seems power less to stop their depredations. During the early part of last month the crew of a steam launch from the British gunboat Tweed, stationed near Choutou Chang, China, had a lively fight with pirates, who are now known in the Orient as the "Order of the Red Flag." Several pirates were killed, a number wounded, and one British bluejacket was shot through the chest Other fights have been reported near Canton, and merchant vessels and boats have been held up and robbed. Will Testify for Macrnm. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 17. Charles Grote, formerly superintendent of mines in the Transvaal, but who returned to this country after the breaking out of the war for the reason, as he states, that he could not get his American papers ow ing to the interference by the British with ex-Consul Macrum's mail, wiH leave for Washington tomorrow to meet Mr. 34acrum, and to testify before a congres sional committee should his testimony be desired. Aalc for Free Hides. SAN -FRANCISCO. Feb. 17. The local leather men, through a committee ap pointed at a recent meeting, have for warded a resolution to the California dele gation In congress, asking for a repeal of the duty of 15 per cent on hides and for the restoration of hides to the free list a Declined by Sampson. BOSTON, Feb. 17 Rear-Admiral Samp son has been offered and declined the woAlrionc.v ef the Massachusetts Ine-ttttita f of .technology. The offer was a-surprise-. as It wasv thought that the question of & suobesser td President James M. Craft who retired in June, had been laid, aside te ajvait the action of the trustees. B "Wood Alcohol Killed Indians. BUTTE, Mont, Feb. 17. Some of a band of Cree Indians camped near town came to the city to get a quantity of al cohol. By mistake they were given wctod alcohol. Three of the band, two bucks and a squaw, drank it They all three died In great agony. CLEARED. OF BOERS British Now in Control of the Western Border. MAFEK1NG WILL BE RELIEVED Honors in Store for Roberts, Kitch ener and French Colonials in the Front RanJ. NEW YORK, Feb. 17. A dispatch to the Tribune from Dondon 6ays: The western border has been cleared by General Roberts' first stroke, since the re lief of KImberley carries Mafeking with it and secures British, control of the Bar kly West district and Bechanaland. Gen eral French, by leading the way to KIm berley, has become tbe Sheridan of this campaign, while "Bobs," halting in tri umph at Jaeobsdal before turning east ward, Is in a fair way to win a duke dom If he goes on. without check or re verse to Bloemfontein and Pretoria. Nor ought .Kitchener to be left out of view. He has transformed an immobile British forcejajWhich was tied up to railways, into an army remarkable for mobility, with a system of flying transport, and if all goes well he seems destined, at the end of the campaign, to succeed Lord Wolseley as commander-in-chief, and to reorganize the military forces of the Britisn empire. Various suggestions are put forth as to the movements of General Cronje and Dr. Leyds, wh6 has been interviewed with respect to the situation, has expressed the opinion that the Boer commandant has' deliberately allowed General French to enter KImberley, so as to cut him off from communication with his commander-in-cblef. London is fairly ringing with praises of General French. Every mounted officer will now want to serve under h m. It is learned that the young Duke of West minster, wiho is a stepson of George Wynd ham, will join French's division when he arrives at the Cape, and not serve on Sir Alfred Milner's staff. KImberley has been, invested 123 days. The garrison cons'-sted of 2500 men, in cluding half a battalion of the North Lan casblres and a detachment of the Black Watch, and five bodies of local forces. Cecil Rhodes has been the chief organ izer of a most gallant defense, but Colonel Kekewich has been a commander second only to Baden-Powell in resource and practical ability. One feature of Lord Roberts campa'gn is the prominence which he gives to the colonial forces. It recalls his remark at the queen's Jubilee, when he was at the head of the colonial contingents, that he boped to have them under his command If he were ever called upon to take the field. Lord Roberts has rallied tbe local volun teers for the defense of the colonies, and is making large use of them In this cam paign. the skeleton army left behind at Coles berg Is regarded by military men here as an affair of slight importance. Gen eral Roberts takes the situation lightly enough. Boer accounts describe tbe cap ture of one line of kopjes after another, with heavy British losses. Five Dutch commanders are named, so that it is clear that a large force has been concentrated In that quarter. Lord Roberts' striking success has caused an Intense feeling of relief through out England It has also spiked the guns wnlch Lord Rosebery and Mr. Campbell Bannerman have opened up on the min isters' new measure of national defense. s