The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 11, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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H-ofv &rp
Wt," "eT?JsiF -y
The Gnlmc of an ex-Soldier in
. Tacoma.
Recovered From a Spree to Find
Himself Married Surrendered to
OCRccrs and Admitted Seed.
TACOMA. Wash., Feb. M. Mrs. Louise
Boyce, a. ouMw in Shah & Ryder's "So
bMetic" bakery, was shot by her husband
three times, just before 6 o'clock tonight;
and died soon after being taken to the
boapital. The couple came to Tacoma aj
lew -weeks ago from Seattle. Prior to
ttoat they resided in San Francisco.
Entering the restaurant, Boyce drew a
Betf-cocklng revolver from his coat pocket
and began firing. The first shot appar
ently, struck the -woman in the arm.
"With a cry of terror she started to es
cape, and ran toward a email private din-Sag-room
a few steps from her desk. As
she darted forward, Boyce fired another
shot, which struck her in the chest, pene
trattng the lunge. The woman threw up
feer hands and fell backward to the floor.
At the instant Boyce fired two other
ohoU. neither of which took effect Then
be deliberately bent over the prostrate
b- tid fired a shot directly into her
cheet It is believed Boyce intended to
commit suicide, but in his excitement
failed to keep a bullet in his revolver
Cor himself.
Feeling sure that he had killed the
woman, Boyce thrust the revolver in bis
tocket and left the bakery hurriedly. ' The
Boots had attracted attention, however,
and (there was no escape for the mur
derer, and be made no resistance, realiz
ing that escape was Impossible. Calmly
be handed the revolver to a policeman,
saying as he did so!
"I bad to kill her. She blabbed too
much. I shot her."
Boyce served as principal musician in
the Fourteenth United States infantry
band, and went to the Philippines with
that Tegiment. He was discharged in
Manila at the expiration of his service,
receiving &0Q back pay. He shipped to
San Francisco a few months ago, and got
on a big spree there. When he came to
bis senses, he says, he discovered that
be was a married man.
This is Ms story, told around Tacoma
weeks before tonight's crime. In his
stories, Boyce also stated that the woman
bad previously been married to a French
man, by whom she had two children.
Mrs. Boyce's mother, Mrs. Caroline Bock,
Is sow living at Peoria, 111., and she has
& sister in San Francisco.
Seattle Mas Robbed by Three Masked
SEATTLE, Feb. M. Three masked
burglars entered the residence of O. P.
Anderson, of this city, at 2 o'clock this
morning, and, after forcing him to assist
them, in their search for his valuables,
decamped with between $600 and $GO0
worth of plunder. Anderson awoke at 2
'o'clock to find two guns pointed at him
by masked men. He called for help, but
was ordered to keep quiet or take the
consequences. After his bedroom was
racMsackefl, Anderson was compelled to
show the burglars around the house. His
'wife wks awakened by the noise, but
took th matter philosophically. The rob
bers lelt Anderson seated on an apple box
In the middle of the kitchen, with in
structions not to move for half an hour.
Detectives are at work on the case.
Barglarft Hater Grocery Store.
SALEM, Or., Feb. 1. The grocery
store of Harrltt & Lawrence was entered
by burglars this morning, but nothing of
value was stolen. Entrance was effected
by sawing through a hall flooring over
"Woman Shocked by Asylum Scenes,
Then Succumbed to Paralysis.
SALEM. Or., Feb. 10. Paralysis, super
induced by fright, caused the death of
Mrs. Emily De Voe at an early hour
this morning. On January 28 Mrs. De
Voe, with a friend, paid a visit to the
hospital for the insane. The sight of the
demented Inmates apparently shocked her
nervous system, and for a short time she
suffered severely. Then paralysis set In
and resulted In her death. The physicians
at the asylum said today that nothing
-unusual occurred at the institution during
Mrs. De Voe's visit. The only news they
had of her fright and subsequent illness
was what they gleaned from tne dally
Mrs. De Voe was a native of Ohio, was
In her 74th year, and had lived In Salem
some time. Her husband and two chil
dren survif a.
Hearr B. Carratt, of Goldcndule.
QOLOWS'DALE, Wash., Feb. 10. The
death and burial of Henry B. Carratt at
Goldendale removes one of Klickitat's
weattMeet eittoens. "Father" Garratt, as
be was better known by his friends, was
a tysto&l old-time Englishman. He was
bora la Lincolnshire, England, July 3L
1H. In July, 1888, he married Miss Sarah
French, of Northlnghamshlre, England,
who died some time ago. They moved to
Canada and In list came from Cherokee
county. Iowa, to GoWendale. Since the
death of his wife, "Father" Carratt has
made a home at his well-known farm res
idence for a number of grandchildren. Be
sides an adopted daughter, he left a son.
George Carratt, Klickitat's thoroughbred
Body Was Caught Between Cars and
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Fob. 10. W.
B. RJfer. yaramaster for the O. R. & N.
Co. m tfcte city, was killed today. He
wa coupling a car and accidentally
stepped between the bumpers, the irons
coming together with his body between,
crushing lire almost out. He died a few
hours later. Riley ha been with the O.
R. & N. f or many years in this city.
Xew Orogfon Incorporations.
SALXM. Or.. Feb. 18. Articles of lncor
porauon have been filed with the secretary
of state ac follows:
Pacific Coast School Furnishing Com
pans. For Grofe. by Mark L. Noble,
Charles H. StandWMge, C Edwin Gl&ser.
"William R. HHNa, k F. Hartrampf.
Charles A Hartrampf a4 R. C. Hart
rampf. Capital stock, MW.
Red Jack Gold Mining & Milling Com
pany, aWrCttr. br James M. Cole. S.
H HoOner ami B. S. McComas. Capital
stock. SLUM! Object, to operate the Red
Jacket group of mmes, situate on the west
side of urnt rtver. one mile below the
town of Huntltogton-
Milwaukee Mining Company, Portland,
to S F. Mbon, P. W. Smith, N. B. Hat
vw and WOmer Steg. Capital stock, $,
00. Object, to mine for precroue and base
metalc m Orogwi. WaaWngtoa, British Co
lumbia and Alaska.
Sumpter Consolidated Gold Mining Com
pany. Portland. IB" P2?ceriT:
J. RMbardc and Otto T. OHoa. Capital
stock $WMM. ,..,.,
Columbia Brewing & Malting Company,
Sumpter. by John Ambraster, WlHlam
rttmimi am A. W. SlUs. Capital stock,
Flmt rffc et Granite. Granite. Grant.!
county, by J. W, Scrlher. u. itanos ana
J H. JtebMnc. Capital stock.. &8.W0- ,
American Gold Mining Company. Baker
Cltv tar John Sullivan. John R. Burns and
' . . , . nan nan
Mike WWprt. Japiiai mow.
OregoB Fir .Cwbj Fecttead, iy Bod-1
ney K Glisan, "William "W. Banks and
WyHiamLBrewstert ,Caital.sjofek, $,
00$. Object, to engage in all branches of
manufacturing furniture, logging, etc
National Angora Goat Record Associa
tion, Salem, by J. B. Stump, J. B. Earjy
and Henry B. (Thlelsen. Capital stock;
5500. Object, tq publish a record of Angora
Bandon Light & "Water-Company, Ban
don, , by Blbert Dyer, Fannie E. Dyer and
A- H. Buchlngham. Supplementary arti
cles Increasing capital stock to 500 and
empowering the company to construct
dams, reservoirs, 'etc.
Taku Fishing Company, Portland, by C.
il. Spencer, A. C. Burdlck and A. P.
Tlfft Capital stock, $15,000.
Adams Mountain Mining Company, Cot
tage Grove, by E. S. Lovelace, of North
Dakota, and Frank Jordan and J. E.
Ostrander, of Oregon. Capital stock, $26,
000. Object, to purchase four Jode mining
claims Sampson, Winchester, Boomer and
Camp-In the Bohemia district, and to op
erate the same and others.
The Investment Company, Portland, by
L. D. McArdle. M. Billings and E. A.
Baldwin. Capital stock, $10,000. Objects,
to deal In realty, build warehouse, dwell
ings, store "buildings, etc., and to buy and
sell tax titles and warrants.
Sumpter Gold Mining Company, Sump
ter. "by C. H. Fenner. W. A. Hesse and
F. O. Buchnum. Capital stock, $100,000.
Case of Smallpox in Astoria.
ASTORIA, Feb. 10. The city council at
a special meeting held this evening ap
pointed Dr. H. Ii. Henderson as city physi
cian for one year, at a salary of $50 per
month. The reason for appointing a health
officer at this time was the discovery of
a mild case of smallpox in the city last
evening, About two weeks ago, R. T.
Sturgeon arrived here from Illinois, and
yesterday was taken -111 with what the
physicians pronounced a mild form of vari
oloid. The rooms where the family is
living were immediately placed under a
strict quarantine, and there is little danger
of the disease spreading.
Church. Dedication at Aurora.