A WAR EXPERT'S OPINION. Thinks the Boers Have Entirely Abandoned "Western Country. LONDON, Feb. 17. The Morning Leader expert thinks the Boers have entirely abandoned KImberley and the Modder river points. He adds: "It is scarcely likely that the Boers will waste many men by further opposing Gen erals Gatacre and Clements. We do not think they -will hold on long In any part of Cape Colony. But what will be the effect on Ladysmlth? Will the Free State men hang on there while their own land and families will have fallen or are about to fall under the care of the advancing Brit ish?" H. W. Massingham, formerly tho editor of the Chronicle, writes as follows to the Morning Leader, under the ieadlng: "What Will America tfo?" "A new world power has arisen the great American people. 'President McKlnley and Secretary of State Hay share, I believe, the opinion of the minority of Englishmen that the war In South Africa is an error and a crime but they remember that thanks to the press from below the British gov ernment, the English government was be nevolently neutral In the Spanish war. Therefore, so far as public opinion will allow them, they would like to sail on an even keel In South Africa. But as they well know, behind them lies ajnlghty and an ungovernable force, expressing itself with absolute freedom, forcing its will on party managers, knocking Imperatively at the doors of tbe president "Because a few American ladles, who had married or fought their way into En glish society, started a hospital ship, it was imagined that American sympathies were with British power. Nothing can bs more unfortunate than any political action that comes from such quarters and blessed by such negllgable persons as Smalley, a New York correspondent "America Is not pro-English, and never -will be. America Is profoundly attached to the republican principle. She will not sec it weakened to the profit of her ancient mistress. The great popular newspapers like the World have been quick to read this sign of the American temper. Hos tile Intervention on the part of America would not be tolerated; but what if, using j tne maenmery oi Tne Hague conference, or acting upon a hint from private sources, America were to propose a policy of mu tual disarmament?" The writer then suggests this basis of intervention: "Demolition of the Boer government. "Withdrawal of the British army, except the Durban and Cane Town garrisons. "An International guarantee of the inde pendence of the republics, subject to Brit ish control of their foreign affairs. "Five year naturalization for Ultland ers. "" "The South African states and colonies to meet in convention one year after the close of the war to arrange a confedera tion." ' Krnger Not Uneasy. NEW YORK, Feb. 17. A dspatch which President Kruger is said to hae sent to The Hague since the successful movement of General French for the relief of KIm berley reached a former official of Hol land in this city today. The message, which was apparently sent with a view to quieting the apprehensions of friends of the Boers, reads: "No uneasiness. General operations in the west fully planned." The recipient of this dispatch, who con- ceals his Identity from the public, re ceived and published the dispatch an nouncing the defeat of the British at Spionkop 24 hours before the news of that event was made known through British sources. More American Flour Seized. PORT ELIZABETH, Feb. 18. The Brit ish steamer Sabine, Captain Taylor, from New York January 4, with a miscel laneous cargo, has been seized by the British gunboat Thrush and. brought to Algoa bay on suspicion of having on board articles of contraband of war. "Be fore the Sabine sailed from New York it was rumored that she had on bpard a large quantity of provisions, arms and ammunition, army blankets and general suipuca, uui uu uunuiuiciuim ui ( uie ru mor could be obtained. The vessel was cleared for Delagoa bay. , Canadians Given a Show. MONTREAL, Feb. 17. A cable dispatch to the Star dated Jaeobsdal, February 15, says tho Royal Canadian regiment was1 given a show In the operations which have resulted In the occupation of Jaeobs dal by the British forces. The Canadians were in the Ninth division and partici pated In ah attack at Waterfall. In the advance from Wafegedrall six Canadians! fell out and are either in the hospital or captured. General Hntton's Opinion. NEW YORK, Feb. 17. Major-General E. P. Hutton, who recently resigned "his post as general commander of the militia in Canada, and who is en route to South Africa for special service, arrived in this city last night, and will sail for England today. When questlonea concerning the news from KImberley, he said: "It does pot amount to much. You can not hold a town with a few mounted men." Reported Effort at Mediation. PARIS, Feb. 18. The London' corre spondent of the Figaro says he learns that President McKlnley recently sound ed Lord Pauncefote with a view of as certaining how an offer of mediation in the Transvaal difficulty on the part of the United States would be received, and that the English reply was that such an offer, made officially, would be consid ered an unfriendly act Attnck on Vaalkrantz, LONDON, Feb. 17. A dispatch to the Evening News from Lourenco Marques, dated today, says from Boer sources it Is reported that the British are attacking the Boer position at "Vaalkrantz, and that the Boers arc still holding the position. This report is probably lndentlcal with the bombardment of Blauwkrantz, announced yesterday. No Tclegrrama for KImberley. NEW YORK, Feb. 17. The Commercial Cable Coiripany this morning sent out tho following notice: "The British postoffice requests us to cancel yesterday's notice in regard to KIm berley. There Is no telegraphic communi cation at present with KImberley." Canadians Reach the Cape CAPE TOWN, Feb. 17. The! British which sailed from HamaxjJanuj.JO with the first artillery section ofTHesetS 1 ond Canadian contingent of troops for ejr viceTagalnst the Boers, arrived at this'port today. M'KINLEY'S POLICY. Attltuuo of the Administration To- ward Our New Possessions. NEW YORK, Feb. 17. The World to morrow will publish a summary of a long statement made by President McKlnley to Henry Loomls Nelson as to the Ameri can policy toward the nov?ly acquired isl ands. The article is -vouched for as an au thoritative interpretation of the president's views. According to Mr. Nelson, "It Is Mr. McKinleys belief, and It will be his purpose to carry the belief into operation, that the constitution does not apply to any of our new islands; that those people are not fit for self-government, beyond that proposed for Hawaii; that our new pos sessions must not be permitted to Injure any of our protected Interests, and that free trade with Puerto Rico is right be cause our protected interests will not be Injured thereby. "The president believes and this is the most Important statement that can pos sibly be made tpuching his beliefs that congress has plenary power over Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. He holds that congress may pass one tariff law 'for Puerto Rico, another for Hawaii, another for the Philippines, and that all may be different from that of the United States. "It does not appear llkery to his mind that any question can ever1 arise as to the civil rights of the people of these places. McKlnley's attitude, then, toward the natives is benevolent. He desires to elevate them, to educate them, and he hopes that. In the end, they will become worthy of being entrusted with local self government He does not think any Of these natives worthy now, except the few" In Hawaii upon whom it to Intended to be stow the suffrage a few mote than pos sessed the suffrage under the Dole gov ernment "Mr. McKlnley holds that the constitu tion only applies to a territory when It is set up by a treaty or by legislatiqnw Upon this point there are authorities In his favor, but he goes beyond the authori ties and holds that congress Is not bound by tho limitations of the constitution when It enters upon the task of lcglsla lng, i. e., it may refuse to the natives and to the American citizen , who may go to our colonies the right of Jury trial, the right of free speech, the right to bear arms, the right of peaceable assemblage and of petition, freedom from unwarrant able arrest freedom from search all those rights which the constitution guards jeal ously. "But the main purpose of tho president is to deal with the Islands as markets for American products, and .as the sub jects of commercial exploitation gener ally. -"One thing is settled definitely in re spect to the Philippines. The open door Is not to be applied to them. The repub lican party will not consent to give to the Asiatic world an opportunity to land Its goods In the Philippines free of duty to enjoy whatever modified tariff there may be established between the Philippines and this country." a Negro Fiend Iyncbcd. AIKEN, S. C, Feb. 17. Will Burts, a negro, was lynched near Baskett mills, eight miles north of Aiken- today, by a mob of 250- men. Last Monday night Burns attempted to. assault Mrs. C. L. Weeks, a. planter's wife. He escaped, and a posse captured him, last night When Burts was strung up, the rope broke. The rope was tied and Burts agajnswung up, the crowd emptying their guns Into his body, Burts confessed to attempting to cut Mrs. Weeks throat, and said he told her he would kill her. iqi Turkish Decoration for Lonbei. PARIS, Feb. 17 The sultan's envoy, Munir Bey, presented President Loubet today with the insignia and grand cordon of the Order of Nichimlmaz, the highest decoration in the Turkish empire, which the sultan sent specially by Murdr Bey, the envoy, and his suite. HouseCommktee'sRecommen dation of Hepburn -Measure. ' ADVANTAGES OF THE "ENTERPRISE Estimates of Cost and Revenue Tne International Aspect o& . the Case. WASHINGTON. Feb. 17.