AURORA, Feb. 10. The Evangelical
Lutheran Christ congregation has erected
a neat church building, which is now
ready to be occupied. The dedication serv
ices will take place Sunday, February 18,
commencing at 10 A. M. Dinner will be
served to all guests, giving all an oppor
tunity to attend the afternoon services,
beginning at 2 o'clock. Services will be
held in German and English. The princi
pal speakers will be Rev. J. F. Doeecher,
ui. lacoma, ana ney. h. Wlttrook, of
Street Railway Torn Up.
CORVALLIS, Or., Feb. 10. The work of
tearing up the Corvallis street railway
was completed at noon today. -The
rails were sold to the Oregdn
Lumber & Pine Company, of Vien
to, Wasco county, for the purpose
of building a logging road. The rails will
be shipped to Portland on the Ruth Mon
day morning. This ends the dilapidated
reminder of boom times, the Corvallis
street railway.
Dallas Republican Club.
DALLAS, Feb. 10. The Dallas Republi
can Club held the annual meeting last
night, and elected the following officers:
President, Ed Blddle; vice-president, Wal
ter Vassal; secretary, J. H. Afihbaugh;
treasurer, D. P. Stouffer. The committee
previously appointed reported a constitu
tion ahd by-laws In conformity with the
form recommended by the state league
which was adopted. '
OrecOii Xotes.
Jackson county prohibitionists come up
bravely and propose to nominate a ticket
for the June election.
Woodbum's city council is wrestling
with the problem of having Walter Tooze
remove some woodsheds from on alley.
Horace McKlnley, a timber cruiser, re
ports that he saw two snow-white deer in
the mountains, above Brownsville, a few
days ago.
The Crawfordsvllle debating society has
affirmed the pronosltlon that lhn iw.Hvo
franchise should be restricted to those
iiu can reau ana write.
imagers professed religion" before, he.
was executed, but the Aurora Borealis
says his abusive "last statement" shows
him not to have been a Christian.
The Dallas Itemizer says that "never
before was Sheriff "Van Orsdel's executive
ability so fully displayed as in connection
with the Magexs execution."
Eugene's three bad boys, Newman, Skin
ner and Copeland, have not been sent to
the reform school, but their parents will
have another trial in controlling them.
The abolition of the chair of logic at
the state university brings from local pa
pers the expression of a hope that Pro
fessor McElroy may nevertheless remain
in Eugene.
R. E. Eastland, of Eugene, has gone to
British Columbia, to bring home the re
mains of Ms son, Robert, who was killed
in a train wreck at McLean's tunnel on
December 2. .
Ed Patros. of Airlle. says the Dallas
Itemizer, has shippad 13,000 oak staves this
winter, and has 40p more ready to ship,
and three carloads more engaged which
he Is working on.
A school furniture agent, who went by
the name of Willoughby. is reported by the
Medford Mail to be wanted In Jackson
county for Issuing forged school orders.
The sheriff offers a reward of $25 for the
man's arrest.
Fred Slahtuckec and J. Buttson, of Wll
sonville, are reported to have netted 9
cents per pouifii for their hops; which
were "shipped" the Aurora Bore&Ms does
not say to what place.
A woman Is holding revival meetings at
Sheridan, and the Sun says that, "as a
result, breaches aave been made in the
walls of Satan's strongholds and some
of his picket guards have mad uncondi
tional surrender."
The mayor of Sclo estimate that the
town's Income for 1900 will be $1833; ex
penditures, $1154, leaving $6S0 to apply on
its indebtedness of $1313. The town's Hght
and water, city hall and lot, etc., are esti
mated to be worth $4S50.
A Salem paper complains that the "poli
ticians" appointed to do the farm work
for a state Institution have notyet dug
the potato crop. It was only two or three
winters ago that many thousands of bush
els of the tubers were frozen In Oregon
by being left too long In the ground.
The Pendleton East Oregonlan reports
a "general belief that the fate of Con
gressman Moody was in great measure
Involved In the contest for president of the
Republican League, and It is claimed by
some Pendleton politicians that the Church
victory means that either Taj lor of Pen
dleton or Fulton of Astoria wiH. be the
congressional nominee.
In Camas 6wale, Douglas counts', a
mammoth tooth has been found by Robert
Veatoh. It is a molar, eight Inches long,
four Inches through, and in a fair Btate of
preservation. The editor of the Cottage
Grove Nugget is "unable, to say whether
it belonged to -the pliocene, nuocene or any
other kind of old age," and will submit to
Professor Thomas Condon.
The Port Orford Tribune says that four
weeks ago, twins (a girl and a boy) were
born to the wife of C. M. Brown, who
lhes on Flora creek. Some days after
the birth of the babies it was discovered
that the girl had absolutely no exit for
the contents of the bowels. The child
lived onfer fojir weeks, wTien finally a
doctor was secured, -who ojwratW upon it,
and now, a week later, It Is sttll alive.