- Chairman Hepburn, of the house committee on in terstate and foreign commerce, today submitted the report of the committee in favor of the Hepburn bill for construct ing the Nicaragua canal. The report says m part: "If the provisions of the bill can be carried out, the United States will, within a. few years, be in full ownership and control of a waterway connecting the oceans that it can defend and that it can use In the Interests of Its navy and its merchant marine, as wisdom may dictate. "There seems to be but little ddubt that the states of Nicaragua and Costa Rica will give their consent for the con struction of this great work. It will tra verse either the border or the interior of Nicaragua for a distance of about 190 miles. It will give to that state a water way from its capital and its most pro ductive region to tlje sea. It will place that country on one of the" great water ways of the world, bringing it into im mediate contact with a large foreign commerce and those who conduct It In very many ways the state will have ad vantages not now possessed and that will be for a long time lost If another route by which the oceans are connected should be adopted. All of these considerations Induce the belief that these two enlight ened states will be glad to aid our gov ernment cordially and efficiently in carry ing out this great design." After reviewing the several surveys, the report continues: "These reports above referred to, In the opinion of engineers and scientists believed to be entirely competent for their work, justify your committee in recom mending the undertaking of the enter--prire as one entirely practicable and one that can be completed for a sum of money, the expenditure of which will be wise. It Is true that the estimates of cost are variable, ranging, as they do, from less than $40,000,000 to a possible 5145.000,000. It is, however, proper to say that the size and character of the canal estimated for is as variable as is "the cost" Probable Income of the Canal. Dealing with the varying estimates as to the probable income of the canal, the report says: "One gentleman has said that In his Judgment not more than 300,000 tons would pass through the canal annually. An other has said that 11,000.000 tons would nass thro itch the canal. ' Gentlmn mn. "MtjedTwlth the Maritime?1 Canal Company Kftye ic as- uieir opinion tnat tj.WJ.iw or .009,000 of tonnage would bo. the amount that would pass through tha canal annually- Of coUrse, we have the right to assume that whatever the amount be, it would be an increasing" amount from year to year. At present, $1 65 per ton is the toll charged for the use of the Suez canal. If that rate was tho rate charged at the Nicaragua canal and 4,000,000 be the ton nage passing through It, an aggregate sum Of-'more than- $6,000,000 would be the receipts. It Is estimated that the cost of maintaining and operating the canal would be $l,000,06o annually. If the United States borrowed the money to Invest in the enterprise this sum would pay the annual interest the cost of maintaining and operating and le&ve a surplus of more than $1,000,000. And with the Increasing tonnage, we might reasonably hope for such accumulations of surplus- that would In a few years fully reimburse the gov ernment for, Its outlay. "Your committee are aware that there are a mimber of persons who claim to have concessions from the government of Nicaragua and Costa Rica Investing them with rights to navigate the San Juan river and Lake Nicaragua, Others claim to be authorized to conduct this great waterway connecting the oceans. But It is believed, by your committee that these rights have either lapsed or are of in considerable value or have been obtained for speculative purposes- However this may be, it should be the purpose of the government to deal directly with the gov ernments of Nicaragua and Costa Rica. These governments can adjust all ques tions growing out of these concessions much more easily than the United States. It is our opinion that the people of the United States want a government canal, one that will be completely under the control of the United States." Clayton-Bnlwer Treaty. After alluding to the possible Interna tional objections to the. building and con trol of the canal by this nation alone, owing to the advantages that would ac crue to the United States navy, the report says: "We want to increase our power upon the high seas. -Our people are Intent on having their full share of tbe commerce of the world. The canal is an aid in that di rection. It is true that It. will disturb the conditions of equality that now exist, but every effort that the truccessful merchant makes is an effort to disturb this equality and to secure advantages for himself. Steamships Instead of sail vessels, the huge vessel of today instead of the small er one of 60 years afeo, improvements In machinery, in manufacture, all of these are efforts to disturb the equality of con ditions that exist between merchants. They are all deemed justifiable, praiseworthy, and the securement ot this short route Is only an effort of greater magnitude In this same direction. We save 10,000 miles In the passage to China over the old route by way of Cape Horn. Our government would have precisely the same right to take offense at the use of the Suez canal by British merchants as would the Eng lish government at our using the Nica ragua canal. "There are persons who say that we are bound by treaty stipulations with the gov oouna oy treaty stipulations w.tn tne gov- ernment of Great Britain to refrain frond carrying out this great enterprise. This statement we don't believe, we recognize the fact that 50 years ago the United States and Great Brltkln entered Into an alliance to secure the mlldlng of the Nica ragua canal. Any person who dispassion ately studies carefully that treaty must come to the conclusion that the primary stipulations In the Clayton-Bulwer con vention, looked to the Immediate building ofa canal under Influences that might be exercised by the two governments, rather than a prohibition of either to build It." After quoting the treaty, the report goes on: "Great Britain has allowed 50 years to elapsewlthQut any movement on her part to .carry out the provisions of that article It has been a dead letter from the day the treaty was signed to the present mo ment And the provision of the first arti cle were agreed to necessarily in connec tion with the seventh, that neither gov ernment shall have exclusive control over said ship canal, jtolng the ship canal that was provided foPPin the seventh article, and which means tbe two nations were to use their friendly offices In immediately se curing. "We are blandly told that, notwithstand ing the failure f England to observe the letter of the seventh article and the spirit of the first article, we are bound by a treaty of alliance entered into 59 years ago. Chances in Fifty Years. "The last 60 years has wrought a re markable change In our relations to a waterway crossing, the isthmus; 1860 was only four years removed from our first occupation of California. It was qnly four years later than the passage of the first party of emigrants from the Missis sippi river, under the protection of a. mili tary force, to Oregon, It was but two years after the cession of large landed in terests on the Pacific coast from Mexico. It was only three years after settlement of the disputed boundary of our North west Pacific possessions. In 1860, not more than 10,000 inhabitants were on the Pa cific coast Our coastwise trade with that coast was insignificant In value or amount Now we have millions of citizens living on that coast. We have hundreds of mil lions of commerce; we have thousands of millions of wealth. We have acquired Alaska, Hawaii artd the Philippines. There is no comparison between the meager in terests of 50 years ago and the colossal Interests of today. The necessity of re sponding to these changed conditions is so overwhelming that the most censorious of those who lead In the formation of the world's judgment would say that our present action must bj In harmony with these new conditions, rather than the old. There Is a law of self-preservation that should control the action of communities no less than of IndlvMuals." The report quotes Professor Lawrence In "Principles of International Law," in which he discusses the extent to which treaties are binding. The report then proceeds: "We think It safe to say that neither tho United States nor Great Britain has continuously regarded the Clayton-Bulwer treaty as in force. In 1SS8 the United States and Nicaragua exchanged ratifica tions of a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation. It gives to the United States the right to send its forces Into Nicaragua to defend the citizens of the United States and their property, the prop erty In contemplation being the Nicaragua canal. The use of a military force always implies the right to establish fortifications for defensive purposes." SOLDIERS AND POLICE FOUGHT Riot Precipitated by Negro Regnlara at El Puso. EL PASO, Tex., Feb. 17. At 5 o'clock this morning a mob of negro soldiers from Fort Bliss attacked the city police station with the object of releasing two of their comrades who had been arrested yesterday. During the fight, Police Of ficer Stewart and one negro soldier were killed, and It is believed another pf the soldiers is wounded. Yesterday afternoon the police1 locked up a corporal from the fort for being drunk and threatening to chase the po lice force out qf the city, and last night another drunken soldier was arrested. comrades of the prisoners took thesn to the post. Arescuo d xvrag-jergensens, was orKaaiz just before daylight a descent was made on the, city. A few minutes before S o'clock two of the soldiers, rifles In band, entered the police station and demanded of Officer Stewart the only man on duty, the surrender of their comrades. Stewart ordered the men out of the station, and j tney opened fire on him. Jailor Richard Blacker, who