The case seems to be a most remarkable
The Stayton Mail says that inquiry of
that there has. been much. loss, of tete.
among- the flocks. J. P. Jones, traveling'
passenger sgnt fop the SeulKIra Pacific
railroad, who has a r&noh neac Stayton,
says, he has lost IS goats lately, from
dialysis, as some report It The state vet
erinary was here Saturday and approves
ue treatment or a loom veterinary Char-
Tie Heln, of AumsviUe. wtio' 1 also ihter-
eetM la the go&t feteteees, let & tefeber.
The Mine and Mill Are in Steady
Operation, and Arc Paying Largo
COTTAGE GROVE, Or., Feb. 10. In
formation was received here today by ar
carrier from Bohemia of another rich
strike in the Musick mine in No. 6 level.
The vein is five feet wide" and runs as
high as $200 per ton in gold. This is the
lowest tunnel in this property, being 400
feet vertical depth from the surface. The
mine and mill have been In steady opera
tion all winter, and are paying large
300 More Men Out Of Work.
NELSON, B. C, Feb. 10. All the of
ficials and men of the Hall mines, number
Ing over SOO, received notice today that
their services wouldno longer, be re
quired. The shut-down is owing to the
effect of the eight-hour law In paralyzing
the mining Industry of Kootenai.
Le Roi Properties Shut Down.
ROSSLAND. B. C, Feb. id. The Le
Rol mine ceased shipping ore" today, and
paid off 'about 160 men this morning, re
taining about 200 for development work
only- The Northport smelter, now" owned
entirely by the Le Rol company, of the
British-American corporatiorij will, of
course, close down.
Quotations of Mining Stocks.
SPOKANE, Feb. 10. The closing bids for
mining stocks today were:
Blacktall $0 09
Morrison $0 04
Butte & Boston.
Noblfe Five
Deer Trail Ko. 2
Gold Led&e
Goltftn Harvest.
Jim Blaine .....
Lone Pine Surp.
Moi stain Lion..
Momidg Glory..
Pnoess Maud ..
Palmer lit. Tun.
Rambler Cariboo
Repus'le .
Reservation . . .
Tom Thumb ....
8 ,
SAX FRANCISCO, Feb. 10. The official clos
ing quotations for mining1 stocks today were:
Alta $0 ClIMexican k...$0 27
Andes (1 Occidental Con ... 12
Belcher SllOphh- .- 01
Bost & Belcher. . . 33 Overman 4
Bullion SPotCsi Si
Caledonia 33Savige . 11
Chollar 18Sccrplon 2
Con. Cal. & Va... 1 S5'Seg; Belcher 2
urown. jromt ..... 10 sierra Nevada ... 03
lISllverHlll 4
17Btar.dard ......... 2 75
SO) Union Cod 32
MUtah Con 9
2Tlow Jacket .... 17
Jould & Curry..,
Ial & Norcross.
lUSt I CO ;.....,
'ady Wash. Con.
NEW YORK, Feb. 10. Mining stocks today
cloead as follows:
Chollsr $0 16
Orftario $8 00
lOTWa i'Oint J
Onhlr GO
Con. Cal. & va-.
1 30)Plymouth 13
Deadwood ....... 60i
Quicksilver l o
do pref . 7 75
Sierra Nevada . i .. 40
Standard 2 40
Union Con. 28
Yellow Jacket .... 15
Gould & Curry... 15
Hale & orcicss.. 27
Homestake ......50 GO
Iron SIhfer ..?.., 57
Mexican 24
BOSTON, Feb. 10. Closing quotations:
Boston & Mont:.$2 80 Butte & Boston.. $0 C1&
SayS Nevr-'Yorlt Governor Would
Make Admirable President.
SALEM, Feb. IQ. In response to a re
quest from the- New Tork Herald, Gov
ernor Geer today telegraphed that paper
the following as his opinion of Roosevelt
as a presidential candidate and of Roose
velt's chances for the nomination:
"Governor Roosevelt would make an ad
mirable presidential candidate, and ad
mirable president. The American people
admire his frahkhess and fearlessness In
dealing with public questions, andno doUbt
regard him as the logical suc&ssor to
President McKlnley In 1901. I understand
that he is not a candidate for the nomi
nation this year, and that, with an over
Whelming majority of the republicans of
the country, he will suppdrt President Mc
Klniey for renomlnatlon.'
'Kotrde Glyen TfinT Interest Will At
tach, in 30 Days.