sleeps in a room adjoin ing the station office, aroused by thej snots, sprang out ot Dea, graobea bis pis tol and started Into the office. As soon as he appeared In the doorway one ot the soldiers opened fire on him. Blacker dropped to his knees, and at his first shot one of the negroe.3 staggered and ran out, closely followed by his companion, and the entire squad left on a run. About 20 shots In all were fired. Stewart was shot twice through the lungs, and died at 7 o'clock. A trail of blood leading from the station was fol lowed, and half a block away the dead body of a negro was found. Another rifle and traces of blood were also found, which indicates that another of the ne groes was wounded. Officers BlaGker and Scott pursued the fleeing soldiers, but Were unable to moke any arrests. The company stationed at Fort Bliss Is company E, Twenty-fifth Infantry. Posses are out looking for the marauders, though at tbe postlt is claimed that the only missing soldiers are the dead man and the two prisoners in the police station. The police have learned from the two prisoners the name of one of the soldiers who did the shoo'tlng' In the station of fice, and Sheriff Boone and Chief of Po lice Lochart have demanded the sur render of the man from the commandant of the post The latter has given assur ance that he will lend all possible assist ance in bringing the guilty men to 'jus tice, and it is believed there will be no further cjash. The entire police force, however, has been mounted and armed With Winchesters, to be in readiness for any einergency. The feeling here against the soldiers Is very bitter, and many cit izens have offered their services to the civil authorities. The commanding general of the depart ment of Texas, at San Antonio, has tele graphed orders to Captain Loughborough, commanding at Fort Bliss, to not permit any soldier to leave the garrison until further orders,, and to make Immediate and thorough investigation, of the circum stances connected with the shooting, and incarcerate every soldier believed to have taken part In the raid. It Is thought not less than 10 negro soldiers were In the raiding party:1 Captain Loughborough re fused to give any Information as to what Is-being' done at the garrison, further than that a rigid Investigation is in progress. There Is no unusual excitement in the city over tha affair. u WILL MEET AT FRANKFORT Democratic Leglslatare Held Its Last Session at Louisville. LOUISVILLE, KyT Feb. 17. A Joint resolution was adopted by the democratic legislature here, adjourning that body to meet in Frankfort next Monday. The grand Jury refused today to indict State Senator S. B. Harrell oh John H. Whallen.s cnarge of obtaining money by fai nrtnB tm LJ,,?ffi false pretenses, u K.wn,wuuuu AUIIUWCU faenator Harrell's statement before the democratic caucus that WhaMen had at tempted to bribe him to ke'ep away from the caucus and had paid him $4600 for this purpose. Republicans Thanked Roosevelt. FRANKFORT, Ky, Feb. .-The re publican house today, adopted a resolu tion extending its thanks to that gallant soldier and patriotic statesman, Governor Roosevelt, for words of cheer to Governor Taylor, and further resolved that they would never cease in their efforts until the Goebel election law is repealed. The senate merely met and adjourned. s Etxpreas Robbers Caught. NOGALES, Ariz., Feb. 17 Word was received this afternoon from Charles Hood, one of tbe sheriff's posse from Santa Cruz county, saying that the Owen brothers, two of the bandits who held up and robbed a Wella-Fargo express car at Falrbank Thursday evening, had been captured near Pearce, Ariz., by the. Tomb- J stone posse. ANXIOUSTOADJOURN Session of ' Congress to Be Cut Short. IMPORTANT -BILLS TO GO OVER Little- Probability TJuat the Hay; Treaty or thei Oaaal BUI "Will Be Aeied typea. WASHINGTON. Fee. 7. Tho isoobHoan managers are sWwmg on anna Us woe Hi hurry throng alt legislation and go away as soon as possible, and are discouraging every one who la urgftog any legteUxtloa which will tend to create debate. For this reason, it seams very probable that neither the canal treaty nor the Nicaragua, canal bill can go through at this session. Either of these measures, If brought be fore the senate, would create a tremend ous debate, involving all oar present and past relations with Great Britain, together with the position of the administration relative to the South African war, and every contingent Issue in any way con nected with the canal Itself. Many ether measures are Iflteh to be abandoned for the same reason, indading the reciprocity treaties and akm th Im portant matter of reorganising tho army. Every suggestion that an army bill should be passed at this session meets with the same opposition, although the friends of the army think something should be done. The belief is also now general that the election cases of Quay and Clark are likely to go over with the other business which Is likely to cause debate. Moody