COLFAX, Feb. 10. Treasurer Windus
within the last few days has sent out
personal notification to personal property
taxpayers that Interest will attach after
30 days from notice. This Is -done merely
to comply with the new law, which de
mands It It is not the intention of the
treasurer to enforce payment of personal
taxes until after June 1, but he has no
option in the matter of attaching inter
est. Taxes of 1899 became due and collect
ible on February 5, and the receipts on
this account for the first three days were
$2113 02, $1254 50 of which was personal, and
$S58 52 realty. During the month of Janu
ary, $15,410 66 was paid in for lSgS'and Other
delinquent years.
Capital City Notes.
SADEM, Or., Feb. 10. Tajces upon the
net business of Insurance companies have
been received by State Treasurer Moore,
as follows:
businpss. Trnr
Home Ins. Co. (Are) $32,918 43 $658 ff7
mutual JLVCaclVC UUU J-I1J.O
Ins. Assn 13,945 53 278 91
Mutual Benefit Life Ins.
Co 19,332 45 3S6 65
The stato treasurer has received froiri
the Loewenberg-Going Company, of Port-
land, $6795 In payment for convict lritior
a't the penitentiary stove foundry Intthe
month of January.
United States District "Judge Bellinger
has appointed! Korris WhlpfUt, -of fthlsc
clty, trustee of the estate of T. L. Goldenl
a bankrupt. Air. wniprut's Tjond was
fixed at $25,000. ' .
"Was an Unavoidable Accident.
FOREST GROVE, Or.. Feb. 10. Tha
verdict of the coroner's jury tonight re-'
garding the Killing of the unknown man
by the train here Thursday night "was'
that It was an unavoidable accident, and
that no "blame attached to Conductor Cllne
or Engineer Corkin, who had the traln
in charge.
Croxis In Good Gondiilnn.
DJJrIiAS, Feb. 10: Farming of all klnBd'
is". being pushed this fine weather: The
condition of the ground is good, and the'
weather Is warm. Crops sown last -fall'
are Itr good condition. Stock was never
in as goo"d flesh this time of the year
as now. Fruit bids fair to be a full crop.
"Washington Notch.
The storm, Monday night, damaged' the
plant of -the Carlisle Canning Company,
on Lumml island, to an extent estimated
between $$000 and $lS,000.
The idea of having the Tacoma chamber
of commerce and business men generally
guarantee a certain amount of business to
Cape steamers is becoming popular in that
The bicycle repairers of Spokane have
formed a league, and advanced the sched
ule of prices for repairs. "Walla Walla,
"Waitsburg ahd Tekoa repairers will adopt
'the eomc scale.
The inmates of the Spokane county jail
have Just established a "kangaroo" court,
and. Us rules have -been approved by the
sheriff and promulgated -.for the govern
ment of the prison.
The Transvaal Gold Mining Company
filed articles of Incorporation at"dlympla
the other day. Its property consists of
1 " XT "-i" "SruVr.-.r"'i
.called the Oom Kruger, the Jotfbert and
The -payment of taxes, which began last
'week, is so rapid in Spokane comity
that it is expected the county will be
on -& cash basis by the end of February.
Outstanding warrants to the amount of
$69,Q0 have been paid since the 1st ot
There are bicycles selling junder all sorts of names
and at prices ranging from $40 to $75, that are
not as, Jood as our .
, AH of our 'cycles are equipped with Heavy Tread "G. & J. TIRES." Heavy treads were made for
our rough roads. "You can fool some of the people all of the time, etc., etc," but you cannot fool any of
the people of the Northwest that arty-two dealers together receive or sell as many bicycles as our firm.
OUR.CARS CONTAIN OVER 400 MACHINES. Other cars contain about 250. Still one firm received
"1900 WHEELS IN CAR yesterday" another receives about two carloads each day to hear THEM tell it.
Robbers Ransacked the House and
Got $19 Condition of "Wounded
Man Is Serious.
VANCOUVER, "Wash. Feb. 10. A re
port was received here tonight in a letter
addressed to the Vancouver Independent
by He correspondent at Amboy, this coun
ty, giving ah account of the hold-up and
attempted murder of Cornelius Vanofen,
yesterday. According to the report, Vano
fen( who Is a bachelor livlnj? near Amboy,
when returning- to his house yesterday
evening from work, was met at his door
by two masked men, one- ot whom ordered
Mm, to throw up his hands and then shot
him, the ball taking effect in Vanofen's
left breast. The robberB then relieved hltn
of $19 and ransacked the house.
After Vanofen recovered consciousness
he walked to the house of a neighbor and
gave an account of the affair. His condi
tion is reported to be serious. A physician
was summoned from here today.
The only description Vanofen could give
of the robbers is that one was heavy set
and the other tall and very dark. Both had
handkerchiefs tied over the lower part oi
tviptr faces. Amboy Is a small village
abouf30 miles northwest of here.
Ifew York Paper Opposed to the Nic
arngua CftaaV Treaty.
ASTORIA, Feb. 10. Maypr Bergman to
day received a aispatch from. W. R
Hearst, of the Newlforlfr-Journal, asking
that a meeting of cllfeens be called to
take action relative to urging the Oregon
congressional representatives to demand
an amendment to the Hay-Pauncefote
treaty before It shall "be .approved. The
mayor has turned the message over to
the chamber of "commerce, as the proper
boSy to act fn the matter. The dispatch
"Astoria Is now beyond the reach of
effective; 'European attack. The Hay
.Pauricefote treaty, forbidding us to inter
fere "with the passage of hostife tfleetS;
through the Nicaragua canal, wouldvlay
the Pacific coast open to the navies of
the world. The British navy, with ST ef
fective battle-ships and 157 cruisers; the"
French navy with 36 battle-ships and 52
cruisers, and the Germany navy, which,
wnehi the new programme Is carried outt .
will' have 38 ibattle-shlps and 65" cruisers,
will ,9 brought within striking distance
of 'Astdria-' Cannot -you urge the Oregon
genatdrS to demand an amendment, leaving
Us freeto fortify the canal for the pro
jection of ihe Pacific coast, and call a
public meeting to express the feeling of
ybut citizens."
A large number- of the members of
Myrtle cha$fer Order 6f Eastern Star, of
Portland, arrived on the steamer Bailey
Gatfegrt this afternoon, to pay a fraternal
Visit to Fern chapter, of this city. "Worthy
Grand. Matrqri Mrs. Margaret Lutke was
with the, party, and delivered an addresa
iQ .the 'members of the Order in Masonic
temple. The visitors were handsomely en
'tefialnea, and left Up the river at a late
liolir on the same steamer, which waited
for them. The cabin of the steamer had
been elaborately decoraled by Steward
Talbot with gold and silver stars and
myrtle boughs, in honor of the party.
-TVifi itritnSecDa in ITlft MCR nelTljt Ax&!
Isalkecm, the Nehalem rancher, atrested
some time ago on the charge of burglary,
gave their testimony neiore me aepuiy
prosecuting attorney today. This was
done under the new law( by which the
grand juries yere made optional and trial
on Information was authorized. It was
the intention to have the hearing on Feb
ruary 16, but, through an error, all the
witnesses came In today, and, in the ab
sence of Deputy Young, Judge Taylor was
appointed deputy prosecuting attorney to
investigate this case.
Charles Alter, the shipper of salmon In
cold storage. Is making preparations to
gd Into the business on a more extensive
scale next season. Hels now having a
launch and two large barges Built, and
he Intends to have another launch built
before th6 season opens.
The Union FIsTiermen's Packing Com
pany has purchased a tract of water front
In Upper Astoria, outside of the railroad
trestle, upon which will be erected at once
a warehouse and net rocks.
Foard & Stokes, of this city, have dis
posed of their interst in the Rosario
Straits cannery, at Anacortes, "Wash.
A C C. Hasten, the Srensen. logger, Is now
$20, $25 and $30.
Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co.
the Pioneers
Live Agents Wanted Everywhere. T Spokane. Seattle, tacohia"
ready to begin hauling out log3 over his
new eteel-tracked railroad. The truoks
ot his locomotive and cars have heen
widened to standard gauge.
George Root, a rancher, formerly living
in Clackamas county, was adjudged insane
by the county court yesterday afternoon.
He 13 over 60 years of age.
James "West, a welT-known barber, of
this city, was also examined and adjudged
to be Insane.
Deeds were filed for record today where
by the Astoria Company, of which A. B.
Hammond Is president, purchased 800 acres
-sac? wzEsrsr, sra rs
proposed railway extension from Seaside
to Tillamook. The price named was $2500.
Will Be the Same as the One Already
Contracted For.
MONROE, Ot.,.Feb. 10. Another draw
bridge is to be constructed across the Long
Tom, at the expense of tne county. The
bridge which it is now proposed to erect
Will be similar In all respects to the one
for whlcih Contractor Stone's plan, and bid
were successful, recently, and will be
placed across the 6tream at a point about
two miles north of Monroe, and three miles
south of the site of the other proposed
drawbridge. Representatives of the county
court will visit several points along the
river on Tuesday next, so as to avail
themselves of all . necessary Information
relative to locations etc, for use when
the question shall come.up next month.