and Tongue en Civil Servlee. Representative Moody says be thinks tho civil servlee law ought to be modified, as the way it Is now operated it Is a good deal of a fares. He would be glad to see some measure passed which would strengthen the commission and secure the very best service for tho government He has no patience with tho programme of trying to cripple the commission by strik ing out the, appropriation, which Is always attempted by the ultra spoilsmen ot the house. Representative Tongue did not vote, be ing absent from tho house at the thaw, but said tbat he favored the amendment be cause all past efforts to bring about a reform In the ervll servteo have been ridi culed by the republican leaders. Ho say3 he favors a merit system, but not as it Is being administered. He also favom the Hepburn amendment, and thinks that per sons appointed to government office should not be allowed to serve more than four or six years. The present life tenure to him is objectionable. CONFERENCE ON FINANCIAL BILL. Secretary Gajce Called la to B30. nlain It. WASHINGTGX, Fob. ML Tho Tiain V 9V nHiVllllim sMMmMmMf tee, having charm at th ihwki t,m held a protracted session today, begin ning at 11 A. M. and lasting until shortly before 6 P. M. During part of this time Secretary Gage Was present, having been invited to give his views upon certain features of the measure. At the close of the day's session It was stated by mem bers of the eonference that no conclu sion had been reached on the bill as a whole or on any single proposition, the entire time being given to preliminary discussion of the general principles In volved. Secretary Gage was called In to give Information concerning administrative features of the bill, the issue of notes aadV other matters of a technical nature relating to carrying out the provisions of the bill when it should become a law. The conference Went over both the house and senate bills, and it was found tbat differences exist an along the line. The house conferees Insisted tbat their meas ure best met the requirements of tho sit uation and the senators were equally firm In standing by their nil. Strenuous objection is made by the house conferees to the bimetallic section of the senate bill, and they also oppose tha refunding sec tion of the bill. The conference did not reach a. stage where any proposition to adjust any of the differences was favor ably considered. It is not meant there is a deadlock, because the consideration has not reached that stage. Tho eonfer ence will continue Monday. Compromise on Carrency BUI. NEW YORK. Feb. 17. A special to the Times from Washington says: It is probable that the senate confer ees on the currency Mil, Messrs. Aldrlch (rep. R. I.), Allison (rep. la.), and Jones (dam. Ark.), will contend strongly for everything that to regarded essential in the senate Mil. The effort of the house conferees, Overstreet (rsp. Ind.), Broslus (rep. Pa.), and Cox (dem. Tenn.), will be to secure, If possible, some of the features of the house measure that are regarded by them as better than parts of the sen ate bill. A compromise Is certain, but members of both committees agree that the principles sought to be embodied in the )aw will be asserted, whatever hap- rpens. THE PLAGUE AT MANILA. Twelve New Cases During the Past Week. MANILA. Feb. lTOut of a total of a cases of suspected bubonic plague re ported, 42 proVed genuine and 38 deaths resulted half of them being Chinamen. There were 12 cases during the past week, mostly within the walled city, and 1W In spectors, under the superintendeney of the health officer, Major Bdy, are enforcing the sanitary regulations. Thirty inspect ors are Chinamen who have been fur nished by Chinese merchants. Tho local health department census shows tho oop- I ufetlon of Manila, te about m,m, roetudtng 31,000 Chinese. The Transport Servlee. SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 17 Tho trans port Sherman sailed at noon today with 4500 tone of cargo and 175 recruits, be sides a number of cabin passengers. As soon as she was out of tho way tho hos pital ship Missouri was docked at the transport wharf to prepare for aoa. Cap tain Dillon, master of tbe Missouri, has asked for a survey on his vessel, and Major W. H. Arthur, the surgooa, who has commanded her staco sho entered the service, has been released front duty on her. The transport Indiana Is scheduled te sail next Saturday, with frofcrkt, for Manila. Otis' Casualty Rensrt. WASHINGTON, Feb. .-Ooofa4 Otis today resorted the following casualties 'among the troops: Killed, Thirty-math Infantry, January 13, Lipa, Luzon, James C. Ryan. February 3, Begbag province, Bataaaas, Luaon, Al bery Votrie, Sixth infantry; February 4, Antkniie, Paaay, Georga H. Schucbard, Sixth Infantry. Wounded Fourth cavalry, February 7, Ross G Miller; Horace X. Monnett; Thirty-eighth infantry, Reuben C. Mleronymus. Thirty-second Infantry, Claude L. Pear son, Thirty-third Infantry, Sergeant-MaJof Robert E. Neelson.