Grdund squirrels, which, It Is supposed,
never awaken from their winter's sleeps
Until the Bard weather is all past, have
begun, to make their appearance. The
early floVers and wild strawberries are in
bloom, fult buds- are swelling while grain
and gfasg is making rapid grow"th
frffift inila rtf li& rrtr,T-no rtiitiH aohnr.1
will give a valentine entertainment and
basket social, at the hall, on "Wednesday
evening next, trte proceeds from which
will be used toward the school library.
Competition of Pilots nt Astoria
Lumber for San Francisco. ,
ASTORIA, Or., Feb. Iff, Captain Me-
theas, of the British eteamahlp Ness, states
that the passage across the Pacific was the
most severe that he had ever experienced.
The vessel was light in ballast, and she
"raced" Etf badly that It was remarkable i
uiuk uar 5iiu.ii was uui urviKeii.
The rlvel pilots are having plenty of
excitement these" days In their efforts to
secure the job of taking incoming deep
water1 vessels Up the river. They hire tugs
and launches' -to take them to ths mouth
3f the river, and there is always a race
to eee which boat puts the" pilot on board
first, especially If it is a steamship that Is
c6miriEf in." "When the Ness was reported
off the mouth of the river. Pilot Reed char
tered the Elf and Pilot Pease the El Hurd.
Pilot Reed got on board first and was
s The barkentlno Gleaner, which crossed
out t0Qay for San Francisco, carries a
cargo of 590,487 feet of 'lumber, loaded at
the Kn&ptbh mills.
Question of Pavement .That Divides
.the Vancouver Council.
VANCOUVER, "Was-h., Feb. 10.-Another
f lively discussion took place at the ad
journed meeting of the city council last
evening, o-ver the street-paving question.
Mayor Eastham and all the councilmen
were presem and all the" available space
In the council chamber not occupied by
the members was filled by property-owners
and ether Interested In the improvement
A Famous Medicine
1 rt jLmmm W3
) of Main street- It has heen known for
j some- time that a maiorltv of the council
favored the vltrlfled-brlex pavement, while
minority stood out stubbornly for the
wooden pavement. The latter have been
supported in their contention by a ma
jority of the property-owners on the street,
only a small minority coming to the sup
pdrt of the brick-pavement members. The
matter came up In the form of a resolu
tion, declaring it to be the intention of the
city to Improve Main street by paving the
same, the kind of paving material being
left blank. The council was a Unit upon
the main resolution, but when It came to
spaCe should be filled the trouble began.
The first vote stood five councilmen for
brick and two for wood.
This would have carried the proposition
for the brick pavement, but for the fact
that the property-owners remonstrated.
This made It necessfery-, In order to carry
It oVer-the remonstrance, to have the votes
of three-fourths of the members, requiring
one more vote. Neither side would re
cede" from the stand taken, and after mora
discussion, the matter was again laid over
until the next regular meeting, which wilt
occur In two weeks.
In the meantime, the citizens are com
pelled to continue to wade through the
mud of Main street, which Is rapidly Be
coming about the worst thoroughfare la
the county.
$18,000 Transfer"" at ButtevllIe-JThe
Jones Tract Partitioned.
SALEM, Or., Feb. 10. The largest real
estate deal that has been recorded In
"Marlon county for some time was con
summated today. By It ThomasvSlme be
came owner of the iJa Roque farm dad
all the unsold lots and blocks in Bttiie-
i vlllo and St. Alexeia, paying therefor $13,
1 200 to A. E. La. Roque. The farm eontatas
531 acres, and IS situated In township 4
south, range 1 west, of the Willamette
t The G. "W. Jones estate. Consisting of
293 acres of farm land In township 7 soutn,
range 2 west, was partitioned today
amdng the dWners in common, who are
Caroline Ridings, Calvin and Shn
Jones, and Marlon Heiple. Deeds- te tne
several portions were filed with Caonty
Recorder Roland. The value of fte. en
tire fdrrn Is about $6000.
Mortgage satisfactions aggregating
$15,450 were filed with the recorder today.
Conference Gommittees Appointed
Cheers for Bryan and the Boers.
EUGENE. Or., Feb. 10. The people's
party central cOrrkntttee and the union
cenJtraL committee both met in tbe cowt
house tMs afternoon to discuss matters
pertaining to the management of the June
campaign. Each organization appointed
a conference committee to meet a Mke
committee from the other, with tine view
of bringing about fusion. The Idea seemed
to be for popuMsts arid silver republicans
to fuse and to invKe thie democrats to
join 'Jhem. The meeting adjourned with
three cheers for Sryan and the Boers.
Of Military Character The Largest
Ever Seen in Southern OrcgoH.
ASHtAND. Or., Feb. Id. The funeral
of John Milton Gregory, lata a member
'of company B, Second Oregon veitmteers,
who died Thursday of illness eentracted
in the Philippines, took place today. The
obsequies were of a public character, the
funeral cortege being the largest ever
seen In Southern Oregon. ' Twenty-two
members of company B, ef General
"Wheaton post, Spanish-American war Vet
erans; company D, Oregon National
FS jk ' m t!i
Here is a bottle which is familiar in thousands of
homes. For half a century it has had a permanent
place as a family medicine. Tirrie has not dimmed
its reputation or popularity. It has advanced in
spite of many imitations.
Stomach Bitters
is the standard remldy for
Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation, Nervous
ness, Sleeplessness and Kidney Disorders, .
It is America's favorite family medicine.
Sold by Druggists and Dealers generally, with a
B&ik8Sft Stamp over the neck of tte bottle
We tell
the truth antf
sell the wheels
and after we sell them
we take care of our rid
ers and their wheels-
In consequence our
business doubles each
year much to the cha
grin of our competitors.
Old wheels of all makes
taken In trade. Second
hand wheels at any
Send for catalogs
of Ramblers, Ideals
and Clippers.
yHmiaaom nil
Gtf&ra, and Bwnstie peer, G A. R . escort
ed the booV to the Aahland cemetery
The services at tne grave were" of a mil
iary character, the aalKte being fired by
the deceased-soldier's companions in the
Fbittftrtn war.
Dees Net Disturb Peultry Was
Caught 1h a Trap.
THJB DALLS8. Or., Feb. M.-Hermann
MDoaaM and Arthur Harriman, of xhe
Dalles, twe youthful trappers, are tne
possessors o a natural curiosity in fha
shape fa pure white eoyote, which thy
foaaa in one of thtr traps a few dava
ago. This eoyote is alive and well, also
well behaved. Unlike others of her kind,
she allows poultry the freedom of her
rasve, never attempting- to cos Curb them.
Auutker ShiBgle JAll for South Bead.
SOUTH BX3CD, Tfraeh.. Peb. 10. Owing
to their InaMhty to secure any more
cedar timber adfccent to Fiances, on a. -ceurtt
of itits purchase by the "Weyerhauser
syndicate, the MeKeever Bros, have de
efded to remove their shingle mill frnx
Frances to South Bend. They have s?
cared a good site on the Northern Pacl3
terminal srrottmta. where cedar can ha
tewed to the mill from any part of the
Mias El-
ianos M. Tippbix, 3711 Powellton
Ave. Philadelphia, writes;
"I had inflammatory rheumatism,
whieh was. for weeks so intense that
1 was suable to walk. I wad treated
by several prominent physicians,
and tried many patent medicines,
bat without relief. I felt so much
better after taking two bottles of
S. S. S,, that I continued the reme
dy, and in two months I was cared
completely, and have never sinca
had a touch of the disease."
(Swift's Speciftc) is the only remedy
which reaches this painful disease, arid
is guaranteed purely vegetable. Send
for valuable books mailed free by Swill
Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga.
I do not Doneve there
is a case of dyspep
sia, iadigestion or
any stomach trouble
that eanaot be re
lieved at oacs and
permaaeatiy cured
At all dr-sggists,
25e. a vial, (ipide
to Health and medi
cal advice fre 1305
Arch street. Phila.
. Woodlark's Homoeopathic
Croup and Cough Syrup
Is a safe, oertate aid rsat rem
edy. TiUte a eeAttii at all ArngsUtn,
m seat postpaid ea receipt ef 30
eeata stamps.
Caeaalats. Pertlaaa. Or.
Pi OfcWrtrtr' BaKA Kama Btaa.
nriuai.n n-n rj.ifc..i...-. k.u.&
kAoica ut
MdlNI 2T iMiifli B0 nut CU m.iii
mi. leuga mtk Mm rlMws. Taka
tttiimt ffiiftiiia In. l i
" . -. .?. . ..
-?Sn? JMtfc, lottaesiui
feUk a'lTnSr--'u,,55?5,r!JV"r?
ud fenrrer nsar Bnthn! ST310TVB3 Is iftuya. &gtM
HarAn M r temu raise W X t Cvm Ofat
pU 3tehw rxwaw. ViHiMt 1 Ifrt Bwt
J IT. MUM AST DH. B, CfatotftM; 0.
- v E